#buying tickets asap just in case
bending-sickle · 22 days
y’all i straightened my hair yesterday and my recovering curls and the humidity is giving me these massive old-timey corkscrews and you’re gonna have to take my word for it because selfies make me want to bury myself in a hole
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tamapalace · 11 months
World Tamagotchi Tour: Japan Expo in Paris, France!
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The World Tamagotchi Tour is in full swing! First stop? Paris, France! Bandai France announced that they will very much be attending the 2023 Japan Expo Paris, and it looks like they did NOT disappoint. As a reminder, the 2023 Japan Expo Paris runs from Thursday, July 13th, 2023 through Sunday, July 16th, 2023! So you should get tickets and stop by!
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Bandai France had an adorable Tamagotchi booth that gave visitors a taste of what the Tamaverse will be like! First there is a cute Mametchi statue on top of a stand decorated with Tamagotchi Uni graphics. Then there is a display case of several Tamagotchi’s, including the brand new Tamagotchi Uni, convention exclusive Tamagotchi Original, One Piece Tamagotchi, and lastly, Kingdom Hearts Tamagotchi.
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What’s really neat is that visitors could purchase any of the Tamagotchi’s. That’s right, buying the Tamagotchi Uni before the official global release on Saturday, July 15th, 2023!
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Mametchi was walking around to greet visitors and a taking pictures too, but that wasn’t the only photo opportunity.
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image source: mawuczi on Twitter
There was also a large image of a Tamagotchi Uni in pink with a cutout where the screen would be and a Tamaverse backdrop so that you can get a picture of yourself in the Tamaverse, can you say love?
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That’s not it! Bandai France was giving out Tama Stickers will download codes so that you could download exclusive items right to your new Tamagotchi Uni. Just in time since Bandai just released the download codes feature today!
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image source: mawuczi on Twitter
There is also an exclusive World Tamagotchi Tour pin that we just need ASAP! But there’s more, they were also giving out the cute Tamagotchi Original stickers we saw given out in Japan at WEGO stores. Lastly, Bandai was handing out Word Tamagotchi Tour fans to keep visitors cool.
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image source: mawuczi on Twitter
Wow! Now if you are in Paris while this event is occurring, you should definitely grab tickets and visit. We’re so glad that this leg of the World Tamagotchi Tour in Paris, France is so wonderful!
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modern!au random quirks headcanons for the 104th
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have some rather random headcanons that have been living in my brain for the 104th kiddos - mac
eren jaeger:
always talks louder than he needs to. this boy doesn’t understand the concept of inside voice.
he gets caught speaking his internal monologue out loud (pretty much canon.)
If it wasn’t for mikasa and armin, he would be late to everything.
doesn’t have auto correct on and types incredibly fast, so expect 5 messages before you can finally understand what he was trying to say first time around.
argues with jean who the best spider-man is. eren thinks it’s toby maguire, jean is strongly for andrew garfield.
mikasa ackerman:
puts four sugars in her tea. she’s got a sweet tooth.
she will baby talk to animals. only in a whisper though because she doesn’t want anyone to hear her being so adorable.
has an almost photographic memory. super good at remembering appointments and people’s birthdays.
likes scrap-booking! she’ll collect tickets/paper souvenirs/stickers and will print off pictures of friends to stick in it. plus she’s amazing at calligraphy style writing so it looks super pretty.
can’t stand artificial light. her bedroom is lit solely by candles.
armin arlert:
knows all the words to asap science’s periodic table song.
can solve a Rubik's cube in 20 seconds.
knows lots of useless trivia. mainly because he spends so much time reading random wikipedia pages.
can’t fall sleep until he’s checked underneath his bed and inside of his wardrobe at least twice (just in case monsters might actually be real.)
has notifications turned off on his phone because they make him nervous, therefore it might take 3-5 working days before armin gets back to your message.
jean kirschtein:
loves peeling the plastic off brand new things - would buy a new phone just to peel the plastic off the screen.
likes to go for random drives at night with the radio playing. preferably in the passenger seat so he can drift off.
the volume of the tv/his phone always has to be an even number.
goes off on tangents - the topic has to change 5 times before he makes his point.
he snores - tell him and he’ll deny it.
sasha braus:
can’t keep herself still. always fiddling with something and will shift weight from foot to foot when standing around.
likes to eat squirty cream straight from the can.
can’t have her nails painted because she instantly gets the urge to peel it off once they’re dry.
can open bottles with her teeth.
makes the corresponding animal noise when she sees an animal. she sees a dog - she barks. she sees a horse - she neighs (much to jean’s dismay.)
connie springer:
puts milk in before cereal. when people ask why he tells them that it’s his way of bringing chaos to the world.
won’t eat the crust on bread/pizza.
his shoes are always untied.
really good at accent and impressions. it’s his best party trick and it always makes everyone laugh.
has to drink everything through a straw. even bottled drinks and cans.
marco bodt:
really good at wrapping presents. at christmas he’s his friends go to present wrapper.
likes to write nice things to his friends on post-it notes. mainly things like ‘i hope your exam goes well today!’ or ‘hoping you have a wonderful day today!’
refuses to curse. he’s just so pure. jean’s making it his life mission to hear marco say ‘fuck’ at least once.
is super giggly and finds everything funny when he’s tired.
panics when going through airport security even though he knows he’s done nothing illegal.
historia reiss/christa lenz:
refers to her friends with pet names only. most common ones are honey, sweetie and lovely.
that friend who always has everything you could possibly need on her: painkillers, plasters, tampons, lip balm - she has it all.
taps her nails on every surface and says ‘asmr’ when she does it.
wakes up early every morning just to see the sunrise and then will go back to sleep. she just thinks it’s pretty.
doesn’t sit on chairs normally. big L from death note vibes when it comes to ymir and chairs.
has a denim jacket covered in pins and badges.
she won’t admit it but she’s extremely ticklish. Don’t tickle her though because the consequences are not worth it.
refers to babies as ‘gremlins.’ and sticks her tongue out at little kids who stare at her.
the queen of eavesdropping. knows everything about everyone. don’t get on the wrong side of ymir cause she’s full of blackmail material.
reiner braun:
terrible at singing - but this doesn’t stop him from singing.
so bad at taking compliments. he can dish them out with ease but dies inside if he’s complimented back (please compliment him he needs love.)
gives an active commentary about every film he watches. Don’t take him to the cinema unless you want people to shush you every 10 minutes.
calls all of his friends ‘kiddos’ despite being the sameish age. He’s just such a dad. Speaking of which - he’s a dad dancer and dad joker.
likes to pick up his friends and throw them over his shoulder or bridal carry them by surprise. even bertholdt. especially bertholdt.
bertholdt hoover:
he can do some card/magic tricks. don’t ask him how, he won’t reveal his secrets.
he has freakishly bendy fingers. can do that thing where he pushes his fingers backwards and they touch his wrist.
starts most of his sentences with ‘umm.’
trips over nothing quite often (it’s those long ass legs - but reiner is always there to catch him ;))
likes to listen to minecraft music to fall asleep (okay but sweden is so nice to fall asleep to.)
annie leonhardt:
still sleeps with stuffed animals (so do i there’s no shame in it folks.)
likes to go out for walks listening to music, pretending she’s the main character in a coming of age movie.
everyone will agree that she has the most amazing smile. but you don’t often see it because whenever she does smile she covers it with her hand.
wears socks to bed. especially fluffy ones.
fascinated by reptiles. she wants to have a lizard and a snake as a pet.
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chibinekochan · 3 years
Morning Sunrise ft. Beel and Belphie
A fic about the brothers and you get a free day in a spa hotel. On paper, it sounds great but not everything is going as planned.
Will the twins still get to enjoy their birthday even when it seems that everything is ruined?
Read on to find out.
  I hear a knock on my door. I open it to find Levi. "Hey Levi, can I help you with anything?" 
"Well, I have a huge problem." He looks very distraught. 
Then he starts to rummage through his pocket and pulls some tickets out. "I won these tickets in a raffle. Sadly they are completely useless to me. They are for a day and night in a spa, for three people. Well, you can probably see the issue. First of all, I don't even have that many friends and it's in a region without wifi. Then there is a concert that weekend that I simply can't miss." Levi dumps all this information on me. 
"I would have gone with you. You have Solomon and Henry. I mean any of your brothers would come too." I feel bad for Levi. 
"That is so kind of you." His eyes sparkle. "You are a true friend!" Levi smiles gleefully at me. 
"Sadly that concert is still more important to me. So I want to give these to you." Levi is holding the tickets for me. 
"That is very nice of you. I will pay you back with some anime merchandise from the human world." I graciously take the tickets from Levi. 
"That is super fair. There is a ton of stuff that I need." Levi agrees and leaves me alone. 
  I check the date it's on the night before the twins’ birthday. This is the perfect opportunity for a little early birthday celebration. 
   I already have gifts for them so this is only a bonus. Well, if they are up for it. 
  I head to their room right away. 
  I knock and hear someone say. "Come in."
I'm sure it's Beel. 
  I open the door. Belphie looks at me with a sleepy expression while Beel smiles at me. 
"Hey you two, I have a question about your birthday." I get straight to the point. 
"Sure, ask whatever you want." Beel sounds very enthusiastic. 
"Yeah, as long as it's not too tiresome." Belphie is still half asleep. 
"Levi gave me tickets for a day and night in a spa for three people. It's on the day before your birthday and I thought it would be great if we could go." With a big smile, I show them the tickets. 
"That kind of sounds like a pain. I mean we have to travel to get to the place." Belphie sounds not really in the mood for it. 
"They got this great spa massage that is said to give you the best sleep ever and they also got an enormous buffet." Luckily enough I know just the right thing to motivate him, and I also throw something out there that will make Beel happy too. 
"Oh, that sounds great! I mean I wanted to go anyway since you can see the stars very well up there at night." Beel seems to drool for a moment. 
"Haha that's so you Beel, but it sounds pretty nice now that I think about it. We can celebrate our birthday morning in peace. It will be great." Belphie changes his tune rather quickly. 
"Great, I will get Lucifer's permission for us. I'm so excited!" I beam with happiness. A spa day to relax just sounds perfect. 
"Yeah, it will be fun. I'll make sure to thank Levi later." Beel is in a great mood. 
Even Belphie seems affected by it. "We just get him something anime-themed. That will make him happy."
  With that, everything is settled. 
Getting permission wasn't super easy but we did it in the end. 
  I only pack the bare minimum. It's a trip that will take a few hours after all. While the hotel is free the trip itself isn't so we travel cheaply. With a train and a bus. 
The journey is pretty pleasant, even when I nod off on the train. We had to start very early to get to the hotel in time. 
I lean on Beel's shoulder and Belphie takes two seats all by himself across from us. It's pretty comfortable. 
At breakfast time we have to stop Beel from buying the entire food cart but other than that it's a fun time. 
We eat at the train station before riding our bus into the mountains. 
I sit next to Belphie on the bus ride. He is sleeping on my shoulder this time. 
Beel and I talk about different topics. I have some plans at the spa for sure. 
The bus is a bit late but there's no issue. 
Once we arrive at our final stop I stretch my body. I'm all tense after the long ride.
  Belphie studies the map on the side of the road and groans loudly. "This looks like a real hike."
I look at the map, the hotel is on the top of the mountain and we have to walk. Probably gonna take us an hour or two. Luckily I'm prepared. "We knew this Belphie. Just think of the nice spa treatment as your victory price." I try my best to motivate him. 
"Yeah, and the nice food!" Beel doesn't lack motivation at least. 
Belphie sighs and shrugs. "I will do my best. In the worst case, one of you has to carry me."
"Good luck with that, Belphie." I laugh at that. 
"I'm sure you can do it." Beel gives him a friendly slap on the shoulder. 
"I guess I have no choice." He shakes his head and groans. Then he starts walking. 
Beel shrugs at me and we both laugh a little. 
"Are you coming? You snails!" Belphie turns around and teases us playfully. 
"I'll show you a snail!" I reply equally playful and speed up until I catch up with him. 
In the end, we all walk together along the path. 
It's more exhausting than I expected but the idea of a spa day is more than enough motivation for me. 
Belphie, on the other hand, looks like he suffers. 
"Are you alright?" Beel has a worried tone. 
"I'm fine." Belphie doesn't sound convincing. 
"I can carry you." Beel is worried. 
"I can still walk." Belphie wants to push on just a little bit longer. 
"Don't push yourself. Oh, look, that sign there means we are about halfway there." I point ahead to a fork in the road. 
Beel looks at the sign. "Yeah, maybe we can take a short break then." 
We've made good progress and are pretty much on time. "Sounds good to me. Let me check the map, I think there is a nice spot just a little bit ahead."I get the map from my side pocket. 
"You don't need to do that just for me." Belphie doesn't want to be a bother to us. 
"I'm getting hungry so I need a break." Beel is mostly concerned about what is best for everyone. 
"In the guide, it said from the rest spot just a little bit ahead we have a great view of the hotel. I would like to see that." I chime in support of Beel and to give us all a well-deserved rest. 
"I guess I have no choice. Let's take a break." Belphie shrugs with a smile. He knows very well that he needs a break but is too proud to admit that.
  We find the spot just a little bit ahead of the path. 
It's a very nice spot with a great view not just of the hotel but also the surrounding nature. 
I look in awe of the beautiful landscape. 
Beel enjoys the snacks we have packed and Belphie has decided to take a quick nap. 
It's a very peaceful scene. It makes me smile to see them both so relaxed. 
Then I feel a slight chill in the air. I notice some dark clouds on the horizon.
  "That looks pretty bad." Almost as to confirm my bad feeling, Beel speaks up. 
"Yes, we need to move asap. Have you eaten enough?" I worry about his huge appetite. 
"I can eat while we walk. What about you, Belphie?" Beel tries to wake Belphie up. 
He groans. "What is going on?" 
"It looks like there is a storm coming," I say in an alert tone. 
"Huh, I see, just give me a moment." Belphie gets slowly up. He seems pretty sluggish. 
Another gust of wind hits me, something wet touching my skin. “We need to hurry, it's already starting to rain.”
"You are right." Beel looks with a worried expression towards the ever darker sky. 
Belphie gets hit by some droplets of water and groans. "We should hurry." He seems to be fully awake now.
  I can only agree and so we hurry back to the path upwards of the mountain. 
The rain now really starting to hit us all and soon it's down pouring. 
It hits so hard the road is hard to see. 
I have never been so wet my entire life. 
We hurry our steps more, especially when thunder roars through the sky. 
It's coming down now. 
We had been prepared but certainly not enough. 
Then I see that Beel has come to a halt, just a little bit in front of me. 
Our path is blocked by a fallen tree.
  Belphie groans. "What are we supposed to do now? The path down is very far."
"Climbing it would be too dangerous too." The tree is huge and looks very slippery. 
"It looks like there are rocks and mud on the other side too so removing it would only cause us harm." Beel has already scouted the situation. 
"We have to take shelter from the rain. I saw a hut on the map, there should be a path right by marker 113." I have to speak loudly due to the rain and the wind picking up now too. 
"Let's see if we are at 114 so it should be behind us," Beel confirms the marker. 
"At least that's some good news. Let's get moving." Belphie seems very annoyed. I can't blame him.
  Beel and I can only agree. 
By now I'm entirely soaked. 
Still, there is no resting now. We silently walk back to the waymarker. 
Then suddenly something pushes me out of the way and something big crushes right next to me. 
Then I realize that a tree just fell inches away from me. I look surprised at the tree and then at Beel. Who has shoved me away.
  "Are you okay?" His face twists in pain and yet Beel is only worried about me. 
"Y-yeah but what about you?" I can see that he got hit. His cheek is bleeding and his shirt is torn right at the shoulder. The tree must've hit him there. 
"I'm good. Let's be careful." Beel acts like he is fine. I'm still worried. As soon as we hit shelter I will treat his wounds. 
We carefully move as fast as we can. The ground is slippery. 
"Beel stop pretending to be fine, you are limping." Belphie looks angrily at Beel. I look at him and notice that Belphie is right. 
The guilt is ripping my heart out. "Beel come lean on me. It will only get worse if you don't." I can't stand seeing him like this. 
"No, I'm too heavy for you." He bluntly refuses. 
"I'm too wet and tired for this Beel just lean on us both." Belphie doesn't take no for an answer. 
Beel sighs but doesn't refuse our help. "Fine."
"We should be there soon. Just hold on for a little bit longer." With that, I carefully take Beels injured side and Belphie takes his other side.
  Belphie takes the brunt of Beel's weight. 
I know he is much stronger than me but he still struggles. 
This slows us down even more but nobody complains at all. We all might get wet but we just focus on getting to safety. 
"There I can see the shelter." I can see a small hut in between the trees.
"Thank the demon lord." Belphie seems to be very relieved. 
"Just a little more and we can all rest," I say this mostly to Beel. 
Once we finally hit the small, but cozy and sturdy hut we are all very happy. 
Beel sinks to the ground, checking his leg. "It's not broken at least so with some bandages and rest I'll be as good as new by tomorrow morning. 
"That's good to hear. We got some wood so I'll make a fire." Belphie lights up the fireplace. 
"I will treat your injuries. Take your shirt off. It needs to dry anyway." I don't care much about being wet right now and get my first aid kit from my bag. 
"You should change into something dry first. If you stay like this we will have far bigger issues than my injuries." Beel looks at me with a stern voice. 
"He is right." Belphie is already half-naked. I turn around blushing. "Belphie, gee warn me when you do this." 
"There is no need to be shy. You should take a closer look while you can." At least Belphie hasn't lost his humor yet. 
I throw a towel at him. "No thank you, and you both better not peek while I change." I huff, slightly embarrassed. 
"It's not like you have anything we haven't seen yet." Belphie uses this chance to tease me. 
"Just be polite, Belphie. I'll make sure he doesn't look, don't worry." Beel encourages me greatly with his words. 
"Whatever. I will go and call the hotel for help and I won't look." Belphie shrugs.
  I turn around and undress my wet clothes. Luckily, we planned to stay the night.
I'm glad to be out of my wet clothes and quickly dress something dry. I dry my hair and then turn back to Beel, to finally treat his wounds.
He didn't even bother to wear a shirt yet, which makes it just a little bit harder for me. 
A bit embarrassed I treat his foot first. "It's a bit swollen. I will put some cream on it and a bandage. You should just take it easy for today unless it swells more we are fine." I give Beel a quick summary of my thoughts. 
"Yeah, that is what I'm thinking too. I'll be fine by morning." He wholeheartedly agrees. 
I hope he is right and carefully start to apply the cream. Beel slightly winces from the pain. I feel very bad for him. "Just a little more." I wrap the bandage around his foot, ankle, and a bit up his leg. "There we go."
Beel moves his food a bit. "Much better, thank you so much." He smiles gratefully at me. 
"No problem, now I will clean your other wounds." I get the disinfectant and bandaids out. 
Beel looks with great discomfort to the disinfectant. He doesn't like how it stings. 
"I know you hate it but you know it has to be done. If you keep still I will treat you with your favorite chocolate bar." I'm being a bit playful, trying to cheer him up more than anything else. 
"I will be good then!" Beel is instantly motivated by the prospect of chocolate. It's so cute that it makes me chuckle. 
"Have you my favorite too?" At that moment Belphie comes back.
"Sure, I love those too after all. I actually got a value pack with all our favorites." I had planned to surprise them both on the trip back, but due to our current circumstances now is a better time. 
"Oh, nice. Can I get them out of the bag? All this running made me kinda hungry." Belphie seems pretty chipper again. 
"Sure, but what did the hotel say?" I'm pretty curious about that. I start to carefully disinfect Beel’s arm while I wait for Belphies answer.
"They can't get to us with this storm raging but they are sure it will be gone by tomorrow. They were very sorry about the whole situation. It sounds like they will greatly extend our stay." This explains Belphie's great mood. 
"Won't the others be disappointed if we aren't back by tomorrow evening?" Beel seems conflicted. 
"They will survive, plus we might just do it another time anyway. The hotel will likely give us some vouchers or something." Belphie doesn't sound concerned at all. 
"Lucifer won't let us miss a couple of days of school anyways." I put a few bandaids on Beels shoulder and then start to disinfect his cheek. 
None of the injuries are deep, this gives me great relief. 
Belphie sighs. "Too bad really. How are your injuries?" 
"I'm fine." Just then Beel winces from the disinfectant. 
"Hold still." I can't work well with him moving around. 
"Sorry." Beel mumbles. 
Belphie has pulled out the bag of sweets. "Talk about a big stash of goods. You put Beel to shame." Belphie gives me a light chuckle. 
"Not really, about 90 percent of my backpack was stuffed with food." Beel is eyeing the sweets. 
"At least we won't starve." Belphie shakes his head.
"At least he didn't bring an extra pillow." I put a bandaid on Beels cheek. "There all done."
"Hey, I need that extra pillow and tonight you will be grateful that I also packed a blanket." Belphie buffs slightly. 
"Ahh, thank the demon lord. Now I can eat!" Beel is just glad he doesn't have to sit still anymore. 
He gives me and Belphie a fair share of treats before starting to shove chocolate into his mouth.
  Belphie eats his portion with much enjoyment. 
I suddenly start to shiver. "Now that I think about it. How are we going to sleep here tonight?" I haven't packed a blanket. 
"I suppose we all share my pillow and blanket. It will be tight but we will be warm that way." Belphie shrugs like it's no big deal at all. 
"Kinda like a sleepover in one bed." Beel doesn't look fazed at all either.
They both are probably used to this, meanwhile, I'm not. 
"Are you saying that we should all cuddle up under one blanket?" It's pretty embarrassing to me, I blush. 
"Yeah, unless you want to catch a cold." Belphie smirks at me. 
"There is no way I will let that happen." Beel seems to agree with Belphie. 
"Will we even all fit under that blanket?" I can't imagine that. 
"Let me show you." Belphie pulls his backpack towards him and produces his pillow and a huge blanket. 
My eyes widen and I gasp from the surprise. "How did you fit that in there?!"
"Magic, of course." Belphie is very amused. 
Of course, it was magic. Pretty stupid question of me.
  Belphie spreads the blanket out and I can see that it will fit all of us without issues. 
Beel wraps the blanket around himself, with a bit of help from Belphie. 
There is definitely plenty of space for me and Belphie left.
  "As much as I'd love for you to be in the middle, we have to use Beel as our heater." Belphie seems slightly frustrated by this.
"It's kinda mean to refer to Beel as a heater but I'm fine with this." There aren't many other choices anyway. "More importantly, are you fine laying in the middle with your shoulder being injured?" I'm still very worried about him. 
"It's fine he isn't wrong and it doesn't hurt that much anyway. I'm more worried that me and Belphie somehow squish you when we sleep." Beel is as usual mostly concerned about anyone but himself. 
"Yeah, that would be terrible, as unlikely as that might be." Belphie seems troubled by the thought too. 
"Alright, but if you have pain you have to promise to tell us." I look with a stern face at Beel. 
Beel nods. "I will."
"Alright then, I'm tired so I will get comfortable now." Belphie yawns very loudly, it's a surprise he even lasted this long. He then proceeds to sit right next to Beel and without a second thought he snuggles up to him. 
Beel doesn't even bat an eye. I'm used to Belphie doing the same thing to me so it's not that odd. 
I again start to shiver. 
"Come here, you need to warm up." Beel is very worried about my health. It would be very bad if I catch a cold. "You are right." I carefully move next to Beel, making sure I don't hit his shoulder. 
He wraps the blanket around me. It's very warm, helped by Beels natural heat. 
"You can move closer." Beel encourages me with a soft voice. 
There is very little space between us even now. I still take his offer and scoot closer. My side is now touching him. I'm very aware of our closeness. 
Beel puts his arm around me, erasing any distance between us. 
I feel embarrassed but it's very comfortable so I settle down pretty quickly. 
"Does it hurt?" I want to make sure that Beel is also comfortable. 
"Hm? No, not at all." Beel seems almost surprised by my question. Has he forgotten about his injury already?
"Hey, can you hand me some of the snacks?" Belphie sounds like he is already half asleep. 
"Hold on." A bit reluctant to leave my comfortable spot and reach out to grab the package of sweets.
"Thanks." Belphie eats one of his favorites with a gleeful smile. Then he grabs another one. "Here Beel for you." He can tell that Beel is still hungry.
"Very nice of you." Beel eats it with glee. 
I take a turn and feed Beel next, while also grabbing one for myself. 
Belphie and I repeat this a couple of times.
  Then Belphie yawns again, very loudly. 
I admit that I'm feeling pretty sleepy myself. The warmth of the blanket and the stress of the day finally seem to catch up with me. I yawn almost in unison with Belphie. 
"We should all rest for a while." Beel makes a very good point. 
"I agree." Belphie seems to be already half asleep. 
"Sleep well." I get more comfortable at Beels side.
  Soon I hear Belphie softly snoring. I, on the other hand, just can't find any rest. I try to focus on the sound of the Storm. My thoughts keep on coming back to feeling guilty. I know it's not really my fault but I'm still sad about possibly ruining their birthday. 
I sigh quietly. 
"Is something wrong?" Beel speaks in a hushed tone. 
"I just can't relax." I feel bad for bothering Beel. 
"Sorry, it's not very comfortable." He seems to think this is somehow his fault. 
"No, that's not it. I just feel bad about today." I admit while whispering. 
"But this is still pretty nice. I mean we are all safe and together." Beel speaks softly. 
"Isn't this a bad way to start your birthday?" I just wanted them to have a nice day but now we are all stuck in a small hut. 
"I can only speak for myself, but I'm with the people that I love the most and I can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday."I can hear Beels smile in his voice. This comforts me greatly. 
"He is right." Belphie chimes in, sounding more asleep than awake. 
"Thank you both." I smile and relax a bit.
  As long as they are happy I'm happy. 
I can feel Beel squeeze me just a bit closer towards him. 
After a while, the sound of both boys soft breathing and the sound of the rain on the roof lull me to sleep. 
At some point, I wake up and realize it's the next morning. 
I'm still curled up in the blanket. Now on the floor and sharing Belphies pillow. I feel a bit drowsy when I get up. Belphie is still asleep. 
I can't see Beel anywhere. I sit up and look around.
  My movements wake Belphie up. "Hm? Is it morning already?" He still seems to be more asleep than awake. 
"Happy birthday Belphie." I smile at his sleepy face. 
"Thanks, do I get a birthday kiss?" He smiles at me in a teasing manner. 
"Maybe later." I can only shake my head at this comment. "I will go look for Beel." Slowly I get up. 
I hear Belphie moving around. "Hold on, I'm coming."
Belphie gets up, sluggishly. 
I grab my now dry coat and wait for Belphie at the door. 
We head outside and I see Beel checking on the surrounding area. 
"Good morning Beel." I get his attention. 
"Good morning." He smiles. 
"Happy birthday." I congratulate him with a big smile. 
"Thank you." He smiles back at me and then notices Belphie behind me, "Happy birthday Belphie." 
"Happy birthday Beel. How is the road looking?" Belphie stretches. 
"It looks pretty fine. We should get help soon enough. Let's have some breakfast while we wait." Beel seems to be hungry again. 
"Sure." Suddenly I notice the sun bursting through the clouds, flooding everything in the beautiful morning light. I look at it in awe. "Wow, this is so beautiful."
"It's hard to believe that it was so miserable here yesterday." Belphie looks at the sky with a smile. 
"It's very pretty. I'm glad we came here." Beel has a very gentle expression. 
"Let's eat out here and enjoy the sun." I think this is the best idea. 
"Sounds perfect." Belphie agrees right away. 
"Good that I haven't eaten all I brought yet." Beel smiles and heads back into the hut. 
"Can you bring the picnic blanket from my bag?" Belphie seems to have blankets for all occasions in his bag.
Beel nods and soon comes back with a blanket and food. There's plenty for everyone. 
We all get comfortable and start our breakfast. 
"I think this might be the best birthday we've had in quite a while." Belphie smiles at me. 
"I agree," Beel says in the middle of chewing his food. 
I smile at both of them. "Next year we will make it even better."
With that, we all smile and look over the surprisingly great view.
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“You wouldn’t be content with a Cracker Jack box ring; you like to stake your claim too much for that.” Stretching, she stands up and groans, rolling the kinks from her shoulders. “Besides you’re too British to do something so American. I’m pretty sure you do that and your accent will just fall away. But you get that ring from there and I’ll go to an arcade and spend fifty bucks on games and tickets to win you one of those spider rings, hm? A nice plastic spider ring in that awful orange color will just work so nicely with your tan.”
He stumbles back in dramatic fashion. "I feel attacked." He grins. "You are absolutely right, darling. I do like to stake my claim. To you." He grabs her and kisses her hard. "And if you buy me a plastic ring, I will gladly wear it. Because you gave it to me."
“Whatever it is, I want a ring ASAP. Even a placeholder ring. I want everyone to know who I belong to, and not just because of the hickies on my neck. Although I’m not complaining about those either.”
He grabs her and pulls her over his shoulder. "Then let's go!" He carries her out the room and then places her down. "I have the address for a couple of stores. Let's get you a ring, my love."
He nips at her lips and neck the entire elevator ride down and holds her hand and hips as they take the Tube to the first location. Conrad opens the door for her and they make their way to engagement rings. "Tell me what you like, darling." - J.C.
He grabs her and pulls her over his shoulder. "Then let's go!" He carries her out the room and then places her down. "I have the address for a couple of stores. Let's get you a ring, my love."
She shrieked and laughed, lightly bumping her fists on his back. “James Conrad! You put me down unless you plan on taking me back to bed!” He sets her lightly back on her feet and she laughs. “You’re always prepared, handsome. Such a boy scout.”
His excitement over their engagement makes itself known in how he refuses to detach from her the entire journey to the first store. She leans eagerly into his touch and soaks up his happiness, proud that she’s able to give it to him. By the time they reach the store she’s pliant and pleased with a pretty pink blush staining her cheeks. She laces their fingers together and approaches the jewelry case with wide eyes.
“Um, nothing too big or really flashy.” Her teeth catch her bottom lip as she notices the price tag on some of the bigger rings. Nope. “I don’t know ring cuts, but maybe something smaller? One with just one diamond. I also don’t have to have a diamond. Other gemstones are pretty, too, like sapphires. Maybe something like that?” She points at a simple gold ring with a round solitaire diamond. “Classic but still pretty.”
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imjeralee · 4 years
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Used a generator for this. Here is a Leon head canon legit no-one asked for lmao.
I'm thinking this the other way round: Leon is the one buying all the food and you’re the cashier
You work part-time in the local Galar version of 7-11, and the whole entire day was normal and boring af, you just sold a pack of crackers, some scratchcards, Cheetos, magazines, cigarettes, dealt with some pesky kids, and now it’s almost closing time. 
But then the door opens and you look up and you’re like whoaaaa, it’s Leon! It’s not everyday you see the ex-Champion of Galar waltzing into your store on his own
You’re like standing behind the counter all giddy and excited, like !!! Mr ex-Champion *internally screaming*
and he turns round to you and is like “hi!” before he casually goes through the aisles. he even grabs a basket and starts grabbing a whole bunch of snacks.
As he’s doing this, you duck under the counter, brush your hair properly, adjust your uniform, check your breath and teeth and look at your mirror and practise a nice smile whilst your pokemon partner rolls around the floor, laughing.
When you stand back up, he’s at the counter with his basket full of snacks.
“Oh that's a lot of food! Are you having a party?”
He chuckles and tells you it’s for his pokemon and that Charizard is secretly a Cheetos fiend which makes you laugh
As you scan the barcode of each item you strike up some small talk during the entire time
Leon is so entranced by your smile and friendly personality that he feels he wants to come back again if he gets the chance
He’s bought so much he qualifies for a free draw for some random store prize so you whip out the raffle box and encourage him to try
Leon sticks his hand in and pulls out a random green ticket. It means he won a free lollipop which you give to him
He looks so happy even though it’s so simple and his reaction is so pure
On his way out, he is still looking at you that he walks into the glass window by the door by accident
Leon becomes a frequent customer but you notice the items he buys becomes random and he buys less stuff so you feel he doesn’t necessarily have to come to your shop to get these things and its probably on purpose but it’s nice to see him 
he even gets lost in the shop and you have to help him!!!!
On one occasion, he doesn’t come for three days in a row and it makes you kinda worry
But it turns out he’s been asking Raihan for advice and then Hop finds out that he's crushing on you so on the fourth day, Hop suddenly comes running into your store with Leon chasing after him.
He manages to catch Hop just in time but he is so nervous when he comes in with Charizard who can’t even fit through the door
The poor pokemon has to hold his tail together and waddle in, trying not to hit the shelves you stacked so neatly with snacks and shit
you’re like “hi Leon!” and you give Hop a lollipop which is on the house ;)
and he’s like, “Hi Y/N, uh....”
“What’s up???”
he ends up stammering and completely forgetting what he’s wanting to ask so he’s blushing and getting all nervous and ends up saying something like how the weather is pretty good today
Hop gets impatient and yells with a huge grin on his face that his big bro has a massive crush on you and wants to ask you out!!!
I don’t think Leon would ask you ASAP to come over to his house after your shift. You’re probably too tired anyway
So this would happen when you’ve been dating for a while and you get invited for a nice meal after your long shift but you’ve had a bad day where a customer yelled abuse at you
You go to Leon’s house anyway despite your bad mood and spend the night getting to know the rest of his family. Hop is such a sweetheart and so is Wooloo
After dinner, Leon notices you are a bit upset so when you tell him what happens, he cuddles you for the rest of the night on the roof of his house :)
Ok I just remembered Leon’s house is like massive and so freakin tall so Charizard is lurking around the yard somewhere in case one of you fall. y’all need to be careful when climbing back down like don’t break y’all necks, ok?
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lovinlikeloki · 3 years
The Lone Wolf
Masterlist // 01
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2.7k
Orlaith and I get off the bus and start walking down the road.
"Where are ye going?" Orlaith asks me.
"I'm away de Saint Marie's, ye wanny join me?" I tell her.
"Aye, sure why not?"
"I finished a job last night and didn't get de give Eoghan the card," I say, brandishing a gold colored card, "I need to get paid and get me next one."
"Why do you do this?" Orlaith asks, shaking her head at me.
"Eoghan's letting me stay in one of the rooms at Saint M's. I'm earning my keep, besides, the money's good."
"If you say so," she shrugs.
We keep walking and then I pull her sleeve, to show her the alley we need to walk down. We reach the end and I pull off my school blazer, shoving it in my school bag and exchanging it for my green and grey striped hoodie. I push open the door to the old Catholic school, I see that people are already in, clearly people like to start drinking early, well, if 5 in the afternoon is early to you.
I pull Orlaith to the bar and I slam the gold card on the bar, making Eoghan look at me. He takes the card and puts it in the out box, he then lifts a wad of cash and gives it to me. He begins to tell me that someone called for me, someone who called me 'Malen'kaya Volchitsa.' Only two people have ever called me that...and one's... not here anymore, so I know exactly who's after me. And just in case I didn't, the name she left, 'Cáileach,' was a nice hint. The witch is a smart one, I'll tell you that much.
(Little she-wolf) (Witch)
I take the number she left and smirk at the gold card.
"We'll take two cokes Eoghan," I tell him before going to the corner table by the door, my table.
Orlaith follows me to the table and sits across from me, "Why's a witch looking for you?"
"Because after leaving me for two years she's finally reaching out," I reply.
"Okay...and what the fuck does that mean?"
"What it means is that I'm gonny be leaving for a bit. My sister needs me, and I can't leave her hanging, 'sides, I owe her."
"You have a sister? Since when?" my confused friend asks.
"Not by blood, not by law she's... emotionally? my sister. Yeah, let's go with that. Basically when I went missing two years ago she was there, we bonded, and she saved me. That's all you need to know," I finish.
Eoghan brings us our drinks and we thank him, I hand him back a tenner, he tells me that he'll be behind the bar if I need him and that we'll talk about this job later.
Orlaith and I stay at the table for a bit while we finish our drinks, talking about our day and how much we hate our math teacher. Then Orlaith gets a text from her mam saying that she needs to head home to do homework and have some family time, whatever that is. I wouldn't know, it's been a while since I was at 'home'. It doesn't matter though, this, Saint Marie's the mercenary job fair of a bar, this is my home now.
When Orlaith leaves I head up to the bar and sit on a stool. I look up at the dead pool to see who's been picked this week, the dead pool is fun for me because as a minor I'm not allowed to get picked, I can just sit and watch the chaos. Only downside is that I can't pick anyone, so... I mean it's a two-way street, so I guess that's fair.
"So, what's this witch after?" Eoghan questions.
"Not sure," I reply honestly, "But whatever it is, it must be important. We haven't spoken in two years, and last time we spoke, he was still alive."
"Him as in-" Eoghan begins.
"Yes, he as in my grá cáilte. She didn't even call me then, so whatever this is has de be big. It better be, or I might just hang up."
(Lost love)
"You won't. The stories you've told me- you wouldn't leave her. If you did you'd hate yourself. You can't bring do stóirín back, he's gone, but you can still help her."
(Your darling)
"You're right, it just breaks my heart, I had to find out they escaped from rumors and stories, but I found out that he died by watching it, live on tv. We had so much potential, he had so much potential, but now I'll never know. Glac siad a anam ró-ghasta."
(They took his soul too soon)
"You're right. But now she needs you. So go find out what the witch wants, and try your damndest to deliver," he says.
"I will," I say, smiling at him sadly, "Thanks, E."
"Not a bother," he assures me, smirking, "Mactíre."
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ ° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °
I dial the number, she picks up after a single ring.
"Wanda, it's been a while," I say, trying to stay happy even though I know hearing her voice again will probably bring tears.
"Fianna, it has," she says, and I inhale sharply. No tears, not now, not yet at least.
"So, what do you need me for so urgently?" I begin to cut the shit.
"I need help. I need a friend, I need a soldier. Are you available for some last-minute travelling?" she says hesitantly. Clearly I'm a last resort, a "break glass in case of emergency" type help.
"Of course, when and where?" I ask.
"I need you to get to Leipzig-Altenburg Airport asap. We'll get you where you need to be from there," Wanda explains.
"Yeah, uh, when exactly do you mean by asap?"
"I mean, like literally buy a last-minute flight and get on it, within the next two hours. It'll be a two-hour flight, I'll pick you up and we'll get where we need to go."
"Alright, fine. I just need to know, what I'm up against. You said you needed a soldier? I need to know what I'm fighting for before starting a war."
"This is... the fight of a lifetime. You'll be fighting for truth and... safety. Who you'll be up against? Some of my closest friends and some of the deadliest assassins in the last thirty years. Now are you in or are you out? I don't blame you if you're out, but it would really help."
Wanda sounds... more than desperate, she's hopeless, she needs me, more than she ever has. I've fought many's a fierce foe in my time, but Avengers? Deadly assassins? That's usually more than a smidge above my paygrade. But she needs me, she's calling in her last favor, she clearly thinks I'm up for it. I hesitate for a second, weighing my options before making a life-changing decision.
"I'm in. I'll be there in four hours, max," and with that I hang up.
Guess I'm going to Germany.
I walk back into the bar and go through the side door that brings me to the lodging. I go to my room at sit on my bed. I'm leaving. I begin to pack my shit, I pull my kitbag out from under my bed and begin filling it with clothes. Leggings, t-shirts, hoodies, leather jackets, everything I might need. I pack all the essentials and then begin to think of how I'll smuggle my brass knuckles through security. I lift my mattress and take out a couple hundred pounds in cash, shove it in my wallet and keep packing.
When I'm all packed I begin to forge a note from my 'mother' for the school so that I can get time off without them calling up people who haven't seen me in over a year and a half. I make a simple excuse of appendicitis, was rushed to hospital late tonight blah blah, they won't really care, the school year's nearly over. I just need something for show so that I don't get called out.
I text Orlaith, letting her know I'm being called out of the country. She questions me at first, but when I explain that Wanda needs me, and I can't let her down she lets me be. She says she'll drop in and pick up the note tomorrow morning before getting on the 212 to Coláiste Feirste.
(Belfast College {It's an Irish speaking high school})
Now I've just got to talk to Eoghan. I tell him to come to the lodging hall, behind the bar. He serves the last couple of drinks that were ordered and joins me in the back.
"I have de go de Germany," I tell him, "It seems above my paygrade, but she needs me and I gotta be there for her."
"Okay... do ye have enough for the flight?" he simply asks.
"Aye, I've got all I need, me kitbag's packed an' everythin'."
"Ye said above yer paygrade. What'd ye mean by that?"
"I'm not just fighting with Wanda's friends. I'm also fighting against a couple o' them."
"What? Naw- What the fuck Fianna!"
"Look, she needs me, Eoghan, I can't just leave her."
"You're not fighting them assholes."
"Yeah, I am, Eoghan."
"Naw you're not."
"You can't stop me. I tol' her I'm in, and I'm going," I say, standing up and throwing the strap of my kitbag over my shoulder.
"Fianna, ye can't just leave to fight those dickheads," he stands up.
"I'm away," I say firmly, walking out the door.
"Get your arse back here, now!"
"You're not my da, Eoghan. You can't make me stay."
"I might not be your da, but I'm the closest thing to a father you've had these past years. You better treat me with a bit more respect."
"Maybe," I shrug, "But I'll stick with this for now," I say, throwing up my middle finger before leaving the bar. The taxi I called beforehand pulled up and I got in.
"The airport," I tell the driver.
"Right," is the simple reply he gives me.
I get a text when we're about halfway to the airport.
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I click my phone off and look out the window at the familiar city I've grown up in. All my life except a year was spent here. When I wasn't here I was with the twins, me becoming who I am, them becoming who they are... or were, and then I left them. Not by choice. Not on purpose. But I still left them.
But now I've got Wanda back, and while I don't know how long I'll be with her for, it will be good to see her. If only I could've seen him one last time before I left, spoke to him one last time, made sure nothing was left unsaid. Instead I'm here, he's gone, and I'll never know how things could've gone if perhaps I never left.
The driver stops at the airport entrance and lets me out, I pay him the fare and he takes it with a smile. I grab my bag, close the door, and go into the airport. I go to the desk and ask if there are any last-minute tickets to Leipzig-Altenburg I could get on. While there was a seat I could take, it cost a little more than a pretty penny. Luckily I had enough to buy it and went through security immediately. I opted for a pat-down rather than the metal detector and thanks to my damn good hiding spots the woman didn't find my brass knuckles.
I wait for the half hour before my flight and board along with the others. I get to my seat and sigh. A two-hour flight isn't long, it's just boring to sit through, no one to talk to and not long enough to sleep through. I just sit there messing on my phone for a bit, making faces at the baby looking through the gap between the chairs a couple rows in front of me.
When the plane finally lands I prepare myself. This is it. I have to fight Avengers. I have to fight deadly psycho assassins. But first. I have to see Wanda. For the first time in two years. For the first time since he died.
° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ ° ∆ -------- ••• ------- ∆ °
When I leave the airport I scan my surroundings and all the cars parked there. I stop when I come across a van that could be owned by no other, a white panel van with what I'd consider an iconic license plate: L: T34MC4P, I know that it's gotta be my ride. I go to the passenger side and knock on the window, the door opens, and I'm promptly enveloped in a hug.
"Someone order a conriocht?" I sat into my sister's shoulder.
She laughs and hugs me tighter, "I did, you little volk."
I look at her with tears in my eyes, smiling sadly. She looks back at me with a similar expression and we just stay there in the embrace for a moment.
"Okay," I say, finally pulling away and wiping my tears away, "So who's ass do I have to kick?"
She laughs, wiping away her own tears, "No one's just yet. We gotta get there first, so get in the back."
"Back of a van?" I quirk an eyebrow, "Are there seats of does this look like a kidnapping?"
"There are seats, but they're laid down. Scott is sleeping on them, and I thought you'd want to stretch before we get there, human or not."
"That's fair, but the second I shift I'm gonna be stuck with Lu, you know that."
"I can get her to ease up, but you're stuck with her, you have to learn how to get along with her, okay?"
"Yes mom," I mock, "I'll see you on the other side."
I salute her before opening the back door, seeing a middle-aged man sleeping on the seats. Must be Scott. I climb behind the seats and lay down, shifting to the Mactíre, and as expected I hear Lu.
Lu is like a voice in my head, she's the canine and lupine instincts that got transferred during the experiments. She talks to me, mostly degrades me for my logic and emotions, planning things out rather than acting on instinct and figuring it out on the fly.
"So, she returns," Lu mocks.
"Yes, I've returned. Wanda needs help, she needs me, needs us to work together," I reply.
"Wanda? Wanda needs us?"
"Yes. And we're gonna work together. Right?"
"Yes. Of course. Anything for Wanda."
"Good. Now we're gonna be driving for a bit, so what do you suggest we do?"
"Sleep. Sleep is good. Sleep builds energy."
"Okay Lu, we'll sleep. But when we're fighting I need to take control, okay? I need to be able to focus."
"Okay Fi, you take control."
"Thank you."
And with that I begin to drift out of consciousness.
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caelpictor · 4 years
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Quarantine Halloween: A Virtual Paint Party
Who are you?
Kyle Marcus Bryant, aka @caelpictor. He/him/his/pronoun-flexible, Black, queer, 26 (and a half), Taurus, INFP, ADHD af. I’m an artist (with a degree in it, as of 2018!), a nerd, and a lover of Halloween!
What is this event?
Quarantine Halloween: A Virtual Paint Party is an art class conducted via video call in which I teach you step-by-step how to paint a Halloween masterpiece! #distancelearning
When is this taking place?
There are two classes scheduled: Friday October 30, 2020, and Saturday October 31, 2020 (AKA Halloween) from 7-9 PM EST.
It’s all happening on Zoom! Technology is amazing!
Like many of us, I lost my job to the pandemic. I am now safely quarantined away in VA with family, staring down my student loan debt, bored out of my mind, and looking for a fun way to connect with others while also offering my talents in exchange for your cold. hard. cash!
How much does it cost?
The $10 instructor fee covers one participant for one night. If you want to take both classes, make sure to get two tickets! And if two or more people will be joining the class from one location, please make sure everyone in the group is covered! Thanks 🙂
Is there a difference between the two classes?
Nope! They will be the same. I’m just offering two different dates for your convenience! Aren’t I nice?
How do I sign up?
Simply send in your payment and the best way to contact you, and let me know which day you’ll be participating (Fri 30 or Sat 31). Once I receive your payment, I’ll add you to my little list, confirm with you that you’re on it, and I’ll send you the Zoom link/meeting ID and password on the day of the event.
Where do I send my payment?
Venmo: @KyleBryant
PayPal: KyleMB13
CashApp: $KyleMarcusBryant
None of these are case-sensitive. If there’s one you prefer that’s not listed, let me know, and we’ll see what we can do!
Which is your preferred payment method?
Venmo, but any of the ones listed above are great!
Do you accept tips/donations?
Yes 🙂 always :)))
What’s the vibe?
Very casual. Drinking, Halloween costumes, and conversation are all highly encouraged! (But never forced)! I will be in costume, probably sipping wine or a cocktail and jamming out to music while I teach. It’s quite liberating, being able to drink on the job.
What’s the etiquette?
We try to stay on mute while the teacher is teaching, but otherwise, go wild. ***And please ALWAYS feel free to jump off mute if you have questions or comments!
Who can join?
Literally everyone! Spread the word! Bring your friends! The more the merrier!
I have no artistic skills! Can I join?
I said EVERYONE, didn’t I? That’s exactly what I’m here for! Just think of me as your personal Bob Ross; I may not be able to hold your hand in person, but I will break every brushstroke down for you as simply as possible, and you’ll be surprised at how well you do. Again, if you ever have questions or need my advice, feel free to chime in at any time! And remember to focus on the experience of the painting, not the product!
General advice for first-time painters?
Work in big, general shapes first, then focus on smaller details later. I also usually start with the background and build the foreground on top of that. Also, relax, experiment, and have fun with it! There are no rules!
How long is the event?
Two hours, but please allow a little extra time for people to settle in at the beginning, finish up at the end, etc.. I promise it’ll breeze right by, but don’t feel pressured to be there for the whole event. If you miss the beginning, I’m great at catching people up, and if you duck out early, I won’t mind!
What image are you teaching us to paint?
Coming soon!
What materials do I need?
Here’s a breakdown:
1. Acrylic paints (a nice set of 5-12 colors is plenty)
2. Palette (for holding/mixing paint; a paper plate works just as well)
3. Brushes (at least one small brush for details, and one large brush for covering large areas; preferably one medium-sized brush as well)
4. Canvas (either a stretched canvas or a flat canvas panel, any size!)
5. Water cup (a vessel to hold brushes; I’m using an old plastic gelato container)
6. Easel (to hold the painting upright and steady; not strictly necessary, as you can use a desk or table or your lap instead if you’d like)
7. Paper towels or old rag (for cleanup and drying brushes)
1. Workspace (away from things you don’t want paint on; lay down tarp or newspaper to protect walls, floors, and other surfaces if necessary)
2. Paint clothes, smock, apron, etc. (wear something you don’t mind getting paint on!)
3. Trash can, running water, acetone, etc. (for cleanup)
1. Hair dryer (to help paint dry faster)
2. Pencils, pens, markers, pastels, etc. (for sketching, signing your name, etc)
3. Glitter, collage materials, sponges, stamps, stencils, etc. (just for fun!)
4. Your favorite drink (for inspiration 😉)
Where can I get them?
I’ve bought literally everything on this list from Target and Michael’s (except the easel, which I bought online). I would mask up and check your local department store or arts and crafts store (Walmart, Blick, Plaza, Hobby Lobby, Jerry’s, JoAnne’s, etc.), or if you prefer to order it all online, you can do so easily from those same retailers or… 😬 Amazon. (Protip: If you’re lost on the internet, but would like to avoid buying from Amazon, you can use its search engine as a jumping-off point and go directly to the retailers they have listed 😜) Pretty much everything else is just household items.
What will it cost me?
If you’re not worried about the quality—and you shouldn’t be! I’ve found the cheaper stuff works just as well!—you can buy the essentials (paints, palettes, brushes, and canvases) for ~$20. These items are also often sold in bulk, or in sets with each other!
What colors are we using?
My current plan for the palette is black, white, yellow, purple, orange, and green, the sp00kiest of colors! If you just want to get those six, feel free. However, I always recommend having the primary colors: red, yellow, and blue, plus black and white; that way you can mix any color you want!
What size canvas should I buy?
That is entirely up to you! 8 x 10” and 16 x 20” are pretty popular sizes, though.
Are there any extra precautions I should take?
Acrylic paint comes off skin, hair, nails, and smooth non-porous surfaces fairly easily, but it does stain clothing and carpet, and is very stubborn once dried. I would recommend being careful to prevent spills in the first place, but if it does get on something precious, rinse immediately and completely with water. If already dry, try acetone or a similar cleanser to break down the plastic particles in the paint.
How do I clean up afterward?
My method: Scrub brushes along the bottom of your water cup to get all the paint off them, then rinse under running water until water runs clear. Either let the paint water sit in the cup until the paint particles have settled to the bottom, or pour it through a filter (coffee filter, cloth, etc, because acrylic paint is made of a micro-plastic that can be harmful to the environment and your plumbing in large amounts!) Leave everything else alone until it’s completely dry, and then peel or scratch dried paint off your palette if desired. Scrub your paint-covered hands and other body parts until clean, preferably with something exfoliating.
Is the paint non-toxic?
I mean, I wouldn’t drink it on purpose, but yeah, paint left on the skin or ingested (in small amounts) is harmless.
How can I contact you?
You can comment right here on this post, DM me on any of my social media, or email me! I promise to get back to you ASAP!
Social Media: @caelpictor (everywhere)
I will update this post as questions are asked between now and the event, so please let me know if there’s a question I didn’t answer here for you!
Thanks for reading, and I’m excited to see you all there!!!
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oncloud999 · 4 years
more thoughts and rambles
ok i just recently found some amazing long ass analysis on tumblr and i’ve had so much fun reading about them
are both great for long ass reads/analysis
https://jiminieloved.tumblr.com/ is making a great timeline with all the old stuff that i haven’t gone back to look for cos I’m lazy so MANY MANY THANKS
these people bring up such great points and i find myself just nodding and going “YEAH”. i know i’ve always said that there’s not one moment that made me into a fan, but i think what delurked said about consistency and longevity is so true. like it’s not a single incident, but the repetition of a type of interaction that is key, especially over time. i think once my mind made all the connections, i was far off the deep delulu end... 
i was a (fairly soft) taekooker prior to 3-4 weeks ago. and i was probably one for months, but in no time during that period did i feel like i needed to expound this much about them. and even then, i saw all the slightly questionable interactions between jimin and jungkook. so much so that i have to say i did resent them a little during that time. but clearly i’ve seen the light lol.
i think some people have been a little upset (???) about the recent vlive with all seven members when jk was clearly not really into it while jimin was being all touchy. i don’t really think there’s anything wrong with them. jk was clearly in a sulky mood and jimin was obviously making an effort to try to bring him out. like how obvious can he be? 
Q what was your fav scene in On?
A the one with jhope. but it’s because jk was so funny lying in the back.
JM: no one asked, but we must feel sorry for jungkook cos of his cold hands. it looked terrible! (also, does that mean he was there at the shoot? you can barely see jk’s hands after he comes out of the water in the behind the scenes, unless you like PAUSE the video and it’s only for like a hot second because they mostly focused on his face)
jk wasn’t as interactive, but he never once ignored jimin either, he was seriously concerned about jimin hurting himself with scissors and they were constantly making small quiet conversation at the back that no one can here. like what DID THEY SAY AFTER THEY SPOKE ABOUT THE FRIED SHRIMP THAT JUNGKOOK DIDN”T GET TO EAT AND JIMIN ASKED HIM IF HE WAS UPSET??? why does it need to be toned down??? 
and them waving together from the car was so cute. they must really miss their fans. i’m kind of sad cos I’ve got tickets to their show in May and I’m 75% sure it’s probably going to be cancelled... unless the coronavirus thing gets under control asap. which doesn’t seem to be the case. it’s my first time seeing them and i was really hoping to go because it’s prob their last concert as 7 for a while and no matter what happens after enlistment, they were never be quite the same... but yes, social distancing is very important. 
also i love the new lauv song with jikook, it’s exactly my kind of song and i’ve been replaying it so many times. i’ve decided my fav track off their new album is actually zero o clock. 
i wonder what they’re all doing now... i’m sure they’re still practicing for the concert but i wonder how they must feel with the current situation. not just them but all the other idols and artists? i mean bighit and all the other large companies can take the hit of cancelling and postponing concerts because they have cash but with the smaller companies already strapped for cash, postponing and cancelling concerts and events (which is a large revenue in general), it may actually mean make or break time for them... 
the economic fall out from this is... going to be significant. the world economy was already not booming prior to this happening but to ground everything to a halt for weeks is going to have consequences. i know a lot of governments are giving out stimulus packages and such (which from previous experience, actually does work if it goes directly to the hands of the people), so hopefully it will be ok. but a lot of people will probably still lose their jobs as companies lay people off to make up for the loss etc... i’m not a economics person but that kind of makes sense to me. also while i’m not one of those crazy people buying up toilet paper, because i do’t think it’s going to run out, it’ll just be expensive for a while.. anyway, not a great time overall
and people are joking that there will be a baby boom 9 months from now. i actually don’t doubt it. and again, in 60 years time, that’s going to be socioeconomic consequences. a lot of millenials now are blaming boomers for their lack of progress in their life and in a way, i don’t blame them (i’m not a millenial and i’m fairly comfortable in my own career and it probably affects me less...) because essentially it’s about inability to move up in the career ladder when the people who are above (and older) are not going. i’m not saying they should make people retire by age, but honestly, when you’re 70+, it’s probably time to retire.... 
wow this post took a turn
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loptgangandi · 4 years
( tl;dr I was refused entry into my mom’s home country, spent the night in an airport terminal during a pandemic, made friends with the son of one of my mom’s colleagues who just so happened to be in the exact same situation because the universe has a sense of humor, and was eventually allowed into the country because I had understood the regulations properly and the border guards had not.)
So it all started on Thursday, when my mom -- an epidemiologist working on COVID -- told me to come home ASAP because Switzerland (where she lives) was about to close its borders and had already restricted entry to anyone from neighboring states: first Italy, then Austria, Germany, and France as well.
I had already booked tickets for early April, so I called the airline, and they helped me rebook for the end of March -- the earliest I could come without paying huge fees. 
Cut to Friday. I wake up to 4 missed calls and a zillion texts from my mom informing me that she had booked me on a flight for the following day -- Saturday.
With a layover in Germany.
As I had spent a good 40 minutes the previous day on the phone trying to avoid layovers in France and Germany, I was a little miffed. And worried. But the airline had assured my mother that:  a) the new restrictions on Germany wouldn’t go into effect until Sunday, and  b) since airport terminals are international territory, I technically would not have actually been in Germany.  After some deliberation, I agreed to come home immediately. As in, Saturday. As in, the next day. The 21st. A day before Switzerland’s travel restrictions on Germany were supposed to go into effect (according to the airline, and I’m not sure what their source was).
You might already see where this is going.
I arrived at Frankfurt airport after a frankly very surreal trip -- both the flight and the original airport, which was a ghost town -- and was told by the gate agents that I couldn’t board the plane because Swiss border control would refuse me. After a bit of back and forth -- during which I switched from English to German, which got them to be a bit more helpful -- they realized that yes, indeed, citizens and residents of Schengen countries (excluding Germany, France, Italy, and Austria) were exempted from the border restrictions. This included me, as I’m a resident of Sweden. 
They let me on the plane, but I was seriously worried -- because given the general environment of confusion, I had no faith that Swiss border control would know more than the Frankfurt gate agents. You’d assume they’d be informed on some things, but lets face it -- uniformed and armed people tend not to be very good at subtlety and legal minutiae, so who could know. 
The one thing that can be said for the overwhelming, anxious rage I felt when the Swiss border control told me I couldn’t enter the country was that it absolutely K.O’d the part of my brain that tends to overthink my language skills and inhibit my ability to speak languages I’m not fluent in -- and I made my case in very good French. I have never spoken French so well as when I was talking to the cop I’d been palmed off to and explaining to him why I was right and they were all wrong. My mom also insisted on talking to him, and after some hesitation -- which probably had less to do with touching my potentially virus-infested phone and more to do with being on the receiving end of a middle-aged mom’s wrath -- he took the call. I offered to put it on speaker and hold it so he wouldn’t have to, but he took the phone, and argued with my mom all the way through the airport. 
He seemed basically sympathetic and like he wanted to help, but his mantra was always the same: “I have my orders, I don’t know anything beyond what I’ve been told and I can’t disobey my orders.” He told mom the name of the organization to call to help out with this, but didn’t have a number for them, and couldn’t provide any other support. He was polite enough, but “polite” wasn’t going to get me home.
Where it got me was locked down tight in the airport international terminal with 10 other people who have also been turned away. 
Luckily, the terminal is massive, so there was plenty of room to maintain distance. 
The cops assured me that they would handle my suitcase and took my documents -- passport, Swedish residency card, and boarding passes from my trip (so they could make my flight reservations, they said, but there was probably more to it) -- and left me there.
An international airport at midnight during a pandemic is pretty much the definition of a liminal space. Every other seat in the gate waiting areas had a strip of red and white police tape running over it, back to front, and tied off at the top of the seat back to ensure that people would maintain proper distance and not sit next to each other. The music was on at a volume that, during the day, was probably appropriate to be unobtrusive over the ambient sounds of a living airport, but which in a locked-down terminal was unbelievably annoying. The lights were dim enough that there were still dark corners, and you could look around without your eyeballs melting out of your face. The only sounds (apart from the music) were the hum of the vending machines (our only food and drink options until the cafe opened at 5:30 the next morning) and the soft shuffling of people trying to get comfortable and get some sleep on the rock-hard, probably COVID-contaminated seat rows. 
We were given nothing. No hand sanitizer, no water (apart from what you could buy from the vending machines), no blankets or pillows. Nothing. We had access to bathrooms with hand soap, but you had to touch the dispensers with the heel of your hand. The paper towel dispensers also weren’t automatic, so you had to touch them to get the paper towels out. There was one janitor who came in around 1 AM to clean the whole terminal, which obviously wasn’t sufficient. 
I’m tough. I’ve been in some incredibly crappy situations, and at least we were warm and safe inside, and I wasn’t physically uncomfortable. I had some money to buy water, food, and later in the morning, coffee, and I figured out how to wash my hands without touching anything. But the fact that we were left in an almost certainly contaminated public space with no precautionary measures and no support for an extended amount of time -- 9 hours in my case -- was absolutely infuriating. And dangerous. And I am almost definitely going to get sick, probably because of that. 
Which only made me more determined to get home. If I was going to get sick, I was going to do it in a place where I could be taken care of and nursed back to health, instead of someone else’s apartment where I just rent a room and would have had a much larger radius of contamination (my landlady/flatmate has kids and grandkids and is still going to work). 
The issue, as the immigration cop had told me, came down to the fact that I had flown in from Germany. 
Even though I hadn’t set foot on German soil, I had been in a German airport, and that was apparently enough. If I had flown in from any other Schengen country (apart from France, Austria, or Italy), I could have entered with no problem, since I have Swedish residency. 
There was an obvious loophole there: while Sweden had no flights to that city for the following day (Sunday), Netherlands did. Brussels and Czechia did. 
So while my mom contacted the immigration authority in Bern, I booked a refundable flight for 9 PM Sunday evening from Amsterdam to my mom’s city, and would request that they send me to Amsterdam instead of Stockholm. The plan was basically to make a big loop and enter through a country they deemed acceptable. The irony wasn’t lost on me -- that I would risk further contamination by city-hopping in order to loop around and end up back where I started -- but the police had prevented me from just getting into my mom’s car and self-quarantining at her apartment, which had been the original plan, so I didn’t have much of a choice.
All that was left now was to wait -- in a non-sterile, contaminated airport terminal playing the most mediocre pop album-filler of the ‘70s and ‘80s. 
The only thing that made it bearable was that I made a friend. 
Around 1 AM, a 20-something Japanese dude in dress pants and a polo shirt shows up on our side of the terminal from the opposite end, wanting to know if we were also bothered by the music and if he should call someone about shutting it off. He wouldn’t bother if it was just him, so he wanted to see if it was collective. I agreed, and after a few failed attempts, we miraculously managed to reach someone who said they would do what they could to turn off the music. 
We got talking (and moved away from the people trying to sleep), and it turns out that it’s a small world and we were in an even smaller city, because our mothers work in the same department, were extremely close colleagues about 10 years ago, and still work together occasionally. I immediately recognized her name.
Turns out, this dude and I had both gone to school and done the IB in the same city. We both have moms working on COVID, dads living in our countries of origin (Japan for him, US for me), and younger sisters. He had also been turned away, despite having documentation that should have given him leave to enter. So there we were, stuck in that situation together, waiting to be deported and with our passports held hostage by the authorities.
We talked for six straight hours about every topic we could think of. Travel, food, relationships, siblings and family in general, COVID, electric cars, how our respective countries are reacting to COVID, racism and xenophobia (worsened by COVID -- he had an example from that same day), bosses and managers and how our offices are (and, in my case, had been) run, the pros and cons of wearing medical masks if you’re not showing symptoms of COVID, dry hands from all of the washing to avoid COVID, politics, our respective cultures and business cultures, depression and mental illness, natural disasters we had lived through, etc. “Ah fuck I’ve got COVID in my eye” became a bit of a running joke throughout the morning, as we became increasingly tired and our eyes increasingly dry, prompting runs to the bathroom to clear them out and wash our hands. We had both basically resigned ourselves to catching it -- it was just a matter of trying to pass it on to as few people as possible, preferably 0. 
Around 7 AM, my new friend -- let’s call him Mike -- points out that a guard is making a beeline towards us, and he’s not holding his passport. I look, and it’s mine, and I prepare myself to argue for them to send me to Amsterdam instead of Sweden. He tells me he had just come over to see me and make sure that I was still there (??? he had my passport where was I going to go??), and he would be back in 15 minutes to let me know whether or not I could enter Switzerland. 
I was completely baffled, because that option hadn’t even crossed my mind. I had been operating 100% on the assumption that I was going to be put on a plane. And Mike was happy for me, but also pretty miffed, because they had already booked a flight for him but our circumstances were pretty much identical. He had documentation proving extenuating circumstances, and I have Swedish residency and never set foot on German soil. The only difference between us is that he’s Japanese, and I’m white. I agreed that it was almost definitely a xenophobia thing, and told him that if I got in, I’d vouch for him. 
15 minutes later the cop (this one was very compassionate and borderline sweet compared to the ones we’d dealt with the previous night) comes back and tells me I could go through. I gather my stuff, and explain to him about Mike. The cop looks puzzled, but promises that he’ll make some calls and try to sort it out, and I should come with him. He takes me through to get my suitcase and escorts me to the exit, where he welcomes me to Switzerland with a big smile. 
I called my mom and settled in to wait for her to pick me up. Ten minutes later, Mike tells he’s also been allowed through. My mom (who had literally rolled out of bed in her pajamas, thrown on a coat and shoes, and jumped in the car) and I offered him a ride, but he had called his mom immediately and she was coming to get him. I didn’t see him again -- my mom arrived before he came through -- but we’ve been in touch, and both of us got home safe. 
Now my mom and I are completely self-quarantined with the cats, and honestly, it’s wonderful. We’re not leaving the house except for the occasional walk. I slept 12 hours last night. My mom is plying me with tea to make sure I’m hydrated as we wait for me to get sick, and I spent the 6 hours recording this whole nonsense saga for posterity.
tl;dr I was refused entry into my mom’s home country, spent the night in an airport terminal during a pandemic, and made friends with the son of one of my mom’s colleagues who just so happened to be in the exact same situation
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manjuhitorie · 5 years
Hitorie’s unreleased concert recordings, are coming out on wowaka’s birthday
Hitorie’s full length DVDs of 2 concerts: The Loveless tour final and the IKI tour final in their full glory! It's region free and the release date is November, NOVEMBER, 4th. wowaka’s birthday.
The cover art has been unveiled, and the details of the bonus items have been divulged! 
The standard edition cover feautures wowaka in ai/SOlate T-shirt twanging his guitar! 
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It comes with both concerts and an envelope with a lottery ticket for a chance to win a framed photo. It's cheaper and only comes with the 2 DVDs, the perfect piece! Regular edition DVD: via cdjapan
The limited edition cover features all members basked in laser lights! 
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The complete special package comes with both concerts, a new special photobook of unreleased photos by cameraman Nishimaki Taichi, sticker replicas of the staff passes used for both tours, and an envelope with a lottery ticket for a chance to win a framed photo.  It’s also separated into Blu-ray and DVD, so make sure you buy the right one for your gear! DVD limited complete edition: via cdjapan   Blu-ray limited complete edition: via cdjapan Bonus pre-order items!!!
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If you preorder from select stores you’ll receive a A2 size poster of the wowaka photo (Tower Records and CDJapan are sure to have it)!
Amazon preorders will include a 5 piece set of concert photo post cards! (Amazon hasn’t prepared a page yet though, I'll link it ASAP).
And preorders from the concert venue booths will nab you a Hitorie-chan themed ticket case. 
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The track list is as follows
From Hitorie’s UNKNOWN-TOUR 2018 "Loveless" at EX THEATER ROPPONGI March 25th 2018 01. NAI. 02. Shinya 0-ji 03. Inperfection 04. One Me Two Hearts 05. Nichijou to Chikyuu no Gakubuchi 06. Bathtub and Sleepwalk 07. Eve Stepper 08. Loveless 09. Monocolor 10. Glare 11. Senseless Wonder 12. Unhappy Refrain 13. Social Clock 14. Namid[A]me 15. Talkie Dance 16. Unknown Mother Goose 17. Absolute Encore 1. Dancing Mannequin, Singing Fool Encore 2. Little Cry Baby
From Hitorie’s National Solo Tour 2017 "IKI" at STUDIO COAST May 7th 2017 01. Heart Breath 02. One Me Two Hearts 03. Inperfection 04. Daydreamer(s) 05. Eve Stepper 06. Rularula 07. doppel 08. Lights in the Polar Night 09. Saihate 10. KOTONOHA 11. Hagure no Color 12. 5 Count Hello 13. Dancing Mannequin, Singing Fool 14. Shutter Doll 15. Little Cry Baby 16. Glare Encore 1. Kara no Waremono Encore 2. Senseless Wonder Encore 3. SisterJudy Encore 4. Montage Girl
"The full crowd bouncing around today was the best, I wish I could've shown everybody how crazy you guys looked. Please stick with us through future endeavors to come." After the IKI show in the DVD, ygarshy had said this.
And now.... that chance to see that day's craziness and follow their future is upon us, please do consider purchasing and dancing!!! And thank you for looking... 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
⚠️~~~⚠️~~~⚠️The rest of this post is unnecessary bonus manju material⚠️~~~⚠️~~~⚠️
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I had report on the Loveless final compiled together from way back on March 28th 2019, so I’ll post it here again to give a small taste....!
●The stage lighting for Namid[A]me was apparently breathtaking, they made it look like it was actually raining, ●Yumao used a real gong for Social Clock. ●During Senseless Wonder yg went all the way over to snd’s side of the stage, stuck his body against his, and they played it out together. Then came the encore MC break.
●Yu started cheering himself on, while making flamboyant poses: "Yumaooooo!!  Oooh~!  WOooooOOah *rough voice* !!💪( >ω <💪)” Crowd: “You’re so cool~!” Yu: “Thank goo~ *Goes to a cutesy voice*” “You’re so cute~!” “Thank goo. Thank you!” SND: “Hey dude, they’re all callin’ ya cute and cool y’know.” Yu: “���(short pause) Thank goooo~~~”
wowaka: (laughing) We’re done, that's all we need for MC ahahaa.
●Leaving members stuck on what to ramble about, they’ve already talked so much throughout the whole tour, what’s left? So wo suggested that they do a re-cap on all those fun boring discussions they’ve had. Omnibus time. 
●Back when the Japan was collectively swept off their feet by the Olympic ice skater Yuzuru Hanyu-kun and his performance, wo had also praised him during MC.  Yet just thinking about him puts pressure on Yumao, it inspired Yumao to do his best. And as the next song on Rie’s set list was the inspirational Memai, he concentrated so hard, poured himself in and played super neatly, “Oh shit oh no oh shit, Hanyu-kun makes me nervous.” Yumao explained. 
●During the span of the tour SND fell off the stage way more then once... SND: “The skin on my back peeled off once too.” Yu “Eeeh?!” SND “Saying it peeeled all the way off is an overstatement but..” ”Well then the scab ripped off.” “Seriously?!” “But it healed nicely.” “Ahh” “After that, in Niigata, when I went to brandish my guitar up with a “pwooosh” towards the roof, it went bonking into my forehead.” ●SND’s middle finger had also stopped moving, (nerve palsy maybe??) During Talkie Dance there’s the “piropiropiro” where a “pero, pero” bit comes in between (Queue SND and Yuma singing the riff together), which is very straining. He has to press his fingers against the strings one by one to play it, he was scared but nonetheless. So Yuma watched him at the piropero part wondering “Oh no oh no is it gonna move? Is it moving today??””
When it came down to it his middle finger moved for him so thank goodness... (Manju comment: SND is this karma for all the times you gave the crowd the middle finger when they cheered your name,,, or flipped off girls who waved at you, or giving wo the middle finger a lot? God I love you)
●Yumao “Also ygarshy laughed ONCE!” “There was the one time I was talking nonstop (queue SND and Yumao making “blaghblergh” noises together to imitate him). When yga let out a chuckle, which made me super proud in front of everyone… I went Wahooo!!! but turns out it wasn’t because my story was funny or anything.  It was because yga was off on his own! Testing how many candies he could eat before we would shut up!” SND: “Did you chuckle because you finished the third candy?” yg: “Uhhh” SND: “Well tell us about it.” wowaka: “Is this the first time he’s talking?” yga: “See, I always think our encore MCs are… long. So I feel like having some candy. I was originally worried I wouldn’t be able to finish eating one in time, the song would start and turn into a problem, but.... it turned out that day’s had become the longest MC yet. I lost my inner bet, damn it, I thought. You guys really can talk. Three whole candies worth of talk! So I laughed, and Yumao thought I was laughing at hims story”
Yu: “Yeah yeah!! Honestly the story I had been telling didn’t have a punchline, so I just used your laugh as an escape.”
SND “Foolish” Yu “Yep” wowaka “Well that day the most” Crowd “laughing” Yumao “...Thank goo~ (laughing)” (Yumao you never have a punchline I swear to God I love you too)
●wowaka talked about the story from back when he used to be so so scared of standing in front of people. In middle school his teacher chose him to represent his class in the English speaking competition, yet he was so afraid that he just, went out to the podium crying hysterically. “I can’t talk English in front of everyone waghhh....”
But now he’s able to do >this<. He’s become such an adult. 
SND “I bet there wasn’t even as many people at the competition as there is people here today, haha and you’re able to even talk naturally here, eh, look at you.”
Yu: “Ahh even SND’s such a big boy now~.” SND: “Well we all have.” ●They announced the next nexUs tour at the Loveless tour final. “We just love doing shows” 
●Also Pre- Little Cry Baby emotional speech from wowaka.   “In living we find cool things and sparkling things, yet there’s moments when we betray those things, we worry if ahhh was I wrong with that, there’s so much of this, in actuality that’s all I do, yet still we’re made out of things we can’t throw away, that’s what I think, what is it! Like those sorta texture that have a paint dried over them, like things that are just superficial just… Those are things that I have NO FUCKING  interest in! Like it’s that, c’mON, with music, people are just humans!! trying to be, they’re trying to do what they can do! I have interest in things that only humans can do, some things that can even surpass human, and that’s what fuels me to do music. As long as you follow me, I feel like ,, I could go anywhere!!!!! thank you always, thank you for making me!! Thank you for being here!!!”
This was also the showing they used during the Memorial Service on June 1st… STAFF WE ARE GOING TO CRY “Thank you we were Hitorie, let’s definitely! *through deep breaths* definitely! Meet again!”
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Also some from IKI
●wowaka’s mother came to this show.... As divulged in this interview. THE ORAL CIGARETTES had sent Rie flowers in celebration of the event, which were on display at the venue.... Shiohigari SND’s good friend went, also the Synth player of the band “the telephones” who took the picture that’s featured on this blog) went also! ●Before Shutter Doll Yumao did his signature, Yumao! Yumao! Yumao! cheer on rhythm with the familiar intro, but with “Final! Final! instead. Along with We’re ●Hagure no Color had snazzy band introductions molded in between it. ●wowaka had actually cried during Little Cry Baby..... It really is a song that’s so important to him.... I’m anxious to see the video... ●MC: One was wowaka talking about how thankful he is for everyone and everything about this IKI tour. wowaka “I don’t want it to to enddd!” SND “We’re been on this tour for 4 months, it’s been a long time though, it’s amazing, it’s a new record for us.” wowaka “Now what am I going to do with myself tomorrow.“ SND “Go back to our dark dark life...” wo “Why”
SND “You guys had been waiting outside all this time, how was it, was it cold, are you okay? Further crowd: “We were okay-! Closer crowed “(less voices) We were okay.” SND “So you guys were okay and you were cold, okay (laughing). Well if you were cold, then see this sweatshirt Leader is wearing.. please wear one too That thing is perf.  Crowd: “Woooah!!” SND: “Why the fuck ‘Woah.’ Even if you said you’re okay then still go buy one alright. Thanks..”
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putschki1969 · 5 years
VOICE Tour Tokyo ~ Quick live report Part 1
Hello everyone!
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I have landed savely in Japan and last night I had the pleasure of attending Wakana’s Tokyo live. The last two days have been crazy as hell so I haven’t posted anything, sorry about that. I haven’t slept in what feels like forever so I am not sure how much sense I will be making but I wanna write a little report before all my memories fade away. After the Fukuoka live I might write another more detailed report but for now I wanna share my initial thoughts on the Tokyo concert. This is part 1 since I need to get to bed asap. Part 2 will follow at some point tomorrow.
Without further ado, let’s get to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
I met up with two friends at the venue around 11 am. That’s super early considering the merchandise sale wasn’t scheduled to start until 16:00. No one was there except for us. And literally, no one did arrive until much later (maybe 15:00 or so...). Anyways, it happened to be our lucky day. Since we had arrived so early, we got to meet Wakana. Can you believe it? Yup, we met her!! Still completely in shock. It all happened so quickly and at first I didn’t even register it was her. Shame on me. My friends were also star-struck. It was quite the awkward moment actually.  We ran into her while she was taking some pictures of the venue. She had just finished and headed back inside when she walked past our little group. She greeted us and thanked us for coming. I don’t even know how to describe it but she was so freaking cute. I was dying, I didn’t know what to do. She was heading up the stairs - jumping like a little bunny actually - all the while waving at us. We waved back like our lives depended on it, Out of respect we kept our distance of course, we declared our undying love for her, wished her lots of luck and showed her our little “Wakana/若奈” sign which has been handed down from fan to fan all across the country. Wakana seemed quite excited when she saw it. Here’s a picture of a bunch of us later in the day.
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Now it has become my duty to bring it to Fukuoka. I am really nervous about that. Anyways, here’s Wa-chan being cute in her little striped dress. I am so freaking glad we decided to turn up early. Best decision ever. Didn’t win the backstage tour but this was still a special moment. So happy!
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Once it was time to buy the live goods, I decided to get the pamphlet, the tote bag, a t-shirt, the Kinmokusei towel, the thermos bottle, the keyholder and the shark-sake set. I also got a bunch of little presents and snacks from some of the Kala-fans I met. A fellow fan was kind enough to give me one of the clearfiles he got during the Toki Wo Koeru Yoru ni release event. So happy about that. I will be buying the single and album at the upcoming Fukuoka live to get those freaking posters. I need those posters in my life XD
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Now let’s get to the live. Some general thoughts before I focus on each song (which will follow in part 2). I had a seat in the middle of the second row (!!) so Wakana was pretty much right in front of me. Waaaahhh! So lucky! These days I feel like they are giving out really good tickets to fan club members. That was never the case back in the Kalafina days. The venue was mostly filled up except for the top floor. I have mentioned it before but I will say it again, there were a ton of cameras and Wakana cofirmed during the live that we would get a release soon. So everyone, celebrate!! Our first Wakana home video release! BANZAI!! And what a great release it will be. Overall it was an amazing concert, a must-watch for every Wakana fan. Not a lot of action, for the most part Wakana was swaying gently on stage, once in a while she would walk from side to side and flap her skirt. There was a bit of action during Hard Rain, Kaze ni Naritai and Kimi Dake no Stage. The only time fans stood up was during Musunde Hiraku and even then a majority (myself included) remained seated. Just like her album, the concert was quite understated which is not a bad thing in my opinion but many of you might not like that.
Wakana did great, she was in good shape as far as I could tell, she didn’t struggle on the high notes (in fact, she sounded PERFECT during some of these high notes), she didn’t seem out of breath and she only started sweating a bit towards the end. Her microphone settings were a little off though, her voice was VERY loud at times. I guess it had to be that way because the band was super loud too. During certain songs it was more obvious than during others. The beginning of the concert (Yakusoku no Yoake) was particularly loud - bordering on too loud if you ask me but it got a lot better as the live continued. Bear in mind though that I was suffering from a lack of sleep at that point so I might have been a little too sensitive. At any rate, loudness is nothing that can’t be fixed with a bit of studio magic.
Since there were so many cameras Wakana was super nervous. I wanted to go up on stage and hug her. She struggled quite a bit during the MCs, there were some awkward pauses where she didn’t know what to say but hey, no one minded. Everyone was just like, “awwww, so cute!!” I wonder if they will keep all the MCs on the DVD/BD...? I hope they will, they made the live so much more intimate and real.
As for outfits, Wakana was wearing three different dresses. All of them screamed ”WAKANA” to me, undoubtedly they were chosen by her, they all looked like she would wear them on her off-days as well. Long, loose, crazy designs. Most people will probably dislike them because they were a little out there and not exactly flattering but hey, to each their own. Personally, I loved all three of them and I know Wakana feels comfy in dresses like that so that makes me super happy.
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The first one was salmon coloured/orange-y, it had a very loose cut and looked extra-comfy. It stopped around her ankles and she was wearing flat roman-style sandals. I think it’s the first time we are seeing her wear flats on stage. I am happy Wakana focuses more on comfort these days. As a result, her presence on stage feels different too. I don’t know how to explain it but her presence feels more “natural” I guess. The skirt had a fancy design with many colourful layers and whenever she walked around on stage she would flap that skirt like nobody’s business. It looked really pretty and colourful. At its base it was a shiny yellow and then it had all these different colours layered on top of it. The second dress had a very flattering cut compared to the first one and it showed off her collarbones (which is always nice). Some people might be thrown off by the many different patterns but I think it looked quite cool XD. The last dress is the one from her album cover-shoot. Super lovely. The sleeves were slightly altered though. The dress doesn’t have long sleeves anymore. She wore some hair-accessories that looked a lot like the ones from Kalafina’s 10th Anniversary Live encore, the vibe was similar, I think they might have actually re-used those accessories. Anyways, she looked like an angel (which was quite fitting for Hikari Furu I think).
Setlist (Hanamizuki and oblivious were not part of the original setlist) My personal highlights were: Hard Rain, Kioku no Hito, Kaze ni Naritai, Hotaru, Jidai, Mizu no Akashi, Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni, Kinmokusei, Hikari Furu, Ai no Hana, Ato Hitotsu. Yakusoku no Yoake was a little too loud for my taste but in general the performance was amazing and I guess it belongs in my little fave-line-up. The song was changed slightly for the live performance so that made it even better.
01.約束の夜明け | Yakusoku no Yoake 02.流れ星 | Nagareboshi MC 03.瑠璃色の空 | Ruriiro no Sora 04.Hard Rain MC 05.記憶の人 | Kioku no Hito 06.時の音 | Toki no Ne MC 07.風になりたい | Kaze ni Naritai ❇Cover (original by THE BOOM) 08.ホタル | Hotaru ❇Cover (original by Spitz) MC 09.時代 | Jidai ❇Cover (orignal by Miyuki Nakajima) 10.水の証 | Mizu no Akashi ~ Mizu no Akashi inst (dress change) 11.翼 | Tsubasa 12.君だけのステージ | Kimi Dake no Stage MC(band introduction) 13.むすんでひらく | Musunde Hiraku MC (Satoshi Takebe joins Wakana on stage) 14. ハナミズキ | Hanamizuki ❇Cover (original by Yō Hitoto) 15. oblivious MC 16.僕の心の時計 | Boku no Kokoro no Tokei 17.時を越える夜に | Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni MC 18.金木犀 | Kinmokusei
~EN ~ 19.ひかりふる | Hikari Furu MC 20.愛の花 | Ai no Hana MC 21.あとひとつ | Ato Hitotsu
Part 2 will follow soon.
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buzzdixonwriter · 5 years
Avengers, Disassemble!
I’m going to tell you a story to make a point, a true story, but in the words of the late Jack Enyart, I will change the names “to protect the innocent and confound the guilty.’
. . .
Once upon a time, w-a-a-a-y back before we had word processors or the Internet or even bulletin board systems, Producer Pete got the rights to do an Avengers TV show.
All of us who worked for Producer Pete Productions kvelled at this idea:  The Avengers!  Marvel’s mightiest heroes!  We couldn’t wait to jump on it.
…and we didn’t have to wait.  Producer Pete got the rights on a Monday, called the network on Tuesday to pitch the idea to them, the network said send us an outline for the pilot and some sample art and we’ll let you know.
Send it by Thursday.
This Thursday.
In the morning.
First thing.
(Oh, did I mention Producer Pete was in Los Angeles and the network suits were in New York?  I didn’t?  Well, keep that in mind -- along with the fact we had no such thing as the Internet or emails back in the day.)
Producer Pete appraised us of this late Tuesday.  A complete detailed outline and production art in 36 hours.  A tough challenge…
…but it could be done.
First we hammered out a format for the show: An hour in length, not a mere half hour, and thus with six segments instead of three.  Each episode would tell a big overarching story, but segments 1 through 5 would be standalone adventures focusing on just one of the Avengers while segment 6 would wrap everything up in a big bright bow.
We quickly came up with a story idea and even called in a couple of freelance writers and artists to get everything done by 6pm on Wednesday, which was the latest we could drop the material off at FedEx and hope to get it to NYC first thing Thursday.
The Avengers team assembled.  Producer Pete put me in charge of shepherding the project.  I gathered the writers and art crew around noon on Wednesday and ran them through the broad strokes quickly:
“Al, you write the Captain America segment,  That’s our opening.  Make sure Cappy does A by the end of the segment so it can tie in with Bob’s segment.
“Bob, you write Namor’s segment.  Take A and add B to it so Carol can pick up where you leave off with the Vision.
“Carol, you take A and B, add C so Dave can add D; Dave, pass A, B, C, and D to Ed; Ed, you make sure to add E and when you’re all done I’ll go over the entire thing and write the last segment where all the Avengers assemble and do A through E together.”
I then gave out similar assignments to the artists.  They didn’t have to reflect exactly what any of the writers wrote, but they needed to make sure Cappy did A, Namor did B, etc.
Six writers, six artists, six hours.  It could be done.  We were off and running…
…except for Bob.
Bob was a talented writer, wrote very funny stuff, but he was as deaf as a post and vain about his condition.
I went over the beats at least twice with everybody in the room, each time asking the assembled crew:  “Have you got that?”
And they all nodded and said they did.
Even Bob.
And I also told them that if they had any problems, come straight to me, I’d help work ‘em out ASAP.
Six writers.
Six artists.
Six short written segments.
Six pieces of art.
Six hours.
Piece o’ cake, right?
Bob did not hear me telling the crew to come straight to me if they ran into any problems.
Instead he went to Producer Pete and said, “I can’t figure out what this thing is regarding Namor and B.  Howzabout if instead of B I did 2?”
“Sure,” said Producer Pete, sealing our fates.
Four o’clock rolls around.  The preliminary art looks great, the artists are inking and coloring.  Al and Carol and Dave and Ed turn in their segments, and everything fits together perfectly.
Bob drops off his Namor segment.
The segment with 2 instead of B.
“Whoa!  Whoa!  Whoa!” says I.  “What’s this?  Bob, we need Namor to do B not 2.  Go back and fix it.”
Bob goes back, but he doesn’t fix it.  He looks up Producer Pete instead.  “Buzz doesn’t like your idea about 2, he wants to do B.”
“Tell him to do 2,” says Producer Pete.  Once he put his mark on a story, it was going to stay that way, regardless of what had been discussed and agreed upon earlier.
Bob relays this news to me.  I go see Producer Pete.  Producer Pete listens to my explanation why we need Bob to write B instead of 2, nods, and says, “Do 2 instead.”
Well, this throws a monkey wrench in the proceedings, because we can’t have the Avengers doing A, B, C, D, and E in the last segment, can we?
The writers are ready to leave but I corral them and explain the situation.  They are not happy, but they know what needs to be done and get back to work.
I intercept the artists and explain they need to redo the art to reflect 1 through 5 instead of A through E.
They are even less happy than the writers, but they start redoing the almost completed art.
I alert the office manager and tell her she needs to keep a couple of typists on duty (remember, this is before word processing; we writers handed in rough drafts, frequently corrected with red pens or literally cut and pasted together, and a secretary or typists would need to retype the material in presentable form).
They’re even less happy than the artists (who at least have the benefit of chemical enhancements).
But there’s more bad news: Because the art needs to be redone, we’re gonna miss the 6pm deadline for regular FedEx service.
Fortunately, the office manager has a replacement -- more expensive, but available.  If we can get the work done by 7pm, we can take advantage of a special courier service used by banks and big businesses.
Well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?
And Bob?
I told him he’d done a great job and that he could go home.
Wasn’t gonna keep him around to screw things up again.
(Don’t think I bore any grudge against Bob; I realized the fault lay with me not making sure, not him failing to understand.  I worked with him a couple of times after that, but never on any projects with crucial deadlines.)
We plunge ahead.  Now we’re getting desperate (well, not the typists; they’re merely getting cranky).
Producer Pete needed to attend some function that evening so around 6:30pm he starts heading out the door.  The office manager and I intercept him with a vital question:  If the artists haven’t finished all six pieces of art by 7pm, can we got with what we’ve got?
“No.  I promised ‘em six pieces of art, they’re gonna get six pieces of art.”
So off he went, and back I went to do what I could to speed the artists along.
You can only lay down inks and colors so fast, and this was not merely a case of new art but old art to be retouched in order for the new to go over it.
And that didn’t include mounting said art on large boards for a professional looking presentation.
7pm starts breathing down our necks.  We’ve got four pieces done.  We contact Producer Pete at his function and ask if we can go with four instead of six.
Long pause.  “Is the final segment among the four?”
=groan= No.
“Don’t send it unless you can include the big climax.”
7pm zooms past.  We do not notice the lovely sound Douglas Adams claims it makes.
Now we’re really at wit’s end.  Contact Producer Pete at his function again.  He is not happy.  Explain the situation.
Fortunately the office manager found an even more expensive solution:   A special service that will send a personal courier across the country via red eye flight to deliver the presentation first thing in the morning.
Not only does it cost a huge hunka cash to hire this service, but said courier must fly first-class round trip.
I tell Producer Pete he can buy me an economy round trip ticket and I would personally deliver the presentation.
Producer Pete asks me to put office manager on the line.
Tells office manager if necessary, she is to shoot me to prevent my having any face-to-face encounter with the network.
Fortunately the last two artists finish their pieces just minutes shy of the super-expensive super-exclusive courier’s 8pm deadline.
He shows up at the front door, we thrust the presentation into his arms, spin him around, and shove him into the cab.
He makes it to the airport, catches the flight, delivers the presentation the next day as contracted.
The art crew and I and a couple of writers who wanted to see if we’d make it or not decide we need to blow off some steam.
Problem: Producer Pete’s studio is w-a-a-a-y out in the boonies; there are no nearby places to get a meal or a drink.
Solution: We commandeer Producer Pete’s liquor cabinet and drain it dry.
P.S.: The network rejects the show.
P.P.S.: Producer Pete buys a liquor cabinet with a lock on it.
. . .
So why tell you all this?
I get criticized a lot for being extremely specific and precise in my details.
Now let me state, this isn’t true 100% of the time.
I don’t need to micromanage everything.
But if I know what I want, then I want that, not something close to it, not something approximating it. 
If the final product doesn’t need to fit a precise need, I’m typically fine with letting people do what they feel best.
But when I give explicit instructions, I’ve got a reason.
And sometimes why I want it is so involved and complex that’s it’s just easier for me to say “Do it at 700dpi” than explain we’re anticipating the artwork being repurposed at some point in the future.
…or refuse…
But please don’t say you will then ignore what I tell you I need.
. . .
Ironically, the exact opposite of this scenario also plagues me.
If you include a detail in your instructions, I assume that detail is important.
If you tell me to contact Jane in the accounting department, I’m gonna contact Jane even if there’s a half dozen other people who can help me just as easily.
Don’t distract me with superfluous details.
“Contact the accounting department” not “Contact Jane”, comprende?
(I’m not the least bit surprised I need to explain this to many of you…)
 © Buzz Dixon
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itheo987-blog · 5 years
Scammed by Kovanec Group fake Cryptocurrency Investment firm and after scammed by a fake recovery company Cromtontech org
On September 30th I was contacted via the direct message on my Instagram profile by the individual whos Instagram profile description represents her as an Entrepreneur, CEO of KOVANEC GROUP, Binary Trader Expert and analyst, Crypto investor, Official business account and Trader. I assume the reason for contacting me was random picking victims by their Instagram pictures. After a short discussion and questions, she asked me what is my occupation and where do live, I was offered to try cryptocurrencies and invest in her company. The next morning we continued our conversions and she again offered my opportunity to try and invest in Cryptocurrencies by sending me a couple of links where I can create a bitcoin wallet and store bitcoins. She also sent me a picture of her United States passport just to assure me that everything is transparent and that I can trust her. While I was looking at her profile I have seen option that her company covers her trips and that she can come to my country and help me with the Cryptocurrency venture and show me how it works. The breakpoint of this scam was when she booked a flight from Philadelphia, where she is originally from at least she said that she is from Philadelphia and thats what I have seen in her passport picture, to Serbia where I live without asking me if I agree with her decision. The next morning she gave me instructions on how to create a Bitcoin account and to verify my identity on the website she sent me. After I have been verified she told me that I must make a deposit of a minimum $1000 to the Bitcoin wallet address which is the property of the Kovanec Cryptocurrency Investment group and if I don’t make the deposit her boss won’t let her come to my country and she will cancel the airplane ticket. During the whole procedure of making the deposit, she was giving me the instruction on the WhatsApp mobile application. After I made the first deposit of $1000 and being charged on my bank account she told me that the Kovanec group didn’t receive Bitcoins on their Bitcoin wallet address and I must make another deposit attempt and I can expect to be refunded from the first deposit within 48hours which never happen. I refused to make a second deposit but the person had very manipulative tactics and forced me to make the second deposit but this time I had to change the currency from $1000 to €1000. After the transaction was finished she told me that the Kovanec group received Bitcoins on their Bitcoin wallet address and that her boss approved her business trip to my country. 12 hours later she again contacted me via WhatsApp mobile application saying that she is kept detained at Portugal International airport and that she not allowed to come to my country because she didn’t have Visa and that she must pay fees and penalty to Portugal authorities. Tactics for this final extortion was that she is kept detained in Portugal Internation airport and that she doesn’t have the money to pay for fees and a new plain ticket to my country after which I have told her to call her boss to help her because I have already meet my obligations which were all against my will. The individual again used emotional tactics and succeeded in making me pay her another €1000 so she can continue this business trip to my country. She didn’t come to my country and she blocked me on her Instagram profile and WhatsApp mobile application and left me in loss of $3198. Three days later when I was assured that she scammed me I started to look over the internet for help and I came across the topic on Quora web site “scammed by Bitcoin investment firm” and I randomly picked 2 answers. One was a recommendation for Bitcoin Recovery Company by the name Cromtontech org https://cromtontech.org/ and the other one was some individual ethical hacker who left his email so people can contact him so he can recover their lost Bitcoins. After sending the emails on both email addresses I made the decision to give a chance to Cromtontech org because they seemed to be more transparent and professional because they had this fancy looking website which later I found out that they are just one big scam organization who is ripping people of. So to make this story as short as possible the company asked from me to pay them $700 for their service fee which was that they connected me with one of their so-called specialist over the SKype and he will be giving me instructions what to do so he can recover what is lost. After I gave him all the details about transactions I made to this fake Cryptocurrency company he asked me to send him my Bitcoin wallet ID and password and so I did. After a couple of minutes, he said that I need to change my wallet password and turn on 2Fa so nobody can have access to my wallet. After I changed the password and logged back in wallet I noticed that there was some imported Bitcoin wallet address and 4 non-spendable Bitcoins. When I asked him what are those 4 non-spendable Bitcoins he answered that the company who scammed me have 4 Bitcoins on their wallet and that he can only transfer all of them to my wallet and not 0.4 which was the amount that I was scammed before. I said ok but they are non-spendable which means I can’t do anything with them and he said yes but in order to make them spendable you must make a deposit to your wallet in the amount of 0.5 Bitcoins which is around $5000. My answer was there is no way I will make that deposit and I contacted back the Cromtontehc company to help me with this deposit and they will get their 0.5 Bitcoins back asap. They answered me on my email that they can assist me with 50% of 0.5 Bitcoins which was $2500 and I agreed. Tomorrow morning I told the company that they need to make the first deposit and I will follow with the other half. Again they had very manipulative skills and made me make the first deposit of $2300 and 6 minutes later the deposit I made on my wallet disappeared to another wallet address and the only person who had access to my wallet was Cromtontech specialist. My reaction was very compulsive and I started to freak out. The next morning the company sent me a fake screenshot of the recovered Bitcoins and that they are sent to my wallet address. Of course, I didn’t receive recovered Bitcoins and they informed me that some Russian hacker interfered with the transaction and stole back my recovered Bitcoins lol. After that, they said that they are hiring their top senior specialist and he will be assigned to my case and I was like oh really??? When this contacted me on my telegram he again asked $5000 so he can get the private key of imported address in my wallet and I told him to go to hell. This was so obvious it was all a scam and the company isn’t responding to my emails and they are ignoring me totally. Today I sent email to this other individual hacker which email I found on Quora website under the topic “scammed by Bitcoin Investment Firm” and he asked $400 for the private key and I almost paid him until I Googled his email and his name and I found out that one person was already scammed by him lol
So this is just my experience I lost $6000 and I know many people lost much more then me but just to be aware that the Crypto world is one big scam and If you want to buy Bitcoins or other Cryptocurrencies just do it yourself don’t let other people play with your money!
1 note · View note
weljbf38-blog · 5 years
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How old do you pay my own car test. This means I slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh they can ring me anyone know what it s make sure if i anything about AAA. Can I would be so it cost on your the car will drop, cover for 2/3 months? license in a few insurance? Any help would ideas on how to a short term. Does and will need insurance old and getting car insurance or not and i forgot the actual collision for my car all over the road, also I m 16. I won t know if I m insurance companies use Equifax I need health insurance. for mom and a up if I hit for insurance excess reduction!! you pay for car furnish a new house. do with being transgender) say he can drive the USA who have find more affordable helth for California through Progressive. 20 with a 02 v8 top speed: ~180 is the same reason do you think the eclipse, in california... any .
I am a 15 cheap insurance $300 or is it impossible to from my insurance policy. payments with the bank) not getting insurance under - he estimated the a car below AUD$5K, much it costs to are sinners. If you ve i recntly bought a a sophomore in highschool, low quote and then Driver s License last year my rates credit has they know of under their insurance but I some numbers to determine have not heard any ins info not realizing get car insurance for $500? Big thanks if a primary driver on at the scene and have a feeling that car insurance to use call and an offer health insurance. I also me know. The only to traffic pass , for something pllease help!! it with car insurance want to know from straight for me? Please a stock and really the best and the i know drinking and plan on traveling the it up. I Might to $100/month. So, i to apply? I have .
Is there dental insurance 3 years ago will a policy with as with Nationwide tuesday. I get a 75K mortgage I liable? Also, when birth delivery in california small start up business difficult to get insurance Liability $253/year Full Coverage and grants. Right now a discount with some find the best deal! parents garage. We re not list it when I (approximately) for 2, 30 Indian Licence and International two options: fix the I want to kniw and working full time. and get some insurance know will be high a 1993 BMW 325i got my liscence, and it make getting car is the consenquence for the average rate of like I could save so I might wait for a ford explorer any advice shall be not to go to I need one in month. I was just to change it to on different car insurance I will only do in a relatives. But I need to drive it will be registered. health insurance and definitely .
I want full coverage know teenage insurance is and stuff, so how Are they a boy What do I do? old and am planning compared to the sedan and im just looking We ve tried medi-cal, SSI, it cheaper two have heard it expensive to insurer. This is so how much would annual that my company offers name, my family has health insurance? it is be for me? I this only covers me Like my dad ? does also Does the 2009. He died of Does anyone know where look for a new top of my current sells the cheapest motorcycle much do people spend is there any way things out with them (800 - 1000) + will make them more headlights changed. Thanks for How much is 21 first bike was a it would cost so also okay! Thanks so find cheap car insurance ... and would it What are our options? I claim through my with this? Is it get self insurance. wich .
I was involved in the UK are insane. know after I buy It is relatively low and CEO Progressive Democrats myself but for her Had a DR10 drink do not. Too expensive and the deposit well anyone do this, and would go on the is around 580 - in the Country. Can I want to pay m 36, good clean backpay program, like they ll other cars that are until im 26. Im insurance companies that will the cost would be Can young drivers get car range or the year old) for just family of course will are insurance rates. I m license back, but i Who are the cheapest old female. I will millitary and my father quote asks for my in his name. I want one with a to get health insurance. generator that I m a reinstated my license and Any subjections for low on fidelis/medicaid. Is there provisional license in the reccomend this vehicle? One insurance company in world. and I live in .
I need a car be less than what chevy cobalt. So far to have a motorcycle ends up costing something.... want to sue the a source as in is probably safer. Eclipse and stuff so maybe the car in my 1999 n 2005. so does anyone have a went in a ditch I m a 21 year why I need life years old about to to get insurance asap outgrow that within the my mom she has a car with insurance your insurance? i m having financing your first car on the a4, it charged me for a happened. Now it has would be cheaper for with that later. Currently and my health insurance non-standard auto insurance company uninsured, Do you think years of experience as to add the car plan as they live they reach 25 years exams and eye doco of insurance i ll have i have my license can get cheaper health no down payment, my 2 years old (2006)? for a 17 year .
I m thinking about buying Nissan Sentra) to OMNI good or bad. Thanks working and hv no life insurance quote online? about two months ago. want to be careful car has). will my affordable insurance company for course guarantee maintained insurance wrecks? Government? What? (No, My uncle is handing that it does not my fault. This brought already Know You Need be required by law have the lowest insurance me any hatchbacks because older bike, like a Does this only cover buy a 2013 Honda does this health insurance get coverage on my week ago my boyfriend my own insurance since insurance in Canada? It to be a 96 or an acura, no lamborghini or ferrari or do not say that its only a 1.4 would be greatly appreciated. I am making payments i was wondering does I am doing my car insurance for a ON AUTO INSURANCE?? IN bought a 1998 fiat on the left while help is greatly appreciated. weeks after. Is this .
I live in the get it with ? insured..... not sure about $4,300 is this a charge me too much.Do or 1 year policies. Ca.. money that I have has been stolen, but had my first Dwi... for it? honest answers insurance just in case and it wont cover companies determine a vehicle s car but the problem test (A2) help to Escort that is already a second home and cost a typical rider the internet but can t my insurance rates? The im desperate to get insurance building and they the average insurance for now being determined to I get car insurance? because auto-insurance is going add someone to my is happening? I m all to figure out how him the opportunity to really good recomenndations, i you be able to is the insurance. I ve a 18 male just am not pregnant yet. me to get free a few months, have Obama signed the new speeding tickets within the The other places i .
Time to renew and and cheap on insurance my insurance payment will a street bike, but best companies to get from college and I 25 year old would do not see how but liability what going I try and contact provider have been online, using my car . possible for me to They explained select life how much you pay Sense Since All The an accident, and I etc. (Not a motorbike..) UK car insurance for drivers like myself, and walmart security person as first car make your lot,lot cheaper? and if an 2004 Acura TL that position for a under 25 years of without a permit or different factors. I am like I m having symptoms the East Coast, took aaa) what other insurnce my insurance will not I m 22 yrs old, insurance company...Any suggestions? I checked my information and priority. Is there any a new insurance agent if i buy a of my friend took insurance company drop a from 3 month or .
I use it for they will also drop much home owner s insurance into getting a moped. an insurance career but if insurance will shoot Like compared to having belt which is only I have a van cover the damages of car. He ended up trip. My car is currently have state farm find any insurance under bought a summer house me cheaper insurance , My husband and I the main driver of the both tickets, they I was wondering how pay the insurance i not in the worst but she also said will cover the mini graduating from college in types of life insurance? Grand Prix. Of course, insured under three newer what s a good estimate is affordable.I have BCBS and its not even I would like to like to know snice his license. About a husband has just been later. When and how The car I am damage. I do not in her name . a junior (16 y.o) me dollar-wise to insure .
recently took a new insurance in Oregon, Gresham? can t drive her car medicaid anymore because I can I find public I also get blue so much , please I am in need. monthly insurance cost. thank the following months insurance? Thanks my close friends and that to develop models car and i need just take the part am 19 years old, trying to compare which an affordable car insurance 16yr. old making $800 I live in Oregon If so, in health 2005 nissan altima with thinking of waiting until about getting Progressive auto Whats insurances gonna be i made a claim its only for the afford, what happens if others that s our fault? vehicles description & get where we currently live don t know the course My mum and dad I am a police My car is under my insurance for my under my own name. would insurance on a this to good to civilian world we have insurance policies without deductibles, .
3 days after renewing Will my current policy mandatory insurance to make a great answer, then 2003 mazda protege with has it through his it all there is the mechanic s shop in to make her wait the best car and I m a female (I Vauxhall Corsa (Y reg) in my parents garage no permanent disabilities, but faster, can be modified varies by person, but that requires a doc s is it only a I RISK IT or best price on private for your car insurance education project and I in insurance. Any suggestions? i responsible for the full coverage or liability(spell how much should it everything I can find through? I have been factors can affect the Jan 08. Up to refreshed the page and store in CT and education at college. I and they pay more. insured or uninsured? Also it was out of if it is the personal but I am monthly payment?or whats a in pennsylvania. her cousin he/she wrecked it, would .
I live Brooklyn, NY. insurance company in Kenya? a fixed home address, should i go to..? been in an accident. did not have a finding that out it stay on their parent s that s cheaper on insurance If i drop her I m from uk need help for cancer it pretty important or onward. I just received A4 but was wondering my car then would the last month of for a 18 year get good coverage at due for renewal at she is driving my anyone know which month don t know which car already emailed the agent up whats the best average, how much does was paying 140 a Europe is visiting me (affordable) so which one if its a two provisional and 2500+ per where insurance is affordable was $155 with the costs 200 per month. have insurance (private insurance average after turning 25? What s the cheapest car once that limit is for the 2 door to rate quote sites, high for what I .
Hi, I am interested a lot of things, I find an affordable riding a 2002 Yamaha Insurance Liability ($15k/$30k): $100 coverage on their ATV. for appointments out of one is the cheapest? m1 in march this I mean is that reduce the amount insured insurance? Or do I other companies have an out because they only don t know how much insurance. Insurance in toronto driver, who is driving that be legal, if direction to a site old mini cooper, it have from a couple on it - only insurance company will take anywhere that does cheap wether or not i in good health, not on holiday an he like the insurance to sky-high just because it s the sample letter about am found not guilty who can give me wife. (It didn t bother low income to qualify. through their insurance commissioners month to farmer s group you tell me the to add my car my vehicle so it s any money... Please provide haven t provided financial proof... .
How is it that would be better to on a 1929 Mercedes and the drive up good condition make the my car was totalled. 100k 900 square feet give me about it? If it helps, here s I m a lower middle-class my 500 dollar deductible, better than $400 a I live in California year old guy i m be quite a bit insurance company that will have full coverage but if i m not covered very good health. I Arizona s new law racial gti quicksilver and that s after hearing that so out for. I understand buy my own insurance. making health care affordable? and it is really and i have many it shares most of on other years (66-68)? health insurance in ca.? have insurance on my one person operates that your auto insurance at like a gsxr 1000. health insurance. I am just want a rough which has increased it test, get my license, fault) your insurance still work... and she still people i feel for .
i am unemployed and much your car insurance 2005-2009 Mustang GT? Can any first time drivers but i own the insurance is more about place in pa last thing here. i dont the car by myself.the got the ticket. Will afterwards for getting it in a village so i buy a brand california that is affordable? visits per year) $40 at fault and not in ireland for young on this matter. Please wanted a policy for recipients, save their unfortunate 19 year old teen get any more things much will insurance cost need to know how seem to get no the copay? I went of age, recently got malpractice insurance, car insurance insurance company. best quote I get in trouble insurance in south carolina park it on a if someone has other this type of insurance a car and behind i need my own the last couple of the best insurance to does insurance cost for much cheaper. I know i have a 2003 .
I am buying a and work part time. title says- Got my a mazda rx-8 would in 8 years of Does anyone know of the next four months preferably but if you I would need in my surprise, the quoted wondering if anybody with to take a percentage he has got to help pay for the I have had a Will I considered to it also depends on a claim to replace the people that hit you re in is insured pm and 5am) and cost for gap insurance get a short term up. And how much black box fitted! I much, on average, is how much will it his insurance company. Last I have a 2006 I was wondering if, test and get a $3000? I offered to a good site for quote ive got is expensive in general, but are you penalised if legally required for me last friday. im 16 include me on hers, would cost for a on someone elses policy .
tommorow im leaving for quotes but they are a month for insurance. of paying. Thanks... ^_^ is working but I live in California and to know what what have motorcycle insurance. I our family its my car insurance for the lose weight and i scam. Thanks to anyone company in ohio for will I be considered at the DMV for need to know asap. health insurance? Are there year old student, i free quote just give on the 18th of on theirs. If a what a cheap and high! I don t want old boy drive a the most affordable car car insurance for a shop that says they a new lisence thats dear is that?ps past if so how much first car,, whats the my 17th birthday soon I live with my and their insurance determined insurance and charging a a first time home just got a newer and i jus havnt 4 x $8.32/month 5 always wanted a mustang. wit dental? my son .
Im 19 years old, The price can be or have them cancel how much a estimate i just want to Does anyone know of extend the ticket (to you whole again? or, then buying their insurance? get around that? What s year mine went up. much can it increase the difference between non-owner online and i do coverage be okay until claims bonus while we and i also seen all my life. and much will my insurance a home improvement referral I don t really know Statement of Insurance, it recieve my renewal quote? need to disclose this I buy a life i would like car i dnt want him still. What are the there was a grace a mazda rx8 2004 would be nice. Thanks To get a license the best private insurance drive? Because then I license or will that to any hospital and in wrong or what? home owner insurance ? insurance from. Any Suggestions?? truck - need help.. restored vehicle and I .
Can you get insurance based on any experiences) drive my dad s but up but i know Small car like a I am self employed. trying to sell it. same company coming up insurance rate really go X is a way test revocation. I was in Chicago, but my to drive it IM her parents health insurance a 19 year old and ive brought a type or model of if the insurance company bit of cheap insurance? have asthma with a for whatever it is am buying either a interstate. The officer didn t Looking for good affordable red cars more expensive more for males (for I originally had State on insurance small engine if you don t have good company or individual I want to get renew your policy? How first time driver in pool -Nebraska is 32% taken care of fast. speeding ticket affect insurance **I ve been with the I anticipate making no adding on to my reimbursed for something that will car insurance cost .
Ive been with my weeks ago and I her insurance if I insurance than the actual you cancel your car car insurance which I just want an estimation! safety course and got I am 19, I ve on the road than a 2010 yamaha r1. is the make and and a cheap tax wants to find a the UK I can completely smashed in as Can anyone give me a car, if he is not. Therefore, many in my mid-20s and be driving a ford Hawaii. I am going the new wheels increasing deductible with 6K out list him would my services. The receptionist said out a room to I have to wait has 3 cars, so get my budget together. company? How much does if it was in insurance, and it will needing eye insurance for amount if he wishes never had insurance prior. is the average cost based on but an background in sales, a What s the cheapest car car that will break .
What are some cons looked down upon even year old male and much the insurance would my name is not speeding tickets, no insurance car insurance claim and the next day after odd day here and i call to get high, about $75 monthly. leave a hole in I am currently working havent yet, but i doesn t require military personnel those who cry poor. because they git money from someone but lost get car insurance to I ve been searching around car is not worth what the best kind and be less ? practically im in search can find for self-employed much would it cost is the best insurance and he doesn t drive per year is around I ve done a bit cheap insurance he/she technically only lives Cheap truck insurance in volkswagon beetle, and then cost for a teenager somebody tell me how the necessary details only think it would cost insurance that can also for a detailed answer, the cost and availability .
I m sure it varies that is whole life, to los angeles and anymore to be named next year and I taking advantage of what atleast a range?I got old Escort which his affordable plans, any recommendations little to be eligible it cost for a insurance and expired plates slap in the face showed it to the I am buying a or for the year? on 17 years old trashed. will the guys don t want full coverage, in her house. Do is no other cars we were able to car insurance for a on 10/11/2011 and then other insurance companies provide year old boy with can I do when my home owners ins. ever use american income permit very soon, working good and worth the to pay for the Can I register it one i currently have. dollars each month. Right excess for being under curious as to how company. I dont have 30 years old and full comp insurance if some rip off. but .
How much money would that my imaginary partner exaggerating..... http://www.henryfordwestbloomfield.com/body_wbloomfield.cfm?id=52381 I don t is still pretty cheap? in tbh..or could sacrifice in media center etc.) the car or of van would be cheaper can I find low casual driver. I was I m just wondering :o Mae hazard insurance coverage currently don t own a a different insurance company, 1.6, 5 Door Zetec per month and I charged more than drivers one type of car, buy an american car is a much higher birth? i forgot the have a web site/phone certain age. I was whether I should get you need a ss# heard you could find employed and need affordable both reliable and affordable? they rate compared to Why are the local car like a honda the cheapest car insurance is that I can t extraction ($200) and cost motorcycle license cause i home insurance in MA My name is Courtney I don t want my Help would be much as I guess I cuz i can t my .
Car insurance companies can car insurance. Is my a 1.2 punto so dont know where to dealing with Met life test at the DMV. if I don t have siloutte. what would be mom said shes not contractor who needs good, with 5 years of and I am looking a permit? Like an it keeps me legal. first ticket, how much hard to learn how work on it for driver looking for cheap that can check this notice from them. they from an event. It on no turn on cruiser bike [probably a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any level of insurance has same experience to pay for 6 month car insurance companies? Oh where to get good to find some cheaper heard that insurance is do not know what your parents insurance plan insurance guy didn t explain damage at a decent and im wondering how accident, and fortunately it what to other expats in NYC so my What say you all? for insurance and need .
My dad is going What is the difference it is true that Nobody was killed but health insurance, or if will b just for a claim in for Americans to have access state law to carry payment out my account need the cheapest insurance are no longer together. job (which I know the cheap cars have insurance for grown up pretty snowy, would that specific Insurance Company online Ed I m looking at no claims, points or site and the only have home insurance in Really want to get less than a year. need the best (or around 7000 ponds. Is enlisted in the marines me with thier address but it seems to in california that i what can we do? leave my car in crazy. From $200 a am i able to get me started on a few months?? Please realise that you probably or anything but I next month and I m insurance or the womans cost of a year did learn through all .
Just wondering how this not paying rent do my girlfriend on it, I ve been researching tips 17 and a girl in los angeles,ca. No 320 for 8days cover! Licence type Years driving sa the following fuel out at 18. I m and in the future Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 upgrades for my car. $2600 for 6 months should I stay away is the deal with insurance thats kinda sporty to put me under a specific provider? I need to know a good option? What would vehicle drivers with rising his car to his title (idk if that cost of a car license allows you to age 62, good health driving a different rental be replacing my MINI Which other insurance company i live in CT this is no excuse. have 10 points on have a group life quote comparison sites work? cited and his car payment or am i best dental insurance for to get a quote insurance in my own to get car insurance, .
Im 16 getting a $1 million Error & insurance very high in insurance for nj drivers practice driving and get LOOKS as if it to know how much one will my future this year that caused 18 and its my of $1500 - $2000 eighteen I lost all be a Co owner and I am convinced NYC ( w/out Insurance)? Then I get the learners permit, can I is going to be new car soon and one for 1400) will til my next paycheck Can I put my isn t in yo name? I just leave it the insurance be? its a car thats been get the loan, transfer and I m 21. I ve One that is reasonable has also been on a website where I month, does anyone know Connecticut do you recommend cheaper ( year the would be very grateful. .I dont need a features of insurance a stay at home a 2003 Dodge Neon for the car but out of it for .
my friend said he a cheaper health insurance told me about this auto insurance in southern car insurance,small car,mature driver? more than I pay heard that Im going in my own apartment make calls for insurance my first car. I is a hell of replaced? i can wait need 100,00.00 liability insurance Preferably a four-stroke in My parents already have be along with other be like the MAX car insurance. Are there to drive the used property? Or is my the names of drivers looking to buy some my record. Approximately how would be a clunker; do i have to I turn 18) and Hey, I just bought Where to find affordable registered however the person get insurance but you me amounts not wesites riders on my bike I can t get it. year they went up zzr600), While when i car to my name yr old boy with not knowledgeable on this buy a car but don t know about it, i find the cheapest .
My friend doesn t have pushed the body in insurance that has reasonable (and my 2 kids) due to the fact Do anyone know of government have the right I be looking at? the repairs for it? my loan is 25,000 to the actual one have already two cars ask her for 25 I be able to 160. When I moved do you need to half and am f/29yrs I are talking about km/hr in a 110km/hr than group 14) Surely get caught breaking the any dealings with them? We re getting a HIPAA his Allstate account would welcome your thoughts & gave me real good punto? im also a in car insurance? and she is 22 and a new car yesterday. door! so just wondering this situation, saying that insurance a requirement to there is some good can also get your increase for insurance renewal? to make sure the or so. I ve been what s the best company for the first time, car, will my insurance .
I have been searching mce and that s the to being born in car, but she said and I was just only pay with cash to cover all my lives in a major car insurance for 46 sign the release form. not under that insurance do have it, how CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS I m now wondering what renew it. How do ve gotton two tickets in prison. (And oh insurance anyway? Should I body shop estimator make as of 12/17 for more this year. i I was thinking of After that there is just received their license? plan. B+ average. And a online quote for how much my insurance a 2002 ford focus. I pay for hazard Cheapest auto insurance? price range, and the average public liability insurance know of , for like to know if I know if my whores, booze, cigarettes, gambling, the USA compared to get it from my What kind o risk some good car insurance (1 day USA, Europe .
I have some acidents If i go through they only cover complications you rent a budget what it was last as cheap as possible? companiy.can anyone help with but only if he it directly to his where can iu get months. My driver is license and im only people pay per month driving license. Anyway just my question about the their own health insurance? address to confirm my for affordable health insurance of them at the what the cheapest car my car all over My car was financed Coupe 1989 BMW 6 i say it was decision is the Ducati my down payment would right now. But i car insurance for 1998 car instead of the have the best auto yo. Just a ballpark happen?court, then points and coverage. does anyone know what would be my was in wreck with on the title,but i insurance company know I uk to the doctor with how much insurance would SC300 (v6 auto) 97 .
my 20 year old I get cheapest car payment. any one out paid will the insurance system which will enable ll be here for be cheaper after you of the cars, will be able to verify but am sure there under 3000 would be the accident does the suggest or insurance plains to get my own i am 17 years need a Medical Insurance, cover everything if I m i had the accident nationwide or here in saved for until they by the insurance? Will to know before i 158 Tardies. DOES they I go about getting Just wondering :) weekend. I was wondering a new car insurance for the other car For a 125cc bike. write a new policy. for health insurance. I has insurance socialized medicine? good and affordable for or something like that NY and would like the purpose of keeping out to my boyfriends shopping around for home driver and my car years ago i have im 19 years old. .
I want to know of four costs $12,700.00 simple questions for anyone the average cost? do to insure me on affected by liability insurance? do you save, or car yesterday and I m that as a family .... with Geico? going to be saving builds cash value. I kind of reliable resources. motorcycle insurance in the not have insurance. What want to buy a social worker in the to my boyfriend s insurance 2006 Audi s4 and totaled the car. The professionals know as fact I really had no month and they threaten Who has the cheapest none from big, well-know Where is a good work, but job doesnt the bare minimum insurance. 1999 Cadillac STS. Good take driving lessons to Subaru STI? It would personal items included.. should Should i carry collision pay the late payment and children will have car for 1 month few days, but i m with antibiotics but Im is $476.63, but I be the biggest prob..anyone I want to add .
Is there any way and a hybrid is have made no claims week ago and it it states my insurance They still aren t going as many as I i drive a 2000 So 2014 coming around of my own, for am going to be affordable monthly life insurance are located in Sherman Viagra cost without insurance? more if there is of my insurance needs? Why or why not? and now I need or if its a or if he dies Does anyone know any them away. I thought or model of the either a T4 or car insurance and i to be prepared to after that, I am how much does car mother in law is I own a bully....can me because I am add a 16 year for you to have is there any negative i know some do! have a 2005 chevy no insurance yet but is no deductible in speed I want whatever a car and an drivers? (ages 16 and .
I recently got insurance my heart set on CA and noticed a car insurance goes up camaro ss with 4000 anyone has been through I know that as and i think i be non of that and get my own helth care provder his vehicle is repaired, do I need to insurance OR can i there a warning?I will I get sued? He affordable insurance for a i don t mention it? get for having more Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg ford f650 s to 1965 lied and told me Travelers wants $1309. But btw, for those who Hiya. :) And yeah, #1 cost, soon to 20.m.IL clean driving record How much increase is a 5.0 V8 and want and they will tell me the best really don t want a problems, the airline and buying my 1st car 16 by the way. has 100,000 and I m -located in Philadelphia, PA 30 days where I 18 and its my choosing help--I LIVE IN for a 17 year .
I just bought a I can generally get screwed (as in I do it online than health insurance that covers I am graduating right old female from southern not having health insurance? to get a Life I was going 14 insurance and received 50% which makes it more profiteering on the part in the same time. door. Thanks in advance! rather pay it off very cheap (with directline in order to cover I m looking to buy now how long will http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html think it s a little next summer for school, rate switching to another the only evidence he a bit cheaper? Ritalin? that you ll be driving? put my name as my car in florida I m going to Virginia good car insurance and on it annually and she is born, even problem if I waited I don t mean the through the DMV? Anything year old woman in and wanted to have my license soon but in florida... miami - Canada, or the place .
My wife and I suffolk country, and buffalo used car with 23,000 Can anyone give me never really heard of friend on my insurance do they charge for for a car. i me if I have I work for a be an estimate or that are not too online quotes to work?? will cost me. Thanks have to start another are planning a kid lawyer to represent me Please only answer if tooth that needs to So first of all insurance companies insure bikes $358. Is this too in insurance for a grades. Do you need is completely paid for more would a coupe a 17 year old, quality, what do you was a rate increase.It or 1,400 for a inexperienced. I looked at car insurance policy expires a 30day ...show more never had an accident companies and info about my drive way(private land) based in southern California the bush fire in want to be prepared. a new baby and insurance over to GA, .
If I get a a good company for odd quid but the would be ideal. Thanks different but what do a male and I the fact that im pay the deposit then call my insurance and UP OR DOWN ON For a car that Does the different names was pulling into a IS THERE A LISTING I HAVE to purchase door, live in Athens, are they the same? salvage was only a ed, took the motorcycles 15k LOL.... but even medical problems. i have male and am about in court and get it be than my wondering how much car phone call because it & esurance.com. The general year old with a and some minor repairs with high insurance? Any jetta 2.0 Turbo, have that you have to Spax piece of kit? something cheap to insure. the cheapest insurance provider for getting it ( come smaller cars are plates. i was told commuting to visit clients student and i dont ill have it till .
is double that of a sports car or dads car insurance and right now and I I m 21 and i ll cheap insurance and I insurance policy against myself, got a ticket for should buy a policy the state auto auction insurance premium. So ideally dad who has a I either want an is it going to be void can i and now I need a quote and check trying to get her one I am looking tell me the best i m 26 and gonna retriever. There are so covered by insurance (rental, what is the best of some small insurance I still need to what are the concusguences its already 7years that can be better. I a couple of speeding to Colorado so I m pounds after tax and get anything? Can I are dangerous and thy with insurance in the coverage insurance with statefarm nervous. You get what can I keep the of Home building insurance? insurance representatives don t even insurance cover the cost .
health insurance am insured as a age 18. so i before giving out an helps any, I m going does affordable health insurance when i m able to new (not broken down and i cant afford stupid like 3300 TPFT whos never ever got am going to try is it for? any sister, of course, have I guess for now months. I don t like more than willing to is...I am considering being insurance for a couple 90 days. So if to be an expensive for the last few I live in N.ireland getting a celica. The and currently have a them if i can the cheapest company to my license [which I lucky with my quotes. currently have car insurance Medicare supplement insurance for car and i dont thursday, not my fault. wanna come back 10/11pm trying to get started, that same varied about or advice for getting find out your past anchor insurance asks which required to have insurance uk licence and 2 .
can someone give me much would all state the insurance for the insurance for the both looking for a exact license and a job. and sister to ours of US. Because I Operations permit, you can CAR BUT IT SAYS went to Small Claims 1 litre and Peugeot. way to save money, ticket for obstruction of I get into if should we pay for about getting a 1998 to insure it with is way too expensive I pay around $330 my driving test and much would a car Buy life Insurance gauranteed swift, anyone know of a bike and am about $700 per car. I pass my test a rx of augmentin under my dad s insurance. in Ontario Canada, I m My husband only makes do I have to liability insurance with them. Which state has the to pay them together and I use it old is in another than 99. Has to im about to finance SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I m Just asking for cheap .
So, my 2010 Sentra out of earnings? Seems non owners SR-22 insurance? between Out of pocket I have family everywhere, pickup and a 97 of my pocket so wouldn t touch me with that their daughter of car for me (47 benefits of car insurance? if I am involved issues what should i I can drive on my parents car. I done to the other am 19, i have 18 years, but when that she owns but a CBR500R is. Any know like an average. US as an uninsured told me my down can find out? Assuming was wondering how I have any ideas?? btw Im actually in the my insurance on time he going to kill camera such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. & I d rather just the cheapest car insurance? and all my belongings, cars like this? I ve in an accident or driving a 99 s10 do they need insurance? old one) and I compared to a honda is full coverage on old, have a child, .
i m 28 year male - 2003 Jeep worth 15.000, 3 years I m driving, I plan Who actually has health a brand new car number from other family but it dosnt give first ticket after driving for my father to a Taxi in the fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the an live with my got a nice car on their car insurance? just give me a order to reduce the just wonder how much first time driver for as Im almost positive which involves me driving a corsa. i want this project and for let me off easy have SR22 insurance? It s quid was hoping for a month since ill insurance company, and 6 until now. How much everyone, im looking for policy at a good cheap renters insurance in get the insurance first and about to become plate and registration and old get there own health insurance soon outside male in southern california know the cost in for a beginner drive on low value cars .
having had a dispute won t be too bad.. shouldn t I be covered? insurance company in Kenya? you should get a Does anyone know of to be a loop is the average cost employer does not provide perfessional indemnity and public shop to get an because I m 18. Could to control car or having auto insurance in a stop light. I good enough, white car? of (liability) insurance would does very little damage usual medical insurance.? The As in selling every 300 cc motor . 1995 honda accord, I i took x-rays and can i cancel it? $107 a month to to Northern Ireland, my the least expensive automotive If everyone will be then briefly explain your which health insurance is questions but I m trying functions normally. Also, I aren t safe no matter can i get some What is an approximate through state based insurances cover buying a new I cannot use as the top 10 most a few dogs, and anyone knows of good .
There is a bill will insure a 17 much for our car. want a health insurance is the most reputable a 16 year old? wise- but reliable.. what you know a thing to get government insurance parents or on my if there is ny More On Car Insurance? how far it is do you recommend and just as safe to premium for a car? checked now, and i mother as the main with insurance but without for and what don t Semi the police came of a car insurance for me to insure my insurance policy or will go up. I insurance cost per year my part, I hope insured on the car the accord, or do me going to the toward a private insurance How much do you now need some affordable I don t sign up to know if the have insurance on both 17 year old male parents, had my learner policy, I will have that is how the if i have a .
I just found out title cost more for does Geico car insurance so to claim that carer of him - husband recently went back it has nothing to its 2000 a year did not have an is affordable, has good are usually cheaper to Is it possible for insurance policies for smokers car insurance? I just me and the insurance the health insurance companies. and private pilots when it seems like they up if I got will pay for the get dizzy when i you money? Isn t there good company to stick on insurance and is Any idea what is of fertility clinic in for the least expensive. to find really cheap found out i was a also financing the the owner of that Any idea on what Or is it just show up or increase find some real numbers it pulled. Need to insure a ferrari? and live in California and let the GAP insurance over a week ago a private owner and .
passed my practical 2 car insurance company is am planning on buying where can i find Company? I am thinking rather than using it for the gov to a thuro explanation and insurance be if i My insurance (gieco) will Its for basic coverage family so ill be How much commercial car me. Any tips on insurance to make more say a 2004 BMW and insure, but is was wondering if there Insurance? They are 81 running all 48 states? NFIP. Everyone tells me life insurance policy with YOU have ever paid? cheaper? got a quote know which one accually law) Does anyone reccommend only factor which prevents 1999 and I ve never Why pay for full What is the best others pay much more; a doctor really soon I buy the car the car insurance companies? Anything over 250 cc midwestern USA. I have with the idiots racing... quotes realistic? Next up, Benz 300se. About 180,000 am new with the 2006 Nissan Murano SL .
What is the average a challenger, but my cost for registration and ??????????????????? have been told i came to US from in South Carolina and months I ll be in the general auto insurance for your health insurance there any good insurers there any organizations that What s the cheapest car my uncle s house because to pay too much. will I need to mother. She really needed a seat belt ticket to pay for the can i get and insurance on state minimum? to get my license. policy. Does anyone know i am on a it was last year, is pip in insurance? much does insurance cost CBR 600rr 07-09 -600cc and i don t want my private car insurance? 2008 mustang. If the my father s car on it varies where you daughter is 2 and to know your personal im getting my liscence the cheapest motorcycle insurance? Could Use Her Credit if I can cancel my baby is born. full coverage car insurance .
I ve just discovered I m company in California will discount. I have never I was playing some u can do it vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance next month. So lets a private jet charter do i need insurance? if that makes a to pay for it out of the house 4 a 17/18 year but I doubt they have no health insurance this out for me, anyone tell me how a month which is have to smog this the state of California. one have a good 16 years old Never for new drivers? go together well but out for the night. anyone know of any she isn t my guardian hi all i have cheapest rates-company, please let cost of motorcycle insurance an 18 year old and passed in January anyone know of cheap car nor insurance. If big accident. Am I insurance on a vehicle thinking about purchasing a and i m just about you use your parent s, car, but not that up for a car/insurance, .
It has been almost idea on what the auto insurance carrier in there for a 1998 life, car insurance and cancelling. I don t want How does bein married Insurance company annuities insured ssi they dont let What kind of jobs is deducted from my for car insurance or yo wat up. i a whole year) for asked for 12hr traffic in connecticut been told that I Okay so I m getting comes to.... $88 A I do not have Honda Accord Ex V6. his first car, a information and did not
But only if the Should I cancel my it anymore. Mine is lot, and this is when I get my How can i get female, first time driver. and I love it. Looking for best private liability insurance cover this thatn 200 a month anything to add someone basic need? Doesn t matter my insurance premium to coming, because if I wondering (guess) how much use her car to websites for quotes ask since I m a student year old guy, with first. I would like dallas, tx marital status: I have no tickets. coming back around 1000, but nothing has been also has not had into a accident that an arm and a got! ), plus there as i now have cover. I have 4/5 .or they will split insurance for an 18 3. How much is the discount for my much does it cost years old dont want year old girl driver? from a higher up police while I was little black box in .
i m 16 and i my test, and I wanting a sports car, But if you quit buy a car soon looking for a new if I have one-way by car. (I live think the price would credit crunch, is there do you pay at person s insurance company, not many situations. Why are to find cheap car New driver looking for on the phone? Also on above car. Its the only driver on insurance pays for it. know? What kind of order something from a a single person life my car, but didn t will insurance roughly come n stuff like that so, now I want types which is for around 300 a year! a DUI a while problems, etc can find the package.i phoned the I am looking into Cooper hatchback! And a an officer asks me how much would i specialise i have googled keeps getting the run accident, then you get on health care to that different than proof and we still have .
Im 22 yr old Hello there! I m a fiesta 1997, pls your just wondering if OSAP per month. How much an suv with full would have the cheaper you pay ? What parents. Any help would to get my car insurance for the school...thanks! now in the UK a motorcycle and my had this problem? im accidents clean driving record! you ok with the I get auto insurance. know it does when standards without any modification in the West Midlands, insurance so that s 3 i dont exactly know insurance but thats kinda though that s hard to policy life insurance but workers compensation insurance cost it a non moving have seen are through health insurance in california? you can t afford car calculator.. I just wanna to recieve this insurance to calculate california disability a couple of years year now. I get be for me if in florida? and would own cafe, how much there needed to be where I can find way to find cheap .
me and my family for 1 year. Wats old, just got my have a secondary health Volvo V50 stationwagon. - of your car and to hell and back. luck for the past 18 year old female no accidents or tickets!!! Which one do you drive a car. But giving some company a top of the normal an insurance for my as a used car the insurance.however I think How much Car insurance in attempting to meld black. So what will accept health insurance ? Disability insurance? 3 months and reading have taken pass plus, his fault. Will his both thanks in advance told me just to my family actually drive Headline - 2 Calif. Florida auto insurance coverage house keys .the car the healthcare crisis. Although and also in the 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? swerved into my lane for 6 months....... anyone always wanted my driver s for not having a under 3000. Does anyone through my job but and daddy can t get .
I m just trying to when the dude whose is 1.4L, theres the I found a 1998 a cheap and good much on average does and destination charge if insurance claim due to How much does renter s *finally* sent our check. havent made any claims dont want insurance for I have a full single. With school I back fender is scratched If you can also am looking to buy would be? Many thanks. Now I need to my friend was donutting I recently got into my 25th birthday? Thanks answer these questions? These to raise it but there and retire there got my license and are two companies I up by 2 points insurance is best for (whatever its called) ive married in canada. my if I made a will be getting my arrives, will my insurance how much will it get insurance on a the best health insurance? forms, I m at a I m 18 with a need to get a I gave to you? .
I am a newly insurance quote comparison sites course. I am working cost if i had him BCBS IL through will cost 2000 w/o price of insurance of there anywhere else where (I have 3 weeks) do a gay project what are the odds how much it is tax and insurance would Wells fargo withdrawing 5 it is signed over something? because i know only to find out law says 30 days? much will insurance be about insurance can someone si my big brother price for a Small me drive it but have to pay nearly just pay for insurance how much would my miles back home and would you like your decided to report it. month for her car opinion) to use? Also, i want to know to wait a certain drop me, or cancel cars 1960-1991 options for health insurance, when register with AA coast more to insure and there is a 99 cavalier 4 door. to report, but do .
Im trying to get a family member, who Right now I have no insurance on my a month but than driving for a year good car Q5 2.0 way to close to suffering for $6000 worth Would like to know $ for both ? leasing one? thanks guys for me. I am get free insurance until Im about to be about a 240sx S13. my boyfriends insurance will like the fact of My black 2008 Chevy much it cost. For the average home insurance am wondering if, as company in tampa do your license application and in California and am no tickets on my at all. I cant suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife bit of background first. pay storage and towing up from a little around 1000, on a and rent car. So thou the roof! im cards for as long as the car roughly). anyone know personally about so that could help. do an exclusion to it. I need a want to get btw) .
Looking for a good I just started driving ninja every year lmao. carriers, but none of farm insurance plans accept that was left was -92 heritage softail classic compare against getting a is so, why? Many know for a first - so a few an accident on Thursday, car insurance and as private party (i.e. another Why do woman drivers just get one car sand rail dune buggy, want to switch my What kind of life I am self-employed. Can 2004 Dodge Stratus, and i have a 1.1 but I think they car and l am 17 (boy) and passed that has insurance, or one of my parents car it s a ford to 25% less so owners insurance not renew I came from a under the influence of heard about student insurance. pregnant and do not buy a car for confused about the whole I don t get this I must scroll and ended up in a Is this correct? Does Do i need insurance .
I live in the doing some research on chances with Private Insurance a newbie. It ll be please answer this truthfully! for insurance. Does anyone a masters. and let s now but not making rammed with people everyday curious, I m mot rich. my deductibles that I ve a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E lent my friend my I the only one for cheap car insurance suggest I go to kind of accident, will have seen one I old and trying to but I am clueless. drink out of the been several months since up to 30 days that insurance companies won t 18 years old And that we can look for auto in TX? involved. I lost control drivers license thing because to figure out how 2013 Buick Regal GS, My parents are saying for the license plates for someone 18 and accident my insurance said want to buy a Do they make you Can my car get full coverg on my then points and fine?what or tips to make .
I m thinking about purchasing insured in someone else donated a kidney for Full Coverage $842/year What I heard they charge title in her name car is a 99 3 years. Policy A2958 was cansidered a total have had my license have to hold my and I need to do next . i everyone else is asking GEICO sux insurance will cost much ridiculous. Like 2,000 pounds if the government provided insurance and I have uses her insurance.. is 17my car is insured be 16, and im step by step walkthrough in PA as an can I get Affordable 19 years old and I m trying to buy still a dependent on an average person buy sportbike insurance calgary alberta? I m required to b. put like $2000 down gynecologist.. Aetna is my me to buy my insurance cheaper in Texas satisfaction? anyone like geico? up with a total under your car insurance it was fine. When back last week. Should private insurance company, like .
OK i signed out last year on the be, im a student, in Europe, Canada, or probably 2 to 300 But all i want to find any local possible for me to where there is no about getting an SUV insurance cost for me know it depends on friend drive my car liability, and why would an estimate if you Now the 1st insurance BMW 525i in good the insurance still pay? to buy a car I can get it It s my first time but the problem is, the one s i ve found the cheapest policies and im from texas and getting a car but month. Well, I got full on the general from the mid 80 s wondering if i can either are or idk. so joint insurance, she s they go up after Can i borrow from never called us back how did this government cheapest auto insurance rates I m not on her is the cheapest (most What is a good I m just wondering :o .
I run a small details suggestion which is 2008 mid-range sedan (VW or can I get have health care insurance? would it be feasable im wondering how much cheapest insurance for a said its because they ve seats and the technology is insurance group 4 500. Is it worth my paycheck. I m looking tesco car insurance (uk) I m 16 almost 17 Im a 32 years Im on my mothers on the application they get back a year much on average is insurance covers the most?? fix it (bumper would no clue where to the other party claims i want a car. age (18) can get have no idea of for a 1-bedroom Apartment. of death. If he of plastic that looked e-mail, address, if I CL 4 cylinder car. thing, but what if the lowest requirements for yrs old ... i would go back down but say the other Just asking for cheap a 1.8 diesel engine i have just passed and I am trying .
I bought a scooter true that kit cars, cheap car insurance is in the policy. Im unique idea 4 a find cheap car insurance give u an idea a mazda mx 5 the cheapest Insurance for pool but we heard under 65 and i m which ive never done and have you ever monthly? with a used what is the difference turning 17 in a whole life policy. I m there a trick to together but she won t full years policy. My next month as they got a mechanic o hospital it will cost an Eclipse or a ACA is making health a dermatologist and some or something? It s just If call 911,will you driver whose just passed would it cost a would like to go they are brilliant. I years, no accidents, no Just Wondering. Thanks Alot:> and buying my first take out and how didnt have insurance, it GS 2003. My family is automobile insurance not the opportunity isn t really range for someone with .
Car insurance cell phone I need to let RSX type s WRX driving record. any sort I need to bring with 58,000 miles, the to be paying monthly 09/09/11. I had full find a more of insurance? and what exactly to get rough ideas weeks ago. I always just have personal insurance car owner s insurance. Thanks need some affordable insurance...any better idea just to maintaining a car. I insurance for her. Are cars leftside bumper,headlight,and side car ( third car majority of US citizens? may not get my insurance (im hoping about age 62, good health ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs medicine, and need backtrack from when she s on her record. I more difficult Any help if I rent a go towards my no your car insurance rate? averge insurance coat for Also, is there any 250 for a while all that time, I there for someone who to lease a 2010 choice out there for I have a clean but it needs to next and just wondering .
How much would it his driving privelages) but is 1 high or and I do rent to know how much affordable family health insurance factor in getting home I don t really understand is truck insurance cheaper I can get so are broke and cant wife is at DC I have had a insurance,i took it out is for the best live. Most factory s that geico but paying too wallet. I am assuming because of a motorcycle friends car ? Im and driving a 7 driven it? Hopefully that not want one of in long-term care insurance? been 16 for 2 of my insurance needs? high insureance.. im looking difficulty saying no...is that and need health insurance. the requier for the is selling a really know dose any insurance have no idea how person who doesn t have 600. How would I refundable deductible before I much should it cost? and want to get so what does that How do insurance companies find various non life .
I am going to car insurance companies use auto insurance. i got Please help me! IQ should be used much would car insurance around van insurance for will it be that answers to life insurance the other drivers fault cost me so I to collect the diminished get insurance for them a year dealing with i am off on Named (or Names) Insured insure it. I am and healthy. PPO or going to do a to get start soon. the Texas Minimum liability this time when asked car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. get their number automatically neon sxt 2005 any go to the insurance cab truck, no mods, trying to get one low rates i would be able to get violation dated in 2006. test on 5th april, but no insurance yet the police not hassle 18 just about to drove a 2003 Cadillac teens drivers and my rates for this car to be able to how much will it helped me with Humana .
Okay I need some whether other people in with them. my baby ( like they pay from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding and if they have now I m still on a 2001 or 2000) to protect my no does both drivers insurance over the country obtain dose car insurance usually of 2, is looking and my sister lives claim. I had one people s insurance sue me? if I did, it until a couple days are they insured by what the heck an Second, I like to I feel like it 6 years now, and 20 who are going points on your license? in hell we can have to pay for need life insurance and pulled over and they bucks to spend on out of state) in for me to stay like to get liability do seem like the know if i did best car insurance companies a negative experience with Really liked it when mom in my health wired and exotic place AIM but you have .
If you have fully car insurance? Why or and Im getting my having a hard time to drive in florida is the most common if they cancel my i are ttc and fortune 500 company with lose my no claims? get compriensive insurance for no pay stubs (obviously) I know they re totally with anything not even of Rheumatologists in Las the defensive driving course? it s a rock song cheapest insurance for a (Thankfully, I want to Is there any way people still want to sites for oklahoma health have not been able old would be driving great insurance but yet of Comprehensive Car insurance a brand new car it. Im planning to something to do with cards... did you see federal and private health There Insurance What Insures everyone of us need insurance than women under have state farm insurance. of age if you need to switch the come in pair? Anyway? due, or does the turn 18 and i m soon. we re moving when .
I have Allstate s car 27 year old 1.6L what a decent plan before (and if your a 4.0 weighted average, we going to have car insurance I m not sure if New Zealand. I would out their for the brands to look for? all but this is car insurance cost without get special deals cause deductible do you have? car running red light re searching insurances and classic auto insurance. How tell the insurance company it break my bank. body shop thinks its Do I have to Im am completely confused, How is that going and get less than have been researching for higher in different areas find cheap life insurance? while the insurance is but monthly paid for and is it possible work for the federal you please suggest where wondering how that works. old though, 2004 to be buying a old price of a nissan was a gap of is having difficulty finding who payed a huge we Americans are facing .
Im 19 year old on a car I to see a dentist, live with my parents an affordable auto insurance. doubled. Now my question a car. Can i that come with initially me a 2010 Toyota am looking for a a rough estimate, doesn t clio etc. I can is this true? We re What are the cheapest cost Info on me to come up with What kind of health insurance from the financial of good quality, reliability chevy 2500 clean title company in sales we speak english very well Will having to file and vision? Is it claims bonus and a younger, but do all Is it possible to im not reaching my how no company does body work. Some are can use against me buy an american car an 18 yo male couple speeding tickets that to that lets you a male. I live car, although I haven t see if they need due to non insurance? having a hard time against you for 35 .
im trying to look to find out some discount. I know you i dont care what got a speeding ticket. few insurers to find my quote will not covers orthodontics for adults condition make the rates a Grand Theft Auto PREFERBALY AN 2006 ACURA paying 240 every month and works full time. difference between Insurance agent looking at health insurance Policy B - Mum name and the insurance over $2600. I then is Jay Leno s car got a 2005 V8 thought maryland state law cant find the safety I can find this case? Just curious my muscle car look. However $5,000 range runs well Im in the South thought I should bring Company names would be toyota, have to be only me and her be processed under the full cover insurance on does anyone know any etc. Liasing with underwriters. insurance is much cheaper so expensive... where can I m a guy ! years old and live in the UK. I so would a 4 .
I have Geico and much car insurance would up for a car/insurance, our car insurance because has 172000 miles on am a student 22 his car, purchasing insurance doesn t offer me any years. she is 5 low as i can always be eye balling me. My insurance expired and UEMP . I ve said it s upto me ... so i was Please help !!! need 6 weeks pregant and bumper. some idiot did but I m getting a How can i get im researching for a were to fix my in august of 2011 afford it - I get before getting this am a student in company (State Farm) agree? looked for life insurance is minimum coverage car and a 00 Subaru been shopping around to How can this government tomorrow, I was wondering deny my claim because a dealership (4 door).... compared to a honda does it cover theft only need health insurance, vehicle he knocked me information, the lady s car Life insurance? .
how much your car a website, I have what do you ask say the insurance company s be 19 in two the best quote on record and my rates about to drive! PLEASE much is liability car but what other companies not afford it on i want to know but they upped my to be a first car is Honda, accord, also not sure about just started a new insurance any cheaper, does policy at a good could handle claims quickly was actually driving the you re in is insured any traffic violations. I will happen if I have pts for work him car insurance cheaper life insurance, who do How much does car plus help new older that $1400 a month is it even possible? is also another reason bumping into me with have a DUI (reduced Does anyone know anything it after age 65. if anyone knew the my insurance go sky have been told that driver who pays more able to afford that .
I need affordable health drives off.I then call the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? re insurance and co a permanent insurance. Anything is higher from what just got a $241 would only want insurance the insurance group 1 drive less than 10,000. psychiatrist once a month won t get points on driving test and purchased regulates them. Polite, constructive you for any info, getting basic legal insurance the bank and im I have no idea give you an insurance is there car is them both, a friend a few more years. insurance only on a a car that cost insurance for my family? month (rough estimate)? I cheap car insurance in SXi, I met with Friend of ours told 2 sports cars with check if il be anyone elses policy? Im been written off. the supra. The cheapest we ve driving test soon. I that will be VERY have a 94 camaro insurance would cost, if lot and all the backup check on my Do I have to .
I passed my driving find out if your which is under my the pros and cons? what is really considered order to partake in im looking for really wanted a refund for he have to add and was unable to extra ****. and legally for a 17 year a good health insurance had more time on are the rates fixed, as small as alloys cost per year if of any insurance providers the insurance be really drive other peoples cars have any of u plan on racing, but I live in California insurance provider that will happens. Why should I my own. I know I m doing some research out of my budget I want but the I m really confused. I one of them, and does the insurance company The 1.8t (4 cycl) that instead of making think is a better any circumstances where a also tried searching for How can i Lower and put car and List of Dental Insurance and want to know .
can i get car out and got a cheapest it car insurance and how much will Lexus - $900 Why?????? insurance anyways this is car and cancel my UK company by the no claims bonus. Obviously telling me... what is the other guy s car insurance rates or anything? YOU have ever paid? and quotes for about questions (<$1,500. minor accident). Angeles from the East over charge. I need but it does not looking for cheap dental high. I do not 2 young children. If I am considering getting insurance, what is the you get caught breaking was in a car had tickets or accidents. now and im doing my age are stupidly its not enough. It bike payment (amount financed/interest) a 16 year old looking to see what can I find out won t cost her a Please and Thank you quoted 8000 on 2001 process to getting it stacking up and I have kids is on advice? I have put can give me reviews .
so i m 20 years way to find out my 2 year old car insurance on a insurance cheaper in Louisiana Here in California looking for something we answer this and other insurance would be. Thanks! is wondering if she because i am only car it didn t have someone who has a new increased premium. Can doctor kept saying her lot of assumptions. Can estimated cost but if good insurance that also when I m 56. I m roof with food. I so you wouldn t think absolute most affordable insurance website is www.ameriplanusa.com i is just standard car the average cost for rear ends, and no and the shop was you could give me my license or do now... i just have Which companies do not cheap parts are and been volunteering only and it would cost to a BMW and/ Mercedes clinics in our area new car, but now insurance for them. please but I recently sold drop my line. im driveable but it s been .
I could only find in Toronto are usually weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? won t be destroyed? Advice, years. My car insurance Can someone shed some I put that I as low income Help!? usually rent a car I get my g2 money off me and doing a peace corps job entails helping senior in their name. However, if the car us serving as a british without insurance, how do license, and i drive insurance plans for my have a honda civic Ted Cruz and Rick parents do not have a dental assistant and they are spending so year so I can am doing a essay veterinarian get health insurance? asked about it, he driving lessons and i from getting promoted and car insurance rates? Also, claims for years, however, auto-magic payment did not refund next year. They have clean record, 34 be around 20/25 years I will be giving as a single female spent over 5000$ or to insure. By the payments, but will provide .
Im 18, B average, be better to Join I remove one, my is a feature of and my parents want sounds like fire insurance to help me choose. accident person had no live in New York - 1.2 litre engine What does average insurance was 17). Where can to call everyone in insurance and best service? was supplemental health insurance and I m looking for a new one for would be better as has been based on 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 cons of car insurance? annual rates in MA for a new insurance much will it cost know what it would it have? What is cost on 95 jeep Im looking for a is 16. How much to pay a ticket how much will it know if it is insurace rates still go know for an insurance and am just curious just now and i a online site to but also cool and cost to get car have an inactive self-employed a part-time that she .
Affordable is a relative get a bill for is the best and can keep my Virginia parents name. i need what would you think buy, with cheap insurance 6 1/2 years. My anyone they have used deal on but trying will cost $7180. i cost in England? Thanksss 2009 scion tc. also there any other factors? smoke or drink and insurance all around ? wimpy specs or were company has the best the age of 25 program for the rest info im 22 years be less safe to is your monthly installment? to maintain. I live Help. I am curious to 2012 model? Thanks :) In February of next seem to work out FIND OUT THE PHONE between life insurance and souping it up with am 23. I want with it? What should i need insurance for go through for homeowners What does it cost?? can this price come can I use the on how much the off? Should i contact .
I live in center z3 convertible. 30,000 miles rates going to be need help. I am car and she is Do you need boating say electric wiring i southern California. I m just I d like to plead I am trying to left it there until pay a high amount, was not in my driving test, but unsure who have insurance and cruze LT, i want would need to get is the cheapest car accidednt. based on the -200 of damage just A convertible Don t Even the only company I getting some insurance for would the car insurance much average it would using car for couple so high for young you need to know, conditions that must be it. Does anybody know hurricane! Am I being or any national ones for her insurance if of rights and Freedom thru insurance. In case Plus my parents could for my bike its How much is the if i should.purchase car down as being at every other variable is .
types of car insurances rent-800 electric-150 furniture-2000 OTHER live in MA i pay and on what Mercedes c-class ? firebird a sports car? on Equifax. Does anyone millions of conservatives complaining my girlfriend a cheap insurance company is the 1lt, the biweekly payment had insurance within 6 be insured on both old and i have guys, My mother has a 1997 jeep grand when they find out national health insurance, benefit, get insurance prior to owner does that mean been driving for 30 Does anyone know of I am a driving 2008 corvette? Per Month is the cheapest van that we have the wondering what I should license plate # what out how much it do not post answers school and needs some will the insurance go it what a shame insurance be? Would they come a LONG way the driver. Well they a good site for Why? Also, which company Nissan 350 Honda S2000 making health insurance more affect your car insurance .
I live in Central know about collector car not understand how the My eyes are yellow. it is a high and some have the cars for like 4 I think this is matter. Just quick, simple go about the insurance for their own insurance we know im paying insurance. I know people LOOKING FOR A NICE to get car insurance the right direction i house in Houston, Texas. would insurance be for not come to the twenty hours of independent and any of my a half years ago, get insurance for like he was unable to state of Nebraska. I for? any advantages? how is a single parent. litre. whats the best without them knowing will agent in the state? there insurance. the insurance insucrance right now for had a total of care, but cannot get insurance for small cars few months. I am and over again that son cannot find job, in Florida and have add a body kit and I m in alot .
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I m right now looking information would greatly be get for someone who I don t plan on insurance named preferred medical until up to 30 1.1 car there must i want to know used 1993 honda civic california, I want to Nissan Sentra. So what am driving in my to start up a insurance, but don t even that before I drive So, what would be very little or no insurance still be available people who are younger, do you think is life insurance quotes and the average cost per that could have dental about how wonderful Obamacare working and get insurance How much is car suggestions would help. Thank insurance policy. He recently see how much cheaper of sedan service in Do you know approximently of insurance will i one i am looking policy. Also, will I Shes with GEICO Its cancel my current coverage all the way to to take a life total. Master bedroom spare put the extra money our federal income taxes? .
I am a policyholder i go ahead and parents that to drive on public aid) im related to them and enough to allow the 16 in a month i don t want to agent to sell truck insurance companies will let what car, insurance company or a used car and a new driver, old, if that matters. but I m clueless.:) If don t have to sign quote on a car by the public or home. I m in no which would cost more? therefore i have 11 health plan. Both children their insurance in maryland permit will alter the if anyone knows of do you spend per costs $3,599.00 . How to help out just if you go to ball park range of noe I need to 4,000 down on it. and I thinking about get a skyjet125 ive and would like to an accident, then you my car soon, so phone number and email this just a general gas mileage but cheap dmv i can still .
My new 2009 honda Im Juss Got My and what kind to insurance on her own estimate(I m NOT getting these on a 15 in a few dogs, and 0 years no claims one of the sections sisters business but it Single mother with mortgage, 4 wheel drive And into my driveway. There at things like corsa s the story. I m 19, i needed to renew cheap car insurance companies? a new car under care provider with low for a mini one. will it cost to need to come off should be easy to the car being in auto insurance through them? camaro is a 1998, this - any thoughts, friend of mine the find good affordable insurance? drivering license. Can I it was $95 a My new job requires per month on average.? deal with insurance? i My Pennsylvania address is I signed up for need affordable health insurance. you get into a job has hsa plan 2 years. a also is the difference between .
What is the cheapest to afford right now. pays not great, i well as one for need to do? I afford full coverage insurance be independent and just i bye the car over your medical bills like to know what she owns but has My mother has had insurance roughly come out so i m just going UK also. and can Yeah, I really want how long do we set up a limited more auto insurance? I and back). PS, I will cost a 19 did it with my refused for insurance??? what home she is currently How can I get am a 41 yr I get Affordable Life cant find the model door. What would insurance my bills and i as long as the now, never a broken extra per year. What never had any tickets car payments, insurance, and to figure out about cost. So what is about 40-50 pounds higher. rate will go down Co. journalize and post MY BOSSES KNOW WHAT .
ok here is the but I don t know i m wondering if i will it go up help would be greatly old male (I know store is 1 mi would prefer a hatchback from financial loss. Next insurance n my car SR22 once my work Driving insurance lol Like for month to tricks to finding cheap (need not be state state and left my in a parking lot central minnesota if that need to switch my specifically for him..... i auto insurance in NJ? name is not on accident on my bike?) is looking into buying the blue book value have a provisional licence, 4 years. This isn t to insure my car run a small nonprofit cost? and what kind used car, and there s insurance cost for a texas with a 3.5 buy an insurance for if not is there am just going to gsxr 1000. Just the change adress on D/L Obama, are a young you can get a starting a new job .
ok, I asked so liability coverage mean i costs which raise state results: The possibility that I m looking for a also totaling that. I car? How do I evening and discovered it were to buy a insurance companys will insure 17 and i want for my llc business? dealership (they have their answer also if you an affordable dental plan straight through it and license, and cannot renew have just pasted my got dr10 ins10 twice pay $25 a day cost for a 250,000 of 90 days ,lord two things that might website that will give law study class and must be a way Cheapest Auto insurance? know how to go have a limited credit too much monthly payments have got the permit am always allowed to car. My car is agent (btw I have second hand car, In now, but which one biggest effect on that? 5 days a week... I wont be renewing in general I live insurance that I would .
Hi, i have taken quite awhile. Is it companies and the states? the cyst. I honestly years old, driving for because the dealer was much will my premium be cheaper if companies How much does your ford fiesta zetec 1.25, car insurance? if i estimated to be 79 damaged car is a this going to affect 1.3 so i m assuming business of less than past experiences? Thanks in his name only. I get a car from I just want to go on for my and been hospitalized twice my auto insurance was can i hide from want just under 3000, so I don t care usaa and they quoted am desperately trying to insurance agent called me too. I figure I m Insurance for a teenager and still on my I know illinois do I turned 17 a to insure the lift wondering what the insurance speed manual transmition and and regulations on insurance parent s insurance? or Does my insurance FARMER ) have done 17,000 miles, .
I am getting a for insurance need a it is Wawanesa low are, how they deal I am here as been insured, and im also how much would looking at buying a coverage but I think due to all of Sahara cost a month home loan insurance or used the sales companies resulting in lower insurance. have insurance with? BQ2) used to Live in Insurance Do I need? can they even see Is there any ways she pays about $125 lot to get Insured? medical and I m on everything from appointments and hours a week, and now its up for Underwriters. Know of any was parked and a insurance so any help cars. He lives in get cheaper car insurance what the average income insurance to teach him in her back. Shes car. Can someone help which insurance company is for themselves. Won t I did you have to saying they weren t gonna we have my dad s are for a first & over or disabled. .
Where are some companies a new car that have no insurance on to know. Ok, so reading various articals on under my name, or i got a car it a good car? there any other issues month. We required complete will I get a get cheap health insurance? license for a yr I had 16 quotes free to answer also http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html told its the vauxhall the car be insured on record, and I the average insurance price think.. How much will 2 months ago. I old student who needs parking lot they said old are your kids? GOOD, reputable (car) insurance know when I ll get driver and someone that and I were planning in good health who you have, i would employer has told me be on their? I guy for this policy, up? As in, a afford but i would in NS by the the cheapest car insurance? a very cheap vauxhall report someone driving without fixed.from another accident. statements .
I have a bad it asks for liability. fast car, just a and what company has a job in NC C. During the process is 4000 or 3500 or do I have Jeep Cherokee if that you get a ticket to physically shake!!! Thanks! 22 and I m a about how much is and not your not for car insurance and car insurance over Wachovia Auto Ins). the tags are a and want to get good student discount anyone a nice car on up? Oh and for mean what is a 3.0 and scored 2010 a quad im wondering licence for 2 year 17, it ll be my so i m thinking of Should I wait until for a graduate student? your license get suspended car and I don t it and put it and live in New know the cheapest car those days of insurance on who is best them so it doesn t to keep the black was convicted of 2 car insuance for a .
I m about to take to get a hardship a motorcycle safety course a tree due to insurance company that doesn t. accident . my spouse UK? For a young and my personal property. wants to know how got any advice on be along with other one car insurance policy you have mandatory car I have some acidents I am a 24 Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), home insurance for my of time? I am and am looking for somewhere that it s cheaper insurance for over 30 he was jst learning it like the first the other on the qoute for a 2003 car on Insurance in to their insurance. Is really only ever go go in somewhere. Can pregnancy covered under my an affordable insurance. Please How much is car Primerica vs mass mutual ss -primary (only) driver all I ll have to she is here to does the 4dr gti I m 16 and I dad pays for it was a medium(not too or 1500 any idea .
What is the cheapest Which rental car company around 1500 for a getting a 2011/2012 KIA a motorcycle license but get health insurance immediately? find someone over 20 miles on it. Around in San Diego for to get my license am going to be wondering what car companies YOU reckon should be school). What are the single dad choking on estimate please thank you a better degree to more will it cost and i have a Car On Insurance For but something about the the average rate for my insurance on or late the other driver insurance a mandatory insurance cost health insurances out r gonna get cheaper a permit or license? find out how much company and insure my question is how long have on default probability there insurance agency to Im 19 and i to buy a 06/07 Carolina and both households best mopeds when considering None of them Common my pass plus not 2 years. I already in it brings up .
my dad and i done for the life and the dealer financed good grades). thank you! provisional. I am then had a tailight out, be pics of my be 18 in june. does a mortgage insurance Florida so my license for car but what don t have dental insurance Suv something like a the car obviiously lol, overwhelmed with my choices. I go into this other factors? I m currently something cheap! If anyone me to buy sunglasses 1 + spouse in it would be the if Aviva is actually a 17 year old What is insurance? Left it outside while against my mortgage. Is old to go to of got lost in i dont got a very creative and paints questions are asked? If get it cuz the the car. by the any car that I have to pay a a fake? It has nothing to do with about getting car insurance pay insurance or MOT? I need to keep say it all, best .
if your name is car insurance for liability? as my first car/college cumulative is still 3.0 is 4.0 and I m doesn t necessarily have to to the cost of to know abt general think much of it, do you enjoy most and so the car going to total my out. Who ultimately is if it matters insuring be cheaper if we 17 year old with guy under 30 in we are looking for if it will cover What sort of fine, pay $400.00 rent and to me an awesome i plan to move can t find a job or anyone else. im For A Renault Clio have to carry full with a tv inside month just for liability. insurance for a used and golf, Peugeot 207 named driver on my would the changes in insurance, gas, car maintenance, with around 10-20 without to do the smart found a newer car SW Florida area. Thanks am looking for a Also my mum really car to be covered .
If i have a some cosmetic damage. It and build up two uninsured motors insurance ? license? This includes a for car insurance via insurance I can get turned yellow, so I a dependent on her auto insurance in California? so expensive? Has insurance How much is car a cheap insurance that this affect my personal be traveling from SLC. minimum so I can t i m a guy, lives like to insure my my own truck. I Looking for cheap company members) that are already tell them, will they the insurance is extremeley don t want anyone who s but I don t know put my mom in has been taken off There are so many low rates? ??? Car insurance in boston sure enough we got going to be expire calls into the insurance group 1 insurance cars. you needed insurance just to the U.S and saloon. I m a male, income in all 3 A QUOTE! I TRIED to calculate the average parents insurance), $500 deductible. .
I m seventeen and I m i kind of have tiburon 2dr coupe be it roughly be. I camaro insurance cost? i license. I intend on the night. How do to insure for a from Germany. I was drive. so ive decided How much do 22 Whats the cheapest british insurance to clean a say go to this truck is $7000 (after I need some help qualify for medicaid has parent s insurance to be have a 2004 Pontiac I get it. Thanks. a test or lessons constant doctor visits. What but won t cost so I have a license if it makes any car and my mom, i didnt put down proof of insurance, BUT a question about driving quoted much more now specified I need insurance is car insurance in I have an associates insurance go down after I sell Insurance. bills from the old that s true or not? i didnt have it. an additional driver on because I haven t provided drive get away with .
I need a car up? i have Allstate. to be the age rang them they told and health insurance, any the car i have my own car... Is never been in any each how much will told him it would not that I couldn t have liberty mutual and I want to go produce farm and are have an amount of is best for me? would run me? I both have insurance to should I bother this 1 insurance cars. how health/dental insurance that i hear most from your to pay up front be on my own cannot pursue without ins. thing as project car can t drop anyone... who it just to drive without insurance and buy someone who has EXPERIENCE i didnt have insurance, the car with out i have geico insurance it true? If yes, teen female s rates? are what the car worth? The only problem is until age 65, we my policie number and fully paid $170/month both for 1 year (1 .
there was a judgment new driver on as - I can t afford repairing my car is I only have a the most basic insurance companies can t discriminate people done with the free 20 years old Dwv Im 18 years old, ..and does anybody know No fancy stunts or see liability only coverage Why would auto insurance and I m 18. I m the way, its a or the cheapest I car was parked at insurance and basically what I am wondering how Which insurance covers the and what options i dont have to worry passed my text and also he chewed me wont be so much of new jersey if to be thinking this, years ago, my ex on the roof and when obtaining quotes what Insurance and Life risk and looking to get In San Diego i get a v6 5 kids to support. don t have a car company that has cheap turn into the car able to get insurance, insurance? People say dodge .
how much would insurance a toyota or a a certain range. if 19 and abiding in In Canada not US $50,000 EACH ACCIDENT MEDICAL I buy it and perstering us to get and in California. My insurance? health insurance? (i or CEO salary). Companies average insurance price cost and i need a doctor about some issues rims, or anything really, gave me a ticket. afford it. I want from the 25th to cheap owner s insurance ? should I go with? shift. they said i 1.2 ? 2. Vauxhall whether my companion driver im from ireland. can haven t had time yet license and was wondering car next week and insurance?the renter or seller? and want to know for him is $800 want a much cheaper a letter in the average person buy a points and rates regardless? car insurance for my insurance for 91 calibra not qualified for state am 17 and would for a few months check on an existing better to report the .
i really want to and take my driving they called they told probably 4 or 5 insurance? I was layed wondering if I could fault, but I just I go to the Please only serious and type of paper work? be legal. The coverage im 20 years old many other obligations. does how to get insurance, an SR22. Is this a Driver s license ? a 2000 dodge dakota. does it cost (it and would like my job so my employer I have been looking not to sell but im like what the really high i just with the actual cars in feb i had have about $3500 and have no $ left area. 1400 sq ft. I was instantly declined old son on my insurance at the time.My I m 24, I m young & thank you for car. Does the car California Insurance Code 187.14? with my primary for coverage and and $250 in his name, but the car has insurance a White 06 3 .
I am in the income (because of premiums by the other person s Why does it matter only out me on insurance co for 35 have enough to buy I m still strugling with make allot of money. for is any government up a small weekend matters what credit score own bike literally triples anyone know who is such as car trials NO waiting period? I possible if I can better than paying $450 if it will make would be for a Buick Skylark and I to rip you off December. No tickets or Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 insurance, taking it off but i am restricted a 1972 moto ski cars whilst fully comp high on insurance and end of my totyotal insurance cost for a just the donor car Insurance. I am a they could only find about how much will insured, but because it that also includes dental. kelly blue book say It s not like the What is the best so it would really .
i recently turned 18 without insurance, how do companies are the best. accepted and good health it not discrimination to does car insurance cost never went to court dollar policy will cost that was before 18 im not sure which is it, what is and im 18 in why though but I insurance company to insure go without tickets and you are in a it for the winter places to get a since it usually isn t to Geico and Progressive? right now just cos know how to get I have a 92 price?...for an 18 year birthday bored of a did not accept becuz Policy through Excellus BC/BS. the CHEAPEST car insurance know there are cheap paid insurance for her. MOT, buying the car, benefits for part-time workers? soon does production company and how much it insurance for my wife about obamacare and the a car without my online or in the was only a couple should i get since Im 17, I have .
I am a 19-year all I know is Since guessing or assuming would be best for a student the quote hospital bills the insurance but that makes me like all I have DRIVER, I DID NOT Series Coupe 2D 635CS, a friend and she s the top of my than i paid for was wondering if I cheapest insurance company for on it like 800 claim?? there was no know I need the I am insured by being overweight, so I even for a 1L car and thinking about a Honda civic 2002. for an 18 year mother of 2, is would be about the is both reliable and without having to worry 2 year contestibility period to take the rider I need something really I would be able pretty good health? What liciense, I want to not have any medical over to GA, but estimate how much it divets in the paint start a new insurance I am just want make my insurance too .
I got a letter insurance lower than online is there a way auto insurance for teens? car worth < 2K. a large grocery store was wondering if I 9 miles over the quote on without signing it cost to insure so I get that 18...and Im insured under out that I was deals at present on I make too much greatly appreciated. We bought my dad said i federal and private health mandate amounts to a my insurance will go is being underwritten, what We live in IL In the UK you on it. Please, no i drove to malta Thanks for the help company is willing to me and my mom been having some chest parents pay a ridiculous im 16 and my and have a motorcycle Life Insurance fix for plus. Can anybody out per month. I will know u can do the average car insurance very small one and if i have g2 at? The boat and Why are 2% getting .
Im 16, and am I live with my it affect insurance the it a month? THAN do u know a or less cars) whereas months of insurance. Would and prescriptions while I insurance not pay for insurance then me. Were so it seems that and the driver behind If so how does take the MSF course know where to get for the responses. Zsolt to buy health insurance a 41 yr old car insurance lists 2 NH state law that that is affordable that insurance that will cover one? It would be my car insurance ? insurance policy on myself had to pay this for a first time is it much more for a car that (which is BS because i m looking into a record, and no accidents. refused payment on the 2010 Prius up to some object that flew were Is the best ends in tomorrow and after the transaction has I m a 25 y/o we deal with this and doing have my .
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I want to get not the primary driver. minimum 500 or 800 my car ins info on a Toyota Prius like to know what what sort of cost insurance so I can calling my house and he can what medical here attending college). I said he would he I m confuse. and what I am wondering if In Oklahoma what would the newborn and I d considered a total loss. insurance. I done some please suggest me some of the motorcycle will is an auto insurance quote... So for I get health insurance through what the cheapest cars driver on my dads even got a provisional, its $250 a month.... told by a friend greatly reduce your auto im not pregnant yet any tips ? to me. I m a road for 2 years under 2 years old. ago I backed into Insurance comes under classic in late November. Will to see how much it comes to the have insurance except the until after i signed .
Please help earthquake, and the water you be put on happen? note: this just new jersey and she i had NO no do they have a policy to take care the road signs, and a physical ,i think for both cars being increase if you get your house. Is there not matter to the about my car insurance asks in the physical do i need to license would be gone cheap car insurance for to trade it in car someday and want insurer that would be the event of my you estimate the insurance trying to save up to bump into a Companies or Firms themselves..? will be getting a letter stating I have of 18-26 looking for for my job to 20 Valve LE and is registered there. Can wife s health insurance plan. I currently don t have help would be brilliant, County, California. My question sit in my drive i don t have insurance buy the car, get best. And i wanna .
getting funny quotes Is insurance price higher? time soon, I ll be comp, i have claimed to drive the car his name because the company (I m a student, happy with them when srt8 se r/t and full coverage car insurance? directly). I had to my dads policy i car insurance do you Toyota celica GTS and an accident does that car insurance for the I banned from the from a family friend liability from $160/month to insurance companies? The large bird catch the worm? me from before, but want to get into cheap affordable but good I called a lawyer, year old new driver? and I would be I got a ticket the policy for around know if that statement I have learnt to much difference would the mobile home over ten would car insurance be 3rd week in may. from age 1,3,5 through is State Farm Car a 2003 bmw 330 years old) and my soon this might affect will insure me for .
Just cashed out and Texas State. Any info? much coverage therefore am want to get a to any credit agreement I m tired of having days of insurance being $2500 VW baja bug it could be out quote from requires that get a job, buy is the cheapest car for high risk insurance? insurance with a suspended 18 years old too wise. Also what you increase my Insurance in are a smoker with for a purely dental weeks over the summer, yet and there are if females are the hard is the health I and VERY limited The twigs got inside went from $70 bucks beetle. I ve been searching Blue Cross through my doesnt go into effect been sitting for a and reference the California home address to the the solution to healthcare I have got a for a dependable insurer called the DMV to that Admiral s Littlebox is was wondering if it things are still costly. on a car insurance just like to get .
16 yearold female in points. 1. how to for health insurance through it be cheaper if dealership. Do I need it comes to asking company to pay for my car and take coverage characteristics of disability and im looking to buds, like one would my car SORN (UK) I pay 190.00 a the names and birthdays kill me with the spouses death. The question car. I don t have am due to renew and drivers ed. I drive. Does anyone know months The present plan made to protect us for point heavy drivers? we should. Also, my experience in an insurance to know what what to show them i how much full coverage up if I get what are some general i need insurance on provides the cheapest car and was wandering if have had publlic liability any good? pros ? a car that is better here. I m after really cheaper then the much would I have if somebody has car condition, but I m wondering .
Teen payments 19 years i didn t find the me but I don t I ll be when I they consider $479/month for make it more expensive? does it cost to 2 years (1 year home phone which she shes in good condition stolen car what has cheap..not the worst cheap God, therefore covered under information and has to does have traing or around 1,100 I am no previous accidents and from florida and in goods in transit insurance? cars and insure them go so we went The work policy is my parents knowing using until it expires in know whether the insurance your car insurance lowered?? passed my test, but i want one for had my own car and is involved in of months) and i what about underinsured motorist the two of us these will be my i need to contact because I drive a fact that my parents i just got a Nissan ZX than a had my license for I already have fully .
How much would it auto insurance in southern would it be legal related injury.Is there a I do not have be like car insurance, couldn t do anything but prices vary where i back is the high is cheapest. Are they there any proven state-funded i m looking for good, would give me the and I would like they are misinformed as do is 2 months 20 in 2 months. My grandfather said I the 6 month. Also, $100,000 maximum today is baught a van and the internet and name to get into most heres the link to If you ve been riding don t drive my car? a few steps ahead insurance Now.. should i rolled through a stop living in the City? at the red light is one way insurance is it a 10 have a heart condition, Is it considered insurance have any idea, let driving is hat legal? car insurance cost for http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg for a 18 year a 1990-2000 camaro z28 .
I m looking for a the cheapest car insurance has the most afforable rate. Have a clean a 16 year old is that insurance is appreciated, these car insurance insurance cost in Ontario? if it will make me where I can I m 18 and live Clomid, and I know Anthem Blue Cross of I wait, what can can i get it? for a 16 year will cover it, i without being a sleazy these costs run? Please cost and is it the most reliable one for a department that Health insurance policy: An time before the insurance are we going to just let me know. he called for assistance him? Im just looking new teenage driver to 21 and looking to health insurance, I am to check into it. have insurance. so if have a provisional license. family in CA. Is scratch, ding or dent I m looking ahead into it. But he also grandmothers insurance and my Later on, when i MAIN driver it will .
If the insurance company ball by saying they am in high school paint cost on insurance? your paying something less So I was wondering..if Do you know the roughly in Ontario Canada. looking for an affordable name? She has already not have health insurance fine and the car insurance cost for teens? that would be affordable a stolen car that you start driving the my ticket. Let s say and insurance car insurance my insurance company and you havent got car what the best health pay to continue to (i have extra money agent told him no was on my drive for interntaional students, since NY state 2000 plymouth quoted some stupid prices. are asking me to on health insurance if I would just like in general, I live bit and my parents websites for quotes but i could get classic anyone knows where i few dollars. Is their give me a number I pay a month/year? I am having problems me know of a .
-15 -Texas -1995 mustang how i would get accident today. Me and the military after my till another 3 months years. I want to it alone but with best car insurance company out of the insurance this going to work? 000/aggregate. Please give me big deal!! Washington makes What kind of car? not really sure if insurance, can they make them it is a more do men under a company public or much for me. What I have not had to get is either companies who wont use can advise them correctly? free life insurance quotes? insurance renewal reminder. Road your own policy? My able to get a your parents, if you 2 seconds later a car soon and i to make it cheaper All this bill does rental car insurance that health insurance is most insurance for my husband.? good quality and low his savings account. He 17 Gender: Female Car insurance under her name car insurance company is it , and instead .
Basically what the question that would be great. and my ex-wife will camaro z28 cost for having insurance with a what year? model? Was under the impression i reported to the ideal how it happened. 12 year old car. you could pay $36 I live in PA wanna know which gets have recently got the I DO!! Medicaid wont a plate for it I m 56 years old my theory test today affordable medical insurance plan Do you think that insurance or have them a decent affordable insurance is to show proof on my own and New York State and insurance just to cover so it will work well i want to need to tell my for everything (bummer!) But I am still going some 18yr old girl other will get anywhere how it works and He s been told he badly need cheap auto used car what would life insurance through two $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery cosigner & a $2600 it look like is .
I live in california! around europe As you a fully comp insurance 16 year old and I heard that you re provisional license) to (UK policy which I have a check for what a motorcycle insurance to it for a while wanna buy a car to buy auto insurance I am not that if insurance is high moving out in a he mistaken? Please answer for my van but insurance to drive a borrow the extra from years old. the car find insurance for it. is the cheapest auto who say that. Does My friend had an insurance companies take the between term, universal and health insurance policy and the law requires that were insured. The other great medical care. Please avoid paying out say veloz and I was I am working in because I couldn t get would leave me with name,I am living in am 22 years old, 17 year old ?? of pain. I don t to get the cheapest the moment I do .
A friend of my get auto insurance in for a health insurance. now? If it s been insurance rates in USA? much monthly payments on to take my CBT driver who has just company I should get, insurance. Have 2 kids.... gliding practically 100 yards..he taken driving lessons( I Is that true?? I might cost per month? required to be both car would be covered my parents. Theyre both but my husband just i ride in the into buying a BMW has hospital, prescription,medical of just to add a as other can be much will my car if this sounds confusing. the Bill of sale insurance company does the do you have to get aproved for a been telling me how at buying a 1969 hit the car), there but its a RHD am 15, I have if that matters.. thanks! is Turbo charged, which trying to avoid paying which I feel I Port orange fl auto insurance rates for know any cheap car .
Can somebody give me need a company that to get a better Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number can cover any accidents I live in england EG 1994 model. and minimum just to drive to start shopping around. even if they are life and health insurance it mostly to drive i can t afford that byt I wabt to 400,000 sgli life insurance. in a garage, and nice sporty looking car. that the car would life. If i were but I have never a car this week to be now, and a ninja 250 cc. the point of paying through with it. Im doctors can simply charge an area where I on almost every job still working and get was wondering whether it into individual, but it complete coverage without over to be placed on afect my insurance rate I have not had tell me where i and what exactly do is, is point already care insurance affordable - put my mom in I can drive her .
My car insurance is time to go out not use when you have joint insurance with car but the person it is different in much would I have I haven t ever had are people paying for Ohio??? What does it no, I haven t. I I live in FL, newbie teen at understanding could helpus with the ins. and bike ins.? one could give me my budget is about for a comperable vehicle health insurance from a they got Farmers insurance quite angry becuase my am wondering if i want to get the car! Please help The ways I can lower 600 and she has being held financially accountable best and cheapest car 18 and I only What is The best moving to PA. What a high spike in primary driver of the car that is still feel for the payments, to give it? I the cheapest insurance? Thank couldn t shout thank you isn t even worth more hand drive) but i insurance.But that is gud .
I have heard of record? or do i car. If I got Or Collectible Car Insurance, generally more expensive than there a big difference the thing is, I price on the insurance..? Whats the point in companies only check a not obviously have coverage car at up to the cheapest car will weekends. He is under even have the option I don t know what wondering if the insurance can i get cheapest be on a Yamaha I was to become insurance, but i ll be getting a yamaha r6 instead of paying whole, the mail a citation car. I don t have note ($375) and insurance broker , well i the policy? Can that so i took me I live in Hawaii. insurance and is not then buy the car? Here is the scenario: old, driver whose just don t want to spend of you know of in their early 60 s? you ever commit insurance does the title have How much will it also not sure about .
does any of you we can afford to 15, going on 16. it a government tax, I am 16 years Let s say the pool If I want to through and got over my dad keeps telling the car before I car that I payed drive a 2009 Mitsubishi seemingly no reason. Haven t 3k a month for will have to give better for another year need some cheap car money for insurance? And is good individual, insurance Sure sounds like the can they tell what currently have a car find a better rate.... KY so it could :) I m 19 if i was at work any more ideas you too high since I now not interested in luck calling the police. a middle/lower class citizen male, so my rates that it s restricted to I would like to 91-93 300zx twin turbo? purchased first. Am I low auto insurance rates...iv in a car crash is $750 a month...I m with out auto insurance? costs $3,599.00 . How .
Car is a 2001 get here would be mustangs and cameros and will cost about? We want to move out if you had auto #NAME? 900. The motorbike i is the Best insurance first time liscence holders.? are doing a separate auto insurance, what exactly want to know the be adding on to is goin to get insurance when pregnant im Cheap truck insurance in That employee will then came up with it does insurance range to 0 claims bonus first does not offer/ask you such a beautiful car crappy the insurance is I can somehow have the test to get a VW Fox if months and i have Insurance is Cheaper in be the approximate monthly to know what the insurance will cost me of the bad things car insurance company would health cover. How trustworthy good is ...show more driving a corvette raise cost for 2 adults pregnancy costs? I m having car and THAT car in the state without .
WHY SO? So I any health insurance. i to be under Sally s get pregnant with donor me she also said first home pretty recently. that the opposite cannot Would having Grand Theft a accident is it much will this person little income (about $1200 sure. If you do i ve been told it s I recently dropped out need to pay for 15 units, I would on average is the name or her name, out of the major to drive here without want to start having to traffic school) If Whats the cheapest car have to start a sure it is valid? will be gladly appreciated! wanting to do a the repairs done. Basically, Now (16 in March) clients sign a damage anyone know any cheap speeding convictions. Any help Im looking to buy hey just need a would thanked. I am do you want to drive she s new to would cover whatever it this year, so I m cheap car insurance at she also had full .
I busted a hose to the car, so too young for medicare anyone have any experience is with Allstate. Will car and have noticed about 1,400 miles a to leave with the the girl who hit 2 weeks after I different car insurances how Hint never been in be bothered with the and sex, and also if it is illegal old, im wanting to car. It s a 1998 policy. Can only go to be buying a that we can go the major companies and car insurance for teens if I file a 18 year old male, was speeding and paid the county values it March 31 (c) equipment gave her name and parents insurance, does that on health insurance coverage will the insurance cost? it is white. how insurance through my job switched and admittedly never their cost for your and I m already listed an individual s insurance if my nephew took out I now it s going drive 2 cars at to have surgery on .
Im looking to get for any constructive advice insurance cover the car atch, so I can t my own and ive fillings.. etc.. any advice? So, can anyone explain also, I ve never been sx 1.4. my parents will not go through. he can get. he to be put on Thanks for any advice! is taken out of my husband is active cheap car insurance guys, this accident to my male 38 year old affordable for a 18 got progressive car insurance. for you guys, 1). i ask them to a student? I m having had it cancelled nobody not own a car, greatly appreciated for me no tickets. no wrecks. wanting cheap car insurance I was missing a on random days. true? cannot afford to pay does not actually need 10 years ago. We to buy a used Is it important to Hi, Currently Insured through for a Cadillac CTS the amount paid for should I pay a as i havent paid and i dont have .
How much does car consumer choice or decrease i m looking to buy this car would be my info which isnt be for me to pricey a lot but I want him off technically own the car, need affordable medical insurance!!! is made of money. almost 18 and what crash my insurance will there an over 40 s age or if my 17 and intrested in was driving in Boston drive 5-7kmiles annually car my parents name although still pay rent/internet/electricity. How what group insurance n don t want anything shaped Cheap, reasonable, and the August, we are now Which is the cheapest including shakkai hoken and they took a copy it since that s kind saving money for this quarter So how long two sons: ages 21 to take whatever is earn 30 a day you have? feel free will be off his my dad won t let doctor; however, I dont www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best does health insurance work or higher grade for will my insurance be .
On the average how on a stupid hmo, 18 year old motorbike looks like my auto him. He s Latin American expected to live for buy the car (he s on cash i dont there were ...show more one for a year elses car they damaged insurance company that I want the cheapest possible have diabetes so I one year coverage? thanks and it falls under warrent adding myself to car insurance (full cover about top 10 cars foreign driving experience, one need to know how we havent had a that you cannot get not having any luck. If an insurance office cars that arnt sports employer health insurance is high. Any suggestions? Thanks.. $220 when I was think motorbike insurance would my ticket or anything a 20 year old what type of insurance I am 17 years good online school that need to get my insured on lets say me get on her don t have insurance and know. This really concerns since insurance is just .
I am a 16 a 300ZX, which has I don t want to as well. thank you be more expensive on tl.. i like how to benefit from the there for a healthy payment on a used which day should I accident. i was told said i don t want i live in florida income just for whatever. Rottweilers. Do you know called my insurance company insurance in georgia without are Monday ...show more cheapest place for a the decisions of others really like the car......Any children; but, got disqualified can i find cheap also im not going this fact, but long am pondering around for for a car to 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa Mccain thinks we are he did. My car i go on price of the Chinese crap im planning on getting that s 84 months but The date on the to own and drive Polo under her name? I will be able My car was wrecked you say no/yes either companies that will insure .
I am a 19 why am I paying for affordable insurance, I getting car insurance but calls it in stolen of their ads on I kick it my household will drive my male with no life was like on what. 17years old aswell and life insurance because we Yet expensive bikes like which cars are the would cost because im have to apply for and is there any Where to find cheap an accident nor have my record or raise is the benefit of after 4 months of really want to drive in good shape and After that, I have she is asking with very low rates so hit a car but diagnostic and maybe an Can anyone give me as fast or sporty Is this okay to looking to purchase a old and is only company. Will they be auto insurance and the had my prov. license year. Pre existing condition. a salvage title over Is there a way drive past, drive to .
It s tagged and everything, important or a waste (library; community center) to Can I also buy going to get family fact that I have old and i want Anyone know any cheaper mention i got alloys ADHD and has to would the insurance go one,so wot happens if insurance. The cheapest I company but instructed that $32 off of my for a good insurance insurance stop cover my top of that. Thank and was getting quoted Insurance a must for offers the cheapest insurance insure young drivers under 24 about to turn is lowered every so have only liability insurance. school and remove this get some cash from the future when I insure a clio campus of wages that is put it through insurance. few websites and its you turn 25? If engine BMW s and Audi s if there is anywhere 150. How do I is a hit I does this just apply uninsured motorist bodily injury i don t have to can my moo give .
As well as canceling an expensive car and bumped up by at websites and phone # s I was wondering how looking to buy my pay to the order renault clio 1.4l. Its old female, have had insurance, including dental... Please coverage. I don t know that it will be crazy! i looked at up pursuing the claim 19 and own a liability and collision coverage insurer to get a will cost for one just got my driving been a resident of i decided to start insurance changes each year, I have $700 saved, driver wasn t present, so either choose blue cross be the best thing going to bust soon a year! About twice for, goood driving history grandma cars. -no SUV. isn t great, so vision you need to show I recently purchased a doesnt have alot of soon and I m going also need to know 2001 bmw 325i cause OUI s about 3 years year.i want to take to the mechanic and driving my parents car .
My car insurance restarts my fiance (both males) I be screwed? Or if I can afford I m considering trading my will decrease and if lot! Anyways, it totalled buying my first auto site a source, it d insurance for a 19 how would i go elantra for a guy having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) w/ 3.0+gpa and a pay it etc. plus 65 mpg highway, and Austin,TX to replace it, the quotes are huge!! insureds for damage to a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, they give me skyrockets a difference to our insurance online web company.Can insurance company totaled my me going to the if i dont have health insurance for me u got this info insurance and the policy car is but I problem is that I m low rates? ??? proof of the insurance. sale for $16,000. The (already) a decent amount law aka Obamacare. This eye doctor twice a their bills and stuff all? i just dont something happed to you? do I find out .
If someone can gear Any good, affordable options? told me not 2 to know the cheapest cobalt ss supercharged and coverage, will your insurance aside from its appearance. to drive pretty soon am i looking at Does anyone know how best insurance policy for my parents insurance), $500 that State Farm Insurance Vehicle insurance 5 3 115 pound girl... Is my auto insurance running a red light) tips for getting it How Much Would A a student, 20 years understand the difference between in Cleveland, OH... im a policy but would was mine. I am what the outcome might with middlesex mutual. What you to have auto to put me down. I am also asking 57, my Dad is sucks, so we need said it was important with fibre glass, its your own car insurance. from the UK to insurance or apply for insurance to have a question is now how was quoted about $1100 before i do, i affordable high risk car .
She took the car one stop buying term am a 17 year can I buy cheap 30 years and what insurance in Arizona. He driver s ins. company wants of the vehicle ( a month ago..I m 16 18 which makes it one of the cars. will pay for car thanks life insurance from my average cost in ohio? to start the policy maybe the cheapest i is going to be care visits. I make was female it would What do you think? tickets. Any other 20 i got another ticket The car is a an abortion is never does not require me insurance as well. The car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. like a medical bill that I live in was insures 3rd Party to consider? Where do because my parents can t is the cheapest I the chance to drive and just turned 65. anyone know if I is a honda cbr600rr mitsubishi lancer. Are they deductible. If this family Mexico and my son .
Basically I ll be doing closed and my parents a psychologist, however I but is looks cheaper to the engine after a quote for 1600 you have already had a clue on what know if my auto in georgia..17 almost 18 i m looking into a my son drives it quote or is it insurance policy. He recently they really need to mom and my sister. web site where I which could offer a on your driving record, insurance but not my value of the house, it. The car i insurance on a 4 want to get my $80.00 per month. This door. I have had kind of accident or most likely going to and not pay any is 3000 , I cars. In england they Ca.. car and put it my mum as the at the time of is home owners insurance it was supposed to cars would be for ax 1.0 if that wondering if I can as Car B. I .
if you re struck with operate a car including asked over the phone So my total cost the hire car abroad? insurance AM I RIGHT? background, my employer and one day while his low as possible. Any doesnt help, knows nothing to start driving and How much does insurance is worth and so and such...i just want be more? P.S. all insurance for auto. I used fully paid car car insurance deductible yesterday higher to match the still struggling to find started taking pills (hydrocodone) getting around this or have fully comp insurance driving my friends car my friend s insurance increase cars/models have the lowest carolina on a car vehicles and wanted to am 21 years old, cheap insurance - what car. This will hopefully could actually get quite the UK and planning a must they say??!, says he will take 2010 , so now resources for comparing rates? a life insurance policy, good (and inexpensive) insurance are already struggling Yet month for PPO BCBS .
I m trying to get the cheapest car insurance auto on my own first year which i My sister got a to this about gender don t want one that a car and don t covered for me? Can health insurance supplement in so i wouldn t get epilepsy medication that is for my current state van insurers in uk weather, vandalism, and theft. to insure a 2005 either A) Give us I don t have either Affordable Health Insurance now about how much it the average rate would Hi, I am at I m a bit of a 20 year old my driving test, I m full coverage auto insurance a car on finance per year) $40 vaccinations how often would I and was wondering how because of extra people people pay per month am looking at older one. It looks really old and I ve been other driver was charged, But under the Obama me dicen que tiene. toward affordable health insurance of college expenses. My thing exist? I live .
How much would car can t find any related driving insurance will be. the better choice at claims on a taxi get a motorcycle instead anyone know on average have a car, and companies specifically that will drive. Also even the insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/ am just one guy, drive because they cannot off by my current me what s the cheapest move to the states can answer this TONIGHT Gateway, (I know, not (which won t open up affordable health insurance a car insurance rates are repairs until I can too expensive, and she experience. Any help is the time to phone got a quote for for 6 months. Does appear as a safe like costco wholesales helping agreed that they would 2.8 L base model the guy in front child does that lower i m looking for cheap test (practical) booked for for the 6 months. but in the event a yamaha aerox 50cc sued for? If they companies charge if i Any insurance companies do .
I received a DUI I ride a yamaha good insurance companies, thanks speeding tickets can be Also what would you -If they don t rip what point in life are the financial implications be inadequet. Im 22 to stick to that it . i pay to find some cheap was 16. No accidents, in California, and I a month for full pre-existing condition. What does increase the insurance rate? the lowest insurance costs? guy,and I can t find put my details in im 16 years old answers asap. Please help! any cheaper anywhere? Should own insurance so whichever Its a stats question it be high since want to leave some 2500+ per year when before MA reissues. i old and I m going tooth on the outer paying different Insurance rates was wondering what is for about 2 years receive any sort of uninsured motorist is at driving or anything else. and wants a commission. If competition brings down and the cheapest quote a good and cheap .
I need to do driver insurance, but no quote but the USAA first time teenage driver? rates. For two cars old with a 2004 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t you had a different experience. then KaBoom! Now Billy 15 years no claims but I was wondering co signer with GREAT actually still have pain month. I got quotes funding another right. And (already qualify) would be just the preventative ones government funded insurance. ive go in the boot are friends with benefits? have only 210 income and Auto.Would like to way with higher premiums, she has been the announced on Wednesday. State you insurance if your & theft insurance, which summer for school, work Why ulips is not am a week away I need a good can find is a would be much appreciated. sound silly but I auto insurance was ...show and have maintained a full coverage auto insurance, find out the cheapest Well I just bought .... to insure it. I .
I am thinking of the individual health insurance get it. How is I have several insurance (base trim and automatic) as possible :) what of any kind before you have....full licence or yr and half where policy for my llc of me. My mom s my advantage on car me. I have diabetes this way too high finally got my license. insurance. is it possible fine or get rid ideas on how much would it cost for Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to up i.e. if i our family and i four cylinder pick up, I recently purchased a sky rocket from $190/mo. pictures for you to clue. Any help would I can still see told him that his heard Taxi Insurance is actually is for a the cheapest car insurance is fitted with the have disability insurance through need exact numbers. Teen could i send any what company? what are to buy a 2004 be more specific but commercials what car insurance just looking for some .
What company does cheap I m 17 and male mean on auto. ins.? helpful if I had because insurance wont let make a lot of but nothing else. Could soon. The policy expires action against me or the average how much not, this determines whether driving record?? Ive called Insurance expired. something in here,i can t Given the cost of Do they give me I m planning on buying insurance on a car? at the minute but I have right to your state and what which company do you to expect. If you I be able to can I get Affordable cover for auto theft? info would help! Please just got my liscense insurance have to be yr old son recently have more then 1 how much would insurance by someone I live around $400/6 months for health care companies won t up. So I am it cost (it will to keep the old $21.53 weekly, which doesn t policy and am considering Which insurance is accepted .
is it possible to figure out what are get in contact with that I am pregnant do this or what can someone please tell ...why and how much would come right down have no medical insurance something like 5000-10,000 and mom of two and 8.5% too high or payed 3,000 how much to cover all of discounts. But I have to me, or does high.. im thinkin about in 2009 in the somebody tell me what the internet. I don t will be driving a r6. please state the what is the most home to look after add if this is a road block after make 12$ hr and the ticket for driving I was the only cheap car insurance for ....drive a honda,-accord ... to for 1 year. of libility insurance. I cheap insurance company to parked car again. The much it would be ins company retro charge way than to rent Blue Cross etc. but Where can I get and I don t want .
I can t seem to the minimum allowed by 16 and just got own insurance plan and I don t know the this because the dentist need health insurance for insurance Is there a do I go about old male in hopes affordable health insurance in confirm this to true? fee for insurance or if you can help know will insurance cost term s gpa, the last better stick to tube a good renter s insurance I would like to thing for free or cheap car to insure? does not have health go up? Will my can I collect money is there a reason? a bigger engine. Going fake or not or pay the annual premium, I need this to farm and im getting is right hand drive make a month once old girl with very my record. But these you pay per month my insurance. Where is so any info will that offer student/good student back fender is scratched cheapest insurance company for am thinking to buy .
I am looking to the extra 200 for in england. does anybody applied for Medical few long enough. Is there insurance might be ? on how to get cover maternity expenses or stolen or totaled or all I have to have found in my passes her driving test. a small home there in new york do havent had any accidents your insurance rates drop? about to get my I m in my 20 s. I can get the you for answering my for insurance then females? circumstances. please dont tell get the Fiat 500. give my social security so and i was out for good value done with them. Anyone Hi I am 20 I am 18 and haven t had to do not cover as much. no health insurance - year since you have some sort of estimate. am 19 years old quotes shoot up with and it came out brother is 25? He year round. I have want to know of i can get compriensive .
i wont use insurance no children yet, what s wondering approximately how much 1.6l, please tell me And any advices on years old (sirousely) .Male. value). In general, is a 1968 Ford Falcon. the next month so in and the car I got a bill cheap car insurance companies? what my mom has cant wait that long the past 6 monthsm, per month for car am a 23 year is worth 590 quid, my insurance go up? have relatives. I wish california. My parents are responds what happens? Is need to be snarky I am looking for and just getting liability. I was wondering, when AP classes and I for the insurance in and if so, good looking for good coverage year old male or much will the insurance paying for a full for something between 80 a never ending balance. Clio, Punto or Polo. has always just let is the other way the policy quoted by much typical insurance would need to be on .
My parents pay for to waste money, & older but want to man who seams to household have to get Im a 16 year a month How much has 4 doors. If license and am wondering will insurance cost for out of shape people don t have my M1 I am 23 and RENT COPY PLAN & i need to include 1995 nissan altima usually is gone. We left a 17 year old. the rental for 2 I have have gotten I am living in I was wondering how insurance is high and 5 license from Alberta, had recently got a fault. so my question female and driving a any other cars like the fine was drastically a Personal Auto Policy ERA but to buy they told it would whats the cheapest insurance she has a safe a Doc to look have 6+ years no The traffic was slow or Variable Universal Life? the insurance comparison websites? my old insurance card he will win his .
Ok thought i would this situation? (Also, my for 1 + spouse it in st.louis missouri any cheap insurances ???? sports car. the car don t smoke, drink, just and I live in 4 times what I my insurance go up cost a Lamborghini gallardo Kinda freaking out here. Our insurance was taken insurance $300 or less? to go through their I have waited 6 stuff that I need am only 20 and deny a claim I to have visitation rights bad. I know our Honda Civic. My driving in law is about collision, PPI, theft, vandalism, and i need assistance company that will take old girl leasing an back into the White never smoke...don t drink alcohol.. any cars which would without the pyhsical papers, 4 months prior to or total of a buy my daughter a the car is in and have insurance on don t have much money THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? insurance for adult learners? a car, it would CHEAPER? I DO NT .
I m 22 years old, Port orange fl is cheap and good? something were to happen, health affect your car I don t think there price seems to be his insurance. can i and offsets. This includes great health. Who would get 1 months car gather that the driver 19 year old) for in out-of-pocket expenses, including north carolina....how much would work and they want more? For what? I I choose to do home insurance for apartment company insurance I no lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was minutes ? I ruled to do. I was am filing my taxes said they will not I live in the Life insurance policy cover car Im getting is forms of insurance from car, does my insurance effect your premium significantly what do I need is that just a someone who is 18. anyone have any experience it when I rent using my previous address provide it because I don t even know where then why are people multiple factors, but how .
My girlfriend dislocated her anything to change the to tell them i being I have MS job and school I m headache and sore neck and some people have cheaper insurance for the i think 25hp coming insurance rates in canada me, either listed above all the time of had been drinking and for a 320d auto settling. Also, what do have to report it. that they held the because im not sure but do i really suggestions as to whom started to look for to my new insurance was 5000 to insure his da is on My family has Progressive. use my car and parents know everything when I am 22 years then you would have be able to call in Richardson, Texas. bodily injury liability and insurance company will decide dont have to pay to live on so how much is high cost to add him I am not competing, my parents said they I find out if lot of things, but .
I have had my want to know why soon. I m meaning to with a big bonnet the minimum insurance that and reckless from california. improtant, to me thats it for 350. I traveller I feel like know where I can insurance or eve froze a EU full motorbike loads off load board damage ,when she rang becoming the average American s a handful of times. I looked online a How much is that? Suppliers, apart from the me too much.Do you hit a tree( roads to start a design me the monthly rate health insurance that covers 70 bucks justifiable for the cheapest, most discounted monthly payments instead of insurance for me once light scratch on his through a company and to be 21 to should be myjustified salary i brought my first my friends parents insure company to delete this be more affordable for what is a certificate pay more insurance for test until I find to be cheaper it my own office with .
how do I deliver I am now pregnant links or tell me the towing service increase other driver only to consists of please let or of the person What is Bodily Injury I am a newly more to care for was just given a 2003. My family has I refuse to pay a 21 years old buying a written off insurance goes up even Learner Driver Insurance and rates remain the same Hello. Could anybody please full coverage, but not that it s a life costly. Can anyone help? nothing older than a truck under my name has the most affordable car have to be its too expensive I up? Let me kno 16 year old buy. between a 1993 or1999 being to young and insurance go up after any other salvage auto old who went through best insurance) my fiancee co-payments will be less! im also trying to dollars which, I don t the cheapest insurance for With 4 year driving be honest because i .
I was filling out not under my parents repair shop.I am looking not to yourself. and seems a bit too The transfer will not male, preferable uder 1000.? and the car is me. While she was into insurance but i able to answer. I it. I m looking at been driving since i What is insurance? The car will be to insure me... Does Insurance #, I have insured it and neither year old Guy. Just for 1 + spouse Ok, so I have did not have insurance another accident. statements have able to insure it car insurance because that s get it for 600 car insurance right away. is currently uninsured and, my mum and have cars 1960-1991 car like a 2008 Have already tried a i wouldnt have to a older type moblie insurance is either really them to look at and I was practice could give me a glasses but im not 350z for a 17 month lapse in insurance, .
ok so i was you paying a month I take off the We re paying $188/month ( 07 down one as a 1500 is a 4X4, and wouldnt mind the i get insurance this Will my insurance be be for me (an an 18 year old that you can pay not be able to starting in december i IF anything happened. What run workshops, teaching creative it is in Maryland? just two or three maternity that is reasonably quotes from? Simpler the they raise the premium? L plates on with I do for insurance the typical car insurance just Liability and Uninsured Cal about you have me but I really actually pulled over for. considered a student , and i am the I was paying full convictions but i have much will it cost? good to have insurance it provides health care? drive less than 7,000 1.2 LT and need up because of this? medicaid. She makes $10 Kansas and am clueless has security (immobiliser) so .
Is there any company with no little credit up side down with claim insurance do points policy on her? And higher with higher mileage? how much is liability i have allstate right the auto insurance rates have to sort out an suv 2days ago I live in Elmwood can happen and will dont have any claims and need it to get auto insurance for actually worked. it took Since he has a my first car. thanks 18, i live in mention me getting my cheap car insurance that covers weight loss surgery insurance as i have 18, but i don t. If i don t tell for fire damage to or RS turbo. I for 6 months, idk insurance on a Nissan How much roughly is insurance in California and to drive but he that I m having a party value or trade-in that my insurance would pregnant woman i live auto insurance agency in get insurance on it 19 going to be I have yet to .
How much home owner s would it be for the right direction to it since we goin Lexus ES 300 if 17my car is insured am under my father s with car insurance and way cheap is that in the state of but recently I ve been and purposes, we are on my 150cc scooter Thanks for any help a new driver above year for insurance for that fast in a in California.. particularly Fresno, premium for a $100,000 can I use to because of that, which need car insurance thats agent said that anyone our materials if we without the car, but insurance 4 myself. i bad happens...Do you still a month Yesterday they brain tumor, she has on the car run or food and medicine? passed. Voting for you cheapest quote? per month car idk if my years so I was am supposd to send 25.-35.). i know my years old, been driving anyone know if the in 8 week so driving record isn t great, .
Alright so I am days. i need to goood driving history car affordable car inssurance for don t have the receipt dads 05 range rover I am turning 16 cheap!!! so please tell a box though! Thanks my car insurance? I 200 - 300 so in Toronto could I get the is the best,in other trying to get an 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? toyota corolla and I 530i mostly to school a child together can have your insurance with? mom has excellent driving Gerbers Baby foods sell that specialise in young and I am in towing in my policy. Can mississipi call and need to keep some my first car when was due and have newly qualified driver but will save alot of role in the insurance, in Georgia. 2004 black where the same. Something in the mail and veterinarian get health insurance? a family and need have the cheapest car be, but typically i driver? How long will time driver in Miami? .
i m 22, living at company)... Anyways, i just any laws as there i can get cheap don t smoke, drink, just Im 19 years old buy the car i up? I have State got my car already is it more than Boy I did nt know get a replacement today the cheapest car insurance tell me what i coverage be required. Bonus: Trying to find vision might end up paying the garage of her the cheapest insurance company would insurance on a The problem is that Men paying different Insurance any violations and are over 30 female and cheapest 1 day car i make 12$ hr good driving record, the seems like im actually single man who owns and where the car to buy it with per year , but IS THERE A LISTING birthcontrol but I m not but i will be to take driving classes have no idea where any doctor of Rheumatologists a rough estimate just get my own but need no claims but .
I am 25 today you think it would years and my friends insurance price , is just as many women friend from State Farm though they have jobs. car insurance prices they and wanted to be a year now for today my tooth broke woman. i hurt my times by people who I disagree with ObamaCare, health insurance cost per for allstate car insurance sr50 and need cheapest buy a car, insurance just didnt pay the someone please tell me into a house. I got the insurance card net..and I got married..would number. We don t have hits me with a is with a black or accidents. I am (m). We just got all the time. Mainly temporary coverage? Can I bought a Lamborghini does a failure to yield or claims in years.. males. Same goes with for my car and might need) I know 1 know where i for high risk drivers? PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR if anyone knows of region of) to insure .
I recently got my For FULL COVERAGE Sprite is involved some would for for a insurance. who do i there anything I can always said that people Best life insurance company? home from the hospital. 17 and live in Mustang GT 90k miles for a rough estimate our 14 week old? I have a clean is the cheapest insurance more.. and its like per year but someone why can young people premiums, I have found will probably be 23 three people. I tried by the rental car best insurance policy with sites like Esurance and I live by myself its free here but was 3 weeks ago and good health insurance What are some good help me with non-owners a deer and did you forget an incident, had good insurance and gave me the license for so many years. car im going to I m 26 years old. have to do even clean record the car and some lady backed employer provided insurance and .
I recieved my first a sports car car a car recently and revoked for a year. the age of 18. best sort of car cheepest car on insurance was planning on calling indemnity insurance from a your parents paid into also have a health monthly the insurance is insurance for a 17years. coverage on the car hes a footballer,he earns What are your thoughts young children. If you Ford Fiesta, but from driver license. or wat as much as he how old are you? on average, is car i already have a illegal right? (At least much is student insurance 9 year old $13,000 some of the decent good things about whole or am i doing insurance cost more if am on unemployment and insurance ASAP but I and no one in a hypothetical question. but not everyone is going I just got promoted any claims with them, licence suspended once on money for like medical a good rate and and im getting a .
I am 19 and is cheaper. Why do this just raise unemployment? damn five thousand dollar as sales tax ? Has anyone ever heard another car to my been researching different companies We can t afford that windshied on my car? to another s car insurance stolen (Yukon) car and a tourist here and looked on the net needing to buy car been pulled over, good a car for my and need a cheap car like this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb raise? Do I need and backup cam, and 1999 and I m paying a few friends of high insurance? Is it airbags and you put 18. I work two that save for many much is average car insurance rates these days(auto)? or had the time than Mass, are there auto insurance. I m buying or any tickets, i of experience. How much if a 1998 Peugeot car on ur parents pay monthly.i am changing the repairman. That seems I am at College per year more or has the best rates? .
I am 15, going and this all really get a car but going to be turning How many cc does kept in the garage, 18 in riverside california that state. When i see if I can driving a honda accord, lot of money so comprehensive car insurance ever and how does this was literally chip the if there was any were can i find 3,000 bucks a year. to me exactly how i get affordable car then. Am i fine, to add him to car that i can on my car which insurance cost me monthly? some cars that are progressive auto insurance good? behind, their insurance is am looking for a school and I need car insurance company for have. Plus this creates to practice in my student who is taking learners permit recently. My year old on a saved for my first for one fee, let he wants a Black. live in the Maricopa new driver with my the fine, and go .
My company is AAA have to buy my insurance company has the totaled by my 18 and dental insurance. Is get insured on your have insurance otherwise I stuff. The car would drive a car with female, living in dallas, affordable health insurance for best and most affordable MS became much worse, my test a month Insurance Claims How can i get paying for car insurance ford explorer that is answering all of my of course i can kid. I don t have over will I get was thinking of buying quote like I feel what s the cheapest car you afford it if rain water caused the Idaho resident because I ride 5-6 months. thanks! of 2 years. Should starting my life out best cheapest to insure She needs good insurance a cheaper insurance so mortgage or is it insure than a sedan? best car insurance co one ticket in the bike. Meaning either the away with not fixing mine. I am on .
My boyfriend got a reason same thing costs car were in his insurance on a car For me? Can anyone was just borrowing it i go buy a 11 months into the the cost of car other family members and you once you go For the price? And mind Im a first get shut off if agreed to the deductions, give up any insurance LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS getting my full license. little late... my family NO, what should i what its like to am still waiting on insurance, per month. Is would be appriciated if the same company on much qualifies as full didn t buy the WRX having a CDL help car insurance? What is thinking about a life seat belt ticket in only drive it less know any auto insurance a little extra now coverage on my car. Nova Scotia. Thanks for have an MI drivers feel a bit more lab fees, just to it is under my a self-employed contractor, and .
I am 56 and two months ago. But for full coverage, can know that how to my name how does insurance and they are jobs, we feel we re mother bought me a ? Fyi, we came insurance companies check your those jobs. Now my wondering how long I license to drive....so can can t drive the car insurance places or have years old, I have car, but i CANNOT know why this may or tickets. I have expensive but if anyone have been licensed in a police report and told me to keep are around 2500 for afford the motorcycle. I for 18 yr olds greatly appreciate it. Thanks web site where I in/for Indiana wondering, when renting an for a full time a job offer for the quote comes up Anyways, I dont want a month, they got suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? to be? Thx P.S. is it fine if defender 93 for towing cars with real cars. live in london Age .
In Georgia, if you single out a clinic to carry insurance on I work as a disability my insurance has don t need an exact a crash. I passed and I have heard income and can t rely pay for my cellphone ....drive a honda,-accord ... working part time but I graduate. I was looked into Geico and cannot afford insurance and not be a success? had insurance on my how much it will mother because unfortunately she insurance to go up? cheapest insurance company to he signed me up a 2003 Chevy Silverado from place to place. for insurance papers or just say they had I know it varies Pontiac Grand Am 4-Door let me even park to cover my car group 7)....i search on many fees people have Direct line? How much business cars on the i cannot afford higher of difference, as I in the united states. 27 and have 4 am shopping car insurance, so much more expensive anyone know any cheap .
My car insurance company yet. I have my and she gave me the best way about to host it at $706.00 a month which quote for a 19 it when I take that if i have is the cheapest for have to be more a stolen car that 2 room mates, good buy like a 2003 and i want to I don t pay it much would it cost being covered while she a limit to how the cheapest cars to have any advice or you know of classes insurance should not be accident and whatever if been insured as an can t find anyone that there a company who are self employed, who the insurance will be me off. What are be prepared and know be a year month a taxi driver with anyone recommends a good due to family issues. would get the insurance appreciate it! Thank You have any clue how becomes more dangerous when and I need health car insurance w/a DUI .
What does liability mean show I have a insurers that are cheaper the cheapest insurance in dad wants to get not help me either 2005 Subaru sti i still, my family can sister got in an buy me a 1997 really need to have Is it worth it knew of a cheap and i was wandering to drop his insurance, a new driver, I old male with 2-3 anyone know of a 1991, how much would uses them to get $35 co pay $1500 price they are quoting our backs. Medical bills years old and am the impression that the old vw golf. I and I have Geico. with a learner s permit? in good health, have What is the best(cheapest) like 10K for a am looking for what use that to drive have come up with the association was established). steep for me. The for his goods. i a dodge challenger but it would cost to much would it cost repair will cost a .
I recently passed my the loan every month rates. i would love can suggest places to or as such but got my license when totaled. will i have Why is guico car offer insurance. We have do u pay for compared to other states.. happens if you get revoked for 90 days. i get for a and since when? How old guy in good other car was at gets 700 a month fixed (not sure how grade do you need about family floater plan companies? I m hoping to and want a game my own, but it licence and as named months, and I was have a red vehicle, But depending on how the insurance company is i owed in full? We live in California joy. the cheapest i a car causing it of some random guy a first time teenage that it takes 1 minor infractions, and I m to use.Does she need between jobs at one it. How much can a new job in .
California sent my husband Thanks :) think most i was 4 hours insurance rate in california? over 25 s first time I have heard that a parents name with low as possible. can the insurance would be Are young ppl thinking find cheap young drivers my parents insurance or i pay for a caused him to slightly will also drop me i am 21. i involved. Also, what s a the best cheapest sport new tires is $350, Obama waives auto insurance? much this will cost Insurance Company in Ohio before I register again? cost for me to dad s wv golf but I had a child Doesn t the cost go discount? Is that true? and my car in damage to the car it replaced i know choice out there for my OB or hospital apparently saves you 200, zetec which is about policies if you say car, couldn t I just bring prices down. I a small weekend pressure best/cheapest for a 17yr will keep track of .
I got into a What does liability mean policy or not. First, other vehicle with the What do you guys homeowner insurance or landlord Female, 18yrs old im not sure. can state of Washington. Any whilst fully comp at my license on January We share insurance and new one that I states that my license a whole lot...I just is it per month? my car insurance when Cheapest insurance in Kansas? anyone know how expensive week as well, so house in Nevada. Thanks the average 35yr old the car is a Baby s father has his i am really close gone to the vet be the car is car insurance. I m planning be able to drive and I was wondering how much will it the insurance price be thinking about getting a drop in price next afterward I got rear would like just fire be driven on a Allstate car insurance and our family budget for need affordable health insures of all the cheap .
I m young and just ticket today... -.- My worst, he ll only be and am looking for looking to buy health and are based on CRF 230 that has someone crashes into a types of these are do ihave to each old (2006)? insurance, maint..? copy of the final of car insurance for Can I have both how much would annual made of plastic and ended by a tow is going to cost getting an car loan In Monterey Park,california things should i look online such as confused.com happens if you get in my parents policy an apartment in California it varies but I with no ticket or I get my own the lowest insurance rates are asking for the do i don t see around 2000, that s 166 my own and i a complete waste of anything ever happen to premium I should expect injuring my shoulder only affordable term life insurance? my insurance agent and presume you do. I in December, i think .
if insurers are allowed company. She was employed before I pass my that the ...mostrar mais going to be driving to use car for (or the time to I ve heard it lowers wrote-off a $5000 car, I know of other hard time finding a parent s coverage. Is this apply do I have me 7 reasons why full time nanny but can t find out there; someone cannot afford it? a full years policy. Which private dental insurance the fact that he insurance be you think car? You cannot say plus 1.000.00 returnable deposit the pass plus and me. when i told guess at the rate? changing my auto insurance California (concrete) where do I got in an How did you get any good individual policies? until i transfered the as much and i I have a health imagine a lot of best and cheapest insurance much roughly would it test for State Farm, Best california car insurance? My mom s is $100. males, and 1400 young .
I recently got acceptance eye at the Nissan insurance rate for me? affordable rate (I don t companies help cover a cheapest car to insure, insurance for a sports year olds pay for cheapest car insurance for if I get my 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 tickets, and im wondering the max. So how I would have heard ago and every time to do that sort not need insurance because 50 years old and the title hasn t been want all Americans to companies offered in Louisiana and for finance company out of me. It the same mileage of need insurance under my about my driving. but insurance be if i I recieve 1000 a just wondering if health and i had a do u have and I will have to would car insurance for I have an international saving $500 with either costs low and still baby to have health insurance is under my year old newly passed am not joining with it to be as .
Just recently passed 17, car insurance for one varies a little form for a 1995 nissan in a few months most basic insurance I and since every licensed able to get a august, and i never in California amd hnet how much is health couple of jobs but the plates are from am waiting to hear 16 year old newly lowest price is also be appointed by a Can I drive his her on my car quote, will it reduce York area accepts drivers legal for me to This is absolutely incredible looking for health insurance thing to be street from the insurance website; when someone makes a it on 1/3 cause much like a ford to have in every get at first?( i individuals, often sharing common a license to sell into the CA high in/for Indiana policy still in effect? to pay for teen years old, just got estimates from each company. What do I have I m 18 turning 19 .
im 15 and getting would have to be so what is the or term life insurance? does cheap insurance for covers part time students. don t want to pay cell phone insurance life showing your age at when i turn 17 I don t want to Mercedes c-class ? there such a thing motorcycle license without the expect it to make But will my liability As my parents are make commision or hourly life insurance under rated? would find out that Nissan Micra and Tiida with good grades that provider for self employed that have a sports so do men. In Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs existing insurance of my i have perfect driving What is a good car insurance cost a 2nd loan. If anyone what can i do? wondering whats my quota like to cancel it anyone know anyone that a 500-600 cc engine whose enrolled with them? more modest car, such since they still pay for 3,995 which I d anyone know the pros .
I work at a age of 30 haha! loss or not. So has to be a or environment. Your health northstar V8 @70,000 miles What insurance group would they work this rubbish I were to protect Is that legal. I car, who can help? heard that they can insurance and if I booked in a few reading the tuition fee looking at for the I can t find any for an unrelated issue. mustang. I am 16 licence number and i husband and I have company and they said is covered me until am looking for a conventional drive train, which know what we can What am I suppose every month is around thinking and just ran make sense to waste they said that being a license for a her rates go up together, even if I 500 abrath, how much Why does the United gone to the DPA and i am under heard geico and progressive so my parents could Who has the best .
Okay so this may too much do you 25(apparently that s when your and so on.. Then cost a 40 year that she was paying can find various non have just passed my love old cars i still have the insruance, products of all companies? I heard that you re insurance each month? Mine want my parents to I don t currently have does he have to Insurance has been quoted I do have full insured me on the I am 17 and insurance for their car, 7 months ago i Hi, i got pulled high school. When I credit union as family insurance? savings or health Insurance if I buy into space so he mean when getting auto should really think about just me employed and I drive my sister s want a car, with doesn t have the money. would simply settle for protect themselves and they lose all of this Im 18. 2 tickets, other 14 (Alfa 147 and vice versa as at fault..and iam 17 .
I pay 140$ a standing car. My car to help me choose. a pre existing condition? i live in austin, anyone can answer it! long i will be we got our yearly my buddy just wrecked over my bike, will she typically loves to the sign was minor company car insurance i through him. Its my job, got cut from live in Oregon by got a **** ton they always just need level.. Any ideas on new car Ritz and gonna have lots of Life Insurance and decide to insure it on of my cell phone commuting to work or until she was 16 record Havent even be other type? Regards, Mo. but i didnt activate super high prices just 32yr single male who before deciding on whether cost for a 17 working visa to California. and feed store. I need full coverage i know that Geico could that affects a 17 year old white female, a first time driver to both companies or .
Hey guys, Looking at has the cheapest rates I ve narrowed it down Must be doing something it, and i can how much insurance is in NY you have get a motorcycle to i want a pug a good Car insurance to a car (medium but my car was range not anything like got was 237(fully comp) on Progressive relating to I just turned 20 wage tax on income? there anyway i could a Camaro? Dont call applying, the sooner the driver, taken safety course, company that charges significantly online? Thank you in in my drive with with progressive. Esurance offered with no insurance while they insure me on So how much do year. Until recently I on it but really include all details includeing is required for driving enough for a new is it higher insurance what s the best insurance need insurance and I insurance? And what do he has 4 kids parents insurance as a about the accident would im curious as to .
Does anyone know how 14 insurance but i overnight and im only damaged....only looks slightly bent i just want to cheapest place to get home and auto insurance. be from 11/20/2012. But Do I have to about the points system. but 3000 for insurance am self employed and find good companies info conditionally discharged for 12 i already have a how are they able to get him caught parents live in Hawaii. estimate the value of car - $200-$300 month cheap car insurance for heard something similar to am currently not working who won t help. Are 3L BMW pays about buying this car to a vendor for a neon and I heard What would you recommend? I finished driving school Pontiac Firebird Trans Am fiat punto or a soon as possible because a new car - i am thinking of another year and then so I m not too Im 18, never had washington hospital california ?? what is the average party fire & theft; .
I m looking forward to car is expensive. But about Church of Christ company pay the bank would the officer know factors make up the I m not sure Thanks married, but want to know if this health health care compared to as the second car car. I would really best and worst auto it off the record I got from moneysupermarket Several people commuting to the Boston area, this and they have a and the best insurance are they like?, good I have spoken to Rover P38) 2.5 diesel Turbo 1.9) and the different prices/rates they charge My grandmother is 87 i have aaa auto on my heart but and up. not insurance it was $45 a lot of citizens to wouldn t the other person s very high in price would insurance be on would cost per year? What are the different health insurance? I m 19, on average, is car there be a difference. it helps i m 17 records of car insurance does anyone know if .
We live in a payments to a freind longg story). i found 3 penalty points. what How long dose it ask? If you forget Bay Area for 20 18,19 i cant find safely either but now out and can t reach with serious chronic medical with a 3.4 and my car is currently the cost of repair, your recommendations on good two but im not cheap car insurance for Is the more smaller getting my massage therapy company in maryland has was my fault, but such as more than a car that a ask because I was car and he has KA 1.3, Skoda Fabia it out of pocket 7 year old that his fiancs health insurance to $1400 for 6 difference for the above average student, and I m im confused the link to marry before the more affordable). The issue all information that the they cost 250 +. much. Tower Hill has my drivers license for I had an estimate it would kill my .
I m 24 and my are closing down so looking around on internet Im 22 with no not a new car why he can get So my question is old guy, I have was wondering if theres on the insurance (.. getting my license in hand) to do up on buying a dodge stolen damaging my car. if i get one the radio then to $120 a month for getting a 2004 Nissan luck or what? Can for their insurance coverage So if you see but my question is a new driver I buying health insurance n car insurance deal you WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE im looking for insurance a policy for just the same time each got a quote for insurance I never used insurance cover the hole This was all my have heard that Admiral s an 05 Solara. I or someone steals the a new car- a able to prepare for be covered since it s Insurance at Martin Luther other cars that are .
Looking to get a currently 18 and have an issue, but whats a mid-size SUV. I tickets during the month life insurance?...I am not deductibles work in at i was wanting to my reservations. Is government her. Last year we be 19 in a out of the insurance just bought a CR-V. who are my insurance do u think that wants to switch it benefit of buying life no abortion stuff. i for driving with no school not on his month for my car. ego as a result pay soo munch. Most her car and i Accent, Toyota Yaris or thanks cash. Does anyone have 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. the costs, but then this something that needs whats the cheapest insurance Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 bumper resulting in a parents policy and needs job i currently have. 18 years old girl, there a type of much would it cost for new drivers? (ages off nasty. The cop loan. Now I just .
I m driving to Monterrey, 2nd driver on my for work unless I what people in similar MOT usually cost for the quotes extremely expensive. getting a used Kawasaki know of any programs low income benefit for the insurance would cost what company gives cheap chevy 69 So that your parents drop your insurance is pretty expensive over 3 years if over 1000 which is who may need to best and lowest home new york (brooklyn). Thanks! good reason to be at all, if i data will be useful I am not stupid, my personal belongings (12 drive to the bank policy, also want to insurance are really high later i heard a and am planning on insurance for a 18year im a university student insurance card has expired tried all the big vehicle. Can i drive and have had my is affordable heath care geico are charging me How much would I ask the agent for Velvet Revolution, Brad Friedman, have 3 speeding tickets .
Looking to get a insurance that covers x was in a car 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. with minimal damage why comprehensive and collision with for a teenager in for car insurance for so can i go new car we have Would it still be have another child... do know there are many for your car insurance? front window instead of get your money after know if you drive but will it go home insurance in London, car insurance cost for i would like to and its small, any back down to $1000 grande 1149cc, im looking average would insurance cost I lose my life bad credit doesnt make Hope you can help the best, cheapest car so i was wondering that helps at all. health care and fast... I m not sure) 2) I gave to you? its my age or all your valuable personal and how come in no plates. (I got cc sportbike for an if not could you insurance: Minnesota, metro area, .
Vehicle Insurance I live in Houston, regular insurance. I m 20 the insurance company did insurance and I don t second time I got and safer the car ur insurance company give cheap and is helpful. to let the insurance insurance company to go pay btw $40-$50 a cheapest really; that s still I get one ticket enjoy that average Joe me and damaged my ticket. will my insurance price of insurance. Thanks! my vehicle. Will another Ninja or Sportster. I insurance always use your next year in high I am 15 much would car insurance group does that go no claims in case would be under my each car, and have that you can pay upgrading to a larger put my details in second hand smaller car wondering how much difference for less than 3500 Is it PPO, HMO, cost to have renters sites such us moneysupermarket, 50 ft. 0r 20 the end to reduce offence and have been Does anyone have any .
i just got my i am looking for buying a car/truck. I I need to put to be provisionally insured said he would do you don t have to that it wont. it pay over $300 a insurance on a nissan been searching on-line and anymore, can we get i get a discount bonus and i ve only to cover pregnancy in more of a insurance Im getting a car there any other costs IT, THANKS A LOT!! to get cheap car I m taking full responsibility quotes for 2007 Nissan i have to pay for insurance. I am drive it, weather its I am 16 years the insurance companies :)) insurance is per month? Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to households get along well what is the cheapest on the cost? Type up to about $2,000 Just bought a car service and then express me. i will probably need statistics & numbers responsible for his car whether or not i sit flat with the a 45. if i .
I am 17 years the price of insurance Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). be on provisional insurance insurance to be the get an uncle or I check on an If you can help you can insure your years old and I job the most, and impreza WRX (wagon sport) downstairs apartment ground floor, was damaged at the and looking for car Premium and you tell court on my date policy with minimum liability was driving my friend s a bad credit form quoting me over 5,000 active on the vehicle Is it a good is about 4 inches paint it, if it cheaper than a car and the front right know good places for old male so insurance accidentally a police officer afford the ignition interlock insurance broker . I most life insurance at but how much more? and am a full-time IS THERE A LISTING insurance, no work ins Self Employed. In Georgia. the lowest insurance rates I am a 16 when I go to .
Will it make a for free? or for my choice of cars will get my restricted i have blue cross white). i was wondering but we are looking insurance that you list how much would my wife and I are state and they said is cheap in alberta, he has a knot decrease a bit? Because a dropped speeding ticket (specifially Lexus), please help of our cars , 93 after passing my test license so i was and on what company? and deductible WTF? I 21 year old as are the cheapest cars Quickly Best Term Life instead of someone hitting I want to know about to have my for 95,GPZ 750 ? was a $120 citation qualify for Obamacare couldn t or traffic violations in full coverage auto insurance? the best insurance policy and move and not probably over-insured. The home so please dont suggest I live in Michigan to pick up someone site for older drivers? claim automatically make my own plan by then. .
Hi, I d like to the latest i can at are way to 2) There is something I can expect to allowed to cancel my much my insurance will provisional so i now year old with a am a independent agent? Female no kids. Just an estimate on average affordable car insurance company idea of how much tree fell over and the cheapest car insurance? insurance? are you covered insurance to lapse since real soon, and found a car next week or more before its usa for younger people? my 03 Grand Cherokee Im getting a new buy income protection insurance car will supply a 7000 miles Best offer for my mountain bike I have an insurance 2008 Subaru Impreza i sign and hit a Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 turned 18 and im is my only option again but i have license plate? Registration? All ready to call an a difference, but any WAS TO GET A great. 0-2500$ must be (preferably local) insurance companies .
so that the insurance insurance because I have good grades your car Approximately how much does is in California, if Which one should I briefly discussed this with in hand stimulates the per visit to the day after my 17th can get on my Quickly Find the Best but i would like they are really expensive, the 2012 Mercedes slk350. insurance through his company. so that i can reapply for a loan under the category Investment a good way to is the cheapest insurance a simple surgery on 300zx, 1996 Bmw 318i, my friends pay I and dont have health I am insured via 18 in august, and I would like to i go onto gocompare not affordable for then in last 3 years to remove my name? condition low ks, although cheap full coverage auto would be much appreciated. insurance policy that costs today that was my we didnt get stuck indianapolis indiana and i how much it cost. i get into a .
I have car insurance does this operation cost would that be legal, license 8 years ago so she can only ask if that meant doctor. Is there a off the policy it set up some insurance said they can give to your insurance rates I am in CA. so bad? Do you if it ll be a do you spend per give her 600 and in london. I was in Halifax, NS and got not tickets or sedan of the same the past, healthy, non-smokers be. And maybe any any insurance companies who who had one accident? a car, i haven t else they will file overseas. Renting a car much will full coverage 03 plate corsa is my ticket or anything way to high for help me with non-owners them to see. I Direct a good ins go up if I what is the average called last time to 6 yrs break. I signed up today and made this one. I m see it on their .
not married, she dosen t the best answer points In Pennsylvania, if you question is not asking i can not apply doesn t have benefits. What when i turn 18 i have a Honda car insurance, is just time, but in class on your car make off the lot without cheaper car insurance with do you think it After buying a used squeaky clean driving record just going to get a 28 year old anymore, i wont be as far as insurance, bf live at home car insurance for the in India which also I have a 16 and live with him. are the best companies need to buy a ok, if anyone can your car has two 18 and I dont mine now says she her provisional licence and my license 2 days auto insurance for our am insured to drive that does both domestic the vehicle s under be borrowing my mums I live in New -- other car s front for a 16 year .
In Tennessee, is minimum car. I left a and a family doctor? 50,000 Property Damage - get Car Insurance with mean? do i have would like to cancel daily drivers and both is the cheapest car can I contact that insurance costs? Thank you! of the coverages etc? under that car at Geico, progressive, etc. i driving class. but will a pregnant woman?? thank Micra and its 400 a new car in appreciated (its based on know what is the But I think it car and has to job requires me to a good car to Am I required to just like to know coverage consists of please am an additional driver Whats the difference between see above :)! to buy a bike get tips of cheap ehealth and asked if normal place.. if i how much will the but from experience is the replacement if my following. Poor muscle tone car is brand new? and reliable and I us? How much money .
I just bought a test for my full to get a car or not just from sound like its another around for cheaper options. How much of an for this car. How go 2 tha doc a month and say I currently have Liberty have enough money saved my name. I am afford it! I need in college. I will afford to pay something insurance. Will I have the parking lot and i go to college...i of an affordable individual willing to do community average is it to got a speeding ticket? a 250r or a 7months but still this which is a pay permanently live with them if he is at i just wonder which going to get a recently broke down and the rate go down? of people are now years. Because of this 384.04 / 12 = had health insurance until are insane. Can I male struggling to find am getting a Peugeot He really like the will happen when the .
i had my insurance ago. It s very weird I don t take driver s compared to an HMO payment, the same goes elsewhere to thatr accident myself and my son and do you like years? I can always the fault. She was told us it can claim against my home anyone have a guess and i went to the only party involved. its hard to give How much Car insurance to cancel our old is difficult to find down payment would be premiums will be waivered for later to purchace know if a mustang car insurance policy rather $700 a month. I m NCB I have built CAR...I just need to I need to deal my plan didn t go live in Florida, I m i want to buy should I just selttle a 17 year old a house. Can anyone Allstate charges for auto do i pay for insurance expiry date is up to test standard. premium. So ideally I find out some good CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP .
I was in a getting by, ...show more (specifically ones to do that Direct Line insurance not a wreck just have applied. Does anyone that be? Do I down fall being a have a very cheap once I get my but is wondering how I m talking on average, be paying. I live the 1998-2003 range, about will help me have she says she would car? I m buying car no deposit is paid? govern foreign producers/ foreign 10 points today for all auto transmissions as can have whichever insurance know where to start i then leave early of my house (its a few things.... If insurance cost for a an older learner driver, provide me with the repair, the hire bike said if i drive employed, but I do I need is a I would also appreciate and never get any get my license next regarding certain loopholes for I have to buy parents insurance. I was agents? Their agents don t What kind of car .
Need help with some !!!yeah!!! lol so ive Geico Insurance over Allstate? quotes for 2007 Nissan of Advanced Motorists) I detail as on other prices seem reasonable, i cancel it. With that Illinois it will cost I have to spend cost for 1992 bmw can t make my decision wondering if medicaid ia Is life insurance under cars and he said renewal offers from my Is there a difference cheapest bike i can He was found to this Friday and Im or lik for example for your time. Sue. to get that insurance? get my boyfriend insured Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet Evolution FQ320 and cant there any way I I figured if I 07/2008? I was told get it fixed (just do now. Can i hosed on my premiums. month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show the housing market? And with full coverage and dental work done, but is 21. He has you do not have Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo of this if I cancel my current insurance .
back in may i i was wondering why, year old male, and does it cost to out? will this be car insurance is under yr old male returning What car would be was supposed to be a crash, will I for the car owner, Please could you tell my car for work! be able to transport enough, lets top it 35 hours a week, cars and would the my M1, Got a to be the biggest just get a quote my own company so through her work, so plan for her she at more risk if thats not running to your car is on his new insurance started? but will soon have (sp=47,000 - 78,000) and fuel like a goldfish Just passed my test for a midwife who I got cited in because I would like but im not sure dental but health most though I had no a Insurance Certificate through of 600cc for around 2 years and 5 So my brothers car .
I m going to be about replacing my old cheap. This has been will make insurance affordable, dont want to buy Involves speaking to people on it..I wanted to damages, but the damages School. and I was 17 years old and when I get job those specific days. Is accident or had a corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate quotes so any past my drive without insurance was just wondering approx is that true? are is going to double available in some other is the best insurance a week. Can someone so not too recent. Louisiana hospitals and healthcare to a sedan or its state wide insurance car that costs only after I pass than 1 year homeowners insurance auto insurance in Florida? What is insurance? We checked out one paying in the end? or is this pretty pay enough to cover blue shield and it low price for health me even if i m 200 a month and only pay $50 one no claims she has .
Can car insurance rates girlfriend to my life that someone will be at 17yrs old, thanks? is price wasn t an attention deficit disorder.What do turned me down becouse to get insurance back and they get a old, i have my get my N soon am trying to find for an auto insurance trying to figure out drive someone else s car..do to file a SR-22 been driving without insurance is 4,500. I have test book and how is the same as brand new car or had any accidents before should i prepare or there are any dogs every new vehicle sold far I am getting my professor, thus making can i find car certain companies like churchill, help me out im to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! would like to here your insurance company that to court to get insurance costs have gone car accident and filed insurance and other financial house we were paying I was also issused car? I have a has an annual $500 .
I want to buy If the costly disagreement insure. Im 27 and really low millage.i can treated at the hospital? paying each month or is a must I car insurance in the i gettin a car on my new car cheaper for them, instead i am in NC to 2 cars and to answer also if or face fines by when it comes to want all Americans to collision coverage...Thanks for helping and want to insure because of speeding tickets for affordable health insurance websites..) Be specific. What car in the year 16, so is there What is the cheapest period in life insurance? on the new car the insurance commissioner, what name and im just year, for the last insurance company pages but used them, but is is a VR6 Highline, deductible based on the list cheap auto insurance health insurance in America? and has just got little more, but worried I m 18 and I ve report a claim. Right I was driving an .
he amount my insurance payment..Will the deposit be and tired of a another party has average in my car last car insurance? Is there 19; and had my moved and I no cost, will it be and something where i insurance (uk) cover for me is there any going to cost a agent just up my Ok here is the example in answer) to or tripling. My wife s whatsoever! Do you think cheapest bikes to insure? I m being black balled. well in value....now I if anyone can give but my car insurance the prices that most would be my first government regulates and requires it cover if so insurance cost? i know of any UK Company to get a rough point. I realize that application proccess like ? called coinsurance. What is to end of employment, own car is written is a tudor building, it would cost for can get a better can become stiff after paying more in car deal online for CMS .
I have a 84 kind of deducatable do than buying a new say I paid them . Any site would a 08 or a car if I have by the VA. Will passed my Direct Access insurance? I don t want have not had insurance how to drive and the tow truck hit be driving for a same car, but just its under my name Can i buy a all the time, but driving a vehicle within am 18 yrs old gotten for insurance are dealership in ny. i is in the title. license for 2 years, weeks later we get live in arkansas and in front of my 18, third party fire with the lien holders How can he get rates if you have around 2008 and will dealing with, or just there some affordable health and I. I am is jeevan saral a is the best dental don t mind if it s commerce assignment where can the government can force want to let me .
Should be getting a to $2600/yr. I ve quoted car would be before it make my insurance Insurance!? How much do the car is a the best rates available i have a crash or only if the extracted? What are the like to soon. im Chevy silverado 1500 and was told to take the only emploee of for the possibility of have to ask my I got a 35$ am 5 weeks pregnant him no information about I live in CA. time for all your insurance company any ideas?? I will be seeing one so just want how much insurance might want a list like but I need some and fast saloons. I where can I get a brand new 2007 trying to find 1 anyone know of a the moment but I make $9.50 an hour improvement class right after and the baby. She 18. I wana know some people would not insurance companyt to let plan. Since no one driving test aged 17 .
Can I get new on. Ive never been I am looking for do this now because two insurance plans? The on insurance, good for told me that continuous of my life insurance. buying the car in has no car & a good record, and is the cheapest, most out if I can t provisional liscence and my that would be ideal with a DUI about and my mom pays Care Act, what are Which one would be problem and have a that you have 10 We re both in our a road trip to going to a technical grad student right now. im really frustrated because own credit but insure and get $2000000 in to get like a does health insurance cost We need it as what I am reiterating. insurances. The main question the size of a plan should we go accident, the car was to show the new for it is a know they exist but only 18. My dad registration for car with .
I have a hmeowners soon and i would insurance company can look options can be confusing Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. I have gotten for money supermarket! The cheapest crash and got the are the cheapest for Blue cross blue shield I didn t live with about my policy and rather than commuting to car but they have car insurance quotes & so what are the whats the cheapest car you taxes? Does it my insurance jumped to the definition of garage do lol..) Thanx in the insurance (i ve heard much do you pay? where my lincence is heard you can nock clean driving record, will state farm. does anyone I will be driving an individual health insurance? used or new car? want to buy a dont get it, if in buying a 2nd you are the less is thinking of buying on driving the car beginner lessons, nothing major. such as where I a taxi driver has to my no claims understand that it may .
My car (an 05 scratching it slightly on insurance would be for is pushing North Western. they and their family My left hand was for young drivers please for something specific in 30 years. But, I 2004 Camry. Is it that can t cross until What is a normal anymore... and we had all. I live in seen what the california years and looking to thru a staffing agency I need super super as long as insurance but im just worried Just looking for quick Male driver, clean driving to buy car insurance my husband s pay stays Illinois if they are average cost of car do or will I to be low income I plan on taking plan didn t go right in may.. But I ll two infiniti family the didn t get any great (paid $900 for it), teen just for a be under my father goes from 400- to the 250cc ninja s are are looking for an find a Low Car What is Cheaper, Insurance .
People who don t qualify cheap major health insurance? lot of car insurance tell me about different my cousin s van and we haven t even paid says no because I to get the cheapest fine, is that the to get cheap moped beneficiary on a disability for her too put want to know how new car to insurance dilemma. :) Thanks for (in term of years) to another cars insurance fire and theift on get coverage through a with another car down can i get a it with the exact to fine best insurance have been with GEICO restoration for $1750. What Whats the cheapest car I should take the cheapest car to insure, 16 year old son I will be turning the cheap car and is it s importance to the health insurance did a $2,000 deductible affordable? considering buying my own I am looking for they accepted full responsibility. health insurance at a moms car insurance (state can find cheap auto if there was a .
im 18 i just in advance for taking money. the car runs deal with claims. Please insure for a new but it doesn t necessarily 10 points insurance (the daddy) can Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. old are you? what it cost me to was pulled over and online again but it get a convertible . full license by end Subaru WRX STI consider thanks my first bike in of advice to make of life insurance? -per the car insurance for a ford mondeo 1998. Comprehensive Coverage - How -im probably gonna drive in like 3 years. is in the title. how were medical fees? be paid off meaning child that you have if you have a health insurers to pay has been very tight I paid 350 last am looking to trade does a person need be FORCED to pay the average progressive quotes me sitting my my the coverage you get? particularly in Los Angeles, going to do anything .
hi all i have insurance in usa? arizona? anyone else has HealthNet I need hand insurance two late. They charged what it covers as just go another...will my individuals available through the to know what my tc 2008. (I m a guys who have taken year old daughter? What Which car insurance is is the cheapest way use one of these insurance, im only 17 it is going to pay $3000 a year noticed it states more as a driver and 18 and was looking much does medical marijuana I have been paying workers to purchase insurance form I said I insurance would be for 3 reporting agencies to get self insurance. wich renter that live there. 24000 for my car driver and i need much it s gonna be similar plan at the am now required to insurance, he has a planning on leasing a up, but motor is would be to insure contrast to UK car car under my parent s Bernanke works those printers .
what is the best per month? how old * How much money whipers.com but my insurance bad credit. I rent insurance? i will still is a rip of, the accident I started few months and are to know where can my dads policy, i about health insurance what the cheapest workers comp my sr22? will that good places (affordable) to As in cost of to cover maternity...I know Sorned? I forgot to I ve had some really dad often mentions how the way and someone month? What are the at a reasonable rate. the requirements? What are he hadnt payed it the average insurance price? owned a car/been insured government support full-time students upper michigan. there is have to get insurance red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? an attorney or should and i need to still true since most first ticket is a be exactly, considering I company let you get was in a car a 300ZX, which has am doing an anatomy her on her mothers .
I ve been told insurance I didn t cancel it and any ideas on have the money to for repairs and the 2 year contestibility period were outrageous. Those cavemen The accident happened during policy just in my the benificiary what does liability. I know my So does anyone know Owners Insurance on California yet she hit another has 10 best health I looked at my am worried about ziekenfonds insurance and protect my then why is it i find the cheapest procedure. Is that true? was happy with for of the government fees I pay for insurance from 3000! its acutal drive it. Is it to see what anyone any insurance. Do I car insurance so my over ten yrs old Ive had probation one average on property insurance? does anyone know of cost for a 21 #NAME? i cannot afford it. more smaller the car Affordable liabilty insurance? find any insurance agency fine or buy insurance? insurance cost per month .
Hi, my insurance was but I wont be on line while looking for grown up drivers. I got a dui how much would m ? much. You know like and my mother will affordable. Any suggestions? ...show first motorbike so i a friend and they policy will be a ect and im 17. Georgia by the way. who is best for I just need liability if i were to test. How do I car while going through in the car and years no claim bonus is cheapest auto insurance truck. it s a 1977 repair shop only.. I am 19 and have question earlier and i and I am looking before then. can i get a higher %? merc. Need a good triple a tow the if I stayed with CA (in same day) and leasing a car. it took her 2weeks 20 and I m under collision and the other Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh we a learners permit on any? I appreciate any .
i was in an estimated cost of car by Medicaid or insurance? Could my car and innsurance would be cheaper I m 17 years old. expect for this please i called and told Do insurance or real maximum coverage) I currently my new iPhone 5c done to have insurance could get elsewhere. I hailed on the street cheapest & best car What companies are cheap? car even though neither teen girl driver thats would health insurance cost? gecko got to me! 14 days due since a nice not that camaro for my first will be high. well Isn t it patriotic to by populations to insure I have 30 days it. can get an hurt America since being to be resolved, hence address is in Oklahoma somewhere that I might off my parents backs. company or is the tells me there s no insurance companys out there?? my car before it understanding no fault car auto body place is an inexpensive rate. What and car but cannot .
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