#colleen hoover verity
itends-withus · 10 months
Ő volt a mindenem, de egy okos nő tudja, hogy csak úgy tarthat meg örökre egy férfit, ha nem mutatja ki, mennyire semmi lenne nélküle.
Colleen Hoover - Verity
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sleepy-vix · 5 months
do you ever just get offended when your favourite book, a literary masterpiece that made you weep and cry and completely change the trajectory of your life, gets placed next to some young adult "what even is this?" generic-ass-plot book in a bookstore? cus i do
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theboyatthebustop · 7 months
In honor of this post of mine getting over one hundred notes, I decided to do a sequel because I found some more
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Edit: found some more
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haleyincarnate · 4 months
The definition of our relationship was unspoken. It was organic. We were in love and that's all that mattered.
Colleen Hoover, Verity
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arson-09 · 13 days
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Romantic thriller is a great way to describe a book containing extreme vilification of mental illness, postpartum depression, graphic child death with no proper warning (in the copy i read) just straight up misogyny and misogynistic undertones, the usual gross male characters and the overall horrible writing of colleen hoover, a disgusting writer and person. Her writing has genuinely negatively affected young women on tiktok, portraying her romantic writings to be what everyone should want. Writing such toxic and disgusting relationships while advertising them as the epitome of romance is tiring. They are dark romances at best, bad romances at worst. From a reviewers perspective, i find her books shallow, gross, and downright poorly written. I need her to fall off the face of the earth and stop publishing such garbage
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This past two week’s weekly spreads plus my recent readsl. I just have one question for those of you who have read “Verity” by Colleen Hoover:
Are you team letter or team manuscript?
Personally, I’m team manuscript.
If you’re looking to read this, I would highly recommend it! I gave it 4/5 ⭐️ but it kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time and my jaw dropped while reading the final chapter!
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theothersarshi · 5 months
I started reading "Verity" by Colleen Hoover because I've heard Hoover is popular with kids these days for her romance or something.
So the first scene is: a guy walks into traffic and his blood gets spattered on the heroine's shirt. She's rescued by Handsome Dude.
Weirdest meet cute, but ok.
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lighthousepigeons · 2 years
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singulxarity · 1 year
ill hate colleen hoover until the day i die
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snehadarkacademia · 2 years
Hi...... If you don't mind me asking, what are your top 10 favorite books ever (fiction)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks...
Hello!! My top 10 would be
1. The song of Achilles - one of the most beautiful and poetic Greek retelling in the form of prose I've ever read . And I've never sobbed as hard as i did while completing this book
2. If we were villains - a book that would make you yearn for the ancient dusty libraries and make you want to be a theatre major ! But also underlining the thin line between passion and obsession. This book made me respect Shakespeare like never before
3. It ends with us - To be honest i used to think it's overrated until i read it. Colleen Hoover's writing style is beautiful and resonates with the modern world! Also beautifully and tragically took us on a whole journey of what happens when you're a victim of domestic violence
4. Harry Potter series - well you can't speak of fiction without speaking of Harry Potter! It was my first series and the one that got me into reading . It's a warm place for the child in me!
5. Verity - Another Colleen Hoover's masterpiece! This was a complete shift from her usual writing style , a psychological thriller. The wave of emotions after reading this book is a thin line between being appalled and being thrilled. A horrifyingly twisted book that will haunt you for days
6. Pride and Prejudice - one of the greatest classics of all times! Jane Austen's writing is so swoon worthy even today after 200+ years. If you're to yearn for a gentleman, it has to be the one written by Jane Austen. Most ardently, beautiful writing!
7. Looking for Alaska - A book I read in my prime reading years and I savour it's nostalgia till date. My teenage years were filled with John Green books and they absolutely increased my desire to read! This book also resonates well with the modern world and has an exquisite writing style with well written characters
8. The perks of being a wallflower - this book was the one that kindled the desire in me to be a clinical psychologist and love for the subject which I am pursuing. A great way of putting emphasis and mental health and also explores the love, passion, hurt, loss and beauty of teenage years and friends
9. Twilight series - If i were to read these books for the first time now, I would've hated them. But twilight was the first romance/ fiction I ever read and absolutely loved the vibe - rains and yearning! So, still love it
10. Divergent Series - Was my first Science - Fiction/ Dystopian read as a teen and absolutely loved! The female lead character ' Tris ' was my idol and had one of the most heartbreaking endings
( feel free to put in your favourite books and why you love them in the comments! I would love to know them)
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itends-withus · 10 months
Kemény időszak volt ez, rengeteg pofont kaptam.
Colleen Hoover - Verity
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calming-chaos · 1 year
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whyyareallnamestaken · 10 months
Találd meg amit szeretsz, és hagyd, hogy megöljön.
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luizaknd · 7 months
V E R I T Y by Colleen Hoover
Hoje termino um dos livros físicos mais confusos e penetrantes que já li em toda minha vida. Não sou capaz de expressar com precisão o nível dessa perfeição.
Confesso que meu gênero literário preferido é romance e não sou de ler livros thriller, mas como é um livro da Colleen Hoover fiquei interessada, pois eu já havia lido resenhas onde muitos leitores a elogiavam, então bateu aquela curiosidade.
Este mês comprei o Verity, consegui concluí-lo em 1 dia e NUNCA me senti tão angustiada lendo, mas ao mesmo tempo vivi uma experiência incrível. Eu não conseguia parar de ler e ainda me fez duvidar do meu próprio raciocínio... "Qual é a verdade? Quem estava certo? Será que eu deixei passar algum detalhe importante e decisivo?" Não sei explicar. Uma hora você entende a verdade e então descobre que era mentira, mas aí descobre que a mentira era verdade e a verdade era mentira. E termina sem saber o que de fato é verdade e o que de fato é mentira.
É um livro muito pesado, fiquei chocada até agora com o poder da imaginação de Colleen. Os personagens são muito bem construídos e desenvolvidos, principalmente a Verity. E por incrível que pareça, gostei dela e da casa.
O plot é bizarro e maravilhoso, a tensão que você fica a cada avanço, o jeito que te prende... O conceito da protagonista ler um livro OU uma carta que contém informações sobre a história. Além de todo suspense, tem o romance, na qual achei tenso e forçado e que poderia sim ter sido mais aprofundado.
O único defeito foi o final, pois tudo aconteceu rápido demais, sem um trabalho minucioso. Mas fora isso, a escrita é muito boa, a intensidade dos personagens, o desenvolvimento não é cansativo, enfim, é perfeito.
Parabéns Colleen Hoover, simplesmente parabéns!
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Ana Luiza
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boundtoletters · 2 years
if you don’t cry by the time you understand colleen hoover’s book covers you don’t have a heart
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
“well everything coho. like in verity the main character is sleeping with her agent which is UNETHICAL and could very very easily lead to a lot of business problems!!!! “ literally how old of you. Do you want to go back to the 1950s Hayes code where everything needs to be sanitized so the poor women that read don’t get ungodly ideas ?
not wanting those types of relationships to be romanticized to teenage girls is not the same thing as being pro hayes code you fucking numbnut
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