#colossus imagines
fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
What if Colossus accidentally fell on y/n from behind as they were leaning on him which the impact could crush them but y/n ends up surviving it.
Colossus: I am sorry. Are you alright?
Y/N: I’m fine. I got Dad’s healing factor
Deadpool: how dare you!
Colossus: Wade it was a complete accident. I did not mean to crush-
Deadpool: zip it Iron Ivan! How dare you sit on him and not on me!!!
Y/N: I’m gonna go now so yeah
Deadpool: and I thought you loved me Chrome Balls!
Colossus: Wade this is ridiculous
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betyloca · 4 months
headcanons of piotr rasputin (colossus) to wade wilson's friend
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pairing: colossus x latin mutant reader
• Colossus was in the mansion when he noticed on the news that an accident had occurred on a highway involving two mutants.
• Knowing that one of them was Wade, he immediately went to look for him.
• When he arrived at the place he found him trying to kill a guy.
• After stopping Wade from killing him, they started arguing.
colossus: it's not a way to do things, there are rules
wade: shove the rules up your ass
• That caused the colossus to hit and caused a fight between them.
• Of course, between the blows he gave to Wade, he broke some bones
colossus: give up now wade
Wade: ok I need reinforcements morena
• Upon hearing that he saw a masked person addressing him.
• saw how he started shooting at him with a gun
• As a defense, he hit her, sending her away until he saw when she got up, taking off her mask, showing that she was a woman.
Wade: Ahhhh you hit Y/N you son of a bitch.
Colossus: I didn't know she was a woman.
• This guy felt terrible when he realized he knocked you unconscious.
• He decided to take you to the mansion so you could rest.
• when you woke up he tried to talk to you but you just started throwing things at him
colossus: stop throwing things at me
y/n: what do you want.. ehh?
Colossus: I just want to talk, yes.
y/n: after hitting me, no thanks.
colossus: it was not intentional because we didn't start again I'm piotr rasputin but they call me colossus
y/n: ahhh okay I'm y/n Gonzáles friend of wade wilson
• How did your friendship with him begin?
• This guy loved how energetic you were. He loves it when you talk to him about your favorite movies non-stop.
• he thinks wade is a bad influence on you but he had to accept that wade was like your brother from another mother
• likes it when you ask him about his mutation and how much weight he carries
• One day I ask you why you wear gloves.
colossus: why do you wear gloves that only cover three fingers?
y/n: I disintegrate everything I touch by supporting the entire palm of my hand, that's why I use them
• He is fascinated by your mutation, he likes to see how powerful you are.
• Until one day he saw you in action and noticed how agile you were with weapons.
• He loves that you visit him in the mansion, he loves spending time with you
• Wade gets jealous when I steal his best friend because he started to notice that he was in love.
Wade: So you like y/n?
colossus: what times are you talking about?
Wade: Come on, it's clear that you love her and if I'm honest, if you want to win her over, do it with food, you seriously love her.
Colossus: I'll take that information
Wade: She's also a virgin if they do it so you don't break her in two.
colossus: wade!!
• okey wade was right you loved the food
• when I bought you some cupcakes you started jumping like a little child with happiness
y/n: they are for me seriously
colossus: yes I thought you would like it
y/n: *jumping* there I love you I love you thank you* kissing his cheek*
• I love seeing you so I started giving you things, more often they were all snacks.
• tell about seeing you this happy and getting some kisses
• until one day you also gave him a gift, a handmade bracelet
y/n: I made it for you
colossus: thank you very much
Y/N: I knew you would like it.
• He never takes off his bracelet until he shows it off to Wade.
• loves every gift you give him, keeping them as a treasure
• loves having movie nights with you and feels so intimate as if it were a moment for the two of you.
• He likes it when you ask him to straighten your hair, he always ends up making a mess but you show it off with pride.
• you trust him so much that you started wearing his clothes
colossus: that one on my shirt
y/n: I have all my shirts in the laundry I hope you don't mind
colossus: don't take what you want* smiling to himself*
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lemonylepid · 5 months
I keep thinking about a sci-fi post apoc "shadow of the colossus-like" where you have to scale giant war mongering machines from different global weapons companies that have been left on for 100 years to wreak havoc on humanity. As soon as you reach a hatch you also need to navigate the insides, and then just fuck it the hell up. Some have a robot military protecting it, some have internal booby traps, some are in an endless thunderstorm, some you have to navigate the weapons systems from inside tubes and barrels, some have more of a bomb diffusing sequence you need to figure out, some you have to climb buildings around it to base jump onto it, some are just hell to get on.. And you have to take them down as a junk samurai with a superheated tungsten katana that takes time to heat up for more powerful strikes or something.
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lesbian-deadpool · 2 years
Y/N: One of us.
Domino: One of us.
Wade: ONE OF US!
Colossus, swinging a knife around like a lunatic: BEGONE FOUL DEMONS!
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icology · 4 months
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happy valentine's day ❤️
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thirdity · 1 year
I have always felt that the art of telling a story consists in so stimulating the listener's imagination that he drowns himself in his own reveries long before the end.
Henry Miller, The Colossus of Maroussi
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emma-frxst · 1 year
All That You’ll Take
Pairing: Colossus/ Piotr Rasputin x Reader
Summary: Piotr and reader suffer a loss at the hands of the x-men, can they find it within themselves to keep fighting for the good guys?
Warnings: character death, grief, angst.
The lovely @reiner-exodus-rasputin asked me for bad guy Colossus so hereeee we gooo ❤️
Tags: (tag list of open, send me an ask if you want to be tagged, removed or only tagged for certain characters.) @chromecutie @xenomorphique @evelyn120700 @nightriver99 @iamwarrenspeace @this-that-and-every-thing-else @hsk-puma @bungeewabbit @pianomad @lesbianstarkx @hazilyimagine-blog  @super-darkcloudstudent @thehuntress26 @siren-lamented-vampire @mooleche @rovvboat @leo-writer @dandyqueen @nitemaremotionless @thewintersoldierswife @reiner-exodus-rasputin @master-sass-blast
The faux fur of your thick winter jacket tickled your neck, the chilly wind blowing the soft fibers directly on you. You wrapped the long fibers around your fingers and gave a tug, easily ripping them out.
As you let the wind blow the fur from your fingers, tears began to well up in your eyes and your throat tightened.
The fibers were gone. Missing from your jacket forever, never to be reunited with the other strands of fur. Gone..for the rest of your life.
You turned your attention to Piotr, tears rolled down his face in a continuous cascade. He was standing right next to you, but he felt a million miles away.
You wished you could comfort him, you wished you knew how. But you could barely console yourself through your own grief.
It was the dead of winter, cold and bitter, but it couldn’t compare to the bitterness within your heart.
There was a point in time when you would’ve laid down your life for your fellow X- Men. A time when you trusted them with your own life. A time when your team truly felt like a family.
A simpler time.
You had many fond memories of your time at Xavier’s Institute. You’d met Piotr there, even married him there. It’s where your first held your son in your arms. You formed unbreakable bonds with your friends, taught and trained many students, Including your son, Ilya.
But now you couldn’t even bear to look at it, couldn’t bear to be in it.
The officiant finished the eulogy and gave a slight nod towards you and Piotr. Together, you two walked up to the simple pine box, Piotr letting out a wavering breath.
You dragged your gloved fingers along the grain. It was a mighty fine piece of woodwork, the best around.
Piotr spoke first,
“до свидания мой сын.” (Goodbye, my son) he said, placing his and Ilya’s favorite book on the casket.
“Покойся с миром, мой ребенок.” (rest in peace, my child) you said and placed a flower on top of the book.
You watched as your fellow X-men placed trinkets and things on the casket. Ilya was loved by so many.
You buried him on the highest hillside on Piotr’s family’s farm. You and Piotr declined to bury him at the mansion, you wanted him to rest in peace, to be far away from the life that got him killed.
You couldn’t help but feel hatred towards your team, they were supposed to keep each other safe. It was a stupid mistake..but it cost your son, your only child, his life. It was so easily preventable, yet it still happened. The team knew your anxiety and your worries, they knew their promise to keep him safe. They knew struggle you had to go through to have your son. He was just learning to be a X-Man. He was so eager to follow in your and Colossus’ footsteps. Ilya was so excited to go on his first mission.
He had been going on missions since he was 16. You and Piotr were so damn proud of him, you’d just started letting him go on missions without you and his father.
You were regretting that decision right about now.
You remembered Piotr saying “the boy is 21 years old ,my dear, he will be okay…he’s the best parts of you and me. Besides, we are getting old, time to let the young students take care of things.”
And of course you sassed back with a comment about how he’s getting old, not you…even though your joints popped when got got out of bed in the morning and you went to bed at the ripe old time of 9pm. Oh the life of an X-Man.
“Some life” you scoffed to yourself.
You and Piotr had given decades of your lives to the X-Men and this was your reward?? Unimaginable grief? Pain?
Over the next few months, Piotr only grew more distant, your grief driving a wedge between you two. You thought things were looking up when he said he had something planned for the two of you.
But your stomach turned when the car pulled up to the residence of none other than sworn enemy of the X-Men, Magneto.
“Piotr w-what’s happening?” You asked, your voice panic-stricken.
He turned towards you and took your hands in his.
“My feelings of anger, hurt, and betrayal have not gone away since Ilya’s funeral. I no longer feel like part of the X-Men. So I have sought a place where I do belong…where we belong.” He explained, rubbing his thumbs along the back of your hands.
“But Magneto’s brotherhood?!” You nearly yelled.
“Please..hear them out (y/n), hear me out.”
You took a deep breath.
“Okay.” You surrendered.
You two walked up to the elegant front door, a botanical pattern was delicately carved into the pine.
Piotr knocked and not even two seconds later, Eric Lehnsherr opened the door. Must’ve been expecting you.
“Hello, Piotr.”
“привет.”(hello) He greeted, you could tell this wasn’t their first meeting.
“(Y/n). My condolences.” Magneto extended his hand and you hesitantly shook it.
“Thanks.” You said, stepping inside.
After that night at Magneto’s you and Piotr had decided to give each other some much needed time and space away from each other and the X-mansion.
You were just starting to feel okay when there was a knock at your door.
It was Scott and Ororo.
“We got wind that Colossus is being held at Magneto’s place.”
They nodded.
You knew that no one could really “hold” Colossus, you’d seen him plow his way through many enemies, so you figured something else was up.
Your stomach began to churn, there’s no way he actually joined Magneto right? Piotr, your lawful good, protein bar- eating, wouldn’t hurt an innocent fly, husband..surely not, right?
You got in the car with Ororo, Scott, Logan, Kurt, and Charles.
You exchanged polite greetings but nothing further. They felt distant from you, your loss leaving you a shell of your former self.
Residence of the brotherhood of evil mutants.
The car pulled to a halt outside of the house. You were the last to exit the car, standing behind everyone else.
You were greeted by Eric standing in the doorway.
“Where’s Colossus?” Scott asked, getting straight to the point, leaving to time for pleasantries.
Magneto wordlessly stepped aside, letting Piotr step outside. You almost didn’t recognize him. His once colorful, red and yellow uniform, now black and gray. Sad.
Everyone was shocked to see him there, willingly, including you.
“Colossus, my friend, what- what’s going on? Let’s go home.” Kurt begged.
He walked down the steps, getting closer to the people who he once considered his family.
“Life as an x-man..It has taken my son from me, it has taken a toll on my body, taken time away from me that could’ve been spent with my wife. What will you take next? My freedom?! My own life?!”
“Colossus it was an accident! We all miss Ilya dearly.”
“You do not miss him like I do, like we do.” Colossus said, pointing towards you.
“This is crazy Colossus, come on.” Scott begged.
Piotr let out a heavy sigh.
“What hurts the most is-“ he paused, feeling tears well up. But now wasn’t a time for tears. “You all acting like he never existed, ignoring the pain myself and (y/n) are feeling! Not one of you volunteered to teach our classes, help with his memorial, and not one of you sorry, selfish, pricks protected him!”
The team was quiet, reflecting on Piotr’s words. They did help with those things, but they guessed it wasn’t in the way Piotr needed.
You had never seen him so angry.
You walked to the forefront of the group, not believing your eyes. Your sweet husband, turning away from everything good.
“Piotr…” you started, your voice cracking. You hadn’t seen him in months.
Upon seeing you, he transformed out of defense mode and closed the gap between him and you, his scowl softening.
You stopped a moment to take him in. His eyes were tired, his hair more gray than the last time you saw him. His frown lines were more engraved on his face, he hadn’t shaved in a while either.
Just then and only then, you saw just how much losing Ilya, being a part from you, and losing his X-family affected him. His heart was shattered.
“Baby, please, come home.” You pleaded, your voice threatening to break.
He only stared at you.
Wordlessly, he held out his hand, wanting you to take it. To join him.
You hesitated, the events of recent months played over in your mind.
You reached out to take his hand, but stopped half way. You drowned out the rest of the team yelling at you to stop.
“They care about me, (y/n). About us, about mutant kind. They take care of their own, not leaving them to be slaughtered like livestock.”
You glanced back at the others, desperately trying to get to you, but were being held back by Magneto’s powers.
You turned your attention back to Colossus, his hand still outstretched.
You hesitated once again, debating whether or not to take his hand. You met his gaze, those baby blue eyes told you everything you needed to know.
You’d made your decision.
Authors Note: whaoahhh ambiguous ending! Let me know what you would’ve decided.
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sadstonewrites · 2 years
Colossus HC’s - You’re Sad
Look, I’m sad and thinking of big metal man makes me happy. So, here’s some headcanons about how Colossus would react and help you feel better when you’re sad. Can be interpreted as platonic or romantic!
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His first inclination when you’re sad is to go for the act of physical touch - a hand on the shoulder, a hug, a gentle pat on the back. 
Not cool with physical touch? He has to fight the instinct but understands and respects your boundaries
He’s a good listener and asks if you want solutions or feedback, or just to vent. Be warned, if you do ask for solutions then he’s going to be honest, sometimes blunt, but never intentionally hurtful. 
If you are good physical touch? Oh man, you are in for a treat
His ambient temperature is a few degrees colder than human skin (usually hotter if he’s been standing in the sun and vice-versa if he’s been out in the cold) so he’s always considerate of that before he initiates any physical contact. 
 As I previously headcanoned in this post, putting your ear up to his chest and listening to his heartbeat while he’s in his metal form isn’t like the thump-thump-thump of a normal heart, but the metal on metal (cause his insides are metal too in this form!) creates a bit more of a tick-tick-tick noise. 
Expect that to be in your ear if you go in for a hug, along with strong arms wrapped around you and fingers rubbing small circles on your back
His strength conceals gentleness, and if you need deeper pressure in order to feel calm he’s more than able to oblige. He’ll press you firmer to his body, wrap his arms tighter around you, and maybe even rest his chin on your head as all 7′ of his body completely engulfs you (regardless of how tall you are, there’s a high probability he’s gonna end up dwarfing you)
He’ll talk to you like that if you want, talk you through what’s bothering you and see if there’s anything he can do to help, or if you just want a moment of silent contact he’ll give that to you
After you’ve calmed down he’s in immediate recovery mode - water to make up for the dehydration from shed tears, an icepack if you’re eyes are puffy or if you have a tension headache, and then a snack.
Is a big proponent of art therapy, lends you some of his paints and a canvas in order to help you process things
All in all? Lovely person to go to when you’re sad, makes me less sad just thinking about it
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doubledis · 10 months
Being a human in the Pikmin universe must be crazy. Imagine being a kid trying to find your gameboy and/or switch joycon you left outside and then when you finally found them you see several tiny aliens using bugs to take them and have them absorbed into a machine for money or material for their spaceship that's the size of a toy.
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Good news people the first part of my Colossus x oc Enemies to Lovers fic has been sent to my beta reader!
Once they catch a few of my mistakes and give me some advice I will post it here and AO3
I’m very excited!!!! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!!!!
@master-sass-blast @sadstonewrites
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random-gamer1942 · 1 year
One day i wanna run a oneshot where my players (and perhaps i as well) pick like a CR 20-25 gargantuan creature and have a literal battle of the kaiju
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lesbian-deadpool · 1 year
Wade: Ugh, there's always that weak bitch in the group who isn't down with murder.
Wade: *Glares at Colossus*
Colossus: Well, sorry I have morals!
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zwei-rhunen · 1 year
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lonely lil sweet pea owo
#friends cutoff frm the screenshot bc i found this hilarious#just the idea of this lovely little creature (forgot their name) exploring alexander's robotic gallbladder or where-ever we were#are they lost? yea. but its okay. they have their trusty little lantern at their hip#and a large knife!#just like. imagine ur in a group of seasoned adventurers going into this giant robot#ready for a fight. but as u wander further in u see a buncha smoking robo-carcasses littering the floor#freshly taken offline. clearly they met a violent death. who was just here? what was awaiting them in the end?#they reach the boss. the boss jumps down to face them. they steel themselves for a fight. casters raise their staffs.#the boss lurches forward. drops dead. and thru the massive billows of smoke steaming from its mangled backside#is this green lookin thing. this lovely lil legume. this cute robed creature all by itself#its singular visage a stark contrast against the yawning space surrounding them all. this tiny little thing. immaculate. untouched.#THIS was the harbringer of all the destruction they passed by???! THIS FELLA?????#lmao#and then alexander's lights flicker and puts them all into a pitch black room for a brief moment#and for that moment all they see are a pair of sulphuric eyes gleaming back at them in the darkness#and then they blink out of existence. the lights turn back on. and the thing is just GONE.#they collect the treasure that the thing didnt touch and make their way back out of the colossus#and they cant help but feel like theyre silently being tracked. watched. followed. by something out of their view the entire time#until they step back out onto the grassy riverbank with a sigh that they didnt realize theyd been holding in.#and they saunter onwards to town. and the thing watches them until they crest over the hills and out of view from Alexander's airvents.#zwei writes#like alexander can create a robotic minion to help correct the timeline. maybe the thing is its lil housekeeper#that clears out the hallways every once in a while when things start getting too crowded up in Alex's chambers#a white bloodcell for the robot if you will#zwei oc ideas#🤔🤔🤔 im gonna make an oc with this kinda background i think!#alexander's right hand going out into the world to right the wrongs that its existence may have created#the butterfly effect was larger than the colossus anticipated. there are alot of unknowns. to rectify this they send out an adventurer#-shaped minion to go set things right
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stormikins · 1 year
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Dragged an armature around after killing it bc it glitched
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dark-nautica-2 · 2 years
it/He colossus supremacy
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
We don't have the pieces of the colossus at Rhodes anymore because an invading army sold him for scrap in 654AD. He only stood for a bit over 60 years before he was toppled by an earthquake but the pieces of him were there for over 800 years.
What's interesting to me about the colossus is that it was a statue of Helios. Most of the ancient Greek world wasn't super into Helios but the island of Rhodes was. He was their guy. So with their winnings from a battle they opted to build a gigantic statue of Helios. Can you imagine the sheer terror everyone must've felt while an earthquake was leveling their homes around them and in the distance is a gigantic crash and possible deafening gong noise from the gigantic statue of the sun god toppling to the earth?
That thing was about the size of the statue of liberty without the pedestal. That's part of the reason she's called the new Colossus. That and her spiked crown. Helios was almost always sculpted with bronze spikes around his head so it wouldn't have made sense for the colossus to not have those.
We don't have an ancient depiction of the colossus but we do know that he didn't straddle the harbor. That makes no sense and he wasn't tall enough for that anyways. Most likely he looked something like this drawing by Pedro Rafael Mena:
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Or perhaps like this older illustration:
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When thinking about scale, he was roughly the same size as the statue of liberty. Probably a bit shorter but comparable to its scale.
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For scale, there's a protestor standing at her base. The colossus was roughly the same size as that, all the way back in 282BC.
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