#eidana tarmin
kitty-cross · 11 months
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The last page of a sketchbook is somehow always difficult. For practical reasons, I just don’t like drawing on it because there are no other papers behind it and it feels weird; but for sentimental reasons, you end a little piece of your life when you close that sketchbook after you finished drawing. So I wanted to draw something just for the fun of making it.
These are totally random sims 4 screenshots are taken once. Most times I just found it funny/interesting and made a shot. :)
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kitty-cross · 2 years
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And literally from nowhere came a victorian!AU piece. (living with my chaotic brain is sometimes really fun I can actually surprise myself too! x,D)
Book 2, some outfit showing drawing. Eidana is still working in the city so she is wearing classic outfits; Cara is at home doing chore. I can imagine this is the scene when Eidana try to convince Cara that they need a housewarming party.
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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My least favourite piece so far - it feels like a concept art and not a real drawing, but I just had no mood to do a bigger piece. At least I finsihed something x,D Our main Staw Wars trio as tarot cards.
Day 7 | TAROT
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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Day 10 | BOOK
Yay, I have wanted to draw victorian!Eidana for a long time with this pose, so I was absolutly delighted that I finally had the chance to really draw it! *w* 
(( Sis @iwantacorgisobad we need more clothes for Ana! >:D ))
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kitty-cross · 3 years
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How I missed drawing doodles! X3 And this is my first picture about this three?!
It was an old idea we was joking about in the summer when we finally developed the sequel storyline of ours. It is not a spoiler anymore that Rey lost the “love of her life” (I just accepted it, well, what could I do? I not a big Reylo shipper I find this relationship too toxic but it is canon and it is actually fits next to Stormpilot, what is my OTP so I try to use the aspects I like and joking about it.) and in our story (seq!Eidana)Carena and Hux had something between them back in her First Order days, so both of them is just depressed™. (seq!Cara)Eilena had enough unrequited crush in her previous life that she bacame a big NOPE in any kind of romance. xD She is totally happy with her pet droid BB8 and her gay big brother Poe. XDDD
So let me introduce you the Future of the Jedi, the Big Three Jedi Masters of the new Temple. x,DDDDDD
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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I use to draw these kind of doodles to the end of our holiday plan list with sis. Last time we were in my home town was 2 years ago and than I made a watermelon theme, no I went with galaxy. So here it is my quick drawing about our SW girls. :D
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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i started to working on this meme by haxor478 last night (or this morning?? what time who cares), but it is a longer meme so i think i will post it when i finish a picture. it is basicly a historical-outfit challange, so i try to do this as accurate and still funny as i can.  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・
not the full gang, because it needed only 5 people, but don’t worry there are more like this when i will draw Ahso too  (^_−)☆
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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it is a part of a bigger project to be honest, but I loved how our girls turned out so here it is the portrait versions of them. Ana with some Tatooine desert and Cara with a big city Coruscant.
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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i made a quick Eilena - Carena moodboard to our seq!AU. As long as I’m not sure about the story’s details, I made mostly a genral opposite-sides but still really alike board, but I really like how it turned out. :3
can’t wait to meet with @iwantacorgisobad tomorrow, gosh, we will have an other awesome holiday-week, and what I can promise is a lot of new story details. :D
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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after Cara’s designs, here it is the casuals for @iwantacorgisobad‘s Eidana too. i loved drawing Eidana’s long locks x3 and it is so fun to see even if they wear “modern days” clothes how their style is totally different. :D
her board: https://www.pinterest.com/esztertoth726/sw-eidana-tarmin/
Used outfits: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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second and really late christmas mini gifts for the people i'm thankful
@rigristhegoat | @akanetto @iwantacorgisobad | GR-the-queen
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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page 3 for my little sequel!AU to Cara and Eidana. i already showed the first picture in this post. a little throwback to the original/republic times, tried to show the big three stages of Ana’s and Cara’s friendship: Eidana as apprentice, equals and duo (it was a background from Geonosis so the attack of the clones times) and of course the Clone Wars with Heeli too. :3 this time i tried to work with more dynamic poses, and i’m really happy about the result *-*
i already have a quick layout for the finishing and it looks like this little idea will be 5 pages long, so still 2 to go. :3
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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who is working on something new when have around 8 drawings unfinished? <-- this little shit.
after watching second time TROS in cinama, even if i don’t liked some really big aspects of this storyline, i got really into the new era mood. the worldbuilding is not that bad, i live for stormpilot and i really like the new planets/creatures what the new trilogy gave to us. so even if sis @iwantacorgisobad couldn’t see much more than the movie’s ending scenes (she works in the cinema and she knows most of the film’s endings because the work), i totally spoiled her the whole movie x,D and being a good sis she was into the thinking process to make a sequel!AU to Cara and Eidana.
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of course we tought the time jump thing too, but to be honest that would be interesting only for a really short time. Eidana would laught of her ass about Kylo (she is Anakin’s bestie so yeah, like a good best friend would do), and Cara would go to cry about what the hell happened with the Order’s heritage than go and bitchslap Kylo with Leia’s total permission. The End.
the other idea, the reincarnation was for me a so much more interesting idea. something that fit to the typical AU themes, but still could make a new, good story. if after ther death they chose not became force ghosts, but reincarnate to finish their destiny. as you know, in the original, republic times Cara and Eidana was both Jedi girls, master and apprentice, and after the Order 66 they became “enemies”. Cara went to the Rebels, became a supplier pilot (with having some missions because of course working for the Rebels not that easy peasy) - and later the governess of Leia and an adviser on Alderaan; and Eidana became one of the members of the Empire because she tought maybe with this she could help more, help to stop this nonesense, help to her best friend Anakin or at least try to a little bit holds him back and to spying and giving out informations about the Empire to the Rebels. So even if they work for the same case, ending up on the total two opposite sides of the battle. we tought that would fit totally perfectly with the Star Wars symbolism, if now, the sequel’s era they would begin their jurney from the opposite sides, and they became allies and best friends to the end. Cara was one of the old jedi students at Luke’s Academy, and just like in the original version of ours, she avoids the doom because she is not there. (Like the Order 66, now the Academy’s burning) she is still a child that time and being afraid and thinking that everybody died she escapes. only some times later she returns to the Resistance to help them and became of their soilders. (another thing i like about this idea, that now Leia is Cara’s mother-like figure, what is a hint to the Cara is Leia’s governess thing). Eidana’s story this time begins in the First Order, as one of their high rank officer. We still working on this part, but what we already know is that her heart is not with them, and she became a spy to help the Resistance (hint, as I said), and after some time she totally leaves them to join the Resistance where she and Cara became the same old soul sisters like in the republic times.
This little comic I try to make is their first meeting in this life. Middle of a mission but i’m not sure which time. to me it feels like more a TFA thing than any other, but there is no perfect timeline for this atm. Let’s say the previous month of TFA. 
i tried to make them as different as i can and still being recogniseable in the same time, even in drawing. like their soul is the same so the color choice of their dress is a good base point, but in drawing the hair is one of the most recogniseable thing, so that was what I needed to change that much that as i can, and still change that little that anybody could jauntily see that they are the same. because of the sims 4 versions of the girls I used to play with, i really got used to this haircolor to Cara, and because sis nowdays like to ironing her hair this badassbitch style became Eidana’s new version. I think it is totally fit to the First Order’s aesthetic x,DD Kylo would kill anybody who would be a treat to his epic curles. And furthermore, this hair being a straightened version, has the opportunity to play with this idea I make 2 years ago and give as the cute scene possibility that Cara could play with Ana’s original curls when she discovers Eidana’s hair is originally curly. ((no, really. did you ever have a friend with that cutie curls that you just NEED to touch it and play with it how it works like a spring? XD
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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page 5 for my little sequel!AU to Cara and Eidana. final page, i can’t believe it! this is my really-really first comic i ever finished, so even if it is not perfect it means a lot for me. *///w///*
i hope you like it @iwantacorgisobad :hug:
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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an old idea, actually the fact that Cara uses drawing instead of the usual meditation was one of the first things i came up with, so years ago. it is my thing to do, so it was obvious that she is a drawer too.
the clothes change again is an old idea, bacause @iwantacorgisobad and I sometimes wear each other clothes (when we have possibility, but it is some sis thing that if it fits it is mine too x,,DDD), and after a tiring and long mission it is not that weird they grab each others - same fit - tunic the morning and only they realize the mistake during the day. as long as Cara not like capes, her outfit-change is more obvious. x,DD to be fair it is only visible in color, but still it is conspicuous x,,,,DDD
and well, they are my SISTP so why not this whole stuff x,,DD
the original drawing isn’t mine, I saw this on pinterest and after a sreach I think it is by Rik Lee!!  I used it as more of a coping than reference, because I loved it so much and I wanted to do some other style for the drawing-drawing than mine, but it it is not okay even for own use, send me a note and I will change the picture! ^^
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kitty-cross · 4 years
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page 2 for my little sequel!AU to Cara and Eidana. i still feel that i have no enough experience to draw it as good as i wanted and it far from perfect, but i already learned a lot from this two finished pages. now it was perspective, facial expression and well, shaking effect what was a real challenge. i never ever drawn a person from this low frog perspective, and it feels a little bit twisted and a bit flat, but for the first try i think it is pretty okay. Ana’s shaking hand effect is a little weird too, but i just had no better idea to show this.
for a comic that has more action than this maybe it is more easy maybe not, but i wanted to show the little things that can change in somebody if they just FEEL that itching deja vu feeling.
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