#everyone else always had to reach out to her first and admit they were wrong too even when her bad choices and mistakes were bigger
simplyholl · 2 months
The Newlywed Game
Summary: You’re forced to play The Newlywed Game with your ex situationship.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F. Reader
Warnings: Angst. Smuttish, but not my usual descriptive smut. 18+ Only. Minors DNI.
See my Masterlist here
“I can’t.” That’s all the explanation you got when Bucky ended your situationship. You were friends with benefits for almost a year. The only rule he had was don’t fall in love. He had too much baggage and he never wanted a family. He didn’t want anyone to depend on him.
You couldn’t blame him, he was traumatized by Hydra. Trapped inside his own body for decades, he was afraid it could happen again. You jumped in head first with him anyways. You were in his bed after every mission, every meeting, every day. You basically lived in his room, not that he would ever admit that. Then one rainy afternoon, you knocked on his door like always. Except this time, he didn’t pull you into his warm embrace.
He moved out of the way so you could come in, and immediately you knew something was wrong. You reached for him, ready to console him, desperate for his touch. He had just finished a mission with Sam and he’d been gone for two weeks. You missed him, and he was usually so excited to see you.
When you placed your hand on his cheek, rubbing the scruff that had grown while he was gone, he wrapped his fingers around your wrist removing it. “I can’t do this anymore.” His voice was so low you could barely understand. Your eyes narrowed at his words. “Have I done something wrong?”
“This has gone on for longer than it should have. I can’t let it anymore.” Your throat tightens, but you refuse to cry in front of him. You walked out and your relationship with him was never the same. You didn’t hang out anymore.
When you were alone, he would leave. He didn’t sit beside you during the Friday night movie. He didn’t choose you for his partner on game night. The other Avengers didn’t know for sure that you were hooking up. You hid it pretty well. They had their suspicions, but neither of you ever confirmed it.
Tony called everyone to the back yard. “What’s all this?” Steve asks, pointing to the stage he had set up. “It’s my anniversary tomorrow and Pepper said she always wanted to play the Newlywed Game. So I had this built so we could play.”
“That’s great, Tony. But who are you all going to play with? There’s four set up’s and only two couples.” Steve gestures to Wanda and Vision. “Thought about that and Cap, you and Natasha are going to play and….” He looks at the whole team, everyone looking in different directions trying not to make eye contact. Except for Sharon, who hung around a lot lately. She was getting closer to Bucky, obviously wanting Tony to choose them. You roll your eyes. “Barnes and Y/N. There now we have all our couples. I’m going to go get Pep, you guys take your spots.”
You look at Bucky,but he’s busy talking to Steve about how ridiculous it is. You hear Sharon agree that he should have chosen someone else. When Pepper comes in, she excitedly claps her hands together. She points to the other teams, “You’re going down!” She laughs, but you can’t help but protest, “This is rigged! You guys and Wanda and Vision are the only real couples!! How is anyone else supposed to win?”
Tony shoots you a death glare but answers, “Cap and Natasha have definitely bumped uglies before. And you and Barnes are close friends. I thought that would make it more fair. But, I do expect to win.” You cross your arms, but accept his answer. Bucky finally looks at you, but it’s not friendly.
Sam comes out, wearing a suit Tony made him wear to host. “I’ll explain the rules. You all have a whiteboard, marker, and eraser. I will ask a question and you will write your answer on your boards. If your answer matches your partner’s you get a point. I’ll eliminate one couple each round until the final tie breaker.”
You take a deep breath. This is hell. But, you do know Bucky better than anyone, so as long as he didn’t ask any crazy questions, you would be fine. “First question. Where is the craziest place you and your partner have had sex?” You freeze. Of course Stark had these wild questions. If you both answered the same, everyone would know that you had hooked up.
You think about lying, but decide the ball should be in Bucky’s court. You’ll answer correctly, and if he doesn’t you’ll know he doesn’t want anyone to know. You quickly scribble your answer, waiting on Sam to call on you. Tony’s answer is Steve’s room and Pepper’s matched. Everyone laughed while Steve said Tony has to pay for his room to be deep cleaned.
Wanda and Vision both answer “in the air.” Natasha and Steve said a table in the meeting room. You turn your board to reveal your answer and Bucky shows his. You look and see that he has answered correctly. “The quinjet?! Damn y’all are nasty!” Sam laughs.
You’re taken back to that moment. You, Bucky, and Bruce were on your way back from a mission. Bruce was driving the quinjet, but activated the mode Tony installed for breaks. As soon as he started snoring, Bucky led you to the bathroom. He took you against the wall, metal hand across your mouth to stifle your moans. It was one of the hottest things you’d ever done. Your suit clung to you in the worst ways after that. His cum dripping down your legs, it was nearly impossible to take off.
The others look at each other in surprise. Scott yells “I told you they were hooking up. No one believed me!” Sharon looks at Bucky so harshly that if looks could kill, he’d be dead. He just shrugs his shoulders. Of course, he would be hooking up with her. Why wouldn’t he? She was pretty and it had been three months since he ended things with you.
The next question was “Who hogs the covers more?” Everyone got it right except for Steve and Natasha. She said that wasn’t a fair question because they never actually slept when they were together. The round continued with four more questions. At the end, Steve and Natasha were eliminated because they had the least amount of points. The rest of you were tied.
“What is your partner’s pet name for you?” Sam asks. That’s easy, “doll”, you write. When you reveal your answers, Sharon looks furious. That must be what he calls her too. It stings, thinking of them together. You don’t have time to dwell on it before Sam asks the next question. “What is the highest number of orgasms your partner has given you in one night?” Your eyes widen, you know the answer, but you don’t know if he will remember.
Tony and Pepper answer three, Tony grins like the cocky asshole he is. Vision and Wanda answer two. Bucky raises his board, “Six?!” Sam shouts, “How were you guys fucking this much and nobody knew?” He laughs. The round surprisingly ends with Wanda and Vision getting eliminated.
But you’re busy thinking about that night. Bucky’s head between your thighs for hours. He barely came up for breath. You were sure he would smother, but he insisted. He didn’t stop until the sheets were soaked, your legs were shaking so hard, you’d immediately fall if you tried to stand up.
He had you screaming his name all night. When he finally started fucking you, he took his time, pulling another orgasm out of you before going back down for another taste. He finally came with you on top. He had to lift your limp body on him, using you like a sex doll. You couldn’t move if you needed too. It was the best sex you’d ever had.
“It’s time for the tie breaker question. Answers don’t have to match, the crowd will vote on the most romantic answers.” Sam states. “When did you know you were in love?” Tony and Pepper immediately begin writing. You’re certain you’re going to lose this one. Bucky was never in love with you. You write your answer, deciding to answer truthfully.
Tony and Pepper’s answers make you tear up, they are so in love. You can only hope you’ll find that one day. You and Bucky reveal your boards at the same time. You glance at his, his answer knocks the breath out of your lungs because it matches yours. The Avenger’s Barbecue. You lock eyes, his gaze softens as he reads your answer.
You’ll never forget such a pivotal moment in your life. All of the Avengers and Shield agents’ friends and family were invited to play games, eat, and have a good time. Emily, who helped coordinate your missions brought her husband and three young children. A baby girl, a two year old boy, and a five year old girl. The children were drawn to Bucky. The two older children swung from his metal arm while he held the baby with his other one.
The image made your ovaries explode. You couldn’t help imagining how he would be if you had kids. He laughed as they asked him a thousand questions, playing on him like a jungle gym. You knew without a doubt, you were in love.
Bucky took a deep breath when he read your answer. Why was it the same as his? Did you know? Was it a prank you were playing on him? Emily’s children were entranced with you from the moment they met you. He couldn’t blame them, he felt the same. They had played with him for an hour before the food was ready. When Tony told everyone to make a plate, you offered to watch the kids while she and her husband got their food.
Bucky watched as you comforted the crying infant. The two older children sat beside you while you read from a book the girl got from their bag. Bucky knew he was screwed. He could see a life like this so clearly. Your belly round with his baby, while you tended to your other children. He didn’t want to admit how badly he wanted that. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in love with you.
That night he made love to you, it was softer, slower than the other times he touched you. He knew you could tell the difference too. He placed one last kiss to your lips, willing himself to let you go. The next morning, he left for his two week mission with Sam. He convinced himself that it was for the best if he ended things. He didn’t want to hurt you. You might be okay with it now, but years later you would regret it.
You’d realize having the Winter Soldier for a husband wasn’t worth everything you would have to go through. Then Sharon started flirting with him after Steve rejected her. He hadn’t so much as hugged her, but she acted like she was entitled to him.
Everyone voted for Tony and Pepper to win. They were the real couple and it was their anniversary tomorrow. Tony was going to treat everyone to dinner for being such good sports. You got out of there as soon as it was over. You needed a nap before going to dinner. It was all too much for you. How the hell did you and Bucky make it so far in the game? Why did he have the same answer for the last question? You convince yourself that he knew how you felt.
That night changed everything. The sex was different. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear he was making love to you. He had to be messing with your head. Somehow you manage to fall asleep even with your thoughts racing.
You wake up two hours later, just enough time to get ready for dinner. You put on the little black dress Bucky loved. If he wants to play games, bring it on. You apply your perfume when a light knock sounds on your door. You would recognize the knock anywhere. “Come in” you call. Bucky walks in, his tight black t-shirt hugging him in the best ways.
“Hey doll, we need to talk.” You put your earrings in, anger surging through you. “Talk about what? How you were trying to humiliate me up there? How you’re banging Sharon now? There’s nothing to talk about. You should just go.”
“Humiliate you? What about me? How did you know the answer to the last question?” He demands, charging toward you. “I answered it truthfully, James. How did you know my answer?” You ask, hands on your hips. “I answered honestly too.” He confesses, his blue eyes sweeping over the swell of your breasts.
“Stop lying! I don’t see what the point is. We have been over for three months. Why are you doing this?” He shakes his head, “I was telling the truth. I realized I was in love with you when all those kids were sitting in your lap. I could see our life together. And I wanted it, the kids, the white picket fence, the big house, you.”
“Bucky, I wanted all that with you too. Seeing you playing with those kids made me realize it too.” You sigh, feeling relieved to finally get it off your chest. His lips crash into yours, hands moving at lightning speed to remove all of your clothing. You’re under him in seconds, panting against his lips as he rubs himself against you.
Bucky moans as he sinks into you. He’s always known deep down you were made for him, now he has no choice but to accept it. “I’m so in love with you.” He tells you between thrusts. You claw at his back, his confession almost sends you over the edge. “I am so in love with you, Buck.” You kiss him gently. “Say it again.” He smiles, as you get lost in each other.
@cindylynn @wheredafandomat @multifandom-worlds @loz-3 @megharat-barnes-reid @kats72 @crimson25 @mochie85 @cakesandtom @lokidokieokie @theallknown213 @alexakeyloveloki @tmilover1993 @yeaiamme2 @pigeonmama @yeehawbrothers @lokischambermaid @fictive-sl0th @nomajdetective @goblingirlsarah @foxherder @weirdothatwritess @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @freegardenbanananeck @lamentis-10 @jainaeatsstars @queenshu
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star-anise · 2 years
This is what the fight is like
Sooo, apparently the extremely tenuous and recent nature of the LGBTQ+ community's legal right to exist was not actually super widely known to a lot of people on Tumblr?
Which clarifies some stuff in retrospect. I have so often wanted to grab people by their lapels and shout, "Stop picking on someone for not meeting your entry requirements! We need everyone we can get, you asshole! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THEY HATE US OUT THERE?"
Aaaapparently... no, they did not know. Or they knew and were a conservative psyop preparing the ground for our loss of legal rights. Fun times!
So: Look, it is bad. Shit is scary. They really do hate us out there. You're not wrong.
But: This is what we've always fought. This boat we're in with its antique fittings and strange markings on the floor is a battleship. Work has always been going on in the basements, and when shit gets tough, we clear away clutter and roll out the cannons.
I found this chart a couple weeks ago and hung onto it because it felt like the map to my first 25 years on this earth:
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[Image description: A graph titled "Same Sex Marriage: Public Polls since 1988." It is from FiveThirtyEight's NYT column. It records the percentage of US Americans polled who would say yes or no to legalizing same-sex marriage, from 1988 to 2011.
The two lines begin with roughly 10% saying yes in 1988, and 70% saying no; the two lines gradually draw closer over the years, until by 2011, the percent saying finally dips under 50%, and the group saying yes makes a tentative reach for the majority. End of image description.]
After some great social change has happened, when everyone has admitted that gay marriage is very cute and Pride is a colourful parade, hooray, people like to pretend that it was just natural and inevitable and happened on its own. People just became less prejudiced! Courts just decided on a case! Governments just passed a law!
In reality, it was a vicious fucking fight, every fucking time. Every fucking where. There are a lot of people who deeply, sincerely believe that a hundred years ago, society had good rules about sex and gender and intercourse and marriage, and that changing those rules has made the world worse. They don't always agree on the specifics, but they can work together far enough to fight anyone with new ideas.
This is why we are a community. Even when we don't have the same experiences of attraction or identity, even when we don't do the same things, even when we have wildly different ideas of a good time. Because when these groups take aim, we're all under fire, and none of us is responsible for why they hate us.
In some ways I think it's a miracle that there seems to be a generation that did not grow up, as I grew up, constantly glued to news reports about What Percentage of Society Hates Us this month. I can't imagine who I'd be if my brain and heart and soul hadn't been tied up, that whole time, in the political question of whether I'd get to dream of a decent future.
I think that it will give us strength to have people who can imagine a world where no one hates us. Who believe in it so strongly they can taste it. That's my prediction: If you didn't know this was coming, you'll be a boon to us, because we have always needed joy so fiercely, in this fight, to keep us going on. We have needed drag queens and punk bands and "her wife" and safe space stickers. Parade floats and wedding days and little dogs with rainbow collars, badges and banners and meetups, because more than anything else we need to fight our own despair, and our fear that the world will never get any better than this.
It will. We know it will. We can taste it.
Look up to the history, organizations, and people who've got us this far for information on what forms of activism will actually advance our political goals. Look to the side to make sure the comrades within reach are keeping their heads above water, and that you're keeping enough joy going to stay alive. Look back to see who's more vulnerable than you are that you might have forgotten or been tempted to leave behind. Look after each other. Look after yourself.
We can do this.
To your battle stations.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
spin the bottle ♥ kyle broflovski
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pairing : kyle broflovski x reader
nsfw (smut) - minors DNI!!! - aged up characters (18+)
tags : implied underaged drinking, praise kink, degradation, hair pulling, p in v sex, afab reader, mild sub/dom dynamics, sub!kyle, dom!reader
word count : 3.5k
summary : when a game of spin the bottle pairs you with the object of your affection, you'll take full advantage of the chance the universe has given you
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a/n - this isn't proof read so pls if there are mistakes lemme know
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It was a well-known fact that Clyde always threw the best parties in South Park. Whenever his dad was off on a business trip, it was go-time, and that weekend was indeed go-time.
It was one of the rare occasions when you had all decided to keep it amongst friends, with no assholes from neighbouring towns showing up for free booze and boobs. Just the South Park group.
“Bebe, my love, your tit is about to fall out,” You reached over to hike up Bebe’s dress for the fourth time that night. You had no idea how she even managed to keep it on in the first place. It was practically just a belt that barely covered her. Though you had to admit, she looked hot as hell in it. Figuratively speaking, of course, if she dared to take a step outside, she would surely freeze to death. 
“I love you!” She grabbed your face in the palms of her hands, squishing your cheeks together. “You are playing spin the bottle with us!”
“Oooh, tempting, but no!” You smiled as you rolled your eyes, looking around and prying her hands off of your face. “You know as well as I do that there is only one person here I would kiss.”
“Just ask him out already!” She groaned, dropping her arms to her sides dramatically. “Oooor… Just screw someone else to take your mind off of him?”
“Babe, unless you’re suggesting yourself, I’m not interested,” You teased, grabbing her arm as she started to stumble a little. You pondered for a minute, looking around at the people you had grown up with. “I’ll play one round of spin the bottle.”
“Yes!” Bebe cheered, grabbing your face and planting a very drunken kiss on your forehead. “You beautiful bitch! Let’s get you laid!”
“Since when did the rules of spin the bottle change from a kiss to a quickie?” You joked as she pulled you towards the gathering circle. To your somewhat pleasant surprise, the object of your affection, Kyle Broflovski, had decided to play. The surprise was only somewhat pleasant as you realised that out of the 12 or so people playing, the chances of the bottle landing on him when you spun it were decreased. You could dream, though, and dream you most certainly did. Usually at night, with your hand buried between your thighs and his name on your lips.
“If it rolls on a guy, do I have to kiss him?” Clyde asked, looking around for confirmation or, rather, someone to say that he doesn’t have to.
“What’s wrong? Scared you’ll catch feelings?” You teased your friend as Bebe pulled you to sit down next to her. “Or are you scared that the feelings you’ve already caught will come out?”
“It’s just a peck on the lips,” Kenny shrugged, nudging Clyde. “It’s no big deal.”
“Kenny, dude, you’ll kiss anyone,” Stan pointed out. “Is there a penalty for not kissing someone?”
“Tolkien?” Bebe called across the circle at him. “You got the thing?”
“I sure do!” He pulled out a bottle of something so red that it was practically glowing. Whatever it was, it didn’t look natural. “Hot sauce, it’s over 2 million Scoville.”
“Is that hot?” Butters questioned, looking over at the bottle nervously.
“I’d kiss Kyle’s bitch of a mom over drinking any of that hot sauce!” Cartman announced, scowling at the bottle as though it had personally offended him.
“Hey!” Kyle threw his hands up as if to say that the comment was uncalled for, but Cartman ignored him completely.
“Let’s fucking go!” Kenny cheered, spinning the bottle first before anyone else got the chance. Everyone took it in turns. The kisses were only light aside from when Clyde landed on Bebe and fully went in making out.
Finally, it was your turn. You prayed to whatever deities may be listening as you flicked your wrist, sending the empty bottle spinning. There was one person you wanted it to land on, and you held your breath as the spinning slowed down until it eventually ceased.
You didn’t know which deity you now owed it to, but the bottle had landed on exactly who it was supposed to.
Looking up, you met eyes with Kyle Broflovski, who already had a red twinge on his face. You couldn’t tell if it was that look on his face, the alcohol already in your system, or the fact that you had waited for the better part of three years for an opportunity like this, but a wave of confidence rushed over you.
Within seconds, you had gotten up and crossed the circle to him, climbing onto his lap. The small, shocked gasp that slipped from his lips was swallowed in an instant when you pressed your lips against his. Your hands instantly found their way to his hair, the same hair that you had admired from afar, watching the curls bounce as he played basketball when he would casually brush it away from his face. 
You couldn’t help yourself as you pulled on his hair, your lips catching the smallest little whimper that slipped out as you did so. 
There was absolutely no battle for dominance in the kiss. He submitted to you instantly, allowing your tongue entry as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss further. Where you were, and the people observing were lost to you, all you could focus on was that you were actually kissing Kyle, and he was kissing back with just as much eagerness. 
His hands had been on your waist, but they slowly inched down to grab your ass, giving it the softest squeeze as he pulled you impossibly closer.
There was only one thought on your mind when you pushed your hips against his as you straddled him. ‘More’. That’s all you wanted, more, more, more. He was intoxicating.
You were forced to pull away to breathe, but your mouth instantly latched onto his neck, determined that if this were a one-time deal, you would leave your mark.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Cartman’s voice pulled you from your haze, and you regretfully removed your lips from Kyle’s body, though your hands remained in his hair, keeping him close to you. “Get a room!” 
“Later,” You whispered before you pressed another small kiss to his lips, only to be pulled off of him by a very drunk Clyde, who just wanted the game to continue.
You caught the hopeful glint in Kyle’s eyes that confirmed to you just how interested he was in return.
“Please?” He sounded almost pathetic in this plea, but that only fueled you on more. Bebe gave you a knowing look as you rejoined her in your original space in the circle.
Another round started, and Kyle had to kiss Tolkien, but when it was your turn again, you landed on Kenny. He made his way over to you in an instant. You intended for the kiss to be a quick peck, but apparently, the blonde had other ideas as he held your head in place while he tried to deepen the kiss. You managed to push his head away and awkwardly pat his hair as a sign to ‘stay there’, unsure what else to do. Your eyes darted over to Kyle, who had a hard glare set on the back of Kenny’s head.
“I think I’m done now,” You mumbled, getting up and shuffling away from the group. You were suddenly very worried that your kiss with Kyle had sent the wrong idea to everyone else that you were up for full make-out sessions with anyone. The game didn’t last much longer after that. You did notice that Kyle had avoided his turn when it came up. You deeply regret not having done the same.
After the game wrapped up, the music was turned up, and shots were brought out. You downed one before spotting Kyle talking to Kenny in the corner. You suspected that it was about you, and you couldn’t resist getting closer to listen in to the conversation.
“Dude!” Kyle seethed through his teeth, his hand holding onto Kenny’s shirt to prevent him from getting away. “What the hell was that?”
“I did that for you!” Kenny held his arms up in defence. “I was testing her!”
“What the fuck are you on about?”
“I was making sure she was actually interested in you and not just drunk and horny and willing to sleep with anyone,” Kenny explained. You weren’t sure how to feel about that. Part of you felt used and manipulated, but another part of you was proud that you passed the test.
“And the only way you could do that was to stick your tongue down her throat?”
“She didn’t reciprocate at all!” 
“Just… Don’t do that shit again, okay?” Kyle sighed deeply. “You know how I feel about her.” 
“How could I not? You’ve been going on about her for years, dude,” Kenny laughed. You were sure your heart skipped a beat. Had Kyle really felt the same way about you the entire time? It was then that Kenny spotted you, or at least acknowledged you. “Oh, hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Kenny!” You felt a little better talking to him now that you knew the context of the kiss. But your attention was primarily set on the redhead who looked more than a little flustered to see you. “Hi, Kyle.” 
“Hi…” You wanted to grab his cute, flushed face and kiss him again. You wanted to pin him against the wall and see how much it would take him to beg. You wanted to make an absolute mess of him.
Instead, you just held your hand out. “Dance with me.” It wasn’t a question or even a request. It was an instruction. You could see the switch in his eyes to submission, and you revelled in the power you felt from having such a hold over him. His hand was in yours in a second, and you pulled him towards you and to the edge of the crowd of partygoers. You didn’t want to get caught up amongst everyone. You wanted to keep him for yourself and avoid the risk of others trying to interrupt your conversation. You didn’t want to share him with anyone. He was yours now.
“How much did you hear?” He asked. You could hear his shaky breath betray how nervous he truly was as he spoke. “Between me and Kenny?” You pulled him close to you as you started to sway to the music. You weren’t dancing at anywhere near the right tempo for what was playing, but you couldn’t care less.
“Enough to know that one of us should have made a move years ago,” You cooed, leaning into him further as you spoke. You purposely brushed your thigh against his clothed crotch, taking in his soft gasp and the way his hands clenched from where they had settled on your waist. “You know, out of all the nights I’ve dreamt about you and the things I’d do if I got the chance, I never took you for being a bit of an exhibitionist. You got off on people watching us back there, didn’t you?”
“Well- I- Uh-” He stumbled over his words, the tips of his ears were bright red, and he couldn’t meet your intense gaze. With a smirk, you grabbed his face in your hand, squishing his cutely flushed cheeks together as you made him look at you. You didn’t have to repeat yourself. He knew what you were saying. “Yes, I did.”
“I don’t know if I should praise you or punish you for being such a slut,” You teased. You had let go of his face to once again thread your fingers through his hair as you had while playing spin the bottle. Using the leverage you had on him, you pulled him in, hovering your lips over his but not actually kissing him. “What do you think?”
“Both,” He whispered. You could feel him struggling slightly against the grip you had on his hair to attempt to press his lips against yours, but all it did was cause you to pull his hair. The moan that he let out was unlike anything you had heard before. With a small giggle, you tested this out, voluntarily pulling on his hair again. You watched his lips snap together in an attempt to stifle the second moan, but it didn’t do much to help.
“Seven minutes in heaven!” Bebe announced, interrupting your moment with Kyle. His eyes pleaded with you to ignore it, but a plan formed in your mind that you couldn’t refuse. Your hand slipped from his hair, trailing down his neck, shoulder, and arm until you reached his hand.
“We’d better not keep them waiting,” You feigned as much innocence as you could when your mind was full of pure and utter filth. Holding his hand, you pulled him over to where the circle was regrouping after people had drunk more and danced a little. “How are we doing this?”
“Might as well spin the bottle again,” Stan shrugged, holding up another empty bottle. “Unless anyone else has a better idea?”
“Spinning the bottle sounds perfect,” You smiled, letting go of Kyle’s hand to sit back down next to Bebe. She gave you a knowing look after her eyes landed on a bewildered Kyle as he settled down next to Stan. “I have a plan, and you’re going to allow it.”
“Y/N’s up first!” Bebe grinned at the rest of the group. Stan placed the bottle down, and you leaned over to ‘spin’ it. Instead of actually spinning it, you manually turned it around once before lining it up with Kyle. You didn’t wait for anyone to call you out and make you actually spin it before you got up again, walking over and pulling Kyle up by the front of his shirt. 
“That’s cheating!” Cartman pointed accusingly. “You can’t do that!”
“Go cry about it, fucker,” You glared at him for a second, but your eyes mostly focused on Kyle as you pulled him up the stairs and to what you knew to be the spare bedroom in Clyde’s house. He trailed after you like a little lost puppy, not saying a word. He was already completely at your will, and you loved it. “Seven minutes isn’t long for what I have planned for you… But we’ll make it work.”
“What do you have planned?” He asked. You could hear how nervous yet hopeful he was, and it made you melt. He was so obviously already putty in your hands, and you hadn’t even started.
“Strip for me and lay on the bed,” You instructed, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before gently pushing him backwards and towards the bed. While he was distracted, you slipped your underwear off and stuffed it in your bra so you’d be able to find it later.
Kyle followed your request until he got to his boxers, where he hesitated. You could see the obvious tent that had formed, and your mind went wild. You had spent what was admittedly far too long staring at him when he played basketball, paying close attention to his shorts in order for just an idea of what he was hiding there, but nothing could have prepared you for when he finally took his boxers off. He was bigger than you had anticipated. You were almost intimidated by it, but you were more than ready to accept the pain that would first appear for the pleasure that would soon follow.
You couldn’t wait for him to lie down on the bed. In a split second, you pounced on him, pinning him to the bed and straddling him. Thanks to your lack of underwear, his hard member slid against your folds, and a shared moan rang out through the room.
“Fuck foreplay. I need you in me now,” You shook your head, abandoning your plans to tease and edge him until the last possible second. You only had seven minutes, and you planned to use every single one of them, milking him for all you could. “Do you want this?”
“Yes!” He nodded eagerly.
“Yes, what?” You couldn’t help but tease him just a little bit more.
“Please!” He had barely finished the word when you sunk down onto him. You were already so turned on that he slid in with ease. The way he stretched you out hurt at first, but as expected, the pain quickly morphed into pleasure after you slid yourself up and down a couple of times.
Kyle’s moans were loud, pathetic, and the hottest thing you had ever heard, but you knew it wasn’t wise for him to continue at that volume. As much as you wanted everyone to know that he was yours and you were the one making him feel that way, you knew him well enough that the post-bliss clarity would embarrass him to no end.
“Baby, you need to keep quiet,” You cooed. Your hand traced up his bare chest and settled at his neck. You didn’t squeeze, just pressed down ever so slightly. Your goal of keeping him quiet was ruined by the even louder moan that slipped from him at this. “Do I need to gag you?”
“Yes,” He blurted out immediately, taking you by mild surprise. You felt him twitch slightly inside you, signifying just how serious he was.
“What should I use-” You paused, an idea forming in your mind. You pulled your balled-up underwear from your bra, holding it up in front of him as you slowly rolled your hips to match his thrusting up into you. “I suppose I could use my panties?”
“Yes! Please!” He nodded desperately as best as he could when your hand was still on his throat. “Yes!” His thrusts up into you had gotten sloppy, so you released his throat while you shoved your underwear in his mouth to gag him and used your now free hand to hold his hips in place.
“You look so pathetic and desperate right now,” You smiled, picking up the pace to try and chase the tension that was quickly building inside you. Using your free hand, you started to circle your clit with two fingers, softly moaning at the feeling. You wanted to throw your head back and lose yourself in the pleasure, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Kyle’s as they looked up at you. There was a hazy look to them. He looked so submissive for you. “You’re such a good boy, letting me use you like this.”
The mixture of degradation and praise was clearly getting to Kyle in the best possible way. Below you, you could feel his thighs starting to shake as he drew closer and closer to finishing. The temptation to edge him was significant, but you had to be wary of the time you had left. So, instead, you did your best to grind onto him at as fast a pace as you could manage, your fingers matching the speed on your clit.
The panties in Kyle’s mouth barely muffled the pathetic moans and whimpers that came from him as you felt his seed spill inside you. You were on the pill, but you’d grab a Plan B from Bebe the next morning just to be careful.
As you rode out his orgasm, you reached your own. Both your fingers on your clit and your hip movements became messy as your body shook with what you were sure was the most intense orgasm you had ever had in your life. Your back was arched, and your head flew back as you rode out the final waves of aftershock before collapsing against Kyle’s chest.
“Are you okay?” Kyle asked, having reached up to remove your underwear from his mouth. He asked with such genuine care that you almost forgot the situation that had led to it.
“More than okay,” You nodded with a sleepy smile. As much as you wanted to just sleep there like that, cuddled up against his chest, you knew you were only moments away from one of the other partygoers bursting in and finding the position you were both in. Reluctantly, you pulled off of him. The feeling of his seed dripping down the inside of your thighs as he pulled out threatened to turn you on again if you thought too much about it.
“Uh… Here,” Kyle held out your panties to you as he sat up with you, one hand subconsciously holding onto your waist to keep you steady. You looked at them and lowered his hand, shaking your head.
“Keep them,” You told him, a small smirk emerging on your lips. “Until next time, at least.”
“Next time?” His breath hitched at the implications of those two words. You wanted there to be a next time. You wanted to do that again.
“Next time.”
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
ok, so, this has been bugging me for a bit today, but, what was Sky's reaction to when he first met Warriors? like there's got to be a strong emotion there given that Fi is also a sword spirit.
so yeah, I'm just wondering what you have planed for that.
(also great artwork it's absolutely stunning and looks really yummy)
((dont question it))
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(Lore under the cut. Sorry, I have a lot to say about this haha)
Sky’s reaction when he first meets Warriors? Awe.
They find Wars last- or, well, they find his sword. The others are notably confused because they were looking for the hero. The temple that they were led to is completely empty except for a single sword atop a pedestal. Surely their lead was wrong- this can’t be it. Maybe this is the hero’s blade? And he will return to the temple? Or is this just the wrong spot entirely?
While the others are arguing with each other about what to do next, Sky steps up to the blade. It’s… a lot fancier than the ones that the heroes are accustomed to. Gems are inlaid into the guard, fabric is woven around the grip in a familiar pattern. There are diamonds that run down the blade and a piece of blue fabric is tied around the ring of the pommel. This level of decoration is not usually suited for a sword to be wielded in battle. In fact, the only sword that he’s known to be this beautiful and but also effective is currently strapped at his side. As Sky walks closer, he can see the blade glow unnaturally, and his voice echoes through the temple:
“It’s a Sword Spirit,” he’d say, reaching out to the blade but not touching. Not yet.
There’s a mix of emotions when Sky looks upon the blade. He’s relieved, for he had feared that Sword Spirits had been forgotten entirely. His heart aches at the cold weight of Fi at his side, empty and quiet where she used to be full of life. It’s good, he thinks, to see a new sword shine so bright. He’s a little afraid, he’d admit, since he has unsavory memories of a different Sword Spirit. Phantom hands at his shoulders, tongue at his ear, black blades arcing in the air.
Still, Sky can’t repress the way his heart leaps in excitement, a smile at his lips, even as his hand falters in the air. Another Sword Spirit, here, right in front of him. Another opportunity to make things right, to fix things. Oh, how he misses Fi.
“This is the hero we’re looking for.”
And the others would approach, their curiosity piqued by the reverent tone of Sky’s voice. (Note that Sky had just joined them about two-ish days ago? He was the second to last to meet the Chain, the last being Wars).
No one else has met a Sword Spirit before, not even Wild or Time (who, at this point, everyone thinks is a spirit), so they’re all a bit hesitant to accept Sky’s words at face value. Sky explains that he’s met Sword Spirits before, that the Master Sword herself is a spirit. Puzzle pieces click into place but they still need more convincing. They’ll believe that Sky’s correct: that the sword in the pedestal is indeed a Sword Spirit, but they don’t agree that it’s the hero that they’re looking for.
At least, not until the spirit bursts from his sword in a flash of white light, floating in the air as Fi had done so long ago. The eight heroes stand, eyes wide, before the glowing metallic figure. Sky could cry in at the joy he feels as the spirit utters his first words to them:
“Hello, Masters.”
. . .
• Sky inherently trusts everything that Wars says because he trusted Fi. Fi didn’t lie, she was always helpful, and she told him exactly what he needed to hear every single time, even if he didn’t like it. She was calculating and intelligent and Sky (well… Link) could not have survived on the Surface without her. He trusted her with his life. Sky has no reason to think that Wars would ever lie to him, either. Especially in the early days, when he’s more robotic and less human. And so, he trusts Wars to always be honest.
• This will totally definitely 100% not be a problem guys, I promise. Wars would never lie to Sky about something dangerous. And it totally would never result in Sky getting hurt. And it’s definitely not why Wars looks so upset in the sketches I did yesterday. You can trust me. I promise.
• Sky and Wars talk a lot about Fi. Wars is curious about her, since he’s met her before in his own era and doesn’t know what happened to her. So Sky would explain that she went to sleep after his first adventure, and Wars would stare at him blankly.
“Sword Spirits do not necessitate sleep, Master.”
“I-” Sky would look away, something terribly vulnerable in his eyes. His voice would be sad and quiet as he continued: “I know.”
• I know I’ve talked about this before, but Sky is the most knowledgeable about Wars. He understands. And so his interactions with Wars are a lot easier for the Sword Spirit than with the others. The others don’t like being called “Master.” They don’t like the matter-of-fact way he talks, how he calculates every sentence before speaking it, how he uses percentages and simulations to back up his arguments. (How he always wins arguments). And Sky doesn’t necessarily like these things either, but he’s always patient. Always gentle. He allows Wars to call him “Master” because he understands how much Wars needs it. When Wars goes off on tangents and describes every bit of data he can think of, Sky sits and listens and they talk and it’s just so easy. Sky is probably Wars’ favorite, just for that.
• The REASON that Sky is so supportive of Wars goes back to the one thing that drives him through literally everything in his life: guilt. He said goodbye to Fi much too soon. She was just starting to open up, to feel and express her emotions, when their time ran out. He never got to know the person she’d end up to be, and he’s not making that same mistake again with Warriors.
I think I’ve talked about this before? How when Sword Spirits are young, they talk robotically and don’t express themselves, but as they mature and are around more people, they kind of adopt their traits and become a more well rounded person? Fi, for example was only around for what? A few months? Ghirahim had thousands of years to develop. That’s the difference between “According to your social customs, I should provide you with my personal designation. Fi is the name I was given,” and “You may call me Ghirahim. In truth, I very much prefer to be indulged with my full title: Lord Ghirahim. But I'm not fussy."
Sky wants to see Wars grow in the way that he never got to see Fi. He wants to know Wars. Not just as a spirit, but as a friend.
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iamcalmdammit · 2 years
Four || [John Price x f!reader]
Note: This is short but hopefully you'll like it 😊
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Price knew you were coming. He only saw someone's silhouette out of the corner of his eye, but that was enough to recognize you. After all those years it was way too easy for him. "You made it," he said with a smile when he finally turned around to look at you.
Laswell quickly offered to switch to another chair so you could take her place next to him, and once you sat down, you looked around and said, "Hello, everyone."
"I missed you," Price said quietly before leaning closer to kiss you. You soon heard someone clear their throat in the background and when he looked over there, he saw Soap watching them with raised eyebrows. "Yes, right. Let me introduce you to Y/N, my wife."
"Don't take this the wrong way, but what are you doing here?" Soap asked, flashing a polite smile at you.
This time it was Laswell who answered. "It's a business trip. She works for MI6."
"I was in Langley," you continued kindly, not bothered by someone else answering the first part of the question for you. You had known Laswell for years, it wasn't a problem for you. "We discussed Shepherd's case."
"So you're working with the CIA on this one?" Ghost spoke up.
You shrugged. "We're still discussing the details."
It was Kyle's turn to ask a question. "Do they know where he is?" he asked.
"Nah, we're all in the dark." With that you opened your bag and started looking for something inside. "By the way, I brought you a present," you began as you turned to Price for a second.
When you finally found what you were looking for, you pulled out a cigar and handed it to him. "Oh, I love you," Price said, his eyes fixed on it while the corners of his lips curled into a smile. "I lost a good cigar during this mission."
"You're lucky I'm here then."
"How's Lucas?" he asked once he put the cigar on the bar next to his glass and reached out to take your hand.
You laughed with your head thrown back at this. "You know how spoiled that little rascal is whenever he's with my parents."
Price wanted to say something in their son and your parents' defense but was interrupted by Soap once again. He didn't really mind, part of this trip to the bar was to unwind after the mission. Him bringing his wife along surely came with personal questions.
"Sir, can I ask you a question?" Soap asked cautiously.
"How long have you been married?"
The sergeant hesitated and took his time to figure out how to answer without enraging him. "Asking for a bet," he admitted, choosing to be honest in the end.
"Three years," you replied right away, seemingly amused by the bravery to ask such personal questions.
Price shook his head. "Four, actually," he corrected you.
But you only rolled your eyes at him. "That's two months away," you informed him.
"Still closer to four," Price said with a laugh.
"Damn it." Both of you turned to Soap with a questioning look. "Kyle won," he explained, then turned to Garrick. "Wait, did you know?"
"Maybe," he replied with a bright smile.
"That's cheating!"
Laughing, Garrick put up his hands. "You never asked if I knew."
Nudging his side, you looked over at Price. "Are they always like this?" you asked quietly while the others kept arguing in the background.
"Not always," came the reply, and you didn't miss the warmth in his voice.
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lesbiankimdahyun · 13 days
Summer Session
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1K words
CW: None!
A/N: we are so back, baby <3 special appearance (in name only) made by SEVENTEEN’s Vernon!
[Sana x F!Reader] 
Requested: Yes
Your start to the summer was boring. You hated to admit it, but it was a little lonely without the rest of your classmates around in your college town. For the 65 members of your graduate school cohort, summer meant trying to fulfill mandatory internship requirements and putting in a few hundred hours of service in your soon-to-be field. You were lucky to get an internship in the city, avoiding the hassle of subletting and juggling double rent for the next three months. But staying put also meant you were separated from everyone else; your closest school friends were now scattered across the country, interning in other cities and less available now that you were all in different time zones. 
Desperate to be able to talk to someone face to face instead of over FaceTime, you downloaded Tinder. Finding a partner was of zero interest to you at the moment, but you figured if you went on enough awkward first dates, you’d meet someone who could stick as a friend. A lot of your current friendships had started out that way, anyway– as first and second dates that shifted into platonic relationships instead. You knew it was possible, you just had to put in a little effort. 
One warm Friday night in June, you prepared dinner for yourself eagerly, happy to be done interning for the week. Clearing some space for your plate on the coffee table, you sat down in front of your TV. Taking a sip of the chilled wine you’d poured, you hit play on a new drama series and settled in to watch and eat.
Your meal was delicious, but the pilot episode of the show wasn’t as good as you’d hoped. Part of the way through, you pulled out your phone and opened Tinder. Your eyes flicked back and forth between the television screen and the profiles of girls on your phone. You swiped halfheartedly for a while, but quickly lost interest in that, too. You were just about to grab your book and turn the TV off when you did a double take at the next profile Tinder brought up for you. 
You knew her.
It was a girl from your cohort: Sana. You sat up straight, nearly knocking your wine over as you blindly reached for it, eyes still taking in the pretty dark haired girl on your screen. You had always thought Sana seemed fruity, but since she never attended any of the queer student activities for your program and you’d never seen her at any of the gay clubs, you thought for sure you’d read her wrong. 
Taking a quick screenshot, you hurriedly took another sip of wine and quickly sent it to Chaeyoung, a close friend in your program. Within seconds, your phone was vibrating with her reply.
Chae 🍓: omg 
Chae 🍓: SANA?!?!?!?!?!
Chae 🍓: !!!!!!!!
Chae 🍓: i fucking knew it!!!!!
Chae 🍓: was it a match 👀
You hesitated for a moment, then went back to the app and swiped right before all of your courage left you. The app simply presented the profile of another girl after Sana’s disappeared. You chuckled to yourself, slightly embarrassed as you crafted a reply. No, you sent. Sorry to get your hopes up~ 
You hadn’t realized your own hopes had been up until Sunday night arrived and you noticed that  none of the matches you’d gotten on the app over the weekend were Sana. And when Chae texted you curiously about it on Monday, it was even more embarrassing to admit that you had nothing new to report. You decided to give up on having any hope at all the next day. It wasn’t like you and Sana were close, after all. You’d only ever hung out outside of class to work on occasional group projects with her. There was no reason at all to expect anything from her.  
But on Wednesday while you ate lunch alone on the outdoor deck of your internship office’s downtown headquarters, your phone vibrated. You sighed a little, setting down your sweating can of pop before grabbing your phone. You assumed it was a Slack message from a coworker at worst, and at best a text from Chaeyoung or another one of your friends. To your surprise, the two incoming texts you had just gotten were from a number you didn’t know. 
Unknown: hey, is this Y/N? 
Unknown: it’s Sana 😊
Your eyes went wide. How did she get your number? You were about to pull up your message conversation with Chaeyoung, but another text from Sana appeared. Your feeling of pleasant surprise changed to complete and utter horror. Sana had sent you a screenshot of your own Tinder profile. 
Maybe: Sana: saw you~ i didn’t know you were around for the summer! 
You locked your phone immediately and screamed silently, begging the earth to swallow you whole. It didn’t, so instead, you saved Sana’s number, then took a screenshot of the whole conversation and sent it to Chaeyoung with lightning speed. You had to, you thought, before you died of mortification. You gave Chae all of fifteen seconds before you then glanced at your watch and called her. 
“I was literally just about to call you,” Chaeyoung’s voice was bursting with excitement. “She totally wants you,” she teased, laughing. “Well?” 
You groaned. “I haven’t replied yet! And stop laughing, I might have to transfer to another program out of state because how EMBARRASSING this is.”
“Oh come on, this is a great segue!” Chaeyoung replied. “Tell her–” Chae’s voice cut out a little as your phone vibrated– another incoming text. You pulled your phone away from your ear and exhaled sharply. 
Sana: vernon gave me your #, i hope that’s cool. we should hang sometime! are you free this weekend? :]
“Y/N? Hello?” Chae’s voice seemed soft and distant as you stared at your screen. You hadn’t put Chaeyoung on speakerphone, but her waiting silence felt louder somehow. 
“She–” you cleared your throat a little as you processed everything and put your phone back up to your ear. “She just asked if I’m free this weekend.” 
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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astarionancuntnin · 2 months
Undisclosed Desires (Chapter 3 - Ending)
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summary: back at your camp, your companions celebrate your findings of the day, concluding this quest. you realize your feelings for the vampire might be more serious than you previously thought, and with the courage the wine gives you, you take a step to do something about it
rating: E
word count: 2.6k
pairing: astarion x you (fem!reader, sorceress tav)
cw: 18+. smut, porn with no plot, denial of feelings gets resolved, porn with feelings, alcohol induced sex, overstimulation, mating press, act 1 astarion might take advantage of tav's vulnerability but we're assuming that he's also already falling for her, possessive sex, creampie, reader admits her feelings, soft ending
a/n: FINAL CHAPTER i never expected to get there when writing the first chapter but i got really invested in the relationship of astarion and how i wrote reader!tav in this one. thanks for all your comments and feedback, and most of all thank you for reading along! <3
previous chapter
read on ao3
or keep reading down below ~
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You trick your lovers
That you're wicked and divine
You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine
With the lack of visibility from within the dungeon, you never realized how much time you had actually spent down there. It’s only once outside that you realize how long it’s been, with the sun currently setting. Once you finally reach your camp, dusk has fallen and you spot the campfire already lit, with some of your companions surrounding it. Shadowheart spots you as you emerge from the forest path with Astarion, visibly tired, and bolts towards you, taking you in a strong embrace.
“Oh, thank the Gods you’re alright,” she pulls back, grabbing you strongly by your arms and stares right into your eyes, her worry turning into annoyance. “Do you know how long we’ve been waiting for you?! We were expecting you to be back hours ago!”
You smile softly, “I’m okay, really, we just… got into a predicament of sorts. Nothing to worry about, I assure you.” Before letting your friend’s mind wander too far, you pull out the artifact from your bag. “But,” you raise your voice to get the attention of the rest of your companions watching from afar, as you hold the artifact high and wave it to them. “We found the missing piece!”
“Fuck yeah, soldier!” Karlach shouts from her bedroll. “We gotta celebrate!”
Everyone else eagerly agrees and in a matter of minutes, you’re all drinking, laughing, shouting, and dancing around the camp. Except Karlach, of course, her leg still healing from that awful trap she walked in, but she is just as joyful as the rest of you and drinks along, laying on her bedroll in the middle of the camp. She wouldn’t allow a mere injury to keep her from enjoying her friends’ company. 
As the night settles down and some of your companions head to bed, you’re joined by the cleric, sitting down around the fire.
“So, you and Astarion, huh?”
“Ugh, pleaaaase, it only happened once,” you let your head fall between your hands.
“Really? Because judging by the state you arrived in and the new bite on your neck, I would think that–”
“OKAY fine,” you interrupt her. “...twice.” She gives you a playful look. “But it just, sorta happened you know? I swear I didn’t plan this!”
“Oh, I’m sure you didn’t.” She laughs. “I’m just surprised I guess, I didn’t take him for your type.”
“He’s really not!”
“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night,” she grins at you.
“I… I don’t even know myself,” your voice softens.
Your vision falls on Astarion who is standing by himself, far from the party, indulging in a bottle of wine by the side of the lake. You keep observing him as Shadowheart continues to talk.
“Well, first of all, rude,” she laughs before you continue. “Second of all… not really, but it wouldn’t surprise me. That’s how people have always seen me. For years, I lived with the fact that I was unlikeable and unapproachable. I never managed to connect with people. I was convinced there was something wrong with me ever since I can remember. I was never able to fit in. But when I’m with him I’m… happy, somehow. Happier than I’ve been for years. For so long, I thought I would never feel any type of attachment to anyone, that I was practically doomed to live alone for the rest of my days. When I’m with him, I forget about all of this. I don’t know how to deal with that.”
“Don’t you think you deserve to know?”
You sigh. “I was sure I hated him. I probably did at some point. He’s so snobby and pretentious and arrogant and– Gods, he’s everything I despise in a person!”
“Would it make you feel better if I told you I thought the same thing about you when we first met?”
You pause and she notices who you’ve been staring at all along. “Have you told him that?”You quickly snap back to her. “Are you insane?! Of course not!” You cross your arms over your chest, frowning.
“Maybe it would be worth giving it a try?” Her tone is soft and caring. For someone who hadn’t known you for that long, she seemed to understand you intimately.
Her question makes you wonder. A part of you wants to see where this would go, it’s true; you were curious about the possible outcome of this relationship. You had made peace with the fact that you would live on your own forever. You were always seen by others as a cold, ruthless sorceress. It wasn’t your fault your powers were stronger than the rest of your kind, but nonetheless, it put you aside from the rest. Traveling with this group of weirdos is the most proximity you’ve had with people for years. A lot of these experiences with people are very new to you. You take one more sip of wine, your last resort to deal with those feelings.
Shadowheart takes your silence as an answer. “You know, you deserve happiness just as much as the rest of us,” she gets up and pats your shoulder. “You should at least consider it,” she says, before leaving for her tent.
You stay there for a few moments, pondering about what she just told you. You take a deep breath and get up to walk towards the lonely pale elf with your wine-induced courage. After all, what’s the worst that could happen?
“Hey,” you approach him awkwardly.
“Well hello there,” he turns to you, “to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?”
“Just wanted to see how you were faring, after today. Everyone’s enjoying the night, some people are even heading to bed, but I didn’t see you mingling with the others.”
“Oh darling, I’m doing just great on my own,” he gestures with the bottle of wine in hand. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head.” 
“Of course you do.” you roll your eyes. “Well, good. I’m glad.”
There’s a silence shared between the two of you then. You get this strong feeling in your chest that you need to express and yet, you just can’t bring yourself to say it. Everytime you part your lips to say it, the words get stuck in your throat. Maybe you’re not drunk enough to go on about your unspoken feelings. Maybe some things are simply better left unsaid, after all. You sigh and shake your head, abandoning your initial intentions.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to bother you any more than I already have,” you give him a soft smile. “Have a good night, Astarion,” as you turn to walk away, your smile disappears, leaving only disappointment. It quickly turns into surprise when you feel Astarion swiftly grabbing you by your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
“Wait,” he says. Your eyes meet and you notice a change in his expression, his eyes soften. “I get the feeling there’s something you’re not telling me, is there?”
“It’s nothing!” You force a smile. “We had a big day, I’m just tired and you must be too, I suppose, I wouldn’t want to keep you from resting,” your eyes fall to the ground, avoiding his glare.
He takes a step towards you, closing the short distance.
“You don’t need to go,” his voice is deeper.
“Listen, you really don’t have to do this, we slept together and it was great and it can just stay like that, there’s no need–”
He lifts your chin up to face him and you stop rambling instantly. You feel your heart pounding in your chest, your eyes locking with his.
“Tell me, what would you do if I kissed you, right now?” he asks, his voice barely a whisper.
Your eyes flutter open, your breath catching in your throat, “I would kiss you back.”
His eyes fall on your lips and you close your eyes as he lifts your chin higher and your lips collide. He kisses you with a tenderness you never would have imagined, with one hand holding your waist closer and the other moving from your chin to your cheek. You feel as if your heart is going to explode ; you kissed him before, but it was nothing like that. At this moment, time stopped, just for the two of you.
He parts from you carefully, remaining close. Your eyes open up to find him looking at you with his eyes darkened with lust. Given how you felt your breathing quickening and your face burning, you must’ve been looking at him with the same intensity. Finally, you speak up.
“Do you… wanna share my tent tonight?”
He smiles with half-lidded eyes. “I thought you would never ask.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol in your veins giving you the courage, but you find yourself kissing him back eagerly, getting lost in his embrace, and it takes everything in you to actually make it back to your tent with Astarion. The second you’re inside, you’re both removing each other’s clothing, recklessly throwing them away. You drunkenly stumble on your back and try to suppress your laughter before Astarion is over you, kissing you again. First your lips, then your neck, and your chest, down to your navel, and the mount between your legs.
Each kiss from him has you moaning so easily, as if he played you like an instrument. You don’t make the effort of even trying to suppress the sounds you make, you’ll just blame it on the alcohol tomorrow morning. His touch felt so good against your skin, like a healing balm over each wound from your past. His next kiss over your folds has you arching your back, and he grabs a hold of your legs in response, grounding you down. His breath over your pussy sends a river of chills up your spine and you tightly grab onto your bedroll’s blankets for support.
His tongue slipping between your wet folds makes you cry out instantly, as your core is extremely sensitive to any touch in your condition. You try to buck your hips against his tongue and his hold on you only gets stronger.
“Mhh, don’t you wanna be good for me?” He asks, between your legs.
“Y– yes,” you pant.
“Then stay still for me, love.”
His sweet words combined by his masterful tongue plunging into you make you whimper. He devours you as if you were his first meal in days, lapping at your entrance, drinking you in, tasting everything you have to offer. His nose, carefully placed over your clit, teases your sweet spot and you feel yourself nearing your climax. Sensing your desperation, Astarion loosens his grip on your hips, allowing you more movement. Your hands get lost in his curls, lightly pulling them to guide his face over your sensitive area. The build up in your stomach finally releases and you scream as the wave hits you like electricity throughout your body. Your hands fly to your sides, grabbing onto your bedroll for dear life, with the vampire between your legs ravishing you still. 
You cry out, pleading with him as the feeling becomes overwhelming and he leaves your sex to move back up, lifting your legs up in the process. Your lips meet with his, and you taste yourself on his tongue. You get lost in the feeling, messily kissing him back, only parting slightly to allow yourself to breathe. His hands sneak down to grab your wrists and pin them next to your head before burying himself right into your cunt. 
His thrusts are slow and deep, hitting the back of your hole every time. By now, you’re a panting mess, you’re seeing stars, and the only words leaving your mouth are his name, over and over again, each time more jumbled than the last. 
“I do love the way you say my name,” he murmurs.
“A– Astarion…”
“Just like that,” he purrs. “You’re doing so good for me.”
“My good girl.”
He pauses between his thrusts, getting stronger and stronger, and making you moan louder and louder. With his last stroke, he dives teeth first into your neck, drinking you in. He drinks from you like a starved man, his pace becoming ruthless. You feel him growl against your neck, his teeth sending a vibration through your skin, before removing his fangs from you. He picks up a punishing pace, drilling into you.
“You’re mine.”“I’m… yours…” you barely manage to get the words out.
“Go on, be a good girl for me, tell everyone who you belong to.”
His words of praise send you over the edge again, you feel as if your soul was leaving your body, with your back arching into him, your eyes rolling in the back of your head and the air leaving your lungs as you scream out his name. Your cunt squeezes his cock and with a last hit, he releases himself inside of you, growling into your ear as he does so. His thrusts become erratic, filling you with his seed. You’re completely overwhelmed and your body trembles with the sensation. Astarion stays still inside of you, your warmth around his length providing him some sense of security as he comes down from his own high. He lifts his head up carefully, and his hands leave your wrist to hold your face instead, your foreheads barely touching.
You felt like in this instant, you could forget about all the misery you experienced, and with him, you could start anew ; he made you feel whole in so many ways.
“Darling? Are you alright?”
With your head between his hands, he strokes your cheeks tenderly, wiping the tears from your exhausted eyes as you admire each detail in his expression. 
I think I’m in love with you. The words resonate loudly in your head. 
He chuckles softly, “Of course you do. How about we leave the love confessions for when you’re less inebriated, hm?”
Loud enough to leave your lips, it seems. If he didn’t answer, you would’ve believed you only thought about saying those dreaded words.
You hum and feel the weight of the day crash upon you and fatigue taking over you as Astarion holds you close, lulling you to sleep.
The next morning you awaken, and you're surprised to find Astarion still wrapped tightly around you.
His skin is warmer than usual, probably a result from sleeping skin to skin with you. After your confession from last night, you were scared he would leave you in the middle of the night, like the first time you slept together. You’re glad to find him still cuddled up next to you. You’re aware elves don’t normally sleep, but he seemed so peaceful, his face was relaxed and you could trace his smile lines next to his lips, and his curly hair slightly falling over his eyes.
Too afraid to end this precious moment, but still wanting to be closer to him, you nudge yourself into his arms, your nose touching his chest. You’re unsure if he’s conscious, but part of you thinks it would be better if he wasn’t. Relishing this moment of comfort with him, you mumble your next words against his chest.
“I’m… not expecting you to say it back, but I meant what I said yesterday. I don’t know where this’ll go, but I know I want to be with you.” 
You feel his arms hold you tighter against him.
You sigh in relief. Whether his movements were intentional, whether he heard you or not, you’re glad to have finally gotten that weight off your chest.
Maybe you can learn to be happy again.
I’ve never felt like this before
My heart knew I couldn’t
And then you take me in
And everything in me begins to feel like I belong
Like everybody needs a home
And when I take your hand
Like the world has never held a man
I know I cannot heal the hurt
But I will hold you here forever
If I can, if I can
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pairing: recom!quaritch x latina!recom!reader
summary: miles is not holding himself anymore around you.
author's note: so, i know reader speaks spanish but there's one reference to brazilian culture because we're still latino.
warnings: cussing, reader is a tease, miles is a thirst trap, he gets a boner in this one.
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
gif by @vluminial
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part 1
· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
"You know he's playing favorites, right?" Z-dog complained.
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed and bit on your bottom lip. Since she returned from the forest task she couldn't stop complaining about how the Colonel did her dirty.
"Chica, stop. You know he send you on the task because you whined" You murmured, staring at yourself in the mirror while braiding your hair, "Besides, why would he play favorites with me?"
"C'mon, you have to admit it was a little unfair," Walker said behind you, while her fingers worked on braiding your queue, "Since we woke up as recombinants, how many times did he bother to give you a task?"
You frowned, "I'm always by his side being Ardmore's bitch and trying to get us permission to hunt Sully!"
With Walker's help, your long hair was styled on boxer braids, divided into six equal parts, plus your queue braid in the middle of your head.
"Girl, you're a lieutenant. Being the Colonel's assistant isn't the same as being on a task force" Z-dog grinned teasingly. 
“Aye, vete a la mierda.” You chuckled. 
But they were right. Kind of, you told yourself. Quaritch did have enough reasons to send you to the forest task, but he didn't. He chose to be unfair to Z-dog, knowing it was the wrong thing to do. Why would he do that?
You and the girls were going to the hangout room inside the recom's quarters, where the team would be reunited to celebrate Lopez's birthday. You had made a little more effort than everybody else trying to make it a special occasion for your friend since you were the only one who could cook latinoamerican food. And you wouldn’t complain, you felt thankful for that. You missed your country so much, and you wouldn't miss the chance to cook something that for seconds could bring you back home. And Wainfleet was in charge of the cake, and he did a very good job as well. The rest of the team decorated the room with blue balloons to match the huge blue cake.
The whole squad was waiting inside the room as the lights were off, waiting for the birthday boy to come any minute now. Lopez came in with Miles right behind him. Looking around throughout the darkness, the corporal frowned with a confused face, but his features lightened up as soon the smell of Ropa Vieja reached his nostrils.
“Sorpresa!” Everyone screamed the moment Quaritch switched the lights on. You could remember how funny it was to teach them to roll their R's to pronunciate the word.
"Guys! I can't believe you did this all for me..." Lopez smiled.
"Our lovely Y/N did most of it" Colonel Quaritch blurted out, tapping Lopez's back but looking directly at you. You blushed at his words.
Cleaning your throat, you opened a large smile and pointed to the table; "But they decorated the room. And guess what? Lyle made this beautiful delicioso cake for you! We should leave it for dessert." 
You weren't so surprised when they ate it all. Not to be cocky about it, but not only you were a great cook, the food was also amazing. And in the end, it did bring you home.
Unfortunately, your efforts to teach them Spanish had their limits, and the team sang happy birthday in english. After Lopez gave you the first slice of cake, you played reggaeton to dance and celebrate.
"So, who's gonna dance with me?" You called out.
The eyes around the room watched your hips moving from side to side as you swayed through the floor. You called Lopez with your index. Walking to you, the corporal moved to the rhythm of the song. He placed a hand above your ass and you followed his lead, your hips meeting his, your tail entwined his leg.
Across the room, Quaritch enjoyed a glass of tequila and watched that scene. His eyes followed every step you took, as you swung in Lopez's arms, being caught in Mansk's embrace. Lyle hurried to dance with you as soon as he caught an opening to do so. 
"So cute," He thought. 
Those men were there, practically throwing themselves at your feet, but none of them could have you. At the end of the day, they weren't what you were looking for.
When your body met Lopez's again, your gaze met Miles'. As your friend's hand traveled through your body, the colonel's stare made you hot. You moved your hips slowly and seductively against Lopez's crotch, and you could see Quaritch's hand going to his own. Did I just give the colonel a boner? Yes, you did. And now you teased him on purpose, which aroused you even more.
Quaritch's upper lip twitched as his blood boiled. You rubbed your body to the others, but your eyes never left his. You were teasing him, wickedly and intentionally. His mind was running with dozens of ways he could teach you a lesson, while his cock was growing inside his trousers. 
And then you called for him. 
"Coronel," that sexy accent shouted, "won't you dance with me?" You pouted, innocently. He almost snarled at your audacity.
Miles smirked before taking a sip from his neat tequila, "Thanks sweet pie, but I'm good,"
"Then I won't dance anymore." You shrugged, leaving the center of the room where everyone was dancing.
You passed by the table and grabbed a couple of sweets along with a glass of tequila. You sat beside him, placing a gentle hand on his thigh to get balance. You crossed eyes again, and Miles squinted as you slightly squeezed his thigh.
You took a sip from your drink and a bite from the brown candy. The Colonel's eyes went from your hand to your lips as you chewed. You offered him the bonbon.
"Prove it," You cooed, "I made it myself."
Miles raised a curious brow, "What's this?"
"It's brigadeiro. Just eat, you'll like it." And he let you feed him. The tip of your thumb entered his mouth and touched his warm wet tongue. You pulled your hand back, quickly.
Miles' licked his lips clean, staring at you. You flushed but didn't let yourself be intimidated by him.
"How does it taste?" You asked, licking your thumb.
"Sweet," he replied, "just like you."
You snorted, "Careful, sir. I might start thinking you're flirting with me"
"Would you like that?" Quaritch questioned.
You looked around to see if someone was paying attention to your proximity to the Colonel. Fortunately, everyone was too drunk and entertained by the music to see something other than the drinks in their hands.
His huge blue hand gripped your thigh, squeezing it to call your eyes back to him.
"I asked you a question, Y/N" Miles smirked, "What's wrong? The gato got your tongue?"
You snickered, "You suck at spanish, Coronel."
"I could suck at other things, Teniente." He muttered under his breath. 
Miles was taking a blind shot. You could either turn your back and leave, or fall for his games and give yourself to him. It was a shot in the dark. But Miles is a well-trained marine, and even if he shot in the dark he would hit the target.
"You like to tease, don't you? Flirting all the time, teasing the corporals until they're all at your feet begging for your attention, just so you can deny them and do it all over again."
His thumb caressed your thigh softly. You could feel the tenderness in his touch. His other hand met your cheek, where his blue fingers traced lines through your features. 
"Don't start something you won't finish" You held back a whine when the tip of his finger brushed against your bottom lip.
"Oh, I could finish it..." Miles taunted, wickedly "But what would be the fun innit, sugar?"
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mochegato · 1 month
Forever Yours
It was bad. She knew it had to be bad. Why else wouldn't they have heard anything?  Why else would they keep her... them!  Keep them in the dark?  They wouldn't.  Unless there was a reason not to tell them... like something really bad had happened and they were trying to mitigate the fallout.
This was far from Adrien’s first mission for the Justice League.  They both frequently worked with various members.  It wasn’t even his first mission without Marinette.  In fact, they went on missions without one another a lot.  But there was just something about going on a two-person mission behind the Order’s worst enemy’s lines with someone neither Adrien nor Marinette knew well… or fully trusted if she was being honest, that kicked up the nerves.
It was supposed to be a quick mission.  “Two hours max”, they said.  “In and out,” they said.  “No real danger,” they lied.  But that was twelve hours and quite a few anxiety spirals ago.  The muscles in her hands were starting to cramp from her fidgeting, her fingers curling and flexing over and over like a compulsion.  She had paced around Mia’s apartment so many times, the carpet was beginning to show an indent from her perpetual path.
“It’ll be fine,” Dick assured her.  “Lack of information doesn't mean anything.  It's just standard operating procedure, really, especially for Constantine.”
Marinette shot him a flat, almost disgusted look.  “It’s standard procedure when something goes wrong,” she explained slowly, annoyance starting to seep through.  “No contact for twelve hours on a ‘two hour max’ mission, is NOT standard operating procedure.”
Dick held up his hands.  “I’m just saying I don’t think there’s a reason to panic yet.”
Zatanna sighed almost grudgingly.  She glared at Dick as she spoke up.  “I will admit, missions with Constantine often end like this.  Things get off track and I don’t think he ever communicates with anyone.  It’s kind of a blackout whenever you go out with him.”
Dick rapidly in agreement.  “Exactly!  It isn’t worth the worry.  I just think you should take a breath, let it out slowly, and relax.”  To his credit, Marinette did stop pacing, but it was to stare dumbfounded at him. 
Meanwhile, Roy let out a loud breath, almost a scoff, and dropped his head, but Mia was far more vocal.  “Did you just tell her to calm down?” she demanded.  “While she’s in the middle of an anxiety attack?”
Dick looked around, eyes wide.  “What?  No!”  He whipped around to face her.  “I would never… I just thought… It’s not productive to just pace here.  I thought maybe you might want to go home and relax.”
“Maybe you should go home,” Marinette snapped.
He looked around helplessly for anybody to back him up but nobody would meet his eyes, everyone looking determinedly away.  Finally, he nodded and took a seat meekly.  Marinette glared a few more seconds before returning to her circuit and abusing her lips and hands once again.
Roy watched her make a few more rounds before reaching his limit.  If she chewed any harder on her lip, she was going to draw blood.   Marinette was declining and he was not about to just sit back and let it continue.  Her purse had been tossed onto the coffee table in front of her so he took the opportunity to search through it until he found what he was looking for.  Like any artist, there was a sundry assemblage of drawing utensils at the bottom of her bag, always ready for when inspiration strikes and always too caught up in the euphoria of capturing their vision to put it away properly.
There were colored pencils, pens, markers, acrylic based markers, paint sticks, he even found a few crayons that he knew were likely for Alya’s infant.  He rummaged around for a few seconds before pulling out his target.  He waited until she passed by again to grab her arm and pull her onto the couch next to him.  She barely had a chance to scowl at him and snap, before he held the Sharpie from her bag out to her with one hand.  The other hand he settled across her lap, his bare, clean forearm facing up.
Marinette looked between the sharpie and his forearm, her brow furrowing further with each flick.  She finally lifted her eyes to his, the furrow deeply embedded and a light frown pulling down her lips.  “What are you doing?”
“You’re freaking out,” he said, like that was in any way an adequate or even logical answer to her question.  She blinked at him, utterly dumbfounded.  The completely nonsensical nature of his response knocked her out of her anxiety spiral, at least temporarily, allowing her to focus on his words.  But being able to focus didn’t help at all because no matter how much she focused on his words, she couldn’t make sense of it.  When she still hadn’t responded after a while, he continued, “You relax when you draw.  I don’t have paper, but you can use my skin.”
Her eyes flickered back and forth between his face and his forearm.  “What?”
He waved the sharpie again and motioned toward his forearm, flexing it as he did to accentuate it.  “Use my arm as your canvas.  Get your anxiety out with it.”
“Really?” she asked uncertainly.  “Are you sure?”
He smirked and leaned closer as he waggled his eyebrows.  “I mean, I’m willing to give you other ways to work out your anxiety…” he chuckled at the scowl she shot him, but his expression quickly softened into something more sincere.  “You can use me however you want, Fire Flower.  If what you want to use me for is as a drawing pad, I’m here for you.”
Marinette groaned and rolled her eyes but shot him a small smile as she grabbed the sharpie and repositioned herself so she faced him.  He could see it as soon as she got into position, the way her mind instantly settled, and a calm washed over her.  It was like the sharpie flipped a switch in her and gave her mind purpose.  Her entire body relaxed.  All the tension that had been building up for hours dissolved once she had a focus.
The moment the felt tip touched his skin, he could feel her exhale.  She held the sharpie in the spot for just a moment before gliding it up into a delicate but simple design.  She was drawing for a few minutes before he heard a whispered, “Thank you.”
The grateful tone in her voice, and maybe the way she was almost sitting in his lap or the way he could feel each exhale fan out over his skin, spread a warmth through his body like a wildfire.  He leaned forward to drop a lingering kiss on the crown of her head.  “Always,” he whispered into her hair.
Her hand faltered slightly at the contact, disrupting the line she had been drawing and breaking the perfect stroke, but she recovered almost flawlessly.  She almost seemed unaffected by the move otherwise, but after a few more seconds, she leaned her body against him and rested her head on his chest.  The movement almost seemed thoughtless, like a natural movement, made without taking her focus from her art.
She was too focused to notice the reaction in the room to their intimate proximity, but Roy wasn’t.  He was all too aware of the looks and knowing smiles.  It was a familiar sight.  Because this was a familiar position for them.  Not the drawing on the skin, but the familiarity and affection.  He had been harassed more than once about it.  But it hadn’t worked yet, and it wasn’t going to work that night either.  He glared at them with a one finger salute to make sure they knew it too.
It had been two weeks since Adrien had returned from his mission, a bit disheveled, a bit tired, and quite a bit traumatized.  But he had returned.  And most surprisingly, uninjured… physically anyway.  He still shuddered whenever he saw a headband and Marinette was positive she did not want to know the story behind that trauma.  Perhaps more disturbingly, since that mission she would occasionally find him staring blankly until she would shake him out of it.
So that night, there was a new mission: Cheer Adrien Up.  All of their friends in the area were invited to the party.  She’d ordered his favorite food and gotten Adrien’s favorite games and movies ready, she was even considering letting him win a few of them… maybe.
Maybe not.  Because not everybody else seemed to have that perspective.  A few… okay, maybe just one, brought their competitive spirit and once they started, she just couldn’t back down, especially when Roy started trash talking her.
That was NOT something she could let slide.  Roy didn’t need the ego boost and she refused to give up her gaming crown.
They were midway though their sixth head-to-head battle, everyone else having decided watching them play was far more fun than playing themselves, controllers held so tightly knuckles were white, both sitting on the very edge of their seats and still leaning forward to get closer, eyes for nothing but the screen and each other, and yet somehow the tension was getting even higher.
She smirked at him when a particularly creative combination caught him off guard and knocked his player down quite a few percentage points.  Unwilling to back down, he narrowed his eyes and pushed his sleeves up to remove any distractions.  However, the result was the opposite.  Marinette stared at his arm, the controller going lax in her hands.  She didn’t even notice when the game ended announcing his first win.  Roy jumped up and yelled in celebration, turning to Marinette to rub it in, but froze at the look on her face.  Her eyes snapped to his and without saying a word, she grabbed him and dragged him out of the room, still oblivious to the whispers and grins of the people around them.
She pulled him into her room, her hand a vice grip on his wrist.  As soon as the door was closed behind them, she rounded on him and shoved his sleeve up to his elbow before he could even react, exposing his newly healed, freshly inked forearm.  She stared at it for a few seconds, her eyes following the lines before lifting them up to him accusatorily.  “Is this… Did you get my drawing tattooed on your arm?”
“Yeah, a few weeks ago.”  He grinned proudly at her, not oblivious to her accusatory glare, if anything, it made his grin widen.  “Like it?”
Her face scrunched in an incredulous expression.  The action itself was baffling, but the cocky reaction was driving her from bewilderment to indignation.  “Why did you get this?”
His smile stayed firmly in place, but it eased into something softer.  “I liked it,” he shrugged like it was a no-brainer, an obvious resolution.  “I liked the way it looked on my skin, so I inked it.”
She let out a long-suffering breath, something of a cross between a sigh and a groan and pulled his arm closer to study it.  The tattoo was an almost perfect replica of her design.  The intensity of brush strokes was duplicated, heavier where she’d pushed harder with the marker, thinner where she’d almost ghosted the marker over his skin.  Her fingers traced the design with an almost reverent wonder.  She paused at an irregularity in an otherwise smooth, unbroken line.  “You even got where I messed up,” she murmured.
“Well, yeah,” he shrugged, extremely careful not to dislodge his arm from her grasp.  “It’s part of the memory.  It’s one of my favorite parts of the design, actually,” he added quietly.
She continued to stare at the imperfection, almost transfixed for a few moments before finally lifting her eyes to his, stealing the breath from his lungs from the awestricken look in her eyes.  He raised his other arm to wrap around her waist but dropped it when she finally spoke before he could make contact.  “What the hell were you thinking?” she demanded, her voice low and hissing.
He quirked his head to the side at the unexpected tone, taking a second to ascertain if she was serious.  “It’s beautiful and I want a piece of you on me forever…” he dropped his eyes to his tattoo, not only as a way to avoid her eyes but to seek a source of reinforcement before continuing with a bit more vulnerability than he usually showed, “and maybe I wanted you to mark me.”
It took a few seconds before he looked up to meet her eyes, hoping to see an affectionate gaze, but instead Marinette was staring daggers at him.  “That is the dumbest thing you’ve ever said!” she exclaimed, shoving his arm back at him.  She paced away and ran her hands through her hair before turning back to him, her eyes no longer blazing, now closer to pleading.  “You’re a hero!  You have incredibly dangerous enemies!  You can’t just…” she motioned helplessly toward his arm then threw her arms up in the air in frustration.  “If someone saw that, they’d know who you were.  They could trace your identity because of me!”
He stared at her dumbfounded for a few seconds before chuckling.  Cautiously, he approached her like he was afraid she might run away… or hit him.  “This is the most romantic thing I’ve ever done and you’re yelling at me?” he asked incredulously, eyes dancing with mirth.
“Dying is not romantic!” she yelled, pushing him away.  “You could get hurt because of me.  It would be my fault you were hurt!”  His chuckles died down at the tortured look in her eyes and the desperate tone to her voice.
He moved to her instantly, wrapping his arms around her before he’d even thought about it, unwilling to let her suffer at all, especially if he could comfort her.  He held her tighter when she didn’t pull away.  After a few moments he leaned back and ducked his head to catch her gaze.  “Marinette, Baby, have you seen my other tattoos?” he asked softly.  “Fire Flower, if I was going to get recognized for a tattoo, it’s probably the massive, conspicuous ones on my completely exposed biceps, not the one covered by my gloves that are part of my costume and that I never skip when I go out.”
She stared at him looking for the lie in his words.  Finding none, she shook her head and looked down gathering her thoughts, which clearly didn’t go in his favor based on her dipping out of his embrace and groaning.  “Roy, we’re not even together!”
His mouth lifted into a smile.  That response meant she had accepted that she hadn’t put him in danger.  Now, he just needed to convince her that he knew what his action implied and he meant it.  “We don’t need to be together for me to love you,” he answered simply. 
Marinette opened her mouth then closed it again with a groan and ran her hands through her hair.  “You can’t just say things like that,” she whined.
He edged towards her again as his smile morphed into something closer to a smirk.  “The truth?”
“Yes!  No!  Wait.”  She let out an exasperated huff then pouted at his widening grin.  She shoved him again, but with much less conviction this time.  “Stop smiling at me!”
He stepped closer to her, a move that forced her to crane her neck in order to continue to meet his eyes.  “No.  I like when you get flustered.”  He ghosted a finger over her cheek, keeping his touch just shy of making contact but close enough she could feel the movement in the air.  His eyes met hers in an intense gaze.  “I like everything about you.” 
The air left her lungs when he finally made fiery contact, running his knuckles along her jaw this time.  His eyes roamed over her face like he was memorizing every curve and contour, they caught on her cheeks when they flared the most delectable shade of pink, the shade quickly became his favorite color, until he met her eyes again and remembered that shade of blue was his favorite.
“Even if we never get together, I know I’ll always care about you.  You will always be important to me.  You are already carved into my soul.  The tattoo might be more visible, but that?”  He laid a hand over his heart and shook his head adoringly.  “There’s no amount of time or separation or drifting apart or conflict that will take that away.  I won’t regret this.  Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, not next lifetime.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, his heart racing when she went to him easily.  “Do you know why that irregularity in the line is my favorite part of the design?”  It seemed like it took her a few seconds for her to snap out of her trance and register his words.  She shook her head slowly, refusing to break eye contact.  “Because it happened as a reaction to me.  I did that.  I had that effect on you.  My kiss did.  It was the moment I knew.”
“Knew what?” she asked, her voice soft, almost like she was afraid anything rougher would burst their intimate bubble.
“That I had to act,” he answered in the same tone.  “I got the tattoo because I wanted you forever on my body, like you’re forever in my heart, and what I want now is you forever in my life.  I’m tired of waiting for the exact right moment for it to happen.  I’m tired of waiting for fate or destiny or whatever is out there to provide.  I’m taking my fate.  I’m creating my own destiny and that’s you.  A lifetime of happiness and teasing and laughter and loving together.”
He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear to give her a few moments to let his words sink in, let her internalize them, and consider them fully.  “The question is, what do you want?”
She stared at him dumbfounded.  The idea of acting was scary.  They had always danced along the edge of doing more, flirting with each other and with crossing the line.  They’d always shied away just before tipping over.  There was so much that was at risk if they did.  They were always together, either as part of their larger friend group or by themselves.  If anything happened, Marinette didn’t know how she would be able to experience each day.  But the prospect of not acting was even more terrifying.
She pushed up to brush her lips against his tentatively.  Even after his most ardent declaration, she was still apprehensive of how he would react, terrified he would suddenly realize this wasn’t what he wanted.  She wasn’t what he wanted.  But before her mind could sabotage her, he wound his hand behind her head, running his fingers into her hair and pulling her harder against him to intensify the kiss.  His lips moved greedily against hers like he was afraid he would never get the chance again, almost devouring her.  She responded instantly, pulling his body against hers by his shirt then sliding her hands up his chest in part to settle the electricity that was humming through her veins.
After a long, highly pleasurable, while he pulled away just enough to press his forehead to hers, his breathing, like hers, ragged.  “I think I want that,” she panted.  She opened her eyes to find his already staring at her.  The hope in his eyes stole her breath and steeled her resolve.  “I want that version of forever.”
His responding grin lit up the dim room.  “Let’s start tonight.  Will you go on a date with me?”
She opened her mouth to respond but instead of her voice, Adrien’s floated through the apartment.  “Dinner’s here!”  She snickered and dropped her head to his chest for a few seconds before looking back up, resigned but happy.  “I’d love to, tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” Roy agreed.  He pecked her lips quickly and led her out to the party, fingers intertwined and smile beaming.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Jealousy, jealousy
Jealous Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem!reader (ft. Cady Heron x Aaron Samuels & Damian)
Warnings: SMUT, MDNI. Oral, fingering, toy use, light bondage + choking, overstimulation, edging(reader receiving). Little bit of a public make-out scene, coarse language.
In which reader, who’s too nice for her own good and gets unknowingly hit on. Janis sees it all go down and gets jealous.
Requested? Yes / No
Well, this one’s a mess and I don’t like it. But, here it is! :D
Janis, Janis, Janis…everyone knew to be afraid of her. Because, one wrong move and she’d break your neck. So who would’ve thought that after the junior year summer break, she would be the one who confessed to you. Janis ‘Imi’ike, the petite yet very intimidating artist whom you found to be extremely attractive, was the one to make the first move. Though it did save you from being embarrassed and too nervous to talk.
Now, it was coming up to the sixth month of your relationship with Janis. You’ve also become an irreplaceable addition to their duo, making you all a trio. Cady and Aaron sat with the three of you sometimes, but Regina was, as always- with Gretchen and Karen. Damian and Janis always told you that you were too nice for your own good, perhaps even a people-pleaser who was afraid to tell others ‘no’. Cady said they were harsh, but to you, they weren’t wrong. You just didn’t admit it. You couldn’t, actually- you were oblivious to the intentions of other people some times and it drives them insane that you’d let them walk all over you. Even Regina’s stepped in to help get you out of situations a couple times. (Janis noticed and started to dislike her a little less for having your back)
So when the new guy first laid his eyes on you, and came up to you to flirt, you had no clue and thought he was just being nice. And you being you, thought that he was just trying to get to know some people to make new friends at a new school. You started to think that it wasn’t so innocent when you saw him around more and more- he was in a couple of your classes and would always try to get a desk next to yours. You’d catch him looking at you in class. And before you knew it, it was the end of the week, you were at your locker unpacking your backpack when he came up to you and asked you out. And jesus, fricking christ- Janis has always had impeccable timing. And not just her- your girlfriend showed up at your side right as new-guy was finishing his question. Oh, boy…the friend group knew that they were in for a show.
“Hey, buddy.” Janis began, leaning onto a locker at first. But, she’s then quickly wedged between you and him. Here’s the thing though- the group knew that Janis was bound to do this the moment she revealed to them that she didn’t like new-guy flirting with you. But she wasn’t mad. Because she knew you were being nice, and nothing else has happened besides talking. And additionally, she was kinda hoping you’d stand up for yourself and say no instead of going along with him. Even just in conversation. No, this was pure jealousy that you had even split your attention onto someone who in her words, was insignificant.
“Oh, hi. I was just-” Poor guy seemed to have no clue either.
“Wipe that smile off your face.” Janis began. “I know what you’re up to, talking to her. She’s not interested.”
“She hasn’t said anything.”
“Because she’s a nice girl who doesn’t like to upset people. I’m not a nice girl. I know you’re new- you just got here at the beginning of the week. And already, you’ve been flirting with girl after girl.” Janis continues. The group backed away a foot or two. “Well, I’ve got news for you- the whole school knows not to mess with my girl. Even Regina George over there- the school’s most popular girl. No one tries to call her names, no one tries to make fun of her, no one tries to catcall her, and no one tries flirt with her. My girl’s out of reach- I’ve seen guys and girls try to get her but they can’t. They’ve never succeeded. Because. Of. Me.”
Honestly, by the end of her little…(not so little) speech, you were terrified of her. What she was gonna do to be getting herself into trouble. you backed away. The group sees the change in your body language and how flustered you simply were. They knew Janis would never hurt you. But Janis was reckless. If anyone mad her even the slightest bit mad, there were physical repercussions- and fast. In the heat of the moment, she was hard to snap out of.
You did what you thought was necessary. You put a hand on her shoulder to get her attention, calling her name firmly. She shrugs your hand off. You called her name again but your efforts were useless as she was fuming. Cady pulled you back instinctively, as though to tell you to just let her be. You couldn’t do anything else when tears were forming in your eyes and clouding your vision.
A sharp sound of new-guy being slammed against a locker and you flinched. “Do you hear me or not?” Janis snarked, “Eyes up here, dude. These aren’t for you.”
“Yes. Message received, man. I’m so- so sorry. I did not know she was your- oh God.” His tough facade was gone by the end of it and he scurries away. Regina and her posse watch as he nearly takes a tumble, inevitably laughing because his legs were like jelly.
Janis was shaking as her knuckles were white from balling her fists up. She slams a fist into the locker beside her- her own. Repeatedly. Damian literally had to pull her away but it did not work. Neither Aaron nor Cady dared to try, so you stepped in quickly as possible not wanting her to hurt herself even more. You grabbed her forearm, as hard as you could so she could not break free from your grip. “Janis. Janis! Look at me. It’s me. It’s me. He’s gone.” You raised your voice. She blinked and her eyes changed as she abruptly snapped out of her mood. “Janis, it’s fine. He’s gone- he didn’t do anything to me.” Your voice quivered at the end. She licked her lips, biting the inside of her cheek but her eyes had softened as you let go of her forearm.
“You know I don’t like that, baby. Having him talking to you, all clueless that you belonged to me. You’re too nice.” Janis’ voice was low.
“I’m sor-” You began, but she cut you off, roughly kissing you right in front of everybody.
“Is this normal?” Aaron asks awkwardly.
“How dare you be so nice to him…?” She said into the kiss. “I said, eyes on me only, babe. You’ve been bad.”
“Okay, yup. That’s our cue to go,” Aaron decided, taking Cady by the wrist and leaving, “See you guys tomorrow.”
“I doubt you’ll see them.” Damian joked, “Okay, you horny bitches. Let’s stop giving the entire student body a show, thank you.”
Oh god, you were in for a rough night tonight.
Damian had to drag you two out of the school, standing in between the both of you. “So I’m guessing our movie night’s off- now that you have plans to suck faces with each other, clearly. “But since I have a car and was your ride to school, I will be dropping you two off at her place.” Damian decides, pointing to Janis. “That good? Or is there someplace else y’all would rather go to y’know, get it?”
“Shut up, Damian.” Janis scoffs, “Maybe a little too involved?”
“Oh, now you can talk.” He scoffs, “Whatever, get in the car. One of you in front, the other in the back. I don’t want y’all dirtying my car.”
“Now you’re pushing it.” Janis glared at him.
Okay, this wasn’t your first rodeo dealing with a jealous Janis, and as scary as she was when she gets furious at whoever it was, you honestly found it so fucking hot.
“Alright, goodbye, have a good night. Good luck in the morning.”
Janis cracked a smile, rolling her eyes as your cheeks blushed- embarrassed.
Janis was an only child and both her parents were at work this time of day so you two pretty much had the whole house to yourselves, but you felt the most comfortable in her room and she knew that so that’s where she took you to.
“You know how jealous I get. And it’s not the first time is it, my love.” Her voice was so low, it sent a chill down your spine. “You know what I’d do to you, and if I didn’t know you any better, I would’ve thought you were doing this on purpose just so I would fuck you…is that what you’re doing?” She was already in the mood to pounce on you and you were too, the whole car ride to her house felt like agony being apart from her. You weren’t as vocal as she was, and she always topped you. No complaints, but it was just the matter of how rough she would be that kinda makes you a little extra nervous. If it was anything like the last time— the first time she got jealous, you were sure you’d be a happy camper.
"Take off your clothes, baby. Everything- now." Her tone of voice was making the heat rush through your body and pool in between your legs. You chuckled quietly as you obeyed her order, impatiently awaiting what was to come for you. While she busied you with that task, you saw her bent over a lower drawer in her wardrobe to retrieve a couple of things.
Her door was already locked, and the curtains were already down- it made the room quite dim. Was this a choice or unintentional? "Don't touch yourself. I'll tell you what to do." She says as she sat down on her bed to look at you. "See this thing?" She looked to her side and picked up a dildo - one you've never seen one with a suction cup at the base. "I'm gonna put it here. And I want you to ride it...I'm gonna watch you do it." She says, then stuck in onto the floor in between you and herself. You gulped- the sheer size of that thing equally caught you off-guard as much as it excited you. But you weren't sure you could do it- you've always had difficulties with penetration and Janis knew, Perhaps this was her way to get you used to it and punishing you for talking to new-guy. "I know you can do it." She lowers herself onto the floor to be with you. "I'll help you...work you up to it, if you want." She caresses you cheek, eventually grabbing your face by the chin. "You want that, baby?" She gave in after all, offering to help you after she said she wanted you to do it yourself.
Your cheeks were burning hot and you could feel it. Nodding almost too eagerly making Janis smirked, she started to kiss you, riling you up. Janis sat cross legged on the floor, pulling you so you laid your head in her lap: you could see right into her eyes, and vice versa. As she captures your lips into her own, kissing you over and over, her hands pushed your legs apart contented that she could see that reflection of your glistening cunt in her mirror. "You see that, babe?" She asks- you couldn’t. Obviously. But you could feel her every move…how her fingers gently traced your folds and circled your clit. So soft and loving, it made you giddy happy. She chuckles feeling your body react. “I think you’ve got it, honey. Don’t you think- do you feel how wet you are?” Her other hand- her right hand cups your breast and you let out a whimper that you could not control.
“I knew it. It turned you on, didn’t it? Me threatening the guy?” Her voice husky, another thing that made you incredibly, incredibly needy. Janis knew you like the back of her own hand. It was easy to make you lose control. And right now, she was practically going down the list of how to make you obscenely wet. “You wanna try that for me? And be a good girl?”
Janis shoves two fingers inside you while kissing you at the same time, making you moan into the kiss with ease. Then she kept going for awhile, both her gestures. The part of her hand at the bottom of her palm repeatedly hits your clit with each plunge of her fingers. The pleasure sends sparks down your spine, your back beginning to arch.
“What a needy little thing you are…”She forcefully pulls out of you to give you an abrupt emptiness, “On your knees…give that a shot.” You managed to push yourself off her, but not before she gave you a smack on your cunt, making your curse under your breath. She held onto your hand as you positioned yourself. Then, Janis grabbed onto your hips as she slowly lowered you against the tip of the silicone. “Ah!” You seethed feeling the stretch, “Oh, fuck.”
Your heartbeat starts racing at this unfamiliar sensation, unsure of just what exactly you were feeling. “Do you want to stop?” Janis asked, analysing your face. You lowered yourself a little bit more, letting out a low groan in the midst. “Okay, no then.” She leans in, cupping your face to connect your lips together, giving you deep wet kisses.
“Okay?” She asks, her hand reaching down to rub your clit. You panted, a whine follows swiftly. You did not reply with words but just whine after whine that grew in pitch.
“Keep going, baby. Keep going.” She chuckles, “Let me see you and hear you.” Janis slowly breaks away from you, leaning back to watch you while rubbing one out for herself. Watching you ride the thing, your breasts moving along with your grinding. She couldn’t help it but moan too, spurring you on. “Get it fully in- just a little bit more to go.” She encouraged, her legs crossed as she continues staring at you. “Uh-uh, no, honey. Hands off now.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You sighed.
“Hands behind your back.” She ordered.
“Hands behind your back, y/n.” She repeated. “Listen to me otherwise I’m not gonna lay my hand on you for the rest of it. You’d be on your own.”
What you needed now was way more than this and she was delaying your climax for way too long.
“Look at me. And keep doing that.” She demanded. Her voice became harsher as she practically lunged at you. “Still no? Fine, alright. Lean down.” She pushes you so that your top half kept getting closer to the floor, but you were resisting so she pushed harder. Eventually, you decided to listen, your cheek comes into contact with the cold floor as your ass was up in her face. Tempted, she gives it a hard slap, rubbing the area after. “Please. Please.” You cried out, “Please, I need you.”
You couldn’t stand the ache anymore. It really began to hurt.
“You promise you’ll be a good girl for me, princess?” She teases you with her fingers, just for a second or two before she held both your wrists together behind your back. Her other hand grabbing ahold of the dildo so she could use it on you in a moment.
“Yes, Janis. I’m sorry, please!” Desperate. That’s what you were. And exactly what she wanted to hear from you.
“Thank you, baby.” She smiles to herself, pushing the dildo into your tight hole, awaiting your moans and whines. Janis was rough, but made sure she didn’t hurt you. Her sole purpose here was to make you feel good. So that could you come, maybe squirt— she was hoping. She would love to see that.
When your legs begin to shake, something she hasn’t seen before, she took the opportunity to go even rougher, twisting the toy as she pushes it in and out insanely fast. Your moans were so high-pitched that it’d typically annoy the fuck out of yourself but your mind was so clouded that you didn’t give a shit. Neither did Janis. “Oh, my girl’s so fucking hot…” She panted, “Let me hear more.” Even though you did as she said, her hand stops moving, leaving the silicone shaft inside of you as she watches you drip. “I said let me hear you!” She exclaimed through gritted teeth. Janis then flips you over, gripping her hand just tightly enough around your neck to make you lightheaded. As her hand moved about, you caught a glimpse of her bloodied knuckles. You snatched her hand off your neck and took a closer look at her hand. Something almost primal came over to you as you admired her hands and fingers, eventually licking her bloody knuckles.
Janis moans, apparently enjoying your action. You laughed, satisfied that you could make her weak- even just for a moment.
“Bold. Didn’t even know I liked that.” She raised her brows, meaning for you to lie back down, “You wanna come, sweetie?”
“Mhm.” You nodded instantly, licking your lips.
“You’re close, baby. Very close.” She coos, hovering over you, “I’m gonna lie down, and you’re going to lay on me, okay?”
“Okay.” You agreed.
“Good.” She got into position, “Your head towards my legs.” Wordlessly, you follow her order. She didn’t disappoint either, her tongue diving into your pussy immediately to taste you like you were her death row meal.
“Fuck, fuck. Right there, right there.” You pant, “Oh, shit! What is that-”
“It’s fine, just let go.” She hurriedly told you.
“I’ve never-”
“Just squirt on my fucking face, y/n! Let go- it’s fucking hot.” She answered crudely, her tongue resuming its ministrations to get what she wanted. It definitely felt weird and was a first for you, because it literally just felt like you had to pee. But judging by Janis’ reaction to your new…form of unraveling, you could only watched as you see more and more clear liquid gushing out of yourself.
“Fuck! Stop, stop, stop.” You gasped, lifting yourself away from her face. “Janis, stop! I can’t- oh, my fucking God.”
“This is what happens when you’re not a good girl and make me jealous, you hear?” She stops, you fall flat onto her to catch your breath.
“Yeah.” You nodded, “Fuck, I need a shower.”
“You kinda gave me one.” She laughs.
“Janis.” You snorted pushing yourself off of her.
“Okay, alright. No more of that.” She promised, and you pull her up. “Let’s go take a shower, hm?”
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shayyprasad · 5 months
weighing scale
tw: eating disorder (purging, not eating), bodyshaming, ed shaming
btw, if it's requested, i can turn drabbles into full oneshots!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you guys are beautiful the way you are, and nothing anybody ever says or does will ever change that. remember that gaining weight is totally normal, and you can always lose weight, too, but please, do it in a healthy way. if you ever need anyone to talk to, and this isn't just for eds, i'm here, and you can reach out. if not, there are people who care about you and love you.
you're amazing you beautiful mfs
(also i'm sorry if this might not be correct for you, everyone has different experiences with eds)
(also, also, i did 1st person ... and this is just the way i thought when i was going thru this so i kinda made it relate w/ me??)
she watched as the numbers went down, satisfied despite the fact that it was only one pound less yesterday.
even if it meant that she'd always be cold, or that her hair would fall out. it was a small price to pay to be beautiful. to be skinny. to be like all the other girls that peter liked.
y/n kept telling herself that. and it was enough to keep her going.
{four weeks prior}
(first person)
they had little packets for us to take home, like forms. something along the lines of "annual health check-up." the form was just... well, it wasn't a form, really, but more of an opt-out. the paper said they'd just check weight, height, and some other things, like make sure you didn't have scoliosis.
i was just happy to be missing a good chunk of math.
everyone got called down to the gym by period, and mine was 5th period, right before lunch.
our class was waiting for them to call us down, so mr. callen just let us do whatever until then. i glanced over to see liz, kayla, and chloe in the corner of the classroom, giggling and pointing towards some of the boys, and eventually, mr. callen.
he was one of the youngest members on faculty, fresh out of college. and i'll admit, he's not bad looking. in fact, he's hotter than most of the guys. and if it wasn't peter that had my heart, maybe i'd think about someone else.
not that the whole peter thing was going great anyways, he seemed interested in liz. so maybe that was my hint to move on. but i don't know. i've just liked him forever, it'd feel wrong to stop now.
i'm just really loyal, i guess.
or maybe this is some weird first love/crush thing, because no matter what, i keep finding myself coming back to him.
it took me second to realize that i'd been staring at the same spot for a while now, so i probably looked funny. i re-adjusted my position and looked at the clock, noting there there was just a few minutes until we'd have to go down.
i looked by at the girls, then at the teacher. did they not realize that he had an engagement ring on? or where they just dense?
because honestly, i'm having a hard time figuring out which one it is.
liz pushed chloe over to the desk, giggling like a manic.
chloe bit her lip, trying to hold in laughter. "hiiii, cal. you know, like, cupid's day is coming?"
me, personally, i didn't really believe in the whole dumb blonde thing, but chloe was changing my aspect on this.
cupid's day was on valentine's day, and you could pay a dollar to have a rose delivered to someone. normally, the freshmen girls did most of the planning. freshmen girls were annoying. they were always together, and i didn't remember a time i'd seen one alone.
i didn't get any on my first year here. last year i got three. but it didn't really count, because mj got me one and betty did. i was hoping that i'd figure out who the third person was, but three weeks into that investigation, i kinda gave up. if they hadn't revealed themselves to me at that point, i'd figured that they probably wouldn't.
maybe junior year will go better.
if you were popular popular, you got at least seven, so it was kind of embarrasing to only get one. and it was probably even more embarrasing to only have, like, one friend. which was betty. but she hadn't hung around me that often since she started dating ned.
mj was an observer, and i knew that much. it was probably the only reason she got me a rose, because she felt bad. but then again, anyone could see how pathetic it was.
peter and i used to be pretty close, but then he met ned, so the attention he gave me got halved.
i would have tried to be friends with ned, because i know he's really nice, but i stressed out too much about it for some reason and gave up. social anxiety, perhaps? it didn't matter, it was too late to do anything about it now.
after that, peter started hanging around liz and some of the other popular kids, and entirely forgot about me.
did forget about ned, though. maybe beacuse i was a girl, and so peter got called "gay" a lot for that. i didn't have much of a chance compared to liz, so i just admired him from afar. it's not that we didn't talk, because we did sometimes, but... actually, i don't know what.
if peter wanted to, he would have.
and it's fairly obvious, but i'm delusional and chose to ignore that.
the intercom snapped me out of whatever zoning out i'd gone back to, "block d, block d. i-is this on? oh, it is? i- yes, block d down to the gym."
everyone got up and pushed their way out the door, i didn't have that type of energy, so i just waited for everyone to get their butts outta the way and then went myself. i followed them down to the hall, staying behind a little. when i finally got over there, i ended up last, right behind chloe, kayla, then liz.
for the most part, it only took a minute or two for each person, so the line didn't take that long.
well, i suppose that's subjective.
it took 15 minutes, but whatever.
when liz was inside, she didn't take care to close the door all the way, leaving it a couple inches open. that's on her.
that's on her for being irresponsible, so it's not really my fault if i accidently hear. i leaned in a little, suddenly very interested in the wall, with all it's cracks... and... paint, and...
"and step on the scale, please... that is," she paused, and you could hear scribbling of a pen.
"121.3 pounds. perfectly healthy. that's actually the average weight for girls your age," another pause, "make sure to give this form to your parents. have a nice day."
liz said something in return and i stepped back, done admiring the wall. "next!" the lady called in.
i stepped inside the room, and it smelt strongly of hand-sanitizer. "okay, honey, step up against the wall... height is... alrightly. now the scale, please."
i did as she asked, keeping my eyes trained on the numbers.
149.7 pounds. basically 150. that was more than liz's, right?
"149, okay, you're good to go-"
"is that around average weight?" i asked, and it was impulsive, i didn't even think.
"well, it's somewhere around that. you're perfectly healthy."
the intercom came on again, signaling my time was over, and the lady thought the same thing, because she ushered me out.
as i walked back to the classroom, i couldn't help but think;
149? no, 150? around average? so basically, i was above average. 30 pounds heavier than liz? no wonder peter likes liz better.
god, that's disgusting. i'm disgusting.
i trudged back to class, unable to stop thinking about it. and suddenly, an idea popped into my mind; why not lose weight? if i lost a little, maybe peter would care about me again.
that's genius. god, i'm a genius.
yeah. i lose a little weight.
when i got back, he'd already started the lesson, not that i cared. i spent the rest of that class figuring out the kinks, like how many calories i'm allowed to eat per day.
i settled on 800.
it seemed like a decent number if i wanted to actually make an impact with weight loss.
stupid kale smoothies weren't gonna get me anywhere, nor idiotic influencer workout routines.
before i knew it, the bell rung and kids were hustling through the hallways. i was kind of on autopilot as i walked to lunch, not really watching where i was going. i'd by mistake shouldered some people, and they gave me dirty looks. i shot them right back.
i couldn't help but silently, in my mind, judge everyone's body that i saw. and not just their body, but other physical features, too. it was automatic, i didn't even mean to. but i couldn't help it.
she's really fat. the gym exists for a reason.
how is she so skinny? i know she's anorexic.
and it just went on and on.
i didn't know what was going on. why this mattered to me all of a sudden.
it was like i didn't notice these things before, i wasn't looking for them, but now that i knew they were there, i couldn't help it.
i couldn't help a lot of things.
when i walked into the lunchroom, i saw peter sitting by himself, writing on some piece of paper, and if i knew him, he wasn't doing the homework due tomorrow.
he was doing yesterday's.
it didn't seem like i'd be bothering him if i went to go talk to him, so that's what i did. i figured since we hadn't talked in while, it would be great to now.
and it'd be a great distraction, too.
i sat down across from him, "hi, peter."
he looked up slowly, a smile rising on his face. "uh, hey, y/n/n," peter paused, "what, um, what did you need?"
"huh? oh, i didn't need anything. just thought i'd come by and annoy the hell out of you."
"just like old times," peter snorted.
"math homework?"
"yep. i have math-"
"-next period," i realized my mistake after i made it. "um, 'cause i see you when i'm walking to class."
in repsonse, he nodded like he was considering it.
i didn't notice i was hungry until my stomach growled, but something inside of me made the thought of getting food and eating it repulsive. i hesitated before grabbing on of peter's fries and popping it in my mouth. he didn't say anything, or really even care, and i didn't know if i liked that or not.
"okay. you have chem next, yeah?"
i blushed at the fact he knew.
"uh, yep," i snagged some more fries, feeling myself loosen up.
and then i realized, that's what this was; i was just in need of some time with actual people who weren't my parents.
i liked this. i liked talking to peter. it was easy. this was easy.
we laughed about some other things, like flash's new donkey haircut.
and i stole more fries. ned, betty, and mj (who normally sat two seats away) came over. the topic of cupid's day came up.
"how many do you think you'll get?" betty asked.
i looked up, "roses?"
ned spoke up, "you won't need to worry, bet, i'll get you a whole bouquet." he looked proud of himself.
"i'm not worried," she giggled, like the lovesick fool she was. it was gross. and yes i admit, it was slightly because i was jealous, but whatever. betty didn't have to act so idiotic and desperate.
betty's skinny, too.
"what about you, y/n?" peter said, locking eyes with me.
"i dunno. i never really get any."
something changed in peter's expression, but as soon as it was there, it was gone.
i took another fry. they were really good, for some reason.
"fattie," peter laughed, pulling his lunch tray back, "and then you complain about not getting roses!"
that caused a round of laughs in the small group, but my heart dropped to my feet.
i was right. i was overweight. even peter noticed.
freaking peter noticed.
god, i was ugly and fat, and even peter saw that.
of course he liked liz. he'd be crazy not to. she was curvy and skinny and petite and pretty and skinny.
she was skinny.
i didn't have her hourglass figure.
never did i ever want out of my own skin more.
"y/n?" pete frowned. "i-i'm sorry, it was a joke, i didn't-"
"no, no, not that. i, uh, i... forgot i was supposed to meet with a teacher. sorry. i have to go."
i didn't go to any teachers.
i did go to the bathroom.
and i hid in the handicapped stall. i didn't cry, or sob, or weep or whatever it was stupid girls did in hallmark movies or stuff.
i stood in front of the mirror and picked out everything i hated, making a mental list in my head.
i didn't finish that list, not even after 30 minutes when the bell rung.
the rest of the day flew by rather quickly, it seemed. i felt like i was trapped in a warm haze, but not the fuzzy, happy warmth. i didn't like the way i was thinking. it's like i wanted my brain to turn off, these intruding, ugly thoughts were taking up too much room.
i felt icky.
when i got home, i didn't have my normal after-school snack like i usually did. i went straight upstairs and did homework.
i finished two essays (one that wasn't due until two weeks, and one that was due two days from now), my math homework and studied for my math test, started my science project, and did my french flashcards (and studied them a bit).
i must have been locked in my room for hours, because by the time i got up, it was dark outside.
i wasn't a studious person, and the only reason i did any of this was to forget for a little while. to snap out of it. and for a while, it worked.
"y/n, honey!" my mom screamed from downstairs, and as i glanced at the clock, i realized it was time to have dinner.
but i wasn't hungry.
well, i was.
let me rephrase that; i didn't want to eat.
however, i didn't want my mother yelling at me, so i went down anyways. not that i was planning to eat.
"oh, hey. i already set the table, you seemed like you were working hard and i didn't wanna bother you. dad's working late. go sit down-"
"not hungry."
she frowned. "well, you have to eat something."
"but i'm not hungry," i said, hating how sharply it came out.
my mom gave me warning look. "look, i've had a long day, so don't start with me."
"mommmm," i whined.
so i did. i felt bad about bothering her.
i ate. small, tentative bites, forcing it all down. we didn't talk.
silently, i put my dish in the sink, before heading upstairs. the food sat at the bottom of my stomach, like a pile of heavy rocks. i wanted them out.
so i turned on the shower and locked the bathroom door, kneeling in front of the toilet. i pressed my fingers to the back of my throat and kept them there for a second. at first, all i got was bile.
but then i threw up.
peter and i started talking more again. i think he got in a fight with liz.
i asked him if they were dating, and he said no.
i think he started hanging out with me again because i got skinny. i know for a fact that i'm skinnier than liz. i weigh less then her now.
the numbers told me that.
but i didn't listen.
i didn't stop, and how could i? when i'd gotten this far?
we got in a fight. not the yelling kind, though. well, kind of. i yelled a bit.
i thought he was complimenting me. he said i looked skinny, so i thanked him.
"no... i-" he paused, trying to get his thoughts together, "you look skinny, yes, but not in a good way."
"what? what do you mean? like, there's only a good way," i laughed, slightly nervous.
peter ingnored that. "have you been eating enough, angel?" his voice was soft, but there was worry in it. why was he worried? this is the best i've ever been.
"do you ask liz that, too?"
"i- what?"
"liz is skinny. you don't ask her that."
"that- that is different. y-you haven't been eating, have you? is-"
"god, parker! stop! it's none of your business!" maybe if i hadn't been so flustered, i'd have come up with a better comeback.
i was hunched over the toilet, but nothing was coming out. everything hurt.
my head. my stomach.
my throat was scratchy and raw.
i didn't hear the knocking on the door.
i don't really remember peter coming in. i thought i locked it. what was he doing at my house? i couldn't remember.
i wanted to sleep.
i think i was crying. i don't know. i only vaguely remember the hot tears.
i slightly remember him pulling me away from the toilet and into his arms. there were lots of holes in my memory for that day.
he stayed with me, though. one thing i'm sure about is that peter never left my side. i can recall bright lights. tubes. i was laying on something. white walls. white sheets.
what was engraved into my head was peter whispering "i love you" over and over again. in the bathroom. in the car. was it a car? as they hooked me up to cables.
all that mattered, though, was that i was skinny now. just the thought made me feel light and airy.
to think that all it took was a little motivation and a weighing scale.
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beybaldes · 5 months
✨mr krabs i have ideas✨
festus with tanners mentor!girlfriend makes my brain tingle because there’s so much there
arachne and her being so happy they get to work together because they both got the 10s. controversially i am an arachne lover so childhood bestie!arachne is everything to me. they could never make me hate her. 😔
festus and her being there when arachne dies at the zoo and (according to book canon) walking home with clemmie and coryo after she’s taken by medics. festus proposes they all go to his apartment but when they get there he bursts into tears and mentor!girlfriend has to send clemmie and coryo on their way and ushers festus inside and stays with him.
later trying to convince festus to create an alliance between coral and tanner and festus teasingly telling her that he could think of a few ways she could convince him
her and festus being together at the arena but went their seperate ways to talk to other mentors and gather information. bombs go off and chaos ensues as they try to find each other
i have so many festus thoughts but im just going to leave this here and not be annoying
SpongeBob! You popped the fuck off with this one! (Also not annoying at all pls send me all your festus thoughts) also also sorry this took so long I finished uni for Christmas and have been in every day since oops, I really enjoyed writing this though. More festus to come ⁎⁺˳✧༚
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- you and Arachne are basically siblings the way you grew up together
- I’m talking inseparable : born within two weeks of each-other and grew up as next door neighbours, walked into the academy on your first day together holding hands, sat next to each other at lunch every day, had joint birthday parties every year, etc
- no one could tear the two of you apart
- well, except a pretty determined festus creed, who laid eyes on you the second you walked into that classroom at 6 years old and knew he wanted to be your best friend instead
- Arachne, ever the social butterfly, was quick to attract a large group of friends around the two of you, which gave festus the perfect chance to get to know you better
- as the years went by you and Arachne stayed best friends, but if anyone asked you to name your closest friends, festus creed would also be on that list
- he was ever so charming, and a good listener (though only when it came to you) and when everyone seemed to move at Arachne’s beck and call, he would wait for yours to do anything
- it was sweet, in its own way, and it’s one of the things that drives the two of you to end up together
- like, obviously, festus has had a crush on you since he was a boy
- but you finally start to realise you like him back when all these little things start adding up
- he looks at you for your reaction whenever someone says something, he sits or walks or stands next to you at every chance he gets, he brings you the homework when you’re sick, he carries your bag around for you, he pulls your chair out for you in the canteen
- honestly the list goes on and on
- but the thing that finally gets the two of you together is when you and Arachne have a fight
- it had only been something stupid, but because everyone was Archane’s friend before they were yours, they take her side
you’d been sat on the steps outside the academy, eating your lunch alone in the sunshine while everyone else had gathered at your usual table. Though you knew you were still welcome there, you didn’t want to have to deal with the silent treatment from Arachne (and therefore everyone else) while she built up the courage to admit she was wrong like she always eventually did when it came to you. It was peaceful away from the noise of the canteen, and you found you didn’t mind being alone - at least, alone until the sound of someone running down the steps and right towards you, reached your ears.
Festus Creed took a seat right beside you, his lunch tray in hand and his backpack in the other. “You didn’t show up to lunch. I was worried sick.”
“Me and Arachne had a fight, a squabble really. It was literally over what we thought one of the answers were on the history of Panem homework.” Festus laughed as you did, swapping half of his orange with half of your apple slices. “She’s upset with me though, so I figured everyone would be upset with me.”
“Well, if it makes you fell any better, I think she’s upset with me now as well.” You looked at him confused; your confusion only growing as a smile curled on his lips. “I don’t think she’s too fond of the fact that I am oh so fond of you.”
you lean in and kiss him before his words can truly settle inside of you. but hours later, when they fully do, all you can think about is how you can’t wait to kiss him again sometime.
- when the reaping finally roles around, you and all your friends having to take on the role of mentors for the tributes, you and Arachne get the boy and the girl from 10 and it couldn’t be more perfect
- well, it’d be more perfect if you didn’t have to be mentors at all but, you know what I mean
- the two of you basically plan for your tributes to team up to fight against the other tributes because obviously 🙄 but all that goes awry when Arachne’s tribute kills her
your first reaction is complete stillness and silence. from the moment Arachne’s girl reaches through the bars of the zoo and stabs her right in the throat you have been completely silent. you couldn’t move, you couldn’t think, you couldn’t breath, you couldn’t scream. Total nothingness. you could only watch as Coriolanus ran forward, bravely pressing his hands against the wound in an effort to save your best friend. You didn’t even manage to get the words out to thank sweet Sejanus plinth, who dragged you to the floor and pressed you under him as peacekeepers rain bullets at the rouge tribute. Even when the gunfire stops and Arachne lies too still for a living person, even when Festus takes you from Sejanus and thanks him on your behalf, even on the walk home sandwiched between festus and Coryo, who’s hands are still covered in the thick of Arachne’s blood, you can’t seem to find the words. It’s only on the doorstep of festus’s apartment - the smell familiar and warm and welcoming - when things seem to catch up to you.
before he can even unlock the door to let you, Coriolanus, and Clemensia inside you’ve burst into hysterical tears: sobbing, gasping, wretching at the thought of what you’ve lost tonight. Festus sends Coryo and Clemmie on their way and ushers your inside, through the house and right to his bedroom, where he guides you to sit on the edge of the bed and kneels before you, hands cradling your face. “You’re okay, you’re okay sweet thing, just breathe.” His grip on your face tightens ever so slightly when you don’t seem to calm down, but it only helps to ground your more. “Breathe with me okay? You’re gonna be okay, sweet thing, it’s all gonna be okay.”
- you sit front row of her funeral beside Coriolanus and selfishly wish you had festus at your side instead
- when festus makes his way to his seat, which he finds is right behind yours, he reaches his hand between the gaps in the chairs and connects it with yours
- he holds your hand the whole way through the funeral and after, until the two of you end up in bed that night and he finally lets go to hold you fully, pressed against his chest as he cradled you to him
- when he wakes up the following morning however, it’s like he’s with an entirely different version of you
- it’s still you, but you’re cold, refusing to cry or grieve or do anything but focus on the games - all you want now is to get things over and done with
- winning doesn’t matter and you don’t really care what happens to your tribute, you just want to go home (which was concerning to you because physically, you were home)
“you need to convince Coral to partner up with Tanner.” you’re sitting at your dressing table as you to speak to Festus, him in his uniform on your bed as he waited for you to get ready to go and bond further with your tributes for the day. “He doesn’t stand a chance alone, he needs the help. Coral does, hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they won.”
Festus only wiggled his eyebrows at you, meeting your gaze in the reflection of your mirror. “Well, sweet thing, I’m sure I could be convinced…” Festus is quickly quietened by your hairbrush smacking against his chest. “I was only saying!”
When he sees you try and smother the smile that tries to form on your face he stands from the bed, crossing the room, and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, speaking to your reflection. “Everything is going to be okay sweet thing. Trust me. In a week from now all this will be behind us and we can get on with the rest of our lives. You and me, a house somewhere in the upper city, two university degrees, other things. Whatever you want will be ours.” Your hands reached up to hold into his arms that wrapped around you, squeezing them lovingly as your stoic composure quickly dissolved. “But if what will soothe your roaring mind right now is an alliance between our tributes, then an alliance you shall have, sweet thing.”
You lean into his hold, titling your head to press a kiss to his clothed arm. “I love you, festus.” It didn’t matter that you knew he wouldn’t say it back just yet, he had always had a hard time verbalising his feelings, because you knew that he loved you, you could feel it right in this moment more then ever before.
- and then, only hours later, the trip to the arena came, and with it, the attack from the rebels
- festus had left your side for approximately 5 seconds, going to drag coral away from Tanner and the boy from 7 (who you hoped were all planning an alliance) when the first bomb went off
your ears ring with a shrill noise that only further disoriented you, your view blurry as you looked up from the rubbed floor of the arena and into the flames. the blast of the bomb from behind you had sent you flying forward, yet, you couldn’t see festus anywhere. smoke filled the room and rubble littered the floors, pieces of the ceiling and walls falling into the centre of the arena in the aftershocks.
you try and stand but your legs fail you and your arms shake with the effort you used to try and push yourself off of the floor. Rubble is falling closer and closer to you with each second, you can’t hear or see anything to anyone, let alone festus, and you’re sure that this is how you’re going to die.
just as you’re about it close your eyes and accept your fate, a shadow emerges from the ashes, running in your direction and yelling what you think is your name. it’s only when they grab you by the arms and hoist you up that you begin to see and hear properly again. “Coral.” You whisper, reaching out and caressing their face.
they seem unfazed, wrapping your arm around their shoulder and holding it against their collar bone while the other wraps tightly around your waist. “your leg is injured, so I’m going to have to drag you, okay? It might hurt.” your barley feel the pain in your leg and if you were any more conscious you might be worried about that, but right now all you can think about is how they came and saved you from the rubble. Coral could’ve ran, for freedom, to leave you for dead, for whatever. but they hadn’t, and a part of you didn’t really understand.
“you saved me.” you whispered, only loud enough for them to hear as they continued to drag you through the arena and to the exit. “what about you’re friends?”
“they’re fine.” they answered, helping you through the barricade and ever closer to safety. “so’s your little boyfriend. they all got dragged out by peacekeepers pretty quickly. we were too far in the destruction to be found as fast.”
you hear him before you see him. festus creed is calling your name in a wretched cry, sobs accentuating everything that came from his mouth. and when you catch sight of his frame, he’s being restrained by two peacekeepers, who seem to be insisting that he can’t go back in there, that’s they’ll find you but he needs to wait out here. before you can call out to him, Coral does so for you. “they need help! their leg!”
all eyes turn to you. you and the tribute from four gripping tightly onto each other, covered in ash and scrapes, hand gripping hand. it’s something festus never thought he’d see and it has him questioning everything he’s ever known. maybe the people from the districts were just like you and him. maybe everything he’d been told was wrong and it was silly to punish children, like himself, for the crimes of their fathers.
what he does know for certain is that he’s never run so fast in his life. he reaches you before the peacekeepers can and tears you from Corals hold, thanking them profusely even as peacekeepers drag them away to go with the rest of the tributes who made it out alive. he grips you with a strength you didn’t know he had, a hand cupping the back of your head and holding you tight against him. “I thought I lost you, God, I thought I lost you. I though you were…” he can’t say it, can’t bring himself to speak it out loud less he makes it come true. “All the rubble and the smoke and the fires, and when I tried to search for you they dragged me out. They told me I couldn’t go back in for you: I would’ve gone back in. I never should’ve left your side, what if you’d-“
He shakes his head, pulling you out of the safety of his hold so he can cup your face, thumbs runnings cross your tear-stained cheeks as he looks at you. “Never leave me. Not like that, not ever. Please. Promise me.”
He’s never sounded so pleading, so desperate, and he’s never wanted for anything more in his life. “I won’t, I’m sorry, I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.” You’re a blubbering mess in festus’s arms, gripping to the back of his red blazer like your life depends on it. Your cries only worsen as the ringing in your ears starts to fade and you start to feel a throbbing pain in your leg. “I’m sorry. I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, I love you too, I love you too.”
- festus follows you to the hospital and everywhere else after that
- but like seriously
- he already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you and the attack in the arena only solidified that idea
- the hunger games are over and Lucy grey is crowned their winner within the week
- festus proposes the following morning
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curtsycream · 4 months
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Heartaches & Coffee
James Potter x Reader
Warning: awkwardness, breakup talk, James vining
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Standing in the kitchen of her apartment she listens to the constant dripping of coffee into the cup. At times the sound is followed by a sizzle or crack when it misses the cup and lands on the tray below.
Grabbing the cup she hands it to him before standing in her original spot. Her back against her her counter with her own coffee mug clutched tightly. Taking a quick sip of the robust coffee she swallows. The only sounds to be heard were their awkward sips and swallows. Along with her cat, Punci, dashing around in the hallway.
“So um, thanks for letting me in this time,” he tells her.
“You’re welcome, it was raining..couldn’t leave you out there. My conscious understands guilt very well,” she says.
James looked down into the coffee mug as if the dark liquid could tell him what to say or do. He knew what needed to be said but the words fizzled out on his tongue each time. Instead he took a different approach, “what changed this time, aside from the rain. We both know I had an umbrella with me.”
Looking up at him from her coffee mug she shrugged, “I guess I didn’t notice the umbrella.” A blatant lie as she spent three minutes peeking out of her window before letting him in. She noticed the umbrella he was about to let up and leave with. Deep down she couldn’t let him leave, no after so many failed attempts to reach out. “Why did you come? Well why do you keep coming here?”
He blinked once, twice, thrice before shaking his head, “I just couldn’t stop thinking. Thinking about how we left things and what we said to each other. I can’t sit at home and pretend what I said to you didn’t hurt me as well.”
The plea in his voice caught her attention like an olive branch waiting for her to grab the other end. “You’re not the only one at fault, I said some pretty messed up things too. About you, Lily, and everyone else..jealous is an ugly disease. But..but I can’t blame jealousy for how I reacted to everything.”
He smiled, that smile of his that causes his eyes to look like down turned crescent moons. The smile that she missed regardless of her stubbornness at first to admit she was wrong.
“Look, dov- Y/N..”
“It’s fine.”
“What’s fine?” He asked furrowing his eyebrows.
“Dovie, it’s fine.”
She smiled, that smile that made her hide it behind her hand or objects. Like now as she uses her coffee mug to hide the way her lips quirked up. It appeased the thoughts in his head fueling him to continue.
“Look dovie, we both messed up and I know that it’s too late. But I still love you, for so long I wanted your heart to ache the way mine did. But I just couldn’t do that, you mean so much to me like you’re apart of me. I know that must sound-”
“Silly? Crazy? It doesn’t I always tell myself that I’m a bit of everyone I ever loved.” Her eyes dart towards his green ones, “I think I’m more of a half when it comes to loving you. Like I’m not fully whole until you’re near me, is that-”
“Silly? Crazy? No, it never will be. Maybe a little cheesy-” he let out a laugh at her sharp glare. “I’m kidding, it explains what I’ve always felt…what I still feel now. I know I made you feel as if you had to question my loyalty and who I truly loved. But I mean it when I say I was a fool for not telling you right away. Y/N M/N L/N I love you…you are where my loyalty lies. You’re the reason I’m up late at night hoping to be better, dovie.”
The utterance of his name form her lips left him captivated. Placing down his coffee cup he pads over to her. She seemed to have the same idea as her coffee cup was placed down as well. His hands cupped her cheeks as she shuddered from the warmth of them. The warmth that seemed to live in her chest once more.
“It’s okay if you don’t love-”
His words forgotten as she presses her lips to his the kiss was delicate. As if they were slowly introducing themselves again in a synchronized manner.
Pulling back from the kiss he presses his forehead to hers his eyes closed. Yet that smile never left his lips, “I love you, Jamie. I don’t blame you for what you did, love isn’t easy and sometimes time apart makes it all the better.”
“You’re starting to sound like the poetry Moony started writing,” he teased.
“You’re lucky I love you, then again I have been made aware of your collection of love notes..”
“Was it Padfoot? I swear it had to be him he tried to get me to send them to you.”
With eyes full of love she pecked his lips briefly, “and I would have treasured them forevermore and possibly given you a kiss for each one you sent.”
“Is that offer still on the table?”
“Maybe have any on you, Fleamont?”
“What if I write one now, Dovie?”
“I’d be persuaded..”
James perked up pulling away from her as he pointed down the hall. “Keep your parchment and quills in the same place?”
“Always,” she said watching him dash down the hall in record speed. A soft meow followed by a ‘sorry Punci!’ and hiss caused her to laugh.
Oh how beautiful it is…that thing we call love.
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 7 months
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 13
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T
Story Summary: Here
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, idiots in love, misunderstandings, minor Foggy/OFC
Word Count: ~3200
A/N: We're almost to the end! Thank you to everyone who has read, liked, and commented on my little self-indulgent Chef AU -- y'all keep me writing!
As always, thanks to @theradioactivespidergwen for the line break -- it's being put to good use!
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock @mattkinsella @bellaxgiornata @danzer8705 @chezagnes @shouldbestudying41 @thepunisherfrankcastle @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @roseslovedreams
"Wait, Matt actually accused you of screwing him over and using him just to make a name for yourself?" Skyler asked as you sat in your kitchen together after work later that evening. "I don't remember anything in your article worth him getting upset over when I read it yesterday."
You shook your head. "That's because there wasn't anything! I absolutely raved about both his culinary skills and his food, I talked about how much care and consideration he puts into perfecting his recipes, and I even mentioned his volunteer activities at Clinton Church."
Skyler shook her head. "Walk me through the conversation again."
"I emailed him my article then decided to call him a little later to let him know that I had sent it over. He seemed a bit put off but I wasn't sure if he was still upset with me over running out on him the other night or if something else was bothering him, so I asked him if he had read it. Suddenly he just went off on me, saying how all journalists were exactly alike and how we're always looking for the next big scoop no matter who we screw over in the process, then he said that he thought I actually cared about him and that I was no longer welcome at Daredevil." 
Your voice broke, the hurt and anger in Matt's voice upsetting you all over again. "The worst part of it is that I do care about him, Sky, I -- I think I might have been falling for him."
Skyler reached out and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry."
You shook your head with a sniffle. "I hate to admit it, but maybe Kelsie was right and Matt was just stringing me along but got tired of waiting until my article was actually published to stop speaking to me, so he just made an excuse."
Skyler made a face. "Ugh. First off, don't ever use the phrase 'Kelsie was right' in my presence ever again. Secondly, didn't you say that he opened up to you about some personal stuff but asked you to keep it off the record?"
You nodded. "Yeah, and I did. I didn't mention anything to do with that in the article."
You pulled up your work email on your phone, opening the attachment you had sent Matt so you could read over it once again. "I didn't even -- wait, what is this?"
You scrolled through the document, your blood turning to ice in your veins. "Oh shit. Oh no, no , no, no, no, no. "
A look of alarm crossed Skyler's face. "What's wrong?"
"This isn't my article."
"What? What do you mean, that isn't your article?"
I mean , the article I sent Matt is not the article I wrote, Sky." You handed your phone to Skyler. "It's got my name on the byline, but I didn't write this. It's no wonder Matt was so pissed at me though -- this article is a smear campaign."
Skyler's eyebrows raised as she read through it. "Someone had to have switched the documents. Did you leave your computer unlocked and unattended at any point today?"
You shook your head. "No, of course not, I--"
You sighed. "Wait, yes. I was getting ready to send my article to Matt when Kelsie told me I had a package downstairs that I had to go personally sign for."
Skyler raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess, there was no package."
You nodded. "Exactly."
Skyler tapped at your phone screen. "Um, did you also send it to Max and Carrie and tell them Ellison approved your article and said to go ahead and send it to them?"
You shook your head. "No, why?"
"Because it looks like you did."
"What?" You grabbed your phone, scowling as you saw that the same attachment had been sent to the people who handled the layout for the physical paper as well as the digital edition. "Oh, but hell no. It's a good thing you caught that."
Skyler shook her head in disbelief. "That absolute bitch. I'm going to destroy her."
You sighed. "I don't know how I'm going to prove Kelsie is the one who wrote it and planted it on my PC though."
Skyler grinned. "Oh, I do. You didn't know that you can see who the original author of a document is and look at a document's editing history, did you?"
You shook your head.
"I bet Kelsie didn't either. I need your laptop."
You retrieved your laptop and pulled the document up on it before letting Skyler take over. 
After a few clicks, Skyler nodded. "Sure enough. Not only is she listed as the original author of the document, but her digital signature is all over it."
You shook your head. "We need to go talk to Ellison."
You sent him a text message. Are you still at the office? I need to talk to you about something important.
A few seconds later, he replied. Yeah, still here trying to get this editorial column done. What's up?
I'll be there in 10 minutes. Don't go anywhere.
You saved the file to a flash drive, grabbed your keys, then you and Skyler practically ran to the Bulletin.
As soon as you got there, you booted up your computer and printed a copy of Kelsie's fake article. "Okay, let's go talk to Ellison."
You picked up the printout of Kelsie's fake article from the printer before you and Skyler headed to Ellison's office.
He looked up at the two of you tiredly. "Whatcha got for me?"
"Sabotage," Skyler replied. "As well as sneaky, underhanded, unethical so-called journalism."
Ellison's brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"
"I have reason to believe that Kelsie swapped my Restaurant Week article out with a fake one in an attempt to discredit me," you explained. 
You set the copy of the fake article down on Ellison's desk. "I wound up sending this to Chef Murdock, who was understandably upset by it and is how I caught it. And not only that, but Kelsie sent it to Max and Carrie while I was away from my computer."
Ellison's eyebrows raised as he read the fake article. "What makes you so sure it was Kelsie?"
Skyler scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? She's an evil, backstabbing bitch."
You shook your head. "Kelsie's had a personal vendetta against me ever since I got promoted to Features and has been going around all week accusing me of 'stealing' the Restaurant Week feature out from underneath her."
"And she's been saying all sorts of horrible things about Chef Murdock," Skyler added before pointedly looking at you. "Things that probably aren't even true."
Ellison sighed. "I knew she wasn't very happy with me for passing the Restaurant Week feature to you, but I wouldn't have suspected that she'd actually resort to sabotage."
He set the article down. "However, you both know that simply providing me with a copy of an allegedly-written article isn't enough. I need solid proof."
Skyler set the flash drive down on Ellison's desk. "Here's your proof. You'll notice that Kelsie is the original owner of the document and has edited it multiple times, and I bet if you look on her computer you'd find it there as well." 
"Plus if you review the security footage from around 1:30 today you'll probably see her poking around at my desk." You set copies of the time-stamped emails sent to Max and Carrie. "She sent me on a wild goose chase trying to find some package I needed to personally sign for while she sent the fake article to Max and Carrie for publication."
"I wouldn't be surprised if she was behind the email server conveniently going down on Wednesday afternoon so you couldn't email your article to Mitch then," Skyler added. "It's a good thing you decided to print it and turn it in anyway."
Ellison sighed. "Do you still have your original file?"
You nodded. "She deleted it off of my computer here at work but I keep a copy of all of my articles on an external hard drive at home."
"Good. As soon as you get home, resend it to Max and Carrie marked urgent and CC me so I'll also have it digitally. In the meantime, I'll get Phil to pull the security footage from today."
"Okay." You bit your lip. "Um, is it okay if I take Monday off? After the week I've had I need a mental health day."
Ellison looked at you sympathetically and nodded. "Yeah, sure. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry for all this."
You shrugged. "Not your fault. What I don't get though is why Kelsie also chose to go after Chef Murdock so hard."
"I think I can answer that," Skyler said, handing you her phone. "Take a look at Kelsie's Facebook."
You looked at her latest post, which was a picture of her cozying up to a handsome, dark-haired, blue-eyed man. Romantic weekend away with my love, the photo was captioned. "So?"
Skyler shook her head and pulled up Kelsie's boyfriend's profile. "See who she's dating?"
Your eyebrows raised as you read his bio. "Huh, yeah, I guess that makes sense now." 
Skyler showed it to Ellison. "Did you know this?"
Ellison shook his head. "No, I had no idea. It does explain why she was pushing so hard about getting the feature switched back though."
You nodded. "That way she could control the narrative."
Ellison sighed. "Let me go ahead and call Phil. Don't forget to CC me on that correction to Max and Carrie so it's documented."
You nodded. "Okay."
"I'll send out a staff-wide memo on Monday after everything is said and done, but in the meantime, don't say anything to anyone else on staff about this. I don't want it getting back to Kelsie so she can try to cover her tracks."
You and Skyler both nodded. "Yes, sir."
As you left the office and were headed back down the elevator, Skyler asked, "So what are you going to do about Matt? Still want me to kick his ass for you?"
You let out a light laugh. "No, that's okay. I'll just… move on, I guess? I mean, I'm going to send my actual article to him but he made it pretty clear that he didn't want anything else to do with me so I doubt he'll even open my email."
"Then it's his loss."
You stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened. "Thanks, Sky."
Skyler bit her lip. "What about Foggy? You think I should cancel my date with him tomorrow?"
You shook your head. "No way. Just because it didn't work out with me and Matt doesn't mean you shouldn't at least give Foggy a chance."
You gave her a wink. "Besides, just because I'm not welcome at Daredevil doesn't mean that you can't bring me some takeout from there, especially if you're dating the other owner."
Skyler laughed and gave you a hug. "Thanks, bestie."
"Let me know how it goes, ok?"
Skyler nodded. "I will."
You headed home and grabbed your laptop so you could send the correct article to Max and Carrie, CCing Ellison on the email with the explanation "Sorry, wrong attachment sent. Please use this attached copy in the print and online editions on Monday." .
You opened a new email and attached the correct file.
Subject: Explanation About Bulletin Article
Attachment: Restaurant Week Feature V1.doc
You took a deep breath.
Dear Matt,
You probably won't even open this email, but I wanted to let you know that the article I sent you earlier today was not the article I had written about you, nor is it the article that will be appearing in Monday's edition of the Bulletin. Long story short, someone else on staff replaced the file for my article (which I had given a hardcopy of to my editor for approval on Wednesday) with the one I erroneously sent you earlier today.
I promise I never meant to hurt you and I swear I would never use you (or anyone else, for that matter) just to get a lead on a story or try to pad my portfolio. This past week was one of the best of my life and it was genuinely a pleasure spending time with you and getting to know you… both inside the kitchen and out. 
You bit your lip, trying to decide if you should tell Matt exactly how much he had begun to mean to you. Ultimately you decided against it, instead closing with ' Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors'.
You added your work signature, then sent the email. 
You sat back and sighed. While it hurt knowing that you would never get to find out if the spark you had felt with Matt could've ignited into something real, you also knew that you would treasure the time you had spent with him forever.
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"Matt, there's a gentleman on the phone asking for you," Karen said as Matt and Foggy prepped for brunch service on Sunday. "Says he's from the Bulletin."
Matt nodded and wiped his hands. He had called the editor on Friday evening and had left a voicemail disputing the information contained in your article and asking for a resolution. "I'll take it in the office. Thanks, Karen."
He could feel both her and Foggy watching him as he exited the kitchen and headed to the office.
He picked up the phone and transferred the call. "Matthew Murdock speaking."
"Chef Murdock," the man replied. "This is Mitchell Ellison. I'm the editor over at the New York Bulletin. "
Matt was hit with a pang. You had emailed him again on Friday afternoon but with his hurt over your article being so fresh and so raw Matt had been letting your email sit unopened in his inbox until he was ready to hear what kind of (undoubtedly poor) excuse you'd had for using him. 
He cleared his throat. "Mmhmm."
"I just wanted to call and personally apologize for the feature article you received in your email on Friday. That was not the article I had approved for publication and I wanted to let you know that after a brief internal investigation, the person responsible for it is being terminated first thing tomorrow morning. I assure you, we do not stand for such unethical behavior at the Bulletin ."
Matt winced. While he was extremely hurt and angry with you, he hadn't actually set out to get you fired. "Thank you for letting me know."
"I'm sending over the feature that I actually had approved for tomorrow's edition of the paper and I must say, it's some of the best, most honest writing I've ever read. I think you'll be much more pleased with it."
Matt heard his inbox chime with a new email. "I think it just came in."
"Great. Apologies again for the mistake."
"Mmhmm. Thanks for returning my call."
"Of course. Have a good day, Chef."
"You too. Goodbye."
Matt hung up and sighed, then popped in his earbuds and pulled up Ellison's email.
Attachments: Restaurant Week Feature V1.doc
Chef Murdock, 
Attached is the article that has been approved for this year's New York Restaurant Week feature. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Mitchell Ellison
Editor-in-Chief, New York Bulletin
Matt opened the attachment and tapped the keyboard command to begin his text-to-speech program, surprised to hear your name on the byline. He would have thought that whoever had been reassigned the article would get credited, especially since the editor-in-chief had said that your employment at the Bulletin was to be terminated.
Either way, Mr. Ellison had been right -- the rewritten article was immensely more positive than the previous one had been and actually included information that Matt had revealed to you during your recorded interviews… as well as information that hadn't been recorded and therefore only you would be able to include.
Matt's brow furrowed. Something's not adding up.
He closed out of the article, then navigated to your email.
He took a deep breath and opened it.
"Dear Matt," his text-to-speech program dictated,
"You probably won't even open this email, but I wanted to let you know that the article I sent you earlier today was not the article I had written about you, nor is it the article that will be appearing in Monday's edition of the Bulletin. Long story short, someone else on staff replaced the file for my article (which I had given a hardcopy of to my editor for approval on Wednesday) with the one I erroneously sent you earlier today. "
Matt tapped the spacebar on his keyboard to pause his program, filled with an odd mix of confusion and relief. So if you hadn't actually written the first article you had sent him… who had and why?
He tapped the spacebar again to continue.
"I promise I never meant to hurt you," your email continued, "and I swear I would never use you (or anyone else, for that matter) just to get a lead on a story or try to pad my portfolio. This past week was one of the best of my life and it was genuinely a pleasure spending time with you and getting to know you… both inside the kitchen and out. 
Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors, sincerely yours…"
Matt navigated to the attachment, sucking in a breath as he realized that the article that the Bulletin 's editor-in-chief had sent him a few minutes before had been your article -- your real article, apparently.
Matt groaned and covered his face with his hands. He had been so caught up in his worry about getting hurt again that he had never even considered the possibility that you hadn't written the other article.
"Everything okay?"
Matt shook his head as Foggy entered the office. "I messed up."
"What do you mean?"
Matt sighed and said your name. "I was wrong about her, Fog, I was completely wrong. She didn't write that article."
"She didn't? How did she wind up sending it to you then?"
"Apparently one of her coworkers had replaced the file for her real article with the one she sent me -- I'm assuming as some form of sabotage or something. The editor at the Bulletin told me that the person responsible is being terminated first thing tomorrow morning."
"So did you get to read the real article?"
Matt nodded. "Yeah, it's right here."
Foggy moved to his side and leaned over his shoulder so he could read it.
After a few minutes, he straightened. "Damn, Matt, that was beautiful."
Matt nodded. "I know."
"So what are you going to do?"
"Apologize profusely and hope like hell that she'll forgive me."
Matt sighed. If you didn't forgive him, at least he had the memories he had made with you over the past week.
But if you did … Well, he wouldn't screw up a third time.
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armpirate · 2 months
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 14
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
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Aprox. time of reading: 20 minutes
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Y/n: I already arrived!
San: Nice
San: By the way, sorry for the way Mingi showed up
San: He sometimes doesn't know how to read the room.
San: He doesn't know when he's interrupting others
Y/n: What did he interrupt tho?
She clearly knew what he meant. The environment in her car was too heavy not to know, and she was sure she'd have given in if Mingi hadn't reached her car to greet them. She liked his friends, but at that moment she was hating him with a passion.
It was funny messing with San, waiting for him to come up with an answer as he typed, and stopped, a few times before actually sending anything.
Y/n: Were you planning on doing anything?
San: Huh? No, of cuorse not.
San: Nevrmind
San: Have a good night!
He typed so fast, that he didn't even stop to double check whether there were any typos or not. He was so desperate to find an escape, that he didn't care about anything else.
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Wooyoung huffed at the way San was hysterically shaking his leg at the corner of his eye, making his whole body squirm as he tried to hold back from calling him out for the constant move.
He was getting on his nerves.
—Can you stay still? You're making me want to rip that leg out of you —Mingi finally interrupted, huffing as he leaned to look straight at San.
—Gosh, you already met her father. You already went through the worst part. What's the big deal? —Wooyoung rolled his eyes.
The big deal was that it wasn't going to be a two against one like the last time, it'd be them two against absolutely everyone who attended the barbeque. One wrong word, one weird move, and they both would be done.
He couldn't disappoint Y/n that way.
—Just stay glued to Y/n if the problem is meeting new people —Mingi suggested, shrugging his shoulders—. I doubt she'll be annoyed with that.
—What if I'm left alone?
He didn't think about it when he agreed to show up at her father's house; that thought didn't cross his mind until Y/n mentioned it a few days back.
—Act like you're in a job interview —Wooyoung shrugged.
—But he's never been in a job interview —Mingi answered for him, confused at that advice.
—I know, I was going to explain myself before you interrupted —momentarily, he turned to Mingi, who instantly sat back in his seat, before he continued—. Keep a neutral face, don't talk. Just wait for the questions, and answer what they ask.
—You do that in job interviews? —Mingi interrupted again— Isn't that the opposite of what you should do? I've always been told you should speak and keep it as dynamic as possib...
—Who has a stable job, and who's an intern? —Wooyoung asked to get back at him, getting complete silence on his side— That's what I thought.
With that advice in his mind, San hopped in Y/n's car as soon as she sent a text to let him know she was there. On their way to her parents' house, his head was a bundle of different thoughts and tips, confused at how he should be behaving, except for the main information Y/n asked him to remember in case he was asked.
It'd be just that day. She only needed him to make as much as possible that afternoon, and then they'd break up.
He was definitely able to do that for her.
Y/n looked at him as she drove, hearing him answer back to all of her questions that were testing him. She was calm, it was only another day in her office personality, with all those same people she faked it for, but she was worried that it'd be a bit harder for San.
—I like your jacket —her comment worked to make some of that pressure vanish, making him raise his eyebrows surprised as he touched the zip of his black bomber—. Not the t-shirt though, I bet the whole outfit would look better without it.
It took her a second to realize what she said, suddenly stopping to press her lips together and try to correct herself. She wanted to say she hated that blue navy Patriots shirt with her whole soul, and it ended up sounding like she was hoping to see him shirtless. Although, after seeing him in that dressing room, she wouldn't really mind it.
His cheeks started burning after that comment, which he knew wasn't with that double intention he thought of almost instantly. It wasn't the idea of being shirtless in front of her, but that sweet and casual compliment coming from her.
—It's right, though? —he tried to know, looking down at himself.
Since it was a barbeque, he chose to keep it his style, mixing his style with that mature vibe she wanted from him. He wasn't quite sure the mix of jeans, team t-shirt and black bomber were a good mix.
—Hmm yeah —she quickly nodded—. What would you wear for a barbeque if it isn't that?
Just like him, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket. They'd be completely twinning if it wasn't for the horrendous Patriots shirt she thought he was wearing. It almost seemed like they did it on purpose.
San just looked around after silence slowly invaded the small space of her car, appreciating how beautiful the brown leaves looked on the trees that surrounded the road. He loved that kind of chilly weather, it always helped him to zone out as he went back to visit his parents at the outskirts of Boston.
Y/n turn right, getting inside one thinner road that allowed him to see the big house after she drove for a few meters past the tall trees that kept it hidden. He wasn't expecting the cozy familiar house that his parents had, but he also wasn't expecting that big palace, with a Victorian style.
Her car surrounded the small garden right at the entrance, managing to park her car in front of the few steps that led to the entrance of the place.
—Hey —she called him, aware of the small details that gave out how panicked he suddenly was feeling—. Just be yourself, and say what we talked about —her hand found a spot right at his knee—. They won't mess with you as long as I'm there.
Her joke seemed tougher for him, as she gave him one last skin over his jeans, making his skirt jump so high that he thought it'd escape his throat at any time, feeling relieved when she moved it away.
Before they started their way to the house, Y/n stopped next to him, offering her hand to him, opening and closing her fingers so he'd understand what she wanted. It was a tiny smile, almost imperceptible, but his eyes slightly squinted with that small curve, encouraging her to move her hand to his and intertwine their fingers together.
—We can do this —she assured him.
—We can do this.
His hand felt so warm as it covered hers, that it gave her that little push she needed to start walking. Unlike what he first thought, Y/n surrounded the house, following the stone trail on the side that led to the backyard.
His stomach squeezed at the sound of several masculine and deep laughs from afar, and the smell of braised meat.
It was real. They were actually doing that.
Her hand squeezed his the same way he tried to give support to her, trying to let him know that she was there whatever he needed -and whatever bothered him-, before they turned the corner and met with the big group of people reunited around the table.
—Here they are! —her father mentioned, excitedly.
They only let go of each other's grip when she moved to greet her father and mother, giving them a warm hug before she went back to standing next to San. Her father looked more relaxed and approachable, and it probably was because he wasn't wearing that three piece suit. Instead, his outfit was similar to the one San was wearing, with the only exception being the jacket that Harry wasn't wearing. Her mother looked elegant, but not because of her clothes. Her aura. As she approached him after her father shook his hand, her mother gave him a welcoming hug.
—I'd love to say my daughter was the one I heard about you from, but it was actually my husband the one who talked non-stop about you.
—Mom —Y/n scolded her.
—Come here, I'll introduce you to everyone.
It was incredible what football could do in the way people behaved around each other. From being skeptical of her relationship, to totally being all over San after they found out they both supported the Patriots to death.
It was better for her though. That should make things easier.
San scanned the table, trying to get familiar with all of the faces that were there. They all seemed to have that fake nice facade on their faces as they greeted him, and Y/n knew what those poisoned tongues were planning to say as soon as they got the chance. Although there was a particular person that wasn't hiding his intentions.
Tim looked at San from head to toe, examining his clothes, his body language, his gestures, even the way his bangs covered his forehead in a careless style. He looked even more mediocre in person.
—So this is the secret boy, Y/n? —one of the ladies, sitting at the other side of the table with the rest of the wives, asked.
—He's here. And considering you all knew about it, I don't think calling him a secret is accurate.
Her father turned to her, giving her a soft scolding look before she faked a smile right after. Time to start the act.
Her arm suddenly linked to San's, gluing their bodies together as her head rested on his shoulder.
—How could I even think of hiding him?
San smiled at that sudden cute act, looking down at her. Her head slowly turned in the opposite direction, hiding her face from the people sitting on the table.
—Hold my hand or something —she asked him.
When she turned back to the initial position, San's hand moved hesitantly over her, brushing her hair away and tucking it behind her ear. His fingers felt soft and delicate on her skin.
—Well, you didn't have a problem hiding other boyfriends before —Tim attacked as soon as they both joined them on the table.
—I wasn't serious about them, I think that's quite simple to understand —she answered.
Before the conversation could scalate, her father interrupted to let everyone know that some of the meat was ready for them to eat. San got up with the two plates, letting her get engaged in the conversation they were having across the table about the last product they were planning to launch. Although her father's attention was on the young man, and the way he asked for a knife to take the muscle fiber away from one of the filets. At first, he thought he just had that same hangup as his daughter had, only to realize he was cutting them for her daughter, handing her the plate of the cut meat before he sat next to her again.
—I think it'd be quite interesting to know how you two met —Lina, one of the supplier's wife suggested as they kept eating.
—I love those stories —Mark, her husband, seconded.
—We met through a blind date that a common friend organized —Y/n answered—. The moment I saw him, I knew it —her hand reached to his under the table, moving her arm exaggeratedly so everyone would guess—. We went to that restaurant on the bay, right? It was really romantic. He showed up with a big bucket of flowers... I'm not a big fan of those things, but I could tell he was genuine about it.
—How long have you been dating? —Miranda asked.
—A month —Y/n turned to her—. We hit it off since we met, and we haven't been able to move away from each other ever since.
—That's so sweet —Miranda fawned—. Are you also working in this industry?
—N... no —San finally answered—. I'm an engineer. Since I was younger I was always drawn to that —he laughed nervously—. I spent most of the time on the computer, so why not use it to earn money?
Y/n squeezed his hand tighter, trying to let him know that he was doing fine.
—That sounds like a tough job though —Tim scoffed—. I doubt it's way more than just sitting in front of a computer. Harry told me you've worked in Vancouver for a year, and I've always been curious about what engineers do. Can you tell us a bit of your daily work there?
—I don't think it's necessary to talk about work now —Y/n tried to get in between.
—And I don't think you're San, let the boy speak if he wants —Tim clapped back.
Right what they thought they wouldn't be asked about, came up on the conversation and on the hand of the man Y/n tried to warn him about. His brain was working hard to get through the sudden block he was going through out of nervousness.
—I worked as a web developer with .Net Core and Webix framework at two projects at the same time, I created a solution for multi-class text classification problem using SVM and Random Forest, Implemented Speech to text, optical character recognition, and face detection on the app of the company, used NLP for recommendation system, implemented full-text search with Apache Lucene... —he gave a quick stop— It's alright if you don't understand half of what I'm saying, and I hope you understand I can't explain any easily what they all are. I think you'll understand I can't give much more details because it's all confidential.
Y/n looked at him with wide eyes, getting lost in what he was saying after the second sentence, surprised by how convincing and serious he looked about it. Too surprised by his speech to even notice the way her father proudly smiled.
—Y/n is right —he turned to her—. It isn't time to talk about work now —after smiling at her, he turned to her father—. Sir, the meat was great, so delicious and tender.
He was in such a hectic and motivated mode, that he thought he'd explode.
After the lunch had gone by and they were finally alone at the other side of the yard, with the excuse that they wanted to be alone, Y/n finally took the chance to congratulate him for the good work he did during lunch, hitting his upper arm.
—I didn't understand a single thing you said, but it was amazing —she excitedly mentioned—. Did you see Tim's face? —she cackled— God, where did all that come from?
He didn't know himself.
He just didn't like the way he was feeling judged, and the way Y/n was almost being judged as a consequence. He was aware of that man's intentions with his question, and couldn't come up with any other way of shutting him up that wasn't that.
—I just used some things I've heard in class —he shyly answered.
—It was great —she answered back, trying to recognize his merit—. I didn't think they'd be so low to dig into your job like that, but you saved it so well, and you came up with something so fast... You left the standard so high.
More than proud of himself, he was smiling at how excited and fulfilled Y/n looked as she bounced on the spot. While, from afar, the same men that tried to interrogate him about his job were looking at them.
—I still think there's something off about him —Tim clicked his tongue—. They don't look like a couple that are crazy in love and haven't been moving away from each other for a month.
—Don't tell me you're still butthurt over Y/n dumping your son —Josh mocked him.
—What do you want them to do? Make out in front of me? —Harry joined them— I really think he's a good guy, and I'm really happy about my daughter settling down with someone like him.
His daughter seemed happy, San seemed to take good care of her... why would anyone, especially his own father, think ill of their relationship?
After watching the match at her parents' living room, basically pushed to be sitting apart when her father hooked his arm around his shoulders so he'd sit next to him, Y/n got ready to drive him home.
It had been a long day, and it was about time to get all that to an end.
They both were in silence all the way back to his place, with Y/n too deep in her thoughts. She didn't want to drop him off, she wanted to spend more time with him despite spending almost all day together. But she was unsure of whether he also wanted to be around her more than needed.
—You were great today —she commented, quickly shifting her eyes to him before moving them back to the road.
—Was I? —he sighed— I don't really know. But it does seem like everyone ate it up, right?
—Yeah. Linda was so into our date. I don't know what more details she wanted me to tell her. Maybe what color my panties were, or I don't know —she rolled her eyes—. But it turned out better than I expected.
San nodded with a smile, allowing silence to slowly kick back inside her car.
—Hmm, do you have something to do? —her question took him by surprise— I mean, it isn't that late. And since it turned out well, I thought we could celebrate we won't have to do this again.
But would it genuinely be a celebration?
—Yeah, sure —he nodded—. Why not?
It took her less than a minute to come up with somewhere where they'd be comfortable and calm. She had been there before a few times, with one of the several failed dates. She loved the place, to the point where it made up for the awful company she chose to have.
Except for that day.
The other times, there weren't that many people. And maybe it was because it was during weekdays. She should've guessed that showing up there on a weekend, right after a football match, wasn't the best choice. But they both still went inside, walking among the crowd until they found a free small tall table.
San went for the drinks and some chips before she could even think of standing up from the stool, thanking him after the hard time she had to manage to sit up there. Despite being noisy and crowded, it all turned calm and silent around them when he came back with the two bottles and the small plate, joining her back at their table.
—So, any feedback about today? —Y/n asked first.
—It was nice —he simply answered—. Everyone was quite... normal —he shrugged—. Except for that bald man that kept interrogating us.
—Ah, Tim —she nodded—. He's always been an asshole, don't worry. I bet he's still bitter after his son broke up with me, and I didn't want to take him back when he regretted it —she rolled her eyes.
—You were dating his son? —His eyebrows raised in amusement.
—For three years —she answered, eating one of the chips—. He is an unfaithful asshole addicted to crack, and Tim just tries to hide it by burying the others' achievements. That's why he picked it up against us two. I guess he was still hopeful that I'd take his son back one day. And I guess my father was also expecting that, at some point.
—That's why you did this whole thing?
—Well, it's a bit complicated —she tried to explain—. Tom is an asshole, but his family has stability and power. And I guess that my father wants to be sure I have that stability and power for the moment he retires —her lips grimaced—. In part, he does it because his partners will give him a hard time in regards to what I choose to do before he passes the torch to me, and I also think it's just a basic worry of a normal parent. But my dad seemed to miss the point that power and stability aren't just money and a name —she shrugged, moving her eyes up to him.
—If it makes you feel better, I think you'll be a great director one day —he assured her.
—Uh-hum, that's right —she agreed, smiling at his comment—. What about you?
San frowned at her question, not understanding where she was coming from with it.
—I opened up about why I do this, now you need to open up, too.
—Well, I lied and told my friends you were my girlfriend.
—I know that —she interrupted him—. But there has to be something deeper than that.
—None of my friends know about Soundleasure —he admitted—. I was sure they'd have searched up for you online or something, and I guess I was scared you'd tell them how we met.
—Tss, do I look like I'd tell strangers that I used to pay to listen to dirty audios?—she clicked her tongue— I rather keep that perverted side hidden as well —she softly added—. Do you enjoy doing those videos?
—I guess? —he shrugged— It's good to know I can do and say anything behind that name, because no one will judge me or look at me differently. It's like a shield. I manage to dig in on what I like or not, I do things that I wouldn't dare to do in my regular life, and behave in ways that would never cross my mind.
—But you're Soundleasure —she puckered her lips—. You're stopping yourself from doing that. I mean, it's not that your alter ego is a serial killer or a psycho. He's just more confident and eager to do things. You clearly find yourself comfortable in that position, but at the same time you stop yourself because you're scared of that change —her head tilted to the side—. You need to stop yourself from avoiding risks. You think too much about what others might think.
Before he could even answer, an elbow hit the back of his head, making it bang forward before he rubbed his hand against the spot that was hit.
Y/n had seen that group of men being overly loud and annoying, getting way too close to their table without being aware of it, because they were the type to think they owned the place and the people next to them only had to deal with it.
—Hey! I know it's weird for a gorilla like you to be around people, but you need to watch out —Y/n called him out.
—Excuse me? —the man was shocked at her comment, turning to their table again after hearing her voice over the chants.
—You heard me —she snapped back, annoyed—. You hit him, apologize.
—Doesn't he have a mouth to speak? —he turned to San— Does your girlfriend have to speak for you? —the man tilted his head— Why don't you just do what you're supposed to? Sit back on your seat, and keep your pretty mouth shut —he looked back at Y/n.
Something didn't sit right with him with the way that man was speaking to her. He could deal with someone being rude to him, and disrespecting him. But his blood boiled when he dared to look down at Y/n as if she was worth nothing.
—And why don't you take that big fat ass out of this place and do all of us a favor? —San suddenly spoke.
—Big fat ass?
—Yeah. You and your big foot complex are ruining the fun for all of us here. So get the fuck out —and suddenly, he was aware of who he was speaking to, and where—, please.
—The little princess knows how to speak —the man mocked him—. Let's see how you speak without teeth.
But before that man could approach him any closer, San's leg moved faster, hitting the heel of his white sneakers against the chin of the tall man before he could even take a step in his direction. Y/n was so impressed by the sudden move that she didn't realize the moment San rushed towards her, gripping her wrist and dragging her out of the bar as soon as all that confidence disappeared and he was aware that it was an eight against one kind of situation.
Y/n didn't doubt, she didn't stop to think anything, she just ran behind him, while he pulled her tight while those men chased them down the street.
—Where the hell did you learn to do that? —she suddenly asked.
—I did taekwondo when I was younger, I didn't even remember I could do that.
The smile on her face quickly dropped when she looked back and was aware of the men getting closer to them, momentarily losing them as San turned left at one of the streets, before he pulled her body abruptly to one of the nearest dark alleys.
Their breaths were shaky as they both hid in the darkness, with his body completely covering hers while the wall worked as a support for her back. It was all so rushed, it all happened so fast, that neither of them seemed to realize how close they were until the eight men ran past the same alley they were hiding at.
It was only then that he looked down at her to make sure she was okay.
Her parted lips were the most dangerous invitation, and their warm breaths mixing in the small space between them worked like the tightest pull between them. Once their eyes were linked among the heavy air, it was over for the two of them.
—You told me to take some risks —he whispered—. Let me take another risk tonight.
His lips felt soft against hers, even more than she imagined after seeing his pictures. They were definitely better than she could've imagined.
His pull was addictive, dangerous... to the point that it had her hooking her fingers around his neck, as she stood on her tiptoes, to make the kiss deeper. It went from a soft peck to a lip sucking experience that had her head running in circles due to the intensity. His mouth was clumsy, barely managing to keep up with how she was moving, despite him pinning her against the wall to glue their bodies even closer together.
He was inexperienced, the kiss was messy, but it was the most electrifying kiss she had ever had. They didn't even need to dig their tongues on the other's mouth to have her toes curling and her mouth gasping for air due to the intensity of her heartbeat.
It was the best kiss she had ever had in such a long time.
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So, I may not have won the poll, but I’ve decided to continue on the hand lore anyway! I’m going to tag some people but I want to warn you all this contains heavy angst. Make sure to check the tags for trigger warnings!
He had been patting himself down basically every second to make sure those things hadn’t left his fanny pack and then suddenly they just weren’t there anymore.
The heavy feeling in his chest started at that point.
He barely started forgiving himself for causing the first apocalypse, his brothers telling him he had no way of knowing what would happen.
Others were to blame, like Warren or Hypno for taking the key in the first place. The Foot Clan, for asking for them to take it.
Sure Leo’s showboating and carelessness were bad but it wasn’t out of malice. He didn’t want to destroy the world. He didn’t know.
But this time he did know.
He saw the worst things imaginable and knew how it effected the people he loves. All he had to do was to stop those stupid mushrooms from hurting anyone else.
Leo saw the look in Raph’s eyes when he admitted what happened. Raph insists that it was just a mistake, that con artist was grabbing at his fanny pack. They probably fell out afterwards or he took it and dumped it when it couldn’t be sold.
What Leo saw in his eyes made him feel differently.
It was similar to how he always looked at him during their missions after Leo became leader.
He can’t be completely sure that Leo wasn’t just being careless. That one distraction caused chaos and havoc throughout an entire multi universe competition.
Leo feels like Raph feels the worst about the little girl he was protecting at first. He was so sure he stopped them from getting her. How they got past him to the nurse’s office, he doesn’t know.
That hand is a big part of it at least though, that’s clear.
Leo feels more tears starting to come.
He’s lost all credibility now, hasn’t he?
Not just to his brothers, but probably everyone there. There’s nobody else to blame for what’s happening. There’s no way anyone else has screwed things up like he has.
His fingers twitch, rubbing his arms painfully.
He needs to calm down before he starts becoming too rough with himself.
Leo reaches into his fanny pack in order to grab one of the many fidget toys. His mouth forms a deep frown at not feeling a favorite of his in there.
So he lost it too?
Movement in the side of his vision has him glance towards it.
The hand.
That freaking hand!
It has his fidget toy!
Did…..did it take the container too!?
Maybe he didn’t lose it!
It was stolen!
Hope starts replacing that burden in his heart and he stands up.
The hand starts skittering away, so he quickly starts following after it. He’s too distracted to realize that his brothers are also distracted. They don’t notice him as he leaves.
The hand gets into a room and Leo backs it into a corner.
“Finally! You’re not getting away this time. Maybe if I get rid of you the spores will go away again too!” Leo summons and raises his weapon, smiling out of pure relief.
His expression drops when the hand spreads its fingers, revealing some type of canisters between them.
They fall, quickly releasing “gas” that is all too familiar.
He tries to hold his breath and rushes towards the door he came in through. Leo is only quick enough to see the hand escape and the door close behind it.
Leo bangs on the door as hard as he can. Even if no one hears him, maybe his hands will break through instead.
Luck fails him.
He runs out of time.
The room is filled to the brim with spore smoke as, eventually, even his turtle DNA fails him. He finally has to breath.
Contaminated air fills his lungs with a large gasp.
He shuts his eyes tight and covers the sides of his head where ears might be if he had any.
As long as he doesn’t see or hear anything he should be safe until he gets found, right?
Horrific images flash around in his mind until he’s forced to open his eyes to stop them.
What he sees is absolute devastation.
It’s a war zone all around him. Everything is in pieces. Buildings, roads…..people. Shots are ringing back and forth, some of it looking like it’s from alien tech.
He knows exactly what the spores are showing him and it feels his body with a dread that should have been prevented.
Leo can’t move an inch.
It’s obvious to him that the spores are just showing him what he thinks the bad future looked like. The only information he has about it is what he got out of Casey JR. Admittedly, it’s not that much because his brothers made him promise to stop telling Leo about it.
It was impeding his recovery, Donnie said.
He wishes he knew more so that he could tell the loud, nagging voice in his brain that maybe this isn’t just what he made up to fill in what he didn’t know. That this has the possibility of being connected ninpo memories. That this is exactly what happened and is even more awful than he ever could have imagined.
Kraang appear in front of him.
Fear shoots through his veins. They’re not real. He knows this isn’t happening. It can’t be happening.
“What’s this? The leader of the resistance without his guard dogs? They must have finally abandoned their weakest link after you led that last squadron to their deaths. Culling them was highly enjoyable.” The kraang taunts.
Leo grits his teeth.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone!? Why is it always me!?”
The kraang laughs like he’s just been told the funniest thing in this war torn world.
“Because you deserve it. Every second of all of it! And even more than this!”
He can’t think of anything to retort. He’s so tired of everything.
“No last words? Good. We’ve all long since grown tired of your voice.” The kraang aims his hand at Leo, a light beginning to power up inside.
Fine, it’s all fake anyways. This might as well happen. Nothing he can do about it even if he wanted to. Nobody is coming to help him either.
The kraang keeps laughing the more his laser powers up.
No wonder Lou Jitsu always escapes in his more spy themed movies. Death rays take way too long to work.
He tears up.
Leo wishes his dad was here.
The laser finally powers up. The kraang smiles widely. Something red goes up in front of him.
Wait, what?
The laser fires.
Leo is suddenly grabbed and tossed away into safety.
He tries to quickly stand up, but something stops him.
Raph’s future clone is on keeping him to the ground, hidden behind a broken building where he can still partially see the kraang from before.
The original Raph had bought time for the clone to get Leo to safety.
Both of them were being erased, disintegrated.
Tears stream down Leo’s face as he stares up at the clone who stares back with a smile.
Leo knows fully well that anything he says right now won’t actually be said to anyone.
He says something anyways.
“I love you Raph. Thank you. For everything. I never told you.”
The clone smiles more.
“Big bros always know. Love ya too, Leo. Tell everyone else for me.”
Leo watches as the last parts of his brother’s clone floats away as ninpo into the air.
He’s suddenly somewhere else, but still in this future hell scape.
Donnie’s arm is around his own and Leo sees blooding pouring from a head wound. Usually it makes them look worse than they are and it’s not actually a concern but this definitely looks like it is.
“Leo…..put me down….”
Leo can’t stop crying.
“I told you I’m not leaving you here!”
That’s not his voice.
Well, it is and it isn’t.
Deeper, rougher, far more strained.
“Put me down!” Donnie shoves himself away from him.
Leo falls over trying to catch him but they both end up on the ground.
Oh, he’s supposed to be hurt too.
He sits up and tries to get Donnie up as well.
“I thought this apocalypse made you smarter. I guess you could never be as smart as me, even when they hit me like this….” Donnie says, staying put.
“Shut up! You’re coming with me! Mikey is just a little further!” Leo screams.
Donnie chuckles.
“You won’t even give me a pity laugh? I’m the funny one, papa used to say so.”
Leo desperately tries to stand.
Donnie yanks him back to the ground.
“Leo. Listen. I need a flavor. F-Favor, I mean. Favor….”
Donnie’s not making it either.
“Anything, Donnie.”
“Stay here for a minute. It shouldn’t take longer than that.”
Leo chokes back his sobs as he begins clinging to him.
“Okay. I’ll do that.”
“This might be the brain damage, but I want you to keep talking. Don’t stop until….you know. Tell your dumb jokes, even.” Donnie clings to him as well.
Leo takes a shaky, deep breath, then starts talking about anything and everything.
The night sky is clear above them both.
It reminds him of when they shared a room and their ceiling had those glow in the dark starts.
They used to lay together like this and talk all night because of their shared insomnia.
Leo talks and talks and talks, getting some quiet responses from Donnie until eventually he doesn’t.
He doesn’t stop talking or holding until he’s being physically separated by Mikey and some other resistance members.
Leo doesn’t stop talking still. He wants Donnie to respond even thought he knows he never will again.
Mikey hugs Leo tightly and he finally starts crying so hard he can’t talk anymore.
It’s all over as Leo is placed somewhere else again. He knows this part very well. Mikey is shattering into golden pieces in front of him with a big smile.
Leo doesn’t care anymore that he shouldn’t be able to do anything.
He rushes forward and holds onto Mikey’s arm to try to help like his brothers told him they did before.
A chain wraps around Leo, moving him back to Casey just before Mikey fully disintegrates.
He was stupid to try in the first place.
A dumb decision.
And again and again and again and again and-
It never stops.
His brothers won’t let him die.
It’s not fair.
He doesn’t want to be the last one left.
It hurts.
He’s tossing Casey into the portal and Leo is gone right after, right in front of him.
Leo is drifting now.
A black, empty void.
He’s even more tired than he was before.
There’s no one else with him. He can’t even be reunited with everyone he lost, or could have lost.
It’s so confusing.
The prison dimension was pretty similar to this place. It’s even more even empty than that somehow though. Probably because kraang prime isn’t here with him.
Leo is completely detached from reality.
His eyes have dimmed as he sits on the floor, against the wall. He’s running out of time for anyone to be able to do anything.
He can’t hear the shouting coming from somewhere outside, not close by but shouting nonetheless.
Mikey noticed first that he was missing and now the others are in a complete panic. They lost him once and now they’re losing him again.
They don’t know how right that is.
As the situation only gets worse, a hand watches, perched up high on the ceiling like some kind of spider who’s carefully watching the webs its made.
There’s already one prey caught.
Three more to go.
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