There is a wilderness both near and far. It is the wilderness within us, it’s who we are. It is enchanting, mysterious, and often unknown, which to our nature it is richly sewn. At times it is arid and dry working on others like lye. It can also be waters of life easing in others frequent troubles and strife. A wilderness within that is often tangled, littered with decay, bereft of understanding, and as dark as March rain so gray. At times it is twisted and dangerous though it be to others hidden or canorous. We harbor a wilderness within our hearts and thoughts lush and deep it is, but as often mixed with dross. There is much to discover beneath the surface A world to be explored to understand its purpose. It is a wilderness rich in creativity and depth of spirit filled with both poisons and curatives, and we often fear it. It, in part, has been mistreated, ravaged, and polluted and yet there is fertile ground in which we are rooted. In our wilderness, in all its beauty and perils there lies our being, our untapped beautiful beryls If only we would mine them and preserve them bringing them to the surface for others to be blessed by them.
K. C. Barry
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GraceBabcockWrites is now GraceBriarwoodWrites
I’m changing my blog name! I’ve been wanting to take on a pen name for a while, and now seems like as good of a time as any. Sorry for any confusion! 
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quillwritten · 5 years
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hey remember that poem I wanted to find last night? i like it.
poem by @gracebabcockwrites who generously gave me permission to post this tiny almost-edit i made last night when i should have been either sleeping or writing an essay. i’m afraid i don’t have credit for the photo; i believe i found it on pinterest.
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definegodliness · 5 years
FIVE FAVOURITES (Poetry edition ✍️): Tell us your favourite: 1. Poem that you've written 2. Poem of all-time 3. Poet, living or dead 4. Poetry collection 5. Season of the year and why ✨ Send this to five poets you admire!
Hey Grace! I’ve recently done this and the answers haven’t changed. You can find them here: https://definegodliness.tumblr.com/post/185815034804/five-favourites-poetry-edition-tell-us-yourThank you for thinking of me!
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she-wears-glasses · 5 years
Happy Birthday! I hope this is the start of a wonderful year for you!
Thanks! You know I do have a good feeling about this year also so I say this is a good sign. 😃
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haleyincarnate · 6 years
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Based off of this poem by Grace Babcock (@gracebabcockwrites)
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randomlyjay · 5 years
This is a good morning good mornings from a Jay who bets jaysome would be the bestest browser extension ever!
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aetheriumwar · 5 years
Bootes- If you could have any animal, wild or not, fake or not, which would you want? :: a big bee i could ride like a horse!!!!
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atundratoadstool · 6 years
gracebabcockwrites replied to your post: I believe that Bram totally didn’t mean to make...
Damn, I LOVE this analysis. It’s especially interesting because of the way he sets her up as this paragon of virtue and goodness…
One of the reasons I find Stoker to be such a fascinating writer is that if you read his other works (even as... lackluster as many of them are), he’s continually pulling variants of this same bizarre move again and again. His heroines are very often submissive, feminine incarnations of saintly wifehood... who also need to be hyper intelligent, technically proficient, gun-toting action heroines capable of saving and supporting their fainting, overemotional menfolk until such a time that they can be reinvigorated and realize their true manly potential. Like, there’s this constant Stokerian paradox in which his ideal, angel-in-the-house woman needs to have what can be read as a rather unangelic skillset in order to competently get to the endgame house in which she is destined to be enshrined.
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imperiallefty · 6 years
They say bravery lives in your bones. They say that if I hazard everything I have, bravery will grow within. They say that if I’m brave, I’ll walk strong through damp caves and dark nights without whimpering. They say I can grow brave, but I would rather cry and still carry on than stumble in the dark. 
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And I...
And I...
I look around and I see the bully and the abused I see those who are degraded and used.
I walk down the street watching the con and the cheat and watched while a woman was beat.
And I...
I turned my head and heard the cry of the abandoned and listened as the man used the child till he was done.
around the corner I witnessed the prey of the thieves and liars, those who threw their hearts in the fire.
And I hurt
I saw even more, the traffickers dealing out death and shooting up and watched them give up.
Through the windows I saw the swollen bruises, and heard the muffled cries tears running from blackened eyes.
And I hurt them... and me
I looked in the mirror and I saw my selfishness that stole a girl’s trust and innocence.
I saw in the reflection the bitterness and hate that crushed spirits, and vengeance that sealed their fate.
And I...
I saw in the image the envy and ravenous greed that would take everything till you bleed.
And there was more to see; the self indulgence and hedonistic pleasure that blinded and dulled my senses, and took my soul for good measure.
And I hurt...
In the mirror I saw when I walked away from them, discarding them, leaving them feeling betrayed and numb.
At last I felt, saw, and heard the emptiness, the pain, the tears, and cries of what I did, lifting the veil from my once dead soul and eyes.
And I hurt them and I hurt...
K. C. Barry
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stvrmwitch · 6 years
@gracebabcockwrites ​replied to your post “actual prose? taking forever. but that’s only because worldbuilding...”
My current process is a mental back and forth of “why are you adding that?” “I just think it’s neat!” and now there are dragons!
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matthew-pasquarello · 6 years
wading in the melting pot, tired but the parts below the surface still need to cook. sink, ideally for free but every penny ever lost turns up in the change jar on top of a deity’s refrigerator.
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she-wears-glasses · 6 years
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
Hey there! I’m sorry for getting to this so late. I’ve been so busy this summer and haven’t been in the mindset to answer this and today I think it will be great to respond to this. Both you @gracebabcockwrites sent me this and I appreciate you both for sending me this! So let’s get to this!
1. I really like my eyes. I’ve always liked them. They have a pretty color and they can change colors too.
2. Even when I’m going through something I’m still determined to accomplish my dreams and I never give up. I really like that about myself.
3. I’m very creative and like doing creative things for fun. I also in general have a creative mind and I like that about myself too.
4. Even if I don’t like change I can adapt to change really well and that I like about myself a lot.
5. I have pretty good instincts on things and people which is what I like about myself.
Thank you both for sending me this! Have a great day! 😊💖
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cgcpoems · 6 years
Claire Clairmont
claire clairmont: what’s one thing you wish to be remembered by? || this is such a hard question!!!! i’d like to be remembered as somebody that cared about things. someone that put their heart into living even when it was hard.
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fatal-blow · 6 years
Shooting star (for any character or all of 'em)
“all of them” -looks across my legions of OCs, easily over a hundred-
Let’s go with a handful from Defenders of Earth, since I’m working on it atm haha
shooting star: if your OC(s) could have one wish what would it be?
Fergus:  At this very moment, Fergus wishes he had the resources to keep the Betas safe.  Without the Society backing them and with most of his generation scattered, he’s limited to the six of them (not including himself) and whatever money they have between them.
Valerie:  Wishes she could get past her fears and help out the team more.  Wants to be back in action, but knows she can’t handle it.
Skylar: Wishes that he was never born with his abilities.  In his opinion, they’ve done more harm than good.
Tado: Wishes he’d never been stolen away as a kid, because he knows he missed out on a shit ton of life and as a result doesn’t know anything.
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