#have you guys tried the target pretzels
dailylowqualitycats · 5 months
Day 147
Target cat
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rubberonmyduck · 4 months
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My Friend, My Liege
[Prologue] [I] [II] [III] AO3 Link
Weakened angelic powers and one mishap with a rogue exorcist later, Lucifer is injured. As the looming threat of war with Heaven hangs above his head, and the delay of getting a healing spell from Stolas, Lucifer is forced to make a decision. New to the Pride Ring, you land yourself a job at I.M.P.-- the Immediate Murder Professionals. Desperate to make some money during a client-low, Blitz agrees to contract out a bodyguard for Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell. The catch? You're the one Blitz picks for the job.
“On your left, Millie!” 
Millie turned her attention to the side, but as she did, another person jumped at her from the shadows, pinning her to the wall. Your eyes widened, but as you tried to rush over, you were stopped by another person. They held a knife out in your direction. Behind them, you could see the target sneaking behind one of their friends. 
“You– you freakish possums!” He started walking towards you, causing you to back up until you were against the cold concrete wall. You tried sweeping your tail across the ground, but any discarded weapon was out of your reach. He pressed the knife against your neck. 
“What even are you?” Your eyes focused down at the knife. His hold was shaky and loose, and his forearm was pointed away from you. Seeing the opening, you slapped your hand against his arm, yanking it away. His stance was sturdy, only allowing you to throw yourself away from him. Better than nothing, you thought. The knife clanked against the ground. He was disarmed long enough for you to grab a random gun off the ground, pointing it up to one of the guys. You pulled the trigger, bracing yourself for the shove back, but all it did was click. It didn’t have ammo. You let out a curse.
Before you were able to get another gun, the original knife man cocked his– he picked it up when you were distracted– pointing it directly at you. 
“That's enough!” His voice was stronger now, the slight tremble in his hand gone now at the previous scare. “You creatures can't just waltz in here and murder us whenever you please! We’ve seen what you've done to our kind, every kill you’ve made. And now, we’ll be the ones to kill you.” 
Millie broke free from the other’s hold, pouncing at the man threatening you and kicking him at the side of his head. The man went down, the gun falling from his grip and sliding over to you. You picked it up, pointing it back at the man. 
“I don’t think you will,” you spat, pulling the trigger. 
Millie made her way back over from the roof access entrance, a drink and a plate of soft pretzels in her hand. She gave you a smile as she handed you your share. There was a small party on the other side of the roof, so the two of you snuck into a corner to wait together until Loona re-opened the return portal. 
The two of you clinked your pretzels together, and you took a big bite as she spoke. 
“Loona said she’ll pick us up soon. Something about Moxxie being kidnapped?” Millie sighed, a scowl on her face. 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “What's with the look, Millie?”
“Moxxie is stupid sometimes,” She replied, looking up to the sky. The light pollution wasn’t as bad in this part of the town. She could almost make out the glow of nearby planets. 
“But I do love him.”
You gave her a small smile before she looked over you with sudden energy. “You know– you’ve been at the company for a few months now, but,” you tilted your head, silently urging her to continue. 
“What about you? You haven’t told us that much about you, and you never once mentioned a love life– I know it isn’t any of my business, uh, I’m sorry. Am I pushing it?”
“Oh,” you cut off her rambling, giving the other an awkward chuckle. “I– I guess I don’t? I mean, I’ve dated a few people back in Greed, sure, but,” you swung your legs over the stone wall, letting them swing off the ledge. You could see an empty street below you, and you briefly wondered what part of Earth you were even on. 
“It didn’t go anywhere.” Millie was listening patiently, nodding along after every word. She seemed genuinely interested, which made your heart flutter. “I think I need some friends here in pride before I think about loving someone.” You let yourself frown, tilting your head up to the sky. Your face heated up a bit, the thoughts bouncing inside your brain and the dread creeping up your throat. Millie rested a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I’m complaining.”
“No, I get it– I don't know what your life was like in Greed. I don’t know that much about you in general.” Millie stood up on the ledge, her smaller body towering over you. Her facial expression turned to determination. 
“But I know you’re really cool. You kicked ass earlier today, and you have a spark that just drags me in.” She held her hand out, “I want to know you more, I want you to know me more. Let’s be friends. If you’re up to it,” she gave a sheepish grin, one you couldn’t help but return wholeheartedly. You grabbed her hand, standing up with her. In the distance, the sun was rising behind the buildings, illuminating you both. 
Chaos was normal in the I.M.P. headquarters. As you opened the door to the office, your ears were immediately met with the sound of Loona and Moxxie arguing back and forth about another trivial topic– last week it was about which Earth season was the best. From a few choice words you picked up, it sounded like this week was about… Sporks? You shook your head, quickly turning your attention to Millie. She was working on her target practice. You flashed her a small smile, which was returned with a big grin.
You took a seat on the nearest couch. Bltzo was also there, holding his hands on his face as he let out a loud groan.
A few months ago, Blitzo decided his staff needed to be expanded. You, being new to the Pride Ring, had seen the offer and applied immediately. Having a background of weaponry and less than savory pastimes in your youth, your partially rusted skills had impressed Blitzo. He hired you the moment you hit the dummy target. 
Blitzo found it in himself to brag to anyone and everyone about his new employee, earning you the nicknames ‘newbie’ and ‘firecracker’-- how utterly polite, you had thought sarcastically.  Blitzo even took it himself to tell the succubus across the hall– as if they even cared, you often joked with Loona. Moxxie seemed slightly scared of you after that one wrestling match with Millie but otherwise, you got along very well with your coworkers. 
“Something the matter, boss?” You inquired, leaning back onto the couch. For as long as Blitzo was in his mood, you knew he’d be complaining. Better to get the brunt of it over with now instead of in the middle of a mission.
If you guys finally got a client this week.
“I hate that stupid owl!” Blitzo declared, slouching back on the couch. He took a look over to you, fully registering your presence. With a sigh, he changed the topic. “There haven’t been any new clients.”
The other time it happened while you worked here, a week or so before Valentine’s Day, Blitzo explained how the Earth holidays largely affected their client load. Drunkards, murders, and clinically insane people only came out during celebrations. Spring break on Earth was coming soon though, and Blitzo insisted the staff still met at the office to keep morale high. Considering Blitzo picked you up from your apartment every morning along with Moxxie and Millie, it wasn’t an issue. 
“What did Stolas do this time?” You decided to bring the conversation back. Blitzo was a mysterious person, and you weren’t going to pass up the opportunity to know more about him. Even if ‘more about him’ ends up being his sex life with a goetic prince. You hoped not, but it was neither here nor there.
“That prick invited me out for boba. Boba!”
You raised your eyebrow at him. “What's so bad about boba?”
“Nothing! I love boba!” Blitzo gripped at his horns, letting out a frustrated groan. “Why would he invite me out for boba?”
You simply shrug at him, focusing your gaze elsewhere. Understanding Blitzo was like trying to understand quantum physics. Not. Fun. 
“Sir, your complaining is getting noisy again.”
Blitzo stood up in a flash, turning a middle finger towards Moxxie. “Well fuck you too, Moxxie!”
Moxxie rolled his eyes. Before he could retort, there was a knock at the door. You got up from your seat. 
“I’ll get it,” you declared. Walking over to the office entrance, the clicking of your shoes was drowned out by Blitzo and Moxxie’s arguing. Perhaps you guys finally got a new customer? Or maybe one of the succubus was here to make fun of Blitzo again. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Loona lean back in her chair, continuing to watch wherever she was playing. Millie ended up abandoning her target practice to egg on the boys. 
You grabbed the handle. Yanking the door open, you were met with the sight of a pale man. He was only a few inches taller than you, his blond hair slicked back but still ruffled on the edges. The man was wearing a white and red suit, holding a matching hat in his hands. He smelled faintly of apples. 
“Hi, sir!” Your voice was cheerful, as if you worked in customer service all your life. “What can we do you for?”
The man's face flashed a look of shock, before going back to a neutral position. You noticed– but didn’t ponder all that much. Years in the Greed Ring sharpened your sense of detail. It was second nature to notice things like this. 
“Uh,” His voice was light, awfully familiar. The man rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “I came here with a… job?” 
Blitzo perked up, quitting his conversation with Moxxie to saunter over to the door alongside you. As soon as the man came into view, he let out a choked noise of surprise. 
“Your majesty!” There was a hint of panic, but he quickly covered it up. “What brings you out of hiding? Need someone dead? We usually only work on earth but I’m sure with enough money–”
At this point, Moxxie came over and placed a hand over Blitzo’s mouth. “What he means is, good evening your majesty.” with a curt bow, he continues his words. “What can we help you with?”
This is the king of hell?
The alleyways were dimly lit. You just got off shift from another successful mission. Blitzo offered the staff a bar night, and while Moxxie and Millie accepted with no complaint, you declined, stating you had business elsewhere. At this point, you were regretting not asking for a ride home. The walk was dreadful.
Passing the corner of Filth and Main, you heard voices down the dark pathway to your left. Your brain was telling you to ignore it– probably just some drunks getting it on in the dark. But your gut felt tight, and you were filled with some sort of worry. What if someone was hurt? What if they were being held hostage? Dragging a hand back through your hair with some newfound determination, you made your way into the darkness. 
The king clutched his cane as he stood there. His posture was proper and royal, and the look on his face was stoic. But you could see the way he shifted his weight across both feet. You gave him a tiny smile to try and help his nerves. He returned it with an unbothered grin.
“I was hoping I could come in?”
“After that little stunt with your daughter, I got stuck down here.” The voice got louder as you got closer. There were swishing noises in the air, like a pair of wings moving across the air. As you rounded one more corner, a horrifying sight came to view. There stood an extermination angel, a golden blood decorating their torn uniform. They had their foot pitched hard on a body, whose white wings– six of them, you noted in awe– looked slightly torn and dripped with blood.
Golden blood.
You couldn't see the injured person’s face, but it mattered very little as you looked around, trying to find some sort of weapon to fight with. Your eyes catch on a shiny metal lying in the corner. An angelic spear. You quickly but quietly tip-toed over to it.
“If I’m going to die in this hellish place, you will too, King Lucifer.” The angel declared. Lucifer? The king of Hell, Lucifer? Your eyes widened as you saw them lift the spear, and just as they were about to slam it down on the king, you did the only thing you could think of. Throw the spear. 
The weapon made contact with the angel, dragging out a crippling scream as it fell to the floor, blood rushing out of the stab wound and stealing the rest of the energy they had. Right in the chest. You quietly cheered to yourself, before turning attention to the damaged king. You were about to run out there and help them, but as the man looked in your direction, you panicked. And ran. The last thing you wanted was the king of Hell killing you out of misunderstanding for helping him. 
The group was quick to gather in the meeting room. You sat a cup of coffee down in front of the king as he took a seat, giving a curt nod and going to take a seat next to Loona. Lucifer took a sip of the coffee, giving a slight face before adding another packet of sugar into the cup. He seemed more pleased on the second sip.
Lucifer turned his attention to Blitz. “I was hoping I could hire one of your… employees as a bodyguard.”
Moxxie cocked his head, but before he could say something, Blitzo piped up.
“Uh, look your majesty– we’re assassins. Not bodyguards.” Blitzo cringed like he had this conversation one other time. 
“I understand that from the business card,” The king pulled out a card, flashing it at Blitz before leaning his hands down on the table, fiddling with it. “But my colleague–”
“It’s a big no–”
You glared at Blitzo, cutting him off with your look. You looked over at the king, softening up your face. “I apologize for his rudeness, Your Majesty, but we typically do our work outside of hell–”
“Especially if some sinner said–”
“Ahem! Even if a former client says we can.”
The king nodded, letting out a slight sigh. “Let me start over. Stolas,” Blitz stopped his snarling at you to stare at the king. “Had advised me you’re some of the best in the Pride Ring.”
Blitzo narrowed his eyes. “‘Suppose we say yes. What’s in it for us?”
The king grinned. “I only need one of you. But I’ll pay the company too for taking an employee for a month or so.”
“I just need someone until the situation blows over.” Blitzo had disregarded that last comment, getting out of his chair to accept the deal with the king and get the rest of the details. You stayed in your seat, your eyes lingering on the king. The situation? Something important was happening in hell. Was it to do with the exorcist angel? He had a daughter, didn't he? Was she in danger?  You had questions rushing through your head, only stopping when the king spoke to all of you again. 
“Whichever one of you decides to take the job, please meet me at the hotel.” The king snapped his fingers, a glittery red flame swirling him. He vanished without another word, the group staring at the place he once was. Moments later, Blitzo spoke up. 
“Well, I’m not bodyguarding the big dick of Hell. I deal with enough dick for the grimoire.” He grumbled, leaning against the wall behind him. “I will absolutely accept the money though. State your excuses.”
Loona rolled her eyes, standing up and pulling out her phone. “Not happening,” she stated before leaving. Blitzo shrugged, before looking over to Moxxie. He was standing next to Millie, scratching at his neck. “Our anniversary is in a week,” He explained, giving a small smile over to Millie. “We have plans, sir.”
“Excuse me?” 
Blitzo smirked. Before you can come up with some stupid excuse, his attention turned onto you, excitement in his voice.
“Looks like you won the king, firecracker!”
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bingoboingobongo · 1 year
task force 141 + last minute christmas shopping
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: my sister won't stop making fun of my old facebook posts help
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simon "ghost" riley:
alright let's be fr under normal circumstances ghost would never have to do last-minute christmas shopping
he's simply too prepared for that
like he's coming up with lists in october, buying gifts in november, and has them wrapped early december
but for the sake of story let's just say that he has some last minute shopping to do for whatever reason
maybe all his gifts got blown up and he has amnesia so he can't remember anything
jk idk just pretend he's been busy or something
ghost always has a good idea of what he wants to get people for christmas
so the problem is rarely what to buy but where to buy it
usually he'll go to a plaza that has a bunch of shops so he can just visit each one and see if they have it
another nice thing about ghost is that his sheer size and signature death glare makes it so that he never has to fight with another person to get a gift
he's definitely traumatized more than a few shoppers who tried to grab the same thing as him
somehow though he manages to get everything on his list
even if it takes him all day to find it
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so let's be real pretty much all of soap's christmas shopping is done last minute
he's a procrastinator what can i say
however after years of last minute panic soap has mastered how to get all his shopping done last minute
a few days before christmas he'll wake up early and then head to the mall
and pretty much just methodically work his way through each store until he finds something good for everyone
after he always rewards himself with a soft pretzel and gelato
it's a weird combo he knows but it's what he always bought at the mall as a kid and it brings him back
now soap doesn't necessarily have the intimidation powers of soap but he makes up for it by being ready to throw hands over gifts
besides it's not really like he has a backup plan
so because of this soap's gifts usually end up being those useful knick knacks that you always need but never remember to get
like can openers
he got everyone can openers one year
im kidding (or am i?)
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so if gaz has to go last minute shopping it's usually only for small things
like extra stocking stuffers, wrapping paper, tape, etc.
so thankfully there's usually not much riding on it so it's less stressful
gaz actually really enjoys shopping because he can pop in his earbuds, turn up his music, and just unwind for a bit as he walks through the aisles
off topic but he's definitely the guy to just wander around a target listening to music
he'll usually just make the trips as he needs to
but they're usually just to walmart or target so he can stock up on candy and supplies
he also likes getting some of those fancy ghirardelli chocolates to snack on while he wraps gifts
his parents raised him to be polite so if he does end up reaching for the same thing as another person he always lets them grab it
but if it's the last item in stock he definitely gets secretly annoyed at them for it
john price:
alright so in a weird way i feel like price is sorta like the grinch
not in a "i hate christmas" sorta way but an "i don't want to go into town" kinda way
he likes to spend his christmases in his cabin/on base and he doesn't like dealing with the rush of customers doing last minute shopping
but of course there comes times where he has no choice but to run to the store to get another gift or restock on wrapping paper
and during then price is on a mission to get in and out of there as fast as possible
mainly because one year he got stuck in line behind a total karen
and his ten minute trip turned into an hour long ordeal
so now to reduce the chances of that happening he tries to speedrun his shopping trips
that being said he is a gentleman at heart so if someone grabs the same item as him he'll let them have it
even though he'll secretly be annoyed at them because then he has to stay even longer to find another gift
alejandro vargas:
alright so honestly i feel like alejandro is like ghost in that he tries not to get stuck doing last minute christmas shopping
he just doesn't like all the crowds and the lines
i mean he's not the most patient man in the world so it makes sense
he usually tries to keep his last minute gift buying to a minimum but if he does need to buy stuff he'll usually go to one store and get everyone things from there
think like home depot/a hardware store or maybe like a bath and body works
(they have a surprising amount of men's stuff okay)
that being said he usually knows what he wants to get each person from those stores
so if he comes to a point where him and someone else are reaching for the same thing he can sometimes get confrontational
it just depends tho
bc on one hand the gentleman in him is saying to let them have it but on the other hand he wants to get his friends a good gift
usually though he'll end up giving it up if it's like a woman or child
but with men he'll usually try to fight for it if it's really getting heated
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright so poor rudy would be so stressed by last minute shopping
i think he probably got a lot of his stuff done early but he wanted some extra things because he was worried his gifts weren't good enough
i feel like rudy's the kinda guy who goes really last minute and so a lot of things are going out of stock quickly
and so he is super duper stressed
mans is biting his nails and everything
definitely is racing throughout the stores to try and find everything he needs
and he simply will not be in a situation where someone grabs the same thing as him because if he sees someone in the same aisle as him he is sprinting and grabbing that thing asap
he really doesn't want to have to fight with someone else over it
especially before he knows he'd end up giving it to them
what can i say it's how he was raised
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demons2003 · 1 year
My Boys (Chapter 54)
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Series List
Eddie's pov
I place my stuff at the table while my group follows in behind me. I look around at the cafeteria and notice that almost everyone was in there for once. I look around, trying to find Y/n but didn't have any luck until the door swings open. I look to the door and watch as Y/n walks in and the whole basketball team starts to whistle and clap at her. She rolls her eyes at them and throws them a middle finger while walking away. I try to listen to the things they yell out but Gareth throws a magazine in my face. I glare at him while he puts his hands up and says, "Look at page 99. Read it out loud." I continue to glare at him but pick up the magazine anyway, quickly having a read and smiling at it.
"The Devil has come to America. Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned. Studies have linked violent behaviour to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide and even... murder, " I dramatically read out to the guys who are at my table, all of us breaking out in laughter. "Oh that's a good one," Jeff laughs while I cross my arms over my chest. We all nod and slowly stop laughing. "I mean, how is a game supposed to be responsible for all of that?" Gareth questions, looking at us all as if we have an answer. As Greg goes to answer, two of our little sheep slam their food trays down to sit. "Society has to blame something. We're an easy target," Greg says. "Exactly. We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game," I explain, before slamming my hands on the table, climbing on top and continuing very loudly. "But as long as you're into band, or science... or parties or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets..." I yell at all the tables, ending with looking right at Jason. Someone in the background yells out loser while Jason stands up and yells, "You want something freak?" I laugh at him a little and do a little devil pose, poking my tongue out in the process and making a funny noise at him. The boys at my table laugh and I watch Jason turn around and whisper something.
I smirk and turn around, walking back along the table and explain, "It's forced conforming. That's what's... killing the kids!" I yell, and jump off the table, scaring the girls that are walking past. The guys continue to laugh at me while I let a few girls walk past me, stopping and bowing slightly. "That's the real monster," I finish, sitting back in my chair and looking at the magazine again. It is really weird that they think a game would be the reason people commit suicide. I mean, people like Jason are the real reason for that, why blame a bunch of nerds for the jock's crimes.
"So, uh, speaking of monster," Dustin says, causing me to look up at him and pop a pretzel in my mouth. "Uh, Lucas has to do his, uh, balls in laundry baskets game," Dustin explains to me but I just stare him down, wondering where he is going with this. "So...he's not gonna be able to make it to Hellfire tonight," Dustin explains to me, chuckling nervously and giving me weird looks. "And I know there's no way we can beat your sadistic campaign without him. So, me and Mike, we were talking, shooting the shit, and we were thinking that maybe we might..." Dustin tries to explain to me. I slowly get a little angry as he goes but really get angry when Mike finishes Dustin's sentence with, "Postpone." The other guys yell at the two of them. They all continue to yell at each other until I yell, "Shut up!" Everyone spots yelling and looks at me. "You saying Sinclair's been taken in by the dark side?" I ask the two younger boys. "Uh, something like that," Mike says. "Something like that?" I snap and through a pretzel at them. "Jesus Christ," Dustin squeaks. "And rather than find a sub for him, you want... you want to postpone 'The Cult of Vecna'?" I ask them both, confused by the whole thing.
"I...I don't want to postpone it. We don't want to postpone it. It's just that, you know, most of the subs will be at the championship game." Mike tries to defend while I slowly get up and walk a little to the window. "Oh, it's the championship game?" I turn and sarcastically ask. "Yeah," Mike says, not knowing if I'm being serious or not. "Can I level with you?" I ask them, trying to be a little less mean and moving slowly around the table. "Jeff graduates this year. Gareth's got, what? A year and a half? Me, I am army-crawling my way towards a D in Ms O'Donnell's. If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month, I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye, and I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma. I'm gonna run like hell outta here." I tell them, looking over at them both, both of them laughing at me. I start walking a little away from the table but walk back when I hear voices talking to me. "Didn't you say that last year?" Gareth asks. "And the year before?" Jeff adds. "Yeah, yeah and I was full of shit. This year's different. This is my year. I can feel it. '86, baby." I look over at Y/n and give her a soft smile. She looks sadly at me and turns to Robin, whispering something and running off. Robin looks confused at her and starts to follow behind her after a few seconds.
"You know what that means?" I focus back on the boys, trying to get back on track. Before I can say anything more, a loud bang rings throughout the cafeteria. I look over to the nose and see that Jason has pulled Y/n close to him and they are whispering to each other. I roll my eyes at the display and Y/n punches Jason in the face. I laugh but Jason lunges at Y/n and pushes her against the wall. Her head bounces off the wall but she doesn't lose the sharp look in her eye. Jason leans into her and whispers something to her. I hear movement next to me and look over to see Mike holding Dustin back from walking over to them. "Dude, she said to stay away from her. Just ignore it," Mike whispers to him. Dustin shakes his head and sadly whispers, "But I have to protect her." I look confused at them while hearing, "Come on man, she's already said no, leave her alone," I turn back to find Sinclair moving towards the two of them. "Stay out of this little boy." Y/n snaps at him. Why is she being so rude to the boys? And why the hell is she keeping them away from her? And why is Dustin so protective of Y/n? She's way too old for him. Jason starts to push harder on Y/n shoulder but she just stares off into the distance, pain written all over her face.
As I go to step towards her, Robin comes up behind Jason and wacks him over the head, causing him to let Y/n go and falling over. Robin moves in front of Y/n and whispers to her before taking her out of the cafeteria. The basketball team all surround Jason and everyone looks away from the scene. "See? She's all good," I hear Mike whisper to Dustin, who finally calms down and sits back in his seat. I turn back to the two of them and ask again, "You know what us graduating means?"
They shake their heads and I explain, "It means you boys, are the future of Hellfire." I move to lean in between them both, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. "I knew it the moment I saw you. You sat on that table right over there, looking like... looking like two little lost sheep. You were wearing a Weird Al T-shirt, which I thought was brave." I tell Dusting, remembering the second time I saw the boys. "Thank you," Dustin whispers, looking away from me. "Mike, you were wearing whatever shit your mummy bought you from the goddamn Gap." Everyone laughs at my statement while I think of my next move.
Without another word, I grab onto the boy's shoulders and pull them up from their seats. I push them so they are facing the door to the cafeteria. "And we showed you that school didn't have to be the worst years of your lives, right?" I continue to ask the two boys. "No," They both whisper. "Okay, no, no. Well, I'm here to tell you that there are other little lost sheepies out there who need help. Who needs you." I tell them before spinning them to face me while saying, "And all you guys gotta do is get your Bo-Peeps on and go and find one." I snap and push the boys towards the cafeteria area.
They both run off and I sit down at the head of the table again. "You ok man?" Gareth asks me. I look up at him while shoving another pretzel in my mouth. "I'm fine. Why?" I slightly snap at him. He puts his hands up in defence and says, "You looked like you were gonna help that L/n chick. Making sure you were telling us everything." I laugh at him and look at the magazine while eating more pretzels. "Nah, just didn't think it should get out of control," I whisper, not looking up at the boys for the rest of the day.
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fancybootm · 2 years
Guy(The infamous pizza man) General/Dating HCs
Warnings: None just fluff
Redacted Masterlist
I'm going to refer to Guy's listener as Honey, as that was the first pet name he called them in his audio.
And these are long, but purely based off of instinct as there’s not much to go off of lol
- Honey makes pizza puns to Guy all the time, Guy repeats them to his coworkers
- Speaking of them, his coworkers can tell when you two have fought/ been separated for a bit since he comes into work all whiny
- Every customer he delivers to on those days will practically feel the sadness roll off of him in waves
- Occasionally he'll get a pretty hefty pity tip so it works out
- He will consistently blabber on about his different experiences w/ different customers(as we've seen in canon)
- Guy drives a motorcycle, and will drive Honey around the city
- Guy literally makes deliveries around the city all day so he knows the layout of Dahlia so well it would put a New York taxi driver to shame
- Gotta be somewhere in 30 minutes? He can get you there in 12
- Guy used to dabble in mechanics, which emphasizes his love for motorcycles
- But he eventually dropped out of college and decided to get some odd jobs to keep the lights on
- He went through a bunch of them, but he found the pizza job one day, and it just stuck
- Guy tries to teach Honey about this mechanical knowledge, he'll plan weekends with you trying to teach you the basics
- So far hes taught you how to change a car tire, so that's pretty nifty I would say
- Guy also knows a various assortment of random fun facts he will tell to the customers, trying to get better tips
- And it works actually!
- One of his favorite(and most effective one) being:
"the U.S. government considered pizza to be a vegetable in 2011"
- It gets a few chuckles out of people
- Guy knows almost every person in the Redactedverse
- Which means he often will hear random gossip about people hes never even known
- He has no idea who this Damien guy is, but one of his regular customers talks about him a lot at their DnD sessions
- Guy knows everyone, but doesn't
- You know those makeshift office weapons?
- Guy knows how to make those
- There's puncture marks all over the break rooms pin boards because he uses them as targets
- He also is a really big fan of nerf guns
- You and Guy will have nerf gun battles, occasionally fully drawn out wars
-"Honey! You've shot me! How will I ever recover from this betrayal..."
-*flops dramatically onto the couch*
- You guys keep a score board on the fridge over who wins more nerf battles
- Currently, Guy has 4 more points than you
- But you're vengeful
- It truly is, nerf or nothing. As the poets say…
- Occasionally he will snag a few of those cheap t-shirts that they sell at his pizza shop for you
- They always smell like pizza
- No matter how much you wash those shirts, the pizza scent will forever be strong
- Guy says he never notices it, Honey thinks he’s a liar
- Despite Guy being so busy with pizza deliveries, he always tries to spend time with you
- This man is so unbelievably clingy too. One day he came home and just followed you around as you went about your business in your shared apartment
- He’s so unbelievably whiny when you don’t give him attention, please be nice to him. Tell him how much you love him
- Guy is poor as hell, working a pizza job can only get you so much money
- He does have a lot of connections to other businesses owners so he can get discounts on your favorite snacks for you
- But goddamn you’ve never seen a man so determined to spoil you. Guy will go to the trenches of hell just to get you something you mentioned offhand like a week ago
-“Honey I got you that cinnamon pretzel you wanted :))”
-“Babe we haven’t been to that shop in 3 months”
- All in all he loves you, and he does his best
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beanswrites · 2 years
"The Game Master" Nadia x MC, from "The Arcana"
A super fluffy one-shot for countess Nadia Satrinava of Vesuvia and MC from the mobile game/visual novel "The Arcana", where her and MC go to an amusement park. Requested by anon!
I know you guys waited for this for some time, but here it is, finally!
Requests for fics and hcs are open!! Check out my rules for requesting before placing a request, or pick a prompt from my prompts list!
Also available on AO3!!!
masterlist | rules for requesting
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Word count: about 1100 words
Trope: General fluff
Pairing: Nadia Satrinava x fem! MC
AU: kinda modern! AU?? It's more implied tho
Warnings: none
Picture from Pinterest!
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"Oh, oh, Nadi, can we get some cotton candy? They have it right there!"
MC pretty much dragged her taller girlfriend through the crowds, wanting to see and feel every last bit of the amusement park. This was their first date in such a fun, colorful place and MC was sure she wanted to savour every moment.
Nadia laughed wholeheartedly at her girlfriend's excitement. She was so pumped and happy, basically jumping around like a bouncy ball, and it amused the purple-haired woman. She couldn't help but laugh and smile with adoration, not while her girlfriend looked so incredibly cute.
"Haha, sure darling. Let's go get some"
As MC was talking to the saleslady and ordering the biggest cotton candy anyone has ever seen, Nadia was looking around, trying to find the next activity they will do. There were so many choices! There was the huge rollercoaster, but wouldn't MC also love the carousel? Maybe both of those wouldn't be good after a huge pretzel, a slushy, and cotton candy...
MC trusted Nadia to make this date magical, and she was sure to not disappoint. Besides, the purple-haired woman liked to always have a plan for things. The panic in her slowly started to rise as MC made her way over to where she was standing, with the biggest pink cotton candy she's ever seen.
"Hey, here I am! Okay, so, where to next?"
The tall woman cleared her throat nervously, her eyes searching the colorful, bright area around them.
"I, ehrm- Well we haven't tried so many things, and-"
Suddenly, Nadia noticed one of those carnival games with lots and lots of different prizes. She remembered how MC used to talk about playing those kinds of games back home with her family and friends, so maybe they could now do it as well. It was perfect.
"Let's go to that game over there!"
Now it was Nadia's turn to drag her girlfriend around. They haven't been dating for long, only a few weeks, and it was Nadia's first time in an amusement park. This was very special for the both of the girls, as they could feel their bond getting stronger through fun, games, and the sugary foods.
"Oh, this one! I love this game, I used to play it back home with my friends all the time! That big bear over there was what I wanted for years! I think I've spent my entire pocket money one summer just trying to win it"
Her tall girlfriend kissed her forehead, smiling lovingly.
"You told me, dear. I'm so glad we can do it together now!"
MC squeezed Nadi's hand even tighter, as they chatted and waited in line for the game.
"Oh, me too! It's really fun!"
"I've never seen it before. How do you play?"
MC payed the guy who was keeping the game once they reached the end of the line, and turned to Nadi.
"Well, here you have some water balloons. You just throw them at those targets over there, and you have three tries. If you hit only one you get the small prize, if you hit two than that's a middle prize, and if you hit all three you can even get the big prize! But that's impossible of course, nobody's ever won the bear-"
"I'll do it"
The shorter girl stood dumbfounded. Her jaw on the floor and her eyes blown wide, she wasn't sure if she heard Nadia correctly.
"But it's almost impossible! I've tried for years and you have never played this game before! Look, Nadi, I appreciate that you want to do something important to me, but you don't have to-"
"No, darling, I'll really do it. I will try my hardest, plus I really want to get that big stuffed bear for you. Can't be too hard, right?"
Nadia was good at many things. Giving presentations as the CEO of her business, playing the harp, listening to long rants, cuddling... Generally, she was a naturally talented person. But this game was hard (and probably rigged), and nobody wanted to see their girlfriend's confidence crushed, right?
First shot. She took the pink water balloon in her right arm, concentrating. When she swung, it seemed so precise as if she's been doing this a million times before. The balloon hit right into the centre of the target, splashing the water everywhere.
"Wow, good swing, miss! Do you wanna try for more, or would you like me to give you the small prize?"
The boy who kept the game asked Nadia. She didn't reply, just took another balloon, this time a blue one, pointing at the second target. Second shot. Just like the first time, the balloon crashed into a thousand little pieces as it hit the second target.
"That was great, Nadi! But, come on, let's just take the middle prize, there's no way you could make that third shot!"
The purple-haired woman smirked, pulled in her girlfriend for a kiss, and said:
"Watch me"
She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a brief second. Completely concentrated, MC could see. She could see how bad Nadia wanted this, how badly she wanted to win her girlfriends childhood dream. Maybe it was beyond that. Maybe it was Nadia's way of showing she cared so much, both about MC and her past.
Third shot. The jaw of the boy who kept the game as well as the jaws of people in the line weren't just dropped on the floor, they were 5 feet deep in the ground when the balloon as purple as Nadia's hair hit the final, moving target. For a split second, everyone went quiet, until MC began to cheer.
People were tapping her on the back, while MC swung at her girlfriend and wrapped her arms tight around her. The keeper boy dumbfoundedly handed her the huge teddy bear, not believing that somebody actually managed to win.
MC took it with a huge smile on her face. After many kisses of appreciation on both sides, they walked around the amusement park for a while longer.
"You know, that bear looks a bit heavy dear. Want me to hold it for you?"
Nadia asked, her signature smirk not leaving her lips. MC smirked too, smugly replying as she hugged her plushie tighter:
"Miss Nadia, just as you are capable of winning this yourself, I think I can handle this one on my own"
Both of the girls laughed at that, Nadia slipping a hand around her girlfriend's waist. Turns out the fair was an awesome idea for a date, especially after Nadia proved herself to be the Game Master.
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 4
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ー The scene starts in front of Bernstein Castle
Yui: ( I just hope the Count will let us see him... )
*Knock knock*
Excuse me. Um...
ー The gate opens
Butler: ...We have been awaiting your arrival. Please, come in.
Ayato: Che, seems like the Count knows exactly what’s up after all.
Yui: Yeah...
( However, if he’s allowing us inside the castle, that means he’s willing to listen to what we have to say, right...? )
ー The two of them enter the castle
Butler: Master will arrive shortly. May I please ask you to wait a few more minutes.
Yui: ...Thank you very much.
ー The door opens
Count Walter: Why hello, you two. Since you have chosen to return to this castle a second time, I assume you have set all of your misconducts straight?
Ayato: Che, this guy has no shame, does he? Look at him talk as if he doesn’t already know everything...
Yui: Well, actually...ーー
ー Yui explains everything
Yui: ーー And there you have it. Therefore, we are unable to fix the key...
Count Walter: Hm, I see. However, that means you fail to meet my conditions.
Unfortunately, I fear I won’t be able to return the heart to you...
No, however...A key, huh...? My apologies, could you perhaps show me said key for a second?
Ayato: ...? The key? Sure? It’s broken and can’t be used though.
Count Walter: ...This is...!
Ayato: ...What? Is there somethin’ fishy ‘bout it after all?
Count Walter: I want you to tell me everything you know about the individual who handed you this key.
Yui: The individual...? Well, he’s the owner of the cellar which connects to the underground waterway...
Ayato: From the looks of it, he’s plottin’ somethin’ with a bunch of other shady dudes. Their sneaky behavior really screamed trouble.
Count Walter: ...I see. Just as I thought...
Yui: Um...Does it ring a bell, perhaps?
Count Walter: ...I assume those people are the gang of young Wolves who have been causing trouble all around this area as of late.
This key most likely opens the door to my personal basement. ...They must be planning to invade this castle.
Yui: Eh...? Then...
Ayato: Then what should we do? We can’t get them to forgive us unless we get that key fixed.
But if we repair the key, we’ll pretty much help them commit a crime, no?
Count Walter: ...Well, that’s what it would come down to.
Yui: Then, this case...
Count Walter: ...Fufu. Do you perhaps think that this has solved everything, Miss?
Yui: ...I mean...
( To get the owner of that house to forgive us, we have to do something which would directly disadvantage the Count... )
 ( So wouldn’t it make sense if he lets this one slide to avoid having his own castle invaded...? )
Count Walter: Please do not panic. I will not deny that these are unforeseen circumstances.
Let me make you a new offer.
Ayato: Haah? What do you mean!?
Count Walter: For example, if you lend me a helping hand in seizing those Wolves...
I would not mind returning the heart in question as a reward. ...How does that sound?
Ayato: Aah!? Where does that suddenly come from!? Can’t we let the Police handle that gang!?
Count Walter: Haha. What a funny thing to say. Ayato...Seems like you’ve taken your Father’s orders to heart and have become rather adapted to your life in the human world.
A convenient organization such as the ‘police’ does not exist in this town. Have you forgotten that? Fufu...
Ayato: Che, oh fuck off! It just slipped my mind for a second!
Anyway, we don’t know how many opponents we’re dealin’ with, so how are we supposed to handle this all on our own?
Count Walter: Like I said, slow down. I never said you had to do it on your own, did I?
Oi, bring our guests in!
ー The doors open once more
Yui: ...!
( These people... )
Ayato: O-Oi, these guys...
Count Walter: I had them gathered here because I had a hunch this might happen. What do you say? They seem familiar, no?
Yui: ( The Pretzel and Crepe Vendors...As well as the Locksmith...Everyone... )
Count Walter: Every single one of them has decided to give you their forgiveness.
On top of that, they are willing to help us take care of this gang.
Pretzel Vendor: Those guys who tried to destroy my shop belong to that gang as well.
The Parade is when we make the most money, so I don’t appreciate them getting in the way of my business.
Locksmith: I can’t stand the thought of knowing that I nearly ended up helping a bunch of thugs commit a crime either.
My skills are to help others, not to aid someone in their thievery. 
Count Walter: ...As you can tell, the people of this town are more than fed up with this gang.
They have been playing with the idea of taking care of them soon. You could say that right now is the perfect opportunity.
Ayato: Heeh, so basically we’ll all work together to completely wipe out this gang, right?
Sure thing. Count me in. However, I do have one condition.
Count Walter: ...What would that be?
Ayato: Return her heart right here, right now.
Yui: ...!
Ayato: I’ve been on edge this whole time, worryin’ that perhaps she’ll collapse again.
I’d be way too distracted to efficiently take care of some gang when like this...
Besides...I don’t want to see her suffer one second longer.
If you return her heart, I’ll assure you that I’ll take care of those thugs down to the very last one...
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Please! Save her...I’m beggin’ you...!
Count Walter: ...
Yui: ( Ayato-kun...Having to lower his head to someone should be the thing he hates most... )
Count Walter: ...Sakamaki Ayato. You were not lying just now, were you?
Ayato: Aah? Lyin’? As if!
Count Walter: ...I see.
But are you sure? By returning her heart, she will once again become the target of other Vampires.
Ayato: I figured that might be the case, so I had Mr. Four-Eyes Smarty-Pants arrange me some Vampire repellent. 
Besides, I’ll be there to protect her, so she has nothin’ to worry ‘bout!
Count Walter: ...Very well. I must say I am impressed by your words just now.
One could say that entrusting the two of you with said heart once more could be interesting in its own regard, I suppose...
Yui: ...!
Ayato: ...Then!
Count Walter: Very well. I shall return the heart to you for now.
Yui: ...Thank you very much!
Count Walter: ...However, it is too early to be relieved, you see? Depending on the actions you take, I could easily steal it once again.
If you fail to catch the gang, to give one example. Understood?
Ayato: Of course! We’ll make sure none of them get away!
Count Walter: Fufu. I am very much looking forward to that. Well then, let us get this strategy meeting started at once.
ー The scene shifts to Saint Nore Park’s venue
Ayato: He said that we’ll put the plan into action...Right as the Parade comes to an end, right?
Yui: Yeah...We still have some time.
Ayato: Right. Now what to do...Oh, hey, Chichinashi. Let’s ride that one. Over there.
Yui: The ferris wheel...?
Ayato: Yeah! In the end, the Parade’s gonna come to an end no matter what.
So don’t you think it’d be nice to get a nice overview of everythin’ before it does?
Yui: ...Good idea.
( The Parade will end tonight... )
( In the end, I wasn’t able to enjoy it together with Ayato-kun in peace... )
( However, I’m plenty happy just being able to spend time together like this. )
( Besides...Our true time to shine has yet to come... )
ー The scene shifts to inside the ferris wheel
Yui: ( Once we get off the ferris wheel, it’ll almost be time to get started with the plan... )
( It was decided we would serve as decoy, carrying a fake key with us... )
ー A flashback ensues
Count Walter: There is one thing I must warn you about.
They are experts at handling explosives. They might use them this time as well.
Therefore it is very important that you proceed with the plan without them realizing your true intentions.
...Including that part, the success or failure of this whole strategy depends on you two. Can I count on you?
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( Our opponent has explosives...We might find ourselves in danger... )
( Ayato-kun... )
→ Grab his hand (☾)
Ayato: ...Why did you suddenly grab my hand...?
You love doin’ this, don’t you? ...Hehe.
Yui: ...I mean...Uu...
Ayato: Let’s get this over with quickly and make the best of the Parade, ‘kay?
Yui: ( ...He squeezed my hand back... )
→ Stare at him
Ayato: ...Why are you starin’ at me like that...?
Yui: ...I mean...
Ayato: ...Did you get scared after hearin’ ‘bout the explosives or somethin’? 
Yui: ...
Ayato: Haah...Don’t worry. It’s just a lil’ bomb.
Yui: ...But.
Ayato: Say, Yui? Once we get off the ferris wheel, you should head back to the hotel first. 
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: I’ll head to their hideout by myself. Don’t worry. I can ensure you everythin’ will go as pla...
Yui: ...You can’t do that! I can’t possibly...let you go by yourself...
I’ll go with you...!
Ayato: ...But we might be dealin’ with some seriously dangerous guys, you know? The Count said there’s a lot of them as well...
Yui: ...Exactly...I can’t let you go to such a dangerous place all by yourself...
I don’t want to...
Ayato: Yui...
Yui: ...Besides, they might grow suspicious if you show up by yourself, don’t you think?
If there’s a woman with you, they might let down their guard a little...
I got my heart back as well, so I promise I’ll carry my weight...
So please, take me with you...I’m begging you...!
Ayato: ...
Yui: ( Anyway, I don’t want him going by himself... )
Ayato: ...Haah, you’re such a pain in the ass...
Fine. In return, don’t you dare leave my side, ‘kay? Can you promise that?
Yui: ...Yeah, I promise.
Ayato: Okay. Let’s go together then. I’ll protect you, no matter what happens.
...So stay with me.
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: Oh, check it out! The view’s quite nice.
Yui: You’re right...How pretty...
Ayato: To be honest, I was really hopin’ we could get this all over with sooner so I could enjoy the Parade with you...
Yui: ...
Say, Ayato-kun?
Ayato: Hm? What?
Yui: You see, I...I’ve been having this dream lately.
Ayato: ...Dream?
Yui: Yeah...I don’t know for sure, but I think it might be the Count showing me this dream...
Ayato: ...The Count?
Yui: ...Inside that dream, you see. He told me. That you’re only trying to save me because of my heart...
And that you don’t actually care for me as a person...
Ayato: ...That’s not...!
Yui: But don’t worry. I’m well aware...You’re not that kind of guy.
I know that there’s not a single other individual in this world who cares for me as deeply as you do...
I also believe you...When you say you’ll protect me...
Ayato: ...Yui...
ー He embraces her
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Yui: ...
Ayato: Hmph. You really are a fool. Did that dream have you worried?
Geez, that darn Count. Just when will he stop messin’ with you...?
He pisses me off...!
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Oi, listen carefully.
You are mine, understood? I won’t let anyone else have their way with you ever again.
Not some Count, nor a bunch of thugs...Nobody. Nn...
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Yui: ...Nn...
Ayato: ...Nn...
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
( ...I love you... )
ー The scene shifts to Aizen Alleyway
Vampire Child C: Mama, hurry! It’s timeー!
Vampire Mother A: Watch out! You’ll drop your lantern in a hurry!
Ayato: ...Okay, let’s get goin’. Ready?
Yui: Yeah.
( It’s finally time to get our plan started... )
Ayato: ...Are you nervous?
Yui: Eh...? Well, yeah...A little...
Ayato: Hmph. I’m here with you, remember?
Well, you can just think of this as one of the attractions and enjoy the show, ‘kay?
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun... )
ー The scene shifts to the underground passage
Ayato: ...Oi. We brought the key as promised.
Owner: ...Ooh, you’re finally here. Come on in.
ー They enter the cellar
Thug A: Hmph. We figured the two of you had run away since it took you so long.
Ayato: Aah? Think again!
Owner: ...Whatever. Anyway, give us the key.
Ayato: Of course. Here...
Yui: ...The key’s right here...
Owner: ...Hooh. It really is...
...That being said, I have to say I’m impressed you managed to fix it. I’m sure you realized that this key is special?
Ayato: Well, yeah. However, that’s no big deal to me.
...Anyway, we’re even now, right?
Owner: Yeah, we are. ...If this key was real, that is...!
Yui: ...Kyah!?
Ayato: ...Yui!?
Owner: Don’t move. If you value this woman’s life at least...
Yui: ( ...He pulled out a knife...! )
Ayato: The fuck you doin’, you bastard!? Let her go at once!
Owner: Fufu...Don’t get your panties in a knot. Once we determine whether this key is real or not, we’ll let her go right away.
It’s real, right? Then you’ve got nothing to worry about. ...Correct?
Ayato: Che...
Thug B: Well, if it turns out to be a fake, we’ll kill her on the spot, of course. Hehe.
Ayato: Say that again!? Fuck off! In your dreams!
Owner: Either way, we’ll know as soon as we put this key in the door in question.
So why don’t we go and try it out right away...?
Yui: ...!
( At this rate, they’ll find out it’s a fake...! )
ー They start walking away
Ayato: Ugh...Wait...! Be a lil’ more gentle with her!
ー The scene shifts to right in front of the door
Owner: Well then, go ahead and open the door...
Ayato: ...Fine...
Yui: ( Oh no...We have to find an opening somehow, or the two of us will... )
Ayato: ...
Yui: Ayato-kun...
Ayato: ...Don’t worry. Everything’s fine...
Yui: ( ...God, please...! )
Ayato: ...The key...?
Yui ( ...It worked...? )
Owner: ...Hooh.
Ayato: ...See? Didn’t I tell you? There’s no way we’d bring you a fa...
Yui: ( ...The door opened by itself...? )
???: Now’s our chance! Seize them!!
???: Uooooh!!
ー The other people storm out of the door
Thug A: Wha...!?
Owner: ...What’s going on!?
Thug B: Pull back! We’re retreatin’ for now!!
ー They start running away
Crepe Vendor: Hah! You wish!
Yui: ( From behind as well, the others!! )
Ayato: Yui!! Now’s your chance! Come here!! 
Yui: Ayato-kun...!
Owner: Che, not on my watch!
Yui: Kuh...!
Ayato: Yui...!
Owner: Everyone, back off! Or else, she’s a goner!
Locksmith: Che...How dare you resort to such filthy tactics...!
Owner: Hah! Run your mouth all you want! Come on, woman. This way!!
Yui: Ayato-kun!
ー He runs off with Yui
Ayato: Fuck! You’re not gettin’ away!! ...Wait!!
ー The scene shifts back to the cellar
Yui: Kyah...
( This is...the cellar... )
Owner: Haah...Haah...God, we were so close too! You little pests...
...Now that it’s come to this, I just gotta blow up this whole cellar along with all evidence which could lead back to us!
Woman...That includes you, get it...? Hehe...
*Pang pang*
Yui: ( ...This is...! )
( There’s explosives hidden inside the wall...! )
*Thud thud*
Ayato: Yui!! Are you unharmed!! You bastard...! Open this door right now!!
Yui: Uu...!
Ayato-kun! Don’t come in here!!
Gather everyone and run away together!!
Ayato: Aah!? You really think I can do that!?
Yui: Please! Listen to me! There’s a bomb in here...!
Ayato: Ugh...! Then I definitely can’t leave you behind and run!!
Fuck!! Yui! Yui...!!
Owner: Hehe...If you have any final words, now’s your chance.
Yui: ( ...He lit the fuse...! )
Owner: Too bad, this is the end...
Ayato: ーー !!
Yui: Ayato-kun, no! Run...ーー!!
Ayato: Hell no!! Didn’t I tell you that you’re mine!?
I won’t abandon you, even if it kills meーー!!
ー The screen fades to white
Ayato: Ugh...!!
Yui: Kyaaaah!!
( Ayato-kun...!! )
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shizuu-chann · 2 years
It's hard for me to feel bad about the fall of Thessia when they had MONTHS to jump in and help.
Except they didn't.
They waited until THEY needed help, then asked Shepard to help humanity and the rest of the galaxy by helping the asari. Don't get me wrong, I do feel bad for the asari civilians, but High Command and Councilor Tevos can kiss my ass.
"Maybe next time the Alliance could spring for air support," Liara says as you're getting swamped by cannibals and marauders. Or maybe they should have jumped sooner and we would have had an easier time getting to that beacon, like maybe BEFORE the Reapers even arrived in asari space. Instead they tried to maintain their supremacy by consolidating their power instead of aiding their allies, and ultimately doomed their homeworld because they were too proud.
It's ironic that Councilor Sparatus spends the first two games being an aggressive passive-aggressive ass, but by the third game ultimately sees that working together is the only way they all get what they want in the end, which is to fucking survive and defeat an incredibly powerful enemy for good. Tevos is great at lip service and then not doing anything, and Valern feels like a yes-man to Tevos, tbh. I like him a little more than Tevos, but it really does feel like he just defers to whatever Tevos says, but I've already made a post about that.
A different but related subject: No matter what anyone says, the fact that Cerberus knew where Shepard would be (RE: the beacon on Thessia) and beat her there in the first place will never. Make. Sense.
No one except the asari councilor/High Command, Shepard, and a select few of the Normandy crew even knew about the beacon's potential to know what the Catalyst was. Even if you could claim Cerberus agents were embedded in High Command or had agents who knew members of High Command, there was no reason to wait for Shepard to show up to activate the beacon. They'd been using the beacon for centuries to make sure they kept their edge and superiority, so they clearly knew how to operate it and obtain information from it (they just never found info about the Catalyst because no one knew they needed it; plus, the beacon's VI was programmed not to even reveal that info until the Crucible was completed).
You could make the claim that whoever tipped off Cerberus about it didn't know how to work the beacon, and thus couldn't have told this mystical agent anything other than that it existed, thus Shepard HAD to show up to unlock it--but I just don't buy that. I don't, and I refuse to.
And THAT filters into Kai Leng being a terrible and poorly written antagonist, I guess. 99% of all the issues I have with ME3's plot involve Kai Leng (the other 1% is the whole "salvation through destruction" nonsense). All of his scenes and "victories" require the plot and previous character development for Shepard and her companions to twist themselves into pretzels to make sense.
Example? I don't know about you guys, but my typical Citadel Coup Squad consists of Garrus and Javik, and obviously Shepard. That puts three highly trained soldiers with previous experience fighting Reapers and their minions in the same place at the same time on the same team. Indigo is an infiltrator, thus there are two SNIPERS and then three overall EXPERT MARKSMEN on this team. Then you have Thane: the trained ASSASSIN since he was six years old.
You're telling me a master assassin with biotic capabilities, an ancient career soldier with a literal lifetime's worth of Reaper-fighting experience and biotic capabilities, an ex-C-Sec officer vigilante famous for being a master sniper, and the literal fucking Hero of the Citadel, Spectre agent, N7 Special Forces operative who's also a master sniper and career soldier all forgot how to aim and hit a target at point blank range? Or forgot they had biotics capable of killing? Bull. Shit.
And that pretty much goes for any squadmates you can bring with you onto the Citadel! Ashley/James/Kaidan? Career soldiers. Tali? Not a career soldier, but still a good shot. Liara? Pure biotic! She could have lifted Leng or slammed a chair into him hard enough to incapacitate him a la Vasir on Illium. EDI? Programmed to be an excellent shot, presumably. Like.
And don't come at me with "well, Kai Leng was also an N7!" Don't care. There is no way you could convince me that Kai Leng was a worthy adversary. His temperament alone puts him at a disadvantage to Shepard. Cool, level-headed Shepard literally gets a rise out of him at Cerberus HQ when she tells him he's a coward bc all he does is run away. He tells her to shut up rather aggressively, which in this context shows his immaturity and incompetence. The only reason he "won" on Thessia was plot armor, and not even the good kind. Saren had good plot armor on Virmire; he wasn't supposed to die yet, so the plot was that he saw that he was going to lose that krogan breeding facility no matter what, and booked it to fight later on Ilos and the Citadel. KL's boring, pathetic, whiny, and childish. Furthermore, him being on Thessia makes no sense, and that whole priority mission was a mess.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Edward Nygma (Pre Riddler) x Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Blind Double Date
You and your friend Mia have decided to have a sort of blind double date thing together where you find a date for her and she finds one for you. You’ve decided to ask Ed; The harmless, cute forensics guy at work.
Warnings: FULL FLUFF
“Good morning Ed!” As you walk into the forensics lab, you quickly find your target in the corner eating his breakfast with gloves and his goggles on. An amused smile struggles to find its place on your mouth but you try to hide it- funny guy, Ed is.
But that doesn’t mean theirs anything wrong with him. You honestly have never understood why anyone would bully him- all he does is his job! And he bares riddles, too! What’s not to appreciate? You happen to like listening to his riddles and giving them a go, even if most of the time the answer evades you. It still tickles you when he tells you, and it makes him happy to get to ask them, too.
Plus, he isn’t bad to look at, and he’s very sweet.
Which is why you’ve chosen him to ask as Mia’s date tonight. Yes tonight. You’ve left it, in pure homework-style, to the last minute to find a guy and ask him. But you’re pretty sure she’s done the same thing, so you don’t feel too bad. You just hope you can butter Ed up enough that he says yes!
“Good morning Miss L/N.” Ed smiles, giving a little waive as he sets his McMuffin back down on a little plate of glad wrap on the corner bench so he can talk to you.
You’re aware of his unfortunate feelings for Kristen -unfortunate because she doesn’t share these feelings, -, which of course could prove an obstacle… but like you said! You plan to butter him up plenty before popping the question. “Any riddles today?”
He beams. “Yes, I do, in fact. Would you like to hear it?”
“If you drop me, I’m sure to crack. But, smile at me and I’ll be sure to smile back. What am I?”
With only a moment of thought, you set your fists on your hips and peer up at him with a good, humoured stink eye, squaring up to the beanpole. “Ed, are you dumbing down your riddles for me? A mirror!” A tiny grin tugs at the corners on his mouth, avoiding eye contact with you.
“Figured you prefer to get them right.”
“Psh.” You roll your eyes, grin stretching into something wider. Then you cross your arms and lean forward. “I have one for you, now.”
“Oh, really?” He looks a little excited, and its adorable especially behind the goggles he’s still wearing. You resist the urge to giggle, though, and nod. “Fire away, then.”
“Okay, hold on, let me remember.” Pausing a moment, you look at the counter to remember the words. You have to get this right, to provide the perfect jumping off point for asking him out. “Okay, you see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on the boat. How is it possible?”
Ed’s eyes shine and you know he’s heard it before; His eye sonly look like that when he’s about to give the right answer and feel smart doing it. Taking off the goggles and replacing his glasses over his eyes, he grins. “All the people are married couples.”
“Exactly, and Ed! Wouldn’t you like to be one of those people?” I’m going for it. No need to be shy- shoot your shot like a used car salesperson.
Immediately, the forensics guy looks completely flabbergasted and he stutters like he really is confused, for once. “What- what??”
Having the humility and poise to look a little moor mellow, you lean my lower back on one of the benches stretching across the wall and focus on the table in the middle of the room. You’ve seen many, many dead bodies on this table. “Well, my friend Mia and I are setting up a sort of… blind double date, I guess. She’s finding someone for me, and I’m looking for a guy for her and we’re gonna go out as a group. Safer than online dating, right? Well I was looking around the precinct for a guy, and… “ Turning to look across your shoulder and up at Ed, who looks curious but still hesitant-and ready to be more hesitant, - , you set him with a mischievous look. “Ed. Edward.”
“This doesn’t sound like a good idea… “He starts to refuse, looking away from you and back at his McMuffin, but you’re not giving up that easily. You haven’t put all your cards down on the table yet! But still, you don’t want to make him uncomfortable because you know this isn’t his thing, so you force yourself to stay in one spot and not look too desperate. Which, quite honestly, you are. The date is tonight!! You’ll end up having to take Harvey, and as sexy as he is, he isn’t your friend’s type.
“Ed, you’re perfect! Safe, for one; You’re a sweetie. And that’s not something I can for sure say about whoever Mia’s got for me- she works at the paper. And Mia loves riddles!” Well, ‘love’ might be a stretch, but she does have an appreciation for them like you. “And you’re the best-looking guy in the precinct.”
That seems to shock him, and he looks up again to blink behind his glasses. “What?”
“Well, yeah.” You shrug; Is it a secret? Dark hair, dark eyes, tall- what is not to like, here? “I mean, you’re on parr with Gordon, but that guy’s damn near married!” You grin, biting your bottom lip as you continue to look across the room rather then at Ed- but then turn and wink at him. “Besides, I like you better. Would much rather spend a night hanging with you then with Jimmy, he’s a bit of a workaholic you know?” Smiling genuinely, you give him an almost-awkward thumb up.
“Uhh… “Hesitant and full-awkward, Ed actually looks to be thinking about it now, looking away from your gaze once again. You don’t mind if he doesn’t keep eye contact- makes you feel like you’re being interrogated when the cops around here do that. Very weird. “I’m- I’m not sure. I’m not… very good… with the opposite sex… “
“You’re great with me!” You exclaim encouragingly, watching a tiny flicker of a grin pass over his lips as he looks down at the ground. “Come on, I’ll be there with you the whole time. Unless of course my date goes really well,” He looks up and you wink, grinning cheekily. Then an idea occurs to you, and you gasp. “I’ll even come over a bit early and help you prepare!”
Letting him think to himself for a couple minutes while you get out your phone and check for messages and periodically watch the door for other cops and forensics people. Finally, Ed lets out a deep breath and turns to face you again. You hold your breath, chewing on your bottom lip. “… Okay. I’ll go with you and Mia on this date. But you have to come over before.”
You let out a relieved breath. “Thank you, Ed! Sure thing. I’ll see you at yours at 6, the dates at 7. I’ll get your information outta the database- thank you so much Ed!” With a quick hug, and one last smile, you leave him back to his breakfast. “Enjoy your brecky and have a good day Ed! See ya!”
Ed just smiles a little smile, watching you leave before switching his glasses for the goggles again and goes to continue his breakfast. “I wonder… did I say yes for the right reasons?”
Through the corner of his eye, he catches his reflection grin smugly and shake his head.
He tries to ignore it.
~~~TIME SKIP: Later that day, at Ed’s apartment~~~
When Ed had answered the door in a plain t-shirt and sweat pants, you had been worried for half a second that he had changed his mind and that you had forced him to say yes to something he didn’t want to do, but then he quickly explained that he didn’t know what to wear.
Which was such an easy issue to remedy!
“There!” You exclaim when he comes out of the bathroom in the outfit you two came to an agreement on. You’re sitting on the end of his bed, munching on pretzels and smile encouragingly at your friend. “You clean up even nicer, Ed.”
“Thank you… “Grinning with pride, like a bird ruffling his feathers, Ed looks once more at his reflection and flattens out his emerald tie-his favourite colour, as you’ve come to realise. Its all over his apartment, and his wardrobe, - then he comes over to sit beside you and tie up his shoes. “Uh- Miss L/N, question? If you don’t mind.”
Swallowing 3 more little pretzels and picking out 2 more, eating like a marathon runner… if by running one meant eating. “Fire away.” Still bent over his knees tying up his laces, Ed does so.
“Why are you eating? I thought we were meeting up with the others for dinner.”
Waiting to finish the latest 2 pretzels, you cover your mouth and look embarrassed as you chew away quickly so you can reply. When you’re done, you laugh nervously and set the bag down in your lap. “Oh. Haha. I don’t want y’all to see me gorging myself when we’re out. Also, if I’m too full when I’m there to buy an actual meal, I save money on a potentially terrible date by just buying a bowl of chips or something. On the 3rd date, I might buy myself a proper meal.”
Ed sits up, setting his hands on his knees. “I don’t think anyone would mind seeing you eat properly, Miss L/N.”
“Uh… yeah, I don’t really think so either… Hah, but, I’m still a lil’ insecure you know?” Its nothing to be embarrassed about- you’re insecure! Everyone is about something. Besides, Ed’s easy to talk to. You know he wont judge you. Picking out another pretzel, you pop it in your mouth and enjoy the salty taste, offering Ed the bag in case he wants some.
“Oh, thank you.” He’s temporarily distracted from your confession by the snack, making your grin at how cute he is as he politely takes a singular pretzel. For a moment, you two just sit there and eat in companionable silence, and its nice. You look at him for a second, in his date pants and sweater, before looking around his apartment. Its pretty nice, you have to say. A little grungy looking, but in a fashionable way unlike the rest of Gotham. You can imagine the sporadic helicopter search lights that are normal in Gotham city probably look really cool flashing in through the full wall of windows. “Well I have leftover potatoes from my dinner last night that I could have now,” Ed finally wonders out loud, and when you look at him he’s ready to get up and go get them. Quickly, you put a hand on his arm to stop him, causing him to look over at you and wait for an explanation.
“Oh, Ed! No, I didn’t mean you had to as well!”
“But if it’s considered impolite to eat on a first date- “
“No! Ed, that’s just my silly thing. Mia and the other guy’ll eat like King’s. I promise you.” Encouragingly, and half apologetically, you squeeze his arm. “You need to eat a proper meal. As your friend, I won’t have it any other way.” You say the last part sternly.
“Hah. Well in that case I have to insist that you, Miss Y/N, have the same.”
Your jaw drops when Ed takes your bag of pretzels, zips it up again and gets up to put them away in the kitchen. Watching with wide eyes and a disbelieving smile on your face, you see him use his height as a weapon, get on his tip toes and put the bag away in the back of a top shelf. When he turns around, he grins evilly at you. You throw one right back at him, albeit less superior and put your fists on your hips. “Edward Nygma!”
He finds his place sitting next you again, this time a little closer and facing you, leaning on his hands that are on the bed between you so he’s sort of leaning toward you as well. For a second, you suffer a small heart fluttering stroke, but quickly push it aside and sigh in surrender, rolling your eyes. You look forward again, then turn back and smile at him.
“Do you have another riddle for me before we get going?”
Maybe you’re putting off leaving this apartment. A little.
His eyes shine, like they always do when you ask him for a riddle. “Of course, I do. What question can you never say yes to?”
“Ed!” You exclaim immediately, exasperated. “Another easy one! We’re gonna have to have a conversation about my IQ, sir. I assure you it’s larger than what you give me credit for.”
“I don’t doubt that Miss L/N.” He smiles, a bit bigger than his usual little grin. “I just like how happy you get when you can answer a riddle correctly- Don’t worry, I’ll adjust my criteria for riddles for you to make them more challenging from now on.”
How… how can he be so bluntly sweet and not even realise it?
Sighing deeply in frustration at yourself, you look away from Ed’s handsome, sweet, smart self and momentarily hate yourself. Sorry Mia. I can’t do this. “Oh Ed… I’ve made an awful mistake.”
“Oh?” He adjusts his glasses, confused. “About what?”
“Uhh… “Time to escape!! Go home!! Contemplate your total and utter hopelessness and misery on your own, Y/N! You get up from the bed and pick up your bag and your coat, backing up to the door out of Ed’s apartment. He gets up to follow you, but you hold out a hand and gesture for him to sit back down. “I just can’t go out tonight. I have, uh, cramps. So, um… I’m really sorry for ruining your night!” Bumping into the door, you whip your head around to look at it and flash a nervous smile back at Ed before turning to it. “So sorry… “What is wrong with you, Y/N?
“Miss L/N!”
Before you know it, Ed’s crossed the room and basically trapped you between him and the door. For a second, apology and nerves cross his features but then he moves on. “Miss L/N, are you okay? I, I can make you some herbal tea to help soothe- “
“No, no, Ed, its okay. I just need to sleep- “
“Y/N.” His eyes darken unbelievably for a second and the forceful way his voice bends around your name, your first name, causes you to stop talking and look properly at him again, waiting for what he has to say. As quickly as that dark, forceful look came, it gone again though and Ed drops his forward a bit as if exhausted. “Miss L/N forgive me for my vigour. Um, I just… I wanted to say… uh, before you leave, that um, uh, I… “Your heart lifts as he stutters through gibberish, and you tilt your head to side to try and see his face. “I want to admit something.”
You’re nervous about what he’s going to say. “You don’t have to… “
“I disagree. Um,” He looks up at you again finally, and you see shyness in his eyes, but determination also. “I want to admit, to you, that… my reasons for agreeing to go on this date, were uh… biased. I have little to no interest in your friend Mia, I’m sorry. I just wanted to spend more time with you.”
Eyes widening slightly, you watch Ed look down again and take his hands off the wall on either side of your head, letting them sit stiffly at his sides as he looks idly around the room as he waits for a response. Because of this, he misses the way your lips turn up in a smile. Relief washes over you, and happiness. He likes you, too!
“Uh, Ed?” You whisper, leaning back on the door now. You’re not leaving. “Look at me?”
“Yes?” He looks at you again, finding your eyes and your smile and breathing in deeply at the sight, surprised. Relieved.
After a moment, you give in to the urges that have only become stronger today then they ever were before - in fact, before today you didn’t even know they were there. But now you can safely identify all those weird smile you couldn’t help when you looked at the forensics guy, - , you pull him gently closer to you and lean up, kissing him gently on the lips.
Almost instantly, this boy presses closer so you’re on the door again between it and his, kissing you back tenderly so when you stop, there are bright beams on both your faces. Grinning, you adjust your grip on his sweater. “I think you're going to have to start calling me Y/N, now.” 
“Yeah, that would be appropriate, wouldn't it?” Then Ed’s eyes widen. “I should make you the herbal tea. Your cramps.”
Lying very transparently, you bite the inside of your cheek guilty and tell him “They’re cured.”.
“This is going to be awkward for you to explain to your friend.”
“She’ll live.”
“Do you want to watch some TV with me then?”
“I’d love to.”  
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cha-lyn · 4 years
Bucky Takes a Hint
bearded + beefy!Bucky x poc + female!Reader
Warnings: profanity, blatant sexaul themes and metaphors, implied smut
A/N: All italics are 100% the geniusness of Cardi B and Megan thee Stallion’s WAP. It might add to the story if you listen to that while reading, i don’t fuckin’ know. Oh, and the spacing is weird thanks to my laptop. Also, If you asked to be tagged in all my stuff and i didn’t tag you plz holla at me. I’ll fix it. 
Word count: 963 
*not edited. barely proofread.
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It’s Avenger karaoke night, one of Bucky’s least favorites. Well, most days he hated so that wasn’t saying much. Thor is there so everyone-- even Bucky and Steve-- is at least buzzed. He’s bored though,slightly annoyed with how much fun everyone else is having. His eyes frequently find you. 
You’re in those little grey sleep shorts that show off the roundness of your ass and Brooklyn Nets long sleeve tee. So basically, in Bucky’s eyes, you looked fine as hell.
Bucky has a bit of a crush on you. More than that really. He’ll never admit it even though you flirt with him blatantly and frequently-- because he doesn’t quite think he deserves someone like you. You’re bright and kind and graceful in everything you do. But you’re also so very fierce and strong and ruthless on the battlefield. And you always smelled like shea butter and lavender, reminding him of calm days in Wakanda. You’re the opposite of him in every way. 
So he thinks.
You have a giant ass crush on Bucky Barnes. Even has he broods in the corner nursing his Asgardian liquor. He’s beefy and grumpy, but he’s quietly witty, too. You watch him on missions and Damn. It’s like a bullet studded ballet how he moves. Not to mention that arm. The fuckin’ arm. 
You have a hunch that he might have similar feelings. You catch him looking at you while you’re working out, while you’re kicking bad guy ass in the field, but also when you’ve just woken up and your shoving waffle in your face, hair still a mess and spilling out of your satin sleep scarf. You’ve thought a lot about why your obvious repeated flirting hasn’t caused him to crack, but you haven’t figured it out yet.
But tonight on this very karaoke night, you’re gonna change all that. Usually you sing 2000s pop or 1990s R&B only. Tonight you’re trying to send a message though, so you're singing something different.
“Okay, okay,” Sam coughs after another round of shots, “Who’s up next?!” You bolt up, teetering just a little. Sam grins, “What song?”
You skip over and whisper your choice in his ear. 
Sam’s eyes go a little wide. “Shit. If you say so.” He pulls up the song and you head to the center of the room.
The hook starts:
Whore’s in this house 
There’s some whores in this house
There’s some whores in this house
You start to sing.
Steve goes red. Natasha whoops. Peter hides his face in a pillow. Sam’s grinning and shaking his head. Tony is cackling and Thor’s brow is furrowed as he tries to catch up with all the strange metaphors. Wanda’s mouth hits the floor. Bucky doesn’t react, but his eyes are locked on you. You’re twirling your hips and flipping your hair. You’re only looking at Bucky. 
Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes
This pussy is wet, come take a dive
You drop to the floor, pushing your chest out, mic-free hand falling between your legs. Natasha and Wanda start throwing Monopoly money at you, but you only have eyes for one person.
Tie me up like I'm surprised
Let's roleplay, I'll wear a disguise
I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage
Make it cream, make me scream
You’re thrusting your hips out with almost every other word. Bucky blinks very slowly, which isn’t enough for you. You lock eyes with your target and you lick and bite your lips for the next verse, intent on making yourself very clear. 
He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it
I let him taste it, now he diabetic
You abandon the mic and drop down to your knees, crawling in his direction. Bucky doesn’t move. You get to him, basically in a child's pose, kneeling in front of him, gyrating your hips to the lyrics. 
I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp
I wanna gag, I wanna choke
I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat
Bucky’s eyes narrowed at you, like a predator locked on its prey. Very subtly he licks his lips and that's all the confirmation you were looking for.
Smirking, you turn and stand shaking and rolling your ass as you continue to lip sync. Finally you take a page right out of Cardi and Megan’s book and hit the splits. The room roars with cheers that you ignore as you look over your shoulder at Bucky. With Cardi’s final WAP, WAP, WAPs, you bounce your split ass on the floor. 
The final hook of the song fades out and the claps and cheers get louder.
“DAMN! Where did you learn to do all that?” Wanda praises, “Better yet when can you teach me?!” 
You throw your head back and laugh, “Whenever you want babe. Who’s next?”
Tony scoffs, “I’d hate to be anyone who follows that amazing performance.”
Turns out nobody wanted to follow you, so one by one as the pretzels and brownies dwindled down, so did the company. Until it was just you and Bucky. 
After a few minutes of sexually tense silence, you stood and stretched. “I’m headed to bed. G’night Buck.”
You don't even hear him get up and then he’s behind you, turning you by your hips and backing you into a wall. He just stares down at you, which for anyone else might’ve been creepy, but it’s just what you wanted. 
“What’s up Buck? Something on your mind?”
“Yea.” His warm breath tickles your face and makes your pussy clench.
“Yea. So do something about it then.” 
Bucky’s eyes go dark and he gets to ensuring that your wet ass pussy is as advertised.
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taglist: @thefridgeismybestie @basically-introverted 
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innytoes · 5 years
Clint and Parker AU
This time @hawkguyhasstarbucks is directly to blame. They should know better than to throw a sentence like ‘au where clint and parker grew up together’ at me.
They met in foster care, or maybe the circus. Maybe they met in foster care, and then got sent to different places, and both ran away to the circus. Barney was like ‘no way am I taking care of another small blond troublemaker’ and pretended he didn’t know her.
Parker is quick, light, and utterly unafraid of heights. She’s very quickly part of helping the trapeze artists set up their rigs. She starts learning alongside the performer’s kids. Sometimes they even feed her. It’s great, even though the other kids don’t like her and think she’s weird.
Clint doesn’t think she’s weird. He teaches her to throw knives, and she teaches him to do a flip. They hide behind the lion cages when the adults are drunk and mad and looking for an easy target. 
She’s totes fine with the Circus of Crime thing. She’s probably the getaway driver, helps them steal cars, even starts helping break in. She’s still small enough to get through windows the adults can’t fit through. She only stops helping when Clint finds out and they beat him for it. Clint is her Only Friend, and she won’t stand for it.
They run away together, find Archie, get trained by him. Archie tried playing them off each other at first, but quickly realised that was not going to work. He trains them to work together, and apart. (They’re both very aware Parker is his favourite, but they don’t really care. They’re safe, they’ve got a roof over their heads, and their first break meant  they had enough money to order PIZZAS FOR LIFE or at least ten years.)
Sooner or later they start taking more jobs apart, different specialties driving them to different kinds of jobs. They don’t exactly lose touch, but they don’t exactly keep in touch either. Especially not when Clint gives Parker a heads up he’s working for SHIELD now, which is like The Law, and she doesn’t want to admit how much that stings. She gets even more of a reputation for working alone than she did before.
But then she finds her team, and they change together, and one day when she’s breaking into a top secret location to steal some top secret data that hurt people and was being hushed up. And she’s sliding through the vents when she hears a familiar ‘aw, vent, no’ and finds her childhood best friend. Who is here to steal DIFFERENT top secret data that hurt people and was being hushed up. There was a lot of shady stuff happening in this building, is what she’s saying.  
And she ignores the worried chatter in her ear, Nate and Hardison and Eliot all demanding who the hell the guy is, and she see Clint do the same, muttering ‘she’s a friend’ while holding his hand to his ear, and they still work great together, and they get both of the top-secret-data-that-hurt-people-and-was-being-hushed-up without alerting any of the guards (and okay, Clint has taser-arrows now, and that is so cool, she’s going to ask Hardison to make her some taser arrows). 
Well, almost. They kind of get caught up telling their various ‘people on comms’ that everything’s fine and the other person is okay, so they miss one, and they only have to be rescued by Eliot a little at the end, but it’s okay. Eliot, once he sees who that ‘some buff guy with Parker’ actually is, sees that Very Distinctive Bow, just gives a grunt and a nod and helps punch out some more back-up guards before helping them get out.
She drags Clint into Lucile with her as they get away, and everyone is staring awkwardly at the newcomer, and Clint just seems 100% chill because between knowing Parker and being a superhero, being semi-kidnapped is just part of his life nowadays.
“This is my...” Parker pauses, frowning. “My Clint.” She says it like it makes sense. It does, to her.
Eliot, who is driving, growls over his shoulder that maybe she could have told them she knew a superhero before, it would have been handy when they were STOPPING A LITERAL PLAGUE.
Sophie, who doesn’t care about brash things like superheroes because the UK gave the world Peggy Carter and what more do you need, probably asks him which one he is. Is he that Iron Fist?
Hardison, now that he realises who Clint is, is doing a little fanboy freak out, because OMG THAT’S HAWKEYE and also SHE BROUGHT HAWKEYE INTO HIS CRIMINAL LAIR WTF PARKER, but also THAT IS A SUPERHERO AND HE KNOWS IRON MAN AAAAA.
So they take Clint back to the brewpub and he and Parker catch up in these little weird half-sentences. “I got a dog. And a Kate.” “Oh cool, I got the Hope Diamond and Pretzels.”
Sooner or later SHIELD comes and picks him up. Sophie later tells her that Nate and her friend Clint’s Coulson should probably not be in the same room ever again, but that’s fine. 
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dorigvbcorvis · 4 years
The French Horn
A Second Season Glee Story
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The Muse behind this story is Kurt’s French Horn tee-shirt.  Seen here in ‘The Power of Madonna’ it was also worn in ‘Grilled Cheesus’ - My head Canon since seeing Kurt wear the shirt twice is that Kurt had once played the horn. This is a story that addresses why Kurt quit playing
Since originally this chapter had graphic depictions of high school bullying and the use of homophobic slurs I felt that this might be too sensitive and/or could be a trigger for some and for this reason I split the chapter into three pieces CHAPTER 4 will post likely to my Live Journal or possibly A03 
CHAPTER 3: The Secrets We Keep…From Ourselves If Necessary
Kurt felt his world starting to fold in on itself the moment he stepped outside Dr. Thompson’s office. His hand went to his chest as it tightened - Each step he felt his body become increasingly shaky- more clammy, his legs were like lead, and yet chief among these growing concerns for the epicene young man was the fact that the perspiration dripping from his forehead was now leaching product down his face. For him it was the worst; it meant he had to fight like mad the urge to wipe away the whole mess from his eyes with his sleeve of his wool-blend blazer - If he was in his father’s garage in his work coveralls this would be no problem….
But here at Dalton he still needed his uniform one more day as it was midday Thursday. Oh great! he said literally dripping now - He knew he had to find something to wipe the mess away - but he had nothing, not even a pocket square.
Everything was spearheading into a perfect storm and like added water Kurt had come to an icy cold realization that the last time he felt this badly it was just after learning Korofsky had won his appeal and was returning to McKinley. Kurt knew it made little sense to believe Korofski was behind his current malaise - For one the guy would never drive two hours out his way just to seek him out when it was more likely the guy would have just move on to another target. Deep down It was Kurt’s personal hope that somewhere in the whole f***ed up mess that Korofski had just found peace with himself - So where did that put him? 
Stalled…stalled by what?  fear? Then if fear, what was he was afraid of? And just like that he was back to square one trying to figure it all out.
Shit, Kurt uttered finally wiping the mix of sweat and hair product away with the sleeve of his blazer He had to - It had gotten that bad.
As much as fear made sense to Kurt he quickly ruled this out with the reasoning that fear was something he should have had before meeting with Dr. Thompson not afterwards. Yet looking back at Thompson’s closed office door Kurt knew Thompson was the only thing different in his routine - So what was it about him?
Maybe it was it bringing up his mother’s death and because of this having to stay back a year when he was in the third grade…
‘No, no,’ Kurt shook his head: ruling this out. It couldn’t be this. There had been countless times he had shared how he didn’t have a mom - and sure this often bought back heart ache and tears - He could not recall a time this ever make him feel this physically ill.
Kurt’s head started to swim with racing thoughts he didn’t want. If he were at home right about he was sure nothing at all would be stopping him from numbing his thoughts with alcohol – His Aunt Mildred’s variation on a Tom Collins that entailed mixing champagne with gin came to mind. “Except news-flash Kurt,” Kurt made a harsh point to informed himself. “You only just came off probation…Something like getting drunk at Dalton is not just dumb but you’ll surely get yourself put back on probation or worse get yourself expelled.’ This self-admonishing only made things worse and he still wasn’t any closer to knowing what it was exactly that was making him he feel like crap and he was running out of ideas.
The only thing Kurt knew looking at his watch was that the lunch hour had almost slipped away completely without him eating a thing. This revelation made Kurt giggled with a sad laugh - ‘Was is it really that simple? Was this only because he had skipped a meal?’ He of course remembered when he and Mercedes were in The Cheerios and how Mercedes face planted in the middle of the cafeteria’s from not eating. Low blood sugar now seemed plausible and it had a lot of the same symptoms. This was enough to point his feet in the direction of the cafeteria in hopes that this late the dining hall would still be open. Kurt quickened his steps fearing this would indeed be the case.
Just as he expected- Only the cleaning crew was in the hall. Gone was everyone else. He walked past a crew bussing tables with what dishes still remained on his way to the cafeteria itself only to find the cleaning crew had already switch off the heated buffet tables and removed the food trays leaving nothing but lukewarm baths of water. Even the salad bar had been gutted…but what really sucked was The desert case had been completely emptied out he could have totally gone for comfort-food in the wondrous baked pastry form.
“I’m not going to catch a break am I?” It was a loud enough statement for him to start to fume.  That was until one of the headphone wearing cleanup workers stopped and pointed out the three tiered basket display at the end of the counter.
 “Thanks,” Kurt said to the worker
The worker only nodded and rolled his mop bucket out of Kurt’s way
 The worker was right - It hadn’t been cleared out yet. Five weeks of being at Dalton Kurt knew Sandwiches had always been placed in the bottom basket, chips and pretzels in middle basket, and fruit in the top basket. ‘It would have to do,’ He told himself as he rifled through saran wrapped sandwiches Only here too he found his run of bad luck had continued because every last one of them was Ham and Cheese sandwich - Kurt uttered an Ugg tossing back the of the lot he has looked at - He absolutely loathed processed deli ham he found it too salty and that emulsified gelatin sort of grossed him out. If it was to be ham he preferred a slow cooked ham leg that had been properly cloved or pork tenderloin medallions glazed in a sesame ginger sauce and then that had been grilled to perfection …and then he would not ever add cheese.  His stomach growled thinking of food but he didn’t seem to be catching any luck.
He knew it was his own damn fault He should have eaten first and then gone to see Thompson - ‘actually,’ Kurt thought internally correcting himself - ‘He shouldn’t have gone to see Thompson at all - That way he never would have spilled the beans and made himself feel like crap now…Now was that really what was wrong?’
‘Oh crap,’ He knew now. While it bothered him that any additional meeting with Thompson he would end up letting the man know everything - What was really bothering him; the brass tacks of it all, was the risk of his dad finding out all the things he kept from him. It would kill him.  Suddenly Kurt wasn’t hungry anymore he tossed back the bag of sun chips before picking it up again plus an apple from the top basket.  Kurt knew it would be six hours until dinner service.
Kurt quickly departed the food area to find a seat the worker with his mop moved in behind Kurt to mop the floors like they had been only waiting for him to leave.
Kurt tried not to let this too bother him the guy after all pointed out the chips….but the thin irony of it all was feeling like every last thing in the world was eating at him while he went without anything to eat himself.
Kurt was just about to sink his teeth into his apple when he heard Blaine call out for him. And as much as he was secretly crushing hard on the black haired boy with the killer tenor voice the last thing Kurt wanted was for Blaine to see him like this - So exposed, so vulnerable with his heart pounded in his chest like something was terribly-terribly wrong.  Blaine called to Kurt with a tone that was both happy and relieved to see him. “So it’s true -Trent said he saw you in here. I totally looked for you everywhere during lunch.”
“Except where I was,” Kurt blurted, before instantly regretted it. He didn’t know why he said it out loud. “I had to see Dr. Thompson.” Kurt now said, offering up the truth.
The explanation alone gave Blaine pause. He knew Dr. Thompson and how most at Dalton liked the man- It was just as well known how many emerged from his office in tears either because they had lost their scholarship or because they had to see Dr. Thompson in the capacity of the school’s psychologist…given his own bout with the man and how similar Kurt’s situation mirrored his own it was much too likely this was how it was with Kurt now but it wasn’t until Blaine actually looked at Kurt did his happy go lucky demeanor change… “My God, are you alright? - It looks like you’ve been crying “
“It’s nothing,” Kurt said defensively blowing off the question.
Blaine wasn’t about to buy Kurt’s write-off noting how he could “Totally see your eyes”
Caught Kurt was back peddling “What I meant was, I don’t want to talk about it and I kind-of want to be alone right now” this much was true.
Blaine frowns… ”Fine,” he says, after a beat of feeling stunned.  But then he adds “But let me at least tell you why I was looking for you.”
All Kurt had to do was look at Blaine sitting in front of him hazel eyes looking like a lost puppy for him to cave. “Okay - You win. Why were you looking for me?”
“I got comp tickets for my King’s Island gig - Dad called right after our duet in the Commons Room - He has to fly to New York on business so he can’t go.” Blaine sets a King’s Island admissions ticket down on the table and pushed it towards Kurt - It’s yours if you want it” then he adds with a high brow flourish Call it a Thank You for our practice session last night” Blaine returns back to common speech for the details “The plan is Mom is gonna pick me up Friday to drive me there. We’ll probably stay a couple nights in Cincinnati and come back on Sunday”
Kurt silently cursed the rotten timing of how in a heartbeat he would go see Blaine and spending two nights in a hotel with Blaine? …In the same room?  Kurt was kicking himself. “I-I cant,”‘ Kurt said, biting his tongue in protest. “Friday is dinner night - I also have these damn papers my dad needs to sign.”
“What are those?” Blaine asked, suddenly taking notice of the stack of papers sitting on the table next to Kurt’s arm.
“One is for a test I need to take…” Kurt trails off “The others…” Kirk’s voice breaks and wavers as he starts over… “The others are because Thompson thinks I should see someone over what happened”
Blaine was nodding knowingly. “Yeah, he was like that with me last year…But he’s good. He’ll listen…But…you don’t want to hear that do you?” Blaine saw Kurt didn’t seem to be listening.
“It’s not that, not really - It’s complicated - It’s why I have to go home when I so much rather go with you and not have to bothered with this - It’s just horrible timing and rotten luck. And - I am sorry”
Blaine shook his head, Kurt’s apology wasn’t needed - He knew he would have no trouble finding another to go in Kurt’s place. It was that he was just as sorry it wouldn’t be Kurt joining him.. He also heard the hurt in Kurt’s voice so he knew it wasn’t out of personal choice.  It was why he hesitate to go any further talking about Thompson or his King’s Island gig - Instead the first words out of his mouth are only about the test. “Haven’t you taken enough tests? - I mean when I came here I didn’t have it anywhere near as bad as you had it” he looks again at the stack of papers and corrects himself saying: “….still have it”
“That’s because you came here as a sophomore” The voice seemed to come out of nowhere.  Both boys look up to see that Wes was now standing at the table’s edge. Wes was still talking “Kurt came here as a junior, and everybody here knows that’s the year they get you: SATs, Subject Tests, AP Exams….” Kurt’s eyes had widened hearing what still remained. Wes switches to a more personal note with Kurt and asks “Did everything go ok with Dr. Thompson?”
“Yeah, he just wanted me to take some cognitive test” Kurt answered, deliberately stopping short of repeating the bit about Thompson also wanting him to seek counseling..
“Very well. You boys need to finish up here and get to class.” Wes starts to walk away before turning back. Oh, and don’t forget we have a double practice meeting today.”
“Through dinner?” Kurt asks with the kind tone in his voice that would let anybody know he wouldn’t liking the answer if it was to be yes.
Blaine was already jumping to Kurt’s defense. “He’s kidding!” Blaine exclaimed, placing a comradic arm around Kurt’s neck like they both in were in sync while he emphatically added: “We’ll be there!”
Wes raised an eyebrow but he was also a perceptive young man, he knew enough to guess what was behind Kurt’s objection. With a shrug he said. “We’ll order pizza like we always do when our practice cuts through dinner”
It was just enough to make Kurt reply with a simple relieved “Oh?”
“Now you two should really get to class. The Warblers have a reputation to up hold.”
“What kind of test did you say?” Blaine asks wondering if he would be someday be taking the same test.
“It’s called the CogAt - Apparently I was supposed to have already taken it. But I never did. That’s Public Schools for you - gotta love that attention to detail.”
“You’re smart,” Blaine insists like it’s known statement of fact.. “You’ll probably ace it”
“I’m not that smart”
“Yeah, you kind-of are,” Blaine reaffirms with a warm smile that could melt butter. “It’s one of the things I like best about you.”
Kurt manages a halfway smile. He knew there was no ‘there’ yet between them but he loved it when Blaine flirted – It made him believe that one day there could be.
“Well, you heard the man,” Blaine said, standing up.
“Where to?” Kurt asked, also getting up out of his seat and placing his paperwork in his satchel along with his apple and unopened bag of chips.
“I have Algebra” Blaine answered, promptly. “You?”
“World History - I actually think today might be the day I am finally caught up with the class.”
“You’ve been working on that hard enough.”
Kurt pursed his lips - He wasn’t sure if what Blaine said was meant to be a jab or not.
Blaine was already sheepishly offering a correction. “What I meant to say is I hope whatever it is getting you down - I hope it passes”
Kurt drew a hard breath trying to hide his feelings he managed to nod.
The boys left the dining hall not saying much else. They proceeded down two long corridors to the section of Dalton where the classrooms were. Kurt watched Blaine turn down the maths wing “I’ll see you after class,” Blaine said, with one last look back. He then proceeded turning the door knob to his math class and walking in.
As the door closed Kurt suddenly knew he was never going to make it to history… He went straight to the nearest bathroom to throw up the contents of his stomach which under the circumstances wasn’t a whole lot. When he finally had stopped he washed his face. He looked up from the sink, to the mirror mounted above it not at all liking the young man in the mirror staring back at him. Not even a little.
Maybe it was because he was in a restroom - maybe it was because he was dripping with perspiration…or maybe simply after two years it was bound to resurface but standing there looking at himself in the mirror Kurt’s memories came flooding back and covering his face he began to sob.
The pee filled balloons didn’t end with him being chased off the football field - No, That was where it began - It started back up again after the jocks followed him into the same bathroom.
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phantoms-lair · 5 years
Uncommon Ancestry snippet 3
“Midoriya, what is this about?” Yaoyorozu asked with some misease.
Yesterday he’d texted Uraraka and asked her to gather all the girls at one spot without anyone else knowing. Ashido had eagerly volunteered her house, but the rest of the girls felt a little uneasy at being called out in such a way. Despite Uraraka’s assurance that Midoriya wouldn’t be up to anything skeezy.
Izuku pulled up a small backpack, and retrieved a sealed tube and some notes. “These are for you Yaoyorozu. I included all the notes and the chemical makeup so you could reproduce it easily.”
“Okay, but we still don’t know what it is.” Jiro pointed out.
“Right, right. Sorry, I never got the Bruce Wayne part down.” Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Maybe I should demonstrate it first.” He took the tube back and pulled something else from the backpack. It was one of Mineta’s pop-offs in a plastic baggie. “Thankfully he leaves these everywhere, so it was easy to grab some for testing.” He poured a little of the liquid into the bag and the purple orb seemed to destick from the sides of the bag. A little more and it melted away.
“A counter for Mineta’s quirk.” Hagkure proclaimed, excitedly..
“Exactly. He’s made a few comments about wanting to ‘stick’ himself to one of you, so I wanted to make sure you also had a counter. And he seems to target you more than anyone else, Yaoyorozu so I wanted you to be ready.”
She turned a little green, but began to go over the notes of the chemical formula.
“I also got these.” He pulled out another baggie, this one filled with quartz crystals with little loops on the end. “They’re low quality crystal, but easy enough to enchant, and sold in bulk. I hit Mineta with a tracking charm and tied the crystals into it. These should alert you if he’s close by via a small vibration that gets stronger the closer he is. Place the crystal flat on your hand and it will point the directions. Sorry it’s not much, but it was all I could think of so far. Well, I also considered a curse that would disrupt his eyesight when he thought about peeping on girls, but permanently blinding a student is the kind of thing that would get me expelled.”
“Wow, you do not like Mineta.” Tsu observed with a little surprise.
“I don’t he’s...he’s an insult to everything it means to be a hero.” Uncharacteristic heat entered Izuku’s voice. “The core purpose of being a hero, any kind of hero, is helping people. Whether it’s by defending them from villains or saving them from disasters. Mineta doesn’t care about helping people. You heard him at the USJ, Tsu-chan. He wants to be a Hero because he thinks girls will let him touch them. I’m not naive enough to think every would be hero has a pure motive, but the fact that he doesn’t seem to care if his attentions are wanted or even consensual is…” He clenched his fists. “But I don’t get a say in whether he makes a professional or not. All I can do is try and help you guys.”
“And I appreciate you trying to look out of my little girl, and the others.” A woman with soft curled horns came in with a plate of warm pretzels. 
“Oh yeah! You guys have got to try these.” Ashido gushed. “Mom makes the absolute most amazing pretzels!”
“That’s because the secret is getting the perfect alkaline balance for the crust.” he Mom winked. “Oh, your quirk works with the PH scale?” Izuku asked, fascinated. “You’re right. I can adjust things to be as acidic or basic as I want. But the question I want to know is why you’re going through all this trouble instead of telling the teacher.”
“Because Mineta is very intelligent, judging by his scores on the entrance exam as well as being able to use his quirk in an incredibly skilled way.” Izuku explained matter-of-factually.
“I don’t see what one has to do with the other,” Uraraka commented, devouring a warm and perfectly salted pretzel.”
“Because people with those two things are perceived as being primed for a successful future. And schools want to have a good reputation and turning out promising Heros does that, which means protecting people who seem to have a successful future from consequences which might hurt their future, thus bringing less prestige to the school.”
Jiro let out a low whistle. “I always took you for the wide eyed optimist type but wow. Jaded much?”
“Don’t you think your teachers would put a stop to unwholesome behavior irregardless?” Ashida-san pressed gently.
“That has not been my life experience. Although now that you mention it I may have been looking at this all wrong. I was thinking of this like Aldera, where it was a case of one promising student versus one with little hope of prospects. But that’s nowhere near the case here, where it’s one promising student versus six, one of whom was good enough to get in on recommendation.” Izuku brightened up. “The school might listen!”
“It better. I think a few other parents and myself will be paying your homeroom teacher a visit soon.”
“Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Rest assured I’ll be keeping a much closer eye and if Mineta can’t shape up, he’ll no longer have a place at this school.” Aizawa assured the parents of all his female students.
He’d known Mineta was girl crazy, but not to the extent of harassing his classmates. 
As the parents filtered out, one stayed behind. “Was there something else, Ashido-san?”
“There is. I thought I should warn you about another of your students. Izuku Midoriya?” Aizawa narrowed his eyes. “If Midoriya was involved in-” “Only in trying to stop it.” Mina’s mother assured. “I asked him why he was going through the lengths he was instead of discussing it with you or another faculty member. His answer was telling.” She closed her eyes. “What I want to warn you about is to look out for him, because he won’t come to you, to anyone in this school, for help if something’s wrong.”
“When I spoke about the faculty taking his concerns seriously in spite of Mineta’s promise his words were ‘That hasn’t been my life experience’. What I heard though, was “nobody saved me’. He mentioned going to Aldera and all it took was one casual mention of him to a current student who wasn’t a first year. Aizawa-san, that boy’s been systematically bullied with the express support of the faculty.”
“That’s a serious accusation.” There was wariness, but not disbelief in Aizawa’s tone.
“It’s a serious problem,” She looked him in the eye. “He will trust you to teach him but no more. I don’t know if earning his trust is possible, but I doubt it will take much for him to become actively distrustful.”
“Thank you for your advice.” Aizawa closed his eyes. This explained a lot, honestly more about Bakugo than Midoriya. Still he’d have to confirm what he’d been told.
But if it was true in the slightest, he’d have no trouble going in a destroying the reputation of the middle school that was willing to sacrifice any of it’s student’s in such a way.
In episode/vol 1 when the teacher brings up that Midoriya applied for UA Bakugo flew off the handle, used his quirk to explode Midoriya’s desk (a BIG nono in current society) back him against the wall an threatened him directly in front of the teacher, with zero reprecussion. 
Compare this to how cautious he was later when one of his friend suggested to a bar and Bakugo feared what getting caught would do to his chances of getting into UA. He’s not going to do anything to mess up that chance, but he can act out at school because he knows he’s protected there. And given how anyone who’d taught Bakugo any length of time would know how he would react, it’s possible the teacher broguht up Midoriya’s UA application in such a way precisely to set Bakugo off.
Compare this his first day at UA when Bakugo tries to attack Midoriya and Aizawa stops him. He’s surprised he was stopped, because attacking Midoriya has always been okay before.
 Aldera Junior High was a disgustingly toxic environment, and in the end Izuku’s family aren’t going to be the only ones to want their pound of flesh from it.
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elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Suppressed Fears And Junk Food
That voice was familiar, and it sent dread crawling up his spine. It was impossible though. He and the Guardians killed him. Quill was the last remaining Celestial, Ego was dead. Right?
The pirate turns in place to look behind him and looks in horror at the scene before him. Both Scott and Cassie were impaled with small pillars of light and hung in the air like ragdolls, with Ego standing between the two and looking enraged.
"You thought you could get rid of me? I can rebuild myself boy!"
Quill wills his powers to his hands, but when nothing happens, he reaches for his guns instead. Those were missing too. "Let them go!"
"I'm doing you a favor Peter. They're a distraction to the mortal in you." Ego says calmly.
"They're not a distraction!" Quill snarls. "They're my family!"
"It's like I said before...temporary. A hundred years is but a blink of an eye for us Celestials. You're wasting your time loving this family. These...mortals." A couple more strands of lights impale Scott's and Cassie's bodies and Quill shouts out in horror.
"They're not a waste of time and I won't abandon them! I'm not you!"
Ego chuckles darkly. "Oh...but you are."
The environment around Quill turns dark as Ego disappears with only the sound of his laughter haunting the pirate, and he looks down at his hands when he sees them glowing. The strands of light continue to pierce the bodies of his small family and Quill tries desperately to stop it when he realizes he's the one doing it. He looks up at Scott and reaches toward him when he notices a small trail of blood running from the side of his mouth.
Quill wakes with a start, sitting up in bed with the light humming in the palms of his hands, and he stares at them before frantically rubbing his hands and willing it away. Short, heavy gasps leave him in small heaves as he looks around the dark bedroom, and he jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns almost violently to look at his supposed attacker and swallows harshly when he comes face to face with Scott. At least what he could see of him anyway.
"It's okay Spaceman. It was just a dream." Scott pulls away for a few seconds to turn on a bedside lamp, and Quill calms a little as the artificial light chases his nightmare away little by little. "Better?"
Quill immediately gathers Scott into his arms, burying his fingers in the younger's hair as he releases a shuddering sigh. "Now I am."
A quick glance with his Celestial Gaze found Cassie sleeping peacefully a couple doors down, and that combined with the feeling of a breathing Scott in his arms calmed his nerves considerably. The nightmare was a fabrication of some of his fears, one being that Ego was not truly dead and could possibly recreate himself, and the other being his family taken away from him...or being responsible for their deaths. Quill was always afraid Scott and Cassie's ability to calm him when he went berserk would lose its effectiveness and that one day he would turn on them. It was something that constantly plagued his dreams, but this was the first time it had actually woken him up in the middle of the night.
"What has you so scared that you're interrupting my beauty sleep?" Scott whispers against his husband's collarbone and Quill chuckles dryly.
"The usual worries." He admits quietly and the younger hums.
"Remember when you told me that Yondu basically told you to use your heart when you control your powers?" Quill grunts in affirmation. "Why do you think me and Cassie can approach you without you lashing out?"
"...you're my family, and I love you." The celestial tightens his hold around Scott. "I would rather die than hurt either of you."
"Exactly, and you're expanding on that. You're turning on everyone else less and less because the god in you is realizing they're friends. Soon, you'll be able to come out of your berserk stance by yourself."
God, Quill really hoped so. He really couldn't tell right now since he usually had tunnel vision when he went berserk, but according to the others, he wasn't going after them immediately after destroying their enemy. It was progress. Because he was half god, he didn't have full control of his powers so sometimes his emotions got the best of him.
Scott was just relieved that Quill stopped flipping out if he tripped or something mundane like that.
"Good talk big guy. It's way too early to stay up, so back to sleep." Scott mumbles as he gently tugs Quill back down.
The celestial goes willingly and wraps himself around Scott, and the younger drops back off into sleep instantly when Quill secures his arms around him. With one last check in on Cassie, Quill dropped off to sleep himself and thankfully didn't have anymore nightmares, and when he woke again...it was to the sound of wrinkling. Green eyes blink open in confusion when the body he had been wrapped around was missing, and he looks up toward the disturbance to find Cassie on the bed, eating some kind of cake. It looked like a Twinkie, but Quill didn't remember them having chocolate ones.
"Is that a chocolate Twinkie?"
"Mmhmm." She holds out the half eaten cake and Quill accepts it long enough to take a bite before handing it back.
"...I'm not sure how I feel about that. The regular Twinkies are weird enough."
Cassie pops the rest of the cake in her mouth. "I was kind of hoping you would freak out a little bit more. I don't really like these, and it wasn't worth the disappointing reaction."
She yelps when Quill rolls his eyes and pushes her off the bed. "Did you get them from Peter?"
"Harley actually."
Cassie hops back onto the bed after disposing of the wrapper in the trash can in the bathroom.
Quill's eyes narrow suspiciously. "What?"
"Will you take me and Dia to-"
"No." The celestial turns away on his side and throws the comforter over his head. "Last time we went to the store, we were there for four hours while you tried on clothes. I love you but I need a one year hiatus in between shopping trips with you two."
Cassie giggles. "I was kidding anyway. Sort of. Mama Bear took Diana with him to the Sanctum."
"Take your boyfriend." Quill grumbles.
"He and Harley went with Mom too." The teen then drapes herself over the lump on the bed made of the god and blankets. "Please? Dad has work to catch up on."
"...but I wanna spend time with you." She mumbles.
Quill mentally groans at the admission. He couldn't say no to that. If he did, it would make him seem like he didn't care about her or some absolute garbage like that, and to be fair, it's been a while since it was just the two of them. It was usually him, Scott, and Cassie, or Diana instead of Scott. He was just the scary bodyguard that browsed the shelves dully when it was Cassie and Diana. He has had some brief moments of satisfaction when a couple of creeps tried something. All Quill had to do was stand behind the girls, fold his arms, and give the creep a menacing glare that sent them running with their tails between their legs.
At least the creeps that wouldn't go away when Cassie very clearly told them she had a boyfriend and wasn't interested.
"...what did you have in mind?"
"Errands. We need more laundry detergent and I need some stuff for school. I'm out of paper."
Quill groans out loud this time, and dramatically. "Ugh! Fine!"
Cassie smiles and hops back off the bed and over to the dresser, grabbing things from the drawers and throwing them at Quill's face when he sits up. The celestial blinks at the sudden assault and the teenager tells him to shower before leaving the room. As far as Quill was concerned, Cassie was spending way too much time with Stephen and was adopting his mannerisms of mother henning. She already helped Tony raise Diana, and now she was still taking care of the little girl as well as her dads. Cassie was a good kid. A sassy and somewhat manipulative one but still good.
Once Quill showers and gets dressed, he goes down into the kitchen and eats a quick breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast that Scott had made. He then follows Cassie out of the tower after kissing his husband goodbye (yes they had cheesy moments, sue him) and drives to Target. The first thing Quill did was buy a soft pretzel.
"You just had breakfast!"
"There's always room for a pretzel." The pirate says with a grin.
Cassie rolls her eyes and grabs a cart, and the first twenty minutes consist of Quill following the teen as she grabbed things on her list. Occasionally he had to grab things on higher shelves, but otherwise he browsed nearby. Never further than a couple of aisles though. It was unnerving how often she approached by men. She was very pretty.
"Hey Cass, we need to buy some of those orange slice candies for your dad."
"I thought he was eating actual oranges."
"He does...when we can go home right away." Quill throws something into the cart. "The candy is for on the field. Sometimes we can't get home without the danger of him passing out when he grows."
"I guess that makes sense."
They make their way over to the food and down the candy aisle, and Quill snatches a couple bags of orange slice candy. It had definitely proven to be a lifesaver for the times the team went on missions that Scott had to grow into a giant, or even when he was constantly shrinking and growing. The candy kept him from passing out and making someone (mainly Quill) carry him to the Quinjet or wherever they were hunkering down. In the beginning it happened a few times, and he was out for the count for a couple of days straight. Once they discovered candy was a quick fix, Quill always kept some on his person. Stephen kept some in a pocket dimension.
"Oh hey! Whipped cream!" Quill says as they pass by the refrigerators. He reaches out to open the door, but Cassie smacks his arm.
"No! You're like a little kid!"
"Well someone needs to be since you don't seem to know how."
Cassie raises an eyebrow and holds up a bag of chocolate from the cart. "The start of the many snacks I will be grabbing for a movie night."
"Pfft. I'm not impressed." Quill says with a challenging tone, and Cassie smiles.
There was no longer a mature person between the two of them. Many bags of chips, candy, whipped cream, ice cream, and anything else they could think of was thrown into the cart. When they got to the register, Cassie brought out a credit card and it definitely wasn't Scott's. It was Tony's. Apparently Quill wasn't the only one who couldn't say no to Cassie.
They loaded the bags into the car and drove back to the tower, and the look on Scott's face when they dropped all the bags of snacks on the counter was priceless. He actually looked up from his laptop and stared at the seemingly endless amounts of bags as Cassie and Quill started putting things away.
"What the hell? Did you leave anything at the store?"
"Duh. We left those styrofoam circus peanuts that try to pass as candy." Quill says as he opens a bag of Skittles and throws a handful into his mouth.
"Hang on! How much was all of this?!"
Cassie smiles cheekily. "Tony paid for it."
Scott raises an eyebrow. "Did you swipe his card again?"
"No. He gave it to me willingly...this time."
"I've raised a monster."
Quill laughs and tosses a bag of sweet tarts at Scott after he looks back at his computer, and the younger man catches it without having to look back up. It was his go to candy besides the obvious orange slices.
"We got your cheddar cheese chips too." The god says and Scott perks up.
"Oh...just when I thought I couldn't love you more."
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catsandstrawberries · 5 years
Real Family 8
Pairings: BTS x teen female reader, platonic love
Warnings: Language, neglect, descriptions of a panic attack and past child abuse 
A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in so long, hopefully, this chapter makes up for it. Also, I PROMISE Yoongi gets better but for the next few chapters he's going to be a jerk..I'm sorry but I can't imagine him feeling ok with reader living with him at this point in time. 
Summary: It’s not blood that makes a family. It’s love.
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The week after they had given me my own phone they had automatically became super busy. They were always leaving early in the mourning and coming home late at night, I didn't really expect anything different considering they were idols. Sometimes they would invite me to come with them to dance practice, I thought it would be fun until I saw all of the hip rolls and thrust in their choreo. Dancing like that in front of the girl who's living with you and trying not to be too sexual is weird.
So for the most part I stayed at home, and indulged in the Netflix account Jungkook made for me. Honestly, most of my days were spent eating and watching the show called the Office. In the past week I had watched seven seasons of the Office and finished Parks and Recreations. Both of which made me cry at some point from laughter and sadness. Taehyung also helped me set up an Instagram and Twitter, and sometimes we would send each other awkward selfies when he had some downtime at work. Apparently, Namjoon had even started an Instagram called the BTS family, and I later found out that the day I was supposed to get coffee for Bang, led to him yelling at the boys for not using me to my promotional potential. Or at least that was my guess and when I told Jungkook my theory, his widened eyes and exclamation of ‘you're not a promotional tool to us!’ told me my hunch was right. 
All the boys had the password except for me to the Instagram account, which was a little aggravating but Namjoon also had to sit me down and talk to me about how I would need to be responsible in what I posted since I gained about 8 million followers on Instagram. The Bts Fam account was also just cringey photos of myself. There was one of me from the photo shoot, one of me and Tae, the rainbow shot of the boys and one of me sleeping on the couch. I messaged Jin asking (begging) him to delete it because I was drooling in the photo but in response, he sent me a laughing emoji.
Currently, I was watching reruns of the office since Hoseok asked me not to watch the final season without him. I refused to hold back my laughter as Kevin spilled his chilly onto the floor or when Stanley talked about his love of pretzel day. But as soon as the door slammed shut followed by a silence I immediately muted the show, calling out, “hello?” Even though I knew the house was pretty top security, doors slamming and the silence always scared me. “Just me (Y/N)!” Namjoon poked his head out from behind the wall, looking up from his phone and tucking it in his pocket. “You're back early,” I stated turning around on the couch and leaning my head against the frame to get a better view. “Yeah practice got out earlier and they decided to give us off till Monday.” He sounded so relieved but it was only Saturday, it was sad to think they had to work so hard just to get one day off. Instead of crushing his dreams though I simply smiled. “That's great.” I then noticed the quiet in the building, “what happened to the boys?” He flopped down on the couch next to me, “they went to get food-.” I immediately groaned, “Not salads again!” BTS comeback was in a few months and of course, they all were expected to diet and one of the first and only things Yoongi had said to me this week was, “If we're doing it so is she.” He didn't even say it to my face or address me, so our relationship wasn't really getting anywhere. “Sorry.” He smirked, words not matching his emotion. “Actually, when the boys get back we all should talk.” I gulped, turning off the Tv and turning to Namjoon. “Is s-something wrong?” I stuttered, despite the fact I was getting more comfortable with them I was always waiting for something wrong to happen, expecting it. Maybe this was it. Namjoon opened his mouth but the loud shouting of Hoseok prompted him to roll his eyes instead. “(Y/N) you better not have watched the last season without me!” An annoyed sigh followed by a wack came from the other room. “Can you quiet down Hoseok, anyways we have to talk to her remember.” Jin's strict voice startled me, what was so important? Jimin soon filtered into the room ruffling my hair as he passed by then jumping over the couch to sit by me. After he had done it at the photoshoot it kind of became our ‘thing’. Even after plentiful whining from Tae and Kook about how they wanted a ‘thing’ too. The rest of the boys flooded into the room, Jin handing me a bowl of greens and vegetables, the only thing slightly appealing was the boiled eggs. I tried not to act too ungrateful, even a salad was better than no food, but why did I have to diet with them, stupid Yoongi. Once everyone had settled down and Jungkook handed me a fork, all eyes were on the leader. He twiddled slightly with his thumbs as he spoke, “So (Y/N), I got a message from the state the other day about them sending a social worker to check up on you. Apparently, it's routine for them to see your lifestyle, how you're adjusting and everything.” I practically sighed in relief at his words, if this was the news then I had nothing to worry about. I suddenly perked up as a thought entered my head, “is the social worker Katie?” I honestly missed Katie, even though we fought and got on each other's nerves she was the closest thing I had to a mom. Jimin chuckled next to me and I blushed from my sudden excitement, stuffing a large piece of kale into my mouth. “The email didn't specify,” his tone then turned serious, “but, (Y/N) I was doing some research and they said if the meeting didn't go well you could get revoked from our parental rights.” Of course, I knew this, since it had happened in the past, but was he really worried about that?  “Namjoon it's nothing to worry about, the state would only take me away if I was in an unfit home. Like the last place I lived at they drank a lot, called me names, tried to…” I faltered off just as Jimin had tensed from beside me. “I-I don't know why I said that. I'm sorry.” I hung my head in defeat, that wasn't just something I'd blurt out why did I feel so inclined to bring it up now. “Anyways, you guys will be fine, I have a roof, food, The Office.” I chuckled but this time no one laughed with me, all eyes downcast or glaring into the distance. Clearing my throat I started to eat more of my salad, “you guys will be fine, when is it?” My question caused Namjoon to blink a few times before looking at me. “Tuesday. We’re supposed to have a practice that day but I convinced Bang to let us leave for a few hours.” Jungkook let out an audible ‘yes’ followed by an ‘ow’ as he was smacked by Yoongi. “Is that all we had to talk about?” The nervous look on Namjoon's face only deepened and my stomach started to twist. “No. We enrolled you into a private school.” I gulped the remaining food in my mouth hanging my head in my hands once again letting out an annoyed groan, “you start Monday.”
When Tae had offered to take me to Target to shop for school supplies I did not question him. I thought he was just trying to do something nice. But as soon as the car pulled up to the mall Tae started to head for the store that screamed expensive in big glowing letters. Gucci. “Tae I can't go in there, isn't that for like expensive people?” Tae turned towards me, pushing his sunglasses up once they started to roll down the rim of his nose. His black and red checkered bandana pulled his hair back and the black Gucci shirt and jeans did nothing to hide his appearance or physique. “Don't worry so much, we’ll just make a quick stop then leave.” I grumbled under my breath, I doubted Tae could simply just make a ‘quick stop’ at Gucci. The security guard in front of the store gave Tae a nod followed by, “welcome back, Mr. Kim.” Jesus how many times had Tae been to this store. The guard gave me a side eye but didn't mention anything as I walked closer to Tae. The insides of the store were terrifying, everything looked expensive and I worried that if I touched something I would somehow fall 5 million into debt. The store was lit with a soft yellow and white glow, a set of purses in a glass case covering an entire wall, a full room of shoes and mannequins with strange looking sweaters were placed in the oddest of places. Turning a corner I almost jumped when seeing a mannequin holding a Gucci bag in one hand and a strange interpretation of a Kimono on the body. Trestles and chains hanging from the shoulders.
“Tae can we please get going soon, am I even old enough to be in a store like this?” Just as I asked, I walked by a set of baby clothes all pricing over 1,000 dollars. “Don't answer that,” I grumbled while Tae openly laughed at me. “Why don't you go wait outside while I check out,” before I could argue Tae was raising an eyebrow at me. “I'll be quick I promise.” Taking him for his word I exited the fancy store, casually leaning by the wall and taking out my phone.
Not even five minutes after walking out of the store Tae was done, meeting me outside a bag in hand. “What did you get?” I asked but he simply brushed off my question, “just some stuff. Here I got you these.” He placed a pair of sunglasses over my eyes, “you'll need them the more we go out in public.” Pulling a black mask from his pocket he quickly placed it over his mouth, “let's go.”
Once we had gotten to Target, Tae of course immediately got distracted. “(Y/N) these would look so cute on you, look!” He was like a kid in a candy store, shoving clothes in my hands and carrying me throughout the department. “Tae, why are we looking at clothes when I have a school uniform?” Tae turned towards me taking the clothes out of my hand and placing them in a handheld basket. “Don't think I don't notice the seven pairs of clothes you rotate through in a week (Y/N). I'm not an idiot.” Despite the cloth, over his mouth, I heard every syllable, and I looked away in annoyance. “Besides I can't let my kid go out in public without the proper clothes.” He turned away for a moment muttering something about how he wished it was Gucci, but the only thing I cared about was how he described me as ‘his kid.’ “Go try these on.” He handed me a big basket of clothes, “all of them?” Tae glared at me, before sighing. “Seriously (Y/N), please go try them on.” I glared at the ground as I walked towards the dressing room, not missing the smirk that passed Taehyung's face as I muttered, “only because you said please.”
After a full-on argument with Tae about how I didn't need 12 pairs of jeans he finally gave in and let me choose half of the clothes out of the pile he gave me. So the original fifty items soon turned into twenty-five. Shopping with Tae was seriously a hassle. Every time I remotely looked at something he would be breathing down my neck asking if I wanted it. Sure it may seem nice but it was also annoying. So far he had shoved Yankee Candles, fairy lights, and some supplements into the basket for my room, stating that ‘I needed to decorate.’ He tried to grab more especially when we got to the room decorating section with sheets, mirrors, hangars, couches and the fancy led lights. I had to drag him to the school section which was odd because that was the ONLY reason we were supposed to go to Target and we seemed to buy everything except for school supplies. As soon as we got to the aisle Tae’s nose scrunched up in disgust, “I hated school.” I glared at him and he quickly realized his mistake, “I mean school was fun...yay, learning.” Tae walked over to a pile of fancy looking notebooks and binders and simply swiped them into the basket from the shelf. “I actually met Jimin in high school.”
“Really?” I asked slightly in awe, everyone always talked about how once they graduated they moved on from there high school friends. “Yeah, Jimin got picked on a lot for his accent so I always tried to stand up for him. That's how we became friends.” He turned back towards me a smile on his face, “I know school can be rough, but try giving this one a chance.” I smiled and nodded throwing a pack of pens into the basket. If only I had known exactly what would happen at my new school.
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Bad Guy
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Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky and the team attend Raleigh GalaxyCon among the hundred of other cosplayers as a way to get in and foil another of Hydra’s schemes. But, it may appear that Hydra isn’t the only villain with a devious plan for the upcoming convention.
As promised for helping me reach 100 followers, here is my Bucky x Reader one shot with a pretty tantalizing twist thrown in for good measure. This one-shot was only half-read by my Beta as I wanted to surprise her with the ending, so any errors are mine and mine alone. XOXO
Warning: Knife play, SMUT!!!, and a bit of foul language on Bucky’s part.
Song: Bad Guy by Billy Eilish
The sticky Carolina heat was uncomfortable on a good day, but dressed in his black tack gear and mask, Bucky was absolutely sweltering under the sun. He tapped his communication ear piece twice, a signal to the team that he was active and all systems were go on his end. A multitude of taps answered his as he took in the surrounding area, looking for anything amiss among the hundreds of people around him.
Standing just outside of the Raleigh Convention Center, Bucky and the rest of the team were scattered throughout the crowd, waiting in the long lines to get into GalaxyCon disguised as none other than themselves. It was an awkward situation to be in, especially since Bucky hadn’t donned his Winter Soldier mask and signature kohl lined eyes in years. But, it was the easiest way to blend into the crowd of costumed civilians without being noticed by their targets.
About a month ago, Tony’s AI discovered some encrypted files talking about a weapons deal going down in the area. Turns out that one of the local hotel chains has ties to Hydra. Their plan was to create a disturbance with a fake bomb threat to the hotel, distracting the local police department and leaving the convention venue open for the deal to go down. That’s where the team would come in.
The team split into two entities. Tony, Sam, Wanda, and Bruce would stake out the hotel and make sure Hydra didn’t try to tie up loose ends with an actual bomb. While Natasha, Bucky, Steve, Peter, and Clint would stake out the inside of the venue, aptly dressed as Marvel cosplayers thanks to an eerily accurate movie series made by Disney.
That Sebastian guy could have been Bucky’s twin, honestly it creeped him out a bit, but not as much as being in this place did. The countless number of eyes on him made him uncomfortable. He had heard of hiding in plain sight, but this was ridiculous.
All eyes, male and female, were on him; each carrying a certain degree of admiration or hate. The hate wasn’t a surprise with what he had done, both in life and according to the movies, but the admiration was almost palpable as he stood in line with the rest of the crowd.
After about an hour of waiting in the heat, he finally made it into the venue itself. The cool air washed over his body and he sighed in relief.
Approaching the sign in table, Bucky received his ticket stub from their local informant and successfully passed through the - momentarily deactivated - medal detectors. And it was a good thing, seeing as he was absolutely decked out with knives and guns.
Walking further into the interior of the venue, he was surprised by the amount of people that dressed up for these events. Everywhere you looked, there were people dressed in costumes with varying degrees of coverage and creativity. He tapped his com unit again, letting the team know he was inside, before going about his watch.
Answering taps from Peter and Steve announced that they were still outside, while Clint and Natasha had already entered ahead of him.
He wandered aimlessly through the venue, perusing through the various stalls selling merchandise and the multitude of celebrities and professional cosplayers in attendance, until a little girl in a Thor costume stopped him with a tug on his hand.
“Mister, can I take a picture with you?”
The look on her face was so cute and innocent, he couldn’t have said no. “Sure sweetie.”
Settling down on one knee, Bucky propped the butt of his M249 SAW on the floor and rested his left hand around the opening of the barrel, exposing his vibranium arm to the cameraman in front of them. The little girl gasped at the sight of his arm, but quelled her excitement long enough to pose with her mini Mjolnir for the picture. It was the most adorable thing Bucky had seen in a long time and it made his smile grow under the black mask.
“Thank you, mister Bucky. I wish the other Avengers were here to take pictures with me, though.” The little pout on her face was too much for him and he quickly settled back onto the floor beside her.
“Well, little doll, I’m not sure if Thor or Iron Man is here, but I did see two people that looked a lot like Hawkeye and Black Widow standing in line for a Pretzel a few minutes ago. If you hurry, they may still be there.”
Her happy little squeal made him chuckle as he waved her back in the direction of her parents. As soon as they were far enough away, he tapped his ear piece.
“Nat, Clint. You have an extremely cute little girl in a Thor costume coming your way that wants a picture.”
Clint’s voice came in first, a bit muffled as he stuffed his face with pretzely goodness. “Sure thing, Buck. Does she know Cap is here?”
“No, I didn’t want to give too much away and seem suspicious. And please, for the love of God, stop chewing in my ear, Birdbrain.”
Nat giggled. “Don’t worry, Bucky, I’ll teach him some manners later. By the way, if you keep up that murder strut and I doubt anyone will be willing to come anywhere near you. I’m surprised the little girl was brave enough to even ask. But don’t sweat it, we will point them in Steve and Peter’s direction.”
With a grunt of exasperated agreement, Bucky went on his way to the next stop in his venue stakeout; the cosplay contest hall. Never noticing the eyes that watched him from across the room.
You watched as the beautifully dangerous assassin walked around the venue. He tried his hardest to blend in to his surroundings, appearing as only a local cosplayer to most of the civilians around him. But you knew better.
This was only your second time seeing Bucky Barnes in the flesh, and there was absolutely no way anyone could have mimicked that strut of his. Sebastian Stan’s version of the walk was mouthwateringly sexy to say the least, but it would never compare to the real thing. The stalking strut of the Winter Soldier was like steak to a starving man, delectable.
You followed him throughout the venue, watching him as discreetly as possible while mingling with other cosplayers and a gaggle of photographers they were vying for your attention. But who could honestly blame them for wanting a picture of Harley Quinn? Especially in all of your sexually tantalizing sequined glory, you were a feast for the eyes; pulling out all the stops as you donned your high pitched Brooklyn accent and swung your Goodnight bat around.
About half an hour into your stalking Bucky venture, a cute little girl in a Thor costume asked for your picture and you happily obliged her, comically trading your bat with her mini Mjolnir and making funny faces at the camera. When her dad was finished snapping shots of you both, you patted her on the head and pointed her in the direction of one Bucky Barnes. She had squealed before hugging your legs and running off in his direction, leaving her parents to scramble off after her.
You chuckled as the brave little babe grabbed Bucky’s hand without hesitation. It was cute watching him melt in her presence, getting on one knee to take pictures with the little Thor lookalike.
Once he was done, he seemed to point the girl in the direction of someone else, presumably another Avenger as the little girl seemed to become all the more excited, bouncing away into the crowds with her mom and dad in tow.
As soon as they were far enough away, you observed as Bucky tapped his finger to his ear and began talking to no one in particular. You had seen him do the same upon entering the complex, probably signaling the rest of his team. Now that you thought about it, you had definitely seen a couple walking around that were dressed as Black Widow and Hawkeye, maybe it was actually them.
But, you would have to think about that later, Bucky was leaving you behind as his long legged strut took him in the direction of the contest stage. Luckily, that was your next stop as well. There was no way you were going to miss out on strutting yourself across that stage. Especially if it gave you the chance to catch the eyes of a certain, smoking hot super soldier.
Bucky stood just outside the room that was scheduled to host the cosplay contest when he felt eyes on him. Admittedly, eyes had been on him all day, but this feeling was different.
Heat and chills travelled the length of his spine, it was as if danger and sexual tension were at war with one another as they danced along his senses. Trying to appear as nonchalant as possible, he looked around for the source of the feeling. It took a few glances until his eyes connected with yours and he felt a palpable cold travel through his limbs. Your eyes were like shards of blue ice, piercing his heart until your face was enveloped by a smile that warmed his blood to boiling.
He looked away as if he hadn’t noticed how your eyes had connected, but he knew it was too late to take it back. He continued to glance around the venue, his gaze traveling over you a few more times as you smiled and laughed with the other people in line for the contest. You must have been a regular at these things, seeing as you were on the receiving end of many a warm hug and a multitude of selfies. A few men were even bold enough to kiss your cheek and it made a sharp pang of jealousy run through him.
He tried to quell it, thinking himself a fool for even feeling like that about someone he had never met, but when you turned to him with a smirk on your pretty lips and a cocky wink, it was as if you were doing it all on purpose.
Bucky truly considered entering the contest himself, just to get closer to you, but the mission came first and he quelled the urge to walk over and kiss that smirk right off your face. But only barely.
You laughed and giggled with the people around you in line. This wasn’t your first con, and many recognized you from your past cosplay ventures.
After the death of your - albeit controlling - boyfriend, you had moved to North Carolina to get away from the memories. You were free and you felt it was time to embrace it and create a new life for yourself because honestly, you weren’t leaving much of a life behind anyway. Without family or friends in the big city, what was the point in staying?
So, you had sold just about everything pertaining to your old life and travelled south. You purchased a moderately nice house just outside the city and began living it up. You had a nine-to-five working for the police, catching criminals left and right during the day, and kicking absolute ass in the boxing ring on the weekends. It had been fun, but something was missing.
Until, one day, a friend of yours mentioned going to a local comicon event and asked if you wanted to join her. “Come on, Y/N. It will be fun. Its basically a giant halloween party in the middle of summer. They have different shows and contests. Sometimes they even show movies, and at the end of the night they serve alcohol and we all sing karaoke. You don’t have even have to dre-.”
You placed your hand over her mouth to stop her slew of word vomit. “Did you say karaoke?”
Unable to speak, she just nodded her head enthusiastically, eyes shining with hope.
“Then I’m definitely in, babe!”
That had been three years ago, and you hadn’t missed a single event since then, eventually becoming an easily recognized “regular” at the karaoke contests.
This year was no different, except for the new eye-candy across the room who kept glancing your way.
A good friend of yours was walking past with his boyfriend and you waved them over. They looked so handsome in their Yuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov cosplays that you had to get them to pose for a picture with you.
They smiled, hugging you tightly. “You look smoking hot, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Chrissy baby. Will you and Tom take a picture with me? With each of you kissing me on the cheek?” You batted your eyes at them, hoping they would agree. If your plan worked, it would be pretty easy to work old James Barnes into a frenzy.
Tom grinned mischievously. “What angle are you working here, darlin? Somebody catch your eye?”
He wagged his eyebrows, causing you to giggle. “Maybe. I’ll be sure to give you all the gory details later, if you help a thirsty bitch out.”
They looked at each other and smiled. “Deal.”
Chris and Tom stood to either side of you as you handed your phone over to the girl in front of you. Leaning in, they each gave you a smacking kiss on your cheeks, sandwiching you between them as you flirted with the camera like the vixen you were.
Thanking them each with a hug, you waited for them to walk off before turning back in Bucky’s direction. You had felt the heat from his gaze from the moment you took that picture, and when you turned to him with a smirk and a wink, you half expected him to walk over and lay a kiss on you right there, but he seemed to reconsider that plan and went back to watching the crowd.
The mission must have been extremely important for him not to deviate even a little bit, apparently you would have to work much harder.
Entering the contest venue, Bucky lost sight of you as you went backstage with the rest of the contestants. It was probably for the best as he couldn’t afford many more distractions.
He peered around the venue, taking note of Natasha and Clint sitting on the far side of the room from him, seeming to be thoroughly engrossed in each other’s company. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought they were a real couple.
Steve entered the room a few minutes later and stood at the back, followed by Peter who sat on the floor, directly in front of the stage.
They all watched the goings on around them with varying degrees of interest, clapping at the right times when contestants were announced, Peter even cheered during the children’s contest, when a cute little boy walked across the stage dressed in his own Spider-Man costume. It made Bucky chuckle when Steve’s, no-nonsense, Captain voice told Peter to stop goofing around and sit down. Looking at Steve, Bucky could tell he was just as amused with Pete’s antics as a small grin tried to escape.
When the child’s contest was over, a man towards the front tried to exit the room. Steve had been tasked with watching him throughout the day and he followed him out.
“Peter, you’re with me. Nat, Clint, keep your eyes on your targets. Buck, back them up if they need extra firepower.”
Bucky tapped his earpiece in affirmation and watched as Peter snuck out the doors with Steve not far behind him.
The next round of contestants were announced and they all continued to watch the show and their targets. The time for Hydra’s decoy heist was quickly approaching and they could not afford to mess up, or lose focus.
You waited backstage, peaking through the curtains a few times. You didn’t want to appear overly eager, but Bucky was just so damn yummy. You couldn’t afford to lose sight of him and miss your chance to bring him back to the hotel with you.
The children’s contest was adorable, as always and you all cheered for the little cosplayers that took the stage in their cutest costumes. One little boy dressed as Spider-Man got an extremely loud cheer from a young man in the front row, also dressed as the friendly neighborhood hero. It made you smile as you peeked through the curtains to see the boy plop back into his seat quickly. Apparently, the Captain didn’t want too much attention on the young hero, just in case whoever they were hunting realized his suit wasn’t fake.
Not long after, you watched them both walk out with a few sets of couples, following an odd man. Looking around the rest of the venue, you noticed Natasha and Clint also watching a few people among the crowd. They looked out of place, even though they looked like completely normal civilians to the untrained eye. Interesting, but you had bigger, more muscular, fish to fry tonight.
The other contestants went on stage in quick succession, showing off their impressive cosplay’s and hoping to win the prize up for grabs. But, for you, the real prize stood at the back of the room.
Soon enough, it was your turn and you prepared for your set. This wasn’t your first time wearing the outfit, but butterflies sat in the pit of your stomach tonight, it made you giddy and even more excited to strut your stuff on stage.
“Please, welcome to the stage, a villain we all love to hate, Harley Quinn!!!”
The announcer’s voice stirred up the crowd as you strutted onto stage, twirling your bat en-route to your first mark. You stood, legs slightly spread as you slammed the end of your bat into the stage between your feet, the word “Goodnight” clearly on display for your audience.
You smirked as your eyes landed on Bucky in the back of the room, he was partially shrouded by the shadows there, but you could still see his large arms flexing with the urge to move.
Turning your head, you swung your bat onto your shoulder and began approaching the announcer with all of the heat you could muster. He was a squirrely little man, but he would do nicely as a bit of fuel for your fire. Hitting your second mark, you turned your ass to the crowd and bent over backwards with a huge manic smile on your face. Shaking your pink and blue pigtails you lifted yourself into an upright position and winked at the announcer, he was clearly sweating at this point.
Holding out your hand for the mic, he looked as if he would refuse, so you put on that sickeningly sweet Brooklyn accent again. “Come on, Puddin’, you know you wanna.”
You watched a little quiver race through his body as he held out the mic to you. Hook, line, and sinker.
Strutting past the announcer to your third mark, you turned back to the crowd and smiled as you brought the mic to your lips, looking Bucky right in the eyes. “I’m not sure if I attract crazy or I make them that way. I’m known to be quite vexing, just so you know. I’m a bad guy, it’s what I do. Meet me in the karaoke room and maybe I’ll show you.”
The crowd cheered as you tossed the mic back to the announcer. You strutted to your last mark on the far side of the stage and lifted your bat like a shot gun, pretending to cock and shoot it right at Bucky’s heart. Smiling like the devil you were, you strutted off-stage as Bucky placed his hand over his heart.
It was as if he physically took a bullet when she pointed her bat at him from the stage and he just had to figure out what she was all about. It had become an ache in his body once she walked off that stage and out the doors to the rest of the venue.
She had said something about karaoke when she took the mic from the stage announcer, Bucky just hoped he would still be here when it was time for the event.
The last of their targets exited together once the contest winners were announced. You hadn’t won any of the big prizes, but Bucky wasn’t even sure you were trying for any normal prize from the venue. You had had eyes for only him the entire day and that sent a thrill through his being, for once, he had no idea what would happen next. But there was no doubt in his mind that it wouldn’t be spectacular.
A few moments later, the call came in from Tony. They had foiled the plan at the hotel just after Hydra had given their team at the venue the go-ahead for their part.
The agents inside GalaxyCon seemed none the wiser that the rest of their plan had already been foiled and they soon moved into a back section of the venue where the foot traffic was light.
Bucky met up with the rest of his team outside, just as the final Hydra member they had been following walked into the back area of the convention center. They followed the Hydra members into a hidden stairwell that went below the facility and easily took them down.
The Hydra members didn’t put up much of a fight once they realized that Bucky and his team were the real deal. The team successfully confiscated a few hundred weapons and arrested a dozen Hydra members without a hitch, much to Bucky’s relief.
Steve called Tony on his cellphone reporting the mission a success before hanging up and turning back to the rest of the team. “I don’t know about you guys, but I am beat. I think I will head back up to the hotel and take a break from all of the crowds.”
Clint covered his mouth as he tried - and failed - to stifle a yawn. “I’m with you, Cap. I am in serious need of some coffee.”
Nat grabbed Peter and Bucky by the arm and began to lead them from the room. “See you two later then, I’m taking these two back up to have some real fun.”
Walking back into the crowded convention center, Nat released Bucky’s arm and began pulling Peter in the opposite direction. She stopped when Bucky tried to follow them. “I don’t think so, Buck. Don’t you have a karaoke show to get to?”
Bucky’s face turned crimson. Of course Natasha had noticed what was going on. “Way to embarrass a guy, Natalia. What if I wanted to hang out with you guys?”
“Don’t kid yourself, Bucky. You were practically salivating during her set during the contest, plus Pete and I are going to play video games the rest of the night and I doubt you wanna sit and watch us have fun.”
Peter, who had been watching between the two of them like they were in the middle of a tennis match, immediately zeroed in Nat when video games were mentioned and began chatting a-mile-a-minute. “Oh, man. Thanks, Nat. Do you think they will let me tinker with one of the new systems? We should call Mr. Stark so I can crush him at GTA…”
Peter’s voice quickly trailed off as he dragged Natasha down the walkway towards the room where the video game tournaments and game tests were starting.
With a sigh, Bucky turned to walk in the opposite direction, hell bent on finding something to do before the karaoke event started. His eyes landed on a newly familiar figure in the deepening shadows of the venue windows as the sky darkened outside. Her colored pigtails bounced when she jumped from her perch on the window sill and she sauntered her way over to him, twirling that damn bat along the way.
You waited in the wings, taking to the shadows to watch the goings on around you. It was getting closer and closer to that time of night. Only an hour or so to go before you took the stage for karaoke and you couldn’t wait to see if he would show up.
Sat upon a high window sill near one of the stairwells, you watched and waited for him to come your way. His group had left not long after the contest, presumably to stop whatever plan their targets had enacted, but that was none of your business. Hydra was small fry compared to the things you had seen over the years.
A glint of lights on metal caught your eye as Bucky and his, smaller, entourage entered through the front doors. They stopped for a moment as Natasha and Bucky seemed to be conversing about their plans for the night, cute little Peter just bouncing his attention back and forth between them like a little kid. When Bucky finally split from the Widow and the Spider, you knew it was time to make a move. You had to get closer to the man, get just a taste of what you hoped to have tonight.
He stalked through the crowd, not noticing you on the sill at first, but when his eyes did land on you, you couldn’t help the devious grin that enveloped your face. Hopping from your perch, you walked his way, twirling your bat as you did.
He stopped in his tracks, hands clenching over and over, not sure what to do with himself. You stopped a few steps away, placing the end of your bat on his chest to keep him at bay, and smiled.
“Hey there, handsome. What’s a hero like you doing in a place like this?”
He cocked his head slightly, blinking as a bit of confusion entered his eyes. “You really from Brooklyn, doll? Cause that’s one hell of a fake accent if you aren’t.”
“Oh, so you noticed.” Giggling, you lowered your bat from his chest, resting the tip lightly on the floor next to you. “I grew up in Brooklyn, but left a few years ago thanks to, extenuating circumstances. That’s not what I wanna talk about though.”
Taking a step into his space, you placed your finger on his chest and began tracing little shapes over his kevlar. “I wanna talk about you, Mr. James.”
“Seems you know me plenty well, doll.” He smirked, grabbing your hand in his metallic grip. “Otherwise, you would have asked for my name.”
“Touché, smart boy.” You blushed, watching his thumb run across your knuckles. “So, now that you’ve captured me, what are you planning to do to me?”
“I’d like to start with your name and maybe we can go from there, darlin’.” Slowly releasing your hand, he waited.
You watched as hope and doubt warred in his eyes and you just couldn’t help yourself. Taking pity on him, you sighed. “Okay okay, just stop with the puppy dog eyes, its doing things to me.” You giggled when his ears turned red with his blush. “My name is Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Y/N… That’s a beautiful name, doll.” Hearing him say your name as if he was physically tasting it on his tongue, it was erotic in an entirely new way. His words distracted you so much that you almost missed the moment he offered his hand to you. Unfortunately, he noticed your blunder, smiling gleefully at how well he was able to fluster you.
“Now that the introductions are out of the way. What do you say to a little photo session with me and my photographer friends over there.” Pointing towards the group of photographers milling about the photo area, you grinned up at Bucky donning your most innocent smile when you saw the suspicion cross his features.
“I thought you were due for karaoke?”
“I am, but I still have thirty minutes to kill before then. Come on, it will be fun.” Grabbing his hand you began leading his reluctant form towards the photographers. “How about we make a deal? For every picture we take, I will answer one of your questions.”
You finally reached the photographers, currently distracted by another group of cosplayers. As you waited, Bucky leaned into you and whispered in your ear. “As long as I get to spend more time with you, you can consider it a deal, doll face.”
His velvety voice whispering in your ear caused heat to travel to your core, followed by the rough edge of leather covered steel that traveled the length of your spine. You felt your nipples pebble beneath your bra as wetness pooled in your panties. This man was going to be the death of both of you if he wasn’t careful.
Looking over your shoulder at his looming form, you felt a thrill race through your body. “Was that a knife, Mr. James? Or are you just happy to see me?”
His electric blue gaze caused your blood to heat even more, there was a hunger there that you hadn’t seen in years and you couldn’t wait to experience it. “You have no idea, Y/N.”
Bucky watched as you took a few solo pictures for the photographers, they were provocative and downright dirty. It was a sinful show, but the look on your face proclaimed that it was all for him.
You called him over for his own solo pictures, much to his chagrin. But he wasn’t one to disappoint a lady, especially a dame as beautiful as you. He posed with weapons drawn, masked and unmasked, he even took off his glove for a few, completely exposing his vibranium arm to the flashes from the photographer’s cameras.
When the solo photos got old, he reached out to grab your hand and pulled you into his chest, taking you completely by surprise.
Your hand landed on his chest and your breath caught in your throat as his, unmasked, handsome face looked down on yours. He was truly breathtaking. His lips, so perfectly pink and plump, just begging to be kissed, but you held back. There would be plenty of time for that later.
“I’ve got questions, doll.” Bucky spun you around to face the cameras again as you both posed for your next photo. He was surprisingly good at this for someone who was so good at avoiding cameras.
“Ask away, dear Bucky.” You smiled, grabbing his mask and covering the bottom half of your face with a wink towards camera, Bucky deftly flipping his knife over his palms.
“What do you do, besides cosplay I mean?”
“Police Detective. I have a badge and everything.” Hanging his mask back on his belt, you reached into his holster and pulled out a pistol, almost dropping it when you realized it was loaded. “Naughty naughty, boy. You aren’t supposed to have this in here.” You placed your hand on your hip, holding the pistol between your thumb and forefinger and making a face as if you were scolding Bucky. Taking up the act, he held his hands up in mock surrender, looking thoroughly chastised. Cute.
“I’m technically on the job, baby doll. What made you become a detective?”
With that question, you sobered. The excitement of the photography session quelled with the dark past that that question dredged up.
Handing his gun back, you got the photographer’s information so you could print these pictures later and walked over to a more private area, Bucky on your heels.
“I’m sorry, doll. I didn’t mean to overstep.”
Sitting at an empty table near the windows, you waved off his concerns. “Don’t worry about it, dearie.” Taking a deep breath you told Bucky as much of your past as you were willing to share at the moment.
“We’ve all seen things, Bucky. I know your story, you were brainwashed and controlled like a puppet for years. I won’t say my situation was exactly the same as yours, no-one used a machine to wipe my memories or anything that extreme, but I have been taken advantage of in many ways over the years.”
Looking off into the distance, you became lost in the memories of that dark time. Then you felt a hand grip yours and you were back in the convention center, staring into sad blue eyes.
“I know what you mean, Y/N. You became a detective to keep other people from going through the things you went through. I know because I did the same thing by joining the Avengers team. You are a strong woman for facing your fears like that. It took me years before I was even willing to don this arm again.” Raising his gloved vibranium hand, he turned it so it would catch the light. The metal was so shiny and bright, a symbol of his own bravery that he got to wear every day. Not much different than the badge you carried on the job.
You smiled. “Thanks, James. I needed that.”
The karaoke contest was a lesson in controlled chaos. Many of the participants had clearly had too much to drink, evident by their extreme dancing and out of tune singing.
You stood in line at the sign up table, watching Bucky blend into the shadows at the back of the room while you waited. The DJ and MC stood to the side of the stage, welcoming everyone who signed up and chatting with some of the regulars.
When you reached the table to sign up, the DJ pulled you into a quick hug. “Hey, Y/N. How have you been, girl?”
“I’ve been great, honestly. How has the business been going since you performed at Alexis’s wedding?”
“It’s been amazing. You weren’t kidding when you said she would bring me more exposure. Woman has some crazy hookups in the clubbing industry.”
“That’s great, bro.” Leaning into him, you whispered in his ear. “Hey, do you think you could do a girl a favor?”
Clapping you on the shoulder, his bright smile was so genuine it made you smile in return. “Of course, girl. You helped me out, and it would be pretty shitty of me not to pay you back. What do you need?”
Pointing over your shoulder to Bucky at the back of the room, you whispered your plan in the man’s ear. His smile was devious as he gave you a thumbs up and called the MC over who also agreed.
The MC took the stage to announce the next few singers discreetly adding you to the list. You were a regular on the stage, so nobody complained about you jumping ahead. Most of the people even cheered when they heard your name, making you blush and wave at them.
It didn’t take long before you were grabbing the mic and hopping up on stage with a smile. Looking to Bucky, you curled your finger, beckoning him forward from the shadows.
He sauntered to the center of the room, shaking his head and a smirk upon his lips as he watched. You winked at him and the room went dark, but for the few beams of neon light projected onto the screen at your back.
The bass began to thump throughout the room causing everyone to cheer as Bad Guy began to play over the speakers. Everyone began clapping along with the beat and cheering before going dead silent as you began to sing.
Bucky watched the lights go dark as you turned your back to the crowd. They all cheered and clapped to the beat of the bass that filled the room. Neon lights swirled in reds and blues over the projector screen onstage.
Then the room when completely still and silent with the first sound of breath through the mic. It was as if everyone just fell into a trance, silently watching as you began singing.
White shirt now red, my bloody nose
Sleeping, you're on your tippy toes
Creeping around like no one knows
Think you're so criminal
Bruises, on both my knees for you
Don't say thank you or please
I do what I want when I'm wanting to
My soul? So cynical
Your voice was like velvet caressing the skin of Bucky’s body. The bass matching with the pace of his heart as you looked over your shoulder and sang the words directly to his soul. There was an underlying mystery within the tone of your voice that made him want to come closer with every word from your painted lips.
So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girlfriend mad tight
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy, duh
I'm the bad guy
The words of the chorus seemed to leak through the plates of his vibranium arm and stirred the soldier inside his heart. The danger spoke to that dark part of him as you began to undress him with your eyes. He was in a full trance as you strutted around the stage like a model on a runway, stopping every so often to rock your hips in a sensual little dance that had his pants tightening uncomfortably. 
I like it when you take control
Even if you know that you don't
Own me, I'll let you play the role
I'll be your animal
My mommy likes to sing along with me
But she won't sing this song
If she reads all the lyrics
She'll pity the men I know
The soldier growled, rattling his cage until you turned your mischievous eyes to him again. Bucky’s control was slipping and the soldier was steadily pulling at his leash. He wanted out, he wanted you. It shook Bucky to his core. You came closer to the edge of the stage and beckoned him forward as you sang and danced only inches from him onstage.
So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girlfriend mad tight
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy, duh
I'm the bad guy, duh
I'm only good at being bad, bad
You crouched at the edge of the stage, knees spread as you became eye level with the Winter Soldier. Singing the last line before the final chorus, Bucky snapped back into his own body with a lurch. He hadn’t lost control like that in years, but there was no time to dwell on that as the beat of the song changed and became strange in his ears.
I like when you get mad
I guess I'm pretty glad that you're alone
You said she's scared of me?
I mean, I don't see what she sees
But maybe it's 'cause I'm wearing your cologne
I'm a bad guy
I'm a bad guy
Bad guy, bad guy
I'm a bad-
The room went even darker as the neon lights flickered like red and blue flames over the stage. Fog enveloped your body as white light began to strobe around you. Bucky blinked, trying to reorient himself and you were gone from his view. It was like you disappeared.
Then he felt it. Small hands travelled the length of his legs, caressing him from his ankles to his hips as you sang the final verse. Your voice became quieter, more sensual as you slithered around his body, touching him all over and heating his blood until you whispered the last line in his ear.
He blinked and you were onstage again, bowing like a circus performer to the cheers from the crowd. You turned to him with a wink and hopped from the stage again to walk out the doors. He trailed behind you in confusion. Did any of that even happen? Did he imagine it?
He felt like he was going crazy as he exited through the double doors at the end of the room and searched the emptying convention center for you. He finally saw you, sitting at the table you had vacated earlier and something snapped inside him with your cocky smirk.
Bucky stalked towards you like a wolf on the hunt. When he reached your table, he wasted no time in pulling you into his body and taking your sinful lips in a breathtaking kiss.
Your eyes flutter closed as Bucky’s lips mold over yours. You sigh and his tongue slips into your mouth as he tastes every corner of your mouth. You feel his metal hand caressing the back of your neck and you relax into him, melting like wax as his flesh hand caresses your hip.
Finally, he lets you pull away for air and your gazes meet. Neither of you can take the waiting and you grab his hand, pulling him towards the hotel across the street where you had rented a room for the weekend long convention.
When you reach the room, Bucky throws you over his shoulder and unlocks the door himself. You giggle with excitement and slap his ass cheek teasing him into growling and returning one of his own.
He struts into the room and kicks the door shut behind him before tossing you on the bed. You laugh loudly as you toss the bat - you somehow held onto - from the bed.
You watched as Bucky methodically divested himself of his weapons, laying them on the desk across the room. It was a type of foreplay all its own, watching him undress. It was an aphrodisiac all its own as he laid every dangerous weapon on his person out on the table, caressing certain blades with long thick fingers as if he was caressing a lover. It made you gasp when he fingered one particularly dark blade in the center of the table.
He looks ad you over his shoulder as he gripped the blade fully in his palm and began flipping it around in a dangerously sexy dance. “This was a gift from a friend of mine. Loki, God of Mischief, but I’m sure you’ve already heard of him.” Turning to you fully, Bucky continued to flip the knife in his hand as his other hand slowly unbuckled his kevlar vest, exposing the chiseled abs and pecks hidden underneath all of that tight black fabric.
“There’s one thing most people forget about him though, the man loves to party. Almost as much as Tony does. He is the God of Revelry as well, of course. On the day the Avengers welcomed me to the team, they all through a big party and he was there with this beauty.” Bucky caressed the edge of the blade with a metallic finger as he slowly approached the foot of the bed.
“He knew how much I love weapons and offered this one to me as a sort of peace offering. He said it was a token of congratulations for ‘finally freeing myself’.” He said that with air quotes making you giggle a bit.
“Loki sounds like a good friend to have. His brand of mischief was always something I admired.” Bucky’s blue eyes bored into yours and a flicker of jealousy lingered there with your words.
“I haven’t had the opportunity to use this yet, most of my fights nowadays are of the gun variety.” He shrugged, turning back to the desk as if he would put the blade back. You whimpered, a bit of disappointment making itself known without your consent.
The whimper from your lips made Bucky’s dick throb. He turned back to the bed, knife still cradled in his palm. “What’s wrong, doll? Don’t want me to put this away?”
You shook your head in denial. There was no way you were letting him put that blade away without using it tonight.
Holding your hands out to him, you curled your fingers in a come hither motion. “I think I’m overdressed, Bucky.”
He growled with excitement, causing shivers to shoot through your spine and heat to pool in your belly. You moved to lay your head on the pillows of the bed and watched as Bucky crawled up your body. His eyes were like glaciers, cold and hungry as he bent to trail the tip of his nose up the inside of your thigh to the apex of your hips.
You gasped as tingles of pleasure traveled out from where his body touched yours. Bypassing your aching center, much to your dismay, he gripped the bottom of your shirt with his teeth and pulled it upwards to expose your belly to his lips.
He pressed tender kisses around your belly button, dipping inside with his tongue before traveling back to the top edge of your tiny red and blue shorts and licking just under the waistband.
You arched your back and moaned his name to the ceiling when he moved away from your center again. He chuckled darkly. “Patience, Y/N.”
“Don’t tease, Buck-” You gasped as his mouth latched over your clothed nipple, bathing it in warm wet breath. “Oh, God!”
He continued to tease your body until you were flushed and gasping from the smallest sensation. His beard grazing your collarbone made you shiver, his teeth on your neck making you buck and moan as his hands slowly undressed you.
You were left panting on the bed in your lacy underthings as his hard body loomed over you. He held the knife in his hand again, caressing the skin of your hip with the flat of the blade. “I need you to be really still for this next part, doll.”
You could only nod, taking a steadying breath as dark and thrilling chills coursed through your veins. Bucky smiled down at you as you felt the blade slip under the waistband of your panties shredding through them like butter.
Your lips parted on a gasp as you felt the fabric slip away from your sides, and you silently thanked whatever God was listening that you remembered to get properly groomed before coming to the convention. Bucky repeated his actions, oblivious to your inner musings, as he sliced through the fabric at your other hip and the small strip of fabric that held the cups of your bra together across your sternum, exposing you to his gaze completely.
Bucky tossed the knife onto the side table as you removed the useless scraps of fabric from beneath your body. Turning back to you, he let out another deep growl. Your skin glistened in the moonlight from the window and your eyes were lit with mischief as they roved over his body in turn, before catching with his gaze.
Biting your lip, you reached out to tug the belt still holding his tactical pants in place. “I think you are the one that’s over dressed now, Mr. James.”
He grinned as he kissed you, giving you free reign to divest him of his pants as long as he got to taste your pretty mouth.
When he was fully undressed, you laid back on the bed again and pulled him down on top of you. His heavy cock grazed your hipbone, sending a rush of warmth to your already boiling core.
You bit the shell of his ear and dug your blunt nails into his shoulders and back as he teased you with his hard member. His mouth was like fire on your sensitive skin and his metal hand sent shivers down your spine with their cold and metallic texture. You whispered in his ear, unable to wait any longer. “Take me, Bucky.”
He took your lips in a long slow kiss as he lined himself up at your entrance. You moaned his name as he pushed himself inside, giving you a moment to adjust to his large size when you squeaked out a sound of discomfort.
You rocked your hips up into his, begging him to move and he obliged. Sitting above you, he began to piston his hips as a steadily increasing speed, hitting all the right spots inside you.
Bucky groaned when your walls began to contract around him. “Fuck, doll. You feel so damn good.”
You moaned with the pleasure coursing through you, rocking your hips in time with his, furthering your impending orgasm until he suddenly pulled out.
You groaned with disappointment, feeling suddenly empty until you felt him lower himself over you again. Your eyes flew open when his mouth connected with your core, sending you reeling over the precipice.
Gripping his hair you bucked your hips with the sensation, causing him to grip your ass and press his face all the harder over your clit.
His teeth grazed over your sensitive nub as his tongue delved into your body over and over until another orgasm screamed through you, stronger than the last. He pulled away, smiling down at you as you panted on the bed.
Then he was on you again, pressing his cock through your pulsing walls and fucking you into oblivion. It was as if you had gone through Heaven’s gates, reached Nirvana, and entered Valhalla all in the same moment. The pleasure was immense as he gave you orgasm after orgasm on that hotel bed, never ceasing in his relentless thrusting until he finally reached his own peak.
His hips began to jerk in an uneven rhythm as he came inside you, causing aftershocks in your core as he collapsed by your side.
He kissed your temple before heading into the bathroom to clean up, exiting a moment later with a warm washrag and wiping you clean as well. You hissed at the sensation, pleasantly sore, and he kissed your navel before throwing the rag onto the floor to clean up later.
Pulling the blankets away, Bucky laid in bed with you tossing his arm over you as you curled into his warmth and yawned with your exhaustion.
Turning into him, you tucked your head beneath his chin, nuzzling his neck with your nose. “Thank you for this, Bucky. I had so much fun.”
Your voice was tired and quiet in his ear making him smile, a bit impressed with himself to say the least. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he listened as your breathing evened out into that of one asleep as he whispered to you in the dark.
“Me too, doll. Me too.”
The next morning, Bucky awoke to a cold bed.
He jerked himself awake, looking around the room for you, but your were nowhere to be found. All of your things were gone and he cursed himself a fool for letting you get away so easily.
A glint of something shiny caught his eye from the bedside table. It was his dagger, the one he had used for the first time last night, and underneath it was a note.
Sorry I didn’t stay to say my farewells, but I warned you. I’m the bad guy.
Bucky clenched his fist, the vibranium plates whirring with the motion. He turned the note over to see a picture of you in front of some back tower, blood stained your shirt as you smiled at the camera, pointing that damn bat at the photographer like you were holding a gun. Next to you stood an African American man that Bucky immediately recognized as Deadshot; an expert marksman and assassin, much like Bucky had been back in the day. The others in the picture were also familiar to him as members of the Suicide Squad that the team had heard rumors of back in the day.
Sitting hard on the edge of the bed, Bucky ran his free hand through his long chestnut locks, tangling in the mess of bedhead he had yet to fix. He couldn’t believe it. Either this was some well fabricated photo done with that photoshop program that Peter and Shuri talked about from time to time, or you were actually, really and truly, Harley Quinn.
Gripping the photo in his hand, he knew what he had to do.
Six months later, Bucky had all but forgotten about his midnight transgressions after the convention.
He had burned that picture, just moments after learning the truth, not willing to put you in danger after you had made such a wonderful and peaceful life for yourself. F.R.I.D.A.Y. has searched for you, as per his request and found some really interesting information.
Turns out, you had been the reason for your boyfriend’s death, if any sane person could even call the Joker your boyfriend. He had been manipulating you for years, until the Suicide Squad had saved you, given you a purpose.
Joker had tried to take that away from you, attacking your teammates and expecting you to just watch from the sidelines. But you had retaliated, beating him with that bat and shooting him with his own gun.
You had gone into hiding not long after that, changed your name and moved away by the CIA in order to keep you safe from what was left of the Joker’s henchmen.
Now, you were a normal citizen, or as normal as someone who had been through all that could be. You held a normal job with the local police, helping others and arresting criminals, and Bucky was honestly proud to have met you. You both had shared an amazing night together and he wasn’t willing to ruin that memory in any way. So, he let you go, wishing you well along the way.
Today was set to be a unique one to say the least. Tony had called a meeting for the Avengers. Apparently, he and Steve had recruited a new member for the team and were bringing her in to meet everyone today.
Bucky walked down the glass and steel corridors of Avenger’s tower, headed for the conference room when a familiar laugh echoed through the halls. He stopped in his tracks, searching for the source of the sound, but he found nothing.
“Get yourself together, Buck. There’s no way she would be here.”
Walking the last few feet, Bucky shoved the doors open and sauntered into the room, taking a seat between Sam and Wanda.
Sam leaned his way to whisper in Bucky’s ear. “Heard the new recruit is a woman. What do you think she’ll be like? Bet she’s drop dead gorgeous.”
Bucky shook his head at Sam’s teasing tone, ribbing him lightly with his elbow causing Wanda to giggle.
The door to the conference room opened up wide, allowing Tony and Steve to step through together. Bucky watched as a flash of black and red hair stopped just outside the door to the room, waiting to be called in.
Tony cleared his throat as Steve took a seat, effectively pulling the attention of the room to him. “Avengers, we have a new member starting today. She will be on a probationary period for the next few months so we can supervise her before sending her on missions with the rest of the team.”
Just then, Tony turned his attention onto Bucky and nerves began to roll in his stomach. “Bucky, I have put you in charge of the new recruit, with Wanda and Loki acting as your backup in case you need it. As I feel you are most equipped to deal with this member’s skills and past experiences.”
The way Tony’s face turned sour with the word ‘experiences’, Bucky knew something was up and turned to Steve for clarification. “What the hell is going on, Steve? What has this person done for you to put me on babysitting detail? Who is she?”
A sigh left Steve’s lips as he went to open the door. “People in the southern states call her Dark Angel, she’s been working as a vigilante hero for a few years now. But her ways were a bit over the top and unconventional, which landed her in our hands.”
Opening the door fully, Steve motioned for the woman to enter.
The first thing Bucky noticed was her long black hair, it was longer than he remembered and much darker, as the last time he had seen her, it was blonde with blue and pink ends. Then his eyes were caught in the blue depths of hers and he shuddered out a breath with her name.
“Y/N, is that really you?”
She smirked deviously. “Nice of you to remember me, Bucky. Though I expected you to call me by my old name.”
The team looked back and forth between the two of them, waiting for Bucky to divulge the secret he had been keeping for months now. His fist clenched, the sound of plates whirring through the silent room as he felt the soldier slowly bleed into his eyes again.
“It’s nice to see you again, Harley Quinn.”
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