#i mean the egg thing is something he straight up walked into and calling the reaction predatory when he makes a joke of an actual crisis is
jade-curtiss · 9 months
But just to make sure no one forget, I still hate finn a lot. I mean he deserves the jabs just for the bullshit he keeps spreading, but ahah cute.
0 notes
incorrectbatfam · 5 months
Jason is a hopeless romantic 100%
it just doesnt show
But everyone goes to him whn its time to plan dates
Dick: Hey, can I ask you something?
Jason, reading: No.
Dick: You see, Wally and I have our weekly date night coming up, but we've been to pretty much every place there is. You got any ideas for how to shake things up?
Jason: *scribbles coordinates and tosses him the Bat-plane keys*
Wally: Wow, I've never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Dick: I'm glad you like it.
Dick: *texts Jason a thumbs up*
Jason: *read at 8:55 PM*
Tim: Jason, glad you're here! I totally forgot it's me and Bernard's six-month anniversary. Help me out, man.
Jason, clipping his toenails: Fine. You better write this down 'cause I'm only saying it once.
Tim: *nods*
Jason: Go to Home Depot. You're gonna need some rope, a tarp, hammer and nails, a hatchet, matches, and fuel. After that...
Tim: *furiously takes notes*
Bernard: A camping trip was a great idea. It's nice to get away from it all. And I can't believe you set this all up yourself.
Tim, chuckling nervously: What's a boyfriend for if not to build a tent and chop down a tree?
Duke: So the school dance is coming up.
Jason, working: Theme?
Duke: Under the sea.
Jason: Ugh, how cliché. Anyway, Armand's Tailoring has a blue suit that'll match whatever your girlfriend's wearing. Tell him I sent you. After that, call Patricia's Bistro and make a reservation with the code word "surreptitious." Alfred can take you in the limo if you give him a 24-hour heads-up to clean it. Once you're there, remind the DJ he owes me a favor to get your song requests bumped up. And remember, a slow dance is basically moving your feet in a square but otherwise go with the flow.
Duke: Sweet, thanks!
Cass: Steph is sad.
Jason, cooking: *sighs*
Jason: *takes out a tub of ice cream*
Jason: *scoops a hole in the middle*
Jason: *fills it with candy*
Jason: Here.
Cass: Thanks!
*phone rings*
Jason, waking up from a nap: What?
Kory: Sorry if I woke you. Barbara's coming over for breakfast in half an hour but I burned it with my powers. It was supposed to be eggs benedict.
Jason: Order takeout and put it on fancy plates.
Kory: You're a lifesaver—
Jason: *already hung up and went back to sleep*
Kate: It's Renee's birthday tomorrow. I have a gift, but I'm not sure if it's good enough.
Jason, polishing his gun: If it's from you, it will be.
Bruce: *walks in*
Bruce: Hey, son. Selina's not talking to me after our argument. How do I tell her how much she means to me?
Jason, reciting Shakespeare: I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say, "I love you."
Bruce: You're right. I'm just gonna tell it to her straight. Thank you.
Bruce: *leaves*
Jason: *takes off his headphones and turns around*
Jason: Did someone say something?
Damian: Todd, what is love supposed to feel like?
Jason: Why do you want to know?
Damian: None of your concern. Now tell me.
Jason: *shoots a training dummy*
Jason: It's when they're lodged in your head like a bullet. Except without the excruciating pain and messy red stuff.
Damian, nodding: Tell me more.
Roy: *takes down a villain*
Jason, sitting on a roof: *wolf whistles*
Roy: The hell?
Jason: I know hot when I see it.
Roy: What are you doing here?
Jason: I brought Arrowdogs.
Roy: You hate Arrowdogs.
Jason: But you don't.
Roy: Aw, how sweet—EYES UP HERE, TODD!
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omg I want to know, how were the Napoleon Queer Wars of 2014 like?? 😬
oh lord lol
It's been almost ten years and I still get weird YIKES reaction in my skin when I think about it, or when people in the current Napoleonic corner act a bit like the people from back then. Which is a me issue, and not anyone else's problem. But it is why I don't really engage with anyone from the Napoleonic side of tumblr anymore - too many bad memories and bad taste in my mouth.
Essentially, someone posted the (in)famous Cronin quote re: Napoleon telling Coulaincourt about the Feelings He Gets When Looking At Someone Handsome Friend Shaped. They speculated about queer* implications of this.
*necessary disclaimer about modern concepts of sexuality not being applicable to the past yadda yadda yadda. I'm using short hand here, folks. No one needs to jump down my throat.
A bunch of the Very Serious History Blogs(tm) came down hard on them being like "you're a fool, absolutely not, Napoleon was Straight(tm)". Someone else replied being like "Well what about That Letter from N to Josie concerning a Certain Tsar of Russia?"
I forget how That Letter was explained away, but it was.
Some name calling nonsense and really aggresive replies where bandied back and forth. People were passive aggresive and mean. People ignored each other then wrote vagueing posts about it. The usual damned foolishness you would expect.
Then someone else referenced that one book whose whole thesis is basically Napoleon was Probably Bi. The book, I will say, isn't great. I'd never recommend it. But it was floating around in the 2014/15 world of Napoleonic Tumblr.
And oh man was the person who suggested it torn to shreds. Eviscerated. It was like watching a train wreck and the by standers decided to lock the doors of the train and not let the passengers off while everything burned.
There were weird spin-off dramas from this nonsense where people got into whether or not being interested in Napoleon made you a war crime sympathizer. (Some things never change on this webbed site.) Messy, messy. Also, utterly dumb.
Anyway - it ended up weirdly boiling down to two sides: Are You A Serious Historian/Take History Seriously(tm) Therefore Anti-Napoleon Possibly Being Something Like Queer Even If Never Acted On versus People Having Fun(tm) on the Internet Who Now Have Their Backs Up and Are Responding Perhaps Unwisely.
There was a third party, which I was part of at that time** (no longer, since I left academia), which was the "We Do Real History As A Day Job, Because We Are In Academia, but Lol Like Hell Would I Think to do Serious History on the Blue Hell Site. I'm Present for Shits and Giggles and Idle Speculation and Chats. Nothing Here is Serious. Everyone Needs To Calm Down and Take Themselves Way Less Seriously." We were a small contingent, to say the least.
**this is not to say I didn't walk away with egg on my face. Because I did. My comportment wasn't great and it's something I've been trying to be better about ever since.
It's not a time I think anyone save like four Napoleonic-interested blogs can look back on without blame.
But yeah - it was a real bad time on here. People were called names and cruel, cruel messages were sent to various and sundry by various and sundry. People deactivated over it. Friendships were literally torched because of it. There was a lot of issues with: "What Is Tone When Jumping On Someone's Post?? We don't know how to gauge it! Are you being mean? Are you being helpful? Who knows!! But you sounded aggresive in your add on and so I had better respond aggressively as well."
All because some people took themselves too seriously and because other people were stupidly mean about something dumb.
If I sometimes come in really strong with five million disclaimers in my napoleon asks/responses, even just the silly, purely speculative ones that no one sensible expects Real Serious History to result from - questions that clearly fall into the camp of shit a friend would ask you at the bar after four pints - things like: "was he queer? do you think he had add/adhd? what do you speculate were mental health issues he may have had?" etc. it's because of this year/year-and-a-half shit show. (And my disclaimers don't always serve their purpose because this is, after all, the Piss on the Poor website and people lack attention to detail when reading. [That said, I'm just as guilty of it as well, so can't point too many fingers.])
anyway, the long and short is that MAN people were very anti-any idea that there might have been an iota of what we would term queerness in Napoleon. And MAN no one can be normal on this site about anything so of course there was unnecessary drama and hurt feelings and bitterness.
May we never repeat this stupid time.
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heyybaejjk · 3 months
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pairings; teen!miguel o'hara x fem samoan oc
summary; Slow steps, baby steps.
warnings/notes; this chapter contains a HEAVY topic of grooming :( I hope people actually read my warnings, especially this one. I advise you read something else if you're uncomfortable with this type of topic. Miguel needs to be slapped silly for his eyes to open up fr. Manaia's supportive friends trynna help 😞 SLOW FUCKING BURN MY GGGGGGGGGGGGGG
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Miguel had arrived home two hours later than usual. He saw no reason to rush anyway. His silent walk in the rain with a small umbrella in his hand made him reminisce about the time he had spent with Manaia earlier. Her sweet perfume lingered, intruding on Miguel's sense of smell. His much taller form had no personal armrest to joke around with or tease. Instead, he walked home with his hand in his pocket wrapped around his phone, waiting, itching for a call from her. Then he realized that throughout their friendship, he had never given her his phone number.
Entering his dark room, he threw his bag onto the floor and immediately plunged onto his bed, not bothering to close his door. His back muscles ached. His legs ached. His head ached. His everything was just in pure pain. But he made sure to endure the walk and take no form of transportation. He knew his aching body was nothing compared to how Manaia had felt. Miguel knew his words were a bullet to the heart, but he found himself pulling the trigger.
"Hun, are you okay?" His mother waited at the door after knocking softly on his bedroom door. He mumbled a soft yes while his face was planted against his pillow.
"I'm going to make dinner soon, want to help me?" She asked politely, now leaning against his doorframe with her arms crossed against her chest. Miguel let out another incoherent mumble to which she rolled her eyes. Miguel knew his mother, and his mother knew Miguel. She wasn't dumb. "My sweet child, what's wrong?"
Now sitting up with his back against his bed frame, he ran a hand through his hair. He knew there was no getting out of this, so he saw no point in lying either. "Nothing, mama. Just school biting me in the ass," he bullshits anyway.
"Right. My brainy son who does nothing but study every day is stressed over.. school?" She skeptically asked.
Miguel raises his eyebrows as confirmation while his lips form a straight, "Yeah, basically."
"Miguel, I birthed you. I'm sure I'd know when you're lying."
"Mama, I'm not lying."
His mother walks closer to him in a swift motion. He watches as his mother's knee reaches up, her hand taking off one of her sandals.
"Wait! Okay- okay, I'm sorry."
She gives him a stern look, "Then tell me what you're all sooky about."
Miguel sighs and contemplates, "It's just this girl I've been talking with."
"The girl you've been gushing over the past few years? You finally... you know?" She eggs him on.
His silence was made up for with a nod. "We've gone farther than what we should have, and I regret it."
A harsh slap on his thigh made him cry out, "You got her pregnant!?"
"What? Mama, no!" he grunts, holding his hand out, "We just became friends just like you advised me to!"
His mother moves back, her shoe on the floor as her hands grip her hips. Shaking her head as she sighs, "Okay good, at least you know what not to do."
"I'd never do that, mama. You've taught me better."
"Then what are you sulking about? Befriending that girl was something you wanted, right?"
Miguel nods.
"Then what is the problem? You invited her like I asked? She said no?"
"I mean I told her about coming over..." he trails off, another slap on his thigh, "Ow! Mama!"
"Oh, you are such a fool," She pinches the bridge of her nose, "Miguel, telling someone and inviting someone over are two different things! What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't thinking," he lowers his head.
"Yeah, clearly," she sighs.
She shifts closer to her beloved son, cradling his head in her warm arms. "For a top student like yourself, you can be a big idiot," she jokes. "If you find yourself around her again, maybe try to invite her properly."
"Well, I think it would be awkward to, if I'm being honest with you, mama."
"Why is that?" Slightly wrinkly fingers cup his face.
He explains everything that had happened hours prior. From when they had walked together, to the bus ride, and to the very awkward interruption from her younger brother at the front of her house.
His mother tries to understand, truthfully she was but the attempt of wrapping her mind around what her son did and didn't do wasn't clicking. For all the years that had passed since he met the said girl, he wouldn't shut the fuck up. "So, you don't feel anything for her?"
Miguel shakes his head.
"At all? Feelings are completely platonic?"
He shakes his head again.
"You're too in denial," she gives up, slapping his head before walking out of his bedroom.
"What do you mean?" he calls out, rubbing his head and fixing the messed-up strands.
"Figure it out, now get up and help me make dinner!"
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Miguel had finally found comfort in his pillows and thick blanket, scrolling on his phone until his friends texted him on their usual group chat. He continued to read their chat, guilt eating him alive from earlier. The thought of Manaia feeling upset had clouded his mind. What would they do if they found out? They weren't the type to be angry when Manaia was upset; they were more likely to comfort her than to react with rage. Miguel took his time to come clean to them.
mahi_sniffer: guys i cut my hair 😓 its looks so fucking bad
[ mahi_sniffer has sent a photo to pussy eatersssss ]
bololicker: tf cunt why is it so shit
bololicker: HAHAHA
aluaigioukae: WHAT IN THE TRASH
bololicker: good luck trying w the beckis now
aluaigioukae: you cut your hair cos of ur nits? 😹
mahi_sniffer: got sick of ur dad pulling on it when he hits it from the back
bololicker: oh hell nah
Everyone had stopped typing, probably gone off to do something else, unlike Miguel, who observed his still screen with a racing heart. "No one's here, I should say it now," Miguel thought. He typed swiftly, then hesitated to hit send. "Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it-"
M.Ohara_99: I fucked up
Long pressing on his message to unsend, he sees Kiuga typing. There was no pussying out now.
aluaigioukae: were you the one who cut siones hair? bcos you did more than fuck up
bololicker: HI MIGUELLL
[ M.Ohara_99: I fucked up ]
mahi_sniffer has replied to M.Ohara_99's message !
mahi_sniffer: wat happened daddy 😢 yo mama not single anymore?
M.Ohara_99: I think I upset Manaia today.
aluaigioukae: cmon now dawg 😞 whats the happs w you two now
mahi_sniffer: lich uh relly
bololicker: was this today??
M.Ohara_99: I mean to keep it short, she just asked if we'd be more that what we are.
mahi_sniffer: uh huhh and then you said yes and made out??
M.Ohara_99: I said we'd just always be friends
aluaigioukae: WHAT
bololicker: fucks sake bruh 😭
aluaigioukae: thats fking crazyyyyy
bololicker: always cockblocking urself smh
M.Ohara_99: I understand, I truly didn't mean it. I just thought we'd always be friends. I saw no reason to lie since I've wanted to become closer to her, just not as close as she was hinting at.
[ mahi_sniffer has sent a voice message to pussy eatersssss ! ]
He groans as he sees Sione sending a voice message. Sione only sends those when he is truly upset with what his friends have done. More disappointed than upset. Now, he truly knows how dumb he was with what he said to the poor girl. Tapping on the play button, he turns his volume down as Sione's voice echoes throughout his room.
"ARE YOU DUMB? Its like if you- like if you just went ahead and like- I CANT EVEN THINK OF AN EXAMPLE BECAUSE OF HOW DUMB THAT MOVE WAS-" the audio recorder cuts off. He sees Sione typing.
mahi_sniffer: now shes gonna call me sooking over it smh
aluaigioukae: i give it 10 minutes before she calls you
bololicker: i say 5
aluaigioukae: no one asked u
mahi_sniffer: yeah well both of you are wrong cos shes calling me now 🥲 i'll brb
aluaigioukae: tell her i say hi at least
bololicker: so you're fine with just being friends w naia??
M.Ohara_99: I guess yeah
aluaigioukae: soooo you dont have feelings for her
M.Ohara_99: I guess I sort of do have feelings for he
aluaigioukae: "ermm i think i do 🥺" BOI WHY R U SO IN DENIAL FOR GODDAMN
M.Ohara_99: When she asked if we were to be more than what we already were, I hesitated to be upfront
aluaigioukae: upfront about what exactly
M.Ohara_99: how i feel about her, i just didnt want my real answer to overwhelm
aluaigioukae: OKAY SO, what im getting from this is that you dont have feelings for manaia, BUT you didnt want to be honest with her and told her you'd js be friends for like forever?? SO SAYING YOU DIDNT WANNA BE HONEST BASED ON WHAT YOUVE ALREADY SAID TO HER MEANS YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER???
M.Ohara_99: no?
alugioukae: miguel 😿
alugioukae: if you saw manaia hanging around another guy the same way shes been hanging around you, how would you feel?
aluaigioukae: more importantly, if it was seth?
Miguel takes a pause to reread the small bubbled text. A new scenario is created in his mind. A larger hand intertwined with Manaia's, the girl and boy are seen walking down as they smile at each other adoringly. Another scenario erupts, a comforting hand is glued to her back as the pair walk together, her soft hand pulling him closer to her body. He shakes his head and scoffs.
M.Ohara_99: I would feel nothing
bololicker: im not even going to try ur too emotional constipated
bololicker: good fucking night 😭
M.Ohara_99: I apologise
aluaigioukae: apologise to ur missus man 😖
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Content warning; please click away or scroll past the italics if uncomfortable.
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All you have to do is be quiet. You can do that, right?" A calloused hand ran through the soft curls of the girl who sat on his lap. "You're such a beautiful girl, you know that?" An arm wrapped around the small girl's stomach to keep her in place. "Pretty girls like you are good listeners. Are you a pretty girl?"
The girl whined, her tiny hands wanting to free herself. "I want to see my mum!" her small voice pleaded.
"Shh, shh, you'll see her soon," the dark voice croaked and cooed. The poor girl could only pout and let the tears that awaited in her eyes flow. "Go ahead and cry, little girl. You look even more breathtaking. Do you think you're a pretty girl?" the rough voice asked. The girl nodded her head obediently. His head leaned down to get a strong whiff of the girl's neck, the scent of strong liquor filling her young nose. He grinned after moving back and left a small kiss on her collarbone. She shivered uncomfortably in his lap.
"Manaia! Manaia! Liam, is Manaia with you!? I brought dinner!" another voice from outside the room called out.
The older man, known as Liam, grabbed the girl by her cheeks, squishing them tightly. "Remember, between us, beautiful girl?" Tears streaked down her face. Nonetheless, the poor girl nodded her head obediently.
Unbeknownst to the older male, the slight crack in the door was wide enough for someone to peek in.
"Hm!" the said girl pops her head up from her table, eyes red and strained, sweat running down her forehead.
"Wake up, stupid. The bell just went."
"Oh," she continues to rubs her eyes, stretching as her bones crack satisfyingly, "M'up, m'up." Resting her head in her hands, she takes deep, slow breaths before looking up.
Manaia looks around her, she had slept in class for the thousandth time the past two weeks. The classroom was empty with the lights turned off, leaving only herself and Sione. He stood in front of her desk, her bag already on his back along with his, "C'mon, it's first break, you can find a table when we get to the library."
Judging by her silence and huffed breathing, Sione tilts his head knowingly, "Same shit dream?"
She looks away embarrassed. Sione gives a sympathetic hum, "I know how you feel, Nai. You know I'm always here for you. But we have to go before the next class starts, okay?"
An arm was draped around Manaia's shoulders for comfort, her head laid against his side. They walked mindlessly, unbothered by the loud shouts and arguments by the other students they walked by.
Sione extends his hand out to open the library door for the exhausted girl. Manaia is quick to get herself settled down to claim her place at a table. She shut her eyes promptly with the intent to drift back asleep. Along with her weekends, she was having restless weekdays. Adding more hours to her miserable job had made her physically and socially exhausted. But she didn't feel like she could express her complaints and disagreements with a mother like hers.
The lack of money in her family had become a problem as of recently, due to someone's alcoholic problem, and the only girl who would voluntarily listen to anybody was the answer. Her mother informed Manaia that as an exchange for more shifts at her job, she would be able to spend more time out with her friends. She had the time, but not enough energy to do so. Loud, fuming customers along with impatient coworkers had drained her. She'd head home to sleep everything all off before getting up and getting ready for a job that only allowed her to return home three hours before school began.
"You hungry?" Sione's voice breaks Manaia out of her thinking, "I'll run to the canteen 'n get you something before you fall asleep," Sione takes off his jacket and places it on her shoulders. The AC's in the library were a blessing when they were actually needed, but for a cold day like this, Manaia shivered helplessly.
"S'fine, I'm just tired.."
"I'll buy you something at second lunch, then," he tries to bargain. She couldn't bite back as her eyes failed her, slumber had won over once again. Sitting next to her sleeping form, he sighs. Pulling her hair back that flared everywhere, he brushed back the frizzy parts that would bother her sleep.
Reaching into her bag, pulling out the blank pages of paper that were supposed to be full of the work she was assigned days ago. He gives her sleeping form another sympathetic look. He takes out all of her books and begins filling out what she had missed. Writing tips on the margin side of her book, brushing a hand through his hair in eagerness.
"Is she okay?"
Sione looks up and sees Miguel standing there with a worried expression.
"Jus' tired. Want to sit?" He offers.
Without a word, Miguel sits across the both of them, looking down at the paper covered table. "This is what you've been missing out on?"
"It's Naia's shit. I don't understand half of what the fuck is going on in these workbooks, but I know she'll need them later."
"Can I take a look?" Miguel asks.
Sione pushes over the books and papers over to Miguel's side before sighing, "If I can't understand that bullshit, this dumbass here won't either."
"I can fill out some things.. If you'll let me, that is," Miguel hesitates to bring the idea up. But sure enough, Sione agrees quickly.
"Fuck yes, Miguel, please," He cheers happily, his voice so low to not awake his friend that was asleep beside. "Come sit where I am, I'm going to buy her something before she wakes up-"
Already out of his seat and out the door, Miguel could barely make a complaint. He looks over to Manaia who slept peacefully. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it. He gets up and sits next to her, carefully not to wake her up. Grabbing all her textbooks, he pushed one to the side to work on later, hitting Manaia in the arm. She jolts awake and Miguel curses in his head. Manaia blinks slowly, the light above her irritate her tired eyes.
She looks over to the side and sees Miguel. She grows embarrassed once again.
They hadn't spoken in what felt like weeks. Realistically, it only had been a few days. The last time they "spoke" - aside from Miguel's aggravating revelation - was last week when they bumped into each other in the hall. They shared an awkward glance before leaving to do what they tended. Though, one of them had turned around to admire the other walking away.
"Hi," Miguel is the first one to speak.
Manaia ponders, "Hi, Miguel.." she speaks softly, giving him a short smile before looking away.
"How are you?" he attempts to make small talk.
"V'been okay, you?"
"Great, fine, fantastic."
"Nice, nice."
They sat in silence, both their hands on the table. So close, close enough to touch each other. Their hands flat out.
Miguel's pinky irks closer to Manaia's. She sees this, but doesn't find herself backing away. Instead, she places her palm over his, now looking at him with a beaming chuckle. One that he missed hearing.
"You're awake! I got you.." Sione returns with a bunch of snacks he managed to buy, "Oh, fuck, sorry guys," he apologises at the interruption of their subtextual rekindling.
Manaia pulls her hand away, and Miguel's heart breaks.
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milkmily · 1 year
Recrate [Simon Riley]
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Part 2 of Dream
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem reader
Wooo smutttt. Also, I suck at writing smut so forgive me. Also typos cuz I haven't edit it or anything so sorry 🙏also thank you all for sm love. And ik, code name is funny af bit here is the meaning behind it. I was listening to this while I wrote this.
No use of y/n use of codename(Eggs) and being called Sargent, sweetie, sweetheart, and love(British accent added).
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"Do you have dreams of me?" Ghost had asked. "W-What?" You asked, shocked. "Do you have dreams of me Sargent?" He says, repeating himself, only saying it this time much slower for you to understand him better.
You thought that things were good. That He didn't hear you in your sleep and he did not know at all. You were wrong. The looks he'd give you while training, the way those intimidating yet so sexy eyes looked at you. But it didn't mean anything, right?
Ghost had called you to his office, and wanted to discuss some important things. You started to get worried when you asked what it was, but all he said was "It's important. See you at 9 here." And he excused you.
You felt as if you were getting in trouble for something that you probably didn't do, or did. You thought and thought for hours when it hit you, the dream. The fucking dream. You must have talked in your dream, he must have heard you moan his name or something.
And here you are.
"Answer my question." He asked harshly and walked up towards you. "I-I- w-" You couldn't. How could you? How could you answer a simple question that meant so much?
"You aren't making me proud right now Eggs."
"You Wanna make your Lieutenant proud, Eggs?"
Fuck, fuck…
You bit your lip as you remembered the dream. "Yes." You admit. You could hear Ghost chuckle. He was face to face with you, but you were looking down at the floor. You couldn't make eye contact with him. He knew you wanted him. He knew you wanted his hands all over your body. "Are you nervous or something?"
"Then look me in the eyes, Sargent." You looked up at his eyes and your heart beat faster than it was before. He then cups your face with one hand and says, "heard you moaning my name."
"It was a dream, I'm sor-"
"No, no. Don't apologize." He says and gets closer to your face. Fuck, you wanted him to kiss you. Even kiss him through the mask. "I want you to tell me what happened in the dream. Describe it." Your whole body was hot, beating, sweating. There was a pool that was starting to form in between your legs.
"I-I don't think I can, Lieutenant." You whisper and he tilts his head to the side and gets even closer, feeling his breath on your lips. "It's not an ask, it's a demand, Sargent." He says and you no longer could hold it. You got closer and felt the cloth touch your lips. It startled Ghost, but he closed his eyes and kissed you back. It was weird when the cloth was in between you two, but you didn't care. He pushed you away, making you whine.
"Now did this happen in the dream?" You shake your head and he says, "I told you what happened in the dream, don't you want to make it real?" You squeeze your thighs together and nod. "Good, now tell me." He whispered and rubbed his thumb on your lips. "Tell me all of it, love."
You don't exactly remember how it started and you were sure that Simon wouldn't really care about the backstop behind it. So you went straight to the point. "I was riding you, you were-"
"No foreplay? Hmmm, that's boring now." He interrupts and runs his freehand under your shirt. He was inpatient, and you kind of liked that. "You wouldn't mind me changing it up, would you now, Eggs?" He asked, looking you in your eyes.
"N-No." You whispered and closed your eyes as you felt his hand move to your breast, moving the sports bra up and gently squeezing your breast. "Fuck, you look so gorgeous right now." He whispered and helped you remove your shirt and bra. He made you sit on the table, not caring about whatever there could be. Ghost gently lifts his mask, only seeing his lips. You smiled and cupped his face. You've seen his face before, but only once. Yet, he still looked attractive with his mask like this.
You moved your hand to his jaw and pulled him closer towards your face. "We'll get in trouble." You say. "I don't care." He says and pulls you into a rough kiss. The kiss was hungry, he was hungry. It's almost like he wanted you as much as you wanted him. You moved your hand under his shirt and slowly moved the shirt up, making him shiver. He pulls away from the kiss and takes the shirt off, going right back to kissing you.
You moaned in the kiss as you felt him pinch your nipple. He pulls from the kiss and makes you lay on the table. The cold table makes you arch your back. He hurriedly undoes your pants and pulls them down with your panties. You were now fully naked, in front of your Lieutenant. "Fuck… if only you could see yourself, Love." He whispered and kissed your stomach. He continues to go down and goes to your left thigh. He kisses it and opens your legs, hearing how wet your cunt was for him.
"Fuck, you're dripping." He says and spreads them. You whined and felt his warm tongue lick you. He grins and moves his index finger up and down between your lips, feeling how wet you are. "Your pussy tastes good." He says and moves your thigh on his shoulder. He soon starts to eat you out, making you moan. "G-Ghost, fuck…." You threw your head back and buried his face deeper into your dripping cunt. He teased your hole and pushed in his finger. He arched it up and your eyes went wide. He moves his fingers while sucking on to your clit. You cried and gasped.
He keeps moving his finger as he goes up to give you a kiss, forcing you to taste yourself. "I-I need you." You beg in between the kisses. "Wait, we can't hurry stuff." Oh but you knew he wanted to be inside you any second. He kissed your neck and sucked on your nipple while he fingers you. He went to the other one and sucked it, gently biting it. You moaned and said, "Almost there!" You cried and he stopped. He pulls his fingers out of you gently. "Want you to cum on my cock. Wouldn't you like that instead, hm?" You just nod and he smiled. "Atta girl." Fuck, this man will be the death of you.
Ghost sits on his chair and pats his thighs. "Ride me." He says and licks his finger that was covered with your juice. You could see the huge tent he had. Fuck, is he really that big? Your dreams were not lying to you at all. You walked up to him and unbuckled the belt, unzipped his hands and pulled them down with his boxers. Your eyes go wide as you see it bounce out. "Like what you see, Sargent?" All you could do was nod. "Call me Simon or Lieutenant. Any is fine." He says as he lifts your face to make you look at him.
You nod as you give the tip of his cock a kiss. He shivers and runs his fingers through your hair. You smiled and brought the tip to your mouth, doing small circles with your tongue. You could hear his loud pants. He was trying to cover his moans with his hand, but he would let some slip. This didn't happen in the dream, but he wouldn't mind. He's enjoying himself. You started to take him in the best you could, he was huge and long. You gagged as you felt the tip reach the back of your throat. "F-Fuck, you think you can take it all?" You hummed and continued. You finally reach the end, your nose hitting his blonde pubes. Simon throws his head back when he feels your head move up and down. It was slow at first, trying to get used to the size, but continued and soon sped up the pace. "H-Holy shit, just like that!" He moans and moves your head to the side. Your free hand goes to his balls and gently squeezed and played with them. He gasped and moved your head with his hands. You looked up at him with teary eyes and moaned, sending vibrations.
He pulls you away with a 'pop' sound coming. "Come and sit on his cock sweetie." He says and you nod, panting. You position yourself ok his cock. He runs his cock in between your lips, mixing your saliva and his precum with your wet pussy. That's when he pushes it in, making your eyes go wide. "You do the rest, love." He says and you nod. You start going down on his cock, slowly. "That's it, t-take it in nice and sloww…fuck…" Simon says as he holds your hips, helping you sink into his cock while he throws his head back. You bit your lip and kept going down till you reached the end. He was huge, and fuck, he stretched you. The pain even felt good. You looked over your shoulder and gave him a nod. He kisses your back. He was kissing it all over. You were starting to get important when you slightly did circular motions. Simon grins and tightly holds your hips, stopping you from moving. "Now did this happen in the dream? Hmmm?" He makes you turn to look at him. "I want you to tell me what else happened in that dream of yours, yeah?" You nod. You felt embarrassed to really tell him, but you didn't want to disappoint him.
"Your hands move to my breast." You grabbed his hand, seeing how much bigger they were from yours, and placed them on your breast. "I'm guessing I squeezed them, eh sweetheart?" Fuck, those nicknames. You nod and he pinches your sensitive nipples. He gently rolls and pulls on them and squeezes your breast. You cupped your hand on top of his and said, "You start moving."
"Explain better, Sargent. How?" He whispered in your ear. "You held my hips and fucked me good, so good Simon. Please Simon, fuck me."
"That's what I like to hear sweetie." He says and holds your hips as he lowered himself on the chair and slowly moved his hips. You tried to help by holding on to his thighs and moving with him. Simon moaned as he would shove his cock in you. It would first be gentle and nice but would harshly thrust in. He grabbed your chin and made you turn to look at him. "Kiss me."
"Y-Yes." You say and try to kiss him. The kiss was sloppy, saliva everywhere, but it was the best fucking kiss you've ever had in a long time. He started to get tired so pulled from the kiss and held your hips. You moved your ass up and down, giving him a perfect view of your ass. Seeing how your pussy would just suck his cock in, so good. Hearing how wet and perverted it was. How yours and his skin slapped. "That's it, k-keep going."
"Y-Yes, yes yesss…" you moaned as you closed your eyes and moved. Simon harshly holds onto your hips and slaps you onto his cock, making your eyes go wide. He started to move his hips fast, harsh, deep. "Fuck! Like that! Oh my- ah!" You moan as your eyes roll back. Simon grins and lets out a groan as he keeps thrusting into you.
As Simon seemed kept thrusting, it seemed that he has gotten bored of the position and got up. You yelped and pushed your head onto the table. "Wanna be deeper in you." He says and spreads your legs. He rubs his dick in between your abused lips and gently pushes his dick back inside you, making you let out a low groan, eyes rolling back. "S-Simon, please, just fuck me."
"You wouldn't mind me changing up your dream a bit, right?" He moves his hips and slaps your ass, making you push back on to him. He kisses your back and bites your shoulder. "You f-feel good? So d-deep in you fuck…" He moaned while all you did was nod and moan. "S-So good! So big!"
"Yeah sweetie? Your Lieutenant making you feel g-good?" All you did was move your head and moan loud. That's when you started to feel a naught in you. "Pussy sooooo fucking good..." Simon groans and you push yourself further on to him. He speeds up his thrust when he feels your hand move to his arm, squeezing it. "C-Close!" You yelled. He moves his hand and puts his finger into your clit and starts to rub it, making your eyes go wide. The pleasure was so good, too good.
That's when you rolled your eyes back and covered his cock with your juice, reaching your high. "Fuck, already came?" He grins and pulls out. He spreads your ass and licks your wet cunt. Your legs were already giving up, but Simon holds your thighs, reminding you to stand still while he eats you out. "So good." He said and sucked your clit. He spits it and gently pushes his fingers in you. He holds your ass and moves his fingers. "S-Simon, god! So good!" You were so sensitive, his tongue and fingers felt so good.
That's when he made you gently turn around. He stands up and says, "Make your Lieutenant proud and suck on it, yeah." He says and you nod, going on to your knees.
You put his cock in your mouth and bobbed your head back and forth. "Going to- ugh fuck, fill that pretty mouth up." He says and holds your hair back. He pulls on to it, making you moan. He moans and moves your head with his hands. He was getting close, you could feel his cock twitch in your mouth. So you deep throat his cock, making him arch his back. "Holy shit!" He bit his lip as you stayed there for a while and pulled away, going back to bobbing your head.
You gave him one last deep throat and felt his cock twitch in your mouth, finally feeling the warm cum go down your throat. Simon moaned and left the last drop down your throat. He gently pulled away and you pant like crazy. "You did good." Simon says in-between pants and helps you stand up. You pulled him in a passionate kiss. He could taste himself in your mouth, but he didn't care. He pulls from the kiss and sees the time. "It's late Eggs, get to your room." He says as he grabs his coat and hands it to you. You hold his tattooed arm and say, "Come with me."
Simon stood there for a moment. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to hold you close, your breast against his chest. Maybe another round could happen and this time, you had to be quiet. Covering your mouth with his big hand. But he looked over at his desk and said, "I have paperwork to do.
"I don't think they matter." You say as you grabbed your pants and shirt and put on Simon's big coat. Simon looks over at the papers and sees some paper on the floor and some were wrinkled. You were putting on your clothes when Simon sighs. "Fine, I'll go." You smiled and helped him with his clothes. You kissed his cheek as you ran your hands on his chest. "Maybe we could do a bit more in the room." You whispered and bit his lip. He chuckled and you touched his mask. You gently lift it and stop mid-way to see if he'd stop you, but he didn't. You removed it and looked at his messy blonde hair. You chuckled and held his mask. "I never made it this far in the dream. You interrupted it." You say and Simon smiles. He moves his hand to your face and you say, "You came in this one, and it was real." You laughed and say, "I'll wait for you, Simon." And you walked out of the office. "We should do this more often LT."
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Tags: @mentallynot-here @nyaajeez
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stelladoesstuff · 7 months
Hi hello
Loki episode 5 spoilers below because I have THOUGHTS
This is a lot of theorizing and just straight up rambling but who knows maybe you’ll get something out of it
Help me
The fact that one of the recap scenes TWICE this season has been Kang stating that he controlled every moment leading up to the moment is what’s making me think here. Because think about it- O.B. had to write the time manual in order for Victor Timely to create his temporal loom. And while O.B. stated that his work was based off of the work of Victor Timely, creating the whole chicken and the egg scenario, that first tempad prototype was because Loki gave him the TVA manual that HE wrote. He inspired himself. It’s a loop. Just like Loki pruning himself. Loki had to prune himself in order to go back in time just like O.B. had to write the manual in order to create the TVA.
And yes, he doesn’t remember this. But that’s because all of the TVA’s employee memories are said to be wiped when they entered. By Kang. Kang, who was Victor Timely, who had to read the manual written by O.B. to create the loom. But Kang can’t have O.B. remembering that O.B.’s manual was the basis of the entire TVA, so what does he do?
He makes O.B. believe that O.B.’s manual was based off of Victor Timely’s work. O.B.’s work was NEVER inspired by Timely. He just thinks it was, because that’s what he HAD to think in order for the series of events to proceed as they did. For the entire TVA to proceed as it did.
Also- notice how the room O.B. is in on the timeline is VERY SIMILAR structurally to his room in the TVA. Because that’s where it all originated. That was the foundation point. Kang couldn’t wipe all of O.B.’s memories from when he was on the timeline, because if he did, then O.B. wouldn’t retain the knowledge he had of making the tempad, or anything he read in his own book. O.B. had to retain some of that knowledge in order for everything to work.
So Kang specifically wiped specific memories. Memories that Loki had been the one to hand him the book. Skewed a few things- O.B. wrote a book. He remembers writing a book. So Kang took that knowledge and applied it to the handbook. O.B. remembers writing a book, and handbook states that he is the author, so obviously the memories align and his memories are skewed to apply the memories of writing his sci-fi book to writing the TVA handbook.
But then it’s a paradox. Because O.B. had to see the book to retain skewed memories, and so the book had to be written at some point… but when?
And so we’re back to the chicken and the egg. What came first, the TVA or the manual?
Also. We’re jumping topics.
Loki gathering everyone in one place. If you think about it… why did he have to do that? To figure out how to control the time slipping, sure, but… why did Marvel specifically make him run around on a wild goose chase getting everyone together?
Because he had to. Because it’s part of Kang’s plan.
Bring them all together. In order to do that, the tempad had to be made. The tempad which requires O.B. to read the manual. Which in turn leads to the creation of the TVA. Which means the entire group’s memories are wiped, and they are then TVA employees.
It’s a loop. As demonstrated by the beginning scene. Loki walked in, saw himself reading the manual, jumped back, and then was reading the manual and got called out by himself.
Same idea.
Loki went back in time to give the manual to O.B. In doing so, he sparked the entire creation of the TVA. He brought a group of people together who would become the TVA’s employees. And because he did that, every event of seasons 1 and 2 thus far could occur.
So in a sense, Loki created the TVA.
But still
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isekai-crow · 4 months
Mashle 2 Episode 2
Other Episodes-> ep1 ep3 ep4 ep5
This episode was a riot. It was so much fun.
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SO many random HP easter eggs and we get some new fun characters!!
Specifically, Margarette Macaron!!
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I love them. Non-binary, music magic, and a love of tartar sauce (and a motorcycle in the ending credits!). (It me? maybe.) Despite seeming like an overused Okama-trope, I have hope based on the spoilers I went searching for. I'm so hype for more of them in the next episode.
VA Squee: They're voiced by Koyasu, Takehito!!! The voice of Dio Brando! Touji Fushiguro! Faust VIII from Shaman King! and Clayman from TenSura!!! A very masculine voice that can also take on feminine tones and a perfect fit for Margarette. Manga Spoiler: I wonder if they'll have another va...
Ep 2 Spoilers Under the Cut! Warning IT'S SO LONG THERE'S SO MUCH.
We open in the middle of the decision to execute Mash or not, and Dumbledore, Harry, and Draco having a stand off lmao
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We learn that Whalberg/Dumbledore is a famous wizard because he fought with Innocent Zero in his youth.
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Does this mean the shadowed Innocent Zero who was called father by Cell War is the equivalent of Grindelwald, and Evil Jesus(Cell War (or cell wall if you wanna be a pun) is Voldemort? (Also is it father or Father lololol)
We get a little speech from Wahlberg reminiscent of one of Dumbledore's speeches, but more importantly, WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF RAYNE ALSO BOWING???
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Also his protecting the headmaster is a cute touch
I get that he is one of the Divine Visionaries, but is he more important than the others? He's still a student, wait, HOW DO STUDENTS HAVE THIS MUCH POWER IN THE GOVERNMENT?? NO WONDER ITS FUCKED UP??? Did I miss something??? (His reasoning for not wanting Mash dead also being the flashback to Rayne thanking him for taking care of his little brother?)
And of course Mashle can't be executed, so they set they give him a task to delay his sentencing...
The original goal Mash had in the first place, so ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
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Them backing the fuck up as Mash punches the floor is fricken hilarious. The best parts though...
1) Innocent Pero / Innocent Gyro - Thats a great subtitle translation choice, because they can't do a straight translation. Mash calls them Innocent Pero, with pero being the onomatopoeia for LICKING something in Japanese (WHATS THAT IMPLYING :EYES:), so Innocent Gyro is a good choice XD
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and 2) the scene cuts to the bad guy's lair... which also seems to be shaking...
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(I went and installed a gif maker for this >.>)
DON'T TELL ME. IS THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS UNDER THE BUREAU OF MAGIC????? (This is my theory and I'm sticking to it. Season 1 semi-stuck with random Philosopher's Stone plot points and the secret rooms, so it can be a semi-safe bet that season 2 might follow Chamber of Secrets?)
We then jump to an outing at the near by town to celebrate Mash Avoiding Death.
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↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ The normal one ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
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Finn is the only actual normal one, WITH STYLE AT THAT, and I love him for it. (However he might also be the target of a Brother Complex and end up on the receiving end if Rayne can get over himself>o>)
The fucking Koalas...
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What The Fuck Lmfao. That's all I have to say (but also this is a common gag for Japanese comedians and high school boys so... Still WTF. (This had my Beetle killing himself with laughter))
3 Wizards and a Macho walk into a wand shop and...
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And the Macho is the one to get a wand. I'm so fascinated by this. How much damage is this thing going to do when Mash finally yeets it at someone???
The entire second half episode is so cute. Mash is so happy to have friends... I'm so happy for him....
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But Also. Poor Finn. Look at these Freaks (affectionate).
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YOU'RE ONE TO TALK. But Also Poor Finn.
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The last bit. Our introduction to Margarette Macaron.
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The fucking... shrimp.
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It took Too Much Time for my ace-ass to realize they're THRUSTING the shrimp into the tartar sauce.
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I love them? I love tartar sauce too. It's delicious.
They are so over the top. I love everything about them.
I've added too many photos to this post and tumblr is yelling at me.
So I will leave off with my hype for Rayne vs Margarette in the next episode!!!
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↑↑↑↑Imagine me making this same face in anticipation↑↑↑↑
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obsidiancreates · 6 months
As My Friend Has Stood By Me, So Shall I (Part 15)
The Treachery of the Trusted (And the Waning Trust of the Treacherous)
Rivendell is quiet and peaceful in a way Bilbo has never known. Even The Shire, with its rolling green hills and soft earth and weather-worn little trees, is not so peaceful as it is here. The Shire has more laughter, more shouting, more mischief- all good things, of course. A mischievous child is a happy and healthy child, and shouting can be of revelry just as much as frustration, and laughter- what worth would life be without laughter?
  The dwarves stay together, in as few areas as possible. Bilbo though, he wanders. He wanders into the libraries, the kitchens, every hall he finds. He’s never had so much to explore in such peace.
He wanders into one room- unlike any others. A statue sits, holding its arms out and around a stone slab as though presenting it. Shards of a sword sit on the slab, and across from it, a mural.
Bilbo stands in front of the mural, trying to piece together what it may be about. A battle, obviously- a great and terrible one. Three figures take up the focus of the mural. A dead man, a living man, and… something else. Perhaps a man. But Bilbo doesn’t think so. Something about the figure, the image… he feels, deep within, that it’s something he’s never even heard of before, or at least heard very little of.
His eyes are drawn up, to the raised hand of the dark figure as it grasps a terrible weapon. Among the gray and black and grim colors of its side of the painting, something… shines.
His lips part as he stares at it. A simple, golden ring, standing out starkly and luring in the most attention. Again, something stirs in him. He has a feeling, somehow, that that ring is important.
He intended to ask about the mural, he truly does. But then Elrond offers for him to stay in Rivendell if he so wishes, and then he (and by chance, Thorin) overhear Gandalf and Elrond arguing, and then The Company is taking their leave.
The moment with the mural fades from his memory before he ever leaves Rivendell, and by the time he’s in the mountains he hardly remembers it.
There’s a knock at the door, and Bilbo groans and covers his ears with his pillow. It’d taken him ages to fall asleep last night, and then he’d had a dream that frightened him- though he can’t recall why. He’d woken with his hand under his pillow, gripping His Luck tightly, and fallen back to sleep soon after.
“We’ve got eggs and bacon for breakfast today, Bilbo,” Bofur calls through the door.
“And Kili and I thought we might take you to the markets again!” Fili shouts. “We saw someone selling cakes like the ones you had at home!
Home. Where a Hobbit might get some much-needed quiet rest after prodding and poking by nosy dwarves. 
“They mean well,” he mumbles to himself with a yawn. “Let’s just go back to sleep.”
And then he abruptly sits straight up, releasing his hold on The Ring. Bacon and eggs! What’s he doing, thinking of turning that down?
“Alright, alright, I’m on my way out!” he shouts back. “Give me a moment, please!”
“We’ll wait for you in the private dining hall!” Fili’s voice fades as he shouts it, his pounding footsteps telling Bilbo that today is an ‘armored and ready for anything’ day. 
He quickly slips his own mithril under his shirt, and then looks at his bed, the pillow- The Ring.
“Can’t eat if we take it with us,” he mutters. “Right, ahem! I’ll be back soon enough.”
He’s not sure who he’s saying that for.
As he walks down the hall, his fingers twitch and tense around where his pockets should be. They wag and wave about his midsection, coming up and then jerking back down. It’s an awful habit. It makes him feel restless. Uneasy. On guard. Even when The Ring is there his hands flutter to and rip away, or delve down and clutch it, roll it, feel for any flaw and find nothing over and over and over again-
He doesn’t realize how quick his breathing has gotten until Oin steps out of the dining hall with Gloin behind him.
“Ya see, brother? Wheezing like those dogs we saw in Laketown!”
“Le’ me look at ya, laddie,” Oin says, moving closer. Bilbo almost jerks away, almost hisses that he’s had enough of Oin’s care, thank you!
But the venom dies as quickly as it rose. Bilbo just blinks, and nods quickly and stiffly.
Oin gives his chest a quick listen, and has Bilbo breathe in and out deeply, before nodding. “Alright, yer fine.”
“Yes, I just had a um- a bit of a panic, back there.” Bilbo gestures half-heartedly behind him. “Thought I saw something, but ah… it’s fine.”
“Seein’ things, lad?” Gloin eyes Bilbo with concern. “Not the first to see things that don’t be there after a war.”
“Or just a bad night’s sleep.” Bilbo nods at the dining room entrance, and they all go in. They take their seats, and the last one left is to Thorin’s right hand. Bilbo takes the seat with a quick twitch of a smile at Thorin, who returns it, and breakfast begins.
For a while, no-one speaks, which is… unusual. They just tuck in. Bilbo gets to a second helping of eggs before he breaks the silence.
“Something’s obviously not right here,” he says with a grunt and a clearing of his throat, “I have a feeling it’s me, so let’s just get it over with.”
There’s an outcry of protests around the table- which Bilbo rolls his eyes at and silences with a shout of “EXCUSE ME!” that the version of himself who’s never left The Shire would’ve begged for.
“I like to think we’ve all been through enough together to not be awkward anymore,” he says pointedly, voice a little low and rough with impatience, “So out with it.”
It’s the ring, the luck, they want your luck-
“Well,” Bofur says, tapping his mittened hands together and drawing his mouth. “Well, out with it it is. You’re skinnier.”
“S-skinnier?” Bilbo is taken aback.
A look passes around the table, something… well, something Bilbo’s not quite sure of. Silent agreement, maybe.
“Aye, skinner,” Bofur continues. “That shirt ou’a be tight on you, Bilbo.”
“We’re worried about your diet,” Ori jumps in, standing up and sending his chair scraping backwards. “We know you’re supposed to be fatter than this.”
“How-how is that your business?” Bilbo huffs a laugh. “I’m eating just fine, thank you! It takes more than a few weeks of decent meals to regain the weight I lost!”
“Have you regained any?” Dwalin asks with a raised brow.
“Of course I have.” Though… not really. “And if that’s all that’s making you lot so terrified to talk to me, I’ll just have a few more plates today. Happy?”
“We’re only trying to look out for you,” Kili says, casting another strange glance around the table. “We don’t want to lose you after all we went through.”
Bilbo breathes out from his nose, long and deep, closing his eyes. When he opens them again they focus on his plate, not Kili, and for a moment his lips stay slightly parted without a single word passing.
And then he looks up. “You won’t lose me,” he assures, looking around to every dwarf he’s proud to call ‘friend’ and ‘family’. “You won’t, any of you. I’m just adjusting to something new.”
“All the same-” Thorin says, finally speaking up and finally looking at Bilbo with a readable expression, one of fondness and… firmness. Bilbo narrows his eyes at Thorin. That looks means something unpleasant is about to be said. “-I think we’d all feel more comfortable if we continued to eat as a Company. Together.”
“For every meal?” Bilbo scoffs. “Thorin, by the time we’ve got a steady supply of food coming in I’ll be having about seven meals a day plus snacks.”
“We’ll do our best to keep up, then,” Balin says with a quick smile.
“You don’t have to keep up! I’m a perfectly capable hobbit on my own! What next, I can’t do outside with a guard?”
Silence. Bilbo looks up at Thorin with fire in his eyes. “Don’t you dare.”
“You nearly drowned-”
“I can promise you, I won’t be doing it again. My time is my own! Now I don’t mind sharing it, especially not with all of you, but it’s still mine!”
“Only when you go to the ramparts… or near water.” 
Fili clears his throat and says something in Khuzdul.
“And the treasury,” Thorin adds with a thankful nod.
Dwalin clears his throat next.
“And the hidden door.”
“The hidden door?” Bilbo stares at Thorin, and then around the table, with his mouth hanging open in a bitter smirk. “So anywhere there aren’t hundreds of dwarves around?”
“More or less,” Bofur says, earning a sharp elbowing from Dori to his left. “Ow!”
“Unbelivable.” Bilbo pushes his own chair away from the table now. He grabs a bit of bread for the road- or rather hallway, and stalks out.
The Company sit a moment longer in silence, Thorin sighing and putting one hand to his forehead.
“Very tactful, Bofur,” Fili grumbles.
“At least I made that good excuse at the start,” Bofur tries to defend.
“Excuse?” Bombur cleans up Bilbo’s plate, a great pain in his eyes. “He barely touched his secon’ plate. I am worried about his ea’in’.”
“We all are.” Thorin still feels the shocking thiness of Bilbo in his arms, the vast amount of weight coming from the waterlogged clothing. “But Fili is right. You were tactless.”
“He wouldn’ ‘ave taken it well however we did it,” Dwalin growls. “I don’ feel right about restrictin’ his freedoms, Thorin.”
“It’s jus’ until we figure out wha’s wrong with ‘im,” Nori argues. “We can’ trust ‘im with his own safe’y right now!”
“This is a free mountain.” Dwalin rises from his chair. “Especially for us, especially for him.”
“Sit, Dwalin.”
At Thorin’s command he does sit, but with a huff and a look at Nori like he’d like to throw him a cell for a few days, like the old time in the Blue Mountains.
“I don’t like this lying, anymore than all of you,” Thorin says, his gaze purposefully avoiding Nori who’d suggested the very plan. “But it’s as we agreed. If it’s dragon sickness, we’ll act quickly. If it’s something else, we don’t know what might happen to him when we confront it. Balin, you’ve suggested it could be the warrior’s weariness?”
“Aye, it might be,” Balin nods. “He was thrust from a life of fifty years of peace into enough turmoil and war to scar any mind. But that trinket he has… I fear it may be making things worse.”
Thorin nods. “We continue with our plan. We make sure he eats, and wait for his pockets to rip.”
“It’ll be over in no time,” Nori says with complete confidence. “Even if it’s just a li’l stone, those pockets always tore open eventually.”
Bilbo stormed into his room huffing, setting the bread beside last night’s barely-picked meal. “Like I’m a child,” he scoffs to the empty room. “Even a child gets some privacy, don’t they? But we get confines and-and lockouts!”
He plops heavily onto his bed and pulls out the pip Gandalf gifted him, along with the Old Toby, and lights his pipe. He blows a few smoke rings, very fine smoke rings indeed.
His golden ring is in his hand yet again.
It had only been a few hours since he’d torn himself up trying to leave it behind, but now… now he feels nauseous just looking at, hearing the whispers, the not-heartbeat, feeling the weight in his hand…
And yet, a thought occurs to him.
“Can’t accompany us if they can’t see us.”
He rolls the ring between his pointer finger and thumb. “Could you hide my smoke ring?” he asks, quietly and with a wavering voice. The sick feeling in his stomach isn’t going away.
The Ring whispers… but doesn’t answer.
“Not that they’d ever see them, with those tall ceilings.” 
“They’d worry though, surely.”
“So what? They’re always worrying these days.”
He frowns a little and tilts his head in agreement to the point. “Fair enough.” He takes one more long drag from his pipe, puffing out the biggest smoke ring yet. “... Maybe just this once.”
His hand stills just before The Ring slips onto his finger.
Something is… something is not, right…
He swallows, staring down, staring at the light of the lanterns glinting off of The Ring as he holds it there, poised at the tip of his finger. He adjust his posture and coughs a little. He still doesn’t put it on.
And then there’s a knock at the door, and a “I think it’s unlocked,” and it begins to open-
And Bilbo is out of the regular world, into the world of wisps and shadows and living air.
Fili and Kili peek around the room. “Must’ve just missed him,” Fili says, pointing at the smoke lingering in the air. “Maybe he went to the markets without us?”
The markets… I forgot about the markets. Bilbo swallows a sigh.
They drove me off in the first place, though. It’s not as though we can’t go later. I just need a bit of privacy first. A bit of time to cool down.
The princes have opened the door a good bit more, whispering to each other in Khuzdul, and Bilbo takes the chance to slip out between them.
Right, now… door, treasury, or outside altogether? Bilbo peers around the halls, listening, trying to discern where the largest gatherings to avoid might be through the hissing words of the air.
They’ll panic if they go looking and I don’t turn up quickly, so not outside. The door is too far away as well, but the treasury makes noise as I move about.
So maybe somewhere a little deeper. A little farther in. Mmm, but it’s dangerous.
And away from prying eyes.
I’m just going to have a smoke, though. I’ll just stay withing hearing distance of the treasury entrance. It’ll be enough for today.
But every other day? When our patience runs out? When we need a moment along, just to us?I’ll just have to learn my around a bit better, I suppose.
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loveiis · 3 months
a bittersweet getaway || chris sturniolo
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chris sturniolo x reader
if u haven’t already.. part one, part two here
SUMMARY: as seniors in high school, you and chris are sworn enemies. but graduating is still a big thing, so matt and nick want to invite you to going to hawaii with them for the summer. chris doesn’t seem too happy…
WARNINGS: angsty chapter, cursing, matts acting weird, awkwardness, kissing, not proofread
A/N: is it obvious i still don’t know how the fuck to warn you whats about to happen bc i dont. im sorry if something is misleading in the warnings but whatever dont yell at me 😭
DAY 2: i love her, i love her not
I WOKE UP, yawning and stretching before opening my eyes. i felt nothing but an empty bed under me, chris was gone. i removed the covers from my warm body and left the room to eat something. “well hello sleeping beauty.” nick called, making himself a plate of food.
i smiled softly, looking at chris and matt eating their breakfast while scrolling on tiktok, the different audios replaying with each scroll. i sat in the stool next to chris, while nick made me a plate of food. “i’m gonna go eat in the living room.” chris announced as he got up from his seat.
did he move because i was there? what did i do? nick handed me the plate filled with waffles and eggs. “thanks.” i yawned again, trying to wash the tiredness off of me. nick slid his plate next to mine as he walked around the kitchen island and sat in the empty seat next to mine.
“chris is acting weird, no?” nick whispered to me. “i guess. i mean— its probably because of the fact that we kind of cuddled last night.” i replied. nick spit out his eggs “WHAT?!” he yelled. matt turned and looked at him. “sorry, matt.” matt turned back to his phone. “what the fuck do you mean you ‘kind of cuddled’??” nick whispered, his fingers curling into quotation marks.
“it doesn’t matter. maybe its just some sort of misunderstanding. i’ll talk to him.” i shrug. i get up from the stool and head towards chris on the couch. “chris?” i called, standing beside him. “what.” his voice had a rude tone to it. “if you’re not going to talk to me you might as well just tell me you wont.” “‘kay.” he got up and left, into matt and nicks room. im confused. wasn’t he the one that wanted to be next to me like that? why is he pushing me away?
i got up from my spot on the couch and disappeared into nick and matts room, shutting the door closed behind me. i didn’t know what to tell her. i can’t just say “hey im in love with you!” because i don’t even understand my own feelings anymore.
she frustrates me, but on the other hand she makes me feel alive for once. but i can’t express the way i feel because i can’t explain the feelings i have. i know she’s confused but fixing that problem will have to wait. i don’t know what to do anymore. i exhale, opening the door slowly. she was standing right outside the door.
i said nothing and walked past her, not even knowing what to say to her. i put my shoes on and walked out the door and headed straight for the docks.
as i walked, i was surrounded by tall grass and sand, seeing one small daisy hidden in the grass, behind the fences. i got on one knee to pick it up, and sat down with it in my hand.
i breathed in, taking in the fresh breeze of hawaii. i started to fidget with the petals of the flower, stopping on the top petal.
“i love her,” i plucked the top petal.
“i love her not” i plucked the next.
i kept repeating this cycle of plucking the petals of the daisy until i got to my answer.
“i love her,”
“i love her not”
“i love her..”
i pulled the last petal, what only remains is the yellow pistil. i sighed, tossing the daisy between the fence. i stood up and made my way back to the house.
i stood there in awe as he had just walked past me as if i was never there. maybe i wasnt there to him. i turned to look at nick, who was already looking at me with a sad face. i stared at nick for a while until he opened both of his arms, inviting me for a hug. i immediately ran to him, giving him the biggest hug possible. matt joined in, putting his phone down. i let go of the hug after a moment.
“i just don’t understand. is it really my fault?” i said, a familiar lump forming in my throat. “no, love. chris just needs time. he has not one brain cell floating in that airy brain of his.” nick squeezed my arms comfortingly. i laughed a bit and stopped the oncoming tears swelling. “he probably doesn’t understand his feelings.” matt spoke. i nodded. okay. all he needs is space. just some space to figure out his feelings.
“i need space.” chris muttered, his hand on his face. “space from what, chris?” i shrugged. “from you!” chris raised his voice.
“from me?? you didn’t seem to need space when you were cuddled up with me last night, now all of a sudden you need space? what kind of shit is that?”
“i dont know! okay?! i dont know!”
“so if you don’t know, why are you acting like it’s all my fault? i don’t understand you! one minute you like me, the next you don’t and you’ve been such a fucking asshole recently!”
“you don’t think i fucking know that i have?! i am fucking in love with you and i don’t know what to do!”
there it was. the words i’ve longed for to come out. i softened my angered face, staring into the blue eyes that met with mine. his face didn’t soften, the only thing behind those eyes was regret.
“i dont understand what i’ve done. you make me so angry yet so happy when you come around and apparently my body can’t handle that so what the fuck am i supposed to say to you?!”
“don’t yell at me anymore. if you want this to be something more than.. whatever this is right now, you need to initiate it. not me.”
“that’s the problem! i don’t know what i want.”
“then come to me when you figure it out.”
i walked out and slammed the door shut. my heart raced as i quickly put on sandals and went out to the beach, to sit and watch the sunset.
i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as i sat down, knees high to my chest. my dad was calling. i felt yet another lump in my throat as tears swelled in my eyes. pressing the red button, i shut off my phone completely.
tears started streaming down my face. if he didn’t know about his feelings why play with mine? i’ve likes him since the fucking 3rd grade and all he ever did was bully me like i was nothing. i guess things never change, do they?
i sat in the sand, the soft sounds of the wind and the water hitting the shore soothed my brain.
“you okay?” i heard a familiar voice speak and sit down next to me. i turned to look at him, the tears still stuck to my face. “no.” i said. “woah, what’s wrong?” panic was plastered across his face. “i wonder.” i said sarcastically, hoping he knew why i was out here being a crybaby.
“im sorry, he’s a dick. he doesn’t deserve such a sweet girl like you.” he wrapped his arm around me, bringing me closer to his body.
“thank you.” i wiped the tears from my face, only to have more coming down. “hey, do you want to go get something to eat?” matt turned his head to me. i paused for a moment, then nodded.
matt helped me get up and wiped my tears for me, holding the small of my back while we walked towards a restaurant nearby.
“i’m really sorry for making you do this, you aren’t involved with me and chris.” i placed my fork down on my plate. “you didn’t make me do anything, i decided to take you out here. you deserve a break.” matt crossed his arms and sat back in his seat. we sat next to each other, so his legs practically took up the whole space between us.
there was a comfortable silence for a moment, the clanging sound of utensils hitting plates and bowls, and the ongoing sound of conversation. “you’re so nice to me. why?” i turned to look at him. matt paused. “i already told you. nick told me to make sure you have a good time.”
“no, you know what i mean, matt. you’ve been nice to me for years on end. it’s not just nick.” matt sighed and looked down at his food. he started to fidget with his fingers a bit. “it’s because i like you. but i could tell that you liked chris already.” matt said. i froze. was it really that obvious back then?
“you still like me?” i avoided eye contact. “yeah. but, you like chris so i stood my ground.” matt shrugged. it was almost as if he didn’t care about spilling his feelings to me. “as of right now, i don’t even really know if i like chris anymore.” i looked at matt again.
matt turned to me almost immediately, staring into my eyes, but switching from my left to my right eye occasionally. “really?” he said softly. i nodded, looking into his eyes.
matt’s eyes changed from my eyes to my lips. “can i.. do this then?” he asked, using two of his fingers to lift my chin and kiss me.
hehe cliffhanger, no spoilers 😝😝 and also im going to stop word counting cuz its lowkey annoying. anyways this chapter def put the bitter in bittersweet 🫠 bye love u 🫶🏽
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Random Things Dr. Iceberg Has Said While Hunched Over His Desk Asleep
Dr. Julian Iceberg is many things. Touchy, sarcastic, a fan of bad ninja movies, a sucker for good pecan pie, and... kinda funny as a sleeptalker. Since he's really gotten up a lot of noses, and Dr. Gears likes me, it's our frosty sourpuss's turn to get teased. Big Boss spilled plenty of iced tea on the subject.
"Wait... since when do we have whoopee cushions as part of our kit?"
"Big banana boy." Repeated ten times, we have no banana anomalies of any kind, as far as I know.
"Silk hose? Really? This the modern age, or the pirate age?"
"I'm gonna keyhaul him right into a volcano."
"No, no, no. No. No. Nein, nyet, non, not happening. I do not get paid enough to paint 682's nails. Ask 053, he likes her. Oh? Why didn't you just ask to borrow my blue polish?"
"For 343's sake, Bright! Naked yoga is an in-quarters only activity! O5 told you this!"
"Dyo. Wash. Your. Bits. I'm getting blinded by your blinged-out dong."
"Why are they green?"
"You're gonna need a bigger gun, Alto." A pause. "Bigger. Like an AC 130 big. Well, don't ask me then. Sheesh."
"Since when did lasagna get on the menu?"
"You have a choice: put on clothes, or get the hose." Long pause. "Gender appropriate clothes. No one wants to see you in a miniskirt."
"Run. Faster. Go faster. Clowns are coming, must go faster."
"Choke on a Deagle, Insurgency bastard!"
"I WILL SHOVE YOUR HEAD SO FAR UP YOUR ASS YOU CAN WATCH ME BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU! DON'T CALL ME 'JULIE'!" No idea where that came from, but that was at 3 am on a Monday. When Iceberg.exe crashes, he crashes hard. He was there for hours, I heard.
"Hey, 076? Settle a bet, please? You wear the loincloth because it's cooler than pants, right?"
"My feet are NOT happy."
"For the ninth and final time, PUT ON SOME PANTS! I want to see a dong, I'll call Dr. Bright."
"Huh. This a cupcake, or the stone 073 used to kill 076-2 the first time?"
"Pffft. So you got a jar of dirt. We have literal God and Foundation funding on our side, my good sir."
"Finally, something Mabel made that doesn't taste of Styrofoam." (aggressively chews file folders) "These hotcakes need some syrup."
"There is no Dr. Iceberg, only Zuul!"
"Dad! Bruce is sitting on me. Again."
"Jack. Get YOUR head out of MY ass."
"No... not the pink snowball suit! I'll be good, Boss, I promise! I don't want to be a snack cake!"
"You don't scare me. I've seen Dr. Gears angry."
"Do I look like I know what's going on?"
"No. Grape. Soda."
"Uh... didn't think Jello shots involved firearms, but your party, Alto."
"This is the weakest coffee I ever had. This isn't even coffee, it's the ghost of Java past. If I set this down and walk away, I bet $100 4999 pays it a visit."
"Eat this, you big ugly undead asshole."
"Leather pants? Hope you powdered yourself, otherwise... ouch."
"Duck. I mean... Duck!" A pause, then laughter. "And now you have literal egg on your face. I told you there was a duck."
"I'm allergic to peanuts. I'll skip "Peanut Butter Jelly Time", thanks."
"Uh... why is there A GIANT FREAKING BUTTHOLE in the Astrophysics Labs?"
"Bugger off, it's my panini."
"Leggo my Lego, Bright! That's my bloody X-Wing, I built it fair and square!"
"Touch my boots, I'll freeze your hands off."
"Coffee. Black. Never mind the mug, I'll drink it straight from the carafe."
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 2 years
Katsuki coming home after an extended shift to Izuku "cooking"
"How tall do you think Bakugou is-" "Five feet eight inches and three quarters." "..."
Planking competition Lmaoooo
"Don't you 'Kacchan' me you little shit."
You by no means have to do all of these! Just lot I'd put a bunch since the brainrot is strong atm lol :P
*cracks knuckles*
my bitches, those i adore, and my non-binary whores-
1. Katsuki coming home after an extended shift to Izuku "cooking"
so katsuki had to pull a double shift at the agency because it was one of those days where villains wouldn't take a fucking rest. he's exhausted and tired and he wants nothin more than warm food and to soak in the bath and sleep for 14 consecutive hours straight.
as soon as katsuki opens the door all he can smell is culinary death. the air itself tasted like pure fucking charcoal. it's like someone made it into a candle and lit it up. and so, katsuki handles it in the most civilized way possible (/s):
and izuku. oh precious precious izuku, he comes out of the kitchen wearing a "kiss the chef" apron, and he has the most defeated look on his face. if katsuki looks hard enough he'll be able to see tears about to fall out.
izuku then explains that he knew how tired katsuki would be after his shift, so he texted mitsuki and asked her to send him her spicy beef curry recipe so he could surprise katsuki with it.
long story short, izuku almost set a lot of things on fire. in the end, izuku gave up on the curry and opened the windows to try and air out the smell. when that didn't help that much, he grabbed all the candles in the house and lined them up on the counter and was starting to light them all up so it could cover up the smell as katsuki walked in.
katsuki then understands that izuku genuinely did his best to make something himself to give to katsuki, and how disappointed he was that the plan failed.
and so, katsuki throws a coat at izuku and tells him "get some fucking shoes on already". izuku is confused but listens, and he takes the apron off, puts his coat and shoes on, and walks out with katsuki. they go the closest supermarket, and katsuki tells izuku to get their favorite ramen cup flavors. katsuki gets a quart of mint chocolate ice cream and when they get home katsuki makes izuku put the apron back on, helps him light up the rest of the candles, then pulls up a three minute "instant ramen with egg" recipe on youtube and tells izuku to make it.
thankfully, izuku manages to make both their ramens successfully and brings them to the dining table, where katsuki's already waiting. izuku apologizes again for making a mess and for not cooking anything worthwhile. katsuki shoves a forkful of ramen into izuku's mouth and says some sappy shit along the lines of "as long as it's you, i'm happy", and izuku tears up again. before he can open his mouth, katsuki gives him a quick but deep kiss. flustered izuku tries to talk but gets interrupted by katsuki, who points down to izuku's apron and said "the apron said to kiss the chef. im just following the rules".
2. "How tall do you think Bakugou is-" "Five feet eight inches and three quarters." "..."
izuku knows SO MUCH excessively useless information and trivia about katsuki that katsuki decides that he's going to make a point so izuku can't ever complain again when katsuki jokingly calls him a stalker.
katsuki's agency sets up a "pro hero trivia night", where fans all pile into a stadium and basically play kahoot with questions about katsuki. the agency explicitly says that this event isn't for other pro heroes, since they already know katsuki well.
izuku (being izuku) decides that there's no way he's gonna let some fan show him up on their knowledge of his kacchan, so he goes undercover and sneaks into the stadium and this man is fucking KILLING IT. there's not a single question that he gets wrong and his reaction times are stupid fast.
as the questions keep coming though, they become things that there's no way for the fans to know (what hospital katsuki was born in, what he likes to set the thermostat on, super specific pet peeves, etc) and izuku is unfazed. the man is on a mission to prove that he knows kacchan best and he does.
the final question in the kahoot is "what is the exact date and time that dynamight proposed to his partner" and people go crazy because the media's never mentioned anything about dynamight being taken? and izuku is like "thats fucking ridiculous he hasn't proposed to me yet" and picks "none of the above" except that its wrong and izuku lowkey panics because he's so confused? until he looks up and finds that the stadium camera is displaying him on the screen and because izuku is horrible as disguising himself when he's alone, almost everyone recognizes him as deku immediately. before he can get swarmed by fans, katsuki flies over the crowd and grabs izuku, then brings him down to the stage that katsuki was standing in. izuku then decides that now is the perfect time to tell katsuki that he accidentally messed up the last question, and katsuki gives him the biggest smirk in the world and goes "did i?" and then he gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring and the entire stadium fucking LOSES it, and after izuku says yes, the date is saturday, september 13, and the time is 9:07, which was one of the kahoot answers.
3. Planking competition Lmaoooo
it starts off as an innocent thing, izuku mentions that he won against kirishima in a planking contest and got free boba, and so katsuki decides that this is a fucking challenge and makes a bet with izuku: four rounds, best out of four wins, and the loser has to do whatever the winner wants. izuku agrees.
and so, they start the first round.....and it ends in a tie after four and a half minutes. izuku suggests that they put a two minute limit and that if it passes that time and they're still both up, they count it as a tie. katsuki agrees. the score is 0 - 0.
they start the second round, and......another tie. 0 - 0.
third round comes and goes....another tie. 0 - 0.
the fourth round starts, and they're both going strong....until katsuki starts moving while in his planking position, until he's planking with izuku between him and the floor. izuku is flustered but not enough to lose....until katsuki starts grinding down on him with his hips.
izuku immediately drops to the floor and starts to crawl out from underneath katsuki, except katsuki decides to suddenly drop all his weight onto izuku, completely squishing him. izuku yells and curses and calls katsuki a menace, but as soon as katsuki turns izuku so that he's facing him and kisses him, izuku stops complaining.
katsuki then immediately reminds izuku that he won and tells izuku to show him the drawings of him his friends kept talking about (damn you shoto, running your mouth obliviously).
4. "Don't you 'Kacchan' me you little shit."
ah, what a wonderful day. the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and izuku is in the hospital because he was reckless. again. nothing new or surprising, but now that him and katsuki are dating, he has to deal with a very angry pomeranian when he wakes up.
katsuki is yelling and cursing and izuku knows that katsuki is worried and that this is how he's expressing his concern, but all he wants right now is kisses from his boyfriend.
so, he flashes his softest, gentlest, most loving and adoring smile, and goes, "i love you, kacchan."
katsuki's immediate reaction is to stop yelling and go, "ah. i love you too."
silence, and izuku is about to ask for a kiss-
"DON'T YOU FUCKING 'KACCHAN' ME YOU LITTLE SHIT, I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU," and katsuki proceeds to yell and lecture some more.
izuku sighs. "dang, i really thought that was gonna work."
its ok though, because at the end of the day izuku got all the kisses and cuddles his heart could desire because katsuki can't handle being mad at izuku for more than 20 minutes
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hughungrybear · 8 months
Me watching Dangerous Romance Ep.7:
1. I'm excited! Who's excited? We'll finally know the aftermath of the kiss. I mean, after Kanghan explicitly told Sailom that all he feels for him is guilt, how would he explain the kiss??? 😤😤😤
2. Waaaaait, hold up. Is grandma sick??? Also, Sailom is back in Kang's house eating dinner with the family but the two still seems a whole lot of awkward with each other. 😶
3. Oh, so Kang and Sailom didn't get to talk? Dammit, Guy and Auto. Also, that's no fair, Kang - telling Sailom you don't want to see him with anybody else but still have not retracted the part that all you feel is guilt and pity for him.
4. I almost forgot that they have connected bedrooms via a shared bathroom. Oooh, the possibilities lol 😅😅😅
5. Kang: "Give it to me straight". Me: "He can't. He is gay/bi." 😂😂😂 Yeah, I'll see myself out 😅😅😅
6. I laughed when Kang asked if Sailom wants to be his boyfriend. I mean, really? Really? Just the previous episode you were ready to punch Sailom for breaking Pimfah's heart and has also broke his heart in the process. No apologies? No backsies?? WTF. 😭😤
7. It's awfully quiet back there that if I'm the car driver, I would be suspicious 😂😂😂 Also, look at Kang's smile when Sailom opened the (bathroom) door for him.
8. Okay, Kang being completely honest about his feeling for Sailom is 😭😭😭😭 but his way of flirting is 😅😅😅😅😅 .
Guys, I died laughing. I already ascended to heaven (or descended to hell, am not really fussy about these things lol)
9. On the bright side, having Kang as a boyfriend means Sailom (and his friends) will never be hangry as he kept buying food/feeding Sailom tasty treats lol
10. Oooh, so Kang decided to start gaining Sailom's friends' trust by bringing them food? What are Guy and Auto, alley cats??? Lol.
11. Oh no! Grandma, be well 😭😭😭 Why were you lifting heavy objects? You are rich! Call someone to do it for you next time 😭😭😭
(Sidenote: My Grandma did something similar. She went ahead and used a ladder to change a lightbulb in her house but the ladder collapse under her weight and she hit her hip. After that, her hip deteriorated as she did not go to a doctor because she didn't want to 'waste' money. She was never able to regain her ability to walk and had to use a wheelchair until she died.)
12. Lightning striking just as Saifah swearing that he will never manipulate Kang's grandma to buy him things is peak comedy 😂😂😂 Also, yeah I don't trust Saifah. No offence but he hasn't done anything (in this series) that paints him as trustworthy lol
13. I forgot that Sailom's fave dish is grilled fish and veggies. But how did Kang know? Lol. See, told you Kang is treating Sailom's friends like pets 😂😂😂 Ngl though, I would have eaten the snacks and still not trust Kang to pull a prank or two lol
14. Wait, did Pimfah really asked Kang or is that an excuse? Also did they tell Pimfah about what is happening them or did they just let her figure things out? 😑
15. I would ignore the fact that Kang raided Sailom's drawers (without asking, mind) to get that shirt, but focus on his relentless cheesy flirting in a public transportation lol
16. Another sidenote: I cannot believe, not even for a second, that Kang's noodle is NOT spicy. For better or for worse, authentic Thai food is almost always spicy even without the chilis. Lol. Also, not related to the plot or story, if it's available in your local Asian grocery and don't mind spicy food, try the MAMA and MAMA OK instant noodles (esp. the salted egg flavour).
17. Tbf, I don't think it is just the spicy noodles. I doubt Kang has any experience shopping in a crowded public market. I mean, as a kid, my mum also used to drag me to our country's Chinatown market (because that's where all the cheap goods are) to shop and hated every minute of it because of the crowd, the heat, and the smell of wet goods exposed under the hot sun.
18. Auto: "We are not down to earth. We are just dirt poor". Harsh, but extremely accurate lol
Also Auto: We don't mind that (Kang spending money on them). Throw it all you want. We're all for it. Throw it this way. Screw dignity! Keep throwing! Don't hold back! 😂😂😂😂
19. Kang's road to romance is a bit rocky. It's a given that Auto and (more specifically) Guy will have a difficult time trusting Kang after the bullying incident in the first episodes. However, Kang's friends are also bonafide a**holes, even without Kang's prompting. 😅
20. Where is my Guy and Nava ship??? I swear if GMMTV does this like they did TiwPor in MSP (as if an afterthought), I WILL RIOT. 😤😤😤
21. Wait a freaking minute. These are high school students. I'm not saying I was a saint at that age, but I drunk beer in the privacy of my friend's backyard lol. Pretty sure underage drinking in a public place like a bar is illegal even in Asia.
22. It turns out, Auto is the worst kind of drunk lol. Also, I believe Chimon when he said Sailom cannot dance. You'll understand if you have seen an episode of the School Rangers 😂😂😂😂
23. Uhm, Miss, stop grinding. He is gay. Lol.
24. I mean, alcohol is not the best relationship starter, but if it will set my GuyNava ship to sail, I will take it (as long as everything is consentual, ofc) 😅😅😅
25. See, it is illegal. But Auto, learn to run faster, gawd dammit. Also, what would happen to Kang? Will his father scold him? I highly doubt it since they have been painting the man as "doting" to the point that Kang cannot disappoint him because he does not expect anything great or good from Kang. However, this might ruin his political dreams, so we'll see.
26. The dad finally getting angry with Kang only because it can potentially ruin his election run is all kinds of messed up. 😑
27. At this point, Sailom has displaced Kang as the favourite grandson lol
28. Ugh, Saifah. What are you planning??? Don't ruin this for Sailom 😭😭😭😭
29. Oof. The cheerleader outfits are cute. They look like Sailormoon's transformation outfit. 😍
30. Why are you flirting in front of everyone's salad, Kang? 😅😅😅 You have a game to play. Focus. 😆😆😆
31. I know people have been pointing out the similarities between this series and BBS. I guess the true test of acceptance is when your bff learns to play well together with your (not-yet) bf in a football match 😂😂😂
32. Kang being anxious that Guy (and Auto) will never like him for missing that goal is 😔😔😔 Also, I commend Guy (and Auto) for being so sharp, it hurts lol. Unlike some "friends" (looking at you, Wai) 🙄
Officially boyfriends!!! Will Kang ramp up his cheesy flirting? Also, Saifah being on Ms Ging's medical team CANNOT be a good thing. The man is not above stealing from patients. I can smell trouble.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Captain/Soldier, Part 5
Summary: who was Soldier Boy talking to?
Pairings: Soldier Boy X Reader
Rating: mildly explicit
Warnings: explicit language, misogyny, forced breeding, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.7K
Series Masterlist
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Your eyes flutter open. Struggling to look around your room. Letting out a strained whimper, when you whisper out, “Steve?” trying to clear up your vision and the figure standing in front of you. Blinking a few times, and you know it’s Steve, but aren’t sure if he’s real.
Trying to sit up, but a heavy arm holds you tight to the hard naked body behind you. “Steve?” you whisper again. His eyes flick to the body behind you before he turns to leave.
“Steve?” your voice more desperate as you call out to him. “Steven Grant…”
A grunt behind you, makes you stop immediately. A deep soreness in your core, when he grips tighter to your arm. “I guess I didn’t fuck you hard enough, since you’re calling out some other man’s name.”
“Soldier Boy,” your voice shrill, as your lip trembles remembering how he pounded into you all night. No rest, no breaks. Just constantly using your body, while he taunted you and Steve.
“That’s better. What’s for breakfast?”
“I-I‘ll make us some eggs and pancakes,” you wait for him to remove his arm, but he still holds you right. “Soldier, I can’t get up.”
Removing his arm, he turns to his back giving a long stretch and yawn, “Well get to it,” unable to look him in the eye you sit up on the bed. Back still to him. “What’re you waiting for?”
“Why are you talking like that?”
His naked body comes up behind you, kissing on your shoulders. He reaches around and pinches on your nipple. Giving the raw and hardened bud a flick.
“You made me a man. Fucked me so good. Now listen at me, it’s like I was born in this era. How long you think I can use that cunt before it’s no good. I had you drenched and leaking of me all night long.”
Not wanting to respond you go to stand, only for your battered and worn body to collapse on the floor. Looking towards Soldier Boy he chuckles at your misfortune.
“Definitely fucked you good. What’s the matter darling, can’t you walk? Don’t tell me I have to be chivalrous and carry you around this fucking apartment. I’ll have your legs wrapped around my waist while my thick cock is shoved so far up your pussy, you can’t see straight. I’ll be so deep, you’ll feel me in your cock sucking mouth. How does that pretty mouth feel Princess?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“The fuck did you just say?” he stands up quickly, pulling your body up to his, before cupping your mound. “It is a bit swollen today. You know, I’ve never buttered a bitch up quite like I did you. You thought you were doing something fucking special. This needy little cunt riding my thigh. Gee golly, ma’am, I was in the fucking army, did you really think that I was a fucking virgin? Your bitch ass boyfriend wasn’t a virgin. You think this pussy is that special?”
“Fuck you,” you spit up at him. Clenching your teeth tightly, you try and push him off of you, to no result. There was absolutely no comparison. He could kill you with a flick of his wrist.
“I mean, we did that all fucking night. Had to lick up your tears, while you just cried please all night long. You didn’t know if you wanted to cum again, me to go harder, or me to stop. I had you full all night. Here’s the thing about super soldiers, we got the best stamina, but you knew that didn’t you? How often did you and that precious Steve fuck? Was it marathons? Did he fuck your face into the mattress like I did?”
“Let me go!” you scream at him. Moving your hand up to smack him across the face, only to leave him chuckling at you.
“Maybe you were right. You know, I was tasked with two things with you. One was to bring your cuck boyfriend Steve out of hiding, and where is he?”
“What else?” you ask him, just stalling for time.
“We’re gonna save that for when Steve and his friend arrives. Is he going to pimp you out? You think that pussy can stretch around two super soldier cocks? You want a third?”
He kisses you hard on the mouth, pulling back, and you see his eyes flutter. His neck twisting around unnaturally, as he gives a grunting scream, “No!”
He drops your body to the floor, and you scramble to crawl away. While Soldier Boy seems to be in a battle with himself. His hands go to his ears, when he screams again. “Stop it!”
“Get her out of there!” another voice makes you look at the window when you see his menacing figure. Seemingly thicker than you remember. His hair longer, when he struts towards Soldier Boy. “Steve, get her out of here!”
“No!” Soldier Boy screams again. He looks at you, and you see a pleading in his eyes. Looking different than he did only moments ago. “No!”
“Steve, don’t,” he turns his head to look at you, his eyes, for a split second, going behind you. Your own head turns, and you take a deep breath. Suddenly feeling smaller than you ever have before. Surrounded by super soldiers, and you feel even more weak than when you couldn’t even stand, “Just, don’t. He’s…”
“Did you just hear the disgusting things he was saying about you? Bucky, get her out.”
Bucky grabs at your arm, but you shrug him off. Soldier Boy still shakes his head back and forth, gripping tight to his ears, while you hobble closer to him. Pressing your hand against his cheek softly. “Soldier?”
Those bright green eyes open to look at you, before scrunching close, screaming out another no, before you say his name softly again. “Hey, what are you fighting in your head?”
“Soldier, look at me,” he focuses his gaze on you, slowing his motions down, until it’s panting breath.
“What the fuck does Homelander want with me?” Steve asks, his body never far from yours, worried about what this new man could do.
Soldier Boy’s eyes stay directly on yours when he goes to answer, “He wants to take down the Avengers. First was S.H.I.E.L.D, but you did that. Now, eliminate you. There’s only room for one.”
“What did he want with me?”
His eyes to glossy, and he starts to shake his head no. “I know he wanted Steve, but you said something else. What was it?”
“I’m sorry.”
Bucky pulls Steve back to him, while they whisper, but your eyes stay on Soldier Boy’s, “This isn’t you is it?”
“Not fully,” you cock up an eyebrow, giving him a smirk. “I don’t really talk like that. The dame and gee golly shit,” you start to remove your hand, but he places his hand on top of yours, sighing.
“Princess?” you turn around to look at Steve. His eyes roam down your body, before back up, “I’m sure Bucky enjoyed the introduction, but please, both of you get dressed.”
You watch as Bucky looks away with his cheeks going all rosie. Doing everything he can not to look at the two of you. “Right. Soldier, cover your business up.”
Steve watches, untrusting as the two of you dress before he looks back at Bucky, “What?”
“He’s not right. You said he was on ice, where?”
“Russia,” both the men look at Soldier shocked when he answers. “Nasty experiments.”
Bucky pulls Steve away, turning him to where his eyes can stay on you before whispering, “He’s brain washed. Like me. You remember what Butcher said, he’s strong enough to kill Homelander. If you were Homelander, what would you do?”
“Keep him under my control, and get him to do his bidding, but why her?”
Bucky flicks his head over towards you, looking at Soldier Boy as he smiles fondly at you. “He’s in love. Super soldier that can be controlled and has a weakness. They want to destroy the Avengers, what better way to start than America’s golden boy. She got a golden pussy or something?” Steve only nods, giving you a smile when you look at him sheepishly. “And you still left.”
“I had to find you.”
“And left her fucking vulnerable with a bunch of psychos. What’s his other play? He still hasn’t said. Soldier? God do you not have a real fucking name?”
“I don’t remember it,” Steve rolls his eyes, looking back at Bucky. Being too far away from Steve, and wanting to just have him hold you, you walk over to him; hands around his waist and head on his chest.
“What was your other mission?”
“I can’t,” his eyes drift over to you, looking longingly at the gentle way that Steve sways you back and forth.
“I was tasked…Princess, I’m sorry. I’m very…fertile.”
“What?” you finally register what he had said, spinning around to glare at him. “What the fuck did you just say?”
“Vought wants to prove that super powers can be genetic. We were made, but what if a child can be born into powers? It’s happened before.”
“I’m gonna be sick,” you groan, starting to walk away from them, when you stop to glare at him. “I liked you.”
“Doll, he was under Homelander’s control,” looking over at Bucky, you finally pay attention to his face, and definitely need to get away from them. “So you’re Vought’s backup plan if Homelander becomes too much to control.”
“Now I am. Hey, and you’d rather me than Homelander. He was the original one asked to pursue you,” you can’t handle this information. Needing to get out of here at all cost.
“I need a nap.”
“You just woke up,” Bucky responds.
“It was a rough night.”
“They know,” you remember the taunting words that Soldier Boy screamed in the night. “They weren’t far away. They heard every bit of it.”
“I outta have your dick cut off,” Steve glares at him.
“What if I told you, Homelander needed to be taken out? He’s abusing his powers. Killing innocents. Would you help me?”
Steve and Bucky look at one another, sharing an odd silent conversation, before looking back at Soldier Boy, giving him a nod.
“Gotta see the mission through Doll, that’s what soldiers do.”
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Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @rebekahdawkins @johndeaconshands @autumnrose40 @thedarkplume @headrushxreeta @punishmepunisher @ccmarvelxx @thebitchinleo @perfectlyfuckingsick @feyfantome @mochierose @phoenixdoll @kae217
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thebigrewatch · 9 months
TASKMASTER : SERIES 1 : EPISODE 3 : The Poet and The Egg
Hello all, same day, just had lunch and more choccy buttons so I'm ready to crack on with another episode. And that was a good pun from me because this episode is called The Poet and The Egg!
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I can't really remember this episode at all so it'll be good to look back on it. I've got a meeting in an hour so let's get to it.
I don't understand why Greg stands up to introduce everyone, it's a bit odd.
Prize Task: Most Meaningful Item
Tim Key has brought in a piston. He explains it to say he won the Edinburgh Comedy Award and he kept this piston which was part of his show when he won it. We also get a good bit of chat here about Greg booping Romesh on the nose which continues throughout the episode as I recall.
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Romesh has brought in his wedding ring. So it's high stakes! Something's telling me he's not getting that back.
Roisin has brought in a dictionary. This is the first instance of someone bringing something like this in.
Josh brings in a lovely item which is a self-published book from his father, a string of angry letters he wrote in the past. He describes it as a 'slice of life'.
Frank brings in his child's hobby horse which is very sweet. Roisin comes in last place, then Josh, Tim, Frank and Romesh. I think that's a fair assessment! Task 1: Throw a teabag into a mug from the furthest distance. Frank already confident, saying he played cricket in this youth. He points out straight away you need wet tea bags. Roisin only brings one bag out then realises it needs to be wet. Romesh on the other hands spends a long time with dry teabags. Frank gets a box out to try and make a sort of funnel for the teabag to go into which is a great system. This leads to a great discussion about whether a box was available for Romesh or not. In another task further down the line they see a box in the background while they're showing Josh's efforts and they say 'box!' so funny.
Josh goes down a strange route of using a wheelbarrow as a mug for tea. He drinks out of it, it looks pretty disgusting!
Tim has the same idea as Frank I guess but makes it far too complicated by involving one of those things people use to throw tennis balls for dogs, and putting the teabag inside a tennis ball. I don't think it's quite in the spirit of things but it does the job.
Task 2: Oh I like this task - they have to draw a picture by walking, kind of like a human etch a sketch. The weather for everyone is nice...except Tim who is doing it in absolute horrendous torrential rain. Josh does a lovely little flower. Roisin wants to draw a sausage for Greg! But it sort of ends up looking like a golf bag.
One thing I will say is I love the music over Tim's one. He tries to draw a key but then crosses it out and ends up with sort of nothing. Tim describes it as the worst hour of his life.
Romesh does a great one of his own head which looks amazing!
Frank does a hobby horse but it doesn't look very good.
Task 3: Buy the best present for the Taskmaster, here is £20, you have 10 weeks.
This is another great moment. I mean the others aren't even worth talking about really but I'll go through them and get to Josh.
Tim - book tokens
Frank - see behind me glasses, these are quite cool actually, he puts them on and can see behind himself
Romesh has a brilliant picture made...I'll let it speak for itself! He says it's to show Greg is 'all terrain'
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Josh goes next but I think it's too good to leave here so I'll skip to Roisin's and come back to Josh.
Roisin gets Greg a mouse!
Josh gets Greg a tattoo with his name on his foot! The reaction from Greg and the audience is priceless.
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I don't really know why they left Roisin until last because it comes in a bit flat after this excitement but there we are. There is a fun bit though where Roisin says the mouse is called Greg and Josh quips back 'I've got a tattoo of his name!' Of course Josh had to win this one.
Task 3: Using only the items currently on this table, get this egg as high as possible. The egg must not break.
Tim says the phrase 'another day another egg' which I enjoyed. The thing about eggs is they are designed not to break on grass so that's a good call.
Romesh does a lot of titting about with the paper and measuring tape before piling it all up and putting the egg on top.
Roisin throws it up and tries to catch it but it of course goes badly wrong and falls to the floor and cracks.
Tim tries to make a sort of olympic torch out of the paper but it falls off and smashes on the floor.
Josh and Frank have a similar idea of wrapping the egg in paper and throwing it. Josh tries to cover the floor with scrunched paper to cushion the fall but it doesn't quite land in it, however it doesn't break because they are naturally robust against falling on grass.
Frank's egg comes down and nearly knocks him out! Sadly it does break :( So Josh is first and Romesh is second.
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Live task: Stand up after 100 seconds. This is your typical not great live task, just waiting for 100 seconds to arrive is a bit dull. One thing I did enjoy was, after all the box chat with Romesh, Alex gives him a box while he's sitting there waiting for the 100 seconds.
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Roisin goes, then Josh, then Tim and Romesh at the same time and then Frank goes. Closest to 100 seconds was Josh at 105 seconds. Well that's it then, and it's a tie break situation!
Josh and Romesh have to give Frank Skinner's age in minutes which ends up being about 30 million and something or other (numbers aren't my friend). Josh ends up being the closest to this so he wins and Romesh loses his wedding ring!
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exp123mon · 8 months
Frontier watching
27 - The Double Spirit Miracle! Beowulfmon is Born -DOUBLE SPIRIT!? Ohoho so seems like maybe we're getting Frontier's equivalent of Ultimates(Mega)/Jogress??? -I love when Izumi contacts Takuya via the Digivice, the first thing Tomoki and Junpei do when he asks if anybody's spoken to Koji is to take their own devices out and get straight on it. Aww I love these kids looking out for each other. -I like the Fire vs. Ice and Light vs. Dark thing they had going here hehe. -Cool shot of the Light symbol behind Koji when Duskmon holds him up and attacks him. -bruh the florist in Koji's memory was so rude lol "Why have your parents only been married for three years?" um that's called my personal business now wrap my friggin bouquet haha -Bokomon goes into labour lol did I just walk into a fanfic?? -Beowulfmon appears! So he's visually a fusion of the Human and Beast 'mons, but it's not a literal DNA/jogress. -BOKOMON WHAT IS YOUR DEAL. The evolution song stops and they just have Neemon like sniffing after he asks Bokomon how he knows Beowulfmon's name. SUSPICIOUS. I literally half-joked in like episode 3 or something that Bokomon was secretly the ultimate evil this seris. Maybe I'm right rofl. (I'm sure it just means "it's in the book how do you not know that by now") -We end on Koji asking himself… "Who was that kid who looked like me?" OH WELL THEN. That's even more intriguing then just "omg it's (insert brother's name)!" I would've suspected we'd have gotten some comments from the other Cherubimon mooks about Duskmon specifically being "the new guy" if this guy were Koji's relative/friend/whatever but it still wasn't impossible. Seems like it's not that simple. -By sheer coincidence I skipped the intro this episode and I went back to see if it had changed, even just to include the double spirit digimon, it hasn't. Kinda cool they've actually left a bit of mystery with the evolutions this time. Although maybe they figured people would've thought Beowulfmon was just Wolfmon if he was only on screen for a brief flash haha -NEW OUTRO… which I don't think I will watch since I feel like it has the potential to spoil too much at this point hahaha
28 - Takuya' Fusion Evolution - Ardhamon's Explosive Techniques! -We open on Mercuremon's haughty chortle -In retrospect I don't remember much about this episode just because I was pretty invested and not really thinking much about the tiny things -Mercuremon's ability to appearing in any reflective surface is cool -There was some good music this episode--I didn't mention it for the last ep but the Double Spirit theme (like when the light beams out of Seraphimon's egg, not when they're actually evolving) is really nice -BlackSeraphimon! This feels like the first time a Digimon anime has done the actual "changed its form based on the data it absorbed" thing that Digimon is kinda supposed to do lol (I mean there was something like-ish in Tamers with Beelzebumon but that was more a "don't get power hungry, idiot" symbolic thing). I've never even heard of it before so it was a cool surprise. -Honestly this episode had the vibe of a final confrontation, like ultimate or penultimate episode level stuff, I dig it -OMG BABY IS BORN!! Make sense since Seraphimon's data is finally released. I'm curious what Patamon and Bokomon's relatioship is gonna be like haha -I enjoyed these episodes inside Sephirotmon but I'm glad we're moving on now. Can't wait for what happens next, I really like this series.
29 - Escape! The Phantsmagoric Sephirotmon -Sephirotmon floats away, then returns seemingly in better shape. Patamon speaks!! And doesn't just say "pata pata" like when he was first hatched, I was worried about that haha. All the kids love the baby, and Beowulfmon is seen chasing Duskmon who vanishes… That's a lot before the title drop. -Sephirotmon has the energy of a boss in an RPG who wipes the floor with you and you're like "oh okay unwinnable boss fight" and then you just get the game over screen lol -Nice to see Takuya learning from the Duskmon fight and directly taking into account his friends' feelings in the midst of the fight when he considers fleeing the best option -The scene where Sephirotmon chases the kids into the crevasse then through the tunnel actually made him seem really gross and creepy haha ew -The darkness scene was really well done here. Soooooo many games and anime harp on and on about darkness but like… never explain what it is or how it manifests. Here it's literally just as simple as darkness makes you dumb and submit to more basic instincts. It robs you of your intellect and rationality, making you lash out. Amplified, this extends to being actively cruel and violent to other people. Nicely done, Frontier. This puts you ahead of like 99% of all anime ever lol -Fortunately Takuya is really stepping up as a good leader and brings the team together. I love the comeback against Sephirotmon too. You can copy their attacks, but can't take into account their growth. Like, yeah, it's kind of on the nose but that's literally just it haha -I like how it wraps around that even with all his power, Sephirotmon was alone when they defeated him. He was never friendly with the other Cherubimon mooks (evil Legendary Warriors?? I dunno how to refer to this group lol) and maybe not being so callous to each other might've saved them in the long run… (sidenote I really wish some anime story sometime would take the "power of friendship" thing but apply it to everyone, including the villainous group(s); friendship doesn't mean virtue and goodness, it means bonds between people, even if those people are the opposite of virtuous and good, but that's a ramble for another day) -Okay all the Cerubimon mooks are DOOOOWN and we end on Cherubimon ominously saying about breaking a seal--a seal on itself?? Or another Digimon/power?? And once again we see Beowulfmon a final time… KOJI AND NOT-KOJI WHO ARE YOOOUUU -I didn't think I'd write this much about this episode, between it being combat heavy and me being very tired but here we are!
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themagnusbane · 2 years
Gap The Series Episode 02 Thoughts
1. Everyone calls her Mon. But you can call her future wife. Love of my life. Walking goddess. Baby girl. The choices are endless Sam!!
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2. Hfffgghhfhh. Or babe. Babe is a good pick too 😂😂.
3. Aaaaaand we have our first eye-fucking of the episode!!! This show’s like we know lesbians. Half of their foreplay is eye-fucking, and we aim to be as accurate as possible. To which I say, thank you for the blessing and consideration 🙌🏾🙌🏾
4. Oh Sam dearest. She’s not saying you’re old. She’s calling you Mommy!! 😏
5. Hear that “Your Line in my phone. Now” voice??? And you wonder why she calls you Mommy 😂😂
6. I feel you Sam! If my crush gave me their jacket, I’m never washing it, or taking it off!!!
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7. Thanks for clearing his dumbass Mon. He really has no claim to jealousy. Also, dumbass legit thinks it’s straight behaviour to be obsessed with a woman and plan your life around her for over a decade 🤣🤣🤣🤣
8. Mon you silly child. Send the message!!!
9. Find you friends who call you stupid as a sign of affection 😂😂
10. I swear if this show doesn’t end with Sam’s grandmother living alone in that big empty house, finally coming to the realization that her entire family hates her, and she’s the only one to blame, and the sisters reunited and celebrating over having broken away from the chains of her control… I will be so pissed!
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11. You go Song!! Tell her!!!!! I’m guessing this is probably going to play into a lot of the hurdles that Sammon will face cuz something tells me Sam will have Song in mind every time she’s with Mon 😭
12. Kade is the only one in this friend group with sense. Thank you Kade!!! 🙏🏿🙏🏿
13. I too communicate with stickers. And I too overanalyze the messages I send to my crush. I feel so seen 🥹
14. Mon is fighting to hear that “good girl” from Mommy Sam, and honestly… valid. Very valid
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15. It took you 8 missed calls? EIGHT???? Boy you’re lucky. If I was Sam, you’re done.
16. Yo! Sam really is in high demand. Mon, you have some stiff competition
17. And now there’s the head on her thighs, soft lights and smiles, with soft music and soft hair stroking this scene is so soft. My heart!!!!!! Kiss you two! Kisssssssssssssssssss!!!!
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18. Urgh! Kirk you pussy blocker! We were about to get a kiss!!!
19. Same Sam! I’m as pissed as you that she picked up Kirk’s call!
20. “I want to be useful”. Gahhhhhhhhhhh! Words I don’t know her. I am grinning, swooning puddle!!!
21. She’s dealing with a migraine but still wants Mon to let her know when she gets home so she knows she’s safe. Oh Sam. How do you expect her not to love you??? 😭😭
22. Also bitch! What do you mean by she should stop being formal with you? You were the one who told her not to call you Sam remember????
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23. Lol! Not the “no text. Call me instead.” And the I want to hear your voice subtext.
24. Sam. Sweetheart. We know you like her. But she can’t read your mind. This yo-yoing of her emotions is going to come back and bite you in the ass!!
25. Sam I see you!! Sneaking in some snack delivery to your crush cuz you just can’t apologize for making her cry the previous night. Smh!
26. Mon is like nah. Lady is another word for bitch. And I’m not getting bribed into not feeling like shit cuz of some confectioner. If you want to apologize. APOLOGIZE. Girl!! I marvel at your audacity and I’m in awe of your spine! Go Mon! 💪🏾💪🏾
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27. If not that Sam’s grandmother is attempting to force him on Sam as a husband, I might have actually liked Kirk. He understands her, and gets her and can read her. Now if only he could stay in friends territory, instead of the drama we are heading into, I would have absolutely adored him. Urgh!!
28. Sam. Full sentences my love. Not everybody speaks Sam. 😂🤣🤣🤣
29. I swear. Sam and Kirk’s friendship is the only good thing about this attempted forced marriage
30. Kirk you deserve the world. Just not with my girl Sam. But I shall spend this entire show praying that you find your own love. You are too good an egg to be unhappy 💚
31. She’s trying to scare you Sam 😂😂😂
32. Urgh!! What is with this assumption that the man waiting for her (even though she never asked him to) is her boyfriend?? Nop doesn’t stand a chance in hell. Everyone else seems to know but his dumbass. You cannot puppy your way into her pants. It’s not going to work!
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33. Sam. Sam. Sam. Your jealousy is showing sweetheart 😂😂
34. Sam is so proud of her ghost tactics. Girl, Mon is better at this game than you 🤣🤣
35. Becky’s little tongue poking at the side of her mouth thing just made me moan. Make of that what you will.
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36. Yup. The eyeglasses being pulled down thing is hot as fuck.
37. That next episode preview?? *quietly* what the fuck?!
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