#it was for a creative writing class
leighsartworks216 · 2 years
I also just discovered why I like the Silent Hill 2 soundtrack so much and it’s not just purely because 1. I love the game or 2. it’s the perfect mixture of 2000s buttrock and spooky ambiance, but because it’s probably considered brown noise, which is a lot more helpful to my brain than white noise
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bixels · 4 months
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Posting a sneak-peak of this now because I'm about to be In The Shit school workload-wise, so this'll take me a while to finish.
Doing some character design exploration/expression sheets for Celestia and Luna. Figuring out Celestia's weird ass anatomy while I'm at it.
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thebramblewood · 2 months
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Exciting news: I now have a story page and a characters page! They're pretty basic at the moment, but I'm hoping to think of some fun stuff to add later. For now, you might find a few new nuggets of insight in the character bios! I just wanted a cute little hub for readers new and old to find everything they need in one place. Let me know if you think anything (or anyone) major is missing or if you notice any errors. Here are all the character portraits. Aren't they cute? And thanks to @buglaur for the incredibly easy to modify template!
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
Danyal Al Ghul's missed potential - this kid is not gonna behave like his canon self if he's with the league of assassins until his late formative years, and my reasoning why
(feel free to take this all with a grain of salt this is just my thoughts on it, this is all mostly amusing to me and isn't trying to be negative towards anyone else)
similar to how i was talking about how danny growing up in crime alley would affect him, demon twin aus with danyal al ghul make me laugh a lot (affectionate) because... whose teaching danny to unlearn all the ecofascism he picked up from the league of assassins? whose teaching him to be kind? to be gentle? Not the LoA thats for certain.
(you could plausibly say Jazz but she's only 2 years older than Danny and do you really expect a fellow child to properly explain why X is wrong to another child and have it be 100% effective? i don't doubt it'd help to an extent, but not in the same way an adult explaining it would)
plus a ton of other things, like whose teaching him to value human life? not the LoA. Whose teaching him how to adjust to living with American society after he ends up with the Fentons when he's 8-9-10? Who teaches him that killing is wrong, whose enforcing that?
(not the Fentons if you're going the neglectful parent route, and Jazz can try but i really don't think Danny is going to listen to her, a stranger who isn't even part of his grandfather's league)
How do you teach a child to value human life when the greatest development window for that opportunity has closed and he's already formed his own opinions?
You're not gonna get a Danny whose exactly like his canon attitude if he's staying with the league during his formative years (0-8 years old). you're not. You could get someone LIKE it, potentially, or someone who has traces of it or is similar -- like danny's wit and jokes and sarcasm, and on some level his kindness. but you're not gonna have a carbon copy. Development doesn't work that way. "nature" can only do so much in the face of nurture.
If anything, it doesn't even have to be a major change -- in the league he cans till be kind, but it's probably going to manifest in a different way than what is considered normal. Tough love, for one. But there's gonna be something that affects him negatively. Why make him 'always good/kind' when you can make him a brat who develops into a kinder (if spikier than in canon) person?
TLDR: Danyal Al Ghul would not be like how he is in canon if he's with the league until his late formative years -- not without any lasting pr permanent impacts from the league at least. Missed potential to make him an absolute nightmare like damian was -- especially in his early years when he first arrived to the Fenton house.
(this doesn't apply to danyal al ghul aus where he's either given to the fentons as a baby/is reincarnated/etc. this is mostly aimed for danyal al ghul aus where he fakes his death at like, 7-10 and somehow ends up, personality-wise like his completely canon self by 14 without any differences.)
(and even then if he's five or four, or even three, he would still be traumatized and influenced by the league. he'll just have more time to adjust. the sooner he leaves the league the more likely he is to be like his canon self, but not like an exact copy)
(more under the cut)
Anyways what I'm saying is that there is prime missed Danyal al Ghul potential to make him an absolute NIGHTMARE to the Fentons however way he ends up with them, just like Damian was with the Waynes! Cuz why does Damian get all the fun? Danny got the same training and endoctrine as him! He is also an ex-assassin! Why is Danny the only one who is 'well adjusted and non-violent' hm? Hmm?
Why can't he also be mean, and stabby, and a total stuck-up in some way or another? Have fun with his characterization, its prime opportunity to play play-doh and clay with him! If he starts out as X how does he get the personality traits of Y, and thus become XY?
Like take this with a grain of salt if you will, but make him arrogant. Make him an asshole! Make him a bad person at first! Because he will be! He's the blood son of the batman and you mean to tell me that damian is the only one arrogant about it at first? Make him stabby and mean even at 14 when he's begun to chill out! Have fun with it! If he's with the Fentons at any point past the age of four or five then he's gonna be a nightmare to handle because he still remembers the league and his time there.
(and while it gives him more time to chill the hell out, his time at the league is still gonna leave an impact on him.)
also what im saying as well is have him and sam potentially get along like a house on FIRE. Again, Danny grew up under the views of an ecofascist cult and nobody to challenge those views to him until he got to amity park at whatever age in late formative years he was at. He could be about as intense or even MORE intense about environmental awareness/rights than Sam is!
(also him being supremely unimpressed with Sam's wealth. he gave up a palace in the mountains for this town. because that's funny to me - like let his past have more influence on him! it'll be fun!)
you could have a danny who doesn't kill but doesn't fully understand the value of human life because jazz is like two years older than him and isn't that good at explaining why people's lives are important. he won't kill but he's not morally opposed to it. there's very little chance he actually gets bullied at school because he nearly killed Dash the first time he tried anything.
Danny could have scars, physical ones, because its implied in multiple canon that training starts at toddling (my best bet is 3 at minimum and ~maybe~ 2 but only on the later side of 2. Good fucking luck getting any infant under 2 to do anything you ask, ESPECIALLY assassin training. They're gonna stick the weapon in their mouth sooner than they're gonna do katas. This is coming from a daycare teacher.)
there's more examples of how danny being at the league during his formative years would affect him, but those are just some of them. he could have a sword! An appreciation for weaponry and nature. Maybe he still speaks all shakespearan and formal, does he still make bodily threats to people? If Damian is still threatening people at 14 why can't danny?
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#tldr danyal al ghul has a ton of missed potential of what his behavior would be like if he left the league mid-to-late formative years#this post is specifically directed towards those danyal al ghul posts where he ends up with the fentons when he's like. 8#like great. who taught him to unlearn all of the LoA's programming#how is he exactly like he was in canon despite being with the LoA during his early childhood#source: i've taken multiple child development classes#this isnt to bash those aus at all its just me thinking its hilarious that danny would even remotely be like his canon personality#especially if he's in the league long enough for damian to remember him#like i love danyal al ghul aus i just think there's not enough being taken into account about how the league would permanently impact him#especially if he leaves later on in life#people are not ponds they are puddles of mud. if you drop a rock into it it's gonna change its shape#its also good creative exercises on how to flesh characters out better and better understand how things in a story may impact a character#good thought exercises with the additional bonus of making danny a violent gremlin like damian is#i dont wanna say this is bashing but i guess it is kinda a criticism on the writing in those aus because you’re telling me this had NO#affect on danny on his personality beyond just ‘oh league bad. league scary’?? cmonnn have some fun#like you mean to tell me that being a child assassin had no lasting impact on him or his personality?? like at all???#he doesnt have an ounce of self-importance/arrogance/anger like damian did?? like none of that *stuck?* he’s just the normal and sane#sibling right off the bat??? five years with the fentons turned him into a complete blankslate?? he has no lasting impact from the league??
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pinkrose787 · 2 years
So there’s been a couple posts here admonishing first person POV in fics, but the more I think about it the more it pisses me off. 
There this post that goes like “Sees the word I: I did nothing. Fuck off”. But, like if your friend was telling you a story and they went “I saw a dog on the street today.” You’re response wouldn’t be “I did nothing fuck off.” Instead there wouldn’t be a reaction like that, because you understand that you’re friend is telling you a story. When they say “I” they mean themselves and not you. 
That’s the same way it is in fanfic. It’s the narrator telling you a story about what happened to them. Not someone telling you a story about something that happened to you. 
I haven’t seen any sort of post like this about regular creative fiction yet, but if I ever do I will go apeshit.
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brahkest-fr · 1 year
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another lil freak for my lair
her name is Babygorl and she has seasonal allergies
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thebirdandhersong · 5 months
Madeleine L'Engle on self and art: "When we are self-conscious, we cannot be wholly aware; we must throw ourselves out first. This throwing ourselves away is the act of creativity. So, when we wholly concentrate, like a child in play, or an artist at work, then we share in the act of creating. We not only escape time, we also escape our self-conscious selves"
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arpeggio · 2 months
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this is the first poem i've written in a while, and although it's not perfect, it's very dear to me. titled revision of the fourth of july.
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chellustrates · 6 days
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couple of interactions between the girls
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edwards-exploit · 9 months
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Troublesome Tangmere and 249 Squadron Reliable Rebecca!
In an ideal world, we could've had a story where Tangmere causes good old Sundrian Confusion and Delay and then promptly eats shit.
Rebecca as 249 Squadron wasn't my idea, but it's been ingrained into my head nonetheless. I like the idea of a Rebecca that spent most of her life in scrapyards and storage and then still coming out singing- quite literally! But the trauma of it is still very much there, just... lingering. I imagine 'What Rebecca Does' was one of those moments where her anxiety and self doubt got the better of her- she only spent a short while on rails, and while she did pull expresses like The Night Ferry back on the mainland, here on Sodor it seemed that everyone is much more.... experienced and worldly and cool, and most of all, they got modifications and rebuilds to work around their design flaws while Rebecca is still very much an unrebuilt bulleid pacific. Poor girl's not sure what she can really do, after all these years and with her mechanical problems. This isn't even getting into when she WAS in service- her family was fine, and quite loving actually- and the ex SR engines were a decent sort! Everyone else, however...
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theotherpacman · 7 months
most of the time I think my religious trauma doesn't bother me anymore
last year I took a creative writing class
I had my narrator take the lord's name in vain once or twice
(I like to do it, now. now that I can.)
I didn't think altogether too much of it because my story wasn't about god at all
it was just about guilt guilt guilt
but my professor called attention to the way my narrator said god when they were angry
"almost like prayer," he said
almost like prayer.
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writingtheother · 3 months
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Webinar: Writing Inclusive and Emotional Sex Scenes
Writing emotionally charged, sexually explicit scenes in fiction can be challenging no matter what genre you write. This webinar will provide a deep dive into writing inclusive sex scenes that are true to your characters and are memorable for your readers.
EDSE certified sex educator and author Thien-Kim Lam will walk students through the elements of a sex scene, creating chemistry using sensory details, exploring emotional arcs during love scenes, accessibility considerations when crafting these intimate moments, and much more.
This is a live webinar with a combination of lectures, discussion, and generative writing exercises. There will be discussion about the writing exercise but you will not be sharing your work in class.
When: March 17th, 2024 – 9AM – 4PM Pacific Can’t make the live webinar? Register to get the recording after Where: Online — Zoom Classroom Price: $100 – $150 Scholarships Available | Deadline: February 27
Please visit our website more details on registration options, required texts (if any), technical requirements, our accessibility statement, class audience, and the scholarship application.
👉🏾👉🏾 Details and Registration 👈🏾👈🏾
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likethelastwoman · 3 months
see, the problem of being a non-native speaker is that, even if i know the language, i can't tell if something is wrong unless i really focus on catching my mistakes
for example, i had "writes IN ao3", instead of "writes ON ao3" on my blog for almost a YEAR, and i KNOW what the correct preposition is, it's just that it doesnt sound wrong to me unless i think about it
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Sam’s love is a shooting star. It burns hotter than the sun but Dean clutches onto it. Its meant to fly millions of miles an hour but he wont let go. It just keeps heating up the longer he holds it. It scalds his chest and burns the calluses off his hands. It’s blinding as it shifts from red to yellow to white until settling in a deep glowing blue. Dean is determined for it to burn in his embrace until it either fizzles out or consumes him.
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bitegore · 7 days
what is my fucking intro to creative writing professor's FUCKING PROBLEM
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