#its not something we can 'push aside and deal with and apologize for later' its ACTIVELY MAKING THE SITUATION WORSE AND NEEDS
snekdood · 6 months
if ppl telling you "jewish ppl in israel were already kicked out of other countries and have no where else to go" makes you feel compelled to call whoever said that a "zionist", I really just dont think you give af about jewish ppl's lives quite frankly.
if your "free palestine" means "getting rid" of all jewish civilians in israel I think you're probably just a heartless asshole.
#two state solution ftw#or at least something along those lines#yelling at average jewish ppl who ARENT in israel is antisemitic#anti semitism- no matter how 'big of a deal' you think it is naturally makes jewish ppl feel unsafe by default#where do they go when theres nowhere else thats safe? you guessed it- probably to israel.#which is WHAT netanyahu wants. he wants scared controllable civilians to think hes the only one who can protect them#so you being anti semitic and not checking yourself on it or being 'whatever its nbd' about it is making everything so much worse#STOP BEING SO FUCKING APATHETIC FUCK ILL BEAT YOU UP TO MAKE YOU FEEL SOMETHING IF I HAVE TO#i dont feel like i can in good conscious reblog your 'free palestine' posts bc idk wtf the op thinks about jewish ppl being in#israel. and at this point i dont have faith in leftists to not notice the antisemitism in some of these ppl and call it out#its not something we can 'push aside and deal with and apologize for later' its ACTIVELY MAKING THE SITUATION WORSE AND NEEDS#TO BE ADDRESSED RIGHT THE FUCK NOW#maybe jewish ppl wouldnt be calling it 'self defense' if yall didnt keep being antisemitic and making them feel like they have to cling#to israel to stay tf alive. fuck.#OBVIOUSLY the response to what hamas did is disproportionate and affecting more people than israel says it intends to target#but thats the govt. and actual regular people are worried about their families. its disproportionate and probably being used as an excuse#to genocide palestinians but this wouldnt be happening if hamas didnt basically GIVE the israeli govt the excuse to do it.#free palestine. from hamas and from the israeli govt. and dont have genocidal intent toward jewish ppl.#thats all i want.#hamas' escalation did nothing but hurt everyone and make things worse especially for palestinians.
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hoxooster · 3 months
On the DesBea situation:
I would've added my thoughts to the original post, but as I am not a part of their Discord server, I didn't think that that was any bit appropriate. However, I wanted to share some of my own personal experiences with her, so that y'all can see that her behavior in their server is a continuing pattern--I don't have pictures of what she said as proof, sadly, but I will explain why.
I'm also gonna slap this under a Read More. I apologize for its length, but the original callout post should be enough of an explanation as to why this post needs to be as long as it is.
And, as a quick aside, if any of you wish to completely block DesBea, NOT HARASS HER OR FEED INTO HER BEHAVIOR IN ANY WAY, be aware that her usernames are:
If any of you know of any more, please tell me, and I will update this post. I don't want to be around her anymore than most people who've also interacted with her do.
About 2 years ago, I was invited to lilspacewolfie's server, Red's Ramblers, and I very quickly became a moderator there. Over time some people joined and a few left, but Ramblers remained stable through it all. DesBea joined later on into the server's lifespan, was around for awhile, said some nasty things, was given a warning (in the general), and just left without saying anything one day. After reading the screenshots in the callout post, I'm actually quite surprised by how much of a fit she threw in her efforts to make you guys apologize to her. Much like in the original post, with her gone from the server, things improved for everyone else, but the whole ordeal was rather confusing for all of us, in the aftermath.
See, DesBea was trying to be just as harmful in Ramblers, but it never really went anywhere.
Her hateful and self-pitying tendencies were the same around us as it was in their server. She really loved to talk shit about Yadoking and her writing--she would do this both in passing on random posts in the server, and while some of us were in-call when we'd play Payday 2 together as a group. It never smacked of genuine criticism for Yado's writing ability or style, as she only ever used childish language when doing it, and she would always do it right before she would try to push her own ideas and fics onto any of us who were online at the time. She was even trying to bully lilspacewolfie--which I will go more into later--over the tiniest of things. DesBea, in all of her posts, was either pushing someone else down, trying to make us all read about her rather disturbing fic ideas or headcanons, or trying to make herself look like the victim by claiming that she 'had bad experiences with abuse in the past' and that her 'PTSD was triggered over something someone in Ramblers had said' when we were trying to halt her bullshit.
It was all very aggravating to deal with, to say the least, but it also didn't have very much staying power, since most of us were just ignoring her in the server. And I do mean that, as most of the users in the Ramblers Discord server refused to interact with her posts over time, and people usually ignored her whenever she tried to insert herself into their conversations. It's probably why she left without much of a fight when lilspacewolfie posted "If you're being an asshole in this server, you better stop that shit right now" in the general chat. (That's not what she said, but y'all get the jist.)
Now, as for her bullying behavior in the server, I can't say for certain if she was targeting anyone besides lilspacewolfie (and badmouthing Yado from time to time, who wasn't even in the server), as I'm not a very outgoing or talkative individual. Despite the length of this post, I'm naturally quite taciturn, and even though I was a moderator in Ramblers, nobody in the server ever messaged me about any issues that they were having with anyone. But, I can say with accuracy that DesBea would go out of her way to harass lilspacewolfie--the creator and owner of the Red's Ramblers Discord server. Whenever she would join calls while we were playing together (but she was just watching from the server), she would only ever type in the voice chat channel, where she would wax poetic about her own fics and get rather offended that 'lilspacewolfie was intentionally ignoring her'. If we were playing a game of Payday 2 with her, DesBea would intentionally follow lilspacewolfie around as a character that she didn't particularly care for and spam callouts to scare and irritate her. And, when another user in the server was having an issue that caused them a lot of distress and made them go quiet for awhile (which had nothing to do with anyone or anything in Ramblers, when they were asked about it), DesBea tried to blame lilspacewolfie for it based on a lighthearted joke that she had made that dogged on Houston. So, not only was she trying to harass lilspacewolfie, but she was actively trying to turn others in the server against the owner of the Discord, as if she could muscle her out by making her out to be a villain.
Over a joke about a FICTIONAL character.
Because she started insinuating that lilspacewolfie had caused another user to 'go into a depressive spiral, and chased them away from the server with her insensitive comments about Houston', I got involved to shut that shit down. DesBea was always weirdly attached to me, because she had DM'd me a few times on Tumblr in the past. I can only guess that she thought that these few smatterings of messages made me her friend, and since, apparently, some people here think of me as being "Mr. John Payday", she figured that she could use me as an intimidating wall to hide behind whenever she was called out on her bullshit.
She was wrong.
After a while of still trying to get others in the server to hate lilspacewolfie for 'being mean to one of the other users in the server'--who ended up coming back once their mental health had improved, by the way--she finally left after the "Stop being a dick" post, and it took us a couple days to notice. So, all-in-all, it was a very weird and irritating experience, but, in this context, it shows a worrying trend of behavior that she ended up spreading to other servers.
Now, like I kind of glossed over earlier, I WAS a moderator in Red's Ramblers. (I ended up leaving the server last month due to personal reasons that're not germane to this situation, and I have no desire to talk about it on this forum.) As I was still a mod before I left, I took the time to delete every post and reaction made by people who were no longer in the server--this amounted to 7 people, DesBea included. So, all of her posts that I could've screencapped as evidence are gone, and even if they were still there, I wouldn't have access to them anymore, anyway. In fact, the only thing that I have left is this picture I took of my response to her whole "You're a bad person for hating Houston" spiel that she was going on and on about:
Tumblr media
(I censored this to give some privacy to the person who DesBea tried to use as a cudgel to smack lilspacewolfie with blame for their condition at the time. Even though most people here probably won't recognize them from their in-server nickname, I didn't want to take any chances.)
But, anyway, as you have read from the callout post and these personal anecdotes that I have provided, her behavior in their server was an unsurprising, but also a very worrying trend that has effected at least 2 Discord servers and a good chunk of some of the people who were or still are in the Payday fandom.
If anything that y'all have read over these posts has angered any of y'all to the point of harassing her, PLEASE DON'T. Don't send her hate--anonymously or not. Don't engage with her. Just block her and make sure that others in the fandom are aware of her behavior, so they can avoid her if they wish to as well.
And, again, please tell me if she's operating under any usernames other than the ones I've listed. I was tired of her bullshit a long time ago, and I have no desire to entertain her further under yet another pseudonym.
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ioannemos · 1 year
You are so right, "we'll go carefully" is THE Locklyle otp tag, I get why people love "just reckless enough" but tbh it pales in comparison! The latter is at its most powerful when considered in light of the former! "We'll go carefully" is the DEFINITION of quotes that live in your head rent-free and complete rearrange the furniture
YES and you know what else? it's not just about lockwood seeing lucy as someone to care for and nurture instead of just use, or how unlike the adults in her life he sees her fears and insecurities as valid, or even about him understanding that this is a unique situation that none of them expected to deal with. it's about making her part of the team, the family, and not just that but also letting her call the shots! possibly for the first time in her life!
it's also about how, since he's letting her set the pace for how fast they explore this totally unique situation, he's going to give up control and his place as the most special person in his own house to her
AND it's ALSO how giving her this level of respect and control and acknowledging that she's the special one means he's going to have to be more careful! bc she doesn't want to do this recklessly and she's calling the shots, so if she wants to stop, things have to stop. he can't keep pushing, heedless of the danger, uncaring if he gets hurt bc this time, it won't be him getting hurt, it'll be her
AND. it's ALSO. about the Future Possibilities. bc now that she's seen what him being really reckless is? now that she knows how bad things can be in his head? you know she's cashing that in. like yeah she'll pull out "just reckless enough" when the situation is deteriorating and they're all risking their lives and he does need to dance on that knife-edge. but when the situation doesn't call for it and he isn't careful enough? when it's something a little more run of the mill and he uses flippancy or arrogance as a cover for disregarding his own safety? you know she's pulling him aside once the yelling is over and he's trying to apologize for stealing the spotlight or putting her in danger. you know she's pulling back her sleeve to show the fading scar on her wrist and saying with tears in that quiet, fierce voice of hers, "you told me we'll go carefully. we. that means you too, lockwood." and he starts to prevaricate a little bc that was about the skull, right, and she gives him a shake and tells him if she can't trust him to take care of himself on any given job, no matter the danger, how can she trust him with the really important stuff? it's one of those moments where he's rendered speechless bc he wants to argue or defend his actions but she's said something that's making him Rethink Things and see his actions in a new light, so after a minute of struggling silence he just nods and without meeting her gaze says, "you're right, luce. of course. i'm sorry. i'll be more careful." and she surprises him bc instead of just being like 'see that you do' she hugs him. and then she says something like "you scared me, you dick" and he sort of laughs and apologizes again and hugs her back
and then poor george comes into the doorway, stops, sighs, and then says a little loudly that dinner's ready and if anyone wants to join him he'll be in the kitchen. and later at dinner he also calls lockwood a dick while lockwood's mouth is full so he can't object and lucy laughs and lockwood gives her a slightly wounded expression that just makes her laugh harder
...well, this got long. i love these kids. does it show?
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crazy-a-45 · 1 year
Look Royalty In The Eyes ~LH
I’ve worked for the Hemmings since my father died when I was 5 and we had no source of income. My mother was in desperate need of money, she spent lots of time doing odd jobs until she was offered a job in the Hemmings palace for the royal family and since she was known as a very honest and loving woman she quickly got the job. Then my mom was faced with a choice, leave me and progress in her new profession full force or take me with her and take me and have me learn alongside with her and thats exactly what she did and I still remember the first day I began working in the royal palace like it was yesterday.
I was scrubbing the floors with my tiny hands when the royal family was announced. “May all rise and bow to the royal Hemmings family” I large fat man bellowed. In response every maid in the bowed.
“Good afternoon your highnesses.” All the maids called to which I mimicked a little late causing the queen to take notice of me.
“And who is this little one?” She asked bending over as best as she could in her corseted dress to my level.
“My dearest apologies my queen it is our first day here and I promise she will learn the correct behavior very soon.” My mother rambled trying to get me out of whatever trouble was ahead.
“Nonsense she’s just a child, how old are you sweetheart?”
“Five” I answered playing with my skirt.
“How sweet. Why i have a little boy just about your age. Lucifer!” She called past the two older boys and who stepped aside revealing a boy only four inches taller than me.
“My name is Lucifer Hemmings age seven prince and youngest born.” He announced stepping forward and it was very evident he had no interest in the words he spoke.
“Good afternoon prince Lucifer my name is (Y/N)” I introduced holding out my hand for a shake. He was hesitant at first but eventually shook it.
Later that night when I went into his room to get his laundry he kind of bombarded me with questions
“Why are you working here?” He asked blankly sitting in his bed. “My father passed away six months ago and we need to make money.” I answered bluntly picking up the clothes on the floor. “May I ask you a question.” “Sure, go ahead.” “Are you happy?“ I asked bluntly. “Not really” He answered honestly His answer truly shocked me. Surely anyone in a royal family with endless amounts of money would be happy. “what do you mean not really, you live in a house the size of my village?!” I asked dumbly. “My brothers aren’t really that interested in hanging out with me and I can’t leave the palace so I don’t have any chance to make friends and… I don’t know it just gets lonely sometimes.” he confessed. “Let’s make a deal, I’ll be your friend only if you promise to be mine.” “That sounds like a good deal to me.” “Then can I call you Luke… Buddy.”
Since that night Luke and I have had been inseparable and we've stood by each other through everything, even during the worst of times.
“(Y/N)!” My mother called weakly from her bed, she first fell ill on my 13th birthday and for a year I’ve been picking up her work in the palace as well as mine and taking care of her. “Yes mother?” “You know I love you, right?” “Yes mother." "And I know you can take care of yourself when I’m gone.” “Please don’t do this mother!" I begged. She started talking about my life without her for a week now and it made an uneasiness settle in my stomach. "We have to sweetie I don’t have much time.” she admitted “I’ll go get you something to eat its lunch time.”
It didn’t take long after me leaving the room for another maid to call for me in distress. “(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Come quick its your mother!” Pure fear ran through my body as I dropped everything and ran towards the maids bedroom. I pushed through the slew of maids blocking my mother’s bed and everyone confirming the worst scenario as everyone apologized with teary eyes. Even though my heart knew the truth it all became real when I saw her lifeless body, I couldn’t contain my feelings anymore in one blood curdling scream I let them be known to everyone. Within seconds the person I need the most was by my side. “Lu-Lu-Luke she-she’s-” “shhhh, its ok I’ve got you.” he comforted holding me as I cried. “Luke I have no one now” “Look at me (Y/N).” he commanded sternly shaking me slightly. “You have me, you always have, always will ok? I will always be here to take care of you.” he stated looking straight into my eyes.
Ever since that day four years ago our relationship hasn’t changed and it seemed like the only thing that stayed the same for Luke since his 18th birthday. More pressure was placed on Luke to find a wife since his brothers had found their soul mates and made the unpopular decision to rule over their wife’s land so he had a chance to be king. For 2 years I watched as woman after woman try to seduce him with no success and I listened to countless arguments between him and his parents about his insatiable desires. On the other hand I was happy he didn’t find any woman suitable for him because it gave me some hope. I knew I loved him ever since my mother died, he was the only one that stood by me and comforted me. But who was I kidding Luke was destined to be a king and the only thing I’ve accomplished in 13 years was being a trustworthy and hardworking maid I had no chance. After some time, tired of his games, the king and queen began to hold grand and lavish balls to show him the array of princesses he could have. In other words these balls were my worst nightmares.
Luke’s POV:
The balls my parents held were large enough to make anyone sick, they only held them to show me the large array of royal maidens that were ready and wiling to be courted by me since as of now no one really met my expectation. Despite their frustrations they showed me countless woman they deemed expectable for me to marry. Currently they were shoving Madeline of the North down my throat. She was said to be loyal, intelligent, charming and ravishingly beautiful, seemingly perfect but I wasn’t as captivated by her as everyone else was. As we half hazardously waltzed I saw (Y/N) walk by to clean up tables and collect the dirty dishes to wash them upstairs. I shamelessly watched her make her way around the room becoming distracted by her, so much so that I barely noticed Madeline’s muted apologies as she continuously stepped on my feet. I continued to watch her gorgeous form gracefully walk around the room until she picked up her last dish making her way upstairs. My heart jumped a little as she began to walk out of my eyesight. Without a second thought I drew up an excuse to get away. “My apologies I must use the washroom.” I lied walking away without hearing my response.
I made my way upstairs seeing her form standing in front of the sink washing the dishes. I walked slowly and quietly towards her until I was in close proximity to her body and reached my arms around and grabbed her arms to slightly shaking her immediately making her turn around and let a gasp slip from her lips. “Luke! You know I’m jumpy!” she scolded splashing a little water on me. “I know but your reaction is just too funny!” I giggled. “How’s Madeline?” she teased drying her hands. She knew exactly how I felt about all the woman I encountered, I’ve found myself voicing my distaste to her on more than one occasion. “Ugh you would think a girl so highly regarded by everyone would dance a little better.” I groaned playing with the gold buttons on my white jacket. “Now you’re just being picky.” “No seriously you could probably dance better than her.” I stated. “Luke I’ve never waltzed in my life” she informed in slight disbelief. “Come here” I ordered softly. She looked a little unsure but eventually she took my outstretched hand. I pulled her in and started dancing to the muted music that played downstairs. “Don’t look down look at me” I instructed. “ Am I doing alright.” she asked nervously looking directly into my eyes. “Perfect, already better than Madeline.” I joked to hear her melodic laugh. At the conclusion of the song I gently dipped her and when I rebalanced her and looked into her eyes I saw something different. Something that I don’t let myself see all the time and right now, I couldn’t help myself. After years of ignoring this light in her eyes in this moment I couldn’t hold back, I leaned in and kissed her. And when I did I felt something I hadn’t before, something that no one has ever made me feel.
My closed eyes were ripped open when I heard footsteps. I tried to elongate the kiss as much as possible but when the foot steps got closer I tore my mouth from her and rushed to the other side of the kitchen. Luckily it was only my mother, she was one of the few in the palace who was extremely understanding of my relationship with (Y/N)… or the relationship we had before that kiss. “Lucifer Madeline is waiting for you.” my heart sunk a little as she said this. For a moment I forgot about my reality. "S-sorry, I’ll be right down.“ I stated looking back at (Y/N) seeing her turned back towards the dishes and wiping the corner of her mouth with her thumb.
End of Luke’s POV
Its been a week since Luke kissed me and took my breath away and I’ve been avoiding him. Its not that I didn’t know we needed to talk I was just scared of what he would say. As the days went on it became harder and harder to avoid him and do my job since my job was to mainly to make sure he was well taken care of. Today was laundry day and I had to have his clothes done by tomorrow morning so I decided it would be best to go in at midnight to collect his laundry while he was in a deep sleep. Opening the door I looked around and all I saw was pitch black darkness so I assumed he was already fast asleep and worked skillfully making my way around his room  picking up clothes from his favorite places to throw them considering he wasn’t the cleanliest of people. When I made my way to the dresser I felt an arm reach out beside me to flick on the light switch. "Hello (Y/N) long time no see" Luke half heartedly joked. I stayed stiff without making a sound. "Do you regret kissing me?" he asked slightly saddened. "No’” I sighed “Then look at me please” he begged holding my shoulder. I took a deep breath before turning myself around and what I saw made me gasp, there he stood at full length naked as the day he was born. “My god, Luke you’re naked!” I whisper yelled shooting my glance up to the ceiling. “I have a couple of things I need to talk to you about.” he paused taking in my features for a moment almost oblivious to how strange this encounter really was. “ I-I love you (Y/N) and I always have but I didn’t know it until I kissed you. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it but know that I do it all makes sense I thought something was wrong with me, all theses suitable woman were offering themselves to me and I didn’t even give them a second glance but that was because I met you and got to see how beautiful kind and smart you were every day and I couldn’t help but fall for you. I know that I’m meant to marry a princess but I can’t even think of being with someone other than you.” he confessed grabbing hold of my hand. “I love you too Luke I’ve known since the day you stood by me in the worst of times and when you kissed me it gave me hope, hope that maybe we could be together.” “We can be together and I'll make sure of it.” he promised tilting my head slightly downward to kiss my lips softly still holding my hand.
“May I confess something else to you?” he asked biting his lip. “Yes my love.” I stated granting him permission. “I’ve seen you undress.” he uttered smooth and seamlessly that I almost didn’t register what he said. “W-w-what?” “I went to go speak to you two days ago a-and y-you were undressing but I didn’t see all of you.” at this point Luke seemed hot and uncomfortable as he tried to continue his recollection. “Though I would have liked to” this confession shocked me, I never thought of myself to be sexually arousing to a man but here Luke was rigid member pointed towards the sky like a sword. “I’ve been so hard since that night” he whispered hotly in my ear moving my hand to his hardened length. “Look at me my love, look at how hard you’ve gotten me.” “Luke-” “Just look at me (Y/N)” he begged wrapping my hand tighter on his length. Ever so slowly I casted my glance to his member stiff and flushed waiting for attention. “May I see you (Y/N)? All of you?” he asked slowing his eager fingers from undoing my corset and skirt without permission. I nodded slightly and timidly and Luke giving me a kiss to reassure me and pressing his forehead to mine to show me that this wasn’t just purely for sexual arousal, it was for an emotional connection too. Before long I felt my skirt and undergarments pool at my feet then shortly after the release that only came with the loosening of a corset and I instantly felt self conscious and took the hand off his member to cover myself up. “Don’t.” he demand sternly placing my hand back on his shaft. “You’re beautiful.” he complemented staring at my breasts. The longer he stared the more shy I got but oddly enough his intense glare also made my body excited. “I want to make love to you” Luke blurted. “But I’ve never been with a woman before." he admitted still mesmerized by my bust. "That’s because it is sin to engage in pre-marital coition.” I protested knowing we’ve committed plenty of sins tonight. "But I would marry you right now if I could my love. Before you my life had no purpose I wouldn’t give that up for the world.“ he reasoned pulling me into a reassuring hug. "I know but it’ll be more special if we wait until marriage.” I coaxed nuzzling into his shoulder. We stayed cuddle to each other until Luke grabbed both of my shoulders and pulled my naked form away slightly “We could do other things” he proposed with the upmost of hope in his eyes.
It took me a moment to realize what he meant, two years ago after Ben’s abrupt marriage I heard his conversation with his brothers, them voicing their excitement and enthusiasm about ‘going down on a girl’. The conversation was rather long since Luke had so may questions but after some thought I couldn’t wrap my head around it either and I couldn’t ask them since eaves dropping was against the rules they gave us on the first day, so I used my resources. I walked to the maids room to see an older maid, Rosaline, who, as she said, 'committed her fair share of sins for money’ for a few answers. Her first response was to laugh since its not everyday a 16 year old asks sexual questions out of the blue but she eventually complied and in the slew of her explanation she threw in a couple of pointers which I was now thankful for.
“Please let me show you my love.” he begged kissing my hands. I bit my lip trying to deny myself of the my sinful desires but they were strong and overwhelming. “O-Ok” I agreed shrinking under his intense gaze. It didn’t take more than a moment  for him to wrap his arms under my bottom to pick me up and make the short walk to his soft luxury bed. “Be gentle please.” I asked timidly as he left open mouthed kiss on my neck lovingly taking his time. "I just want to worship your magnificent body" he nodded kissing his way to my collarbone. My attention shifted upward feeling incredibly insecure, in seconds my eyes shot back down with a high pitched moan. His head was currently attached to my nipple, sucking on it like a newborn baby during its first meal. “Does that feel nice?” he asked lowly and taking a nibble of me. “Luke” I moaned as he switched sides giving both equal attention. “Yes” I groan touching my hair as he smirked. He began to make a trail of kisses down my body to my center as I felt and heard  him take deep breath before he pushed my knees up and spread them. “My lord” he gasped and at the sight of my moistened lips. “I-I’m nervous” he admitted looking up from my center. “You don’t need to be, you don’t have to be perfect we’re doing this to show each other our love.” he nodded in response with a new determination in his eyes. he shifted a little before swinging my legs over his shoulders. My legs jolted around his head as he took his first bold lick up my soft spot. “F- sorry” I apologized for almost swearing and almost suffocating him with my thighs. He only chuckled before he repeated his action but stopped to stimulate my clitoris with slow gentle flicks and ever so often looking up at me to gauge my reaction to see if what he was doing was ok. I was too enchanted by the pleasure he was giving me to notice his stiffen tongue wiggle its way into me. “ Luke you can’t-” I tried to protest while his tongue lightly stretched me but was cut off by him and the pleasurable vibration his speech gave my lower half. “Just feel my love baby don’t worry about sin.” he coaxed  reaching his thumb to my clit while his mouth never leaving my body. “Luke I’m going to climax!” I moaned squeezing my eyes shut and arching my back. “Don’t stop looking at me baby.” He commanded placing my hand on the back of his head making me push his head further into my body and hooking his arm under my arched back pulling me further into him. “I love you Luke.” I screamed as I found release.
Luke’s POV:
I crawled up from my position between her legs and cuddled her flushed body. I caressed her arm and kissed her forehead trying to ignore my painfully hard member. When her breathing slowed she turned her head and giving me a smile while biting her lip, begging for a kiss. I dipped my head down to capture her lips with mine, but soon after my eyes shot opened and my mouth was forced away from hers. Looking down I saw her small hand wrapped firmly around my member pumping me slowly. “B-baby” “You showed me your love I want to show you mine” she whispered innocently. “B-but this was about you” I stuttered trying to mask how much pleasure I was getting from the simple action. “No this is about showing each other our love.” she pointed out. Before I had the chance to protest she was kissing my neck. “Like this Luke?"  she asked genuinely shifting her body to straddle mine and releasing my member. "Yeah, just like that” I moaned breathily. My body soon jolted from the feeling of her slit touching my member. “Sorry" (Y/N) apologized moving her lower half away from mine as I grit my teeth trying to subdue the my excessive desires while she continued trailing her mouth down my chest. Finally after what felt like hours she reached my erection and gripped it once more gawking at my size and staring directly up at me as she licked up my length. Keeping eye contact she took the tip in her mouth and sucked on it gently. "Mhmmm, this feels so good.” I whimpered inwardly as she began to slide her mouth further and further down my member inch by inch. “You take me so well” I encouraged gripping the sheets trying to keep my hands to myself. She moaned around me while stoking my thighs making throw my head back,  she later shocked me even more when she took me as far as she could in her mouth that her throat closed up around me making me abruptly sit back up and watch her innocent eyes with my eyebrows furrowed . Sustaining our eye contact she took me out of her mouth and firmly stuck her tongue between my slit. “Put me back in your mouth! Put me back in your mouth!” I moaned wide eyed gripping the sheets tighter. She giggled before complying not thinking much of my request but soon enough her eyes went wide when my ejaculation hit the back of her throat making her hold me still in her mouth.
She slowly slid me out of her mouth being careful not to let any of my warm seed leak out. “I-I should get you a tissue” I stated getting ready to get up but was stopped when she gripped my upper arm. She looked at me with her puffed out cheeks before she took one large gulp and her cheeks returned to normal size. For a moment I stood in awe in complete disbelief that she swallowed something that my brother had said was uncommon. “I love you" I sighed laying back on the bed cuddling into her. "Luke I-I should get going if I’m not back in the maid’s-” “(Y/N) I promise you’ll be back in time I just want to stay with you tonight.” I whispered tightening the arm that was slung around her. “Fine” she agreed cuddling into my shoulder
End of Luke’s POV
My eyes slowly opened to the sight of Luke’s peacefully sleeping form and the sun just peeking over the trees casting shadows of oranges purples and blues around the room, almost an hour and a half before all maids were due to wake up, just enough time to get the laundry from last night done. Carefully peeling my naked body from Luke’s I redressed myself, grabbed the dirty clothes including his from last night and gave him a kiss on the forehead knowing that the ideal situation would be to wake up to each other, but this was the best we were going to get at the moment. I made my best efforts to be quiet and not wake the rest of the palace and when I made it to the laundry room I thought I was in the clear. “You have a lot of nerve you know.” Head master Joseph growled from behind me making me turn around. “Good Mor-” “Don’t you dare speak!” he bellowed grabbing my arm and throwing me towards the cement wall making me squeal. “How dare you! How dare you commit such sins with poor Lucifer?! You think that you’re good enough to be his wife?! You’re a dirty maid and a prostitute. I thought that you would wise up and recognize your sins after you kissed him but then you spent the night with him and corrupt his innocent mind and only lord knows what you made him do.” he screamed slapping me across the face. I’ve seen him discipline other maids but never getting so personal as to use his hands and not his whip. “How would the King and Queen react to this, especially the queen, she entrusted you with the care of her son and you rob his innocence. YOU’LL BURN IN HELL FOR YOUR DEEDS!!” he insulted again balling his fist and hitting me again with no sign of stopping soon.
After my beating I was expected to continue my work like nothing happened like the other maids did, except unlike them I was covered in suspicious bruises. Head master Joseph already warned me about talking about what he has done since I was well aware of the rules, in no way was the head master supposed to be excessively abusive by hitting us with anything but the whip, but what’s the use in telling anybody what happened, he was telling the truth. I wasn’t good enough to be Luke’s wife I was probably just a way to pass time before he found a princess he wanted to be married to but despite my realization I still had to do my job. I tried my best to get into Luke’s room and do my job and get out which seemed to be impossible. “Good morning my love” Luke greeted hugging me from behind and kissing my neck. “Prince Lucifer That behavior is highly inappropriate and should be ceased at once.” I stated sternly moving my neck away from his plushy lips. “Why are you talking like that?” he asked turning me around. His mouth fell agape and eyes wide when he saw my bruised and cut face. “Prince Lucifer if you find me bothersome I’ll request to be reassigned” I offered ignoring his question. “(Y/N) what the hell are you talking about I love you and want to marry you! Last night-” “Last night didn’t happen.” I growled trying to hold back my tears. “Madeline will be visiting sometime this week Irina will be here to help you get ready when she does come.” I informed letting a single tear run from my eye immediately making me wipe my eye before it reached my cheekbone. “(Y/N) don’t do this we love each other I-I’ll even tell my parents about our love right now and we’ll get married as soon as possible, just please.” Luke cried trying to hug me. “Don’t” I warned biting my cheek to try to stop more tears from rushing out. “I have to get back to work.” I stated feigning coldness.
Luke’s POV:
“Lucifer Madeline is here for her visit!” my Mother sing songed. “Are you rea-” my mother paused walking into my room. “Gosh, Lucifer why aren’t you ready? And when was the last time you bathed?” she asked with a look of disgust. “Doesn’t matter,nothing does” I stated blandly. “What are you talking about?” “Promise me you won’t blow a gasket?” I asked sitting up. “What is it?” “I’ve fallen in love.” I confessed. becoming teary eyed. “That’s wonderful news, sweetheart nothing to me saddened about.” “But I fell in love with (Y/N) and we spent the night together but not fully but I don’t know what happened. One night we’re professing our love to each other and now she’s bruised and acting like nothing happened.” I babbled now sobbing into my hands. “I love her Mother, and if being with her means I will be banished from the palace, then-then-” “Don’t be ridiculous Lucifer” she stated cutting me off. “I’ve watched your love for each grow for years and despite the fact that she isn’t a princess that doesn’t mean anything to me. I want my son to be happy and I can’t fathom you being with anybody other than her. I know we’ve been pushing for you to find someone but me and your Father both want the best for you.” She sympathized taking hold of my hand and looking into my red eyes. “Get dressed. I’m going to make sure you marry the woman you love.”
End of Luke’s POV:
I was in the middle Head master Joseph’s laundry when I was called by the Queen. Looking down at my rolled up sleeves for a moment before I rolled them down to cover the few bruises and scars that covered my arms before making my way to the source of the call. “Yes my queen?” I answered before fully entering the kitchen and when I did my gaze instantly dropped to the floor at the sight of Luke. “Good afternoon (Y/N)” she greeted lightly. “Roll up your sleeves please.” she commanded gently looking at me with the same tenderness she always had. I looked up at her with wide eyes being met with a stern yet soft stare. I directed my attention back towards my arms reluctantly rolled up my sleeves. As soon as the first few marks were exposed I heard Luke’s breathe hitch in his throat. “What happened” “I received a beating from Head master Joseph.” I stated holding back the tears from the experience. For a moment I looked up and saw Luke react the same way while sucking his teeth. “This seems excessive to be a regular beating. What made him feel entitled to beat you like this considering you’ve never been in anyone’s ailments?” I paused for an elongated period trying to build the courage to say the truth because I surely wasn’t going to lie. “What happened the night you went to go do my son’s laundry?” immediately dropping to my knees pressing my palms together  and begging for forgiveness. “My dear queen I’m sorry, I’ve done unexplainable sins I will spend the rest of my life paying for them. Please don’t have me slew.” I cried pressing the nape of my thumbs to my forehead hard enough to give me a headache as salty tears fell down my cheeks. Instantly Luke jumped to my side as he always did in times like this. “Please don’t be ashamed of our love” he begged holding me and crying with me. “You can’t love me.” “Why?!” “Because Head master Joseph made me realize that I’m not good enough for you I’m a peasant Luke! I work for you, you command me around because I’m nothing! You’re supposed to marry a princess someone with status not wasting time and innocence with a worker!” I sobbed. “I don’t care! I love you and I’m not giving up until I marry you! All I want is you and my mother and father accept that.” he stated shaking me much like he did when my mother died. Questioning his statement I looked towards the queen to see her soft and welcoming smile. “I want to marry you no matter what people say or do.”
*3 weeks later*
I stood in my pure white dress just staring out the out the window that overlooked the hall everyone was in. “Good morning sweetheart” the queen greeted as she walked into the room to which she received a small smile. “why do you seem so nervous?” she asked touching my shoulder. She was absolutely right but not because I was questioning marrying Luke in any way, it was because I have been the butt of everyone’s gossip. Some saying our marriage was an amazing step for society and social class and others saying it was a waste of the prince’s charm either way they effected me. Its just- a lot of things are going to change in a few hours.“ "But you’ll always have someone you love by your side.” she comforted holding me gently to not crease my dress. “You may not have known it but me and your mother were great friends.” she stated making her way towards a bed to sit on. “she was the one who first noticed the love you and Lucifer share. And before she passed she asked me to promise her to make sure you were happy, that you married your first love.” she said beginning to get teary eyed as well as making my tears pool on my lower lash line. “She asked me to give you this to you today, on the day you married your first love.” she announced handing me beautiful yet simple ovular silver necklace covered in small diamonds. Taking the piece of jewelry I inspected it knowing she saved for more than a few months to have enough money to buy it. “Open it” upon opening it I saw a picture of my mother and father on their wedding day. “they wanted to be here for you when the got married no matter what” she stated caressing my shoulder. “I want you to know that it’s never about where you come from its about the love that’s shared.” she exclaimed pulling my chin up to look at her. “so let’s dry our tears and get you married!”
3 Months later
“Is your dress too tight your highness?” Marisol asked pulling the strings of my corset. “Marisol you can address me as (Y/N), and yes its fine” I responded smoothing over the bottom of the pastel yellow dress. “I’m sorry (Y/N), I’ll go and see if Mrs. Helena is ready for your etiquette class.” she stated leaving the room and letting Luke in on her way out. “Is that my beautiful wife I’m seeing?” he teased with a large grin wrapping his arms around me. “I feel like since the wedding I never get to see you anymore” he mumbled nuzzling his head into my neck giving me small kisses. He wasn’t wrong right after we exchanged vows I had plenty of people telling me all the things I had to learn now that I was the next queen in line. It was extremely difficult for me, on one hand I wanted to give my undivided attention to my husband but I also knew it was my responsibility to know everything that every royal child has been taught since birth and prove whoever doubted our union wrong. "we never even got the chance to consummate the marriage" he rasped nibbling on my neck. “sorry baby I have to go to another class to get to.” I apologized trying to leave but I felt his arms tense around me keeping me in place. “What for?” he asked tugging at and fixing the details on my dress. “Table etiquette and tableware studies and lets not forget that you have class as well.” I stated blandly since I quite honestly didn’t want to go, I was desperate for some time with the other half of my heart. “Seriously, you know everything about those stupid tables and its fencing with Mr. Fredrick” “I’ve only set those tables I need more practice Lukey and you definitely more practice fencing.” I reasoned and teased turning to face him. “Oh really?” he giggled leaning in and kissing me slightly trailing his hands to the knots of my corset.  “(Y/N), Mrs.Helena is- oh dear!” Marisol squeaked seeing our compromising position. “We won’t be attending classes today could you please inform our teachers.” Without question Marisol nodded and left the room to relay the message. "Luke-" i tried to protest against his lips. "Shhhh, don't worry about it" he soothed shamelessly untying my corset. "You know," he corked moving his lips to my ear "people have been asking when i'll give you a baby. Do you think we could do that today?" He inquired ending it by nibbling my ear. A slight moan left my parted lips at his action. His hands on my corset were moving painfully but they stopped all together when it was just loose enough to pull down. "Does that sound good. What do you want my love?"
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bestintheparsec · 3 years
Between the Lines
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Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Summary: A trip to the bookstore brings you more than you’re looking for.
A/N: This is just something short/sweet I came up with (it’s probably the least deep or angsty thing I’ve ever written, unlike my usual). It’s a standalone, but obviously I have a thing for coffee...anyways, I hope you like it!
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: none
(Masterlist pinned to my page)
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You've found it.
After countless stops at multiple bookstores, you've managed to track down the book you've been searching long and hard for. It's a new release you've been eager to get your hands on—collector's edition, special content included. Every store you've gone to has been completely sold out of it, but after many phone calls and Google searches you'd found a store, one town over, that still had it.
Determined to get it this time, you'd shown up as soon as the store opened today. Stepping inside you see that it's a fairly big store, but it seems to be a local place since you'd never heard of it prior to your extensive search. You make a mental note to come back here more often, taking in the quaintness of it. There's plenty of books, of course, but there's also a section full of cute memorabilia and stationery, and a cozy coffee place tucked into the back corner.
It doesn't take you long to find the section you're looking for—you easily spot the beautiful cover on a display at the center of the store. There's only one copy left, and you're giddy with excitement and relief as you reach for it, sliding it out of its spot. It's the last one on the shelf, but it's in impeccable condition—no wrinkles or folds on the cover or pages, and not a single fingerprint on the jacket. Usually the last ones to go are ones that have been handled by other readers, shoved aside for a more pristine copy on the shelf. But this is your copy now, and it's perfect.
Smiling to yourself and cradling it in your arms, you walk hurriedly back to the front to pay for it and finally take it home. Turning quickly around the corner and not paying attention to anything else in particular, you wonder how long it'll take you to finish it.
And then you crash into something large and sturdy. The book falls onto the floor with a clunk and you feel something hot splash onto your skin. Someone steadies you, only for a moment before stepping back.
You gasp and blurt out an ouch! before realizing that said large and sturdy person was holding a cup of coffee, which is now spilled all over the front of your shirt and the floor.
“Shit, I'm so sorry, are you okay?” a deep voice asks frantically. Still processing what happened, you haven't looked up, focusing on shaking the brown beverage off of yourself.
Some of the hot liquid is on your arm so you briskly brush it off and shake out the front of your shirt, trying to cool off your skin. It's not until a large pair of hands gently takes your wrist, dabbing your arm with a napkin hastily pulled out of his pocket, that you finally look up at this person—and find an unassumingly handsome, albeit panicked-looking, man with wide brown eyes and a face that looks about as hot as your skin feels. You let yourself imagine that if this weren't an inconvenient moment, you might be looking at him as if something clicked into place.
“I'm so sorry, we should get some cold water on that,” he says again, urgently, wiping away at your skin before realizing he's still holding onto your arm and awkwardly letting go.
“No, it's fine, I'm a klutz, really,” you mutter to yourself, dropping your eyes to the book on the ground. It's covered in coffee now, too, much to your disappointment. Way to go, you chide yourself, deflated at the sight. Not only have you ruined the book you've gone through so much trouble to find, but you've also embarrassed yourself in front of this cute stranger in the process.
This is why you stick to books.
“I've ruined your shirt...and this book,” the man murmurs, bending down to pick it up. His furrowed brows and pursed lips make him appear softer than you might expect.
He meets your eyes, swallowing hard and peering at you with what can only be considered as puppy dog eyes. You really look at him for the first time, noticing the unruly dark curls poking out from under his cap, and the distinctly “outdoorsy” attire he has on, worn-out flannel button-up and suede jacket and all. Honestly, he looks mortified, but it's sort of endearing that he's so concerned when many others would've just muttered a curt apology before leaving you to your business. In any case, you find yourself wanting to know more about him. It's a thought you immediately push away; after all, you'd only just met him and he probably only thinks of you as some clumsy girl.
“It's okay, really, it's my fault,” you shake your head at him. “I'm an idiot, I wasn't watching where I was going.”
“But that coffee was really hot, it might've burned you—” he insists.
“I'm wearing another layer under this,” you reassure the man. Taking the book from his hands, you sigh quietly. “I can't say the same for this, though.”
He looks like he's about to ask you something else when another man, probably his friend, walks up next to him, glancing back and forth between you before making a face like yikes when he sees the large stain on your shirt.
"It's not his fault," you sputter at the same time that Coffee Man mumbles, "It was my fault."
After inquiring if you're alright, his friend reaches down to pick up the now-empty cup from the ground, then playfully smacks the man's arm.
“I can't even leave you alone for one minute,” he shakes his head jovially and you almost miss the mischievous eyebrow raise he gives him before turning back to you. “You know...you should let Francisco here take care of that. He's military—first-aid-trained and all,” the friend says with a grin and knowing wink. Coffee Man's jaw clenches, glancing timidly at you as his friend keeps talking, then shooting him a glare that says please stop fucking talking.
"Now you've ruined my coffee and a pretty girl's shirt," his friend jokes.
Coffee Man tries to smile but is visibly embarrassed as he swats his friend on the arm. “Get your own fucking coffee, then, Santi,” he tells him under his breath, which elicits a grin out of you.
Santi throws his hands up in mock-surrender. “Alright, alright. It was nice meeting you,” he nods and smiles at you before walking away.
“I really am sorry,” he tells you again as soon as his friend is out of sight. He fidgets with his hat, removing it for a second to smooth out his hair and then pulling it snugly back down. “I—I'll get you another copy of the book. And a new shirt…”
You chuckle, trying to put him at ease. “Seriously, it's fine…um, Francisco, was it?”
“Oh—Frankie,” he tells you, the smallest of smiles on his lips. He peers at you with that concerned gaze again and you both keep eye contact for what feels like several moments longer than necessary. Despite yourself, you start to feel heat creeping into your face.
Smiling softly back at him, you suddenly feel self-conscious and hug your arms to yourself. “Well, Frankie, it's no big deal. I was going to go home after this, and this shirt is old, anyways." You examine the damage to the book, flipping through the pages. "Mostly I just wanted this book—it's the last copy in the store...but that's okay, too. There are worse things.”
“What's it about?”
“Hmm?” you reply, looking back up at him.
“What's, um, what's the...book about? It has to be good if you were so excited to get it.”
You hadn't expected him to care what you were reading, and you can tell by the shy look in his eyes that it's a genuine question and not anything more.
“Oh. Well…” you start, and it doesn't take long for you to go off about its synopsis and why you've been waiting forever for it. It takes a while for you to realize that you're rambling, and you stop your muddled train of thought. But by the soft look in his eyes as he listens, you get the feeling that Frankie doesn't mind. That, or he's the kind of person who always makes the people around him feel comfortable.
"Anyways, I should let you go on with your day…" you trail off, but both of you remain where you are, not seeming to want to move.
“Wait—will you let me pay for the book?” Frankie insists. “They'll want someone to cover the damage. It's the least I can do.”
“Actually...I think I'm going to keep this copy,” you tell him. “It's still in decent condition and I can read it while I wait for them to get more in.”
Frankie smiles at you, genuinely and without embarrassment for the first time. “You really are excited for it, aren't you?”
“Yep,” you reply with a nod. “It's the same story, even if covered in your friend's drink,” you tease.
“Okay, if you're sure,” he continues. “I'm sorry again, um…I didn't catch your name.”
You tell him and he smiles again, repeating it.
“It was nice meeting you, Frankie,” you tell him as his large hand shakes yours. “Please don't worry about all this.”
Returning the sentiment, Frankie turns to head back to his friend. For a second you consider calling to him, asking to see him again. Not that you'd be bold enough to actually do that. But he quickly disappears behind the rows of shelves and you figure he has other places to be, anyways.
It's almost a week later when you return to the bookstore.
You'd given the front desk your number so they could call you when more copies came in, so you asked them to hold one for you, which they happily did. When you get to the register you find the same cashier who helped you last time, greeting her with a smile. She knows what happened last time, grinning as she hands you the book carefully wrapped in a plastic bag.
When you reach for your wallet she shakes her head. “Oh, no, honey. You're good to go,” she tells you. 
You look at her, confused, and she smiles again. “Think of it as a makeup for the last one you already paid for.”
After her insistence, and many thanks on your part, you take the book and leave. When you get to the car, you take it out of the bag, pleased to finally have it. You find the smooth receipt neatly tucked in between the pages and pull it out.
What you don't expect is, at the bottom, it has some handwriting scribbled in pen along with a phone number jotted down under the note. Warmth sneaks into your cheeks and you smile as you read the words.
Would you maybe like to get coffee sometime? I promise not to spill it on you this time. -Frankie
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 Perm tags: @immundusspiritu @aeryntheofficial @i-like-those-odds @padlilli @hail-doodles @hiscyarika @taman-a @electricprincess888 @max--phillips @myrin1234 @aloneontheoutside @pascalisthepunkest @ah-callie @fleurdemiel145 @katialvi @murdermewithbooks @pisss-offf-ghostt @kayebede @lamnothome @fan-g0rl​ @lokiaddicted @mrsdaamneron​ @poedaneron​ @wolfshifter4life @dindjarindiaries​ @rociomz​ @opheliaelysia​ @dyn-djarin​ @randomness501​ @unsaidsunset​ @hayley-the-comet​ @mrsparknuts​ @exy-issexy​ @palalover​ @forever-rogue​ @adikaofmandalore​ @kaetastic​ @zannemes​ @mstgsmy​ @wille-zarr​ @arabellathorne @f0rever15elf​ @lv7867​ @stilllivindue2spite​ @urbankaite2​ @secretsidereblog​
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tomtenadia · 3 years
King for a day
I apologise for the horrible title...
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Rowaelin month - day 19 
It was a nice autumn day and the castle still lay quiet. It was still early and most of its occupants were still in bed.
In the royal chambers Rowan’s eyes popped open and in that instant he sensed the distress in the person sleeping at his side. His fae senses alerted him through the bond that there was something wrong with his mate. She lay curled in a foetal position, her hands clutching her stomach.
“Fireheart?” His voice thick with fear. Was it a nightmare? Was she ill?
It had been three years since the war had been over but the healing process for all of them was taking much longer than expected and he knew that Aelin some night still woke in the grips of panic and the horrible feeling of still being in that damned coffin. And in those nights all he could do was to hold his mate in his arms and let her know she was safe, and free and that he was at her side. It broke his old immortal heart.
“Aelin?” He called again, pulling her to his chest and as of on instinct she buried her face against his chest “are you okay?”
She whimpered and Rowan almost screamed. He could not bear to have her in pain. His lips peppered her forehead with kisses “what is it?”
“Cycle.” Was all she said and Rowan knew. Since her transformation into full fae her body had been changing as well and adopted all the traits of the race. He had learned that her cycles were not regular and when they happened, Aelin would be in extreme pain for days. She had also inherited the difficulty for fae to procreate. They had decided to try and have a family for over a year now but it has been proving very hard and he could not stand the hurt in Aelin’s face when it failed once again.
It would happen, he kept telling her, the last piece to that happiness they had been trying to find since after the horrors of the war. He had dreamed it, their family, they just needed patience.
“Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to call the healer?”
She shook her head and snuggled closer and Rowan tightened his hold “I guess I can play king consort for a day and deal with politics.” Aelin looked up at him.
“You hate that stuff.”
A gentle kiss “I do, that’s why you are queen and I am just the pretty male at your side,” he joked “but I guess that for a day I can deal with Darrow and the council men.”
“I am the queen,” she said with a tired voice, forcing herself to a sit position “I can’t stay in bed all day. I have a duty.”
“Aelin,” his strong hand brushed a strand of hair from her face “even the queen needs a day off when she is not well.”
Once they had started working on their kingdom they had reached the agreement that she was the one dealing with the political side. Rowan had preferred to throw himself into physical labour admitting that helping rebuild was more into his chords than dealing with courtly bullshit. Aelin had joked that he just hated to dress up for court.
She tried once more to protest but Rowan was in full fuss mode and pushed her back down in bed. He grabbed the thick blankets and covered her “now you stay here. I will go to the healer and ask for your tonic.”
Aelin watched him stand and leave their chamber and as soon as he left she ducked under the blankets ignoring the pain spreading through her lower body.
Rowan came back ten minutes later and found her hiding under the blankets. He pulled them back and helped Aelin to sit up “Drink. The healer assured me this will help.”
She took the goblet and drank under his watchful eye and once she was done Rowan grabbed the empty goblet and pushed her back down “now you rest and sleep. Would you like a book?”
Aelin shook her head. She was not feeling well enough to concentrate on a book.
“Or we could just cancel the council for a day and you could stay in bed with your wife all day, keeping me company and holding me in those strong arms of yours.”
Rowan flicked her nose “we can’t do that.”
“Not even if it’s your queen who orders it?” She looked at him hopeful that she had hit the right spot that convinced him to dismiss court duty and stay with her. She appealed at his male duty to look after his mate and a glimmer of hope flickered into her when for a brief instant he seemed to consider it.
“For as much as it pains me to leave you alone when you are distressed, alas, I am the king consort, which means that is my duty to deal with politics when you can’t.”
Aelin huffed disappointed “at least bring me chocolate when you come back from your duties.”
“As my queen commands.” He leaned over to kiss her deeply and pushed her once more under the blanket and then pulled away to get changed for his boring and long day with the council.
Ten minutes later he was pushing open the heavy doors of the council room all dressed up in his best tunic, breeches and polished boots. 
“Good morning, gentlemen.” He greeted as he sat at the head of the table where Aelin would usually sit.
“Your majesty.” Said Darrow, bowing his head in salute. Rowan hated to be addressed so formally, hated all the frills of court. He was a warrior, he was used to a much simpler way of life. But being married to the queen had that unpleasant downside. But for her he’d do anything. Even deal with people who still looked at him as a brute with no right to claim the title of king consort.
“My queen has asked me to convey her deepest apologies. She is currently indisposed and had asked me to attend to her duties for the day. I hope the lords here present will not be offended to deal with such a brute like me.” A smirk spread on his face. Let them know that he knew exactly what they thought about him.
“We are sorry to hear about her majesty’s being unwell. We wish her a speedy recovery.” Replied Darrow ignoring the jab about having to deal with him. 
“So,” he started grabbing some documents. He might not actively deal with politics, but he knew exactly what Aelin was doing. She would discuss her plans with him and update him after every council session.
“The first item on the agenda is the requests from the merchants guild…”
It was far too many hours later when he was free once again. Once out of the room he unclasped the first three buttons of his tunic and felt like he could breath once again. Quickly he ran back to their chambers. The bond had been quiet and he felt little distress from Aelin meaning that the tonic had effect. Leaving her alone had gone against every single one of his male instincts but he had responsibilities and their kingdom mattered a lot to both. So he put his male fussiness aside and just went on with the day job.
Once back in the royal chamber he found Aelin deeply asleep and the worry in his chest loosened a bit. He quickly got changed in a more comfortable attire and then slipped in bed with her, pulling her body to his chest.
As soon as she was in his arms Aelin awoke and gave him a sleepy smile.
“My dutiful king is back,” she said in a tired voice.
“Yes, and Darrow is unpleasant as always.”
Aelin gave him a low chuckle.
“How are you feeling?” He asked as his hand gently massaged her lower back.
“Now that you are back, much better.” Her face disappeared in the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of pine and snow that was so him.
“Did you sleep the whole time?”
Aelin nodded.
“Did you bring me chocolate?”
Rowan chuckled and stood to go to his desk and grabbed something. A moment later he joined her back in bed with a box of her favourite chocolates.
“Such a dutiful king.”
Rowan sat with his back against the head of the bed and pulled Aelin against him in a semi sit position as she ate some of the chocolate delicacies in the box.
“Nothing like eating chocolate in your mate’s arms on a sick day.”
Rowan chuckled and tucked her head under his chin “just don’t eat too many or you’ll find yourself with a different kind of stomachache.” He took the box from her hands and pulled the blanket up to cover them both.
“I am here now,” he whispered against her hair while his arms surrounded her “sleep a bit more.”
A few minutes later Aelin was asleep once more and he relaxed.
She was his life. His everything.
And for her he’d even sit in endless meetings.
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handsmotif · 3 years
The Queercoding of Pinky and the Brain
This originally was just me infodumping to my friends on discord, but I decided it might be interesting to some people on here, so I polished it up and made it an actual essay lmao
To start, we’re going to break this into 2 sections -- the relationship between the mice, and Pinky’s relationship with gender, because queercoding doesn’t just mean gay!
For a 90′s show, Pinky and the Brain (and its mother show, Animaniacs) was very progressive for its time! But there were still lots of things that they couldn’t slip by censors, and thus, that’s where we have to read between the lines. And that is something I wanted to clarify here before we dive in, the actual meaning of queercoding. It’s NOT the same as queerbaiting. Queerbaiting is when the people producing certain media purposefully dangle the possibility of queer representation to lure in audiences (most prominent examples are BBC Sherlock, Riverdale, and Supernatural I GUESS? who knows abt that last one anymore), but never follow through, purely for profit. Queercoding is when media producers WANT to write in queer representation, but can’t, usually because the censors won’t let them. So, they must resort to subtext. (example: the policemen from Gravity Falls) It could also be unintentional, simply assigning certain characteristics associated with the LGBT community to characters. (example: Bugs Bunny, many Disney villains) Either way, it heavily relies on the audience picking up subtext, but whether it’s malicious or not varies, depending on the media. Bugs Bunny is an example of positive accidental queercoding, while a lot of Disney villains are negative examples.
Now, to actually discuss the gay little mice! Pinky and the Brain, whether it be intentional or not (based off comments from Maurice LaMarche, Rob Paulsen, and Tom Ruegger, signs strongly point to intentional, but it’s never been explicitly confirmed), is an example of positive queercoding.
There are many moments that I could pick out to discuss here, but we’ll start with some VERY on the nose gay metaphors. 
Remember Romy? If you don’t, that’s their actual biological son! Romy came about due to a cloning accident, where their DNA got combined and spat him out. 
There’s SO many things I could say about Romy. Every appearance he makes has an overarching gay metaphor as the plot. His first appearance in the episode Brinky (yeah it’s literally titled their ship name), it deals with his dads (WHICH I ALSO WANT TO POINT OUT, he DOES call them both dad, and they do both call him their son) disapproving of the fact that he wants to leave home and not follow in their footsteps of taking over the world. Brain even goes as far as disowning him whenever he tells him, which is certainly something a lot of queer people can unfortunately relate to. Also seen a lot in this episode is Pinky and Brain arguing even more than a married couple than usual, which pushes Romy away even further. Later, when Romy eventually does leave, and Brain starts to regret chasing him away, he tries desperately to reach out to him, but Romy doesn’t want anything to do with him. They end up tracking him down to an apartment building, where Romy is now living with his human girlfriend. When questioned about their relationship, the girlfriend, named Bunny, goes off on a tangent about how people shouldn’t judge others based on labels or relationships (hello?), and that Brain needs to be more tolerant. Brain apologizes and Romy forgives him. Happy ending.
Romy’s only other appearance is in the comics. Essentially, the plot of this one is that Brain wants to become the president of the local high school’s PTA, but he needs Romy’s help to make it look like he has a normal home life. He also enlists the help of Billie, the obligatory Woman introduced to make sure Brain doesn’t look as gay as he actually is, that he has a crush on. She pretends to be his girlfriend, and Pinky pretends to be Romy’s uncle, while they make up the story that Romy’s actual mother was lost at sea. Because if the organization found out that Brain has a son with a MAN??? THINK of the controversy! Anyway, the plan works, and Brain actually manages to get elected as president. Throughout this though, Pinky gets WEIRDLY jealous that Brain keeps brushing him aside for Billie. To the point where during Brain’s inauguration, Pinky actually dresses up as the wife/mother lost at sea and storms into the room.
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[ID: Comic panels of Pinky, Brain, and Romy on stage at the inauguration ceremony. Pinky busts into room wearing drag, saying, “Yoo hoo! I’m back from years lost at sea to be with my son and ungrateful husband! Narf!” He then hugs Romy, while glaring at Brain. He goes on to say, “I’ll stand by your side, even though you left me behind!” The people in the audience begin to question this, saying, “Oh great fuzzy bangs!”, “What’d she say?!”, “He deserted her to be with that other woman!”, “What kind of monster is he?!”. Brain then rips off Pinky’s wig and says, “This isn’t my wife! This isn’t even a woman! It’s my roommate, Pinky.” Pinky replies, “Well, yes... But Romy really is my son! Poit!” And Brain responds, “N-Nonsense! He’s my son!” More people in the audience angrily speak up, saying, “What’s that?”, “He lives with a guy who likes to dress up in women’s clothing and the both claim to be that kid’s father!”, “Grumble! Mutter!” /END ID]
Needless to say, this doesn’t end well for them. What we can conclude from this is that homophobia exists in the Pinky and the Brain universe, and our characters are directly affected by it.
Moving on, And-There-Was-Only-One-Bed is a pretty common occurrence with these two. Their cage is big, they have plenty of room for two beds, but? They choose to sleep together? Even in some times where this has been inconsistent and they DO have separate beds, they’re always RIGHT next to each other. (what if we put our minecraft beds together ❤😳)
I would like to mention the episode, You’ll Never Eat Food Pellets In This Town Again! This episode is interesting to say the least. Deals with a lot of the meta of the show. Anyway. In this episode, Brain has a nightmare that he’s in a loveless marriage with Billie. You know, the woman he’s supposed to have a crush on. In the end, he wakes up from the nightmare in the same bed as Pinky.
Speaking of female love interests, Pinky is seen having multiple relationships with characters of different species. Any time this is brought up by Brain, Pinky counters with Brain being too intolerant. An honorable mention with this is in Wakko’s Wish, when Pinky is with Pharfignewton, and Brain’s constant pestering about their relationship could be read as jealousy. Pinky needs a mousy date, after all!
Something else I would like to mention is in one episode (I forget what it’s called, I’ll try to look it up later and edit this), Brain is applying for a job. The employer asks Brain if he’s married, and Brain hesitates before saying he “has a roommate,” but that he’s occupied with his own things, which then cuts to a shot of Pinky applying lipstick.
Leading into part two of this essay, Pinky’s relationship with gender! Pinky has always been very gender nonconforming, and loves to wear dresses, do his makeup, and make himself look pretty. For the most part, this is played pretty straight, and not as a gag, like a lot of shows tend to do! It’s just a casual fact about him that he likes to present femininely sometimes.
This does play into their taking over the world plans pretty often, where Pinky wears drag, usually either to sneak into somewhere. Like in one of their earliest appearances on Animaniacs, Noah’s Lark, where they pose as a couple to board Noah’s, and I quote, “love boat.” After boarding, Noah says to himself, “Who am I to judge?” Okay. Yeah. Alright. Anyway.
I actually had less to say on this than I thought I did, but I wanted to make sure to emphasize that Pinky at the very least is coded as being Not Quite Cis, and that he’s played a key part in helping a lot of people watching the show figure out that they’re also Not Quite Cis. 
Wrapping this up because I’m hungry, but I want to throw in some more honorable mentions that I really do not see any type of cishet explanations for:
They literally go on a romantic date at a very fancy restaurant in Brain’s Night Off. This is played extremely casually, and the only remark from anyone that they receive is that they are “much smaller than the usual clients.”
Pinky, on at least one occasion, daydreams about him and Brain being a married couple, and wanting to be a housewife (the original malewife ❤)
There’s an issue in the comics where Pinky has a crush on another male mouse, and when Brain gets annoyed, Pinky reassures him that he thinks Brain is cute and quite the catch too
Brain attempting to kiss Pinky in the reboot??????
Brain actually did conquer the world once in the Halloween special, because Pinky made a deal with the devil for it, and thus Pinky got sent to hell! Brain actually went to hell and gave up the world to bring him back
Brain was extremely close to conquering the world once more in the Christmas special, but after reading what Pinky’s feelings for him were (nothing romantic, just Pinky basically just praising Brain for being so hardworking and an amazing mouse, and lamenting that he never gets anything for it), he gets so emotional that he sabotages himself and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas instead
TLDR; these mice are very queer and need therapy, and are probably the most heavily queercoded characters that I can think of in children’s media.
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itsstrange · 3 years
Coffee Run & Green Eyes
Series: Spark Between Us
Relationship: Jensen Ackles x Skyline McNoir (OFC)
A/N: Hey everyone! I know it’s been a long time and I apologize for those waiting for more stories, but if you follow me on IG then you would know that this last week I was struck with a stomach flu which caused me to not have enough energy for various things. Luckily, I’ve recovered and feel much better. I also want to apologize to those who have requested me some stories, don’t worry I have Not forgotten about you! Just been dealing with some things!
But!! To not keep you guys in the dark I decided to post a Series I wrote for Ao3 on here, just to give y’all something to read meanwhile I work on some other works for y’all!! Hope y’all enjoy it!
Another thing, we have hit 105 followers y’all!!!! Thank you so much for all the love y’all continue in giving me!! I appreciate it so much!! 🥲💚
✨{Credits to owner for the gif}✨
Summary: Skyline McNoir tags along with a few friends who are attending a convention of some show she’s never watched. Little did she know, she would fall head over heels for the lead actor.
Word Count: 2.4 K
Warnings: Will contain Fluff, public sex, alcohol consumption, public fingering, just pure NSFW for all you Jensen fans out there 😊
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The blasting chorus of Follow Me Now by Jason Gleed, wakes Skyline up. Her Hazel eyes glare straight ahead at the coconut cream wall for a few seconds before bringing the cover above her head, trying to muffled the music. Which didn’t help. At all. Then to make the morning less fun, her bed begins to shake violently by her best friend who’s jumping up down awhile singing at the top of her lungs. Skyline groans into the covers and tries to bury herself deeper into the warmth, but before she can even hide, the covers are being shoved off her form. A shiver runs throughout her body from the coldness in the room.
“C’mon Sky! Today’s the day!” Erin yells as she hovers above,
Skyline groans once again, eyes closed shut when it’s far too bright in the room “Five more minutes,”
“No come on,” Erin says, slightly pushing Sky’s body with her foot, “Tiffany and Laila are already downstairs grabbing breakfast,”
Still not moving, Erin shoves her body once again with her foot, when that didn’t do the trick an evil smirk spreads on her face. Grabbing an unused pillow, she raises it above her head before roughly slamming it against Sky’s head, causing her to jerk upright. With sleep still in her eyes, Sky is only able to squint at her best friend.
“Erin! What the fu-,” Her words were cut off when a large pillow smacks her in the face,
Erin chuckles at her, ignoring the death stare as she hops off her bed, “Chop chop.. we got a busy day today!”
With a roll of her eyes and a loud groan, Sky rolls off the comforter and towards the bathroom. After taking care of her regular morning routines, she hops in the shower. Erin’s music still blasted through the speakers, as Sky took a quick shower and she honestly hoped none of their neighbors complained about their disturbance, she knew she would have if she was trying to get a few more hours of shut eye.
That’s all she ever really wanted at the moment, sleep. After months of studying, exams, piles upon piles of work, and busting all nighters she was finally in winter break. The feeling of being able to come home for the holidays and spending those days with her family sounded amazing and relaxing. However, after the second day of being home, she gets a call from Erin. Mentioning something about having another extra ticket for a convention to meet the cast of some show she’s never watched. She kindly declined the offer, wanting to spend her days off with her family sounded like a much better idea than meeting unknown actors. However, Sky often forgets Erin is not the type to take no for an answer and demanded her to hand the phone over to her mother.
Thinking her mother would defend her and find a way to convince Erin to try and find someone else to take to the convention, Sky hands the phone over to her mother. You can only imagine who won that argument.
Once out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body, Sky heads out the bathroom and towards her duffel bag. In the winter season of Austin, Texas, she decides on a plain long sleeve, black jeans, grey hoodie, black boots on her feet with a leather jacket on top. Once her hair is made and adds a couple splashes of makeup on her face, she grabs her phone and book from the small counter as she follows Erin out the room. After a few minutes later, they finally arrive in the breakfast buffet where Tiffany and Laila are already stuffing themselves with waffles and eggs. With a yawn, Sky makes her way over to the buffet with Erin right behind her. Once they both get their plates and sit down on the table, they dig in before getting on with their day.
8:45 am
“Oh my god!! I just hugged Speight!!” The sound of Laila coming around the corner interrupts Sky from her book,
The sight of Laila bouncing up and down on her feet with a wide grin makes a small chuckle escape from Skyline. As her friends beamed over this Speight guy, Sky returns her focus down on her book. Not really paying much attention at their excitement, but still having a smile on her lips as she reads the next chapter in her book. Even if she’s not having the same excitement as her friends, she is still having fun with them. Being around them in general for whatever reason always brightens her day. No matter how rough of a day she’s seems to be having, her girls always know just how to distract her and make her have fun.
“Ohh it’s almost time for Osric’s panel,” Tiffany says while looking down at her phone,
No longer able to focus on her book, Sky marks her spot before getting up from the floor.
“You guys go in, I’ve got auto’s for Kim at nine,”
It’s barely nine in the morning? Jesus. Sky thinks to herself, the day has felt extremely long she could have sworn it was already noon.
“Okay, let’s go Sky,” Laila motions her head to the side for her to follow,
“If you guys want me to continue tagging along, I’m gonna need an espresso,” Sky states, feeling yet another yawn creeping up her throat,
Her friends chuckle at her but agreed with her idea. They wouldn’t want her dragging her feet all over the convention, besides, coffee did sound like a great idea. Once writing down their preferred drinks in her notes, Sky leaves through the doors, down the steps and towards a coffee shop not too far away. It was only a couple blocks away, she should make it back in no time. Hugging her jacket closer to her body when the wind picks up, Sky quickens her movements to avoid its freezing weather but careful to not slip on the wet pavement. The last thing she needs is to fall flat on her ass, better yet get a concussion or go back home with a broken wrist.
Boy would her mom faint if she saw her daughter in a cast. Will most likely give her a lecture on why it’s important not to be on the phone during the most worst seasons. ‘If you weren’t on the phone this wouldn’t have happened Skyline’. Yep. She can definitely hear her ranting.
After a few blocks in the harsh winds, Skyline is finally reaching the small little coffee joint. Just as she reaches for the handle of the door, another, large, hand reaches at the same time. Thick fingers slightly touching her own, making her pull back with an apology.
“No it’s fine go ahead,” A deep voice says beside her, letting a shiver run down her body,
Most likely from the weather, what else would it be?
She looks up at the man. Dark beard, shades on his face, black hat on his head, with a black T-Shirt underneath a checkered navy flannel and black Levi’s jacket. Even under the dark shades she can tell he was good looking, handsome in fact.
“No you can go ahead,” Sky smiles at the man, stepping aside for him to enter,
He only shakes his head, gripping the door handle as he opens it for her, “Please I insist, my mom would throw a fit if she finds out I didn’t show my manners,”
Sky chuckles at him, “Well we wouldn’t want that now,”
The man chuckles back, smile forming on his lips. Man did that smile just make her stomach flip.
“No, we really wouldn’t,” Chuckling once more at him she accepts the offer with a thanks before entering the coffee shop,
As she walks inside, the change of temperature immediately hits her cold cheeks. Almost as if a heating furnace was suddenly shoved in her face, but she wasn’t complaining, the warmth was needed. Walking further into the coffee shop, she takes a glance over her shoulder to see if the man was behind her, but only lets a smile appear when she catches the moment of him allowing an elderly couple enter before him.
That’s sweet. She thinks to herself as she walks up to the counter. Once her drinks have been ordered and paid, she heads over to a small empty table near the window. Sitting on the chair she pulls out her book and continues where she left off as she waits for her drinks. A few minutes had passed and Sky was too engrossed in her book to notice her name being called out by the barista. Eventually though, she comes back to reality when someone places her drink in front her. Looking up from her book she meets eyes with bright emerald orbs, and noticing those breathtaking eyes belong to the same man from the door.
“I’m guessing your Skyline?,” The way her name rolls off his deep voice sends a shiver down her spine,
Definitely can’t be the air this time, absolutely not.
Eyeing the cup of coffee in front of her, she lifts a eyebrow at the man, teasing him. Even if she sees her name written on the side of the cup.
“And what makes you think that?” The way his lips slightly lift causes something to flip in her stomach,
“Well.. seeing how there’s hardly folks in here,” He looks around the shop for a few seconds before landing his eyes on hers again, “and you being the only one sitting down without a coffee.. I took a guess,”
Sky hums with a smile as she takes the cup, “Nice deduction,”
He shrugs a shoulder with a smile, “This seat taken?”
Sky shakes her head as she takes careful sips from her drink. With a small smile the man pulls out the chair with his other free hand, seeing how he has a cup of his own in one hand.
“I’m Ross by the way,” The man extends a hand once seated,
With a smile Sky accepts his hand, feeling it warm and rough as it wraps around her own.
“Nice to meet you,” Still smiling she pulls away from his firm hand,
“You around from here or just passing through?” He asks, taking careful sips from his cup,
Sky softly smiles at him as she wraps her hands around her coffee, trying to warm up her fingers.
“Born and raised,” He raises a brow at the small fact,
“No kidding?”
She nods, “Yeah but I’m just home for the holidays,”
He hums with a nod, “In the army or something?”
Sky couldn’t help the chuckle that escapes from her, definitely noticing how the corner of the mans lips slightly lift as well.
“More like college. My last year,”
“Really? What’re you studying?” He asks, taking another sip, never letting his eyes drift from her Hazel ones,
But does notice how they dart down towards his mouth before quickly looking back up to his eyes. A small smirk hides behind the cup, but doesn’t hide it when he pulls it away from his face.
“Biology,” He hums once again with a sincere smile, making her stomach flip,
It was such an odd feeling, especially when it was coming directly from a man she hardly knows. But for some reason, it felt right. Their conversations switched from topic to topic, never faltering. It just felt right, as if they were long time friends catching up with each other instead of two strangers who just met. Eventually, their conversation was cut short with the barista calling out her name once again with the rest of her drinks.
Getting up from her seat she walks over to the counter where her drinks waited. As she grabbed a cup holder and begins placing her drinks in each space, Ross, settles next to her. Getting a whiff of his cologne. Leaning on the counter he had both his and her coffee in either hand, which he hands over with a smile once all coffees were safely secured in place.
“I should get going,” She smiles up at his green orbs, and only then noticing how freckles are splashed on his face,
This man was literally dashing, no doubt about it.
“Yeah same here,” He says looking down at his watch, “Need a ride?”
She shakes her head with a smile, “I’m good thanks,”
“You sure? Heard it might rain,” He continues to lean on the counter as she places her coffee in an empty slot of the holder,
“I’m sure, it’s just a few blocks from here,”
“Well it can rain from those few blocks,” He argues as he gives her a smile, not wanting to end their little moment,
Neither did she, but she had friends waiting and the moment she tells them the reason why she took a little longer than expected, they wouldn’t leave her alone until she gives them the whole shebang.
She lets a small chuckle escape her lips as she picks up the coffees, “I’ll make a run for it,”
He softly chuckles at her comment, green eyes staring straight into her Hazel orbs that have slightly turned grey from her sweater. Definitely finding her and her eyes fascinating and beautiful.
“It was nice meeting you Ross,” She smiles at him as she walks away,
He smiles as he watches her, sending her a wave goodbye when she looks over her shoulder before walking out the door. Watching her leave didn’t feel like a loss, it felt the complete opposite actually. Why? Well for starters, he knew it wouldn’t be the last time he saw her considering she had the all too familiar Creation Entertainment wristband on her left hand. Also, he had her book inside his jacket, another reason on why he would see her again.
Both to retrieve her book and to have a reason to see her again. Don’t get him wrong, he was actually going to give it to her before she left, but the thought of holding it and having a reason to see her again sounded like great idea. He wanted to see her again, wanted to have a conversation longer than 10 minutes and just wanted to get to know her. She was different, in a good way, absolutely in a good way. The way she seemed to not know him or maybe she did but simply did not care made him feel relaxed, made him feel somewhat normal and he would give anything to feel that way again.
Even if it meant “stealing” her book to have an excuse to see her again.
-Hope y’all enjoyed this first part of the series!! Stay tuned for random updates for ‘Spark Between Us’ I won’t give an announcement on when I’ll update it so keep your eyes peeled on it!!
-Turn on Post Notifications!! 🔔 For more!!
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frostedfaves · 3 years
All Too Well
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: A new year leads to a new argument.
Warnings: angst
A/N: this was supposed to be a super angsty breakup fic inspired by Taylor Swift’s All Too Well, but apparently idk how to write sad shit anymore so enjoy whatever this is 😔 (on the bright side, I found a nickname for Wanda to use in my upcoming series 👀)
“Those aren’t even the lyrics!” Wanda shouted over the radio, her laughter nearly covering her speech like a blanket.
“Of course it is!” You reached over to turn down the volume on the radio. “Take it from someone who sang this song every day for a year during every single shower.”
“Well, it’s a shame your shampoo bottles never told you that you were serenading them with the wrong words.”
A loud laugh escaped you as both of your heads turned in the same moment, yours to gaze out the passenger window and hers to watch you. The orange and brown leaves that dropped from the trees were only part of the lovely scene in front of you, and Wanda thought the colors provided a wonderful background for her own movie. She got lost in admiring your features, wishing to run her thumb along your lips as a smile formed there, or place a palm against your cheeks, warmed by the sun. Her attention turned back to the road just in time to stop herself from passing a red light, throwing an arm across your torso to keep you from lurching forward against the seatbelt.
“Sorry,” she apologized with flushed cheeks, and you couldn’t help but poke one as you assured her everything was fine. Turns out the sun can bring warmth to fingers, too.
As the two of you made your way to your shared apartment, Wanda wished for your heated touch now, instead of the cold glare you directed to the windshield. She was grateful it was pointed toward the street for now, and she was tempted to drive on forever with the heat blasting until you defrosted. Anything to avoid the confrontation she knew was coming.
“What the hell was that?”
“Baby, please,” she sighed. “The new year just started. Can’t we wait until the sun comes up again and we’ve had some sleep?”
“I’ve waited long enough, Wanda.”
Her shoulders tensed and a shiver ran down her spine because your stare was focused on her now, and the ice made its way to your vocal chords, leaving an especially thick layer around her name. You hadn’t called her anything aside from ‘honeydew’ since your first date, and she endured the teasing from her team because seeing the sparkle in your eyes was worth it. Hearing you say her name now felt like being cursed.
“Can we at least wait until we get home?” she pleaded as she faced you after stopping at the red light. “I want to be able to look you in the eye without putting you in danger.”
You broke away first to turn the radio volume up, turning your head to avoid her watery eyes. Her vulnerable gaze nearly melted away your resolve entirely, and you refused to let this go on any longer. Wanda forced herself to keep her own eyes on the road and the drive went on silently aside from the song pouring in through the speakers, neither of you bothering to fight over the correct lyrics. You were back at your building within a few minutes, and while you rode the elevator up from the parking garage, Wanda took the stairs. She had no idea what she was walking into, and she just needed to pretend everything was okay for a little bit longer.
When she opened the apartment door, your coat was already hung by the door and she could hear your bare feet padding along the wooden floor to the bedroom. She took her time hanging her own coat and slipping off her shoes, following you down the hall and nearly dropping them out of her hand when she saw you staring at her from the edge of the bed.
“What the hell was that?” you repeated, watching Wanda walk past to place her shoes in the closet.
“I’m going to need more than that, detka.” Her accent became more prominent as her nerves grew, a deep crease forming between her brows as she faced you and leaned against the opposite wall. “What are you asking about?”
“That woman asked about your girlfriend and you told her it was ‘nothing serious’.”
“I was just...saving face.” She kept her arms folded as she shrugged. “She’s friends with Tony and they talk all the time. If I would’ve been all obnoxious about our relationship, he would’ve made a big deal about it later.”
“You’ve been getting teased for ten months by Earth’s mightiest heroes over a nickname and expressing your love for your girlfriend is where you draw the line?!”
“Okay, I’m sorry! It was a mistake and it won’t happen again.” She pushed off the wall and walked forward to grab your hand, but you jumped off the bed and headed toward the kitchen before she could get close. “What--”
“You’ve stopped talking to me, too.”
“We’re literally talking now! We talked on Christmas Day--”
“Oh yeah, I really enjoyed that 30 second talk we had over pancake batter before the whole team stormed in and took over,” you huffed into the refrigerator while searching for something to drink.
“If you have a problem with the Avengers, just say it.”
“I love your team!” you cried out as you closed the refrigerator door. “I probably see more of them than I do you. Three weeks ago, I went to the tower because I hadn’t heard from you all day and I had to find out from the fucking spider kid that you volunteered to join some last minute mission. And you know what? We had dinner together and I talked to him for two hours, which is probably longer than I’ve talked to you since then.”
“I can’t help it if missions come up,” Wanda challenged as she took the glass of water you offered. “This is my job, just like you have yours.”
“I know, but you had your phone with you. At least send a text, let me know you’re okay.”
“I will. Is that it?” She watched your eyes avert from hers, sighing when you headed toward the couch in the living room instead of the bedroom. “It’s not, is it?”
“I just want to know why you haven’t been happy.” You finally met her gaze again when she stopped a few feet away.
“What? I’m happy.”
“Nothing’s been the same since that day you were driving and nearly ran the red light. That was in October, and it’s the beginning of January now.”
“You’re wrong,” Wanda insisted as she inched closer. “I’m happy.”
“I drove myself crazy here while you were gone on all these lengthy trips, trying to think of why you wanted to be so far away all the time. Maybe you weren’t feeling this anymore, or you’d found someone that made you feel more alive--”
“I told you I’m happy!”
In a split second, red filled her eyes and surrounded her hand as she sent her glass flying against the wall. You stared at the droplets of water running down the eggshell colored surface to the wooden floor, flinching when Wanda placed her hand on your thigh as she knelt in front of you and relaxing when you were met with her usual eye color.
“I’m sorry.” She squeezed gently as she sighed, never breaking eye contact. “I’ve just been worried. When we’re together, I tend to lose myself in your existence, and it isn’t safe. A few seconds more, and that day could’ve ended a lot differently.”
“I had my seatbelt on,” you reminded her as you placed your palm over her knuckles, and she shook her head. 
“There are a lot worse threats than a car accident, detka. I just fear that one day, I’ll be wrapped around you so tightly that I won’t have time to free myself and protect you from danger.”
“So your solution to protecting me more was to leave me totally alone with no warning?”
“Now that I’m hearing it with a clear head, it doesn’t sound like such a good plan,” she chuckled with a shake of her head.
“No, it doesn’t, honeydew.” You squeezed her hand with a smile that widened at the sight of Wanda’s. “What?”
“I just never thought I could miss a silly nickname so much.”
Tags: @littlegasps @peggycarter-steverogers @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @creepingwolfberry @honeyvenable
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awkwards · 3 years
Kinktober Day 5. Aphrodisiac : Pleasurable Test | Overhaul
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Day 5: Aphrodisiac
Title: Pleasurable Test
Pairing: Overhaul x F!Reader
Count: 2.2k
Summary: You needed to make ends meet, and so you go to subject yourself to a testing center that will pay. Turns out, you’ve signed yourself up for way more than you expected. You should really read the fine print.
Warnings: Noncon, syringe, aphrodisiac, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, yandere, sadist overhaul
Note: It’s finals week and definitely starting to hit me. Also, thanks for all of the support! If you’d like to be tagged for my kinktober fics, dm me! My inbox is open~
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You snarled behind your gag at the man in the lab coat, who was currently coming at you with another needle. When he stepped close, you managed to kick the shot away.
“You can’t even handle one little girl. Pathetic.” A voice you haven’t heard before chides. A man wearing a plague mask and rather large coat with purple feathers stepped in. You could barely see him from where you’re restrained on the operating table. He snaps gloves onto his his, his eyes glaring at the subordinate. “And now that needle is filthy.”
“I’m so sorry sir!” you could see the sweat from the doctor, his face pailing. “She kicked me and it went flying!”
“Begone. I do not wish to hear your excuses.”
“Yes sir.” The guy practically runs from the room.
The man levels his gaze on you, judging.
You quirk an eyebrow at him, challengingly.
You’ve been here for a week. It was supposed to be one test, in which you got paid for. You took it because money was tight and you needed to pay rent. Little did you realize they would keep you kidnapped and subject to their devices because you were the “perfect candidate”.  Your fear has practically been pushed aside by your anger. For a week they’ve been sticking you with needles, running “tests”, keeping you on the edge of functioning. All you had left was your anger and attitude.
“What a nuisance.” The man sighs. His dark eyes scan your barely clothed body.
Quicker than you can move, the man has your legs pinned down, fastened in place just like your arms and neck are. A gasp of shock careens past your lips, silenced by the gag.
“That’s better.” He moves over to the counter where the equipment lays. He turns his back towards you. “Do you know who I am?”
“Well, I assume you’re the one in charge of these monkeys. Do you know who I am?” You bite at him.
“I am Kai Chisaki. You will address me as Overhaul.” He turns slowly, an intense look in his eyes that makes your skin crawl. “I know plenty about you. You are a quirkless individual. Your blood type is AB negative. You’re allergic to penicillin. You’ve lived in this city your whole life. I know you were adopted at the age 5. You had a kidney transplant at the age 12.”
“Your parents were brutally murdered when you were in high school by a villain attack. I know that the villain attack was actually a target for your father’s brother because he made some bad deals with the yakuza.” He grabs a needle and begins to mix a mystery pink liquid into it. You’re shaking by now. How does he know so much?  “You dropped out of high school quickly after, and less than two years later sold most of your adoptive parent’s belongings, and then the house.”
Overhaul takes deliberate and slow steps towards you, tapping the air bubbles out of the needle. “You moved into a seedy little apartment in the middle of town. You work at a small bar across from the noodle shop in the bad part of town because it was the only place that would hire you. This month you couldn’t make ends meet so you showed up here.”
A gloved hand drops onto your arm, thumb soothing over the prominent vein of yours. “And most importantly, I know your name isn’t actually Nakaya Kosuke. You, Miss (y/n), have quite the extensive history.”
You jerk hard at hearing your birth name. No one should know! Only your adoptive parents, who as he stated were dead, and the lawyer that erased your identity knew.
You try to speak through the gag, your words hushed.
An amused dark chuckle falls from him. “Oh, my apologies, did you want to speak?”
You nod your head.
His eyebrows raise, as if debating it. Finally, he unties the back of your gag. You spit it out, breathing in deeply. “Careful now, say something I don’t like and I’ll put it back on. Or I’ll remove your tongue.”
“Why am I here?”
He hums. “You are special. Did you know that your blood type is extremely rare?”
You clench your teeth, glaring at this cocky son-of-a-bitch. “I did.”
“Well, fortunately for us, your blood type was exactly what we’ve been looking for in our experiment. It’s extremely hard to come by a willing participant, too.”
“I’m not willing. I signed up for a test. One.”
His chuckle is light, and his eyes are wide with sadistic mirth. “No. You actually signed up until there was one successful test. So far, none of them have been such. It would appear someone didn’t read the fine print.”
Oh. Oh god. Did you really?
“No worries. You will be fully compensated. Well-” His eyes narrow. “If you live.”
Overhaul begins to prep the vein in your arm. “See, quirks are filthy. Those heroes parading around their quirks are but vermin on this earth. Pathetic. But you - no, you’re corrupted like those who roam the streets. Your blood is pure. Your genes are clean. You and I are far more similar than you might think, y/n.���
“What are you going to do to me?” Fear is fully controlling your mouth now. You shiver as he sanitizes the area he plans on injecting you.
“I have reason to believe that your blood will be the perfect capsule to carry my new invention. It’s a device that will remove the quirks of those who come in contact with it.” The look in his eyes turned wild, excited. You shiver. “My parents were ripped away from me, too. Those heroes did nothing to save them. Yet, they parade around the world as if we, the common folk, owe them. Not for long. Now, don’t make too much of a noise; I’d rather not have to remove your tongue.”
The prepped needle’s cap comes off, and the metal slides into your skin. You whimper, looking away as Overhaul begins to press its contents into your bloodstream. As quick as it began, it ended. He wipes away the lone blood drop before pressing a bandaid against you.
“Normally I would never dream of coming so close to an individual. But you are different from the filth filling this world.” Gloved hands grab your chin, turning you to look into his eyes. “You’re pure. Perfect. And I plan on taking full advantage of that, my sweet Y/N.”
Tears burn your eyes, your lip trembling. You finally let your body relax. This time you were truly fucked. He pulls his hand away, throwing away the needle tip of the syringe. You watch him walk away, back to the counter where he removes his gloves and washes his hands and arms.
A warmth began to fill your system. You shoot a concerned look at Overhaul. It was like your body was warming up from the inside out, your blood beginning to boil. A feverish sweat was spreading over every inch of you. “Something’s wrong.” You croak out.
Overhaul turns back to glance at you, sweaty and blushed. A mild look of intrigue covers his face. “Oh?”
“It’s burning me.” You whine.
Your body is completely uncomfortable now. The warmth feels … different. Wrong even.
“Explain to me what is happening.” He dries his hands leisurely, watching you from across the room before putting on a new, clean pair of rubber gloves.
“I’m hot. It feels like my blood is boiling. I -” you whimper as the slightest movement of your head increases the feeling tenfold. “Please make it stop.”
Overhaul takes his time as he walks back over to you. He runs a finger over your pulsepoint. The single touch sends a wave of pleasure crashing through you, a moan following. “How interesting.”
You’re mortified and confused. You wish you could rub your thighs together at the uncomfortable feeling between them.
“I see now. The molecular constructs of those two vials creates an aphrodisiac.”
You pinch your eyes shut as his single digit drags down your arm, over the hospital gown you have. The thin fabric is too much. It feels as if it’s weighing you down and making it that much harder to breathe.
“I suppose I should relieve you. It’ll be the only way to collect your blood at the right molecular compounds,” He muses to himself, talking out loud as if you’re not there.
Overhaul pulls off the glove on his left hand. “If I hadn’t reassembled you already, I would let you suffer until the side effects wear off. But, because of me, you really are clean. You should thank me.”
Not knowing what to say, you watch the man through your watery tears. He presses his bare hand on your stomach. If you weren’t being restrained, you would have arched into his hand, moaning loud as pleasure floods your core.
When he removes his hand, your whole body shivers as air nips your bare skin. How? “Wh-what?”
He chuckles. “My quirk.”
You watch as Overhaul steps around your pinned body, coming close to your wet sex.
“What a mess you’ve made. Disgusting.” Despite his words, he runs his gloved hand up your right leg, stopping at the stop below your belly button. You can feel your walls flutter.
A choked out “Please,” tumbles from your lips. You’re so turned on it hurts. Your brain can’t think straight anymore.
You moan loudly as a single finger strokes your dripping lips. You roll your hips as best as you can to get more friction. He lets out a proper laugh at your discomfort, sliding his single digit past your folds.
“So needy. What would you do without me? If I wasn’t here to relieve you?”
Your walls flutter around his digit as he runs his finger against your inside. The burning in your blood only seems to increase at the slight relief. “Please, Overhaul please!”
At your pitiful begging, he slides another finger in, stretching your walls. He works the two digits in a slow and methodical pace, scissoring you. You whine and cry, grinding your hips into his fingers. When he curls the two fingers and strokes the spongy spot inside you, a coil snaps, and you cum hard around him.
He doesn’t stop, continuing to pump his fingers inside you. You moan as you come down from your high.
The heat inside dims for the barest of moments before firing back up with a vengeance.
“Did that make you feel better?” He mocks, putting more force behind his motions.
You gasp as the coil of pleasure begins again. “It hurts! I need more, please!”
“Patience, little one. You’ll get your release. Soon, you’ll be begging me to stop.”
As if to prove his point, he uses his thumb to stroke your clit hard. Your walls flutter and drip around his gloved fingers as you feel yourself close to the crest again. “Oh - Oh, oh please!” You wail.
“Cum again, pet.”
You do. Your walls spasm as you tip over, shaking in your restraints as a sigh leaves you.
He doesn’t stop. The fire inside is rapidly dwindling, and you flinch at the touch.
“Oh, are you sensitive already?” He muses. “It won’t last long.”
True to your words, the fire picks up again. You sob as his touch hurts. It hurts yet is relieving you too. Tears stream down your face as you’re overstimulated, but the heat is still there.
“It's almost over. Hold on just a bit longer.”
Overhaul fingers you faster, making the coil of pleasure twist quicker and harder than the last two orgasms. You sob as you near the edge again.
“Last one. Give me one more. Cum over my fingers.”
“I can’t!” You cry out, rocking your hips into his fingers despite what you say.
“You can. And you will.” You can hear the squelching as his fingers target your g-spot, his thumb rolling your clit hard. “Cum again y/n.”
A scream rips from your throat as you’re forced over the edge of another orgasm. Your entire body tenses, and white fills your eyes. Overhaul drags his fingers out of you slowly, making you wince from the overstimulation. He tears the glove covered in cum off of his hand before sliding a new set on.
Panting hard, you come down again, body relaxing. Your blood no longer feels like you’re being boiled alive.
You flinch as a syringe is forced into your arm, and watch in sick curiosity as he draws blood from you. Even the touch of the needle makes you quiver, your entire body too sensitive for touch.
“Shh, it’ll be okay. You did so well.”
You moan, shaking as he places a bandage over your skin again. Your head swims as black dots at the edge of your vision.
You look up at him, and can tell even from behind his mask that he’s smiling. “I’ll be back tomorrow. Rest well, pet.”
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding Part Three: SW Time Travel AU #27
Part One
Part Two
Obi Wan woke with a dry mouth and a moderate headache. A fairly typical morning these days. 
He peered around his bedroom in the temple confused. Wasn’t he just with Cody? Shouldn’t he be on the Negotiator? No wait, the war was over, Cody tried to kill him, and the Negotiator was a part of the Imperial Armada, of course he wouldn’t be there. He closed his eyes, snuggling back under the covers. Before he could drift back to sleep, his sluggish mind processed that last thought. 
He BOLTED upright in bed. The temple had been razed, his personal chambers scorched with particular thoroughness. Just being on Coruscant was an automatic death sentence. Faint tendrils of panic began to curl around his throat before he remembered his decision to give Spice a try. He had reasoned that he should probably find at least one pleasure in his new life, instead of focusing incessantly on what was lost. 
So what if he lost a few brain cells? Good riddance. 
Obi-Wan had been a bit nervous, but this had ended up being his best decision in years. His goodbye to Cody had been painful, but deeply cathartic. Spice Hallucination Anakin didn’t scream like Nightmare Anakin, and the color of his eyes was perfect. Far better final memories to cling to than reality- a reminder of the good times. Comforted, he relaxed backwards in bed, pulling his blankets back around him.
He LURCHED out of bed, covers tossed aside, movement a blur.
He was still hallucinating?!? Spice shouldn’t last in the system this long! He might’ve been uncertain about whether he was supposed to smoke or snort the substance but it was a well known fact that its exhaustive but rapid passage through the body was half what made it so addictive. If nothing else, his well-restedness and thirst indicated it had been at least six hours. He looked frantically around the room, searching for some thread of unreality to pull at.
This...was not good. Hadn’t the subconscious manifestations of his friends mentioned drugs that interacted poorly with force users last night? He had dismissed it at the time but...
He clearly was stuck in some sort of drugged fantasy combined with force-enhanced memory recall. Kriff, he had to wake up in the real world before he died of an aneurysm. Or just dehydration.
He sat on the ‘temple floor’ to meditate. This could be tricky as he couldn’t risk lowering his outer shields to reach out to reality. It would be deeply embarrassing as well as horrifying if the Emperor managed to find him and, by extension, Luke because he got stuck in a bad spice trip.
The door to his room clicked open quietly. 
“Oh! You’re awake. Sorry to come in without knocking, Master. I wanted to let you sleep, but I’ve been checking on you every two hours to make sure you were still, you know, breathing. You were...pretty out of it last night and I would be a pretty bad ‘best friend in the whole galaxy’ if I let you choke on your own vomit, right?” His blue-eyed Padawan explained with a grin.
Obi-Wan just stared. Oh this- this hurt. It was easier last night, when the whole fantasy had a kind of drunken blurriness. Sleeping and waking had brought sober clarity to the dream world. He could see the bags under Anakin’s eyes as well as the sheepish slouch of his shoulders as he instinctively ducked at the door frame. It was just so real.
“Obi-Wan? Are you feeling ok? Do you still feel drunk?” Anakin asked concerned.
Obi-Wan shook his head. He hesitated, before deciding to just go along with the interaction. He didn’t want to risk his subconscious throwing a less idylic scene at him by pretending to ignore this one. And besides, last night had been, all totaled, a huge relief- an unburdening of things left unsaid. This was probably the closest thing to therapy available to him these days, he might as well take advantage.
“I’m just...processing. Not to mention dealing with some mild dehydration.” He finally answered.
“Processing, huh? So does that mean you, uh, remember last night?” Anakin asked nervously.
“I do.” Obi-Wan smiled gently. As heart-wrenching as this was, it was also adorably sweet. Maybe it was worth it to push off waking for a little while. He could get some closure, maybe even work through some of the past to see where the two of them had gone wrong. It might even be helpful for Luke! Force willing, he would probably end up training Anakin’s son someday.
(the boy wouldn’t have many masters to choose from)
If this dream world could help him figure out specifically how he had failed as a Master, then he owed it to the galaxy to see it through. Satisfied, he resolved to let the fantasy play out. At least for a few more more hours. And...he had missed what Anakin had said. Wonderful start.
“I’m very sorry, Anakin would you mind repeating that? I was still a little distracted, but I promise, I’m focused on you now.”
Anakin shuffled nervously. “It’s nothing.”
Obi-Wan tried to project reassurance without actually projecting. “Please Anakin, I’d like to hear what you have to say. I know I wasn’t the most observant or approachable Master, and I’m sorry for that. But I have always cared about your thoughts and feelings.” It was a struggle and the words caught in his throat, but the raw burn of the apology was cleansing in an almost addictive way.
Anakin flushed. “Did you mean everything you said?” he asked nervously.
“I’d...rather not talk about seeing the destruction of the temple, seeing you... Maybe later...but please, I just don’t want to focus on it while I’m sitting here, looking at you,” Obi-Wan said quietly.
“That actually wasn’t what I was talking about,” Anakin responded quickly. “I mean, I do want to help you with that at some point, but I get not wanting to talk about visions, even if you should probably should. Of course if you do want to talk about that stuff, that’s more important, but since you don’t we can talk about the other stuff you mentioned. I was more referring to, you know, us, and what you said about our friendship?” his voice got progressively higher the longer he rambled. 
Obi-Wan thought back. “Well some of it is a little hazy, but overall yes. I...for a very long time I’ve considered you my best friend, and its not so easy for me to let go of my affections. I miss spending time with you; there are times I turn to say something and am still shocked you’re not there. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, with real words, how much I cared. I’m sorry I didn’t hug you as much as I wanted, looking back that was a nonsensical Jedi custom. It’s not in the code; it’s just an affectation of dignity. All things considered, the fact that you often snuck out to see Padme doesn’t really bother me.” He paused. “Was that everything?”
“Oh. Yeah, that pretty much covered everything.” Anakin looked embarrassed, but happy. “I wasn’t sure if you were just saying that stuff because you were drugged, or really drunk or something.”
“No, I meant what I said. I suppose it just took an altered state for me to relax enough to actually say it instead of just thinking at you and assuming you would know. I must admit, its difficult for me to maintain this emotional honesty without feeling drunk, but it’s good. This is good.”
“Ah, that’s... wow. So you weren’t drugged? Cody was concerned you seemed to off for much you actually drank.”
Obi-Wan frowned. Hadn’t that been a trip? Vision blurring from desert hovel to some nameless Catina he once visited with Cody. The continuity since then was almost unsettling. But, then again, Obi-Wan always did have a remarkable talent for self-delusion, didn’t he. He waved away the concerns.
“My substance consumption was entirely deliberate and exactly what I needed. There might have been some unknown additions with some unforeseen after-affects, but like I said- I’m not drunk. I’m clear minded and in full control right now and I knowingly accept the current fallout from whatever I took. I could meditate and force purge to completely recenter, but I think it would be far wiser to just see where this goes. Do you disagree, Anakin?”
Anakin grinned widely. “Whatever you say, Obi-Wan. Just remember this is your idea. Also, I’m taking you to the healers tonight if you’re not completely back to yourself.”
Obi-Wan signed, “If I’m not back to myself in 12 hours, than I fully agree that’s a problem worthy of the halls of healing.”
“Right,” Anakin nodded decisively, “I’ll go get you some water then comm Cody to tell him you’re still alive.
Obi-Wan smiled weakly in response. This wasn’t just a hashed up memory; the responsiveness was more that. He quickly got dressed, hands lingering over soft fabrics and sand-free linens.
Anakin dropped off a cup of water; Obi-Wan sipped at it hesitantly. Dear force, this was dangerously vivid. It actually felt like a relief in his parched mouth. Clearly his subconscious was pulling out all the stops to trap him in this soft delusion. He would have to deal with the thirst and hunger until he woke up- it was probably the firmest link he had to his real body.
He took one last look around before rushing out of his room, eager to take advantage of the time.
Anakin looked nervously up from the comm when Obi-Wan started pulling his boots on. “You’re not going out in the temple like this, are you?”
“Of course! I want to visit the gardens and the Room of a Thousand Fountains. Not to mention spend some time with a few of the other Jedi. You might still be the dearest being in my heart, but there were other Jedi that I care for, and dammit I’m going to tell them that.” He finally finished lacing up his left leg and moved to the right.
Anakin was dumbstruck, presumably as burnt by the ‘dearest being’ comment as Obi-Wan was. Then he rallied, “Wow, wow, No. You are not running around the temple drugged so you can, I don’t know, give Mace Windu a hug. I thought when you said you were going to ‘deal with the fallout' from whatever the kriff you’re still on, you meant you were going to lounge around the quarters all day!”
His former padawan physically blocked the door when Obi-Wan started to leave, sounding vaguely hysterical, “You can’t run around loopy! You’re a High Council Member!”
“Not anymore,” Obi-Wan replied bitterly. 
“What do you mean not anymore,” Anakin said fiercely, grabbing on to his shoulders . “Did they kick you out? Is that why you’re acting crazy? Did you resign?”
Obi-Wan responded by pulling Anakin into a hug, which was immediately returned, “Of course not, don’t be absurd. Fine, I suppose I’m technically still a high council member, it just seems like a bit of a moot point.”
“What the kark does that mean? You used to dream about being on the council! You’re the wisest Master in any of those stupid chairs!”
‘Master of the High Council’ Kenobi just sighed heavily in response. He maneuvered around the confused errant Knight and into the hall. 
"Obi-Wan wait! At least eat something first! Or let me put my shoes on!”
“Very well, you have one minute to make yourself presentable. I only have a few hours before I’m going to need to get back to reality, and the longer I linger the more I fear extreme measures may be necessary.”
“What does that mean?” Anakin shouted from inside. “Extreme measures sounds really ominous, you know.”
“I’d rather not get into it, alright? Let’s just enjoy the here-and-now, eh, ad’ika?
Anakin crashed out the door with less than a second to spare. “What did you just call me?"
“Ad’ika,” Obi-Wan answered, striding down the hallway in the direction of the hanging gardens. “Surely you must have picked up some Mando’a from the troopers?”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t sure if I heard you right, bu- um- ori'vod,” Anakin fumbled out. “Uh, you’re not going to call me that in front of anyone else, right? You do remember that the council already gives us the side eye for over-attachment right?”
Obi-Wan hummed thought fully in responded. “There are far worse things a Jedi could do than admit to affection they already feel. Maybe if I had been honest about my attachments, they wouldn’t have ended the way that...” he trailed off quietly.
“The way that what,” Anakin asked frustrated. “You’re really giving me some emotional whiplash over here, and I’m starting to think that putting off dragging you to the healers is a stupid idea.
“There are far stupider things a Jedi could do,” he responded cheerily. “Oh look, there’s Plo Koon. MASTER KOON!” He shouted, startling the Kel Doran Jedi.
“Yes, Master Kenobi?” He replied slightly concerned as the two human Jedi came jogging over.
“I just wanted to say that I consider my former padawan my family. I raised him, I care for him deeply, and I don’t want to let go of those feelings.”
Plo Koon nodded seriously in response. “I feel just the same about my former padawans, and the Wolffe pack, of course. Denying my attachments isn’t, personally, a practical way to handle them. I’d rather honestly live as an imperfect Jedi than pretend to be a perfect example of the code. If I must have some imbalance, I’d rather it be an excess of compassion than a dearth,” he replied earnestly.
“I always admired that about you,” Obi-Wan replied ruefully. “This might be a little odd, but could I have a hug? I hold you in the highest regard and I’ve realized that there are so many Jedi that I never directly expressed my affection for and...”
Plo Koon didn’t wait for Obi-Wan to finish before wrapping his arms around him. “Of course, dear boy. You’ve had such heavy burdens placed on your shoulders during your life, especially in the last few years; it saddens me to see how deeply they’ve weighed you down. If there’s anything I can do to help, in any way, you simply have to ask.”
Obi-Wan sniffled slightly into Plo’s Shoulder while Plo rubbed soothing circles over his back.
A few passing Jedi gave the embracing Masters uncomfortable looks before hurrying on their way. Anakin stood slack-jawed.
When they finally pulled back, Plo Koon hesitated before finally asking, “I don’t mean to pry, but what brought all this on? I can sense much grief from you, even through your impressive shields.”
“It’s a long story,” Obi-Wan replied, wiping at the corner of his eyes. “I’d rather not get into it.”
“He’s high,” Anakin offered bluntly. “He took something last night and won’t go to medical wing.”
“Ah,” Plo said. “Is that true?”
Obi-Wan looked a little embarrassed. “I have the situation under control. My connection with reality might be...slightly altered right now, but my emotions, and what I chose to do with them are my own. I’m just, taking advantage of a unique opportunity to express myself.”
Plo Koon seemed to scrutinize him intensely, “If you’re sure this is what you need, than I support you. Just don’t do anything too foolish.” he finally offered.
Obi-Wan beamed. “I appreciate you saying so, I thought you would be supportive. Farewell, Master Koon”
Obi-Wan offered a respectful bow and then turned to walk away briskly. Before Anakin could follow, Plo rested a claw on his arm. 
“Feel free to comm me if his behavior reaches a point where you think he truly needs a healer. I’m happy to help you drag him there if need be. A little cathartic release isn’t in of itself such a bad thing, but if he starts acting too out of control...”
Anakin nodded in acknowledgment, then ran off to see who else Obi-Wan had chosen to throw himself at.
Part Four
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tinyjeanmarco · 3 years
Helloooo 🥺🥺 idk if ur into writing hurt+comfort but I’m in such a big fat mood to cry rn and there’s not a lot Porco angst out here... I was thinking along the lines of modern au and ur already in a relationship but ur incredibly insecure about urself and the relationship, but Porco reassures u in the end that he really does love u and goes out of his way to prove it <3
(I realize u likely won’t get this done tonight and I’ll probs be in a better mood tomorrow BUT it’s still true there isn’t a lot of Porco angst out there!!)
Also if u don’t write angst pls ignore this!! Thank you 💖💖
teddy (a hurt/comfort fic)
hello my darling!! i hope that you’re in a better mood now and don’t want to cry anymore! (>д<) remember that it’s okay to cry and to take care of yourself. your body loves you and you should show it just as much love. i do really love hurt/comfort fics! they always make me feel so soft in the comfort part. 🥺 i’ll do my best to write this! i think porco can be a real comforting boyfie that just cares so much about you. ♡ also sorry this was so late after your request, love. (。 ́︿ ̀。) i listened to idontwannabeyouanymore by billie eilish, and emotional anorexic by svavar knutur while i wrote this so you kinda get the vibe i was feeling while writing!
wc: 1,818
modern!porco x gn!reader
warnings: some angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending, i swear.
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he’s just busy, you thought as you exited the coffee shop. you clutched the cup in your hand tighter as you checked your phone for what must have been the twentieth time that hour.
you texted your boyfriend, asking if he wanted to do something that day, but alas, it’s been a few hours and no response. you knew he had classes, but they should be done by now, meaning he was just ignoring you at this point.
no, he’s busy. you reminded yourself. yet, you weren’t sure how much longer you could buy that thought. you couldn’t tell if that was true anymore, or if it was just a way to keep your bad thoughts at bay.
you debated texting him again, but were worried that you would annoy him. maybe that was the issue in the first place; he saw your text and wanted a break from you, thus making him ignore you. it had already been nine months since you started dating, maybe he was annoyed with you.
you picked up your pace as you walked back to your apartment, no longer wanting to be around people, in case you broke down in some way. you knew it wasn’t the best to be alone when you felt like this, your friends telling you that getting out and doing things would take your mind off your anxious thoughts.
you couldn’t seem to text anyone to tell them you felt trapped.
stepping inside your apartment, you locked the door behind you and toed off your shoes before making your way to the bedroom. you tossed your keys on a table as you walked by.
your mind just kept racing faster the more you were alone with the silence that was suffocating you. the best course of action was to take a nap, you decided. so, you changed, and put on one of porco’s hoodies that he gave you.
yet, when you settled under the covers, sleep wouldn’t find you. your insecurities picked you apart down to the bone. at this point, you had felt like you were being drowned. it was so hard to swim in the fog that was your head.
your brain had managed to convince you that porco was tired of you, and it was on its way to make you think he would break up with you. in the back of your head, you knew this was false, yet it kept persisting. it wouldn’t leave you alone.
instead of ruminating about things you didn’t want to, you thought maybe putting on one of your sad music playlists would help quiet the thoughts, which, in hindsight was an okay idea at most. it really only served to upset you even more.
you didn’t even notice tears were leaking from your eyes until you found your nose was beginning to clog. you wiped at your eyes, and just cried harder.
you were trying so hard to be okay, but your insecurities would not leave you alone. you hated it so much. you just wished they would leave you alone. tired,  you were so tired of always feeling like not enough.
normally, you would communicate to porco about how you were feeling because communication and telling the other how you feel in a relationship is rule number one. yet, you were so convinced he didn’t want anything to do with you at the moment, so you refrained.
the only option left was to just keep crying until sleep somehow made its way to you.
a few hours later is when you woke up, thanks to the constant buzzing of your phone. why couldn’t everyone just leave you alone?
sighing, you did your best to wipe the sleep from your eyes before you squinted at your phone screen to see who was calling.
your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach. it was porco. what would he want? was he finally going to break it off? would he tell you that your texts got on his nerves so he needed space?
you decided you didn’t feel like answering it, not wanting to deal with whatever it is he had to tell you. you weren’t mad at him, you just didn’t want to be even more hurt than you were already. that means ignoring everything completely.
after the phone finally stopped ringing, you kept getting texts from him but you just put your phone on do not disturb and shut your eyes again.
you had fallen alseep again, but it didn’t last as long as earlier, because you happened to hear a soft knocking on your bedroom door. shooting up into a sitting position, you scanned your room for a nearby weapon. who the fuck was in your apartment?
the answer came when a gentle voice, which you didn’t want to hear, followed the knocks.
“baby? are you in there?” and ever so slowly, the door pushed open. your body felt like it was made of lead as he stepped into the room. you forgot you had given him the spare key.
“oh, were you asleep? i’m sorry if i woke you, sweetheart.” he made his way over to your bed and sat himself on the side of it.
“yeah, i was asleep. it’s fine though, i needed to wake up anyways.” you mumbled out. he nodded before speaking again.
“what’s got you down? and don’t tell me nothing because i know you only take naps when you’re upset or it’s exam week.” he reached a hand out to take yours, gently stroking the top of it with his thumb.
“are you tired of me?” you blurred out, not quite answering his question, but to porco, that was enough of an answer that he got what was going on.
“no, no, no, baby. why do you think that? talk to me, honey.” his other hand that was not in yours, reached up to gently cup your face, encouraging you to speak.
“i dunno, you had to be not answering my texts for a reason.” you sniffled, tears coming to your eyes again today. when would they just stop and let you be happy?
“i’m so sorry, baby. my phone died today after i got called in for an emergency shift at work, and i didn’t have a charger at work. i promise you, i’m not tired of you. i was thinking of you the whole time i was working. i’d rather be with you then at that dump.” he gave a small squeeze to your hand. you squeezed back.
you had felt a little of the weight lift off your heart at his words, but you had spent so long today just overthinking and assuming you were right. the sadness wasn’t going to go away immediately.
“i’m sorry i overthink so much and always make you deal with it.” he just tutted and crawled on the bed to plant himself right beside you, pulling you into his chest.
“don’t you dare apologize. you know i care about you and have no problem making you feel more comfortable.” you felt yourself melt at his words and sink into his embrace. with every word he spoke, the thoughts in your head got quieter and quieter.
you closed your eyes and just listened to his heartbeat for a second before saying anything else. one of his hands reached up to your face and wiped the last of the tears away.
“thank you, porco.” you sighed and snuggled in even closer.
“you don’t need to thank me, this is what i’m here for.” a kiss is pressed to the top of your head, and you feel him shift. “now, how about i run to get stuff to cook for you and we can spend the rest of the night in?”
“you don’t have to, pock. i’m okay with just ordering a pizza or something.” you turned to him and pressed a kiss onto his nose before connecting your lips together.
“but i wanna.” he mumbled into your lips, not wanting to break the kiss.
you eventually reluctantly agreed, and decided to hop in the shower to melt away the rest of the day’s stress as you waited for him to return. he promised it would only be fifteen minutes max that he’d be gone.
the hot water running down your back felt like heaven. you could feel the knots in your neck and shoulders just dissolve under the heat. you were okay, not like earlier when you were wrapped up in despair.
you still felt tired and a little numb from the thoughts that polluted your head that day, but at least you no longer felt the need to cry. now you just craved the touch and comfort of your boyfriend, whenever he returned.
as you were getting dressed after your shower, you heard porco call out that he had returned from his shopping adventure. pulling his hoodie back over your head, you shuffled out to where he was unloading the groceries he had purchased.
when he saw you, he hurried to grab something he set aside and made his way over to you.
he got you a giant, cuddly teddy bear and some of your favorite chocolate bars.
“what’s all this for?” you inquired.
“i got it for you, to help cheer you up and kind of apologize for being irresponsible.” he scratched the back of his neck, a light red dusting his cheeks.
“pock.. i don’t know what to say. you really didn’t have to do this.” you took the bear from his hands and hugged it close to you.
“but i really wanted to, and it’s to make up for you being sad. whenever i’m not around, you can just hug the bear and pretend it’s me.” he set the chocolate aside on the counter and went to pull you into a hug, effectively squishing the stuffed bear between your bodies.
“this bear will never live up to the expectations of cuddling with you, pock.” you let out a small chuckle.
“well, then i guess i’ll just have to be sure to cuddle you as much as i can.” he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“you won’t hear me complaining.” you leaned into him and pressed your lips together, craving his affection. “now, please cook for me, baby. i’m really hungry.”
you tried to give him the best puppy eyes you could muster. he laughed and gave you another quick kiss before pulling away and turning to the rest of the things he bought.
“of course, just make sure you sit there looking pretty and i’ll get right to it.” you finally felt a big grin form on your face, finally relaxed.
you hated that you could get so sad and insecure sometimes, but porco understood you, he didn’t judge you. you could always trust him to pick up the broken pieces when you didn’t feel okay.
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sarita-sketches · 3 years
Ignorant Bliss
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Pairing : Conny Springer x Fem Reader
Genres : Smut, very smutty! Lots of angst: Lovers to Enemies to Lovers again
Warnings : BIG ATTACK ON TITAN SEASON 4 SPOILERS !!! Read at own risk. Heavy sexual content including vaginal sex, oral, general foreplay, dominance, slightly kinky. Brief mentions of death and character trauma
Summary: You and Conny were once lovers but a tragic accident caused the two of you to fall apart leaving nothing but hatred between the two of you. Two years later after the incident you’re sent on a mission with him to foreign lands where you end up having to share a bed in an inn for the night. The past resourfaces leaving growing tension between the two of you that becomes completely unbearable.
A/N : Hi this is my first time posting anything, I’m also an artist so if this posts generates enough interest I might do an NSFW drawing to complement it 👌🏼
“Y/n are you listening to me” your captain’s voice forced your attention back in to the room that you were currently stood in with the rest of the squad members who had not yet left for Marley.
“Yes, my apologies Captain Levi”. Though he was significantly shorter than the rest of the members of his squad, including yourself, Levi’s presence took up the room where ever he was – no one stepped out of line with him so you ignored your body’s urges to retaliate with a snide remark as you normally would have had it been anyone else.
“Y/n and Conny I am ordering you both to infiltrate Marley and rendezvous with your team mates, make contact with them as soon as you can”.
Your body stiffened at the name of your fellow comrade that you’d been paired up with. Seeing your composure shift Levi challenged you.
“I am assuming that I can count on you to carry this task out without any issues, yes y/n?”
“Yes sir” your replied, devoid of all emotion if anything to not let Conny have the satisfaction of getting under your skin.
God this was going to be the end of me, you thought to yourself, if not this war then he will be.
“Good, I want you both to remember that this is bigger than us all so neither of you screw this up or I will personally beat you both into pulps. You’re both relieved”.
You didn’t wait to see if Conny would say anything to you, your legs carried you as fast as they could out of the room to your quarters that you once shared with the other girls in your squad, you wished they were here right now. The memory of Sasha weighed heavy in your heart as you laid on your bunk thinking about the times you’d talk about the different kinds of foods you would find in your adventures, the people you’d meet. You remembered Sasha had given you the strength to finally tell Conny how you felt. She was there through all of it, giving you advice on how to deal with her best friend when you would have an argument with Conny. Your sleepless nights when you’d be ridden with anxiety. She was there through to the very end.
The memory of your dearest friend colliding against you propelling you away from the looming mouth of the titan rips you apart, plagued with the image of you friend being ripped from limb to limb where you should have been instead.
Your body began to shut down, you try to steady your breathing but it’s no use. You feel your panic begin to rise and bloom across your chest as your breaths fall shorter than normal. You try to work though the exercises that help you control these episodes but to your own dismay you can’t focus. All you could see was Sasha’s face crumpled in fear as she screamed for you to run. Why did you have to save me Sasha? You cried out in desperation in the lonely confines of your room.
That day you hadn’t just lost Sasha, you lost the last part of you that was clinging on to the hope that things would be okay one day. But that hope died the moment Sasha did. It wasn’t just you who felt it either, it wasn’t spoken of but you felt the resentment of your comrades, of the person you loved, knowing that they wished it had been you that day, not Sasha. Only Mikasa had shown you kindness, the kind that was heartfelt and genuine that made you feel safe but soon Mikasa was sent along with the Armin, Eren and Jean to Marley once again leaving you with nobody.
The next morning you found yourself in the same hall you had been in last night with Levi and the rest of your comrades.
Get over yourself y/n he hates you and you hate him. You hate him. You hate him. YOU HATE HIM. Levi once again begrudgingly pulls you out from your thoughts forcing back into reality.
“Let’s go soldiers” he declares and yourself and Connie stiffly follow behind to the vehicle that transports you both to the port where you’re met with a small boat you assumed would carry you to Marley.
“Are you both clear on what your orders are?”
“Make contact with the our comrades and rendezvous and escape without being noticed” you and Conny say in unison.
“Alright good. You’re all under strict orders to not die”.
With that Levi turns on his horse and rides back to the walls leaving a deafening silence in his wake. Neither of you say anything to each other, you don’t bother looking at him, you doubt he does either as you both mount the boat and head for the enemy territory.
A few hours into the journey you were beginning to feel restless, this was your first time crossing over such a large body of water and you weren’t sure how you felt about it, the silence between yourself and Connie wasn’t helping either. Reluctantly fed up of the silence you get up from the spot you were keeping warm and walk over to Connie. You’re never prepared for the hatred you see in his eyes whenever they make brief contact with you; it had been like that since Sasha’s death.
“What do you want” he mumbled forcing himself to look at anything else but you, opting to glare at the ocean instead.
Choosing to ignore the ignited fire burning in side of you, you push on wards asking him if he wanted to train while you were both stuck here with nothing else to do.
“Fine” Connie replied reluctantly “but don’t cry when you hurt yourself, princess”.
The venom that coated the words he once used to sooth you cut deep within you, but you pushed that hurt aside burying it deep, far enough that you couldn’t reach it and instead let your anger that you used to trick yourself into hating Connie consume you.
In one swift movement your legs kicked Connie from underneath him resulting in a loud thud as his back hit the hard wooden deck. Not wasting your breath you immediately were on top of him pushing your entire body weight down pinning his arms either side of his head. You cringed at this familiarity.
“That’s a lot of talk for someone who-” you were immediately cut off as he swung his arms down, bucking his hip up towards you sending you flying onto the deck. Conny moved quickly, before you could regain your senses he was already out from underneath you. His body pressed harshly against your back, his right arms tightly wrapped itself around your throat, his other behind your neck. The feeling overwhelmed you as the memories plagued your mind only now he held you with the intention to hurt you. He didn’t care anymore. Panicking you pushed your body backwards but to your dismay he simply held you tighter in his headlock, his own legs wrapped around yours.
“What was that?” He growled into your ear. You stayed silent. “That’s what I thought, who’s going to save you now huh y/n? Pathetic, if you had been better she would still be here”.
Something with in you snapped, you knocked your head back bashing against Conny’s forcing him to let out a scream reluctantly letting go of your throat. Before you could stop yourself your fist found it’s self against Connie’s cheek.
“Fuck you, you piece of shit”. You tried to steady yourself as you slowly pulled your body weight up walking away from him, not bothering to look at him.
“Say something like that to me again and I will kill you” you spat. With that you disappeared.
Evening stained the sky with all of its brilliance, shades of rose and golds were spread as though they had been painted by someone, illuminating the world beneath it. It sure was a cruel joke, to have such beautiful sights and yet in order to have these experiences you needed to live and that was a curse in the world you lived in. Sighing, you focused your attention to the crystal ocean mesmerised by the waves as they lightly folded over one and other occasionally making the boat sway a bit more than the usual. Strange creatures swam around, freely without a care in the world; you wondered what it was like to be free like that. Lost in your thoughts you hadn’t realised that a person had appeared until their voice cut through your thoughts stealing you away from the momentary feeling of peace.
“Miss we are almost reaching the shores of Marley, we should be making contact by nightfall”.
“Thank you commandeer”.
The tall man satisfied with having delivered the message left, assumingly to let Conny know. Your heart felt heavy in your chest at the thought of his name. NO! You interrupted yourself not allowing your heart to deceive you… he doesn’t love you and you don’t love him, the people you once were are no longer there.
You finally reached the shore and were left with a vague direction of where you both were supposed to be headed. Silently you both walked through the forest for cover not wanting to be seen by anyone else. After what seemed like hours you finally came to a town that seemed to be guarded by walls, guards patrolling it without a chance to sneak in.
“Levi could have warned us about this” you huffed taking in your surroundings assessing any points in which they could sneak in.
“Wait here” Connie said, before you could object he was already half way down walking to a couple of guards along one section of the wall. You watched as he single handily took them both out stripping them of their uniform and hiding them behind some trees. He finally made his way back towards you throwing the jacket along with an arm band.
“Wear this” he mumbled not bothering to look at you as he made his way over to the gate, you hesitated before reluctantly following in his steps. The guards scoffed looking at you both with disgust but made no movements to try and stop you from entering. Once you were far enough into the walls, covered by the crowds you let out a breath of air you had not realised you had been holding in.
“Conny! You mind slowing down? It’s no use if we end up getting separated”. Conny immediately stopped pulling you into a dark alleyway.
“If you keep shouting like that we are going to get caught. So shut the fuck up”
“Well if you weren’t walking so fast and slowed down to use that non-existent head of yours we might have a better chance at finding the others quicker, then this whole nightmare will be over” your waved your arms explosively in the air in attempt to keep your frustrations under control.
“I don’t want to be here as much as you and I especially don’t want to be here with you so don’t make our lives more difficult than what it actually is” you finished forcing yourself to not break away from his stare as he towered over your frame. When you were met with silence you safely assumed that you had had the last word, taking this opportunity you suggested that you both go to find an inn for the night where you can both devise a plan to find the others. Thankfully, Conny did not object to the idea, though he didn’t look thrilled either – no matter, that’s his issue you thought to yourself.
It didn’t take long for you to find an inn, it seemed in good condition and didn’t stray too far from the path you had both familiarised with. You look over to Conny searching for a mutual agreement, not that he had much say in the matter. Regardless, he nodded as you both walked in. You were met with the smell of antique wood with a hint of the ocean breeze. It was nice, much nicer than any of the places you had ever grown up in back at home. Taking in your surroundings you noticed the white walls were decorated in hints of gold and brass, large paintings of people dressed in fine gowns clung on to them. Beneath your feet the carpet was red and plushie with ornate gold patterns that matched the walls. It took everything within you not to gape at the place. In the midst of your admiration at the grandeur of this place you hadn’t realised that Conny had already walked up to the main desk and was negotiating with the woman before him. There was a smile stretched on his features, a small glint in his eye using the same charm that used to work on your self – or rather used to use on you before everything had gone to hell.
STOP you thought, no good will come from this, besides he is only pretending to get a cheaper bed for the night. Your suspicions confirmed when he turned back around catching your eye, the glint was gone replaced with his cold demeanour. You both followed the lady up the creaky stairs to the room that would be yours for the night. It was late and all you wanted to do was to just collapse on a bed and sleep but just like everything else, nothing was ever easy as you were both presented to a room with a single double bed. Great.
“Have a wonderful night you two” the woman cooed as she disappeared down the hall presumably back to her desk. You turned to face Conny who was burning holes into the bed.
“Stare at that any longer and you’ll set the place on fire”
“Whatever, I’ll take the floor”
Your eyes couldn’t have rolled further back into your head even if you tried.
“God, Conny you are such a pain, what good will it be if you don’t get enough sleep. The last thing I need is the plan fucking up because of me because you don’t want to share the damn bed”.
“I was being respectful” he spat, his tone covered in venom as though with each word he ever said to you was a direct hit to slowly intoxicate you until you were nothing but bones.
“Respectful?” you repeated, bringing your face a hairs width to his “are you fucking kidding me right now? RESPECTFUL?! You lost all respect for me the night Sasha died, you don’t know how to be respectful. You only know how to be a selfish asshole who not only broke my heart, but left me when I had no body! She was my friend too, Conny! I didn’t just lose her that night I lost you. You have treated me like shit ever since. So don’t give me this bull shit about respect when you don’t know the damn meaning of it!” your chest was heaving, completely breathless as you looked up at him.
“You done?”
“No, one last thing” your hand went flying towards his cheek but before it could make contact he tightly gripped your wrist pushing you harshly against the wall. You hadn’t noticed in your anger his eyes had clouded over as though pain brimming at the edges that had been locked away for the last two years.
“What did you expect me to do? I lost my best friend and I realised that I could lose you too, in any moment you could be ripped away from me”. His cracked voice filled the room, making you faintly aware that anyone could hear you but in this moment you didn’t care. You felt dizzy as neither of you yielded from each other’s stares.
“I can’t lose you, I did all of it so you would leave but you stayed” his voice now barely above a whisper.
“I never would have left” tears spilled out of both your eyes blinding you both.
“Damn it y/n why do you have to be so stubborn” before you knew what was happening his hand lifted your face to his lips as they crashed against each other. The familiarity made you melt into his touch, your body shuddering as his other hand gently wondered across your hips.
Momentarily breaking away you felt Conny mumble words against your skin.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” he repeated over and over, desperation in his voice growing with each plead for forgiveness. Tired of it you force Conny to look into your eyes
“Shut up and kiss me, I don’t want to hear this right now”.
Darkness clouded over his eyes, a new shade of confidence settled upon him and he wore like it was his own skin. Conny moved his hands towards you thighs pulling you up so that your body was now pressed against him. More forcefully this time he re attached his lips to your own, slipping his tongue between your teeth earning a moan from yourself. You felt his smirk against your lips as they moulded together, in response you pulled his hair making him growl against you.
“Fuck, don’t do that y/n” he pressed himself against you as though warning you what would come if you didn’t stop, still you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of his hard cock pressed against your heat; it ignited a fire with in you that had been smothered  and now it was consuming your very soul.
“Conny” you breathed, your voice laced in seduction as it reached his ears, his hands tightening around your muscly thighs.
“Conny please, I need you”
Immediately your back was met with cold air as Conny slammed your body onto the double bed situated in the middle of the room. The bed was a soft contrast to the harsh wall, the mattress dipping as Conny climbed over towards your body. Your lips re-joined, tongues clashing against each other unlocking a primal instinct with in the both of you as the kiss deepened and became more heated.
“God y/n, I missed this so fucking much” he breathed, his ember eyes locking with yours, taking a bit of your h/c hair with his fingers tenderly placing it behind your ear. His other hand caresses your face.
“I love your eyes”. He looks down at your swollen lips dipping his head towards them.
“I love these” he mumbled against them gently pecking them. His free hand trails down your body as though he was savouring every curve, eventually making its way to the curve of your behind. His hand gripped it tightly whilst he whispered into your ear “I especially love this”. The gesture forced a gasp out of you, not being able to control the smile that was plastered on your face.
“Conny” you whined, but it was short lived as your body filled with the overwhelming sensation of his lips dragging across the sensitive part of your neck.
“That stopped your whining” he chuckled, the vibrations sending your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Fed up with his teasing you took matters into your own hands catching him by surprise as you rolled out from under and pinned him beneath you.
“You’re taking too damn long” you said leaning down towards his lips as you rolled your hips against his hard member. Instantly Conny’s hands were digging into your hips, pushing you further onto him.
“Fuck baby” he growls, his tongue slipping into your mouth.
You tried not to laugh at the look of disappointment in his face as your lips left his, your head held upright as you continued to drag your clothed core against him. Knowing he wouldn’t last much longer before something snapped with in him, you moved off him unzipping his pants and removing his undergarments allowing his cock to be free from its tight constraints. Though you’d seen it before and had done many lustrous things to it with your mouth, it’s size never ceased to shock you. Gulping down your initial surprise, you moved your head towards the tip that was already gleaming with precum. Wanting to tease him the way he just teased you, you opted for licking the length of his shaft, your eyes never leaving his that were hooded over from the pleasure. His hands found themselves tangled between your hair strands in attempt to guide your mouth around this cock.
“Use that pretty mouth of yours will you, fuck”.
“What if I don’t” you smirked at him, your tongue still leaving wet strips along the side of his cock. Suddenly you were yanked away from his throbbing member, forced to look at him, spit and saliva dripping from your mouth.
“What did you just say” he questioned, the dominance flowing off his tongue like venom.
“You heard me” you smirked at him. Oh you were in for it, your core tingling with excitement. Conny forced you to lay over his lap, a stinging sensation spread across one of your ass cheeks. Even though you were still fully clothed, you knew that it was going to leave a mark regardless. The sensation made you sign in response leaving you greedy for more.
1, 2, 3 slaps rained down on you, with each one the heat with in you got more and more unbearable.
“You’re such a brat” he growled slamming his palm down against you one more time before grabbing your hair and forcing your mouth onto his cock. You moaned in pleasure as his member filled your mouth all the way to the back of your throat. Conny initially kept his hand there bobbing your head repeatedly against his shaft. Satisfied that you would keep going he moved both his hands and leaned them against the back of his head as he took in the sight of you, your ass in the air as you gagged your self on him. It was almost too much sending him over the edge.
“Y/n stop” he moaned almost not being able to control himself, but you took it as an incentive to push yourself deeper on his cock deep enough to set off your gag reflexes.
“Fuck! y/n I said stop!” he growled as he pulled you off him bringing his hand around your throat.
“I’m sorry” you lewdly spoke, taking your bottom lip slightly between your teeth.
“You will be. Now strip”.
You complied obediently, hyper aware of the way his eyes glazed over your body as you removed each item of clothing. The hairs stood on end over every inch of your skin, he looked at you as though you were a meal about to be devoured. Once your body was fully bare before him he let out a long breath forming in the shape of a cloud before you both, not realising how much the temperatures had dropped. Repeating your actions Conny removed the rest of his own garments and it took everything within you not to gaze at his sculptured form as he lay naked before you. You were reminded of all the times during training that Conny removed his shirt along with his comrades to cool themselves off, but you never lingered long enough for fear of getting caught. Now he was before you, you could no longer help yourself and your eyes instinctively dragged across his abdomen, his arms that were decorated in scars and veins that popped against his tan skin.
“Like what you see” he questioned you, a devilish grin plastered smugly across his face.
“Don’t be shy” he said as he shifted his body towards you. “I know you like it, you always had before, and don’t think I never noticed the times you would steal glances at me during our training y/n”.
He smirked at the deep shade of rose that was now spreading across your cheeks. You were both now kneeling on the bed, chest to chest.
“You’re so beautiful y/n” he whispered as he leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes fluttering closed, you kissed his lips in response. His hands roamed your body exploring every inch of skin before landing on your breast. The roughness of his fingers against your smooth skin drove you insane.
“Ugh Conny, you’ve teased me enough. Please” you begged, pleading him to touch you and to work on your body the way he used to.
“So impatient” he smirked against your lips, but obliged regardless. “But okay, what ever you want princess”.
With one swift movement he had you laying on your back once again, while he shifted his body off the edge of the bed. His head began trailing wet open mouth kisses against your bare legs, slowly making his way towards your core.
“I have barely touched you and you’re so fucking wet for me princess, look at you” he mocked as he lightly dragged a finger dipping slightly between your folds before removing his hands again. He watched in amusement as your body begged for more.
“So desperate”
“Can you blame me” you breathed. “Connie I swear down, do something or so help me god I will-”
“You talk too much” Conny chuckled as his tongue finally dipped between your folds. He explored you, no, he devoured you completely and you became lost in his touch. Your breathing became laboured as he continued to attack your clit. The rolling of his tongue against you drove your mind insane. Unable to do anything else, you closed your eyes to be welcomed by a rainbow of colours, stars dancing before you as a finger was inserted into you. Your hips bucked against him letting out a loud moan that filled the silence of the room
“Oh god” you exclaimed as Connny filled your walls with another digit, pushing them deep within you. The curl of his fingers inside you made you scream, one of your own hands grasping the sheets, your knuckles almost white. Conny’s tongue once again began playing with your clit while he pumped the two digits in and out of you, the over stimulation sending you places you had never been before.
“Fuck” you moaned over and over. “Conny I’m going to cum”
“Not just yet princess” he growled against you. You panicked feeing the knot coming undone as he sped up. You frantically let out a string of lewd sounds.
“I want you to come on my fingers when I say so, can you do that for me?”
“Yes!” you breathed out, your desperation growing with each passing moment.
“Say my name y/n”
“CONNY!” you screamed.
“Good girl, I want you to scream my name just like that when you cum. Make sure everyone knows who you belong to. Are you going to do that baby girl?” You nodded a yes a response.
“Cum for me princess”
Finally the knot untied with in you and your body shook against his touch uncontrollably. You had been possessed by him, his touch a drug and this was the high. The feeling spread across your core, your chest up your throat until a guttural sound dripped out of your mouth in your release.
“Connie” you moaned his name over and over as you came down from the pleasure.
“Fuck that was so hot” Conny mumbled against you.
Wasting no time, Conny was above you kissing your lips, his own coated in your juices. Before he continued to do what you both yearned for her looked into your eyes, his voiced dripped in sincerity as he asked you if it was okay for him to do this.
“yes” you whispered, he nodded in response.
His next movements sent your body into another wave of pleasure as he slowly pushed himself inside of you. Each vein you could feel against your walls had you feeling greedy needing more of him inside of you. Your legs wrapped themselves around his waist bringing you both closer. Conny attached his lips to your lips as you both found your rhythm. Each thrust coming in harder than the last until the gentleness that had been present before had become completely eradicated. Conny flipped you so you were now on all fours as he inserted himself again earning a cry from you as his cock spread your walls apart making you lose your mind.
“Fuck, yes Conny just like that” you moaned loudly.
“You feel so fucking good y/n” he grunted as both of his hands came to steady himself on your hips as he drove himself further into you.
Conny lifted your body up so your back was firmly pressed against his chest as he continued to pound your walls into oblivion. One of his hands roughly grabbed your breast while the other rubbed circles around your clit. You couldn’t even put words together anymore as you felt yourself come undone under his touch for the second time.
“Don’t you dare cum until I do. We are cumming together princess” he growled harshly in to your ear. You moaned in return.
His thrusts started to become sloppier and slower burying himself deep inside you, you knew he was on the edge so you grinded against him earning a low grunt.
“Fuck y/n”.
His pace quickened on your clit in response, with one of your hands now grasping at his hair as you tried to contain yourself from orgasming.
“Now baby girl”
With that you both came undone as you felt him unload his warm substance deep within you whilst your body exploded in pleasure for the second time that night.
Both of you breathing heavily, you collapsed onto the bed in unison.
“I want you to know that I never stopped loving you y/n. What I did is unforgivable but from now on I hope I can atone my actions and show you how much you have always meant to me”.
For now you weren’t sure how to respond, you didn’t exactly want to let him off the hook, but you wanted to savour your time with him. If one thing was true it was that you could both be ripped away from each other at any given moment; so instead of saying anything you kiss him bringing your body into his as he adjusts his arms around your waist.
“We will talk about it back home, for now I want to spend this moment with you and live in ignorant bliss with you”.
You both fell asleep in each other’s arms that night, feeling okay for the first time in two years.
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willwriteforhugs · 3 years
in vino veritas- song mingi (part two)
bestfriend! mingi x reader- part two of two !
~childhood friends to lovers au~
word count: 2.1k
genre: angst, fluff
synopsis: after your lifelong best-friend confesses his love for you, the two of you have to deal with the emotional (and very embarrassing) repercussions.
warnings: drunkenness, a minor hangover
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if you haven’t read part one, please do so! find it here :)
a/n: HUGE apologies about how long this conclusion took! i took a *long* break from writing right after i said i’d write this... *face palm* but i still had a couple of people who really wanted to see this, and i’m hoping they still do! (or did they give up on me...?) anyways, thank you so much for the continued support, even while i was absent. happy reading, and i hope your heart doesn’t break in two<3
- allison
- - -
“please. please love me again.”
the words are like a smack to the face. they sting, the same way a slap does- and for a moment you can’t breathe. in that moment, you wish he had just hit you, because it would feel nearly the same. but you know mingi more than you know yourself, and he hasn’t hit you since you were children. he never would. 
mingi looks down at you, his face contorted in what you assume is a sort of drunken sadness. finally, you form a coherent thought.
no, no, no. you just can’t do this.
your hands are trembling, you notice. you slowly take your hand from him, backtracking a few steps until your back is against the wall. he doesn’t fight it, and he doesn’t break eye contact once.
“love me again...”
you never thought you’d hear those words come out of his mouth. no. how could he do this? reject you as a lovestruck high schooler without a second thought, but then pull this four years later? it’s sick. it’s sick because you were heartbroken. because you still are.
it’s sick because despite every ounce of your body wanting to reject him, to push him away- there is a small part of you that wants to say yes. to say yes, yes, yes, i will love you again, and it will be so easy, because i never stopped. 
mingi’s voice sounds husky- the way it sounds right after he wakes up, or when he eats something particularly bitter.
it’s also how his voice sounds when he’s terribly, terribly sad, and you wish you didn’t know these things about him. 
“y/n, listen to me.” his eyes bore into yours, and he begins to stutter again. “i was an idiot, saying the things i did. i know- i know i felt that way at the time, but- but dear god, if i’d known what i was going to lose? i just..”
“mingi.” to your own surprise, your voice is a stark contrast to his- it’s clear and sharp. decisive. “i need you to stop.”
your counterpart cringes.
“listen,” you plow on. “you. are. drunk. you do not understand what you are saying, but understand this- you’ve upset me.”
finally, your voice breaks a little. “you broke my heart, mingi, and i haven’t forgotten. but i don’t want to remember. so here’s what we are going to do- i am going to go to bed, in my room, and i am going to be alone. somehow i still have an obligation to help you, so you will sleep right here, on this couch. tomorrow morning you will take an advil, call a car, and leave my home. understood?”
you see mingi’s eyes begin to water, and the crack in your chest seems to expand. 
“don’t.” you whisper. “don’t do this to me.”
mingi looks down at the floor for a moment, and finally, having decided to remain quiet, sinks onto the sofa. you turn to leave the room, but as you leave, he calls out again;
“i’m sorry, y/n.”
you just manage to get your bedroom door shut before the sobs start. 
- - - 
you wish you could stay in the dark forever.
the light streaming through your windows is just so invasive...
but maybe the real reason you don’t wish to get up is the man currently sprawled across your living room couch.
god, what even happened last night? will he even remember the things he said?
a part of you- well, most of you- hopes he doesn’t. that would surely simplify things. but even so, you also kind of hope he does remember.
you want to know if he meant it. 
- - -
finally, you sit up in bed, stretching your arms out. when you manage to stand up as well, you beeline for the bathroom.
a quick glance in the mirror confirms your previous suspicions- your face is puffy, from all of the crying. 
good god, the crying...
you know he could hear you, and you are humiliated. not that you think of crying as a bad thing, not inherently- but you have almost never cried in front of mingi, and to think you did last night. and that it was because of him...
you shove your insecurities aside and wash your face. you throw on a simple outfit, and finally you come to stare at your door.
sighing, you open it as quietly as you can. maybe he’ll still be asleep, and you can slip out unnoticed? 
but no such luck. mingi is sitting on the couch, his feet propped up. he doesn’t hold a phone, and the tv isn’t on. not a book in sight- he’s just staring up at the ceiling. 
you close your eyes as they begin to sting.
you can’t believe the effect he’s had on you all these years- and that you’d managed to ignore it for so long. but you can’t ignore it anymore, not with it being the main cause of your pain the past day.
biting your tongue, you step into view. mingi immediately notices you, and shoots into a more presentable position.
you pause to meet his eyes. “i thought i’d told you to leave.”
mingi frowns slightly. “and i thought i’d elect to ignore that part of our conversation.”
so he does remember.
“are you hungover?” you ask.
“only a bit.” he responds stiffly.
you heave a sigh, and the two of you look at each other for a moment, the air stuffy and thick with tension.
you break the silence with a strained whisper. “are we gonna do this?”
mingi doesn’t hesitate to respond, though his voice is no louder than yours was.  “i think we have to.”
you frown, knowing he’s right.
but it hurts, and you wish more than anything it was an ache you could ignore. but your heart has been slowly dying for years now- a fact that you are now painfully aware of.
is it too late to fix it?
before you can say anything more, mingi continues to talk.
“first of all, y/n- i just. i’m so sorry. for coming here last night. i was drunk and i was sad and i didn’t know where else to go.”
“why didn’t you just go home?” you can’t help but sound slightly bitter.
“do you believe me when i say i didn't even think to? all i knew is that i wanted to see you.”
you inhale sharply, and years of sadness burn the back of your eyes. “mingi, i don’t care that you came here in the first place. but i care about the havoc you wreaked when you did.” you stumble over your words. “you- you said you loved me.”
his face is filled with some sort of resignment, but he keeps his eyes on you. “i know i did.”
“because i do.”
heat claws its way up your neck, and you feel the first of the tears begin to flow. “no. you can’t- please, mingi, you can’t just come in here and say that. not after- not after what you did to me.”
mingi bites his lip hard, now looking at the floor. his eyes are wet. “i know that.” his voice sounds pained. “i know that, y/n. that’s why i never intended on telling you... apparently the beer had other plans.”
“what do you mean, ‘never intended’?” you snap. “you mean to say you’ve been in love with me for- for what, a time- even after you told me it would never happen?”
“i was young, y/n! i still am young, but god- i was 16! i didn’t even know what love was! and if you had ever asked me in these recent years-” his voice cracks, and his face displays years of cleverly disguised pain. “if you’d asked me what my biggest regret was, i would have said you. i would have said turning down the love of my life because i was a pubescent idiot.”
even through the tears, you manage to snort at this. 
after a moment, mingi manages a half-hearted smile. “so, uh- are you still trying to kick me out?”
“not really.” you mumble. “but that doesn’t mean i’m happy with you.”
when he doesn’t say anything, you force yourself to continue, even through the tears. “i’m just surprised. you know- do you remember what you told me? you told me that it was just a crush, so you were letting me down easy. but- mingi-ah, it was never just a crush... i loved you, i really did.”
mingi lets a small sigh escape his mouth, and moves to stand in front of you. he gently brushes your hand with his- an invitation. and against your better will, you reach out and take it.
“do you think,” he whispers. “do you think you still could?”
another fat teardrop rolls down your cheek. “that sounds a lot like what you said last night, and you were really drunk.” you whisper back.
“i’m not drunk.” mingi murmurs. “drunk in love, maybe.”
“you’re an idiot.”
“and i hate you.”
“please kiss me.”
and he does.
his lips crash against yours, and you actually give a small yelp of surprise. but the surprise is overwhelmed by the instant rush of emotion you feel- mingi kisses you with an intensity you’ve never experienced. like at any moment he might lose you, like there really is no tomorrow.
he parts his lips along with yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. you actually feel your knees weaken a bit- but the moment passes, and he moves away from your mouth. he leans downwards and places slow, deliberate kisses along your neck. your hands are tangled in his hair, and his are on your hips. and then it hits you- you are kissing song mingi- the boy whom you vowed to never touch, the boy you always knew you wanted. 
the kiss is a kiss of passion- of regret, of betrayal, of bitterness and of love. it is unlike anything you’ve known. it’s fully fueled by the destroyed hearts of two people who love each other too much.
you never want it to end.
the kiss is everything and nothing, beautiful and painful. it’s all that mingi has ever been.
suddenly, mingi pulls away from you, ending the kiss abruptly. you jerk back in surprise, face burning. had you done something wrong? what the hell were you thinking? you two should be at each other’s throats-
mingi interrupts your thoughts as he grasps your hand in his, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours. “are you alright?” he murmurs.
you glance up, having nearly forgotten that you were in literal tears only minutes before. “yeah, i’m- i’m okay. are you?” on the inside, you wonder. why did he stop? what are we doing? is this okay?
“honestly? i don’t know.”
your brief high falters.
“y/n.” his voice is serious again. “please, y/n. is this really what you want?”
he’s worried that i’m just doing this to fix things.
“mingi.” you force him to meet your eyes. the room is dead silent, and your voice is a little raspy, but it needs to be said. you need to say it, you just do.  “i love you.”
the moment washes over the room like a cool breeze. mingi’s eyes soften to a look of love and concern, and a small smile quirks at his lips. “what? you mean it?”
a moment ago, you were actually scared that you wouldn’t- but now that it was said...
“yes. stars, yes. i love you- i’ve loved you as long as i’ve known you, but i think i was so scared of that love- and of yours- that i shoved it away. but i do, and i’m sure i always will.”
“i love you too.” he manages. “and maybe i didn’t mean to get drunk and say all the things i did, but- but i don’t think i regret it. because i love you, and want to take back everything i said all those years ago. cause i loved you then, too, i just didn’t know it. i hurt you, and that almost ruined this for us. so will you help me make it up to you?”
“how?” you murmur, a feeling of nervous anticipation washing over you.
“let me kiss you a little longer.”
you smile, knowing that even though things aren’t totally fixed yet- and the two of you have a long way to go- you still have gotten him back. mingi. your best friend. your love. your life.
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tamcitrus · 4 years
pairing | Kageyama Tobio x f!reader
genre | smut, friends to lovers?
warnings | smut
words | 2.6 k
anon request: could i request a nsfw fic with kageyama, where y/n is childhood friends with him and they start to ✨experiment✨? thank you !!
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Kayegama and you had been friends since elementary school. You watched each other grow through the years, through heartbreaks, hobbies and passions. You had been there for him when he didn't make it into the elite school he wanted and he was there for you when you got your heart broken by going into different high schools. But that didn't avoid the two of you meeting each other and talking now that you were almost adults.
"So, you have a crush on him," Kageyama said.
"No! I just want him to give me a kiss," you laughed.
"I don't know what the big deal is," your best friend huffed.
"That's because you never kissed someone," you joked. But then, silence. "Kags, did you ever kiss someone?"
"I don't have time for that," he said.
You crawled to him from the other end of the couch and sit really close to him. The game you were watching was forgotten.
"Would you like to try?" you whispered.
"What are you talking about, dumbass?" his cheeks were red as an apple.
"Kissing," you insisted. "You'll like it."
"I did kiss someone before, shut up."
He pushed you away from his body but miscalculated where his hand would land, so he ended up pushing you away and touching your boobs.
"If you're gonna touch me like that, kiss me first," you laughed.
"Whatever. I'm going home," he was flustered. He stood up and looked at you, he was waiting for you to say something.
"Ok, don't forget we have a study session tomorrow after your practice. Good night," you smiled at him.
He huffed again and exited your house to walk the few meters that separated your entrance from his front door. In moments like this, he hated to be your neighbor.
He took a shower that night and tried so hard not to think about how soft your breasts felt on his hand, even with clothes on. Also, he tried not to think how pink and fluffy your lips looked and how you always smelled like cinnamon and coffee. Well, that not thinking thing wasn't going well.
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He couldn't focus the next morning. His tosses were accurate but not 100%. He kept losing track of the explanations his professors did. And in the afternoon practice, he missed a serve.
He walked home with his teammates. He took a shower and grabbed his backpack to go out and knock on your door.
"Hi grumpy!" you said to him. You were still in your Seijoh’s uniform.
"Hi," he walked in and followed you to your room.
You were nervous. Even when Tobio was your best friend, the way he accidentally touched you made your stomach flip around. Maybe you could act like a experienced girl but in reality, you weren't any better than your experienceless volleyball-obsessed childhood friend.
"Hey, y/n, I'm talking to you," Tobio waved his hand in front of your face.
"Oh, sorry. Let's get started!"
You opened your books and started reading and asking questions to each other. After a solid two hours of studying, you let your mind wander again.
"Have you ever thought about it?" you inquired.
"About calculus?" he looked unamused.
"No, dumbass. About… being with another person."
"W-why would I think about that?" he blushed. His mind was filled again with his thoughts from last night.
"I don't know. Curiosity? I'm curious about it. I mean, come on, we're 18 already."
"What does that even mean?"
"I don’t know. Would you like to try it?" you said without hesitation.
"I don't know…" he put his book down and looked at you.
You moved until you were side to side with him. You grabbed his hand and put it on your thigh, just below the end of your skirt. You mimicked the motion with your hand and squeezed his thigh.
"So many volleyball years made you look good," you whispered.
Both of you could feel the tension in the air but you were so afraid to talk or even move and make this weird moment to end abruptly.
He tried to remember how you approached to him last night, you face so close to his he could smell your perfume. He did the same but he didn't stop until his lips met yours. It was a shaky kiss, full of doubt, but also decision. This was him telling you yes, let's go for it, let's try. You deepen the kiss and shyly pushed your tongue through his lips. This was easy, kissing was something you did before, so you could guide him through it. Your hand found its way to his silky hair and tangled itself in it. You pushed your body up with your knees and straddle his legs. He rested his back on your bed and awkwardly posed his hands on your lower back.
"Don't be shy, do it," you whispered against his lips.
He let out a shaky sigh and let his hands go down to your ass. You cried when he squeezed your flesh and he felt an unfamiliar warm and tickles on his lower belly. Oh. You could felt it too. He had an erection. You separated your lips from him and smiled. He didn't know how to gently ask you to get off of him so he pushed you aside and gathered his stuff to leave.
"I'm sorry, did I…?" you tried to apologize. Maybe you've gone too far.
"I ha-have to go!" he stuttered. "See you later."
He walked out of your house as fast as he could, always holding his backpack in front of his legs to cover his problem.
He needed to think but he felt too hot and bothered to do it, so he took a cold shower. He needed to vomit his thoughts or he would go insane. But, who could help him? Surely not his dumb teammates. Well, maybe there was one or two people who could help.
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"I'm so sorry to bother you," he bowed to his former captain. Daichi could make a little break from his study to meet with his old friend after classes.
"It's not a problem! So, what did you want to talk about? It must be a big deal since you're asking for help," Daichi smiled.
"There's this girl…" Tobio whispered. Daichi choked on his drink but he hoped the younger guy didn't notice. "And she… and it felt good but then I… panicked and I- I ran out of there!" he ended his sentence with a bit more of energy than he intended.
Daichi didn't have words. "Did she said something to you?" he tried to keep his composure.
"She tried to apologize when I was leaving," he nodded. 
"And what did you said?" Daichi felt like a deja vu, like Kageyama was a first year and just got there wanting to play.
"No-nothing," he tried to sound confident.
Daichi slapped his own forehead and sighed. "Do you want to do that again with her?"
Kageyama thought for a second and then, he nodded.
"Ok, they like when you're straight forward. And leaving without saying a word it's not good, you should apologize. And just do what feels right or ask her what she wants… And don’t forget to use a condom," as Daichi talked he lowered the volume of his voice. He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation. He should’ve call Suga to come with him.
“Oh, you're right,” Kageyama nodded. He should buy one on his way home.
“Oh my god, here,” Daichi took his wallet and gave his friend a condom. “Just in case.”
Tobio was surprised. Daichi really was prepared for anything, he did the right thing when he called him.
After he got his senpai advice, Tobio felt a little bit better. But also, he had to talk to you and he had no idea how to start that conversation. He decided to start with a message.
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Tobio: Are you free tonight? I don’t have practice tomorrow.
y/n: Yes! You can come after practice and maybe have dinner with me? My parents will be out.
That wasn’t so hard, he thought. He walked back to his house at the end of his day and got ready for your meeting. You welcomed him on your sports uniform. You were already preparing dinner. He never had a problem to talk to you before, what was wrong now?
“How was your day, grumpy?” you asked. You were nervous too, but you were better at hiding it.
“Normal,” he said. “Do you need help?”
“No, it’s all done, it’s just ramen,” you smiled. “Do you want to watch something while we eat?”
You ended up watching a random volleyball game that was on tv. The atmosphere felt the same as the day before when you were all over each other. But nothing was happening.
“I’m sorry,” he said out of nowhere.
“You heard me, I’m not saying it again,” he looked aside. “I ran away and it wasn’t nice.”
“No, it wasn’t. I thought I scared you off,” you smiled. “Do you want to make up for it?”
Tobio looked at you, the slightest blush on his cheeks, and nodded.
“Do you want to continue where you left yesterday?” you asked and he nodded again.
You got up and straddle his legs again, this time you didn’t hesitate and just kissed him. He returned the kiss with energy, sucking on your lower lip and he smirked when you left a little moan escape your mouth. You rocked you hips in response and he gasped. You pulled the end of his shirt and he helped you to get it off his body. He did the same with your blouse, exposing your bare breasts to the cold air in your living room.
“Why you’re not…” Kags started asking but you interrupted his dumb question when you grabbed his hands and put them on your tits.
“Like this, gently,” you whispered as you squeezed your soft flesh with his hands. His jaw dropped and he nodded.
As he was busy with your boobs, you unbuttoned his pants and pumped his dick over his boxer.
“Fuck-” he said. His breathing was heavy and his blue eyes looked darker than usual.
He pushed you aside to make you lay on the couch. He took the hem of your shorts and pulled it down. He froze for a second but then he thought it would only be fair to be in the same state that you were so he took off his pants too. It was his turn to straddle your legs. He leaned down, his arms at each side of your head, and he kissed you again. The feeling of your nipples touching his chest was driving him crazy. He guided his mouth down to your neck and slowly made his way to your breasts.
“Can I… uhm,” he looked at you and you just nodded.
He licked his lips and sucked at your nipple and the skin around it, releasing it after a few seconds with a loud pop. The way you moaned at his action clouded his mind with lust. He just wanted to hear you like that again and again. So he repeated his ministration in the other nipple. You pushed your hips up to met his erection and he moaned on your skin. You tangled your fingers on his silky hair and pulled from it. His mouth on your skin felt so good, better than the other guy who tried to hook up with you, and you were sure that no one else would make you feel this good. You took his hand and guided it to under your panties to your clit. You moved it in circles over it, until he got the message and move it on his own. He sat on your legs for a second and used his free hand to pull down your underwear. When you were finally naked, he blushed. He guided his hand back to your clit and the other to your boobs, to massage them in the way you showed him. After a few minutes you were trembling under his body.
“Kags, please…” you begged. He stopped and leaned down to kiss you again, that way he gave you a minute to get yourself together and explain what you wanted. “I want you inside of me,” you whispered on his ear.
“Wait,” he kissed you again and walked to his pants to take the condom he brought with him. He took his boxers off and opened the little package to finally roll the latex on his cock. He kneeled between your legs and looked at you again.
“It’s ok, just do it,” you smiled.
He aligned his dick with your entrance and slowly pushed himself inside you. You shut your eyes immediately and moaned. Once he was deep inside you, he carefully leaned down to kiss you. He could feel your pussy throbbing and adjusting to his size and it was an amazing sensation. He was so tempted to just move but he would wait until you said something, you were the one that guided things through, it was always that way. He trusted you that much, to the point to put himself in your hands and let you guide him through life.
“Mo-move, please,” you whispered.
And he wanted to please you, so he did. He moved his hips back, until he was almost out of you, and then forward again. He repeated this, thrusting again and again. You moved your hips up to meet him halfway and cried out loud when his dick hit your g spot. But that didn’t last long.
“Y/n! Are you ok? Did I hurt you?” Tobio pulled out the second after he heard your cry.
“That felt so good, Kags… I’m fine, do that again, please,” you were panting. “Or, even better, let’s switch places.”
You pulled him down from his arm at the same time you stood up. Then, you straddle his hips and leaned down to kiss him. Your hand took his dick and aligned it with your entrance, then you let your body fall down on him.
“Y/n, shit!” he moaned and watched you bit your lower lip as his dick disappeared under your body.
You placed your hands on his chest for support and started to ride him in a slow rhythm. You rocked your hips back and forward and observe him shut his eyes or bite his lip in response. You thought he look beautiful, even more that when he put that scary face when he played volleyball. He used his hands to massage your breasts again, his cold hand made you shiver and you moaned his name.
“Y/n, I’m about to-”
“Shh, me too, just- fuck,” you bounced on his dick again and finally felt your release. 
Your walls clenching violently around Tobio’s cock sent him to his climax too, and he took you from the waist to make you move off of him before he came inside you. He knew that with a condom and all, it wasn’t the best.
“Are you ok?” he said as he sat by your side.
“Never been better,” you smiled. “What about you?”
He kissed you and smiled in response.
“I’m… uh I’m tired. Can we go to your room?” he said as he got dressed.
“Yeah, sure,” you took your panties and his shirt to dress. “Bring some water on your way,” you smiled at him.
You took the rest of your clothes and walked to your room. The futon where Tobio always slept was set already, but maybe you should ask him to shared your bed with you. Even if he said no, it would be nice to see him all flustered for it. Maybe you needed to have a talk after what happened, but that probably could wait to the next day.
"For the record, when I said being with someone, I referred to being with you," you said when he entered your room. "Do you want to sleep with me?"
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
The Winter Solstice
Fantasy Masks AU: Chapter Seven
A JSE Fanfic
Well after last week’s brief foray into writing for a different fandom, we return to the septics once again. The FM!septics to be exact. It’s the winter solstice, meaning there are holidays to celebrate! Chase, Jackie, and Henrik have a great day that totally doesn’t become suddenly serious near the end haha nope just fun times all around with some world building and character development :) Enjoy :)
The day dawned cold and snowy, but nobody at Wyvernlair cared. Not when today was the winter solstice. This was a time for celebration! And with all the people in the camp, there was bound to be a big party. Preparations had been ongoing for the past few weeks. Food was made, games were planned, and time was set aside for those honoring the various holy days. When the day itself dawned, normal duties were put on hold so that everyone could join in. 
Chase woke up at sunrise. He had a quick breakfast—light, since there would be a lot of food at the feast planned for that night—and strolled about, taking in the changes. Everyone was bustling about as usual, but now they chattered with excitement. Some people had hung decorations outside their tents: replicas of snowflakes made from white-painted sticks, candles with carved designs set on the ground, pine branches and snippets of other winter-blooming plants scattered about. Combined with the white layer of snow, it was quite beautiful.
Yet, Chase felt a pang somewhere deep in his chest. Last year, he’d spent Longest Night with his family and the rest of the village. There’d been town celebrations in the square. He helped Quentin carve his first candle. And now? Now, he didn’t know where his family was.
He was snapped out of his melancholy thoughts when he heard someone call his name. In the middle of turning to see who it was, that ‘someone’ barrelled straight into him. “Oof!” He was about to respond, but found he couldn’t, because he’d been wrapped in a tight bear hug.
“Sorry, did I knock the wind out of you? Sorry!” Jackie was too full of energy to notice he apologized twice. He gave Chase one last squeeze before breaking off the hug.
“It’s okay, just give me more warning next time.” Chase took a minute to catch his breath. “Well. Happy Longest Night, then?”
“Happy Longest Night, then!” Jackie repeated. He whirled his cloak around dramatically. It was still red, but slightly nicer, with a fur lining. His wolf mask was pushed back, sitting on his forehead. “You know the plan, right? We’re having games all day. War games, dice games, card games—a few strategy games, too, the ones we have the boards for in storage. Then there’s the feast later, and the Dark Vigil tonight.”
“Yea, I understand,” Chase said, a faint smile on his face. He couldn’t help it; Jackie was contagious. “How many people will be at the Vigil?”
“A fair share. Schneep won’t; he does something at moonrise instead.” Jackie shrugged. “Are you planning to do any of the games? What about archery?!”
Chase laughed. “No, no, I’m not good enough to compete in a war game. I’ll probably just drift around and join in where I can. Do you think anyone will be playing Luck of the Deal? I’m very good at that.”
Jackie rolled his eyes. “Everyone’s good at Luck of the Deal. That’s the whole thing about it, it’s luck.”
“You don’t know that. There’s skill involved, too,” Chase insisted.
Jackie patted his shoulder. “Whatever you say, Hunter. It’ll be some time before everything really gets going. Anything you want to do before that?”
“Umm...” Chase thought about it. “Well, is there anything I can do to help with the feast preparations? That’s usually a community thing, isn’t it?”
“Well we already have a lot of volunteers for cooking. They’ve already gotten started, in fact.” Jackie thought about it. “But if you want to help, you could put your hunting skills to the test in the surrounding woods. Always good to have more food than less, on these occasions. People would eat their plates, if it was possible.”
Chase laughed. “Oh, I know that. Amabel would eat us out of home on Longest Night. She must’ve gotten her appetite from Stacia’s side of the family.” Saying their names, the melancholy threatened to return.
“Honestly? I have a confession.” Jackie leaned closer. “I’m one of those types, too.”
“Oh? Somehow, that makes sense.”
“And somehow I’m offended.” Jackie gave him a playful shove. “If you want to go ahead, you know where the shortbows and arrows are. Oh!” His eyes widened as he remembered something. “But try not to shoot any pigeons. Those are important.”
“Important?” Chase put the pieces together. “You mean...messenger birds?”
Jackie nodded. “I don’t expect anyone to send messages on the solstice except for an emergency, but there might be some arriving that were sent a fews days, or even a week, ago. It takes a while to fly across the island.”
“Got it. I won’t shoot any pigeons.” Chase shook his head, a bit in awe. “Messenger birds.” He’d heard of them, but never seen them in use. Somehow, they seemed almost as magical as actual magic. Getting letters sent across the kingdom in a matter of days? That was amazing. “I’ll just head out, then.”
“Good luck, Chase!” Jackie said cheerfully, waving as he turned to leave. “Be back before noon, that’s when the fun will start!”
If possible, it was even colder out in the forest, away from the magic heat of the dragon bones. Chase clutched his jacket tighter and made sure his hat was securely on his head. He doubted that he’d find any animals out here. By Longest Night, most of them were hibernating. But it was worth a shot.
Snow crunched under his feet, so he slowed down, carefully placing every step so it wouldn’t make too much noise. There wasn’t a lot of foliage to hide behind in the winter, but he had made sure to grab a white jacket from storage to help him blend in. He’d also turned his hat inside out so that the red ribbon around it didn’t show. After a while, he found what he thought was a good spot to wait. So he settled down, nocking an arrow so it would be ready to fly at any moment.
The world became very still. The only sound he heard was his breath, accompanied by the small puffs of mist that breath caused in the cold. He made sure not to move a muscle.
Until there was a sudden sound. Footsteps, very light, being pursued by much heavier ones. His eyes darted towards the sound. The bare branches of a bush rustled, and suddenly a streak of brown fur dashed out in front of him followed by something much larger—
Chase reacted, letting go of the bow string and loosing the arrow. It shot through the air and landed solidly in the brown furry something. Shocked, he laughed in the rush of actually shooting something moving that fast. But then a voice cried, “I knew it!”
“Wh...?” And Chase finally noticed what the large something pursuing the small animal actually was. He looked up from his position near the ground to see...Lukas. It took him a moment to recognize him without his usual fox mask, but once the brown-auburn hair and tall longbow registered, his heart immediately sank with dread. “What are you doing—”
Lukas took an arrow out of the quiver on his back and nocked it, aiming at Chase. “Did you think you could take me out when nobody was looking?! Claim it was an accident?!”
“What in the world?!” Chase stood up. Slowly, of course, he didn’t want to get skewered by that massive arrow. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t try to play dumb, you just tried to kill me!”
“I was shooting the rabbit!” He pointed at the small animal, which was, in fact, a rabbit.
“A likely cover story.”
All of a sudden, Chase felt hot rage rise up his throat. “I know you hate me but you don’t have to be an idiot about it!” he burst out.
That seemed to take Lukas by surprise. He blinked, and lowered his bow slightly.
“I don’t know what kind of trust issues you have or where they come from, but I’m sick of you always acting this way! I’ve been here for almost a full season now, and you still act like I’m about to stab you in the back the first opportunity I get! I know, you’re probably thinking something like ‘he’s playing a long game to get everyone to trust him,’ but let’s be honest, you’re just looking for any justification to be like this. I wouldn’t trust someone like me in your position either, but I wouldn’t be so obvious about it. You don’t have to like me, you don’t have to trust me, but elders be damned, you don’t have to stir up this much trouble for Jackie and Henrik and everyone else here!” Chase ran out of breath and was forced to stop. He waited silently for Lukas’s reaction.
For a while, there wasn’t one. Lukas just...stared at him. Then he lowered his bow fully, putting the arrow back in its quiver. “What are you doing out here?” he asked in a carefully-neutral tone.
“We have some time before the real celebrations start, so I thought I’d help out by trying to find more food for the feast,” Chase explained. He walked past Lukas and picked up the rabbit, trying not to feel sad. Something about shooting rabbits made him feel guilty. Maybe he respected how hard they worked to stay alive, running so swiftly. Or maybe he thought they were cute. “What are you doing out here?”
“The same thing,” Lukas answered.
Chase snorted. “And you decided to bring that monster of a bow for hunting?”
“It’s more powerful than yours,” Lukas retorted.
“Yes, but it’s also heavier and more cumbersome. I remember my second day here, Holly said that big bows like that were more suited for long range, while shortbows—” Chase waved his bow as an example. “—are better for mobility. Look at all these trees. Do you think you’re able to shoot long range in a forest? Not to mention if you miss, you’ll end up burying your arrow in a tree with all the force you need to fire it. That’ll just be a pain to pull out.”
“I know all this,” Lukas said irritably. “But I’m most familiar with this style of bow. I can make it work.”
“Maybe if you weren’t stomping around the woods,” Chase muttered.
“Excuse me?”
“You were running after the rabbit. Bad idea; you’ll never catch up with them. It’s better to wait and let the animals come to you. If you have to move, be quieter about it. And slow. Conserve your energy; animals get tired faster than humans.” Chase glanced downwards. “You’re wearing heavy boots, I see. Those will make a lot of sound no matter how much you try to be quiet. And your clothes stand out, too. Especially that red band on your wrist. It’s bright and you have to hide it. Like I did.” He turns his cap right-side out again, letting the red ribbon show.
“Hmm.” Lukas eyed him. He did that quite a lot, but somehow, it felt different this time. More...respectful. “Well. I’ll keep that in mind.” He turned away.
“Um...right.” Now that Lukas was leaving, Chase felt the sudden energy that had filled him starting to fade away. “I’ll...see you at the celebrations, then.”
Lukas didn’t say anything, but he raised his hand in acknowledgement, not stopping as he headed back to camp.
Well...that wasn’t too bad, all things considered. Lukas clearly didn’t think worse of him. And he had managed to shoot a rabbit, something he’d rarely done in all his years as a hunter. Though he’d only done that because the rabbit was too busy running from Lukas to notice him crouching nearby. So really, he should thank him.
Maybe later. For now, Chase headed back to camp, ready to join in on the festivities.
By the time Chase returned to Wyvernlair, the festivities were starting to get underway. Games, mostly. People gathered in circles playing cards, or in threes playing dice, or in pairs playing board games. Others clustered around the players, watching the game and shouting encouragement. Some food was already prepared. Plates of sweet buns and meat pies were passed around. Chase grabbed a couple buns as he looked around.
But though the camp inside the circle of dragon bones was crowded, most people were out on the combat field. That was where the war games were set up. Chase decided to stop by for a moment. Even if he wasn’t going to participate, he wanted to see how things were going.
Targets were set up for archers to test their skill. People had grabbed close-quarters training weapons and were sparring, onlookers cheering on their favored winner. Someone had dragged over a rock and a large branch, setting up a makeshift see-saw that people were standing on top of, trying to knife-fight without losing their balance. Chase shook his head at that particular event. He himself had some scars on his hands from knife-fights as a young man; they really weren’t worth the bragging rights. 
There was an especially large crowd gathered around one particular sparring match. Chase stopped, edging his way into the mass of people as he tried to see what was going on. Wait a minute...was that Jackie?
Indeed, Jackie was one of the sparring participants. And he was easily outclassing his opponent. He easily danced around jabs and swipes, not striking for a while, then jumped forward and hit his opponent on the side with his wooden practice sword. The crowd cheered, and the two participants backed away, shaking hands as they parted. Chase could’ve sworn he saw money change hands among the watchers.
“Anyone want to go for another round?” Jackie called to the crowd. “Doesn’t have to be to the first contact. What about to the ground?”
At that, a tall man grabbed a practice sword from a nearby rack, stepped forward, and announced, “I accept the challenge!” The crowd cheered again. “To the ground!”
Jackie grinned. “To the ground! Someone give us a count!”
In unison, the crowd started chanting, counting down from five as Jackie and his opponent started circling each other. Chase joined in. “Five!...Four!...Three!...Two!...One!...Clash!”
The two men immediately started going at each other with the practice swords, jabbing and backing up, swiping and dodging. The new opponent tried to make use of his height advantage, but Jackie was just too fast. The sparring lasted a few minutes and the crowd was enthralled for every second. Until Jackie managed to get behind his opponent and knock out his legs, making him fall to the ground. The crowd cheered. The opponent got up, looking no worse for wear and in good spirits. He shook hands with Jackie before leaving. Now Chase was sure he saw people exchanging money.
“He’s got skill, doesn’t he?”
Chase looked up, and saw Holly standing beside him. “Oh. Yea, he’s really good.”
Holly laughed. “That’s an understatement. You know he trained at Fíornear Field?” Chase nodded. “Well, so did I. But he could beat me in a fight nine times out of ten.”
“Really?” Chase asked, interested. “That many times? I thought it would’ve been closer between you two.”
“Everyone does. I say it’s the size difference. But what Jackie lacks in height, he makes up for in practice and sheer determination.” Holly watched as Jackie started sparring with another opponent. “Anyway, Chase. Come to watch or try your hand?”
Chase laughed. “No, no, just watching.”
“Well. In that case.” Holly leaned closer. “Care to try for chance?”
“You mean betting? Don’t tempt me.” Chase shook his head. “Besides, I can tell that betting against Jackie is a waste of time and money.”
“Doesn’t have to be at this spar. There’s many more war games to be had. I hear there’s axe throwing.”
“Axe throwing?” Chase perked up. “Alright, I have to see that. Lead the way.”
Holly laughed, and the two of them left, heading towards a set of targets. Indeed, some people had taken up throwing axes at these targets. Not competing against each other at the moment, only themselves, and also showing off for the passersby. Chase watched as one of the axe-throwers hit the center of her target. Then, surprisingly, he recognized the axe-thrower. “Nemet!” he called.
Nemet turned around, smiling at him. “Hello, Chase! How are you?”
“I’m doing fine. What are you...uh...I didn’t know you threw axes.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Is it so unexpected?”
Chase shrugged. “Well, you’re a doctor.”
“I am. I am a doctor who likes to throw axes.” Nemet picked up a throwing axe on the ground beside her. She held it back, paused to aim, and threw. It landed right next to the last one she threw. Holly and Chase clapped, impressed.
“Wanna shoot something, Brodyson?”
Chase yelped in surprise at the voice that came from behind him. He spun around to see Tripp grinning up at him. “You did that on purpose,” he accused.
“Maybe,” Tripp said. He was tossing a rock back and forth between his hands. Getting bored of that, he threw it to the side. Magically, the rock curved around, shooting for the target, where it bounced off the handle of one of Nemet’s axes. “Ah, almost a bull’s eye. Anyway, wanna shoot something, Brodyson? We could have a triple competition, axes versus arrows versus sorcery.”
“Hmm.” Chase considered it. “You know I had only planned to watch, but...that doesn’t sound too bad.”
“Don’t let him pressure you if you don’t want to, Chase,” Nemet said.
“No, do let him pressure you, I want to see this!” Holly insisted.
Chase laughed. “Alright, fine. Just a few rounds.”
Though as the afternoon passed, those few rounds stretched out into many. Chase had never been one for war games, but somehow, he didn’t mind.
Eventually, of course, came the main draw of the winter celebrations: the feast. The people who’d volunteered to cook had been preparing food all day, and shortly before sunset, declared it ready. Instantly, a good half of everyone dropped what they were doing and headed over to the cooking fires.
Chase wasn’t sure what to expect from the feast. Wyvernlair didn’t use tables for food, so would everyone be standing around with plates? But it seemed as though they’d found tables, if just for today. Probably borrowed from storage. Some of the meat stayed on the skewer, roasting over the fires to keep it hot until someone wanted it. But most food was lined up on the tables, free to take. Sweet buns and meat pies, of course, but also preserved fruits that had been kept for a special occasion like this, and tarts covered in sugar, and pumpkin pie, and roasted potatoes, and more than could be counted.
Everyone ate until they couldn’t anymore, washing down the food with water, juice, and ale. Chase savored it, mingling and talking with the other Phantoms. And for once, he didn’t feel out of place here.
Time passed. The sun set. And as the feast died down, most people began talking about the Dark Vigil, the ceremony used to honor the Elder of Dark and thank them for protecting humankind from the shadows. Chase yawned. They’d be holding that in the center of camp, where a spot had been cleared specifically for that purpose. But it would be some time before everyone was ready. So, Chase decided to slip out. He headed towards the outside of the skeleton, away from the noise and bustle.
The stars were beautiful tonight. It was clear, without any clouds fogging the view, and the moon was nearly full. Chase leaned back against the bone and stared upward. He hadn’t really had the opportunity to appreciate the world lately. It was all busy, working with the Masked Phantoms. But it was nice to slow down for a moment.
Some minutes passed in silence. Then, he heard footsteps approaching. And then, a small thud, the sound of stumbling, and a muttered “Shiesse!”
Chase looked over towards the sounds, already grinning. “You doing alright there, Henrik?”
With a huff, Henrik emerged from the darkness. “I would be better if I know no one heard that,” he muttered.
Chase laughed. “Anyway, how’re you doing? I haven’t seen you all day.”
“Ah, I am fine.” Henrik leaned against the bone next to Chase. “I have been stuck in a dice game for most of the evening. I almost missed the moonrise.”
“I see. Jackie told me you had to do something around then. Is it like the Dark Vigil?” Chase asked.
“Similar, in ways. Different, in others.” Henrik looked up at the sky. He pointed upwards, at the moon. “She is beautiful tonight, yes? I never understood why your Elders never come from the sky.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Well, I understand there is the Winged Elder One, but they are for more weather, yes?” Henrik kept his eyes fixed skywards. “None of them are for the heavens.”
“Well why would they be?” Chase shrugged. “The sky’s beautiful and wonderful. But it’s so far away. We live on the earth. Shouldn’t we be more concerned with what’s down here?”
“Hmm. Perhaps.” Henrik sighed. He reached down his belt, removing his flask and taking a drink.
“Oh—” Chase started to say something, then stopped. It would probably be rude to ask, wouldn’t it?
Henrik looked over at him, and guessed what he was about to say. “Yes, I am still taking the medicine. It is...not something that goes away.”
“Sorry,” Chase mumbled. “I shouldn’t have—”
“Is okay,” Henrik said, giving him a small smile. “You are polite about it, so I do not mind.” He returned the flask to his belt. “Ah, though I am afraid I must change the subject now. I just remembered. We managed to get the materials for more plaster this week. So you can finally have a mask of your own!”
“I can?” Chase repeated.
“No need to sound so surprised,” Henrik chuckled.
“I did? I didn’t mean to. It just seems a bit...unreal.” Chase had left his borrowed mask, the hedgehog one, back in his tent. Most people had—or at least he assumed they had, since most of them were walking around without them.
“Yes, I understand.” Henrik nodded thoughtfully. “Do you want to wait?”
“Wait no, I didn’t say that—”
“I am just making sure.” Henrik playfully nudged his shoulder. “You will need to choose an animal, you know. Do you have anything in mind?”
“Oh right. I forgot about that part.” Chase thought about it for a moment. “What about...a deer?”
Henrik raised an eyebrow. “A deer?”
“Is that not allowed? I mean, Tripp’s mask has those ram horns so I figured antlers would—”
“No, is not that, I just suppose I did not expect that.”
Chase shrugged. “I like deer. They’re good animals. Um...do I have to make the mask myself, or...?”
“You can if you want, but if you’re not artistically inclined, someone else could do it easily enough. It’s not that difficult if you are...” Henrik trailed off. He was staring out into the trees, eyes fixed on a point. “Chase. Is something moving there?” And he pointed.
“Hm?” Chase peered into the darkness. Indeed, he could see the faint movement of shadows. “Oh, yea. It’s probably just an animal.” He paused. “That’s...getting closer?”
They looked at each other, but unsure what to do with this information, just turned back to watch the animal get closer. And closer. It was too small to be a threat, but Chase felt Henrik tense anyway. Eventually, the animal got close enough to make out what it was. “A...cat?” Chase asked, confused.
“A cat,” Henrik agreed.
“What’s a cat doing all the way out here?”
“I am not sure...” Henrik said slowly, brows lowered as he thought through the possibilities.
The cat continued its course, walking in a straight line up to the two of them. Chase crouched down and held out his hand. “Here, kitty.” Once it was close enough, the cat sniffed his hand. Then, satisfied, butted its head against it. Chase laughed. “Y’know I haven’t met that many cats. When I was young, maybe about twelve, Pastor Cait had a cat. We joked about that, since her name was so similar, ha. But it’s gone now. I don’t think the town had another cat since then. A couple dogs, but no cats.” He reached out and petted it. And after a few seconds of that, scooped up the cat and stood. “Does someone here have a cat?”
“No, there are no animals in camp,” Henrik said, still puzzled. “Does it have a collar?”
Chase checked. Difficult, given that the cat clearly didn’t like being held and was wriggling a bit. “Yea, right here.” He pointed to a braided leather collar around the cat’s neck. “No name, though. For the cat or its person.”
“Well. It is cold and snowy, and even with that fur, I don’t think the cat enjoys being out here,” Henrik stated. “Maybe we should take it into camp? We have that fire set up in the skull now, that could warm it up.”
“Good idea.”
The two of them headed back, passing between the dragon bones and into the main body of Wyvernlair. By now, the festivities were starting to die down. Games were ending, and a lot of people were getting ready to attend the Dark Vigil. Chase and Henrik walked quickly by, since the cat was really struggling against being held by this point. Luckily, it hadn’t used its claws yet, but Chase could already feel them digging into the fabric of his jacket.
They reached the skull soon, passing through the gap where it joined the rest of the bones and ending up inside. It was almost empty here. Except for two people and several birds. Chase blinked a bit at the surprising sight, but then remembered what Jackie had told him that morning. So these must be messenger birds, then. There were about seven of them, pigeons in a variety of colors; white, gray, brown, spotted. Actually, Jackie was here, too. Along with Ana, who Chase had figured out by now was the head of organization at Wyvernlair. They both seemed rather impatient, quickly putting away documents. Probably heading to the Vigil like most others.
Ana looked up, noticed Chase and Henrik, then turned to Jackie and said, “It’s your best friend and his best friend. They have a cat.”
“They have a what?” Jackie spun to look at them. “Oh elders, you have a cat. Where’d you get a cat?”
“It just wandered up,” Chase said. “We thought it might like to get out of the cold—ow!” The cat dug its claws into his skin, managing to pierce the jacket, and Chase instinctively opened his arms. Of course, the cat landed on its feet, and trotted over to the side of the fire, which was slowly dying but still giving off a lot of heat.
“I’ve never seen a cat like that before,” Jackie muttered. “That’s a really unique pattern, isn’t it?” The cat was mostly a brownish off-white, but its ears and tails were dark gray, almost black, and the tail had rings of lighter gray. Its legs were striped with light brown, and it had markings on its face of the same color. Big blue eyes stared up at the strange people.
“Oh!” Henrik’s eyes lit up. “I had not noticed outside! It was fairly dark. Oh, you are a pretty kitty, aren’t you?” He slowly approached the cat, and when it didn’t run away, bent over and started petting it.
Meanwhile, Ana was bored, and anxious to leave. She looked at Chase, and her eyes lit up with a strangely sly expression. “Hey, it’s Chase, isn’t it? Do you mind helping me open this?” She held out a small tube made of metal and leather. “I’ve been trying for a while, I think it’s stuck.”
“Um..sure,” Chase said warily. Was this going to be a joke of some kind? He took the small tube and turned it over in his hands. There was a door on the side of it, and after some effort, he figured out how to open it. Out fell three items. Two folded pieces of paper, made of pressed wood pulp and therefore pale brown, and a rolled-up piece of vellum tied with twine. “What’s this?”
“Messages,” Ana said, grinning. “Can you see names written on them?”
Chase looked down at the items, sorting through them. There was writing on the folded papers, but...well, it could just be his lack of reading skills, but it looked like absolute nonsense. “These are names?” he asked doubtfully.
Jackie and Henrik looked away from the cat, noticing the exchange between Chase and Ana. “What do you mean?” Jackie asked.
“These words written here, these are...names?” Chase shook his head. “I’ve just never heard names like this before. Um...here, I-I’ll try to read them. Uh...” He squinted at the writing in ink on the two papers. “This one is ‘Ee-uh-oo-koh’ and this one is...um...‘Ffssehffmuh.’ I think? The handwriting could be—”
Henrik’s eyes widened. Suddenly, he was right next to Chase, grabbing his arm and squeezing it tightly. “What is it?! The two papers?! Which one is—that one, can I see that one?”
“Whoa, hey, calm down!” Chase leaned back. “You mean this one?” He held out the paper with the ‘Fsefma’ name on it.
“Yes!” Henrik snatched it up, then retreated, unfolding it.
Jackie leaned over his shoulder, then grinned. “Oh, I see. Vsevna sent you a little letter, didn’t he? What’s it say? Is he confessing his love?”
“Shut up, Jackie,” Henrik said, holding the letter far away from him so he couldn’t read it. “Is just another report.”
Jackie laughed. “Yea, with your name on it. Come on, Henrik.”
“That does not mean anything.”
Chase, listening, raised an eyebrow. “So...I don’t know everything that’s going on, but I think I can figure out that this Fsefna person—”
“Vsevna,” Henrik corrected.
“Vsevna. It is important that you voice those sounds.”
“He’s the person you’re pining for, huh, Henrik?” Chase pressed on.
Henrik was slowly turning red. “I say nothing.”
“Right,” Chase said, grinning. “So, who is he?”
“He’s another one of the Phantoms,” Jackie said, sensing that Henrik wasn’t going to answer. “He and Yuko—that’s the other name on that second paper. Last we heard, they were in the Southern Moors with the rest of their crew. They said they’d scout it out for a bit more, then move on. These are probably their reports. Or...Yuko’s is a report, at least.”
“Shush,” Henrik muttered. He retreated a few steps away from the others, clutching the letter. As he passed Ana, he shot her a glare. “You make Chase open that on purpose.”
Ana just smiled. “Same results, right? Anyway, that’s the last capsule. Do you mind if I head out now?”
“No, go ahead, Ana. Send Harrison to take care of the birds,” Jackie said. She nodded, and left the skull. He then looked at Chase. “Uh...can I have the other two things?”
“Oh right.” Chase forgot he was still holding the other paper and the vellum scroll. He handed them over to Jackie, and the metal tube as well. “I’m surprised. That’s a lot for a bird to carry.”
“Well these guys are trained for it.” Jackie gestured at the pigeons, now strutting around the table. “Especially Mokin here, who had this stuff.” He patted the wings of a particular pigeon, mostly white but with brown wings, which had strangely curly feathers. “They all deserve the best seeds before we send them out again. Anyway.” Jackie unfolded the paper with Yuko’s name on it, scanning the words written there. At first, he looked excited to get a letter from this person. But the more he read, the more serious his expression became. “Henrik.”
Henrik looked away from his own letter, picking up on the tone in Jackie’s voice. “What is it?”
“I...read this while I open this scroll.” Jackie passed Henrik the letter, then began working on the twine knot holding the vellum shut.
Henrik read the letter quickly, and soon his expression matched Jackie’s. “Oh. Oh, Schwestern. Oh, no.”
Chase started to back up, feeling he shouldn’t listen to something like this. But Jackie noticed him leaving and said, “No, it’s fine, Chase. We should tell everyone this, anyway. Tomorrow, maybe.”
“What is it?” Chase asked anxiously.
“Well...you remember we told you about Marvin, right?” Jackie said slowly. “About how he went out on his own and we sometimes get reports of him?” He waited for Chase to nod before continuing. “This...was a report about him. Apparently, he was in the Moors. But...he didn’t just cause chaos and leave. He’s been...caught.”
“Caught?” Chase repeated numbly.
Jackie managed to untie the twine, and unrolled the vellum, scanning what was written there. He nodded grimly. “Yep. You know what this is?” He turned it around so Chase could see.
“That’s...a royal declaration, isn’t it?” Chase asked slowly. He recognized the format, and the royal seal in the corner. “Um...‘The King...announces a...mighty...triumph.’”
“You do not have to keep going, Chase,” Henrik said bitterly. “There are better words to read than that.” He took the declaration from Jackie, glancing at it for just a moment. “I see. Marvin is accused of attempting to kill the King and some other nobility. They caught him in the act, and now...they plan to execute him. Four weeks from now.”
Jackie looked over at the cat, now sitting and licking its paws, and gasped. “Henrik. You don’t think that’s his cat, do you?!”
“What? I suppose perhaps. But if it is, how did it get all the way up here?” Henrik sounded puzzled. “It takes a week or two to get to the Moors from here, and that is for humans on horseback. For a cat...”
“Wizardry?” Jackie guessed. “I don’t know, it was just a thought, since he likes cats so much.”
Everyone fell silent. Henrik looked back at the royal declaration, reading it slowly, taking in the information. “So...how are we going to do this?”
“Do what?” Jackie asked.
Henrik stared at him in surprise. “Well, we have to rescue him, of course.” Jackie didn’t say anything. “Do not tell me that you’re going to let your grudge stand in the way!”
“No, it’s not that!” Jackie protested. “It’s just—you read the letter, right? Yuko said that these declarations were sent everywhere. Since when has the King announced his next move like this? Everything he does, he does in secret. I mean, damn, the Phantoms are just rumors, and we’ve been taking serious action for years now. He’s hushed up so much, why wouldn’t he just make Marvin...you know, disappear? Why a public execution?”
“You think it is a trap,” Henrik stated.
“Well...yes,” Jackie admitted.
“That is fair, but if it’s a trap, who is he planning to catch? If he wants information about us, he could get it from Marvin.”
“But Marvin hasn’t been part of the group for a year now! His information would be out of date.”
“This does not change the fact that there is no guarantee it’s a trap in the first place. Perhaps he wants to strike fear into the population. Given his actions, it seems likely.”
“If it does turn out to be a trap, though, we can’t afford to lose anyone!”
Chase coughed awkwardly. Jackie and Henrik jumped, then turned to him, looking embarrassed to be fighting while he was still there. “You know...I don’t know if I have any place in this. I mean, you two are in charge, after all. But...I think you should try to get him back.”
Henrik and Jackie looked at each other, then back to Chase. “Are you trying to say something?” Jackie asked.
“I just...” Chase paused for a moment, searching for the words. “I don’t think...you should leave someone behind. He was still part of the Phantoms, right? Didn’t he help create it? A-and weren’t you three...Well. You don’t have to talk to him after we rescue him, but it just doesn’t seem right to leave someone behind in this situation. I know you had your fight and all, but maybe...this could be...you know.” He paused. “Also, I want to know if this cat is his or if some random cat just wandered by.”
Jackie laughed. “Yea, that would be good to know, wouldn’t it?” He sighed, and his expression fell, becoming serious as he was lost in thought.
Henrik leaned closer to him and rested a hand on his shoulder. “Jackie. Chase is right, this does not mean he is rejoining the group. You do not even have to go. But...we should do it. Marvin does not deserve this.”
After a moment, Jackie nodded. “You’re both right. Of course. Even though he was an ass last time we talked, that doesn’t mean I want Marvin dead.” He took a deep breath. “But we should prepare for the possibility of a trap. Just in case.”
“Of course we will,” Henrik assured him.
“...Hey. Chase.” Jackie gave him a smile. “Thank you. I-I don’t know what it is about you, but you know what to say. It’s really easy to talk to you about stuff like this.”
“It’s not a problem,” Chase said, returning the smile. “But, um...I think the Vigil is happening soon, so if we want to go—”
“Shit, I almost forgot about that!” Jackie gasped. “Henrik, I don’t want to leave the cat alone, can you look after it or something?”
“Don’t worry, I will take it to my tent,” Henrik said. “You two go and...is it alright to wish you fun? In a ceremony like this?”
“Come on, Schneep, you’ve lived here for over a decade, don’t talk like it’s so strange to you,” Jackie chuckled.
“I think it’s fun,” Chase said.
“Well, you two go have fun, then,” Henrik said. “I will see you later. Tomorrow, if not tonight.”
“Thanks, Schneep.” Jackie gave him a quick one-armed hug, then headed towards the skull entrance. “Let’s go, Chase. We don’t want to be late.”
They almost were. The Dark Vigil was about to start when they arrived, shuffling into the crowd. Everyone stood in a circle around a set of candles, one blue and the rest black, which were in turn set in a circle around several smooth, round pieces of black onyx. Three people stood inside, lighting the candles.
After the candles were alight, everyone sat on the ground, clashing a bit as they all tried to make room. Then once everyone was sitting with their legs crossed, the three in the center started the Vigil. They spoke the traditional lines, describing the Elder of Dark—their vague appearance, their actions, their history with the other Elders—and finished it by thanking them for their guardianship. Everyone joined in on the final part: “As you stand and watch vigil, so shall we this night.” And then silence fell.
During the silence of the Dark Vigil, each individual offered their thoughts about those who needed protection. In the past, Chase had asked for his family to be alright. For them all to stay healthy and happy. Today, he asked for that again. He wished, silently, desperately, for them to be safe. And not just them, but everyone else who had disappeared from his town, as well as all the other mountain towns that had been destroyed. He thought about Henrik and Jackie and all the other Phantoms he’d met here, and wished for them to have luck in this fight against the King. He thought about Marvin, someone who he’d never met but who was dear to his friends, and wished for them to be able to rescue him.
As Chase stared at the candle flames, he thought he saw...something. He wasn’t sure what. A shape in the smoke. The shape of a four-legged animal, with...antlers. A deer.
Then as was the tradition, the candles were extinguished, and the night was left in darkness.
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