#its silly! it's idiotically silly/neg how i imagine all these things i want like love and care
batshikns · 29 days
i wanna vent about my distaste for myself and all the stupid things i do until i remember that's exactly why my friend called me manipulative
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visionthefox · 1 year
talking about the *honey im home* video, what inspired you to create it and it just so happens to have some deeper meaning
I want to know your point of view related to the chosen song and what connects it with sun and moon
the art is very beautiful by the way and I found it interesting :3
ooohh maaaaan that video! hahah well.. when I hear the song, I felt like it just fit the whole "fighting for control" idea.. also how did ya find it? ~ im curious! hahah! (ok, this reply got too long, so I'll cut it here, click to read my nonesense!)
I know the song story doesnt actually relate to the show story, but the visual for me did it, reason why I made Sun the central piece..he was the central victim of it all the "THREE VOICES COME FROM THE GRAMOPHONE" line also got me, as we knew Moon was the one guiding Sun most of the time while Eclipse spoke to him in the darkness of their mind.. telling him the true Sun was not ready to hear.. also, when I got to put the dialoge Eclipse had with Sun.. I just felt that would be relevant and.. it was.. the moment we know Sun did had negative ideas stuck with me.. how terrible Sun had to be feeling..
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also , God.. the creator, for me was always someone to be warry of, for me the creator was an idiot who didnt care for the robots he made, only wanted them to stay in line and give him money.. I imagine him as a still human, dirty rich, and heartless.. "DON'T REMEMBER IT DON'T RETURN TO IT" this line also spoke to me.. as I knew both Sun and Moon really wanted to get out of the situation they got stuck in.. Moon saw as his past mistake bite it back, and Sun fell victim of other's people problems.. but I Think the most important thing is..
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we got to see the suffering of them both, we only sat here and watched how these robot suffer.. and we couldnt do much.. that was something I loved.. how even if we wanted to.. we couldnt do much.. just watch.. and Sun could only be exposed to us, teared apart by his uncaring god.. the channel, for our entretaiment.. also, I didnt plan toadd Lunar, he was last moment add up! so yea.. I had some ideas in my mind , but also! its a cool song! :P I always made up animatics in my head with cool songs! have this last pic, I stared this silly idea with this uhh logo thingy~
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Glow Pt 2
Summary: Malachai/Reader Request: Glow Pt 2; this got a little out of hand
“So; should we get dinner?” You turn to Malachai your hand tracing his chest and the faint glow from it. “Hmm, well we should; but..” You smile and he looks over to you fondly. “But what?” “As my soulmate you’re meant to be my perfect fit; we’re meant to be together but we’re.” Your fingers trace the skull tattoo on his side. “ I don’t care.” “I can’t leave the Serpent’s I’m sorry.” “I don’t care. You want to be a Serpent that’s fine.” “I can’t spy on them for you; I-“ “Did I ask that? We both have jobs; that’s all this is. Maybe your boss wants me dead sure, but your job doesn’t effect my view of you.” “But-“ “Does my job effect your view of me?” He asks frowning and you shake your head.
“It does; doesn’t it.” His face sinks and you chew your lip. “It’s dangerous; I don’t want you getting hurt and-“ You scowl as he laughs. “Baby; oh my god, we’re both in gangs; I could say the same about you!” “No! You’re a gang leader! That’s way more; oh my god I’m dating a gang leader.” Malachai grins, tears in his eyes as he tries to quiet his laugher you smack his shoulder, his chest glowing brighter. “Stop that! This is serious!!” “Come on Y/N it’s not; you’re just being silly.”
“Say the one who takes his gang on thrifting road trips every other week.” “Team bonding is essential to our gang!” “Going on cross country road trips to pick up leather jackets and studs from crafts stores is not essential.” He gasps mockingly and you shake your head. “Well what do the Serpent’s do for bonding then; hmm?” “We drink, party; go for ice cream; the usual gang activities.” “Ghouls do that too!” You shake your head. “Not like Serpents.” “Do not make me have a party and invite the snakes; we’d probably all get murdered.” “Ah but to die by your side, such a heavenly way to die.” You smirk and he shakes his head, hand pulling yours against his chest which pulses a light green. “Why does it do that? I always though the glow was supposed to go away once you found your soulmate.”
“It does; to everyone else; once you’ve met your  soulmate;” He nods to you, fingers twining yours as his other hand runs up your arm. “Once you’ve connected.” It threads through your hair nudging your lips against his. “No one else has need to see our connection but us.” “But why is is so pale?” “Because you’re close, the farther I go;” he steps backwards and you notice the almost sea foam green darkens a shade. “The brighter it becomes.” “Like a lighthouse.” You smile and Malachai frowns. “A lighthouse?”
“Yeah; its calling me home.” Malchai turns fixing the items on the shelf above the chair. “Or warns you away from the rocks.” “Like you’d willingly hurt me. You’re avoiding looking at me cause you’re blushing again.” You laugh when he stalks forward trying to look threatening. “I can hurt you worse than you’d imagine.” “You wouldn’t.” “I would.” “Prove it; I’m sure you have a knife on you right? Just like me?” You grin flicking your blade out and he grins back rolling his eyes. “Y/N, sweetheart that’s a toy.” He grins pull his out, it’s not double the size of yours but it’s close. “I’d say you’re compensating for something but we both know that wouldn’t be true.” He smile smugly, nodding proudly.
“You need to meet the Ghouls; officially.” “As what the Ghoulie Queen?” “Pffft. The what? Oh my god is that actually true?? The snakes actually- oh my god, fuck that is hilarious.” “Hey, no you can’t let anyone know trade secrets.” “You know our trade secrets.” Malachai nods gravely and you roll your eyes “Thrifting is not a trade secret!!!!” “Well not when you shout it out for everyone and their mother to hear like that.” “I’m sure the Serpents aren’t going to get wise to your secret thrifting locations and then buy all the skulls and dead things before you can.” Malachai narrows his eyes but nods towards the door. “Everyone’s waiting.” “For the record the this is a horrible idea.” Malachai nods. “If you agree then why are we doing it.” “Have to do it at some point otherwise we’ll be trapped in the house of the dead’s bedroom for eternity.” “That doesn’t sound too bad.” Malachai rolls his eyes as he opens the door stepping through it. You watch half the ghoulies turning towards you eyeing you curiously. You see the group from Pop’s and watch as they step forward. “What happened now?” Malachai looks annoyed at them. “Nothing; just wanted to say we’re happy Y/N’s here.” “Really? That’s all? Nothing about the BBQ you’re apparently throwing in my yard?” “It’s a welcome party.” One of them grins and winks at you, you grin back turning to Malachai.
“Yeah we talked about it before you picked me up at Pop’s; don’t you remember?” Malachai scans your face confusedly. “You talked to them before?” “Yeah they came in and ordered food, gave me a burner phone and said they were sick of you whining.” “I did not whine!” He glares and the Ghoulies hide their laugher. “You did; just a little, he may have cried when we showed him that picture you have up; the one with hot dog the third as a puppy.” “That’s just low; no one can resist a puppy.” You nod wrapping your arm around Malachai. “Now, apparently I’m supposed to meet everyone here? So lead on oh fearless Ghoul King.” You grin and watch his chest brighten.
“I thought it only got brighter when we were apart.” “Yeah, must be a malfunction.” He shrugs avoiding your gaze to call over a group of teenagers. “These are the newbies; newbies, my soulmate Y/N.” They all nod and you return it. “A malfunction?” You question and he shrugs pulling over Evan and Jacob his second in commands to greet you. They pull you into hugs before you can say anything. “He telling lies about the soulmate glow again?” Evan grins and you nod. “Yes! He won’t tell me why it gets brighter, even though we’re next to each other! He’s awful!” You watch your chest brighten as you say it.
“It is true. That it get’s brighter the farther away you get; but it also gets brighter when you think about each other; like loving thoughts; it gets dimmer the more negative you think.” “Wait so every time he thinks about me it’ll get brighter?” “Basically yes; so depending how in love he is with you; how aware of it he is; the brighter it gets. So what colour is it now?” “Ironically the same as my Serpent tattoo.” “Oh woooow that’s, uh, interesting.” “What?” “I bet you you could ask almost anything of him and he’d do it.” “No he wouldn’t; he’s a gang leader he’s not going to go soft just cause he has a soulmate.” “Wanna bet.” Evan grins and you nod.
“Bet you a weeks worth of Pop’s.” “And two hundred.” “Deal.” You grin as Evan shakes your hand Jacob laughs and Malachai turns from where he’s talking to him and another group of Ghoulies. “Babe;” You watch as he fully turns walking towards you. “What’s up?” “Evan said you wouldn’t take me on your next thrifting trip.” You smirk and Malachai frowns. “You can come if you want; it’s usually an all day thing I assumed the snakes wouldn’t-“ “I saw this adorable ice cream parlour on the way out of town when I went on a job and if it’s on the way could we stop in?” You grin and Malachai rolls his eyes. “If this is a ploy to get ice cream-“ “Noooo.” You avert your eyes grinning. “What do you want. Come on; tell me.” You smirk. “I want you to marry me.” Malachai freezes and you’re completely distracted from Evan crumbling to the ground in shock; by the same blinding glow that blocked Malachai from your vision when you first met him.
“That’s not ice cream.” He nods to you and you grin back. “I said it wasn’t a ploy to get ice cream. You just didn’t believe me.” “Well I can’t marry you; I mean one, I don’t even know your ring size so I can’t get it altered for you; two if you think the ghouls and the serpent’s are going to be able to come together for a wedding we’re going to need to stockpile enough vodka to drown Russia; and three- what. “You have a ring? That you have to get altered?” You stare and him and Malachai nods. “Of course; what kind of idiot doesn’t have an engagement ring ready once they meet their soulmate.” “You bought a ring yesterday?”
“Anyway, since you’ve met Jacob now we just have to meet a few more members and-“Malachai nods towards a group that look to be in physical pain. “What’s wrong with them.” You watch worriedly and one of them sucks in a breath “Evan passed out.” He speaks before returning to what you realize is trying to quiet laughter. Malachai turns nudging Evan with his foot. “He’s not passed out just dying of laughter, one of you turn him on his side so he doesn’t choke if he pukes.” “So is there a rule against laughing? I mean all of them seem pretty-“ “They can laugh; they just sound like a pack of dying hyena’s and half of them have those laughs that make you laugh more from the sound. Lance I swear to god if those are helium balloons.” Lance nudges the balloons back onto the table and turns away from them.
“So why is everyone laughing at my attempted proposal?” “Attempted?” Malachai looks hurt when he closes the door to the house. The muffled laughter is almost deafening. “Well yeah; I mean I don’t have a ring and as much as I want to marry you I can’t do that without a ring. Besides I don’t think my family would be too excited if introduced you as my soulmate and fiance in the same breath as them meeting you for the first time. Like surprise I’m marrying a gang leader; I know you wanted so much better for me but he’s all I want. They’d be a little bitter about it. Mals; you okay? You know I want to marry you right?”
“You met me two days ago pretty much; we’ve been enemies for years..” “It’s been almost a week; and yeah we were enemies because I didn’t know much about you; but that doesn’t matter because you’re my soulmate; we’re meant to be together; and I want that. To be with you.” “Okay well uh first things, I lied about the ring.”
“Oh thank fuck I was going to be a little freaked out if you already had a ring.” “I have three, I wasn’t sure if you were going to like this one and the other two I saw in the shop when I went up so I figured options was good. Well actually that one is my great grandmothers on my mom’s side so it’s pretty traditional so, options, good idea right?” He grins confused slightly when he just sees a green glow.
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Marvel’s Dobson: Infinity PTSD
In case you wonder why I personally think Dobson is an idiot, here is one (of many) reason(s): Dobson takes the wrong things way more serious than he should.
 On one hand, he will belittle people e.g. to think about the new Pokemon starters more than about current events in real life…
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But then he will also throw fits at something like a silly add slogan by Burger King, calling it sexist crap and that the company should be ashamed of it.
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 Belittle lesbian teenagers for not taking “KorraSami” as something serious and progressive as he does…
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Or in case of Marvels “Infinity War”, believe that the movies ending would be ptsd inducing.
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I am not kidding. What you see here is a tumblr post Dobson made up shortly after he watched Infinity War in May of 2018, making it known that he is scared that the movie could be traumatic for people on a global scale.
Which was laughable back then and is even more so in the year 2021, when we actually go through a global trauma in form of Covid-19. Making me also believe, that Dobson, despite claims of suffering from depression and his own form of PTSD, has absolutely no idea what a trauma really is and that despite all his whining over the years, he must have one of the most privileged and easiest lives on the planet, if he thinks a superhero movie is going to be as traumatizing as certain real world events. At least the way the post is worded implies, that Dobson seriously believes seeing Spiderman and other Marvel heroes bite the dust (so to speak) has the same effect as e.g. witnessing 9/11 play out live or being involved in an actual war.
Don’t get me wrong, I know of the reactions people had at Infinity War and the infamous Snap scene. I myself was in a theater where a bunch of kids started to cry when Starlord died. And I do understand that reaction. Because unlike Dobson, I am not just using my brain to whine about things not pandering to my fetishes.
I know, that the MCU and its characters have grown on people over the years, myself included. So when we as an audience watch the world and characters we care about get destroyed as Thanos does to Knowhere, Gamora and so many more, we have an emotional reaction to it. I myself was not distraught, but genuinely surprised that when Thanos snapped his fingers, as many heroes died as we saw on screen. Sure, knowing the comics and that Infinity War was just part one of a two part Avengers Finale of phase 3, I knew the snap would happen. In fact, I even hoped for it to happen, cause I love badass villain moments and Thanos was a favorite of mine long before the movie. Not because I am a space fascist, but because I enjoy threatening villains and stakes in my stories, unlike certain people.
I just didn’t expect that after all the hype Marvel created for certain heroes over phase 2 and 3, especially Black Panther, they would do something as “radical” and kill as good as 95% of all heroes introduced in phase 2 and 3 off. Wakanda forever? Not according to this movie.
But I digress. Point is, I will give Dobson the following: Yes, the movie’s ending has obviously caused people to have a sad emotional reaction to it, because at the end of the day, we will react with sadness when we see someone we care about die. But guess what: So have many other movies over the course of cinematic history.
 Do I really need to remind people (and by people I mean braindead idiots) of stuff like Jack dying at the end of Titanic and watching the ship sink, Mufasa being thrown off a cliff, that one horse from Never Ending Story in the swamp, certain scenes of “Who framed Roger Rabbit”, that scene of the dog put down in “Marley and &Me” and so on? You know, stuff most of us remember as having watched in our childhood only for us as adults to joke how this shit traumatized us?
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Okay, it may have at least to some degree in so far as that we remember those movies in parts because of those scenes. I think there have been a few kids not wanting to go into the water to swim for quite some time after watching Jaws. But guess what: Most people get over stuff like that, because somewhere down the line they realize it is just a movie or that those sad/scary parts are actually in their own way “fun”/good and helped us appreciate the story we watched even more. And all Infinity War is, is just another movie in a long line of such flics, while also being the culmination of a decade long multipart movie project by Disney to get the most profits out of superhero movies possible.
Furthermore, I doubt there is or ever was going to be everlasting damage, seeing how “Endgame” was going to happen anyway and has been out for almost two years. Meaning all the “drama” of Infinity War in 2018? Dealt with. All the people that turned into dust are alive again and well thanks to the Dragon Balls- I mean Infinity Stones, which is more than can e.g. be said about Bambi’s mom. So if your kid starts crying because Thanos won when you let them watch Infinity War? Make sure to put Endgame in almost immediately to show them their heroes are not dead. Just hope the kid is not a fan of Iron Man or Black Widow, cause they are the only superheroes of the bunch who are going to join Old Yeller and Co in the everlasting realm of fictional character deaths to “fuck up” your kids.
Which btw is the other thing worth pointing out: See, I can imagine kids having the most negative reaction to watching the Snap play out. Because most kids will not know as many media as adults and are on average not exposed to as much violence or “traumatic” events in the stuff they watch/consume or in real life (hopefully). And lets face it, Infinity War has some “brutal” scenes in it. Thanos choking Loki, Thanos getting stabbed, Thanos getting an axe in his torso, Thanos throwing Gamora of the cliff, everyone getting blown with the wind etc.
But the way Dobson words it, he believes that adults too will react to it negatively, to the point they may need therapy. To which I say, no. If most children can deal with Infinity War, so will even more adults. Personally I think the only person “traumatized” by Infinity War was Dobson himself, because if his history in regard of movies and media he consumes is any indication, he is a pantsy who likely pisses his knickers at animated Halloween specials despite being now almost 40.
Even others called him out on it, but Dobson, the manchild that he is can’t acknowledge that he may have overreacted to it and still believes this movie is a horrifically traumatic experience, based on some youtubers overreacting for the sake of clicks.
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Last but not least, where was that kind of reaction by Dobson when Man of Steel came out? You know, the movie where the fight scenes in Metropolis were actually called out by many people in the media of being triggering for people who experienced 9/11.
Seriously though, if Dobson thinks Infinity War’s ending is traumatizing, I just have to ask the following things:
a) how many mainstream western comics has he actually ever bothered to read, cause on average even worse shit can happen in them to heroes than seen in Infinity War (just ask people who read “Cry for Justice”)
b) if Infinity War is already that traumatizing for you, how did you expect to ever be a decent story creator yourself, cause obviously you can’t see characters actually suffer? Except of course when they are straight males abused by redhead pirates.
c) Just as a personal opinion: Better turn into dust than to be inflated and popped, Catty!
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Is It Really THAT Bad?
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Cats has been a divisive show ever since it opened in 1981. Some people hate it for being a plotless spectacle that focuses more on the visuals than on music and story, while others love it for those same reasons, as well as for being utterly campy and fun. I’m firmly in the latter category, to the point I can’t  really comprehend the opposition to the film. Stuff like the jab at this film in The Critic or the mockery of it in Hey Arnold just seem weird to me; what is it about this fun, silly musical about cats that makes people’s blood boil so much?
Perhaps all these people saw into the future where the film was released.
Cats had a long, troubled history getting from stage to screen. In the 90s, Amblimation was set to make an animated version of the movie, set during the Blitz of WWII. Unfortunately, the inability of writers to find a way to turn this episodic showcase of random singing cats into a cohesive narrative combined with the failure of Amblimations films caused the project to dissolve, leaving behind nothing but some really cool concept art. 
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But see, this perfectly demonstrates the problem with adapting Cats: the musical is a spectacle, a showcase, it’s all about the dancing, costumes, and the songs. It doesn’t have a story to speak of, instead contenting itself with showing us a bunch of different cats and having them sing about themselves for a bit before moving on to the next cat. Sure, there’s a bit of continuity and whatnot, but this really isn’t the sort of show that’s trying to deliver a deep narrative. It just wants you to have a good time, nothing more, nothing less.
No one told any of this to Tom Hooper, apparently. This director of the grounded, gritty, realistic adaptation of Les Mis was tapped to utilize this same style in a musical about magical singing cats, all while not even knowing what catnip is or how animation works. Hooper was apparently constantly butting heads with the VFX team due to his lack of understanding of how animating works. He tried to get the team to watch videos of cats performaing the stuff he wanted and forced them to give 90 hour work weeks, cementing Tom Hooprt as one of the biggest douchebags imaginable. On top of all this, the guy tried to weave this plotless showcase of felines into a cohesive narrative, and tapped a bunch of talent of various degrees of questionability to play parts. And what was the result?
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An absolute disaster. The film was savaged by critics, with most positives being that the film was so bad it’s good. The film (of course) won a bunch of Razzies, and was the subject of mockery and memes before, after, and during its run in theaters. Hell, as soon as the trailer dropped, the film was mocked to death. Not helping was the rushed VFX which, again, was due to the team being under pressure from a draconian idiot who had no idea what he was doing. The film received an unprecedented bug fix, so to speak, in the form of an updated version with slightly better VFX that was shipped to theaters after the initial negative reaction. This obviously did nothing to help the movie’s reputation, of course. Hell, even in my initial review, I wasn’t super keen on the film. Most damning of all, though, was Andrew Lloyd Webber himself calling the film ridiculous, and even said "The problem with the film was that Tom Hooper decided that he didn’t want anybody involved in it who was involved in the original show."
But after ruminating on it, and after watching the film once more, I’ve decided to ask the usual question: Is it really that bad? It’s weird to ask this about a film that’s so new; I usually wait for hindsight to kick in, and look at older films considered bad. But even now, Cats is building up a reputation as a campy cult classic, with such figures as Martin “LittleKuriboh” Billamy watching the film with alarming frequency. And after reading the nightmarish behind the scenes and considering everything… yeah, I think this film deserves a re-evaluation.
This is going to be a little different, though: I’m sort of going to go through the film part by part, since this film has an interesting issue where, generally speaking, the first half is where the worst problems are, and the second half is where things start to pick up. So let’s get the bad out of the way first, then move onto the good.
So, I’m actually not going to pick on the VFX too much, and not just because of the horrible treatment of the VFX artists. In all honesty, the weird human/cat people, while not even remotely as cool as the insane costumes of the stage show, eventually stop being super distracting and kind of just become something you accept. Like, I’m not gonna pretend like this work is amazing, but I dunno, I think it gets harped on too much. There is some stuff that stands out as noticeably bad, though, and we’ll get to that.
A consistent problem with the film that I can’t even try to defend is the problem with the scaling. It’s seriously hard to tell how big these cats are supposed to be in relation to anything else. They honestly seem to change size from scene to scene. It’s seriously weird and baffling and there’s never any way to get a good sense of scale. Even when the cats are alongside mice and roaches, it just boggles the mind what size anything is actually supposed to be.
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Mr. Mistoffelees, one of the most flamboyant and enjoyable characters of the stage show, is one of the biggest character issues with the film. Gone is the tricky, confident magician who prances and dances, and here is a meek, sniveling twerp who can barely do anything without tripping over himself. This is because the actor who plays him had a terrible audition that left him miserable due to a lack of singing and dance background. So, rather than find someone who could, you know, sing and dance, they decided to rewrite Mr. Mistoffelees into comic relief, which is just an insulting slap in the face. The cherry on top of course is how they straightwash the character and excise his homoerotic tension with Rum Tum Tugger, instead making him completely and totally straight and giving him a thing for Victoria. Out of everyone in the entire film, they did Mr. Mistoffelees the dirtiest.
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Now, let’s get onto the actual “plot.” The film actually starts out fairly well, with some cool shots, good dancing, and some setup for Macavity, whose intro has a neat little nod to the fact he’s based on Moriarty. The issues don’t really start showing up until we reach the first of the Jellicle choices… Jennyanydots.
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Jennyanydots is portrayed by Rebel Wilson, which is the first issue. Rebel Wilson is probably one of the worst actresses ever. She is just a horrendously, relentlessly unfunny human being, and she brings that exact quality to her role here. For her song, the vocal talent is secondary to the cringeworthy comedy Wilson puts on display. And yet, somehow, Wilson isn’t the worst part of the scene. No, that would be the horrendous CGI human-faced mice and roaches, which look like they came out of a PS3 game.
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This horrendous spectacle is followed up with the appearance of Rum Tum Tugger, portrayed by Jason Derulo. I’m of two minds about this. On the one hand, I do think Derulo has the necessary egotistical celebrity swagger to play Rum Tum Tugger (especially when you consider he responded to negative criticisms of the film by calling the movie  “one of the greatest pieces of art ever made”) and his design is actually one of the better ones in the film, but on the other hand, his singing and the musical choice for his song are not very impressive and really just doesn’t work all too well. It’s at least something of a step up from Rebel Wilson and her CGI abominations, but that’s not really saying much, is it?
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Next up we have Bustopher Jones, played by James Corden and, if I’m being totally honest… he’s not quite as awful as he could be. Corden is basically the male equivalent to Rebel Wilson, but at least while he’s singing he manages to be somewhat amusing, whimsical, and enjoyable even. The problem comes when he throws in jokes, including one where he claims to be self-conscious about his weight… a joke that occurs in the middle of his song where he is bragging about how fat he is. Talk about sending mixed messages. I wish I didn’t have to be so harsh on Bustopher, but sadly he is bogged down by really bad shtick.
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Bustopher Jones also highlights a problem with the cats in this first half. These minor roles – Jennyanydots, Rum Tum Tugger, and Bustopher Jones – are all being played by relatively big celebrities, and as such they’re going to want a lot of time to sing. As a result, songs that were ensemble numbers on stage become more one-man songs here, with Bustopher Jones being the most egregious example, turning this positive fat character into a walking James Corden fat joke as he sings his own praises rather than having his praises sung.
Following him up we have Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, who are usually fun characters with a fun little pseudo-villain song, but alas, they manage to screw that up by using a slow, jazzy version of the song originally used in earlier London productions rather than the more up-tempo version from later productions, making the song sound awkward and forgettable. Topping it all off is the bargain bin Mr. M popping in at the end for some wacky shenanigans, but at this point, the movie takes a turn towards…
So as soon as Dame Judi Dench shows up as Old Deuteronomy, the film gets a sort of inverse of what happened at the start. Where the film starts somewhat awkward and promising, it slowly gets stupider and stupider when Rebel Wilson, Jason Derulo, and James Corden botch their scenes in the ways described above. Here, things start a bit shaky and unsure, but Dench is a sign things are about to pick up. What makes her so enjoyable is how, despite how utterly silly things are, she treats her role with the dignity and gravitas of something out of Shakespeare. The only thing as good as an actor in a silly movie like this going full-on ham and cheese is an actor treating their role dead serious and injecting it with such class and dignity you can’t help but enjoy it. Thankfully, Dench isn’t the only person to take her role seriously.
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Jennifer Hudson as Grizabella technically appears briefly in the earlier portions of the film, but here we get to hear her belt out “Memory,” and by god does she do a fantastic job. The raw emotion and passion she injects into Grizabella is phenomenal, and it’s even more powerful when it comes back for its reprise in the finale. Victoria gets a sort of response song to “Memory,” called “Beautiful Ghosts,” and it’s a decent song in its own right, but you can tell it was a more modern composition and it just doesn’t gel super well with the rest of the songs. Still, all this is good stuff, and the “Memory”/”Beautiful Ghosts” scene is a nice, refreshing bit of emotion after the incredibly weird and silly extended dance number that is the Jellicle Ball.
The movie doesn’t stop pulling punches; shortly after Grizabella we are given Gus the theater cat, an elderly actor whose number is all about reminiscing of the old days of theater and his many stellar roles from days gone by. Naturally, the only actor who could possibly perform this role properly is Sir Ian McKellan. I am completely unironic when I say this: This is to McKellan what Patrick Stewart’s performance of Xavier in Logan is. This sounds ridiculous, but think of it: Gus is an aging thespian, clearly a bit senile and desiring to be reborn because he has reached the end of the line, and McKellan fills him with this genuine, incredibly honest performance that really makes you feel emotional. It’s powerful. It feels so personal and resonant, like McKellan has inserted some of his own feelings into his performance, which may very well be the case. Oh, and after his song Macavity kidnaps him with a big autograph book and apparates away while saying his name, which gets me every time.
And now, my friends, the lord and savior arrives: Skimbleshanks.
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This is, hands down, the best scene in the entire film. Everything comes together here: the music is absolutely fantastic, the dancing is choreographed extremely well, and it’s clear that everyone involved is having a blast. This is a concentrated essence of what Cats should be, and it’s really a shame Hooper didn’t understand that this is the energy needed for the entire production. The most crucial element, of course, is Steven McRae, who not only has a lovely singing voice and looks dapper as all hell in his red suspenders, but is a tap dancing maniac. This man has feet of fire, and his tapping adds a whole new layer of fun to the song. Overall, this is a perfect scene, and probably one of my favorite scenes in any film ever. For a brief four minutes, everything about this film works. I literally have no idea why this cat wants to be reincarnated, he is straight balling in this life.
But the hits don’t stop! Right after this song, Taylor Swift descends from the ceiling, and we get “Macavity.” In the stage productions, this is a song sung by Bombalurina to describe how nasty Macavity is, since she’s traditionally a good cat; here, she’s reimagined as a villain, and so this song is basically her acting as Macavity’s hype man, singing his dastardly praises, and best of all, Macavity joins in at the end! I’m certainly not a Taylor Swift fan, but she really kills it here, and definitely makes this one of the best songs in the movie with her hilariously forced accent and insane energy. It’s just a shame that from here on out Macavity ditches his villainous pimp coat and is now a nude Idris Elba, but I suppose this is equivalent exchange for Skimbleshanks being so amazing.
While not as incredible as the previous two songs and not quite as good as the stage version due to the removal of the latent homoeroticism, Mr. Mistoffelees’s song is actually okay. It’s nice that he gets to sing his own praises here, but it’s just nothing compared to the stage version, even if it has a fun little finale and it actually is genuinely heartwarming when Old Deuteronomy returns and sings along. It’s a sweet moment that almost makes up for how much Mr. M has sucked the whole movie. Oh, also, all of the Jellicle choices Macavity kidnapped fight back against their captor Growltiger, with Skimbleshanks aggressively tapdancing at him and Gus using his acting skills to make him fall into the Thames. This is so goofy that it wraps back around to being awesome.
The movie winds down in the goofiest way possible after the gorgeous reprise of “Memory,” with Macavity being caught on a big sculpture and apparently running out of magic, leaving him stranded like a regular cat. Then we get one final fourth-wall breaking song where Judi Dench directly addresses the camera that has the music swell up to the point where it seems like the song is ending numerous times without actually ending, and each time is funnier than the last. Really, what better way could you end such a silly film than with this?
Now, a general thing that’s great about the film is the choreography. The dancing in the movie is spectacular. I don’t really have a bad thing to say about it. And, in a broad sense, the music is good too, even if the singers aren’t always perfect, the backing tracks are great, and there’s a lot of fun in the tracks in the latter half of the movie. McRae and Taylor Swift’s contributions in particular are great, and Hudson’s version of “Memory” is incredibly powerful, as is McKellan’s take on Gus’ song.
Is It Really THAT Bad?
Look, it’s hard to be like “Wow this is a fantastic masterpiece of film” or anything like that, because the movie has blatant and evident problems. But this is literally the reason I made this review series; I’m asking if the movie is really as bad as people say, and in this case, no, there’s too much genuinely enjoyable in the film for me to say it’s deserving of several Razzies and a spot on the Bottom 100 of IMDB that places it above Master of Disguise and The Emoji Movie. Like, seriously? This is worse than the 90 minute commercial starring the abusive dick who called a bomb threat on his girlfriend? Hell, this movie is rated worse than Artemis Fowl, which is definitely a contender for the worst film ever made (and amusingly enough also features Judi Dench in it). Artemis Fowl has next to no redeeming qualities in it, and it certainly doesn’t have Skimbleshanks, whereas Cats has several fun scenes and also has Skimbleshanks.
I definitely think there’s more of an argument for this film being so bad it’s good or camp at best, but it’s definitely more enjoyable than you’d think it would be. If you can learn to live with the weird CGI, it’s a fun, goofy romp that you might find yourself feeling for at times. After my second watch, I have to say… I’ve started to unironically enjoy this movie. It might even be one of my favorites of all time. I can’t even deny that it has a lot of stuff I don’t like, and it falls flat in a lot of ways the 1998 film soars, and it screwed up some of my favorite characters… but there are so many moments where the fun and heart of Cats shines through brighter than it has any right to, and all the failures of Hooper and Universal seem distant for a just a few minutes.
So yeah, is this movie good all around? No way. But is it fun, does it have value, and is there more redeeming qualities than the critics let on? Oh yes there is.
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7wanderingpaws · 5 years
Simply, yours (2)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: non-idol AU, hapkido teacher AU
Word count: 3.1K
a/n: Maybe this chapter might be a bit frustrating, it was for me, but it will all get better very soon!! :) Enjoy and leave a comment please!
You came out of the office still shocked, your body moves a bit stiff. Sukyeong was giving you a wary look from behind of her glasses and watched you all the way till your butt touched the cushion of your office chair.
“You look like you have been sacked,” she commented, unable to keep it in.
Gulping, you realised your throat went dry. Reaching out for your tea cup, you picked it up to take a sip but noticed it was empty. Right. You have spilled its contents on your skirt that still had the wet stain.
What do you do now? Why aren't you feeling as good as you thought you would after receiving your first promotion?
Perhaps you needed some time. After all, the result would be shown on your bank account, not through your emotions or the behaviour of your boss.
“I-I got promoted,” you finally let out, staring at Sukyeong.
To say she was surprised was an understatement. Her eyes widened and she took her glasses off to get a better look. “Don't tell me it is because of Bina.”
“It is,” you mumbled. “Did you know she got fired?”
“Oh, yes, I heard but so suddenly? Nobody knows why.”
“Yeah,” you raised your eyebrows, nodding, before telling the truth “She got pregnant. That's why.”
Sukyeong's eyes darkened. “No way! No freaking way! You have got to be kidding me.” She went silent for a second, obviously the information still loading in her brain. “He fired her because she got pregnant? Is he stupid?”
“Apparently, the company doesn't want a useless workforce.” You went on explaining the whole meeting, ending it with his proposal (decision) to promote you to her position.
Sukyeong was a very kind and genuine person at heart that rarely showed negative emotions. It was quite shocking to see her explode (in a neat manner) about the whole situation.
Eventually, she looked at you, then at the phone resting on the top of your table. “It is good news for you, though. This way you can lead a more comfortable life with Baekhyun. You should let him know right now. He will be so happy and proud of you.”
You bit your lip. Sukyeong wasn't informed about the little condition called pregnancy that your boss made you indirectly promise. You felt it was too personal and uncomfortable to tell her. Or maybe you were scared she would tell you how stupid and out of your mind you were.
“I will tell him,” you heard yourself mumble, zoning out into your little bubble.
 You didn't tell him when you came home. It wasn't like you didn't have enough chances throughout the day. You and Baekhyun were constantly in touch through your phones, writing silly messages or small updates on what the other was doing.
You could have told him then.
Yet, as you were preparing your evening tea and heard him listing through his textbooks, there was not a chance to even start the conversation. He needed to be focused.
And anyway! How inconvenient would have the whole situation been? There was no way you could afford to… start a family. He knew it. You knew it. It would be a massive burden for both of you; physically for you, for him financially. He needed to finish his PhD. No time for children. He needed to focus on his career in hapkido. No time for children. He-
You hissed in pain as you, guess what, spilled your tea straight on your left hand. You weren't even holding the cup; you hit it with the back of your hand by accident, causing Baekhyun to look up from his textbook, his forehead slightly scrunched.
“You alright, love?” he stood up from the small table, walking to you.
“Mhm.” You took two quick steps reaching for the tap, letting cold water relief the throbbing skin.
Baekhyun was next to you within a second. He grabbed your hand, quickly looking at it. “Shit, Y/N, that's really bad,” he murmured seriously while observing the skin.
“It's nothing, c'mon,” you answered, playing it cool by giving him an eye roll with a smile.
“That could easily be a bad burn,” he placed your hand back under the water and looked at you. “Be careful next time.”
Forcing a bigger smile, you nodded but-
“Is something wrong?” He caressed your back gently. “You are not one to be clumsy usually.”
“All is good,” you nodded cheerfully, maybe a tad too fast.
He was analysing you. He knew you like the back of his hand. “Did the idiot try something at work again?” he asked, his voice lower now.
“What? Oh, no, not at all, please!”
“Why are you laughing like I just guessed correctly?”
“Because you haven't guessed correctly, hihi.”
“So there is something to be guessed,” his eyes shone in challenge.
“No, Baekhyun, there isn't. However, you will need to guess correctly at your exams, so go back to studying. I'll prepare some fruit for you.”
“Not with that hand,” he argued, closed the tap and grabbed a towel to dry your hand. “You will sit next to me and give me strength while I'm studying.”
You snorted. “I am pretty sure that will be a productive study session.”
He raised his eyebrows at you with a wide smile.
 You did end up studying. Baekhyun was preparing a report to be handed in next week about his current workplace where he was teaching hapkido. The wonderful way his experiences, memories and plans were coming out of his mouth while you were trying to type it all out on his laptop was something that made your heart warm. Baekhyun was satisfied where he was in life. You don't need anything more.
“Now the elementary school one,” he said, deep in thought as he was going through his notes. “The kids are sometimes a pain in the ass. Therefore, a hapkido professor-to-be shall have high levels of patience while kindness and eternal love shows through his guidance in order to reach the utmost peace while practicing hapkido.”
You were typing quickly until you realised what he was dictating in the academic language. It made you look up at his shiny eyes. “Ya, what is this. Your sarcasm will not go unnoticed with-”
He bursted out into fit of loud laughters, giggling on your expression. “I was wondering if you are even listening to what I am saying.”
“Of course I was,” you smacked his arm. “Kids. Talking about kids.”
He came closer to your face on all fours like a puppy he was. “I want to have some as well.”
You gave out a snort though your heart jumped in anticipation before your entire positive mood deflated with the situation you suddenly appeared in at work. “Some? It's not like asking for apples, you know, my love?” you responded gently, quickly glancing at his stretched out lips. You glanced back at his eyes just to catch him also stare at your mouth.
“You haven't thought about it at all?”
Oh no...
“How did you get to this topic? We were talking about kids in your hapkido class,” you tried to avoid the inevitable.
He shrugged, biting his lover lip as he examined your eyes now. You could feel his breath on your lips. “Exactly. You know how much I adore to teach that class. University students are fun and I can seriously practice hapkido with them, lead them to something much better, but with kids… Maybe I'm just crazy,” he laughed quietly, closing his eyes as he pressed his forehead to yours, gently shaking his head, “but I can't stop imagining us having a baby.”
Unconsciously, your breathing grew frantic, the idea being way too pleasant.
“And yeah, it isn't easy but… I love you so very much,” he breathed, raising his head, his eyes still closed as he crashed his lips onto yours in a slow, lazy kiss as if he was too drunk on love to even think straight. Your heart responded right away, opening your mouth for him so that he could devour all of you right then and there.
Countryside people had one thing in common - their own kids came usually early on in their lives. It wasn't out of place for Baekhyun to want to start a family at such a young age. It might have been strange for city people who were too busy building up their own life, though.
“Baekhyun,” you murmured, and he pecked you twice to show that he was listening as he opened his eyes to look at you. You didn't know yourself why you said his name when obviously you had nothing to reply. Now it was confirmed that if you told him what happened today would break his heart. Just like it broke yours. But you were not well-off now. Not entirely poor but… not far from it either. There had to be sacrifices made in order to get a better life for yourselves first. Touching his cheek lovingly, you whispered: “Your report.”
 You couldn't sleep the whole night. Not only because you were nervous about your upcoming day in work, given the new workplace would require much more responsibility (and we weren't even talking about the person you had to skip around now), but also the slight pain in your thighs signalling the upcoming period was making you uncomfortable. It was still early to get out of bed but you were worried you would forget to pack some pads in case it would surprisingly arrive at work. Oh! And you kept replaying Baekhyun's words from yesterday. How you saw the softness and desire in his stare. The honesty.
Guilt was eating you away.
Later during breakfast, Baekhyun was unusually silent and even though you tried to make some conversation with him, he wasn't in the mood. Must be the report, you thought as you quickly washed the dishes while he was quietly drying them off with the kitchen towel.
“You should go get ready, it's already 15,” he said, not looking your way.
You placed the last dish in the dish holder. “It's okay, I can leave at 45.”
Shit, how would you explain him the whole situation? He already did not like your boss (as if you did) yet here you were, hiding the truth that he will pick you up and bring you home.
“How come?” he asked, taking the dish, carefully sliding his hand with the towel under it over the surface, the action making a muffled sound. “You always panic about being late.”
“Well today I decided I can be late,” you said, smiling at him.
The corners of his lips lifted, but the emotion didn't quite reach his eyes.
“Are you okay?” you asked him, as you dried your hands in your pyjama pants. You had to wash them later anyway.
He nodded, winking at you which gave you enough reassuring for now.
“I will prepare your lunch box, go get ready, love.” You squeezed his arm.
He finished his task before wordlessly leaving.
Standing silently in the kitchen for a few more minutes after he left made you feel how strong of a slap you just received from him. You hated when he shut you out, when he was deep in his brain mulling over things you had no idea about.
You had no idea he was thinking so much about starting a family with you. You had no idea the kids in school were reminding him of how much he desired to create something so precious together with you.
Shuffling from the tiny bedroom snapped you back to reality, and you quickly put together Baekhyun's lunch so that he could leave.
“Anything you want to tell me?” he suddenly approached from behind, his voice serious.
You turned to face him. “What do you mean?”
“You… you are acting strangely,” he explained, not moving from his spot.
“Baekhyun,” you said, taking the kimbap from the fridge and placing it into the blue lunch box that you wrote “for my only love” on in a cute handwriting. “All is fine. What is making you so upset?” 
Your brain kept beeping the entire time, screaming “warning” but you went on. Like an idiot you were. You knew he was a sensitive person, so he was taking the slightest off-behaviour in the wrong way. He could be very vulnerable despite his tough physique and self-confident talk.
He sighed, running his hand through his hair. “You know what? Let's talk once you're home tonight.” Taking the lunch box from your hands, he left. 
The ending was a silent closing of the entrance door and the beep of the lock.
 It was uncomfortable in the car to say the least. Sitting in the same car, on the same backseat with your boss... Well, concentrating on the work you had to start doing was hard.
He kept asking how your day went yesterday, if you felt good about the promotion, and what would you do to make the work and your goals more effective. Interestingly, being under pressure made you form sentences that had the exact meaning to those in his brain. Whatever he wanted to hear and you knew would please him, you would say it.
Back at work it wasn't much different, but it sure was a much longer day with sudden new tasks and meetings to attend to. What made it very frustrating was that your boyfriend didn't write a message even once. He would always write asking whether you arrived to work safely since you had to take transportation, but not today. Your phone was lying there, no beep, no ring. 
“Did it ring?” you asked Sukyeong breathlessly as you rushed to your table after another meeting. You were about to go to another one.
“Nope, sorry,” replied Sukyeong regretfully, sending you a pout before she focused on her computer screen again. “What happened anyway?”
You groaned in reply, the office phone ringing. You knew who was on the other line so you picked up while unlocking your own phone. “Yes, sir, I am bringing the documents for signing now.”
“Alright.” The boss hung up.
“Pff, alright,” you mocked, while frustratingly huffing when the kakaotalk had no unread messages. Especially from Baekhyun.
Unfortunately, you had no time and had to leave a fast message: 
“Honey is all good on your side?”
By the time you finished that day at work, there was still no reply. He didn't even read the damn message.
 You came back home much later than usual, very tired and mentally drained. You were hoping Baekhyun wouldn't be asleep.
Silently making your way past the kitchen that was right at the entrance door, you saw dimmed light coming out of your shared bedroom. Right after a book page being turned. Ah, he was studying. Once you appeared in front of the bedroom, he raised his head, tired eyes focusing on you.
“Hey,” you said quietly, unsure what to expect from him.
He bit the inside of his cheek. “Hi.”
Putting down your bags, you took off your blazer before walking to him to give him a peck. But he seemed pissed. “Where were you till now?”
His tone made you stop in your tracks. “I had to work late. I sent you a message which you didn't bother open either obviously,” you snapped, not liking his attitude.
“You suddenly work this late? It's eleven in the night, Y/N,” he snapped back.
Emotions were flowing too fast in your veins, making you momentarily dizzy. “I am also trying to make a living here, you know.”
“Oh yeah?” he questioned, as if you were lying. “Making a living, is it?”
His behaviour didn't add up in your brain. “What the hell is your problem, Baekhyun? Just come at me, spill it all out. I'm not in the mood to be guessing what pisses you off so much since yesterday,” you said coldly, still standing few feet away from him.
He suddenly stood up, taking two steps towards you. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out as he focused his gaze on your eyes.
“What is it?” you demanded when he still didn't say anything.
“Did you have dinner?”
“What?” you exclaimed, disbelief written all over your face. You grabbed his face with your hands and made him focus his gaze on you. “What is the matter Baekhyun? What did I do so wrong? Don't do this to me, please.”
“I just,” he started, closing his eyes and going silent. Four heartbeats passed when he whispered. “I don't want to talk about this right now.”
Your hands fell to your sides and you felt a burn behind your eyes. Staring at him a little longer, you finally turned around, stripping to take a shower. You threw your clothes on the floor, noticing the period pads you forgot this morning despite how much you were reminding yourself to take them. Because of the morning argument and busy hours at work, you forgot your period was not coming. Still. Maybe tomorrow, you thought.
Half-way to the bathroom in your bra you turned. “For your record, I did not have dinner. Was too busy,” you muttered the last sentence and you slammed the bathroom door shut. 
Fuming from these short-lived conversations full of suppressed anger made you very, very upset. But thankfully, a hot shower was something that could ease your mind. Although you couldn't stay under the hot waterfall for too long, you made sure to put on ton of scented shower cream and made sure you enjoyed every molecule of the shower.
Once finished, you turned to grab a towel just to find a pair of hands holding an open towel for you to be tucked in. You locked eyes with Baekhyun, not sure what to say or do.
“C'mon, you will catch a cold,” he ushered, shaking the towel slightly.
You stepped closer, not meeting his eyes, somehow feeling shy being all naked in front of him. He has seen you like that countless of times, but it still had a strong intimacy impact for you.
He wrapped the towel around you, massaging your shoulders. “I'm sorry,” he whispered in your ear from behind.
Tears that threatened to spill before now rolled down your flushed cheeks. You turned around, hugging him. “I can't take us fighting.”
“Me neither,” he said, squeezing your aching body.
You let out a quiet sob. “Don't shut me out.”
It took him a few heartbeats to reply.  “I won't. But you better not do it either.”
This made you weep just a bit harder because you already have.
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deltaengineering · 5 years
Summer Anime 2019 Part 2: let’s play cops & vikings
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou
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❓ 💩
💩 This saves the backstory for later, but rest assured it is very much a 💩. It particularly loves RPG stats because how else could you tell that someone’s awesome.
💩💩 It’s also particularly in the Shield Hero vein, i.e. written by someone who got their lunch money stolen a couple of times too many and is now getting revenge by annoying the shit out of me with shitty self-insert fiction.
💩💩 While powering up in the darkness the dude gets white hair and GUN’s so I think it’s safe to say that this is featuring Donte from the Devil May Cry series. 
💩 There’s some bits of the ol’ THIS CHAIR suffering monologues. Which Higurashi ripped off from Tsukihime, then got ripped off by Re: Zero and now every Web Novel hack thinks it’s très deep.
💩💩 I was about to say that it’s visually whatever (i.e., mostly too dark to make out how bad it looks), but then the CG monsters appeared and OH BOY.
Cop Craft
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❓ A portal to the fairy dimension opened and now we have FAIRY CRIME. A loose cannon cop with nothing to lose gets paired up with a haughty fairy princess to get to the bottom of FAIRY CRIME.
✅ If this all sounds vaguely familiar, yeah it’s the FMP guy writing a love letter to 80s buddy cop movies. It has absolutely all the clichees of that genre, but since it’s not a genre I see every day that’s okay and in fact a little bit novel again. I did not watch Bright.
✅ It’s pretty competent at it too, the leads have good chemistry and the tone is good. It’s more serious than something like Red Heat, I’d compare it more to Lethal Weapon.
♎ Directed by Shin Itagaki, who does a competent job with the first episode but is known to be involved with production disasters lately. There’s already signs of slight jank and I hope this doesn’t fall apart really quickly.
Ensemble Stars!
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❓ Nondescript girl enters idol school, which happens to be full of hunky boys. Things happen and she joins a movement to seize the means of stage production.
❌ The first half of this episode is just dreadfully dull, generic and features one of the most annoying genkiboys ever on top of it. And going by the old rule that if idol shows must have a producer it has to be a memorable one, Ensemble Stars scores a big fat zero because that girl is a void.
✅ However, then it turns out that this is also a fighting shounen somehow, because part of idol curriculum is hitting each other with guitars. Not to mention that we then reveal that there’s a revolution brewing because the system is corrupt and rigged.
♎ So yeah, there’s some shit going on in this show and it’s quite amusing. I’m just somehow not convinced that it’s more than window dressing because the basics are so bad. 
♎ Even if it turns out to be Revue Starlight (which it won’t), that one was well made enough to beat Ikuhara at his own game. Ensemble Stars doesn’t have the money or the style.
Hakata Mentai! Pirikarako-chan
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❓ A super short mascot anime where a cute girl sprays cod roe everywhere, with sensibilities straight from 1964.
❌ ...
Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasuka? / Hensuki: Are you willing to fall in love with a pervert, as long as she’s a cutie?
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❓ Highschooler is surrounded by girls, gets a pantygram from some unknown party. Turns out they’re all horny. Hijinks ensue?
❌ This is just a basic-ass ecchi harem all around. I don’t think it needs much more explanation. Except...
❌ For some reason, it seems to attempt to treat its pantsu and boob shenanigans with the intellectual aspirations of a Monogatari or Oregairu. Needless to say, that causes it to fail on both sides.
♎ Basic shit for basic bitches, but I’ve seen worse in the genre. It’s less pretentious than e,g, Monogatari but also lacks the style. Or any style, for that matter.
Kochoki - Wakaki Nobunaga
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❓ Before Oda Nobunaga became a warlord and recurring anime character, he apparently was a smart teen with a propensity to not wear shirts.
♎ This is about as good as an anime about a teen Nobunaga getting up to Tom Sawyer adventures while not wearing a shirt could probably be. Which is to say, it’s not as terrible as it sounds.
✅ In particular, the character writing is decent. I can imagine that this can actually pull of drawing a throughline from these silly adventures to the Nobunaga we know and don’t want to see any more of in fiction ever.
♎ Yeah, it’s basically alright-ish but you really, really have to care about these Sengoku clowns to get anything out of it. I still don’t.
Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu]
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❓ It’s Danganronpa, only about a bunch of streamers, LPers and speedrunners stuck in an MMO. Because 2019.
♎ Why not a turd? Well, isekai is so rigid as a genre that something that isn’t about some dude getting hax & harem barely seems to count anymore.
♎ Still, this setup is so brazenly shameless and idiotic that I can’t help but respect the hustle.
✅ There’s some neat SHAFT-y visuals going on here, reminiscent of how Reincarnated as a Slime tried to pretend to not be the most boring thing ever.
❌ Kenjiro Tsuda is entirely wasted as the least threatening Monoalpaca ever. Please don’t give the guy comedic roles. The rest of the characters are very bland, which is not a good thing in a genre that thrives on its outsized personalities.
❌❌ I just realized I didn’t give this any double Xs, which it definitely deserves. Just look at this shit. The only upside is of course that this is SO dumb it could be the next Caligula or something.
Re Stage! Dream Days
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❓ School idols. MIDDLE school idols. In the middle school idol club.
♎ This is another basically competent show that also doesn’t really feature anything to set it apart. They took a mobile game about middle school idols and animated it.
♎ Well okay, I have to admit that for a show about middle schoolers it features more yuri undertones than usual, and shows like this usually feature quite a bit of that.
♎ But yeah, apart from that... seems watchable but nothing special. Looks alright, characters are alright, everything’s just fine. But you have to be a REAL afficionado of the genre to bother.
Vinland Saga
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✅ Not gonna lie, I was negatively predisposed towards this show because the manga is very popular with the intersection of MANIME idiots and viking-adjacent metalheads. So while this does feature some sick & gnarly viking fights right away, overall it’s more about people sitting around in Iceland being cold and miserable.
❌ So about these sick & gnarly viking fights though? Sorry to report they look very subpar, with a ton of floaty CG and not much of a point to them.
✅ Apart from that, it’s looking pretty good. Nothing really flashy, but I think Wit’s house look works pretty well here. Better than in Titans at least.
♎ That said... I don’t really find people being cold and miserable in Iceland all that compelling either. I understand that this is a huge saga that goes places, but that doesn’t get me all hyped right now. This is one of those times where I’d say this show is (probably?) good and a recommendation, but it’s not really something I feel compelled to watch because it would have to be outright brilliant to overcome my apathy towards the subject.
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stattic-writes · 5 years
Glow Pt 2
Support My Writing?
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gold-from-straw · 5 years
Enough - ch 9/9
Aaaah! It’s finished!! Thank you SO MUCH for all your lovely lovely messages, this fandom is GORGEOUS and so kind <3 <3 <3 This final chapter is almost an epilogue, written from Erik’s POV, and almost entirely fluffy ^_^ or as close as I get to fluff lol! I hope you like it!
Read from the beginning on AO3 if you like!
Erik felt Charles’s mind whirling with anxiety even as he stood perfectly still with a polite smile on his face. He sighed, and imagined a twisting band of iron tangling itself in the maelstrom of Charles’ thoughts, capturing him, holding him still.
Beside him, Charles jumped, his eyes going wide. He turned and smiled sheepishly at Erik. “How do you do that? It’s like… being hugged inside my own head.”
“I have a very visual imagination,” he said with a smirk. Charles blushed, and tried to look reproachful, but really, with the filthy thoughts flooding his own mind he had no room for such hypocrisy. Erik reached out an arm and tugged him close by the scruff of his neck. “Calm down, Liebchen. My mother is going to adore you.”
“Just because you adore me, doesn’t mean everyone else is so misguided,” Charles teased. Erik heard the thread of pleading beneath his words, in the place where his thoughts still tangled with Erik’s.
The past months had been a relationship like nothing Erik had ever imagined, let alone experienced. It had taken weeks of careful reassurance to convince Charles that Erik really did want him around - in every way. Charles was so painfully desperate to please, and yet his self-esteem was so completely shrivelled, that Erik found himself constructing elaborate revenge fantasies while he worked, scenes where he punched Kurt Marko in the face until his own knuckles bled. Or where he kicked Charles’ Oxford roommate down the stairs for trying to manipulate him into cheating. When Charles came across those thoughts one unguarded moment, he blinked up at him, shocked.
“You know very well I’m not a very nice person, Charles,” he said with a shrug.
Charles thought for a moment, then straddled his knees and pressed close for a hug. “That’s not true, Erik. Your thoughts are not your actions, and nobody’s hurt when you think such things.”
Erik pulled him back to look at him seriously. “You should know that I would do those things if I ever saw you in such situations, though. I wouldn’t hesitate.”
“I know,” he said, blue eyes gazing at him in wonder.
Now waiting in the airport for his mother to arrive, Erik tugged him close and embraced him, resting his chin on his head. Charles retreated from his mind a little, the edge of his telepathy just skating noticeably on the surface. It felt to Erik a bit like holding hands. He knew Charles was there, Charles knew he could dive into the sanctuary of Erik’s mind at any moment, but they were separate most of the time. It was very similar to the way Erik sometimes played with Charles’ watch strap, tightening and loosening it with his power absent-mindedly.
Charles shifted in his hold and sent him a thought he’d picked up off the surface of one of the airport employees. Erik jumped a little to hear a woman’s voice speak straight into his own mind, but squeezed Charles’ waist. “Sounds like Mutti will be here soon, then.”
Charles took a deep breath and straightened out, brushing his blazer down and looking for stray crumbs or creases. He even glanced through Erik’s eyes at himself, and Erik made a point of lingering his gaze on Charles’ arse. “Very funny,” Charles said, trying to conceal a smile, and failing. “I want to look smart, I don’t care what my backside looks like.”
“You look perfect,” he laughed, then looked up, his attention homing in on the feel of a set of slim golden bands he knew so well. “Ah, there she is! Mutti!”
He waved at his mother, and she did a little skip when she saw him across the arrivals lounge, waving back wildly and hurrying towards them. Erik met her in the middle and scooped her up into a spin. “Erik! Oh, my darling, it’s so good to see you! Put me down, you silly boy! What will all these people think if I kick one of them in the knees because my son is spinning me around like this?” She laughed and leaned back as he dropped her back to her feet. “Look at you! So handsome, so tall, where’s my little baby?”
“You know I haven’t grown an inch since I was twenty-three,” he snorted.
“But you will always be my baby, won’t you,” she grinned, pinching his cheeks.
He slapped her away playfully. “Stop, you fool. Come and meet Charles.”
“Ah! Your sweetheart!” She turned to Charles, who was still hovering slightly behind Erik, and switched to English. “You must be the man who has captured my Erik’s heart,” she said, holding out her hand.
Charles gave his best dazzling, harmless-professor smile. He looked perfectly poised, but he’d pulled back just slightly from Erik’s mind, closing himself off and holding himself perfectly rigid. He took Mutti’s hand and to both their surprise, bent over it and kissed her knuckles like some kind of Regency lord. “Mrs Lehnsherr. It’s such a pleasure! And thank you so much for your son.” What the fuck did I just say thank you FOR YOUR SON like he’s a present she gave me what the fuck is wrong with me oh my God she’s going to hate me and we haven’t even got out of the airport and--
The panicked mental stream cut off. Charles straightened up and blinked rapidly. Erik’s jaw dropped, and he quickly snapped his mouth shut and tried desperately to bite his lips to keep the laughter at bay. Mutti looked uncertainly at Erik.
“Well,” said Erik. “You did raise me very well, Mutti.”
Charles’ shoulder slumped and he covered his face with his hands, his ears turning bright red. Erik covered his mouth and shook with giggles.
“Did I misunderstand?” Mutti asked, in German. “Did he say thank you… for you?”
Erik laughed and hugged Charles, kissing him on the head over and over. “Oh, Schatz, you are the best thing in my life.”
Mutti slapped him on the arm. “Well, don’t laugh at the poor boy! See how embarrassed he is! Don’t listen to him, Charles, dear.” She took Charles’ hands gently away from his face, and Erik moved back, still chuckling, to let her closer.
Charles looked utterly miserable, and now Erik had stopped teasing him, he could hear Charles’ mental whispering, almost panicking about how he’d ruined everything and now Edie was going to hate him and think he was an idiot and Erik was going to realise how true that was… Erik’s amusement disappeared and he immediately sent mental waves of apology towards him, trying to cover him in peace and safety.
“Do you know,” said Mutti, holding both Charles’ hands between her own. “When I met my Jakob’s mother, I made the mistake of discussing politics? I didn’t realise she was a staunch conservative, and my liberal views didn’t go down very well.” She dipped her head slightly to meet Charles’ gaze. “Now, you said thank you to me for Erik? Well, of course, he is his own person, and has made himself into the wonderful man you know today, but I am honoured that you give me any credit at all for it.”
Charles swallowed hard and smiled up at her. Erik felt a glow of pride in his mother’s kindness. He used his power to buzz both Charles’ watch and Mutti’s rings affectionately, and pulled them into a hug, one loved person in each arm. “Come on, let’s get you home,” he said. He took Mutti’s suitcase handle in one hand, and tucked Charles under the other arm, and walked them back to the car.
She loves you already
, he said into Charles’ mind as they sat in the living room that evening after dinner.
Charles looked up, his eyes wide with hope. How can you know? I don’t want to…
I don’t have to read her mind to know what she thinks of you, he said, smiling over at his mother, who was looking out at the New York skyline outside Erik’s apartment, her hand elegantly folded under her chin, her elbow resting on the sofa. She’s going to love you as much as I do.
He felt Charles’ heart softening at his words, the swell of joy rising up under those negative thoughts that Erik hated so much, the thoughts Charles had been fed throughout his life and that convinced him he was so much less than he truly was.
But now, Charles sent tendrils of thought through Erik’s mind, down his muscles, giving a little tug that showed as a twitch of Erik’s arm, a little pull for permission. Erik grinned. Go ahead, he said, and gave up the control of his limbs. Charles lifted Erik’s arm, making space to press close against his side, draping Erik’s arm around his shoulder before releasing him with a content little sigh.
Mutti cast a look at the two of them on the sofa, a fond smile curling at her lip. Erik smiled back, and pulled Charles closer, breathing a kiss into his hair.
And in his mind, behind a door labelled ‘Surprise, keep out!’, he thought of the ring he had pushed into the very back of his sock drawer. Thought of Mutti’s delighted exclamations when he’d shown her earlier.
“That’s wonderful, Erik!” She grinned the wide, toothy smile he’d inherited. “But why are you showing me?”
Erik looked at her seriously. “Charles doesn’t have a family,” he said. “Or not one worth mentioning. To ask him to marry me would be to ask you to accept another son, and I want to know if you would be willing to love him and support him the way you do me.”
Edie’s green eyes softened with sadness and she put her hand on his elbow. “Oh, Liebling. I’d be honoured. Any person who can command your love and trust like this must be someone truly special. I can’t wait to get to know him.” She stretched up and kissed him on the cheek, and he hugged her tight.
This coming month was going to be the perfect opportunity for Mutti to get to know Charles. Erik already know she was going to adore him. Edie Lehnsherr liked everyone, and everyone liked Charles Xavier. And then, he thought, closing the door to his secret gleefully, he was going to make sure Charles knew that Erik loved him, and his family, small as it was, was all for Charles as well.
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could you write something for kirishima with a crush on a girl with an empath quirk that influences others emotions around her, so she has a hard time telling when people truly like her or if its just her quirk? love your writing!!!
What an adorable request for the boy with the cutest face
Being an empath myself, I can only imagine how difficult an actual empath quirk would actually be, but it sounds great and I hope you’ll like this!
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Having an Empath Quirk has never been easy for Y/N. I mean sure, you can understand how others feel, right? Well, with a Quirk like hers, it’s a bit of a jumble of mixed feelings everywhere!So much of a jumble that sometimes not even she realised what she feels.
“Am I the angry one? Or is it just Bukugo?”“Is it Deku who’s feeling sad? Or am I the one feeling sad, and my own Quirk is passively affecting him without even realising?”“Does Kiri actually like being around me? Or is it just me liking him and I feel these warm emotions reflected right back because of my own Quirk?”
And so, despite the many advantages, this emotional Quirk sure acts like a double-edged sword and sometimes it gets so confusing, not even understanding what is real and what is not, that it makes the poor girl so confused sometimes if the ones that she hold dear to her heart actually return those feelings as well.
But then again…If they didn’t like her, why would they still stand around her? Of course they like her!Or…Maybe it’s just the class trying to be united and them being just nice people.
“Stop thinking so negatively! You’d have noticed by now if they didn’t like you!”“Maybe you’re right…But my heart tells me otherwise.”“That’s not your heart, you idiot! That’s just your Quirk acting up again and your mind is just overthinking as usual.”“Then…Kirishima still likes me…?”“Ask and find out, you, coward!”“Uh…Goodnight, brain!”“No, wai-”
And that’s how a usual day of her life would go by, focusing on her Hero schoolwork, and when not, staying at home, comfortable, on the bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to figure herself out.It wasn’t the easiest thing, especially since every night she’d come up with a completely different hypothesis.
That all changed, however, on the festival day that took place the day before the Summer Holiday began, and for some reason, seeing everyone make plans with their friends, she could only stare at the class, feeling a shadow of doubt and sorrow wash over her.
“Maybe I was actually right, after all. Otherwise, they would have invited me too, right? … Hell, they are even inviting Mineta, and not me!”
Sighing, she prepared to leave the festivity early and go through a relaxing stroll through the park while listening to music and looking at the white fluffy clouds on the bright blue sky, absent-minded and trying to find different shapes of them.
Being so out of this world and completely trapped in her own, she obviously missed one of her classmates vehemently shouting her name, trying to catch her attention, but with no avail.With a huff, the classmate runs in front of her and grips her shoulders gently, grinning at her.
“Heyy, Y/N! I guess your music was too loud to hear me, huh?”“K-Kiri…? What are you doing here?”“Kiri? That’s a cute nickname! Well, you left before we could tell you our plans for this Summer, so I figured you might…You know, want to join us.”“Y-You guys want me to join you?”“What’s with that question? Of course we do! You are our friend!”“O-Oh…Y-Yeah, you’re right, silly me! Thank you for telling me, Kiri!”“Ah…Haha, actually, I wanted to tell you something else, uh…A bit more important, but I guess I wasn’t manly enough to ask you yet and…Lately, you’ve been looking pretty sad and I wanted to check on you. Is everything okay, Y/N-chan?”“I-I…Yes, I am fine, thanks for asking! I was actually just having a weird moment, but I’m completely over it, I promise!”
The girl was grinning so widely, glee taking over her, seeing her crush care for her so much as to get out of his way to make sure that she’s okay that she could barely hold back her tears of happiness and relief. The red-head, on the other hand, was a bit of an awkward, blushing mess for some reason, so to make sure he, too, is okay, she put her hand on his forehead, then on his cheeks, trying to see if he had a fever or not.
Weirdly enough, the boy only freaked out, letting his face become 50 shades redder than his own hair.
“Wh-What is it, Y/N-chan?”“Are you sure you’re not sick or something? You look feverish.”“Yes, no, well, yes I am fine, just okay, I promise. Um…Yes, okay, okay, I just wanted to ask you now since a wave of manliness took over me so uhm…I don’t actually know how to say this but uhm…”“It’s okay, don’t be afraid. You can tell me anything, Kiri!”“I know, I know. it’s just…I’ve been having this weird feeling whenever I’d see you sad o-or like, I’d get very happy whenever I’d see you genuinely happy, like nobody’s watching and…I mean, I know you said before that it might just be your Quirk’s passive action, but I…I think…Actually no, I KNOW that I…I really have feelings for you, Y/N. I…I love you.”
The girl’s jaw dropped in shock, gasping at the unexpected love confession from the one and only person she, too, had feelings for, but believed to be unrequited, so instead of saying anything, her body acted on its own and she jump-hugged the blushy boy, kissing his cheek over and over again.
“I love you too, Kiri! I’m really happy that it wasn’t just my Quirk being silly!”“This one feeling I’m 100% sure is my own, so there’s no need to worry about that, at least!”
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fearfilledvirgil · 6 years
Ivity and Anx: part thirteen
Summary: Patton has an internal struggle. Since he is bent on not remidying it himself, Roman gives him a way to solve the problem.
Warnings: abandonment issues, crying, self-depreciating thoughts, lowkey guilt tripping, pondering on thoughts, song writing
Word Count: 2708
Paring: Slowburn Prinxiety
A/N: I love how vauge I can make my summarys, okay? But. This is it. This is where things get interesting. Sort of. Sorry for the long wait again! I now have chapters written and planned out, so there won’t be a long wait again. Enjoy! (Taglist under the cut)
Taglist: @rileyfirstname @verymuchanidiot @definentlynotjustanotherlemon @silversmith-91 @kanejandkruge @sander-fander-sides @lovecrazyjennybear @the-incedible-sulk @hexdream18243 @crows-with-hats @monikastec @definenormalifyoucan @i-am-absolute-fandom-trash @applecannibal @cats-with-blogs @bubblycricket @gay-girls-do-it-better @bunnyartie @quietlypondering @elusivefalsehoods @hghrules @royallyanxious @quietwords-loudthoughts @squishynonbinarytwink @sortablue @illogical-anxieties @savingshae @a-fander-named-skittles @thelowlysatsuma @ughthatsprettygay @im-so-infinitesimal @certifiedtrashxx @karmels-stuff @littlelogicstillcounts 
The most practical next step of action was simple. Patton understood that. It was very easy to understand, but for the most idiotic reason, he couldn't. It wasn’t logical at all, but then again, logic was never his department. It was always Logan’s, and Logan was the problem. Not him himself, but he was heavily involved. The real culprit was time and education, although it was bad to blame anyone for the current situation. Patton liked to place blame, whether it be on himself or something else, because then who was right and who was wrong could be clear. In this situation, though, no one was at fault, so maybe that was the very problem.
Another sinking feeling in Patton’s chest made him open his mouth ajar, almost gasping for a breath. The sensation twisted itself into his gut, prompting Patton to screw his eyes shut, clench his jaw, and shake his hand. No, the problem wasn’t that simple. It wasn’t cut and dry. It was Patton, sitting criss cross on the floor of his bedroom in the dark with his phone in his hands, lit up, with his thumb hovering over Logan’s contact.
Patton felt a prick of pressure begin to build behind his eyes, the pressure traveling into his sinuses and making his nostrils flare. He didn’t want to cry, but here he was with his phone screen blurring. It was silly, really. Logan had only been gone for a few months or so, but the contact that the younger had with him tapered off into something nonexistent. The sinking feeling reared its ugly head once again, this time traveling farther into his throat instead of his stomach.
He really needed to get a grip on himself, considering that as he had this thought, his sleeved hand moved to his mouth to cover a sob. Patton was not good with change, nor was he good with people leaving him. The therapists called this “abandonment issues,” but Patton’s negative thoughts just told him he was insufferably clingy. That’s why he had let his and Logan’s texting routine die. He didn’t want to be a bother. Like Patton had thought before the waterworks started, this all could be stopped by sending a simple text. It was currently early morning where Logan was living in his dream collage, so it wouldn’t be a problem. Logan was such an early bird, always sending “Good morning, Patton. Was your sleeping satisfactory?” texts at 8:30 a.m. on the dot. The thought of those texts and the conversations sprung from them made a smile come to Patton’s face.
They would talk about how they slept after that: how many hours, if it was deep sleep or not, and if either had any dreams. Logan never had dreams, but he loved to hear about what crazy dreams Patton had during the night. The younger always loved those conversations, mostly because he loved to baffle the older. Patton thrived off of the confusion, having laugh attacks frequently. When he tried, Logan was absolutely hilarious. That wasn’t even mentioning how endering his fun facts were, nor was that statement saying how adorable Logan got when he was passionate about something. Patton let himself give a bittersweet smile between the heavy breathing that came with crying.
Patton didn’t know why he was reacting in such an extreme way. It wasn’t like he was dead, or like he didn’t have the power to text him at any moment. The problem, though, that was still very present was the fact that it was extremely hard for Patton to reach out first. He felt too clingy when he did that. It was the actual, real problem here. Not Logan, not time and education, not no one being at fault, and not even Patton fully. No, the problem was not talking to Logan anymore, and it was ripping a hole in Patton’s chest. It hurt the younger more than he could imagine because in the end, he knew Logan would leave eventually along with everyone else. Except Roman, apparently.
An incoming text shook Patton out of his mind spiraling down into the deepest, needist part of his mind. He blinked a few times, trying to get the remaining tears to get out of his eyes. At the same time, he furiously wiped the tears away with his sleeve. He sniffed, pulling down the notification window on his Android phone. He and Logan always had that in common, while their friends had iPhones.
Prince Roman: Padre? You good? You didn’t respond and I know how you worry
Pappy Padre Patton: I’m diddly darn dandy!!!!!
Prince Roman: You know I know that 5 exclamation points means a cry for help What is wrong, mi hermano más cercano?
Pappy Padre Patton: Logan and I haven’t talked in a few days
Patton was already feeling a bit lighter, now that he was starting to talk about his issue. Roman knew full well his “abandonment issues” that sprouted from being in the foster system, so he was probably going to pick up on his current conundrum fairly quickly. A small smile presented itself again on Patton’s lips when he did a quick translation of what Roman said in his head. My closest brother. His friend was such a sap, but the younger absolutely loved it.
Prince Roman: Text him!! If you don’t, I’ll give you a reason to text him
At that comment, Patton got very confused very quickly. What was Roman going to do, kick him out of his life? Do something so stupid that even Patton needed help on how to tell him he was wrong? There was so many possibilities and ways that the sentence Roman just sent could go, so Patton decided in about 0.001 seconds that it would be best to ask.
Pappy Padre Patton: What do you mean??
Prince Roman: I’ll write an angsty song and post it Without asking the label
Pappy Padre Patton: Roman!! That could get you into serious trouble! Think about the contract! You already follow it to a T. They are already waiting for a chance to reprimand you so no! Do not!
Prince Roman: I won’t if you talk to Logan
Roman was a dirty, dirty negotiator. He never tried to compromise with people he didn't know, just for the reason that he didn’t have leverage on them yet. He would find what his friend is most worried for him about, then use it to his advantage to get something he wanted. Luckily, the usually chivalrous boy did not use these powers for evil, but only used them to motivate people into doing something that they should be doing. Most of the time, that is.
Pappy Padre Patton: Fiiiiiiiiine You are a dirty negotiator
Prince Roman: You know you love me
Pappy Padre Patton: Te amo hermano always!
Patton smiled softly to himself, silently hoping that he didn’t mess up the translation of saying ‘i love you, brother.’
Prince Roman: That makes me happy Now make me happier by texting your Logan?
Pappy Padre Patton: Ok ok I def will!
And then he didn’t. Roman knew for a fact that his friend didn’t talk to Logan after their conversation, because there was a very specific series of events that happened after the two talk. It would start with Patton sended Roman many exclamation marks, then would turn into an explanation of the punctuation. Usually it would be something cute that Logan said, but sometimes it would be because Patton said something odd himself. Then the younger would go into the conversation in more detail, highlighting the cutest moments and becoming very flustered when Roman would ask questions about his feelings. It was routine, and Patton was not one to stray from routine since he started talking to Logan.
That was why as the sun started to get low in the sky, Roman got his guitar from it’s holder and his writing notebook from his desk. He splayed them out on the floor, sat down, thanked whatever was out there that his moms weren’t home, and began to brainstorm for a song. Brainstorm meant a very specific thing for Roman, as he was finding out. He was sit criss cross on the floor, his elbows on his knees and head in his hands. He would string his hands through his hair, rarely pulling on it when he got upset enough with this odd part of his creative process. He would collect his thoughts, focus on what he was feeling, and then go and do one of two things. The first would be to go through his notebook and see if there was any one liners or small sections of lyrics that he could expand on. If none of these felt correct to do in the moment, then he would ponder some more and write something completely from scratch. Latter options rarely happened.
Roman was feeling frustrated, to say the least. He wanted to talk to someone about anything, but he knew that Patton was off the grid for the moment. Anytime that boy faced a problem with texting someone, he turned off his phone and hid it under his many pillows. Patton was the soul person that he could talk to about these kinds of emotions anymore, considering that Anxiety had completely shut him out. Anxiety was honestly the main reasons for most of these emotions. Roman was sad that he was gone, mad at himself for all that he said to Virgil, and just generally frustrated with the whole situation. It would have been so much easier if he never signed up for the Sarrahs Project, but then he would have missed out on the amazing late night conversations that he and Anxiety had. Now that those were over, there was a empty spot in his chest that was waiting to be filled by confiding in Anx again.
It wasn’t fair that Roman had been lead astray to ridicule Virgil and make him feel like he had to be someone he wasn’t. Then again, Roman felt that way a lot of the time too. That’s why Anx and Ivity worked so well together, but it’s also why it hurt so much to not have each other around anymore. Roman wished that he could tell Virgil all of this, and just unload all of the truth onto him, but he understood that the other wanted distance. It was hard to put the pride that Roman always wore as Princey aside and let Virgil see that Ivity wasn’t a lie. That none of it ever was any kind of fabrication.
Roman breathed deeply, taking his hands out of his hair and looking down at his notebook. With all his feelings and emotions inside sorted, he could now try and sort through the one liners he already had written in his book. Rough, calloused fingers reached out for the leather notebook, ready to search to his heart’s content. He unbound the elastic holding the large and old book together, beginning to search through its yellowing pages for the lyric to make the next Princey single. Most of what he passed used too many masculine pronouns, but he passed those for a reason. Some name-dropped Virgil, and Anxiety, so those were also a line to stay away from. After pages upon pages of searching, Roman finally came to a halt.
“Can you be psychic for me? Please? That would make this easier on both of us.”
As soon as he saw the lyric, a million different words and emotions flooded through his head. Roman stared at the words for several more seconds, trying to process the sudden influx of ideas. It was rare that he had this many ideas at once, and even rarer so that they were all about mostly the same thing. Roman grabbed a water bottle that was sitting nearby, chugging half of the available liquid before grabbing his pencil. Upon further inspection on the page, there was also a few gems like “If you were in my mind, some scary things you would find (yes that rhymes score)” and “If only 2x or 4x (or something x).”
After Roman got all of the lyrics squared away, he put the book down flat in front of him. It was always easier to start out with lyrics, then add a chord progression, then work out the melody. At least, it was to Roman. Some would disagree, but they weren’t the ones writing songs all by themself getting into the Top 20 Hits. Momentary peddiness aside, Roman now had his ‘67 C-O-Classic Gibson guitar resting on his leg. He took a moment to run his left hand up and down the neck, then his right over the face of the body of the guitar. It was his grandfather’s guitar, the one he learned to play on by the same man before he died. The label tried to get him to play a different guitar, a newer one with “better sound,” but he couldn’t give up the sentimental value of this one. Especially with the emotion fueled lyrics of this one, Roman needed a guitar that he knew better than the back of his hand. Roman knew and understood this guitar better than he understood himself, and playing it brought emotions he harbored to the surface for him to handle. This guitar had gotten him through a lot, and it would get him through this night as well.
Roman started out with strumming a few simple chords, changing the order of three different ones, adding a fourth, removing two, and just generally playing around with chords until he found a good sound. Eventually, after he started fiddling with a good picking pattern, he narrowed it down to three combinations. While playing the different options, he sang the “If only” bridge that he wrote into the song. He tested the waters with a few different tunes and combinations for a while. Before he could comprehend it, the sun was set and he had a solid picking pattern and chord progression. He could hear his grandfather saying that technically the chords weren’t actually chords because he wasn’t playing all of the strings. A sentimental smile tugged on Roman’s expression of concentration, but he shook it away quickly in favor of attempting to sing over the song.
Surprisingly, Roman was able to get through the song he just wrote with few complications. He stumbled a few times, and stuttered on the lyrics occasionally, but it was overall a good first try. After, he tried again, making the wobbly parts in singing more and more stable. He was proud of himself for that, as sometimes there could be parts where he couldn’t get down until the fifth or sixth try. Luckily for Roman as of right now, the song which he was mentally calling Physic was an easy one to play and sing. Roman never said that the song he would be posting was a difficult one, but then again, he didn’t realise that it would be this emotionally powered.
As Roman placed his guitar steadily on the ground again, he pondered what the lyrics actually meant. While he attempted to balance himself on numb jelly legs, he went line by line and evaluated what he meant by each. It was clear to him as he grabbed his camera equipment that this song was obviously about Virgil. It was so clear that it was painful. There wasn’t any cleverly masked words or heavy emotions only hinted at in a word or two. This song was putting himself out in the open, bare and stripped of all the fancy editing that the studio does. This song would be a plea for help, a cry for someone to come and tell him that everything will be alright. It was a question, a desperate ask for Virgil to let him explain. If the dark and lovely one didn’t let him after this, then maybe all that time with Anx actually was a waste. And Roman desperately didn’t want it to be.
The Prince set up the camera and it’s microphone quickly and experienced, ready to make the worst–or best–decision of his lifetime.
next part
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kpopidol-rp · 6 years
Explosion: JiKook One-Shot
Pairing: Jimin x Jungkook
Rating: M for mention of suicide and suicidal tendencies
Viewer discretion is advised.
It's a beautiful color that can have endless meanings. Many psychologists agree that the color itself can have meanings from both sides of the spectrum- both positive and negative. To some, the color can represent passionate love, while to others it can mean terrorizing war.
But to me, as the color dripped along my side, it represented so much more than pain. It represented my story; what I had gone through, who I had lost and where I had been. It meant the end of one day, and the beginning of another.
It represented that I was alive.
The thick substance continued to roll down my side in a long trickle of a stream, the pain I expected from the cut soon subsided and overwhelmed me with a wave of calm. I leaned my head back in ecstacy, closing my eyes as I enjoyed my seconds of bliss. As the seconds ticked by, the stinging sensation once again came to claim its territory, giving me the sign that it was ready to be dabbed clean. I did as usual and what was left, was a thin cut- one amongst the many along my stomach and side.
These were my trophies.
I caressed the fresh wound and smiled sadly to myself, my voice coming out hoarsely, "We've made it another day."
"Jimin?" I barely budged my head at the mention of my name, but the person persisted, not understanding my silence, "There's a project in Cultural Art Studies, I was wondering if you'd be my partner?" I didn't so much as glance at the person beside me to recognize the mouse-like girl who would often confuse herself as my friend, shrugging nonchalantly,
"Not really interested, Minah." She sighed, her shoulders slumping at my response,
"Then who will be your partner?" I raised a brow at her silly question.
"I'm not interested in any partners. If anything, I'll just make do with doing it myself as usual. Professor usually leaves me alone." I brushed past the girl to aimlessly wander to a field that surrounded the outskirts of campus.
I just wanted to be alone.
Why didn't anyone understand that I put these walls up on purpose? All I do is wreck things, it's for the best- for me and them.
"Jimin." I groaned to myself as I heard my name once again, turning slightly from my current position in the grass, only to see a taller man approach me. I raised a brow at the unfamiliar figure, glancing him over to determine if he were a friend or foe- more often than not, people like him were foes.
‘Like him’ meaning the attractive type.
He exhaled, appearing to be catching his breath after running, before flashing me a toothy grin, making me even more uncomfortable than I already was considering I didn't even know the man,
"You walk fast. I'm Jungkook, I'm a year behind you in the music program." I continued to look at the person quietly; still unsure of his business with me. My brows slightly raised as a que for him to continue, "I'm new, I transferred here after a fall out with my previous school, this place has a much better music program. Anyways, I heard that you'd be the person to see about art classes?"
I sighed once again before turning back around, murmuring in response to his questions, "I'm not exactly the one 'to see about art classes.' That is an administrative problem you have there, not one to be between peers."
"Oh, it's nothing about that, I needed some help with an art project. My professor pointed out that you're a top student in the art program and that you needed a partner for this particular project to get credit. Well, I suppose I was just hoping you'd consider taking me in as your partner?"
As he explained the situation in more detail, I could feel my annoyance being pushed even further than it already was,
I glanced at him and nodded, "No. I'm not interested in taking you in as my partner. Like I've told Minah- I'll pull through on my own. Why I'd have to lean on another artist for ‘assistance,’ “ I threw up air quotes for emphasis on my annoyance, “Would be un-existent. I don't need a partner, none the less for a mere art project."
A few moments passed in silence, making me assume Jungkook had taken the hint, but I was oddly surprised when I turned around to find the taller male kneeling before me on his knees, his eyes showing a plea of desperation, "Please, Jimin-ssi, I need to pass this class to continue on with my music major." I raised a brow once again as he rested his hands on the grass in front of him and bowed to me, "Please."
How could I have possibly agreed to this? He couldn't even mix the basic colors to make others, nonetheless sketch. I rested two fingers to the bridge of my nose, shaking my head for the hundredth time as Jungkook- once again- made an irreversible mistake, "No, no, no. I already told you that in the project, there's to be no shading. All color and abstract. Many students in our class are concerned with mastering concrete art, but they don't understand the importance of color."
Jungkook glanced at me, a streak of red and blue paint dried along one of his cheek bones, an embarrassed smile on his face, "I'm sorry, Jimin-ssi, I just don't get art. I've never been into it."
I raised a brow.
" ‘Never been into it?’ " I scoffed after mocking his tone, "What do you call music if not ‘art’ ?"
Jimin hummed in thought as he straightened his stance from the canvas, his brush dangling between his fingers, tapping his chin ever so gently, "It's... passion."
I rolled my eyes, "Okay, how about this: paint the way producing makes you feel."
His eyes turned to me in confusion,
"How can I paint that when a feeling cannot be seen?"
"That's the beauty of abstract art."
Jungkook sighed, breathing in deeply before once again attempting a single stroke to the new canvas in front of him, his concentration making his eyebrows knit together, making him appear the most serious he had been the entire night.
As the silence continued to stretch, his concentration deepened. After ten minutes of silence, I finally stepped away, leaving the strange, younger, man to be alone with his canvas- the way everyone was.
Imagine everyone to be the representation of a color; our parents and loved ones the brushes, our life a blank canvas. As we grow, it was plain to see that we can't do it on our own. Life itself was a color that no one knew, it would become the painting that we put together stroke-by-stroke with each brush.
But, unlike most people, I had no brushes. The canvas that was set before me wasn't blank, nor filled. What would have been elegant strokes of a steady hand; were bloodied handprints, sloppy and confused in placement.
Everyone I loved abandoned me- including my own parents. My two older sisters left, too, but attempted to do it without hurting their younger, naive brother. They left together, all at once. Almost like a band aid: fast and quick. But, unlike a band aid's purpose; the wound it covered  never healed- leaving a gash, untreatable.
A scar.
Despite what most people may believe; time never healed that gash.
Time never flew.
It's wings were broken.
I admit, I dwell on the pain that my dysfunctional family had made me endure, but it's what pushed me through each day. Each day, I relied on that very pain to get me through it, through what scholars and average people referred to as “life,” I referred to as “hell.”
What a paradox.
As I grew and made relations, they would leave soon after. Despite what each person would say, I was nothing more than a toy to occupy them until they, too, grew bored. Like my parents. The more backs turned to me, the more I grew to resent everyone around me, and soon enough, that resentment soon claimed myself.
My canvas was a mess of darkness-filled palm prints of my teens, pain-stricken thumb marks from the lack of encouragement in my pre-teens, scared childhood fingerprints, lessening itself to one lone pointer finger print; representing the last person in my life who gave a damn about this bastard of a child.
Until that, too, was gone- leaving half my canvas unfilled.
No colors.
No shades.
No life.
As each person left, as did my brushes.
"Jimin-ssi." I turned my head to Jungkook; having forgotten his presence. A large grin was placed on his face; spots of yellow and orange on his once-white apron made me cringe inside; the colors of happiness.
"I think I've done as you asked." I nodded at him and slid out of my bar stool, striding towards the living room to find a canvas filled with warm and bright colors, mixed in hues of passionate red and orange.
I nodded as I spotted deep blue pools in centers of warmth, raising a brow as I pointed to the few specks, "What do these spots represent for you?"
Jungkook cleared his throat with a cough made up of nervousness, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks, "There are times when I produce and a sadness overfills me." I raised a brow in curiosity at his answer, "I began studying music more in depth when my mother passed. Whenever I pick up a guitar, or play piano, or put together a piece, I just start thinking of her, from time-to-time and I begin to miss her."
I nodded, turning back to the canvas and nodded towards the piece, "You did well."
The same bright smile pulled at his lips at my response, replacing the saddened one that had taken its place, "Really? You think so?" I nodded and turned towards my own set of colors that were pushed aside,
"Now it's my turn."
Jungkook blinked, making me sigh, "The assignment was to paint an abstract piece of two different views of the same object." Realization hit him as I explained, "There's food in the fridge if you're hungry."
I heard a quiet response before hearing the shuffling of feet in the direction of the kitchen, giving me the que to begin my own representation of how I felt towards music. I began; my brush leaving behind strokes of light blue and pink, morphing into yellow and dark blues- I was good at morphing false feelings into my paintings, my talent for manipulation of another's persievment of myself had gone beyond my appearance and into my own works.
Sometimes, it even fooled myself.
I turned my head to see a plate with a sandwich neatly made in the center of it. I blinked at the offering and looked towards the younger male, his arm outstretched with the plate, his other hand holding his own sandwich. He raised a brow at my reaction, wiggling the plate impatiently, "Eat."
I nodded slowly at the object and took the plate from him, taking a bite from the first thing anyone had made for me in years.
No one had ever shown consideration for me after junior high, believing that I had become a lost cause, or how I liked to call: a hopeless case of depression.
Girls often tried showing their affection for me, more for my appearance than for my character. I had already thrown their fantasies out the window, not interested in any one of them.
Jungkook was a little different, I admit. He hadn't scurried away when I spoke coldly to him, he didn't avert his eyesight from me when we passed each other on campus.
In all honesty, the exact opposite happened.
Jungkook always went out of his way to greet me with a smile, even if he weren't in the brightest of moods. He would keep me in consideration when we were debating where to do the project. He had people who loved him, I could tell by the way the girls on campus would swoon over him, but it was obvious he wasn't what the girl's wanted.
He was persistent, but that didn't make him any different.
Just stupid.
After eating and finishing my own part of the project, it was already late into the night, pushing 3A.M. Jungkook had fallen asleep, outstretched on my black, leather couch. His arms folded over his eyes to block out the bright, fluorescent, lighting of the room.
I glanced at him, his chest rising and falling with each breath and each exhale he made.
It was true he was an idiot, but I would be lying if I said the man didn't intrigue me.
No one had ever spent the night with me. Especially when I had began living alone, but it wasn't like I was inviting anyone over, either. I shrugged slightly, believing my intrigue had only been struck due to lack of sleep. I brushed past the sleeping man and headed towards the bathroom to begin what had turned into a normality; a ritual that I did each night before sleeping soundly.
I began the shower, taking a last peek to make sure Jungkook was still asleep on the couch and stepped into the shower after stripping out of my clothes. The warm water streamed down my body, steam soon enveloping me, making me breath in the scent that represented the beginning. I grasped my razor and pressed it into my side, right below the one from the night before that had just began to heal.
I pressed down, a soft sigh leaving my lips immediately after the abrupt stroke that took a thin layer of skin with it, the sting making my eyes squeeze shut tightly in reflex from the pain. Moments passed before the sting subsided.
I awaited the bliss patiently.
But it never came.
I frowned.
I looked at the cut and realized it was a bit deeper than usual, sighing as the moments passed, realizing quickly that my euphoria wouldn't come. I bit my lip as the bleeding continued. I pressed my hand to the cut, shaking my head. I attempted to wash the wound with the running shower before turning it off, stepping out, wrapping a towel around my waist, and examining it through the mirror. My damp hair fell into my face, the bangs covering my eyes that began to sting with unwanted tears.
I turned my head to see Jungkook, his dark locks disheveled, rubbing at his eye with the back of his hand before he saw the crimson that dripped along my side. I couldn't identify my own reaction as his own eyes grew wide at the sight; stepping to me and reaching for it, but I pulled away,
"Get out of here."  I spoke coldly.
"But Jimin-ssii, what-"
"That's none of your concern."
I traced his eyesight to my trophies, his hand reaching towards it before I jerked away once again, "Jungkook. This has nothing to do with you."
"You've done it more than once. Let me help you."
I glared at him, I knew the tone in his voice- it was one that held charity, one that felt sorry for me, one that didn't understand, one that would never understand,
"I said 'no.' "
Jungkook shook his head before he roughly grabbed me and pulled me towards him, the sharp tug causing a sting to my wound that made me fall into him.
I blinked as I realized that his arms were around me; the warmth momentarily stalling my reaction, but I soon wiggled in his arms, struggling to get loose, but the more I struggled, the more he tightened his grasp around me, giving me the feeling as if I were surrounded by quicksand or a Chinese finger trap.
I tried as much as I could to push him off of me before I felt him tighten once more around me, making me lose my strength and will to fight him off.
"You're safe."
What did he know of safety?
What did he know about me?
Who I was? Where I was from?
Who the hell was he to claim sanctuary on my behalf, when in all reality, I was the farthest away from safety than I had ever been before? He didn't know who or what I was, he didn't know anything.
 He didn't know what it felt like to have no brushes, no colors, no half-filled canvas. 
He knew nothing, he was just an idiot.
A man who was the apple of so many people's eyes while I was only the seed of a microscopic apple buried beneath the sands; forgotten.  One that everyone would yell at to grow, but not nourish.
I was simply a forgotten seed that would never grow to please or nourish others.
"You matter, Jimin-ssi."
I scoffed, 
"What do you know." I shoved him off of me. Visual hurt was evident on his face, making me roll my eyes, "You don't know anything about me." 
Jungkook shook his head,
"I might not be good at art, but I'm good with people; and I can tell you're more than what you see yourself as."
I raised a brow and swatted his hand away as he attempted to aid my cut, "I am nothing, Jungkook. Don't pretend you know anything about me. You don't know my story," I hissed back in response.
"I don't need to know your story, all I have to know is you have a bright future ahead of you."
I laughed obnoxiously, "A bright future? You sound just like everyone else."
"Jimin-ssi, don't compare me to others when you, yourself don't know me." His tone had become low and serious, making me smirk in intrigue at the sudden tone change,
"Oh? Did I strike a chord?"
He gritted his teeth together roughly, "Jimin-ssi, you're not the only one who's had it rough. Everyone goes through tough times, you just have to learn to push past it and deal with it properly."
"Oh? Are you going to be my parent? My counselor? Or, better yet, my psychologist?” I took a breath, “Are you going to pretend to care for me like everyone and eventually leave me behind and act like I'm nothing, too? Are you going to help paint my canvas?" My voice cracked.
He blinked as I suddenly became emotional, tears suddenly stinging the backs of my eyes as he cupped my cheeks, "Jimin-ssi, calm down. I don't understand what you're saying..." He played with my hair gently, petting at my locks to make me involuntarily relax. He hushed me softly, "Whatever it is, we'll work through it, okay?"
I shook my head, “Jungkook, you don't understand."
"I understand that you've been alone for a long time, and that you have lost hope," I glanced at him, falling quiet at his proper observation. He filed his lengthy fingers through my hair, sighing softly, "I recently came out to my father, and he kicked me out of the house. That's how I ended up coming to this university. Before my mother passed away, she knew I was gay, and wanted me to live happily. So I chose to tell my father, but he didn't approve. I moved here to get away from my family. So, I know what it feels like to feel alone and as if no one has your side."
I glanced at him and chewed the inside of my cheek before he continued,
"Honestly, my professor didn't say anything about the project. You striked my interest and I used the project as an excuse to get close to you. Everyone said you were quiet and had always been strange; but they're clueless. You're just as normal as anyone else. People now just don't have the heart to take the time to help paint your canvas and provide the colors you need to fill your life with happiness."
His hand cupped one of my cheeks, tilting my face up to look him in the eyes, confusion present on my features, "I understand, Jimin-ssi, and I want to be one of those colors; one of the brushes to help you make your masterpiece."
For an idiot, he was quite smart.
A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips after a long silence, and before I knew it, I found myself pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. I pulled away quickly before he could enjoy the extent of it, a trace of a pout left on his lips after I pulled away, "Will you help me with this?"
I revealed the cut to him by removing my hand, revealing the blood staining my palm as well as the drying blood that covered my side in a mess of crimson,
"Of course."
After a few minutes, the cut had been cleaned and wrapped properly, and we were sitting quietly on the couch. The leather glued itself to the back of my thighs due to my still slightly damp legs. Silence settled between us before I found myself in Jungkook’s arms, my head resting in his chest where I felt and heard his first heartbeat against my own.
And, before my eyes,
my first brush appeared after years of absence,
and, all at once,
all the colors in existence exploded to cover my once blank canvas with an array of bright and cool hues of color.
For once, the apple was watered.
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erlenmeyertrash · 7 years
Doorways, Part Three
yikes get prepared to do some reading y’all i’m surprised at myself lmao
hope you like it!!
tagged: @countessmissyshort​
(word count: 2714 | pairings: none | cw: self-deprecation)
Virgil slowly shut his door until it latched- don’t slam it, don’t upset Patton any more than you just did, you idiot- and sighed deeply, leaning against it for a moment before heading over to his bed and tiredly clambering in. Thomas’ emotional state was significantly better- dark mood beaten out for now- but Virgil’s was spiraling downward pretty quickly. The realization that he had a bad mood- that he was the one of the four that harbored most bad moods- only made it worse.
He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling, eyes glassing over. In his own mind, he felt like he was digging through a treacherous landscape, batting away at the thickening fog he could feel rather than see and ripping his feet from the sticky swamp below. Icy tendrils tried to wrap around his wrists and ankles, but he sluggishly worked his way through the dreary dampness, feebly trying to evade his-
-...evade his purpose.
Virgil had told Thomas he hated working hard, and he meant it. Dealing with all that negativity all the time was exhausting. He had to do it whether he wanted to or not- whether he could or not. It wasn’t like any of the others could ever do it, though- Patton could handle some of the emotion, but would eventually revert back to his much better happy-go-lucky self. Roman could, maybe, but he’d tire out too quickly and race back to his own realm of wonder and adventure. Virgil wouldn’t have blamed them, either. Who wouldn’t leave this mess if they had the change? Who would possibly want to-
Stop that. He shook his head quickly, attempting to dispel those thoughts, internally ripping himself away and stumbling backward. He just needed to calm down and not let Thomas feel any of this. He just needed to beat this down and hope it would eventually grow tired and leave on its own accord, successfully suppressed.
It wouldn’t happen, though- he knew that. It was pervasive, and insistent, and exhausting, and-
A knock at the door shook him from his thoughts and he peered at it, puzzled. A glance at the clock (the one on his desk that told him the actual time- not the one spinning wildly on the wall) told him quite a bit of time had passed since breakfast.
“...Come in?” he called, sitting up slightly. The handle turned and in came Logan, peering around momentarily before stepping in. Virgil frowned.
“Logan?” It wasn’t like the logical side to come to his room- or, well, anybody’s.
“Hello, Virgil. I wanted to talk with you.”
Virgil swallowed. “Listen, if this is about breakfast, I’m sorry- I just-”
Logan shook his head and moved to sit in the desk chair. “It is about breakfast, but I’m not necessarily here requesting an apology.”
Virgil leaned against his pillows, glancing away. “...Oh.” And then- “...So what are you here for?”
“I’m mainly here to ask about you. Are you alright?”
Virgil sighed. “I’m fine, Logan. I just- a bad mood was settling in. It was kind of a lot to handle. I’m getting the hang of it now.”
“That is good to hear.”
Virgil stared blankly across his room as it was quiet for a moment. He found himself staring at his other door. Plain. White. No decoration to speak of.
“...but not good to hear if it’s not actually the whole truth,” Logan added quietly. Virgil turned to him for a moment before looking away, unable to hold his gaze.
“...It’s just-” Virgil scrambled for the words- “-just- why me?”
“Why you what?”
“Why am I anxiety?” Virgil asked, misery evident in his voice. “I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask to be created. Thomas just wanted an antagonist, but people liked me, so I stick around. I never wanted-”
He broke off, forcing the lump in his throat back down, and gestured helplessly to his dark, cobweb-covered room.
“...We never asked to be ourselves either, Virgil.”
“Well, yeah, but-” Virgil shook his head. “It’s not the same. It’s fun to be you. I’m- I’m a burden.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean- look at you guys! You wear a necktie and glasses and- you’re so brilliant and witty and sassy. Roman is- is dressed as a Disney prince, for crying out loud, he’s the ultimate hero. And Patton’s so- just so- cheery and bubbly and happy and wears the silly adorable polo and- and the cardigan, and just- and here I am, with black eyeshadow and an oversized hoodie and sloppy hair, and if I could ever conjure up anything it would- probably be storm clouds and embarrassing photos and exam papers with failing grades on the top. My point is- why would any of you three ever not want to be yourselves and want to be somebody else?... What could ever be wrong with being one of you?”
Logan was silent. Virgil glanced back over at his closet door, falling onto his pillows in defeat. A heavy, dejected silence hung in the air. The shadows on the ceiling above Virgil’s head slowly began to spin.
“...Roman is dangerous.”
“...Huh?” Virgil whipped his head around to stare at Logan, who was looking at his hands in his lap. The shadows even seemed confused- those over the bed slowly dissipated. What?
“Thomas has said it himself,” Logan continued. “If he only listened to his most wonderful, romantic, fanciful thoughts, he would be setting himself up for heartbreak. Imagine if Roman had more unbridled influence- if he were left unchecked by you, or me, or even Patton. Thomas would have these huge, mountainous, ridiculous dreams dashed all the time by reality. …Do you remember the phone call?”
Virgil shuddered. How could he forget? The phone ringing, Thomas’ face of horror, Roman wailing for him to pick it up, his own terrifying voice- Get rid of it, get rid of the phone now!
“...Yeah. I remember.”
“Roman doesn’t know when to hold back. You helped Thomas through that one.”
“That was a moment of sheer desperation. And you were gone. Well- not gone gone, like you said, whatever,” he corrected as Logan opened his mouth to interrupt. “You weren’t there to stop the first call from happening in the first place. And besides- Roman was just doing what Thomas wanted.”
“Which is rewarding, yes. But sometimes, what Thomas might want isn’t what he needs… which brings me to Patton.”
“Yes, Patton. Where Roman can be dangerous, Patton is- unpredictable. If Thomas only listened to Patton all the time, or even listened to him much more, he would exhaust himself being happy to everyone all the time and doing what everybody else wanted from him. His own necessary productivity and ambition would come to a screeching halt. Patton is actually constantly being suppressed or morphed or has to watch Thomas lie about his feelings while he’s struggling through them. And when he does take the time to work them out- well. Filming those Moving On videos hurt Patton deeply, as you saw. That took a lot out of him because Patton kind of- well-” Logan took a breath. “He prefers to cherry-pick his way through Thomas’ life, bounding from one positive emotion to another, no matter how fleeting. You know how he is conversationally- always saying whatever comes to his mind, interjecting randomly with things that don’t always make logical sense- it shows Patton is subject to whims and fancy. He is totally ungrounded. You and I convince Thomas he needs to work through more difficult feelings in order to better understand himself. You and I- rather ironically- both know repressing emotions isn’t good for him.”
Virgil mulled over this a second, taken back by Logan’s brutal criticism of the fatherly side. “...But Patton just tries to keep Thomas happy.”
“Exactly. He tries to keep him happy all the time. As wonderful as happiness is, it shouldn’t be a constant. It is unwise to make joy your baseline. But I-” Logan stopped.
Virgil glanced over at him again. The logical side seemed to sag slightly in the desk chair.
“I…” Logan sighed, glancing at Virgil’s desk. “I used to, but- if Thomas listened to me all the time now… he would most likely almost never be happy.”
Virgil blinked. “Woah. What?”
“The other two bring the sunshine- not just a whole lot of it. Sure, I helped Thomas through his education quite a bit in the past- guided him towards his ambitions and goals, but- his goals are changed now. They certainly aren’t as academic as they once were. Which is fine! Absolutely fine. But.” Logan gave a short laugh. “Imagine if Thomas had never tried making videos, stuck to a chemical engineering career, and watched his Broadway dreams fade away. We all know how miserable that would make him… and because of that, I… well, at times I feel as though I am not much use anymore.” He exhaled slowly, a defeated smile on his face. Virgil frowned deeply.
“I used to be much more in control, as you know. I had to learn to give the reins over to Roman- to ignore Thomas’ education, everything he worked towards for so long, as Thomas shifted his chemical engineering career to the backburner and went full-throttle on the extracurricular I used to quite honestly hope was fanciful and fleeting. And that transition… As unemotional as I may be, Virgil, that was- that was terrifying. That was heartbreaking. But it made Thomas so happy.”
Virgil froze. What is going on?
“...Didn’t that make you wonder?” He blurted out suddenly. “If Roman being in charge- if you weren’t there- if that would have made Thomas happier all that time?”
Logan shook his head. “I used to. But I was wrong.” He glanced up at Virgil, smiling as he did.
“...But- but how? You just said-”
“I said the transition was difficult. I said it made Thomas happy. And sure, Thomas had hard times growing up. But did I keep him from being happy back then? No, of course not. Quite the contrary. I realized, then, that Thomas utilizing my strengths had made him happy- capitalizing on that love for the rainforest and transforming it into a potential lifelong career. Using Roman’s interest and guiding it into this plan helped Thomas in the long run. His discipline in his education helped him in other areas- and Virgil, that’s how you help him, too. You’re not always at the forefront- you rarely ever are. You do your best work helping Thomas quietly in the background.”
Virgil’s brain was spinning. He was quiet for a long moment.
“...how do I help him?”
“When you shoot down one of Roman’s wild ideas, it’s because you’re thinking long-term. To use a very Roman-esque metaphor, you see the chinks in the armor before he rides into battle. Roman only complains when you do so because his ego prevents him from seeing the issues himself. You’re there to protect him and Thomas both.
“And when you make Thomas practice his lines over and over, when you give him the butterflies in his stomach backstage, when you fear failure- it’s not because you want him to mess up. It’s because you want things to go perfectly, for Thomas to do his very best, for his fears not to come to fruition. And that is important to note.
“Virgil, when you’re afraid of a breakup, of losing friends and family- it’s because you don’t want Thomas to get too attached to something that might not always be there. You are attempting to be a cautionary tale before it’s ever written. You work against Patton and Roman simultaneously- you carry that weight- because you don’t want them to get hurt by their own ambitions.”
“Jesus, you’ve put a lot of thought into this, Logan.”
Logan grinned broadly. “That is what I do best. Just- think of us all like- say, a bike. Roman and Patton are the handlebars- they can pull Thomas in certain directions and guide him where he wants to go. You and I are the training wheels- making sure the turns aren’t too tight, that he doesn’t lose his balance. When Thomas is aware of us, when he also takes us into consideration, he makes sure he doesn’t take a road too bumpy or uneven.”
“But if we’re training wheels, doesn’t that mean Thomas- at some point- won’t need us anymore?” He winced once he realized what he had said. “...Sorry. That was probably a bit too close to what you mentioned earlier.”
But Logan simply shook his head again. “You’re forgetting a few things- first, that some people can ride bikes without using the handlebars, too. Second, Thomas is a child at heart- a toddler using training wheels isn’t too far of a metaphor stretch. Third- Thomas still doesn’t know how to ride a bike. The man made a vine about parkour and nearly shattered his wrist falling on purpose. Do you really think he’s going to ever hop on a bike without a little extra support?”
Virgil couldn’t help the loud laugh that burst out of his mouth before covering it quickly. Logan looked immensely proud of himself.
“And I thought you said the other two brought the sunshine,” Virgil teased. Logan blinked, caught off-guard by Virgil’s statement, before smiling softly- then his face turned more serious.
“...There is another thing I wanted to discuss.”
Virgil swallowed. Patton’s dad lectures were one thing. But a Logan lecture? He’d never heard of one, and it scared him a little bit.
“Roman tells us those stories because he knows we can’t experience them.”
“...Yeah. I know.” A bitter taste was back in Virgil’s mouth. He looked down again.
“No- you misunderstand. He is not boasting. He is sharing.”
Virgil glanced up sharply. “...What? What’s the difference?”
“None of us could truly follow on one of his adventures, and Roman knows that. He has the imagination and the bravery, the ego, the voice of narration, the knowledge of how to follow a plot steadily. We would either fail the quest, create plot holes, or never write the story because we wouldn’t know which direction to take it. Roman tells us these stories of grandeur so we can also experience them. Just like how Patton loves us all so much because he knows how hard it can be for us to love ourselves, fundamentally. Just as I am here for you, right now, being the voice of logic and reason. Just how you question our decisions for us, point out faults before they bring about our demise, and worry so we don’t have to. Personifying worry and anxiety- and to a degree, self-preservation- is not an easy task, Virgil. It is a steep order. It takes a lot out of you- but you are strong enough to handle it. You were made to handle it. Just as I was made to handle challenges of intellect. Just as Roman was made to handle creative block and self-doubt. Just as Patton was made to handle heartbreak. Thomas made you because he couldn’t function without you- and you have a two-video story arc to prove that, Virgil. Remember that.”
Virgil blinked hard to clear the fog from his eyes. He silently fiddled with his jacket zipper, Logan’s words bearing down on him in the quiet. He glanced up at the other side.
“...Thank you, Logan.”
Logan straightened his tie and glasses, sitting up in the chair. He nodded at Virgil.
“No, really. I- I had never thought about it... that way. You did, though- and you didn’t have to share that with me, but you did, and I… I… I really appreciate it.”
“You have helped me before, Virgil. I was simply returning a long-overdue favor.” He stood up from the chair and moved to exit, but not before turning back.
“...Oh. And Patton told me to tell you that you should apologize to Roman. I believe he said something akin to, ‘You can’t really wound Roman’s ego, but if you could, that would have.’”
Virgil smiled. “Of course Patton would say that… and he’s right. I’ll go. Thanks again, Logan.”
Logan smiled back. “Glad to be of assistance.”
A/N: ...in my defense, Logan's a bit of a chatterbox... goodness i love him for it tho 
(this was partially my own ridiculous mind-dump headcanon on how Virgil is seen as so necessary- it’s not just that he’s also good, it’s that too much of the other’s isn’t the best, either. sorry if the train of thought derails quite a bit in there. writing logan’s dialogue is a major brain stretch in that I have to take my own words i want him to say, make the sentences long and rambling, and spice them up intellectually, which is so fun!- but can get messy)
comments and critiques are always appreciated :) and if you want me to tag you let me know!
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melonoverlord · 4 years
Ask meme for Kait
Which parent do they look the most like?
She has her mom’s nose, but otherwise she is the much cuter version of her father. Which made her confused why he never wanted to spend time with her or seemed not to like her. Because she hasn’t seen her parents in ten years, she sometimes wonders if her dad still looks like her or if he looks different now.
Is there a name they were almost given (either by their parents or during character creation)?
Because Sid doesn’t like talking about their family, she doesn’t really know if her parents had other ideas what to name her. All Sid told her was that they were not the type of family to name people after ancestors because at least on their dad’s side, he hated some of his family.
What were they like as a kid (if they’re currently a child, what would they be like as a teen)?
Because Kait had no one to interact with as a child, she had to learn how to have fun on her own so she was a very imaginative child who loved reading, watching movies, and playing pretend in any capacity. She had an imaginary friend for a long time who was her only playmate (even though he was just in her mind) and the two of them were everything from pirates to princes to ninja frogs.
What’s their drinking tolerance and what kind of drunk are they?
Kait has never had a drink and never really wants to drink unless its very fruity, but she’d probably have a low tolerance but not laughably low. Probably at two drinks she’d be the oversharing drunk that tells everyone that she’s scared that if she doesn’t put on a happy mask all the time, people will leave her and then right after that tell them that they have just the most adorable earrings.
Where do they like to be touched?
Kait is small and round and shaped like a friend, so she loves hugging and being hugged, but she also loves being touched around her face everywhere. Having her face held, being kissed many many times around the face, and playing with her hair, she loves it all. She craves the touch.
What’s their favorite position (top/bottom/switch/pillow princess/etc.)
She’s not that much into sex (much more into romance/friendship), but if/when she does have it, she’s a very giggly bottom who’s very eager to please, but also given her need for attention, she can be rather bratty about getting what she wants.
What are their kinks?
Kait’s fairly vanilla when it comes to sex. If anything, she’d probably be into foodplay but just in the sense of feeding each other (because her first love is unsolved mysteries and her second love is cupcakes) and fancy clothes. She loves fancy clothes.
How do they feel about adrenaline (roller coasters, extreme sports, etc.)?
Kait’s not very sporty because she is terrible at athletics, but she does enjoy roller coasters a lot, especially if she has someone to go with. Before Damien was born, she and Sidney would go to Coney Island during the summer and they would ride every ride until they got sick. She hasn’t had much of a chance to go on roller coasters, but she would like to have a fun amusement park day with the team.
What is their fight or flight response?
She’s more of a fighter both as herself and as Eldritch, but her methods are different. As herself, her brand of fighting is just stubborn caring about others and offering redemption to anyone she meets through hugs. And as an Eldritch, she will just eat people.
When it comes to problems about her though, it’s definitely flight. Deflect and distract until no one’s asking about herself.
What’s their pain tolerance?
When Kait was little, she never got into a situation where she could hurt herself because her parents took painstaking measures to make sure that Kait was insulated and couldn’t feel anything that could edge on a negative emotion (which fun fact, just made her anxious and eager to please). So because she couldn’t run around and hurt herself, she has a laughably low pain tolerance. Which is why pain is the quickest way to get her to turn. If she gets a bruise, it’s there for a month.
What character archetype are they the most like (the Innocent, the Hero, etc.)
Definitely The Innocent/The Child. She’s an adult, and she gets a little frustrated when people say that she’s a child, but her heart is as big as a mountain and she believes so wholeheartedly that everyone can be good and if they had the opportunity they could change. Which in a monster world where sometimes the humans are the monsters, that’s a lot of innocence to lose.
What TV-Tropes trope would they be?
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass. On the surface, she’s an adorable bubbly idiot who could never hurt a fly, and that’s true in a sense. But get her angry enough and she will turn into a terrifying eldritch monster who can eat someone in one swoop.
What John Mulaney quote/bit do they most embody?
It’s a toss up between “I was just shiny and dumb and easy to trick” and “I need everybody to like me so much, it’s exhausting.”
With the exception of love interests and immediate family, who are they closest to?
If we’re not counting Sigma as a love interest, then it definitely would be him. Although she’s always had a lot of friends both in New York and in Hunter’s Creek, all of them were more fair weather friends and she never had super close friends that she could trust with the inner workings of her heart. Until Sigma, and now these two idiots are the first best friend either of them has ever had. And she never wants to let that go.
If we are counting Sigma as a love interest, and we can’t say Sid, then it probably would be Nell just because one on one, she’s spent the most time with her outside Sigma and considers Nell to be somewhat of a mentor, but she’s unsure on how Nell feels about her (but like it’s totally okay because everyone loves Kait and it would be really silly for Nell not to like her, right?). Nell has a very subdued vibe and for Kait who needs enthusiastic validation, she doesn’t know how to take it.
What is their moral alignment? What would have to happen for it to shift?
Probably the best fit is Neutral Good. She wants the best for everyone and doesn’t want to hurt anyone even if it comes at the expense of her own wellbeing, and although she sometimes uses her privilege to doxx people (such as Amazon or racist cops) which would put her to Chaotic Good, she ultimately just wants to make people happy.
Are they a morning person? What are they like before 8am?
She’s not naturally a morning person, but she likes being outside and around people as much as she can, so she’ll get up at around 8 and start her day meeting people and getting interaction. She’s just a little quieter in the morning though and walks around with a blanket cloak.
What are they like when they’re tired?
For all her bad habits, she’s actually pretty good at going to bed when tired. When she can’t go to bed when she’s tired, she becomes a even more distracted immovable object who can’t focus and will make herself a cocoon until she can go to bed. She gets very chilly and shivery when tired.
What are they like in arguments?
Kait doesn’t get into arguments ever, she usually acquiesces and lets the other side win so she doesn’t have to get yelled at or just sit there and take it and then ignore what the other person said. However, if or when it comes to a point where Kait knows she’s right and she’s not being listened to and she’s frustrated, she will blow up and start screaming, which usually comes with angry tears. So let’s hope it never comes to that. I hope it comes to that.
What is their dominant hand?
She’s a leftie who’s trying really hard to be a rightie so she can write twice as much to save time!
Out of 10, how happy are they? How happy do they think they are?
Kait is always very very happy and is living her best life, with a great sister, great friends, and an amazing follower count so 10/10!
But of course, this is not true. She’s been living her life bottling everything up and pretending that everything’s fine, so she goes through life being a worried 7/10. And now that she’s going to Maine, people are telling her she can’t save herself, and she may have messed things up with Sigma and Sid, her eye being fucked up, and the whole turning thing, she’s at a cool 5/10 and hoping no one notices.
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What’s wrong with me?– Jeff Atkins x Reader
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Request: Can I request a Jeff imagine me where he's been asking you out for a while now and you always turn him down? So one day you hear him talking to clay about how it's actually starting to hurt him a bit cuz what's wrong wit him? And his jock buddies give him shit and tease him about which upsets him so you shock all of them by going up and kissing him which leads to a hot makeout and ask him on a date.
Words: 2703
Enjoy it!
Reader’s point of view.
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
I smiled looking at myself through the rearview mirror. I loved when my mom had the day off, that meant I could get the car to school, save me the monotonous and disgusting bus rides. It isn’t as if my mother went out to have fun, her days off from work, she is doing yoga in front of the TV, it wasn’t too much that the "coach" was too attractive. I shivered and concentrated on the road, until that point I was already entering the Liberty High parking lot. The disadvantage of bringing the car is that I mistrusted and was late, something that wouldn’t happen if I were traveling in the yellow device. Now finding a parking lot would be a challenge.
After a full turn, I finally find a decent place, not so far but not so close to the door, perfect. Before maneuvering to enter that space, a car closed the way and got into MY place. I stepped on the brakes and glared at the bold.  I knew the car perfectly. Instead of staying there, I found another place to two cars away, from that to stay grumbling. Yes, I was too lucky.
"Are you serious, Atkins?" I raised my voice after getting out of the car and hanging my backpack over my shoulder.
Jeff was walking toward me with a big smile and fiddling with the keys of his carriage. Asshole.
"This becomes a danger zone every morning, Y/L, you would know if you brought your car every day"
I started to walk with him to my side. We were in the same course, connected in our first year, we were good friends, maybe I could even consider him my best friend, it's not like I had many in high school. Most were either useless sportsmen, or just people who weren’t worth it.  He was taking me with a few, especially since Jeff was very close to them, almost entering his social circle. They were not bad guys, but somewhat immature for my taste. Sometimes they made me laugh.
"So I heard that this new movie will be on Saturday ... Let's go together?"
Yeah, we were good friends though Jeff was determined to change that. My friend was attractive, too much to admit, but my mind was somewhere else to focus on a boyfriend. In addition, our friendly relationship worked perfectly, we sometimes studied together, I was going to see him at his baseball games, and I even stayed after school with him and Clay for his tutorials. I could come and go as often as i wanted and he did that too. We were perfectly fine, why did we need a label? What if "being dating" didn’t work? All those years of friendship would go away. Just to think about my last months in this institute without the company of my best friend, to be avoiding it by the corridors and to meet us in uncomfortable looks, left me the sensation to be without air. No, I wouldn’t let him lose it for a silly etiquette.
"How on a date?" I remembered that I hadn’t answered him.
I turned to look at him and he smiled in embarrassment. Jeff Atkins was never embarrassed. He was the most honest and funny guy on the whole site. If I didn’t know Clay Jensen, I would sign with blood that Jeff was the only one. Everyone else behaved more like idiots.
"Yes?" His answer sounded more like a question. Well, he left the decision to me again.
I sighed and settled the backpack as a reflex act.
"You did a good swing, Atkins, but I'm sorry to say you got a strike"
He raised his eyebrows and I smiled, wanting to erase the rejection I had given him. It hadn’t been the first, but sometimes I felt like the bad in this relationship. Our "dates" were reduced to exits between friends, and that was because I was in charge of enlisting Sheri with us and him, usually Clay. At one time, we invited Hannah, but lately she was walking in her own world, feeling the tension only to approach her. Too bad, it turned out to be a really fun girl.
I increased my pace. We didn’t have to stay together in the hall, our first period was different, while he was killing himself in history, I had to endure the headache of algebra. I also needed help but no one threatened to get me out of a team simply because I didn’t belong to any. That was how it was.
"Are you serious?" The good thing about my best friend is that he took rejections with grace. "You are very rude to me, Y/N!"
"I see you at rest!" I shouted at him in response and unconsciously stepped up. I never let him see guilt in me after an Olympic rejection.
At lunchtime, we took our usual table; Clay kept his eyes on his task that ignored our mini meal fight between Jeff and me. He made me eat one of his fries, but they were too greasy for my liking. Thanks to that, we didn’t go unnoticed, neither by his companions as for the rest of the school. Suddenly, I noticed how his teammates were passing by and said things to Jeff that I couldn’t grasp, used as keys that I didn’t understand. I looked at Jeff who looked down for a few seconds before turning to see me and smiling as if nothing.
"What was that?"
"It's nothing." He grabbed his backpack and stood up. "See you after school, Jensen?"
For the first time, Clay looked up and nodded. Jeff said goodbye to both of us and left in the opposite direction to his companions, I frowned even confused; it was incredible how my friend's mood changed in a few seconds. I bit my lip and pushed aside my tray of food, strangely I was without appetite.
"What's wrong with Jeff?" I asked. Clay knew him as well as I did.
The boy shrugged and looked in the direction where our friend had disappeared. I said goodbye to Clay, especially since I had just seen Hannah Baker enter the cafeteria. Jeff and I had a plan, before we graduated, we had to get these two to have something. They were too shy to approach the one and the other that we decided to intervene, rather I joined the cause, because it was a kind of deal between the two men. However, it was difficult, I was going to take care of Hannah, but she was very distant, I couldn’t approach. I sighed and left the cafeteria. I'd waste my time in the locker.
I doubted if it would be a good idea to interfere with the tutoring hours of my friends, I don’t know what was different now, if I always did, but my best friend's behavior was too strange after the cafeteria. It made me panic to approach him. Among my doubts, I ended up in the school library, if I wandered around maybe in the end would encourage me to approach your table. I ended up on one of the closest shelves, Jeff and Clay seemed to be talking about something that didn’t look like tutorials since neither of them looked at their respective books. I went a little closer, covering my face with a book chosen at random. I pretended to read it.
"Jeff Atkins, asking me for advice on relationships?" I listened to Clay with humor. "The deal was supposed to be that you would help me with it, not the other way around." I lowered the book a little to notice my best friend with his eyes on Pencil playing between his fingers. I went back to cover "I was paying my salary in the Cresmont that you would never go through this"
I bit my lip, afraid to know now what they were talking about, or rather ... of whom. I repressed the book down again.
"I don’t know what else to do, dude." Jeff's voice broke my heart, but why? "She's not like the other girls I've dated, it's a challenge, but not that kind of challenge." I started to consider whether it was a good idea to stay or not to listen, but my feet were stuck.
"Don’t stop trying" Clay encouraged.
"I don’t do it. I invite her to go out and it is always the same result: No. “I fear that someday she will get tired and send me to the devil"
My blood ran cold. They had not yet pronounced my name but knew perfectly well that they were talking about me. My hands began to tremble.
"I don’t think so. You two make a good team. It's hard to see a Jeff without Y/N, or a Y/N without a Jeff" I glanced over and watched my friend smile. I did too. It was true; we could complement us in an incredible way.
I watched Jeff's profile, again thinking away from his friendship, made me feel short of breath. I couldn’t imagine my life without having met him; he managed to understand me, my problems, my follies and occasionally my pessimism. The random memory hit me on a Saturday that taught me to hit, I could feel his body on my back and his arms around mine, even his hands on mine to help me hold the bat well. It had felt good, I didn’t have the imperative need to get away like when Bryce Walker tried to get too close to me. That guy gave me a very bad spine. Instead, with Jeff, I sometimes needed to have him close to feel that I breathe well, that everything is going its natural course. There was no Y/N Y/L without a Jeff Atkins, it couldn’t, and there was no consistency. It was like going against nature. My heart sped up and I hid my face again between the pages.
"Clay. What is wrong with me?" I had a gasp, only a few verbal rejects, at no time I distanced myself from him, after my negatives we were as normal as ever. Nothing had changed. I had the need to jump and give him a zap, Nothing was wrong with you, Atkins, you're amazing, the best guy I've ever met! But I stood still with the lump in my throat.
"Nothing, dude. Let's go back to your history essay, you need to distract your mind"
I listened as he agreed to the idea and I moved from shelf to the place where they didn’t see me. I put my hand to my chest and inhaled deep breaths. Why did i feel like crying? Maybe because Jeff didn’t notice the way I did, what could be wrong with him? He was a committed boy, especially now that his position in the team depended on his qualifications, attentive, pleasant, he isn’t of those who believed in rumors ... and above all, he was an excellent friend of Clay and mine. How could there be anything wrong with that? Why cann’t you see yourself as I see you? I bit my lip.
"I saw you" Jessica came out of nowhere and gave me the shock of my life. She started laughing "Spying on people's conversations? That's too much for you”
I rolled my eyes.
"I guess I couldn’t help it," I murmured.
"I heard them, too. I've never seen Jeff that way; he always has a smile on his face."I nodded to the cheerleader's words. Suddenly, she started to laugh "Don’t you realize, Y/N?" I looked at her strangely "He's in love with you! The whole institute knows this, obviously everyone, except you"
"We are good friends"
"So? That doesn’t take away the feelings, the question here is, Are you in love with him? "
I was silent, I opened my mouth to answer her but I couldn’t, Why couldn’t I? I should deny it, but why didn’t i? Jessica Davis smiled.
"Do I confess something?" I waited quietly. "The way you look at Jeff, is the same way I look at Justin. Think about it. "She winked at me before leaving.
If my best friend's words had left me frozen, Jessica's words hit me. I looked over my shoulder toward the boys' table, was I in love with my best friend? As I would know, I had never fallen in love with anyone in my life.
 I ran as if my life depended on it to the baseball field, simply because my friend's fool had forgotten his bat in the car and I as a good person i was, and because I knew the combination of his locker to get the keys, I did him the favor. Anyway, at home I was expecting some of those Mom’s smooth naturist, I wasn’t very excited to return soon. Before giving me sight in front of the team, I heard the boys howling and booing. I stopped and looked out, Jeff was in front of them, pretending to have difficulty raising the zipper of his sweatshirt. As I perceived quickly, they were making fun of him.
"Give it up at once, Atkins." One of them said. I frowned. "You're losing your good reputation for just one girl"
Not again, please. I pressed the bat in my hands.
"Let go and pass her, I assure you that I get an appointment with her long before you," another of his classmates boasted. I was getting angry.
How could it be that they messed with him for some nonsense? I was nothing special, why did they all talk as if I were some sort of trophy? I looked at Jeff, he was still focused on his feigned task, but the gesture on his lips told me that he was having a bad time, so I got sick, it couldn’t be that my fear of losing him by spoiling everything with a label, So much harm to him. My eyes filled with tears, but I didn’t cry, instead, I smiled and walked resolutely towards them.
"Eh!" Shouted one of them with joy.
I didn’t look at any of them, my eyes were on my best friend's, wanting to pretend he was more than okay. I didn’t stop until I felt my lips against his. I dropped the bat to our side and wrapped my fingers in his hair pulling him closer to me. His response, in the first place, was that his mouth was sealed by surprise, when he caught what was happening, he joined the same rhythm as me, bringing his hands to my waist. I didn’t part until the shouts of joy of his companions became present.
"Damn!" I recognized the voice of the one who at the beginning bet that I would go out with him.
I looked into Jeff's eyes and smiled broadly. This kiss, which at first wanted to taste something, simply felt good. I began to feel that I was complete, even though I thought I had been before.
"I thought better, why wait until Saturday? Let's have a date now." My best friend's eyes shone, I felt an extreme happiness inside, not for him, for me. "Oh, better, did you tell me that your parents are not going to be home all day? How about a bit of Netflix and chill? "
His friends laughed, he too, but a little more shy.
"Come on." He took my hand firmly.
"Boys" I gave a single glance at their companions, they began to cheer and push, like vile apes.
I laughed and looked back. When we lost sight of the team, Jeff stopped and looked at me even in shock.
"You were serious?"
"About the kiss or Netflix and chill?" I couldn’t stop smiling.
"Both of them"
"Now I know that I'm sure of the kiss" I bit my lip "Of the other, of course I was serious, a little more seriously in the chill part"
Jeff's smile was the biggest i had ever seen. My heart skipped a beat.
"Then I drive. Later we'll get back for your car"
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sterek · 7 years
replies to replies under the cut
sannidhyeah: I definitely agree, I'm totally a fanfic reader and seriously, fusion fanfic has always been my favorite. Its nice to imagine Derek and Stiles to be in a fusion especially if its my favorite movies or something. And I totally thankful to all writers who willingly wrote some of it, like, you guys are the best and for me, for someone who doesn't know how to write a fanfic, I totally enjoy it and this is from reader perspective. whether if its gifsets, fanfic or anything, I love it wholeheartedly. Keep continue what you are doing and thank you for all of your efforts.
yes! fusion fics make me really happy, especially when they’re from iconic chick flicks because those are the types of movies that always make someone laugh and that’s the main goal for me as a gif maker when I do this type of sets. I’m glad to have the support of people like you! fusions are great
homemadesterekpie: people can be so fucking rude wtf. Im so sorry you had to deal with this.
<3 it’s ok, I was just pissed off because of the entitlement and how condescending the person was. I’m not even angry anymore, just baffled lol
youfancymemaddearie: This is horse shit. They can kindly scamper away and make their own shit. I love your gifsets and what the ever living hell is wrong with making a gay version of a hetero thing? Nothing. That's the answer. So they can shove it. *many hugs*
thank you so much, i’m glad you like my edits <3 and yeah! honestly! we can turn het things gay all we want, what kind of bullshit are they playing at...
stileswithderek: People are such assholes. Just block em. The gif sets you create are always awesome.
thank you <3 i usually don’t block people here, but i might do it, i don’t need assholes ruining things that make me happy *sigh*
minus-moscow: I'm so sorry you got this kind of comment. I'm so grateful for all the amazing American Assassin gifsets that have been produced since the trailer releases. Thank you so much for your time and effort and know that most are very grateful and appreciative 💙
our fandom always comes up with AUs when we get new hoechlin/dylan material and it makes me so happy! i’m more pissed off they tried to ruin that for me by being entitled idiots. thank you so much, people like you are the reason i love sharing edits here <3
bibliosexxual: That comment from afanofmanystuffs was so condescending and terrible. Yikes
it really was! the tone is the reason I decided to react to it today. Usually I ignore comments like this, but that was so condescending i couldn’t just move on from it
demonicmusuko: those dumb assholes are not worth getting angry with. they are just as pathetic as trash that can be found in city dumps
they really are! i wouldn’t have wasted time on it on a normal day, but for this particular set I got the same type of comment from 3 people and this one was so annoying i had to say something
gfdisterek: I’ll delete the reblog later if you’d like, since you marked the post as “delete later” but. Holy shit this is so rude? Who cares if it’s based off something you don’t like? I guarantee with the new material coming out we’re going to get lots of assassin au’s - or will if self-centered pricks like you don’t ruin it for the rest of us. @sterek, try not to let the few assholes get you down. I know the majority of us appreciate your work (and I for one am totally here for Mr & Mr Smith)....
it’s ok! you don’t have to delete it! and yeah, i will totally keep making edits and I might even go back to the assassin/spy AUs I was planning on, I’m just annoyed right now, you know? thank you for the support tho!
alexanderhale: People are so rude and entitled these days. Honestly, I hope you don't take anything they say to heart and keep up the amazing work that you do!
tbh now I’m not really hurt by it or anything, I was just super annoyed when I woke up after a horrible night to find that comment. I will keep making edits tho! thank you <3
restlesscreature: What an ass. The gif set is awesome. I'll never understand the motivation people have to share negative, unwarranted opinions when coming across fandom works that don't fit their particular preference. Want to see/read/watch something different?  Make it yourself. You created something as an expression of your fandom experience and shared it freely. Thank you!
thank you <3 and yeah I just wish people would get that! there are SO MANY works on tumblr alone, it’s the easiest to scroll past something you don’t like! I don’t need everyone to love what I make, it’s not realistic, people are gonna dislike it or even hate it. But all I make is free, they didn’t pay for it, therefore they have no right to be entitled bastards
greyswarens: As someone who loves rom coms and sterek i'm so happy whenever i see them together? thank you for putting all the work and time into your work! the haters can go fuck themselves your edits are amazing and truly a gift to this fandom!!
rom coms are silly af but they are fun! queer people deserve rom coms too! and since hollywood won’t give us any we have the right to do something for ourselves without getting condescending comments about how it’s not for us. ugh. thank you tho <3 all you guys are the gift to this fandom to be honest, you’re the reason i enjoy being here so much despite the bullshit. <3
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