#kirishima whump
quirkless-fanboy · 3 months
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bloodyfeverdreams · 7 months
Day 12, 20, 26, 31- Friends are the Best Obvious Solution
Prompts- Insomnia, Found Family, "Sometimes I Get so tired, I Don't Know Myself", and "I thought I was getting better"
Katsuki hasn't been able to properly sleep for a while, having nightmares that leave him unable to get back to sleep until he has to get up again. The squad notices something's wrong, and decide that they're gonna help no matter what Katsuki says.
ao3 link- https://archiveofourown.org/works/51255391
Katsuki couldn’t count the hours of sleep he’d lost in the past couple of weeks. He’d tried everything to help him sleep, all sorts of tea, white noise, melatonin, and even yoga and meditation. Nothing worked. Every day was becoming the same, go to bed at 8:30 like normal, fall asleep, have terrible nightmares, wake up terrified and shaking just past midnight, stare at the ceiling trying desperately to fall back asleep, fail, and then get up at five when his alarm goes off. He’d had this routine since getting to the dorms, it was very similar to his old routine except now he could train and shower instead of showering before getting on the train. He very much liked it, even with his friends calling him an old man for going to bed so early. He never cared about what they said anyways, they had shitty routines of their own, and he just laughed at them when they complained about being tired after going to bed at 2am. His routine was far superior, and let him get actual rest to be prepared for the next day.
Except now, he wasn’t getting any rest at all. He didn’t understand. The nightmares that had started after the sludge villain incident had died down, resurfacing with the USJ and Kamino, but they had died down again. Nothing violently traumatic had happened again, so the fact that they had come back with a vengeance made no sense. It had been months, he shouldn’t be having these nightmares! He’d moved on, everything was different now, and he should be fine!
But he wasn’t fine. Katsuki didn’t do well without sleep. Simple things that he’d never put any thought into, like taking notes or staying awake in class, had suddenly become very daunting tasks that he struggled with every day. It was even getting a little hard to read his own handwriting, though it was usually crisp and clear. At this point, it was only his pride that kept him from going to Recovery Girl or his family’s doctor for some sleeping medication. He was fucking Bakugou Katsuki, and he didn’t need fucking medication to do things he’s always done.
Though, his pride took a heavy blow in favor of the meds when he got his last math quiz back. Katsuki excelled in school, in all subjects, and it was rare that he’d get anything below a ninety-eight percent.
This one was a ninety . Shit.
“Hey, I did way better this time!” Kirishima said happily, shoving his seventy-eight in Katsui’s face. Through the fog of sleep deprivation, he was at least proud of his friend. Especially since he’d worked hard to get all that damn information into Kirishima’s head.
“Finally.” Katsuki muttered. “Bout time you started retaining the shit I teach you.”
Kirishima gave him an abashed but still ridiculously bright smile. “You know, I may learn better without you whacking me on the head all the time. What did you get?”
“Fuck off, that’s my business.” Katsuki said, immediately trying to shove it into his backpack. However, his behavior must have set off alarm bells in Kirishima’s mind, so his stupid fucking best friend tried looking even harder than his casual glace of before.
“Ninety?!?” “Shut up!” Katsuki hissed, his cheeks heating up without his consent.
“Dude I’ve never seen you get a score so low.” Kirishima’s voice was irritatingly worried, and Katsuki hated it. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing, keep your nose out of my fucking business.”
“ Something’s wrong.” Kirishima pressed. “You’ve been off lately, like way off. I just thought maybe you were studying really hard but something’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Katsuki insisted.
“Come on, I’m your best friend, you can tell me.” Kirishima said, his eyes gratingly sincere.
“There’s nothing to tell.” Katsuki growled, and thankfully, class was over for the day now, and they could go home. Katsuki just quickly grabbed his stuff, and left, ignoring Kirishima’s urges to talk.
Thank fuck it was friday. Now it was time to stare at the ceiling for long past five am. At least he could still stay in bed however long he wanted to.
Katsuki just went straight to his dorm room, again ignoring all of Kirishima’s attempts to talk to him, and locked his door behind him. His bag thudded heavily to the floor, and he flopped down onto his bed, cradling his head in his hands. Gods, what he wouldn’t do to just sleep. 
His bed was comfortable, his room was the perfect temperature, he’d changed into comfortable sweats and an oversized t-shirt, and he didn’t have school tomorrow so he could sleep in as long as he wanted, and still he couldn’t sleep. Closing his eyes just left him in the dark, and trying to do stupid breathing exercises to calm his mind did nothing. Sleep eluded him like common sense eluded Deku, and Katsuki just lay in bed, wishing with all his might that he could sleep and not getting it.
A knock startled him out of his desperate attempts for sleep, and he just sighed. Impatiently, the knock sounded again.
“Kaaaccchhaann.” Kaminari whined from the other side of the door.  “We know you’re in there.”
“No shit I’m in here, it’s my fucking room!” He shouted back.
“Come on, bro, open the door!” Kirishima was there too apparently. “We wanna hang out.”
“Yeah! It’s friday!” Aaaaand there was Sero. Dammit, he hated when all of his friends ganged up on him. It was always much harder to resist when all of his idiots were yapping at him. “Time for a smash brothers tournament!”
“We’re not gonna leave you alone until you come with us.” Ashido. Great, now the whole squad was outside his door. “So you might as well just give in and come out.”
He sighed again, loudly and dramatically. Fucking hell, his friends were annoying. But playing video games was mindless, and he did at least enjoy it. Maybe it would exhaust him enough to finally let him sleep.
“Fine.” He sighed, and the squad cheered. “But I’m player one, and no one complains about it.”
“Deal!” was chirped and Katsuki reluctantly got out of bed.
Apparently tonight was in Kirishima’s room, so at least he didn’t have to go far. They often cycled through the squad for video game tournaments and movie nights (except his. No one went into his room but him). But this time it was Kirishima’s turn to host, and so they all shuffled into the horrible brightness of his best friend’s room, and all spread out on the only available room to sit, the bed. Katsuki wasn’t sure how, as he didn’t like people coming into his personal space, but somehow, he ended up in the middle of Kirishima’s bed with Kirishima on his right side and Ashido on his left. Kaminari and Sero were sitting on the floor, leaning against his legs. This felt very intentional, but his friends weren’t acting suspicious, and since none of them could act well, he let it go. Maybe he was overthinking it?
He was handed the player one controller, and the others were passed around. The game was familiar enough to be relaxing, yet high speed enough to take his mind off his problems a little bit. He got comfortable and barely noticed it, sagging where he was sitting, body growing lax and complacent with a desperate need to rest. Everything started to fade into the background, the colors began to blur on the TV. His hands pushed the controller buttons automatically, on pure motor memory, but as his surroundings turned to white noise, he forgot that he was actually competing with anyone. His hands slowed as his mind sank into the comfort of where he was, the people around him. His friends’ animated chattering turned to a quiet buzz in his ears, sharp but familiar. He was warm on all sides, and Kirishima’s duvet was surprisingly soft.
Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder, yanking him out of his reverie, and the controller was being pulled out of his hands. He was confused until he managed to refocus his vision and see Ashido looking at him with big, worried eyes.
“Okay, Kirishima was right, something’s wrong.” She said.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Katsuki insisted. “Let’s just finish playing.”
“Dude, the game’s over.” Sero said, staring at him with the same worry in Ashido’s eyes.
His eyes flicked to the screen, and it had returned to the selection of characters for the next round. Shit. He hadn’t even noticed. His eyes came back to his friends, and everyone was staring at him. Even Kaminari was giving him an uncertain look.
“Come on, Bakugou, talk to us.” Kirishima said, and the walls Katsuki put up were becoming too exhausting to keep up. The sincerity even he couldn’t mistake for pity was too strong, the room too comfortable for him to be able to resist. He was just so tired. “We’re your friends. You can tell us anything.”
“I’m fine.” Katsuki hissed, his last desperate attempt to get them to back off before his walls fully crumbled. How had he lost so much ground so quickly? He was normally so much stronger than this. But dammit, he was exhausted and keeping up this act just added to his exhaustion.
“But you’re not.” Kirishima said. “You’ve been way off in training, you haven’t been getting your normal scores, and you just zoned out for like ten minutes without even realizing it. That’s not ‘fine’, dude. It’s just not.”
No matter where he looked, he couldn’t escape this sincerity, and he was trapped, with Sero leaning up against his leg so he couldn’t just storm out. Fuck.
“Icantsleep.” Katsuki whispered, his voice barely audible.
“What?” Chorused from his friends.
“I can’t sleep.” Katsuki sighed heavily. “Everything’s fine, I’m just really fucking tired.”
“But… you’ve been going to bed every night super early like normal.” Kaminari said, surprised. “We’ve seen you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you stay up past nine on school nights.”
“I don’t.” Katsuki said. “I just… I don’t know. I get into bed, and I just can’t sleep. I mostly just lay there.”
His friends exchanged worried looks.
“How long has it been since you last got decent sleep?” Kirishima asked.
Katsuki just shrugged, since honestly at this point, he really didn’t know.
“Have you tried, like, melatonin or tea?” Ashido asked.
Katsuki nodded. “Yes, I’ve tried those, I’ve already tried all the fucking obvious methods. Meds, tea, all the different noises, I even tried fucking yoga . Nothing worked. I just can’t sleep.”
“So is it like a mental thing?” Kaminari asked. “I sometimes can’t sleep because my thoughts are going too fast.”
Katsuki just shook his head.
“Well then, do you know what it is?” Sero asked. “That’s keeping you up? Because it sounds like it’s not a physical thing, if those other things didn’t work, and you say it’s not a mental thing, so I feel like there’s a puzzle piece missing.”
Katsuki just shrugged, not wanting to admit the nightmares, but his cheeks turned light pink anyways. Dammit.
“Okay, come on, what are you not telling us?” Kirishima asked directly. “I know that face, Bakugou, that face means you’re hiding something.”
“It does not!” Katsuki shot back.
Kirishima just raised an eyebrow. “How long have we been friends? And next door neighbors?”
“I keep telling you fucks, we’re not friends, I just can’t get rid of you.” Katsuki said, curling into himself unconsciously.
“Since the USJ at least.” Kirishima said, answering his own question. “I know you, man. We know you.”
“And that face means you’re hiding something.” Ashido finished. “You always get the tiniest blush when you know something we don’t know.”
“I do not.” Katsuki grumbled.
Several versions of “yes, you do” were echoed from all sides.
Katsuki just slumped harder. Fuck his friends. How the fuck did they know him so well? He hadn’t even known them a year! And yet, they knew him better than anyone in his life, outside of his parents and maybe Deku.
“Fucking fine, I have nightmares, okay!” Katsuki shouted, the jagged remains of his internal walls becoming like porcupine quills, trying to stab his friends with his anger. “I don’t fucking know why, but I’ve been having them basically every single fucking night, and there’s no goddamn reason for them! Will you shits leave me alone now?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Kirishima asked, placing a hand on his shoulder for a moment.
“What the fuck would I say?” Katsuki snapped. “So you could call me a fucking pussy who gets nightmares for no fucking reason?”
“We wouldn’t call you a pussy because you get nightmares, Bakugou.” Kirishima said. “I get nightmares too.”
“Yeah, we all do.” Sero said, with Kaminari and Ashido nodding along.
His confusion must have been written on his face because Kirishima continued. “Dude, I’ve gotten them ever since Kamino. And the Shie Hassaikai raid made them come back for a while too. I still get them every once in a while.”
“I got them after the USJ,” Kaminari said, “and mine came back for a while too, after that whole fiasco on I-Island.”
“And not to mention Nabu Island too.” Sero added.
“I still have nightmares about that woman.” Ashido shuddered, and Katsuki knew she was also talking about Nabu. “Sometimes I even have nightmares about failing out of school.”
“Oh gods, girl, same.” Kaminari said, leaning back on Katsuki’s leg to look directly up at Ashido. “I have that nightmare the night before every test.”
Katsuki unconsciously filed that information away for later, he’d come back to that when the next test came around, but mostly he was still confused. “But none of you ever said anything. You shits literally talk about every subject under the fucking sun and you’ve never mentioned that. I would’ve noticed.”
“I mean, I guess not, but like.” Kirishima shrugged. “That doesn’t mean we’d call you a pussy for having them. You’re too hard on yourself, bro. Nightmares happen.”
“Not to me.” Katsuki hissed. “I’m fine , there’s nothing wrong with me!”
“We’re not saying anything’s wrong with you, Bakugou.” Ashido said, placing her hand on his shoulder for a moment, like Kirishima did.
“Nothing has to be wrong with you for you to get nightmares.” Sero said. “Honestly, with all the shit you’ve been through, I’d be shocked if you didn’t get them.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine getting kid-uh, I mean battling villains the way you did and not getting nightmares.” Kaminari recovered quickly after almost fucking up, reminding Katsuki of what he did not like being reminded of . Kamino could go die for all he cared, and he hated any reminder of it with a passion.
“But we haven’t had any battles lately.” Katsuki snapped, his hatred for his own weakness coming out as a spat at his friends. “There’s no fucking reason for this.”
“I don’t think nightmares need a specific reason to happen, bro.” Sero shrugged. “You just get them. There doesn’t always need to be a reason.”
Katsuki huffed, unhappy with that answer.
“We can figure out the reason tomorrow.” Kirishima said, successfully putting a pin in the conversation. He was good at that, at getting Katsuki to come back to shit when he felt better. “Right now, I think we just need to focus on helping you sleep.”
“I don’t need anyone’s fucking help.” Katsuki growled.
“Uh-huh.” Kirishima was also good at calling him out on his bullshit. Dammit, when had his stupid best friend gotten so good at that? “Come on. Lay down. You’re staying with me tonight.”
“No.” Katsuki said, very confused at to what the fuck his friend was even planning. “That’s dumb.”
“Fine, I’ll just tackle you.” Kirishima stated seriously, and honestly, Katsuki believed him.
“Whatever.” He grumbled, pulling himself back a little so he could properly lay down on Kirishima’s bed. For someone who’s entire thing was hardening, Kirishima’s bedding was unexpectedly soft. “Now what, geniuses?”
Apparently ‘now’ was everyone climbing onto the bed with him, Ashido pressed against his abdomen and the wall, Kirishima on his other side, and Sero and Kaminari back on his legs. They weren’t on him enough for him to feel trapped, but enough for him to feel that they were there. It felt oddly comforting.
“Okay, now close your eyes.” Ashido said.
He just glared up at her.
“You have to close your eyes to sleep.” She rolled her eyes. “Unless you sleep with your eyes open. Wait, do you sleep with your eyes open?”
“No, I don’t sleep with my eyes open, that’s weird.”
“Okay, so close your eyes.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes at her, and he sighed unhappily, but he did as she said.
“Breathe in for four seconds, and then exhale for seven.” Sero said.
“Tried that.” Katsuki replied. “Didn’t work.”
“Do it anyway.” Sero said, and he could hear him rolling his eyes. His bastard friends had a lot of nerve to roll their eyes at him, considering what they were doing. “You need to relax, and stop fighting us. Otherwise, you’re never going to get to sleep.”
“I’m never going to sleep with all you fucks watching me either.” Katsuki mumbled.
“We’re not watching you,” Ashido said. “We’re helping you.”
“Same thing.” Katsuki muttered.
“Just do the fucking breathing exercises.” Sero snapped.
Overdramatically, he took a big breath in, and blew it out. Afterwards, he started counting to four and seven as he breathed, and his body did start to relax. His mind was still very much wide awake but at least his body wasn’t as taut as a rubber band anymore. It felt a little strange, as he hadn’t felt anything when he’d tried this on his own, but it was working so he didn’t question it.
A hand suddenly came to his hair, brushing through his spikes, scratching lightly. His eyes immediately snapped open, and he found the hand belonged to Ashido. 
“Fuck are you doing?” Katsuki asked, but he was taken aback a little by his own voice. He sounded like he was half-asleep, but he knew that was untrue. His mind was still very awake.
“Shush, and keep your eyes closed.” She lightly chastised him. Katsuki didn’t even notice that she hadn’t answered his question.
Instead of standing up and telling his friends this didn’t work either, his leaded eyes just slid shut. His mind sank back into the comfort from before, a quiet voice of anxiety and fear effectively silenced by the warmth and safety his friends emanated.
Distantly, he could feel hands pull at his feet, taking his shoes off for him, and he didn’t have the words to respond to them. The fingers in his hair became his only real focus, feeling the gentle strokes of Ashido’s hand as she lightly dragged her nails over his scalp. No one but his parents had ever attempted anything like this, but he found he didn’t really want her to stop. Her fingers seemed to turn his exhaustion into a soft brook across his body, seeking out tension and washing it away. After an amount of time he couldn’t distinguish, the only things he could feel anymore were his friends comforting weight against him, and Ashido’s fingers in his hair. There were soft noises around him, gentle but garbled. Katsuki only caught the words ‘sleep’ and ‘night’, and couldn’t decipher any of the rest.
In an instant, Katsuki’s mind had gone from being completely awake to hanging by a thread, and Katsuki wasn’t sure when that had happened. Sleep hit him like a freight train, the thread of his consciousness didn’t stand a chance, and he was asleep between one breath and another.
After being so used to waking up shaking and sweating, Katsuki didn’t notice he was actually awake at first. He woke up slowly, an easy rise to consciousness not tainted by fear and terror. He felt warm on all sides, with heavy pressure all over his body, and he was so comfortable that he could’ve slipped back into sleep without much issue. Even more surprising, he felt rested for the first time in what felt like weeks. This was one of the best sleeps of his life. He idly wondered what brought it on after those debilitating nightmares.
Oh yeah. His friends. He could hear their soft breathing, feel their bodies all over him. Ashido was still sandwiched between him and the wall with her legs across his waist, Kirishima had flopped almost onto him, and the idiot’s legs seemed to be hanging off the bed, Sero and Kaminari were all tangled up on his legs, using his thighs as pillows. Kaminari was drooling on him, of fucking course the idiot drooled, but he was so comfortable that he let it go (for now). It took a bit of work to extract his hand from the pile that was him and his friends, but he checked his phone that was still in his pocket. It was a little past 5. Wow, he’d actually slept through the whole night.
Even with all the sleep he'd gotten which made him feel sooooo much better, he was still exhausted. His sleep deficit had only increased the more this went on, and he had a lot to make up. So, since no one was awake, he just snuggled in deeper to his friends, pressing into all of them, and he let the safety of his friends (who were practically family to him at this point) take him right back to sleep. And he slept long after everyone else had woken up, though they all still stayed cuddled up to him, their presence keeping the nightmares away.
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silly-cryptid · 1 year
struggling with my ptsd rn so here’s some traumatised!katsuki headcanons on how bakugo copes with his ptsd
tw: uhh ptsd
bakugo gets nightmares. like real bad, waking up with his soul so deeply disturbed he feels sick at the memory of the nightmare. he dreams of the bodies of his friends, blown to pieces and charred, and in the middle of it all, him. eyebrows and arm hair smouldering, covered in the blood (and chunks) of the people closest to him. he’s terrified his nightmares will become reality if he loses control.
kirishima and kaminari get together to buy bakugo some lavender essential oil (as told to by mina) when they find out he has nightmares. “i don’t believe in all this witchcraft hippy bullshit” he tells them, but he dabs a tiny amount on the corner of his pillowcase anyway, not because he thinks the scent helps him relax, but because it’s a tangible reminder of his friends looking out for him.
he has trauma responses to tinnitus. every traumatic event in his life has been tinged with ringing in his ears from his quirk, and now every time he overuses his quirk and gets tinnitus, he spends the following couple of days having panic attacks and flashbacks when the ringing gets too loud. after a couple of days it dies down, and then finally he can get a good nights sleep. the tinnitus persists in his nightmares.
when he’s struggling, he inadvertently turns nocturnal. staying awake through the night to protect his loved ones while they sleep, and sleeping only in the day when they’re awake and therefore less vulnerable. bakusquad exchange concerned looks if bakugo shows up late to class because his shifting sleep schedule is an indicator of his mental state, and they start taking extra notes for him even when he’s in class.
He dissociates badly when his trauma is fresh on his mind. he will spend days upon weeks in a fog, going through the motions of living yet mentally being totally checked out and numb. sometimes he activated his quirk and explodes things when he’s like this, just to try and feel -something-. he’s grateful that his friends notice when he’s struggling and take notes for him so he can catch up, even though he’d never tell them that.
Intrusive thoughts are big for bakugo. usually along the lines of “you should blow up kirishima” or harming his other friends, he shouts at them to drown out the thoughts of hurting them. often the intrusive thoughts are a continuation of his nightmares.
Having been told his whole life that he’d make a better villain, with the LOV even going so far as to think they could convert him fills him with fear. he is scared of his own anger, worried it will one day kill everyone around him, and that he is actually just a villain at heart. nothing can reassure him that he isn’t destined to be a villain, and he works as hard as he can to prove to himself that he isn’t evil, even if he can’t quite bring himself to trust his own hard work.
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uncomfortabun · 11 months
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ashitanoyuki-on-ao3 · 2 years
Mirio and Nejire receive the word that Tamaki is missing; unfortunately, so does the rest of the public. Fatgum receives threats demanding he step down from being a hero if he wants Suneater returned unharmed.
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makeste · 7 months
do you perhap have bakugou whump fic recs?
I have many such recs! not all of them are "whump" in the purest sense of the word, but they've got angst and hurt/comfort in abundance, so yeah.
I also have an older rec post from like five years ago which has quite a few Bakugou whump fics as well, so I'll link that here.
and here are like 16 new ones lol.
some quick notes:
I'm just including links and summaries here, so please make sure to check the tags for each fic if you have certain squicks or triggers you're trying to avoid!
please be aware that I am not very nitpicky about grammar and style and spelling and the like, so long as I'm feeling the characterization and general vibes. so while I can't promise that all of these fics will read like Nobel Prize-winning lit, I can say that I personally enjoyed each one enough to go back and reread more than once.
although it tends to be one of the most common tropes in Bakugou angst fics, I do not vibe with the "abusive Mitsuki" angle, so you won't find any of that in the works below. same goes for Midnight-bashing (which is also surprisingly common).
I also did not include any fics with sad endings just because I didn't feel like depressing myself today lol.
I don't think there are manga spoilers in any of these fics except one (which I noted and marked with an asterisk), but definitely check the tags just to be safe.
lastly, though I'm by no means a prude when it comes to fanfic, all of these particular fics are SFW, just FYI.
gen Bakuwhump:
It's Already Tomorrow on the Other Side of the World by Nicole_Silverwolf
In the absolute immediate aftermath of his rescue at Kamino, Bakugou just wants to sleep. If he sleeps then this nightmare will be over. Except he's freezing in the mid August heat. And he can't stop shaking. A glimpse of two imperfect humans trying their best told in 3.5 parts.
post-Kamino Dadzawa and Katsuki. easily one of my all-time favorite BnHA fics. it's so sad and cozy.
Coming Up for Air by achievingelysium
Katsuki has nightmares. He doesn't think he deserves the comfort, but Aizawa-sensei sits with him anyway.
more Dadzawa dealing with nighttime Kacchan angst, since that's like my #1 BnHA fic aesthetic. this is so well-written. like, there are a couple of lines in here that just... guh. just hit right to the core of me.
Bakugou's "Super Fun" Three Day Vacation by Marvelless
Bakugou and his parents arrive home after the Kamino Ward incident for some much-needed recovery time.
post-Kamino Bakufam angst. lots of paranoia and dissociation. this is one of those fics that's sort of a guilty pleasure for me, because Katsuki definitely feels a lot more... fragile?... in this than I think he would have been in canon. but he's still enough of a grump during all of his spiralling that it still feels like him. and I do love me some Bakufam wholesomeness, and this fic has got that in spades.
the art of poor judgement by emelinelou
It's a Tuesday when Bakugou admits to himself that maybe, maybe he is sorta, kinda under the weather. Things go quickly downhill from there. . Alternatively: Bakugou's too stubborn to be "sick," Midoriya and Kirishima are in over their heads, Todoroki is the Most Useful in a pinch, and Aizawa is not paid nearly enough for this.
probably my favorite sickfic. chapter two especially. Bakugou's narration in this is fucking fantastic. he's so fucking done with life. meanwhile everyone around him is freaking out, and he himself is a complete mess even though he won't acknowledge it, and it's just great. it's equal parts funny, sad, and absolutely adorable.
(incidentally, even though this fic is marked as incomplete, it really doesn't feel that way and ends at a perfectly reasonable stopping point, so don't let that put you off.)
Solar Flare by TheQueen
Three weeks after Katsuki Bakugou receives his quirk, he takes a short tumble off a bridge and watches, dumbfounded, as stupid Deku extend a hand. Don’t take it, the universe commands. Don’t tell me what to do! Katsuki snaps.
this is a really cool AU in which Baby Katsuki accidentally starts defying the universe and ignoring his predestined path, which has a profound ripple effect on his life. sort of like a time-travel fix-it, minus the time travel. also just a heads up that Bakugou is like five years old in this so I guess it's technically a kidfic. and there is plenty of angst, a little bit of whump, more Bakufam, and plenty of baby Kacchan and Deku being cute like it's their job.
BKDK/DKBK whump:
lose it all (with eyes wide open) by ghostwriterofthemachine
Katsuki is blinded. Izuku is muted. Both of them are kidnapped. Things get worse.
this is one of those fics that just kind of leaves you stunned at how freaking good it is. featuring: psychological mindgames, hopelessly bleak situations, and codependency so utterly raw and desperate that it broke my heart roughly 17 times.
When Ice Doesn't Float by Ma_skee
A simple rescue exercise goes south when Izuku falls through the ice and it goes from a class assinment to an actual rescue and a race against time to keep him from freezing to death.
technically this is more Dekuwhump than Kacchanwhump (though we do get a bit of the latter toward the end), but I'd argue that few things could possibly stress Katsuki out more than being in a tense survival situation in which Deku is hurt and needs help. anyway so yeah. this is classic hurt/comfort and very good.
spinning out of control by mollE
Katsuki joins the 'I've Been Mind Controlled' Club. He wishes he hadn't.
please see above re: how all Dekuwhump scenarios are secretly Kacchanwhump scenarios in disguise. anyway so basically a mind-controlled Bakugou beats the shit out of Deku while being fully aware of it the entire time, and has a complete (and understandable) emotional breakdown afterwards.
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing by maxisnotokay
Izuku has had this thing about him that Katsuki has never been able to name, but he's been chasing it since he learned how to run. It takes a catastrophic building collapse during their third year and a severe concussion for him to realize what it is. Aizawa loses ten years off his life. When does he not.
gotta love a good building collapse fic. this one has a concussed Katsuki, a very worried Izuku, and the usual "thanks to this intimate life-or-death situation, I have belatedly realized some fundamental truths about the nature of our relationship" tropes. but it's good. a lot of really good banter and back-and-forth dialogue in this one too.
takes one to know one by Sour_Idealist
Deku has left UA. Ochako still looks for him in unguarded moments. Bakugo is, unsurprisingly, being a jerk.
some good emotional hurt/comfort post-Jakku. Ochako has a chat with Bakugou about Deku. specifically, Bakugou's feelings toward Deku. it's good shit.
*fear is the heart of love by nikkiRA
*please be advised this fic contains major manga spoilers!!
Bakugou gets hit by a quirk that amplifies his greatest fear for 24 hours.
losing Deku. the thing that scares him the most is losing Deku. this is a good fic. emotional hurt/comfort for days. though once again do keep in mind that there are a couple of major spoilers in this.
silence is what i do best by notreally
the one where both Izuku and Katsuki were hit with a truth serum sort of quirk, and things aren't going all too well.
not just a truth-telling quirk, but a truth-compulsion quirk, to the extent that (spoiler alert) the quirk causes them physical pain and distress if they don't speak the truth. which, as you can imagine, leads to all sorts of extremely vulnerable conversations and a lot of good h/c.
close by not quite by blossomshed
When Bakugou goes after a beacon during a class-wide rescue op, he doesn't expect to find Deku - or to find himself dealing with the fallout of a gift he doesn't want, and a side of himself he'd never bothered to examine. He deals with it nonetheless.
this fic is so dear to me. it's yet another "Deku transfers OFA to Bakugou fic", but it's just so fucking good. and it also features a (very much confused) ace Bakugou, which is such a rare find. there are lines from this fic which I still think about constantly. it's funny and profound and adorable and so wonderfully IC, please go read it.
BONUS NON-ANGSTY FICS because I just felt like ending this list with some happy stories where Kacchan gets a lot of love:
give me compliments (i said give me compliments) by wonhaebunny
“It’s just cute,” Ashido is telling them as she walks into the classroom. “Like, when you compliment someone and they get flustered so easily, don’t you think it’s endearing?” Kaminari blinks. “Like Bakugou?” he asks slowly. - 1-a realises that katsuki is really, really bad at receiving compliments. exposure therapy ensues.
he is bad at accepting compliments. this is a very, very cute fic.
The Friendship Ladder by nikkiRA
Bakugou and Kirishima tell their classmates they're dating, but everyone seems more interested in who gets to claim the newly vacated spot of Bakugou’s best friend.
as the summary implies this is technically KRBK, but the focus here is very much class 1-A as a whole. there's just something about seeing the entirety of the class squabbling over their Kacchan love that tickles me to no end. Deku is also fantastic in this lmao.
The Yoshida Trail by WinterSwallow
Mitsuki Bakugo returns with her gift to the mountain.
last but not least we have this gorgeous character study with a criminally low view count. Mitsuki climbs Mt. Fuji with an eight-year-old Katsuki in tow, as the fic explores his childhood and young adulthood through a series of vignettes. the insights in this really have no business being as profound as they are, given that they're voiced from the perspective of one of the most graceless characters in the series as she observes her equally graceless son through all the ups and downs and tumbles of his life. but somehow that just makes the whole thing even better. idk I just really love this a lot.
anyway that's it for now. hope at least a few of these are enjoyable. thanks for the ask!
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queenangst · 3 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024: My Hero Academia!
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Bidding for @fandomtrumpshate 2024 opens this Tuesday, March 5th at 8am ET! There are 22 creators this year offering BNHA fanworks!
Fandom Trumps Hate is an online multi-fandom auction of fanworks, to benefit progressive nonprofits. For more information about FTH, check out their blog.
So, before bidding starts, here's a roundup of all the BNHA offerings this year! This is a summary and not comprehensive. To see the offerings in full, check out the BNHA fanworks tag.
Not interested in BNHA? No problem! There are plenty of other fandoms, and fan offerings. Check them out here.
Potato_pods (AO3) - 10-20k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Dabihawks, open to a lot of pairings/themes.
Domoz (Art blog) @domoz - Banner, Book cover, Comic, Drawing/painting/etc, minimum bid $5.
Ace (AO3) - 20-50k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Angst, whump, emotional h/c, trauma exploration/recovery/bonding, mental health issues
Tierfal (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: EndHawks and TodoBaku; EndHawks+Jeanist or TDBKDK. Lighthearted action-heavy stuff, also angst, AUs, or pretty much anything.
Blackat_t7t (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: M/M or gen fic. Angst and h/c, canon divergent AUs. Anything focused on All Might or Deku.
Blindinglights (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 10-20k and 5-10k words. Especially interested in: KiriBaku, BakuDeku, ShinBaku, TodoBaku, KiriDeku, KiriKami, ShinKami, BakuKami, KiriBakuDeku, TodoBakuDeku, Todo/Deku, ShinBakuDeku, ShinKiriBaku, ShinBakuKami, and KiriTodoBakuDeku, SeroRoki. AUs (college, coffee shop/cafe, camboy/porn star, "and they were roommates", villain AUs, yakuza, vampires, etc; I love AUs!), enemies to lovers, break up/getting back together, friends to lovers, single parent/kidfic, omegaverse, dub-con, incest, angst (with a happy ending), online dating/blind dates, fake dating, pro heroes, mind break, canon, and age gaps.
Wander_wren (AO3) @wander-wren - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Izuku, Bakugou, Shinsou, Hawks, Dabi, Todoroki, Sero, and Kirishima; multiships. Trauma and trauma recovery, heavy angst with hurt/comfort. Canon or no-powers AUs, Omegaverse and BDSM AUs. Established relationships and platonic/found family-esque dynamics.
Roxi2star (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Tododeku, Kiribaku, Shinkami, Dabihawks, TDBKDK
Achievingelysium (AO3) @queenangst - Hey, that's me! Less than 5k, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: Whump, H/C, emotional, healing, coming-of-age and new adult. Found family, friendship, characters taking care of each other. Monster-of-the-week/mission-fics, epistolary, identity, canon divergence, future fic, ambiguous relationships, slice of life. Dadmight, platonic BKDK, Dekusquad, Class A girls, Class A.
Starburstsunshine (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5.
Jane (AO3) - less than 5k words, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: BakuTodo. Also any of Kirishima, Iida, Ochako & Deku; Kaminari, Jirou, Sero and Kirishima; Shinsou/Monoma; Momo/Kendou; Iida/Sero; Iida/Shouto, Natsuo/Hawks & Aizawa/All Might. Love all platonic dynamics.
One-fandom-became-all-fandoms (AO3) @one-fandom-became-all-fandoms - 1k words per $10 bid, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: (Romantic): BakuDeku, BakuTodo, TodoDeku, BakuTodoDeku, ShinKami, KiriKami, EraserMic, MomoJirou. (Platonic): Most other pairings. Gen/No pairings, poly-ships, non-hetero ships, BDSM, voyeurism/exhibitionism.
Quillifer (AO3) - Less than 5k, minimum bid $10. Mature and/or Explicit works. Non-traditional omegaverse and genderbending.
Luna_SelfIndulgentKitten (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 1k minimum for every $10, minimum bid $5.
Helix_Stomper (AO3) - 20-50k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: queer romance/ship fics, angst with a happy ending, misunderstandings, pining, idiots to lovers, genfic. Dadzawa with Quirkless/Vigilante Izuku. Most BNHA queer ships; Bakugou or Aizawa focused. Class 1A bonding, Pro Hero AUs, etc.
Yikesohdear (AO3) @livelikeheroes - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Character/relationship studies (including platonic relationships!), Canon-adjacent AUs, slice of life, angst and hurt/comfort
Ternary (AO3) @ternaryflower53 - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: queer, ace&aro, and disability themes. Trauma recovery and emotional hurt/comfort. Dadzawa adopting someone, Quirkless Midoriya and exploring quirk(less) discrimination in fic. Fave ships: Midoriya/Todoroki, Midoriya/Shinsou, or those three as an OT3.
FillyBoy (AO3) - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Dark tropes, SFW, NSFW, Fluff.
Juurensha (AO3) @juurensha - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Interesting and unique AU's, Romantic Comedy situations, rarepairs, side characters being fleshed out. Dabi/Hawks, Todoroki/Izuku, Shigaraki/Natsuo, Todofam without Endeavor, Rei/Inko, Shinsou/Iida
Lydia (AO3) - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $15. Especially interested in: Fantasy or College Alternate Universes, and tend to drift from established canon a lot. Found families and romantic relationships as well.
AzzaBynes @azzabynes - Fan poetry. Less than 5k words, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: Symbolism, neurodivergence (particularly autism, ADHD, OCD, and touch aversion), coping mechanisms, in-universe politics, asexuality/aromanticism, worldbuilding, pairings with interesting narrative consequences (for example, Bakugo/Midoriya has more narrative consequences than Iida/Midoriya, but it's not a hard line), angst with a happy ending
DarkTenshi17 (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 5-10k, minimum bid $5.
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parsnips-and-meth · 11 months
Boiling Over (Part 1)
Hi! This is my first time posting an exclusive tumblr whump piece - I hope you enjoy. This one features some Todoroki whump, BKTD and a little bit of Dadzawa. Includes: Fever, Vomiting, Vertigo.
He should have listened to Bakugou. 
            Shouto had woken this morning in a feverish haze. Shirt clinging with sweat, ears ringing. He’d nearly fallen and cracked his head open on the desk trying to get out of bed. But he’d put it down to quirk overuse – yesterday had been intensive. It wasn’t unusual for his body to overcompensate… or undercompensate. 
            He’d sat panting on the tatami mats, right hand pressed to the back of his neck. It had been soothing, and after a few minutes, he felt more centred. Certainly not bad enough to miss training. Besides – he was sure his temperature would regulate by lunch. 
            He had been wrong. 
            Bakugou was glaring at him over his mapo tofu. He stabbed around in the sauce for a while as Shouto shivered, yet to even pick up his chopsticks. There was nothing appealing about his soba today. The sight of the noodles sitting slumped and wet like fat, brown earthworms made his stomach churn. 
            “You’re an idiot,” Bakugou hissed, a cube of tofu circling his mouth. Shouto swallowed. “I told you to stay in bed.” 
            Shouto could feel a twisting burning in his chest. He pressed his left hand to his sternum and activated his quirk. 
            “Go back to the dorms,” his boyfriend ordered. “Go back or I’ll fucking kill you.” 
            “There’s only one period left,” Shouto murmured, closing his eyes. The lights in the cafeteria were beginning to coagulate and blur. 
            “I don’t care,” he growled. “You look like shit, Icyhot.” 
            Shouto frowned but didn’t open his eyes. “That’s not very nice. You’re supposed to be nice to me.” 
            “I am nice to you, you stupid fuck.” Bakugou’s calloused hand landed on his cheek, thumb stroking back and forth. “God, Sho, you’re burning.” 
            He opened his eyes and shot Bakugou a soft smile. The blonde just squinted further, clearly not placated. “Just one more period,” Shouto said, “and then I’ll go straight to bed.” 
He should have listened to Bakugou. 
            He didn’t even remember changing into his gym uniform. But he was wearing it – he could feel every single fibre of it tearing at his skin. The grey expanse of Gym Gamma was so wide, so bright today. 
            Oh god. Not once in his life had he ever felt this awful. 
            He was paired with Kirishima for a round of quirk combat in close quarters, but neither he nor the redhead had moved an inch. Shouto could feel his stomach bloating against his waistband, could feel its contents seething. He snaked his right arm around it, hunching his shoulders and taking deep, shuddering breaths.  
It hurt. 
            The sounds of their classmates around them were building, fights underway. Still, Kirishima waited, watching him nervously. Shouto wondered why he didn’t jump at the opportunity – there was no way Shouto was winning this one. 
“Hey, man.” Kirishima’s voice was quiet, “you wanna sit down? You don’t look so good.” 
“Mm,” Shouto grunted. “I’m okay. Just need a minute.” 
“Dude –” 
He straightened up, pushing his shoulders back. A deep, rippling ache spread up from his stomach to his throat. He could taste acid. “Let’s go,” he said, pushing his right foot forward. 
The fight didn’t last long. His ice was sloppy, arching just past where Kirishima stood, and the other boy skidded round and started barrelling towards his left side. Fire licked its way up Shouto’s arm, but the heat was searing, unbearable – his head throbbed, and his vision narrowed, a rotten, sour taste flooding his gums. He put out the flames as his knees buckled, catching his fall with one hand, and clamping the other over his mouth. He could hear Kirishima shout, but it was indecipherable over the tinnitus. Shouto’s oesophagus burned, stomach cramping and knotting, and he burped, saliva sticking to his palm. 
He felt vile.
“You idiot.” Bakugou was next to him. When had he got here? “You stupid, fucking idiot. You never listen.” Shouto shuddered, and he felt his boyfriend’s hand run up his back, gentle, soothing. “You gonna be sick?” 
He couldn’t answer. He dropped his hand and belched again, rocking forward over the floor. Hot saliva rolled off his tongue and hung from his lips in strings. Bakugou moved his other hand up to cup Shouto’s forehead, pushing his hair back. 
“Yaoyorozu, could you make us a bucket, please?” That was Aizawa. His teacher stood in front of him – Shouto could see the scuffs on his black boots. “The rest of you can wait for me in the changing rooms.” 
Shouto heard lots of whispering and shuffling, and then blessed silence. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to breathe – in, out, in, out. A bucket was put in front of him, along with a flannel and bottle of water. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Yaoyorozu asked, voice trembling. 
He heard Bakugou scoff. “He’s chronically stupid.” 
Shouto lurched forward with a dry retch, forehead hitting the rim of the bucket. He moaned, gulping in another round of air. In, out, in, out. Cool fingers brushed against his skin, followed by a hiss. 
“Christ, kid. That’s a nasty fever.” Aizawa took out his phone. “I’m going to call Recovery Girl. Let her know we’re coming.” 
The nausea was so rampant he could feel it in his eyes. Shouto reached out and grabbed at Bakugou’s knee. “No,” he mumbled, “don’t… can’t move –”
He was cut off with another unproductive gag. He felt like he was choking. Bakugou brushed a hand through his hair, hushing him. “Not yet, Sho. When you’re ready.” 
He sobbed as another cramp ripped through his stomach. “Katsuki.”
“It’s okay, Sho. It’s okay, you’re okay –”
He heaved violently, and this time a slurry of undigested food made it into the bottom of the bucket. Bakugou was holding him steady, mumbling things Shouto couldn’t quite hear, couldn’t quite understand. But the sound of his voice was enough. He burped, bringing up another mouthful of liquid, and then his back was arching as his body tried to wring itself dry. Round after round of vomit, until he had nothing left but spit and dry air.
The stench of the bucket was cloying. Bakugou pulled him back even though he was still gagging, rubbing his back in circles. “I think you’re done, babe. Here, come on. Breathe for me.” 
Shouto hiccupped, leaning back into the blonde’s chest. “I – I don’t feel well.” 
“No shit.” Bakugou used some of the water from the bottle to dampen the washcloth. He tilted Shouto’s head and began wiping away the bile and spit sticking to his chin, the snot under his nose. Aizawa took the bucket to wash out, and Yaoyorozu took his place in front of Shouto, smiling softly. 
“Want to try a bit of water?” she asked, holding out the bottle. Shouto groaned, pulling away from her. The nausea had just barely let up – he wasn’t sure he was ready to swallow anything yet. 
“Hey. Have just a little,” Bakugou said, taking the water from her. He unscrewed the cap and pressed the bottle to Shouto’s lips. “Dehydration is dumb.” 
He felt it wash over his tongue. It tasted acrid and did little to settle his stomach. He pushed the rest away and belched into his fist, shivering. 
“You think you can stand?” Aizawa asked, returning with a clean bucket. After a few measured breaths, Shouto nodded, clinging to the bucket as Bakugou eased him onto his feet. Yaoyorozu moved to stand on his other side, taking some of his weight. His teacher’s gaze was scrutinising, brow furrowed. 
“Let’s go. I want you checked out sooner rather than later.” Aizawa held the door open for them as they left the gymnasium. “But tell me if you need to stop, alright?”
“Mm,” Shouto said, not sure what he was agreeing to. Colours and sounds were starting to melt together. He leaned into Bakugou on his right, eyes searching. “Kats-ki?” 
“I’m here, Sho.” He pressed a chaste kiss to his boyfriend’s temple. It was scorching, even on his right side. Bakugou bit his lip and tried to temper his anxiety. “I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he murmured. “I promise.” 
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goodwhump-temp · 7 months
Izuku Midoriya Whump | MHA
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Ep.01 - Crying x2, bullied x10, bruised (flashback), scared Ep.02 - Scared, suicidal, crying, breakdown Ep.03 - Crying x3, training torture, breakdown, collapses, carried, trips Ep.04 - Crying x2, arm busted, falling from the sky, unconscious, nervous Ep.05 - Finger busted Ep.06 - Knocked down (explosion), bullied Ep.07 - Knocked down (explosion), hit from the back, punched, thrown, crying, arm busted, passes out Ep.08 - Unconscious, weak, sling Ep.09 - Squeezed/pushed around Ep.10 - Fingers busted, protected Ep.11 - [ep. includes Aizawa whump❗] Ep.13 - Legs busted, crying, bandaged Ep.15 - Paralyzed fear Ep.16 - Crying Ep.19 - Crying Ep.20 - Fingers busted, punched x2, manhandled Ep.23 - Finger busted x5, arm busted, pain, unconscious Ep.24 - Bandaged, right arm shattered, hand disfigured Ep.25 - [ep. includes Bakugo, Shoto, Iida whump❗] Ep.27 - Punched (back) x2, pinned, splat on the wall x2, bloody nose, exhausted Ep.28 - Thrown x2, bloody nose Ep.29 - Small cut grazed, paralyzed [ep. includes Iida whump❗] Ep.30 - Leg sliced, arm hurt, exhausted, carried, face kicked, SNATCHED Ep.31 - Bandaged Ep.33 - Slips Ep.37 - Backhanded/knocked down, punched, used as human hammer, thrown, spine-slammed, pain Ep.38 - Threatened, choked, terrified Ep.40 - Blown off cliff, exhausted, nuts punched, comforted Ep.41 - Punched Ep.42 - Gut-kicked into wall, bleeding forehead, knocked down, arm busted, crushed Ep.43 - Carried Ep.44 - Arms bandaged [ep. includes Tokoyami whump❗] Ep.45 - Knocked down, tumbles x2, devastated, ambulance-care, says 2-days of unconsciousness/fever, crying, guilt Ep.46 - Arms disfigured, punched Ep.48 - Paralyzed fear Ep.49 - Crying Ep.50 - Punched, crying, comforted Ep.51 - Crying Ep.52 - Knocked down (explosion) Ep.54 - Pinned, scratched Ep.60 - Crying Ep.61 - Knee'd in the face, thrown, angry, pinned, restrained Ep.63 - Gut-punched Ep.66 - Slams into wall, bloody nose, exhausted Ep.67 - Bottling feelings/can't concentrate Ep.72/73 - [eps. includes Kirishima whump❗] Ep.75 - Knocked down, pinned by spikes, spike grazes [ep includes Lemillion & Nighteye whump❗] Ep.76 - Multiple cuts, bleeding, 100% power/extreme pain (delay) Ep.77 - Power overload/dying, crying [ep. includes Lemillion, Nighteye, & Overhaul whump❗] Ep.83 - Fingers-internal bleeding Ep.84 - Thrown x2, shot with beam, stuck holding beam up Ep.85 - Knocked down, knocked unconscious, pinned, thrown x2, kicked Ep.90 - Vision Ep.98 - New power/uncontrollable, panic, vision, slapped x2 Ep.99 - [ep. includes Shinso whump❗] Ep.101 - Paralyzed fear (interview) Ep.105 - [ep. includes Shoto trauma❗] Ep.106 - [ep. includes Natsu whump❗] Ep.107 - Head stabbed with hat, bleeding [ep. includes Aizawa trauma❗] Ep.108 - [ep. includes Shigaraki trauma❗] Ep.117 - [ep. includes Shigaraki whump❗] Ep.118 - Uneasy Ep.120 - Protected [ep. includes Aizawa whump❗] Ep.121 - Arm bit Ep.122 - Knocked back, angry, crying, arms busted x2 [ep. includes Aizawa & Hawk whump❗] Ep.123 - Feral, pinned, protected [ep. includes Bakugo whump❗] Ep.124 - Body exhausted [ep. includes Dabi trauma❗] Ep.125 - Body exhausted, knocked back Ep.126 - Shard headache pain x2, passes out, knocked down, body exhaustion Ep.128 - Bandaged, comatose Ep.129 - [ep. includes Hawk trauma & whump❗] Ep.130 - Coma cont. Ep.132 - Hospital flashback, scars Ep.134 - Gut-punched, bullet grazed x2 Ep.135 - Suicidal/depressed, trampled, confronted Ep.136 - Intervention; depressed, restrained x3, thrown, emotion anguish, pierced ice wall, guilt, body exhausted, crying, scared, collapse, passes out Ep.137 - Scared, mental breakdown Ep.138 - Comforted
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writersmorgue · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 13 - alt. Immortality
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 710
His mother called him Katsuki, and he was the most beautiful thing Eijirou had ever seen.
Sometimes, alone in the palace, he brings his lunch to the courtyard where Eijirou is placed and eats. There’s a marble bench by his platform, made by a lord seventy-five years ago in honor of his late mother.
He’ll nod at Eijirou like always, ruby-red eyes glinting in the daylight. His fair blond hair and pale skin glowing in his youth.
Eijirou yearns to reach out and touch him, to pull the young man into his embrace and never let him go.
Eijirou remembers when Katsuki was just a little boy, running and jumping across the yard. In those days, he had no qualms about sitting on Eijirou's feet and holding tight to his leg. Eijirou would imagine he was his caretaker, keeping the boy safe from danger.
Of course, when Katsuki fell from the back of the bench and scraped his knee, he could not hold him and settle his cries.
“You’re looking glum, Shitty Hair.” Katsuki huffs one afternoon, a half-empty picnic basket resting forgotten on the ground.
Naturally, he’d been insulted at first. His hair isn’t shitty!! But, of course, like all of Katsuki, it grew on him.
Katsuki steps into his field of vision, looking him directly in the eyes. Talking to him is something he only does when they’re alone, but Eijirou is always grateful for it.
“The hag said there’s a storm coming in from the North. It’ll be cold, but you’ll clean.”
Don’t call the queen a hag. Eijirou mentally admonishes, rolling his eyes fondly.
Katsuki’s head tilts, considering, “Do you ever get lonely out here? You’re the only one in this yard,” Katsuki sighs, “I wish you could talk, ya dumb piece of stone. I’d wipe that sad look right off your face.”
They stare at each other for a moment more, Eijirou soaking in the boy’s attention.
The silence is broken when the prince’s assistant, Midoriya, steps into the clearing and clears his throat, “Kacchan, your mother is calling for you.”
The boy rolls his eyes, huffing and stomping towards the castle.
Kirishima watches him turn and leave before stooping to collect Katsuki’s discarded lunch. He shoots Eijirou an apologetic glance, nodding, “Good day, Statue-san!”
Eijirou relaxes in his unbreakable skin, standing solid and wide. He gave up wishing to be free a hundred years ago.
He’d been a warrior in his time, part of an elite squad dedicated to serving the king. He was Katsuki’s ancestor, but so many generations have passed that they hardly resemble each other.
Not one to brag, he’d claim they’d all been equals. Eijirou happened to hold the rank of Captain amongst his peers. A natural born leader he thrived in battle and at post.
Mina would call him their rock.
He thinks the irony is painful.
One day, he’d gone on a solo mission to take care of a suspicious character lurking in the woods outside their central city. This person hadn’t done anything, but he was scaring the townspeople, so Eijirou vowed to take care of it.
The next hours were fuzzy, and not even time had helped him sort out what had happened.
One moment he was right on the guy’s trail, and the next he was back in the palace courtyard. It seemed years had passed.
His friends visited him on and off until, one by one, they all died.
Eijirou felt nothing but regret and resignation until the first born queen took a walk with her screaming newborn.
When they had passed Eijirou by, the baby had stopped fussing abruptly, looking over to Eijirou and reaching his hands out.
The queen had laughed, allowing the baby to grip onto Eijirou’s clenched fist.
And twenty years later, Katsuki was married under the same statue.
She was beautiful, a brunette with rosy cheeks and joyful eyes. A bride picked by the high court and Katsuki himself.
She loved Eijirou’s courtyard for the flowers, and they would often picnic there in the months before their ceremony.
They held hands under Eijirou’s gaze, tied their knot and exchanged rings.
He promised to love her for eternity, but when he kissed her he looked at Eijirou.
And they smiled.
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quirkless-fanboy · 3 months
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bloodyfeverdreams · 8 months
Day 19, 23- shidekobushi
19 was hard, so this is what came of it. It's not my strongest work, but it's still finished. That's all that matters^^
prompts- floral bouquet and stalking- Bakugou has a stalker, one who he sees as nothing more than an annoyance. but this wouldn't be a whump story if she was just an annoyance ;) mostly really this is slice of life with whump^^
AO3 link- https://archiveofourown.org/works/50331565
A hero needed to be constantly aware of their surroundings, able to tell the slightest difference between movements to make sure they’re not caught off guard, and Katsuki lived by that code. Even though he ignored all the stares he’d become more aware of after Kamino, and very much ignored how anxious that made him feel, he still noticed who was staring at him, assessing their threat status, or how annoying they were. The top of that list right now was this dumb little brunette from support, who hadn’t stopped staring at him for almost a month now. If he flicked his eyes over to her, glaring strongly, she always turned her head to the side, and it tightened the dread that had started building in his gut. There were two scenarios where someone would need to stare at him for so long, and one was particularly worse than the other. The first was simple, they were a threat to him, either challenging his authority or prowess, and he could deal with them easily. The second drove him up the wall. Ever since middle school, where the other kids had finally begun to notice the other gender, or the same gender depending on which way they swung, he’d been plagued by other people leaving chocolates on his desk, slipping little notes into his locker, or worst of all, actually talking to him with a nervous smile and hopeful eyes, asking him for coffee or to go on a walk.
He might take a little too much pleasure shutting them down sometimes, but watching as their faces collapsed when he bluntly turned them down was his consolation prize for being forced to deal with this shit in the first place. It was their own fault really, he’d made it very clear that he had no interest in romance, especially not the ‘traditional’ way. He always thought it was so stupid, leaving terrible chocolate or pieces of worthless paper with shitty drawings all over it. If he ever became interested in romance, (which he absolutely doubted but the old hag kept telling him she was the same way when she was his age but she found herself wanting it as she got older so he supposed it was technically possible) he would be the one doing the ‘wooing’ or whatever shit it was called. He wasn’t a coward, he’d just go up to the person and tell them and start dating them. He would never be approached by anyone and actually accept it.
Katsuki had hoped to dissuade her by loudly talking about how he didn’t date around her. His friends had asked him if he’d ever dated before coming to U.A., and he’d taken advantage of the opportunity. Ashido was the most perceptive in the class when it came to unnecessary emotions, calling the couples that would eventually get together with disturbing accuracy, so he’d thought that she’d asked because she also noticed the girl and was putting feelers out if he was interested. He’d tried to make it blatantly obvious that he wasn’t to get her to back off, but that just seemed to spur her on. Not even yelling at her to leave him alone worked, at least Deku listened to that.
When she started showing up at places he went, he started to get very uncomfortable. She would never actually engage with him, just be there, at arm’s length, constantly making the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Dread mixed with anxiety that he refused to admit was anxiety, telling himself that it was just some stupid bitch who couldn’t read a fucking room. Deku had been similar, though he actually had been invited to the places he was going because the old hag had insisted on inviting Auntie Inko and inviting Auntie always meant Deku coming too. The damn nerd may have constantly stared and asked too many questions, but at least he wasn’t always at the edge of his perception, raising his hackles every goddamn time. His skin crawled every time he saw her, when he decided to get Lunch Rush’s food rather than make his own she was always there, when he went to the gym to spar or workout she was always there pretending to work out, when all of his classmates were outside enjoying the sun and he was studying away from them (but not too far away) she was always on another bench or behind a tree. This dumb extra was fucking insane, apparently, and eventually he went back to ignoring her, hoping that complete disinterest in her actions would work.
It hadn’t, much to his dismay.
“You know, dude, maybe we should just start inviting that girl to go with us places.” Kaminari said lightly, ignoring Katsuki’s glare. “We already know she’s gonna be there anyways, might as well give her an invitation.”
“I barely tolerate you fucks, invite her and I’ll stick your head to the top of the flagpole.” Katsuki growled, trying to suppress how uncomfortable that made him.
“But if we do, then she’ll see how much better boyfriend material I am.” Kaminari laughed, puffing up his nonexistent chest. “That’ll get her off your back.”
Tense muscles unwound just a little as Katsuki recognized that Kaminari was actually trying to help, just in the stupidest way possible. He supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised, he’d named the idiot Dunce Face for a reason, and not just because of his whey mode.
But the idea still made him pause. “Aren’t you literally always trying to get into Ears’ pants? And Mindfreak’s now too?”
Kaminari looked quickly over to where the two purples were… off purpling, he didn’t fucking know and he didn’t care. All he cared about was Dunce Face kept inviting more and more people to be in their little group that Katsuki couldn’t escape and it really pissed him the fuck off.
“I mean, yeah, but there’s always the ‘make em jealous’ route.” Kaminari said, once he realized his two purples were out of earshot.
“That literally never works, you’re just a fucking idiot.” Katsuki said, ignoring the fact that he was actually somehow giving relationship advice. God, what was his life now?
Kaminari sort of deflated with too much emotion for Katsuki to process all of them. “Well, I don’t know what else to do! I flirt with them, and they just make fun of me.”
“As they should.”
“Kacchan!” Kaminari huffed. “My point is, I’m running out of ideas here. A guy can only take so much friendly ribbing before he goes crazy!”
“Why are you asking me?” Katsuki in disbelief.
“Because I’ve already asked everyone else, and nothing’s working.” Kaminari whined.
“Maybe if you stop being such a huge idiot all the time, they might pay attention to you.” Katsuki scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Get better lines, I’m so fucking sick of the shitty ones you have. If you say another corny ass bullshit one-liner, I’m throwing you out the window.”
“Hey, my lines are awesome!” Kaminari said, getting another eye roll and scoff.
“Sure, if you’re five or in one of those god awful romance movies.”
Kaminari pouted. “I don’t know what that girl sees in you.”
Katsuki didn’t either.
“Girl?” Ah, hell, Ashido. Great, way to make this conversation worse. “Is there a girl? Oh my god, Bakugou do you like someone?”
“Fuck no.” Katsuki barked, making her pout.
“Nah, we’re talking about Kacchan’s stalker.” Kaminari said, saving him from another lecture about not yelling at people who ask stupid questions. “We don’t know what she sees in him.”
“Fuck you, I’m great.” Katsuki snapped. “If I did want to date someone, which I don’t, but if I did, I’d be the greatest fucking boyfriend ever. Your stupid pickup lines wouldn’t be good enough to lick the dirt off my boots.”
Kaminari cringed at his crudeness, but Ashido just stared at him with her too knowing eyes. “You know, Bakugou, if you keep that up, you’ll end up single for the rest of your life.”
“Good.” Katsuki snarled. “Romance is for the weak minded.”
“Mm, you say that now.” Ashido said, still staring at him. “I still swear by the end of second year, you’ll be with someone. I just know it.”
Katsuki blanched a little, deciding to never date anyone ever while he was here at U.A. just to spite her, even if the world turned upside down and he somehow actually wanted to. Kaminari laughed at his face, which Katsuki ended with a hard smack! to his arm.
“Don’t laugh at me!”
“Sorry, Kacchan but you should’ve seen your face.” Kaminari said, rubbing his arm but still giggling a little. Bastard.
“I don’t date. At all.” Katsuki stated bluntly. “Least of all her. She’s a fucking creep.”
“If you’re uncomfortable around her, why don’t you just tell her to leave you alone, and that you’re not interested?” Mina asked.
Katsuki’s eye twitched. “I have. She won’t take the fucking hint.”
“Just tell someone, then.” Mina shrugged, as if it were that easy. “I’m sure one of the teachers would step in for stalking. Pretty sure it’s against the rules or something. Or we could do it, maybe she’ll listen to us.”
“I don’t need anyone to ‘step in’, I don’t need help.” Katsuki growled. “I can handle this on my own, without anyone meddling in my fucking business.”
Katsuki just needed her to just make her stupid public confession, so he could embarrass her in front of everyone to get her to stop. Humiliating her was becoming his last option to get her to fucking stop. He didn’t know if anything else would work since nothing else was.
Mina just shrugged at him again, and the conversation moved back to Kaminari’s pathetic attempts to get into their other friends’ pants, and Katsuki tried to forget about her for a while.
“Bakubro, stalker alert.” Kirishima murmured to him as they were at their lockers, the last bell having rung a few minutes ago.
Katsuki turned and the dumb bitch was actually walking towards him, her arms behind her back, like she was holding something. Finally.
“What, stalker?” Katsuki snapped as she finally came up to him.
“Um, it’s Seiko.” She said, and he internally facepalmed that she thought he had just mispronounced her name. Though, the fact that her parents named her ‘psycho’ seemed apt.
His throat was getting a little tight, and he wasn’t sure why. She wasn’t dangerous, just creepy. He should’ve been able to breathe just fine. His eye had twitched at her stupidity, but it was still going, and Katsuki was starting to get a little dizzy. What the hell?
“I’ve been admiring you from afar,” not too fucking far, “and I thought that maybe, since I know you like coffee,” she sounded like she knew some personal secret, and Katsuki rolled his eyes. Everyone knew he liked coffee. “a-and well. I thought that maybe you’d like to go out for a coffee with me this friday?”
Katsuki meant to yell at her, but his throat was now very tight, as if it was closing. Something was wrong, he just couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on.
Taking his silence as hesitant permission to keep going, she went on, “I-I brought you these! I overheard you saying you liked them the other day, so. Here.”
And then it made sense.
This dumb fucking bitch pulled out shidekobushi from behind her back, her hands jerky in her movements. She was right, he had mentioned them the other day, but not because he liked them.
He’d been telling his friends he was deathly allergic to them.
They’d been discussing taking a weekend trip somewhere, to blow off steam and just spend some quality time together, and he’d been forced to join the conversation. Mina had floated the idea of going to Tajimi, because this was the season the rare flower shidekobushi were in bloom, and Tajimi was one of the only places in Japan to see them.
“We’re not going there.” Katsuki had said authoritatively.
“Kacchan, just because you don’t really like flowers doesn’t mean it’s not a cool experience.” Mina had protested, frowning.
“We’re not going there.” Katsuki had repeated. “If you go there, I’m not going.”
“Come on, bro, the point is to do things as a group.” Kirishima had put his hand on Katsuki’s shoulder briefly. “Everyone goes, even if it’s not our first choice.”
“I’m not fucking going.” Katsuki had snapped. “I’ve been there before.”
“And we’ve all been to the maid cafe Denki dragged us to too, and that’s still an option.” Mina had insisted. “Besides, I’ve never been, and I want to go.”
“I can’t!” Katsuki had sighed angrily, rubbing his nose trying to deal with their annoying bullshit. His voice had gotten low, instinctively trying to protect himself from being overheard. Admitting this was already hard enough. “Last time I went, I ended up in the hospital.”
That had caught his friends’ attention. “Dude, why?”
“Because I got fucking taken out by fucking flowers.” Katsuki had whispered grumpily. He hated admitting any weakness, but he couldn’t play with his own life like that. He couldn’t be a hero if some stupid flower fucking killed him, no matter how much he hated it. Stupid bastards for pushing him all the time, they always made him admit things he didn’t want to. How fucking dare they learn his weaknesses? “I can’t be around them, they make me sick.”
Thankfully, Kirishima had had the good grace to also whisper because they all knew how hard this was for him, Kirishima especially. “Like allergic? Like how bad?”
“Bad.” Katsuki had said. “If you wanna go there, I’m not going. I don’t fuck around with that.”
They’d all agreed that that was off the table, and Katsuki had all but forgotten talking about it.
Until he had those exact flowers shoved in his face by a crazy stalker who’d only overheard part of the conversation.
Katsuki’s eyes went wide as his throat immediately closed, his hand coming to his throat as the world began to spin. He gasped for air like a fish out of water, the air never making it to his lungs as his throat closed completely. He stumbled backwards, feeling Kirishima catch him as his eyes unfocused as the room began to spin faster. Kirishima lowered them to the ground, Katsuki’s body jerking convulsively as he kept trying and failing to breathe.
Voices filtered in his head, and he lost track of them, black spots flashing across his eyes so fast he didn’t notice when his eyes rolled back in his head.
“I don’t understand! I heard him!”
“Get those flowers away from him! He’s allergic!”
“Does anyone have an epi-pen?”
“I’m sorry!”
“Someone get Recovery Girl!”
“He can’t breathe!”
The convulsions stopped, his eyes fluttered closed, and his attempts at getting air stopped. Darkness overtook him like a tsunami, not even giving him time to lament the fact that he’d just been killed by a fucking flower of all things, only giving him the slightest feeling of something sharp in his leg.
The first thing he became conscious of was breathing a full breath and then immediately choking on it, coughing as he wheezed awake. He got his eyes open, blinking heavily at the too strong light, but the world stayed in place instead of spinning and he could breathe again so he could thank the stars he hadn’t just been killed by a fucking flower. Stupid fucking immune system.
“Easy, Bakugou, take it easy.” It took a moment but his vision justified Aizawa into focus. “Recovery Girl will be here in a minute, just breathe.”
Honestly, breathing was still a little hard to do, but he shook his head anyway. “Can walk.”
“I know you can, I’m just not letting you.” Aizawa said. He opened his mouth in protest, but the hand he discovered was on his shoulder pressed down. “Epinephrine is taken best laid down, we need to make sure it’s still properly in your system, and right now what I say goes. You can yell at me later, problem child, after this is over.”
Katsuki decided he was definitely going to do that, this pissed him off. He was perfectly capable of walking to Recovery Girl’s office under his own power.
“Can you tell me what happened?” Aizawa said, distracting him from his anger. “I’m getting a lot of conflicting stories.”
“Crazy stalker bitch.” Katsuki panted, his eyes searching for her. But he found there wasn’t anyone else around him, they were all down the hall, Vlad King blocking off anyone from getting near him. Alright, maybe he won’t yell so much at Aizawa, that was clearly his doing. “Brought stupid fucking flowers as if I’d like that. ‘M allergic to them.”
“We noticed that.” Aizawa muttered. “Your friends say she’s been stalking you for about a month now, and that you repeatedly turned her down. Do you think it might have been intentional?”
Katsuki shook his head. He hated this bitch and hoped to never see her again, but he wouldn’t purposefully get someone in trouble for something they didn’t do. He had his own code of honor, even if other people didn’t understand it. “Don’t think so. Think she just misheard me. She never got close enough to hear shit properly, and she asked me out rather than say it was revenge, so I think she’s just fucking dumb.”
“Are you absolutely sure?” Aizawa asked. “She did shove them in your face from what I’ve heard.”
“I’m sure.” Katsuki nodded. “Not the first time someone’s shoved stuff at me because of this romance bullshit. First time it was flowers though. Usually it’s chocolate.”
“Alright, that’s good.” Aizawa said.  “And you didn’t come to anyone about having a stalker for a month… why?”
“She was just a girl with a stupid crush.” Katsuki said obviously. “She wasn’t a threat. Figured she’d ask me out eventually, and thought turning her down would get her to stop. Wasn’t supposed to be a big deal.”
“If there’s a next time, problem child, tell me anyway, I don’t care.” Aizawa said bluntly. “Stalkers can devolve very easily into dangerous situations, or they can do dumb things like get you flowers you’re allergic to and become threats in a matter of seconds.”
Katsuki pouted, didn’t nod but also didn’t refuse. Aizawa took that as acceptance.
“Get better students and I won’t have to deal with this.”
Aizawa glared at him. He glared back.
“Since it seems to be accidental,” Aizawa said. Katsuki declared the staring contest a draw. “I don’t think suspension or expulsion are necessary, just an apology and maybe a restriction order. Do you agree?”
“I don’t want that bitch anywhere near me.” Katsuki growled. “And she can stuff her apology up her ass, I don’t fucking need pathetic words.”
Aizawa just nodded at him. “I’ll have her write one anyway, you don’t have to read it.”
Katsuki just huffed.
“Alright, Recovery Girl is here.” Aizawa said, and Katsuki could hear the whir of a transport and crutch along with footsteps. “Be nice, problem child.”
Katsuki opened his mouth, and Aizawa just glared again. “Be nice.”
He was yelling at his bastard teacher again.
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granny-griffin · 5 months
If you don't mind sharing, what were some of your favorite bnha fics you read in 2023?
Sure! Sounds super fun!
my mother cut a hole in the air (and vanished into it) by ghostwriterofthemachine
Todoroki Fuyumi character study where she gives herself an angst haircut.
There is no love that is not an echo by LenaTheOddity
Shinsou brainwashes All Might to send him into the vestige dreamscape of OFA so that he can talk to Shimura Nana.
water under the bridge by orphan_account
Midoriya and Bakugou go back to the log bridge and it’s super nostalgic—this fic has ideal vibes.
wet matches, heavy summers by notreally
I read this fic so many times before going to bed when I had exams coming up, its such ideal whump hurt/comfort. 
Gauntlet Thrown by pikahlua
Future fic where Aizawa interviews Bakugou who is applying for a job at UA. It’s so funny they are in a psychological battle the entire time.
suspend disbelief by mystyrust
Quite possibly the best use of html in a fic I’ve ever seen, also a cool meta commentary on the process of growing as a writer.
incredible things by iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid
5 + 1 about Aizawa teaching Eri how to control her quirk and their relationship developing.
unconditional within reason by konan_konan for Effervescent_Gem
Uraraka and Midoriya and I have no idea how to keep describing it without spoiling it. It’s good and you should read it.
Throw The Last Door Open by the_crownless_queen for Withstarryeyes
Bakugou and Midoriya try to visit All Might inthe hospital, but the elevator breaks and the shenanigans do not slow down from there.
Operation Cheer Up Kacchan! by blossomshed
Kirishima and Kaminari keep asking Midoriya for advice for cheering up Bakugou, but everything Midoriya suggests keeps backfiring despite being well thought out—a whole comedy of errors ensues.
after whiskey, saint anthony always gets mean by ArsenicInYourPudding
Midoriya is found after being kidnapped but doesn’t remember the last several years, so Bakugou has to act like his younger self in order to convince Midoirya he’s with people he knows and not under some kind of illusion quirk. 
Heavenly River by vannahoneshots (vannahfanfics)
Bakugou and Midoriya go to a festival—there’s lots of cool descriptions and details!
Also check out my ao3 bookmarks if you want more recs!
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thesimpirediaries · 25 days
Do you have any rules when it comes to making requests? Like are there any characters or subjects you will or won't write for? Is there any limit on characters we can ask about at once? Will we get less content if we ask for more characters? What about nsfw stuff? Any rules, limits, or leanings for that, whether that be with topics or characters? Feel free to include any others rules if you want. Sorry about all the questions, just want to be sure. Thanks and have a fantastic day!
Oh, goodness! You’re so correct on this! See, this blog is actually a side blog that I created so that I could indulge in the other fandoms I’m in (my main blog is dedicated solely to the One Piece Live Action) and I have rules posted there for requests, but I realize that I should have made some rules here too! Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention! I’ll use this as an opportunity to list some of those.
MATURITY: Essentially, anything goes, even things that may toe into ‘dead dove do not eat’ territory — yandere, non-con, dub-con, etc. (I, however, will not write anything pedophilic in nature; and I am aware that some of these fandoms have characters that are underage, and if it’s a fic that consists of both parties being underaged and consenting, then I’m comfortable with it. But for age-gaps or older/younger fics, I will always make the characters 18+ in those. Again, I do not support pedophilia, so anything below 18 I’m not comfortable with.)
GENRES: this does tie in with maturity level, but also a bit different. I will write for any genre, though I do believe my skills heavily lean on smut, fluff, and angst. Whump is a genre I’m still developing. So, really, you can request any genre!
LIMIT: I have no limits! You can send as many requests as you like, with as many characters as you want. Spam me! Fill my inbox! I am a-okay with it. Though, I am a mama to a toddler, and writing is more of a hobby, so depending on length/detail it may take me a while to finish a request. Patience is much appreciated, beautiful ;).
CHARACTERS: I am deeper into and more familiar with certain fandoms that are listed (BNHA, Haikyuu!!, and One Piece) and as such, it is easier for me to write for essentially any characters within those fandoms. Though, for a more comprehensive list, here’s how it looks:
(Names in bold are characters that I am most familiar with/easily able to write.)
BNHA: Izuku Midoriya, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Denki Kaminari, Todoroki Shoto, Aizawa Shota, Hawks, Dabi, Shigaraki
HAIKYUU!!: Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, Nishinoya Yuu, Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou, Kozume Kenma, Akaashi Keiji, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Atsumu Miya, Osamu Miya, Kiyoomi Sakusa
FAIRY TAIL: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Laxus Dreyar, Freed, Sting, Rogue, Jellal/Mystogan, Gajeel Redfox (I’ve actually never written for Fairy Tail as of yet.)
BLACK CLOVER: Asta, Yuno, Yami Sukehiro, Finral Roulacase, Willaim Vangeance, Fuegoleon Vermillion, Nozelle Silva, Gauche Adlei, Zora Ideale, Luck Voltia (also haven’t written for this fandom yet.)
JUJUTSU KAISEN: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Fushiguro Megumi, Yuji Itadori, Sukuna, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro (I’m not entirely familiar with this fandom, I will have to rewatch the anime.)
ONE PIECE: Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace, Mihawk, Shanks, Crocodile (more than likely some others, but these are the main characters I enjoy writing for.)
So, yeah! Here’s all the rules. Like I said, I basically go for anything. So whatever your desires are, I’ll do my best to fulfill them! Also, if there are characters other than the ones listed that you’d like to see, I’ll do my best to write for them!
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fairy-writes · 6 months
1300 Follower Event!
Hello! I recently reached 1300 followers and am literally, like… lowkey crying?
I know I say this every time. But I seriously cannot imagine myself ever having gotten this far. I can’t imagine anyone actually enjoying what I write, much less wanting to follow my silly little writing blog.
But for this event! I’m hosting a cafe! Just like I did way back when! Basically, you guys order a drink, and I’ll write either headcanons, drabbles, scenarios, or one-shots!
The event will be open for two weeks starting today! It’ll be available from Monday, November 27th, 2023 to Monday, December 11th, 2023! 
ALL ORDERS ARE UNDER #fairy1300followers
Rules are: 
All orders are written as character x reader!
Everything is gender neutral reader unless specifically stated otherwise (ex: you request a female reader)
Please send them in separately so I can keep track of everything!
You don’t have to choose an add-on special. Those are just if you want to have some extra fun!
Any orders that do not follow the rules will be deleted. 
I will write for the following people:
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vi, Vander, Caitlyn Kiramman, Mel Medarda
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortis, Dominique de Sade
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira (except for Muichiro), Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness, River Song
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed (not Greedling), Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Envy, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
Large: Imagine (500-750 Words)
Medium: Scenario (350-500 Words)
Small: Drabble (250-350 Words)
Extra-Small: Headcanons (new headcanon style with a short blurb at the end)
Latte: Fluff
Black Coffee: Whump (physical pain)
Espresso: Angst (emotional pain)
Cappuccino: Hurt/Comfort
Mocha: Paranormal (idk what this entails, but I’ll figure it out, lol)
Americano: Platonic Relationships
Smoothie: My choice! Just send in a character and a size!
Add-On Specials: 
With Spice: Victorian Era AU
With Sugar: Pirate AU
With Cream: Domestic AU
With Ice: Soulmate AU
Extra Hot: Fantasy AU
Example Order: Hello! Can I please get a large latte with spice with Tanjiro from Demon Slayer? 
Translation: Hello! Can I get a fluffy Victorian AU imagine with Tanjiro from Demon Slayer?
Example Order: Can I please order a medium black coffee with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul?
Translation: Can I please get a whump scenario with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul?
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 19 days
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