hd-junglebook · 2 months
The 100 Masterlist
More works for this are coming!!
if you have any questions or comments just ask :)
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Bellamy Blake x Reader
Diana Sydney's daughter is sent to the ground with 99 other delinquents. While her mother schemes for power and destruction aboard the Ark, y/n must navigate the harsh realities of survival on the ground. As she confronts her own trauma and struggles to define her morality in the face of chaos, she grapples with the ultimate question: Will she rise above her past and choose the path of goodness, or will her mother's influence shape her destiny and lead her down a darker path?
Season 1
Part  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 6.5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
Edge Of Exile
Bellamy Blake x Reader
As the ark struggles to establish a new home on Earth, Y/N, a prisoner from flint station seems to be the only one who can save them from themselves. the group finds themselves thrust into a dangerous power struggle that threatens to tear the community apart. Faced with betrayal, deceit, and factions vying for control, Y/N must navigate a treacherous landscape of alliances and rivalries.
parts - prologue,  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
In the process of completing !
The Other Side
John Murphy x Reader
A grounder marked as a spy for the commander is tasked with the case of gathering intel on a group of survivors that fell from the sky. Falling for a member of this foreign group leads the clan into bloodshed.
Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
A normal plane ride back home ends in shambles as the plane crashes on a remote island far from home. That last survivors band together to survive and uncover the secrets of the island.
Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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rosapexa · 8 days
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Gh0st (2087)
I finally gave Lexa her own recolors of the Songbird 2.0 body and rearranged some of her tattoos (there wasn't space for all anymore). And honestly i'm very happy how she turned out.
Currently i'm working on a little backstory, why Lexa (Gh0st) ends up like this in 2087 and how her and Johnny's story ends.
I hope to have that ready by tomorrow for Shippy Saturday.
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crowleyesce · 5 months
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pokemon trainer ocs squad! left to right is my Sword chara, Scarlet chara, and P:LA chara!
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galerion · 1 year
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Sheet originally made by thunderin-brainstorm (you can find the original template here!), this one features a couple slight changes plus a Skyrim UI-inspired design. Open it in an editing program and fill it in for any ship, using different coloured markers of your choice to specify where each character falls! Have fun!
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danewthang · 2 months
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Guys this face has nothin to do with this tbh
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Also I got more doodles ^^
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I like turtles. 🐢.
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Plus this lil cutie 🤭✨
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Even tho I didn't Boop anyone (Or didn't even know how 👀) I hope you have an awesome Taco Tuesday 👍
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miroyuuu · 2 months
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lexa sketch <3 i havent been drawing in so long it feels good
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lexa-hippb · 2 years
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Why hello my fellow Dislyte OC makers
*hands you these and runs away*
there's part 2 with more materials tho :^)
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s1ater · 1 year
death era.
part eight of n/a.
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ricky rocks. flash back episode !!!
“everyone needs to just shut up,” echo doesn’t look at any of them and yet her eyes are wild and unable to stay in one place. “we have to figure a way out of here.”
she can feel her heart in her throat upon the dawning reality that she had no plan and half the people in the room with her were a bunch of dimwits.
“that’s kinda a hard thing to do when you told us to shut up.”
“keep your comments to yourself before i take that gun back, john.”
murphy rolls his eyes at the sound of his name; at the sound of the way she says it. it’s always so hostile and harsh whenever it comes out of her mouth and it only makes him hate it more.
it reminds him of the way his mother used to say it.
“why don’t we just leave, simple as that?”
“we can’t just do that, murphy. there are still other people here,” raven still sits on the floor, watching the two.
“yeah, people that are probably already dead and if not, who do you think the ones that are gonna get killed going to be when we come to their rescue?”
“that’s so classic of you, murphy.”
“what do you suggest we do then?” he turns his chin fast to face octavia who gives him an irritated look.
wow, wasn’t he just a crowd pleaser today.
“we wait till bellamy wakes up.”
“bellamy?” murphy looks disgusted, glancing down to him and his peaceful state in octavia’s lap. “i like him much better knocked out.”
“we don’t have time for that… or this,” echo shakes her head, interrupting the nasty stare octavia gave that would ultimately lead to an argument. “you better hope he wakes up soon because i’m not carrying him.”
“maybe if you didn’t hit him so damn hard.”
“hey, shut it, murphy. otherwise you’ll be right with your pal, bellamy.”
he grumbles, turning his shoulder away from them, “what’re you looking at?” his eyes suddenly meet the face of a boy he had never notice up until now.
the skinny boy with black hair was quick to put his hands up in defense, scooting further away from the menacing stare murphy continued to force in on him.
“that’s what i thought, string bean.”
this was the least ideal situation to be in with the least ideal group to be together. outside of this moment, not one of them would have willingly step foot to be among one another.
although the base was big but filled with a small amount of people, their worlds barely ever collided.
“alright, what do you wanna do echo?”
she blinks, looking down to raven who looks like a little kid with her legs crossed. she feels her chest swell up with importance at the undivided attention and suddenly a drive of adrenaline flows through her veins once again.
echo hated everyone. it was easy to tell. her parents died at her ripe age of 7 where she was handed off to a strict military woman who beat her own values of no remorse, empathy, or emotion into her. that woman died the moment the virus took over the base and echo couldn’t have been more happy—until they didn’t let her leave.
no one was allowed to leave, for their own good as they would say. the remaining adults of the base had an idea that they could repopulate and help rid of the disease that turned the dead into living once more. but here they were, the remaining adults being what they feared and echo being in a room of people she hated—except raven. now, she could stand raven.
“i’m all ears. whatever you need me to do, i’ll do.”
echo smiles, yeah, she didn’t mind her at all. raven was the only one with a couple brain cells who could function.
“try to wake boy toy up, then let’s kill the rest of these fuckers.”
it didn’t take much to wake bellamy up, but it took a lot to calm him down.
“why would i trust you?”
“because i’m the one with the gun,” her teeth shine past her lips in a snide look at his clear upset state.
it only provoked him more, taking a step closer, but echo is far from fazed. she knew bellamy and the type of person he was, therefore she felt far from inferior when around him like she knew he was trying to do.
before the fall, echo spent her whole first year in basic combat training with him due to him shadowing the instructor. he was a douchebag who thrived on proving his superiority over the younger trainees, including echo.
“bellamy, just listen to her,” octavia forced herself into his peripheral vision, hoping he’d step away from her. “we have no other options and echo knows what she’s doing.”
“and i don’t?”
“you seem to have forgotten she had you out cold moments ago, buddy.”
“murphy, i’ll kill you.”
“woah, woah, woah,” mock marinates in his voice. “she’s the one with the gun, don’t think she’ll let that happen.”
“i wouldn’t be against it.”
civility was hard to achieve, especially in the beginning.
“will you all just calm down,” raven stands a foot back with her arms crossed. “if we want to get out of here, we need to execute now. the breakers are all the way on the other side of the building and who knows how many scavs are outside this door.”
it took five minutes for raven to come up with a plan to get out and that was through the breakers—the security and maintenance room, where everything was watched through cameras and where the switches to shut down all the power was. in order to leave, all the security monitors, locked doors, and ultimately the big gate at the front of the base that kept all of them in was all electrically ran and needed to be shut down.
so to get out, shit needed to be shut down.
bellamy finally breaks away from echo, turning his gaze to the other girl, “how do you expect to do that with the millions of doors that you all need a pin to, leading to that room?”
“it’s not hard,” a voice sounds from behind them all, causing them to turn. “if you break the panel and move one wire to another, the door opens just as easy as if you were to know the pin.”
they stare at him blankly in surprise as raven tries her best to conceal her smile, already anticipating this. the boy swallows nervously at the pressure of their uninviting stares suddenly on him, “it’s easy. a 10 year old could do it.”
bellamy narrows his look on him even more, “what’s your name?”
“monty. monty green,” he takes a step closer, almost expecting to shake his hand—but bellamy’s hostile stare made him rock back on his feet.
“and then after that, monty? the only people who had access to the breaker room were ones with a key card.”
“good thing i’m in charge then.”
they all turn back to echo who holds out a white and green plastic key card in all its glory.
“how the hell did you get a key card? sargent wouldn’t even clear you for a gun,” murphy narrows his gaze on her with confusion, slowly stepping forward.
“they don’t even hand those out to guards.”
“well, good thing i’m better than a guard,” she smirks, stuffing it in her back pocket. “now let’s go.”
the hallways were eerily empty.
echo had her mask pulled back up to the base of her face where only her dark eyes were the most distinguishable feature to the others. she scanned the little space that filled the area, leading the group down what seemed to be the hallway to their doom.
she didn’t like it one bit.
moments before she had knocked bellamy unconscious, she had watched the scavs from the watch tower take over every little home and minor building, burning them to the ground after ransacking each one. they would have no where else to be but the inside of this building—and yet, no one in sight.
“this doesn’t feel right.”
“what, you scared?”
murphy doesn’t reply.
“maybe they just all left.”
“that’s wishful thinking,” echo’s low voice sounds hollow as she leads them around a corner and toward the entrance where authorized staff only was printed largely on a sign nailed to the surface of the doors. she gripped her rifle tighter and tighter as seconds passed by with no sound, no movement, and no person was in sight.
bellamy followed from the back with his own gun that echo was reluctant about giving him until he reminded her he was their best shot.
the silence was a blessing. there were nights where bellamy longed for this type of stillness, for the break down of his up tight lifestyle. and now here it was, handed to him in his lap, yet something was off and this felt even worse compared to the norm.
“already, green, time to shine,” echo dropped her gun from position as well as pulling down the cloth that concealed her face. she glanced to bellamy, sharing a look of agreement that they were still in the clear. “get this door open and you’re golden.”
he nodded, dropping to his knees before the pin pad that was placed neatly next to the steel door. they watch him pop the cover off simply before once again pulling another layer that concealed the wiring to the door. he rips at the nest of colorful snakes before glancing at them all, smiling at their narrowed looks.
“i used to watch my dad do this all the time as a kid, wanted to be just like him. so while you all were sent to train and beat your bodies down, i was taught this,” he works as he speaks before finally pulling away and looking to the door. they follow his gaze but are met with disappointment when there’s no sign of acceptance to his fiddling.
monty makes a sound of confusion, a crease forming between his brow as he looks at the door, then the mangled key pad.
“i’m guessing that’s not supposed to happen.”
“what clued you on to that?”
“they must have changed their wiring in the past month, otherwise i don’t understand why this wouldn’t have worked,” he still stares at his work, disappointed.
“so… we can’t get in?” bellamy is losing patience.
“no, we can. it’ll just take me a lot longer.”
“how much longer?”
“say, 7 minutes.”
“christ,” bellamy pinches the bridge of his nose. “we don’t have that time.”
“we actually don’t know what time we do have… considering-“
“murphy, shut the fuck up. i’m not waiting that long, i’ll find another way.”
“bellamy, you can’t just-“
he’s right back around the corner and toward where they came from with no attempt to listen to their persistence. he was impatient and itching to get out of that building. if he didn’t find a way soon, he would lose his mind.
these hallways with florescent lights were the center of his nightmares. he found himself lost in what was an exact replica of it, wandering and desperate to get out. just like right now.
he grew up in these halls. every waking moment of his life were spent within these halls of the base. he hated it. he wished the scavs would have burned down this building first.
“don’t move.”
there was a nose of a gun suddenly practically pressed to bellamy’s own nose. he jerked back out of shock, neglecting to process who was on the other side of the rifle till he found himself pinned.
“who are you? why’re you here?”
bellamy’s eyes find theirs before anything else till the question is repeated again, “huh? who the fuck are you?”
a girl.
he finds himself slowly lower his arms upon realization, “who’re you?”
“your worst fuckin’ nightmare if you don’t give me a straight answer.”
he recognized this girl.
“relax, i’m just trying to get out of here.”
“hard thing to do when the gates won’t open.”
“you’re trying to get to the breakers,” he speaks his thoughts aloud.
her eyes narrow, “why would you know that?”
“because you’re not the only one trying to escape.”
@thecraziestcrayon @mynewnamedoesnotmatter r @cc13723things @black-rose-29 @reality-runaway @let-love-bleeds-red @rudypankowisdaddy @the-anxious-youth @kitkat-mini @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @ritz-hell-hotel @fruitiseavey @kayalect @strnqer @mystic-writings @moonlighy @straightzoinked @thelaststraw3 @alexxavicry @esposadomd @lupinsluvbot
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autisticarachnid · 6 months
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today, two of my most beloved ocs finally got married !! meet mrs. and mrs. lazarus !!
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laurabsantiago · 6 months
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Some late October to November commissions I straight up forgot to post here I'm sorry aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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avatarskywalker78 · 4 months
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Formal OC Introductions - Alexandra 'Lexa' Sullivan (fc Naomi Scott)
As most of my OCs on my Masterlists were added after the initial post, I'm going to be posting about the ones you might not've seen for the next few weeks!
Lexa Sullivan is no stranger to dramatic upheavals – she joined the army at eighteen because she believed she was doing the right thing only to realise it was anything but, and, in response to this, decided to join the Red Cross so she could actually do some good in the world. Both these jobs involved harrowing and life-threatening situations and she expected that, if she ever did get killed, it would be in the line of duty. Yet it’s during one of her rare holidays when she’s caught in gang crossfire, the only person who comes to her aid a kind Frenchman called Sebastien – who nonetheless cannot help her, but stays with her anyway as she dies. So it's a shock for both of them when she wakes up, and she finds out that she’s now an Immortal – just like Sebastien (also known as Booker), who immediately offers to put her in contact with his old team, and after giving her a few days to adjust tells her the whole story, how he betrayed them because of his own grief and how really, she’d be much better off with them. But...Lexa trusts him, given he stayed by a dying stranger’s side, and he clearly regrets what he did to his family – and, more importantly, she doesn’t think he should be alone. And she can’t provide professional help (though she’s certainly gonna try and prod him into it because holy fuck does the man need it)…she can be a good friend. Now if only she can convince Booker that she actually means it…
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @lady-of-the-spirit
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rosapexa · 5 months
I made my first couple pose!
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And i have to say, it's not as awful as expected. I actually like it.
And i like, that i can have their approximately "canon" height in my poses (just need to experiment a little bit more).
The only thing is, this pose is unsynced (is that a word?) because until now i couldn't get it to work that the poses automatically sync in game. I tried several things, @ugh-my-back (and unlike me she knows, what she's doing 💙) tried to figure out why, but atm Johnny prefers to simply get stucked in Lexa, when i move him to the same position as her 😏😂
But we (read: her, not me) might have found the error earlier today and i'm currently trying to make it work.
But the most important thing is, i managed to get my pose into the game, even as AXL. And allthough it's not perfect, it's pretty satisfying to see my own pose on a photo 😌
The photo below is for the... details 🍑😝
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crowleyesce · 5 months
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outfit swat w the trainer squad
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galerion · 10 months
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well my boyfriend's in the band...
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danewthang · 10 days
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I really don't know It's just an comic practice on how my comic is gonna come out.
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Lexa, Cici, & Cuphead. Yeah ^^
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References ft. Cuphead.
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miroyuuu · 3 months
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reposting old art of my catgirl band oc Lexa!! i love her so much and she's in a polyam relationship w her bandmates and together they're 3 stupid goofballs~ i feel bad not having drawn at all in so long hah its the depression
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