#lovely little levity trailer
lovelylittlelevity · 11 months
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skepsiss · 2 months
Post season 4 steddie fic with Steve helping Eddie recover? Like after hospital and he's technically "healed" but he's having trouble. Learning to walk again, shaky hands, sharp pains, things like that
I love them sm
I love them too, anon. This premise is like so many of my story premises for them, so I will try my best to keep it short cause I can see this getting way out of hand, oops. Lol. **Note, you can send me steddie prompts too! Anyone can** (tumblr keeps messing with this post and putting the read more WAY farther down. Forgive me) The idea behind this is they're not together, and neither of them quite knows that they have feelings for the other. Sort of... the blooming of a crush. Early, early stages of Steddie. -- "I can do it," Eddie said harshly as he attempted to pull himself out of the chair he had been lounging in. Steve stood there, arms hovering around the perimeter of the armchair, as Eddie struggled to stand. Maybe Steve had been a bit too attentive as of late, but Eddie had only been home from the hospital for a little over a week. After the accident, recovery hadn't been easy for Eddie--or Max for that matter, but while Max was still in hospital recovering, Eddie had been discharged back to the care of his uncle. Of course, Wayne was ecstatic to have Eddie back home, but with hospital bills and having to replace half of their trailer, Wayne didn't have a lot of time to spend at home. The Party had been volunteering around the clock to check in and help Eddie, but Steve had noticed that Eddie allowed very few of them to actually help him. Steve was one of those people, and even then, it was a fight. Eddie did not in fact 'do it,' as he tried to support his weight on his arms and stand. Instead, he managed to get up and then promptly collapse to the side, clinging to the armrest to stop himself from hitting the floor.
"Hey, woah--" Steve breathed, hunching to catch Eddie by one of his elbows.
Eddie snatched his arm away, looking frustrated and embarrassed as he kneeled on the ground. "Eddie, just let me help," Steve encouraged, sounding a bit exasperated as he tried to look Eddie in the face. "Don't mother-hen me," Eddie huffed, obviously trying to contain his emotions. He sounded on the verge of yelling, or like he was about to start weeping, but Steve tried to ignore that. He didn't need to embarrass Eddie any further. "Can I at least grab your cane for you?" Steve asked, sighing as he stood back up. Eddie took a moment, and then nodded, breathing out a gruff 'yeah,' without looking up. Steve moved to the door and grabbed the cane that Dustin had brought over a few days ago--one The Party had decorated and glued a dragon's head to the top of to make it 'cool.' Eddie had liked it, but he still didn't seem keen to use it.
Steve handed Eddie his walking stick and he grumbled before attempting to get his feet under himself again. "Just let me help," Steve said quietly, not stepping forward like he had before, but still standing there expectantly. "I need to be able to do it myself--" Eddie grouched, barely managing to get up onto wobbly knees and stand. "No you don't," Steve scolded, "not this early on---Eddie, you were in a hospital bed for over a month, you don't have the strength to do it by yourself." "Elaborate way to call me an uncoordinated nerd," Eddie huffed, obviously trying to inject some levity into the conversation.
"That's not what I'm saying," Steve sighed, keeping close attention to Eddie as he slowly started to pivot. "Just let me---" Eddie started as he tried to take a step forward and wobbled terribly. Steve was at his side instantly, catching Eddie around the waist and arm, stopping him from hitting the ground again. Eddie stilled in Steve's arms before Steve heard a small whine escaping him, that eventually turned into an angry snarl. "Don't---just--" Eddie complained, trying to pull away again, but not having the footing or the strength to break Steve's grip as he jerked back. "Just let me do it--" The threat of tears was evident again as Steve saw the frustration well up in Eddie's eyes. He didn't want to force Eddie, but this was getting ridiculous. "Why is it so important that you do it? I can help, Eddie. That's why I'm here, just let---" "Because you're not always going to be here!" Eddie snapped angrily, cutting Steve off. He looked away again but stopped struggling against Steve's grip, instead standing there with his face turned toward the ground like a dejected child. "What're you..." Steve trailed off, trying to grasp at Eddie's meaning. He didn't like how emotional this was making Eddie, and he didn't like that he wasn't able to help him. Whether that was with walking or feeling better. "You're not always going to be here..." Eddie repeated, his tone much softer as he continued to hold onto Steve, still unable to stand on his own.
"We'll... I'll be here for as long as you need," Steve tried, still not understanding what Eddie meant. "No--you... how long is it going to take for me to be normal again? A month? Five? What if it's never? What if I don't get better? You're not always---I'm not going to make any of you put your lives on hold so I can stand up and go take a fucking piss," Eddie gritted out, his voice getting tight at the end, his emotions obviously raw. Steve quieted as he stood there, understanding what Eddie meant, but not agreeing. He had to imagine that being immobilized by an injury would drive him insane too, and he understood to a degree how deregulating it was not to be able to do everything he demanded of his own body. Recovery was slow, and hard, and Eddie wasn't going to have an easy go of it, but pushing himself wasn't going to help.
"That's stupid," Steve said bluntly, watching as Eddie looked up at him, completely surprised by his words. "You almost died, Eddie. No one other than some action hero from a bad B-movie is going to recover that fast. You're just going to make it worse. You have to rebuild the muscles, man. Learn to walk properly; there isn't a point in doing it if you're going to teach yourself to do it wrong, and then have to correct yourself over and over. You'll probably hurt yourself. It'll be painful, man." Eddie seemed shocked silent by Steve's words, still hanging there as he stared. "Isn't it the same with music? You practice and practice the same string over and over again until you get it right? And then you have to practice the right way or you're never going to do it?" Steve asked, watching Eddie inhale unevenly. "Eddie... none of us are going to abandon you, that's not what we do. I'm not going to make you do this by yourself." Eddie looked away again, a choked-sounding laugh escaping him as he let his hair tumble in front of his face to hide his emotions. Steve didn't stare, instead trying to look across the room to give Eddie a bit of privacy. He knew this wasn't easy, and the emasculation of being unable to do anything by yourself had to suck, so Steve tried to preserve as much of Eddie's dignity as he could manage. "Yeah... like learning a new chord," Eddie swallowed, his voice sounding rough.
He took another beat before trying to stand up on his own again, leaning heavily on his cane, but not letting go of Steve's arm either. "Going to ruin your summer--I don't want to be a burden," Eddie breathed, obviously trying to sound a little jokey, despite his words. "You're not a burden," Steve replied easily, shifting to stand beside Eddie to help him walk toward the hall of the trailer. "What else am I doing with my summer? Swim? Actually, might be good to get you to swim. Low impact, but great muscle strengthening. Probably be good for you to swim." "I can't swim," Eddie laughed, his tone bittersweet and laced with a much deeper emotion. "I'll teach you," Steve offered, not putting too much stock in his own words. "I used to teach kids to swim all the time during the summer back in '83 and '84. It's easy." Eddie went quiet again as he took careful step after careful step down the hall toward the washroom. "Yeah... okay," Eddie mumbled quietly as he leaned on the door handle and breathed hard from the effort of walking just that short distance.
"Okay?" Steve repeated, "Hallelujah, he compromises." Steve said sarcastically as he helped Eddie slide the door aside. "Man, shut up," Eddie grouched, but he sounded charmed by the gentle tease. "What're you going to get mad about now? Not holding my dick while I piss?" "Grow up," Steve retorted, trying to sound friendly. Eddie laughed and Steve helped him as far as the sink before letting go. "Don't fall over, and don't try and stand. Just sit down, you're still recovering, man." "Don't tell me how to use the toilet, Harrington. You're not my nurse-maid," Eddie grouched, able to wobble from the sink edge to brace on the back of the toilet. "You're lucky I'm not, probably would have sedated you by now if that was the case," Steve teased again, getting another small laugh from Eddie before he turned to leave the room. "Holler if you need something." "Harrington..." Eddie mumbled, and Steve paused at the door as he held it open. "Don't... thanks... thank you." "Don't worry about it," Steve smiled, "any time man... really. Any time, I don't mind hanging out with you at all." Eddie glanced over at him, and Steve flashed him another smile before sliding the door shut and walking back down the hall. He leaned there, waiting for Eddie to call him back over when he needed him. None of this was easy, and he didn't blame Eddie for having a hard time with it. He wanted Eddie to get his freedom back as soon as possible, but he truly didn't mind hanging around with Eddie whenever he wanted him there. He liked it, actually. He liked feeling needed and helpful, and Steve liked the idea of teaching Eddie to swim. He owed a lot to Eddie, and he had meant it when he said he wasn't going to abandon him. A month, five, forever... Steve didn't plan on abandoning Eddie for anything.
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chemistryread · 2 years
god, being in love with robin and watching her heart break over vickie at the war zone.
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getting bumped in the shoulder when she runs out. following steve's gaze.
your eyes falling on a short red-haired familiar figure, bizarrely wide-eyed while being kissed by a mature looking blonde. a guy.
right. shit.
"i'll pay you back, promise."
chucking the stuff you gathered in steve's cart and running after her, his protest promptly ignored.
beelining for the stolen trailer, instead, you almost trip on robin's legs.
she's sitting on the curb, long limbs folding over each other, succesfully hiding in between two gigantic trucks. her wrists are crossed on top of her head, face resting on her knees.
it would be funny, this tall woman trying to ball up and disappear into herself, if it wasn't such a delicate moment.
"go away." muffled by her jeans.
knowing better, you sit down next to her. "i'm sorry, robin."
she looks up, bangs spiking in all the wrong directions. "i thought you were steve."
"let us take a minute to appreciate the fact that neither you or i are steve harrington."
hand on your chest, you dramatically feign undying gratitude. it's silly, but your joke pulls a snort out of the dejected girl by your side, so it can't be the worst you've ever done.
as quick as the levity in the air comes, it goes. her nose rubs her forearm, soothing.
"you know, not everyone likes one or the other. things aren't so straightforward. people tend to come with their own specific settings."
robin stiffens up. you hadn't talked about this yet. you don't know if she would've ever told you. she still might not. you just want her to know, you…
"what, uhm, wha-" her white teeth almost blind you with the forced smile that spreads open. she's stuttering and shaking her head, trying to salvage her blunder.
"there might still be hope, with vickie."
blue teary eyes go wide.
you want to hug her, tell her 'your secret's safe with me, as long as mine is safe with you'. but instead, all you do is smile sympathetically.
"you're not exactly subtle."
"ughhhh." face hiding again, this time sobs break out and you have to hold back from pulling her head up and wiping the tears. "i just thought she might be…or this time it might…be different. how stupid of me, right, i know. but i swear there was something in the way we looked at each other, these tiny moments we shared during the games or band practice…"
so robin buckley is not oblivious to stolen glances. just yours, apparently. oh, you want to die.
"so she's got someone." you shrug, used to making light of every bad situation. "for now. relationships don't last forever, especially at this age."
you get a giggle this time.
"you're terrible."
does she really think so?
"wait, so, did-did steve-"
"no, he would never." you're quick to reassure your friend. "you offend me, you know? i wasn't born in hawkins, buckley, i've been around. there's a whole world out there, one i'd risk saying you don't know much about. sometimes it's closer than you might imagine. "
the words are at the tip of your tongue, and you wish it was the right time for that. it never seems to be. but it's no good to have robin short-circuit with the amount of new information when you're about to fight for your lives.
"and you're okay with it? i mean, you still want to be friends?"
i want to be so much more. i love you. i've loved you all this time.
"my feelings for you haven't changed at all." terrible aftertaste.
her smile is more sincere now, relaxed. she looks even prettier when she feels free.
glancing away, staring ahead, her forehead wrinkles. "do you think vickie would still like me if she found out?"
the air almost gets caught in your throat, mustering up supportive words.
"trust me, soon enough that tiny little molly ringwald wannabe will see the huge mistake she's made and probably show up to your bedroom window with a very long, very cheesy speech. you just gotta wait for her to realize."
robin cringes.
"do people really do that? wait around for the person they like to fall out of love with someone else and suddenly notice the right choice, you, was there all along?"
your turn to wince.
"you'd be surprised."
you're squinting, eyes fighting against the sunlight and tracing your friend's features, the ones you've spent hours dreaming about feeling under your fingertips.
robin finally looks back, a glimpse of hopefulness in her light eyes. yours avert to the shining asphalt.
her hands move to sit next to yours, holding onto the sidewalk.
"thank you."
it's a quiet whisper, you know she means more than the advice about vickie.
"anytime." you bump her shoulder lightly, eyes still on the ground. for a brief moment, you inch closer, looking at her again. "you're not alone, robin."
her pinky ghosts over yours for a fraction of a second, when you hear erica and lucas arguing nearby.
jumping up, you offer her a hand.
on the way to the trailer, she pats you in the back and says, "just hope i make it so i can hear that speech."
your smile drops as soon as her back is turned to you. you're kind of hoping for the same. there's nothing robin buckley deserves more than to be happy, no matter what that meant for you.
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classicanalyzer · 3 days
The Acolyte - Lost/Found and Revenge/Justice Thoughts
"The Jedi live in a dream. A dream they believe everyone shares. If you attack a Jedi with a weapon, you will fail. Steel or laser are no threat to them. But an Acolyte...An Acolyte kills without a weapon. An Acolyte... kills the dream." Stranger Dark Side user
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I totally guessed that Indara would bite the dust based on how little we saw her in the trailers.
While Mae is cruel for her goal, she isn’t heartless when she spares the bartender after she sees his kid.
I'm so glad the Neimodian voices are not the racist accents from the PT in this show (though I will admit after hearing those voices for so long and in the iconic memes, it feels weird to hear non-racist voices...but nonetheless it's very good it's not present). I applaud Lucasfilm for doing this. Also my shameless advertising of Brotherhood, that book did a lot of justice to the Neimodian race. It's also just an amazing SW novel in general.
I love Sol and Osha a lot. Sol (played by Lee Jung-jae who did an amazing job at portraying Sol, he even learned English for the show! I'm so happy to see a great Korean Jedi Master. I feel represented and it's a great feeling) truly represents the best of the Jedi and is clearly disturbed by the direction of the Jedi Order's current path. I also like how Osha despite no longer being a Jedi still holds out for the best of them. Her funny banter with Pip also gives her some levity in an otherwise dark story.
Yord represents the dogma of the future PT Jedi Order while Jecki represents the emotion suppression of the PT Jedi. However, I like how the two just like Sol quickly caught on that Mae is definitely alive and is doing the crimes when Sol told them about her.
The Polan is such an amazing ship design and I love the Hyperspace ring-based craft that carried it.
I very much appreciate that Sol believed her rather even hesitating for a moment. It shows how much Sol is different from the other Jedi who were more ready to place judgment on Osha.
We also see the beginnings of the Jedi Order of the HR Era to the PT Era with the Jedi becoming concerned with emotions leading to attachment (ironically missing the point that emotions can also make people stronger through their bonds but they must make sure emotions don't lead to attachment) and their reputation to the greater public. Even visually, the Jedi Temple of the HR Era is shown to be much higher than the Temple in the PT Era where the levels of Coruscant expanded upwards kinda pulling the Jedi down.
The production value behind this show is simply incredible. All the practical sets and on-site location shooting are present. I love seeing the diverse array of aliens in this show including a Zygerrian Jedi (we also got a prominent one in the HR Era comics as well). As much as I love Andor a lot, I will admit that the lack of aliens in that show is noticeable.
I also absolutely love the Dark Side figurer's speech to the Acolyte at the end of the episode.
I really like how Sol is concerned about Osha falling to a dark side. With what is implied with Torbin's vague last statement, there's something bigger with Sol's concerns for Osha and desire to help Mae beyond failing them both.
Qimir is a squirmy little vendor. I feel there might be more to the guy than we think.
Master Torbin killing himself was one of the most unexpected dark turns I didn't see coming. I get a feeling the four Jedi might've been involved in the destruction of the Aniesya twins family although I highly doubt they were personally involved in the destruction but might've accidentally led to it.
I also love how the HR Jedi that Mae targets never attack her (except for Indura who decided to finally use her Lightsaber). The entire time Sol was fitting Mae he was more focused on asking her and disarming her weapons. A true Jedi never attacks first but to disarm and to try to prevent a conflict by non-violent means first.
Also very interesting that Mae didn't know Osha was alive. It's going to be quite an interesting conversation between Mae and her master when they reunite. That look when Mae finally sees her sister alive is amazing acting (you almost forget that they're portrayed by the same person which is how great Amandla Stenberg, Osha and Mae's actress, is).
I can't wait to figure out what's Kelnacca's deal next week.
The music done by Michael Abels is phenomenal and I cannot wait to analyze more into the score once the soundtrack comes out.
Overall, I really love this show. Leslye Headland and her team absolutely cooked and I need to talk more about the mysterious Dark Side figure's speech and how it related to their plan in the show.
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agentnico · 4 months
Suncoast (2024) review
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Can we all just agree that Woody Harrelson is an absolutely wonderful human being! Honestly, whether he’s giving life lessons in coming of age stories or killing zombies in endlessly creative ways, he’s an absolute delight.
Plot: A teen living with her strong-willed mother must take her brother to a specialized facility. She strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist at protests surrounding a landmark medical case.
I went into this weekend expecting to love the new Bob Marley movie, yet came out disliking that mess of a biopic and instead found charm in this little Sundance indie flick from Searchlight that has absolutely warmed my heart. You may be mistaken by the trailers to think this is a throwaway YA comedy, but it is in fact a coming of age drama that is grounded in realism and tackles some raw and emotional themes of grief and growing up. It is very much in vain of films like Edge of Seventeen, Little Miss Sunshine and Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, where it uses lighthearted humour to connect you with the characters, only to then still throw you in the deep end by tackling a depressing subject. With how the lead girl has to still try and live a normal life, go to school, try to make friends all the while still needing to look after her disabled brother and overbearing mother, it’s a difficult and dysfunctional situation, but one that is made very digestible for the casual viewer.
Nico Parker already showed off her potential dramatic chops in her limited appearance in The Last of Us series last year, however here she really manages to skilfully tackle the emotional challenges of her complex character. Exploring teenage escapades, she expresses a realistic sense of wonder, while balancing it with the emotional toll she faces from her brother's illness. Echoing that heavy toll, Laura Linney adds dramatic layers to her intense performance as a mother, grieving her son before he passes. Adding levity to the emotional tale, Woody Harrelson acts as a friendly face, coping with his own underlying trauma. Through delightful and relatable performances, the cast elevates each other, as they bring the director's experiences to the cinema.
Again, what really works in Suncoast’s favour is how real it feels. Yes, a few lines of dialogue here and there come off a bit too cheesy and tacky, but overall this is a very earnest depiction of teenage angst. You can really tell that director/writer Laura Chinn used experiences from her own childhood to respectfully honour the memory of her brother’s battle with cancer, hence why the result is so powerful. Honestly. Suncoast doesn’t break any new ground in the coming of age genre, but it is nevertheless a delightful surprise and a film that managed to really move me by the time the credits rolled. It’s one of those films you might miss, but you really shouldn’t.
Overall score: 7/10
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joezy27 · 10 months
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Marvel’s Avengers: Behind the Performance - Ashly Burch / Kate Bishop
By Duncan Heaney - 01/06/21
We speak to award-winning actor Ashly Burch about taking on the role of an Avenger, the importance of trusting the director and hitting the mark for a fan-favorite Hero.
A new Hero has joined Marvel’s Avengers: Kate Bishop.
This skilled archer arrives with a bow, some experimental AIM tech, and a tongue that’s sharper than her sword.
Tough, smart, and witty enough to even put Tony Stark on the back foot, she’s brought to life by an incredible vocal performance from Ashly Burch. We had an opportunity to talk to the actor about her love of the character, how she approached the role, and her techniques for hitting the bullseye in the recording booth.
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Image credit: OuterRimsPhoto
Hi Ashly. We understand you jumped at the chance to play this character in Marvel’s Avengers…
They had me at Kate Bishop, honestly! (laughs)
I’m a big Kate Bishop fan. When I saw that she was the character I was auditioning for, I got so excited because I love her in the comics!
What is it about Kate that makes her so appealing to you?
I think the great thing about Kate in the game is that she's funny, she's snarky and she's badass, but also visibly hurt by a sense of abandonment from the Avengers. They went quiet on her after A-Day, and she carries a chip on her shoulder about that.
It adds a really interesting bit of color to her character. She presents a very impenetrable front, but in reality, she has a little bit of a gushy center. She does want a sense of family and community, and feels a bit rejected and abandoned at the start of the story because the family that she thought she had disappeared on her. She carries that with her.
I also feel like her relationship with Clint Barton (Hawkeye) is layered in that same way. There’s a jokey and ribbing exterior, but she has a genuine care for him that makes her really vulnerable.
So I think that combo of the bravado that she presents herself with, alongside this sensitivity when it comes to feeling like she’s not part of the team - or wanting to feel like she’s part of the team - makes her feel really well rounded and complex.
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Image credit: Square-Enix
Is that something you relate to?
Well, I think that part of being an actor is finding a way to relate to whatever character you're playing.
Even if there's a character that's very divorced from how you present yourself, or who you think that you are, there's probably some sort of synchronicity there that you can tap into.
I'm different from a lot of my characters… but I also share certain traits. For example, with Chloe in Life is Strange, there’s a universal experience of grief or feeling displaced. I know what these things feel like, even though I’m not a blue-haired teenager living in the West!
So I think part of our jobs as actors is to find the universal quality that the character has, tap into that, and tap into our own lives, and imbue all that into the character. We do a disservice to our characters, male, female, or non-binary, when we don't see them as complete people.
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Image credit: OuterRimsPhoto
One thing that defines Kate in the game is her sense of humor. Was that something fun to portray?
It's always fun when you get to play comedy. That's not always present in games - sometimes there's a lot of heaviness, certainly in many of the games that I’ve been in. So anytime there’s an opportunity for levity, it’s great - and Kate is really funny!
I get excited about stuff like that. Not just the complexity of the character, but the sense that: oh, this is gonna be fun! I’m going to get to play. I’m going to get to try stuff and be weird and wacky.
How much did you get to play in the role of Kate Bishop? Did the team give you room to improvise?
Oh yeah, totally. I don't remember everything that I improvised, but they definitely let me do it. I'm pretty sure the ‘boop’ in the trailer when I flick that guy's head is one. I think I’d seen mo-cap for that and I said ‘boop’ as we were recording lines, and they kept it!
They really let me inject my own personality into Kate and try stuff out. There’s a lot of really fun banter in particular between her and the other Avengers that I got to play more loose and try stuff with. It was really fun.
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Image credit: OuterRimsPhoto
You definitely feel that fun in the performance…
Sure, but to be honest, it’s not just about what I'm bringing but also the team I'm working with.
Developing a sense of trust with the director is really important, because the more comfortable or safe you feel, the more you can explore and try stuff, while sticking within the parameters of what the project needs.
So, if I was like a little sheep that wants to wander and do 20 minutes of improv, I knew they could let me play as much as necessary but get me back to the scene (laughs).
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Image credit: Square-Enix
So which element of the role did you most enjoy?
I keep harping on about the banter, but I really love the banter. It was so fun to record!
As someone who likes Marvel, and likes the Avengers, to be joking around with Tony Stark or Thor was really fun! But there's also just so much character and so much personality that comes out in those moments.
I feel like you get a lot of amazing Kate stuff in the main story, and then those bantering moments make all the characters feel more real and multi-dimensional.
I’m pleased with the whole experience - it’s been really amazing - but I particularly enjoyed those sections because that’s the stuff that as a player, as a viewer, I love to see.
What was the most challenging thing about the role of Kate Bishop?
Well, there’s always a period of calibration when you play a new character - you have to understand what her highs and her lows are, and play with the funniness or snarkiness so that it doesn’t become pat or tired… basically, make sure she feels like a real person.
That’s always the challenge - just making every character feel real and grounded - even when the setting or story isn’t particularly grounded itself.
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Image credit: OuterRimsPhoto
She’s not the only Marvel character you’ve played, of course. You recently portrayed Danika Hart in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales for example…
Yeah, I have actually. That's interesting - I didn't even think about that. I've also played Nebula a couple of times in other games. It’s funny - I’ve dipped my toe into a few different little pools in the Marvel realm!
What’s cool is that they're all very different characters. Danika Hart reminds me a little bit of Kamala Khan actually - in that she’s so excited to be part of that world. I wouldn’t go as far as to say she’s a fan girl - well, maybe a bit of a phantom Spider-Man fan girl - but she’s really dedicated to helping people through her podcast. I liked playing her.
Kate’s really different because she has this bravado - this sense of: ‘Don’t worry about me - I can do it on my own’, but in reality she really wants to have that community with the Avengers.
So that’s a big difference - Danika is already embedded in the community, while Kate is pretending she doesn’t need one.
And Nebula… well, she’s a villain half the time, so that makes her distinct (laughs).
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Image credit: Patman_Parkour
How challenging is it to do all these characters as voice-over rather than motion capture?
I only started doing motion capture a little bit later on in my career, so voiceover is my bread and butter. It's sort of where I live.
I think I've had enough time, experience and on-the-job training to be able to really embody a character using the tools that I have in the booth. What’s amazing about voiceover is there's so much you can communicate through just your voice.
It’s great to do both, of course, but there’s so much rich, awesome stuff that can come from a vocal performance.
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Image credit: OuterRimsPhoto
Do you have any rituals or vocal techniques that help you find your characters?
I do vocal warm ups, but I find that once I’ve established a character, it’s pretty easy to lock back in.
Kate was not super-hard for me to find - she’s so well-written and fun and I already knew her from the comics.
I do really weird stuff when I’m in the booth mind you…
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Image credit: OuterRimsPhoto
Like what?
Well, my friend Jessie Ennis from Mythic Quest taught me a trick, which has helped me immensely for making more space in your mouth. Basically, you stick your tongue out and say your line. (Sticks tongue out) Like thid!
What it does is make more space in your mouth, so it's easier to articulate - and it’s really useful, especially if you have a lot of techno jargon, or if I’m playing a helper character that’s explaining all this stuff to you.
When I do stuff like that, it makes it really easy to get through the more chunky lines. And sometimes I’ll do stuff like… (blows through lips) in between lines.
Voice actors do a lot of weird stuff (laughs)!
Many thanks to Ashly for speaking to us. Her performance makes Kate Bishop as endearing as she is formidable - but why take our word for it when you can hear it for yourselves?
Kate Bishop is available now for free in Marvel’s Avengers (as are all future characters).
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duchessofhastings · 2 years
Dakota Johnson stars in a new Netflix original film premiering next month, but the movie is already getting some backlash. It is an adaptation of Jane Austen's final novel, Persuasion - a lauded depiction of life, love, loss and the grueling march of time. For some fans, the trailer for the new film adaptation is just a little too chipper.
Persuasion was written in 1816 and published in 1817 – the year that Austen passed away. As many fans have pointed out, this was a very difficult time in Austen's life, and the book reflects that. The trailer, on the other hand, gives off the tone of a romantic comedy with more levity than fans were expecting. Many felt that this was more than a bad adaptation, it was a symptom of poor literacy and of a cultural disinterest in difficult topics.
Dakota Johnson's New Netflix Movie 'Persuasion' Sparks Backlash on Social MediaDakota Johnson stars in a new Netflix original film premiering next month, but the movie is 
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Whumptober No. 3: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But...
Taunting | Insults | “Who did this to you?”
Summary: Nothing could’ve prepared Geralt for Jaskier being brought to Kaer Morhen, nor for the sight of the bandages on his injured hands. Despite what happened on that mountain, Geralt wants to know who did this - who took away something so integral to the core of Julian Alfred Pankratz. But he doesn’t get the answer he thought he would.
Words: 2k
A/N: DAY THREE LET’S GOOO! And after two and a half months, I’ve finally gotten another witcher fic out! It feels good! I missed writing for this fandom so much (and it’ll help me ease back into Spider’s Thread), and this was SUCH a fun prompt fill for today. This was inspired by some of That Jaskier Content from the latest s2 trailer, and it’s... implications about the state of his hands. I hope you enjoy!
[CW: Hurt/No Comfort, Torture Aftermath, Hand Injury]
Nothing could have prepared Geralt for this.
No, there was nothing in this world - not even a miracle - that could’ve prepared Geralt for the moment he sensed a portal - one of Yen’s portals - outside the keep.
For the moment he ran out to a balcony and saw her there, having somehow - despite everything he believed, everything he thought he knew for certain - having survived the Battle of Sodden Hill; for the moment he’d lay eyes on a very much alive Yennefer… with a bard’s arm drawn over her shoulder to support him.
His hair was longer now, down to his jaw, and a burgundy leather jacket - adorned with ribs and folds just like that red doublet he wore as he looked down at him on that mountain, heart shattered - lay in tatters on him, bandaged hands peeking out of it’s sleeves…
He didn’t look the same - Gods knew he didn’t look the same - but Geralt still recognized Jaskier.
He was shuffled into one of the many, many spare rooms almost immediately, and Geralt tried talking to Yennefer. Of course, she’d been tense with him, but that was alright. At least she was alive to be tense with him. He’d take that over a particular alternative any day.
Speaking of tense...
The keep had never felt so cold as right now, when Geralt of Rivia stood in the doorway of Jaskier’s impromptu room. Here, the bard sat in an old chair, in front of a desk he did not look like he’d use to write on anytime soon. No, he looked at the wood slab despondently, not even seeming to notice Geralt.
So, he spoke up, speaking to Jaskier, his companion of twenty years, for the first time since that mountain.
“Jaskier… you’re here.”
Jaskier didn’t look at him, but he did speak.
“Wasn’t my idea. I didn’t know where else to go, and even if I did, Yennefer insisted - didn’t think I’d be safe anywhere else. Can you believe that? Yennefer of Vengerberg has a soft spot for me. The end of days may very well be upon us.”
His voice was hoarse. Geralt knew it must have been from screaming. His eyes drew down to Jaskier’s hands, where patches of horrendous blue and gods-damned purple peeked out from slivers of space between the bandages that showed his open skin.
“Your hands…”
“Oh, these old things?” Jaskier looked down at them,  “Well, Yenny did her best, but they still hurt like a bitch to play with. I won’t bestow new ballads on the world for a while yet. Sorry if you expected me to sing your praises…”
But his tone made it clear that he wouldn’t do that even if his hands were as good as they were that day in Posada, or in Cintra, or on that mountain…
Geralt pursed his lips, trying to hold back his question. He didn’t deserve to know, he knew that, but he had to…
“...Who did this to you?” he spat out.
Jaskier lifted his gaze to meet the Witcher’s, and he laughed. It wasn’t like before - like the sunrise in the spring, like the bloom of buttercups, like love and joy and all the things he came to equate with Jaskier’s laughter, however unconscious, unadmitted these comparisons were. No, it was an empty, sardonic, quietly angry thing.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“That’s why I asked.”
“And for what?” he asked, “So you can tear some fucker to shreds for laying a hand on me? Because you think I’m still your naive companion that would swoon at the thought of you exacting revenge on him for my sake? So you can make some grand gesture of brutality?”
“I’m not the one of us enamored with grand gestures.”
Jaskier tilted his head back and huffed. The shift in his movement made his hair move a bit, and Geralt realized he missed that little swoop - the little… floof, even - of hair that went down his forehead before, when his hair had been shorter.
“I think that’s the first time you’ve ever said “us” about me and you.” Jaskier remarked, “Twenty years, and you acknowledge that I was something to you. Not sure what, but something.”
“You were…” 
Jaskier’s eyes widened as if he remembered something, “Oh! Right! I remember - a shitshoveler. The catalyst for all your plights, something life would bless you by taking off your hands.”
Guilt sliced into Geralt like a kikimora’s claws.
“Looks like life heard “taking” and “hands” and went straight to me…” Jaskier huffed with the ghost of amusement with himself, looking down at his hands.
“Of course you can still joke.”
Jaskier shrugged, “Not much else to do. They took my lute, and my ability to play it, but they haven’t taken my wit.”
He crossed his legs.
“The funny thing is…” he said, staring down at the cracks in the table in front of him, “There was a little bit there where, if you’d apologized, I would’ve forgiven you. But… there wasn’t a trace of you to speak of after that hunt. Nowhere I went. Not that I went looking.”
“I didn’t have time to look for you, either.” Geralt said, “I was with Ciri.”
Jaskier snapped his gaze up.
“Oh, come now, Witcher.” he said with venom Geralt only ever knew from bigoted villagers that Jaskier had tried to change the minds of with his songs before, “Does your prolonged lifespan render you timeblind, or has your head been so far up your ass for so long that you can’t even properly tell time anymore?”
“Two years, Geralt.” he said, “A blink of an eye for you, maybe, but that’s how long it was between that damned dragon hunt and the fall of Cintra. Two years you could have found me, before Cintra fell, before-”
He snapped his jaw shut.
“Before who?”
“No, Geralt!” he snapped, slamming his hands on the table to help him stand up. It seemed that his anger stopped him from realizing how bad that would hurt, and he hissed through gritted teeth. Geralt tried to step forward, but it was like the ground between them was covered in hot coals, and Geralt’s feet couldn’t have been more bare.
Once the pain seemed to quell, Jaskier’s eyes opened, and he glowered at the Witcher.
“You don’t get to know. You don’t get to make that bastard beg for mercy and act like that fixes anything - as if it does anything but conflate your ego that is so, so massive despite how much you hate yourself. You don’t get to take revenge on my behalf. You don’t get to act like this,” he held up his hands, “is anything compared to what you did to my heart.”
“I’m sorry-”
“And you DON’T GET TO SAY THAT NOW.” he screamed, killing Geralt’s words before it could leave his lips.
Geralt saw tears in his eyes as he huffed shaky breaths.
“You don’t get to say it like some off-hand statement, only brought up since it’s relevant.” he said with a wavering voice, “You don’t get to only say it now that I’m here, fallen right in your lap because Gods knew where else Yennefer could take me. And you don’t get to say it like it means anything now.”
Jaskier lowered his gaze.
“...I sort of figured you were embarrassed. That you were too scared to get your head out of your ass, like you are with a lot of things, but once you did, I would’ve…”
He sighed.
“But I heard you went to Cintra. Heard you went to claim your child-surprise.”
“What does Cirilla have to do with this?” he asked.
“Who do you think he asked about with each bone he broke?” Jaskier asked, snapping his gaze back to Geralt, “You? If it were just you, I would’ve…”
He sighed.
“That isn’t the point. When I heard that after twelve years of running from your claim, you hauled your arse to Cintra to protect her, I realized that you were always capable of going back to unfinished business, to scorned places of the past - you could always do it, if it was for the sake of something important enough to you.”
Jaskier lowered his gaze again, smiling sadly - smiling bitterly. It was an odd thing, a bitter smile, but Jaskier, like a fine doublet, wore it well.
“I just wasn’t.” he said, “I’m not your destiny, or your djinn-bound soulmate. I was just a bard.”
My bard. Geralt wanted so badly to say.
“What could I have said?”
Jaskier’s lower lip quivered as he looked at the Witcher near-dumbfounded, as if his incredulousness were a dagger that cut him deep. He leaned back against the table.
“You tell me.” he shrugged, “For those two years, I was still stupid enough that anything would have worked. Really, I wished some of my eloquence rubbed off on you, and I could’ve gotten a plea that, in a spur of irony, I was one of the few blessings life ever granted you, but anything that sounded remotely like an apology would have worked.”
He put his hands on his hips. Geralt could tell how hesitant he was.
“...At least, it would have made me think I was worth an apology in your eyes, and I was worth all the work it could have taken, tracking me down to say it.”
He rubbed a patch of cloth on his trousers with his thumb. Geralt didn’t miss how the corner of his lip twitched.
“At least, I could’ve known that what you said really was just a product of the heat of the moment, sprung forth by a misplaced attempt at levity, and there was no truth to it. I was so desperate that I would have taken anything if it meant I’d stop missing you.”
“You obviously stopped missing me eventually.” 
Jaskier threw his head back again, “Wrong again, Geralt.”
He stood up straight again and walked across the floor, which, to Geralt, was still littered with hot coals he couldn’t dare step over.
“Do you really think that the venom in your words - the spit from your lips - the fury in your eyes could clear you from my mind? From my heart?” he walked right up to Geralt, though the space between them felt like it was pushing the Witcher away from Jaskier like a magnet.
“Do you really think that anything but the Gods themselves could’ve made me stop missing you?”
Geralt couldn’t say anything. Hearing Jaskier’s words… it was like a vocal hex, like someone had sewn his very lips shut.
(Perhaps if he had done so himself before that day on the hunt, things wouldn’t have gone so bad…)
(No, no, he still would’ve found a way to ruin things. He was Geralt of Rivia, after all.)
Jaskier was only inches away from him now - a distance like something from a dream, after they’d been distant for so long… but even though this was the closest their bodies had ever been to one another, the Witcher knew that Jaskier’s mind - his heart - was as far away from Geralt as it could ever get.
Jaskier was the one to break eye contact - as if he was still terrified of giving the Witcher the chance to break anything - and he looked down to his feet.
“...If you want to know who broke my hands, Yennefer knows more than I.” he said, “She’s the one that found me, told me more of who he was. All I have is a name for a face.”
Geralt turned to leave. Jaskier grabbed his wrist.
The touch burned.
Jaskier lifted his head and looked Geralt in the eye.
“...You want to know who did this to me? Who ruined me? Who broke me?”
Jaskier’s eyes bore into Geralt’s soul, the ice blue of his irises piercing him like shards.
“Go look back on that mountain.”
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Stranger Things 4 vol. 1 thoughts I guess...
I saw someone say that they wished Robin had played a more subtantial role than just the lesbian comic relief, and I absolutely agree. I think some of it is that every season introduces a new charcter to the gang (s1 = El, s2 = Max, s3 = Robin, s4 = Eddie and I guess Argyle maybe), so it feels a little like the previous new charcter gets a bit lost. This isn't to say I didn't absolutely adore her this season because I did. I'm holding onto the hope that she'll become more central to the story in volume 2 and then in s5. And as far as I'm aware they're planning on s5 to be the final one, so honestly I'd hope they don'yt introduce a new member to the gang and give the other charcters their space to shine sort of like what's happening now with Max. But either way I love my little chaos lesbian with all my heart.
Also Eddie: a fabulous addition. I love him. I love that The (Older) Teens get him because he's fun. I love the fact that he's kind of a coward and a dork. He so easily could have been an asshole or the cool emo guy but instead he's kind of super sweet and a scaredy cat (which tbh is very understandable), and he brings a whole different level of levity to the group, and him and Robin balance each other out in a really fun way as well!
I'm glad we get 2 volumes because the focus has been so heavily on the Hawkin's group (which I do think has been in some way's the more interesting plotline tbh proibably in part because there's just more happening and more development on it) and I want to see the Nevada/Cali/Alaska/Russia group finally return to Hawkins and see what those new developments (Hopper is alive; The Buyers have unequivocally adopted El and Joyce and Jim are gonna get together; El is gonna get her powers back and possibly be even stronger; Nancy and El now know Vecnas origin story; Will/Mike; etc) are gonna bring to the whole group dynamic. Also interested in teh fact that there is gonna be a s5 which means whatever happens to vecna this isn't gonna be the end of the Upside Down and the Mind Flayer most likely.
Then finally: someone did point out that there's a number of scenes in the s4vol1 trailers that didn't appear in the show. I honestly think they might be in vol 2 and here's why (I did binge these episodes so if I'm gettings tuff wrong just lemme know!)
I don't remember Vecna's line of "You've broken everything (...) you're suffering is almost at an end" being in the show. If I was to guess I'd say this is directed at either Nancy (because she is the last person to get vecna'd), Will (because he has to play some kind role in this, and it may be linked back to his dissaperance/getting out of the UD) or Eleven (because she sent Henry/Peter/001 to the UD and essentially I guess turned him into vecna and she is likely to be super significant in defeating him) also because all 3 have suffered serious serious trauma...
2. The Army finding El/the bunker. This was heavily implied when the one agent who gets captured finally tells Sullivan where they're keeping her. And in the trailer's there's a few shots of the humvees and helicopter in the area. Plus there is El (in normal clothes) standing in front of an explosion in the desert. I think all of this is gonna be in vol 2 because where we left of El is still in the bunker and the army just found out the location so it seems likely to be something that will still happen.
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3. The (Older) Teen's decked out in battle gear in the UD + Eddie playing guitar on top if his trailer in teh UD. Idk why I think this is still to come tbh, it just feels very final battle-esque. It would make sense to have Eddie distract vecna/play music to bring someone (El?) out of a possession while the others attack. Or if the'se are unconnected then possibly Eddie playing music is to save Nancy or himself...? I wonder if that would be possible, to save yourself by playing music/singing. That would be fascinating if true because we know both Maya and Finn also sing and that would be a fun way to include that here in a realistic way + would save them teh trouble of decking everyone out with headphones.
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Also we see Dusting decked out in a similar fashion which further's my belief that this is some (maybe final) battle yet to come. Also doesn't Dusting currently have braces? If so then this would make sense as something yet to occur because it doesn't look like he has braces on here...
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4. El in the upside down. This is just a follow up of 2. She's wearing the same outfit minus the jacket/flannel and her head is shaved so we know chronologically it would have to be after she goes into the bunker, and most likely after she gets out because she's in normal clothes again. Also feels very final battle-esque and could be linked to 1 if Vecna is in fact talking to her here, because she is being dragged upwards onto what could be one of Vecnas tower-thingies, also it looks like her nose is bleeding so it could be in the middle of a fight agaisnt him.
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5. Erica and Lucas and the blue light. There's a scene in the trailer of Erica in some house (possibly the Creel's) with a blue lantern and then one of Lucas screaming/yelling with the same blue light. They also show the grandfather/hallucination clock in the attick which we haven't seen yet. So possibly the kids go back to the house for some reason and Vecna attakcs Erica. To me it makes sense for vecna to try and attack everyone through their loved ones so going for Erica seems likely (poor Lucas if this is true) alternatively it could be literally anyone else like Max again and just in the same setting.
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6. There's a scene of Karen and Holly which if I was to guess I'd say might occur if the army raided the Wheeler's house looking for the kids/El
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chroniclerwabba · 2 years
halo infinite is just not worth playing/completing for what little you end up getting which - quite frankly - hurts to say because so many of us were banking on this game. and there is a lot in the game to like but sadly not enough of it.
the grappling hook is fun and the gunplay is very solid, not to mention that chief, cortana 2, and echo 216 pilot all have likeable dynamics with each other. and that’s it. there’s really not much else good about it
The open world aspect just doesn’t work and holds the game back. Firefights with enemies where you have plenty of room to clamber, grapple, and maneuver are great, but it’s held back by the various Ubisoft copy/paste time fillers. Vehicle maneuvering is such a chore because the terrain is too mountainous, and there’s not enough open vistas to just drive across. I was taking a warthog with two marines up a hill to fight this powerful group of brutes, and the moment you catch any air - even for a second where you just bump a small hill - you lose momentum and start sliding down the hill, undoing any progress you made. The horses in Skyrim shouldn’t be outperforming and outnavigating the military ATVs in a game that ten years younger. The checkpoint system can work for or against you. The game also severely lacks variety in its levels because you’re just stuck in that one alpine forested part of the map. No deserts, beaches, swamps, or tundras like we see in the last games or even footage. Hell, we don’t even get those deer or brontothere we saw in the trailer. A lack of enemy variety also kinda hinders things because outside of the Covenant, you fight the sentinels on occasion. No Flood or Prometheans or anything new to tackle.
The plot itself - despite being a sequel to Halo 5 and Halo Wars 2 - feels like reboot of Halo 1 again but half finished. The game starting us over Zeta Halo fighting Atriox with no real frame of reference after the events of Guardians/Wars 2 only to hard cut six months later to a completely different setup is such a strange decision, which only serves the weird unnecessary twist at the end. The plot itself relies on Chief, the Pilot, and Cortana 2 which isn’t really a lot to stand on unfortunately. You don’t have anyone else to cooperate with and share screentime. No Bisenti, Mendoza, Stacker, Chips, Johnson, Arbiter, Shipmaster, Buck, Mickey, Dutch, Romeo, Noble Team, Keyes, or even a Guilty Spark. Not even Blue Team or Team Osiris are involved, just conveniently handwaved away as doing something else somewhere else. No characters to get into the shit with you and break things with some levity. They have marines there to say Funny Dialogue™, but it just feels more like a “well the old halos did it” rather than something they felt interested in. There are no marine characters out on the halo that you meet and go “oh, it’s that guy! I love him!” The marines are just bland characters there only to do the job and don’t feel like fun sidekicks to adventure with. Outside of the grunts, the other members of the Covenant feel rather flat and are reduced to very basic interpretations of their roles. Elites have lofty and drawn out dialogue about honor and battles with rather flat performances and no weight to the dialogue, which is nowhere near as entertaining as them just going “worhby” like in Halo 1. Also, why the fuck do Jackals talk now? It’s gross.
Escharum’s gimmick gets old really quick. I like warrior/philosopher villains, but every single encounter with him consists of a long-winded lofty soliloquy that’s there to pad the game’s time and set him up as this big final boss. Every cutscene plays out the same with him, and there’s no other interesting Covenant characters to balance him out. Everybody else is just some henchman for you to kill with nothing of their own to contribute. A major far cry away from the Prophets, Guilty Spark, Tartarus, Ripa ’Moramee, or Gravemind. Better than Jul ‘Mdama at least. Ultimately, you’re just relieved to kill Escharum because all those tedious dialogue sequences are finally over. And your reward is a rather abrupt ending that serves as a way to segway to more story DLC The Covenant has struggled with direction and development since 343 took over, and the Banished are just an extension of that. Unfortunate because Halo Wars 2 was fairly solid in handling the Banished.
Customization and in-game rewards are a fucking joke, with everything and anything you can unlocked being nickeled and dimed. Unless you get lucky and a weekly event rolls out something neat, the only way you’re getting anything to mix up your character model is either through the battle pass or buying it for $10-$20 on the store. Which you do by buying credits with real money that you then use to buy gear while also not offering a way to earn credits in-game, thus making me question why you have to buy credits in the first place and not just have the price be what it is. Hell, I fully admit I’ve bought a few things, but that came with the expectation that you would eventually unlock things naturally by playing and earn things in-game. But that is not the case, because the campaign dropped and all you get for it are emblems and skins. Three different variations of red and like two greys, I think. No exclusive armor from playing the campaign or collecting all the skulls. No Hayabusa, Mark V or IV, not even the Yoroi armor. It’s the most unfriendly thing I’ve seen to casual players and literally lootboxes would’ve been better, which is a hell of a fucking take. Even if you gotta lock a lot of customization behind a paywall, other games have done that in a way that’s less agonizing, like Warframe, FF14, Black Desert, etc. Even Fortnite does it better. The system is so rigid and restrictive that you can’t even colorize your armor pieces. You have to select pre-colorized skins that pick the pattern for you. Even Halo 5 wasn’t this bad.
Multiplayer has its own plethora of problems, which really stings considering how solid the gameplay loop is when it works. Bullet dropoff is a thing in many guns instead of them just being hitscan, which is just annoying. 343 weapons just don’t feel fun to play and lack the punch of the Bungie era weapons, most of which have been replaced aside from the iconic ones. Only ten levels to play, and they get old really fast. No way to vote on or choose what you wanna play as any sort of game variety is all RNG-based. So if you have a challenge where you need to do Stockpile in BTB, you have a 25% chance of getting Stockpile. This complete random shuffling of levels and gametypes is clearly a way to stretch out progression and make you sweat for everything you’re worth. The sandbox is also incredibly rigid and not at all casual friendly. It’s all geared towards the competitive scene and feeling like an esport. No Forge, Firefight, Infection, Grifball, Shotty Snipers, Co-Op, File Share, or anything like that. We just recently got Slayer and SWAT added.
This is clearly a game that needed another year in development and fine-tuning to be complete because - as is - the campaign is not worth $60. It’s barely worth $30. But Microsoft was determined to push thing out regardless because not only has it already been delayed once already and struggled with high turnover and being $500 million money sink, Microsoft desperately needs a hit to push Xbox sales. The Xbox needs a killer app because Xbox just doesn’t really have much going for it other than the Game Pass, and that’s not enough. Exclusives sell systems, and they’re struggling from a marketing and PR standpoint with that next to Sony.
Sony has its own problems, and PS Now is fucking garbage. But they have a much stronger library of major titles available and in the works for the PS5. Demon’s Souls, Persona 5, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, God of War, Ratchet and Clank, MediEvil, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Returnal, Bloodborne, Horizon, the KotOR remake, Wolverine, and Spider-Man. Xbox just has Gears, Forza, and Sea of Thieves. None of which really were the major gangbusters that either Sony’s titles or Halo are. And after missteps like Scalebound and Crackdown 3, they’re looking for some real payoff. Like a real solid system selling major success. Probably why they’re also bring Fable out of retirement as well.
It’s just unfortunate that Halo Infinite has such a solid foundation that is held back by abysmal game design decisions and now being reduced to a live service title when the series’ original solid stature proved it didn’t need to be that way. 343 has a whole new fight planned for you in the future, but as far as I’m concerned, this fight’s finished. Infinite can sit in the dumpster with Cyberpunk 2077.
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lovelylittlelevity · 7 months
This reminds me of how I was thinking of getting translations of Levity in other languages so everyone could enjoy it...but that is something for when the game is actually out and we have more to work with!
Oh I do hope I have this written right but if the creators of this see this: Большое спасибо!
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odanurr87 · 3 years
My thoughts on... Hotel del Luna
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From left to right: Pyo Ji-hoon as Ji Hyun-joong; Yeo Jin-goo as Gu Chan-sung; Lee Ji-eun (IU) as Jang Man-wol; Bae Hae-seon as Choi Seo-hee; and Shin Jung-keun as Kim Sun-bi.
Released in 2019, Hotel del Luna was my introduction to the works of the Hong sisters as well as actors Yeo Jin-goo and Lee Ji-eun (IU), and what an introduction it was! The first episode of the show was excellent, giving us a hint of Man-wol’s tragic past that left me wanting to know more, then moving forwards in time to reenact that scene from Beauty and the Beast where Belle’s father is caught trying to steal a rose from Beast’s garden to give to Belle, and finally reaching present day as Man-wol tries to recruit Chan-sung and introduces him, and us, to this world of gods, ghosts, and souls with lingering grudges, that reminded me of the wondrous world of Harry Potter. Everything clicked for me in this episode, from the beautiful cinematography and music to the strong performances, particularly IU’s as Man-wol who knocked it out of the park and, incidentally, has a most impressive wardrobe and an uncanny ability to look amazing in every single one of her outfits. This was a highly promising start for my next modern fantasy show after Goblin and I couldn’t wait for the next episode. But what is this show about and why should you watch it?
Plot synopsis
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21 years ago, Gu Chang-sung’s father cut a deal with the beautiful and mysterious owner of Hotel del Luna, Jang Man-wol, so that she would save his life in exchange for his son. Regretting the deal afterwards, the father left the country with his son hoping to spare him his fate. Believing himself to be safe, Gu Chan-sung has returned to work as assistant manager in one of Korea’s top hotels but Jang Man-wol is intent on collecting on the old debt by having him work in her hotel instead. However, Hotel del Luna is not your typical establishment, as Gu Chan-sung soon finds out, providing a service for souls who need healing or have grudges left to settle before moving on. While initially afraid of the prospect of becoming assistant manager at a hotel that serves ghosts, Gu Chan-sung finds himself intrigued by the challenge and curious about the story of the beautiful owner who runs it.
A magical atmosphere
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Stepping into the world of Hotel del Luna feels like taking the train at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters and attending Hogwarts. In fact, our intrepid hero, Gu Chan-sung, also receives a magical letter welcoming him as Hotel del Luna’s new manager, and while there’s nothing magical about the subway that takes him there Jang Man-wol does use a little magic to ensure their first encounter goes undisturbed. The hotel itself reminded me of Hogwarts, not because it is filled with ghosts and can only be found by them (and the very much alive and fearful human manager), but because of the feeling of perpetual wonder knowing that behind every door lies a new magical mystery waiting to be discovered, be it a room only people who are alive can enter but not exit, the sky lounge, a swimming pool that is actually a beach in some undetermined plane of existence, or a beautiful garden with a magical tree that holds one of the hotel’s biggest secrets. Of course, one should not forget CEO Jang Man-wol (if one wishes to live) who, while certainly a very different character from Albus Dumbledore in terms of personality, always knows more than she’s letting on and is usually in control of any situation, even if the outcome isn’t always the one she anticipates. There is also the wonderful supporting cast in the form of the different incarnations of the deity Ma Go-sin (played by Seo Yi-sook, who looks like she’s having a blast playing the different sides of the goddess), a reserved but diligent Grim Reaper (played by Kang Hong-suk), and the welcoming staff of the hotel, represented by the trio of Kim Sum-bi (the bartender), Choi Seo-hee (the room manager), and Ji Hyun-joong (the hotel receptionist).
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In the same way we cannot divorce Harry Potter from its music, given its distinct signature by that legend that is John Williams, I cannot forego mentioning Hotel del Luna’s mysterious, magical, and ethereal, instrumental soundtrack. Let me take you on a brief musical tour, shall I? Let’s start by taking subway line 4 and going to Hotel del Luna. The receptionist seems to be asleep so why don’t we let ourselves in? Wow, looks like the hotel’s throwing a party, apparently they’re welcoming human guests for the first time in years and the staff is particularly excited about it. That explains how we managed to get in (remember, this is not really a hotel for living, breathing, people). I can see that the bartender is busy receiving food orders and members of the staff are decorating the hall with real flowers. Hey, where’s that kid sneaking off to? Let’s follow him. Oh, that’s the Samdocheon Tunnel, which marks the boundary between this life and the afterlife. The Grim Reaper and the manager are there to bid farewell to one of the hotel’s guests. Apparently, there’s a bridge beyond the tunnel that takes 49 days to cross! I’m not eager to cross it just yet so let’s return to the hotel. Wait, why is there water everywhere? Looks like a water god managed to get past the receptionist (not that difficult when he’s asleep) and the CEO isn’t very happy about it. Yup, she definitely doesn’t look happy. We’d better make our exit before she figures out we shouldn’t be here.
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To complement this excellent instrumental soundtrack, my favourite among all the kdramas I’ve watched to date, there’s an amazing selection of songs by artists like Red Velvet, TAEYEON, Heize, Punch, Chung Ha, and Paul Kim, among many others. IU herself sings an absolutely beautiful song that plays in one of the most highly-anticipated scenes of the show but which, sadly, has not been released. However, just as important as having a great soundtrack is using it well. If you’ve read my reviews of Angel’s Last Mission: Love or Strong Woman Do-Bong Soon, you should have an idea of how much I value using the right music at the right time to convey or accentuate the proper emotions during dramatic, comedic, or romantic scenes. Correct music usage can lead to your soundtrack being memorable, whereas incorrect music usage will surely render it forgettable. Fortunately for us, Hotel del Luna knows precisely when to use its music and how. It knows when levity is called for and when it’s not, when to highlight the wondrous side of magic and when to show its darker side, when to use Heize’s “Can You See My Heart” or Punch’s “Done For Me.” I believe it was John Williams, when talking about the music of the original Star Wars trilogy, who said that he wanted the score to tell the story of what was going on in the screen. I believe Hotel del Luna’s score achieves this feat.
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Another aspect that contributes to the magical atmosphere of the show is, without a doubt, its incredible cinematography (from camera angles, through its beautiful use of lighting and colours) which, combined with its excellent score, can create scenes that are best defined as poetry in motion. I particularly liked how it favoured studio sets for shooting many of its scenes, giving the sensation that we’re watching a superb play that encourages us to send our imagination into overdrive. Even some of the more noticeable VFX work, like the city view from the hotel’s sky lounge plays into the notion that one cannot always tell what’s real and what’s fake in Hotel del Luna, as Man-wol warns Chan-sung that the view from the sky lounge is not from this world, but the fall will kill him just the same (Man-wol being Man-wol). Because I’m not knowledgeable enough to explain the show’s cinematography in technical terms, I’ll leave you with a trailer that captures some aspects of it and, luckily, also showcases Jang Man-wol’s incredible selection of dresses.
A part of a greater whole
In my review of Bring it on, Ghost I mentioned the show followed a certain formula that is often poorly executed in Western shows. There is a main story-arc that encompasses the whole of the show and there are side stories where our protagonists confront the “ghost of the week.” One of the strengths of Bring it on, Ghost lied in how these side stories would sometimes tie into the main story or would be used to expand on a character’s backstory so that they rarely came across as filler. Hotel del Luna executes the same formula with a lot more thought and care, often laying out the groundwork for events later down the episode, what is expected, or even later down the show, what is a bit more impressive. The Hong sisters remain true to their initially-stated intention throughout the show and reinforce this with the aid of these side stories, preparing both Gu Chan-sung and us for the inevitable dénouement of the show. Let me try to illustrate my point by way of an example. I don’t want to give more for fear of completely spoiling the show for you.
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Episode 5 tells the story of a ghost bride whose parents want to give a soul wedding so she will be able to peacefully pass into the afterlife. Unfortunately, the chosen partner for this soul wedding ends up being Gu Chan-sung’s best friend, Sanchez, so while Man-wol goes shopping as Audrey Hepburn with the parents’ black card (our girl has very expensive tastes), Gu Chan-sung tries to figure out a way to spare his terrified friend. After some twists and turns, what is often the case with this show as the truth is not always what it seems, it is revealed that it is actually the groom’s parents who want to marry off the bride so she’ll let go of their son, who’s in a coma. For those who’ve watched Bring it on, Ghost, the parallels with the ghost side story from Episode 10 are fairly evident, as the ghost bride needs to find the strength to let go of the person she loves and she ultimately does so in one of the most beautifully composed scenes of the show. This is one of those “poetry in motion” scenes I was talking about. As the groom runs away in shock and fear, the bride gathers the courage to cut the red string of fate tying them together, under the intent gazes of Gu Chan-sung, dressed as the groom, and Jan Man-wol, dressed as a bride (in red).
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You need a stronger will to let go than to hold on.
This scene is a portent of events yet to come, when the day finally arrives where Chan-sung and Man-wol will also have to part ways. Indeed, several episodes later, the room manager will remind Gu Chan-sung of the words Goddess Ma Go-sin then told the ghost bride, “You need a stronger will to let go than to hold on.” The bride’s selfless act of letting go of the person she loves, breaking free from her earthly tether of her own volition, can be seen as a challenge to Man-wol, whose hatred for the man who betrayed her has been her sole drive for the past 1,300 years but also a curse that has bounded her to the hotel and prevented her from dying. Could she, like the bride, unburden herself by letting go of her hatred? Is it possible for someone with such a long and deep resentment to simply let go? This is a recurring question throughout the show and one that puts her at odds with her increasing desire to protect Gu Chan-sung, as she fears her actions, born of her hatred for the people who wronged her, might end up harming the man she loves.
Side stories such as this one often give us further insight into Man-wol, whether it be a glimpse of her past or challenging her beliefs, making her question herself and her actions, however briefly.
A fairy tale romance
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Man-wol is a tsundere character, both a Beauty and a Beast, who has been nursing a thousand-year-old grudge against the people who betrayed her and consequently filters every human interaction through a lens of cold cynicism, expecting the worst from people. Chan-sung on the other hand, is a proper gentleman, a type of character we don’t often see in kdramas and a natural consequence of his training as a hotel manager. He’s friendly, cultured, well-mannered, kind, clever, and someone who's very much in control of his emotions most of the time. The evolution of the relationship between these two characters is the centrepiece of Hotel del Luna, a breath of fresh air in a landscape that often feels the need to use love triangles, or other polygons, as a shortcut to properly fleshing out the relationship between two characters. While there are elements of a love triangle present, such as expressions of jealousy for the sake of comedy, Hotel del Luna chooses to forego this trope and commit fully to the main characters’ fairy tale-like romance.
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When you tell her you’ve been dreaming about her.
Another trope the Hong sisters mostly dispense with is that of misunderstandings, which are kept to a bare minimum, as Man-wol and Chan-sung are very open with each other regarding their thoughts and feelings, although Man-wol is, understandably, less transparent about her feelings in the beginning. It was incredibly refreshing to witness two characters that could guess each other’s thoughts and were willing to have an open and honest conversation about it rather than to hold back for the sake of drama. Of course, this did become somewhat frustrating for Man-wol (and fun for us) when Chan-sung started gaining more confidence, feeling at ease with Man-wol, and rebuking her selfish or materialistic actions. Their playful banter and bickering throughout the show is, to my mind, a clear indication that they’re comfortable with each other, as strong a sign of the chemistry in their relationship as half a dozen kisses, if not a better one, what is a good thing because those are few and far between. On the other hand, it makes those moments much more valuable and meaningful. The love between Man-wol and Chan-sung comes across in the gestures they make, in their facial expressions, in the words spoken and left unsaid. When Man-wol tries to comfort Chan-sung but doesn’t know how (Video), when she confesses she wants him to stay with her till the end and they share an intimate hug (Video), when Chan-sung breaks down and cries at the thought of not being able to see Man-wol ever again (Video), when the two have a conversation on the balcony under the moonlight (Video)... These are a precious few examples of the beauty, strength, and depth of feeling, of their relationship.
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When the adult catches you in a lie.
While Man-wol is not the same ruthless person she was at the beginning of the show as she is at the end, she still retains some elements or traits of her personality throughout the show (there’s still a little tsun in her dere), as it should be. In one episode Chan-sung is remarking upon how much nicer she has become and she replies, “Gu Chan-sung, you’ve made leaves and flowers grow and have changed me a lot. But you won’t be able to change my core personality. Don’t even expect that.” Even as she says this you can see her looking a little uneasy about something, a little girl about to be caught in a lie by the adult who’s trying to keep her out of trouble. It is thanks to Gu Chan-sung’s patient and enduring love, that protected her from the worst aspects of her own self, that Man-wol is able to let go of her anger, both literally and metaphorically. But Man-wol also deserves praise, as she reciprocates Chan-sung’s love and equally tries to protect him from the dangers of this new world he has entered but most of all from herself, to the point she is willing to renounce her revenge and extinguish her existence to ensure she can never harm the man she loves.
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It should be evident by now that I absolutely love this show and it is, without a doubt, my favourite out of all I’ve watched thus far, including Goblin. This is not to say the show is without flaws. Its almost single-minded focus on the story of Man-wol and Chan-sung has some collateral damage, most notably in the form of a character’s loved one, an event used as a means to highlight the pain experienced by those left behind, anticipating the day when our main protagonists will be forced to part ways. In another case, a poignant encounter for Chan-sung is not properly fleshed out, perhaps intentionally so but it seems like a wasted opportunity. Additionally, the introduction and development of the secondary villain’s arc (Man-wol is both the love interest and the main antagonist) felt a little weak, but is still a functional plot device that leads to some of the show’s best scenes. Finally, there is also the way the Hong sisters handled the riddle of Chan-sung’s dreams, which I may address in a separate post because it has too many spoilers.
If you’re a fan of fantasy dramas like Goblin, there’s simply no reason for me not to recommend this show and, hopefully, I’ve given you a few to persuade you as to why this is such a standout drama and, to my mind, the Hong sisters’ best work to date. It’s even on r/KDRAMA’s banner as one of those must-watch shows. If you do decide to watch it, I advise you to pace yourself so you don’t have to say goodbye to Hotel del Luna’s wonderful family too soon.
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wild-aloof-rebel · 4 years
I know you're not really intending to post about Happiest Season but I'd appreciate your insight if you wouldn't mind talking about it? I was really excited about it but now I'm not so sure. I've read a couple of comments that said it's super negative and full of homophobia and not the joyful movie we need right now. Buzzfeed did a whole article, which I haven't read to avoid spoilers, but the headline implies the same thing. Do I want to watch it? Is Dan alone worth it?
yeah, i certainly don’t mind talking about it. mostly i said that i wasn’t gonna post a lot about it because i don’t want to spoil anything for people still waiting to watch it, nor do i want to turn my blog into a happiest season free-for-all, but i’m def happy to give you some thoughts about it. i’m gonna put it under a cut anyway just in case...
i’ll start by saying that i largely agreed with the buzzfeed review, just to let you know up front that i am not gonna say you should unreservedly give it a go.
i think my issues with the movie (of which there are many) can be largely boiled down to three Big Things, that i’m gonna try to make as unspoilery as possible here.
1.) the family in this movie is mean. (most of them at least.) they outright and intentionally choose over and over to be cruel to each other, sometimes viciously and violently so. that was a way bigger problem for me than their sort of casual homophobia. i mean you at least know going in that there’s probably going to be some homophobia, right? there’s obviously a reason she hasn’t come out to her parents, so you can expect that that’s probably going to pop up on occasion throughout the movie. 
the outright cruelty of the family was a whole different story. i don’t feel like you really get that from the trailer at all (i actually just rewatched the trailer, and basically the only times they’re remotely nice to each other in the movie are what’s shown there), so it was a bit of an unwelcome surprise. i don’t personally enjoy spending 102 minutes watching people just be relentlessly and actively unkind. like david and alexis are obviously mean to one another sometimes, as siblings occasionally are, but even in s1 when that was at its most prevalent, they would still have moments of levity between them or moments where they’d come together to roll their eyes at their parents—times where it’s clear that they do actually love each other and are on the same side underneath it all. but there pretty much aren’t any moments like that with this family, where you really feel like they actually care about each other, and that, for me at least, makes for a pretty joyless watching experience.
2.) while i empathize with harper’s situation (i mean, looking at her family, i wouldn’t want to have to come out to them either), i do not empathize with her as half of this relationship i’m supposed to be rooting for. 
there are definitely quite a few people who have said they feel seen by what harper is going through in not being able to come out to her conservative family and who have liked seeing themselves and their struggle represented in a very real way. and i think that’s obviously totally valid, and i appreciate that the movie gives voice to those kinds of stories in a way that makes people feel like they’re seeing themselves on screen.
but this isn’t just supposed to be a movie entirely about harper and her struggles with her family. this is billed as a romantic comedy. her relationship with abby should be the central focus of the movie. sure, obviously they’re hiding a secret so they’re not just going to be openly making out in front of everyone or whatever, but in the private moments, the quiet moments, the tiny little moments where it should be like, yes, you, i love you and i’m so glad you’re here with me even though this situation is hard, the movie often runs almost the entire opposite direction. even if she feels like she can’t choose to come out right now, harper can choose to at least treat abby with the sort of kindness and love that is clearly missing from her family situation. but she doesn’t even spend most of the movie treating abby with the level of care that the friend/roommate she’s supposed to be pretending to be deserves, and so instead, i spent the majority of the movie actively rooting for abby to leave.
now, is there a place for that kind of story? sure. if you want to write a movie about how having to hide who you are is making you push away even the one person you’re supposed to love most, there can certainly be value in that. but that’s not a romantic comedy; that’s a different movie entirely.
which brings me to my last point... 
3.) the fact that it’s marketed as a holiday romcom is terribly misleading. this movie is not a holiday romcom. there is hardly any comedy in the movie (it’s mostly in dan’s scenes tbh), even less romance, and certainly very little that i’d consider holiday cheer. yes, as you can tell from the marketing, it has the happy ending you would expect from the genre, but getting there is largely painful and doesn’t, in my opinion, feel at all earned. 
ultimately, i think if you go into it expecting a family drama with a few funny scenes and a sprinkle of a romantic side plot, that will help some. i mean, i basically knew that from seeing what people were saying beforehand and still didn’t enjoy the majority of the movie, but i definitely think it helps to temper your expectations if you’re going to watch it.
now, is it worth all that for dan’s parts of the story?
his scenes were certainly the most entertaining and likable parts of the movie for me. john is the one thing that i think is exactly what you’d expect from the trailers, and dan is great in the role, of course. and he does give one very lovely, i think very dan speech toward the end of the movie. but is it worth sitting through all the rest to watch his parts? 🤷‍♀️ only you can really decide that. if what i’ve told you above hasn’t made you not want to watch, go for it. and if it has, i’m sure that soon enough someone will put together a dan supercut or will just have gif’d all of his scenes, and you’ll be able to see just those parts and forget the rest. or if all else fails, put it on and fast forward any time he isn’t on screen...
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daleisgreat · 3 years
The Avengers: Endgame
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Over the last couple months I finally upgraded to somewhat modern TV and gaming rigs in the form of a 55” Samsung 4KTV and Xbox Series X. I own three 4K UHD discs, but one I already covered a couple years back with my entry of the BluRay version that came bundled with the 4K disc of Die Hard. The other is a two pack of the first two John Wick films, and rest assured those will get their day in the sun here eventually. From my research, the Xbox Series X is not a top shelf 4K BluRay player, at least not at the system’s launch before presumable system software updates, but also sounds like a fairly better quality version of the drive that came in the Xbox One X|S, and also supports upscaling of regular BluRays to 4K. Coincidentally, on top of my movie backlog pile was a movie I absolutely wanted to take advantage of that 4K upscaling and thus here we are with today’s write-up for 2019’s The Avengers: Endgame (trailer). WARNING: Unlike nearly most of my other movie recaps I will be diving into serious spoiler territory ahead. The amount of hype leading up to Endgame was insurmountable. Anthony and Joseph Russo did an astounding job directing the first part in 2018’s Infinity War (read my entry for it here). Both that and Endgame top the three hour mark to squeeze in as many characters, references, periphery side plots and so much more from the previous 21 Marvel Cinematic Universe films that lead up to this finale. By accomplishing just that, both movies are the breeziest three hour viewings I have experienced because the Russo brothers do a commendable job at keeping the scenes flowing and doing their best to give everyone their proper time to shine. The ending of Infinity War saw Thanos (Josh Brolin) deliver the snap heard around the world that vanished half of all life in the entire universe. It was a soul-crushing downer of a cliffhanger to end on, but the post-credits tag hinting at the cry of help for Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) left crowds with a glimmer of hope. This being based around comic books there is the unwritten rule where no one truly stays dead either, so part of the experience going into Endgame was to see how the remaining Avengers plan to bring everybody back. Endgame kicks off with the fresh effects of ‘the snap’ when it starts with Hawkeye’s family all getting dusted from him in the middle of a picnic.
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The film transitions to the remaining un-dusted Avengers squad of Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Iron Man (Robert Downer Jr.) floating aimlessly in space until the convenient deus ex machina that is Captain Marvel miraculously tracks them down and hauls them back to Earth. A few weeks Avengers HQ tracks down Thanos on an isolated planet and with Captain Marvel’s power, they anticlimactically kill him off in a brief scene. This was one of the parts of the film that did not sit well with me after building up Thanos as this unrivaled threat in all the previous films, and to have the Avengers cold-bloodedly put him down in quick order seems so……unlike them, but he did off half the universe so I understand how the Russo’s felt justified for filming it that way, but I cannot help that it did not come across right, and could have been handled better. Of course, a more proper Thanos battle would be coming later in the final act thanks to my pet peeve plot device that is…. …TIME TRAVEL!!!! This and alternate dimension traveling I despise and have turned me off to many shows over the years like Lost and CW’s DC shows. The worst of it is indeed present here because meaningful character deaths that happened in Infinity War to Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Gamura (Karen Gillan) become undone and their sacrifices proved for naught. All that griping aside however, I will give the Russo brothers credit because even with those qualms I feel they pull off time travel and have it appear as more than a convenient storytelling method. Again, major props because that is a hell of a hurdle to overcome. The filmmakers go out of their way in a couple scenes to directly call out Back to the Future’s style of time travel bullshit, and have a couple characters ever-so-carefully explain in detail and for the laymen how “real” time travel works.
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This is all thanks to a rambunctious rat who inadvertently zaps Ant Man (Paul Rudd) out of the Quantum Realm…after being trapped there five years due to his team being on the end of a dusting before bringing him back. Ant Man deduces upon his return that he is able to undo the dusting through his van-quantum-realm-contraption, and convinces the Avengers to conjure up a plan they cleverly dub the “Time Heist” to travel back to capture all the Infinity Gems Stones before Thanos does. I loved how these scenes played out, and there is a plethora of fan service throughout it as the three squads of Avengers jump to different periods like the final battle of the original Avengers film, and a 1970 military base where Howard Stark (John Slattery) unknowingly meets his son. Plans do not proceed swimmingly to say the least, and past timeline Thanos becomes clued in to their plan and thwarts the Avengers attempt at trying to undo the past in a CG showpiece for the ages with his assault on Avengers HQ. The CG fireworks continue to dazzle for the bulk of the final hour of the film with a climatic showdown between Thanos and his forces against The Avengers and the returning of the dusted Marvel characters. I have seen too many comic book films fail at translating over-the-top comic book action on the silver screen, but the Russo brothers always manage to pull it off. I fondly remember the theater crowd going gaga when Captain America (Chris Evans) summons Mjolnir and wallops Thanos with it. The women of Marvel have another moment to shine together where they collectively team up to kick ass. Moments of levity are brilliantly peppered in throughout the chaos for a much-needed chuckle from the nonstop adrenaline-boosting action. That final battle masterfully builds up to the dramatic sacrifice of Iron Man in the standout emotional scene of the film.
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The resulting aftermath was heartwarmingly done here with a pre-recorded farewell from Iron Man, and a collage of nearly all the major and minor MCU characters at Iron Man’s funeral. I believe this is the first MCU film without a post-credits tag, and that is 100% fine by me, because the beginning of the credits is a lovingly crafted tribute to the original Avengers cast done in the fashion of the Original Series cast of Star Trek VI that resonated with me feeling the end of a pivotal era of the MCU that I have been largely enjoying since the original 2008 Iron Man. I usually do not dive into this much detail and spoilers when recapping the movies here, but due to this being the final chapter of this era of the MCU films I could not help myself, and believe me there is so much more I wanted to dive in here on because like I said, the Russo brothers crammed in an incredible amount of narrative into three hours. There is so much ground in here it is impossible for me to recap it all, and that it will in all likelihood be the fastest three hour movie you will ever endure. I did not get a chance to even touch on over-the-hill Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and the hybrid Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo (spoiler: they both killed it!)). Endgame unsurprisingly did major bank at the box office, so I feel safe knowing most of you reading this already watched it by now which is another reason I went all out on the spoilers.
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I re-watched the film for this entry a second time with commentary from the Russo brothers, and writers Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely, and that greatly helped explain some little tidbits that were easy to miss and/or not fully comprehend in the midst of the three hours. I know this is a little detail, but I want to give props to Marvel for being one of the few companies out there for shelling out resources to caption the commentary track! I exponentially appreciate it more than you know! The commentary helped with understanding why they did not do a lot for Black Widow’s (Scarlett Johansson) aftermath of her death because she has her prequel film set to release. Other notable takeaways from the commentary was how Stark’s “I am Iron Man” line was a last minute addition to the film, giving credit to Star Trek VI as inspiration for their credits sequence, being hopeful for Marvel capitalizing on Falcon donning Cap’s shield and lots of understandable love for the visual effects team for their hard work. Aside from the commentary track, the BluRay has a second disc with just under an hour of bonus material. There is the requisite short, but top-of-the-line gag reel that is standard in most Marvel Studios home videos. There are five minutes of deleted scenes worth a look, with some of them lightheartedly covering up plot holes. Remembering Stan Lee is a touching tribute to Stan, filled with archived interviews from him on his experiences in the cameos, and showing plenty of delightful off-camera interactions with the cast and crew. There are well done character profile pieces for Thor, Black Widow, Captain America and Iron Man, with each one having countless cast and crew state proper kudos to what the actors have done for those characters over the years. If you only have time for one then I recommend Man Out of Time: Creating Captain America, because it goes into a little more detail than the others and Chris Evans has some intriguing introspection from his years with the character. Finally, there are short, but worthwhile pieces on the Russo brothers and the women of the MCU that should not be skipped out on either.
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As I mentioned above, the hype building up to Endgame was insurmountable, but Joseph and Anthony Russo overcame the odds and delivered a gratifying conclusion to this era of the MCU. Watching the BluRay upscaled in 4K on a TV about a third bigger than my previous set made it a grander experience too for those showpiece moments. Sure I had quibbles and nitpicks I mentioned above, but by and large those are easily overcome by how much the Russo brothers got it right with this film. I am kicking myself for waiting a year and a half to re-watch it, but picked up on a lot of little things that went right over mine and Drax’s heads the first time out. If you have yet to give The Avengers: Endgame another viewing, then do not hesitate because you will not regret once again taking in this landmark epic that delivered against all odds! Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve The Clapper Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Last Action Hero Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Nintendo Quest Not for Resale Payback (Director’s Cut) Pulp Fiction The Punisher (1989) The Ref The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild The Wizard Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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eekiax · 3 years
Shadow and Bone Thoughts
April 24, 2021 
12:19 AM 
Just finished the Shadow and Bone series on Netflix and I have an abundance of thoughts. 
Having read both the Shadow and Bone Trilogy and the Six of Crows duology, I was very excited for this show to come out. However, having seen some bad adaptations of books over the years, I was a bit wary of this show at first. My mind changed instantly when I saw how dedicated all of the actors and people that worked on this show were. The trailer dropped and I immediately became invested. 
*SPOILERS* (for both the books and show duh) 
Thoughts on the Shadow and Bone Series: 
-I think that the show does a really great job in improving Mal as a character.  The Shadow and Bone books are all told from the perspective of Alina. In the show, we are able to see things from Mal’s perspective. It’s evident in the show that Mal does have affection for Alina and that he values her in his life. We see the obstacles and hardships that he undergoes in order to get to Alina. He was willing to risk his life to track an animal that literally everyone thought of as a myth. He’s stabbed, punched, and shot at multiple times before he’s even able to reach Alina. The show made Mal a lot more likable than what he is in the books. In the books, Mal judges Alina and harbors a lot of resentment towards her. In the show, when Mal and Alina are alone in the woods, he doesn’t force her to tell him what she did in the Little Palace and holds no judgement against her. I wasn’t a Malina shipper but seeing the way the two of them portrayed on the show made my heart feel all fuzzy. Those flashback scenes of them as kids were cute af. 
-They did Alexei dirty like that by having him killed 20 mins after we see him survive the Fold. At least he lived a bit longer than in the books. RIP. 
-The Crows were definitely a highlight of this show. They added a lot of moments of levity with their dynamic. The comedic timing of their scenes was perfect. Kit, Amita, and Freddy all literally embodied everything I thought that the Crows would be. Kaz holding a goat in his arms and walking around all serious was hilarious. Jesper hugging that goat when they’re in the train is another hilarious moment. Inej is a badass as usual and I loved whenever she would make fun of Jesper. 
-MILO WAS THE STAR OF THE SHOW and he actually proved to be useful later on. 
-THE KAZ VS. DARKLING INTERACTION. There’s just something about having the two characters that wear the most black face off with each other. 
-The Darkling and Alina’s relationship is a lot more consensual compared to the books. In the show, it’s actually Alina that kisses him first compared to Darkling just ambushing her in the books. At the winter fete when ALINA IS LITERALLY PROPPED ONTO HIS DESK, he asks her if she wants to continue which is a whole lot more consent than in the books. Knowing that the goodbye kiss that the Darkling gives Alina before he leaves her in his office was unscripted makes that kiss 10x hotter. 
-It was interesting seeing what the past looked like for the Darkling. We get to see the creation of the fold which makes a lot of sense because you can do that on TV. Seeing what his past was like and the way he acts towards Alina (at least for the first 5 episodes) makes you want to empathize with him. I knew that he was bad but the show does a really good job in almost convincing you to like him. Ben Barnes’ long hair was giving me Prince Caspian vibes. That man has not aged since 2008. 
-I love how some of Nina and Matthias’ scenes were all word for word from the books. Their scenes pretty much summed up how I imagined them together. The scene where Nina falls into the ice was SO intense, I thought for a second that Matthias was going to let go of her. Knowing that he dies in Crooked Kingdom had me really sad whenever I saw them together. “Matthias is dreaming again” *sobs* Also, Danielle got a bunch of unnecessary hate for being casted as Nina. I get that people wanted her to be more plus-sized and I’m all for that, but that does not mean you should hate on the actor. Danielle is a great actor and she was able to play a convincing Nina. 
-Seeing the cut on screen was so cool. It was a bit gruesome seeing all of the bodies be sliced in half. Anyways, the special effects in this show in general was superb. 
-Genya and David were adorable af. Alina describes David as unattractive in the books but man is Luke Pasqualino attractive. 
-The collar looked a lot more painful than what I imagined when reading the books. I really do feel for Alina when she looks in the mirror at the collar with such a pained expression. 
-Having Alina be half Shu makes a lot of sense. It contributes more to her feeling like she doesn’t belong anywhere and her questioning of who she really is. Jessie as Alina was perfect and she really did make Alina a lot more likable compared to the books. 
-Ben was casted perfectly as the Darkling. He has the looks and he has the skills to play such a character. There’s such a subtlety to his facial expressions that reveal what the Darkling is thinking or feeling. 
-I really only have two things that I did not like in the show. The way that they made Zoya racist towards Alina was something that I felt was unnecessary. One big thing that I did not like was the fact that the Darkling’s name is revealed so early on in the show and mentioned so casually by him and other people. There no longer is any weight or gravity to his name which really was one of the only things that made him feel human in the books. 
-I do hope that there will be a second season. I just wonder how they’re going to integrate the Crows and still have them be connected somehow to the Alina. NIKOLAI AND WYLAN aka two of my favorite characters better be in the second season. 
Overall this show was an absolute EXPERIENCE to watch. The show is actually able to improve the books which is something that a lot of adaptations don’t do. All of the actors did such a great job in portraying their characters and watching their interviews together and them interact with each other on social media makes me so happy. I 10/10 recommend for you to watch the series, especially if you have read the books and are a fan of Leigh Bardugo’s. 
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heartofsnark · 4 years
This Is Love (Chapter Nine): That Melts To A Shriek
Notes: Hello~, school has been stressful af, but luckily(?) for y’all I sometimes write to ignore my feelings/schoolwork. So, chapters have been getting done anyway. 
Word Count: 11596
Chapter Warnings: Implications of abuse, not sure the best way to word this; acts of violence/property damage done against cops for being cops but very nearly hurt/killed a civilian.  
For chapter one and the warnings about this fic’s overarching themes, please click here!
For the previous chapter; click here
Taglist (trying this out, these are folks who interacted with the post over on my personal or contacted me privately, if you’d like to be added just message me): @enchantedbythebidders, @tender-wounds, @satanscaffeinatedfriend
Dahlia skids her bike to a stop in the diner parking lot; Cassie is sitting in the dirt just outside the building with her knees pulled up to her chest. She parks and makes a beeline to the girl, as she pokes her head up, looking at the deputy through a curtain of dark curly hair. Her cheek is red, just beginning to bruise, the imprint of a hand visible in the moonlight. 
“Cassie,” Dahlia speaks her name delicately, seeing the tears tracking down the girl’s face. And she sinks down next to her and hugs her. Cassie hugs her back and sobs into Dahlia’s shoulder; trying to talk but everything muffles through chokes of crying. 
Eventually, Cassie’s tears slow and her sobs lessens, fading into soft hiccups as she clings to Dahlia. 
“I know it’s hard, but can you tell me what happened?” Dahlia asks once the young woman has calmed. 
“My mom,” she wipes away her tears as she breaks their embrace, “I, I guess, I crossed a line. She kicked me out.” 
“She hurts you?” 
“She’s intense….I guess.” 
“She’s put her hands on you.” 
“A lot?” 
“Yeah…” Dahlia wipes away the fresh tears that fall from the girl’s eyes, heart breaking for her. 
“You didn’t cross any line, you know that, right? Nothing you’ve done makes it okay.” 
“I just wanted to keep one paycheck, one, that didn’t have to go towards her bills or her clothes, or her whatever. Just one I could keep for myself and it was too much to ask and now…,” she searches for her next words, “I don’t know where to go…” 
There’s no homeless shelters in Hope County, no emergency housing for people struggling, the exact reason so many of the drifters in the area sleep in abandoned train cars. It’s ridiculous, no rehabs despite the county having a drug problem and no shelter for people who need it. How the fuck are people supposed to get through?
“You can stay with me,” Dahlia offers, she sleeps on the couch anyway, no reason not to offer her bed to someone in need. 
“No, I, I couldn’t. I bothered you enough, I-“ 
“Nonsense, we need to get you somewhere safe and I can’t think of anywhere safer, right now. Unless you wanna go out of county.”
“No, no, god no, I don’t wanna leave Hope…” 
“I ain’t got much, but I got room for you.” 
“You got anything with you?” Dahlia asks, when she notices all Cassie has are the clothes on her back, a thin jacket thrown over her waitress uniform. 
“No…couldn’t grab anything…” 
“Okay, then, we’ll make do tonight and tomorrow, I’ll see about getting your clothes back. That alright with you?” 
“Yeah…just don’t…” 
“I won’t do anything crazy, promise.” 
“Here you,” Dahlia says, handing over her motorcycle helmet to Cassie. She takes it and Dahlia knows Cassie is taller, a little older too, but in this moment, she seems so small and young, almost like a child. 
Once the helmet is secure, Dahlia gets on her bike, allowing Cassie to climb on the back of it, instructing the girl to hold on as tightly as she can. Thin arms wrapping tight enough to dig into Dahlia’ s skin. The night air is cold, Cassie’s body all that much warmer in comparison as it presses in against and around the deputy. 
There are a few eyes watching the girls as they ride into the trailer park, Dahlia coming to a stop by her porch. She’s gentle as she helps Cassie off the motorcycle, taking the helmet from her, the taller girl’s dark eyes dart around nervously, straying near where a Moonflower resident is glaring at the pair. Dahlia rubs a hand through the back of Cassie’s hair, ruffling the dark curls, mimicking Sheriff Whitehorse and his method of calming her. If it works for her, maybe it can help Cassie.  
“Don’t worry about them, go on inside, I’m gonna lock up my bike okay.”
Cassie nods her head and walks off into the trailer. Dahlia catches eyes with the man who was glaring and she glares right back, flipping him off before locking up her bike. She could give a damn less what anyone does to her, but she’s not going to let them give Cassie hell. The girl has been through enough. 
The older girl is on the couch when Dahlia walks back into the trailer, Cassie’s eyes looking over everything. 
“Hey, you, uh, want anything to drink or eat? I don’t know how to make coffee, but there’s coke, water, uhhh…?” Dahlia pauses, arm still gestured outward as she tries to think of what else she can offer. 
“Actually, I just wanna  grab a shower and sleep, if that’s alright.” 
“Of course, I’ll go grab some clothes you can sleep in, the bathroom is just right here,” Dahlia tells her, tapping a hand to the bathroom door. 
Dahlia scurries off to rummage through her clothes, finding warm oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants, finding the warmest but least…Dahlia’s aesthetic to offer Cassie. She knocks on the bathroom door, giving Cassie a warning before she opens the door and quickly drops the change of clothes in the room before scurrying off.  Trying to be welcoming, homely, nice, she doesn’t even know; she tries to get some food together. Store bought cookies and instant bag mix cocoa with hot water. It’s bad and shoddy, but she doesn’t have much to offer in the way of hospitality. This entire night has been a whiplash for her and she can’t even imagine what it must be doing to Cassie, she doubts shitty hot chocolate or mass produced cookies can fix it, but it’s something. 
A few moments pass, Dahlia cramming cookies in her mouth as she waits, and finally Cassie leaves the shower. Despite being taller than the deputy, the baggy black clothes look big on her, the skulls along the sleeves don’t suit the woman much either. 
“Thanks for the clothes.” 
“No problem, uh, sorry they’re…so, me, I guess?” 
Cassie laughs and a bubble of tension bursts inside of Dahlia, her shoulders finally able to relax as she smiles back. It no longer feels like walking on eggshells around a scared animal, Cassie at once seems more comfortable and happy even if only for a moment. 
“It’s okay,” Cassie tells her after a moment, “seriously, I just appreciate, all of this. Don’t worry so much.” 
“Hey, I’m happy to help, uh,  help yourself to anything I shitty whipped together and oh I know. I need to show you where you can sleep,” the deputy fumbles about and then walks down to the bedroom, opening the door, “I know it ain’t much, but hey, bed’s a bed, right?” 
“You have a second bedroom?” 
“Huh, oh nah, I sleep on the couch.” 
“You don’t have too, I don’t expect you to give up your bed for me, I-“ 
“No, no,” Dahlia gently touches Cassie’s shoulder before she can get too worked up, “I just do that, nothing to do with you.” 
“I appreciate your honesty…I think?” Dahlia makes a huffy laugh, unable to hold down the corners of her mouth, the little insult? Dig? Whatever, someone might call it has brought a bit more levity to this and fuck knows the situation needs it. 
There’s not much conversation for the rest of the night; Cassie visibly exhausted, only grabbing a cookie before excusing herself to sleep for the night. Dahlia eventually falling asleep on her couch later that night. 
It’s back to work the next day, Dahlia planning on making a visit to Cassie’s mom during a quiet moment, claiming it as a lunch hour. She has no intention of using force or being aggressive, but she knows her uniform could add some….incentive for someone to be more helpful than harmful towards her. 
Maybe it’s that, knowing she’ll want the full effect of it, or maybe it’s because she missed working, but she wears her uniform the proper way and with a bit more pride than she did before. She says goodbye to Cassie, the words clumsy and stumbling from her lips, as she tries to grow more comfortable with someone else in her home. 
The morning hours pass by without much of note, harassing Pratt whenever the time presents itself and searching for affordable housing or shelters, or whatever the hell is available for Cassie. And she comes to the same conclusion she had when searching for her own housing ; The Moonflower is the absolute most dirt cheap. 
A buzz and crackle over the radio, dispatch starting to break through. 
“Boshaw’s parked out in Falls End at his bullshit again.” Dispatch doesn’t even pretend to have decorum and Dahlia knows there’s more than one Boshaw, the owners of the Moonflower being Boshaw’s themselves, but given his history and the tone she immediately thinks of Sharky. 
“Oh god, really, can no one else go?” Pratt asks, looking like he wants to jump into traffic more than deal with this. 
“Nope, everyone else passed the buck, so just go tell him to scram.” 
“Fine, fine, fine.” 
“It that Sharky guy?” Dahlia asks once Pratt starts to drive. 
“Un-fucking-fortunately, pain in my goddamn ass.” 
“He stealing again or…?” 
“Hmm,” there’s a sudden glint in Pratt’s eyes, a smirk on his face and Dahlia already regrets coming into work, “actually, this seems like a good welcome back for you, Rookie.” 
“I’m gonna want to strangle you after this, aren’t I?” 
She groans as the police cruiser makes it’s way through Falls End, ultimately coming to a stop in a store parking lot, a few other cars are around but it’s mostly deserted. Pratt points out a dark green jeep within the lot. 
“That’s Boshaw’s truck, go knock on the window and tell him to scram.” 
“You called it a truck, that’s not a truck, that’s a jeep.” 
“Does it fucking matter?” 
“Not really, but it bugged me, and I don’t know why.” 
“Go knock on the fucking window.” 
“What’s he even doing? Drugs? Or?” 
“Go knock and find out.” 
“I swear to god,” Dahlia grumbles and finally opens the cruiser door, she has no idea what the fuck she’s walking into. 
She’s able to see Boshaw through the driver side window of his jeep, eye closed and head leaned back. Dahlia speeds up, she’s heard of residents overdosing in their cars, he never struck her as a hard drug user but one can never really tell. Dahlia raises her fist to knock on the window and then she sees it. Boshaw’s hand rubbing up and down the length of his dick. This is her life. 
“What the fuck!” She yells out and closes her eyes, because she does not need the image of his dick burned into her brain, she’s still dealing with the image of John fucking Holly rattling around in there. What is wrong with people? 
“Shit,” she hears him curse, a shuffling of something, a window being rolled down, “what the hell-“ 
“Get the fuck out of here or I’m charging you public indecency, right fucking now, christ!”
She waits until she hears an engine starting up and then makes a beeline back to the cruiser, not wanting to even chance seeing that weirdo’s dick again. Dahlia stomps her way back to the patrol car, Pratt’s laughing hitting her as soon as she opens the door. She kicks into the car, not hard, just a quick jab of her boot into his arm before she pulls back. 
“What the actual fuck, Pratt!?” 
“What, get an eyeful?” 
“What the actual fuck, does he just do…that!?” She’s cringing as she climbs into the passenger side seat. 
“Yeah, he just, is like that if he isn’t jerking off in public, he’s setting something on fire. Or both.” 
“Dear lord, what is wrong with people? What’s wrong with you doing that to me, asshole!?” 
“Ah, don’t get your panties in a twist, I’ll buy you lunch.” 
“Save your apology food for tonight, I got something to take care of during lunch.” 
“So, you’re abandoning work?” 
“For an hour max and you can call me if anything comes up.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m just giving you shit, it’s fine.” 
She rolls her eyes as they go back to the station, just a short drive away in the small town. The young deputy waves off her patrol partner as she climbs onto her bike, making sure her ringer is turned on this time, just in case something does manage to come up. Cassie gave her the address this morning and she quickly finds the little house surrounded by woods, as so many of the houses in Hope County are. 
Dahlia lets out a breath before knocking her knuckles against the door, firm and heavy despite the knot twisting her insides. After a few moments pass and then finally the door opens; an older woman staring back at Dahlia. The resemblance between her and Cassie is strong; the same pitch black hair and dark eyes, just to an older face. 
“Oh god, she didn’t drag you all into this did she?” Her words drip with condescension and venom and a muscle in Dahlia’s cheek twitches, her jaw tight. 
“I’m sorry to bother you ma’am, but I was hoping to collect Cassie’s clothes and personal items.” 
“Pff, what’d she tell you, some sob story, I’m sure.” 
“This isn’t a criminal matter,” yet, Dahlia would like to add, but decorum or something, “if that’s what you’re concerned about and I don’t have a warrant either, for full disclosure. I’m just kindly asking to get her things, I can collect them myself or you can hand them to me if you’d rather I not enter the home, whatever you like.”
“You can come on in, I don’t have anything to hide,” Cassie’s mother lets her in. 
“Thank you so much, where is her room, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Right this way, I swear she’s so fucking dramatic.” Her mother bitches and complains, taking Dahlia there and showing her an open duffle bag that she can put clothes in. 
“I just know she asked me to get her things.” 
“I’m so sorry she dragged you into this deputy, I’m sure you have better things to do.” Her mother talks as Dahlia tries to gather as much as she can into the bag, not only clothes but things that could be important, books and a laptop. 
“I’m always happy to help out where I can, thank you so much for your time and patience, ma’am.” 
A hand catches Dahlia’s bicep, Cassie’s mom stopping her. She turns to look, not sure what exactly is going on now. 
“So, where is she staying?”
“I don’t know ma’am, I was only asked to bring her things to the police station, but I assure you she’s in a safe place. No worries. Have a lovely day.” 
Dahlia pulls away from the woman’s grip and leaves the house, she keeps an eye over her shoulder as she leaves, insuring that the mother isn’t following her. Just in case she takes a few odd turns to make sure and then finally makes her way back to the Moonflower. 
She’s compelled to knock on her own trailer door, not sure what Cassie might be doing with her alone time. Cassie’s dark eyes peek through the window and Dahlia waves, before the door opens. The girl’s head tilted to the side slightly, eyebrow raised. 
“Did you forget your key?” 
“No, I uh, just wanted you to know I was here, I guess.” 
“Okay, uh, you really act like a guest in your own house, don’t you?” Cassie points out as Dahlia walks into the trailer. 
“Ehhh, like ya know,” she makes a vague noncommittal wiggly gesture with her shoulders, “anyway, I got your clothes. No trouble, no issues, check through and make sure I grabbed everything.” 
“Thanks, really, you have no idea how much this means to me,” Cassie gushes as she looks through it. 
“It’s not problem at all, there is one thing I wanna talk to you about.” 
“What’s up?” 
“So, I’ve been trying to look around, see what options are available for you to move into. The cheapest housing in Hope is right here, if you wanna save up to rent a trailer. Then things get pricier, you’re looking at the trailers at Silver Lake which are twice as much, and even more than that for renting an apartment in Falls End or god forbid you’re trying to buy a house.” 
“I…don’t really wanna live here on my own… The people here are…” 
“We’ll go with that. But, it’s not like I can afford anything else.” 
“Well, there’s affordable housing like section eight in the bigger places, b-“ 
“I don’t wanna leave Hope either, I-, oh god.” 
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m not trying to freak you out or overload you. You don’t have to know right now, you don’t have to know anytime soon. You can stay here as long as you need, no rush or pressure. I just wanted to let you know what I found.” 
“Thanks, I just gotta save up some money and then…” 
“Hey, I still got some time for my lunch break, I’ll treat ya if there’s anywhere you wanna go.” 
“Uh, I could go for some pizza.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
Dahlia takes them both to the 8-Bit Pizza Bar, the rest of her lunch break isn’t very long, so they don’t get much time to chat. Finishing off a pizza and talking about video games before Dahlia has to drop Cassie back off at the trailer to head back into work; warning her new roommate that she’ll be going to The Spread Eagle after her shift. And finding out what she can bring Cassie home for dinner. 
Whitehorse is out in the bullpen style offices when she arrives back to the precinct, discussing something with an officer. She waits as patiently as her baseline personality will allow her, unable to help tapping her fingers against her thigh, also brimming with some sort of uncontainable energy. Surely, Whitehorse might know someplace Cassie can turn to? Someplace that can help her. 
“Something on your mind, Rookie?” 
“Yeah, you remember that waitress, Cassie?” 
“Something happen with her?” There’s a furrow in his brows and a clench in his jaw, worry and concern darkening his eyes. 
“She called me, her mom hurt her, threw her out, she’s not interested in pressing charges. So, she’s staying with me right now, safe. But, uh, she’s…not really happy at the Moonflower. Rough folks ya know, give her dirty looks ‘cause she’s hanging out with a cop, that whole mess. So, I was wondering if there’s literally anything available to help her out?” 
“I’m sorry to say, there’s not a hell of a lot around here, Rook. Moonflower’s cheapest place she’d find to live, but as far as charity goes, Hope County runs low on it.  Churches use to help out when they could, you can always try with them, but not sure they can afford to help anymore.” 
“Never thought I’d be upset at a lack of religious involvement in anything, but what do you mean they can’t afford it.” 
“Most of ‘em are bleeding members. Pastor Jerome’s church in town and the old Lamb Of God Church only got a few regulars right now. Most folks jumped to Eden’s Gate.” 
“Does….Eden’s Gate do any sort of help?” 
Dahlia raises an eyebrow, Joseph certainly seems nice. The way Layla and Waylon talked, the church is no stranger to helping the crestfallen. Certainly, they do some sort of outreach? Even the worst of churches tend to do something; hell her own shitty step-dad’s church helped rebuild the community after the hurricanes. It’s good PR and a way to draw people in. 
“Sure, but for most people they’re a last resort and for good reason.” 
“’Cause they’re buzzkills and no one likes them?” 
“That’s one way to put it,” he gives her shoulder a comforting squeeze, “good luck and if there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know, alright?” 
“Will do, thanks, Sheriff.”. 
Later in the night, shift ending with little trouble, the three deputies make their usual Spread Eagle trips. But Dahlia can’t seem to settle. She assumed it’d feel easy and nice to be back to her completely usual routine, a celebration when she returned,  but everything draws her mind back to Cassie. Dahlia can’t help but feel guilty when she thinks about it, despite opening her home to the older girl, she can’t say she’s been there much. Having to go to work today and only sparing her a half hour for lunch. And now she’s out with friends… She tries to focus on what Pratt and Hudson are saying, but only finds herself worrying about Cassie. She’s alone in an unfamiliar place… probably still scared and worried about every shadow. 
“You alright, Rook, you seem out of it.” 
“Yeah, uh, actually, my head is starting to hurt, injury and all that. So, if it’s cool, I’m gonna split early tonight.” 
“Alright, but if you think you’re getting a rain check on that free food, you’re out of your mind,” Pratt taunts her and she laughs, flicking his ear. 
“Somehow I’ll live, see you guys tomorrow.” 
She orders some food to go for her and Cassie then heads out. There’s that familiar end of shift exhaustion as she pulls into the Moonflower, bones and muscles always a little leaden. The desire to just stuff her face and veg out in front of the tv for a while. It’s an all too familiar feeling of trudging back to her trailer, but this isn’t the same as all those nights. 
Darkness and silence don’t greet her as she opens the door, the clawing feeling of loneliness doesn’t strike her like a snake hiding in underbrush. Her trailer is alive, it seems, lights and tv on, brightness and a burble of noise. Cassie sitting on the couch, curled up as some romantic comedy plays on the tv. Her entire body turning to greet Dahlia, bright eyes and a soft smile welcoming the deputy. 
“Hey, I thought you were gonna be late?” 
“Yeah, turns out I wasn’t feeling it tonight, brought dinner though,” Dahlia shows the bag off, “what’re you watching?” 
“10 Things I Hate About You. I know it’s cheesy as hell, but it’s one of my favorites.” 
“Never seen it.” 
“What, oh my god, you have to watch it with me! It’s so good.”  
“Okay, okay, let me settle in and we’ll have a movie night.” 
Once she’s changed out of her uniform, Dahlia settles in on the couch with Cassie, who’s rewinded the movie back to the beginning. They’re cramming food into their mouths as it plays and it’s adorable. A guy being paid to date a girl, so another guy could date her sister due to some dumb dad rule, but then alas he falls in legitimate love. Cassie says lines along with the actors, showing just how many times she’s watched it, able to quote characters verbatim. She does a nervous little glance over at Dahlia now and again as it plays on, checking Dahlia’s interest, the deputy makes sure to smile a little brighter when those eyes land on her. 
“I want you to want me, I need you to need me, I’m begging you to beg me~!” Cassie sings along to the final song that plays the movie out, a band conveniently located on the schools roof, because why the hell not?
“I see why that’s one of your favorites.” 
“Sorry I couldn’t shut up,” Cassie apologizes, cheeks red. 
“No, no, it’s cute. Shows just how much you’re enjoying yourself.” 
“I still remember when they showed it to us in class, I just fell in love.” 
“They showed that in school?” 
“Yeah, it’s actually based on an Shakespeare play, Taming of The Shrew, so they showed to us in English. Along with the DeCaprio, Romeo and Juliet.” 
“Ah, I haven’t seen that movie either.” 
“You haven’t seen many movies have you?” 
“My family wasn’t big on tv and honestly, if my school played anything, I probably slept through it or don’t remember it well.” 
“I mean, your memory can’t be that bad, high school was probably not that long ago for you, was it?” 
“Hey, you don’t know that, I could be pushing forty for all you know.” 
“Oh yeah, and dermatologist just hate you,” she rolls her eyes, “seriously, how old are you?” 
Maybe, it’s the food warm in her belly, the comfort of her own trailer, or the shared smiles; but she feels a little more honest than usual. 
“Twenty…ish,” she says, with a little smug smirk, knowing the question to follow.
“Hmmm, well, between you and me, I may be a little shy of it.” 
“You’re nineteen?” 
“Only for the next three months or so, but, yeah…” She admits, trying to do the math, she turns twenty in September. 
“So, you’ve just been lying about your age?” 
“It’s three months, okay, nineteen just hits the ear differently. I have a hard enough time getting anyone around here to respect me without being called a teenager.” 
“But, you are a teenager.” 
“Technically, my age does contain the word teen in it.” 
“And what do you plan on doing when everyone expects you to turn twenty-one and you don’t?” 
“The only people who know when my birthday is would be the Sheriff, you kind of, or in Louisiana. As long as you and Whitehorse don’t run around alerting everyone, there’s no way of any of them knowing, I can play it off as my birthday being further away.” 
“Is that worth it just to not be called a teenager?” 
“Considering all the shit I get about my age and rank already; yes.” 
“I mean, you do look like a baby faced high schooler.” 
“Oh you’re one to talk,” Dahlia laughs, reaching out to pinch Cassie’s own round cheeks, the girl giggles and shoves at her in response. 
“Shit, it’s late,” Cassie says after a moment, catching the time. 
“You headed for bed then?’ 
“I, uh, actually needed to ask you something first?” 
“Sure, what’s up?” 
“I got today off because of…everything…but if I wanna start saving money back up, I gotta go into work. But…I don’t have a car…” 
“What’d you do before?” 
“I just used my mom’s car, she didn’t let me have my own, said it was too much…” 
“And public transport ain’t exactly booming out here.” 
“You can’t even get rideshares out here.” 
“What’s your shift hours?” 
“Nine to five.” 
“You okay with getting there early and hanging out there later? If so I can drop you off on my way to and from work, my shifts are just a bit, lengthier.” 
“Yeah that’s fine, hell, I could chock it up to overtime and probably get a coworker to drive me home at the end of my shift, if you can just get me there in the morning.” 
“We can do that.” 
“Thank you, thank you,” Cassie throws her arms around Dahlia, “seriously, this just thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, you’re gonna get through this and I’m gonna help you every step of the way, promise.” 
She rubs a hand up and down the girls back, then she hears it. Maybe it’s just everything hitting Cassie, maybe it’s the deputy’s words, or the comforting touch; but something pushes the older girl to tears. Broken whimpers and cries, tears wetting Dahlia’s shoulder as she does her best to comfort Cassie, holding her tight and letting her just let it out. 
It’s unclear how long it lasts, the outpour of emotion, but at some point, Cassie is finally able to pull away with red rimmed eyes and apologies on her lips. 
“Nothing to apologize for, mon cher. Why don’t you head on to bed, morning will be here before you know it.” 
“Okay, night, and I know I sound like a broken record, but thanks again…” 
“No problems, now go get some sleep.” 
Cassie leave for the bedroom and Dahlia chews her lips, thoughts racing through her brain. There’s a thought pressing on her, she didn’t bring it up to Cassie and likely won’t until she settles in a bit more. But, she wonders if Cassie could once she gets her footing, just chip in for rent here? She said she feels more comfortable in the Moonflower with Dahlia around, they get along well, and Dahlia likes having a friend to come home to… But a conversation for another day… 
It’s the following afternoon when Pratt and Dahlia are called out to a local veteran’s house. Redler is an older man, older than Whitehorse, with steel gray hair and deep wrinkles creased into his face. Despite his age, he’s strong and sturdy, shaking Dahlia’s hand with a near bone crushing strength when she greets him the next day under the afternoon sun. She can feel the years of work in the rough calluses that mar his hands. Pratt told her that he fought in Vietnam when they got the dispatch call, someone tried to break into his home last night and they were asked to check everything out. 
“Pleasure to meet you, sir,” Dahlia says after introduction, feeling the need to straighten her shoulders around the veteran. 
“Thank you both for coming out, I’m sure I’m just being paranoid, but I’d appreciate if you’d check everything out. I can’t get around quite like I use to.” 
“We’re happy to help, Redler.” 
Pratt and Dahlia start to walk around the house and property, searching for anything that could be considered suspicious or out of ordinary. There’s nothing that jumps out at Dahlia, Redler said he heard something last night but when he yelled out, whatever or whoever it was went away. 
“You think they managed to do anything before he scared ‘em off?” Dahlia asks Pratt. 
“Nah, some of the local teenagers just like to be a pain in his ass.” 
“He’s an old sometimes crabby guy, kids are pains in the ass, like you.” 
“Haha,” she mocks dryly, “you’re so funny.” 
“I’m hilarious, in fact I had a very eye-opening experience this morning.” 
“Yeah, what was that?” 
“I woke up.” 
“Ughh,” she groans what an awful fucking joke, “you corny dumbass.” 
She raises her fist to give him her usual playful punch against his shoulder, then he steps out of the way. Her knuckles swinging through empty air before connecting with the glass behind Pratt. Blood drains from her face as the window shatters from the force of her punch. She…broke Redler’s window. 
“What the fuck, Rookie!?” Pratt looks at the window and at her, hazel green eyes wide with shock. 
“I, I, you moved!” 
“Oh no, oh no,” he shakes his hands emphatically and smirking, “you’re not blaming this on me.” 
“Why did you move!?” 
“How hard were you trying to hit me?!” 
“No harder than usual, I, I-“
“What the hell was that?” Redler’s voices rings out, steps following after his question, no doubt he heard the shatter. 
“Oh god.” She buries her head in her hands, embarrassment and shame hot in her face, she broke the man’s window over a shitty dad joke. Pratt is cackling at her expense and she knows she’s an idiot. But why did he move?
“What the hell happened here?” Redler asks as he comes around the corner of his house, seeing the broken outside window. She’s sure the inside is a mess of glass, oh god, what is wrong with her?
“I’m so so so so sorry,” she gushes out loudly from behind her hands, “I accidentally punched your window. I didn’t mean to, really. I’ll clean it up and fix it, I promise, I’ll pay for everything. I’m so sorry.” 
Her words slur and run into each other, as guilt forces her to practically beg for forgiveness. 
“Dear lord,” Redler sighs, the heavy sound a vice around her heart, dear god he must think she’s the stupidest person ever and he’s right, “I have the supplies to fix it up, you know how?” 
“Yes, sir, I could build you a brand new house if you gave me the time and supplies,” she tells him, which okay, maybe an exaggeration. But, if he asked her to, she’d try her damndest.
“That won’t be necessary, c’mon now.” 
There’s two different sheds, or shed like structures on his property. One is locked up tight, a keypad on the door and she finds herself wondering what might be in it as he brings her to the other building; helping her gather what she’ll need. Dahlia gets to work on fixing the disaster she’s created, first by cleaning up the broken glass inside and out of the home. Pratt on standby to snicker at the young deputy. 
“You punched a window…” He says, voice straining to contain laughter. 
“I know.” 
“Because of a dumb joke.” 
“I know.”
“Why are you like this?” 
“I don’t know!” 
If it wasn’t for the guilt and embarrassment; she’d probably be laughing at the ridculousness of the situation. But for now, every chuckle from her superior officer just fills her with a fresh dose of shame. Once she’s moved onto fixing the broken window itself, glass cleared, Pratt’s finally shifted his focus away from taunting her.
“Hey, Red,” he talks to the veteran while she works to clear out the dirt and old caulking from the window frame, “you going to the Rye barbecue tomorrow?” 
“You don’t sound thrilled.” 
“Gah, it’s nothing, Grace and her dad are taking me, since I can’t drive or walk too well anymore. Just-“ 
“Don’t like having to be helped?” 
“Yeah, hazard of being my age, I’m afraid.” 
“It’s nice to see the veterans looking out for each other, though.” 
“Pff, use to see it a hell of a lot more because that damn Eden’s Gate bought the veterans center out from under us,” he sighs, heavy and deep for a moment before the older man looks over at her, “what about you, gonna break some of Kim and Nick’s windows tomorrow?” 
He’s smiling and Pratt laughs; at least Redler finds some humor in this she supposes. Her face is beet red as she tries to search for a response through her embarrassment. 
“Not that it stopped me from breaking yours, but, uh, I don’t know Nick or Kim. So, I’ll be steering clear.” 
“Still hung up on that,” Pratt rolls his eyes, “I told you, just show up with some food, no one gives a shit.” 
“I’m not showing up at a strangers house for their barbecue; that’s just asking for awkwardness and I have enough of that in my life as is.” 
“C’mon; me, Hudson, Whitehorse, even Beau will all be there. Ain’t like you won’t know anyone.” 
“All done,” she cuts off the barbecue talk, finished glazing and setting the window, it’s good to go. 
“Would have preferred you didn’t break it, but thanks for getting it fixed so quick.” 
“No problem and like I said,” she pulls cash from her wallet, more than enough to cover all she had to use, “’cause no reason you should be out for the stuff. Sorry again.” 
“And goes without saying, we didn’t find anything amiss, so you scared the brats off before they did anything,” Pratt chimes in. 
“’Preciate you two coming to check it out and despite the trouble, I suppose having some company was nice, I’ll see you around.” 
With that the pair of deputies leave the veteran to his evening, hopefully one that will contain significantly less broken windows. Dahlia rubs  a hand down her face when she sits down, tension leaving her back and shoulders now that she’s managed to fix the mess she made. 
“You should seriously come to the barbecue.” 
“It’ll be a chance to meet some more folks, you’re talking about not knowing people, this is how you meet people.” 
He’s not wrong and she knows it, if she ever wants to make friends beyond him, Hudson, Cassie and Eden’s Gate members who’re hated by everyone else, then surely she needs to try to be social. 
“Fine, fine, I’ll buy something to bring tomorrow.” 
“Store bought crap isn’t exactly a way of winning folks over.” 
“I can’t cook, Staci.” 
“Who the hell can’t cook?” 
“Me, asshole.” 
“Oh please, you can throw something together.” 
“I mean if you want me to give the county food poisoning, I can.” 
“I’m sure you’ll manage,” he rolls his eyes and starts up the cruiser, he doesn’t seem to understand just how incompetent she is in the kitchen. 
The moment her shift ends, Dahlia is in a grocery store with her phone on searching for recipes. She needs something good, but more importantly, absolutely idiot proof. She wonders for a moment if she could get away with just freezing juice and sticking toothpicks in them for popsicles, that might be the only thing she’s incapable of fucking up. Though knowing her luck the freezer would just explode. 
She’s gonna kill Pratt; actually, physically kill him. 
No bake cookies, she spots on a list of recipes, that should be easy enough. Probably, it doesn’t even have to be baked, what’s the worst that could happen? Dahlia gathers up ingredients, enough for a few batches, in case she fucks up the first few attempts. Which she will. And some store generic brand sugar cookies in case she fucks up every attempt. Which she probably will. 
Cassie is on the couch watching movies, having grabbed that ride home from a coworker, when Dahlia comes home with bags filled with ingredients. The older girl raises an eyebrow, watching as Dahlia drags these bags to the kitchen, which she hasn’t touched since she made shitty instant hot chocolate. 
The deputy rubs her fingers idly against the burn across her palm, her step father having held it to the stove when her mother tried to teach her to cook and she hadn’t listened. It stands out among her colorful history of abuse at his hands, the burning of her own flesh a sharp and brutal contrast to the bite of a belt or the strike of a hand. It may only be second to the snake incident… 
She shakes her head, trying to shake off her memories like a dog drying itself. She’ll have time to review Father Monroe’s greatest hits later, for now she needs to try to make cookies without destroying her trailer. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m going to the Rye barbecue tomorrow, so I have to make something…” 
“Oh those have always been fun.” 
“You’ve been?” 
“Yeah, everyone loves Nick and Kim.” 
“Well, I’ve never met them and I’m terrified.” 
“Pff,” Cassie laughs, “they’re sweethearts, though Kim’s a little hormonal with baby.” 
“I…ya know what it doesn’t matter, what does matter is; you wanna play hooky from work and go with me?” 
“I need money.” 
“Ugh, you and your need for basic survival requirements,” Dahlia dramatically roles her eyes, “if you must disappoint me by ‘needing money’, you can least make up for it by making the cookies.” 
“Not happening.” 
“God damn it, fine, I got this.” 
Dahlia dumps the ingredient out on her counter;  sugar, milk, butter, cocoa powder, vanilla, peanut butter, and oats. So, she needs to line baking pans with parchment paper… the fuck is parchment paper? Why was this not mentioned in things she needed? 
“I don’t think I got this,” Dahlia announces. 
“It’s been a minute.” 
“What the fuck is parchment paper?” 
“Its paper so it doesn’t stick to the pan, I think you have some non-stick spray, that may help?” 
“Okay, okay then.” 
“Do you even have pans?” 
“Yes, I have pans, I’m not a cavewoman.” 
“You sure about that?” 
Cassie merely laughs at Dahlia’s pout, the deputy then grabbing the pans and spraying them down, this should be fine? She shrugs to herself, what’s the worse that could happen if she uses spray and not paper?
“Okay then,” Dahlia starts to read the rest of the recipe, “wait what?” 
“Do you already have a new crisis?” 
“…maybe… These are supposed to be no bakes, why am I heating shit up on the stove? That makes no sense.” 
“Well, that’s not baking.” Cassie shrugs like it’s obvious and maybe to her it is. 
“Baking means it’s in an oven,” Cassie speaks slowly, eyes wide at the realization of how deep Dahlia’s incompetence runs, “if it’s on a stove that’s more like cooking.” 
“There’s a difference?” 
“What the fuck? Why do you need more than one word for making food hot?!” 
“Do…do you know anything?” 
“Clearly not!” 
Dahlia curses under her breath, already frustrated at her lack of knowledge. Why is she such a fucking idiot with this stuff? She just wants to make a good impression on people and she’s such a fucking mess. Ruminating will get her nowhere; she ties her short hair back into a sloppy little ponytail and takes her deputy uniform shirt off to tie around her hips, knowing the stove will quickly heart up her small kitchen then sets her phone to play some music. 
“You need music to cook?” 
“Need it to function.” 
“Some parts of my brain are probably still sleeping I wish I could tell but I'm probably still sleeping.”
Dahlia starts following the instructions , humming along to the music, something upbeat to help her not want to die through this entire process. She eyeballs the amount of  sugar, butter, cocoa powder and milk into the saucepan; trying to make it look like the pictured amount and turns on the heat. The recipe calls for her to whisk it, but she doesn’t have one those, so she stirs it off and on with a spoon, this isn’t too hard so far.
“Uh, are you measuring that?” Cassie asks and Dahlia leans on the table to talk, tapping her fingers along to the beat. 
“The recipe doesn’t say how much, but like, it can’t be too hard.” 
“Uhhhh deputy….” 
“I look to the window, I look through your eyes
I can see my reflection, but I can't close the blinds.”
There’s a burbling noise followed by sizzling and Dahlia turns in time to see chocolate milk boiling over the pan. It runs down onto the floor, sizzling as it hits the burner. The word shit is said under Dahlia’s breath like a chant as she shuts off the heat. 
“So…too much milk?” Dahlia wonder out loud as she cleans up the mess.
“Like I know.” 
‘Someone has to, ‘cause I sure as shit don’t.” 
“It's like someone's determined to change how I think
But if I just close my eyes I'll wake from each dream”
Dahlia cleans up the mess and dumps out the chocolate milk soupy mess within the pan, ignoring Cassie’s snickers of laughter as she works. She just had to do this with a peanut gallery, didn’t she? But hey, she was prepared for the first couple attempts to fuck up.  She combines the ingredients again, using much less milk this time. 
“Maybe you should find a recipe with measurements?” 
“I already have the ingredients for this recipe,” Dahlia says, if she switches now there could be shit she doesn’t have, right?
“You’re so stubborn…”
“What?” Dahlia asks when she notices the trail off, storing the new mixture which is thicker and becoming harder to stir in seconds, is that good?
“Holy fuck.” 
“You okay?” 
“I don’t know your name.” 
“Yeah, you just realized ? Umm, is that smell normal?” The chocolate mess is starting to smell like burning tires…which is probably bad.
“Would it let you down if we don't grow up?
Would it make you proud if we gave up?
What about anybody?
They're all just chasin' money”
“How is that possible? I’m living with you and don’t even know your name.” 
“Don’t beat yourself up over it, Whitehorse is the only one who knows my full name.”
“What the-do you not tell people your name?”
“I mean, I never avoided it, but I usually just call myself the new deputy and we move on. Just sort of happened and now I just think it’s kinda funny, uh this is definitely not good is it?” 
“Jesus fuck, no that’s not good!”
Pitch black smoke has started to roll off the pan; solidifying burnt chocolate sticking to it. Dahlia swings the pan around to the sink, rolling it under cold water before it can spark fire. She huffs, blowing lose strands of hair up and out of her face, sweat and flush on her skin as she turns to face Cassie. 
“So, not enough milk that time.”
“You giving up?” 
“Of course not, third times a charm, mon cher,” Dahlia bolsters her fake confidence as she grabs a new pan, surely she can salvage one batch?
“Would it let you down if we don't grow up?
Would it make you proud if we gave up?
What about anybody?
They're all just chasin' honey”
Dahlia recombines finding a middle ground for the amount of milk to avoid burning or boiling over; she hovers over it, stirring the entire time as she watches for any signs of a new disaster. The entire time Cassie seems to be watching her, but she doesn’t talk as much this time, Dahlia can feel eyes on her arms in particular. She looks down at her arm, half expecting to see a spider, a pimple, or something that’d draw attention. But all she sees is her own bicep, maybe it’s the tattoos. Nothing complicated, as she couldn’t afford much, two solid black bands around her right bicep. 
“If ever you want me, if ever you need me
I may not be conscious but baby I'm honest
I'll look to the mirror, I'll look through your heart
I can see good intentions but we tear them apart”
“Do you like tattoos?” Dahlia asks, wondering if that’s why Cassie’s eyes have been drawn to the ink. 
“Huh, oh, uh they’re alright, I don’t have anything against them, do you have a lot?” 
“Just these and one on my lower back.” 
“You have a tramp stamp?” Cassie raises an eyebrow, a smile to her lips.
“No, tramp stamps are across the middle, it’s on the left side, so ha.” 
“So, it’s tramp stamp adjacent?” 
“Shut up.” 
“What is it of?” 
“A quote from Lady Lazarus; ‘and like the cat I have nine times to die,’ Sylvia Plath.” 
“That’s,” Cassie blinks, taken aback, “a lot more…pretentious than I expected from you.” 
“Someone I use to live with had all these books of poetry, philosophy, all the deep shit you could dream of. It was my first real time reading that kind of stuff, so a lot of it stuck with me. Cats are kind of a…theme in my life. They called me their stray, got me the helmet, I even had a cat for a…short period of time. So, it’s the quote from it I picked.” 
She can’t help but smile thinking of the shelves of books that Lloyd and Caroline had; when they first took her in, after years of being hidden away from anything ‘sinful’ or ‘worldly’, she was desperate to consume any media she could. She read every book in their house, spent days in front of the tv just binge-watching stuff she wasn’t allowed to watch as a kid. Mostly pokemon cartoons, horror movies, and Sailor Moon if she’s being honest. Caroline was the one with the love of poetry, telling Dahlia about Sylvia Plath when she found the books of poems one night. 
The idea of constantly being killed only to be brought back, over and over, a constant revolving door of pain. A cycle you beg for release from but are never afforded the mercy of it; Caroline explained how Plath struggled with suicidal thoughts… Dahlia never thought herself suicidal through her childhood, but she couldn’t deny how often she wished for death, an escape of any kind…  The symbolism with the condemnation of Jewish people, knowing the half of Dahlia’s background that her mother threw away for Father Monroe and made Dahlia throw away too, yet still they were called such vile and slurs… It just stuck with her. 
“Was there another contender?” 
“Yeah, I love the poem all around but two parts of it have always been my favorite.” 
“The cat one and…?” 
“Dying is an art, like everything else. I do it exceptionally well.” 
“God, you’re a dork.”
“So rude, what am I gonna do with you,” Dahlia laughs, shaking her head as she moves the pan off the burner. So far, it’s going alright, all she should need to do is mix in vanilla, peanut butter, and oats. Wait…she may be dumber than originally thought, which is saying a lot. 
“Something wrong, you look like you’re doing math in your head or something.” 
“A lot of people are allergic to peanuts…aren’t they?” 
“It’s like one of the most common allergies, yeah.” 
“And I chose food with peanut butter in them…” 
“Wasn’t gonna burst you bubble quite yet, but I’m pretty sure Nick is.” 
“What!? Why would you-!? What were you waiting for, me to kill a man!?” 
Cassie just laughs and Dahlia’s face feels like absolute fire, she’s frustrated and dumb. And between this shit and Redler’s window, who let her be like this? Did no one ever realize that she clearly does not have a brain? Was she born like this and the doctor was just like eh it’s fine and threw her little empty headed baby body out into the world? 
“It’s not a b-“ Cassie tries to speak through red faced laughter, because Dahlia’s misery is hilarious. 
“That’s it! I’m moving to Alaska, bon voyage, I’m out!” Dahlia claps her hands and swings her arms dramatically before dropping onto her back on the kitchen floor, crossing her arms over her chest. It’s so dumb, eyes stinging and throat feeling tight. It’s just cookies, she actually wants to cry over cookies, but dear god she can’t even make fucking cookies! It just feels like another failure. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Cassie stands up and comes around to talk to the dejected puddle of deputy, “it’s not a big deal, don’t be dramatic, alright?”
“I’m not being dramatic, between this and Redler’s window, I’m just gonna dye my fucking hair and run away to Alaska so no one knows who I am and no one can find me.” 
“What happened to Redler’s window?” 
“I broke it…” 
“Why’d you do that?” 
“I was trying to punch Pratt and he moved!” 
“Holy shit.” 
“Aren’t you suppose to be helping me?” 
“Umm, pack plenty of coats and I wouldn’t recommend going blonde.” 
“I hate you. Why do all my friends bully me?” She asks, thinking of both Cassie and Pratt being shitheads with her. She expects it from him, but Cassie, really?
“We do it with love, I assure you, now get up.” 
“I’m serious, okay, you can write a note and put it by them, most people expect no bakes to have peanut butter anyway.” 
“I can’t write a note.” 
“Wh- oh yeah your handwriting is…” 
“Dog shit, I know.” 
“I’ll write it for you then, okay, now get up.” 
“Thank you…” Dahlia reluctantly climbs up onto her feet, still pouting when she looks at Cassie who just smiles at her before ruffling her already messy hair. 
“You got this.”
“Do I?” 
“No. But I’m trying to be positive.” 
“Okay, fuck you too I guess?” Dahlia says in mock anger, laughing at the ridiculousness of all of this.  
She rubs a hand down her face and gets back to mixing up the rest of them mix, then spooning it onto a pan, after that it’s a matter of letting them set so they can solidify. When she sucks some of the mix off her thumb, she’s pleasantly surprised, half expecting with her luck for it to be inedible, but it tastes fine. Chocolate, hint of peanut butter, and oats. Nothing fancy, but she’s not gagging which is something. 
“Here, that should help, if you end up taking these,” Cassie says, showing a notecard with a warning for peanut butter on it. 
“What do you mean ‘if’ I end up taking them, they’re not bad, they actually turned out pretty well.” 
“Well, they might not set.” 
“Sometimes no bakes don’t set properly and you end up with just puddles of chocolate oatmeal instead of proper cookies.” 
“What the fuck…what?” 
“Not to literally bring you down again, but, um, no bakes are kinda finicky and not a great choice for beginners.” 
“I’m never baking, cooking, broiling, roasting, or whatever the fuck else you call this shit ever again.” 
“That’s probably best for everyone…”
“I hate you.” 
“Yeah, yeah, love you too. I’m gonna head to bed now.” 
“Yeah, now you got your fill of entertainment.” 
“Don’t stress too much.” 
Dahlia sighs as Cassie leaves, shoulders still tense. She just wants to make a good impression, she nearly ruined her chance at that with the church barbecue, only by the grace of far too patient people did she manage to come out of it with hopefully some friends. Dahlia doesn’t have the religion barrier in this situation, so she should be better off? She hopes, she doesn’t expect to be best friends with anyone or be welcomed like family, but the more people around here like her the better. Hopefully with Pratt there, some of her nerves will be tamped down on. She’s closer to her coworkers now and has a few friends, so it shouldn’t be too bad, despite her struggle with crowds and socializing. She crashes down onto her couch, yanking her hair tie out before she goes to sleep. 
She’s up early to take Cassie to work before she goes to the barbecue, the older girl bustling to get ready as Dahlia checks on the cookies. Her finger sinks right into one, still wet. Oh no. Maybe they just need some more time, yeah, that’s all. 
Once Cassie is safely at work, confirming a coworker is going to take her home, Dahlia heads back home. The cookies are still wet… She’s going to scream.  There has to be a way to make them set? She considers holding a hair dryer to them, but on second thought the heat may just make them melt further. 
Frustrated and the time to leave getting closer, Dahlia goes to get ready, hoping by some twist of fate that they’ll be set by the time she’s showered and dressed. 
Hair still damp, dressed but with a towel across her shoulders to catch stray droplets, she checks again. Cursing under her breath when they’re still just lumps of wet chocolate oatmeal. She might as well show up with a Tupperware container of slop. 
Dahlia slam dunks her failure cookies into the trash a little harder than needed before grabbing the store made sugar cookies. It’s probably for the best with the peanut butter anyway… She throws on her jacket, boots, and helmet before headed out west towards the Holland Valley. Pratt told her the Rye’s property is just outside of Falls End. 
Her shitty directional skills manage to not get in her way, thanks in no small part to the signs for Rye and Son’s Aviation. Small blessings she figures. There’s a driveway that cuts through the woods, a cozy house closer to the drive-way, then an outside building and the hangar beyond it. 
People are gathered in open space near the hangar, picnic tables and a grill set up. There’s an airplane out, a vivid yellow seaplane with a shark design. She parks her motorcycle along with the rest of the cars and trucks, still a short walk from where the party is. She’s searching for familiar faces, before she walks forwards, Pratt mostly. She doesn’t find him. 
Hudson is speaking with Mary May and two women she doesn’t know. One with long dark hair and fatigues, the other a noticeably pregnant woman with hair shaved at the side. They talk and laugh. Despite having felt a little less awkward with Hudson, since spending more time with her, the idea of interrupting or cutting in feels wrong. 
Whitehorse is talking to a man she doesn’t know, but judging by the pastor’s collar she can assume his job. Catholicism isn’t particularly common out here and the only catholic church she can think of is the one in Falls End. Not exactly comfortable jumping in there either. 
There’s not really an easy place to put herself in,  nothing that feels comfortable or right. Everything feels like an intrusion. 
“Everyone’s gonna think you’re a creep, if you keep staring like that,” a familiar voice taunting her, Pratt’s standing beside her and she can’t help but smile, tension easing. He’s a jerk, but he’s her jerk. 
“Shut up, dickhead, I was trying to see who I knew,” she explains, grabbing the store-bought cookies from the under-seat storage. If Pratt’s by her side, she feels a bit more confident joining in.  She’s not sure when he became a rock for her in a situation like this, but maybe it’s best not to question that.
“So, you just bought store crap?” 
“Okay, judgey, what did you make?” 
“Pff, I can’t fucking cook, the hell are you talking about?” 
“What,” she glares at him, if this was all an excuse to fuck with her, she’s killing him, “you said everyone cooks, no store bought crap!” 
“And you believed me? Food is food, no one gives a fuck where it came from, well there’s the one time the Seeds brough this gross ass mac and cheese, but that’s another story.” 
“What the fuck Pratt? I was up all night trying to make something edible.” 
“Take it that didn’t go well?” 
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.” 
“Hey Beau, hey Nick,” Pratt calls out and then goes rushing off towards the crowd, he’s leaving her. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Sorry can’t hear you, need to be near witnesses, bye,” he’s laughing through his words and she finds herself wanting to grab the back of his shirt, to drag him back just so she won’t have to go in alone. But that’s childish…so she watches as her rock runs off to join everyone else. 
And once again she’s the sore thumb and maybe if she tried, she could make a new friend. And maybe if she’d just get the courage to talk to someone, she’d be fine. And maybe if she wasn’t such a damn coward, she’d do that. But she’s been the outsider looking in for her entire life and there’s a level of comfort in the loneliness; familiarity in isolation. 
When she thinks of it, the people who breach that comfort zone rarely do so because either of them make that step. Circumstance, not courage, is what always brings people into her life. Pratt and Hudson are her friends, because they work together, Pratt more so because they’re made to spend almost everyday together. Cassie because she was in an awful situation and needed a home. Lloyd and Caroline because she needed one. Hell, Eden’s Gate members are the closest to it, but they still sought her out for another body in the flock, not because they wanted her as a friend. Circumstance, desperation, pity, and religious duty. 
And as her throat tightens, feet frozen in place as she debates trying to socialize, she realizes…maybe that’s okay. Not happy or pleasant to think of, but okay. She’ll stay in her bubble for another day or the rest of her life; one of the two. 
Dahlia throws the cookies back into the under storage and slips her helmet back on, climbing onto her bike, riding away from the barbecue. Music blasting in her ears and racing down backroads on her motorcycle; it feels like home. 
Songs change, hours pass, the sun sets and the moon takes it’s place with the stars keeping it company. She’s spent the entire day riding and her heart feels lighter for it, she thinks as she pulls over to get gas, filling the tank. The entire barbecue and cooking thing is a fucking fiasco, but she’s happy now and that’s what matters, so fuck it. She got to spend an entire day doing one of the things she loves most in this world and she has a friend, no matter how they got there, who’s waiting for her at home. 
Then her phone rings and Dahlia feels her heart leap into her throat, the hair on the back of her neck raising. That little sixth sense warning her that something is wrong. Because as she’s learned quickly, even her most minor of happy moments must be interrupted by total fucking hell.  It’s Cassie and her fear only raises. 
“Deputy…” And she’s brought back to the night Cassie called her, that broken and scared voice asking for help, no longer the happy woman who’d taunted her last night.  There’s something in the background; some sort of yelling and music. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I…I don’t know, someone broke a window, I, there’s yelling, they’re doing something, I’m scared to check.” 
“You’re at the Moonflower.” 
“Yeah, I, I don’t know what going on.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” 
Dahlia keeps her on the phone as she races back, a repeat of Wednesday night it feels like. Just when Cassie was feeling safe, just when things felt good, because of fucking course. She has no idea what hairbrained idea the Moonflower folks got in their head, she knows they hate her and fine, she gets it, but to scare Cassie like that is so fucking wrong. 
It looks like they decided to have their own party while so much of the county was away at the Rye’s. There’s a stench of booze around the entire trailer park. Rage is white hot inside of Dahlia when she sees the cluster of them around her trailer, a few cursing when they see her getting closer. She could give a fuck less about the damage, the broken windows or the PIG spray painted across the trailer, but Cassie is there. Curled up and crying, surrounded by broken glass as they shove and push at the home. 
“Everybody stand back!” Liam calls out; lighter in one hand, bottle of booze with a rag in the other. And she’s on him, tackling him to the ground beneath her. The lighter and would be Molotov thankfully fall away without igniting. Instinct and anger pushes her to raise back her fist and slam it into Liam’s face. 
She’s blacked his eye, skin breaking at his eyebrow and making his blood stick to her knuckles; then someone is grabbing her from behind, pulling her off of him. Dahlia slams her elbow back into the person’s gut, making them let go of her, she watches as Liam gets up, The crowd is surrounding them, no doubt ready to dogpile Dahlia if she tries to go after him again. He’s smiling and laughing, like an asshole, she wants to punch him again. 
“Quite a temper you got there, deputy.” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” 
“Fuck is wrong with me? You’re the cop running around hitting people over a trailer,” he taunts her, reminding her that she should be better than this. 
“Fuck you, this ain’t about the god damn trailer!” 
“Deputy…” A broken timid voice rings out from behind Dahlia, Cassie… When Dahlia looks over her shoulder, she can see her friend on the porch, just poking her head out from behind the door. Her eyes are wide and Dahlia wonders just how much of this mess she’s seen. 
“Shit…” Liam murmurs and the smirk is wiped off his face, eyes wide. 
“Everything okay, Cassie, I’m taking care of it. Go back inside, okay?” She watches as Cassie goes back in with a timid nod. 
“I… we didn’t know anyone was home…” 
“Oh so it’s all okay, everything’s fine ‘cause you didn’t fuckin’ know! You could have killed her, you dumb fuck!” 
“Save it! Get the fuck away from me before I do something I regret.” 
Liam gets the picture, he has something more to say, everyone else there seems to too. But, no one’s stupid enough to test their luck or maybe smart enough to know this isn’t the time to talk. Once they’re all gone and she knows they’re not going to do anything stupid, again, Dahlia goes back to the trailer. 
Cassie is curled up on the couch, knees pulled up to her chest. The inside of the trailer is a mess; broken glass from windows, beer bottles, trash, rocks, and a brick that was probably used to break it. All thrown inside while Cassie sat horrified. 
“I’m so sorry,” Dahlia says and sits next to her, extending an arm to hold her. 
But Cassie flinches away, curls up deeper upon herself, as if Dahlia’s even attempt to comfort had scalded her. And the deputy’s heart seizes in her chest, pulling her arm back, seeing the blood on her knuckles. Did Cassie see her hit Liam? How much of her rage did she witness? Bloody knuckles, red faced, and nearly frothing at the mouth as she screamed her anger out… She must have seemed more like a monster than a friend. 
And Dahlia’s reminded of Genevieve all at once, the child of Dahlia’s mother and Father Monroe, the deputy’s half sister. The young girl, she’d be no older than eleven or twelve by now, was his blood and his golden child for it. And he told her of every one of Dahlia’s so called faults, sins he believed she committed, and convinced the child Dahlia was a monster in their home. And for so long she treated her like it; flinched from her affection, cowered at her sight, and shrunk away from her at every moment. As if Dahlia was the boogeyman, she fought for years with silly stories and blanket forts to coax her own sister into loving her. But, progress was always quickly undone. Every effort to chip through the wall he’d built between them was met with abuse, egging on her anger so he could make a show of her sin , so Genevive would always see Dahlia as the monster who’d spit her blood and bare her teeth rather than give in. 
Now, she’s there again, another person  flinching from her, terrified of the monster she’s shown she can be. Scared that one day those bared teeth will be at her throat instead of at another's. And Dahlia truly can’t blame her. 
“I…know it’s the only option…but I really don’t like it here…” 
Dahlia had wanted to offer an invitation for Cassie to stay, those passing ideas of having a roommate, how nice it’d be. At the time Dahlia thought she could keep Cassie safe, that this is better than the hell she had with her mother. And maybe for a few days it was, but if this is the kind of shit that can happen, all Dahlia’s done is taken her out the pan and placed her in the fire. Almost literally… Cassie could have been burned alive if Dahlia hasn’t made it back in time…
Cassie needs someplace else and the conversation with Whitehorse resurfaces, Eden’s Gate. They take people in, the only conflict she was saw was when Layla was at a store, but the church and the compound were safe…protected. They have plenty of land to house anyone who needs it and apparently they have the heart to do so. The Seeds can be a little off, but they’re not bad… 
“I got an idea,” Dahlia speaks up.
“What’s that?” 
“You got anything against Eden’s Gate?” 
“I mean, I’ve heard some stuff, but I don’t know much about them. I’ve seen Faith a few time and she seems nice.” 
“She is, they, uh, they take people in sometimes…I can take you up to Joseph’s church and we can talk to them.” 
“You think they’d help me?” 
“Yeah, I do.” 
“I think I’d like that.” 
“Okay then,” Dahlia jumps up from the couch, “get dressed and lets get you packed up.” 
“Right now?” 
“You wanna spend the night here?” 
“God no, lets go.” 
It doesn’t take long for Cassie to get dressed and pack everything up in the bag Dahlia got from her house. They may be counting their chickens before they hatch, already getting her things packed up, but Dahlia can’t see Joseph turning Cassie away. He’s too kind for that. And even if he were too, Dahlia will find something, even if she has to go barge on Whitehorse’s door. 
Dahlia has an arm around Cassie as they leave the trailer, hoping to offer even the smallest modicum of support. Cassie pulls on Dahlia’s helmet, at this rate maybe she should invest in a second helmet. And then with Cassie’s arms wrapped tight around her waist she rides out of the park. 
Eden’s Gate is quickly becoming one of the only good places to be in the whole damn county; they got to help her… All Dahlia can do as she rides through winding roads is hope that her faith in the church isn’t misplaced.  
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