#might turn this into a fic
crestapex · 5 months
Okay but imagine that you’ve fought alongside Ghost and have been friends with him for years before 141, and fast forward to today and you’re on a mission with Soap and occasionally he’ll slip in a little flirty comment or joke every now and again
And then Ghost is on the other end like “focus, sergeant 😒” cause he’s gettin a little jealous, let alone the fact Johnny was put on this mission with you and not him
And you’re just kinda standing there trying to complete the mission like “what’s the problem he‘s just being nice???🧍‍♀️”
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soulkeeper801 · 6 months
nayeon x f!reader
“you look so pretty rolling your eyes like that,” nayeon growls as she presses herself on you, her fingers picking up the pace, making you throw your head back, “so pretty for me,” she whispers through gritted teeth, “no one else,” she continues, as her lips find their way to your pulse point, your hips thrust against her hands when she nips at your skin, drawing a familiar smirk on her face, “only mine”.
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fluffyluckyvampire · 16 days
I just had a dream that was basically a zombie apocalypse AU of obey me, where sometime after the extange programa a virus breaks out in the human realm and MC and Solomon desperately try to find a cure with both necromancy and science. (In my dream, they used somesort of necromancy type magic, so it'd only affect the dead) MC returned to the Devildom to research more magic and be safer while doing it; but MC (still being mortal) works themselves to the bone, barely sleeping or stopping to eat. So Mammon (and the rest of the brothers but mainly Mamms) are desperate to get MC to take a break, which MC (due to stress) kinda snaps at him because 'humans as a species are in danger' which in response (instewd of backing down) he brings up that if MC doesn't stop and take a break they'll probably end up stressing to death (because humans are fragile) and leave Solomon alone to try and fix this so MC tales a break but all they can think about is the literal apocalypse happening in the human realm.
ALSO, in my dream, whenever MC had to go to the human realm or were ever in danger, the brothers would bust ass and kill any zombies trying to kill/bite/get to MC.
Anyway, I thought that was interesting 🤷‍♂️
(Yes, I literally just woke up to tell ya'll my dream😭)
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hellcheercaine · 2 months
harringrove au where steve helps billy and max to run away from their dad, and to search for billy’s biological mother
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redtippedfox · 4 months
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Old followers remember my Akuma! Adrien Eros design! For this Valentine’s Day I decided to bring him back! I even wrote a small snipet! I know by the time I upload this it’s gonna be late but I had a pretty busy day and I am just glad that I was able to even finish this!
She couldn’t see anything, Eros’s wings were covering her, she couldn’t see, she couldn’t hear. All she could feel was Adrien’s-no…Eros’s magic trying to transform her, make her surrender to his power. Become what he wanted her to become. The intense feeling of his love was like a noose around her neck, suffocating and sweet. Oh god it was so sweet and warm and it…She was suffocating, she needed air but if she desired air she would have to give in.
Marinette tried to claw at the golden armor of her lover-no! Her friend! He wasn’t her lover! He was her friend! He made that clear that he wasn’t in love with Marinette!
Yes he is, you can have his love if you just give in
Her fingers pulled and scraped against the metallic metal as Eros squeezed tighter, his golden armor shining as bright as the sun. She can feel Adrien’s breath, he’s chuckling, he waiting.
Waiting for her to stop fighting and just surrender
Marinette lets out a muffled cry as another wave of love slams into her, his feathers so soft and comforting, so tempting to just surrender and see the sun again.
He is the sun, you can see him again if you just stop fighting
“Adrien please.” She begs, his wings shift, becoming tighter as he buries his face into her hair. “Please, let me go…Adrien!”
Marinette can’t tell which Miraculous is being used, Juliation, Passion, Pretension? It’s strong, familiar, it might be Diazzi or Ziggy. Orikko could work to but he can’t do anything with love for those concepts belonged to others.
“Adrien, you have to let go! Please! You’ve been Akumatized, this isn’t what you want!” She tries to pull his real self out, but the wings fold in more, Adrien’s head shifts from his place in her hair.
You are what he wants, just give him what he wants, he just wants you
As she struggled Marinette could remember how quickly Adrien had given into Monarchs control, one minute Lila had been whispering something to him, the Akuma sank into his ring and the next he was Eros, flying high into the sky and the diving down, grabbing Marinette and trapping her in his wings.
He learned the truth, he knows you love him, he loves you too…so why fight when he knows?
Marinette couldn’t breathe
He’ll be your oxygen, just give in
Marinette couldn’t see
He’ll be your eyes, just give in
She wanted it to stop!
She needed it to stop! She had to transform! She had to save him!
You can save him by loving him
No! She needed to get out! She needed to-
“Marinette please…just give in…just let me love you the way you did all those years ago”
His voice is the same but it’s weak, it’s vulnerable, it’s needy…it’s full of love.
She gives in
Marinette intakes her first breath of air, her vision reappears as the soft wings gracefully open up, she feels lighter. Eros’s wings flair out revealing the world around them has changed, it’s prettier and softer. Marinette feels dizzy for a few seconds as he sees the rest of her legs transformed. Her pants and slippers gone as a light pink dress replaces her original clothes.
“There we go, isn’t that better? It feels good to give in rather than fight it.” Adrien chuckles as he looks down at Marinette, his face beaming brightly almost as bright as his halo that resides on his head.
Marinette doesn’t say anything as her conscious is drowned by the loving feeling.
Eros smiles and holds her tight.
“I love you Marinette.”
“Say you love me too”
Marinette gives in.
“I love you too…Adrien.”
Eros has found his Psyche and he doesn’t plan on letting her go.
He’ll make sure she stays
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thisisnotkitty · 7 months
omg what would ness and mike’s first date be?!
im SO GLAD you asked
-i think that mike would want to take ness to a fancy restaurant but a) ness already works at a diner so mike’s worried that he wouldn’t want to eat out and b) do u really think mike can afford that lmao
-mike is probably freaking out about this w vanessa meanwhile vanessa’s like “im sure he’d love to go anywhere with you” and mikes like “okay but that’s not helpful WHERE should we go”
-the thing is mike wants to make sure that its a very special date. they’ve technically gone out before but usually with abby third wheeling. ness doesn’t mind and mike adores his little sister but he also kinda wants some alone time with his boyfriend okay?
-he does some research and there’s a historical museum a little ways out so on a day where vanessa can take care of abby and ness has a day off he takes them there
-ness doesn’t know where they’re going. mike insisted on planning the date by himself and just told ness it’d be a surprise
-lo and behold DINOSAUR MUSEUM
-(i tried to do research and if we’re taking the movie to be set in montana this museum is there and apparently has “one of the largest collections of dinosaur archeological remains” woahhh)
-ness is absolutely SPEECHLESS so mike thinks he doesn’t like it at first so he’s scrambling to make it better lmao
-hes all “it was a stupid idea, sorry. if u want we can just explore what they have around here im sure there’s like a coffee shop or something” and ness is like “mike for the love of god please shut up I LOVE IT”
-they go in and have a BLAST
-ness bc he definitely went through a dinosaur phase. he’s pointing at different models and telling mike all about them and what time period they were from etc etc
-mike is having a great time just listening to ness. does he know whats going on? no. could he tell u the difference between a velociraptor and an oviraptor? absolutely not. but he loves hearing ness talk so he’s more than happy to smile and listen.
-when they reach the giftshop he has to physically hold ness back from buying like 20 plushes thought lmao
-when ness is turned away sulking mike buys him one. he doesn’t know anything about dinosaurs and couldn’t tell you the names of any of them but he noticed ness getting particularly excited at this one exhibit so he took note of the frills around the dinosaurs neck and picks that one out of the plushes (its a dilophosaurus bc i personally think they’re cool)
-he also buys a coloring book for abby
-ness LOVES IT and then he shows mike that he also secretly bought something from the gift shop !
-its a keychain bc he knows mike’s kinda a sentamentalist and like to keep small memorabilia of things so he figured he’d want something to remember the date by and ness is like “do you like it?” eyes shining with anticipation
-mike, trying desperately not to cry: yeah
-suddenly ness is like OH! and scares mike out of his socks
-ness pulls out a puzzle from his bag and is like “this is for abby!” and mikes like “how am i so lucky” rahhh
-ness takes great care of his new plush and always gently places him in the middle of the bed once he makes it. (the first time mike comes over and sees it he tears up and ness teases him about it)
-mike also carries the keychain everywhere he goes (once he thought he lost it and made a mess turning the house upside down to try to find them. turns out abby had just borrowed the keys to open up something (she couldnt find the scissors) and forgot to put them back lmao)
sooo much brainrot i love them sm please keep sending prompts to feed the brainworms
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certified-trinket · 3 months
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smiles menacingly. okay so. taking ideas but i have a rough idea of whats gonna happen basically its post-portal 2 but for silly reasons wheatley is still in aperture (hes probab;y going to give shity relationship advice to chell and glados (they will both take it to heart)) its been a while (at least a few years) since the ending and aperture is actually back to a functioning science facility (people!! some cores are functioning again!!) and theyre hiring. youll never guess who waltzes into glados's chamber one day becuase she got hired as her technician..
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ya-zz · 7 months
Ramattra Drabble
“Your usual?”
“My… usual?”
The omnic then proceeds to recite your drink order, ingredient by ingredient, size and temperature. Exactly the way you liked it.
He remembered. While yes he knew all the drinks and bakes, everything on the menu, he remembered your order specifically.
“Yes, my usual.”
When the airy laugh escapes you, his circuits warmed and he immediately went to prepare your order. He memorised your schedule too. You’d always be there in the morning and then roughly the same time in the evening.
“There you are.” He hands the cup over to you. “This one is on me.”
“Oh!” The gesture, while sweet, was surprising. “Thank you,” you glance at his name badge, “Ramattra.”
“My pleasure.” His tone was light, friendly. He tilts his head as if to mimic a smile. “Have a good day.”
You nod in response with a gentle smile. “You too!”
Ramattra watches you leave the building, already anticipating your return in the coming hours.
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marvelousmisterstark · 2 months
Chosen has Fallen
Cyllene watches the young man, and he watches right back. 
There’s a caution in his amber eyes, eyes much too old for the sixteen year old who bears them. He watches her like she’s the enemy. Watches her like he’s waiting for her to lash out. Watches her like she’s a ghost. 
Like she’s familiar.
Even if she wanted to, his beast of a Pikachu would kill her before she had the chance. 
At first glance, Cyllene had been sure the boy had a Raichu draped over his shoulders. A Raichu that looked so at home wrapped around this human. The beast was massive, and dwarfed Akari’s Pikachu as if it was a Pichu. The two didn’t even seem to be the same species. 
This Pikachu was a hulking, narrow-eyed, scarred thing, battle wounds worn like the stars Cyllene so seldomly bequeathed. Old, odd red scars burned a long-healed pattern into its flesh, circles with branching lines situated on its forehead and stomach. The fur on its tail had been worn away over time, now a razor’s edge raised in warning.  
Its cheeks sparked red with cursed lightning. 
The boy wasn’t much better. 
His flimsy clothes did nothing to hide the array of old injuries; lacerations, burns, gouges, bites, and a particularly harsh lichtenberg figure that carved through his right palm and up his arm. 
How could this boy bear all the brutality of Pokémon and still treat this monstrous Pikachu as a brother? How could he be so calm with Laventon’s three research subjects so lovingly wrapped around his legs, or cradled in his arms? 
Cyndaquil’s flames could erupt without warning, scorching the boy’s leg in seconds. 
Oshawott could take its scalchop and slash through his achilles tendon, crippling him without a thought.
Rowlet was so close to his throat, it could tear through the skin and muscle and vasculature and there’d be no time to save him. 
Instead of fear, the boy's cautious expression would deepen to sadness when he looked at them. Standing there like these beasts were old friends.
He stood there like his life wasn’t in the hands of others.
Cyllene was wary.
This boy falls from the sky, no word on his origins or how he came to be here, just that he had Fallen from Heaven’s Fracture. 
This was an omen, she knew. An omen for better or for worse, and it was up to her to decide if Jubilife Village’s fate would rest on his shoulders. Give this Fallen free range over her home and risk the sky’s wrath? Or cast him out, and risk forsaking the cure so mercifully proffered?   
In the end, she could only test him. 
And in the end, she could only show Ashura his new home.
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cupowhale · 2 months
This was a side project that I had going for a little bit, but this is a scenario in the splatoon2 octo expansion type of deal
But this is a traditional piece done by color pencils and pen!
(Might’ve gotten inspired to write about this, so look out for it)
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novarrr · 3 months
+.*i get those goosebumps every time*.+
SUMMARY: he just cant shake the feeling that somebody knows... let alone his own wife..
AUTH NOTE: aahhhdgfgy first fic!! based on the song goosebumps by Travis Scott 😍😍😍😍 (update, it’s been like 5 months since i started writing this.. i’m so sorry 😭😭🫶🫶)
"hello?" you ask, twirling the landline phone cord between your index and middle finger. "shit, sorry hun.." you notice the voice instantly, its your husband Nick. "sorry forr..?" you trail off, now curious. "um.. ill be home late again." his voice is low and laced with slight malice. "oh." is all you manage to say. you turn to look back in the dining room. your children are sitting happily at the table, eating spaghetti bowls.
"are you upset?" he questions, slightly nervous. "no! its fine.. ill put your food in the fridge then.." you mumble into the speaker. he sighs before speaking again. "listen, i gotta go but ill be back when you wake up. promise." he tries to sound as cheery as possible, but you can see right through the act. "okay, bye! i love you." you murmur with a small smile as the line clicks.
something is up, you can tell. you set the phone down before heading into the dining room and picking up your husbands plate. your daughter looks up at you, her curly pigtails bouncing as she swings her legs off the chair. “mommy… where’s daddy..?” she asks, her voice laced with worry. “baby, he’s fine.. he’s just caught up with work again.” you manage a smile. she nods before going back to eating.
about 4 hours later, you hear the door open and the familiar leather shoe footsteps. your husband in all his glory walks into the living room. “well hi there..” Nick says with a small grin. he walks over to you, sitting beside you on the sofa. “how was work..?” you ask, resting your head on his shoulder. he shrugs, “boring, as per usual.” the way he says it makes you giggle. “you’re sweaty, my love.” you kiss his cheek, making him smile again.
“ouch.” he jokes, standing up again. “i’ll go have a shower then.” you nod and watch as he turns around. “and by the way, could you find me that book.. um.. the one about criminology!” he recalls, to which you respond with a small “yup!” before you too, stand up.
you hear him walk up the stairs as you reach the bookshelf. as you look around, you spot a small knob out of the corner of your eye. you try to ignore it, thinking your vision is just playing tricks on you again. that is, until a passing train nearby causes the knob to rattle. you quirk your eyebrow, setting the newly found book down on the coffee table before inspecting the round knob closer.
as you get a better look, you realise that it belongs to a trapdoor that you happen to have never noticed. ‘strange..’ you think to yourself before turning it slowly. you’d think it’d be locked, considering you’ve never noticed it in your 8 years of living in your house. but it isn’t. the door slowly creaks open and the light from inside the living room shines into the small space.
upon further inspection, you spot a few candles, all of which definitely had been lit within the last few hours considering the faint smell of candle smoke. but also another thing worth noting, the two large stones with writing etched into them. one’s been fully covered, the second having almost just been started. you can only read the last 3 lines of the second stone.
you make a face, weird that the last three shady side killer names are etched into.. wait.
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ftmsteveraglan · 6 months
rewatched scream and i can't stop thinking about giving william afton a murder husband. like, if there's one thing i enjoy more than dominant william, it's lapdog william who only bows to his partner
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b00knerd1o1 · 11 months
I can totally see Gwen getting into a fight with her dad and going out in costume specifically so that she can mess with him as Spider-Woman.
Gwen as Spider-Woman: (Webs her dad to a wall) That's for earlier! Captain Stacy: I just got here. What earlier are you talking about?
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soulkeeper801 · 6 months
nayeon looks like the kind of girl who would never settle down but come back to you every once in a while just to make sure you’re not over her
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but. like. what if ep 1 Daniel thought they were going to meet Karen.
it makes sense, you know? Sean is a slightly better liar with him than with everyone else, but that bar is still six feet under (at least in ep 1, I think he gets a little better later on) and Daniel knows something is off. he knows Esteban is supposedly off doing something, something important enough the brothers have to make their way through the wilderness and that fucking gas station on their own. obviously his first thought isn't going to be that Esteban is dead, that's ridiculous (right?) so it's clear that Esteban must be involved in something important, mysterious. and what's more important or mysterious than the outline his mom has left in their lives?
and he knows that Mom liked trips, adventures, so it makes sense that she wouldn't want to meet them in boring old Seattle. so Dad has to go get her wherever she is, maybe ease her back out of isolation, while the brothers go to meet up with them. and they're keeping it a secret from Daniel, maybe for a surprise like the Playbox, maybe because they're worried it'll fall through and he'll be disappointed. it'd make sense, especially with how on edge Sean is whenever they talk about where Dad is, Daniel knows how tense Sean always is around any Mom-related conversation, how he maybe doesn't think she'll show, so Daniel doesn't tell Sean what he's figured out, doesn't want to tick him off even more.
he just keeps his thoughts to himself, imagining what his Mom will look like, how beautiful she'll be, how happy she'll be to see them after all these years, the fun things they'll do together, how maybe Mom can help look after Mushroom because of Dad's allergies, how Mom and Dad will go back to that station and show that awful old man what's what. Daniel dances with Sean and thinks about what it'll be like to dance with their parents, both their parents. and when Sean says they have to talk about something Daniel gets a little worried, sure this is probably just Sean admitting they're going to see Mom, but what if she isn't coming after all, especially if Sean called Lyla and Daniel glimpsed him talking on the phone through the window, he'd think that maybe it's Dad calling to say it got called off and Mom doesn't want to see them at all.
so Daniel asks for a soda to stall, only to regret it as soon as Sean's out of earshot (except for screaming, but Daniel doesn't know that yet), he wants to get it over with if it's bad news and if it's good he doesn't want to have to wait anymore. now he needs a distraction and the Hawt Dawg Man episode is long since over, so he just grabs the remote and starts idly clicking through channels, not really paying attention to what he's looking at, just a bunch of boring grownup stuff.
and then he lands on the news.
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justaghostinthesea · 7 days
My hyperfixations on Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and Bluey merged together into a dream where Bluey and her friends turned the plot of the movie into a game, complete with character "deaths" and arguing over how the story should go.
I love my brain sometimes.
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