#not to mention she’s already drunk as fuck and trying so very hard to ignore the pain in her chest from oath breaking
swordmaid · 1 month
this dialogue path im so 😭😭🤭🤭
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#shri’iia going like you weren’t THAT good 🙄 as if she didn’t come multiple times bc he’s probably more attentive than her matriarch#like I imagine her matriarch being a very selfish lover and she always receives and never gives and shri’iia being so used to that#so when the act 1 forest sex scene comes and astarion performs as he does and he’s very giving and thorough and more focused on her own#pleasure than his shri’iia is like ?? brakes screeching noises in her brain she’s not used to this btw#not to mention she’s already drunk as fuck and trying so very hard to ignore the pain in her chest from oath breaking#so she gets even more confused and she just lets him do what he wants to do#cue the morning after .. ‘you weren’t THAT good’ whatever you’re just saving face 😭#anyway. I like this dialogue path too bc you get an insight on astarion’s pov where he says he was holding back and making his excuse#when he was probably dissociating / feeling disgusted at having to do his routine again#but then it’s all part of his plan so he gotta do it. also that’s what he knows how to do so he has to do it and liking it is a diff matter#but when he says the ‘how dare you’ like it feels more playful so I think that kind of dynamic where they clown on each other is what they#both like. I also think that in the second time they sleep together it’s a bit more playful bc they’re getting that kind of dynamic more#based on the flirting scenes you can get prior the second time he offers to sleep together again#but to me when they overtly flirt / or when they fuck is when the seeds of the romance are planted .. it only develops when they start to#hang out with each other lol. like this whole romance that’s built on deceit and using each other#gets developed bc they actually like being in each other’s company 😭😭 idk that’s so cute to me#and when they’re actually together it’s like. this slowburn where they’re not putting any labels on it#they just hang out with each other for the next couple of hundred years and occasionally get married#multiple times for the attention and gifts lol#actually have more thoughts abt astarion/shri’iia 😭 they’re infesting my mind like mold#shut up about bg3.#bg3 spoilers
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billysbabysblog · 2 years
strawberry band aid || part 1
pairings: billy hargrove x fem! reader
warnings: cursing, mentions of abuse, lots of sad stuff honestly
overall summary: after getting tired of his dads behavior towards him and max, billy decided to run away to the readers home where he knows him and max are welcomed and loved.
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They were used to the screaming, the fighting, the smell of beer in the air, all of it. In fact, Billy thought without this life he may be lost, may be confused after not having such a set routine for so long. These exact thoughts are what flooded his head as he heard the front door slam shut, sighing to himself as he prepared himself for the events to come in mere moments. Billy opened his door quietly peeking his head out to see Max doing the same, looking towards the living room where Neil was already kicking and cursing at the furniture.
“Close your door and lock it. Keep the window open in case you have to run, okay?” Billy whispered, keeping his face set as Max looked at him.
“But what about you-“ she whispered in a rush, earning a quick shake of the head from Billy along with a quick whisper of “Just do it Max.”
The young girl nodded looking back at Neil before closing her door quickly. Billy heard the lock of her door click as he stepped out of his room and into the hallway, taking a deep breath as he started progressing to the living room.
“What number is that, huh? 9? Maybe 12?” he asked as he stopped at the end of the hallway, straightening his figure to present taller, thinking it would make him look less scared.
Neil’s eyes shot to him quickly, his eyes were bloodshot and he was slouched in a sort of drunk-tired way. He looked over Billy and threw the empty bottle of beer past his head, walking towards his son as the bottle crashed on the floor.
“What the fuck does it matter to you? You’re the reason I’m drinking anyways,” he said as he got closer, his voice getting louder as he got closer “I remember I have a good for nothing son and I pick up a drink. I remember he’s a piece of shit failing half of his classes, I pick up another drink. I remember he’s a fucking man whore who would rather fuck girls than watch his sister, and I pick up another drink. You see the pattern here? Do you?” he shouted as he grabbed the collar of Billy’s shirt, jerking him forward as he tightened his grip.
Billy didn’t want to give him the satisfaction by replying with “Yes, sir.” like he always did, so he stayed quiet. Neil didn’t like this very much, it was obvious by the hard punch delivered to his sons face after he didn’t receive an answer.
“I said do you see the pattern?!” he yelled as he glared down at Billy, the anger almost radiating off of him. Billy however still didn’t answer, he just looked back at his father with a set jaw trying his best to ignore the pain that came from his face.
The lack of an answer just made Neil’s anger grow, another punch was delivered, this time directly to Billy’s nose making his head fling back a little bit. A small groan left his lips as he reached to cover his nose, mentally cursing as he felt the blood pooling in his hand.
“Oh you piece of fucking shit, it’s like I’m talking to a damn dog!” he father shouted, pushing him down on the ground. He had no time to catch himself, being too distracted by the blood covering his hand. He groaned as his back slammed against the floor, pushing the pain to the back of his mind as he quickly tried to get up. He was too slow though, Neil was already on top of him, delivering punch after punch to his sons face. His nose, his jaw, his head, anywhere that was visible got a punch.
Billy tried pushing him off, delivered a few of his own punches to his fathers face, but it wasn’t enough to get him off completely. Slowly giving up he closed his eyes and yelled “Max, run! Now!” although he could be an ass to her, he never wanted her to get this type of beating from Neil.
A few punches later Billy was out cold, his fathers hits got some aggressive to the point they knocked him out. Neil was off of him a few moments later stumbling back to his room, wiping his sons blood off his hands.
As Billy laid knocked out on his own living room floor, Max was knocking as hard as she could on Y/N’s door, tears rolling down her face as she thought of the things that could be happening back at her house. Her thoughts were cut short though as the door slowly opened up, she let out a small sigh, she was safe now.
authors note: okay hi, so this is the first part of a i dunno how many part series so, i hope you like it!! also, credits to @gweelczz, this fic was their idea:))
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chocolate-failure · 4 months
God I fucking hate myself... As much for the things that I do as the things I don't. Today my best mfkn friend, like kismet close, celebrated their birthday. And it's wild cuz I say we're really close when we don't know massive swathes of information about each other. I feel like it's mostly me but they play shit close to the vest too.
But I went to the party and I looked really nice but I fucking hated it and myself but mostly myself. I didn't want to eat or drink too much which makes dancing with a bunch of drunk/high people not so fun. But like also idk... I always have these weird moments where I feel like this just ain it. Like being a human is so fucking bogus and I'm so bad at it anyways, why even bother. Like was this experience supposed to impart something upon me? Was I supposed to derive some kind of joy or peace from this endeavor? And The Baby was there. On top of being ignorant af she's also loud which wouldn't be a problem if she had compelling or fun things to say. She low key sucks all the fun out of a conversation with a single line. Like it's kind of the hugest most exhausting buzzkill.
God I hate being me bro and like of course, within the first hour of the party I'm hunched over the toilet retching. That's something I hate. When you go to events and can't concentrate on grounding yourself and tracking the input it's really mfkn hard to find yourself in the bathroom trying to discard said input. It's hard to explain but not really but I'm tired... I can tell how much I've eaten and how much should come up when I'm home because I'm fully calibrated to this environment, as much as I hate it, and I'm able to gauge to a pretty reliable degree how much I should be throwing up and I tend to have a fair amount of control over how fast and how much comes up.
Like especially after eating something like ice cream and popcorn, idk I just remember that combination a lot from my childhood. Hell even orange juice is an okay liquid if you drink enough but ice cream is high up there. The mucous your body produces breaking down high fat dairy products is fucking exquisite 👌 Like it makes this perfect almost frothy capsule around whatever you've eaten making even the hardest things to get up easy af if you're able to get some ice cream inside of you in time. Sunflower seeds have a similar affect because you're producing and swallowing a lot of saliva as compared to food. The seeds get suspended in the saliva and come up real easy like, you don't even need to drink anything. And it's honestly a good idea to try to drink as little as you possibly can because I'm at the phase where something I drank like 3 minutes ago will already be emptied out of my stomach. It's definitely happened a few times and is a fat worst than death. Like imagine you ate something you very much wanna uneat, so you drink some water or juice to grease the skids only when you go to purge literally nothing comes up 😤 whata goddamn nightmare.
It's been a couple days since I started writing this but I had an instance in mind I wanted to mention not so much for posterity but also a reminder to future me the lengths we, hopefully once, went through to keep this fucking shit show going. Ain nothing quite like pulling back the veil to reveal the crusty old man yanking his diseased prick to show you how far you've fallen. Ed is fucking disgusting. The human body is disgusting enough as it is without this disease ravaging it. And maybe it's not that so much as it ravages your mind and makes you grow accustomed to som derranged shit.
The first thought that comes to mind is when you don't put down enough toilet paper or miss your mark and toilet water splashes back up into your face. You don't even wipe it off, might as well wait til we're done right? The business at hand is far more important than getting rancid shit water off your face. And have you considered that perhaps you deserve it?
The other day, and by other day I mean 2 weeks ago I went to dinner with the fam for my brother's birthday. We had sushi. I ate too much. Though any amount is technically too much... So when we get home I rev up the ol tonsil tickler, the choke goat, the duke of puke. Who knew I could swallow knives. And when I'm done I go to flush the toilet and nothing fucking happens... Imagine my abject horror. Here I stood at the scene of the crime, a toilet bowl filled with sushi colored puke and not an ounce of water to dispose of the evidence. I was fucked. I thought well maybe I could convince my brother to help me without looking in the toilet. I certainly couldn't ask my mom or dad. They'd both lose their shit but my brother holds enough reverence for me to enable some of my more unusual eccentricities. No, best not to involve anyone else. But also why tf is the toilet *this* broken??? Like there was no water in the tank. I should've just done it in my room, out of the way of prying eyes. It's also sus af for me to pass 3 other bathrooms to use one of the two that's only used by us and not guests. I could just say I like it more than the others and of course I do but not for the sake of nostalgia. I honestly think my mom would be none the wiser, if she had even an inkling I was back on my bullshit she'd be on me like well me on said bullshit... I should've just used the other one. I would've been fine, but I guess that can't be helped I kick myself as I grab a fist full of my own vomit and drop it in the trashcan. I didn't even think about. Like 0 preparation... This is what had to be done. But then I noticed the bucket sitting next to the trashcan ✨eureka✨ this could work or make the situation a hundred times more difficult to hide. I hedge my bets and fill the bucket with hot water and pour it into the toilet. And just like that my problem was solved. No mess no witnesses and best of all no waves. I didn't need to ask for help and have it documented in my mom's mind that the toilet posed a problem for me. She remembers that type of shit and will check up on shit you may have done wrong.
So I take the vomit soaked tissues in the bathroom trash and put it in a grocery bag and very purposelessly throw it away in the big trash. You can get my mom with sleight of hand if you make what you're doing seem trivial enough without being attention to it.
I feel ridiculous for having to do these things but the discomfort of being overweight outweighs it tenfold. I much rather be skinny than normal. I rather pick shit pellets from my bleeding rectum like some kind of disgusting shit prospector. I rather the constant hemorrhoids, the years of irreversible dental damage, the insane thirst I'm plagued by at any given moment in the day. The inside of my mouth is itchy and tingly and I can't recall a time when it wasn't. I hate every goddamn second of this but this seems to be a reasonable price for self actualization. At least at the moment. I've no intention of stopping and I'm not sure I could if I wanted.
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green-fuzzy-moss · 11 months
Today my parents were talking about how "woman typically go through 2 or 3 types of puberty/growing shit" and all I could think was oh joyous me I get even more bc probably by the time I get to start T I'll already be done with those 2 or 3 :(
Frowny face is very important
Why do my parents suck fucking ass I hate them
They don't actually respect my gender
Theyre ignorant to so many things and when I try to talk they do not fucking listen
They will get be a binder and binding tape and let me cut my hair short and let me be out but they are against the idea of me medically transitioning??
I've said "yeah I am getting top surgery as soon as I can" and they go "no don't do that :( >:( "
I've mentioned that I want to start T and they are too worried of the effects of it (ya know, the ones that are expected and that I want out of it) to actually think about letting me start that shit
They outed me to all of our friends and family
They don't use my correct pronouns, and I know when I originally came out I came out he/they but like c'mon man. Switch it up some. Please?? Like did you just forget orrrrr...... Like I know you said "we'll start with they/them to get everyone used to the 😢😢 then we'll switch" but you have not ONCE used he/him on me
They make SO MANY passive comments about so much BS and it's just astounding that you can "accept me" but say such things
One thing I will never forget is my father looking me in the eyes and saying sternly to my face "you will never be a man until you can pull your pants down and show me a dick and two testicles" (and yet you're against me medically transitioning. How does that work exactly?)
Worst part of that last one is he doesn't even remember saying it because he was black out drunk and was confused when I was ignoring him for days. I had to tell him what he fucking said. Actually I couldn't even say it I wrote it down showed it to my sister and my sister passed that note to my father (wanted her to do that because I just could not-) (even talking about it here and now almost brings me to tears. I cried for like 4 hours that night)
Another worst part of that was my mom didn't even say anything. She was in the room with us when he said that. She did nothing. Absolutely zero.
How is it that the worst things that's been said to be regarding my gender (worst transphobia) came from MY PARENTS????and it's hard too cuz they're all "I love the LGBT I love you doesn't matter if you're gay straight trans or purple!!" And yet they just DO these THINGS
Shout out to all queer people who have "accepting" parents and have to deal with their fucking BS
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evelynhug0 · 2 years
my reaction to this juicy fanfic chapter 
okay here we go
this chapter will contain some scenes i really loved and also MORE than that oh my god i am nervous af i feel sick
okay i gotta calm down
fuck ah i am so nervous
i want to cry already
What followed was the happiest time of my life. – i already wanna cry reading this
i am emotional already
She would still help me rehearse my lines after a day on set but now we would do it in bed or on the couch, my head in her lap as she caressed my head. – why are you doing this to me??????? why?????????
we would gravitate around each other like satellites: she was my North Star and I was hers. – help me oh lord
We were shamelessly happy behind our closed doors in our personal safe Heaven. We would kiss without a care until our lips were sore and we greeted the New Year drinking ridiculously expensive champagne and making out in her bathtub. – i want to jump out of the window i swear oh my god i cannot deal with this i cannot deal with this
wear each other’s clothes – bruh… bruh… why….
Evelyn was particularly fond of a forest green cardigan of mine, even if it was a bit tight for her – and we all know why it was a bit tight
(now i have images in my head please help)
I can still see her walking around the house wearing it over her bare skin and lingerie. – why would you do this to me? i want to get so drunk that my brain stops working
I want to kick Don and Ruby
“Yes but not together, of course.” – ouch this hurts
this is unfair
i wish they could have been together publicly (is that how you say it idk)
and if I can’t go with you at my arm, I prefer to go alone. – not me having tears in my eyes
She flashed me one of her shy soft smiles that would turn my knees into butter and reached across the table for my hand. She squeezed it gently. “You know I wish I could go with you so badly…” – you wanna make me cry right? right? because my eyes are filled with tears right now and my heart hurts A LOT i can tell you A LOT 
But please stop doing it. – i am getting a stomach ache when i read this
We are so not done – okay everyone i need more vodka. also i am trying so hard not to cry
this is all so moving
my heart hurts that they have to hide
i think this is why i am on the verge of a breakdown right now
one more thing like this and i will cry my heart out
kissing me as if to prove her point – very good, i like that
“Shit, Evelyn, you almost gave a heart attack” – celia, i feel ya bro
ignore me at Audience Appreciation event. – evelyn, bro, please stop torturing celia and me
please wear something awful so I won’t be tempted to look at you. – hmmm yes good i like this
Evelyn could barely keep her hands off me. – not me going from crybaby to horny baby in a second when reading this
take me to church
The whole time I was aching to look at Evelyn, stunning as usual in her signature green dress – fck fck fck fck fck fck vodka
I pretended to be surprised: “Oh, is she here? I didn’t notice”. – ouch 
my eyes found her – oh lord
Ironically, that’s the only award where both of us were present, although avoiding each other. – this makes me sad again GREAT
Evelyn shook her head at me, amused. – MY BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨¨
i want to puke i am so nervous
here it is… THE sentence… oh lord… vodka
my babies
gay screaming
i want to puke
gosh this makes me wanna cry and scream
any sign of amusement on her face immediately melted away. I’ll never forget her words. – holy shit!!! well i will also never forget them hehe 
gosh my babies
this scene is so fucking adorable i want to jump out of the window i cannot deal with it
noooooo they should have kissed again
the thought of them kissing till their lips almost fall off make me go !!!!!!!!!!!
Her words stayed with me always and pushed me through every step of the way – SIGHHHHHH
omg celia is so anxious that i get anxious too hahahaha
I hate Ari have I mentioned this
gosh i would have thrown up if i was celia
how did she not poop her pants or faint???
aww i feel sorry for Evelyn
I hate Ruby
stupid biatch
she has always been a forgettable actress – haha yes indeed
ruby who?
“You did it! Holy shit, you did it!” – I love Harry & Celia together
my little gays <333333
don’t touch her Ari!!!
Ruby complimented me, coldly and surely against her will – yeah biatch in your face
awww celia, my little baby
i love you
I certainly meant though what I said next. – bro!!!!!
I wanted Evelyn – not me doing the “evelyn move” when i read this
we all know what is going to happen next
i cannot deal with that
i mean they all know celia is on top of the world especially now that she has won the oscar… but little do they know about the private party she will celebrate afterwards oh lord
i need vodka
i cannot deal with this
Georgia Peach aaaaaaaah
dear lord please help me i don’t want to die now
Celia, with all due respect, you’re not my type. – ahahahahahahaha (but she’s mine)
And there was only one thing I wanted: to be with Evelyn. – screaming crying throwing up
what i hate is: once i have read it, i will have read it you know??? I WANT THIS KIND OF SCENES FOREVER SO I WILL ALWAYS HAVE A NEW “SURPRISE” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh
i am dumb
okay here we go
I have places to go too, you know – very gay, love it
heheh i have always wondered how she got in the house but now i know
flashing her a teasing smile – holy mother of god please help me
my heart is beating like crazy
i am feeling like a drug addict i swear
i love this feeling
i want it to never ever stop
She smiled back at me, ecstatic. – hmm i need to open windows it is very warm in here suddenly
not me being a useless horny bi
She laughed and kissed me, cupping my face. – this is like the best movie ever… i can see everything as if it was a goddamn movie playing in front of me
Evelyn was perfection, it was like studying a Picasso…and she was the woman I loved. – i am having a heart attack
why can’t i feel my legs… is this anxiety or vodka
this tension and this love… i am dying
I was touched and filled with so much love for her. – BRO I WANT TO CRY
i want to vomit
ok now for real
my heart beats like crazy
but i can do it
here we go
this tension oh my god i am going to vomit
unzipping my dress, slow and teasing. I knew she was watching me and the mere thought of it turned me on. – HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM HAVING SUCH A STROKE NOW THE STROKIEST OF THE STROKES
f u c k
i need help
my head is exploding
this chapter leaves me wanting more
oh my god
i am blushing like crazy
my face is all red and hot
my head hurts hahaha
i am having a stroke
i have no words
my head is empty
holy mother of god
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studiojeon · 3 years
use me | jjk
this is part of my troubled outsiders series. i think you can read this by itself though :)
| summary | -   Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you.
warnings: language (?), mentions of hook ups and situationships. mentions of emotional trauma.
contents: a compilation of moments that contributed to the growth of their relationship, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read and sus. oc is kinda whipped and scared af. chaeryeong knows who you are and where you live. jk and oc are scared to let each other in. friends to lovers, idol!jungkook x student!oc.
author’s note: i hate this, but i have to get it off my chest. (the narration is off af but if i keep it in my drafts for longer this will never see the light of the day). p.s. thank u so much for the support on the last drabble <3
playlist: rain by trey songz (feat. swae lee). 
words: 4.75k
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“JK?” as his broad back faces you, you call out his name timidly, not missing the way he swiftly turns around as soon as he hears his name come from your lips. Hair wet and darker than usual, a very big sweat stain at the center of his hoodie. He had just gotten out of practice, you assumed. 
“___?” he replied with the initials of your name as well, one of his tired grins plastered on his face, he must have been exhausted. You had caught on to him just as he walked out of the practice room in front of the elevator on your way to your office, right when you needed him, but now you weren’t so sure if it was a good idea to pester him. Even so, you didn’t know anyone else you could ask for help, aside from Linh who was currently in her own office doing other tasks you had assigned to her.
“Are you busy right now?” your eyes stare at him shyly, in hopes that he was willing to help you out, because you wanted to be around him, so maybe he could share a bit of his positive energy with you, the past week had been hellish.  “Could use some help returning all those heavy stacks of paper in my office”.
“Of course! Why didn’t you give me a call earlier though? It’s pretty late” he walked by your side and you enter the elevator, beginning your adventure around the company.
Jungkook was fun. Always bubbly and reciprocative, constantly trying his best to make you laugh and make the absolute best of your situation, even if he could be a bit stubborn at times. You liked the spontaneity he provided though, the way he would switch from one topic to another and how he would make silly faces at you whenever you locked eyes. 
He didn’t know, but in pure ignorance, he had just made your day ten times better. 
In the past week, you had received a lot of counterarguments, one by one, on how useless your management tactics were. Granted, you hadn’t expected for your ideas to be welcomed with open arms, but at least you had hoped they would take them into consideration. You had also been assigned a team, in charge of social media management, who worked monotonously and with little to no insertion in the actual target audience… your logic was: how can you advertise products to an audience you don’t even have the mere interest to know? You had designed a strategy, presented it, and no one paid any mind to you. 
But for the most part, you felt lonely. Had no one to talk to, nor go to whenever you needed your spirits to be lifted up.
Chaeryeong was busy busy with group projects and work. To the extent where she would get up at seven in the morning and come back at 12 pm. It wasn’t always like that, so you didn’t worry too much, but the fear she would wear herself off like usual still crowded your mind.
You close your office door with a sigh. Tired from everything, but somehow, your heart a little fuller, knowing that maybe you could use Jungkook in the future to give you a lift. Both figuratively and literally because he had offered to drive you home, being the gentleman he was.
“Why do you look like a sad puppy?” he asked you once you were sitting by his side in his very expensive and luxurious mercedes. Tinted windows and jet black shiny paint covered the outside of his car, the smell of air refresher and pinecone filling the inside. Mans was getting hotter by the minute.
“It’s friday night after the longest week of work. How can I not?” you put on your seat belt and lean back against the leather cushions. He pouts in response to you, with a concerned look on his face. 
For a second you wonder if he did this with most coworkers… being nice to them and offering them drives after having met them just a few times before. Kinda risky behviour, considering his position and squeaky clean reputation. You figure this would only last a bit before he realized he had more important things to be focusing on.
“Do you ever get chased home?” you ask randomly. 
With one hand on the wheel and the other leaned against his door he meditated on his response. “It happened once… And then I moved out, got a new car and everything. Shit was wild” he chuckles and you think that was the first time you had heard him curse, like ever. Jungkook, friendly and everything, wasn’t too big of a talker, but with you he found himself spilling, without giving it much thought. It felt refreshing to hear his voice and listen to his stories and the way he expressed himself. He was more interesting than he seemed, apparently. “Aren’t you hungry, by the way? We can have something to eat before i drop you off”
Traffic was hellish in Seoul everyday at every hour, and choosing to drive through Itaewon on a friday night wasn’t the smartest decision on Jungkook’s behalf, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him that. Considering the demands of his job, he probably didn’t know his way around the city that well. You conclude taking a detour wouldn’t hurt. “I’m starving actually.”
He ends up taking you to a restaurant near your neighborhood you had mentioned being good and not crowded at all, the latter catching his attention immediately. It was a modest but nice place owned by a very funny and loud ahjussi. The man had lost count of how many times you had come down from your apartment at 11 pm and asked him to make you vegetarian tteokguk, but they were enough so that he could memorize your five orders by heart and the amount of saewoo mandu you could down by yourself in five minutes. You were making him rich at that point so the least he could do was comply when you gently asked him to shut the place down for you. Jungkook hadn’t asked you, but you knew how things could get awkward and dangerous quickly if too many people found out about him being there. “Ahjussi, you don’t have to” the boy protested as he noticed that the man had shut the blinds for him.
“It’s okay, boy. _____ has been single handedly paying the remnants of my mortgage for over a year now, I don't mind doing this for her.” he joked in his usual nature. already writing down your order and patiently waiting for Jungkook in front of you to voice out what he wanted for a meal. “And well, you and your friends are making our country proud, it’s the least i can do to thank you”
“Ah, thank you.” Jungkook bows to the older man. Your heart softened in your chest, seeing how considerate he was towards other people. He must be great with parents, you think. “Do you really not get that many people around here?” he asked worriedly once he sat back down on the wooden chair.
“We do! But she’s the one who comes the most often” he nods toward you and Jungkook smiles once he found your gaze, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. 
“Can you recommend me anything, miss?”
“Of course, sir. Yeol-ah, double up my order. Drinks are on me today.” You yell at the man’s son in the kitchen, who was still a bit older than you, but also close to enough to let you order him around shamelessly. You knew him quite well, actually. He was Chaeryeong’s boyfriend after all.
The tall boy pokes his head out of the kitchen door with a very confused expression plastered on his face. “Aren’t we supposed to close in like, an hour?” Chanyeol asks his dad in front of you.
“Just go cook, I'll explain later”.
The two men go back into the kitchen and Jungkook looks at you with an amused expression on his face. “What was that?” he laughs.
“I’m very popular, you know?” it probably wasn’t a good idea to go there, but you felt a little drunk on his voice that night, and you also knew your friend didn’t mind. “In fact, Chaereyong from ITZY is my best friend, who would have guessed?”
“Yeah and my son is her boyfriend, who cares?” Byung-ho yells back at you from the cashier, pulling a hiss from your lips. 
Jungkook still continued to stare at the both of you with confusion and intrigue, you guess he thought you were both joking.
“Wait, really?” he utters after a few seconds with big doe eyes and a pout on his lips, a combination that appeared when he was either confused or lying, which wasn’t the case then.
“Yes, my guy.” you laugh. “That juicy legged shortie is indeed my wife”
Jungkook loved the food, to say the least. It was all vegetarian and korean as fuck, a combination he never throught was possible, but downed like thristy camel. He was a loud eater, which was fitting of him and his politeness, something else you had noticed that night. You were the opposite, and actually despised the sounds of other people eating, yet, looking at him enjoying his meal so much made you feel full yourself. He made you feel like a kid in some ways too, brought back the times when being around others wasn’t so hard, and you still could have a sense of security around you. Talking to him was rather easy, maybe because of his welcoming nature, or because in fact he actually was interested in whatever stupid shit you were saying, something most people around you didn’t do. He also, amongst other things, seemed very interested in your job and the likes, always asking questions and absorbing information like a five year old. You had explained to him the five key steps of process design and the psychological effects on marketing in society to which he always responded with wide gentle eyes and attentive nods, not once looking bored or… annoyed in any way. 
Was he like that, with every girl? Because you weren’t anything special, there were many other girls who worked with him everyday and even if you hadn’t seen him in his work space, you could guess by the way most women in your company look at him whenever he passes by that either they were just as captivated as you by his beauty or that he had fucked them. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was just trying to get into your pants either, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened to you nonetheless.
“I can walk from here, JK” you mention once you found yourselves walking towards the parking lot. A bit sad about the expense you had just made on food, it was your fault for trying to seem cool and rich, neither of which you were. 
“Oh no, I’m not letting you do that, girlie” he unlocks the door and gets in, not even letting you finish or allowing you to fight back.
“My apartment is literally a block away” you protest in the car anyways. You fear you had been too much of a bother, and deep down, didn’t want him to feel like you were seeking his presence unnecessarily.
“Well, good for you. But, you paid for the food, which was a lot, and i don’t want my sugar mommy walking by herself at 12 pm on a friday night” you first freeze, and then burst a very loud giggle.
“Whatever” you slap his bicep and roll your eyes. “ Next time you can pay if it bothers you so much.”
“So there will be a next time?” wide eyes stare back at you. “Count me in. I´ll pick where we will be going, just lemme know when so i can plan ahead” he rambles, a little too excited about your suggestion. 
He drops you off with a smile on his face and hopefulness in his eyes, promising to see you around the company. You, on the other hand, feel a tad confused as you enter your apartment building. What was going on? 
You had overthought things so much your entire life that it suddenly became too tiring to do. During the past few years you had to learn how to detach yourself and just ride the wave sometimes. Once you had turned eighteen, everything started moving at a very fast pace, the pressure of adulthood fell upon you like a brick and everything was so overwhelming that you started to simply let the course of your existence take you wherever it needed to.
That’s how you ended up going out with Jungkook at least once a week for dinner or a drive around the city for more than two months. Without even noticing, he became so engraved in your everyday life that whenever he’d cancel plans because of work, you’d find yourself with a void in your heart and a rush of boredom filling your senses. Even if you found yourself in your living room with the company of your best friend whom you had seen at most four times in the past two months, you were still wishing you could share that intimate space with him instead, willing to let him a bit more into your life, in hopes that maybe he would do the same. Sue you, you were curious over the most intricate details about his personality, how his personal sanctuary looked and if the smell of his room is just as good as his car’s. You could bet a thousand dollars (maybe a little less, considering the unconventionalism that characterizes him) that he also had a few plants that only remembered to water three out of seven days of the week. 
Hopefully life would draw you closer to more people like him.
"How's your boyfriend doing?" Chaeryeong asks you from the kitchen counter, sweet popcorn cooking in you popcorn-maker. 
You sigh. "What boyfriend?"
She was a lot of things but oblivious, and you weren't either, just when you chose to be. "Cut the bullshit, you know who i'm talking about". The fake red head waits for your response as she pours the snack into a big bowl, and you on the other hand take this as an advange to search around the room for answers.
"He's just a friend" you say. "And he's fine, i guess… He doesn't really talk much about himself" you mention, matter of factly.
Chaeryeong nods beside you, understanding what you meant. Then, proceeds to tell a tale about her experience meeting the dark haired boy. "He's literally so quiet, but like, so incredibly kind. Once he tripped over and fucked up some of the decoration at an award show" she grabs a popcorn and continues her story. "He looked so panicked I thought his eyes were about to jump out their sockets — His eyes are huge, by the way." 
"I know" you smile.
"My point is, he started to help the staff put everything back in order again. I think he's the only idol I've ever seen do something like that… i decided i liked him then" her beautiful features light up with mischief. "I bet he fucks great too."
You slap her leg. Hard.
"I'm only telling you this now so you don't get caught of guard when he actually manages to fuck you," her soft hands run through your messy hair, motherly touches easing the fluster in your body. "You know he's a big whore, right?" She adds after a while. 
You didn't. According to Chaeryeong, who seemed to keep tabs on every single colleague of hers, Jungkook had quite the body count, not that you didn't have your suspicions before. Frankly, she only knew of two girls inside her company who had had some sort of situationship with him, but for the same reason, she also knew he had some history with other girls from different groups. "Yikes" you laugh nervously, in admiration of their ability to remain calm and collected without giving anything away to the public.
Thanks to your friend, you had heard lots of tea about other singers in the korean industry before, most of which were not as sweet or kind as they portrayed themselves to be, some even using their social status to get their way with girls. But for some reason, Jungkook had never made his way to your gossipping sessions, nor any other of his band mates (except for Jimin, who, if you remember correctly, used to have some sort of beef with one of Chaeryeong's company members). You guess it was because of his unproblematic nature that people chose to give him a pass for his sexual endeavors, not that they were of anyone's concern either. 
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A knock is heard against your office door. "Miss _____?" A girl with a brown bob cut pokes her head through it, the dim lights of your office shining upon her incredibly healthy locks. "Jungkook asked me to deliver this to you" sliding completely into the room, she places a box with a note on it on your desk.
"Thank you so much" you wave her off as she walks right out. 
The package had a strawberry flavored canned tea and a bento box inside. 
"I remember you telling me you'd never tried tofu pancakes before, so I made some for you last night. Hope you enjoy! - JK
P.S. Text me when you're done, maybe we can hang out tonight."
You felt like crying, in all honesty. The pancakes were heavenly, and he even added some slices of avocado and a few scoops of rice for you, despite not being the biggest fan of the fruit himself. With a warm heart and relief washing over your body because you wouldn't have to waste money on lunch that day, you had had half of your meal before said boy gave you a call.
"Did you like them?" He said almost immediately. "My assistant told me she already delivered them to you" he adds in a rush.
"Jesus boy, calm down." You giggle at his excitement. "Let me eat in peace".
"No, tell me right now." he demands with a fake angry voice. Cutie.
"They're alright".
"Figured… you have no sense of taste anyways" the hangs up. A giggle escapes your lips. Boy was something else.
Later that day, the weekend started it's course. Jungkook had offered to drive you to the Han River, careful to mention the fact he prepared a bunch of snacks for you two just about five times during your call. The place was almost empty, given that the rest of the city was doing something else more fun than staring at the night sky while sitting on itchy grass. Yet, you wouldn't change the setting for anything else. Usually, when you and Jungkook were out, he'd be in silent wary of your surroundings and the people who could be watching you. It broke your heart, knowing that most of the time he couldn't frequent places most regular people had the pleasure of enjoying, like the movies, for example, or a food stand in the middle of the street. Still, in that moment, the handsome man in front of you seemed as relaxed as ever, munching on grapes and strawberries as he sat in silence beside you. 
"This blanket is so soft, isn't it?" he commented all of a sudden, caressing the fabric with his hand. The thing was made out of polar fleece, no shit. You just nodded and grabbed a piece of fruit from his container. "One of my friends gifted it to me on my birthday" he adds.
"I know. It was me".
"Well, maybe you do have a sense of taste after all" he complies as he lays down on the surface, eyes facing the night sky above you.
"Says the one who uses toe socks" you say back, poking his weak spot.
Instead of going back and forth with you as he usually would, he just winks and closes his eyes. He looked so peaceful and serene beneath you, features carefully carved on his face and slightly blushed cheeks from the cold wind. Jungkook was like that, randomly over confident and flirty with you, but just as quickly would refrain from even disagreeing with you in the first place, scared that you would snap at him. He hadn't told you this, but the way you saw thoughts hidden in his eyes whenever you made a statement let you know his true intentions, leaving you to wonder where that came from.
"Are you tired?" You ask after a few minutes. Still with his eyes closed, Jungkook denies.
"I just don't want to look at you right now," he turns to the side, back facing you as an offended expression finds its way to your face.
"Yah" you slap his back playfully, not letting him finish.
"Because you look too pretty." he mumbles the remnants of  his statement.
Your breath catches in your throat as a shiver climbs its way down your spine. Why was he like that? He had no right tugging on your heart strings like that (if he was being serious in the first place because you never knew with him). You sigh, the blush his words provoked stinging your cheeks.
"You're supposed to say I'm pretty too" he turns around with a playful smile, expectant.
"You just go around giving compliments so you can get them back?" you hiss. "Why so insecure?"
"I'm not insecure, at all." He sits up again, ready to fight you and anyone who dares question the grandiosity of the confidence he had worked so hard for. "You can ask Linh about that".
To say you looked horrified was an understatement, hopeful that what you thought he meant was not it. "You fucked Linh?"
"Well, that's not for you to know". 
What a gentleman, you think. And at the same time, ouch. He had just slammed a door on your face.
"That would explain the way she looks at you whenever you come by the office" you realize. Frankly, the girl looked a bit too panicked whenever Jungkook decided to barge into your space, usually bored out of his mind during his english lessons, laptop and notebook in hand, or struggling to get the questions right. 
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"Well good afternoon to you too" you ironically greeted once he sat in front of you, frustration written on his face. Linh, who stood by your side, suddenly fidgeting with the papers in her hand.
"Not the time, _____" he slammed both hands on your desk, startling you and your friend beside you. "Why the fuck did you make me enroll into this in the first place?" 
"I did not make you do anything, dude. I just gave you an idea" you excused yourself, eyes back on your computer. You didn't miss the way Jungkook's eyes briefly followed Linh out the room, though. 
His eyes looked back at you, leg bouncing impatiently on the floor as he leaned back with a pissed off expression on his face. You'd never seen him this way, so you took that as a cue to enter under paid therapist mode. "What's wrong?" You questioned gently.
"I feel incredibly incompetent right now." His hands roamed across his face with frustration. A sigh escaped his lips as he held tears back. "School's always been this way for me, always trying my best and constantly underachieving" he explained.
He was obsessed with winning, you’d even go as far to say more than he was with his job (which was a lot). It didn’t root from narcissistic behaviour though, but rather out of external pressure to constantly overachieve and exceed expectations. He was mostly good at doing that, but everyone had an achilles heel, yours was reading for example, his was studying and school.
"Jungkook, you passed most of your classes with more than 90%, what are you talking about?" a fact he had brought up to you randomly when you mentioned absolutely nearly failing most of your literature classes.
"Yeah, except for English." he shook his head in the way he would when he'd feel conflicted or insecure. "I don't know what i'm doing wrong".
"Did you fail something?" you tried to get some more insight into the situation, still unsure of where all his worries came from.
"No, there's just this sentence I can't properly put together" he turned his notebook towards you. "Ah, just look"
There were some words he had to conjugate and properly place in order to form a grammatically correct sentence, more than five attempts written in neat penmanship on the page evidenced the boy's battle with the assignment. He missed one very important aspect of it, though. "There's a fucking word that's missing, dude" you explain, grabbing the pen from his hand and showing him where the mistake was. "It's not your fault, it's the teacher's".
Jungkook's serious expression didn't go away though. "Well, damn".
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You had some sort of emotional trauma with having people ask you for help, it made you think that they didn’t actually care for you as a person but rather just your skills. That was the way you’d grown up and what your position in society seemed to be as well, the one you could butter up and taste when you got bored. Heart had been broken many times too, whenever you’d realize what you thought to be a genuine connection was merely pure interest. Those thoughts clouded your head when Jungkook would randomly enter your office with a frustrated expression on his face, yet, that occurred less often than it didn’t. 
Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you most of the time, hence your wish for him to let you in a bit more before you could allow yourself to free fall into whatever was going on between you both.
You reach for the fabric of his hoodie, tugging his sleeve with your fingers just because you really liked the color of it, and maybe because you wanted to feel closer to him. He doesn’t react to your touch, just looks at your hands briefly as they play with the edges of his clothing. “Where did you get this from?”
“An online store, I think.” he replies softly, reaching for your hand on his arm, caressing the surface of your nails. “It’s a unisex brand, i can send you their link afterwards.”
“Is it too expensive?” you inquire, not only to keep the moment afloat, but because you genuinely liked most of his pieces of clothing, especially his hoodies and shoes. Jungkook laughs at your question and looks at you with a smile.
“I don’t think i would know, ____. I’m rich.” he says, playfully. And he was right, what was expensive for you might just be cheap as fuck for him, you wonder if when a lot of money is in your hands you start to become very tuned out from what’s affordable or not anymore.
“I can buy you one, though. I don’t mind.” he adds. Soft look in his eyes, a pure and genuine offer that you had to deny.
“I didn’t say i wanted one” you lie, only partially, because although you’d not mentioned it, you did actually want it. “I just think it’s pretty” you finally let go of him.
“Or do you think I look pretty in it?” he pushes, a sucker for compliments.
“Yeah, that might be it.” you admit, because there was no point in denying your irrefutable attraction to the man, as much as you hated to be vulnerable, especially in front of him.
“I think it would look prettier on you”.
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Don´t copy or repost please. by studiojeon on tumblr.
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wizkiddx · 3 years
hiiiii !!! if you are accepting requests at the moment, can i ask something about reader and tom expecting a baby, one day while he’s drunk she sees him flirting with another women and when she confronts him he snaps at her and tells her he’s not ready for this “shit”. So they broke up and broke contact for months, until he shows in her apartment regretting his words and they talk but she suddenly at that moment gets into labor?!? I remember seeing a concept similar in a movie but I would love if you couldn’t bring it to life! Thank you so much in advance, appreciate your work a lot 🧸🤎
right so I loved this so much it has become a multiple parter and im not even going to apologise. so thanku so so much anon for getting me out a little rut!!!
summary: when toms caught out all hope looks lost - probs part 1 of 3 but it could get a bit longer too lol
warnings: serious angst, reference to abortion, cheating, a whole lot of swearing (im British sorry not sorry)
“Hi babe, just to let you know Yamna’s invited me out for dinner this evening so don’t worry if you get home early and im not back! I love you x”
It was a spur of the moment plan, which was a rarity recently. The past 5 months since you’d found out, you could name barely 5 occasions you’d been out past 8 oclock- trading your heels for fuzzy slippers and dresses for massively oversized tops and joggers. It wasn’t how you had expected to be spending the summer before your 25th birthday but it was now your life. The rooftop bars, the wild nights, the get aways had all sort of been cancelled for… for the rest of your life.
Because an 8 month pregnant belly isn’t something you can ignore.
Sure…. it wasn’t the plan. Not the plan to be pregnant with your boyfriend of only 6 months, who at the time you didn’t even live with. But you were making it work. And now, you were just excited. It was the start of a new story with Tom, and you’d got past the phase of being sad and mourning your youth. Because the little bubba inside of you, she was pretty awesome and you really couldn’t wait to meet her.
So yes, you had been home alone eating ice cream from a tub when Yamna knocked on the door. She’d been one of your best mates for as long as you could remember so when she’d turned up unannounced with mascara smeared under her eyes you’d cancelled your plans of a pathetic alone evening. Her boss had just given her the sack - which was no surprise. He was a backwards tory old git who couldn’t handle the fact Yamna was a woman doing the job better than he could ever dream of.
So yes, you’d suggested going out to the fancy new bar down the road - to celebrate the fact she no longer had to put up with the arsehole. Obviously you couldn’t drink and neither did Yamna, but you go to a bar for the atmosphere - and the selection of mocktails they had was insane.
Your boyfriend Tom was already out, he said he had a meeting and then dinner with some execs he needed to shmoosh. Of course you didn’t mind, but he had been working a lot recently, in order to be able to have the time off when your baby girl arrives.
So after sending a little text and giving Yamna another hug to try and turn the evening from disappointment to celebration you walked out the door with a smile on your face. Maybe you could pretend, just for an evening to not be pregnant and whale-like?
The bar was just a 10 minute walk so it wasn’t long before the two of you were soaking up the atmosphere. It was all decorated in a rustic fashion, with old exposed wood and dangling lightbulbs from the ceiling and the drinks were incredible. The type that have dry ice or flames or some other sort of fantastical display of edible decorations. Even Yamna had perked up, especially when a guy from the table across had bought you both a round of drinks.
“I’m just gonna pop to the loo.”
“Do you really need the toilet or do you just want to parade infornt of the fit rich man who keeps looking at you?”
“ Is both an option?” You laughed as Yamna slipped off her stool, winking rather dramatically as she did so. She was unbelievable - but at least this way she wasn’t thinking about her work, or lack thereof, anymore.
Happily you sat scrolling though your phone, seeing that tom had messaged you with an okay, before flicking through instagram.
And that was where the happiness ended.
For in a hurried manner, with a face looking a lot more ghosted than when she left, Yamna took her seat again.
“Are you okay?” Immediately your worry took over, the way she was biting her lip and not meeting your eyes not helping.
“I um yeh-yeh. Just I think I saw Tom.”
“Tom as in my Tom?” Her almost guilty looking nod had your scrunching your eyebrows, why was it such a big deal Tom was inside?
“He didn’t see me I don’t think but er… he just looked pretty close to a girl and I-“
To be honest you stopped listening at that point, heart dropping out the bottom of your chest. Because it made sense, he had been so distant recently and even if you’d been lying to yourself that it were work - this seemed much more likely. Whilst nodding along, pretending to listen to Yamna, instead your attention was solely focused on fiddling with the promise ring he’d got you after the two of you decided to keep the baby. He’d been so committed, so ready for this unexpected news. He’d said he was in for the long haul.
“sorry I um… it’s probably just a work colleague he needs to sweet talk. I’ll um-I’ll just go say hello.”
“I’m coming with you.” She spoke astutely, very much forcing herself into the situation.
“No no I’ll… I’ll come back if I need you, just wait here.”
Her face was so grim and destitute, as much as you were pretending it was okay - you knew it wasn’t. Before Yamna could protest further, you slipped off your seat ( clumsily thanks to the elephant belly) and walked with fake confidence back inside.
It took you barely 3 seconds to hone in on Tom, call it mothers intuition. He was on a booth in the corner with 5 others on his table but none of whom you recognised. It was 2 other guys and 3 girls - the six all paired off in mathcingly initimate conversations. Apart from that you payed almost zero attention to the others, attention solely focused on your boyfriend and the girl he had his arm round.
She was everything you weren’t. She was skinny - you, as previously mentioned, looked like you had a beachball stuffed under your top. She was blonde with sleek and perfectly styled waves at the tips of her long her - yours was thrown into a messy bun due to the last minute plans.
Most importantly - right now she was wrapped in Toms arms, whilst you stood alone watching.
God knows what came over you, but with confidence you never normally had you marched up to the table, just waiting at the end. One of the men you didn’t recognised, arrogantly asked you ‘can I help you’ - but you completely disregarded it, eyes solely fixed on Tom. He took a moment more to look away from the leggy girl, but as soon as he did his eyes grew massively wide.
“Y/n I-I-“
“Fancy bumping into you, I thought you were out with work executives?” Frantically casting his gaze across the table, you could see the cogs whirring to try and come up with an explanation.
“No I-I was but then Charlie here came over, we used to be mates at school and-“
“Oh fuck off Tom., I cant deal with this right now.”
You didn’t even have the energy to listen to his clearly fake excuses as to why he’d landed himself in that situation. You also certainly did not have it in you to maintain the strong face, you could feel everything shattering inside of you.
Because it was so blindingly obvious by how he had acted. You’d caught him out and you both knew it.
And it fucking hurt like hell.
So you exited the bar as fast as physically possible, hearing the shouts of both Yamna and Tom behind you. You didn’t know what you needed in that moment - except that neither of them were the answer. Tom though, presumably the faster of the two, managed to catch up - grabbing your arm to make you halt in the road.
There was this moment between the two of you that time almost seemed to freeze. The two of you, in an otherwise pretty empty residential street, at 9:30 at night, in a moment that you would never have again. From your point of view, you saw the slightly bloodshot and bleary eyes, widened with panic and fear. For Tom he saw the floods of tears down your cheeks, which you hadn’t even noticed were freely streaming.
But in that moment there was, at least, the slightest bit of peace. The slightest bit of hope - that he could explain, that he had some ludicrous but valid reason for the situation you had walked in on. Just a smidgen of hope that this were recoverable.
But then he had to open his bloody mouth.
“Y/n I swear nothing-“
“That didn’t look like fucking nothing!”
“It was I swear! We just-“
“Tom this is your one and only chance. I don’t care if your off your face, if you don’t give my a miracle of a reason as to what the fuck THAT was - then I’m gone.”
“Don’t say that Y/n, you don’t mean th-“ He tried to grab your hand which you snatched away, like you had just scalded it on a hot plate. Like he had hurt you.
“I swear to god I’ve never meant anything more. So cut the shit.”
“FIne-fine! Um so we were at the meeting and then on the way out I bumped into George and hes been a good mate of mine for years.” All you did was hum, arms crossed and making sure you had a metre of distance between the two of you.
“So he said god you look like you need a drink and I agreed because its been stressful as hell recently.”
“Oh its been stressful; for YOU has it? I’m so sorry Thomas, has it been hard for you while i’ve been throwing my lungs up with morning sickness? Has it been stressful that I’ve been running on zero hours sleep because she kicks me all bloody night? ” Your words were laced in a posioned sarcasm, to which Tom just stammered to.
“Please just let me.” Given he was supposed to be fighting for you, he sounded pretty darn defeated already.
“I said yes to the drink.” He skipped out the bit that had angered you, to which you rolled your eyes at. “And one turned into two and more and then I don’t know-“
“Your going to have to try a lot harder than that.” You deadpanned, taking a small step further back still.
“I mean it! The girls were all his friends and we were just talking.”
“Just talking? All pressed up and arms round her?”
“Yes!” As indignant as he retorted, it didn’t not make up for what you had seen with your own eyes.
“Your such a bullshitter Tom!”
“God why wont you just listen to me?” He cried, wobbly doing a little 360 on the spot, in what appeared to be exasperation.
“Because your just spouting fucking lies! And you try and blame it all on poor little tommo being stressed which is-“
“I HAVE BEEN! Running round after you! I’m just tired of this shit!!! So kill me, for having one night of freedom!”
Tom was too deep in his angry lecture to take any notice of you. Which is why, once finished, he waitied, breath heavy and nose flaring. He was waiting for you to scream back at him. To give it back. He was too drunk to notice the change in your demeanor.
“I’m tired of this shit.”
It was just reverberating round your head. Again and again and again. He was tired of your relationship and you hadn’t even become parents yet. He was at his wits-end and the baby was still unborn. What the fuck was going to happen when baby arrived? Clearly there was no hope. It was dead. Your relationship was dead with no chance of revival.
Because he’d said it. Your relationship was shit, and nobody can put up with something they hate for that long. Not 18 years. Not while bringing up a child.
So with a new sense of dread and fear and complete and total isolation you uttered three single words before hysterically running away.
“Don’t follow me.”
Not now, not ever.
?to be continued?
~~~~~~~~~~gahhhh I hope u enjoyed! I also REALLY CANNOT THINK OF A NAME FOR THIS MINISERIES --> if anyone can think of something pls inbox me!!! ~~~~~~~~
tom taglist: @lovehollandy12 @hollandlover19 @thefernandasantana @hunnybunimdun @hallecarey1@cedricdiggorysimpp @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @pandaxnienke @crossyourpeter @thegirlwiththeimpala @tom-softie @sunwardsss @spiitfiiires @radcloudenthusiast @ladykxxx08 @prancerrparkerr @wildxwidow @Elishi03 @arctic-monkcys @Ownbauer13 @tomhollandlol
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divine-mistake · 3 years
it's messy inside, let me take your coat
Summary: “I can make you a drink,” you offer, leaning against the doorframe to your bedroom with your arms crossed over your chest, staring at him, “or I can come over there and you can kiss me drunk instead, ‘cause I’m already halfway there.”
Characters: Bucky Barnes/Plus-sized (f)Reader
Warnings: 18+ (mentions of smut, female nudity), strong language, alcohol consumption, copious amounts of fluff, soft and nervous Bucky Barnes, original female character friends, one-night stand, body insecurity, anxiety
Word Count: 8723
A/N: This story was written for @eurynome827 and her 2k follower challenge with the prompt "Mimosas and Bloody Marys at brunch." Thank you for hosting and congrats again on your milestone!
main masterlist | AO3
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The flutes clink together, orange juice sloshing and spilling and dripping down the glasses and onto the table as your giggles fade into the background noise of the café’s patio. You tip your head back as you drink, mimosas bubbly in your throat like your own happiness, threatening to pour out of you and dribble onto your shirt, already tipsy.
“God,” Carissa says, throwing herself back into the metal chair, “I cannot wait to have his babies.”
Beside her, Kora claps. “I can’t wait to be an aunt! I’m going to spoil them all so rotten you’re going to want to throttle me by the end of it.”
“Spoil them all you want, I’m having eight of ‘em.”
At that, you go ahead and polish off your drink, carbonation stinging your throat, and while you set the empty glass down your hand goes up in the air, signaling the waiter for another.
Sara points at you. “I’m with her.” She makes a face at Carissa. “If you have eight kids I will make like your dad and bounce.”
Kora slaps her on the knee but the four of you descend into laughter anyway, and it’s easy and light and beautiful, like always. Washington D.C. can be pretty in this way—iron-wrought fencing and fancy metal tables and red patio tiling. Good food, better mimosas, best friends. There’s a breeze in the air that’s calling for autumn, scattering cloth napkins sitting in laps and spreading the scent of fresh baked bread.
The bags at your feet carrying your new shoes for the winter wedding that’s approaching rustle. That feeling isn’t just D.C. It’s excitement and love and adoration, too.
Carissa, bride to be, catches you in her gaze. “When are you going to finally settle down, huh?” She gestures across the table at you with her half-filled mimosa. Everyone else looks at you too, waiting for your response.
You shrug. “You’re having plenty of babies, I don’t need any.”
“I don’t mean babies,” she says. “I mean a human, a connection, something that isn’t an empty apartment.”
“You need—no, you deserve—someone to take care of you!” Kora adds. “You’re always taking care of everyone. Don’t you want someone to, y’know, take care of you?”
“I have plenty of vibrators in my empty apartment.”
Sara snorts, covering her mouth. The waiter delivers another round, thank god.
“What do you want me to say?” you ask, sighing. “You’re just bothering me ‘cause it’s wedding season and you want to set me up with your weird—”
“He’s not weird,” Carissa interrupts. “He’s tall and he’s mysterious which is exactly your type.”
“She’ll find someone when the time is right,” Sara says. “Just ‘cause we’re happy with our boyfriends doesn’t mean she needs one to be happy.”
“Thank you, Sara, my one-true-best-friend-in-the-whole-wide-world.” You force your glass against hers in a loud clank, turning the heads of all the patrons on the café’s patio before taking a gulp. Your face is already getting a little hot, the alcohol hitting you. This is why you aren’t allowed to pregame before you go to brunch anymore.
“We’re not trying to force you,” Kora starts, but her mouth is pulled into a concerned frown. “We really do just want you to be as happy as we are, that’s all.”
You smile at her. “I know.”
And you do know. You understand. It’s been years now since you’ve had anything real—anything worthwhile, to be specific. At some point, the relationships slowed down. Boyfriends became friends with benefits when you were working on your masters. Friends with benefits became ignored booty calls at two in the morning when you started your dissertation, on the road to get your doctorate. Now, you’re lucky to go home with someone from the bar, and they never, ever, come home with you.
It’s okay. You aren’t lonely. The right person just hasn’t landed in your lap, and maybe that’s kind of because it’s not open, but it’s just ‘cause you’re busy. You’re busy. Passionate. Need to change the world.
Love can wait.
The next mimosa is finished and you’re feeling a little fuzzy.
“I’m happy for you,” you tell Carissa. “I’m happy for all of you, and I’m happy with my life, and I’m happy that we’re all together and we’re celebrating and I’m happy that you all care about me enough to worry but I’m perfectly fine with how things are.”
Carissa smiles, but it’s got too much teeth. “I could set you up with Kie—”
“No, no setting me up with Kieran or Harry or Josh or anyone. But especially not Kieran.”
You’d already fucked him once and it wasn’t worth the experience.
“Fine! Fine.” Carissa busies herself with her drink. “No setting you up with Kieran.”
“Good. Now let’s talk about the reception!” You pull out your phone and open the planning spreadsheet, smiling. “So I called the venue for you about the tables…”
This is easier. Planning Carissa’s wedding, helping support her, being excited for her—that’s easier than talking about your love life. If anything, this is your love life. Taking care of the people you love, your best friends, having fun and being together and romanticizing the time you spend with them. It’s not just mimosas over brunch and a green spreadsheet for wedding planning. With them, it’s the wind in your hair and the sun making your eyes sparkle and the alcohol making all your insides feel effervescent.
It’s love. It’s perfection. It’s your own brand of happiness.
And sure, maybe it’s a little defensive, but this is easier than loving someone and trying to make them love you. It’s easier.
“Whose dress are we still waiting on?” Carissa asks a little later, mouth full of avocado and bacon and looking very un-bridely.
“Mine,” Kora says, a little guiltily. “It’s at the tailor getting taken in—again.”
“I have mine,” you pipe up, wiping your mouth of jam. “And god, do I look like a full course Michelin star meal in that piece. Like, we’re talking ass for days, legs for days, tits for—”
“Excuse me, ma’am, excuse me.” A man, towering over the café table makes himself known, dressed in dark clothes and wearing a look on his visage that you can’t name.
“—days,” you finish, swallowing hard.
“Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt,” he says with a smile, “but I’m raising money for uh, breast cancer awareness, and I was hoping you would donate and sign up for uh, a marathon we’re doing.”
You blink. “Sorry,” you tell him, “but we don’t carry cash on us.” With a small smile, you nod at him, your eyes passing over your friends and looking around the café to see if any of the other patrons have noticed what’s going on. None of them look bothered.
“Not even for breast cancer awareness? C’mon, girl.”
“We don’t carry cash,” Sara repeats with a deadpan, but her eyes don’t meet his.
He doesn’t look at her either, content to stare at you, and your skin crawls.
“What about signing up for the marathon?”
“Fine,” you snap. Anything to get him to leave you all alone. “How do I sign up?”
“You give me your phone number and I’ll text you the details.” His grin is a little wider now, edging a little closer to where you sit at the table. You’re regretting that third mimosa. You aren’t on your game. The panic running through you is covered in a champagne haze.
You scoff. “No way.” Immediately you grab your purse, digging through it, and you slam a handful of loose change onto the table in front of him. “Here—a donation. Now please leave.”
His face twists into a scowl, but he scoops the money off the table and pockets it.
“You don’t have to be such a bitch,” he suddenly says, and anger courses through you until you shoot up from your seat, chair skidding behind you. He’s tall—much taller than your short stature. But, fuck it, the alcohol’s dimming the fear and fueling the need for you to protect your friends.
When you glance over, Carissa is already gathering the bags, eyes wide. Kora has her arms wrapped around her middle, trying to make herself smaller, ready to run. Sara’s phone is in her hand, 9-1-1 already dialed.
And still, no one in the café is doing a goddamn thing.
“Excuse me?” You glare up at the man.
“I just wanted your number, you fat bitch.” He sneers. “No wonder you’ve got an attitude, you obviously don’t get laid.”
Really, you can sit there and say it isn’t the fat comment. It’s not the insult. You’re used to that, with your overly-generous curves and your soft jawline and the fact that you’re wearing a skirt showing off the cellulite running through your thighs like a creek and a crop top that lets everyone peek at your stretch marks. You’re used to it.
And, really, you could handle this better. You certainly have before ‘cause this isn’t the first time you’ve been hustled or the first time some creep has hit on you. Old men have been slapping your ass in public since you were sixteen. You’re hot, you get it. If you saw yourself on the street you’d want a piece of your own goddamn ass, too. It comes with the territory, but it’s gross. And it’s sad but you’re used to it. So it’s not him calling you a fat bitch.
It’s the comment about getting laid. It’s sore as fuck.
You grab your would-be fourth mimosa and drench him in it, the glass slipping from your fingers and shattering upon the patio’s tiled floor in an instant.
“Slut!” The man lunges for you and you jump away, bumping into the table and losing your footing. You fall to the ground as glass comes crashing down around you, spilling sweet-smelling alcohol all over you. Ouch. Your friends scream, but you can’t take your eyes off him.
And then a gleam of black and gold blurs past you and grabs the creep by his neck, throwing him down. Now, a tall, wide body dressed in a dark hoodie is blocking you, guarding you, sheltering you.
“Try it,” Mystery Savior says.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” Carissa chants, calling your name.
Your hand is sticky when you wave her away. “Get out of here, I’m fine. Just go. I’ll meet you—meet you at Kora’s.”
“We’re not leaving you!” Sara shouts, but something, maybe adrenaline or fear or fucking champagne, is running through your blood vessels at high speed.
“Just go!” you scream back at her. “I’m not fucking kidding, go!”
Because if there is one redeemable thing about you, it’s the length you’ll go to keep the people you love safe. And Mystery Savior might have just choked a creep out for you, but he also choked a creep out for you, and that’s enough to get your heart pounding in your ears. You don’t know who the good guy is—if there even is a good guy here.
“Fuck,” the creep curses, but it comes out raspy as he grasps at his quickly bruising neck. “You’re a—” he wheezes, “—you’re a murderer!”
Mystery Savior holds up his hands, and that’s when you see it. The black and gold of a vibranium arm just peeking out of the sleeve of his hoodie.
This isn’t a murderer. Not a Mystery Savior either. This is James Bucky Barnes, the Avenger, holy shit. Definitely good guy. Probably. He’s reformed, the news talks about it.
“Caught me,” he says, voice monotone. “What are you gonna do about it?”
If you weren’t currently sprawled on the ground, covered in mimosa, and panicking wildly about whatever is unfolding right in front of you, the very buzzed part of your brain would really appreciate the smoothness of Bucky’s voice when he said that, the cool, calm, collected delivery.
You’ll file it in the back of your mind for when you go back to your empty apartment.
“That fat ass ain’t worth it,” the creep chokes out, scrambling to get up. As soon as he’s on his feet, poised to take off, Bucky moves faster than you could have imagined and grabs the guy by his shirt.
“I don’t think so, buddy.” You can’t see his face, but you think Bucky might be smiling.
A portly man, a little shorter than Bucky, pushes through the gathering crowd, eyes wide and panicked, face red, already sweating. When you glance at his golden nametag, it reads: Jason, Manager. Cool that the manager showed up this late. If Bucky hadn’t stepped in, you’d probably be in a pile of limbs on the ground by now. Also—is he going to comp your bill? ‘Cause at this point, you’re starting to think you deserve it.
Okay, not a good time to be distracted.
“Thank you for getting him, sir,” the manager says, a little breathless. “Winter Soldier, sir.”
“It’s Bucky,” he says, and then he shoves the creep toward the manager. “Not sure why you didn’t step in before he got violent.”
Exactly! Why did everyone just stand around and do nothing as some six-foot man hustled the four women sitting beside the street? You glance around again, seeing your friends have disappeared and now, both the wait staff and other café patrons, are crowded around your table. It’s a little unsettling how no one cared to even look at you until everything escalated.
As the manager grabs the creep and hauls him off toward the street to wait for the cops, Bucky Barnes relaxes his shoulders and turns toward you slowly, and it’s—well, for lack of a better word—it’s beautiful. He’s beautiful.
He looks nothing like the superhero in the pictures. Here, with the D.C. sun hitting him unabashedly, his slate eyes like glass marbles, the lines surrounding them wrinkled in concern, his tongue darting between his lips to wet the skin where his teeth bite down, a habitual sore, his short locks ruffled by the breeze or maybe the fight or maybe he just wakes up perfectly rumpled, here he looks like a man.
“You okay?” he asks, somehow nonchalant and still worried, and he holds out a calloused hand to you.
Or, well, maybe Bucky had been watching. And maybe that’s enough.
God, you don’t even know this man outside of his Avenger persona, the headlines you read on the news, the pictures you see on social media, but there’s just something about him that makes you want to trust him. Like he guarantees safety, and you know that no one, least of all an Avenger, can guarantee safety. Even if that’s their job.
Stop feeling safe around him.
But you take his hand anyway, his long, thick fingers folding over your own like he means to swallow them, and Bucky pulls you up as though you weigh nothing. In fact, he does it so easily that you crash straight into him with a yelp and his arms instantly slide around your waist to catch you as your knees go weak, buckling beneath you.
When you look up at him, your hands trying to find purchase in the material of his hoodie, he’s staring down at you with the hint of a smile.
“Thanks,” you say, quiet and a little stunned.
His lips crack a little wider. “No problem.”
For a few seconds longer than deemed socially appropriate, you stare at Bucky, captured by the changing color of his blue-gray eyes. And then, as if god is slapping you on the back of your head, you blink and remember that you are covered in alcohol and currently pressed against the chest of a superhero, and your eyes go wide as you quickly push away from him.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry,” you tell him. “I’m disgusting—you probably have orange juice all over you now, fuck.”
“Hey,” he says, his flesh hand wrapping around your upper arm to steady you, “it’s okay. Seriously though, are you alright?”
You open your mouth to say something and then shut it again when you realize nothing sounds like the right answer. Bucky waits patiently though, peering down at you, his grip a little more grounding than you wish it was.
“Yes?” you say, but it sounds like a question. “I mean, maybe? I’m—It’s not like I’m not used to this happening. I’ll be fine.”
Bucky frowns. “Used to it?”
You shrug. “Not all men are superheroes. Most don’t have good intentions. And I’m not even that pretty, can you imagine what other women deal with?”
It slips out before you realize it, the self-hatred you keep at bay.
“Not pretty?” Bucky’s face twists into something confused. “That guy assaulted you just to get your number. I’m not saying it’s right, but if you think you aren’t pretty, well that’s just wrong.”
Oh god, what are you supposed to say now? So stupid. If you had just kept your mouth shut, you wouldn’t have forced an Avenger—a really fucking hot Avenger—to give you an awkward compliment and now you have to scramble to figure out what to say. If you deny the compliment, you’ll look ungrateful. If you accept the compliment, that’s too egotistical. Too into yourself.
You’ve backed yourself into a corner here, and Bucky’s on the other side of the ring.
“Look,” he interrupts your inner monologuing, running a hand through his hair and glancing away, “if you don’t mind me saying it, you’re—well—you’re gorgeous. I hope you know that.”
Your mouth falls open and you stare at him, nervous energy radiating off him, and when his eyes shift back to yours he coughs.
“I mean, don’t take that the wrong way. I’m not—I’m not trying to hit on you after what just happened, I promise.” His eyes go wide, then, and he throws his hands out in front of him in a placating gesture. “That’s not to say I’m not! Not hitting on you. I mean, shit, I just think you’ve gotta be the most beautiful dame—woman, sorry—that I’ve seen in years.”
There’s something soft about it, something sweetly suffocating, like buttercream frosting in the back of your throat, about his nervousness. The gentle panic, the way his eyes go back and forth from the ground at your feet to your eyes like he’s checking to make sure he hasn’t said the wrong thing, but he just keeps putting his foot in his mouth like it’s a magnet to metal. It’s endearing. It’s real.
“Do you want to get a drink with me?” you blurt out, and Bucky blanches. “I know it’s only, like, noon but I need a drink. And I owe you. For saving me.”
He relaxes at this, another one of those small smiles easing its way onto his face, and his shoves his hands into his pockets like he wasn’t just panicking two seconds ago about calling you a dame, which if anyone else had done, you would have socked them in the mouth, but he’s like one-hundred-and-six or something and you kinda get it.
“The drinks you’re wearing ain’t enough, doll?”
A laugh breaks from your mouth and he lights up, grinning.
“Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be?” You can’t help the smile splitting your own lips. “Sure, make fun of the girl who just got hustled, easy prey.”
The way he looks at you is burning.
“I’m Bucky,” he says. “James Bucky Barnes.”
“I know,” you say with a laugh. When you give him your name, he almost looks like he wants to try it out, but he keeps it on his tongue like he’s tasting it instead.
“So, a drink?” he asks, a little cautiously.
“I’d like that.” Then, you look down and curse. “But I’m gross. I really need to go home and change.”
Bucky nods, but a look of disappointment crosses his face, there and then gone again, just enough to make your heart tighten into a painful brick weight atop your chest. Everything in your brain is saying no, don’t do it, don’t do it. But your heart hurts and it hurts for him, a man you’ve only met in news articles and awkward interviews until now, when he’s saved you from being slapped around by some creep or worse, and god, you have such a soft heart sometimes and it’s gotten you in trouble before but you can’t just ignore it.
“Do you like Bloody Marys?”
His eyes meet yours again and you’re drawn into the storm that swirls in his irises once again.
“Never had one,” he admits. “They don’t look much like a drink.”
“Well, if you’re interested, I have the stuff to make a really good one at home. And then I could change and clean up a little and still y’know, thank you for saving my life? I mean it’s not much, but—”
“Yes,” he says, his voice as sure and steady as it was earlier when he was in hero mode. “That sounds great.”
Oh, you’re fucked. You’re so fucked.
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The walk back to your apartment isn’t uncomfortable, but it’s not easy. Bucky walks beside you like a forcefield, using his body to guide you through the throng of people walking along the streets without even touching you. He reminds you of a sheepdog. The thought almost makes you laugh more than a few times during your stroll.
He walks with his hands in his pockets most of the way, especially his metal one. And he isn’t much of a talker, not that you mind as long as he keeps answering the questions you’re asking him, like what kind of food he likes and what he thinks about sphynx cats and if he likes memes—of which his answers consist of anything, what the hell is that and why is it naked, and a resounding yes.
Bucky asks some of his own questions, though they are few and far between and a lot more cohesive and meaningful than your own. He asks about how long you’ve lived in Washington D.C., about what you do for a living, and about your friends.
“Why did they leave you there?” He’s staring at you when he asks, brows sharp and furrowed.
“Because I told them to,” you answer. “I didn’t want them to get hurt or anything. And I’m kind of the person that if I’m yelling, you better listen ‘cause I’m usually yelling for a good reason.”
He nods like he understands, but his lips are pressed flat. “They shouldn’t have left you.”
You shrug. “I wanted them to. I would’ve been more pissed if they hadn’t run off and gotten tangled up in the middle of everything.”
“You’re a good person,” he says, still looking at you. His face is softer, that hint of a curve in his mouth the only sign that anything’s changed.
You give him your own smile. “Maybe.”
It’s only once you get to the front door of your apartment that things shift and your stomach rolls, heavy and fluttering light all at once, a not-so-familiar-anymore anxiety chilling your skin. The keys in your hand jingle and you aren’t sure if it's because your fingers are shaking or not.
“It’s not much,” you say, beckoning him inside, “but y’know, it’s enough for me.”
Bucky steps through the door with a reverence, a caution, a carefulness that strikes you right in the heart. He looks out of place for a minute, like he’s never entered an apartment before. And then, as you kick off your shoes, losing the extra inch of height, smiling and gesturing for him to do the same, there’s something in him that snaps and bends and his shoulders fall, relaxed.
He toes off his boots, leaving them by the door, and suddenly there’s a different air in the apartment. Almost intimate. Comfortable.
Stop it. You don’t even know him.
“Make yourself at home. Can I get you anything? A glass of water or something?”
Bucky shakes his head as he follows behind you, slowly, his eyes roaming over your space. It’s really not much, you know that. A little more than a box with a bathroom and a bedroom attached, what with the living room and the kitchen being “open-concept,” a word you’re pretty sure was invented to sell tiny apartments for more money. You don’t even have a table to sit at—just a couch to plunk down on while you’re eating.
“I’m alright, doll,” he says, running a hand over the soft cushions of said couch. “You go change, I’m fine.”
As soon as you disappear into your bedroom, the door locked behind you, you lean against the wood and let out a sigh. This is awkward. What the fuck were you thinking? Asking an Avenger—Bucky Barnes—back to your apartment for a drink? A bloody mary? Who are you trying to kid?
It’s been years, literal years since you’ve invited anyone back to your apartment. In fact, you don’t think anyone besides your friends has even stepped foot inside. Maybe they haven’t even made it to the door.
Why would you invite him here?
In frustration, you strip your dirty shirt off and throw it onto the floor, shimmy-ing out of your skirt and kicking it toward the hamper just as well. You sort through your drawers, looking for something comfortable to throw on. Or maybe you should wear something nice? Something that looks similar to what you wore to brunch. But Bucky’s dressed in jeans and a hoodie. But he also looks like a modern god in just that.
Fuck. You are fucked. Why did you ask him back to your place for a drink? What did you think would happen?
You throw an old band t-shirt over your head and pull a black pair of loose shorts up over your hips, cursing when you realize they don’t even hit mid-thigh. Does that seem suggestive? Is Bucky going to think you want to fuck him if you walk out in these?
Do you want to fuck Bucky?
No. No. This is not what this is about. You invited him over because you owed him a drink and because you needed to change and because he seemed so damn sad when you said you couldn’t go out for a drink. So you asked him to come home with you. Oh, god, that’s so complicated. What have you gotten yourself into?
Stop. Just stop thinking.
But—you have to admit it to yourself—you want it. You want him.
Your friends’ earlier words repeat in your head. A human, a connection, something that isn’t an empty apartment. They aren’t wrong for thinking that it’s something you want. For most of your life, you’ve lived thinking that you shouldn’t need someone. But isn’t it okay to want someone? You’re tired of being alone. Bucky Barnes is the first man that’s been in your empty apartment since you moved in, and maybe it’s a bold move, but you know what?
You throw yourself out of your bedroom, probably looking a little too frazzled, and you quickly comb your fingers through your hair as nonchalantly as possible to fix the flyaways. Bucky’s sitting on your couch, looking lonely, his hands rigid on his spread knees.
He looks like he fits there, on your sofa, in your empty apartment.
“Look,” you say in a breath, catching his attention. When he looks at you, his eyes sweep over your body like he’s never seen a woman before; shy, timid, a little nervous, but there’s something else there. It’s the same thing that’s heating your insides right now.
“I can make you a drink,” you offer, leaning against the doorframe to your bedroom with your arms crossed over your chest, staring at him, “or I can come over there and you can kiss me drunk instead, ‘cause I’m already halfway there.”
Bucky’s eyes widen for a fraction of a second, and then a cocky grin is curling his lips up, his face brightening the entire apartment. You don’t know if your body is warm because you’re embarrassed at your own daring or because Bucky Barnes is so beautiful it’s criminal, but you know that there’s static and stretch in your limbs and desire pooling in your belly. Liquor and lust are chasing away whatever fears you had before.
“Really?” he asks, but there’s a teasing lilt to his voice that reminds you of what a fucking flirt he is, or that he can be, and you think butterflies might be taking up residence in your tummy.
“Really,” you mimic, wearing your own charmed smile. Bucky lets his head fall to the side as he looks over you, then crooks one metal finger at you, beckoning you to join him on the couch. With as much confidence as you can muster, you stride toward him, putting a little swing in your steps. Maybe you look crazy doing it, but it’s enough that his eyes flicker down to watch your hips, and it sends a thrill through you.
“This isn’t like me,” you tell him as you sink down beside him, as close as possible while still giving him space to bolt if he needs to. “I don’t invite strangers over to my house like this.”
He smiles and it’s warm and big and easy. “I’m glad you did,” he says.
God, his eyes are pretty. “Me too.”
With Bucky’s thigh pressed against yours, his hand resting dangerously close to one of your bare knees, knuckles brushing your skin every time he shifts, you’re melting into his touch and you don’t care. It’s intoxicating—not the alcohol, which you swear should be wearing off by now, but him.
“I don’t do this often,” you say again, like you need to defend your bold behavior.
“Does that mean I’m special?”
“I think so,” you murmur, only loud enough for him to hear being this close.
Kinder than you thought possible, somehow simultaneously suave but still a little nervous, and yet authentic to a fault, Bucky Barnes is a thousand and one contradictions. Nothing like you ever thought he’d be. And maybe that’s what gives you the courage, the thought that someone so hardened could be so soft. That someone who looks like him, chiseled and striking and like a charcoal sketching on stark paper, could turn red at your innuendos and your charmed quips. That there’s a chance he could be attracted to you.
This—This is the connection you’ve been waiting for. The person who makes you feel like this. Tipsy when you shouldn’t be tipsy anymore.
“I know we barely know each other, but I really, really want you, Bucky.”
Your shoulder is pressed to his shoulder, your chest nearing his chest, your chin tipped up to stare at his eyes, his nose, his parted lips. Bucky stares down at you, his Adam’s apple dipping and bobbing as he swallows hard. Your lips curl, threatening to giggle. He’s so damn cute. How can someone like him, an Avenger, a super soldier, look so cute?
But the hand at your knee finally creeps up your skin, his hot palm glossing over your bare thigh, resting a little higher than a friendly touch would go. He presses indents—not too hard, but not too soft—into your plush, silken flesh.
“You do?” he asks, tongue darting out to wet his lip and you want to follow it back into his mouth with your own.
To answer, you push closer, your hand coming up to drape across his neck, a little off-balance as you sit up on your knees.
“Mhm,” you hum, and that’s all he needs to grasp your thigh roughly and drag you over him, seating you upon his lap as a squeak of surprise flies from your lips. His hands fall to your hips as if your body was made for him to hold and suddenly you’re looking down at him and he’s looking up at you instead, and god, he’s staring at you like you’re heaven and earth and everything he ever needed to be saved.
“I want you too,” he says, exhaling as if you’ve stolen all the air in his lungs.
“Then will you finally kiss me?” Your nose brushes his and his breath ghosts over your mouth.
Bucky’s lips surge up to meet yours, swallowing the last sounds of your words like it’s the first drink of water he’s had in years, cool and refreshing and tinged with smoke, something uniquely him.
As your hands thread through his short locks, desperate to hold onto him in any way, his fingers begin to curve over your ass. You rock into him, pressing against him harder, sucking at his plush lips as his tongue skims over your top lip until you grant him entry. Bucky kisses like he’s trying to taste every single part of you and it sends waves of pleasure through your belly and to your core, where you grind down until you feel his hardening length beneath you.
Immediately, you start to strip him of his hoodie, divesting him of that layer to feel the soft shirt beneath—but only barely because it’s hell trying to pull his hands away from where they’re touching you.
And he’s touching you everywhere. His fingers roam over every generous piece of your body. The silken planes of your thighs where he’s pushed your shorts up, the wide canyons of your hips, the bumpy hills of your waist where your stomach is too big and too soft and where he slips his mismatched hands under your shirt to trace the lines of your stretch marks. It isn’t long until he brushes by the band of your bra and then he’s tugging at the hem of the shirt, pulling away from your lips long enough to rid you of it.
You take the moment to rid him of his too, and then you’re both topless, still sitting atop his lap and panting from lack of air. No words are shared between you before Bucky is capturing your mouth again. It’s only passion, frenzied and hot and wanting.
His fingers fumble with the hooks of your bra blindly as your teeth sink into his bottom lip, nipping and giggling and tangling your tongue around his. As soon as you hear the snap, you lean back and Bucky pulls it off you, flinging the offending garment somewhere else in the apartment.
Now, with your naked chest completely bared to him, you wait for it to happen. For his eyes to dart away, for the apprehension to cross his features, for the disgust to set it. The real reason that it’s been so long since you’ve invited someone into your empty apartment—into your empty life.
You’re scared.
Like you’re expecting the blow, you close your eyes and brace yourself, but you don’t cover up. You’ve learned not to cover up. You refuse to make yourself smaller, or prettier, or more tolerable for people. It’s why you don’t get entangled with one-night stands anymore, why you don’t ask strangers to come home with you, why you don’t let your girlfriends set you up with anyone. Because you refuse to make yourself something you’re not just to fit in, and that’s what always, always ends up happening.
Bucky touches you and it makes you flinch, his vibranium fingers a little chilly against the soft, warm skin of your stomach. He touches you and it’s electric, but you don’t open your eyes.
You’re too afraid to look and see the disappointment in his gorgeous blues.
His hands skim over your rib cage, sliding around the sides of your waist, his thumbs grazing the undersides of your breasts. You shiver at the contact. He continues his trail upwards, but then he lays his palms on your shoulders and caresses over your neck, his fingers finally finding the edge of your soft jaw to cradle your face. A shaky breath leaves you.
“Look at me,” he whispers, closer than you thought.
And no matter how much you’ll berate yourself over it later, there is something so safe about Bucky Barnes that your lashes flutter and your eyes open, and he’s right there, right there in front of you, staring at you with those stormy sea eyes half-lidded and glazed over with lust, his pink lips parted in awe, and you gasp at the intensity that strikes right through the center of you.
“You’re…” he trails off, swallowing nervously again. “Doll, I don’t think I know a word in English that describes you.”
Bucky presses forward, his chest brushing against your hardened nipples, stealing your breath and then sealing your lips with a kiss that isn’t like before. This kiss isn’t needy or wanting or filled with teeth and tongue and desperation. This time, his mouth moves with yours as if he’s trying to spell out a thousand words in twenty different languages to tell you how he feels, his lips leading yours in a dance that isn’t worried about an audience or the music or if you step on his toes.
When he pulls away, you wonder if your mouth is as swollen as his.
“You’re perfect,” he says with a finality in his tone that almost makes you collapse into his arms.
Then, Bucky wastes no time and captures a nipple in between those swollen lips, causing you to let out an embarrassingly loud noise in surprise. His metal hand finds your other breast, thumb stroking over the bud until you’re arching further into him. As his tongue traces patterns around one nipple, his fingers tweak and twist and pull its sister, and your hands grasp his broad shoulders in an attempt to hold on.
Finally, he presses gentle kisses over your rosy buds, all worn out by his touches, and then circles your breasts with more kitten licks and grazes of his teeth. Bucky’s hands settle at your hips again, fingers grasping your skin like he can’t get enough of the feel of you. He’s trying to imprint your body on his palms.
“I need to have you, doll,” he says all breathy as if he isn’t the one absolutely drenched right now. “Please. Please,” he asks so softly that you wonder if this is the man who even came to your rescue today, all tall and brooding. When you grind down on his lap again, feeling his hard cock beneath his jeans as he lets out a groan and tightens his grip on your waist, you realize you’re not the only one feeling the tension.
Still, there’s something cheeky left in you and you reach out to swipe your finger across his nose, effectively booping it cutely. A grin splits your lips.
“You need me?” you ask teasingly. “What if I need you instead?”
It’s like it sets something ablaze in him or something, ‘cause as soon as you go in for another kiss, Bucky stands up from the couch, his hands cradling your ass as you shriek and wrap your legs around him in reflex.
“Oh my god—”
“Now you’ve done it,” he grunts, burying his face in your neck to pepper kisses all over the stretch of skin that encompasses your shoulder, your jawline, even up into your hairline by your ear.
“Oh my god, put me down Bucky, I’m—you’re gonna drop me, I’m too heavy!”
“Heavy?” He chuckles against your throat and the vibrations almost make you shudder in pleasure. God, what is this man doing to you? “Darlin’, I don’t think you know the meaning of heavy.”
Bucky flashes you a wide, almost predatory grin, and you wonder where that soft, nervous boy went.
“If I wanted to,” he says, his voice low and steady, “I could fuck you right here, in the middle of the room, for hours.” He must feel the shiver that goes through your entire body because he’s laughing again. “But I want to fuck you into your mattress if that’s okay. Can I do that?”
Your throat feels dry when you whisper, “Yes. Please.”
He punctuates your plea with a heated kiss to your lips, his tongue tasting the citrus and bubble from your mimosas, the alcohol long since worn off. It’s all him that you feel, all him that intoxicates you, and all him around you as he walks you into your bedroom, not even straining under your weight, and dumps you onto the middle of your sheets.
There, he cages you, hovering above you to kiss down your body, already intent on tearing your shorts off.
“Bucky,” you whine. In the afternoon light streaming through the single window in your room, his eyes are a startling color you wish you could name, all clear and confident and crystal and god, god, his fingers are already exploring the slit of your core so lightly it makes you flush and want to hide, your inner thighs sticky and coated in your own slick from how hot he’s made you with such simple touches.
“You want me?” he asks as if he doesn’t know.
“Yes,” you hiss in pleasure, body writhing beneath him. Bucky leans down to kiss the shell of your ear, his tongue blazing a hot trail that makes you moan and buck your hips up to meet his, but he won’t have any of that.
“Good,” he says, “‘cause I need to have you, and I don’t plan on letting you go ‘till I’ve gotten everything you’ve got to give, doll.”
That nervous Bucky, all awkward smiles and panicked glances and sweet lines, he’s gone. In his place is this Bucky, assured and charming and suave and smooth and making your eyes roll back into your head until a scream is threatening to burst from your lips unless he swallows it with his own kiss, which he does, over and over again.
“I’m gonna ravage you, darlin’.”
You aren’t sure which one you like better—but is it greedy to say both?
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As the light of a new day spreads through your apartment, you awaken easily, softly, but painfully. Someone’s pulled the blankets up to your chin and tucked them around you, and the thought leaves an empty feeling inside of you. When you stretch, every part of you burns deliciously, a memory from the hours spent in bed, on the couch, on the fucking counter after you’d eaten and he still wasn’t satisfied, and then again in bed.
And now, looking over at the space beside you, he’s gone. His clothes are gone from the floor. There’s no sound echoing in the building. He even left you tucked in, for god’s sake.
Your apartment is just as it always has been—empty.
With a groan, you kick the covers off and plant your feet on the floor, willing yourself to get up. The ache in your muscles is nothing more than a pleasant memory, an unpleasant reminder of the marks he left on you, his absence.
Stop it. You shouldn’t have even gotten attached to him in the first place. You knew what this was, and he did too, and it’s no wonder he’s gone this morning.
Get over it.
You swipe an oversized shirt from your dresser and throw it over your head as you stride out toward the kitchen, content to go pantyless for the day after the abuse you put it through last night. Yawning, your eyes screwed shut in another big stretch to warm up your overused muscles, you hear him before you see him.
“Mornin’, doll.”
Like that, your eyes snap open and he’s there, standing in your tiny kitchen in nothing but last night’s boxers, looking fucking glorious in the spotlight of the warm sun that’s streaming through the room and highlighting the counters.
“Bucky?” you ask, but it’s a little loud and a little shrieking, something you don’t intend. But all he does is smile at you, metal fingers tapping the plastic countertop, so at ease he just looks like he belongs there.
“I thought I’d make you breakfast but you have nothing in your fridge,” he jokes, leaning back against the drawers and crossing his arms over his bare chest.
You shift, embarrassed, looking anywhere but at him. “Yeah, I need to go shopping.”
A long stretch of silence fills your apartment and you’re unsure of what to say in order to break it. Bucky’s clearly watching you, drinking in the sight of your love-marked body, bruises peeking out of the hem of your shirt that barely skims past the tops of your thighs, and you remember you’re wearing nothing underneath.
And he’s here, right here, and you really aren’t sure why. It seems the two of you have almost switched places. Where Bucky was nervous and shy at first, he’s now confident and comfortable and you’re left with heated cheeks and a tongue-tied in knots. Whatever boldness that came over you all yesterday has fled.
It’s left a deep pocket of insecurity inside of you.
“Why are you still here?” you ask, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, like you don’t care, but your voice shakes a little. He’s too far away to really tell, but you think a flash of hurt passes over Bucky’s brow.
“‘Cause you still owe me a drink,” he says as if it's obvious, a small smile still sitting so prettily on his mouth.
You blink, a little confused, but shuffle closer. “Bloody Mary?”
“Yeah,” he says with a deep breath, his grin growing bigger the closer that you come toward him. “Will you still make me one?”
You nod, toes finally crossing into the kitchen, and then you and Bucky are staring at each other. There are scratches left like the bones of a graveyard on his arms, and you’re almost sure if he turned around they’d cover his neck and back just as well. Seeing those reddened marks, similar to the bruises he’s left on you, makes you relax your shoulders just a little.
“Do you need help?” he asks, eyes sweeping over your barely covered form.
“No,” you say, heading to the kitchen which is little more than a countertop, a stove, and a fridge. “But you can keep me company.”
So this is what happens in the morning after. Bucky leans against the counter next to you, watching you with a burning intensity that nearly matches last night’s, and you pull all the ingredients out and line them up next to two glasses and try not to falter under his gaze. He looks at you like you’re this fascinating thing he needs to study and it bothers you, but only in the best of ways.
“Do you always stare this hard at your dates?” A smile plays at your lips as you crack open the tomato juice.
He doesn’t look away. “No,” he says, but he sounds unsure. “Is this a date, doll?” There’s something in his voice that you can’t figure out, faintly hopeful, fairly confused. Vaguely surprised, even.
You shrug. “Maybe.” Especially after all of yesterday, you would hope he thought so.
But Bucky shakes his head. “No.”
That hurt more than you were expecting it to. Calling yourself his date had only been a joke meant to lighten the mood, ease him up a little, cure the tension swirling in the room. You guess you should have expected it, though. You owed him a drink—he didn’t owe you a date. It wasn’t supposed to be a date, anyway.
All you had done was sleep together, for fuck’s sake. This is why you hate morning afters. This is why you would have preferred it if he had been gone when you woke.
But was that even true? Because the relief you felt when you found him waiting for you in the kitchen was immense and hard to understand.
You open the bottle of vodka a little more forcefully than you intended.
“When we go out on a real date,” he continues, and your eyes meet, “I’ll be taking you out and treating you.” A slow grin crawls over his face that reminds you of his wicked mouth and what it can do and the sight makes your heart beat and beat and beat, faster and faster, like the wings of a hummingbird, quick quick quick.
“When,” he affirms.
“That’s bold of you,” you say, popping ice cubes from a tray into the glasses.
“Maybe,” he says, “but I know what I want now.” Bucky shifts a little closer to you, his vibranium arm brushing by the bare skin of your soft one as you try and focus on not spilling the juice, but you can smell him and he smells like cedar and bergamot and smoke and clove. A smell that consumed you whole last night, surrounded you, drowned you in it.
He’s so close you can feel him inhale.
“I’ve lived a long time not knowing—not getting to decide—what I want,” he admits, his voice low and quiet and soothing your nervous heart. “So you can call it bold, but I call it right.”
The sincerity in his voice makes your hands still and you look up at him, eyes wide. In the soft white lights of your tiny kitchen, sharing the tight space with him so close, Bucky’s eyes are thunder and rain and lightning all at once, peace and chaos both, promising release and the sweet scent of earth and oil afterward.
“You don’t even know me,” you whisper.
Bucky leans closer. “But I want to.”
He’s so close, too close, close enough that he can surely hear the rhythm of your heart, unsteady and racing just for him. You could surge forward and kiss him, stake your claim once again on those pinkened lips that have held your attention from the first time you saw them, feel the stubble of his jaw rub against the soft peach fuzz of your own, let it remind you of how it felt against the apex of your thighs as he made you cry out over and over again, breaking on his tongue over and over again.
It makes you feel dizzier than any alcohol ever could.
But Bucky reaches over, past you, and takes one of the glasses from your hand, warm fingers brushing over your cooler ones. He holds it up, toward you, gesturing for a toast. With a swallow, hardly glancing away from his slate eyes to grab the other glass, you tap your Bloody Mary against his with a soft clink.
He watches you over the rim as he takes his first sip and you think he might be smirking. Then, he darts toward you and takes your lips in his own, tasting of spice and tomato juice and perfection, all Bucky, all for you.
When he pulls away, too quickly, he rests his forehead against your and looks down at you, staring into your hazy eyes.
“Will you let me stay?” he asks, like he doesn’t know what you’ll say. The soft, nervous Bucky is peeking out from behind his confident visage once again, his voice hopeful and frightened and the hand that’s gliding beneath your shirt and over your waist more timid than it was last night.
There’s a million things you can say. You can tell him to take you out to brunch instead. You can tell him you’re too busy. You can tell him that this was a one-night stand, it was only ever meant to be a one night stand, and that it was fun but you can’t afford to get attached to him and god, you know you’re going to get attached to him if he stays and that scares the ever-living fuck out of you. You can tell him that it’s messy here, inside your empty apartment, inside your empty heart. You can tell him that he could take up residence here. You can tell him so, so many things.
“Yes,” you say instead, and Bucky laughs against your mouth when he kisses you hard once more.
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Wow your writing is so realistic and detailed I love it!! I was wondering if you’d be open to writing draco smut where you tie his wrists and make him watch you touch yourself but then he breaks free and 🤫🤔🤔
this request? chef’s kiss. hope you like it. once again this was just straight up filth (also thanks anon!)
Contains: Bondage, degradation, mentions of spanking, orgasm denial, brief mild breath-play, dirty talk, rough sex, manhandling
Word count: 1.8K
It's so easy, you're actually kind of shocked.
As you stare down Draco, whose eyes are narrowed and confused and slightly fucking pissed, whose wrists are tied behind his back to the headboard of the bed... you can't help but giggle.
His hair is still ruffled from the nap he'd been taking when you snuck into his room, golden tufts sticking out in various angles, and he looks adorable. Aside from the part where he's beginning to very nearly steam in anger, of course.
"Oh, so this is funny?" Draco glares at you. "You think it's funny, don't you?"
"Erm." You cough out another small snicker. "Yeah, maybe?"
"Merlin, you're going to regret this. Ha-ha, funny prank, nice one, good to see the Weasleys are leaving their influence." Draco rattles his hands behind his back like he's Marley's ghost. "Now let me go."
You shake your head. "I don't think so."
Draco rolls his eyes, sighing. When he looks back at you, his gaze is steely and pissed off. "You're making a mistake, pet."
"Am I?" You smile innocently at him. You're sitting at the foot of the bed, only a couple feet away from his sitting figure, and you make a point to scooch backwards to press your back against the feet of the bed. "Am I, Draco?"
"What are you..." He trails off as you shrug off your jacket, unbuttoning your shirt slowly. You bite your lip as you feel his gaze on you, following your every move.
Draco says your name warningly. He's unused to being disobeyed, to not having things to according to his wishes. He's still the Malfoy heir, after all—spoiled at heart. "Be good."
You ignore him, a move that you know makes him see red. Your unbuttoned shirt hangs loosely on your shoulders, and you trail your fingers behind you to unhook the straps of your bra. It falls away, leaving your breasts bare but your shirt still on—a look that you personally thought was pretty damn hot.
From the look of Draco's heated dark gaze, he thought the same.
He tenses as you move a hand up to your nipples, caressing them gently and tweaking them ever so often. They harden fast, becoming sensitive, and you let out small breathy sounds of pleasure as you play with them, eyes fluttering closed.
"Salazar," you hear Draco growl, and you open your eyes only to wink at him. You see him tug at his restraints, his muscles straining, but they hold fast.
"No touching," you say playfully, repeating back the words he so often ordered you to obey during your scenes and during sex. You feel drunk on it, the control. You love being submissive, of course, and Draco is a fantastic dominant, but it's... fun, to flip the table on him.
(Of course, that doesn't mean you want to be in control the whole night. Maybe you'll untie him after you've gotten off, then let him fuck your throat. That's the plan, anyway.)
You figure he'll be rough after you let him go and you want it. You imagine Draco grabbing your wrists and pinning them against the bed as he fucks you, face-down, over the side of the bed—imagine him whispering a mix of praise and degradation in your ear, laughing when you moan.
Slipping a hand into your pants, you lock eyes with Draco once more as you touch yourself through your soaked panties. His gaze is glittering, dangerous. "Stop."
"No." You get a thrill out of saying the word, out of going against direct orders. You know if he really wanted you to stop, he would use the safeword the two of you established. Right now, he's furious alright, but he's also planning something. You're sure of it.
You shimmy out of your pants, leaving you in a flimsy shirt and lacy dark green panties that you may have chosen just for the occasion. Draco's eyes narrow at the sight of them, and he makes to reach for you before he remembers he's tied up.
"If you let me go right now, I'll go easy on you," Draco says lowly. "I won't make it hurt too much."
"Tempting," you murmur, slipping your hand into your panties and directly sinking a finger into your cunt, "but I'll take a rain check."
Draco says your name loudly, but your eyes are already slipping closed from the pleasure, letting out a perhaps slightly theatrical whimper from the stimulation.
"Fucking whore," you hear him hiss, and it makes you jerk your hips up into your touch. You're a slut for his praise, and he knows that bloody well. "Yeah, you're enjoying that? You like your fingers touching your pathetic cunt even though I said no?"
"Draco," you whine, a finger circling your clit. Your movements quicken, and you start fucking yourself in earnest, far past slow teasing motions for Draco's benefit—right now, you want to come. Your eyes are still squeezed closed as you pump your fingers, chasing release.
"Little disobedient slut," comes Draco's voice, and there's something in his tone that makes you shudder. Your eyes flutter, and something registers in your mind. "You're absolutely going to regret this."
He sounds way closer than he should be.
Before you can open your eyes, a cold hand grabs the wrist of the hand that's currently shoved down your panties, and you yelp in surprise. Your hand is forcefully removed, and Draco tugs you in by the shirt, pinning your hands behind your back and pressing you up against him.
"Now, now, pet," Draco murmurs into your ear. You can hear his smirk. "Best not get in more trouble than you're already in, hm?"
"How did you—"
"Magic," he replies with a condescending tone, and you could slap yourself. How did you forget that very important aspect to consider when tying one up?
"Fuck," you whisper to yourself, and Draco laughs meanly.
"I suppose so," he muses, "but don't plan on getting to come today. Or this week, for that matter. Merlin, I should just spank your pretty little ass all red and fuck your throat. Little slut doesn't deserve anything more."
You whine and he bites down on the junction of your neck and shoulder, hard enough to make you gasp in pain. "Unless you're apologizing profusely or using your safeword, I don't want to hear another bloody sound out of you. Or you'll fucking regret it."
"I'm sorry," you gasp, and Draco hums.
"As I was saying, maybe I should spank you," he says casually. Your breath hitches at the idea—Draco's never actually spanked you before aside from a few wayward spanks during sex, but you can't deny the idea of it turns you on so fucking much.
You imagine him throwing you over his knee, peeling your panties off and spanking you until your ass turned bright red and you were begging for his forgiveness. You imagine him rubbing your irritated skin in an almost comforting manner before landing another slap squarely where it aches and you whimper.
"Aw, but I think she likes that idea," Draco coos mockingly, and he flicks one of your nipples harshly, making you gasp. You can feel how hard he is against you. His hand trails up to your neck, his fingers circling your throat slowly. He doesn't press down, not yet. "Don't you?"
You shake your head vehemently, embarrassed, but Draco's fingers tighten slightly—enough that you feel the pressure when you inhale.
"Don't you?"
You almost reply. Almost.
But then you remember his words.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, and you can feel his smile.
"Where was all this obedience earlier, hm?" His hands moves from your throat to your hair, stroking it gently. "We could've avoided all this. You could've just easily gotten fucked, and gotten to come. Now look at this. Now I have to teach you a lesson."
Draco sighs, like it's a bloody inconvenience. "What do you say?"
"I'm sorry," you repeat.
"Good girl," Draco praises. He tugs at your hair. "Anyway, I don't think I'll spank you today. You seem to like that idea too much, and this is supposed to be a punishment, after all."
You stay quiet, mind whirling, trying to anticipate what he might come up with. Eventually, he seems to come to a decision.
"Alright, on the bed," Draco orders you, and you scramble to obey. You get to see his face for the first time since he broke free, and it's a sight—his pupils are dilated and his normally pale face flushed with anticipation and arousal, gaze dark and wanting.
He reaches over and tugs your panties off entirely. Then, with a coy smile, he leans over and gags you with the wet fabric, clicking his tongue in faux-sympathy as your eyes widen. “There, there. It’s to make sure you don’t make noise. You should be thanking me, really.”
Then, in one smooth movement, Draco pushes your legs apart roughly and lands a light slap on your wet clit. It’s not a hard hit, but the surprise of it makes you buck your hips up, a low shriek emitting from your mouth through the makeshift gag.
“Blink twice for red, understand?” he says, and you nod earnestly. Draco smirks and spanks your cunt again, slightly harder this time, and you whine.
“Shh.” One more slap, and you’re drawing your legs together, your cunt stinging from the hits—but you’ve also never been so fucking wet.
“I agree,” Draco says cheerfully, unbuckling his belt and drawing his cock out of his trousers. “I think it’s time I get something out of this.”
And before you can make another sound, he pushes into you quickly, groaning to himself from how fucking tight you are. Your breaths come shallow and quick, the stimulation and stretch overwhelming.
Draco gives you a few seconds to get used to the stretch, and then he’s fucking you roughly, using you like you’re nothing but a hole for him to get off with, quick thrusts punctuating his words as he bites out, “Stupid little slut wanted to push me—look where it got you, huh? Being fucked like a common whore, ‘cept you’re not getting paid or getting to come tonight."
Bloody fucking Merlin. You gasp around the gag at a particularly hard thrust, clenching around him in arousal at his words.
"Think I’ll edge you a couple times, to really help the lesson sink in, yeah?" Draco's question is mocking, condescending. "Can’t have this slut goin’ around thinking she can just get away with anything she bloody well wants.”
You pant around your gag, unable to stop yourself from whining as Draco slips a finger inside your folds and thumbs your sensitive clit. You buck into his touch desperately, chasing that pleasure, and you whimper out a muffled “‘ease, ‘ease, wan’a ome—”
Draco stills his movements and lifts his hand away and you could scream from the frustration.
His voice is low and smug as he murmurs, “Disobedient sluts don’t get what they want now, do they now?”
come request something or just leave a message! i write for marauders, golden era, and marvel :)
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Porch Light
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pairing: jake kiszka x reader 
warnings: mentions of smutty stuff, drinking and smoking. i’ll be honest besties, jake is an asshole in this so like...sorry. no hard smut! 
author’s note: i’ve been super sick recently and have a very sore throat, and generally am grouchy, so i’m taking it out on you, my dear readers. enjoy an angsty, toxic jake story without a happy ending for this terrible tuesday evening!! 
you turn your head in the direction of your phone, attempting to ignore the buzzing. you knew who was calling you this late, but you also knew you shouldn’t answer him.
letting the call go through to voicemail, you sigh and turn back to your glass of wine, only to feel your shoulders stiffen when another call came through. you shake yourself straight, refusing to give in to the game for the millionth time. 
when a third call almost makes your phone buzz itself off the table, you stand up, huffing with anger. 
“what do you want, jake?” you snap, holding the phone to your cheek. 
“i think you know, baby.” jake slurred, chuckling. you rolled your eyes.
“i want a night to myself, so i won’t let you in.” you say firmly.
“sure you won’t. keep the porch light on for me, baby.” 
the line disconnects before you can protest any more. you sigh, pressing a finger between your eyebrows. you chew on your lip, rolling your eyes before whipping your tattered ‘michigan’ sweatshirt over your head and darting into the bathroom to make yourself presentable. 
you pulled your hair out of the bun on top of your head and fluffed it out, put on deodorant and sprayed yourself with perfume before moving into the bedroom to pick out his favourite black lacy lingerie. putting your silk robe over your underwear, you traipse into the living room to flip the porch light switch, feeling the familiar excitement bubbling in your stomach. 
this was -unfortunately- a routine you knew well. jake would call you late at night, often drunk, and tell you he was coming over. you would try to protest, but then he would fuck you better than anyone you’ve ever had and remind you why this whole situationship started. the most reliable part of the routine was that, no matter how many times you drunkenly told him to stay, he would be gone by morning.  
you weren’t proud of how long you had let jake use and manipulate you, but you couldn’t help it. you were even more ashamed to admit that you loved him. yes, you loved him even when he ignored you in public, or when he refused to take you for dinner. it was pathetic, and you knew it. 
your serious thoughts are interrupted by the sound of someone stumbling around outside your front door. blowing a deep breath out, you open the front door and let him in. 
almost immediately, he takes you in his arms and kisses you hungrily. he shoves his tongue into your mouth, already working your robe and bra straps off your body. you pull away, pressing your hands to his chest to steady yourself. 
“what could you possibly need to say right now? can’t you feel how much i need this?” he points to his groin. you roll your eyes.
��do you think you can stop being a prick for one second? jake, this can’t keep happening- i’m not just here for sex whenever you need. i’m a person outside of you and i have my own life.” you say seriously, hoping he listens to you this time. 
he nods his head, reaching to pull your bra further off your body. 
“yeah, yeah i know. we’ll stop this thing and find other people. definietly.” he mutters sarcastically before connecting his mouth with your nipple and moving you both to the bedroom, where you would forget the reason why you were upset in the first place. 
“you have got to block him and move on, honey.” your best friend, mia, says for the umpteenth time, watching your face change as she lifts her drink to her lips. 
your eyebrows raise, agreeing with her. it was pointless trying to defend your actions anymore, nor was it really fair to complain about jake when you actively choose to let him lead you on. mia had told you these things many times, rolling her eyes every time you brought him up- but she would always listen to your rants. 
you and mia were sat in your favourite bar, catching up after a few weeks of not getting to see each other, drinking and laughing. it felt nice to be with her again; you had missed her loud laugh, and her hilarious facial expressions. 
“i know, i know. i just can’t let him go. god, i sound so pathetic! ugh, i hate myself sometimes.” you groan, holding your head in your hands. mia slammed her glass down, eyes wide and no longer looking at you. you follow where she was looking, towards the door and feel your eyes widen too. 
jake was walking into the bar with his brothers, his eyebrows raising with surprise when your eyes meet. you gingerly wave, knowing how he felt about acknowledging each other in public -fervently against. his brothers notice you too, bounding over to your table and pulling you into tight hugs. 
you and josh actually knew each other first- you had volunteered to act in a short film he was directing almost five years ago, and you immediately hit it off. you obviously met jake through josh, and you often found yourself wishing he’d never introduced you every time you woke to an empty bed. 
sam and josh had sidled into the booth with you and mia, leaving jake to pull up a chair to the table. you comfortably settled next to sam, letting him throw his arm around your shoulders and steal a handful of the tortilla chips you were snacking on. you had always liked sam, liked how funny and kind he was- you often playfully flirted with each other, affectionately calling each other stupid names like ‘hot stuff’. 
the whole group chatted loudly, the boys quickly catching up on drinks and unsurprisingly becoming more drunk than you or mia. you refused to look at jake, scared he was going to be upset with you for ruining his night- so you chose to scooch closer to sam and begin another bit with him filled with terrible pickup lines and downright awful nicknames. 
you excuse yourself for a smoke break, enjoying the cool air against your skin. you drop your cigarette when a sudden voice comes from behind you, and you whip around to see jake looking furious.
“what the fuck are you trying to pull, y/n? flirting with my baby brother for what-to make me jealous?” he yells. 
his words set something off within you, anger quickly seeping through every pore of your body. maybe it was because you felt protective of sam- you cared for him like he was a brother. 
“are you really that self absorbed to think that everything i do is to get a reaction from you?” you demand. he scoffs and looks away, tongue in his cheek. 
“well, yeah.” he says, in a tone that suggests this was an obvious fact. 
you shake your head, crossing your arms.
“why do you even care if was flirting with sam? you don’t want me that way, so why shouldn’t i be able to talk to someone else?” you ask, watching his brush his hair out of his face. your hands were shaking, so you balled them into fists. 
“bec-because i don’t want you talking to other guys, okay?” he sighs. you let a humourless laugh leave your mouth, only feeling more anger.
“you’re going to drive me insane, jacob. you’re so fucking stupid.” you say harshly, trying to ignore how your voice shook. he looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed and his mouth open to shoot back.
“how am i stupid, y/n?” 
“because i love you! you! i don’t fucking want anyone else, even when you treat me like shit. god- i can’t keep doing this with you.” you sink to the stone steps beheath you, no longer facing him. the amount of adrenaline racing through your body was making you feel sick and all you wanted right now was to be left alone. 
you didn’t care that you had just declared your love for him, because you knew he wasn’t going to do anything about it. instead, you decided this had to end. you couldn’t keep making yourself available to him, couldn’t let him break your heart any longer. 
he sighed, not moving from where he was stood.  
“fuck off, jake. i don’t want to do this with you anymore.” you say quietly. he breathes a laugh, making your heart clench because now you know he truly doesn’t care.
“you can say that, but i know you’ll aways be there, waiting. i know you’ll still turn the light on for me when i tell you to.” he says cockily, turning on his heel and leaving you to stare into space. 
almost a week later, you heard your phone buzz. your chest tightens with anxiety as you open it to read the text from him.
- coming over. turn the light on for me. 
your shoulders slump and tears you had been holding off for days fell, the sobs wracking through your chest. you stay stood, letting yourself weep until you hear his car pull up. you can’t do this. 
you see him leave his car, and you open the front door to stand in the porch. he stops in his tracks, looking at your state. you shake your head, turning to go back inside. 
you sigh before flipping the porch light off and walking further into the house. it was more than turning off a light- it was the most obvious message to him that this was over. he doesn’t get to call at three am anymore. you were no longer willing to be used. you were no longer his.
you don’t see it, but you hear him get back into his car and drive off. 
you let your feelings overwhelm you and sink to the floor of your kitchen, unable to move until mia lets herself in the following evening. 
you listened to her comforting words and knew she was right- this was going to be hard to move on from, but he was bad for you and it wasn’t healthy. 
it was going to be a hard few months. 
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jaemsun00 · 3 years
NCT Mark + 00Line When you come home drunk and horny
This is mature content, not much graphic details though. Read at your own risk :)
As soon as he heard your going out on a girls night, he was planning ahead. He has dealt with your drunk ass to many times to count. So it was no surprise when you came home giggling over absolutely nothing. Mark thanked your friend who acted as the mother tonight, taking you out of her hands. “Good luck with her” she nodded before going back to the car with some more drunk girls.
“Mark!” You shouted, right in his ear at that. “Hi. Quite your voice down please” he whispered, worried you would wake his house mates up. Which you did but... “I missed you. So so much” your words were jumbled but it still made some sense.
“You saw me less than three hours ag- what are you doing” his voice was now high pitched as your hand traveled down south. “I missed you” Mark has never dealt with you like this, usually you would come home and pass out, this has never happened.
“Okay yeah Uh your hand is” he still held onto you as you placed your right hand right where a certain something was growing. “You missed me too” you chuckle to yourself but Mark awkwardly pushes you away.
“Your drunk. Let’s go clean you up” he nodded to the stairs but you scoff. “Let’s go to the couch and do something else” you sing out, strolling your way towards the grey sofa you helped pick out a few months prior. “No baby, come on” he grabbed onto your arm to pull you gently.
“Why won’t you fuck me?” Your straightforwardness made Marks eyes widen, a bit to wide actually. “Your being-“ “why not?” You whine, flinging your arms around like a child. “Your drunk and I’m not taking advantage of your state” “but I’m asking you” Mark sighed before grabbing at your arm again. “I don’t care, come on let’s get you cleaned up” once he finally had you walking semi straight, he let out a loud sigh.
You were bored, and your boredom led to you drinking almost a whole wine bottle in a span of an hour. Renjun was late home so you just kept drinking. wine and you never really got along, You being a light weight and all. As soon as you heard your code being put in, you got excited. Fixing your posture as you heard his shoes being kicked off.
“I’m home” he sung out, words quickly seized as he saw the way you were lying on the couch. “Hi” he smiled, ridding of his jacket as he also got excited. That until he saw the half empty wine bottle on the little table beside you. “Hiiii” you wave seductively at him, your legs opening a bit more to show him what exactly he was missing.
“Yeah Hi. Your drunk?” He stood tall, the excitement leaving his body as he knew he can’t do anything with you in this state. “What makes you think that?” You whine, completely not in the right state to even be awake right now.
“The bottle, not to mention the red mark around your lips. I’m gonna go for a shower” he sighed, picking his jacket back up and start his mission to the bathroom. “I’ll come just a- ow” your cry made him turn back to you. You’ve fallen of the couch.
“No your not. Come on let’s go get your teeth brushed” he held out a hand for you to take but instead you slapped it away. “If I can’t shower with you what’s the point in getting up” “your being a child, you’ll feel better in the morning”
“Your girl is getting a little... too handsy don’t you think?” Jaemin nodded towards a drunk you, who kept your hands all over your boyfriend. Jeno nodded, removing your hand form his crotch. “Welcome to the world of a drunk ____” he joked before turning to kiss your lips like you whispered for him to, among other things of course
Jaemin just nodded, clearly uncomfortable with you feeling up his friend right infront of him. “I think we might head home” Jeno stood up, a hand on your back as you followed. “Yeah yeah let’s go home” all the people at the table looked towards you two with knowing eyes. Jeno shook his head “sleeping, we are going home to sleep” he said turning to look down at you who was wearing a pout.
“Sleep? Ooo you wanna do it in the car??” You ask eagerly, already ridding of your -Jenos- jacket. “No no. Come on” he grabbed both your wrist to stop your wondering hands which knew their way to the place you wanted.
Jeno reckons this car ride was the hardest. Your hand rubbing along his crotch every other second. You trying to nibble on his neck, it was far to distracting.
Finally pulling up at the apartment complex, he grabbed your hand. “If your not to bad tomorrow we will begin this” he pointed between you two before unlocking the car doors. “I’ll come around, stay there”
“Your girlfriends drunk”
“Of course she is. So your gonna let her stay at your house right?” Haechan was joking, well your best friend hoped he was. “Your hilarious, come and get her” she snapped the last part, Haechan sighed hearing your drunk calls for another of your friends. “I reckon it’s your turn to babysit. Thank you” “if your not hear in 5 fucking minutes, lee Hacehan. I promis-“ “okay okay. I’ll be there”
He kept to his word, being there in amount of 3 minutes thanks to the club being close and the traffic was short. “Where is the drunk lady” he pulled up, three of your friends held you back from vomiting your guts up. “I don’t own her” Hacehan shook his head as he saw you, but he still got out to help you.
“Hiya baby” you mumble, grabbing at his cheeks to squish them. “Mmm your hair is wet, why?” He asked ruffling your drenched hair. “Girly thought it was fun to have a water fight with herself in the bathroom” your best friend spoke up, patting Haechan on the back before bidding a goodbye.
“You wanna know what else is wet?” You whispered into his ear making him almost chock on nothing. “Your scalp” he smiled before helping you to the passenger side of his car. “Nope lower” Haechan closed his eyes as he finally got you to sit properly on the seat.
“Well that’s sounds like a you problem” he smiled, leaning over to grab at your seatbelt. You took the opportunity to kiss his neck, knowing how that usually gets him going. “If it’s a me problem, I might aswell fix it right now” you smile once he plugs you in.
Hacehan shook his head. “Your to drunk sweetie. You won’t even know where anything is” he joked before hoping into his side. “I don’t like you like this. Where is the other Hacehan? The one who will gladly touch me?” The boy nodded, with a smile.
“He is still here. But he can’t exactly- do what you want right now. Tomorrow night is a different story though” 
Jaemin sat on the couch, ignoring your calls of his name. It’s been two hours since you yelled at him for waking you up early. An hour since you decided to down three vodka drinks. Twenty minutes since you begged for him. But he has ignored you, even though it was hard.
“Jaemin” you whined walking into the living room to see him. “Your ignoring me! I did nothing” he could hear the pout in your voice but didn’t dare to look at you, knowing he would give in if he saw it.
“Fine I’ll just go blow Jeno or-“
“Excuse me?” His head snapped up, seeing your red cheeked self. It was clear you had a little bit to much for your body. “Oh so that’s how I get your attention?” You chuckle, nodding as if you did something good.
“You don’t like the idea of my mouth around-“ Jaemin coughed to cut your words short. “Your being silly. Go drink some water” he nodded towards the kitchen, acting as if your words were not bothering him.
He hated you drunk, mainly because of this reason. You being the horny person that you are, and he can’t do anything because of obvious reasons.
“I don’t want to have water in my mouth, I much rather... some thing better” your eyed his crotch, licking your lips a bit to obviously. Jaemin scoffed, standing to his feet. Surely he was still a bit mad at you for earlier. But gosh you were so dang cute right now.
“As much as that sounds very exciting, baby. I would rather you suck me off when you know what to do”
All YangYang wanted was to go to sleep, not be driving over to your place and handle a drunk you. “Why’d you drink?” He whined once he saw the bottles scattered across your table. “I got fired” you shrug as if you weren’t crying over it for the last three hours. Yangyang’s eyes went wide when he heard that.
“What? Fired? Why?” He asked all at once, coming to stand beside you as you sniffled a bit. “Someone better. I don’t know he is a stupid boss anyways” you mumble the last part, YangYang patted your back as you downed another little bit of your drink.
“So you spent your money on alcohol? Baby that-“ “I called you for a reason you know?” Your boyfriend nodded, surely he thought you called him for support, to get your mind of the  events that you just went through.
Well how wrong was he. Cause now he was pinned down on your couch with you straddling him. “We cannot do this” he smiled trying to push you off his thighs but you pushed him away. “I want to. It’s okay” you smile drunkily at him and it makes him sigh.
“I would love to but baby, I don’t think right now is a good time for this” ignoring his words you lean in for a kiss again but he moves his head so your lips collide with his cheek instead. “We can do this any other time”
“But I want it now!! Oh come on I know you do to” you grind a bit on the growing tent inside of his pants. Groaning a bit YangYang sat up half way. “Please not tonight. When we have sex I want you to remember every detail, okay?”
Giving up you roll off his lop, sitting beside his legs instead. “I want another drink” “no no. No more”
“Babbbyyy” you scream through your apartment. Hoping the boy you need right now is here. “Shotaro?” You try again, walking into your bedroom to see a small light shining up the room. Shotaro laid comfortably on your bed, blankets pulled to his chest as he watched a drama with his AirPods in.
Shotaro saw the  silhouette of your body before pausing his episode. “Hi your back?” He smiled brightly at you. Switching on the light, you strode closer towards him.
The poor boy had no clue what was about to hit him, thinking you looked as normal as you usually do. That until you started sexily climbing up the bed. Hands on his legs as they got closer and closer.
“What are you doing?” He chuckled nervously, moving his legs underneath your hold. “I want you” you spit out making Shotaro drop his phone on his face, he forgot he still held it above his head.
“Your drunk?” He finally put two and two together, after smelling it once you got close. “Not drunk enough. So let’s get you ready” you sing out, handing pressing down on his sensitive area. “I’m uh. No” he stumbled among his words.
Of course he wanted your mouth around him but you clearly weren’t in a state of mind right now, probably about to pass out as soon as you got him out of his sweat pants.
“No? Why not?” Shotaro sat up, grabbing your hand to hold. “You need sleep, baby” he raised an eyebrow at your scoff. “Sleep is overrated. But you know head isn’t over-“ “baby. Please” he begged with his eyes that made you scrunch up your nose. “You always get what you want. It’s annoying” you whine before falling to lay beside him. Minutes later and you were passed out just as Shotaro expected.
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wh0re-4-techno · 3 years
Description: It's Friday night, your first date night with Techno. One thing leads to another and you end up waking up in his bed in the morning.
Warning(s): SMUTTTTTTT, public teasing, choking, slight slapping, spanking, fingering, penetration.
Words: 5672
Last part :: Next Part
Today was Friday... And your first dinner date with Techno.
The entire time you were in classes you were freaking out, anxiety filled your whole body. A simple text telling you,
T to Y/n:
Picking you up at 6pm
You couldn't sit still, just imagining him in a fancy outfit and taking you out. You've been on a date with him before, but this was an actual date with him, dinner and everything.
As you sat in your chair, putting your makeup on, Minx sits on your twin size bed. Scrolling down on her phone, but ever so often she would glance over at you.
"So who are you going on a date with?" She already knew you were going on a date without asking, how you dressed in that black short dress and how nervous you were. She still asks bluntly, out of the blue for you. Stopping you mid-way putting your mascara on. Even though you were pretty sure your makeup was going to ruin by the end of tonight. You blink at her question, "Say that again?" You turn to your side to face her. "Don't act like you didn't hear me." She squints her eyes at you, she was still somewhat pissed that you still won't tell her who you were with yesterday. And now you were on your way on a date, most likely with the same person. "I'm not going to tell you Minx, stop asking." Turning back to your small mirror to continue your makeup.
She grunts at you, "Why can't you tell me it's Karl? I already know it's him." You put down your mascara. "And how do you know that Judge Minx?" You ask, it was clear that you didn't want to talk about it with her, but of course Minx could tell and loved how easily she could work you up. "Karl told Alex, who told me that you were with him at some book store yesterday." She explains, within each word your eyes widened.
"Did he mention anyone else?" Worried, what if Karl said you were with someone else. He could actually exposed the both of you.
"No he didn't, why?" She arches her eyebrows to your question. "No reason." You rush out, no reason for her to suspect you.
A small smirk starts to form on your lips, slowly looking back at your best friend. "Wait. You're still talking to Alex?" You try your hardest to make Minx forget or simply stop her from talking about your date. Seeing the shade of pink starting to rise on her cheeks, you could tell you can tease her about this. "Don't change the subject Y/l/n!" She wasn't going to let you off so easily.
You finish your makeup with a signature red lipstick.
Reaching down to put on a simple necklace with faux diamond earrings. Turning towards you mirror that hung on your dresser door, looking at yourself. You could tell you were smokin' hot, but would he like it? The next best option was to ask your roomy.
"Whatcha think?" You spin back to her on your heels, she's still on your bed, but now laying down on her back. Which she rolls herself over and faces you. "Holy shit-'' She mutters, loud enough for you to hear her. She starts to sit up, "You look stupid hot Y/l/n! He's gonna eat’cha up!" You could feel your cheeks heating up from her complements. "Karl's gonna love this-" You finally cut her off, "It's not Karl!" You huff out, she stares for a couple of seconds, just thinking.
It was hard enough to lie about where you were going at lunch and now this, but you had enough. You obviously couldn't say it was your Professor, but that doesn't mean you have to it was Karl. You just need to make up some random name that she nor any of your other friends could remember. "What- Who is it then?" Waiting for you to respond, walking up to her. "I'll tell you everything about him later tonight, I promise." You reach out for her to give you a hug as a goodbye.
She hugs you back, "Be safe, if he tries anything I will kill him." She says in a serious tone, which she would most likely hurt him, but not kill him. And the hurting would probably come from Schlatt. You chuckle at her and pull away. "I want to hear everything about this mystery date! You hear me!" She points out to you, you chuckle at her. "Love you Minx." You start heading to the dorm door, grabbing your keys and wallet. "Love you too!" Both of you smile at each other.
Heading down the stairs and making your way out of the house-ing building.
You stand by the parking lot, the cold weather starts to breeze as the sun starts to set, leaving a shiver down your spine. You should have grabbed a sweater on your way out. But as you think, his car is already pulling up towards you.
The car was completely glossy black, the sunset shining on it perfectly.
He steps out of his car, as he starts to walk towards you, you see his whole outfit. You couldn't and wouldn't keep your eyes off of him, starting at his head. His soft curls perfectly taken care of, a clean shaven face, he wore a crisp black suit with a matching bowtie. As your eyes lower down to his shoes, they were faux leather black loafers. He looked so fine.
He lets you check him out, at the same moments his eyes are all over you. Stepping closer to each other. "What are you wearing?" He ask wide eyed. In shock that you actually showed up in that. "What?" You act confused on what he meant, you loved how he stared at your body like a meal he was ready to devour. "What are you wearing?" He growls in a deep tone, clenching his hands into a fit. Almost ready to tear off your lil outfit. How it hugged you in the right place, it was taking him great strength to not just take you to his house right away, but you two have dinner first.
Even though it was going to be hard to resist.
He kisses you, rather quickly then desired. "Com'on darling, we got a reservation." He says, walking you to the car. Now that you think of it, he didn't even tell you what place he was taking you too.
He gets out the door first, telling you to stay seated, but it's clear when he opens your door. Holding out a hand for you to take.
You grab onto his hand and step out of his car, your heels clicking with each step. Looking over at the entrance, it was so fancy. More luxurious than anything, "So what do you think?" He gestures about the restaurant, as you admire it. "I would have been fine going to a burger joint." You whisper with a giggle, he glance down at you. "Good to know." He says matter of factly.
Walking past the front tall door was a small desk, a very well dressed gentleman stood behind it. Your eyes immediately scan the entire place, looking left to right. Seeing all the small tables with a white sheets covering them, a bouquet of flowers in the middle. All of them had only two chairs.
The lighting was dim, to set the mood as romantic as you could get.
In the back was a massive bar, the shells that held the liquor lining the whole wall up. Impossible to actually reach the drinks, more as a way to decorate and show off the alcohol.
But Techno's words pulled you back, "Reservation for Mr and Mrs. Blade." He says with ease, your lips parting slightly. Did you hear what he said? Or were you making it up in your head? You stare up at him with amazement in your eyes. "Special occasion? Anniversary of some sort?" The gentleman turned to you, grabbing two menus for both of you. Techno, for a second looks down at you, a playful smirk on his face. "Indeed." He looks back at the man, who is leading both of you to your table.
You squeeze his hand, trying to get his attention. But he doesn't bat an eye for you, continuing to follow the man. How could he just skimp through that and not make you want to get all over him.
The gentleman sits you down at a table, close by the bar, but not too close that drunks will be wandering by. Techno pulls out your chair before going to his.
"One of our waiters will come get you started soon, enjoy your evening." The gentleman says, quickly walking back to his table.
Sitting down in the chair you look at him, he's looking down at the menu, undoubtedly ignoring you for fun. You were done at this point, "Mrs. Blade huh?" He nods to your question, now that you know he's listening to you, you tell him. "I like the sound of that." It was shortly said, but you pick up the menu and place it upright, covering your face. Unsure how he would react to your statement.
"Oh yeah?" He asks, his eyebrow going up with a smirk. You look to the side of your menu. Dropping it down, you smile at him. "Y/n Blade, it has a nice ring to it." He winks at you, making you blush on the spot.
He looks back to the menu, "Have any idea what you want darling?" His eyes down the list of food. "If only you were on this menu." His eyes shoot open, so bluntly you tell him with slight amusement in your voice. Seeing how he reacted to your bluntness. He slowly looks up at you, "I could say the same thing about you." His voice drops to a deep harsh tone. It was only a few minutes into this date and you could feel a puddle forming in your panties.
Suddenly you feel one of his shoes tapping your heel, glancing from your menu back to him. He didn't seem to notice or didn't seem to bother him.
A lady, a couple of years older than you comes up to your table. "Hi, what could I get you two started with? Drink wise." She asks politely with a smile. Both of you turn to her. "Hello, I would love a white wine." He speaks first, you were still looking through the drinks. "Sweet or dry Sir?" She asks, ready to write what he orders. "Sweet, riesling ice wine please." She nods to him, "Great choice Sir." She taps her pen to him, she turns her attention to you now. Waiting for you to tell her your drink choice. "I'll have the same." She nods again while writing, "Perfect, I'll come back in a second with the drinks and give you another second to think about meals." And she was off, walking to her next table.
"You're into sweet wine?" You ask him, he looked more like a dry wine person and wouldn't shut up about his knowledge about it. "I'm more of a fan of sweets, but dry is still good." He's back looking at you. He leans into the table, gesturing to you to also lean in with his index finger. "You're over 21?" He whispers in your ear, you were a little shocked that he didn't know actually, but you didn't know his actual age as well.
You pull away and sit back down. "Yes I'm 21 Mr. Blade, how old are you?" You were more curious than it being a deal breaker for you. You were into an older man anyways. The fact the two of you still didn't know each other's age is a little strange. "I'm 32." He simply says.
Your eyes widen, "You're 32!" You raise your voice ever so much. Quickly you hush yourself before drawing people attention. "Yes." He says again, chuckling at how much you were surprised at that. "You look 26. That's why I was curious why you were so young to be a Professor. And you have to tell me how you look that young." You tell him, the last part you make it a little dramatic. He's intrigued that you thought he was 6 years younger then he actually was, it was very flattering to say the least. But as he thought for a second of what you said, "Hey I'm still young to be a Professor, I'm not old." He places his hand over his chest, pretending to be deeply hurt by your words.
You roll your eyes at him, "That's not what I meant." You scoff at him playfully, "It's an 11 years difference, you don't mind that?" He asks. Slightly concerned that it would weird you out, but that would never be the issue. "I don't care about that Techno." You give him a smile, placing your hands out on the table.
He grabs your hand, his finger dancing on top of yours. The two of you sit and stare at each other. Simply listening to the buzz of the customers in the restaurant. His brown eyes glimpsing with shine, you could sit for hours on end staring at him and every little detail. To how his eyebrows furrow when a spoon inevitably drops on the floor or hearing the clink of glasses in celebration. How he smiles a tad bit more when you rub your thumb across his hand as well.
The smell of divine gourmet meals along with wine and experience liquor fill the air.
His foot distracts you again as you could feel his faux leather shoe slowly going up your leg. You slightly squint at him, questioning what his attentions were, but you don't get an answer just yet. His elbow props up to the table, he inches closer to the table while doing so. Resting his head inside his plan, admiring every second of you.
Going up every so slightly, just by how long his legs were it didn't seem like he was doing anything under the table. Plus the white sheet covered the table almost reaching the floor. Then it is clear on what he was doing when you.
As the tip of his toe cap pressed firmly in-between your thighs.
You rush to close your legs, he gives you a stern look, squeezing your hand. It was a given that he didn't want you to do so. But it was hard for you not to squirm your thighs as he pushed further on your panties.
And of course, your waitress had to come up to the both of you. Handing you and Techno the wine you order, perfect fucken timing. Techno lifts his hand that held his head to grab his drink, you simply put it down on the table. Ready to order your food.
Glaring at Techno to stop his antics, but he could play with you for hours if he pleases. "So what are we going to eat for tonight?" She glances at the both of you, not suspecting anything.
Techno takes a sip of the wine, letting you order first. "Could I get-" You cough out, hiding away a possible moan as he pressed down on your clothed clit. He moves up and down slowly. The waitress lets you cough for another moment, you continue, or try to continue your order. "Y/f/m please?" You ask her, you couldn't help but closing your thighs together. She writes in her notepad and switches to Techno, he quickly orders it with no interruptions.
"Alrightty, I'll be back soon." She quickly walks off.
He lightly wiggles his leg, unlocking your thighs once again. You breathe out a shutter breath. "Techno I was trying to order food." You whisper yell at him, reaching for your wine. He fucken knew you were, but that was the fun of it, watching you stutter out your order to the completely oblivious waitress. "Yes, what's the issue?" He asks, "Don't act coy with me." You take a sip of the wine, not your favorite, but it's not bad.
"You don't like it?" He says, taking a swig of his drink, his eyes look over the cup to you. It was obvious by the way you scrunched up your nose while drinking it. "I like aspects of." You refer to the wine, "Noted." He winks to you. He flicks his foot up, hitting you in the perfect spot. You hold the wine glass with a shaky hand, placing down to ground yourself. You muffle your moan by biting on your bottom lip.
Ever so much you start rocking yourself towards him, a slick smirk curving into his lip. Seeing that you were already giving into him. "You like that, don't you angel" He growls in a low whisper. This new pet name throws you into a loop, your hand bunching up the table cloth to steady yourself. How the word slipped past his lips with such care. Practically making you melt.
Nodding to him, almost scared if you were to open your lips to talk a moan would fly out. "So needy already? We've only been here for-" He shuffles his sleeve with a quick wip, revealing a watch. "Bout' 30 minutes darling." You squeeze his hand.
The Lady comes back once again, this time around Techno finally pulls his leg away from you, missing the sensation.
She hands you your meals, time to dig in.
He paid for the check, both of you hand n' hand walking through the front doors.
Waiting for his car to be pulled up. You lean on his arm. "I would love a tour around your house." You look up at him, innocence glimpsing in your eyes, toying with him. "Really..." He says, thinking of each word you said. Finally looking back down at you. Seeing you pouting your lips. It was crystal clear of what your motive was. In a whisper, lining himself to your ear "Just you fuckin wait till we get home angel." Grinding down his teeth, his low tone inside your ear. It made your legs weak.
But the other reason that made you soft was referring to home. Not to 'his' home. Almost, it felt as if he was talking about our home. Lost in the moment, you didn't even see that his car was ready.
"Let's go." He grabs your hand in a rush making your way to his car.
It was already dark when you made it to his house, which was only 20 minutes away from the campus.
You couldn't really see in the dark, but decided to complement, "Nice house." You say as you step up his walkway. "Thanks darling." He grabs his keys from his pockets, rushing to unlock his front door.
Letting you in with a pull, closing the door with your back as he pushes you up. His lips smashing into you, with a gasp at the sudden movement gave him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in. You could taste the wine on his tongue.
His hand holding onto your waist, lifting your dress up in the meanwhile. Your fingers locking into his hair, pulling him further down to you.
You start lifting your leg up his pants, hooking yourself to him. Feeling Techno push himself toward you, grinding softly. His finger grip down on your inner thigh, a tingle shooting up your body with excitement. He could tell by how you start to squirm as his hand gradually makes it up to the hem of your dress. Bunching it up, his hand does a long stride down your panties. Feeling the small patch of dampness. Hearing your pathetic whimper.
His finger loops around your panties, pulling them down with a quick swift. "Let's get to my room." He says quietly, slightly out of breath. You simply nod at him. You shake your ankles, letting your panties drop on his hard wooden flooring.
He pulls away, pinching your dress and tugging you through his house. Knocking off his shoes while walking, you follow and do the same. Into his main living room, it's pretty plain with a modern look. We passed his kitchen on the way to his bedroom. "So this is my house." He tries to mumble out in-between kisses. "I don't care." You say it the moment, maybe tomorrow you could take a stroll around, but now you just wanted to get into his bedroom. "Fantastic, neither do I." He chuckles while quickly opening the door.
It was fairly big room, but was fitting for him. His sheets were a stain red color, slightly shining with the moon light that peeked through the windows that lined the wall.
You didn't have enough to look at his whole room nor did you want to in the moment. He pushes you back into the bed, hard. Bouncing slight, you giggle while propping yourself on your elbows. Having your own little show of him starting to undress, taking off his suit coat and unbuttoning his shirt.
Without a doubt you were enjoying this, watching as a tent began to grow in his pants.
Techno comes to the edge of the bed, glaring down at you, hair slightly messed up and makeup already snugged. Leaning down with his hands on the sheets, he hovers over you. Eyes shifting to the dress, that you were still wearing. But that wasn't going to be a problem in a few moments.
His large hands grabbed at your fabric and pulled it off of you, hearing a signature rip while doing so. In slight disbelief that it actually ripped you stare up at him, which he didn't seem to mind. "Hey I paid good money for that." You part your lips, eyebrow furrowed.
Techno on the other hand is climbing on the bed, inches away from your lips. "I'll get you a new dress. I'll buy you 10 fucken dresses if you want." He lowed himself, nesting himself between your legs. Placing small kisses up your neck, sucking over the same spots from yesterday. He wasn't ashamed of giving you those dark bruises that would show everyone how much you wanted him, willing to bruise you up for his own pleasure. The pleasure he would have being able to see you in class with hickeys scattered across your neck. Able to remember back to this. Your hand wanders his shoulders, nails racking down his perfectly carved chest.
He stops for a second, "Okay so, I don't- This is uncomfortable to ask..." You look up at him in confusion. As little as two seconds ago he was just marking you up. "Are you a virgin?" He cringes at his own question, it was awkward to say the least. But he never wants you to feel uncomfortable with anything.
But you put on a crooked smile to try to comfort him, "I've had sex before Techno, I trust you." Kissing him sweetly. The kiss turned more heated by the moment, both craving for each other after all the afternoon makeout sessions in his office, both of you need this badly.
His left hand moving from the bed to your hot body, snaking down past your waist to your inner thighs. But he quickly moved back up to his pants, he rushed to remove his belt.
You were there to assist him, reaching to his pants to unzip them, tugging down at them. At this point his belt is off and on the ground unknown, pulling off his pants on the ground to be found in the early morning along with the trail of your shoes and panties.
His lips leaving yours and trailing back down to your neck. He went over some sport as before each one making you moan. But he went lower, as he arrived in-between your boobs. He placed soft kisses on both sides.
His head shifting down your neck to your collarbone. Still leaving dark circles along the way to your breast. Looking at them with admiration. His lips making their way to one of your nipples, you let out an airy moan as the sensation took over. He slightly bites, pulling up with a spring. Giving your other the same love and attention.
While being distracted, Techno pulls away his boxer, still kissing your nipple. It stung out painfully.
From the angle where you laid on his pillows you could see it throb. He hissed as you wrap your delicate fingers around his cock. Groaning as your thumb swiped over his tip, he stopped his actions and rested his head in-between your breast. Your hand pumping up and down slowly, teasing him. Spreading the pre-cum that dropped out. Running your hand down you feel veins bulging out.
He pulled away your hand. He looks up at you with half lidded eyes, his eyes dark with lust.
Lifting his free hand, he moves it towards your face. His fingers separating past your lips, shoving them in your mouth. You slowly start to suck, but as you lap tongue around them, he pulls them out. A little confused as to why, but that question was about to be answered. He lowers his hand down to your crotch, slipping both his index and middle finger into your cunt with ease, your own saliva as lube.
Cletching your thighs together as you throw your head back into his pillows. Whimpering while bucking your hips up at his hands.
A devilish smirk broadened on his face.
Arching your back up curls his fingers, his other hand holding the small part of your back and being you closer toward him. He moved in and out slow at first, but seeing as you were practically falling apart to just this his began to speed it up.
He held you close, moans flying freely without a care that anyone would walk in. Kissing you with open mouth kisses, whimpering as he continues. "Techno." You moan out, neediness filling your voice, bucking your hips fast at his hand.
"What do you want, baby?" All you could do in that moment was moan as his voice was deep and sweet like candy to your ears. "Tell me what you want, with your words." He peppers light kisses along your neck, making you hum with delight. "Do anything, I want you." You mew, staring up at him. He groans at your word, taking affect, he would never be able to get those words out of his head. "Baby, I'll hold you down and spit in your pretty little mouth if you wanted." Loudly you moan, feeling a familiar warmth in the pit of your stomach.
His thumb toying with your clit in a circular motion. "No, I want you." You emphasize on the "you" part, begging for him. "Anything you want angel." He kisses you once again, short and sweet.
Taking out his fingers, licking them dry from your own wetness. With a slight pop when he's done.
He reaches to the side towards his night stand, stopping him with your hand. "I'm just getting a condom darling-" He tells you, "I'm on birth control." Cutting him off, you were fed up at this point. "Just fuck me." The teasing at the restaurant to now was enough for you, just wanting and needing for him. Pulling him back on top of you, feeling his dick on your thigh.
He pumps himself a couple of times, mentally taking a photo of you in this state.
His tip running up and down your slit, slowly pushing in your cunt. Stretching you out at the same pace. Giving you a few moments to adjust. "Tell me if you need to stop at any point." He peppers kisses on you, trying to distract from the stinging. You've only had sex once, a year ago at a stupid college party where you took a shot to lessen the pain. But Techno was bigger in length and girth.
But pain subsided and pleasure began to take over and conquer. Slightly grinding up at him, telling him to start moving. He did so, slowly pulling almost out and right back in.
Moaning with each meet, your finger digging into his back muscles, leaving red line marks behind. Your legs wrapping around his waist, your heels pushing him further down. One of his hands moves from your waist, running up your body. Making a stop at your breast. Moaning at his play, his had travel to your neck. His hands gripping onto your throat, "God, you feel so good." He groans, slamming his hips with a slap.
Another open mouth kisses muffle you out, Techno swallowing your moans.
His pace quickening within the seconds. There wasn't another way to express or being able to say anything but cursing out, "Fuck." As he continues, but slows down. It wasn't what you where aiming for, but he hands grips harder on your throat. Making it almost impossible for you to make a pep. Half lidded eyes borrow you, he growls, "Watch your mouth." Before slapping your cheek, a stinging sensation distracts you as he begins to flip you over.
Your face laying down on his sheets, your ass hanging high. The bedding smelling of him.
Pulling out he kisses your cheek, slapping each one harshly. His tongue taking a long strip down, licking your clit in the meanwhile. Sucking the ball of nerves, you groan out his name, bunching up his sheets with your hand.
Pushing himself back into your cunt, your face getting shoved down. "Your so fucken tight, I might need you fuck you everyday." Throwing his head back. Whining at the thought of him doing this every morning, afternoon, or night.
The sound of rushed slapping surrounded the bedroom. Along with your high pitched sobs.
He slaps your ass cheek again, leaving a red mark and a sting of pain. Soothing you as he rubs you in the same place. Doing the same to the other cheek, squeezing out a loud moan, a tear sliding down your cheek. Meeting the bed. He keeps at the smacking, each one you retract but inevitably coming back with wanting more of the pain.
Flash raw at the consent spanking, ass red with a printer. Definitely going to be difficult to sit down the next day.
He bends down, pushing himself as deep as he could. Sobbing at it, his finger grab a hold of your neck once again. Trying to moan, but making no sound. He pulls you by the throat, bring you up right. Back flushed up against him. Feeling your ass meet at the base of his cock, pounding rather quickly. It was taking you incredible will power to keep it all together.
Parting your lips, moaning pornographically, like you knew no other words in the dictionary. Lost in ecstasy, putting your head back in-between his shoulder and neck. Your mouth close to his ear. Hearing each little whine and moan
His hand holds onto your stomach, pushing you closer to him. No room for you to do anything else but take his pounding. That warmth building gradually, almost about to bust, slowly falling apart bit by bit.
His pace never stopping, he can tell you were close, how you cunt was squeezing his cock. Cursing out as you see about to cum. Eye rolling back into you head. Your body shaking as the climax takes control of you. Squirming, as you cum around him. Feeling the fluttering of your walls. You scream out his name as you came
He was getting closer to cumming. You huff out, but he wasn't going to let you catch your breath so easily. Feeling your cunt squeezing firmly against him was getting to him.
He holds your hips in desperation, his hand still gripping your throat, your moaning out as the over simulation was starting to hit you.
His dick was beginning to twitch, making him slower his own rhythm. He groans as he was about to cum. His sperm shooting out, covering your walls. "Holy fuck..." Your trying to catch your breath, the heavy air filled with the smell of sex.
Letting go you, you fall forward with a twist to your back. Landing with a huff and a bounce on his pillows, slight sweat covers the sheets.
As you lay, he kneels, watching his cum dripping out your pussy and down your thigh to down your ass.
"You know, you last longer than most guys my age." You say breathing heavily "Really?" He seemed surprised by what you said, still out of breath you could hear his heavy breathing. Heart beating through your chest. "I bet you could last another round too." You face him, he did the same. How you said it was simple, like it didn't want to make him grab you by the throat again. "Really?" A smirk growing on his face just of the thoughts of what he could do to you.
@alexandrium @aplaintart @sadassflatass @sugarcoated44 @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @sammyxn @bbnoloves @l-O-ser @elly-isabella @fudrudy
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moonshineboyz · 3 years
Sweet Dare || Eric Sohn
Pairing: sub!Eric x dom!fem reader
Genre: Smut, college house party
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: mention of alcohol, dry hump, slight handjob, tiny bit of choking, unprotected sex
masterlist ♡
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“Truth or dare, Y/N/?” Your friend asked holding back a smug smile.
“Dare.” You didn't think much of it, already tired of being in that situation. Moreover, it was just a stupid game, it couldn't be something that bad... right?
“I dare you...” She thought tapping an index finger on her chin, looking around the circle of people sitting on the floor quietly waiting with anxious eyes. “… To sit on Eric’s lap. Like, kinda dry humping, you know?” Your eyes widened at that, a visible teasing smirk on her face now.
“What?” You scoffed. “No way I'm doing this. Not at all.” You shook your head, furrowed brows. There wasn't a minimal possibility in you doing such a thing with your friend.
You looked over at Eric, his eyes just as widened as yours, glued on the bottle in the center. Not that you thought he wasn't good looking or something of the sort, it's just that it felt weird, he was your friend after all and you couldn't think it'd be a good idea. Even though a little spark of curiosity ignited within you, but you decided to ignore.
“You're no fun.” Your friend faked a pout and giggled. “Okay, so... truth: would you sit on Eric's lap and dry hump him?” You just stared at her, not knowing why the hell she insisted in picking Eric out of all the other people in there. There was absolutely nothing between you two other than a friendship, and you were starting to worry that things would get awkward with him.
“Jesus fucking Christ, of course not.” You stated sternly rolling your eyes at the end. “Okay, next.” You quickly stretched out your arm to spin the bottle so the game could continue.
Not even waiting for the bottle to stop spinning, you got up on your feet and excused yourself saying that you needed to use the bathroom. You glared over at Eric and saw the lingering shock mixed with embarrassment in his face. You made eye contact with him for a millisecond and turned to the door, leaving the room that was filled with giggles once more.
As you closed the door behind you, your ears were welcomed again by the loud music coming from downstairs, questioning why you'd agreed on going to a house party. You made your way towards the bathroom down the hall, trying not to bump into some random drunk bodies and couples making out.
A sigh of relief left your lips as soon as you locked the door. Coming near the mirror, you noticed how your eyes were starting to get red due to the tiredness accumulated from the week. You needed to go home in that instant if you wanted to get some sleep and be able to get up early next morning. “Fuck projects on Saturdays.” You thought to yourself.
You turned on the faucet and wet your nape a bit in an attempt to refresh yourself. Looking back in the mirror while fixing some strands of your hair, a thought came back into your mind, what if you had accepted that dare? How would it had felt like? How Eric would feel like against you? You got surprised by your own mind, especially by the last question. You shook your head as if to clear your mind and get these weird thoughts away.
Getting out of the bathroom, you went straight into the kitchen, willing to have one last glass of juice or soda before going home, to which you thanked heavens for being able to find a second option to drink since you weren't having alcohol. You filled yourself a cup of orange juice, happy not to see many people in this part of the house, them being too focused on getting more drinks and some snacks, so you wouldn't have to engage in an unwanted small talk with any of them. As you were looking out the window, lost in your own thoughts about the project you had to do, a familiar voice called you.
“Y/N! Noona, I was looking for you!” You turned to see your pink haired friend coming your way. “I wanted to talk to you.”
You nodded signaling for him to continue. “Yeah? What is it?”
“Hmm, are you, perhaps... by any chance... mad at me?” Eric asked hesitantly, expression on his face telling you he was afraid of your answer.
“What? No! Why would I?” You chuckled lightly.
“Because of... that dare?” He more asked than answered you and you raised your brows. You slightly cursed at this topic being brought up in your mind again.
Waving your hands as in a “no” motion to calm his worries you said: “No, no, it's okay. It's not even you who dared me.” You offered a kind smile. “And you?” Eric tilted his head and looked at you a little puzzled, you chuckled again. “Are you mad at me? I mean, I'm sorry I said that in a rude way, I didn't mean to. It's just that it weirded me out and... you know, we're friends...”
“Yeah, I understand. And I'm not mad at you either.” You nodded at his words and looked out the window once more to avert his gaze, and in that, you missed the way his cheeks got rosy. “So... we're good?”
“Yeah, we're good.” You smiled up at him reassuringly. You finished your juice in one last gulp and placed the glass back on the counter top. “I think that's enough partying for me tonight.”
“You're leaving already?” Even though it was just a tiny bit, it was visible the sadness in his eyes.
“I'm getting sleepy and bored.” You shrugged. “How are you going home?”
“Actually, I was supposed to leave with Sunwoo and sleep at his place because we have training tomorrow. But I bet he's too busy making out with someone right now.” He let out a small airy laugh.
“Well, you can sleep at mine. I think there's still a pair of your clothes from the last sleepover we had.”
Eric looked at you and then at the floor, debating with himself whether or not he should take your offer. “Are you sure? I don't want to bother you I can-”
“It's alright, I also have to go to the campus in the morning so we can go together. Plus, my house is closer to campus than Sunwoo's.” He gave you a wide smile deciding to leave the party with you. “Have you drunk?” You watched as he slowly shook his head mumbling something about just having soda all night. “Good, so you're driving.” You said tossing him your car keys and walking to the front door, ready to leave the house.
“Wait, really?” He took hurried steps to get beside you, eyes ten times bigger as he asked. You giggled at his cuteness, fighting the urge to pinch his cheek.
“Just because I'm tired and you need to practice.”
“Wow, thank you, noona! You're the best!” Eric smiled bigger than ever.
“Yeah, yeah, just don't crash my car and don't try to kill us.” You rolled your eyes jokingly at him strongly nodding all excited. He was like a puppy.
Eric was always like that, following you around, giggly and energetic saying how nice he thought you were and how he liked to spend time with you. Sometimes you found he resembled a little kid, with sparkly eyes and talking in a rushed manner gesturing his hands. And when you laughed at anything he said, he'd open the biggest smile turning his eyes into crescent moons.
You had such a soft spot for him.
It was hard not to, actually. He constantly tried to show how much he cared for you, listening and supporting you when you needed it. Never wanting to bother or disappoint you in any way.
In the calm ride back to your house, you kept giving Eric some directions on where to turn, since he didn't know that neighborhood very well. When you got to a more known route and he didn't need more instructions, your mind began to wander. The thoughts of him being a sweet nice friend now giving space to the ones about how he could be so determined and focused. And damn, you just noticed how hot he looked when focused and serious like that.
You could tell by his stiff body that he was a little bit nervous in driving someone else's car, but you thought it just added to the hotness. His perfect side profile and sharp jaw line, eyebrows slightly furrowed. Your eyes traveled from his soft pinkish lips to his arms and the way they flexed as he grabbed the steering wheel, making you gulp at the sight. You quickly glanced from his chest to his thighs and turned your head to look at the road in front of you, cursing at how you were thinking about your dear friend.
Not much time later you arrived home and Eric parked your car perfectly, turning to you with an expecting expression waiting for some sort of feedback.
“You did great, really. Just need to remember to turn the headlights off.”
“Oh, right! Sorry.” He widened his eyes noticing the light reflecting ahead of the car and you chuckled.
As soon as you both stepped inside, you made your way to your own room, telling Eric he could take a shower first if he wanted and his mentioned pair of clothes was in the spare room. You started moving around grabbing the stuff needed for the project next morning, too distracted that you didn't even notice Eric anxiously standing at your door until he called you.
“Noona, I know you're tired but can we talk? I need to get this off my chest.” Worry and a tint of fear were written all over his face. You hummed and signaled him to take a seat on your bed, following him when he did. The boy closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. “Listen, I'm really sorry. It's just that I don't know what to do, I shouldn't but I can't stop thinking about it and it's driving me crazy-”
“About what exactly, Eric?” You cut him off, feeling anxious at him beating around the bush.
He dropped his head and closed his eyes shut, one hand intertwining fingers with the other, knuckles white from the strength he was applying. “Earlier. The dare. I wished y-... I-I just got curious ab- I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me.” He wanted to curl himself up out of embarrassment, waiting for you scold him.
But instead, your eyes grew bigger and your heart started racing. You had no idea he'd be thinking about this like you were and honestly, you found it interesting. With butterflies in your stomach, you touched his shoulder softly calling out his name saying you weren't mad, which made him look up at you but not raising his head, too afraid you'd get angry. “You want to try it?”
He sat up straight surprised at your question, avoiding your eyes. “N-no, you don't have to, I just needed to-”
“I'm asking if you want to. It's okay.” You gave his knee a gentle squeeze and it was like the air got knocked out of his lungs when he slightly nodded and said “yes” in a small voice. Cheeks immediately getting flushed, you smirked at that.
You pointed your finger, indicating Eric to sit a little further on the bed, leaning his back on the headboard and you wasted no time in straddling him. Your heart was pounding so much as you looked deep into his eyes, sensing the nervousness, so you leaned in closer and whispered in his ear for him to relax. Deciding that you needed to make him relax yourself, you planted a kiss on his jaw to which he inhaled deeply and you could see his skin already getting goosebumps, softening his body.
You ran your fingers through his soft pink locks and tugged lightly at it, to make him give you more access to the skin. Trailing open mouthed kisses down his neck you left a hickey and Eric gasped when he felt your tongue tracing the mark you just made, bucking up his hips. You felt him getting hard and started to move your hips in a circular motion, but in a languid rhythm, making him shudder with the increasing arousal, added to the way he'd been thinking about you all night since that stupid game. And the fact that he had you right there in his lap but still couldn't get satisfied made him groan in frustration, growing needier by the second.
“This needy already, baby?” A hearty chuckle left your lips. “You can touch me.” You whispered noticing how his hands were gripping the bedsheets and Eric immediately grabbed your hips, trying to pull you closer to his crotch.
“Noona~ hmm stop teasing,I-” He got cut off, breath hitching when you repositioned yourself to better align your already throbbing core to his hard cock. Grinding down onto him, Eric sucked his bottom lip between his teeth to hold back a moan, but let out a small whimper.
“Don't hide your moans, baby, I want to hear you.” You lowered your face to suck on the sweet spot of his neck, causing him to moan and grab your hips harder. “That's better.” You smiled leaving wet kisses on his skin and raking his scalp, to which the boy whined. You applied more force to the friction, seeing him writhe underneath you and finding sinfully beautiful the way he furrowed his brows with eyes closed and breathed heavily, groaning in a low tone.
You looked at his lips, slightly swollen by the biting to hold his noises and you felt the urge to taste them. Both your hands went to each side of his jaw holding his face, you leaned in closer and let your lips brush over his, softly at first, finally clashing at them when he didn't pull away. You inhaled in deeply, feeling lightheaded with the new sensation.
Eric's hands timidly caressed your thighs, but grabbed the flesh strongly the moment you licked his bottom lip and caught it between your teeth, gently nibbling at it. Your tongue soon met his and you felt shockwaves run down your spine. The kiss felt like heaven but with a tint of something lustful and vicious, just like a sweet but strong wine. And you were more than willing to get drunk on it.
The make out was messy and sloppy, filled with heavy breaths and small whimpers. You never stopped moving your hips and by the way Eric was starting to shake, digging his nails into your skin, you guessed he was close. You thought of letting him come undone just like that, but decided on something better.
You pulled away, taking in at the blushed cheeks and dazed look on his face up close and hop out of the bed. His confused expression asking why you left him like that, right on the edge of his release.
“What? I'm giving you something better instead of letting you cum in your pants.” You chuckled and he blushed harder. “Now take your clothes off, baby.”
You watched his trembling hands slide his pants off of him together with the underwear and get rid of his shirt. You stared at his beautiful naked body laying there on your bed, patiently waiting for your next move. The tip of his dick was angry red, twitching and dripping precum onto his abdomen as you slowly unbuckled the belt of your high waisted shorts. His eyes were glued on you, hungrily scanning your body and cursing under his breath about how hot you were.
“N-noona, you're so beautiful.” Eric shifted in his place, wanting you to touch him again.
Staying only in your black and red bra, you walked up back to the bed and sat on Eric's thighs, lightly scratching his abs and making him shudder. You wrapped one hand around his cock and smeared the leaking precum with your thumb, gaining a gasp from him. You pumped him slowly but with a tight grip, gyrating your wrist. The other hand sneaked up to his neck, fingers closing around it putting just a small pressure.
“Will you be good to me?” He nodded. “Use your words, honey.” You purred, voice like satin and a faint smirk playing on your lips.
The boy gulped and you felt it against your palm. “I-I'll be good, noona, I promise.”
You smiled mischievously pumping his shaft for a few more seconds before standing on your knees to straddle him in a better position. Your cunt was aching to clench around something, wetter than you've ever been.
With one hand you held on Eric's shoulder and the other guided his cock to your entrance, rubbing the tip on your folds at first and circling your clit, making you both jolt a little due to the sensitivity. You played like that a bit more and sank onto him, feeling him stretching you out and let out a broken moan. “You feel so good, baby.”
You trailed your tongue on the side of his neck, taking in the saltiness of the thin layer of sweat that was starting to form on the skin and rotated your hips teasingly, he was stuffing you so good you rolled your eyes.
His knuckles turned white from the strong hold in your waist as if you were going to disappear. He thrust up, whining as he reached deeper inside you, your pussy so tight around him. Just by the way he started panting looking at you half lidded eyes, you knew he wasn't going to last long, and to be honest neither were you.
“Be good and stay still.” You said with lust dripping from your words like they were pure venom.
You lifted your hips just to sink back down onto Eric, setting a lazy rhythm just to last a little longer and enjoy the feeling of his cock massaging your inner walls.
“C-can I kiss you?” The boy asked in a husky voice, letting out a moan in the end and you couldn't say no. You pulled him closer by the back of his head crashing your lips together and kissing hard. He whimpered into the kiss when your nails raked his nape and you took the opportunity to slide your tongue inside his mouth, swirling it around his till he pulled away heavily breathing. “Please, can I touch you more?”
You smiled to yourself, seeing how eagerly your friend seemed to want you and that made you want to tease him a little more. “What's that? You like fucking your noona, hm?” Your hand caressed his flushed cheek, thumb tracing the outline of his lips. “Tell me, baby, you wanted this so much, didn't you? Have you thought about it?” He squirmed biting his bottom lip and shyly nodded.
“Noona, please, can I touch you?” Eric repeated his question, hands itching to travel up your body to touch your breasts but you shook your head, telling him to just keep his hands on your waist or he wouldn't get nothing at all. But he could kiss it though, to which he quickly started littering kisses all over your collarbones and chest, biting onto the soft skin.
The pace of your hips increased, bouncing on his cock and letting out soft moans and dirty praises. “What a good boy. You're so obedient, baby.” He was indeed being so good to you, but it was so hard to keep his hips in place or not to use his hands to explore your body. Your hand pulled his hair to make him look up, while the other went to wrap around his throat, making his jaw drop, eyes fluttering shut. “Think I should reward you more often. What do you think, would you like that?” You scratched his abdomen again, earning a husky 'please' from him.
You started riding him in a desperate rhythm making him go even deeper, nails digging into his shoulders, his dick hitting the right spot inside you each time your hips met, to which your vision blurred, finding hard to keep your eyes open. A knot was forming at the pit of your stomach and you could already feel your release at your fingertips.
Everything felt just too much for the poor boy, amazingly too much. He was so overwhelmed by the feeling of being swallowed by your warm wet cunt and the way you looked like a goddness while riding him so good, calling him baby was making him almost lose his sanity.
“Y/N ngh- noona... shit-” Eric cried out, your walls contracting so deliciously that he couldn't help but to spill himself to the very last drop inside you, cumming while he repeated your name as if it was the only thing he knew. You drank in the way he threw his head back rolling his eyes.
“Fuck, you look so cute when you cum, baby.” You tried to maintain a steady voice but it came out shaky by how his cock was twitching. Your body began to spasm, never stopping your erratic moves to chase your own climax, with hips stuttering.
All the tension built up in your entire body snapped like electricity spreading under the skin and you bit down onto the crook of Eric’s neck to muffle your moans when you came around him, clenching so much it made him arch his back. Huffing and puffing you sloppily undulated your hips to come down from your high, prolonging the feeling of tremors running through your body.
You collapsed resting your forehead on his shoulder trying to catch your breath and when you did, you slowly slid him out of you making him sigh and started to leave butterfly kisses on the boy’s neck where you had left marks earlier to which he chuckled.
“And you wanted to go home because you were tired.” He said jokingly and you blew air from your nose lifting your head to stare at him.
“And I was! But someone was needy.” You teased back. “Now guess we’re gonna be late in the morning.” Your finger pointed at the clock on the nightstand stating that was already past 1am.
Eric shrugged, looking up at you with lazy hooded eyes, a faint blush on the cheeks complimenting his slightly swollen lips and a little bit of hair sticking to his forehead. His skin was glowing. “I don’t mind, it’s already worth it.” You thought you saw a different spark into his eyes, different from the looks he gave you all night, this was a hungrier one.
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2jaeh · 3 years
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Genre: angst, smut
Warnings: mature themes, dom!Mark, jealous!Mark, slight jaehyunxreader, mentions of alcohol
Word count: 3,6k
Author: SIN
You’re trying to figure out why Mark has been so mad at you since you both agreed on being friends with benefits, Mark on the hand is trying to figure out why the rules between him and Jaehyun were...different.
A/N: it’s angsty but it gets cute I promise! Also I wrote this after listening to Heavenly - cigs after sex! About a thousand times.
“When are you guys going to just speak to each other ?” Johnny groaned, following you into the fifth floor dorm kitchen as you placed your mug into the sink.
You turned around and sighed, leaning against the counter as the eager, tall browned haired boy waited for your answer.
“I told you I tried talking to him at Joy’s party last week but he snubbed me...what do you want me to do ?”
Johnny furrowed his eyebrows as if whatever answer you had given him was still not enough. He knew there was more to the story because how can a friends with benefits situation turn so fucking sour in a matter of four weeks ?
“You guys are childish” Johnny huffed, “this is why it should’ve never happened in the first place.”
“You’re the one that pushed us into his dorm that one night knowing we were drunk, what else did you expect to happen ?” You shot back, gripping the sides of the marble countertop.
“Uh...not fuck ?” Johnny shrugged and you shot him a glare before he raised his hands to defend himself,
“All I’m saying is that Mark ain’t the meanest guy around so if he’s mad then maybe it’s serious.”
Mark was stuck in the booth at the company building, unknowing that it was already past 11pm and most of the staff had gone home. His tired eyes ran over his lyrics for the 20th time, analysing each section, trying to improve what he had, but his mind was elsewhere.
“Knock knock” Mark swivelled his chair to the door and half smiled when he saw Jungwoo’s head pop in with a bottle of soju and chicken.
“What are you doing here man ?” Mark rubbed his eye, placing his lyric book on the soundboard and stretched his arms above his head. Jungwoo took a seat on the couch and unpacked the meal on the wooden coffee table in front of him,
“You’ve been here all day, you didn’t even meet us for dinner” Jungwoo pouted and handed Mark a cup filled with a mixture of soju and sprite.
Mark shot back the drink and sifted through the pieces of chicken, “yeah I was working, kinda lost track of time”
“You’ve been out of it for the past week, is everything okay ? Is this about....y/n ?” Jungwoo’s voice was cautious as he noticed Mark’s eyes narrow at the sound of your name.
“I told you all of that was over” Mark took a measly bite of the chicken and threw it aside, opting for another cup of soju instead.
“You never told me what happened though,” Jungwoo interjected, “all I know you guys were hooking up and next minute every time you two were in a room together it was tense as fuck.”
Mark chewed on his bottom lip and slumped in his chair knowing Jungwoo was going to pester him until he gave him a valid answer.
“Well after that first night we hooked up y/n laid down some ground rules, the usual you know” Mark explained, his thoughts going back to the first night that he spent with you,
“No feelings, freely hooking up with other people, no spending a full night together, no holding hands, like just none of that shit.”
“So just hooking up and leaving ?” Jungwoo raised his brow, his mouth filled with chicken.
Mark nodded, “yeah apparently to preserve our friendship and not make it weird for the friend group or whatever.”
As Mark spoke he felt the pain he felt 13 days ago, when everything had crumbled right before him. When instead of ignoring the matter he pondered on it, made it play in his mind and ruin him.
“What changed ?” Jungwoo poured the both of them another drink and joined Mark in downing their fourth shot for the night.
“What changed was, “ Mark let out a dry chuckle, “what changed was that y/n was also fucking Jaehyun but his rules were obviously very different.”
Mark’s mind flashed to the night he finished work late and when he walked by Jaehyun’s bedroom he heard your voice. You were softly moaning out Jaehyun’s name and not his.
“Y/n stayed the night in Jaehyun’s room and in the morning she barely greeted me and the two of them were being lovey dovey  in the kitchen while making breakfast” Mark topped off his glass with a little more soju than the usual ratio and gulped it down.
“I had no right to get mad right ? Well a couple days later y/n came over I had to hear about how much Jaehyun’s date wasn’t good enough for him or why it was the reason y/n never got into relationships”
Mark’s head was spinning at this point and normally he hated over sharing but it just felt so good to finally let everything out. He had liked you for ages and even confessed to you once before the two of you actually hooked up. As usual you had brushed it over and Mark settled for hooking up instead, as you were “emotionally distant” you had told him.
But the way you reacted to Jaehyun seeing someone else told a different story all together. You were just like him, your feelings weren’t considered, you were only there for a quick no strings attached, that was all.
It made Mark so mad that he decided to cut you off completely. He stopped answering your texts and tried his best to avoid you at all costs. When you tried to contact him at Joy’s Party last week he wanted to tell you everything but then he heard you tell Haechan that he was not talking to you because “he was temperamental.”
You were so careless with his feelings that he wanted nothing to do with you, but every single time he caught a glimpse of you, he just wished he could’ve ignored his feelings and just continued the way you wanted to.
“We should get back to the dorm it’s getting late” Jungwoo sighed and cleaned up the takeaway boxes and stuffed the empty soju bottle into his backpack.
Mark mumbled a yes and got to his feet even though the room spun around him. He had no idea when he had gotten so intoxicated but it numbed the pain he felt...for the moment.
Jungwoo swung open the door of 10th floor and dragged Mark in, hoping everybody would’ve been asleep by now.
“Yooooo did we miss a party or something ?” Johnny yelled from the lounge and Jungwoo groaned under his breath.
Mark looked up wondering why the fifth floor boy was here and then he noticed Jaehyun seated next him followed by you sitting up close next to Jaehyun.
“Great” Mark mumbled under his breath as Jungwoo tried his best to hold him up.
Jungwoo propped Mark up on the bar stool as he got the younger boy a glass of water to ease his state.
“What the hell happened ?” You asked, slowly approaching the kitchen yet still keeping a safe distance from Mark who was practically  sliding off the bar stool.
“Hey be careful” you scolded him, rushing to his side to prop him back onto the seat.
“Leave me alone y/n” Mark muttered as he shrugged out of your hold and propped his elbows up on the counter, burying his head in his hands.
Y/n is just trying to help man” Mark heard Jaehyun say followed by his footsteps approaching the kitchen alongside Johnny. Mark rolled his eyes and took a sip of the water Jungwoo had provided for him before pushing away from the counter and got to his feet.
“I don’t need help from any of you” Mark slurred his words as he tried to find his balance but to his dismay only had him crashing into Johnny.
“Seems like you do” Johnny pursed his lips and held the black haired boy up.
Mark uttered a few curses under his breath until you had enough and dragged him down the hallway into his bedroom and shut the door behind you.
“What the hell is wrong with you Mark Lee ?” You folded your arms as the boy stumbled back onto his bed and sunk into the soft mattress avoiding your eyes.
“Get out y/n” he said under his breath.
“No” you replied sternly and Mark groaned at your stubbornness.
“Why are you here ? Shouldn’t you be in Jaehyuns bed right now ?” Mark’s words made you frown, oblivious to his distaste toward the idea of you and Jaehyun being together.
“Mark” you cautioned and sat next to him on the bed, “can you please tell me what’s going on ?”
“You, him, us, everything” Mark rubbed his eyes and looked over at you, “y/n I’m trying to get over it and you’re not helping right now.”
“Get over what Mark ??!”
“You! Damn man, get over you” Mark yelled, his voice slightly breaking and his heavy breathing turned to soft sobs. You swallowed hard as you watched the guy you always had known to be the positive energy in the room sob over something you had done to him.
This was all your fault.
“Mark when did you-“
“Since a while ago, come on I even confessed to you” Mark wiped away his tear with his black sweater.
You Ofcourse remembered his confession but at the time you weren’t ready and neither was he, and the two of you agreed to stay friends. Then the hook up happened and in order to honor the deal of staying friends you enforced the rules. It was about two weeks of your escapades did Jaehyun kiss you unexpectedly while you were rummaging through his vinyl collection. One thing led to another and you were in his bed, allowing him to have his way with you and even let him convince you to spend the night.
You didn’t think much of it but Jaehyun was a sweet guy and for a second you entertained the idea of having a tiny crush on him, until the very next day he had mentioned Mark.
‘Mark really likes you y/n, how do you feel about him?’ Jaehyun had said while the two of you prepared breakfast.
Mark was great. He was more than great and someone like you didn’t deserve him you thought.
‘Mark’s cool’ you casually replied to Jaehyun knowing you suppressed a lot of feelings when it came to Mark, especially since you had already scrapped the idea of you two being together when he confessed.
‘I think you guys should give it a try’ Jaehyun had told you, which confirmed you and him were just going to be a one time thing.
When you had met Mark a few days later you kept thinking about what Jaehyun had said and the effect it had on you but you weren’t ready to make the first move. You went on to Mark about Jaehyun thinking he’d speak up about it and let you know that Jaehyun wasn’t good for you and you’d respond by kissing him and fixing everything,
But what happened after was not what you had planned.
You hurt him and played it off knowing Mark was head strong and he’d be back to normal the next week. You expected him to be back to his goofy self, ranting to you about God knows what and ending it with his classic “should we make out now or -“
You bit down on your lip as you looked over at Mark who had now fell asleep, his black locks falling over his swollen eyes as he peacefully fell into his slumber.
Not wanting to wake him or leave his side you opted for the floor, pulling an extra pillow from the closet and a rolled up foam mattress that was hidden at the back. Your heavy eyes finally closed but your heart still raced, not knowing how to overcome the situation you were in.
A few hours later Mark felt a throbbing in his temple and winced when he noticed the first light of morning shine through his window.
All those soju shots were now a regret as Mark sat up wishing his sleep never broke. As his mind recollected his thoughts of last night he quickly remembered you were the last person he spoke to before he passed out. About to step out of bed his hazy eyes quickly cleared to the sight of you, sound asleep on his bedroom floor.
“Y/n ?” He whispered, carefully stepping over you and crouching down to meet your frame.
“Mmm” you answered, eyes still closed but shifting uncomfortably thanks to the rising sun and the wooden floor.
“Y/n sleep on my bed, I’ll close the blinds” Mark rubbed your head until your eyes slowly opened and you began making your way into the warmth of his bed.
Mark felt uneasy as he watched you tuck yourself into his bed unsure of what to do with himself or where to go.
“Mark...” you mumbled.
“Y-yeah ?”
“You should get more sleep, you have a free schedule come here” Mark watched you shift over in the bed creating a space for him to lay down next to you.
In any other circumstance he’d just do it but now it was different. After last night it was all different.
“Coming...” he responded to you and slowly slipped under the covers, turning on his side to face you. He didn’t expect your eyes to be staring straight back at him.
“I’m so sorry” you said softly, lifting your hand and placed it on his cheek. Mark stayed still and quiet, still wary if you fully understood his outburst or not.
“I- don’t like Jaehyun like that, and he’s way more into you and I being together than me and him” you chuckled dryly,
“Mark I like you just as much, and I always have I’m just stupid, I was just...afraid.”
“Afraid of what ?” Mark raised his eyebrows cutely which made you smile from ear to ear and roll over onto your back to stare up at the ceiling.
“I don’t know, dating is scary and if anything happened we’ll never be friends again” you whined and you heard Mark giggle next to you,
“How can you think about what would happen if we break up before we’re even together ? That’s so stupid” He scoffed and you nudged him in his side.
“I’m serious, I’m sorry I was such a jerk and I want to continue whatever we have this time on your terms” you turned to him and Mark pressed his lips together and nodded,
“I want us to try it out, it doesn’t have to be serious, but I want you to stay over, I wanna hold your hand whenever I want” Mark pouted and enveloped his hand with yours, “and please no more Jung Jaehyun, dude can sing, cook, and God knows what else I can’t compete with.”
“You don’t have to compete because I only like you stupid, you’re perfect” you playfully pinched his cheek and Mark shifted closer to you.
“Officially dating ?” His large eyes looked up into yours,
“Officially dating” you giggled and Mark wasted no time in shifting his body until he was hovering over you. his thumb brushed over your bottom lip and he pressed his mouth against yours, sighing into the deep kiss. Your lips attacked each other excessively and passionately. Mark brought his body down onto yours as your hand tangled in his hair and the other grabbed onto his waist.
Mark pushed his hips into yours roughly, and you groaned at the friction of his Jean clothed member pushing against your core. Mark used your moan as a means to slip his tongue into your mouth as the two of you desperately tried to remove the constricting clothes between you.
“Fuck” Mark sat back on his heels and watched you reach between his legs to palm him through his jeans.
You quickly undid his button and pushed him back as he quickly shimmied out of his jeans and removed his sweater, leaving him in nothing but his black boxers.
Mark licked his lips as he watched you discard of your own clothes before bringing your face down to where his member was just begging to be touched.
Throwing his head back, Mark uttered a curse word as you pulled down his boxers and stroked his length slowly and skillfully. You watched him squirm beneath you as you teased his tip, bringing your tongue to it and flicking it while you pumped his member.
“Baby....” Mark said huskily, sending a shiver down your spine. His eyes were hooded as he looked down at your mouth wrapped around his dick, just waiting for you to suck him off.
You abided quickly and messily took him in your mouth while still using your hand to rub his length. Mark’s curses got even louder until he finally made you stop and pinned your back to the bed, looking down at you with devilish eyes.
“I’m not the one who needs to be punished here” Mark raised his brow as you shrugged innocently,
“But you’re a nice guy, you wouldn’t punish me” you pouted and Mark stuck his tongue in his cheek before giving you a quick smack on your thigh, “yeah that’s not gonna work on me.”
Your heart raced excitedly as Mark rid you of your bra and panties, spreading your legs enough for his frame to sit in between your thighs.
A shudder went through your body when Mark’s index finger traced your inner thigh and abdomen, making sure to dance close enough to your core but not giving it any attention.
“Seriously ?” You groaned, throwing your head back in frustration.
“What?” Mark asked innocently still tracing circles and tried to hide the obvious enjoyment he had from teasing you.
“Do you want me to beg you to touch me ?” You whined, arching your back hoping to somehow get to his touch.
“Hmm” Mark hummed and pulled his hand away, “sounds like a good idea.”
“Mark please touch me, please I -“ you didn’t care how desperate you sounded or if the whole dorm could hear you right now but there was nothing more you wanted than have Mark touch you.
“Okay but that’s only because I’m a nice guy” Mark smirked and slipped two fingers into your dripping core with ease. You let out a loud moan and normally Mark would silence you but right now he couldn’t care less. The more you moaned the faster his fingers moved and when you mentioned you were about to cum he added a third.
“Holy shit” you breathed as you came undone and felt even more light headed when you witnessed Mark lick his fingers clean.
Once he allowed you to catch your breath Mark positioned himself at your entrance and slowly slipped inside, the already wetness made him groan with satisfaction.
Finding his rhythm Mark began thrusting inside of you, grabbing your breast with one hand and your hip with the other to help him keep his pace.
You felt him stretch you out and it was the most exhilarating feeling having him inside you again. Mark was confident in bed and that was one of the most attractive things about him. For someone with a sweet face and an innocent demeanor he was so dominate and tantalizing in bed.
“Mark I’m gonna-“
“Me too” he grunted before flipping you over and grabbed a fist full of your hair and slammed inside of you again. The new position built your orgasm even faster as your ass hit against his abdomen every time he thrusted into you. Mark pulled you up, turning your head to the side as he bit into your shoulder and you screamed out his name continuously.
“Cum for me” Mark growled in your ear and those words were enough for you release your second orgasm. Mark quickly pulled out of you and stuffed his length into your mouth, groaning as you swallowed every bit of him and even cleaned up any remaining mess with your tongue.
“I missed that” Mark collapsed on the bed trying to catch his breath while you did the same.
“Me too” you hummed and rested your head on his chest as the two of you drifted off to a sweet slumber.
It was mid day and Mark and you snuck into the bathroom to quickly clean up after a quickie in the shower Ofcourse and arrived in the kitchen where the rest of Mark’s bandmates were.
The tenth floor boys and Johnny were all enjoying their lunch but their smug faces when the two of you walked out said it all.
“Well we’re dating now, so that’s out of the way” you grabbed a fry from the table and popped it into your mouth.
“Congrats” Jungwoo clapped, more interested in the food in front of him than the announcement he obviously saw coming.
“Hey maybe they didn’t hear anything after all” Mark whispered into your ear and placed a soft kiss on your cheek before sitting down to join the meal.
You shrugged and slipped into the seat next to Johnny, and watched as Yuta, Jaehyun, and Taeil shared a quick glance and smirk,
“I really didn’t take Mark for a begging kink kind of guy”  Johnny said nonchalantly while the entire table erupted in laughter as you hid your reddened face and Mark choked on his glass of water.
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mercurygguk · 3 years
what a man gotta do? | kth
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genre; established relationship au, fluff
pairing; kim taehyung x female reader
summary; what a man gotta do when his girlfriend is insanely adorable when she’s drunk and doesn’t take no for an answer?
word count; 2,488
warnings; mentions of alcohol, a tiny bit of swearing, just soft tae and oc being a cute ass couple that i really adore
a/n; saw a text quote on tumblr, my brain popped an idea. this is it. also, i know nothing about gaming, so if anything i’ve written doesn’t make sense, just ignore it lol. please love it a lot and enjoy!! ps. please tell me what you think, thanks x
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There is something so oddly pleasing about having the entire apartment to oneself on a Friday evening. Taehyung has been looking forward to this evening for a week and it is finally here. An entire evening for himself with his gaming console, his friends in his headphones and a big bowl of popcorn beside him. It’s quiet in the apartment as he sets up his gaming spot, fluffing the pillows and setting them up nicely on the couch so he can sit comfortably for the next many hours of nonstop gaming with his bestest friends.
The reason for his night alone is because his girlfriend’s (you) best friend just got promoted to a higher rank in the law firm she works at. She then went on to invite all her friends out for drinks which, of course, included you. Taehyung had fought to keep in his excitement when you had told him of your plans a week ago. You had eyed him down then, noticing the small exciting smile forming on his lips as he listened to your words carefully as if he actually cared. He was just overly excited to finally be able to have a gaming night without interruptions. And it’s not that he wants to sound ungrateful or like he enjoyed that you weren’t at home. He loved spending his Friday nights cuddled up with you, hell, that was his favorite Friday nights. But he’s only a boy, really. And a boy has needs. Gaming needs.
So he walks to the kitchen with a pep in his step as the microwave finishes with a loud ping! He pours the popcorn into a bowl and heads back to the couch where his gaming spot has been set up to perfection, everything in place and ready for him to have a relaxing night of games. He sits back in the mountain of pillows, sighing in content as he places the popcorn beside him before grabbing his headset. He sets it atop of his head, checking the sound and mic. Seconds later there’s an incoming call from his group of friends. 
He picks up with a grin on his face. “Hey guys!”
Seokjin gasps from the other end. “What the hell? Got a night off from the wife?”
Taehyung scoffs and rolls his eyes playfully, a small smile on his lips. “She’s out for drinks,” he explains, “best friend got promoted.”
“Em got promoted?” Jimin then asks, just now hearing about the news of his long-time crush.
A smirk appears on Taehyung’s face. “Yeah, like a week ago. She didn’t tell you?”
Jimin falls silent at his question. Taehyung wants to tell his best friend to get out of his misery and just ask the girl out. He’s a hundred percent sure she’d say yes within a heartbeat. In fact, when Em is here visiting you and Taehyung, she talks about Jimin more often than she’d ever admit.
“Just ask her out already!” Seokjin groans annoyed, causing Jimin to tell him to ‘fuck off’. Taehyung grins, having missed gaming and talking with his friends like this. He saw them a few days ago in person which was nice too, but gaming with them is just so different and fun. It’s been a long time since he has had the opportunity to game for an entire night with Seokjin and Jimin.
“Well,” Taehyung captures the attention of his two best friends, “shall we get started?”
And that’s how the next three hours pass. There’s bickering, arguing because Seokjin didn’t manage to cover for Taehyung which caused Taehyung to get killed. “Come on, hyung! You were supposed to cover for me!”
Seokjin sighs deeply on the other end, calming his temper. “You think I’m a mind reader? How was I supposed to know you’d-”
Taehyung’s phone starts vibrating in his pocket. He pulls the phone from his pocket to look at the caller-id. Your photo flashes across his screen, the wide smile on your face on a snowy day in December. A photo Taehyung snapped one day before Christmas, a day you had dragged him outside and into the snow. The first snow in Seoul in years and you had been so happy that you couldn’t stop smiling, so Taehyung saw it fit to snap a photo of you with his vintage camera which he had brought along.
“Hyung, one second,” he cuts off Seokjin’s rambling, removing his headset to answer your call.
“Hey babe,” Taehyung greets who he thinks is you. He stills, confused as Em greets him back in a rather serious, tired-sounding tone. “Oh, hey Em, did something happen?”
Em sighs deeply. “____ is drunk off her ass. Can you come get her?”
Drunk of her ass? You haven’t been drunk off your ass in months, which is why you being drunk so drunk right now doesn’t come as a shock to him. It’s been a while since you went out drinking like you’ve done tonight, so your body has gotten used to not fighting alcohol. Taehyung runs a hand through his dark black hair, removing it from his eyes.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll come by. Where you at?”
With the information from Em, he hangs up and grabs his headset to put it back on. “Hey, guys, I gotta go.”
Jimin sounds like an unsatisfied child as he whines. Taehyung can imagine the pout. “What? Why?”
“Em just called,” he tells his best friend, “____ is drunk as hell. I have to go get her.”
Jimin mutters an ‘oh’ and so does Seokjin. They tell each other goodbye before Taehyung is shutting off his gaming console and heading for the front door. He grabs a coat from the closet in the hallway, throwing it over the white t-shirt and the green unbuttoned flannel he’s wearing. He jumps into a pair of boots and grabs his keys before heading out of the apartment. 
“Shit,” he swears under his breath as he steps outside, into the cold air of January. He takes long strides towards his car, getting in and turning the key in the ignition. The heat is immediately turned on before he pulls out of the parking lot, heading in the direction of the bar Em told him you’re at. “One night,” he mumbles lowly to himself as he slowly drives around the parking lot behind the bar to find an empty spot, “one freaking night.”
The bar is filled with people, some drunk and some just barely tipsy. The aura in there is happy, void of any worries these people might have on regular days. Taehyung skims the darkness of the bar, trying his best to spot you in the crowd. Soon enough his eyes zoom in on Em who’s waving at him. He glances to her right side, spotting you sitting there with your head resting on Em’s shoulder. You look like you’re passed out and Taehyung immediately finds himself worrying a bit more than he originally had. You never pass out, you just always end up being a slur who laughs a bit too much at anything you find funny in the moment.
“Hey,” Em greets Taehyung. He nods at her in a greeting as he stops in front of them, immediately squatting down to be at your level. He reaches out, brushing your hair out of your face. You look at him, eyes blank and unfocused as you take him in. Thank god, you’re not passed out, just closing your eyes for a few seconds for a short nap.
“Hi baby,” Taehyung coos, thumb brushing across your cheek. You smile sheepishly, a very soft and drunken smile. Your boyfriend has to stifle a laugh as you almost fall over as you sit up. He catches your shoulder with his warm palm, steadying you as he tries to catch your eyes with his own. “Wanna go home?”
You nod, not muttering a simple word other than a low hum as he helps you to your feet. You’re leaning against his chest, cuddling into the warmth of him as he talks to Em for a moment.
“Thanks for calling,” he tells her. 
Em nods with a grin and pats your shoulder as if to say goodbye. “Get her to bed,” she smirks, “she’ll have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.”
Taehyung chuckles and nods in agreement. He bids Em and your other friends goodbye before leaving the bar with you cuddled up against his chest. You’re stumbling alongside him, finding it rather difficult to stand on your own two feet.
“Baby,” Taehyung softly calls, “could you use your legs for a second? You’re way heavier when you’re not cooperating, you know?”
You mumble in response, nuzzling your body even closer to him. “I wuv y-you,” you hum, smiling with your eyes closed as you hug him tightly. The man holding you up can’t help but laugh at you, his heart swelling twice it’s size as you drunkenly confess how you feel for him. Even though he already knew that. Good thing it’s love confessions and not some other kind of confession that slips from your drunk mind.
Taehyung struggles to get you into the passenger seat but he manages. He helps you take a sip of the water bottle Em had gotten for you at the bar. Your head falls back against the headrest of the seat, eyes still closed and lips moving on in another round of mumbles and humming. Taehyung buckles you up before moving to his own seat behind the wheel. He glances at you as he ignites the car. You’re really a sight to see right now. Completely unfazed as you sit in a weird position in the passenger seat, your head lulling from side to side because you have absolutely no control over it at the moment.
“God, you’re drunk,” Taehyung sighs deeply, “let’s get you home.”
If Taehyung thought getting you in the passenger seat was hard, then he had another thing coming. Getting you out of the passenger, however, is a completely different ordeal and then getting you inside the apartment building and into the elevator was probably more exercise than Taehyung has ever done in one day. Ugh, he really hates going to the gym.
The front door is soon unlocked and you’re back home in the warmth of your shared apartment. After the elevator ride up, it’s almost as if you’ve sobered up again. You’re walking better, still holding onto Taehyung, but walking. You’re blabbering now, talking about how you and Em had tested who could drink the most shots in 30 seconds and who could chug a beer down the fastest. Taehyung listens with a small smile, shaking his head in amusement because this is so very much unlike you. But he’s happy you had fun with your friends.
“Oh, you should’ve seen the way I chugged down those shots,” you laugh, plopping down onto the couch as Taehyung kneels down to take off your shoes. “Em could not catch me at all!”
“I’m sure you were ace, baby,” Taehyung hums, grinning now because you’re way too cute when you’re drunk. He’s not even mad that you spoiled his gaming night because you’re too drunk to get home by yourself. This is a sight he would’ve hated to miss out on.
“My head hurts though,” you mumble, frowning. Taehyung matches your frown as he glances up at you while unclasping your heels from your feet.
Once your shoes are off, he gets back up. He cups your cheek, brushing a stray eyelash off it with the pad of his thumb. “Just gonna get a makeup wipe and some pills for your headache, okay? I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
You nod, smiling up at him. He pecks your forehead quickly before heading for the bathroom. Taehyung glances back at you to see you sitting there silently, wiggling your bare feet and hugging a pillow to your chest. He chuckles as he enters the bathroom to retrieve painkillers and a makeup wipe to clean your face. A few minutes after rummaging through the cabinets and the drawers, he exits the bathroom and heads back to you. He stops in his tracks when he notices you’re gone from your spot. He skims the living room, not finding you anywhere. What he does find though is something he hasn’t seen since he was like eight years old. Right there by the dining table behind the couch, you’re currently putting up a blanket fort, a wide grin on your face.
“Baby,” Taehyung catches your attention right away, “whatcha’ doing?”
You smile, looking back at the project you’ve started. “What does it look like I’m doing? It’s a blanket fort!”
Taehyung steps closer, nodding. “I can see that.”
It doesn’t take long for you to finish setting it up before you’re grabbing pillows from the couch, throwing them inside the blanket fort. You’re way too good at this. Something tells Taehyung that you’ve made a lot of these as a child. You emerge from the fort to motion at him, beckoning him to join you. “Come on,” you insist.
Your boyfriend looks at you as if you’ve lost your mind, when really, you’re just tipsy as hell. “____, shouldn’t we just go to bed? I mean, this is-”
“Just get in the fucking blanket fort.” 
Taehyung’s eyes widen as you stare back at him with hard eyes. “Alright,” he puts his hands up in surrender, painkillers in one and a makeup wipe in the other, “I’m coming, I’m coming.”
The hard stare turns into a wide, content smile and Taehyung seriously thinks he’ll get a whiplash from how fast you can switch between facial expressions. You’re already inside the blanket fort when Taehyung stands in front of the opening to it. He squats down, looking inside. It did look insanely inviting and cozy in there. You pat the spot next to you on the blanket, still smiling. Taehyung sighs as he knows you won’t give up until he’s inside your blanket fort. You really don’t take no for an answer.
“You’re lucky you’re adorable,” Taehyung shakes his head before crawling inside the fort, plopping down beside you. You lay on your side facing him with a grin. “I haven’t been in a blanket fort since I was eight.”
You laugh, reaching for his hand, intertwining your fingers. “Then we must make blanket forts more often.”
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creamiecoups · 3 years
anon : seungcheol smut!Jealous sex, degrading, ass smacking definitely. just add anything y’know! maybe you were flirting with another member and he got jealous. thank you, I don’t really know how to request, second time requesting only. ❤️
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↠  summary :  flirting with Jun just to get your boyfriend riled up really wasn’t a smart move, though you thought it meant no harm at the beginning, you realised way too late that it was a very, very bad idea.
↠  pairing : seungcheol x reader
↠ warnings :  posessive behaviour, swearing, alcohol, mentions of drinking (no one gets drunk), dom!seungcheol, rough sex (he gets out of control heh), dirty talk, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, degradation, multiple orgasms, choking, hair pulling, spanking, cheol loves your ass alot, crying, biting, creampies, overstimulation, oral (male receiving), deep throating, cum eating, slight daddy kink, slight size kink, a bit of fluff in the end
↠ word count : 11.3K words
↠ author’s note : i know i took really long to post it and im sorry in every language that exists :-( i just got kinda carried away with this one (as you can see with the word count lmao) so i took really long perfecting it and editing. but i hope y’all love it and it makes up for the long ass wait !!
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Another giggle passed your lips as you leaned on Jun, taking another sip of the red wine he had poured for you earlier.
You had come over to the dorms to spend some time with the boys, and of course, your boyfriend Seungcheol.
Currently, there was only Jun, Soonyoung, Vernon, Seungkwan and Seungcheol at the dorms, the rest being god knows where. You were a bit disappointed that you couldn't see all of them but at least you could see a few of them when they weren't busy or not at home.
"Hey you two! Let's do something together, this is so unfair you can't have her all to yourself Jun!" Soonyoung whined loudly, looking at both of you in annoyance.
You were all spread out, Vernon and Seungkwan and Soonyoung were sprawled on the couch, You and Jun were sitting on the floor, and your boyfriend was somewhere in the kitchen...his hard stare on you being oblivious to you.
"Come join us then," you said, patting the seat next to you.
You suddenly felt bad for them, you and Jun had been so lost in each other's conversations that you had almost forgotten about the rest.
"No ew...I don't even get what's so funny about him, I make the better jokes," Seungkwan huffed, rolling his eyes dramatically.
"You mean your over the top drama? She laughs because I'm actually funny," Jun shot, making you chuckle.
"Okay guys that's enough...let's do something together like Soonyoung suggested," you said, before their conversation got any more heated.
You leaned your back against the couch as you took the last sip of your wine.
"Want more?" Jun asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh no that's enough...I just finished my second glass," you said, placing your empty glass on the coffee table.
"So guys, what do you want to do?" Jun asked, looking up at the guys who were still laying on the couch.
"I don't know..." Soonyoung trailed off, making you smile.
"Wow....so you bother us and go on about how you wanna do something together but you have no idea on what to do?" Jun said, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Yeah well I didn't care what we did it was just annoying seeing you both so close!!" Seungkwan chirped.
"Fine, fine, how about....spin the bottle?" Vernon said, getting up from his sleeping position as he looked at us.
"Ah no, that's not fair on Y/N! And plus I don't wanna kiss any of you guys," Soonyoung said, pretending to vomit.
"You say it like we want to kiss you...I just wanna play so I can get the chance of kissing her," Jun said, winking your way as you blushed, hitting his shoulder softly.
Jun would be lying to himself if he said he never found you attractive, you always were to him, but he knew not to cross the line with Seungcheol, he respected his older friends relationship and he was happy for them- but he also envied him.
"Do you wanna die in the hands of hyung that bad?" Seungkwan asked, making Jun chuckle.
"Oh please...he doesn't mind, do you cheol?" Jun asked, cocking his eyebrow towards Seungcheol.
You look towards the kitchen area, your eyes falling on Seungcheol who had his gaze fixed on you already, like he had been staring at you the entire time. You bit your bottom lip, realising you had kinda been ignoring him the past hour since you were busy talking to Jun.
"What ever made you think I'd be okay with you kissing my girlfriend?" Seungcheol shot, his eyes finally leaving yours to glare at Jun.
"Come on now...it wouldn't hurt now would it? It's just a kiss after all...right Y/N?" Jun asked, turning to look at you.
You looked down to your entwined hands, ignoring both of their stares on you..Jun wanting to know what you would say, and Seungcheol daring you to agree with Jun.
"This won't...end good I can feel it," you heard Vernon whisper to Seungkwan, making you agree...mentally of course.
"O-okay guys! Let's play truth or dare, everybody loves that game!" Soonyoung suddenly said, getting up from his seat on the couch to come and sit next to Jun.
"Yeah... teenagers do," Seungkwan mumbled, getting up aswell, before dragging Vernon up.
"But whatever...just thank you for lightening the mood!" Seungkwan added, joining you three on the floor, already forming a circle.
Soonyoung smiled, giving you a reassuring nod to which you smiled back, thanking him silently for saving you from the awkward situation you were in.
"Seungcheol hyung, you joining?" Vernon asked, before sitting next to you.
"Yeah, whatever," he muttered gruffly, walking over to where you guys were seated on the floor.
"Awh why did you call him? He's a party pooper!" Jun groaned, rolling his eyes.
"Seriously, who the fuck says that anymore?" Vernon snorted, making you laugh.
"Move," Seungcheol's voice broke away your laugh as you looked up at him, his eyes were on Vernon.
"Ah right, my bad," Vernon said, scooting more to Seungkwan's side so Seungcheol could sit between you too.
"Okay now that we're all seated...anybody have an app or something? Or do you just want to say random stuff?" Soonyoung asked.
"Nah I hate the apps, let's just say what we feel like saying," Jun said, making everyone nod- well except for Seungcheol, who was too busy being bored, he had only said yes so he could monitor Jun and you.
He trusted you, with his entire life, there was no doubt about that...but Jun on the other hand or any of the other members at that, they were his closest friends and he also trusted them...but boys will be boys and he knew he had to be careful in case any of them got a bit too, well....touchy.
"Okay then, who wants to go first?" Seungkwan asked, as you crossed your legs, your pleated skirt riding up your thigh.
Jun's eyes fell to your thighs unwillingly, as he swallowed thickly, moving his eyes away quickly before someone caught him...and what he didn't realise was, Seungcheol was watching him the entire time and had seen him catch a glimpse of his girlfriend.
Seungcheol's jaw twitched, as he grabbed your wrist before pulling you up quickly.
"What are you doing cheol?" You asked innocently, unaware of the looks you had just received.
"Your staying the night so you should be comfortable..and this will not keep you warm," he said, eyeing Jun.
"Oh you can borrow my hood-"
"She has my clothes so don't worry," Seungcheol snapped, cutting Jun off his sentence.
Jun bit back a laugh, knowing he was really starting to piss his older friend off.
You just stayed still as Seungcheol dragged you from the lounge area and into the corridor to his room.
He locked it behind you both, before turning to look at you.
"Did you really not have anything else to wear today?" He asked, jaw clenched tightly.
"I came straight here after meeting up with my friends," you said, looking down at your outfit.
"What's wrong with it?"
"What's wrong? It's so fucking short that anyone could see your ass with one bend of your knees," he shot, eyeing you angrily.
"Cheol calm down..plus I do look cute in it," you said back, as you bat your eyelashes at him.
Seungcheol sighed, ignoring you as he walked into his closet.
You frown deeply as your fingers curled into fists, was he really not going to compliment you?
"Cheolie..do you really not find me hot in this?" You sulked, holding onto his muscular arm that you oh so loved.
"Let go of me, I'm trying to find something for you to wear," he mumbled gruffly, making you whine.
"But cheol...look at me, you have to admit-"
He pulled your arm off him, before roughly pushing you towards the wall.
"What the hell Seungcheol!"
"Yeah, you fucking do look hot, so hot that I'm trying my hardest not to bend you over right now and fuck the living hell out of you so you never dare wear something like this ever again," he spat, catching you off guard.
"That's what you wanted to hear, right?"
His hands trailed down your back slowly, his stare on you cold and hard.
"I've been watching you princess...so don't think I don't notice your flirting.."
His hands smoothed up and down your ass, making you bite your lip before you could let out a whine.
"I'm not flirting...I'm just being friendly," you bravely said as you felt his lips on your neck. He wasn't doing anything, just keeping his lips on your skin but that was enough to have your entire body burning.
"Don't lie sweetheart....I know you have a really bad habit of pissing me off....so if I were you, I would stop being so flirty with my friends or you'll really get it from me..understand?" He growled, making you nod.
"Words sweetheart," he warned, moving away from your neck to look at your flushed face.
You smirked, before replying innocently. "I understand, daddy."
Seungcheol's eyes visibly darkened, as he licked his lips.
"I wouldn't play like that with me darling," Seungcheol snapped, bringing his face dangerously close to yours.
"Cheol...my clothes," you reminded him, pushing him off you.
"..Right," he huffed, looking at you one last time before moving away to get out a hoodie and sweatpants for you to wear.
"You...wore this last time you came I'm pretty sure, it should fit," he mumbled, probably to himself as he took out a simple pair of black sweatpants, before handing it to you.
"As for a hoodie since it's cold...."
"Hah...speaking of hoodies...I have like five of yours still in my apartment," you said, smiling at him sheepishly.
He turned around, his eyes soft once again.
"Well good thing I have alot right?"
You both laughed, as he took out one of his most favorite hoodies.
"This one...you are not taking home...it's my favorite," he said, pouting at you.
"Why are you giving it to me then?" You asked, crossing your hands across your chest.
"What's mine, is yours right? Plus you'd look so cute in it, I only said you couldn't take it home because then I won't be able to wear it all the time since it will be at your apartment," he said, making you laugh.
"Alright alright, I'll return it to you before I leave...what a baby," you mumble the last line, but Seungcheol was quick to catch on.
"Who you calling a baby?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow.
"You, now get out, I'm gonna change," you said, already pushing him out of the closet door since you knew he would try and stay.
"Oh come on...I can't wait until those annoying men go to sleep! The least you can do is give me a show until then," he said, winking at you.
"Go away cheol."
You shut the door in his face, laughing at how he whined from the other side.
In the past year and a half that you two had been dating, Seungcheol always was really just a big baby. Seemed all tough from the outside especially since he needed to be a good role model to his younger member's, but you all knew he was just a huge softie when it came to people he loved.
But you and his friends knew very well that if was to ever get mad, he would be very mad.
And that's why you loved ganging up with them to piss him off, see what would throw him off exactly.
He was like a bear in your opinion, soft and cuddly, but scary too.
You sighed, pushing your thoughts to the side before changing into the clothes Seungcheol had given you. Once you were done, you opened the door.
"How do I look?" You asked, turning around once.
"Covered. You look covered. Thank god," he replied with no expression. making you huff as you turned away from him, already walking out the door.
"Finally! You took so long!" Soonyoung yelled.
"Sorry guys, it took a while finding something I wanted to wear," you said, sitting back down next to Jun on the floor.
"Well you look really cute, big hoodies look so good on you," Jun said, making me smile.
"Thank you."
You felt Seungcheol sit next to you, before he kissed your cheek lovingly making you blush.
"Now who wants to go first?" Vernon asked.
"I'll go first....Soonyoung...truth or dare?" Seungkwan asked.
Vernon groaned, "That's so boring can we only do dares?"
"Shut up for once that isn't how you play!" Seungkwan shot, as everyone laughed.
"Guys relax, it's just a game...and yeah kwan is right, and it's his choice on what he wants to do," you said, making Vernon sigh.
"Ah, fineeee."
"Thank you, now...Soonyoung....what's the dirtiest thing you have ever done..don't worry, it's a safe place and Jihoon isn't here so he can't bully you," Seungkwan said, as everyone turned to look at Soonyoung, waiting for him to answer.
"Ahh...well..do you mean sexually..or just..dirty, dirty?" He asked awkwardly.
"Any, your choice," Vernon said, making you nod.
"Uhm...eh...well I once didn't brush my teeth and lasted on chewing gum the entire day cuz I didn't want to be late for practice and keep you guys waiting."
Everyone's eyes were on Soonyoung, making him smile sheepishly.
"It's okay, I'm sure everyone has done that at lease once in their lifetime," you said, smiling at him.
"Have you!?" Seungkwan asked, disgust written all over his face.
"Honestly, I did it once in middle school cuz I didn't want to be late for an exam," you confessed honestly, scratching the back of your neck.
"God your so honest, makes me feel like being honest too...I have done that a couple of times," Vernon said, smirking at you.
"Ewww Hansol get off me!..Y/N I'll let off because I love her but you!?" Seungkwan squeaked, pushing Vernon further away from him.
"Hey don't bully him, we're just being honest here so Soonyoung doesn't feel lonely," You said, frowning at Seungkwan.
"Okay stop, why the fuck are we even having this conversation? Isn't anyone going to even bother asking Soonyoung why the fuck he chose that as something to say for a truth?" Jun suddenly said, looking at us in disbelief.
"Oh yeah true...but I guess it was good enough," Seungkwan said making all of us nod.
"Yeah it was good, if your lucky I won't tell Jihoon," Vernon said, sticking his tongue out.
"No stop, that man never leaves me alone to start with," Soonyoung whined, making all of us laugh.
"Okay shut up and just choose who you're going to ask next," Jun groaned, rolling his eyes.
"Right, um, Vernon!"
"Ahh...dare, cuz I wanna spice things up and I'm not a pussy," Vernon said, winking at Soonyoung.
"Perfect....I dare you to call Wonwoo and tell him you spilt something on his bed sheets," Soonyoung said, wriggling his eyebrows.
"That's not a dare....that's suicide," Vernon said, as he visibly shuddered.
"This is going to be fun," Seungcheol whispered in your ear, knowing very well how angry Wonwoo gets when someone goes in his room.
You nodded your head as everyone grew silent, watching Vernon closely as he took his phone out of his pocket.
"Okay...it's ringing," Vernon said.
"Put it on speaker," Soonyoung whispered, as Vernon nodded.
"Hey, what's up?" You heard Wonwoo's deep voice through the phone, making your heart beat fast, suddenly scared for Vernon's life.
"Hey hyung...where are you?" Vernon asked nervously.
"I'm out with a few friends, I told you guys before I left...is everything okay?"
"Uhm...I...I was in y-your room cuz I wanted to uh...borrow your....pen and I spilt juice all over your bed-"
"YOU WHAT!?" Wonwoo yelled from the other side, making Soonyoung start laughing loudly.
"This is kinda boring...wanna do something else?" Jun suddenly whispered in your ear, making you turn to look at him.
"Oh come on, why isn't it fun?" You asked.
"I'd just much rather be doing something else.." Jun trailed off, making you sigh.
"Alright...what do you want to do?"
"Hmm...let's find something to eat?" Jun suggested, making you chuckle as you nodded.
You got up, about to follow Jun to the kitchen before you felt someone tug at your wrist.
"Where are you going?" Seungcheol asked.
"I'm going to the kitchen with Jun, we're gonna find something to eat," you said, pulling out of his grasp before he could answer.
"I found ice-cream!" Jun exclaimed, waving the tub of strawberry ice-cream around.
"Is that the only flavour?" You asked, looking into the fridge, as your eyes laid on another tub of vanilla ice-cream.
"Yeah sadly we only have those two, let's have both though," Jun replied, clapping his hands.
You laughed as you took the tub of vanilla ice-cream out, before grabbing two spoons.
"Let's just eat from the tub?" You asked, making Jun nod with a smile.
You grabbed the strawberry ice-cream as he grabbed the vanilla one, and you both started to open the lid, quickly taking a spoonful into your mouth.
"Ah yes! This is exactly what I needed!" You mumbled, taking another bite.
"Yeah me too...tell me when you want to swap," Jun said, pointing to his tub of ice-cream.
You nodded your head, turning around to look back at the guys.
"So whats happening?" You whispered, as Soonyoung turned to look at you.
"Well he started cursing obviously...said a few...threats but we quickly told him in was a dare and now their having a conversation about food or something," Soonyoung said, making you nod.
"I'm surprised though, thought he would be running home by now," Jun said, making you laugh.
"That literally wasn't funny, why are you laughing?" Seungkwan shot, walking up to you guys.
"I'm sick of him stealing you away, come on, truth or dare was kinda getting boring already anyways."
Before you could even open your mouth, Seungkwan had taken the ice-cream from your hands and put it back in the freezer.
"Kwan why!" You whined, pulling at his sleeve.
"Let's do something together! How about karaoke?" He suggested, making you huff.
"Yeah fine, okay.....Jun come on!"
You and Jun went back to sit on the couch, as Seungkwan took his phone out to play some songs.
"He only asked for this so he could show off," Jun whispered in your ear, making you chuckle as you rested your head on his shoulder.
Your eyes suddenly flicked to Seungcheol, who was still sitting on the floor, his eyes fixed on you. You could feel his anger, even from feet away, but that only sparked a light bulb in you.
you wanted to piss him off, really bad. and all just for the fun of it.
You had your fair share of moments in making him mad yourself. Especially on days like this, when you decided to play around with his friends to get him jealous purposely, it always ended in rough sex that ended up with you not being able to walk properly the next day...but today, you wanted to see just how many buttons you could push before he finally snapped.
and oh boy, you were about to find out just how angry you could really get him.
You looked away smirking to yourself as you snuggled into Jun, pretending to completely ignore Seungcheol's presence as you watched Seungkwan start singing and dancing.
"Yo Y/N....hyung looks mad," Vernon whispered from beside you, making you look at him.
"I know...but it's funny," you replied, smirking at him.
"Guess your right, I'm gonna take photos of him for safekeeping," Vernon said, making you chuckle.
"Alright but be careful," you reminded him.
A few minutes passed of you and Jun just laughing at Seungkwan and Soonyoung while they sang to a duet, when you decided to get up and go get a drink.
"I'm gonna go get something to drink, you want?" You asked Jun and Vernon, as you got off the couch.
They both shook their heads, making you nod slightly before walking over to the kitchen.
Aa you were pouring yourself a glass of water, you didn't realise someone was right behind you, until you bumped into their chest.
"Can't you see where your walking?" You muttered at Seungcheol, moving away from him to place the glass on the kitchen island.
He hugged you from the back, his fingernails digging into your skin.
"You...have had quite the attitude with me lately, where is this coming from...hm?" He whispered darkly in your ear, as you looked at the guys to make sure they weren't looking.
"Nowhere..and what attitude, just cuz I told you to watch where your walking?" You scoffed, trying to keep your composure when you felt his teeth graze your earlobe.
"Don't act smart with me, you know what I'm talking about," he spat, making you smile.
He bought one of his hands down to your clothed core, while the other stayed firm against your waist.
"Was it nice warming up with Jun sweetheart?" He asked rather softly, but you knew all to well not to answer such a question....but today, you would.
"Of course it was, he was so warm and cuddly I just wanted to sleep in his arms," you sighed, pretending to be day dreaming.
He turned you around suddenly, pushing you against the counter.
"I told you before, do not push me, right? I don't know why you're being so bold today but keep stepping over the line and I'll make sure you really regret it," he growled, towering over you easily.
"Look cheolie...I don't know what your talking about but I'm really just being friendly, your just overreacting," you said, rolling your eyes.
His grip on your waist tightened to the point where you winced.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked lowly, making you smirk.
"Yeah, I did, so what?" You asked irritatedly.
"Okay that's it. Get that pretty little ass of yours inside my room, now," he spat, making you scoff in disbelief.
"And what? You really think I'm just going to obey you like some puppet, go away cheolie," you smiled, kissing his cheek before pushing him away.
You smiled to yourself as you saw his shocked expression, and just as you were about to walk away, he grabbed your wrist.
"Then behave...next time, I won't be asking, I'll be dragging you myself," he warned, letting go off your wrist.
You scoffed, taking a sip off your water walking back to sit next to Jun again.
"He's still singing?" You whispered to Jun as you watched Seungkwan in shock.
"Yep...and next up is Soonyoung," Jun replied, sighing in annoyance.
While watching Seungkwan completely loose himself to a bunch of girl group songs, you saw Seungcheol from the corner of your eyes come and sit down next to you.
"Hey baby," he whispered near your ear, like you weren't just talking a few mere minutes ago.
He kissed your cheek before sitting back comfortably against the couch, his hand coming up to rest on your thigh, something he always did as a way to show you he was there- or at times like this, to just remind Jun that your boyfriend was right there.
A smile made its way to your mouth as you realised what he was doing.
You turned to look at him, before moving a little closer to his ear.
"Awh is cheolie scared Jun will take me from you?" You whispered, before looking away and back to Seungkwan, who was still dancing.
"Everyone here knows you belong to me, love, but I think your the one that needs a reminder," he whispered back with his jaw clenched.
You chuckled as you rested your head on Jun's shoulder, scooting more closer to him.
"Your really warm, Jun," you said, loud enough so Seungcheol would hear.
Jun smiled, figuring out exactly what you were trying to do, and he was happy to help...how could he ever say no to a chance of pissing off someone like choi seungcheol?
"Are you cold? It must be his hoodie that isn't keeping you that warm..I have this really warm one that would look so cute on you," Jun said, making you smirk mentally.
"Really? Can I wear-"
You words were stuck in your throat when you felt Seungcheol's grip on your thigh tighten, but you quickly cleared your throat.
"Yeah of course, I'll go get it for you," Jun said, making you push Seungcheol's hand off your thigh before getting up.
"Sit down," Seungcheol suddenly said, just as you were about to follow Jun to his room.
You leaned down, pecking his neck before answering. "Stop being so jealous baby, I just want to wear something warmer."
His eyes narrowed on you, as you heard him grit his teeth. "You want something warm, then let's head to bed."
You chuckled lowly, bringing your hand up to ruffle his hair before pulling at his cheeks.
"I don't want your dick, cheol," you deadpanned, before walking away.
Just as you got to Jun's room, he had already got out the hoodie he was talking about.
"Here, you can change in the bathroom if you want," he said, handing the hood to you.
You nodded your head before walking to his bathroom, and locking the door behind you.
Taking off Seungcheol's hoodie, you frowned a little, knowing he could be hurt that you took off his favorite hoodie that he wanted you to wear, just so you could play around with him.
Shaking your head, you decided to just go with it, knowing he most likely won't mind since he probably knows your just trying to get him worked up.
you should've stopped there.
You fixed your hair after putting on Jun's hoodie, loving the way it suited you, and even though Seungcheol's hoodie was keeping you warm, this one was too.
"Wow you look amazing in it," Jun complimented, as you came out of the bathroom.
"Thank you, I love it!"
He smiled at you before the both of you walked out of the door and back to the living room.
You threw Seungcheol's hoodie to his face, making Jun and Vernon laugh.
"You have guts I admire," Vernon complimented you, as Seungcheol slowly pulled the hoodie away from his face, his angry eyes throwing daggers to your amused ones.
"You fucking did not," he drawled, making you smile at him innocently.
"What? I wanted to wear it," you said, flicking your hair as you went back to sit in between Jun and Seungcheol.
Seungcheol sighed angrily, his fingers curling into fists. He always loved that you wore his clothes, because he could smell himself all over you, but now that you wore Jun's, he wanted nothing more than to rip it off your body.
"What's wrong Seungcheol, you don't look well," you asked innocently, grabbing his arm and snuggling into him purposely, knowing he could smell Jun on you.
"Stop," he warned, making you smile.
"Alright, I'll leave you alone then," you said, pulling away from him and hugging Jun, leaning your head on his chest.
"Hey Jun, do you want to sing together?" You asked, as Jun looked at you.
"Yeah of course, let's join them," he said, grabbing your hand and pulling you up.
You both started joining in on the song Seungkwan and Soonyoung were so immersed in, as you forced Vernon to join aswell.
"Cheolie come join us," you said, turning to look at him.
He didn't respond, just looked at you blankly, but you knew he was burning in anger.
You bit your lip, wondering if you really had just crossed over the line, you knew far too well that when Seungcheol got angry he was brutal and merciless.
Just to be safe, you walked over to him and sat on his lap before pecking his cheek.
"You okay?" you asked carefully, massaging his tensed shoulders.
"Don't suck up to me now, you've pissed me off well enough already...I'm holding you responsible for this, not him," he growled, his eyes never leaving yours.
"It was a joke cheol, lighten up," you mumbled, slightly getting worried for yourself.
"Get off my lap and go enjoy your fun while you can," he whispered darkly, making a shiver run down your spine.
You hesitantly got off, giving him a small smile before turning around and walking back to the guys.
Seungcheol's words echoed in your mind while you sang and danced, and as much as you tried to ignore them, they only made you grow anxious, but also a little excited.
go enjoy your fun while you can
You knew you should've tried harder and maybe even apologised, but the look he gave you when he told you to get off his lap was enough to make you obey without even a second to loose.
While you were busy in your thoughts, you didn't hear Jun call your name, until he carried you up suddenly making you squeal.
"You seemed zoned out so I wanted to wake you up," he said, laughing at your shaken expression.
"God you scared m-"
"Put her down," Seungcheol's deep voice made everyone stop moving, as they turned to look at him.
"Relax we're just having fun," Jun said, holding you tighter as you wrapped your hands around his neck to support yourself.
"Just put her down hyung," Seungkwan whispered, as I looked at Jun.
"It's okay Jun you can put me down," I said, we were so close I could feel his hot breath against my skin.
"Okay this is my queue I'm suddenly tired, good night guys," Vernon said, giving me a smile before running off to his room.
Jun smiled at you, before turning to look at Seungcheol.
"And what if I don't want to?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows at him.
Seungcheol got up, making you bite your lip as you realised this wasn't going to end well.
He put his hands in his pockets as he stood right in front of you guys. Seungcheol was beyond angry at this point, and mostly just pissed off at this moment with how his younger member was talking back to him, he wasn't going to let that happen.
"I think you've forgotten your place, but I'll ask you once more...let.her.go," Seungcheol drawled, his low dominant tone sending shivers down your spine.
"Jun," you called softly, patting him on the chest.
He sighed, nodding his head before putting you down slowly before Seungcheol grabbed your wrist roughly, pulling you to his side.
"Hey! Be careful!" You mumbled, trying to pull away from his grasp, but he only tightened it.
"That's enough for one night, it's already past 12, everyone go to bed," Seungcheol said sternly, making Seungkwan and Soonyoung nod, before turning the TV off. As much as they wanted to continue singing, they knew better than to annoy their leader when he already seemed so on edge.
"Look I'm sorry, okay? We were just messing around...she's yours and I know that," Jun said, patting Seungcheol's shoulder before winking your way.
"Goodnight guys," he added, before walking away.
You swallowed harshly when you heard Jun's room door open and close. Seungcheol was still not saying anything to you, but you could feel the anger radiating off him, as he was still looking straight ahead.
"Now you...." He trailed off, finally meeting eyes with you.
You bit your bottom lip, wanting nothing more than to dash out of the apartment before he could say anything more.
"Get your ass in my room before I drag you there myself," he spat, his voice laced with authority.
He let go of your wrist, making you rub the sore area as you nodded your head.
You feet walked for themselves as your mind clouded with nothing but regret, why did you even think of this stupid idea again?
You knew Seungcheol was right behind you from his heavy steps and slow breathing, his eyes burning holes into your back.
Once you were in his room, you heard the door shut behind you, before the faint sound of the lock perked your ears.
You didn't dare turn around, as you kept your eyes to the ground, not knowing how to get out of this situation.
should've thought this through huh.
You thought to yourself, before you were forced to shoo away your thoughts when you heard Seungcheol clear his throat.
"Turn around."
You did as he said, hoping he'd forgive you if you at least listened to him now.
"How long did you wanna keep that act up, hm?" He asked, as you looked down at your entwined fingers.
"I-I was j-just-"
"Look at me when I'm talking to you," he drawled, making you look up at him slowly.
"I was just messing with you cheol, I didn't think you would take it that seriously," you bravely said, making Seungcheol nod.
"Hmm..well didn't I warn you before not to fuck around with me like that?" He shot, making you bite your bottom lip, not knowing how to answer him.
"Y-Yes....yes you did...I-I'm sorry," you whispered, trying your hardest not to look away from him.
He sighed irritatedly, eyeing you head to toe.
"Take it off."
"Huh?" You asked dumbly, making Seungcheol swallow harshly, his adam's apple bobbing up and down.
"Take off his hoodie," he spat, making you slowly nod.
You bought your shaky fingers to the hem of the hoodie, playing with it slightly.
"For fucks sake hurry up, or I'm gonna have to rip it off myself."
You quickly pulled it over your head, throwing it to the couch in his room before you covered yourself with your arms, feeling a little conscious since you were only wearing a bra inside.
He started slowly walking to you, making you take a step back as you watched him unbutton the first few buttons on his shirt.
"Never, ever let me catch you wearing any of their clothes ever again, understood?" He drawled, a hand coming up to caress your cheek.
"O-Okay," you mumbled, as his hand on your cheek went down to your neck.
"So, why did you decide to piss me off so much today, love?" His voice was somewhat calm, which was starting to freak you out.
"Loss of words I see? Well let me tell you what I think then.."
He pulled you closer to him, his hand caressing the back of your neck.
"Was it because you suddenly felt the need to get me angry just so you could laugh about it later?...well whose laughing now sweetheart?" He mused, chuckling at your facial expression.
"Or maybe it was because you knew, once you were done and we were alone...I'd fuck all the right senses into you, have you screaming while I showed you no mercy whatsoever.."
You bit back a whine at his words, the dominance in his voice shooting right down to your throbbing pussy.
"You knew god damn well not to piss me off like that, fuck around with my friends like a fucking whore while I was right.there...what did you get out of that anyways?" He spat angrily.
You kept quiet, which only pissed him off further. "Answer me."
"I-I...don't know...I just wanted to..a-annoy you..." You trailed off, your breath getting caught in your throat when he wrapped his fingers around your neck.
"Well darling...you definetly did get something out of it....and it's not going to be fun for you," he growled, his grip on your neck tightening.
"I-I'm sorry.....I-I w-won't d-do it a-again," you stuttered out, holding onto his hand on your throat.
"Oh you won't, and I'll make sure of it," he spat, before letting you go and dropping his arms to the side.
He moved away from you and sat down on the edge of his bed, before calling you over with his finger.
"Come here princess."
You swallowed harshly, before walking over to him slowly. You stood in front of him, waiting for his next order.
"Take off your...my pants," he said, watching you closely.
You slowly bent down, pulling his sweatpants down your body before shaking it off your feet.
"Good....now I want you over my lap."
Your eyes widened, knowing exactly what that meant.
"Cheol, look, I'm sorry and-"
"I said, over. my. lap," he repeated sternly, making you swallow harshly.
You climbed over his lap, your limbs starting to shake when he placed one of his big warm hands over your ass, smoothing over it.
"You've...made it quiet the habit to disobey me...especially in front of my friends...and I am fucking sick of it...but you won't do it again, right baby?" He asked you softly, his hands pulling at your ass, avoiding the area you needed him the most.
"Y-Yes I won't..I won't do it again, I promise," your lips quivered, bracing for the impact.
It was silent for a while, before you felt his palm make contact with your ass harshly, causing you to lurch forward with a cry leaving your lips.
"Yeah that's right, be as loud as you can, rooms soundproof remember?..but I think you would've loved it if it wasn't hey?" He drawled, smacking you once again.
"Sh-shit!" You bit your lip, as you felt the strong burning sensation spread.
"Did you enjoy warming up to another man right in front of me?" Seungcheol growled, before smacking your ass once again, this time to the other cheek.
You groaned in pain, your elbows giving out, making you land face first onto the mattress.
"Answer when you are spoken to slut."
You turned your face to the side, looking up at him. "N-No I d-didn't."
"And will you ever do it again?" He spat, his hand soothing the red skin.
"Depends," you mumbled, smirking devilishly as you looked up at him.
His clenched his jaw, as his hands crawled up your skin and to your hair, pulling on it as you screamed.
"Guess I'll have to keep going until I get a satisfied answer from you then."
Your eyes shut tightly as another hard hit landed on your already aching cheeks.
It only got worse from there, as his hits got harder, and faster, as you cried in pain.
Your lower body suddenly felt numb, as Seungcheol stopped.
"Now try again....will you ever let a man that close to you ever again?"
You shook your head vigorously, "N-No never."
Seungcheol chuckled, his grip tightening on your hair.
"Good." He whispered, dragging his finger down your clothed core, chuckling deeply at how wet you were.
"What a fucking slut...are you seriously wet from this?"
You felt the heat rush to your cheeks as you refused to look at him.
"Or are you wet from flirting with Jun from before," he drawled, pulling your panties down roughly.
You didn't reply, which only made Seungcheol angrier as he spanked you again, making more tears fill your eyes.
"Tell me...while you flirt with other men and get close to them...do you at least remember who you belong to?" He asked, another loud smack landing on the same area as the last two.
You moaned loudly, finally feeling the pain subside a little as you only had the diritest thoughts running in your head now..but of course, your boyfriend had other plans.
He scoffed, "No answer, let's see if you'll talk after this."
Two of his fingers found your dripping entrance, before pushing into you roughly without any warning.
You mewled at the feeling of his thick fingers sliding into your walls, as you gripped the sheets below you.
"I'm not gonna move my fingers until you speak princess."
You groaned loudly, trying to push yourself on his fingers since he wasn't going to do it for you anytime soon, but as soon as you tried, he gripped your hair tighter.
"Don't even think about it. Now answer me."
"God Seungcheol, yes! I-I do remember who I b-belong t-to," you moaned out, when he added a third finger.
"Mmmh....you sure, cuz it didn't look like you thought of me before..." He trailed off, taking his fingers out of you before pulling your panties back on.
Your whine got stuck in your throat when he landed another hard slap on your ass, making you jolt forward in surprise.
"I don't like lies princess," he growled, rubbing your cheeks as you felt your sticky substance spread all over your ass.
"I-I d-did....think o-of you," you whined, wanting nothing more than his fingers stuffed back in your pussy.
"No, you didn't...cuz if you did you wouldn't have done any of that in the first place," he spat, before he smacked you once again.
A moan left your lips, as you bit your lip to stop any other sound from escaping, as Seungcheol tsked.
"Oh? I see my little slut has started enjoying this, thats not good."
In seconds he had pulled you up by your hair, making you stand on your wobbling legs as he let go off you.
"On your knees, hands behind your back."
You did as you were told as you looked up, watching Seungcheol pull down his sweatpants along with his boxers.
One of his hands found purchase in your hair as he pulled you closer. "You've found ways to piss me off the entire day, your smart remarks, talking back to me...so lets finally put that dirty mouth of yours to good use hm?"
You swallowed harshly, nodding your head as your eyes fell on his red tip, that already had a little bit of pre-cum dripping down.
"Remember, no touching, and if I see your legs give out even a little....I won't be nice," He growled, gripping your hair tighter as his other hand guided his cock to your closed lips.
He opened his mouth, signalling you to do the same thing.
You gulped, knowing he wasn't going to go soft on you by the angry look in his eyes that still hadn't faded. You opened your mouth slowly as Seungcheol almost instantly pushed himself into you.
You gagged around him when you felt him hit the back of your throat, your mouth stretching beyond comfort as he used your mouth without any mercy.
"Look up at me, I wanna see my cock in your mouth properly," he rasped out, as you moaned around his length.
You looked up, watching how his eyes stared at you so intensely that you almost felt enchanted by them, the beads of sweat rolling down his face his expression filled with pure pleasure. But you were bought back to reality when you felt Seungcheol push more of his length down your throat as you choked around him, tears starting to fill your eyes.
"L-Look at you now princess, not so strong anymore hm? God this is the only good thing your mouth can do," he spat, before a long moan left his lips when you hallowed your cheeks, sucking on him.
You wanted to touch him, so badly, especially since you knew your legs couldn't support you much longer, but it would only anger him more so you tried your best to stand up straight as he fucked into your mouth much faster.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck....you take me in so well babygirl..just like that, I'm close," he groaned, gripping your hair tighter as you felt his cock twitch in your mouth.
He went faster as you whimpered slightly, your mouth starting to burn at his rough movements. He pushed you forward right down to his pelvic bone, making you let out the most sinful sounds.
After what felt like hours of his torture on you, he finally released in your mouth, some of it sliding straight down your throat before he pulled your head back, more of his cum hitting your tongue.
He pulled out of you, giving you the look that told you to swallow everything.
Your chest heaved up and down as you swallowed, the strong salty substance making your body tingle.
"Open your mouth, I wanna see it all gone," he asked, his own breathing erratic as he looked down at you.
You opened you mouth, sticking your tongue out, earning a moan of appreciation from your boyfriend.
You looked up at him with half lidded eyes, silently telling him to let you get up as your knees started burning, along with your aching ass that still tingled in pain.
"You're so messy," he cooed, wiping the saliva mixed with his cum that was all over your mouth and chin with his hand.
He pulled you up by your hair, making you yelp in surprise."You were so good for me...but don't think I didn't notice your legs waver," he whispered darkly, making your eyes widen.
"Ch-Cheol I-I-"
"On the bed, legs spread out," he commanded, cutting you off.
"B-But Seungcheol I...my knees s-started getting uncomf-"
"Are you really going to make me repeat that again?" He growled, eyeing you angrily.
You swallowed harshly, shaking your head before moving away from him, your shaky hands and legs moving down to lay on the bed, as you hesitantly spread your legs a little, barely.
Seungcheol watched you with predatorial eyes, scoffing at you.
"I said, spread your legs," he spoke through gritted teeth, sitting down on the edge of the bed as he watched you while he rolled the sleeves of his button up.
You hesitantly spread your legs even further your drenched clothed core on full display to Seungcheol's hungry eyes.
"I want it all coming off your body," he said, pointing to your bra and panties.
You were quick to comply, starting with unclasping your bra before throwing it to the side, before you pulled down your panties, flicking it to the side.
"I haven't even touched you properly, yet your soaked," He said, tilting his head to the side a little, his eyes trained on your dripping entrance, making you shut your thighs tightly together out of reflex.
"Ah, ah, ah....spread them out," he warned, making you bite your bottom lip, as you slowly spread your legs once again.
"Now, touch yourself."
You were shocked at his words, Seungcheol never let you touch yourself...so you knew something was up.
You looked at him with slightly widened eyes.
"A-Are you serious?"
"Was I speaking in french?" He shot boredly, making you gulp as you shook your head.
You bought your fingers down to your seeping entrance, glancing at Seungcheol once before dipping one of your fingers in.
You moaned softly, adding a second finger when you realised it wasn't enough, as you started a slow pace.
"Go faster," Seungcheol's deep voice reminded you he was still in the room, as you looked over at him with hazy eyes.
You went faster, throwing your head back as you moaned over and over again, forgetting everything around you as you just focused on making yourself cum.
You felt your walls clench around your fingers, as you let out a long moan, the coil in your stomache threatening to snap.
And just as you were about to come undone, your fingers were yanked out of you.
"Seungcheol!" You almost screamed, shaking your legs around as he chuckled.
"Go again."
You hurriedly stuffed your fingers back in once he let go off your wrist, slowly building up the pleasure once again. You bought your free hand down to your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves to bring you closer to the edge, the need to cum growing stronger by the second.
You worked your fingers harder, moaning and shaking as you came all around your fingers. Your breathing was uneven as you closed your eyes, completely sated.
Your happy mood was quickly ripped away when Seungcheol grabbed your thighs.
"Did you enjoy that sweetheart?" He asked sweetly, but you knew better.
He ran his thumb down your gushing entrance, making you shiver.
"Yes what?" He growled, pushing in four of his fingers into you at once as you groaned.
"Yes....d-daddy," you moaned out breathlessly.
"Hmm...so much cum," he whispered, nuzzling his nose into your folds.
He lapped up the cum that had seeped out of your hole while he started moving his fingers in you, making you moan softly, your fingers tangling in his hair.
He looked up at you, his lips glistening in your essence as he glared at you.
"No touching," he mumbled, making you nod before letting go off him to grip the sheets underneath you.
Just as you felt your release was close, Seungcheol pulled his fingers out of you, before crawling over your body as he licked his fingers clean.
You whined as you clenched around nothing, feeling empty without his fingers.
"Don't worry baby, you'll have something in your pussy in no time," one of his hands came up to circle around your throat, while the other stayed firm against your hip.
"Now I'm going to tell you exactly what I'm going to do to you, and your going to listen alright?"
You nodded your head, as Seungcheol's grip on your throat tightened.
"Words, love," he warned.
"Y-Yes....daddy," you half moaned when you felt his lips graze your hardened nipple.
"I'm going to fuck you hard, tire you out so much to the point where you'll be begging me to stop...'cause that's what dirty whores like you want right? Well I'll gladly give it to you," he growled, flipping you over suddenly so you were laying on your back, your ass in the air.
"D-Don't be r-rough," you stuttered out, a shiver running down your spine when you felt the tip of his cock slowly circle your tight rim.
"You really thought I was going to go soft on you after that little stunt?" He asked, groping your ass as he spat in his other hand, rubbing it all over his cock as extra lubricant. He pushed his tip into you without warning, making you cry out for more.
"I see my little sluts getting impatient, hm?" He mused from behind you, before he landed a hit on your right cheek, making you hang your head down, moaning loudly.
"Seungcheol please," You groaned, as you tried to push yourself back on his cock, but he was quick to grip your hips, stopping your movements.
"Your not going to get it that easy...beg for it, slut," he spat, another smack landing on your ass.
"Daddy please.....I want you so bad," you whined, swaying your hips a little.
"Why should I give you what you want when all you've been doing tonight is disobeying me?"
"I-I'll be good, I p-promise...ch-cheol, please," you moaned out, as you felt your arousal drip down your thighs and onto the sheets
"You really are such a needy whore, you know that? You flirt with other guys, pretend like I can't see what your doing....and now your shamelessly begging me to fuck you?"
"N-No...all I want is y-you," you stuttered out, all shame leaving your mind, as the only thing that was running through your mind was Seungcheol fucking you.
He growled lowly before pushing into you completely, filling your ass to the brim.
"Fuck....d-daddy you feel so good," you moaned out, as your hands that were keeping you up finally gave out, as your face landed on the pillow.
"Such a whore...get up and look at me."
You did as he said, getting back up on your shaking arms before turning back to look at him. His jaw was clenched down, and the look he had in his eyes was enough to show you how much of a deep hole you were in.
"Tell me...could Jun or any other guy fuck you like this?" He growled, as he pulled out of you before slamming back into you with force.
You broke eye contact with him, as you hit the pillow below you once again from the impact.
"Answer me, or I'll stop," he warned, making you whine.
"N-No, cheol....n-no o-one c-could," you somehow made out, even with you mind all over the place, the only thng you could focus on being Seungcheol.
"Yeah thats right, no one could use you like I fucking do," he spat, smacking your ass harshly, making you choke on your moans.
His movements went rougher, as you felt the tears of pleasure blur your sight. "Ch-cheol, go s-slower."
You felt his hand wrap around your throat, before he pulled you up roughly, your back hitting his chest as your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the angle his cock was hitting you.
"Your in no position to be telling me what to do, so I suggest you just take what I give you, I'm pissed off as it is," he growled in your ear, before his lips found your neck, biting down on your sensitive skin.
A scream left your throat as you felt the coil in your stomach tighten, feeling your release was close.
"Cum only when I tell you to," he whispered in your ear, before placing kisses on your cheek, which shocked you at his sudden softness.
"All mine, your entire body belongs to me...right babygirl?" He asked sweetly, snapping his hips harshly as you heard him grunt into your ear.
"Y-Yes...sh-shit cheol you feel so g-good," you cried out, the tears rolling down your face as you shook uncontrollably.
"I can feel you clenching, don't you dare cum," he warned, as his grip tightened on your throat, making you a little dizzy.
Tons of moans slipped from your lips, as you threw your head back onto Seungcheol's chest, screaming out his name.
Seungcheol's free hand went down your stomach, before his fingers slipped through your wet folds.
You let out a guttural moan, shaking your head as Seungcheol pressed hard circles into your clit.
"I-I need....to..c-cum plea-"
"Not yet, this is your punishment for not behaving properly...so if you want to make it worse for you, by all means...cum all you want like the slut you are," he seethed, before his lips went back to sucking dark purple and red marks into your neck.
"Cheol please!" You screamed, and without any other warning you felt yourself fall over the edge, the pleasure washing over you in waves as you moaned loudly, your body shaking.
Seungcheol growled angrily, pulling his fingers away from your clit before pushing you down on the bed harshly.
"Now your really pissing me off," he spat, pulling out of you as you sighed in content, letting your eyes close as you relaxed on the mattress.
He flipped you around, his fingers running down your entrance.
"Didn't I tell you not to cum yet?" He asked, eyes flaring at you.
You looked at him lazily. "I c-couldn't take it...I'm s-sorry."
"A sorry isn't going to fix this baby," he smiled at you, grabbing your thighs and pulling you towards him.
"Since my little whore can't seem to do as she's told, I'm willing to let you go on this one..."
"W-What?" You stuttered out.
"Since you want to cum so badly, let's see how much you can until you can't take it anymore," he smiled devilishly, as you felt the tip of his cock rub your folds.
A quiet moan left your lips, as you snaked your arms around Seungcheol's neck.
"Your not allowed to touch me, hands above your head," he spat, making you whine.
"Why baby...you love it when I touch you don't you?" You asked with a pout, your fingers raking down his arms.
"You don't deserve to touch me," he shot, grabbing your wrists and placing them above your head.
"Keep them there."
You nodded your head slowly, licking your lips as Seungcheol's eyes travelled to yours, before trailing down to your lips.
He wanted to kiss you, so badly, but he wasn't going to give in to you. Just the thought of Jun touching you was enough to have his blood boiling and all self control leaving him.
"Gonna fuck you so good, you'll think of this everytime you do so much as think of touching another man," he growled in your ear, before he slammed up into you roughly.
You groaned from the stretch, your walls sucking in his cock slowly as he moaned from above you.
"Shit fuck your still so tight," he hoarsed out, his lips finding your right nipple, before he had it between his teeth.
You felt him fill you to the brim, balls deep as you moaned into his ear from the feeling of being so full.
"Your hands are staying there, remember," he warned, making you nod as he completely pulled out, before pushing back into you.
Your fingers curled into fists as you moaned over and over again, Seungcheol's pace going faster by the seconds passing.
His lips bit into the sensitive flesh just under your collarbones, making you scream.
"Cheol what the fuck that hurt you idiot!" You angrily said, pushing his face away. Seungcheol was quick at becoming very aggressive when you guys normally had sex, especially if he was stressed or in a bad mood...or very pissed off at something you did like right now.
One of his hands left your hip to tangle in your hair, as he pulled on it, ignoring your angry eyes as he bit his lip, snapping his hips up into you.
You shook furiously, your orgasm quickly approaching as you threw your head back, tons of moans escaping your mouth.
"You enjoy being fucked like this doll? You love it when I use you like this don't you?" He asked, his mouth parting as you heard the ragged breaths that left his lips as he didn't slow his pace down. You nodded furiously, moaning out his name as you felt your release was close.
"Y-Yes...yes I-I do, I l-love it!" You whimpered, your mind going blank as you could only focus on Seungcheol abusing your walls, and the sinful sounds leaving his mouth.
"Sh-shit cheol...y-you need to s-slow d-down," you somehow made out, as you felt him twitch inside you.
Seungcheol moaned into your ear, his hand in your hair loosening as he gripped your hips instead, his fingernails digging into your skin.
He ignored your words, his mouth sucking colorful marks into your neck as you cried out his name.
"Gonna fill you full of my cum, until it has no choice but to drip out of you...and then I'm  gonna fuck it back into you," he whispered darkly, another heavenly groan leaving his lips.
"That should teach a whore like you to remember who she belongs to," he added, looking at you right in the eye.
His eyes were a few shades darker than usual, the lust and hunger evident in them as he bit his lips.
"Open your mouth."
You did as you were told, staying quiet as he pushed in three of his fingers into your mouth. You sucked on them happily, rolling your tongue around each digit before he was pulling them out.
"God your so hot," he muttered, bringing his coated fingers to your clit, before he started rubbing you roughly.
A garbled moan left your mouth as you came all over his cock, shaking in pure ecstasy while he rode out your orgasm.
He came soon after with a few more thrusts, his hot liquid filling you up as you shuddered from the warmth, closing your tired eyes.
You thought he was done when he started shifting and pulled out of you, but you were too tired to open your heavy eyelids to see. He placed one of your thighs over his shoulder, making your eyes shoot up.
"W-Wait what are you doing?"
"Who ever said I was done with you princess?" He asked, kissing your thigh before he was pushing into you once again.
"N-not more ch-cheol...I-I can't," you breathlessly moaned, the new angle making your insides tingle as you eyes rolled to the back of your head.
He snapped his hips, pounding into you deeply as he let out grunts and moans every now and then.
"Of course you can take more, that's what my slut is used for right? Taking what daddy gives her like a good girl."
"Please Seungcheol...n-no," your head started spinning as you lost all clear mind on what was happening, the pleasure being too much to handle.
"You love cumming like a little desperate slut without my permission, right? So come on, keep cumming, I'm not going to stop anytime soon."
Your eyes widened, was he serious?
The anger in his eyes was enough to give you the answer, he was genuinely still mad and you knew you had to make up for it.
"Ch-cheol...I'm s-sorry...s-so sorry I won't d-do that e-ever a-..again," you breathed out, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt the pleasure shake through your body as you came once again.
"Told you I'd make you beg.." He trailed off with a chuckle, as his fingers thread through you hair.
"Tell me...who do you belong to slut?"
"Y-You....y-you Seungcheol!" You screamed, tears spilling from your eyes.
"That's right...your all for me, and me alone...am I understood?" He growled, making you nod your head feverishly.
"Yes...y-yes, yes," you mumbled, your thighs shaking violently as Seungcheol fucked you through your orgasm, the oversensitivity causing you to cry out for him to stop.
"I-It h-hurts stop!" You sobbed out, looking up at him through bleary eyes. His eyes bore back into yours with nothing but lust, as he continued his pace without any mercy on you.
The pleasure mixed with slight pain at his rough movements, leaving you breathless, unable to move, and shocked that he still had so much stamina to keep going.
you really had hit the wrong nerve tonight, one you don't think you'll ever risk touching ever again.
He placed your thigh back on the mattress, before his fingers went down to your aching pussy, before he started rubbing tight circles into your clit, abusing the already swollen nub. A sudden wave of sensitivity hit you, as you came once again, throwing your head back as you whimpered.
His lips leaned down to lick and suck at your neck, making sure to paint as many marks as he could so you wouldn't be able to cover it the next morning.
"Think of this, think of this very moment every time you decide to get under my skin," he growled in your ear, before he moaned lowly, ropes of his cum filling you up once again.
He pulled out completely, a sigh leaving your lips as you looked down at him, as he watched his cum mixed with your own leak out of your hole, as you clenched around nothing.
"You look so pretty stuffed with my cum princess...makes me feel like fucking you like this all night," he moaned, swiping his thumb up and down your entrance, loving the way you squirmed under his touch and how more of his cum only oozed out, dripping onto the sheets.
He bought his fingers to your mouth, forcing them in as you sucked them clean of his cum.
"Want more?" He asked, bringing his fingers back down to your entrance, pushing them into you and collecting more of his liquid.
You nodded your head, knowing you would only anger him if you didn't accept it.
"Now that's my good girl...you always need me fucking the right senses into you, don't you? Because now your being so perfect...just how I like it," he nuzzled his nose into your neck, as you sucked on his fingers.
He entered you again, making you look at him in shock as he took his fingers out of your mouth.
"N-No....not again," your voice broke as Seungcheol kissed your cheek lovingly.
"Just one more princess...one more and thats it I promise."
He connected his lips to yours as he started moving his hips, his fingers going down to play with your clit. He pinched the nub between his fingers, as you felt yourself get lost in pleasure once again.
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The next morning you woke up early, even though you had slept pretty late- well more like passed out.
Even in your shaken and aching state last night, you remembered Seungcheol carrying you into his bathroom and running you a warm bath as he joined you. He had whispered sweet nothings into your ear, apologising over and over again if he had been too rough on you as he cleaned you up.
After a long bath, he tucked you into bed before snuggling with you.
You smiled at the memory, as you finished tying your hair up. You walked out of the bathroom, your eyes falling on a still sleeping cheol, his fluffy hair all over his face and his mouth slightly agape, soft breaths falling from his full lips.
Giggling quietly, you grabbed your phone from the bedside table before walking out of his room slowly.
The morning light shone through the windows into the dorm room, as you limped into the kitchen, you needed something hot, preferably tea to ease your aching muscles.
"Good morning," you heard Jun's voice, breaking the silence around the dorm.
"Morning," you said back, turning to look at him as you placed your tea bag in the cup of hot water.
"Your up early," he mumbled, yawning loudly as he stretched, making you giggle.
"Yeah...I got hungry...you want some tea?" You asked, pointing to your cup, making him shake his head.
"Nah it's okay, I just want some milk," he replied, walking to the fridge.
"Morning baby," you heard from behind you, making you jump a little.
You turned around, smiling once your eyes laid on Seungcheol's warm ones. Although you were a bit anxious to be near him especially when Jun was there, you still hugged him, before pecking his lips.
"Morning," you whispered, letting go of him as you turned back around to finish your tea.
"Good Morning Jun," Seungcheol said before wrapping his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind.
You winced as his arms pressed into your aching skin, but you tried to ignore it.
"Morning hyung....slept well?" He asked, winking at Seungcheol before pouring himself a glass of milk.
"Very well, how about you?" He replied, kissing your neck shamelessly in front of him, making you squirm in his touch, your cheeks heating up.
"Yeah pretty good..." He trailed off, throwing a sly smirk at the both of you before putting his empty glass in the sink.
"Well I'm off to get some groceries, before the others come home to kill me...it's my turn for this week," Jun said, making you laugh.
"Wanna come?" He asked you, tilting his head a little.
You were about to reply yes but Seungcheol bet you to it.
"I'm taking her out somewhere so sorry, she can't come," he said, making Jun shrug.
"Okay, have fun guys..and Y/N...maybe wear something else," he added, before walking towards the door.
You looked down at Seungcheol's hoodie that you were wearing, your eyes growing bigger when you realised it failed to cover all the marks on your neck.
Seungcheol chuckled, nuzzling his face into your neck making you laugh as it tickled you softly.
"Hey cheol...were you serious about going out?" You asked, as you felt him place kisses all over your neck.
"Yeah I was...I have a place in mind, your going to love it," he said, before kissing your cheek.
"Alright, but first can we go to my apartment so I can get some decent clothes?" You asked, making Seungcheol chuckle, his dimples on full display.
"Yeah your right let's go."
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