#or get so sad and impulsive that i text the girl i have a crush on. yeah thats an option too
I was going to go to sleep early tonight but then I had to Google my most painful ex and listen to the entirety of Five Seconds Flat by Lizzy McAlpine. I may have to listen to it again, so it's going to be a busy night.
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minouyujis · 3 years
friday | new message from: y/n
y/n: i just got done having a breakdown ohmygodh
megumi: hello to you too
megumi: "girl"
y/n: i'm so sad they had no reasob to beat up jaden smith this badly in karate kid
megumi: you're watching a movie
y/n: yes
y/n: it's called karate kid
megumi: ...so i've been told
y/n: yeah its about a kid learning karate idk
megumi: i would have never guessed
y/n: ok anyways im so sad stop before i cryi again I CANT ALL HE WANTS IS TO HAVE A CRUSH on the violin girl
megumi: why do you type like that
y/n: it's impulsive pls 😭😭😭😭😭 I CANT HELP IT
megumi: i don't get it
megumi: i'm going to bed
megumi: goodnight
y/n: 🖕
monday | new message from: y/n
y/n: pls this is so boring
megumi: ....
y/n: what
megumi: why are you texting me... we're literally right next to each other...
y/n: um maybe bc we cant speak 🙄
megumi: ok
y/n: can we do like random trivia questions while we wait for this to end
megumi: ok
y/n: ok
y/n: whats ur fav color
megumi: i don't know if i have one to be exact
y/n: black?
megumi: kind of basic. it's just a color i feel fits best for me most of the time
y/n: ok so ur favorite color is black got it
megumi: i didn't say that.
y/n: next question
y/n: whats ur favorite music artist
megumi: do you mean who?
y/n: ok anyways i'm thinking ur like an alternative music listener person idk
megumi: sure
y/n: whats ur spirit animal
megumi: dog
y/n: so boring OH MY GOSH
y/n: i'm going to need u to step ur game up
megumi: these are literally getting to know a person questions and you're getting mad at me for giving you honest answers
y/n: maybe it u said something else i wouldn't be snoozing 😴
megumi: wouldn't that be lying about myself?
y/n: focus on ur work NOW
wednesday | new message from: megumi
megumi: HEY 🥺💝🤤🤪😍😵🤩🥰
y/n: what..
y/n: who kidnapped u omfg
megumi: what are u talking about bestie its me 🥺😍🤣🤣 LOL
y/n: hi yuuji
megumi: hi
megumi: nice convos u got up there ROFLLL
y/n: STOP LOOKING THROUGH OUR MESSAGES me and my associate have very private lives and would like to continue to keep it that way.
megumi: ok
megumi: wyd im bored
y/n: um first of all wheres megumi
megumi: sleeping LOL i saw his phone on the floor and just grabbed it
y/n: omg dont scroll too far 🙊
megumi: please don't ever text yuuji back if he manages to take my phone again
thursday | new message from: y/n
y/n: can you check to see if i left my phone charger in my room pls i cannot believe im back home without a charger
Megumi has read your message
y/n: ok
y/n: so is it in there
Megumi has read your message
y/n: this is feeling like us meeting for the first time all over again
Megumi has read your message
y/n: i will now take it upon myself to find someone more useful than u tyvm
friday | new message from: megumi
megumi: sorry for the late response, i was busy and left my phone on while you texted
Y/n has read your message
Y/n is typing...
y/n: ok then why didn't you text back after you WEREN'T busy
megumi: i was busy all day?
y/n: u don't sound so sure
megumi: i'm not going to do this with you
y/n: okay bye
megumi: alright
sunday | new message from: megumi
megumi: are you done being mad?
y/n: megumi
y/n: you... you double texted
megumi: ...
megumi: is it a crime? i don't get it
y/n: DID U MISS ME aww 🥺🙊
megumi: i'm just wondering if you're done being a crybaby over a charger
y/n: it's ok i'm coming back tomorrow anyways and we can go back to binge watching ur boring ass documentaries 😍
megumi: you're the one who asks me what i want to watch though
y/n: do u wanna watch
megumi: no thanks
y/n: um i didn't finish
megumi: i already know what you were going to say
y/n: what was it then huh u freak
megumi: some idiotic joke that nobody uses anymore from five years ago
y/n: deez nuts is a joke from 2013 pls take up on ur knowledge
megumi: my fault for not analyzing that joke as much as you do
y/n: u wanna know what u should analyze
megumi: what
y/n: ur dogs 😍
megumi: ....what
y/n: i tried to make it sound like a ur mom joke because i didn't wanna say ur mom if u didn't grow up with her
y/n: that would be so rude omg
Megumi has read your message
Megumi is typing...
megumi: that's kind of thoughtful coming from you
y/n: u wanna know what else is thoughtful
megumi: Stop.
monday | new message from: y/n
y/n: hey i miss you
megumi: yeah thanks
y/n: "i miss you too y/n 😍"
megumi: sure
y/n: wyd
megumi: waiting for you
y/n: wait u actually miss me?
megumi: i guess
y/n: ur such a softie megumi gumi gumi)):
megumi: are you almost here?
y/n: yesyesyes
y/n: do u wanna cuddle
megumi: sure
y/n: movie night?
megumi: yeah
y/n: OK OMG
y/n: im so excited ahh i missed u so much
megumi: me too
megumi: i got those candies you like
y/n: wtf
y/n: i love you ))::
Megumi has seen your message
Megumi is typing...
megumi: i love you toSkdjsjjddjndd
Megumi is typing...
megumi: ily
Megumi is typing...
megumi: i love you Hmdoskdfg oh my fucking god
Megumi is typing...
megumi: shut up
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kojinnie · 3 years
Why you should NOT date AOT boys...
Headcanon on what kind of headache you're bound for when dating the AOT boys, and why I advise you NOT to date them! Enjoy, loves!
levi - eren - armin - reiner
part two here | erwin - zeke - jean - connie
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He's an incredible man with a lot of talents and he'd be doing real good at his job, that dating him would give you a huge sense of pride. However, this man suffers from being emotionally constipated. He'd always keep you in the fine line of "are we or are we not?", even though you’ve been seeing each other for a long time. He’d never say “I love you” or any type of flashy display of affection. His love language is acts of service and quality time, so if you’re the type to wanting outward reassurance of how someone feels about you, Levi’s not gonna be the person to give you that. 
This problem stems from his deep, unresolved insecurity about the nature of relationship. It’s not just the “Am I good enough?”, he genuinely thinks that he is not a good person, and thus the inherent belief that everybody will abandon him in the end  — something he picks up from his traumatic childhood. He’s wary about establishing relationship because he’s afraid to succumb into his own feelings and vulnerability. He fears at certain point he has to feel and suffer the emotional consequence of being left by someone he cares for. He dreads the idea of getting caught off-guard with being fragile.
You gotta be extremely patient and understanding when it comes to Levi, the reassurance needs to come from you, and frequently too. Bluntly saying, “I’ll stick around” or “I’ll accept your shortcoming” is really soothing for Levi, because although he never shows it, he really thinks he does not deserve you.
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If you wanna be frustrated in a relationship where you constantly feel like you’re in an endless coaster, then dating Eren gotta be your poison. Sure the honeymoon phase was intoxicating, sure he makes you feel like the prettiest girl in the world. The morning text, the playful neck peck out in the public, the butterflies you feel in your tummy when you catch him staring at you even from afar with those oh so enthralling green eyes. But once the honeymoon phase over, Eren is quick to get bored. Especially if you’re an unproblematic, matter-of-fact type of person. Eren likes to fight, he gets thrilled by it, and he’s high with the rush of adrenaline. He likes it if you’re jealous, if you sulk, if you argue. He likes you to be ‘childish’ because then he gets to be the adult, the savior, the knight in shining armor. It grinds his gears. If you’re unfazed by his antics, if you’re easy to forgive, if you’re chill, Eren will think that you’re not really into him, and will exit the closest door out before his ego gets bruised even further.
Eren is sort of babied by people around him – his parents, his friends, and constantly being compared to his older brother doesn’t help either. He realizes that he got saved a lot of times by a lot of people. And this creates a deeply rooted insecurity with him that turns into an incessant impostor syndrome. The constant thought of not being good enough and the idea that all the achievement he’s ever got was the result of someone else’s help really crush him. You can shower him with praises and reassurance, but he would completely dismiss it, because he thinks your compliments are not based on objective views and that he does not deserve it. He painfully seeks for approval from any authority figure that (he thinks) does not have any emotional connection with him. And it can be really hurtful when he constantly dismisses your sincere compliments while desperately chasing from others who don’t care about him.
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It’s really hard to hate Armin. He’s a really nice man through and through, but what is his strength can also be his deepest weakness. He’s too nice and unsure about a lot of things. He knows he is knowledgeable, but he often doubts himself for being too ‘text-book smart’. Which is a valid cause, because at times he would get very oblivious to how relationship works, and treat feelings like it’s a quantifiable system. It will literally take years for him to finally get down and say how he feels about you, because all these times he was so busy filling the check-list in his mind to convince himself whether you truly like him or not, even though you couldn’t be any clearer with your intention towards him.
He is perceptive with what you think and how you feel, unfortunately this does not materialize into any action as he doubts his own intuition when it comes to his significant other. He fears that his own sentimentality has affected his intuitive judgment and thus deems it invalid, which is completely untrue because every hunch he has about you has always been accurate! That’s just how much he understands and knows you from years of quietly observing and taking each of your word into account.
He really relies on you sitting him down and telling him in details how you feel and the things you expect from him. He will do it, in a flash with no hesitation, but really, he just needs that verbal affirmation that he is doing the things that you want, and it’s not just based on his assumption. So, if you like sweet surprises, impulsive dates and expect your significant other to read your mind, Armin might not be the person.
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Oh my, truthfully, he is such a sweetheart, and can be completely smitten for the entirety of his life if he has found that one person. However, it’s a treacherous road for both Reiner and you to get to that stage. Initially, when you start to get closer to him, he may seem rigid and uninterested. The first date you had with him probably went awkward and although you really liked him, you were pretty sure he didn’t like you back, until he texted you the morning after, asking for a second date. That’s basically how being with Reiner is, a series of you being sure that he feels nothing towards you, only for his following action to prove the otherwise. He is really awful in displaying his emotion, he tries to be stoic all the time, and it often frustrates you because you cannot really tell how he feels, and you fear that you might have hurt him without realizing.
He may start to open up, only when you open up first about yourself. He thrives in romance with someone who he thinks shares his inner pain, and that’s very important for him, because he is always in a position where everyone expects him to be strong, and to have a significant other that understands his struggle is all he wants. But this gets hard for you, because sometimes Reiner’s sadness can be quite extreme and you cannot match that. Once Reiner realizes that you’re not on the same boat, he may become withdrawn, as he thinks he’s a burden and inadequate for you, and may end up self-sabotaging the whole relationship he has with you.
Although he does not like to admit it, but Reiner often slips into his sadness too deep, that it almost seems like he victimizes himself with his self-hatred. He will be the one to say stupid shit like, “You deserve someone better.” Or “I cannot make you happy.” When in fact you are perfectly willing to be with him all the way through.
With Reiner, you gotta be the bigger person, with bigger gestures and bigger patience. It’s because Reiner needs an anchor and a figure to lean on. In returns he would be the best lover that you will ever have for he is selfless and will be helplessly devoted to you.
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Racking my brain writing for the rest of the boys (Erwin, Jean, Connie, Pocko) because they're the ones we SHOULD date.
Update: Thanks thanks thanks for everyone who read this! I received a lot of love and you dunno how much this encourages me to keep going. Anyway, 2 things:
- My Masterlist
- Talk to meeee ♡
[ON-GOING REQUEST EVENT]: Kojinnie's 200 Followers Celebration - 24/7 Writing Event
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evakuality · 3 years
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Matteo - Episode one
Okay bear with me.  I know I’ve talked about this season a LOT over the last couple of years but I’m not going to do a rewatch (or first watch in some cases) of the Druck seasons and not include this one.  And knowing me, I will be very verbose about this one because I do just love it so much.  Even though I already talked about it at length.
So, to mix things up, I decided to watch this one in real time mode.  Which has been both lovely (revisiting what it was like to follow along with everything back then) and really frustrating (revisiting what it was like to wait for clips back then).  But it’s been a good exercise, particularly with this episode because I didn’t get truly involved in the show til a couple of weeks later so there’s a lot I missed in terms of social media etc the first time around.  So let’s start there.
Social media: It was nice to get the stuff leading in to this season which I hadn’t seen before.  The decisions around moving into the new place and getting Matteo involved etc were all super cute.  I liked the stuff with Sam after her party and how they kept that story - at the time it must really have felt like an immersive thing moving from Mia’s story to Matteo’s.  The stuff around the flatwarming party is interesting too.  Matteo and Sara’s posts make it seem like they’re at two different parties.  Matteo’s has barely and hint of Sara at all whereas hers makes it seem like they were joined at the hip all evening and super happy together.  And then even through the week her things were much more focused on Matteo (and on Leonie’s crush on David) whereas again, with his Sara only comes up if he’s asked about her.  I know it’s very clear in the clips as well, but honestly, the texts and instagram posts etc really make it clear how much she had built this up in her head vs how indifferent he is to it.  One really interesting one is where she asks Leonie not to spread it around that she and Matteo are together.  It suggests that she already knows this isn’t what she wants it to be, but either through desperation or naivety or by lying to herself, Sara doesn’t allow herself to see it.  It’s very sad for her and I do feel for her a lot more than I ever did for Emma.
Clip one: I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again now.  I really really love this clip.  It’s a perfect introduction both to Matteo’s PoV and to all the themes of the season.  Matteo is surrounded by people through the whole thing, and on the surface and from the outside it probably looks like he’s slotted in and having a great time - he talks, he dances, he appears to be having a good time and his social media is curated to make it appear that way too.  But it’s clear since we’re in his PoV that he’s actually isolated and on the outskirts of what’s going on.  That’s done both in the music and sound (the way he fades in on the discordant, out of place note will always always get me as well as the way that the chatter and ‘reality’ of the party only comes into focus when Sara makes him kiss her) and in the conversations that are held.  The way the boys really do just focus on sex sets us up for Matteo’s explosion later where he accuses them of only talking about sex - which is sadly fairly true in these earlier episodes.  And Matteo tries to join in but all he manage is ‘that looks exhausting’ and ‘you bet’ when asked about him and Sara.  The fact that his contribution is about how exhausting sex (and by extension relationships) must be is really telling of his mind set.  Everything is too exhausting for him and he’s not ready to put in much effort at all.  The isolation goes deep with this boy and it’s all already so well shown in this first clip.  I like that we got hints of that through Mia’s season as well (and the seeds were planted in Hanna’s - what with his tagging along to the cabin and his stuff with his family etc etc), and so while this is a much more closed off and sad Matteo than we’ve seen before it’s not come out of the blue.  The fact that he’s still curating his social media to look like he’s happy and connected also reminds us that what we saw before isn’t necessarily what the truth was.
Clip two: I like how Matteo, unlike Isak, is clearly already very well aware of his feelings and his attraction to boys.  His pining over Jonas is both obvious and very sad.  He’s well aware that he can’t let anyone know, and the reminder with the number on Jonas’s arm is gut wrenching for him and for us to watch.  And then scattered through the whole episode is a lot of reminders that Jonas is a ‘player’ now - it’s shown by Jonas himself, by the boys teasing him, by Hanna’s sad little ‘I’m happy for him’ message etc etc.  And all of it serves to remind Matteo that he can never have what he’s wanted for so long.  So it’s no wonder that he removes himself from the situation to go get rolls or whatever it was that he bought.  The ‘I’m waiting for you’ banter would absolutely be the last straw.  Jonas can joke that he wants a guy, but Matteo knows that he’s not going to ever be able to have it be true for real.  As an aside, I can see why a lot of people thought Jonas might be GerEven at the time because a) Matteo’s thing has always been a lot more obvious and b) Jonas seems much more open and willing to consider the ideas.
Clip three: Well, I don’t have a lot to say about this one.  Except that !!!!! this first ‘meeting’ with David is so good and so well done and it works to rock both of them out of their little ruts and makes them both ‘wake up’ in a way.  It’s nothing, just a chance meeting in a hallway, two boys passing then looking back at each other.  But we can see just how much that one glance affected Matteo as he walks off and while we don’t see it in David as yet, he also makes reference to how knocked off course he felt when he met Matteo.  I have always liked that they’re in the same year and so on a real equal footing from the start and this is all part of that.  This moment affects both of them equally, knocking them out of their complacency, and it’s such a perfectly framed and filmed and edited moment.
Clip four: One thing I hadn’t noticed til this time around is that the girl who ends up sitting next to Jonas was at the back of the classroom, already sitting at a desk, earlier.  She obviously saw her moment and scrambled to take it - the second Matteo was out of his seat, she was in it.  Perhaps news of Jonas’s new ‘player’ status is getting out and she wants some of that action.  I really like that Matteo and Amira already clearly have a much more friendly history than Isak and Sana.  They’re both forced to work together by circumstances and a teacher, but here there’s already more of a history.  Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but Sana came to Isak but here Matteo goes to Amira.  That’s because of course Matteo more obviously stashed the weed on Amira and so he immediately knows who has it and where he has to go to get it back.  But it again makes him more proactive than Isak was at this early stage.  Amira is rightfully pissed at him - Sana was defending a friend from Isak’s shitty behaviour, Amira was herself affected and so she is much more firmly involved and has more reason to be cold.  Which works because in general Amira is softer and less aggressive and cold than Sana is so it fits for her to be directly angry for herself.
Clip five: ugh, so uncomfortable!!!  Sara is trying really hard to actually communicate with Matteo, and kudos to her for actually using her words, but it’s so painfully obvious how awkward and artificial this conversation is.  It’s not really a surprise that she doesn’t feel like this is totally settled as yet and asks Leonie to keep it to herself.  On the one hand, he agreed that they’re together (after making her make the decision) but on the other hand, he broke away from kissing etc so they could watch something together.  His words may be saying what Sara wants to hear, but his body language etc is saying something entirely different.  She deserves a whole lot better than Matteo and the way he’s using her, but I guess this is how it can be - he’s cute, he’s not totally rejecting her and so she lets herself believe.  
Clip six: well, again.  This clip does such a good job of properly introducing David with several hints to what’s going on with him but no actual answers.  It’s another example of two people talking at cross purposes, but where Sara lets it drop and the conversation dies out once she hears what she wants to hear, here David picks it up again once Matteo backs off.  Again, they are a good pair - equally invested and equally willing to set and respect boundaries and try to make connections in a safe way.  Imagine how this must look to David - this boy who did shake his world up a bit in their one small moment together (as another aside - ugh the wait between that first sight and this one is so long in real time!!!), is intriguing and interesting and asks him to go smoke with him.  Which is all very cool and David wants these connections and to make friends and this boy clearly appealed to him in some way at that first meeting.  But also, this boy is asking all kinds of invasive question which threaten the things David is trying to keep private, for example the pressing of ‘you’re new’ and how ‘weird’ it is to change schools at this point.  It’s no wonder David goes cold and distant and does his best to stay aloof.  But then of course Matteo respects that boundary and pulls back and so then David is able to make connections in a safer way, talking of things that matter to him but which aren’t quite so confronting for a first chat.  Detroit, running away etc and Matteo shows that he gets it and understands those impulses.  And so by the end they’ve fairly quickly established a connection and a rapport and so Sara’s intrusion is unwelcome to both of them.  Given that David literally runs away when she appears, I wonder how much he knows of her from their shared class.  She certainly doesn’t seem to know much except that he’s the guy Leonie likes.  Speaking of which, Matteo’s ‘I think that’s someone else’ is so bizarre in this situation.  He’s talking to a ‘new’ kid at school and Sara made it clear that Leonie likes the new kid, so he shouldn’t be surprised.  But it’s obvious he already wants David for his own and acknowledging that Leonie may also like him is too much, I guess.  After Jonas and his string of people hanging off him, I doubt Matteo wants to be caught up in something similar with David.  We’ve already seen how painful a crush on an uninterested guy is for Matteo and how much of himself he has to hide away - no wonder he wants David to be ‘someone else’ and actually be someone he can think about in that way after they started to make a connection.
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sukiglycerin · 3 years
the scrapbook documenting denki kaminari and his experiences with love, subtlety, and volumes of manga || denki kaminari.
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* pairing: denki kaminari x oblivious!reader (gender neutral!)
* genre: fluff, normal conflict(??) but not much, uni!au, friends to lovers, mutual pining, idiots to lovers
* words: 4.5k
* warnings: brief scenario of intoxication, mentions of maidgirls (one of them has a gun because mey-rin from kuroshitsuji), reader has past bad experiences with relationships, bakusquad is supportive af, reader is oblivious (duh), i love sero, side kiribaku
* original request: Can you do a fluff Denki crushing on the reader but the reader is really oblivious to him just badly flirting and bakusquad gets annoyed and helps them get together 😳
* a/n: this turned out much longer than expected, but i’m satisfied with the turn-out! i call this a “scrapbook” because it’s like a collection of short moments. i’m experimenting with this writing style, so i hope you enjoy it! i started writing reader by basing them off of this one pretty girl i know (and very much like), but then reader started morphing into me projecting myself and oh boy. yeah. fun fact: i actually own the kuroshitsuji manga volume with the maidgirl on the cover (volume 22).
“please don’t like me,” is the first thing you say to denki kaminari. you don’t know who he is, though, when you say these words. all you know is that he’s presumably a college student like you and that he’s quite extroverted. behind him stand three of his friends giggling to themselves. it’s apparent they’re playing a practical joke. 
the first thing the blond boy said to you was, “hey, you’re cute, i like you.” that was thirty seconds ago, after you’d put your manga down when you noticed his friends pushing him towards you.
he cracks a grin upon your response. “alright.” he puts his hands up in mock surrender. “the point still stands - you’re cute.” his eyes fall to the manga you set down. “hey- is that detective conan?”
it’s an old, worn copy of detective conan’s first volume.
“oh, yeah,” you reply.
“can i see it?” he asks. you nod.
he picks up the book, surprisingly gentle with its fading corners and creased spine. 
"i used to read the series all the time," he says quietly, reliving a memory in his eyes. "i always tried to solve the crime before conan." 
you're not sure what to answer, but he introduces himself before you can.
"i'm kaminari, by the way." he slips a piece of paper in your manga, setting the book down on your table. "text me."
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“please don’t fall in love with me,” is the first thing you whisper to denki kaminari, hushed under the sheets in mina’s room. you're surprised he can hear you over the quiet murmurings of a ghibli movie playing on the tv; you're surprised he's awake.
“okay,” and it’s the first promise he’s ever broken, voice all low and hoarse from the after-effects of prolonged silence. 
(maybe he should've feigned sleep, he later thinks, as his heart stupidly falls and crashes clumsily into love. maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all.)
he turns onto his back, staring at the ceiling. it's dotted with glow-in-the-dark stars mina and sero had impulsively hung up one friday evening instead of studying. there's a couple moons, too, which bakugou had frowned upon, stating, "where are we, jupiter? there's only one moon orbiting earth." kirishima laughed. 
from the sound of shuffling sheets and a quick glance next to him, denki can tell you're now laying on your back, too. he almost makes a comment about you copying him. he stares at the faux stars overhead, not tired enough to close his eyes and allow sleep it's victory for the night. there's not much to do while awake at the moment other than strain his ear to decipher to the tv's audio. his throat feels dry, but he's not motivated enough to sit up to grab a water bottle. anyway, he supposes you and he are staring at the same sky, in a cheesy way. he remembers reading something like that in a book.
he kills the time and his aching mind by finding stupid constellations in the stick-on stars. there's a slightly distorted dipper of some sort, and a heart. there's a lot of squares. there's a shape he passes off as orion, but he knows anyone a tad more into astronomy than him would gasp at the abstract shape and completely dismiss its resemblance to orion. 
eventually, your breathing slows to a rhythmic pace beside him. the logical part of his mind tells him to sleep now that you, too, are sleeping. he doesn't know why he waited for you to be asleep first. one pentagon constellation later, kaminari allows sleep's gaze to wash over and envelope him. the ghibli movie is still playing.
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it seems that his friends have beat him, somehow, to the conclusion that denki kaminari has a bit of a crush on you. it's childish, really. he shouldn't like you, recalling your first words to him. they struck you apart from other people he'd met. back then, though, he never seriously thought about you like that. sure, you were conventionally attractive (enough for him to approach you to give you his number), but it was all in good fun. that's what you were, too, for the longest time: good fun and a friend.
until one day, glances lingered for too long while you weren't looking. one day, kaminari's jokes became more and more aimed for you, to hear your laughter in his ears. one day, kaminari realizes he has your usual coffee and bubble tea order memorized, when he can barely remember his own.
he pretends all of it is completely normal, but mina assures him differently. as does bakugou, which is strange, because he's usually not wrapped up in other people's affairs (when voicing this to the blond, he responded, "it's hard not to notice because you're too damn obvious"). it's kind of hard to ignore when bakugou calls it obvious (he's literally had kirishima pining over him since day one with no notice).
kaminari really does try to ignore the bubbling feeling rising at the bottom of his heart. he really does, but you keep on shaking and shaking his poor heart until it's all fizzy like a bottle of soda. he's weak, okay? one day, he’ll explode.
his friends are all urging him to confess to you already, but he cannot work up the nerve to do so. instead, kaminari drops you obvious hints that he likes you. he doesn't know whether you're completely oblivious to them or if you're deliberately ignoring them.
he's been so painfully obvious, he swears.
he's practically able to write a list of hints he's dropped. he's fairly confident he could publish it as an advice book with the title "how to tell your crush you like them without saying 'i like you.'" by this point, he's the king of obvious subtlety. 
the list would go something like this, in no particular order:
pick-up lines
"did it hurt, when you fell-" you were silent, "-from the vending machine? because you're a snack." 
silence. absolute radio silence. he was extremely tempted to run away from the sheer awkwardness between the two of you. as he turned to leave and freak out in private, he heard you mumble a belated "thanks," which made everything worth it.
he still left to freak out, though (and plan his next pick-up line to tell you).
manga references
"hey, y/n," kaminari had said one day, after a particular burst of confidence. you hadn't looked up from your book.
"if i were shinichi from detective conan, you'd be ran," he'd said, referencing the main love interests from the manga. "or maybe vice versa. you are the smart one in this relationship..."
you didn't bat an eye. "they never get together, though? shinichi and ran."
"they- they don't?!" he'd sputtered indignantly. he definitely needed to read up his detective conan lore. "but they both like each other?"
"true," you'd replied in typical you fashion, neither letting on whether you did like him or not. well, hey, kaminari had thought. you didn't deny it. progress.
hand size comparison (which was, in reality, just an excuse to kind of hold your hand)
kaminari had smoothly been planning this for weeks (which, according to sero, was a little sad). he'd bring up the topic of hands one day in your daily conversations, then nonchalantly slip a "oh, y/n, let's do a hand size comparison!" he high-fived himself mentally upon the formulation of this genius plan - you'd definitely fall for him (or at least, realize his feelings for you - this state of teetering between do they like me or do they not like me frustrated him for months on end). the perfect opportunity presented itself one day as the two of you lounged in mina’s room (which, at this point, had become you and your friends’ hangout spot) studying. 
“wow, you type fast,” kaminari remarked as he pretended to innocently look up from the “work” (changing his laptop wallpaper for the tenth time that day) he was doing. you were focused on your work, sitting on mina’s bed with your laptop propped up by a pillow on your lap. you’d barely registered his words, judging by the way your eyebrows scrunched and how you looked up at him after a slow beat. 
“oh, uh, thanks,” you replied. “i’m just copying some text down. i don’t usually type this fas…” you trailed off, eyes widening as you watched kaminari scooching next to you on the bed. he put his hand next to yours, whose fingers still ghosted the keys of your keyboard.
“look,” he said softly, bringing your hands up to eye level. “hand size comparison.” it was breathed out belatedly, but your crystalline eyes didn’t leave his. he started to curve his fingers in between yours, holding your hand so tenderly. he really, really didn’t want to let go. “we fit.” it was a whisper he wasn’t sure you could hear - did he want you to hear it? “like… a puzzle,” he added awkwardly.
you nodded, dazed, slowly bending your fingers over his. he rocked your clasped hands side to side, a fond feeling creeping through his limbs. it was warm and tingly - and maybe it was contagious. could you feel it too, buzzing past his fingertips to you?
precisely three minutes passed before kaminari’s arm started to ache. he didn’t catch your disappointed expression when he let go of your hand, but he did catch the smile that emerged when he held your hand as the sides of your fingers nudged the bed. you didn’t get much work done after that, sitting in silence with him. 
brushing your hand in a popcorn bucket
movie nights on fridays were commonplace at mina’s. the plan, this time, was created by kirishima, who said that it was manly with just the right amount of romantic. kaminari hoped so. the movie settled on was some romance flick, as decided by mina, kirishima, and sero’s pleading with a very begrudging bakugou.
he can’t remember much of the movie. what he can remember, however, is the very close presence of you next to him as the two of you shared a popcorn bucket (courtesy of sero’s very romantic ideas). your hands brushed a (purposeful, on kaminari’s end) dozen times throughout the film. the last couple were accidents. on the first time, though, kaminari watched with satisfaction from his peripheral view as you looked from him to the popcorn that obscured the place where your hands made contact. he was very satisfied by the time the movie ended. 
truth or drink (which just ended up with you and he both getting very, very drunk)
you didn’t particularly enjoy the taste of sake, but that night was an exception. according to your drunken explanation, you had a very rough day. your exam, first and foremost, did not go particularly well (“who cares about freud!?” you blurted. “i dooooon’t!”). kaminari didn’t have the heart to ask who this freud was. then, one of your close friends confessed to you (which almost made kaminari’s heart stop, when you first recounted it to him), and you had to turn them down. you adamantly refused any sort of relationship, you told kaminari. (“nuh uh,” you shook your head. “they’re not good.”) it was surprising to him that you opened up that night. your first couple drinks left you quieter than usual - which was scary, because kaminari was practically having a conversation with himself then. a couple more drinks loosened your tongue, though. 
“there’s someone i like.” you jabbed a finger at him. “but i’m not supposed to saaaay… and it’s scaaary,” you slurred.
“ohh?” kaminari asked, more focused on the burn in the back of his throat. “whooo is it?”
you looked at your arm outstretched to him, and the pieces fell into place slower than they should’ve. he first looked around, just in case he was covering the person you were really pointing to (of course, you and him were the only ones there).
“this guy?" he asked, flabbergasted and pointing to himself. "him?!"
you nodded solemnly. "but i don't like dating," you said stubbornly. "love is dead!" you announced, flopping on the carpet. 
kaminari watched the heaving of your breaths as you lay on the ground, and strained his ears to hear your soft, soberish murmuring.
"i really like you, denki kaminari."
a dopish grin formed itself on his face. "i really like you too, y/n." 
kaminari then promptly blacked out, but not before hearing you running to the bathroom to throw up.
as of now, he can’t recall anything he or you said that night. on the contrary, he can vividly remember the ringing in his head and the sickly feeling that overtook him the next morning.
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"you two are so frustrating!" mina declares over her sweetened iced tea. she points at kaminari, then to you standing with sero in the distance. you’re animatedly talking about some painting (“it’s renoir!” you mooned when you first saw it) while he and the rest of the group sit on a nearby bench. 
kaminari puts his hands up. “don’t look at me - i tried my best!”
“yeah, sure,” mina dismisses. “and i’m the queen of england.”
“i mean, they already told me not to like them!” kaminari counters. “what am i supposed to do about that?”
“shoot your shot!” mina urges. “c’mon, what’s the worst that could happen? …wait, don’t answer that.”
“yeah, kaminari, bro,” kirishima puts his elbow on kaminari’s shoulder. “flirt a little bit more.”
“that’s all you two seem to do,” bakugou grumbles from the other side of kirishima.
“you just need a little push,” mina says. kaminari isn’t sure he likes mina’s definition of push.
“i think i’m g-”
“hey, sero, come here!” mina calls to sero in the distance, earning her a couple dirty glances from others in the gallery. “kaminari wants to look at the painting with y/n.”
oh, god, kaminari groans internally. sero, already walking toward the bench, flashes a knowing grin toward him. 
“go get ‘em, champ.” sero pats kaminari on the back as the blond stands up, emitting a low, audible groan. 
the four on the bench watch as your eyes light up at the approaching kaminari, who’s sheepishly scratching his neck. he says something - then you start again, rambling something about “impressionism” then “salon.” mina watches with clasped, anticipating hands; kirishima’s hand accidentally brushes bakugou’s, who’s holding a juice box and watching the two of you; sero simply smiles with knowledge that the others are unaware of.
“well, what do you think?” you finally ask kaminari, gesturing to the painting. 
“uhh,” kaminari says. he was too busy staring at your face - the twinkle in your eyes, the curve of your lips - to pay attention to any of what you’d said. something about impressing and fleeting moments. he looks at the person depicted in the composition, then back to you. he remembers kirishima’s words - flirt a little bit more. it couldn’t hurt, could it?
“i think it’s pretty,” he leans into you, murmuring so he can be sure no one but you and he hears his words, “but it’s definitely not as pretty as you.”
you look down at yourself; then, for whatever reason, to sero. kaminari looks at sero, too, who’s wearing this stupid smile that sets unease in kaminari’s chest. he gives you two big thumbs-up. he’s so confused by sero’s behavior that he barely registers the light sensation of something on his cheek - a kiss. he looks at you, who’s looking away, then to the bench, where his friends are cheering despite the disapproving looks from those around them. he touches his cheek out of disbelief. light swells in his chest - it’s warm, so warm - but your aloof voice brings him back to reality (which really, isn’t much different from a dream).
“kaminari, you’re very red right now.”
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“the two of you,” mina exclaims with the two of her hands clasped together in excitement over skype, “should go to a manga cafe!”
kaminari blinks. “as a date?”
“i wasn’t thinking about it like that.” mina nudges him, a sly smile creeping across her lips. “but hey, that works too. i mean, they did kiss y-”
kaminari cuts the pink-haired girl off before she can finish. “is that something… they’d want to do?”
“mmm…. probably,” mina says. “they were reading manga when you first met them right?”
he can vividly remember the somewhat tattered volume of conan, the detective turned little boy who must solve crime while hiding his own identity. really, the wear was only on the soft cover, nudged and peeling on the corners with faded text splayed on the spine. the pages were in crisp condition, he’d noted one day as he (totally, completely discreetly) watched you read the copy again. the bookshelf in your dorm and the stack of books on your desk is littered with different mangas, ranging from the old classics (astroboy) to some newer works (your lie in april). he only remembers this fact because he really, really wants to borrow a copy of black butler (yes, it’s the one with the maid on it. she looks really hot with a gun, okay?). all your manga are well-taken care of, cared for diligently as if each book has a piece of your heart in it. besides, you rarely lend out any (sero once asked to borrow jujutsu kaisen and you very, very reluctantly handed it to him), so he doubts you’d trust him with it.
“hang on, lemme ask sero if they’d be interested in a manga cafe,” mina says, pulling out her phone. “they’ve been close lately,” she mumbles as she types out a quick text to him, a quiet ping letting kaminari know that she’s sent it.
after a pause, mina excitedly reads sero’s reply: “yeah, probably.”
well, that was a definitive answer. 
“there’s one nearby here,” mina offers. “hagakure told me good things about it, and she has a knack for finding the best spots in town. i’ll send you the address.”
“you think they’d like it?” kaminari says in an atypical bout of self-consciousness.
“of course,” mina replies instantly. “don’t you see how they look at you?”
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usagi manga kissa makes kaminari cringe. it’s not the bunny-themed logo on the top of the building, nor is it the wide assortment of manga lining the walls, nor is it the cozy, soft seats nuzzled in the nooks and crannies of the café. it’s not even the life-sized cardboard cut-outs of various anime maid girls (he actually particularly really likes that detail). it’s the name itself. usagi is fine - kaminari likes bunnies as much as the next guy. manga is fine, too - he wouldn’t be here if not for the manga. the kissa makes him cringe for the most immature of reasons, like a five year old just learning basic english vocabulary. kissa innocently shortens the word kissaten, for cafeteria, but suspiciously sounds like the english word kiss. he does not want to think about kissing as he walks into the café with you, and especially not when the lady at the counter asks if you want a couples’ discount (you say yes, solely because it’s cheaper). 
he does not want to think about kissing as he walks next to you, browsing the manga selection and passing the shoujo section that boasts illustrations of happy couples and romantic imagery. he doesn’t want to think about kissing as the two of you walk to a “couple’s” room, you rambling about the plot of the manga you chose and him with some shounen volleyball manga in his hand. kissing is the worst thing to think about as your knee touches his in the cramped apparent two-person room. he is not thinking about kissing at all when you offer him your water bottle, half full, and he’s definitely not thinking about indirect kissing or anything when he takes a sip. that would be crazy. 
fortunate for him, his manga is full of not-kissing, so he’s able to somewhat enjoy it without his mind bombarding him with the fact that your face is less than a metre away. as he finishes up the volume, he realizes how much of a middle school student he feels like. 
“y/n,” he looks up to you and says. you’re watching an old episode of neon genesis evangelion on the computer provided in the room, the manga you were reading sitting on the table beside the keyboard. 
“yeah?” you respond and pause the anime. out of his peripherals, he can see you turn to look at him. he stares at the wall ahead of him, lacking the confidence to face you head-on. 
“remember when we first met?” he reminisces. 
“the cafe?” you say. “yeah.”
“if… i can ask,” he musters, “why did you say what you did then?”
you pause, taken aback. “i… i don’t know.”
“because,” kaminari starts, and you flinch, “i like you. a-and i know you said not to-”
a ghost has crossed your face. your mouth is agape, as if you suspected his feelings but never thought he’d verbalize them. he wonders what the kiss was about. 
“i’m,” you gulp, breath stuttering, “i’m sorry.”
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kaminari lied. five days later of zero contact with you, he realizes he’s in deep. he doesn’t like you - he’s in love with you. they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and here he is, sifting through memories he had with you like they’re books. he should probably be studying instead of lying spread eagle on his bed, thinking of you. he can recall a promise made one night and the moment it was broken; he can remember the plastic stars he studied that night, falsely shining and lighting hope within him. he can remember dozens of constellations, half of which were geometric shapes, that he fell asleep to with you at his side. his heart aches, alighting a dull burn within him like a protostar barely able to burn hydrogen. 
there’s a polite knock at his door, so he assumes it to be either kirishima or sero. mina always enters unannounced and bakugou is far too brash to knock softly. slowly - almost reluctantly - he sits up in bed, standing up and making his way to the door. he catches a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, telling him that his hair is an absolute mess and in no way presentable. he figures that either kirishima or sero will comment about it, but he never needed to impress them in the first place. turning the knob and opening the door, he’s expecting either of his friends, maybe here to nag him or ask him to come and study or say “hey, why haven’t you spammed the group chat with memes in a while? i missed them.”
he definitely isn’t expecting you, face pulled into a worried expression and lips held in a thin, anticipating line before you meet his eyes. you’re pouring out a waterfall of apologies at a thousand words per second as soon as he opens the door, letting yourself in and hardly taking notice of his bird’s nest hair. he guides you to the couch, attempting to interject and ask you to slow down, but he finds that it sounds rude at any given moment. you’re sitting on the couch, lamentations and explanations spilling from your lips as you grip the plush material of the cushion you sit on, when you finally pause to take a breath. kaminari uses this opportunity to interrupt you.
“woah, woah, woah.” he hesitantly puts a hand on your shoulder. “can you back up?”
“oh, yeah,” you start to move back in your seat and kaminari stifles a laugh.
“no, can you start your story from the beginning?” he asks. “take your time, i’m not going anywhere.”
“i’m really, really sorry about what happened the other day,” you apologize, then look at him finally and ogle his hair. “i got… scared,” you admit earnestly. before he can make any question of it, you continue, “i like you too, see. and i never really, seriously acted on it - i didn’t want to. so when you did the inevitable and confessed… it scared me. the truth is… i’m not the best at romance or relationships. i don’t want to put anyone through that, again.” your voice wavers but finishes strong as you look kaminari in the eyes.
“that?” he asks. he’s afraid he’s crossed a line, but you reply all the same.
“i was in a relationship, once. i wasn’t… i wasn’t good enough. i didn’t do the things that people in a relationship are supposed to do, i guess.” you fiddle with the fabric of the couch, looking down at your fingers. your voice gives away the vulnerability of the topic, wrapped in a stiff disconnection; you’ve distanced yourself from it, probably once too familiar with the feelings you speak of.
“it’s okay,” kaminari says, almost too quickly. he slows himself down. “that’s… completely fine,” he admits truthfully. “we can go slow. i… i can wait.”
“can you?” you look up at him, hope shining your eyes. it dims quickly before you say, “you don’t have to. i don’t want to limit you…”
“the only person i want is you,” he reassures you, hesitantly taking your hand in his. “you’re not…” he struggles for words, “...limiting me if i don’t have eyes for anyone else.”
“are you sure?” it’s an almost inaudible whisper, clutching your hopes in three words that are held together by thin threads. 
“i’ve never been more sure,” kaminari replies confidently, giving your hand an encouraging squeeze.
“okay,” you breathe out, relief tingeing your speech. “i… want to be with you.”
it takes everything in kaminari not to kiss you right there. 
“oh, by the way-” you say, standing up from the couch and leaving kaminari to sit alone, “did you still want to borrow that copy of black butler?”
“the one with the maid who has a gun?” kaminari asks, eyes wide. how did you know about that?
“yeah. you kept staring at it before, so i assumed…”
“yeah. yeah, no, yeah, that’d be really great. amazing, actually. wonderful. stupendous-” kaminari shuts himself up before he can ramble on longer. 
“okay, give me a second,” you respond, smiling, and exit to the hallway to retrieve the manga. 
you return with the volume in hand, placing it in kaminari’s hands. 
“thanks,” he says as he glides his thumb over the glossy cover and mint condition. it’s heavier than kaminari thought, and it feels like the weight of a heart. he’ll be sure to take extra care of it, holding it with ginger fingers and a sweet, sweet feeling in his chest.
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107 notes · View notes
hyeonbun · 3 years
↠ prompt; you listen to her song after the breakup 
↠ group; blackpink
↠ pairings; rosé x female reader (main), jennie x female reader
↠ genre; angst
↠ content; a breakup with no happy ending
↠ word count; 3.2k
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“Hey baby.” Chaeyoung greets you by putting her arms around your waist and giving you a back hug. “Whatcha doing?” She says in a sing-song voice while resting her head on your shoulder. You couldn’t help but smile at how cute she is.
“Just getting a few textbooks out of my locker.” You answer while pulling out two books that were buried in the back of your locker. Once you were done getting the stuff you needed for your homework out of your locker, you close it shut and put your bookbag back on your shoulders. It was the end of the school day and you couldn’t wait to leave this depressing place.
“Yay! Let’s go!” Chaeyoung claps excitedly and grabs your hand so that you could hold hands while walking down the halls. As you are walking you notice your best friend Jennie, who appears to be upset. She accidentally makes eye contact with you and then quickly looks away. Although you were confused, you decided to just brush it off anyways because she was probably just having a bad day.
“So what are we going to do for this project?” You ask Chaeyoung, followed by a long sigh. Neither of you were looking forward to this project considering it is worth half of your final grade.
“I’m already stressed out. How about we take a little break first?” Chaeyoung suggests and you notice the mischievous smile on her face.
“But we haven’t even started yet.” You interject, already anticipating her next move.
“I know. We can worry about it later.” She assures you, causing you to nod in response. She grabs you by the hand with a smirk on her face and leads you over to her bed.
Chaeyoung motions you to lay down, and you follow her command. Your face starts to heat up as she straddles you and she notices how flustered you are. The look in her eyes tells you everything that’s going on in her mind. Next thing you know, her face gets closer to yours and she’s pressing her lips against your lips. You feel her smile into the kiss which subconsciously causes you to do the same.
The kiss deepens as she slips her tongue past your lips. Your hands end up tangled in her hair while one of her hands slides up the bottom of your shirt. Your tongues battle for dominance and you can feel yourself melting at her touch. In this moment, all you wanted was her. 
“Hey bestie!” Lisa enthusiastically says while barging into the room. She stops in her tracks after seeing the both of you. You and Chaeyoung look at her like a deer caught in headlights. “Oh… I think I interrupted something… I’ll leave you guys to it then.” Lisa continues as she awkwardly starts backing out of the room and closes the door behind her. 
“I forgot that she has a key to my house.” Chaeyoung mentions with a horrified look on her face. “I also probably should have told her that we were working on a project today.” You simply nod in response, still embarrassed by the whole situation.
“Maybe we should get back to working on the project now.” You comment and she nods in agreement.
After returning home later that night, you check your phone to see a few missed texts from Jennie.
J: We need to talk
J: Please facetime me when you get the chance
You read the texts over again and ponder the situation. You had no idea what these messages could be about. Jennie has never randomly sent you texts with a serious tone like this before. You tap on her contact and hesitate for a few seconds but ultimately decide to press the facetime button.
Jennie picks up almost immediately, looking extremely distraught. You notice she has bags under her eyes and her mascara is all smudged. She hurriedly wipes away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. You give her a sympathetic look and she takes a deep breath before speaking.
“I really don’t know how to say this.” She admits and begins fidgeting with her hands.
“I promise you can tell me anything, it’s okay.” You try to comfort her, earning a sniffle in response. You watch her attentively as she looks down at her lap before deciding to speak again.
“Well… I-I’m in love with you. I feel really guilty for doing this right now because you are in a relationship with Chaeyoung but I just couldn’t take it anymore. I had to let it out. I’m sorry.” She confesses and instantly ends the call, leaving you to stare at her contact in total shock. 
After all this time, you couldn’t believe that the person you’ve had a crush on for the past four years just confessed to you. It came out of nowhere. At this moment, you didn’t know how to feel. You felt everything and nothing simultaneously. Deep down, you had feelings for Jennie this whole entire time. None of this was making sense because you were almost 100% positive that she didn’t like you back. As much as you love Chaeyoung, you knew you couldn’t deny the way Jennie has made you feel all of these years. 
The more and more you thought about this situation the more it hit you. You felt sick to your stomach with anxiety. Jennie liked you all along. After all, she was always there to help you and look out for you when you needed it the most. 
Memories start resurfacing and you start feeling even more overwhelmed. There was that one time where you decided to go to a party and got blackout drunk and she made sure you were safe the entire time and even took you home. You also remember that time you had a midterm exam where you knew none of the content and she went out of her way to help you study so you would pass. A year ago when you got your heart absolutely broken by one of your exes, she consoled you and was a shoulder to cry on.
As you look back on all of your memories with Jennie, it felt like you fell in love with her all over again. After burying your feelings for her for so long, they only came back stronger. You can’t help but to feel guilty now that you know she likes you back. Your phone vibrates in your hand and you brace yourself before looking at it.
C: goodnight baby i love you sososo much ❤
Your heart drops as you read the text from your girlfriend. Why did this situation have to be so complicated? You wonder why Jennie couldn’t just confess before when you were actually single. Now you just feel extremely guilty for thinking about being with Jennie.
You: goodnight i love you too 😊
You set your phone down on the table next to your bed and let out a deep sigh. Maybe you should just go to sleep. You hope that this is some kind of messed up dream and that when you wake up none of it will have happened and you’ll feel normal again. You get ready for bed and lay down. Your anxiety keeps you up for a little bit longer than expected, but eventually you drift off into sleep. 
Your obnoxiously loud alarm wakes you up in the morning. As much as you want to hit snooze, you realize you have to pick Chaeyoung up and take her to school with you. Suddenly the memories of last night hit you out of nowhere. You remember what Jennie said and you just now realize that you didn’t even send her a message after. To be fair, you had no idea what to tell her. How would you tell her that you liked her back while being in a relationship with Chaeyoung? Reluctantly, you got ready for the day and grabbed your bookbag.
You: i’ll be there in 5
You watch as Chaeyoung walks out the door and happily skips towards your car. She gets in your car and cutely smiles at you. An intense feeling of guilt washes over you, but you force a smile back at her anyways. You spend most of the car ride thinking about the situation and you don’t even realize it until Chaeyoung speaks up. 
“What’s wrong?” Chaeyoung asks out of concern, noticing you’ve been silent the whole time. “It’s not like you to be this quiet.” She adds on, causing you to become increasingly nervous.
“I promise it’s nothing serious.” You lie with a hint of sadness laced in your voice.
“Are you sure?” She questions after hearing your tone. “You know you can always talk to me about anything.” She reassures you, yet it only makes you feel worse.
The truth is you are in love with Jennie and Chaeyoung has no idea. You didn’t have a plan for how you were going to resolve the situation. On one hand you’ll break Jennie’s heart, but on the other you’ll break Chaeyoung’s heart. You knew it had to be one or the other. There was no way you could talk to Chaeyoung about it because you know that will break her. 
“Yeah I’m sure.” You answer, and notice her slowly nodding in response. After what feels like forever, you both finally arrive at school. Chaeyoung holds your hand as the two of you walk through the doors and through the halls. 
While walking past, you glance over at Jennie’s locker and feel your stomach drop. You notice Jisoo hugging Jennie as she cries into the older girl’s shoulder. Jisoo was trying to console her. You know exactly why she is crying and you know that it’s all your fault. You should have sent her a message. 
“I can’t do this anymore.” You accidentally mutter out loud, causing Chaeyoung to quickly turn her head to look at you. 
“Can’t do what anymore?” She questions with furrowed eyebrows. You feel all the color drain from your face.
“This relationship. I’m sorry.” You burst out impulsively, completely shocked by your own words. You begin to panic so you immediately bolt to the nearest restroom.
Once inside, you let out a huge sigh and aggressively throw your bookbag on the floor out of anger. You couldn’t believe that you just did that, it completely slipped out of your mouth. You sit down on the bathroom floor and place your head in your hands. Your anxiety starts to take over once you realize that not only have you caused Jennie to cry so much but now you just broke Chaeyoung’s heart. Tears begin to fall from your eyes. 
The door suddenly bursts open, causing you to jump in your spot. Of course it was the last person you needed to see right now. 
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Jennie cries out in confusion and takes a seat next to you on the floor.
“I just broke up with Chaeyoung.” You completely break down while hiding your face in your arms. 
“Oh no… why did you do that?” Jennie asks followed by some sniffles. “You didn’t have to do that. I didn’t expect any of this to happen. I feel awful now.” She rambles while sobbing. 
Instinctively, you put your arm around her and pull her closer to you. She lays her head on your shoulder and your heart flutters despite all of the heavy guilt. The both of you stay just like that for a while, crying in silence. The bell for class rings but neither of you dare to move. 
“I’m sorry for not messaging you last night.” You speak up after minutes of silence. “I saw you crying in the hallway when I came in and it hit me.”
“Honestly, I was just an anxious mess. I was crying mainly because I regretted doing that. I also felt selfish because I knew you had a girlfriend but decided to confess to you anyways. It also struck me that you didn’t like me back.” She admits her feelings with a sigh.
“Who said I didn’t like you back?” You ask, causing her to go silent for a few moments.
“Do you like me back?” She questions and moves her head from your shoulder to look at you. 
“Yes. I’ve liked you this whole time, since the day we met.” You confess while looking in her eyes.
“Is that why you broke up with Chaeyoung?” She asks for confirmation and you nod your head in response. “So what now?” She wonders, causing you to shrug your shoulders.
You make eye contact with her and notice the way she is looking at you. There is nothing but love and admiration in her eyes. Both of you get lost in each other’s eyes and in the moment. One thing leads to another and she closes her eyes and starts leaning in, so you do the same and your lips connect.  
You felt so many overwhelmingly good feelings at once. Not only was your heart pounding out of your chest but there were also butterflies in your stomach. This was absolute bliss. She eventually pulls away and looks at you with that heartwarming smile. Her contagious smile causes you to smile too. 
A few hours pass and you dreadfully enter the class you share with Chaeyoung. You feel so guilty and you know that seeing each other’s face would cause so much pain for the both of you. Minutes pass and the bell rings, yet Chaeyoung has still not walked through the door. For the entire duration of the class, you anxiously watch the door but she never shows up. Extreme guilt hits you again as you realize she ditched class because that is something she has never done. 
Before you know it, the school day is finally over and you somehow made it through. You walk to your locker to grab a few things although you already planned on doing nothing school-related for the rest of the day.
“What happened with Chaeyoung?” Jisoo suddenly approaches you, searching for answers.
“I could ask the same thing. She never showed up to the class I have with her.” You nervously inform her, trying to avoid the actual question at all costs. Jennie didn’t mention anything that happened between the two of you to Jisoo which is odd.
“Well earlier this morning before class started she ran out the doors crying. Everyone watched her.” Jisoo tells you, making your anxiety act up.
You start to assume the worst of this situation. Right now she’s probably somewhere crying her heart out all because of your selfishness. Earlier when she ran out crying, you were busy kissing and talking to Jennie. This realization made you feel like an awful person. However,  you were filled with so many conflicting feelings that it felt like there was no right answer. You didn’t realize you were lost in your thoughts until you noticed Jisoo looking at you expectantly.
“Who drove her home?” You ask her hesitantly, not knowing whether she knew the answer.
“I assume Lisa did. Lisa didn’t show up to any of the classes we have together but I saw her earlier this morning.” Jisoo answers and you simply nod your head in response. 
When you got home later on, you debated whether or not you should talk to Chaeyoung. You knew that it would probably make things worse if you did. Not only were the emotions and tension high, but you also knew that you were the last person she’d want to talk to right now. After staring at her contact picture for a few minutes, you decide against it and set your phone down. You lay on your bed and instantly get reminded of yesterday and how happy the both of you were while making out. You had no idea how you’d ever feel better about this situation or how you would get over it.
A month has passed since your break up with Chaeyoung and things have changed drastically. You’re currently the happiest you’ve ever been with your girlfriend, Jennie. All of the guilty feelings and emotional wounds have since healed and disappeared. Nowadays, you have no idea how Chaeyoung feels because you haven’t talked to her since the day you broke up. You eventually realized that there was no time to dwell on the past so you stopped worrying about her. 
It was currently lunchtime and you sat down at your usual spot at the lunch table in the corner. Since you were early, you watched as everyone else poured into the cafeteria. You see Jisoo sprinting over to your table and you assume she’s just eager to eat her lunch, but she has no lunch with her. 
“You need to see this right now.” Jisoo declares out of breath while shoving her phone into your hand. 
You look at the screen and realize it’s a three minute video that includes Chaeyoung and her guitar. Hesitantly, you unpause the video and you were not prepared at all for what was about to come. 
I thought that you remember
but it seems that you forgot
It’s hard for me to blame you
when you were already lost oh yeah
Your heart sinks from hearing the pain in her voice as she sings.
I gave you all of me now you don’t
Want to be involved oh yeah yeah
I really gotta face it oh yeah yeah
It was only the beginning of the song but you didn’t know how much more you could handle.
I just wanna be the one
But to you we’re already done
Tell me why’d you have to hit and run me
Now I’m all alone crying ugly
You broke my heart just for fun
Took my love and just left me numb
All the painful feelings were starting to resurface. Finally hearing her side made you realize how much you hurt her. 
Another story that’s sad and true
I can feel the pain can you
You had to be the one to let me down
To color me blue
There was no denying that the song was definitely about you.
Hate to see you with someone new
I’ll put a curse on her and you
Ain’t no looking back
Now you’re dead and gone
My love is gone too
She knew that Jennie was the reason you broke up with her.
All my love is gone
All my love is gone
All my love is gone
All my love is gone
Now you’re dead and gone
You feel more and more anxious as the song goes on.
All my love is gone
And the hate has grown
Standing all alone and
I’m searching for something
But I can’t feel nothin’
I pack my bags and go
You broke her. You are the reason she feels this way. All because of your selfishness.
This don’t feel like home
Too much darkness for a rainbow
I feel so used
How am I supposed to live without you
I refuse yeah
Although you feel guilty, you can’t help but notice those last two lines especially. You begin to wonder if she still loves you deep down. As the last few verses were sung and the song ended, you didn’t even notice the tears falling down your cheeks until Jisoo points it out. All the progress you made was destroyed. 
You broke her heart and you were just going to have to live with that fact.
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kinsey3furry300 · 3 years
5 ships I hate, why I hate them, how to (kinda) fix them, the better ships you should be doing in that universe, and why you should ignore me and keep writing them if it makes you happy.
Note: this is done for amusement, please don’t be offended; I’m not attacking your ship, I’m just listing some ships I do not always care for, and how I think they could be improved, and maybe made brilliant, by clever writing.
In no particular order, and focusing on ships that often annoy me, with no attempt by me to say anything meaningful or popular about the current state of any particular fandom. I’m also a firm believer in the idea that there’s no such thing as a bad ship, only a badly executed ship, so my objections to these is less a dislike of shipping, or the paring, and more that they raise writing issues that I think are difficult to fix in a satisfying way. That’s why in a lot of the examples below I prefer AU ships to ones that try to messily work it into the cannon. Anyway, enjoy... I guess?
 Marco x / anyone (Animorphs)
Why I hate it: Animrophs is an intensely character-driven story, where the tension of each book comes from the conflicts, external and internal, that the five Animrophs (and Ax) face during a long, hard, traumatic war.  And while several of the character are paired off romantically, it’s always to emphasise character conflict over their different points of view. Jake and Cassie are a pair because Jake’s struggle with having to make hard, grey, morally ambiguous choices as leader is highlighted by Cassie’s burning need to make the right choice, the lesser evil, the choice that leaves some small shred of humanity and dignity and kindness left in this bleak world. Tobias and Rachel are a pair as their arcs deal with literal and figurative loss of humanity, as the slow accumulation of trauma over time turns these happy(ish), normal kids into psychologically ruined husks of their former selves and destroys them slowly, one fight at a time.
Marco’s arc, isn’t about either of these things: Marco’s arc, is about the bright, clear line between A and B, between problem and solution. Marco is a utilitarian, a pragmatist: his concern isn’t the burden of leadership, or the cost of the decision, but about how to put that all aside and make hard decisions that actually work regardless of cost. It’s not about what to do, the path is obvious: the bright, clear line of ruthless logic, but how to do it. His match, his counterpoint, the other character who’s all about the logic of taking awful decision in a way that actually works for the team, and his foil, his female counterpart in this, is not a romantic partner, but his mother: Visser one, making the exact same hard, difficulty ruthless decisions using logic and maths, but for the other side of this war. A romantic paring gets in the way of this arc because a partner doesn’t help him with that bright, clear line, and worse, any attempt to pair him of with either Rachel or Cassie breaks up not only a cannon paring, but their respective character arc.
How to (kinda) fix this: Marco’s arc is, at the end of the day, a trolly problem. So make sure whoever you ship him with is one of the people tied to the tracks. Introduce a character he crushes on, and then in the second act reveal that they are either a Controller, or in the family of a Controller or the proximity of the target of their next mission in a way that will make them collateral damage ,and let Marco struggle with what happens when that bright, clear logical line from A to B cuts through someone he actually loves; you know, like it did with his mother. See, even trying to fix this ship is weirdly Freudian.
The far better ship you should be doing: Ax x / EVERYONE. Ax in human form is described as a worryingly pretty, worryingly androgynous male of indeterminate race. He is a literally Bishonen alien hedonist with no familiarity with human senses, poor impulse control in human form, and no knowledge or understanding of human courtship rituals, and he can shape-shift, including into other members of the core team if needed to compel a mission, he calls Jake his prince,  and he is incredibly close to Tobias, the lonely outcast woobie that the LGBT fans adopted as their poster boy. Come on, the potential for shipping, both with wacky hijinks and sad, tragic star-crossed lovers’ trope is endless. Every line dedicated to Marco shipping is a line of text that could be dedicated to Ax trying to eat a Cinnabon erotically on his first date as a human and hulking out mid way because he forgot just how good they are. What could be better than him leaning into to erotically kiss a team-mate, and then fucking up due to his failure to understand human mouths, making weird mouth sounds, and then licking crumbs of the table in the middle of the mall, in front of the entire school, while his crush awkwardly tried to pretend this is normal? What’s wrong with you Marco-shipper people, do you hate fun?
 Riz/Tem (beastars) Why I hate this ship: Okay, just to quickly ask a question, to people who un-ironically like this as a serious ship and not a dark joke, just one little question: What’s wrong with you? I mean,are you okay? Keep taking the meds: the show is VERY clear on that point.
It’s like those people who say Joker X Harley Quinn is their ideal dark, edgy relationship: no it’s not, it’s abusive! Morticia x Gomez is dark and cool but CONSENTUAL and HEALTHY. This… this is a deeply imbalanced person murdering someone and telling themselves after that fact it was special and rare and magical. ITS HOMICIDE! And even if you write that out (and you shouldn’t, because that changes the character arc of every other major character) it’s still got more red flags that a soviet military parade. This is the botulinum of a toxic, one-sided teenage infatuation. Riz’s entire arc is about how he projects his thoughts and feelings about himself onto this idealised, made-up version of his and Tem’s relationship which, from Tem’s point of view, never existed. Riz never loved Tem: he loved the idea of Tem, the idea that someone would see the real him, see his inner pain and accept him anyway, but he never once told Tem this. He didn’t warn him “Hey, because of you I don’t feel I need my meds any more, do you mind if I try not taking them and we can meet and talk about this in a safe, well-lit pace?” He’s not honest with Tem, and on top of that It doesn’t make sense from the point of view of either of the characters for them to be actually, romantically in love (although  they were clearly close friends), because it undermines and cheepens Riz desire to just be seen and accepted for his real self, and the cannon Tem X Els ship. It also doesn’t make sense from a story point of view: Riz is a shadow archetype for Legosi. He’s what Legosi would have become if someone hadn’t interrupted his attack on Haru. That’s why Legosi needs to beat Riz with his own hands: because then he’s beating the darker version of himself he’s been carrying with him, and he can finally move on with Haru guilt-free. Having Riz and Tem’s relationship actually be what Riz imagined it to be undoes that. It undoes Riz’s interesting, dark inner struggle between truth and fantasy, it turns Tem’s tragic, unsolved murder that sets the entire story in motion into a just sort of weird Romeo-and Juliet suicide. It’s ruins the character arc not only for Riz, but for Legosi, and also, by extension, Louis and Haru, because Legosi’s internal angst over whether or not herbivores and carnivores can have a relationship as true friends needs this example of a tragic, flawed, toxic, failed friendship to bounce off of.
How it could (sort of) work: an AU where Riz’s attack on Tem is interrupted and Tem lives with a slight arm injury, and doesn’t tell anyone out of his complex feelings for Riz. Meanwhile, that bunny girl from the gardening club had been brutally devoured and Rz and/or Tem are so horrified with how close this was to their own near-miss, they start to investigate the murder, and in doing so get caught up in Louis’ inner struggle. Because that’s how the story needs to work, it’s about duality and struggle: and if Riz takes Legosi’s role, and by dating a herbivore he de facto takes the role, so Legosi must take Riz’s. This could be a great AU!
The better ship you should be doing: Pina/Riz (with a dash of Pina x Els), no, seriously, I’m not shitposting. You want to give Riz a redemption arc with a cute woolly boy? How about a story where Pina, out of a need for closure about at happened to him, starts to visit Riz in jail and they talk, mockingly at first, confrontational at first, but later Pina slowly becoming more fascinated in Riz and Tem’s life and asking Riz for more and more detail until they both bond over their shared traumatic experiences and their sense of loss for Tem’s senseless death, Tem’s unfished life casting a shadow over both off them. Eventually, the two of them find, from Legosi who still has the diary, that Tem had planned out an elaborate and beautiful first date with Els that he never got to take her on, and Riz, guilt ridden and sad than Tem never got this beautiful moment, decides to ask Pina take her on that date for Tem, with Riz coaching him by phone cyano-de-Bergerac style, Riz finally getting some closure that he helped one of Tem’s wishes come true and finally acknowledging to himself that Tem had a life and loves outside of him that were cut of short by his actions, and just crying over his lost friend, as Pina and Els slow-dance in Tem memory. Or if you just want to see Tem awkwardly date a carnivore boy from school, why not something less creepy and more wholesome and ship him with Jack? That would be cute AF, and more importantly, not romanticize brutal murder. Or an AU where everything is happy and nice, I’d argue at that it’s no longer Beastars at that point, but if it makes you happy, go for it. Let’s not shame anyone here.
 Snape X Lilly (Harry Potter)
Why I hate this ship: honestly, it’s not for the reason you think; I just like Snape too much as a tragic character, and making him in any way happy destroys his arc in my opinion.  The objection’s others have raised: that Snape acts in a worryingly possessive stalker-ish way towards Lilly, and that if Voldemort had gone for Nevil rather than Harry as a child Snape would have remained a loyal death eater, are true and I acknowledge them as having some validity, but that’s not why I can’t stand this ship. Snape is supposed to be a morally and emotionally complex, tragic figure. That “After all this time?” line was the best line in the Deathly Hallows.  Snape is supposed to show the equality destructive and redemptive power of  love. It’s sort of trinity: Lilly shows the pure power of true, unconditional love in her sacrifice to save Harry, Voldy shows what self-destruction and cruelty a life without understanding love leads to, and Snape sits somewhere in the middle: his one-sided  un-requited love being both the cause of his darkest, and his greatest actions. His curse, and his redemption, fall and rise. Making him happy messes that up.
How to (kinda) fix this ship: make them miserable. Make them fall for each-other only to be pulled apart by circumstance (you know, like they were in the darn original source material). You’re serious about making this a tragic, dark romance? Don’t ship them when they’re at school: Ship them during Voldemort’s rise to power, in the 80’s, after Lilly is married. Have the original Order of the Phoenix send her to meet with Snape and use their previous relation to try to milk some information out of him. Have her feel conflicted about it, have James furious about it, but have her do it anyway for the greater good. Have her meet up secretly with Snape who is angry and distrustful, knowing his must be a trap, and talk. Have the relationship slowly build over time against the backdrop of a cold-war spy thriller, as Lilly slowly realizes that she has some lingering feelings for Snape, but can’t reconcile them her loyalty to the order and her family. Make this a love story of conflicted feelings, divided loyalties, and spy-work against the background of drawing war-clouds. Have Snape offer to leave Voldemort, if she’ll leave the Order, and run away with him, but by that point she knows she’s pregnant and chooses to stay, out of loyalty even though she’s crushing on Snape. Have him show up at the rendezvous expecting for her to be there only for James to lead an Order Ambush, and a fight to ensure, on top of Tower Bridge in the howling wind and rain, Snape surviving but having his spirit crushed and fleeing before Lilly can tell him her true feelings. Make it big, and melodramatic, but above all, make it tragic.  Because that’s the only way Snape works as a character. Always.
The better ship you should be doing: Ginny X Nevil or Luna x Nevil: You want tragic lovers, at school, with divided loyalties, who never get together in the main cannon because a Potter ruins it and gets the girl? Ginny X Nevil. Write what was happening that final year Harry wasn’t at school when they took Dumbledore’s Army and make it work in earnest. Heck, you could even have Snape, as headmaster, hated by them but secretly trying to protect them as a secondary character to their secret, forbidden love. You don’t want to break up Harry X Ginny? Luna X Nevil is sweet and wholesome, but also tragic as they never get a chance, having their school life taken over by the horror of that final year and the need to fight for their very souls in a school run by Death Eaters and the trauma of the Battle of Hogwarts meaning that in order to put away the past and move on, they need to leave each other behind. Hell, do an AU where they canonically end up together, why not? They deserve happiness.
 Dean / Sam AKA Wincest (Supernatural)
Why I hate this ship: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. Several times.
How you could (sort of) fix this ship: You can’t: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. I guess a body-swap arc could fix this, as it’s less squicky if its just their bodies with someone else’s minds,  but seriously, the reasons why this shouldn’t exist are extensively covered in the show, and it was hilarious.  To be honest, I don’t hate this ship done as a joke, but I have seen some dark spots on the internet, and I can say with all honesty it’s not always treated as a joke. Some folks are really invested in this, and all I can ask is, is your home life okay?
Now, done as a joke, I’m 110% behind this. This is exactly the sort of insane wacky bullshit that makes for a good crack-fic. For example imagine that the supernatural threat of the week was book that made anything written in it come true, and the brothers are trying to find and destroy it, but they keep getting distracted by their burgeoning romantic feelings for each-other, and suddenly realise that the owner of the book is a fan on the in-universe novels, and writing slash-fic in the book. They need to find the writer before they make them do something they’ll both regret, but it’s just so distracting when Sam’s beautiful eyes are right there and- dammit, Sam, it’s happening again! Make Sam less concerned and even a little amused, with it, but make Dean hate what’s going on. Especially when the writer’s description suddenly makes Sam noticeably better hung that him. Make the villain turn out to be Becky from “Sympathy for the devil” and end with them trying to take the book away as she writes frantically to force them to do her bidding, and you’ve got yourself a good fic.
The better ship you should be doing: Cas/Sam or Cas/Dean or Cas/Sam AND Dean fic. Duh. Once again the show-runners beat the fans to the mark and pointed out that this is the best ship, and then they took it away just to fuck with us.
 Any Katniss ship that ignores her obsession with Emotional Security Logic. (The Hunger Games)
Why I hate these ships: Katniss is, briefly put, a mess before the books ever start, her father’s death and harsh upbringing have arguably given her PTSD before she ever volunteers for the reaping, and it doesn’t get better from there.  In psychology, Emotional Security Theory (EST) is a hypothesis that the heightened emotions surrounding repeated violent exposures leaves children vulnerable to dysregulated distress responses and eventual psychopathology, aka, why Kat be so messed up.  Her internal monologue makes the books completely clear that her choice in partners is not motivated by normal affections, but by deep, deep fear. A fear of loss, abandonment and death that leads her to make every decision about what minimises her, and her sister’s, exposure to potential physical and emotional harm. It’s frantic, fraught, cold survivalist thinking. And the other characters in the book notice and acknowledge it! “Which of us will she pick?” “She’ll pick whoever she can’t survive without.” Kat doesn’t like herself for it, but she does eventually admit to herself that she makes her decisions like this.
How do we fix this ship: Ship Kat with whoever you like, but give her a good reason to pick them: and in Kat’s mind “A good reason” is based on Emotional Security Logic, she needs to have a pressing reason why this ship makes her and her sister safer. Do that, and you’ve got yourself a good Katniss story. Don’t do that, and while you may or may not have a good story, the person staring in it isn’t Katniss Everdeen anymore.
The better ship you should be writing: Finick X Annie. Or, Haymitch prequel ships
FinAnn. This, this ship has some real potential to it, and is criminally underutilized. Finick and Annie’s relationship is one of the most tragic and romantic in the story, and has so much to offer. Or, if you want to have a hard-bitten character from district 12 struggling with trying to find love in the hellish combat of the games, do a prequel in which Haymitch finds love in the capitol during training, but loses then in the area and turns to drink as a result. Heck, you could even have some fun with this and turn it into a dark comedy, or a great tragic love story, whatever you like. It’s got potential, and his backstory is vague enough you could do a lot with it.
So, tell me below why I’m wrong, and have fun with your writing: just because I hate that ship doesn’t mean you should. Enjoy yourselves.
I’m off to write awful Ax/Pina/Luna Polyjuice’d into Nevil/Cas/Finick fiction set at an anime high-school that fights a magical war against other fictional schools, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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dazed ’n’ confused (part 2)
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A/N: omg this part was so much longer than i ancitipated sorry T__T and i promise in part 3 we will get some fun stuff ;)
Ship: Rodrick Heffley x OFC
Warnings: none (for this chapter)
The whole day, Nicole was distracted. She sat in her lifeguard chair, biting her nails, eyes concealed by her sunglasses and gazing at nothing. The pool manager ended up telling her off because she let multiple people dive off the board at the same time. She was a mess on the way home, too. She stopped at her favorite gas station to get slushy and almost left her bike behind, aimlessly wandering toward her house before she remembered she hadn’t walked there in the first place.
She got home and hopped in the shower, rinsing off the sunscreen and sweat, trying to forget how warm Rodrick’s hands felt under her own, how she had been close enough to smell laundry detergent and cinnamon gum. His dark eyes and full lips. 
She almost slipped getting out of the shower.
She tried to write music and get him off her mind, but all of her songs ended up sounding sad and sappy or slow and sultry. It was maddening.
The next day, Saturday, Nicole woke up more irritated than usual. She normally wasn’t a morning person, but this was next level. She did her makeup quickly and threw her hair into a pair of messy french braids. She decided to treat herself to an ice coffee, so she grabbed her wallet and headed outside to her bike.
Despite it being 9:30 in the morning, Rodrick was already outside… mowing grass? Nicole had never once seen him do that before. Giving him a short wave, she coasted down her driveway and headed into town toward the Starbucks. 
As she stopped at the sign at the end of their street, she looked back. Rodrick was looking in her direction, but Nicole shook away the thought that he could’ve been staring. She looked both ways quickly before pedaling quicker than she had before.
The Starbucks was about a 20 minute bike ride from her house, and Nicole usually took this time to listen to a podcast or her favorite album. This morning, she chose “Dr. Feelgood” by 
Motley Crue - she was a sap, sue her. She liked to remember the little things about people. She definitely recognized the chord progressions and drum patterns replicated in Loded Diper’s songs - at least, the songs that she had heard muffled through the garage door as she hung her head out her window to listen.
A short time later, Nicole hopped off her bike and locked it in place, skipping with anticipation for the sweetest, creamiest ice coffee she could get her little hands on. She walked up to the cashier, browsing the menu quickly.
“Hi, Welcome to Starbucks - what can I get started for you?”
“I’ll do a iced caramel macchiato with almond milk and light ice, please.”
“For sure, anything else?”
“No, thanks,” Nicole said, pulling out a five dollar bill and some ones.
“Hey, aren’t you new in town? You came into school at the end of the semester.”
Nicole looked up at the cashier, just now noticing what she looked like. She was cute in a pixie, petite kind of way, with short brown hair and big green eyes. If Nicole hadn’t been so enamored with Rodrick, she probably would’ve developed a big whopping crush on this girl, too.
“Yeah, I’m Nicole. You go to PVH, too?”
“I’m Caitlin - we were in bio together, I think.” Nicole wracked her brains, thinking back to the last bit of school she could remember.
“Oh, right, we partnered up a couple times.” Nicole said, smiling.
“Hey, if you want, a couple of friends and I are having a party tonight. You should come,” Caitlin said, flashing a dimpled smile. Nicole felt her tummy flip - mostly from excitement, and the elation of feeling included by her peers.
“For sure, just text me the number.” Nicole wrote down her number on a hot beverage sleeve and slid it towards Caitlin.
“Cool, see you then. Oh, and your drink will be right over there.”
Biting her lip to keep from grinning like a crazy person, Nicole moved down the divided counter to wait for her drink. The whole bike ride home she couldn’t help thinking that maybe moving to this town wasn’t such a bad thing after all. The day ended up not being as horrifically hot as yesterday, and Nicole’s mood had improved significantly after a heavy dose of caffeine.
But, when she rounded the corner back onto her street, Rodrick was still outside, mowing the lawn. And lord have mercy, for such a skinny looking boy, he had some seriously toned arms. Nicole almost crashed her bike into the curb, narrowly avoiding spilling her drink all over herself. She rode past him up her own driveway without acknowledging him, even though this time he was the one who waved to her. Payback for flaunting his ridiculous arms in front of her at 10:30 in the morning.
She went inside to change into her bathing suit and the usual denim shorts she wore over them. She didn’t need to leave for work for another hour, so she plugged her electric guitar into the amp in her room and fiddled around with learning some Motley Crue riffs that she remembered from her morning bike ride. Nicole wasn’t a prodigy by any means, but she had been playing guitar for long enough that she knew the basic chord structure of most of their popular songs. 
As she stood up to slip on her black converse, she saw her phone had lit up with a text. Unknown number.
“Hey, its Caitlin :) the address is 460 Norfolk Drive. Party starts @ 10!”
Nicole did a little dance. “Cool, I’ll be there :)” she texted back, and ran down the stairs back to the garage to get her bike again. She was so excited by the idea of hanging out with people her age that she almost didn’t see Rodrick leaning against his own bike at the end of her driveway.
“Your lawn looks good,” Nicole teased as she rode by. If Rodrick had any snarky reply, she was gone before she heard it. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw him standing with his mouth agape. She laughed to herself before starting her regular route to the city pool.
Not long after she started her shift, perched in her lifeguard chair with the umbrella angled to deflect the worst of the sun, Rodrick showed up with his two friends. They seemed to be attached at the hip. One was shorter than Rodrick, with long, surfer-style blonde hair, and one was about Rodrick’s height, with short dark hair and a cool slit in his eyebrow. 
Nicole was glad her sunglasses were dark enough to not see her eyes, because she definitely would’ve been caught staring by now. Rodrick wasn’t muscular by any means, or athletic, but there was still something cute and boyish about his gangly frame, and the way his shoulder muscles flexed when he took his shirt off was… for lack of a better word, distracting.
The first couple of hours passed uneventfully, and Nicole started to doze in her chair, chin propped up on her hand. The combination of warm sun and cool breeze lull her into a half-awake state. It was adult swim, so there weren’t any kids to worry about. She could close her eyes for a few minutes and…
She heard him before she saw him. The signature sound of the diving board being bounced once, twice, and then…
Nicole was doused in freezing cold water.
The huge splash covered both sides of the pool, high enough to reach her in her life guard chair. Moaning with displeasure, Nicole wrenched her sunglasses off her face and pointed an accusing finger at the grinning boy in the water. Fucking Rodrick.
“You’re dead, you little shit.” Nicole growled, and left her sunglasses on the seat of her lifeguard chair before diving in the pool.
The cool water enfolded her, silky and calm, before she came up under Rodrick and unleashed all hell. Still under water, she grabbed his ankles to pull him down. She heard his shout of alarm before it transformed into bubbles.
Underwater, her vision was blurred, but Nicole could still see Rodrick laughing and the dark outline of his eyes. She found herself laughing too as they briefly wrestled and tried to drag the other farther underwater before they both broke the surface, gasping for air.
“Okay, okay mercy,” Rodrick gasped as Nicole wound her arms around his neck in a headlock.
“Stay off the diving board, or I’ll make you drink the kiddy pool water.”
“Oh my god, kids pee in there!”
“Exactly,” Nicole laughed before shoving him away, though it wasn’t very aggressive considering the water softened the blow. Rodrick was still laughing behind her.
“Damn, if I get that kind of a reaction every time I jump in the pool, maybe I’ll do it for a living,” he called after her.
Nicole dunked her head under water once more to adjust her hair before climbing out of the deep end on the latter, electing to ignore that last comment. Now that she was back in her life guard chair, she couldn’t believe how impulsive she had been. Some kind of instinct took over and before she knew it, she had been flying out of her chair to give Rodrick a taste of his own medicine.
And now that she was thinking about it even more, the more embarrassed she became. Oh God, had she been super obvious? And more than that, had she been unprofessional?
She looked around the pool to see if her manager was watching - luckily, no sign of him. Most of the other pool guests weren’t paying that much attention either, except Rodrick’s friends, who were still laughing hysterically as Rodrick dried himself off by shaking his hair like a wet dog.
Nicole had touched more of Rodrick than she had the other day when they accidentally touched hands. Way more of him. Not that she exactly remembered the feeling of every limb, but the contact still made her feel more than a little weak in the knees.
They didn’t even know each other that well! What was she thinking!
Nicole spent the rest of her shift biting her nails anxiously, and when her co-worker came to switch chairs she ran to hide in the employee lounge next to the girls bathrooms.
By the time five o’clock came, she had calmed down a little bit, but was still embarrassed by her frankly juvenile behavior. She helped clean up the pool area by hosing it down and picked up some left over trash before heading to her bike.
And, because Nicole had maybe the worst (or best, it was hard to say) luck in the world, Rodrick was waiting for her.
“Figured I could ride home with you, since you like being near me so much,” Rodrick called as she approached. Nicole groaned, rolling her eyes.
“I wouldn’t have to get near you if you didn’t a) act like a child, and b) violate pool rules.”
“I’m pretty sure “almost drawing a patron” counts as violating pool rules, Nikky.”
“Don’t call me that,” Nicole spat with no real heat behind it.
“If you’re gonna ride home with me, you’re gonna pay for my slushy,” Nicole called over her shoulder as she started pedaling away.
“Ooo, is this a date?” Rodrick laughed, and Nicole flipped him off without looking. “C’mon, I thought we were getting along since I fixed your tire?”
Nicole, tired of the banter and not able to think of a better response, decided to take mercy on him.
“No… no. We’re cool. I’d rather have my dumb neighbor as a friend than no one at all.”
Rodrick pulled up next to her on his bike, tongue peeking between his teeth as he tried to suppress a grin. “Yeah, you seem cool. At least, your music taste isn’t completely horrible.”
“Oh, and yours is perfect, I’m assuming?” 
“Naturally,” Rodrick said, pedaling faster to pull a wheelie in front of her, obviously trying to show off. In all honesty, it was a pretty cool trick - but Nicole would never tell him that. The evening was cooling down, but the sun was still a couple hours from setting, so everything had a deep golden glow - the trees seemed greener, and the grass softer, and random birds would occasionally chirp from deep within the woods. The world felt alive and wonderful and terribly, terribly exciting.
“So, why the hell did you move to Plainview?” Rodrick asked. 
“Wasn’t like it was my choice. My Dad got a new job, and my Mom works from home so she can take care of us - so me and my two little sisters just got the short end of the straw.”
“You have sisters?” 
“Yeah, Caroline and Georgia. Do you have siblings?”
Rodrick rolled his eyes, “Yeah, two shit head little brothers, Greg and Manny. Well, Manny isn’t really a shit head, ‘cause he’s like three, but I know he will be once he hits four.”
Nicole laughed. They were nearing the gas station she liked to get slushies from, so she suddenly started pedaling faster and yelled behind her, “First one there buys!”
She narrowly made it there before him, laughing at his red face and shaking legs as he dismounted his bike.
“No one should be that fast,” he panted, but smiled as he opened the door for her. 
The blast of air conditioning felt good on Nicole’s heated skin, and she made a B-line for the slushy machine.
“Blue raspberry is the obvious best choice,” Nicole said, filling her cup up to the brim.
“No way, cherry is the only valid flavor,” Rodrick said, already munching on a bag of sour gummy worms. She raised an eyebrow at him and he simply winked in response, causing Nicole to turn her head away when she felt the heat rise to her cheeks.
Rodrick paid for their stuff and they spent the rest of the bike ride home trying to throw gummy worms at each other and catch them in their mouths.
“So.. there's a van. Outside your house. With your band name on it,” Nicole said, pointedly looking at him. Rodrick looked straight ahead.
“And yet, you’re out here riding your bike. With me.”
“So what's the hold up? You don’t have your license yet or something?”
“I can drive!” Rodrick said indignantly, his voice cracking slightly, causing you to throw your head back in laughter.
“I’m saving up money to get it fixed,” he grumbled, pulling another wheelie.
“Doing tricks won’t distract me from this, Rodrick.
“Fine. Once its fixed, I’ll take you for a ride, deal?”
“Deal,” Nicole said primly, taking a sip of her slushy. 
Sooner than she thought, they ended up in front of their respective homes. The time had flown by - she hadn’t even noticed they were close.
She was about to wave goodbye and turn to go up her driveway when Rodrick cleared his throat.
“Hey, um… my band and I - we’re having practice tonight. Again. We have a gig later this week so we wanna practice as much as possible. Uhm. Would you wanna stop by? You can bring your guitar or whatever,” he said, looking down at his shoes that he was currently scuffing against the sidewalk.
“How do you know I play guitar?”
Somehow, Rodrick looked even more sheepish. “Uh, you left your window open, earlier. When you were practicing.”
This time, Nicole was the one to blush. Fuck. She hadn’t even thought about any one being able to hear her. And after Rodrick told her Loded Diper was originally a Motley Crue cover band.... Oh, he definitely knew she was whipped. Fuck!
“Haha, oh, yeah… uh, sure. I can come over.”
Rodrick grinned - a genuinely excited smile, not his usual impish smirk. It made Nicole’s heart stutter in her chest.
“Come over in an hour - I’ll get snacks.”
Nicole turned away without another word, deciding they would have plenty more to say to each other very soon. But fucking hell, what was she going to wear?
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Tadashi Oneshot (Big Hiro 6)
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"(Y/N) do you wanna come with us to the cafe, Hiro is celebrating our newest rescue." Honey Lemon's offer was tempting, but you denied.
"It's okay, you guys have fun. I got midterms next week. Gonna try and shove as much information into my brain."
"Hah, if you were a genius you wouldn't have to." Hiro taunts. You just grab him into a headlock, and now he's struggling. He's at an obvious disadvantage with the height difference. "I don't need to be a genius to beat you up short stuff."
When he finally gets free he's fixing his hair with a little growl. 
"Just wait until I get taller!" He hollers. You laugh, and he's running off with Fred and Baymax. Wasabi and Gogo are close behind lecturing them about crossing the street recklessly. Honey Lemon is just beaming as she follows. Tadashi is the one who stops to look your way. The moment his brown eyes meet yours you look away, turning your back and heading in the opposite direction.
"Is that really the reason, or are you just trying to avoid me." You tense, stopping in your tracks. You just clench the bag by its straps.
"I don't know what you mean." It's said so coldly, and you just continue walking, not looking back or even hearing him out. When you're at a reasonable distance you can finally breathe better. It's then that you chance a look back, and Tadashi is still standing there with a solemn look on his face. There's obvious guilt, and you don't pay it much mind turning the corner.
You were a part of their friend group. No, you weren't a genius or even a hero like the rest of them. You were just a friend. You thought it was awesome, not many people could say they were friends with Sanfransokyo's superhero squad. You were just an average teen, enjoying college life. Trying to at least.
After the fire at the University, everything changed. The man behind the crime was caught and locked up, and no one was hurt. Tadashi wasn't hurt. Even though that was the case, you were angry at him. When he stormed into the building it exploded, everyone assumed he was gone, but luckily he'd gotten trapped in a backroom that was built to handle high temperatures. You'd never forget that day.
The fire department stormed the building and recovered his body that was thankfully unharmed. All he'd received was a small burn on his right arm. But for you, it left a lot more than a battle scar. Tadashi had been your friend for years, even when you were kids he was always considered the level headed one. He had to be with his parents gone, and you knew he needed to be the example for his younger brother. You were two years younger than Tadashi. It could have been the fact that he was older that you always admired him. But as you started to grow, that admiration turned into a crush, and that crush formed love. You were in love with him, probably long before you even fully understood what the word meant.
So that day when he rushed into a flaming building, you were just a couple feet outside, and the moment the explosion went off, you felt like your heart had been ripped right out of your chest. You couldn't speak, move, breathe..
Discovering that he was not only alive but fairly unharmed, it was easily the best news you got that day. But since that day, you've never been able to look him in the eyes. Whenever you saw him that dreadful feeling returned, it was like you were being suffocated. Rather than confront those negative feelings, you were trying to avoid it, except Tadashi wasn't an idiot.
Three months passed, of course he would notice. You made sure to never be alone with him. As a group, you could manage, and luckily no one else picked up on your distance. For now, you needed time to sort through your feelings. If you could get over how much you felt for him, maybe you could return to being friends.
"I promise I'll always be there (Y/N). We're best friends after all." A childish promise when you were young. It was ridiculous to cling onto something like that.
"Food." Your stomach had been grumbling for the last half hour, and you were so in tune to the tv show that you were ignoring it. The buzzing of your phone made your eyes shift. It was a text from Hiro.
"Can you stop by, I wanna show you my newest upgrade to Baymax. " 
You were about to respond but another message popped up.
"Don't forget the gummies." you giggled responding and tucking the device into your pocket. Now you really needed to get food.
It took about fifteen minutes to get there. You stepped out of our car, tucking the pack of gummies under your arm as you tried to balance your own meal. Locking your car, you headed into the building, stopping when you got to Tadashi's door. You opened it. 
"Hey Hiro you better pay me back for the gummies cause I nearly dropped my chicken for your stupid-" your words stop mid way. Tadashi is standing in the room, having turned when he heard your voice. You placed your food and Hiro's on the table, swallowing. 
"S-Sorry I..Hiro said he wanted to show me something so I just dropped by, but I can come back later." you don't want to be in here alone with him, you can't.
"(Y/N)." you're still facing him, and it's hard to not look at him.
"I guess it's harder for you to look at me now. Some of the girls have said this scar is cool, but most people aren't as impressed." Your brows knit at his words. He's trying to play it off as a joke, but there's a sadness that reaches his usually bright chocolate orbs.
"You..you really think it's because of a stupid scar." You're angry now, furious. Was his opinion that low of you that you'd shun him for a wound he got trying to help someone.
"BASTARD!!" Tadashi's is completely thrown by your words, and he can see it now, the sheer anger. "Stupid stupid stupid!!" your screaming, and Tadashi takes a step forward, not prepared at all for your outburst. When he gets closer he can see the tears, and it hurts him to see you so torn.
"Why are you-"
"YOU'RE SO SELFISH WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!" He reaches out to touch you, maybe try and calm you down but you shove him back. "You could have died and you just left me. Y-You didn't even care about Hiro..What would he have done, you're his only brother. Y-You just ran into the fire like you were some type of bullet proof vest! You didn't care!!! You don't care one bit about anything!! I hate you! I HATE YOU!!!"
Now it was starting to make sense. How could he not realize before. You were scared.
Terrified was more like it.
"(Y/N)..." He should have been more understanding of your feelings. Even Hiro was pissed with him when it all happened. It wasn't like he planned for that. It was somewhat of a reflex, he couldn't help it. "I hate you.." you mumble, dropping to your knees, Tadashi went down with you, pulling you into his arms. This entire misunderstanding was solely your fear of losing him. He should have put it together sooner. 
You'd known each other forever. Making such a decision without considering the residual effect it would have not just on his family but also his friends. At the end everyone was far more happy that he survived, but it could have just as easily turned bad.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N). I should have done things differently." helping people had always been something he wanted to do. It's a bit impossible to help if you're not there though. Risking his life like that, it was reckless. In a way he acted the same he'd constantly told his brother not to. Impulsive. The sincerity in his eyes, you could see it. This was the first time in a while that you'd been able to really look at him. He gave a small smile, and you returned it. 
"S-Sorry I called you a bastard." Tadashi laughed, wiping at your cheeks.
"I think I deserved it. So no harm done."
Now that you were no longer high on the adrenaline of the situation, you felt a bit vulnerable. Tadashi was so close. "You know..I've been thinking about a lot of things since then. These past few months I've come to realize that you aren't just a friend (Y/N). At least..not to me." you held his gaze, unsure of what response was right. His knuckles brushed the last of your tears away, and you pulled in a breath at the way his eyelids lowered. He bit his lower lip, and you could see he was evaluating something.
"Shhh..just let me..I just need to.." he didn't finish his statement, just leaned in. His kiss was so sweet, tender. Just like him. He didn't put too much pressure, or hold you down. They way he held you left so much room for you to move away if you really needed to. That's the last thing you were thinking though. You leaned in, hands gripping the front of his cardigan, tugging him forward. He took the initiative, slipping a hand into your hair as he continued to kiss you. The sound of a camera clicking is what made you pull apart. You both separated, and Hiro was standing behind the wall with his phone. He smirked. "Took you guys long enough. I hope you brought a lot of gummies, I should be given a medal honestly. " Tadashi glared, and it dawned on you that he must have set this whole thing up.
"When I get my hands on you!!" Hiro was running out the door laughing, and you could tell Tadashi wanted to go after him, but you took his arm, and he halted.
"I..I love you Tadashi. I always have." It took so many years to finally admit it, but when he smiled, and raised you off the floor, wrapping his hand around your waist, you could have melted on the spot.
"I love you too (Y/N). So much.'' you grinned, pulling him in for another kiss which he returned happily.
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miraculousmarifan · 4 years
Felinette Month 2020 - Day 19: Fallen Angel
Happy @felinettenovember! Can you guys guess what prompts I spend more than one day writing? I almost decided to try drawing the akumatized Felix before remembering that I haven’t drawn in nearly 10 years (maybe I would be better off painting it?) and wasn’t really good at people before that point... So I did this instead!
Almost 1900 words and if requested, this could have a continuation for some resolution later this year or early next year and/or potentially a piece of art to try showing Felix as an akuma and/or the object that inspired his form
Felix was close to flipping tables. Marinette had to be an angel from above with how she was handling being bullied by this Lila girl. How was it that even after the school was notified that Lila supposedly had a disease that made her compulsively lie but wasn’t antisocial personality disorder (?), the teacher refused to step in and help one of her star pupils? He shouldn’t be surprised. This was the same teacher that condoned Chloe’s defacing of Marinette’s present to count as them working together on it, even though Marinette had put actual effort into it. This was the same teacher that tried to convince Marinette to be a doormat, in the name of “setting a good example,” as though that has truly changed people that benefit from wronging others.
What he really couldn’t understand was how her friends weren’t more cautious about the liar. She had temporarily gotten Marinette expelled by claiming that she had not only cheated on a mock test, but also stolen the liar’s necklace, AND pushing the witch down the stairs. The class didn’t believe that it sounded like Marinette and YET after Marinette is returned due to the supposed uncontrollable lying diagnosis, they don’t question Lila's integrity? He couldn’t quite fathom why they wouldn’t take the things she said with a grain of salt after that very public and obvious set of lies, especially about Marinette.
And yet, here he was. Standing outside the classroom, waiting for a phone call from his driver, when he overhears the liar whispering to a few girls from the class. Marinette had been gone for an appointment the last period of school and apparently that wasn’t enough for Lila. He heard Alya exclaim, “That doesn’t really sound like Marinette…” and then a sad reply along the lines of how she knew Marinette was friends with all them but she couldn’t believe Marinette said that to her and just wanted to understand why by asking their closest friends. So on so on. Even with her verbalized doubt, it was clear from the tone she used that Alya believed it possible that Marinette had something to Lila, even if it wasn’t as severe as the liar had made it out to be. Felix didn’t need to be any closer to smell the fake crap Lila was spreading. He was sure it would have smelled over a mile away.
Rose exclaimed how she couldn’t believe how much Marinette was starting to act like Chloe and how they really needed to shake Marinette out of this. Alya volunteered to talk to her about it and encouraged them not to do anything crazy before then. It was the first time Felix felt a decent amount of respect towards Alya. Apparently she is starting to learn not to jump immediately to conclusions when it comes to Lila and Marinette. Unfortunately their other friends hadn’t gotten that much insight from the previous incidents and believed that Lila wouldn’t possibly exaggerate or make up anything and cause drama unnecessarily. Alya told the group that she had texted the girl and was going to head over to their place to hang out later that night.
Alya left, muttering how it sounded too extreme to be what Marinette had actually said. Felix had to give it to her, even if she had too much faith in the Italian, it was nice to see she wouldn’t fully discount her friend without any true evidence. Unfortunately with Alya’s departure, the voice of reason had left these girls and they were left with a snake. Felix decided to move slightly closer, just to keep an ear out for danger.
“I don’t think having a talk with her is really going to change Marinette’s mind. I mean she already knows about my health conditions and she’d rather discriminate against me than admit that I’m just trying to be friends. I reached out in good faith, painting her a picture, and she destroyed it and told me we could never be friends. It was just shockingly mean! She’s so nice to you guys so I thought this would help, especially since we like so much of the same stuff! I can’t help it if Adrien rejected her for me!”
Felix wanted to gag at that reasoning again. Marinette had worked to move on from Adrien long ago and especially hard when he had started dating Kagami over a year ago. She even started having tea and snacks with his girlfriend at least once a month, since Kagami didn’t get out much and Marinette didn’t want her to feel left out. As far as Felix knew, Marinette had long since given up on Adrien and was more focused on her personal projects than on boys, something her friends should have known by now.
“We know it’s not your fault and she should realize that too!” Rose tried to cheer up Lila.
“It’s so hard to imagine her destroying someone else’s art when she preaches about how people shouldn’t touch other’s work! Plus she has to know how much that sucks, after Chloe ruined her present for Ms. Bustier a few years ago…” Alix sounded angry enough to act impulsively and it didn’t sit well with Felix.
“To me, it just doesn’t seem like talking to her is going to be enough for her to really think about her actions, but you guys know her the best!” Lila managed to get a small amount of wavering into her voice, to convey hesitant worry and unsuccessfully attempted optimism through her small shrug. Felix may have thought that some of her lies should be relatively easy to dismiss but he had to admit that sometimes she could be a good actress.
“If we left her a message along with doing something, she wouldn’t ignore it right? Especially if she knows that if she ever does something like that again, we won’t stay friends with her…” Alix suggested. Felix felt his stomach sink. This was going bad but he couldn’t just walk in there right? He waited a moment longer to hear them start planning how they were going to ruin Marinette’s personal art project that she had been working on during her study hall, as it was sitting in a drying area of the art room. He had enough information to go talk to Damocles about what he had heard.
After hearing Felix’s concerns and hearing his stern insistence that this was actually at risk of happening, not just girl’s venting, Damocles accompanied him to the art room to check into the security of the projects inside. By the time the pair arrived though, they were too late. Nobody was in the room anymore, however Marinette’s project was beyond repair. 
She had sculpted a human-like angel with arms raised with peace and joy captured remarkably on its face, an orb in its hands being presented to the sky like a holy gift. The wings had been formed into individual feathers and Marinette had just put the first layer of paint on it that day. The base color of the wings was a lovely shade of light pink, her dress had the first layer of white, the skin left a gray tone, with a small amount of darker gray and lighter gray added to certain areas to imitate how light would fall if emitted from the orb. The orb had a strange tone of light blue-green for the base. He had been enthusiastically anticipating her final painting work since she had finished the sculpting step.
Now the angel was missing a wing, the orb that had barely rested on the carved palms was separated from the hands, and the arms were no longer connected. He picked up the body of the statue gently before looking up at Damocles sadly.
“It’s too bad we didn’t get here sooner. I guess we will just have to check the school’s cameras to figure out who did this.” Damocles took a step towards the stand that the statue had previously been set on, picked up the note left on it, and read it out loud.
“‘This is for ruining Lila’s painting. You should’ve accepted her peace offering rather than blaming her for Adrien’s rejection and if you keep acting like this, you won’t have any more friends here.’--” he cleared his throat in displeased surprise, “-- I will need to take this note as evidence in this. Also, we should probably take some pictures of the damages before getting this cleaned up.”
Felix helped set the pieces of the statue on the table next to each other before the principal took out his cell phone and snapped a quick picture of that and of the note. Before the man could leave, Felix volunteered to clean up the classroom as he was sure Marinette would still want the pieces. He was also sure that Damocles would actually proceed with this investigation due to his involvement and firmness regarding the need to supply a punishment. While the punishment would not be sufficient, there would at least be some record of this incident.
Before sweeping up the tiny pieces that he didn’t expect her to care about, he sat down in a chair and held the body of the statue. His fingers ran over the one remaining wing despite the paint smearing on his skin, feeling the texture his classmate had managed for the feathers. It was an amazing work that would be difficult to replicate, if Marinette even decided it was worth doing again. Part of him hoped she would redo the remarkable piece. He felt anger bubbling just below the surface of his sadness, anger that the girls that were supposedly her friends would do this. Anger that their school was not secure for her. Anger that he wasn’t able to protect her, even having heard the plans. Grief over being too slow to protect her. Crushing sadness that she couldn’t trust her classmates, her supposed friends, to even ask her about a situation before trusting another’s words about her. Someone that had very publicly lied to get her suspended just the last school year. He was so busy with his thoughts and the statue that he missed the purple butterfly coming towards him until it settled into the statue.
“Hello Ange Déchu. I am Hawk Moth. The people around you pass judgement on the innocent and work on behalf of the wicked. It must be frustrating to watch them work to break the people you care about. I will give you the power to understand people’s intentions and apply your chosen consequences on them so you can protect the ones you love. In exchange you would give me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous.”
In this akumatized form, he could not only protect Marinette but also help her get revenge on the manipulative witch. She would be his queen, his direction, and she would be able to decide how she wanted to apply justice.
“Yes Hawk Moth. I will deal out Marinette’s justice and get the miraculous for you.” The akumatized Felix, called Fallen Angel, unfurled his black wings and pushed off the ground to fly to Marinette’s side. He would protect her first and foremost. Then they would deal with the witch and her flying monkeys however she saw fit.
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dathen · 4 years
The ableism towards Jon is also why I kinda hate the "Jon is stupid" joke, like yeah Jon has made some dumb choices. (Which are actually mostly tied to impulsivity rather than lack of intelligence but I digress.) Now its gone from "why'd you smash that table my guy" to "haha Jon is socially awkward what an idiot" and its... yikes.
(Oh boy I have a whole tag dedicated to that discussion because I figured people might want to blacklist it.)
It’s funny because the Q&A’s literally say “stupid protagonists are one of our least favorite horror tropes” and “we’re more interested in exploring the real effects of trauma and mental health, and having characters react realistically when they’ve been through so much vs having them ~go insane~”  So you get characters (not just Jon) making terrible choices that are deeply rooted in trauma responses, PTSD, and self-destructive tendencies.  Like I’m sure most of us were like NOOO JON THAT’S A STUPID DECISION NOOOOO, but then looking back in that context, we can see what led to them.  That’s honestly one of my favorite things about The Magnus Archives as a whole; it’s so rare to let characters be affected by their trauma, and it’s so rare when that’s allowed to manifest in ugly and messy ways vs. just “this character is extra sad now.”  
But send it through the “flatten everything into a joke” machine and you get weirdness like “Jon’s trauma responses are him being stupid, the girls’ trauma responses are them being badass.”  A perfect example is Basira and Jon charging off to Ny-Ålesund.  In the text you have dialogue exploring in detail how it’s a trauma response for both of them:
Not like there’s normal trauma, you know?  But it’s pretty common.  The most important thing becomes control, engaging on your own terms.  Even when it’s stupid or dangerous.  Anything to not feel helpless.
And then I keep! seeing! posts!  About how Jon’s an idiot for charging off, and it’s good Basira is there to ~be the brain cell~ and keep him on her leash!  Which both dismisses that Basira is also traumatized and erases her complexity, but is just downright nasty about Jon’s mental health.  
....WHICH, BACK TO YOUR ASK, I can see how that spread to that character as a whole , and how much it lends to the “Jon is so stupid and deserves to be bullied for it and all his smarter friends laugh about it” trends.  I remember Jon’s obliviousness about relationships or Martin liking him was mostly received at first as “haha, what an ace mood, I can never tell when people are together or when they have a crush on me either.”  It’s such a huge jolt on both an ace and aro level to see how it’s become “Jon’s so stupid, of course Melanie and Georgie are together, why would Georgie help Melanie recover if they weren’t dating??”  Can we please go back to the ace culture jokes!!  Why is “[character] is such a stupid idiot” humor so popular anyway??
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"Blind date"
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Peter Parker x Reader
General audiences
Warnings: none
The request:
"Coffee shop au! Peter and you hate Valentine's day. Especially since aunt May keeps trying to set Peter up on a blind date. You tell him about how ypur mom is the same and you bond over that. Neither of you realizes your each others blind date"
Ok, I KNOW I said my inbox was closed but... How could I ever resist this?
"... No, May, for the last time I do not want you to set me up with your friend's daughter… I am not- I don't…" Peter Parker was sitting inside his favorite coffee shop, comfy and safe from the bitter, freezing cold outside. But not even that was going to be enough to keep his mood from souring if this conversation with his aunt lasted much longer. "No, you don't need to send me her picture, this isn't about that!" He pinched the bridge of his nose, focusing all his might into not crushing the phone in his hand. That would take some explaining to do, since you were starting to place his order on the table in front of him. "Sorry, May, my coffee's here, gotta go now. Love ya, talk to you later!" 
He hurried to hang up, placing his phone back into his pocket. He had been thinking about this all afternoon inside his sad little cubicle at The Daily Bulge, today was friday, and friday was caramel latte and chocolate croissant day there at "Strange Brew". But when he lowered his eyes, the creamy and chocolatey goodies were nowhere to be seen.
You watched in amusement the horrified look on his handsome face as he stared, uncomprehending, at the cup of steaming bright pink liquid, and red heart shaped pastry. 
"What the hell is that?" He blurted out, and you had to suppress a giggle at the way his cheeks reddened, embarrassed at his own outburst. 
"You ordered today's special, didn't you?" You replied, as straight faced as you managed. He was just too adorable. "Today is Valentine's day. That is the Valentine's special"
Peter raised his head, looking around at all the red candles, and lovey dovey couples crowding the usually quiet store, as if only just realizing their presence. 
Knowing him, that was probably the exact case.
"Right. Yeah, of course, sorry" He mumbled.
"If you want, I can take this back and bring you your usual…" The truth was you had his latte already waiting on the counter, you had just wanted to see the look on his face. And it had been absolutely worth it. 
He turned even redder, 
"No, please, I- I don't wanna be any bother…" 
"It's no bother at all, Peter, really"
You insisted, but he was terrified they might take it off your paycheck or something. Minimum wage already sucked enough, he wasn't going to make you things more difficult.
"No, really, this is ok, see?" He hurried to sip the pink tea, flinching a little as the hot beverage burned his tongue. This time you couldn't stop a soft chuckle. He smiled shyly. 
"Sorry, y/n. I didn't even say hi… Hi, y/n"
Your smile turned even brighter,
"Hi, Peter"
"So, it's-" He cleared his throat, "It's nice to see you. Out here, in the salon, I mean"
You usually stayed in the back, baking the little delicacies he loved so much.
"Yeah, well, they need all the help they can get out here today" You shrugged. Peter's eyes scanned the little crowd of lovers again, you were probably right. 
"Yeah, I can see that, I mean- I kinda didn't before, I was…" He started stuttering again. You wondered if he knew what it did to you when he was all blushing and bashful. "...Distracted" He finished lamely, cursing himself internally. He never knew how to act when you were around.
"Yeah, I heard" You snorted, "Let me guess, your aunt is trying to set you up on a blind date. Again."
"Yes!" Peter sighed, exasperated, "With the daughter of a friend from work. Apparently she's a ' successful young entrepreneur'…"
"Workaholic. Probably kinda bitchy" You interrupted.
"... I know! And hear this, she's also 'very nice and sweet'"
"Oof, does she have a great personality too?" 
Peter barked out a laugh,
"How did you know?!"
"Because my mom is the same" You confessed, shaking your head, "She wants me to go out with the niece of her boss, a 'very nice guy, very smart, a little nerdy but you'll like him'..."
"So, probably an entitled douche who blames the friend zone for everything wrong with the world" Peter was not speaking out of jealousy. He wasn't.
You nodded,
"Oh, and you haven't heard the best part! 'He's been through a lot but still has a heart of gold'..."
"Oh, yeah, cuz that's the best turn on for women, right? Trauma" Definitely not jealousy: the guy sounded like he had a lot of baggage and Peter just didn't want you to get hurt. 
There was a lull in your conversation, but Peter wasn't ready for you to leave yet. So he took a hurried bite at his mini-pie,
"Oh, wow" He marveled, honestly, through a full mouth, "This is incredible!"
You smiled again, and he felt inexplicably proud of himself. 
"I'm glad, I haven't had the chance to try them out yet…" You admitted. Peter swallowed.
"Do you want to share this one?" He invited, impulsively, pushing the little plate in your direction. You bit your lip, the rush hour was far from over, but you had been on your feet all day… you met his eyes, warm and hopeful, they made the desition for you. 
"Nikky, I'm taking my rest now!" You called back, at the girl at the register, taking off your green apron. 
"Now?!" The blonde girl frowned.
"I'm the boss, kid. Deal with it." You dismissed, taking the seat in front of Peter. His eyes widened in surprise.
"You're the boss?"
"Yup. 'Strange Brew' is my baby" You declared with pride. 
"Wow, that is awesome!" Peter's genuine enthusiasm warmed your heart. You had worked so hard on your little shop. And maybe it wasn't glamorous, and it definitely wasn't going to make you rich, but it was your dream come true, and you loved it. "I love this place! This is the best coffee shop in all of Manhattan, I mean it"
This time, it was Peter the one reducing you to a blushing, stuttering mess. But before you could answer, the door flew open. The long haired woman's eyes found you and Peter, and you could swear you heard him curse under his breath.
"Aunt may? What are you doing here??"
The woman came to a halt next to your table.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to barge on your date, I swear!" You could see where Peter's nervous babbling came from. "It's just… I texted you the address and the picture, and you never texted back, I thought you weren't going to come so I came to apologize to y/n. Hi, sweetie, I'm May, I work with your mom?" She extended her hand to you and you took it, confused. "She texted you too, telling you we were sending Peter, but you didn't reply either…"
"My-my phone is back in the kitchen…" You muttered.
"Wait. So, none of you got our messages?" 
Peter and you shook your heads,
"I don't understand-"
"Wait, you?"
"You're my blind date??" You both asked in unison, stunned.
May bursted out laughing,
"Oh my god! You didn't know! You were both being so difficult… and still!" It took the woman a good five minutes to stop laughing enough to be able to talk again, "Any way, go on, kids. I'm just going to call your mother real quick… have fun!" She singsonged, sashaying away and out of the store as suddenly as she had arrived. Incredulous, Peter took out his cell and checked his messages, where sure enough, a very pretty photo of you in a sundress was awaiting him. He let his head fall on the table, banging his forehead.
"Oh god… we are never going to live this down, are we?"
You made a face,
"I don't think so, no" 
Peter finally chanced a look at you. You were as red as he felt, and it somehow made you even more lovely. Your eyes seemed brighter, and the slight pout on your lips… god how he wanted to bite it, to kiss it off your face. His hand found yours on the table and he took a deep breath, encouraged when you didn't took yours away.
"The thing is… meddling family members aside… I really like you…" He confessed.
"I really like you too…" you admited. His boyish, toothy grin made your heart skip a beat.
"Then, maybe… would you like to go out on a date with me? A real one, I mean. One my aunt hadn't set is on" 
You couldn't help it. You knew the whole salon would see you, but with all the PDA going on around those tables, you didn't think anyone would really mind. So you crossed the distance between you, practically throwing yourself on the table, just to capture his lips with yours.
It took him about half a second to respond, his soft lips moving against your own, coaxing you open for just a little taste, but enough to make your head swim. You felt his hand go to your chin, cupping your face softly, tenderly. 
"Yes" You breathed against the kiss, "Yes, I'll go out on a date with you" 
The whole shop bursted out in applause. 
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owlsbride · 3 years
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Icha Icha and Prejudice: The book Club
Chapter VIII: Of Anxiety and Tension
Sakura had had the hardest night of her life. Not even at the hospital, she had ever felt that way. At work, during an examination, a healing session or a surgery, she always felt confident, safe, accurate and with a firm hand. Sakura trusted herself when things get complicated, her resolution always took her forward, and she was not one to fail.
But last night? Last night was something else at all. She was feeling nervous, anxious, flustered and bothered. Of course, Sakura knew who to blame: Hatake Kakashi.
After the dinner with Kakashi, the little encounter they had, in which Sakura agreed with her inner self that that wasn't a fight; the new pet name issue, the promise of a message as soon as he arrived at the sand village, and reading Icha Icha, she was without rest or sleep.
Sakura was angry, yes, but at the same time, since she got out from the shower and took that damned book in her hands, the feeling changed into something much more distant than anger. Instead, a sense of constant discomfort was forming in the depths of her being. The famous butterflies in the stomach, a fire building in her lower belly. Something aching going up from the inside of her thighs to her hips. She was very conscious of what was happening to her. Hormones.
Sakura had had her hormones in check until not long ago. They were asleep, and it could be said that she, despite being a completely healthy young woman, who had no fear of sex, had been able to control her impulses efficiently and strictly. No, it wasn't that Sakura didn't like having sex, in fact, she liked it a lot, but what she didn't like in the least was the previous ritual. What bothered Sakura was strutting like an animal in heat, looking for the alpha male with whom she could mate and thus fulfil the cycle.
She had had tones of discussions about it with Ino who was already in a serious relationship, so she didn't need going out hunting for her preys anymore. It had been different in the past though, while the blonde was single, she didn't miss the opportunity to go out every night that she had free to have fun, dance, drink and why not look for auspicious lovers to spend the night with until the right man appeared. Sakura followed her on all her adventures but never ended up in anyone's bed. Sakura got bored with the game before she even started it. She never judged her friend, how would she? Ino was doing precisely what a young woman should do, as any men would. But the discussions they both shared were all about Sakura's choices: if she didn't venture into the night, to experiment a fleeting romance or an excellent laid, how was she going to find the one who could be the man of her life? Ino knew that Sakura was looking for him deep down, but she had given up.
But right now, everything was different. Even if Sakura was still reluctant to look for a mate, she knew that she wanted somebody and that somebody was Kakashi. For a time now, she had realised that she was lost for him, even if she didn't acknowledge the feeling to herself or her inner self, for that matter.
She was well aware that something was going on between them even if they keep silent about it. They were close friends, they worked together, and they both had grown up, like really grown up. She wasn't a teenager anymore, and he wasn't in his twenties either. Sakura had often made numbers to analyse the gap age between them and told to be true it wasn't that much. She also studied her past and childhood to observe how their relationship's evolution was and when all of this started. She arrived at a sad and relieving conclusion at the same time: although Kakashi had been her sensei for a while, and had always taken care of her, neither of them had really paid much attention to each other. Kakashi was more interested in Naruto and Sasuke's training and so was she, in a way. She had never had a crush on Kakashi before, and neither did he. It all started a few years ago after Sakura's promotion in the hospital and her big failure with Sasuke when she said no to marriage while this one, too relieved for her liking, disappeared from the village. It was then that Sakura and Kakashi began working together, as Hokage and co-hospital director, sharing late meals, discussing plans and talking about this and that, and smiling at each other teasingly just for the like of the thrill. So yes, their relationship had turned into  this  (and Sakura didn't know what  this  was) right after they both became significant and complete adults.
Sakura Knew she wanted Kakashi even if anything physical or tangible happened between them. Even if this flirting game ended sooner or later, she knew he was going to still be in her life. After all, he was a reliable person, and she trusted him with her life.
'When are you going to stop justifying yourself, Sakura?'  
Her inner voice was right, she was trying to find a justification to what happened yesterday night. She hadn't been able to sleep at all, at least not how she would wish to.
The book was starting to become really explicit, and the story was good enough, now she would understand Kakashi a bit more. A romance novel, with deep feelings, third parties in discord, complex stories, characters with good personal backgrounds, and an incredible number of scenes loaded with eroticism and sensuality that did not come to fruition. A tension that increased page by page, generating a feeling of anxiety that only asked for a bit of release, but that seemed to never reach. Jiraiya knew how to heat things up and prepare the groundwork.
That night, the second one on her long vacations, she found herself wondering if Kakashi knew how to heat things up too. If he could touch a woman and just with an innocent feather touch make her tremble asking for relieve. And just like that, Sakura also found herself being jealous. No, in her thoughts Kakashi shouldn't touch just a random woman, he should touch her. and suddenly, the characters in the book weren't only characters, they were both of them. Kakashi and Sakura in the rain, under the shade of a tree, in a lake or in a bed: kissing, touching, moaning. Sakura punished herself for these thoughts and putting Icha Icha aside, she tried to sleep.
The morning found her in her bed, still half wrapped in the towel, without dressing and having had light dreams that did not ensure any rest. The images of her and the Hokage did not stop plaguing her mind for an instant.
Sakura took another shower, she felt dirty after thinking about Kakashi in that way. She felt dirty, even if she didn't do anything about it. Satisfying herself was out of the question, not only it could be useless, but it could be dangerously encouraging to look for something else, and that was never going to happen.
'Silly girl.' Inner Sakura had repeated her more than once.
She checked her phone, no message from the Hokage, she could only wish for him to arrive safe and sound and that everything was going on okay at Suna. She also called Ino for lunch, of course, the blonde said yes, she always had time for Sakura, more now that the pinked haired girl was having some free days.
They talked for hours, even if sometimes Sakura got lost in her own thoughts losing track of the conversation. Ino knew that something was wrong with her friend: the edgy looks, the eventual 'hmm' as answered, the red chicks when something related to sex was mentioned. But she knew Sakura, and better than push was letting her be, sooner or later, she would come to her to talk or ask for advice. That had been their modus operandi forever, and Ino knew how things worked. Everything in good time, especially with the stubborn  Forehead .
After lunch Sakura wasn't ready to go back home, the sun was starting to set, and the time was fantastic. She rechecked her phone and still nothing. Why didn't he texted her? It is said that not news good news but the feeling of anxiety and discomfort had returned to Sakura as soon as Ino had left her alone again. Sakura needed to release her tensions, she had to do something, and in her life, that was training. She had to thanked the heavens that this morning she got dressed as so many years ago. She had bandaged her chest, and on top, she had put on her sports bra, her eternal red jacket and the black shorts with the skirt and as if she had known his destiny before his time she headed towards the training grounds. She was surprised when she found Naruto there, both of them with the same idea. Was he running from something too?
"Hey Sakura-Chan" Naruto greeted her with his cheery voice as if time had never passed. "What are you doing here?"
"Naruto, hi" she internally thanked the familiar face, "I thought to train a little. I did not expect to see you. What are you doing here?" Sakura said, smiling.
"Hinata," Naruto said, lowering his eyes hiding his hand behind his neck. "She doesn't stop scolding me about Suna" he finished.
"What a mess you made there Naruto, you don't grow any more," Sakura said, crossing her arms, tapping her feet against the ground.
"Ahhh, Sakura Chan not you too" Naruto was too embarrassed to look into her eyes. "Kakashi sensei is there now right?" Just hearing her name made Sakura's hair stand on end.
"Yes, I think so. Why?" She played dumb.
"You two became very close" Naruto started thoughtfully.
"I wouldn't say that much" Sakura was perspiring.
"Do you think you could convince him not to be so hard on me?" Naruto had his eyes so blue and pleading like years ago when he was a child.
"I don't see how I could help you" Sakura started to change the subject "Do you think we could spar a little you and me?"
"Yes, Naruto, I can't just be a doctor who doesn't move a finger."
"Okay" Now he smiled, and when he did, the sun seemed to shine brighter "But don't be too hard on me Sakura Chan."
Sakura was tough, and Naruto hadn't lagged behind in the slightest. Neither of them had lost the training timing they had had in the past, and the final fatigue was reflected in both of them, now lying on the sand of the field looking at the stars and laughing together. Sakura was happiest with Naruto in her life. He was like the brother she didn't have, and no matter how much he made her angry, Naruto always made her day infinitely better. Sakura felt immensely better, at least part of the tensions suffered during the last night and the day, had disappeared after the hard training. She was so tired that she was ready to go back home, showered and go to sleep. Yeah, definitely everything was better thanks to exercising.
Sakura arrived home, late enough like to not do anything. Her muscles were so sore that she only wanted to relax them with the hot water and an incredible amount of bubbles. But her phone buzzed seconds before she reached the bathroom, and she could no longer pay any attention to it.
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
22:40: H.Kakashi: Are you there? I'm so so so sorry...
22:40: H.Kakashi: Sakura this have been madness
Finally, he had the decency of texting her.
'Maybe he was busy.'  Inner Sakura always playing for his side. That made Sakura even madder. She was not going to answer.
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzt
22:41: H.Kakashi: You were right Sakura, I should have brought you with me. The heat is killing me, my head is killing me, everything is killing me
22:41:H.Kakashi: Okay... Let's talk later.
'Well..That's something entirely different'  Inner Sakura said, and Sakura huffed her hair showing her discomfort.
Sakura wasn't going to answer right away, somehow she felt that she didn't have to be so much available all the time. Okay, he was recognising his mistake now, but too late, sir, too late. If Kakashi wanted a response, he would have to wait like she had done the whole day. So, just like that, she went to her kitchen, took a bottle of cold water, and after fifteen long minutes, she texted him back.
Kakashi woke up with his phone buzzing in his hand. He didn't remember falling asleep, but at some point, while waiting for Sakura's answer, it had happened. It had been a long time since he had such a deep sleep and it had barely lasted, according to the clock on the nightstand, only fifteen minutes. Almost like an automaton, he put the mask back on his face and looked around. There were no noises from the next room, Shikamaru had never returned. With his eyes still narrowed, he looked at his cell phone and laid his head back on the pillow. Should he answer now or tomorrow? Anyway, he read the message and smiled despite himself.
23:05:H.Sakura: Told you so, sensei .
Notes: Hello There? So chapter 8. A few things I like to say, 1-In the last chapter, after having a shower Kakashi went to bed without rearranging his mask but with underwear on. I guess that's because, he was tired to put the mask as he should, and the dressing thing, is because I believe he is the kind of man that thinks is better to have clothes on than nothing at all, is like saying 'Hey I'm sexier with my boxers on" Why I believed that? I have no idea, nobody asked me either, but I just wanted to tell you how I picture his personality, what do you think? About this chapter: 2- Sakura is still discovering her sexuality as an adult, so far, Icha Icha is better for her than Pride and Prejudice for Kakashi, apparently. 3- I mentioned that Kakashi used to be in his twenties, because actually in the past he was, and now looking back, maybe because of my experience, 20 something is actually not that much to be a full adult, I had made so many stupid things at that age. 4-Ino is so great! I kinda love friends like her, and she will know everything eventually, she is no fool and knows her friend perfectly. 5-Naruto... well I think Naruto is pretty innocent yet, but he is a good friend. With all that said, Please..... You know what to do! is not that much, I would be happy even with only an emoji. Seriously, I would love the feedback.
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doyouever-daydream · 4 years
JJ knows better
A/N Hello! So tonight’s one of those rare occasions where I post at night, it’s almost midnight here so I’m sleepy and I got so distracted while writing this, I did like ten things in between, including having dinner and watching New Girl, lol. I had the hardest time choosing a tittle for this but I actually liked this one because I’m convinced JJ was the first one to notice these idiots were crushing hard on each other. Anywho, enjoy!
Pairing: Penelope Garcia x Luke Alvez
Warnings: None just pure fluff.
Wordcount: 1319
Luke was about enter the conference room when he heard JJ’s voice.
“I’m sorry, Penelope” He stopped before entering and he heard Penelope let out a long sigh.
“It’s stupid I know” He barely could heard her but he knew immediately she was crying, he felt an impulse to go and hold her, ask her what was wrong and what he could do to make it better, his jaw tensed it wasn’t his place, even though he wanted to be the one she went to when she was sad, he still wasn’t sure where he stood with Penelope.
“Are you gonna go in or are you gonna block the entrance all day?” Tara teased, walking past him, and sitting in her chair waiting for the rest to see where they were headed.
He was sure he was the only one who noticed Penelope turning to the screen and discreetly wiping the tears off her face.
After Emily briefed the entire team, he tried to talk to Penelope but she hurried to her lair, he wanted to follow her but they were heading to the airplane in ten minutes and he needed to grab his stuff, so he tried to let it go for the time being.
A few days later they were on their way home after catching the unsub, and as usual, Luke couldn’t stop thinking about Penelope while being away but this time he was worried and curious about why she was sad. At the moment, JJ was sitting in front of him looking through her phone and eating some cheetos on the jet and he decided to take his chance, hoping he wouldn’t seem too nosy.
“JJ, the other day before this case I noticed Penelope was upset, do you have any idea why was that?” Luke noticed how JJ bit back a smirk but he didn’t mind, if someone could suspect about his feelings for Penelope was her, she was very observant.
“Her plant died, and she really loved it, she’s had it for years so it was emotional for her” She explained, Luke nodded and looked outside the window, realizing they were almost home, he failed to notice JJ staring at him expectantly “I bet she would feel better if someone gave another plant to her”
He looked at her with narrowed eyes “Are you suggesting I do that? Some days I’m not even sure she tolerates me” He tried to joke but it was true, he sometimes felt like that.
The blonde rolled her eyes, they were both so oblivious and she was tired of seeing him pining for her and Penelope fighting her crush “I’ll text you the name and where you can get it, thank me later” She returned to her bag of cheetos and Luke didn’t argued.
It didn’t take more than two days for him to show up at her apartment, holding not only one but two plants, just when he was figuring out how to knock, she opened the door, surprised to see him there.
“H-hey Luke, what are you doing here?” She stammered sounding surprised.
He didn’t feel nervous before but the minute he saw her face he almost forgot how to breathe “I-I heard that one of your plants died and I thought you might need new company” Penelope smiled and tried to play it cool despite the fact that her heart started beating rapidly.
She raised an eyebrow “So you came here to make me company? You think I’d rather have you here than my dear plant Goldie”
“No! N-no I didn’t mean me, I meant, these, I brought you these plants” She couldn’t hold back the laugh anymore and finally directed her eyes towards the beautiful plants he was holding.
“They are gorgeous, thank you, come in, let’s find them some spots” She took one of the plants and turned to enter her hom, he followed her, it wasn’t the first time he was there but it was the first time they were alone.
“I hope I’m not intruding” She shot her an amused looked “You know, dropping by unannounced”
“Ah, newbie, all my friends are welcome anytime they’d like except maybe Sundays really really early, everyone should be sleeping in on Sundays” He smiled brightly listening to her calling him a friend, even though he wished he was more, it was a good start and maybe everything they were going to ever be “Now, who told you exactly what plant I used to have?”
“Oh, a little birdie” He tried to shrug it off.
“So JJ did, I only lost one of my plants, why did you bring two?”
“It turns out there are different types of pothos plant and I didn’t know which one you had and they had these two kinds so I thought there’s no such thing as too many?” He explained, still standing in the middle of her living room holding the plant, while Penelope placed the other on her kitchen counter.
“I like the way your brain works, newbie, I truly appreciate this” She leaned on her counter and shot him a smile, her stomach did a flip and she felt herself blush, she hated that she was acting like a middle school girl with a crush but Luke had the power to turn her into that “I think I’m gonna hang that one where I used to have Goldie” Penelope walked to the place and Luke followed her closely.
“I can hang it if you’d like” He offered.
She snorted “Are you calling me short?” Luke saw she was teasing and joined her.
“Well now that you’re not wearing your high heels I can see you’re not as tall as I thought” Penelope mockingly gasped and without thinking he continued “It’s ok, you look cute” He stopped dead in his tracks and Penelope almost laughed at his expression, suddenly she didn’t feel like a middle school girl no more, a wave of confidence washed through her body.
“Are you kidding me? I’m always cute, Luke” The sound of his name made him go weak in the knees.
He remained silent while he adjusted the plant in the knitted hanger and focused solely on that and not on the playful smirk she was sending him, he was sure that Penelope had just figured the power she had over him.
“I haven’t offered you anything to drink, do you want something?” He swallowed, it was all too much, they were co-workers and friends, like she had noted a little before, he didn’t need to screw everything up by bringing up his feelings or making them noticeable to her, when she wouldn’t reciprocate them. 
“No, thanks” He finished hanging the plant and pressed his lips together “I must get going, see you at work” Luke hurriedly walked towards the door with Penelope following him, a little disappointed at his sudden goodbye, he was already out the door when he turned to her.
“Penelope,” He swallowed “Would you like to have dinner some time?” He swore her eyes glowed and that there was a small smile adorning her face.
“It’s not fair, you know?” She pursed her lips “You asking me out after bringing those two beauties, how could I say no to you?” Her nose scrunched and Luke regretted asking.
“I’m sorry, I would never-” Penelope rolled her eyes and decided to shut him up by putting her lips on his, he placed his hands on each side of her face and he swore he was never letting her go, unfortunately Penelope did.
“The fact that you can’t tell when I’m messing with you is hilarious, newbie, I’d love to have dinner” He had the biggest smile on his face and although she loved that smile she resumed kissing him, and Luke didn’t mind it one bit, he would definitely thank JJ later, hell, he’d buy him anything she wanted.
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wvttvk · 4 years
We Shouldn’t — Natalie Mariduena
a/n: just some natalie with a sprinkle of david drama lmfao smut&language warning. Word Count: 3.3k (sheesh) enjoy :)
Someone once told Natalie that some things—both good and bad— can happen with such a precise gradual increase that by the time it’s truly noticeable, it’s far too late to do anything about it. And it’s true.
Natalie knew she was lucky. She really never could have dreamed that by 23 she would be practically running a million dollar company with her best friend. Working with her best friend was not always pretty but it was one of the biggest blessings she’s ever gotten. David knew her just as well as she knew him and they were able to create what almost felt like a little dynasty. Nat was able to refute David’s impulsive extremes with her analytical reasoning. It worked well for her.
But things can’t always stay perfect. Things happen in life that can truly uproot what you have been working to grow. Unfortunately for Natalie, that was you.
You had just begun hanging out with the infamous vlog squad. After drunkenly making out with Corinna in a vlog, David took a liking to you. He always made sure to have Natalie invite you to wherever the group was hanging out, occasionally having just you at his house.
Natalie couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of you. She hadn’t noticed it happening, how whenever you would walk in the room her face would heat up. Every time she texted you, her mind would race with thoughts of what you felt when her name lit up your phone. She wondered what you were thinking of when you looked at her. But at first, Natalie wouldn’t call it a crush, she told herself that it was her way of seeing your intentions. David had been telling Nat about his crush on you, how infatuated he was with your whole personality. Natalie was used to this with him. He gets attracted to people and makes it very known so that others wouldn’t dare pursue them.
Natalie would never admit it to David but she wanted you. Natalie normally didn’t want much, she was fine being single, she knew how to take care of herself in more ways than one. But when Natalie touched herself, her mind always found your face. She thought of your kiss with Corinna, how you had been the one in control, your tongue making its way into Corinna’s mouth. Natalie wishes it could’ve been her, but things don’t always work out that way.
David had been planning a way to make a move on you and Natalie felt sick. Every time he spoke your name, her eyes rolled and she bit back with unhelpful remarks. It didn’t take long for David to realize the change in her temperament.
“What the fuck is up with you, Nat?” He walked into Natalie’s room where she was on her laptop, both working and trying to avoid David.
Natalie took a deep breath, “I am fine, Dave. I have a headache and you’re not helping.”
“Fine, sorry.” David responded, taking that as an invitation to lay on her bed. She rolled her eyes again, the silence resuming as he played on his phone. It was short lived however, when he turned the phone towards her, a photo of you lighting up the screen. The butterflies in Natalies stomach did front flips and she tried to push away that feeling.
“Y/N is just so different. Ugh I just wanna hold her and fuck-Nat she’s so hot. I—“ Natalie couldn’t take it anymore. The constant reminder from him that she couldn’t have you.
“Enough about Y/N.” She snapped, David’s head turning to her in shock at the outburst. “Fucking enough Dave, if you want her so bad go talk to her. I’m tired of hearing you whine.” She finished, getting up from the bed and leaving him alone in her room.
“Are you jealous Natalie?” She heard David’s voice from behind her and she froze. She didn’t think she made it obvious that she had feelings for Y/N. She swore she tried to push those feelings so far down, to keep things okay. The last thing she wanted was her and David fighting over a girl. But you weren’t just any girl to Natalie.
“E-Excuse me?” Natalie whipped around to face him, trying to remain expressionless.
“If you’re upset that I like Y/N, I’m sorry I didn’t know.” He was awkwardly scratching his jaw as he looked at you with what looked like pity. “I didn’t know you liked me that way, Nat.”
She stopped breathing. She couldn’t tell if she wanted to laugh or scream or slap him in the face. She let out a dry laugh, “Hah, you’re a fucking idiot.” She headed further into the kitchen and David remained where he was.
“Okay fine, but if not that, why are you so irritated with Y/N?” He continued, sitting down at the counter. You looked at him, an inquisitive and soft smile on his face as he waited for you to explain. In that moment Natalie wanted to tell him everything. She wanted to say that she wanted you more than she’d wanted anything in awhile. That whenever she spoke to you, she couldn’t help but admire every detail of your face. From the way your eyes raced with a childlike glee when you talked about something you loved, or the way your lips would curl into a coy smile when you would tease. The way all she wanted to do was taste your lips. But Natalie couldn’t find the words. So she said the only words she could find.
“I—I don’t have a problem with her.” Natalie began with a sigh, her fingers lifting to pick at her lip, her nervous habit showing. “I like her, she’s great. I just want you to be careful about jumping into something new, you have a history of being impulsive, Dave. And I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.”
Natalie was hurting. She was hurting so bad, but she wouldn’t show it.
“You don’t have to worry about that, Nat. I’m a big boy.” He responded with his goofy smile, David was back to being unsuspecting as he circled the counter to jokingly hug Natalie, smushing her against him. Natalie tried to shove him off, a smile breaking through as she grumbled, “Gross.”
Natalie thought her talk with David would buy her time. Time to get over the crush she told herself she didn’t have. But 24 hours was certainly not enough time to get over you.
You had been texting David all morning. He was insistent on you coming over to hang out. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until you got to his house that you saw messages from him pour in.
I won’t be home for like 2 hours idk
Jason is dumb
I’ll explain later
I’m sorry
Please tell me you haven’t left yet
You smiled down at the screen, telling him not to worry. He didn’t need to know you were already at his house, you didn’t need to make him feel worse. Natalie’s car was in the driveway and you wondered if anyone was home. You hoped she would be as you walked to the front door, you were hoping you wouldn’t have to drive back to downtown LA just to come back later.
You couldn’t fight the smile that formed as you saw Natalie come to answer the front door. She looked shocked but happy and you hoped you weren’t being a bother by showing up at their house. As she greeted you, you took in her appearance. She was wearing spandex leggings and a cropped crew neck. It was something so simple but even you couldn’t deny the way she made everything she wore her own. Her hair fell loosely around her face as she pulled you into a hug. You could smell the sweet fragrance of her perfume, inhaling as your cheek just barely grazed hers.
As you both pulled back from the hug, there was a strange energy in the air. You noticed that Natalie’s cheeks were tinted pink, her eyes refusing to meet yours.
“So what’s up? Dave’s not home, if you were looking for him.” She began, leading you further into the house.
“Oh, yeah I know. Right when I pulled up, he texted me that he won’t be home for a little while.” You sat down with her on the couch, turning to fully face her. You took it as an opportunity to really look at her. Her brown eyes moved back and forth between yours, you could tell she was trying to read you. “Thank God you were home, though.” You flashed her a smile and you saw the pinkness of her cheeks begin to bloom again. You couldn’t help but smirk at it.
“No-yeah of course.” She fumbled over her words, her eyes once again refusing to meet yours. As the TV played quietly in the background, you wanted to break the silence between you. You wanted to know more about Natalie, there was something about her that made you so curious.
You noticed that Natalie kept her distance—at least when it came to you. Until now, you had never gotten the chance to talk to her one-on-one, just the two of you, without the prying eyes and ears of the others. But when you had talked to her, you noticed how she listened to you so intently, as if she was hanging on to every word. You noticed the way her eyes would fall to your lips, then try to meet your eyes again before she could be caught. But you always saw. You saw the way her body shifted when you were around. You loved it. And right now all you wanted was to learn more about her.
“So you and David...” you began slowly, testing to see how she would react to your questioning, “you guys grew up together, right?”
She smiled at you, nodding. “Yes, neighbors to best friends to roomies.” Her voice light as she joked with you.
You chuckled back at her, your elbow coming to rest on the back of the couch, your head resting in your hand. “Sounds like the start of a beautiful rom-com.” You teased back at her, and she playfully rolled her eyes at you.
“Oh God no.” She stated bluntly, the two of you falling into a fit of giggles. As the silence fell around you again, you saw as her smile slowly fell, her eyes seeming dimmer than they were seconds ago. She cleared her throat.
“Y’know, David really likes you.” She spoke softly, she looked almost sad as she said it, her eyes meeting yours for a moment before falling to her hands. “Do you want anything to drink, by the way?” She asked rising from the couch, walking to the kitchen. All Natalie wanted was to put more space between the two of you, your proximity to her being far too much.
“Sure,” you began rising from the couch and following her to where she stood in the kitchen. “And yeah, I know he likes me. He’s not very good at being discreet.” You answered with a lightness in your voice, you tried to see how she reacted to everything you were saying. She chuckled in response.
“Sounds like him.” She smiled at you again, but this time it didn’t reach her eyes. You wanted her to say something. Something that would let you know how she was really feeling, but Natalie’s walls were up high.
Natalie didn’t know what to say or do. It was already taking all of her will power to refrain from reaching across the space and finally getting to feel your lips on hers. She did the only thing she thought she could, she continued to play the role of the perfect best friend.
“So how do you feel about our golden boy?” She asked with a laugh that felt forced. You took a step closer to her and you noticed as Natalie shifted the slightest bit backwards. Interesting.
“He’s really sweet… charming, and hilarious, obviously.” You started, toying with the cap of the water. “I’m just-I don’t know yet if I see him in that way though... you know what I mean?” You questioned back, watching Natalie’s expression shift with the new information she was just given.
“I get it.” She said softly, she didn’t know what to say. Natalie tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she nibbled on her bottom lip. You couldn’t stop watching.
“I think, when you find the person you want to be with, you’re sure. There’s something chemical and physical that draws you to that person, y’know?” You watched as Natalie visibly swallowed, her cheeks burning at your words.
Natalie mumbled back in agreement, you watched as she tried to discreetly wipe her palms on her thighs. You were loving how easy it was to get a reaction from her. How bad Natalie was at hiding how flustered she truly was. She released her bottom lip from where it was held between her teeth. Her mouth was already swollen and deep pink as she lifted her glass of water to her lips.
You slightly moved closer. “I just think I’ll know when I’m with him,” you paused, “or her.”
Natalie seemed to choke, some water sputtering out of her mouth. You smiled, chuckling at her reaction. Her eyes finally met yours, she was trying so hard to read you. You stepped closer into her space and Natalie took a sharp inhale, her hand reaching behind her to grasp the counter. Natalie couldn’t breathe, she saw the way your eyes were fixated on her lips. She didn’t know what to do.
You moved closer to her, your hand coming up to brush into her hair, twirling the stands through your fingers before letting it fall back on her shoulders. You felt her breath on your cheeks and you needed to be closer.
Your nose brushed hers as you rounded her face, your lips now grazing the shell of her ear. “Natalie.” You were tasting her name on your tongue and Natalie had never thought her name to be so beautiful until she heard it slip from your lips.
You moved your hand to gently tilt her jaw back, your thumb pushing upwards on the underside of her chin. Her lips were so much closer to yours. Just a taste, you told yourself as you moved to brush your lips just slightly against hers, Natalie almost whined.
“We shouldn’t.” The words came out as a whisper from Natalie’s lips. Her eyes flitting shut and her eyebrows pulling together in frustration. Natalie was trying so hard to be a good friend. The heat between her thighs making her want to cry.
“Nat, hey, Natalie,” you began, your hand cupping her cheek now. Her eyes finally opened again, they were watery and conflicted as they raced across your face, “when’s the last time you did something you wanted to do? Without thinking about consequences or everyone else’s needs but your own?”
She just kept staring at you. The brown of her eyes seemed to light a fire in the pit of your stomach.
You wanted her to do something, say something. Anything would be better than the piercing silence around you.
She reached up to where your hand was placed on her cheek, wrapping her fingers around your wrist. Now it was your turn to read her.
“Fuck it.” She spoke quickly, pushing her lips against yours. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, her doing the same.
The kiss turned from something curious to desperate, lips moving feverishly against each other. With your hand in her hair, your rings tangling the strands, the slight pulling caused Natalie to moan into your mouth. You took it as an invitation to skillfully slip your tongue past her lips.
Her hands gripped the exposed flesh of your waist, her hand slipping under your shirt to fondle with your bra.
You took back the control. You loved the way she tasted so sweet, all you wanted to do was feel more of her. You pushed her against the fridge, your free hand pushing her hip against the cool surface and she hissed at the contact. You detached your lips and Natalie immediately began to trail kisses across your jaw, slowly moving down your neck.
Natalie felt you pulse racing as she bit against your skin, her tongue following to sooth your neck. You reached your hand between your bodies, rubbing her through her leggings and she let out a groan.
“Please.” She begged, your fingers lightly brushing her heat through the material. Natalie shifted against your hand, needing more pressure.
You looked down between your bodies with a smirk, watching as your hand disappeared into her pants. Your middle and ring fingers immediately found her entrance, teasing in a circular motion as Natalie continued to squirm. You watched her whole body, her chest rapidly rising and falling, her knees just barely shaking.
You were interrupted by Natalie’s hand pulling your jaw back to face her, her lips fitting themselves between yours urgently. You finally gave in to her, your digits slipping in and out. Her moans tumbled into your mouth, and you swore you’d never heard something so beautiful. Your thumb circled her clit and her hand reached up to caress your breast.
You both were acting so primal and you tried to get as close as possible. Natalie felt like she was rushing against time, trying to savor every touch, every taste, before you might disappear.
The kitchen was filled with a chorus of moans as skin pressed against skin, your tongues brushing against each other. Natalie never wanted this feeling to end. But all things end, leaving only memories in their wake.
With your lips still attached you heard the front door open, followed by quick footsteps. You and Natalie pushed apart, the space between you leaving you both cold.
“Nat, we’re back!” David’s voice echoed through the front hall, you and Natalie increased the distance, trying to fix your disheveled and flustered appearances. “I saw Y/N’s car out front, is she—“
David stopped, rounding the corner to see you and Natalie on opposite sides of the kitchen. Natalie’s eyes were locked on his, as she tried to hold in all of her emotions, the throbbing between her thighs not ceasing. You looked between David and Natalie, keeping your expression calm as you discreetly wiped your fingers on the back of your jeans. All you wanted was to taste her on your fingers but that would have to wait. Your eyes fell back to Natalie, how she couldn’t look at you, her cheeks still bright red.
“Hey David.” You spoke, as he walked into the kitchen greeting you with a hug. You watched Natalie over David’s shoulder, her eyes meeting yours before looking down to her feet. “How was the shoot?”
“Not worth Jason’s bad mood, that’s for sure.” He joked, leading you toward the sofa. Natalie just trailed behind, she needed to not be in the room.
She fumbled over her words as she spoke, “Well, I’m going to go shower. Um it-it was nice talking to you Y/N.” You smiled at how even now her body’s reactions were controlled by you.
“We’ll talk soon, yeah?” Your eyebrow lifted, your eyes glinting with a playful expression. Natalie knew what you meant so she nodded and smiled, fleeing the room.
“Is she okay? She looks kinda sick.” David asked, plopping himself next to you on the couch.
You smiled back at him. Only you and her knowing that Natalie was more than okay. But you nodded at him, “Yeah, she just got a little hot.”
He accepted the answer letting the conversation flow to wherever his mind wanted to go. You smiled at him but the smile wasn’t for him. You could taste Natalie on your lips still, and fuck you couldn’t wait to do it again.
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 31
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.3k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: not many ppl give me feedbacks these days so idk if ppl are losing interest or just busy but yea, i miss it. also, i know i normally update every other day but most likely, my next chapter will be up sunday and not saturday because i have plans! thanks!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : i changed them a bit to fit the story but i hope you like it!
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Chapter 31 : His chapter
I had everything packed for days but I had hidden all my stuff in a wardrobe, in my room. Still, my eyes always moved there by themselves as if i was dreading all of this. It was like that specific wardrobe was on fire and I had simply closed the door and ignored it. I didn't want to think about being away from her.
I had spent all my time with Olivia when I was not at rehearsal but I already missed her. I had no idea how tough it would be to be away from her for weeks but I knew it was going to be bad. We often ended up at my place just to cuddle and watch tv simply because it was easier and we didn't have to always check if we were papped or recognized. We also didn't have to stop ourselves from showing each other affection which was a good thing because I knew we'd have to restrain our impulses when she'd join me on tour.
I felt her foot run up my leg under the table and put my gaze back on her, making her smile as she held her glass of wine up.
"You're not listening to me, are you?"
My lips parted and she chuckled, taking a sip of her glass. It was her third one and I grabbed my own, tilting it a bit to make the dark liquid move as I looked at it.
"I'm sorry, pet, what were you saying?" I asked, looking up in her eyes as she sent me a sad smile.
"Just that I'm jealous you're going to Ireland." she pointed out. "And without me, too."
My heart ached at the thought and I moved closed on the table, leaning my elbows on it.
"Come with me. I want to start this tour with you."
Her eyes went soft and she tilted her head on the side, glancing down at her hand before looking up at me and I just knew she was going to refuse. I could also read in her eyes that she wanted to come, and that the answer she had to give me really hurt her.
"I can't. We start filming in 2 days. I have a scenes and I have to check the text and everything." she explained before sighing. "I wish I could come, though, I miss it."
I felt something twist in my heart but I was not sure if it was because she couldn't come with me or because she was about to spend time with her ex fiance. Perhaps it was a bit of both, and when I felt her foot move up my leg under the table again, I held my breath.
"So I hate to ask but, how do you feel about playing the girlfriend of the man you were supposed to marry?" I wondered, putting my glass back on the table and leaning against my chair.
Her eyes dropped to her plate and her foot moved away from my leg. The atmosphere felt heavy suddenly and I had the feeling that she didn't expect me to ask this question. It was our last dinner together and I had made sure I cooked something she loved, turn down the lights with the dimmer, bought her fave wine and put music in the background. But I was ruining it at the moment and it bothered me.
"I didn't know when I should tell you I just..." she sighed and looked up in my eyes, tilting her head. "I texted Dylan and I'm supposed to go for dinner with him tomorrow night, after you leave."
I put my fork back in my plate and frowned, pressing my lips together. "Should I worry?"
"No. But it's important that we have a good connection.. or at least that we don't hate each other." she explained with a shrug. "I want to know how he feels, and what he wants. I mean, I'm new to this business, but I want to make things right."
I reached for her hand and she looked up. I sent her a small smile and nodded. "Hey, I get it."
She licked her lips and squeezed my fingers, holding my hand and grabbing her glass with her other one. She took a sip and finally let go of my hand. It only took a minute until I felt her foot on my leg again and this time, the left corner of my lips moved up.
"You can't help it, can you?" I joked with a chuckle.
"Nop!" she replied with a smile. "I have to always touch you."
"What are you gonna do when I'll be away mm?"
This was meant as a joke but her smile fell and she shrugged. It suddenly made me think of all the nights I'd fall asleep without her, all the morning I wouldn't wake up holding her, all the meals I'd eat without her. I grimaced and shook my head.
"I keep ruining this evening over and over, don't I?"
"No, all your questions are legit." she just said in a soft tone, tilting her head on the side. "I don't know what I'll do when we'll be away. Hold my pillow against me and pretend it's you, perhaps."
"And when you're horny?" I asked with a smirk.
"Hump my pillow and pretend it's you." she replied quickly, making me laugh.
"I don't want to go." I let out in a whisper, making her raise her eyebrows. "I mean yea, I want to go out there and do music but, I can't stand to be away from you."
She stared at me with soft eyes and let out a chuckle but there was no amusement in her tone. It sounded more like sadness, or something that came close to nostalgia.
"It's true." I added, making her shake her head.
"No I know, I was just thinking... if you had never broken up with me, I would probably had followed you, you know? So we would be together. But at the same time, I'd still be that fragile, insecure person that depends on you and, I don't want that." she admitted with a small shrug. "I like who I've become, and I love my job. I don't want to be the kind of girlfriend who follows her boyfriend everywhere without having her own projects, her own life."
I held my breath and licked my lips. I knew what she meant, and I totally understood, but I didn't feel like I ever saw her as this dependent and fragile girl she was talking about. Was I just blind to it?
"I think you don't need someone who'll just follow you around. The times you were the most attracted to me were the times I didn't need you, the times I knew what I wanted, who I was and what I deserved. I mean, I know you love me because of who I am, but you were drawn to me more when I wasn't all over you."
No matter how hard I thought, I couldn't decide if she was right or wrong but if she was right, I really never did that on purpose, and I never even realized it.
"One time, when we were apart, I missed you so much and I couldn't handle it anymore. You had moved here, and I read on your web site that it was the premiere of your tv show." I admitted, shaking my head and looking down at my glass before quickly taking the last sip. "So I put clothes on, grabbed a cap, and went to the premiere."
I looked up only to see her frowning with her lips parted. I had all her attention and it made something stir in my stomach.
"I waited a few hours just to see you, and when I did, I just watched you pause for the cameras, flashes everywhere, and all that shit. You were with Dylan but I barely noticed him because you were literally glowing. I was seeing you happy. Very very happy. I remember trying to find a time where you were this happy with me. And I realized that you didn't need me anymore." I waited until she looked up in my eyes again to keep talking. "You've always been a strong and smart woman, but at that very specific moment, I knew I was not important anymore. You didn't need me, you didn't long for me anymore, and even if I tried to convince myself that you would always love me somehow, it was fucking tough."
There was a moment of a silence and she just pushed the air out of her lungs as a small smile appeared on her lips.
"That day I could swear I saw you, and... I thought I was hallucinating you. Black cap, white Nike shirt... I came to the conclusion that my mind was just playing tricks on me. I knew I was not over you but I was trying to move on and when I lost you in the crowd I decided you weren't really there." she chuckled again but her lips curled too. "It was really you."
"Yep, was me, i'm sorry."
She stared at me some more and slowly, her head tilted on the left and her lips curled more.
"You really never stopped loving me." she pointed out in a murmur, as if she was now realizing it, or believing it.
"Not a second, Olivia."
She teared up suddenly and I felt my heart break. I reached for her hands as she let tears fall down her cheeks. I didn't want this, I didn't want to make her cry, or hurt her, and here I was, doing exactly that. Again.
"I'm so sorry, Liv, please, I'm sorry." I repeated, my face twisting with pain. "Please, come here."
I pulled on her hands and she breathed in, getting up as I spread my legs to give her space. I felt the need to get her closer, to feel her body against mine and I just tapped my thigh, making her chuckle through her tears and shake her head.
"Sit down." I whispered, sending her a sad smile.
"No," she sniffed. "I'll crush you."
"Sit the fuck down."
She raised her eyebrows but her smile was still intact and she moved away to let me press my thighs together before sitting on me. One of her arms wrapped around my neck and she moved dangerously close, making my lips curl more. I could see every trait of her face, from the gold around her pupils to the little scar near her mouth from when we were kids and she fell off the stairs. She smelled amazing, the same mix of honey and vanilla I was used to, and I wrapped both my arms around her waist.
"Not too heavy?" she wondered, raising her eyebrows again and making me frown.
"Stop saying stupid things, will you?" I let out. "I know you gained weight, I know you hate it, and you need to know two things. First of, I love it. And second of, I'm a tank baby, you've never met a strong man like me."
This time, she started laughing, letting her head fall back as a long laughter boomed out of her open lips. Just watching her laugh made me happy and I let out a chuckle as I watched her. I pulled her closer and one of my hands ended on her thigh, making her look back at me.
"Be honest. Did you stop loving me, at some point?"
Her eyes roamed on my face and she moved closer again, kissing my upper lip very slowly. She was so soft and gentle all the time and I missed that in my life. I missed her touch and how tender and loving she was, especially with me. When she was not in my life anymore, all I could think about was that I missed her, but I also missed everything she did, everything she said, everything she was. It's the little things I missed the most and those things, she was giving them back to me. Slowly, and by little waves, but I was still getting samples from time to time. I was greedy, though, I wanted all of them, and right now, but I would wait for her. A lifetime or two, no doubt. Maybe even three.
"I hated you." she admitted in a murmur, her lips brushing against mine. I felt my heart shatter and swallowed a lump in my throat. "I hated you, I cursed you, I wished you wrong. I complained about you, I bitched about you, I cried and yelled about you."
I blinked a few times, trying to keep my emotions in. Even if I couldn't blame her, it felt like someone had stuck a knife in my stomach and was twisting it with each of her words. I kept quiet. I couldn't talk anyway, and she kept going.
"But not one second, I stopped loving you." she whispered, bringing her hand to my cheek and running her fingertips on my stubble before slipping them in my hair. "I've been in love with you for 20 years, Niall. I think after all this time, falling out of love is impossible. There's a point you reach that you just know, deep inside, that the love you feel is there to stay. I've reached that point. A long time ago."
"But you hated me." I argued in a breath before she sighed.
"Trust me, it's possible to hate and love someone at the same time. I hated you because I loved you so much."
I didn't even know if it made sense but I just nodded.
"I don't hate you now, Niall. I feel many many things for you but nothing negative, I promise."
She kissed my lips again and tugged at my hair very gently as her mouth traveled on my lips and jaw. I remained motionless, my hand burning on her thigh while she showed me affection, and with the way her hands and lips moved on me, I knew she was not lying. There was something special and unique in the softness of her touch that talked louder than a voice could, that explained better than words would.
It took me a few minutes to react but a bit roughly, I brought my hands to cup her face and kissed her harder. Her lips parted more to deepen the kiss and I moved closer to her, my hands now running on her back and her arms before I let one of my hands slip under her shirt. I wanted her so bad and it was so sudden that I could feel my whole body throb.
"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much, petal." I admitted low, allowing my lips to leave her briefly before crushing my mouth on hers again. "Let me make love to you, yea?"
I got up, making her do the same, and grabbed her waist, turning her around and pressing her against the windows behind her. I let my mouth move avidly to her neck as I started breathing harder. She took her shirt off and I did the same with mine, throwing it away before pressing my body against hers. One of her hands reached for my cock and she grabbed it over my pants as my lips moved to her breasts. I moved her straps down and pulled on her bra to expose her nipples and my lips wrapped around one immediately. I sucked on it, making her whimper low and finally let my mouth brush down to her stomach until I reached her pants, unzipping them quickly and helping her take them off. She stood there, only in her underwear, and I pulled the side of her panties away to press my lips against her pussy.
"Oh my god."
I grabbed one of her legs and moved it up, putting it on my back to hold it, and spread her lips more before slipping my tongue down on her slit until it was inside her and bringing it back up to her clit. I sucked on it for a while and felt her fingers pull on my hair. I got the hint and moved back up, unzipping my pants too and getting undressed as she stared at me, lips parted. I moved closer to her, feeling my dick rub on her thighs and she moved her leg around me again. I ground my hips against her a few times and when I felt my tip slip inside her, I let out a short groan.
"I want to make love to you, not fuck you for 5 stupid minutes and cum."
She laughed and smiled as I looked at her. She tilted her chin up to look in my eyes better and I searched for her hands, grabbing them and bringing them on the walls, on each sides of her head. She held them there and I slid my fingertips on the inside of her arms before reaching her palms and intertwining out fingers together. I pushed myself a bit deeper inside of her and she let out a low whimper, her eyes never leaving mine.
"I love you so much." I whispered. "I promise you'll never have to hate me. Ever again."
She nodded quickly and bit her bottom lip. "Okay."
I pushed myself completely inside her and felt my eyes flutter at the feeling.
"You feel incredible."
I brought my face closer and started thrusting in and out of her slowly but at a regular pace. My lips brushed against hers with every jerk and I didn't let go of her fingers. I felt her squeeze my hands harder and from time to time, she'd kiss my lips as I moved, or would let out a low moan.
"I love you. I love you, Olivia."
Her face twisted and I could swear she was about to cry. I pushed my body against hers more and kissed her lips a few times before kissing her deeper but still very slow. I didn't want her to cry, I wanted her to cum.
"N-Niall." she breathed out before I pulled away slightly and saw her shut her eyes tight. "Oh my god, I'm cum-"
She couldn't finish her sentence and started shaking between me and the window. I kept moving in and out of her but watching her get an orgasm made me reach mine and I leaned my forehead against hers as I came inside her, squeezing her hands maybe a bit too tight.
We were both a panting mess when we were done but we still remained motionless, our bodies pressed together, my forehead leaning against hers and our fingers intertwined on each side of her head.
"I love you too, Niall."
I smiled at her words and finally moved away and told her I'd be right back. When I got out of the bathroom, I had put sweatpants on and she was now wearing my shirt along with her panties, which I believed was her best outfit. The music was still playing in the living room and I extended my hand to her and raised my eyebrows.
"You wanna dance?"
"Here?" she smiled. "In your living room?"
I didn't answer but she just licked her lips and put her hand in mine. I made her twirl around and she giggled before I pulled her closer the same way I had at the wedding but for some obvious reason, it felt way more intimate. She leaned her head on my shoulder and it made me suddenly very happy.
I had found a radio station that only played music from the 90's and I knew it would make her happy. A slow song started and she chuckled as I pulled her closer.
"I love that song."
It took me a few seconds to remember that it was a Savage Garden song and when the lyrics said 'I love you more with every breath' I felt her lips on my neck, brushing up to my ear.
"I love you, Niall." she repeated. "I wish you wouldn't have to leave."
"Me too, petal, me too."
The next day, we were both numb and sad and we did everything mechanically, stealing a few kisses from time to time as we walked by each other while getting prepared. I wanted her to come with me to the airport but I knew she wouldn't and I didn't insist. My bags were out of the wardrobe and were now waiting for me near the door, taunting me and making my heart break every single time I saw them.
"Okay, you got your passport?" she asked, standing in front of me.
I nodded and she did the same.
"Phone? Both of them?"
"Yea, I do."
She stared at me with teary eyes but still managed to send me a smile. I breathed in and out loudly and was about to pull her close in a hug when she reached for her ear, making me frown. She took one of her earrings off and handed it to me, her head tilting on the right. I remained motionless and she raised her eyebrows, moving her hand a bit closer to me.
"You still got your ear pierced, right?"
"It's your grandma's, I can't accept it I mean, what If I lose it?"
"Then don't lose it." she just argued, taking a step closer to me before putting it in my ear and locking it.
I closed my eyes and breathed her perfume in. When she was done, I wrapped my arm around her waist and kept her close to me.
"Thank you." I whispered, burring my face in her neck.
"Every time you see it, you promise you'll think about me?" she asked, gripping the front of my shirt in her fist.
"I promise. But I'll already be thinking about you." I pointed out, making her chuckle low.
She pulled away after a while and her smile grew when she saw it on my ear. "Now we match!" she giggled this time, making me laugh a bit and shake my head.
"You’re ridiculously perfect." I pointed out, pulling her closer again and wrapping my arms around her neck this time. Her arms slithered around my waist and I kissed her head, squeezing her tight against me.
"Oh! I have something else for you!"
She got out of my embrace and rushed to the room as I shook my head. It was totally her kind to forget about something she wanted to give me until last minute and it was almost a miracle that she didn't completely forget about it. She came back, jogging to me, and handed me a box. I frowned and looked up at her only to see her biting her bottom lip, eyebrows raised.
"What it is?"
"Short letters." she explained, licking her lips nervously. "I wrote one for every show you have. The name of the place and the date is written on each envelop. You can not open them before. You have to open each envelop right before you go on stage for every show. Not 30 minutes before, not in-between two songs or later when you're at your hotel. You get your guitar, open the letter, read it, and then immediately go on stage. You think you can do that?"
I pushed the air out of my lungs as my lips curled but remained parted. I opened the box only to see a bunch of envelops of different colors waiting for me inside and when I looked up, she was smiling wide, probably because of my reaction.
"That's... fuck, Liv." I let out, impressed. "That's a great idea and you know what? I'm gonna film myself opening every single one of them so you know I did it right before going on stage. I'll answer your messages in videos and send them to you."
Her face illuminated and she jumped slightly, making me laugh.
"How about we make a private instagram? We can both add things there? Share a password? And make it private, of course."
I made her an amused face and laughed. "Oh, look who loves social medias all of a sudden!"
She shrugged and I could swear her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "It's just for you and me, no one else. I mean, think of all the things we can post."
"Pretty sure nudity is not tolerated." I joked, making her raise her nose up in a cute grimace.
"Don't worry, I'll send you nudes directly in your text messages."
I moved my eyebrows and smirked, bringing my mouth on hers. "Mm, I really hope so."
We kissed gently and slowly for a while, as if it could push back my departure, and when we stopped, she kept her lips against mine and sighed.
"I'm in love with you, Niall. I'll miss you."
"I'm in love with you too, petal. I'll miss you more."
We sighed and I held her hand as we pulled away and took a step back until I was almost out of reach. She moved her upper body forward to keep holding my hand but when her fingers slipped out of mine, I saw her tear up and sniff. It was so hard to see that I just grabbed my stuff and turned around, walking out until I heard her voice again.
"Niall! Wait!"
I turned to look at her and she was crying. It broke my heart and I swallowed hard.
"Say it again. Please say it one last time before you leave."
I felt my heart break in my chest and dropped all the bags, rushing back to her and cupping her face to kiss her hard and intensely. She answered the kiss and moaned in my mouth.
"I'm in love with you." I whispered. "I'm so fucking in love with you."
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