#otp fanfiction
cassieuncaged · 3 months
Uneasy Alliance - Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Cassie Cage x Nyx
Summary: Kabal starts and investigation; Nyx finds being a traitor difficult.
TW: language, etc.
WC: 1.5K
Taglist: @roofgeese, @chadillacboseman, @theelderhazelnut, @quantum-lover, @elderglocks, @galaxycunt, @voidika, @spacestephh
Kabal started simple, zipping over to Nyx’s apartment. She liked to pretend no one knew where she lived but the fighter had been smuggled in a couple of times through the dark, taking note of the scenery under flickering street lights.
Thai Oasis.
The sign buzzed in dark blue neon, trying to attract late night customers while the windows above were mysteriously dark. For being a most feared assassin, she turned in for the night surprisingly early. Likely to water some wilting plants and feed a rambunctious ferret. There’s was a rusty fire escape sprawling up the side of the building like mechanical vines. Red eyes scanned it apprehensively, wondering if it would give beneath his weight. The back stairwell was too obvious.
With precision speed, he was beneath the protruding ladder within seconds, hoisting himself upwards like an olympian. Say what you want about underground fight clubs, it kept him agile for the resurrected old man he was. His muscles bulged as he thrust himself onto the grated platform. A leafy fern sat in the window, obscuring the inside though it was pitch black. No sign of life.
Thick fingers fell to the sill, tugging to find it jammed but open. Jiggling it upwards found the bottom pane sliding half up, rattling  in its frame. Kabal maneuvered his stocky body inside, knocking a pot to ground before rolling onto the hardwood floor.
So much for not making a spectacle. 
He waited a few moments, ear to the ground. There were no hurried footsteps or loud voices, just the clatter of dishes and the quiet din of laughter. No one had even noticed. No wonder Nyx enjoyed this place. Climbing to booted feet, he fumbled for the lightswitch, finding it illuminated by the orange street lights.
With a loud clack, the outdated fixture produced a warm flood of light, illuminating the cramp living room. Lucky for him, Nyx was pretty utilitarian where furniture and decor was concerned: the room only boasted a futon, a mess of plants, and an expensive turntable. Kabal sighed, a hiss echoing in the room as he removed his mask. Dark eyes scanned for anything out of place but found nothing.
Maybe she’d known Kano would send someone to hunt her like wild game. Nyx sure as fuck wasn’t someone to make his life easy. Kabal rounded on one heel, large hand pushing through stringy hair. The living room was obviously empty, so he moved to the bathroom. It was a mess, bottles of Manic Panic open and staining the sink, empty contact cases, medicine cabinet open to reveal a slew of different medications; likely for anxiety and bipolar disorder, both of which he knew she had. A slip of the tongue.
But nothing intriguing presented itself, just a pile of towels and purple striped panties strewn across black and white blocky linoleum that matched the kitchenette. The half ass investigation continued, leading to an equally messy bedroom. A mattress lay on the ground, fitted sheet unfurling itself off the corner. Misshapen pillows were tossed unceremoniously to the ground, glass of water balancing precariously atop the plastic/side table.
It wasn’t until then he realized how difficult it would be to do any digging in such a sty where everything was already misplaced. That was until something caught his eye: Ghost’s hulking cage settled on the floor. The door was open, wood chips sprinkled against a threadbare carpet.
She’d never be so careless with her closest companion.
“Shit.” The expletive was directed to empty room, realization hitting Kabal like a fucking tidal wave. Nyx had hit the bricks, and she’d done it without telling a boss who desperately needed anger management classes. It was like letting a viper out of your sight, never completely sure when it would be ready to strike.
Combat boots clodded against the floor, likely shaking the ceiling tiles below though he didn’t much give a shit now. Instead, the living room was broached slowly as Kabal ambled to the record player. It was likely more expensive than rent for the damned apartment. Cranking on the power, The Clash began to play.
Should I Stay or Should I Go.
“Fucking cute…” he mumbled to no once more before heading to the fridge. Nyx surely wouldn’t be there but a disgusting delicacy definitely was.
Cold Pizza.
Ghost chittered in her cage as Nyx waited for a soft knock to sound on her door. Despite being furnished with a bunk bed, she roomed alone. Fair enough for a criminal that extinguished lives for a living. Setting up shop at the pristine metal desk, a blank notebook was pulled from the drawer with a pen. She weighed it in her hand, enjoying how heavy it felt. Not unlike her kunai. She wondered if the pen could double as a weapon. She was being silly. Of course it could. Everything was a weapon, one she’d like to thrust into Cassie’s pretty blue eye.
“Knock, knock,” a voice broke her reverie followed by a resounding thud on the metal door. She hated how high tech and sterile Special Forces headquarters was, especially as the door slid open with a hiss.
“You don’t have to announce yourself,” she reprimanded Cassie, as looking up left her speechless, finding the blonde in a faded t-shirt and linen pajama shorts. Her legs went on for miles, surprisingly tan and toned though purple eyes quickly snapped to the pile of classified documents she held.
“Don’t want you to get too comfortable,” she shrugged, dropping the folders to the ground with a thud. “Especially while you’re doodling in your diary.”
“It’s not my-” Nyx stopped writing, before suddenly getting up and approaching the blonde. She shoved the notebook into her chest before plopping onto the linoleum floor. “Read that, you might find it useful.”
“What is this?” Blue eyes grew wide as she slid down onto her knees, flipping through lined pages. A list of codenames were jotted down, weakness and strengths noted by the names, how to avoid them, a sketch of an old warehouse, an inventory of weapons at their disposal, and, most importantly, Kano’s schedule.
“Everything I know about the Black Dragon. You wanna bag Kano? That’s how.” Nyx added, her own eyes on the pile of folders before her. The very same documents Sonya had during debriefing. “How’d you get these?”
“It’s not the first time I’ve borrowed from my mother.” she winked ruefully, obviously enjoying being a rebel.
“Stealing five bucks from her purse doesn’t count.” Nyx wet the tip of her finger, flipping through the confidential documents while the blonde studied her unlikely confidant. Her hair was parted down the middle, perfect curtains of black and white on either shoulder. For the first time in the three days they’d known each other, her face was devoid of thick makeup, revealing a more naturally pallid face instead of one covered in matte powder. She looked vulnerable, tooth digging into her lower lip.
“You’re a pain in my ass, y’know?” She mirrored the woman, opening the notebook. It was a treasure trove of information. “How many of these people do we need to take down to get to Kano?”
“We’re not going through them.” Nyx declared adamantly. “But we’ll need to get past them.”
“How will we find your underground fighting cohorts?” Cassie wasn’t exactly phased. She’d been to the Outworld, had known a plethora of super humans and fallen gods. Raiden could be summoned to this very room if she wanted.
“They’ll find us. If they want to.” her lavender irises dropped to the pile of manila folders. “But I don’t want them hurt. They’re the closest things I have to friends.”
“Not anymore.” Cassie chided, ponytail bouncing as she shook her head. “Once they find out you defected, they’ll all want you dead.”
“I know.” She snapped, knowing how much she was throwing away. But Kano had commiserated with Shao Kahn a devious plan that would end them all. Outworld would seep through the cracks and infect Earthrealm in the process. Like a supernatural parasite.
“Well, let’s take down that cyborg.” she thought for a moment. “We can pave the way for Special Forces. Make it a stealth mission. Heard you’re good at sinking into the shadows.”
“I am a shadow.” Nyx offered, exhausted. This was already taking the little energy she had. At least Ghost was along for the ride. “We can break into the compound, get a little more intel.”
“How are we going to do that, Wednesday?” She snickered at the predictable nickname, proud of herself.”
“They’ll know us, so we can’t exactly walk up to the front door. We need a distraction, a fighter who can hold their own.
“Jacqui.” A light bulb practically lit up above blonde hair. “She’s one hell of a fighter. Enough to keep your buddies busy while infiltrate the compound.”
“We’ll have to be stealthy. Think you can handle not being the center of attention for a moment.”
“I am my father’s daughter.” Cassie grinned proudly while Nyx’s mind reeled; that was the last answer she needed.
“We’re gonna get our asses handed to us.” The assassin groaned, knowing this mission was going weigh particularly heavy on her.
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"Lyrically Poetic Excerpts" link to Chapter 3: Tonight I'll Be The Best You Ever Had by Keruki Sypher the Lazy af cat
This chapter is nsfw but here's a tiny asf snippet for ya'll lol:
Ain't this what you came for
Don't you wish you came, oh
Girl what you're playing for
Ah, come on
An amused laughter left Merlin's lips before the slighter man gasped as Arthur's lips kissed his neck, his lover's fingers slipping off the straps of his dress.
"You're a minx, teasing me with that damn mouth of yours sucking that spoon as if it were my cock." Arthur growled...
I go by a different name when it comes to fanfiction lmaoooooo
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andicareaboutyou · 1 month
I have a question for the fanfic writers among you: How do you treat your work in progress when a very similar story is put out there? Do you go on writing - in the spirit that everything is unique in its own way - or do you abandon the piece - in the spirit of preventing 'superfluous' contributions?
Let's add a further wrench into the process by saying the recently published work by another author, so similar to your own, seems so much better written than your own (granted we are always our own worst critics). Where do you go with that?
Maybe this is a question for readers, too. Do you mind reading similar works/story lines?
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delusionisaplace · 11 months
"𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙝, 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩…" 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩 𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙨
explicit warning: don't read on if you're uncomfortable with anything nsfw/smut related
have fun with these ;) | tag me if you use any | if yall want more prompts like this, jus drop an ask nd ill respond as soon as possible :)
"I want to hear you beg."
"Arch your back for me."
"You look better with my hands around your neck."
"Swallow it. All of it."
"God, you feel so fucking good."
"Suck on it."
"You're so fucking hot."
"Open your legs for me, baby. I wanna see you."
"Don't hold back."
“Ah, fuck.”
"That noise...keep making it."
"Wrap your legs around my waist."
"Let's make this quick."
"Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at me."
"You're mine."
"Such a good little pup, aren't you?"
“Faster—ah shit—harder…”
"I wanna go again."
“I want you. I need you.”
“Huh…uh…keep going.”
“Wait—uh—do…do that again.”
"Mark me. Mark me so everyone knows who I belong to."
"Don't be gentle with me—I like it when you're rough."
"One more time! Please!"
"Fuck—uh! I love it when you touch me like that."
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asexual-fandom-queen · 3 months
not to be That Person but when people are like “why isn’t there a big fandom culture anymore?” umm…
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maybe this is why???? That an author can spend hours (if not days or weeks or months) on something, have 1,800 people read it, and only have THREE people willing to take a few extra seconds out of their day to comment. Not even something as simple as “thanks for sharing” or “second kudos” or “❤️”
I’m not the internet police. You decide what you do with your time. Just don’t be surprised if the result is that creators leave your fandoms. I’m not writing to scream into the void. If that’s what I wanted, I wouldn’t bother posting. Fandom is a community. It’s an exchange of enthusiasm over this thing we all love. And who’s gonna keep showing up at your house with a goodie basket if all you do is take the basket, slam the door, and leave them outside to watch through the window while you eat?
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
Saying "I love you" without saying "I love you" — some ways your otp can silently express affection
Forehead kisses, and smiling through the kiss
Resting their forehead on the other’s after a kiss
Tucking strands of loose hair behind their ears, with a thumb caressing their cheek
Interlacing their fingers with the other’s when they least expect it
Sleepy back hugs when the other person is busy whipping up breakfast in the kitchen, catching them by surprise
Just doing their own things in the same space; being so comfortable around the other even in their pyjamas
Holding both their hands while holding their gaze gently, just before leaning in for a kiss
Switching positions with the other when walking down a busy sidewalk because your feel the need to keep the other safe
Being playfully clingy in the mornings when one has an off day and the other has to rush to work
Getting them something from the store when they only mentioned it in passing
When one is overseas for a work trip and everything they see reminds them of the other person (bonus: whenever it happens, they take a picture and drop the other person a text.)
Squeezing their hand reassuringly and holding their hand throughout an intense social situation (eg. a large school reunion which the more introverted person is dreading)
Kissing away their tears
^ and letting the other cry on their shoulder even when their t-shirt gets soaked from their tears
Meeting them where they are, mentally and emotionally; never forcing them to do anything they aren’t comfortable with
Wholeheartedly supporting their dreams, and putting that into action by making concrete plans for it to happen
Dropping the other person an encouraging text before an important interview/event
Surprising the other with flowers just because; no occasion and no reason needed
Picking the other person up from work when it’s getting late, and walking them right to their doorstep after
Good morning and goodnight texts
Making the other person a Spotify playlist with songs that remind them of their relationship and growth
Remembering the littlest of things — activities they like and dislike, favourite brands of stationery, go-to ice cream flavour, choice of popcorn
Writing little notes on post-its and leaving them in random pages of their textbook, so that they will get a little endorphin boost when studying
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cosmophoriia · 3 months
"i made it so obvious" : angry love confessions. 𝜗𝜚
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ღ request from: @inlovewithpandora. Prompt request for angry love confession where character b is oblivious and doesn’t realize that character a has a crush on them and character a gets fed up with character b acting clueless so while character b is talking to them about their love life character a blurts out their feelings
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"how can you not know, i made it so obvious!" "clearly, you didn't make it that clear!"
“i’ve had feelings for you for so long.”
“it’s a bit frustrating to how oblivious you are.”
“how did you not notice, i always flirted with you.”
“you deserve someone who would treat you right.” “who might that be?” “… how about me?”
“i’m right in front of you.”
character b going on and on about how they never find someone and character a is just looking at them ready to snap.
“you just got to be fucking kidding me, right?”
“are you messing with me?” “no, why would you think that?” “because i gave you all the signs to me liking you and you haven’t notice one bit.”
“why are you so clueless?”
“did you ever stop and think that maybe just maybe the person you’re looking for is me?”
character a choosing to ignore character b for a while after b goes out on a tinder date and b is so confused on why a been avoiding them.
^ “did i do something wrong?”
“what do i have to do or say for you to notice that i’m in love with you?”
“everyone knew but you!”
character a having to hear character b talk about the sweet gifts that character c claimed they sent reader.
^ "they didn't send you those gifts, i did!"
"wait... you're in love with me?"
"why do you care!" "because i’m in love with you!"
"you claim to know everything about me but you never noticed that i’ve feelings for you, not even once?”
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OTP Prompts: Protectiveness
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Stepping in front of the other to shield them from something/someone.
Telling anyone who comes near them while other is hurt to leave/take a few steps back.
Rubbing their back to make sure they know they're not alone.
Covering their mouth to muffle any cries/screams they make because they're trying to hide from something/someone.
Hugging them to shield their face from the sight.
Jumping in the way at the last minute / taking the blow for the other.
Pretending everything is fine so the other doesn't have to know what's going on.
Holding an arm out to prevent them from getting any closer to the danger.
Restraining someone for just long enough that the other can escape.
Taking the first bite out of a meal to make sure it's good enough to eat.
"You know you saved my life, right?"
"Hey, they're just our friends. Nobody is out to hurt either of us, I promise."
"Don't come any closer."
"While I appreciate that you did that for me, I don't appreciate the fact that you nearly died because of it."
"Can't have you injuring yourself, now can we?"
"Are you hurt?"
"You jumped in front of a bullet!" - "And I'd do it again."
"I don't need you to constantly be there to protect me, you know."
"Thank god you're okay!"
"Please never do that again."
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
me: *looks for fic with extremely specific scenario that I made up*
fic: *doesn’t exist*
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pookie-and-cereal · 1 year
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue
Some of these are found all over tumblr. And my apologies for not posting.
"Hey- no, no. It’s okay, cry it all out. I’m here for you"
"I’ll stay by your side for the whole time" "Promise?" "Of course darling, Promise"
"When’s the last time you actually slept?"
"Just breathe, it’ll be over soon"
"Everything will feel that it’s not okay, but— don’t forget, you’re not alone this time"
"I’m sorry—" "No, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault"
"I’m here, and will be by your side"
"You can’t hide that fever from me"
"You’re safe now"
"Calm down, you’re burning up"
"I’m open for hugs, whenever you need them!"
"I know it hurts, but just hold on a little longer!"
"Let me take care of you this time"
"Stop pretending that you’re fine! You need first aid!"
"You’ve always been there for me, now, it’s my turn to be there for you"
"Why?" "Because you mean the world to me,"
"Listen to me! Fuck what they think! Because you are perfect! You hear me?"
"You’re not useless"
"Take these meds, they’ll help"
"I’m not leaving, okay?"
“Don’t pretend you’re okay. Please, don’t lie to me, because I know you’re not okay!"
Making them warm soup, and taking care of them, as if they were glass
Asking them every two minutes if they need something
Holding their hand once the pain becomes unbearable
After a long day they’re burnt out, and finds their partner making dinner for them both
Treating to their partner/friend’s wounds
Giving them meds for the pain
Refusing to leave because you can see past them, and knowing they’re sick
Pretending to be fine after a small incident, and their partner/friend asks them what’s wrong, which flips the switch and they can’t stop crying. And eventually tell their partner/friend about it
Going out to buy their favourite snacks
Giving the other hugs
Not letting go of the others hand
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l-michalska-writer · 9 months
Protective prompts
Perhaps i should phrase myself better. You. Wont. Lay. A. Single. Finger. On. Her.
Yeah, I killed him. I won't apologize for that.
He had it coming.
"He was asking for it." "For a beat-up?" "Yeah."
I don't care if you want me here or not. I'm staying.
You're in a hospital because of them and I'll put in a morgue everyone who is responsible for that.
He said what?!
"He had it coming." "you killed him." "Exactly."
He was asking for it.
You have my permission to kill him whenever you like, darlin'.
Are you falling in love with me, hon'?
You're playing a dangerous game, darlin'.
"My father wants to meet you." "I swear, one single bad word about you comes out od his mouth... I'll kill him."
You’ll stay by my side until I tell you so.
„You’d defy the gods, only for me?” „i would destroy the gods for you.”
You can change what you do but you cant change what you want.
If I cant have you no one should.
*someone’s bothering her* him: would you like to fuck off?
How many drinks would it take to make you mine?
Who. Did. This. To. You?
You don't want to make me jealous, honey.
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cassieuncaged · 6 months
Uneasy Alliance - Chapter 3
Cassie Cage x Nyx (my oc)
Summary: When Kano decides he needs to hunt down a turncoat agent, it's up to Cassie to to protect her.
TW: sexual tension, language, etc.
WC: 1.2 K
A/N: Literally haven't updated this story in a year and half. But don't give up on unfinished fics, folks! Who knows when you'll be inspired again. Also, Cassie realizing she likes girls is very much based on my personal experience of discovering I was pan. So, there's that.
Also, thank you @roofgeese (Echo) and @chadillacboseman (Alex) for letting me borrow your ocs! Hope I did them justice :3
Taglist: @roofgeese, @pinkcatminht
“A truce?” Lavender eyes are unblinking, sharp jaw set hard as steel. “What the hell are talking about?”
Blue eyes rolled dramatically as Commander Cage strode into the meager set up. Her mouth, however, was shut for the longest amount of time since they’d met. Of course, when the turncoat actually wanted to hear the proposition. Instead, the blonde turned gracefully on the toe of her boot, not unlike a ballerina.
Under the right circumstances, Nyx could even imagine herself slipping her a phone number hastily scrawled across a sticky note. Right now, she had to resist the urge to cave Cassie’s skull in.
“Nice place you got here,” a quick nod of her head sent those pink aviators gracefully falling upon that round little nose, “Suppose you’ll be plastering some Echo and the Bunnymen posters up while you watch Eraserhead.”
“What’s your quarters look like, Barbie? Bubblegum pink with a closet full of Betsey Johnson rejects?” Nyx shot back without missing a beat, enjoying how Cage junior was bristling beneath the quick retort. It was clearly a long time since she’d had someone to engage in verbal sparring with.
“Point taken,” Cassie grits, arms crossed tightly across her uniform. “You want to hear what I’ve got up my sleeve or not?”
Mirroring her stance, the pallid woman responded with a sharp:
“I’m listening.” Her voice is terse, unflinching. Nyx had spent a long time guarding herself out of necessity, protecting those she’d cared about the most. So she waited as the blonde’s ponytail bobbed, chin nodding as she began.
“As I’m sure you’ve figured, my image here isn’t…the most respected.” It’s painful to admit, realizing her own mother barely holds any faith in her only child, “In fact, General Blade probably wishes I’d taken an interest in following my father’s footsteps.”
“Poor little princess,” Nyx feigns a pout, pink lips lacquered black. “Why don’t I play Celebrity Skin for you on the world’s tiniest violin?”
“What if you feed me some the intel you’ve got on Kano?” Cassie ignores the quip; with Johnny Cage as a parent, it got old really fast. “I’ll be your consult and use it to get ahead of the game here at Special Forces and we finally bag that greasy bastard.”
“Won’t that piss mommy off?” the hired gun had grown bored, unzipping the measly duffle tossed onto a narrow twin bed. She pulled out a black sports bra and matching thong, eyeing the bathroom situated in the corner. Commander Cage willed the rather delectable image in her mind away, feeling herself falling into a trap. “Sounds like stepping on her toes.”
“Sonya doesn’t give a shit if she finally shuts that cyborg up once and for all. Besides, overheard her and Briggs talking about some Outworld drug trafficking. Could be dangerous. How do you feel about going undercover?”
“Like some Columbo bullshit?” dark lips stretch into a wry grin, obviously amused. “I might be able to shed a little light on the Black Dragon. Where do you want to start?”
“Get some sleep. We’ll assemble in the morning. Jacqui will join us.”
“Afraid to be alone with me?” it’s a harmless joke though Cassie’s heart pounds in her chest. Was she even attracted to women? What a time for such a revelation.
“You’re not in any place to question my actions.” That sharp commanding voice returns, a military woman whose determined to keep the control she’s never had. So the assassin holds her hands up in surrender.
“I’m fucking with you.” She admits, “You’re fun to fuck with.”
Then Cassie’s face turns as red as a tomato as her lungs constrict, breathing impossible as she turns on a booted heel and marches to the sanctuary of the hallway.
A week passes since Nyx was at the club last, no shadows slinking through the corridors like a ghost.
“Anyone seen Siouxsie Sioux lately?” Alex’s voice breaks him from his train of thought, boot propped upon the bench as they were laced quickly. He’s still bruised from the last fight, eye swollen, lip split. The man doesn’t react to the pain, tightening the bun at the nape of his neck.
“You mean Nyx?” Kabal hates how her name feels on his tongue, souring their agreement.
“No,” he feigns a haughty laugh, switching boots upon the cracked wood, “I mean Erron. Y’know with all the dark eye makeup. They’re practically the same person. ‘Course I mean Nyx.”
“Don’t have a fucking clue.” He huffs, leaning against the cool steel of the battered lockers. “I’m not her mother.”
“Would that make you a milf?” Time barely passes before Kabal is pulling his cohort into head lock, pressing his fist roughly into the curve of Alex’s skull. “Fuck, it was a joke!”
“Not a fan of noogies?” His knuckles dig into dark hair, playful yet firm before the door to the cage opens. The men pause as the manager’s finger falls on Alex.
“You’re up.” He disappears behind the metal door as the fighter’s straighten themselves out. Straightening his hair, Alex pushes his mask up to his lips before rolling his shoulders and sashaying to the doorway.
A large hand salutes dopily before he’s gone. Then Kabal’s train of thought returns.
He doesn’t think anything of it; she’s been under the boss’s thumb for awhile but still preferred doing her work alone, away from prying eyes. He’d been to her apartment once, a few blocks away from Echo Park, nestled atop a Chinese Restaurant. It wasn’t a secret that she liked to be alone.
But this was fucking ridiculous. She’s always showed back up, like a stray cat that got a lick of cream once. The others in the locker room kept their faces down before the mask was in place, pretending the scars mangling his face didn’t exist. So his mask was pressed to raw, red skin, hooks holstered across his back as the man wandered from the sweat drenched walls down the narrow halls lit by flickering fluorescent lights.
Kano’s  office was unmarked, a black door with chipped paint. Kabal’s fist collided with the hardwood before being granted entry with a gruff ‘In’. Pushing the door open found the man curled over his desk, Echo dutifully stationed in the corner, unflinching and unfeeling.
“Whaddya want?” Kano spat, red eye boring into some document like a laser pointer before meeting the equally dark pair of the metal mask across the room.
“Where’s your gun?” his voice was distant, mechanical as arms crossed over his chest as his gaze fell on the icy blonde hair of his right hand. She didn’t blink, staring the fighter down before clear eyes flickered downwards, falling back on her boss.
“On a job.” He replied with a roll of one good eye, “Taking her fucking time. Why?”
“Been gone for a while.” Kabal added, prying until he earned a sigh.
“Then go fucking find her. Pull her by the hair and bring her back.”
“Just like that?”
“If it’s bothering you so much, find her.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Kabal’s smirk was evident in his voice as he receded back into the hall. The hunt was on.
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mischievous-thunder · 9 months
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qlossytbh · 2 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐲 - 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐮!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 you and spencer seem to have a lot more in common than you let yourself on to. (based on 1x22)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 brief spoilers for 1x22, strauma dumping between reader and Spencer, the two of them have fucked up childhoods, sexual tension (?), fem!reader, mentions of schizophrenia, mentions of depression and attempted suicide, reader has a fucked up dark humor (don’t we all!)
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 3.3k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 this was honestly just an idea that came to me while watching season one finale, he’s just so *chefs kiss* and I wanna give him a hug. BY THE WAY IM ONLY ON SEASON TWO SO DONT SPOIL. i feel like it’d be super funny for season 1/2 Spencer to be with someone with a super sarcastic and twisted humor
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It was an uncomfortable silence if you were being quite honest.
You acknowledged how the events of that day personally affected Spencer— you really did.
It felt as if the air was thick and both of you wanted to speak but none of you considered doing so. You glanced over at Spencer from your spot next to one of the file drawers, letting your mind wonder on how he was holding up.
You saw him shift in his seat on the couch while his eyes scanned through a few of the files that sat comfortably in his lap.
It had never even occurred to you— what Spencer's mother had been through. Earlier, while she was helping out with the case, things seemed normal. Sure, she was a little reserved and seemed constantly on edge, but you thought that was just another one of her odd traits.
However, when you and Morgan were covering for Reid earlier today, he practically jumped head first into a room with a bombed UnSub that was keeping Rebecca Bryant hostage.
You thought you misheard, but Spencer briefly started mentioning his mother and then stated very explicitly that she was borderline schizophrenic. You looked over at Morgan in shock.
Spencer was one of those people who had always been a closed book when it came to himself, because god knows he loved to talk about other things. It was like a type of distraction, the consistent talking.
Since you and Spencer had become friends he never really talked much about himself. He always preferred hearing you ramble on about whatever it was getting you worked up or irritable. He found it massively endearing when you'd arrive at work and immediately start venting rapidly and furiously about something as stupid as your abhorrence towards slow drivers.
Spencer could be a little more uptight and calculated, struggling to let loose while you however, usually took most things with humor. You joked around— sarcasm being your main powerhouse of humor, which unsurprisingly was very hard for Spencer to catch onto. You found yourself regularly explaining to Spencer that you were only joking. Never had it annoyed you, you only felt able to find it cute.
But that's exactly why you and Spencer worked so well. Spencer's grounded way of thinking encouraged you to see things in a different light and he brought the best out of your critical thinking. He worked as a real life anchor and you helped Spencer get out of his overthinking, grounding him and helping him see things with a little less, eloquently.
What you lacked he recompensted, and what he lacked you recompensated. The two of you filled the gaps the other was missing. And it’s why the two of you understood each other so much.
But in situations like the one you were currently in, you truly wondered how much he could be potentially hiding about himself. You felt like you knew him so well but at the same time, you knew absolutely nothing.
You began wondering if that’s what drawed you in so badly. Spencer appeared to have so much he was hiding and all you wanted to do was insert yourself into his head and dissect every and any thought possible. You truly wanted to understand his way of thinking— those things that, essentially, made him, him.
You shifted on your heels, sneaking glances at him and trying to figure out the best way to go about was. Because by the way his knee bounced nervously and the familiar furrow in his brow, you knew his head was racing uncontrollably.
You needed the silence broken so without another thought, you set the file down, using a bit more force than preferred and made your way to the couch he was sitting on. He sat on the left side, allowing his elbow to rest on the arm rest while he continued scanning his eyes through the papers that sat in his lap.
Without a single word, you sat on the farther right side of the cushion and faced him. Your eyes bored into the side of his face and after a few seconds, he turned to you, feeling your piercing gaze on him.
You narrowed your eyes. "What's going on in that pretty big brain of yours?"
He fumbled with the papers in his lap, growing nervous. He opened his mouth to answer but clamped it shut.
He started, gesturing to the papers “Uh, I'm reading through the various files about the case and how we—"
"No— I mean, how are you?"
He looked at you, severely muddled. A smile ignited onto his face, tugging at the corner of his mouth like your sudden antics humored him. "I'm....good?"
"Good..!" You continued, suddenly feeling your cheeks grow hot. This was severely embarrassing "Great, yeah. That's— uhm, great."
There was a silence, again. You were beginning to hate silence. You looked down at your hands and nervously played with the rings that sat comfortably on your fingers. This was harder than you thought it was going to be.
"You're blushing," He stated bluntly, scanning your face. Your eyes suddenly blew wide and you felt yourself choke on your own air. "Which either means you're feeling embarrassed, or nervous, or—"
"What? No!—" You grumbled and pointed a warning finger at him. "Don't go all profiler on me. We’re not talking about me—“
"But didn't I specify that I was doing good...?" He asked, sounding genuinely perplexed. You deadpanned at your best friend and he suddenly grew small under your gaze. You dragged a hand across your face with a groan.
"Spence, thats not what I meant—“ You looked him in the eye and took a breath. "Are you ok?"
Spencer definitely took his time answering. You sat there, probably looking somewhat stupid waiting for his answer as all he did was scan your eyes, looking for— you didn’t really know what he was looking for.
Spencer was confused. He tried rolling back on something he had told you that’d cause your brows to furrow as deeply as they did. Realizing he wasn't catching on, you continued.
"You know for someone as smart as you, you sure are slow," You shoved his foot with your own and smiled at him. "I didn't know about your mother."
"Oh.." He then slumped with realization as a weak smile reached his face. He looked down at his files and fumbled with the corner of one of them, folding and unfolding it gently.
"Yeah, 'oh'," You teased. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Spencer trusted you more than life itself, he knew he could tell you but right now he felt this distinctive piercing anxiety that was causing him to shift nervously around you. Vocally admitting something that he may have some underlying issues with, letting you know that, terrified him.
It was hard for you as well. You cared about him and if you were to guess with what you know about Spencer, you'd take a wild one that opening up isn't his favorite thing to do. Thinking he could be potentially going through things without anyone to talk to you made you sick to your stomach.
You couldn't blame him though, you had the same problem. He looked up at you and just watching you, waiting for him patiently to tell you anything was enough to make him crack.
"Schizophrenia is a life long illness," He said. "Her meds keep her stable but she still has bad days at the sanitarium."
You nodded your head softly as all your attention was suddenly directed to him and only him. "I don't remember much about when she was first admitted but I do remember that she used to always read me these poems."
You smiled warmly, and he followed suit. When his gaze switched from you to the wall in front of him, you opened your mouth to speak. "How come we never realized you ever leaving to go see her or visit her?"
"Because I didn't," He admits. His brows furrowed faintly. You sat in silence, pushing for him to continue speaking. "I don't."
"How come?" You asked. He shook his head and pulled his lips into a straight line. He didn't really have an answer to what you had just asked, even though you’d hope he would.
His shoulders shrugged slightly as he seemed at a loss of words. "I think it's because in some weird, meticulous, twisted way I see myself when I see her."
"I write her letters everyday, just so I don't feel— you know, guilty, but knowing that schizophrenia is genetically passed on—" He shook his head, not even wanting to finish that thought.
"Spence," You said, shaking your head with furrowed brows. "I didn't know."
He looked at you and got deeply intimidated with the concern in your eyes so he attempted to brush you off. "You— You had no way of doing so,"
"I mean yeah, I guess.."
Yet another silence dwelled upon the room and you found your head racing at a thousand miles per hour. Thinking back and forth as to how you could have possible missed it.
Spencer looked over at you, alarmed by your sudden silence. He saw your gaze glued onto the ground and knew instantly that something was up. He noted how the corner of your lips were tugged tightly to the side and the soft familiar crinkle in your brow— how could he not tell that you were overthinking this? It was as clear as day, at least to him.
"What's going on in that pretty brain of yours?" He quipped, nudging your foot and causing you to snap out of your trance.
You felt the urge to laugh. Your favorite thing was when Spencer teased because it was so out of character of him. It was one of his scarcest traits, but it did exist in him when he wanted it to.
Not entirely ready to talk about what had awoken in your head, you decided to joke around. "How come you get ‘pretty big brain’ but I only get ‘pretty brain’?”
You could physically see it in his eyes— how he rescanned and revisited your conversation, immediately growing nervous at the possibility that he had offended you in any way. "You calling me stupid, Dr. Reid?"
"What? No! I meant—" He shook his hands franticly, turning his body to face you, face growing red. "That you can uhm, also have—"
You let out a soft laugh and he stopped, clamping his mouth shut. "You’re joking,”
The collar of his shirt acutely grew tight. When the sound of your laughter filled the room he could feel everything stop. He could feel every inch of his skin melt off and into a pile of putty on the ground. His cheeks grew hot and were practically burning to the touch.
You leaned forward, giving the end of his tie a soft pull. "Now look who's blushing."
You let him go with a laugh, and fell back shaking your head while Spencer's breaths grew even shallower, growing more nervous by the second.
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked at the floor, smile fading slightly.
"I get it," Your words had taken Spencer off guard. He looked over at you but your gaze remained on the floor.
"What—" His voice came out all wobbly so he quickly cleared it out as embarrassment seeped in. "What do you mean?"
"You're not alone with all the— fucked up family melodrama crap," You shrugged and spared him a glance, one of true empathy and not some made up bullshit. "I get it."
Spencer watched you closely and realized, due to your body language, basically just by knowing you, that something was up. He waited intently, expecting you to go on further— knowing you would.
You brought one of your knees to your chest while the other hung off the couch. "I remember when my sister was admitted to a psych ward, I had this huge inner turmoil, kind of similar to what you telling me about now with your mom."
You’d never shown any signs of having this going on in your personal life that he almost felt stupid for not seeing it, but you knew how to hide things pretty damn well. You'd always been so put together, and the brightest light in every room.
It was crazy how someone could be going through the worse and can hide it so well.
"She was severely depressed, she tried to end her life like, four times?" You rested your chin on your knee and laughed to yourself. "Lost count after a while."
Your face fell in realization "That's not funny—"
It wasn't a topic or time to joke around. He smiled to himself, finding your dark twisted humor somewhat concerning, but also endearing.
"Anyways, the first few times didn't really take a toll on me, and I'm not sure I can say why," You paused. "Maybe I just didn't allow myself to feel because I knew that if I did, I'd fall apart and I couldn't let that happen,”
You picked at a small fuzz on the end of your pants “I didn't want anyone to know what had happened and maybe if I avoided doing so, I could also pretend like it never happened but the time she ended up in the hospital was scary, to say the least."
"I had called 911 and she couldn't be alone before the ambulance arrived. When I tried to stop her from leaving the house, she attacked me," You took a deep breath and smiled. "Couldn't even do anything about it,"
"She got taken to the hospital and I never spoke to her again," You shrugged, pulling your lips into a straight line. "Things just fell apart after that but, I don't feel guilty about not seeing her... I think."
"I offered her help and comfort, time and time again, after every attempt, I'd always tell her that I was right here if she needed me." You shrugged. "I wasn't going to let her treat me like that after I had offered to help so many times, theres a certain point where you just can't help anymore, it’s hard to when they don’t want to be helped. I had to accept it wasn't something I could fix, as much as I wanted to."
Something about seeing and listening to someone's vulnerabilities and deciding to stay around was so sacred to you. Being the comedic relief for others was your way of avoiding letting anyone know and see your darkest sides, but somehow Spencer gave you enough security to let that go and be fragile with him— you felt protected.
"Look at us," You gestured. "Bonding over deep rooted family trauma's."
He shook his head and let out a laugh that was music to your ears.
"You know," He quipped, finding your eyes again. "It’s crazy how most people don't know what's going on with someone else until they directly tell them, no matter how close they are,"
"Here, people usually tell me their secrets all the time, so I know a lot about others" He shrugged with a smile, diverting his eyes from you once again and right into his lap. "I think it's cause they know I don't have anyone to betray them too."
You frowned. Is that really what he thought? That he had no one to go to? He shot you a grin from the side. "Except my mother, I tell her pretty much everything."
"I knew you were a Momma's boy," You accused, letting the playful glint in your eyes reach his. He rolled his eyes.
“I hope you told her about me,” You joked. “I’d be severely devastated if you haven’t.”
It was initially meant to land as small banter but Spencer’s eyes discernibly softened, looking down at his hands as if somewhat reminiscent of a fond memory. “I did actually,"
Your laugh faded but your smile still remained— Affectionate and soft, and directed only towards him. He looked up at you, attempting to scan every depth beneath your eyes bit by bit.
As the pulse in your throat throbbed against your neck, you scooted forward on the couch, allowing yourself to be closer to him. He swallowed thickly, before you took his hand into your own.
"I think with what you said before," You started, looking at his hand in your own while your fingers carressed his knuckles delicately. "People go to you because they know they can trust you— and not for the reasons you think they do,"
"I haven't told anyone about my sister, and I didn't tell you with the security that you wouldn't tell anyone because you don't have anyone to tell," You looked at him. "I told you with the security of the very own trust that I have in you, because you’re— well, you,”
Never before had Spencer proved to you that you weren’t someone he could confide in, and how stupid did you believe it to be that he thought he was only there to be a secret inbox.
He was so much more than what he thought of himself.
Just like you had stated before, you and Spencer brought the best out of each other, even if that meant talking about the worst.
You then signaled him to open his arm, enough to give you some proper space. "Scooch."
You fumbled around before letting yourself fall into his side, cuddling into him as much as you could and letting his arm drape around your shoulder. You grabbed his free hand and interwinded it with yours, smiling at how irrevocably perfect his hand felt in yours.
Your face flushed at the newfound proximity, but it felt too good and too natural that you didn't have it in you to overthink. Spencer somehow just complied to your wishes, immediately allowing his body to relax into yours.
After a while of the two of you basking in each other's touch and comfort, you pulled away momentarily. "Also, if you ever scare me again the way you did today—“
Spencer knew you were talking about dropping his gun and jumping head first into danger, but he listened tentatively at your warning nonetheless.
“I will make it my personal job to make your life a living hell."
He rolled his eyes laughing, and pulled you closer into his side."Yes ma'am"
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delusionisaplace · 11 months
"𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩…" 𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙨
fluff was highly requested in my last poll, so here you go :) | tag me if you use any | if yall want more prompts like this, jus drop an ask nd ill respond as soon as possible :)
Eyes lightning up as soon as your significant other enters a room
Comparing hand sizes as an excuse to hold hands
Losing themselves in each others eyes as they hold a conversation
Forehead kisses
Cheek kisses
Constantly smiling or giggling when your partner is around
Playing with the other's hair as they rest their head in your lap
Staring at them from across the room with loving eyes
Looking at your partner like they're all you could ever want
Smiling against your partner's lips as you kiss
Tight hugs that feel warm and full of love
Asking the other about their day
Embraces from behind where the other person nuzzles their nose into your neck
Wanting to spend each second with each other, soaking in the feel of each other's presence
"Stay with me tonight. please."
"Can we cuddle?"
"I'll keep you warm."
"Kiss me."
"You're my favorite person."
"You feel like home."
"Do you know how much I love you?"
"You're all I think about."
"You're absolutely perfect in my eyes."
"No one could compare to you."
"Let me hold your hand."
"I love being with you."
"You're so cute, you know that?"
"You feel so warm."
"I don't ever want to let go of you."
"I'd do anything for you."
"Don't go anywhere I can't follow."
"I'll follow you to the ends of the earth."
"You're my everything."
"I like how good your hand looks in mine."
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writersloveroe · 11 months
Romantic things that make me wanna fall in love (that you should definitely use in your book)
•wrapping their hands around their partner’s waist
•kissing the back of their neck after putting their necklace on
•leaving lipstick stains on their collar/face/body
•holding their partner’s face as they press their foreheads together
•pushing them against a wall just to make them nervous
•feeling nervous as their partner sits on their lap
•wrapping an arm around their partner and proudly claiming them as their s/o
•laying together in a messy bed silently and enjoying each other’s presence
•the relief of not having to explain your feelings because your partner knows you better than they know their order at their favorite restaurant (…lmao)
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