#peggy carter and her harem
Steve: Peggy, are you hurt? Peggy: No, I’m just bleeding to death! How are you?
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widowpunx · 8 months
Thank you Anon and all the beautiful people for asking 🔥😎😎🔥 here's your response...
As the nights become darker and longer, your host widowpunx is proud to present to you the next edition of her AO3 kinktober celebrations:
Let's celebrate together various dark and weird wonderful fics where Natasha Romanoff and her harem conformed by other mcu ladies like Maria Hill, Wanda Maximoff, Melina Vostokoff, Christine Palmer, Pepper Potts, Laura Barton, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Sharon Carter, Carol Danvers, Hope Van Dyne, Peggy Carter and more immerse in this dark smutty world full of vampires, demons, werewolfs and other sexy dangers where G!P Natasha Romanoff will experience so many lewd and incorrect situations.
Welcome to the fourth annual widowpunx's kinktober celebration. Hope you enjoy this special kinktober edition and will download to keep in your collection, and will excite those of you who love this smutty concept. Let's start with three new works
Notes: Please read tags carefully | Only 18 +
Kate Bishop X G!P Natasha Romanoff - COME WITH ME TO EAT YOUR GIRL - (After Yelena makes Kate feel bad and she finds comfort in Natasha's arms.)
2. Natasha Romanoff X Maria Hill X Wanda Maximoff - Eternally (Maria and Wanda find a fun way to pass the time until Natasha's return.)
3. G!P Natasha Romanoff X Wanda Maximoff - Make Me Crazy ( A Mission Gone Wrong + Sex Pollen) [Wanda is a Tease + Awkward Natasha]
4. Werewolf! Natasha X Sex Demon Wanda + Natasha's Pack [Carol X Yelena X Sharon Carter] - Losing Your Mind In Chaos Magic (Wanda has been hoping to find a lover who can satisfy her overwhelming appetite but luckily Wanda not only finds a werewolf lover named Natasha but a pack of werewolves willing to help [Coming Soon]
5. More to come 😏😉 he he he 😈😈😈
If you missed the last editions you can find them below 👇👇
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doctorhelena · 4 days
Oh accidental Howard marriage sounds like great fun!
(In reference to this WIP ask game)
This story takes place shortly after the end of Agent Carter S2 (in a universe where Peggy and Daniel's romance was quite short), and is pretty much just what it sounds like (although it also has a Steggy wraparound, in which post-Endgame Steve learns about it 😂).
Peggy and Howard very drunkenly get married during a night out in Vegas (where they are staying for work-related reasons), after which, to Peggy's mortification, Mr. Jarvis gets called to the rescue. 😂(Thankfully, both parties being intoxicated was sufficient grounds for an annulment in Nevada in 1947.)
Here's an excerpt:
“You’re too good for him, Peg.” Howard gestured in the general direction of Los Angeles, and more specifically of Daniel Sousa.
Peggy sighed, swirling her whiskey around in her glass. “Oh, I don’t know. He’s a good man, he just has a tendency to be a little too protective for my taste. Perhaps I simply didn’t give him enough of a chance.”
Howard shook his head. “He’s a nice enough guy, but we all know you two never would have worked out in the long run. He isn’t in love with the real you. Not like Rogers was.” He shrugged. “Sousa’s top priority is always knowing you’re safe. And you’re just not the kind of bird who does well in a gilded cage.” He grinned. “Kind of like Bernard.”
Peggy snorted, pulled away just in time from the brink of wallowing in Steve Rogers-related wistfulness. “Good God, Howard, how many of those have you had?”
“Flamingos? Or drinks?”
“I certainly hope, for poor Mr. Jarvis’s sake, that the answer to the second is a considerably larger number than the first.”
Howard grinned and clinked his glass against hers. “Just the one flamingo so far. Although that might change, I’ve been thinking of putting him out to stud.”
Peggy lolled back in her chair, feeling suddenly more relaxed than she had in months, warm and loose-limbed and alarmingly near giggling at the thought of Bernard with a harem of female flamingos. “Howard, don’t you dare do that to Mr. Jarvis. You don’t appreciate the man nearly enough. How many times has he saved your bacon?”
“More than once, that’s for sure. Maybe even more times than you have,” Howard admitted, then swung himself abruptly up into a standing position, reaching for Peggy’s hand to pull her up too. “Here, finish that drink and I’ll take you out to dinner and to a show. Take your mind off things.”
“We have to work in the morning,” she reminded him. They were in Las Vegas to evaluate the suitability of the old Groom Lake auxiliary airfield site as a remote test site for some of the SSR’s more volatile scientific and technological research, at Phillips’ behest - a part of the plan she, Phillips, and Howard had to fold the SSR into a new, replacement agency, better suited for the cold war in which the word currently found itself.
That Peggy had just ended things with Daniel, less than a month after they’d started, was simply a happy coincidence - although, she supposed, happy only in that she found she actually rather fancied a night on the town in Las Vegas to take her mind off things before evaluating the site and then flying back to New York. Alone. Not alone, she reminded herself. Angie was there, and her work. It just - it wasn’t quite the post-war life she’d always imagined she'd have, before Steve Rogers had sacrificed himself to save millions of lives on the Eastern Seaboard.
Good God, she was getting maudlin. Perhaps she did need to eat.  “All right, Howard,” she said, tossing back the rest of her drink. “Take me out and show me Las Vegas.”
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my-badships · 2 years
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Shout out to Bisexual Queen Peggy Carter and her ever expanding, muti-dimensional harem.
Stay winning, Peg. You deserve it.
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hiddens-eden · 3 years
That Bitch!!
Word count: A lot
Pronouns: He/Him
Paring: Reader x Male!Avengers
Spelling checked: No
Warnings: Homophobic slurs, Homophobia, cussing, minor assult, possibly triggering (idk)
Summary: High school Au, where reader is not very popular and the senior prom comes around. Though, just because he's not popular does not mean he doesn't have admirers. Say most of the male avengers (because I'm a slut for a reverse-harem). But with admirers, there will be haters. However, (Y/N) knows how to put them in their place.
"Soooo, (Y/N) the senior prom is coming around" You lifted your head from your book to see your two best friends, Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff
"What do you mean and? Prom is the most important part of senior year!" you saw Wanda's face turn into a pout
"Even if I wanted to go, I don't have anyone to go with. The boys here avoid me like the plague" you started to go back to your book when Natasha grabbed it, putting it on her desk
"They only do that because they like you, and they're boys. If it makes you feel better, I don't have a date"
You looked at Natasha with confusion covering your face "How? You're one of the best people I know"
"To be honest, it's because boys are skank's" She shrugged
"Hey! Not all of them are!"
"You only say that because of Vision" you saw a Natasha smirk while Wanda blushed and turned away
"Not all of us will remain single for the rest of our day's" she may have tried to mumble her response, but you heard her and chuckled
"Even so, I'm not going"
Hearing that, the boy's lost all hope. To be honest, they all were going to try and ask you to the dance
"Then go with us" Natasha more demanded than asked
"What about Wanda" you turned to her "Aren't you going with Vision?"
"Well, as we always say bro's before hoe's" (que Vision sulking in the corner) the three of you burst out into a fit of laughter
"I-I guess" you managed to choke out between laughs
"Then come on!" Natasha pulled you out of your seat
"Where are we going?"
"To get some clothes for prom, duh" as the three of you made your way out of the classroom and into the hallways you were stopped by Peggy Carter and Pepper Pots
"What do you guys want" you asked scowling
"Cut the shit (Y/N)" Pepper sneere
"What are you talking about?"
"You're trying to seduce all of the guy's in the school!" Peggy shouted
"You heard me!"
You looked to Natasha and Wanda "Do you know what they're talking about?
They both shrugged and shook their heads
"LIARS!!!" Pepper screamed
The commotion drew the attention of the students that were in the classroom and hallways
"What the hell is going on..."
"Don't know let's just go" Wanda tried to push you past the two girls, but before you could go anywhere Peggy grabbed your arm tightly
"STEVE WILL BE MINE!!! SO DON'T TRY AND TAKE HIM AWAY" she raised her other hand and slapped you across the face. The people watching let out a collective gasp and wondered what you would do
"THE SAME WITH TONY" Pepper raised her hand to slap you too but was stopped by a firm grip on her wrist and her body couldn't move either. It was Natasha and Wanda
"Slap him one more time I break your wrist" Natasha clutched Pepper's wrist even tighter earning a hiss from the woman
"Maybe I should break her legs for good measure" Wanda stated coldly
You put a hand on their shoulders causing them to turn to you "Stop, if Peggy's slap is anything to go by, it would not have hurt. Just release them so we can go" They let her go reluctantly, but not without giving her one last glare. As you were about to leave you hear a classroom door open and turned to see the men of the hour, Steve and Tony
Immediately the two girls ran to the guy's whining about how you 'assaulted them'
"What the actual fuck"
"Really Peggy?" Steve asked
"Yeah! I was so scared!"
Then the crowd of people started to yell about how you were the victim, you only grinned. Tony and Steve looked enraged
"Why would you lie about something like that!?" Tony shouted
"What's wrong with you two?!" Steve spat walking towards you
"(Y/N) I'm sorry they did that to you" he looked down sadly
You lifted his chin up to look down at you(unfortunately you were shorter than Steve) "It's not your fault they're crazy. Don't beat yourself up that much" You turned his head to the side and planted a kiss on his cheek "I'll see you later Steve"
You turned and started to walk away with your friends in tow. Leaving a blushing Steven and extremely jealous group of males
"He has no idea what he just did, does he?" Natasha asked Wanda
She shook her head "Not a clue"
"Well lets get this over with"
They nodded and started to search for Tux's and Dresses stores. Once you found one, you all got your own fitted and talored dress and tuxedo's. Natasha doesn't really like dresses so she got a white women's tux. Wanda got an elegant white dress that draped behind her. You got a white tux with flower-like adornments. You all like the fact that you were somewhat matching. The girls completely gushed about how good you looked, but you had a weird feeling.
"I'm going to get another outfit just in case"
"Just in case what?" Wanda asked
"In case a pair of crazy ass girls decide to pull a prom cliché and try and ruin my suit"
"Seems reasonable"
You started looking around for a suit and you found it. An outfit that made you smile happily. You turned to your friends showing them the outfit "Found it"
They just smirked and nodded
~Next Day~
The last thing you were expecting today was to get asked to prom by one of the hottest guys in your school, but here you were. Steve Rogers was infront of you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, shyly rubbing the back of his head
"I'm sorry Steve, but I'm going with my friends" once you said that he looked like a kicked puppy and you couldn't take it! So, you sighed.
"However, even though I won't be able to go to prom with you" you took the flowers from his hand "I'm willing to go wherever you want anytime your free" you smiled softly at him. He immediately perked up and gave a fast nod, making you chuckle. He asked for your number and you gave it to him and he gave you a kiss on the cheek before running off. 'Guess that's payback' you blushed hiding your face behind the flowers.
Over the week until prom you kept getting asked to the dance by almost every guy in your school. But, again you turned them down and re-scheduled making them happy. However, with most of the boy's attention on you, some of the girls started to get jealous. They would make snide remarks hoping to hurt you, but they never did. Afterall, you had your friends and they can help you through anything.
~Prom Day~
"Are you sure we should do this?" you were REALLY nervous
"Come on! Don't puss out now!" Natasha teased
"Yeah! You came this far already!" Wanda smiled
You sighed and straightened your posture "Yeah, you guys are right. Let's get in there!" You cheered along with your friends and opened the prom room door
Narrator PoV
As the door opened, someone looked over to it letting out a gasp at what they saw. This caused most of the people in the room to follow their sight and look at the door as well. Eyes widen at the sheer beauty of the new arrivals
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~Out of Narrator PoV~
"Guy's they're looking at us" you wanted to perish right then and there, but your friends put a reassuring hand on your shoulder
"They're looking at us because we're the most gorgeous things they've ever seen" Wanda grinned as you all walked through the room catching everyone's eyes
"Just lean into the attention" Natasha said to you
"I'll try" you chuckled lightly
"(Y/N)!) you looked behind you to see Steve waving at you, then start blushing
"Don't you look dashing Steve" you grinned at him as he turned an even darker red
"Maybe, but not as dashing as you" you both chuckled and started talking to each other
"Wow forgotten already" Wanda wiped an imaginary tear from her eye
"Oh! I'm sorry guys!" You apologized profusely
"Don't worry about it! I'll just go and find Vision. Have fun~" Wanda winked before leaving
"I'll go find Clint too, he's sad he didn't get to go with you" she chuckled before walking off
"They're both something" you smiled before turning back to Steve
You and Steve kept chatting and joking with each other. While you were talking you noticed Tony, Peitro, Thor, Bruce, Bucky, Stephen all gather around you joining in your conversation. You didn't mind, but Steve is another story. He was giving small glares to everyone who talked to you.
You were talking to Tony and Bruce about upcoming tech when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned only to be met with a bucket full of red fruit punch. You wiped your eyes to see Peggy, Pepper, and some other girls smirking.
"Thats what you get you stupid slut!"
"Know your place!"
"Just leave so we don't have to see you!"
A chill ran down yourself as you turned to see the guy's glaring coldly at the girls, ready to throw the "You should never hit a girl" rule out the window
You just sighed and signaled for them to stand down. Then, you looked towards Wanda and Natasha, giving them a nod and making your way to the exit.
The boy's tried to get to you, but Wanda and Natasha stopped them while smirking
"Yeah, you better get out of here whore!"
"He's probably going to cry!"
"Who would ever love something like that!"
"Besides, dating a guy when you are one is disgusting!"
"Yeah! They need a strong woman in their life!"
This made the boy's heated. They are ready to destroy these girls for talking shit about you, but they were stopped by Wanda and Natasha again
"Why do you keep stopping us!?" Thor boomed
"He'll deal with them, just be patient" Natasha said firmly
"And we think you'll like him even more when he gets back" Wanda's smirk grew
Needless to say, they were all confused. But they let it slide...for now. Minutes passed and the girls were still talking about you. The guys are on the edge of their seats ready to pummel every single one of them. But then the door opened making everyone's head turn and eyes widen. Their jaws were on the floor as you walked in sauntering over to the girls
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You wore a black crop-top shirt with a black crop-top leather jacket draped over you shoulders. Possibly the most catching thing about your new look was your dress pants with thigh-high boots. Once you reached the girls you took off your shades to reveal a beautiful make-up look
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(this is all optional, you can change it if you want)
You wore a black crop-top shirt with a black crop-top leather jacket draped over your shoulders. Possibly the most catching thing about your new look was your dress pants with thigh-high boots. Once you reached the girls you took off your shades to reveal a beautiful make-up look
"Ugh! You're a guy! You shouldn't be wearing make-up you slut!"
"I may be a slut, but I'm the baddest slut out there. You're just mad because no matter how hard you try you'll never be like me and I also figured out why you obsess over guys who want nothing to do with you. Your father probably left you and your family because he said he was going to get milk, so that left you without a prominent male figure in your life"
"And when you attempt to get guys you have no chance with it somehow fills that hole of longing you have. You don't love them, you see them as a tool you can use for your own wishes"
"I'm not done. Why are you homophobic? Because you can't help it when someone can share their sexuality without being afraid and you can't? Because it's not 'natural'? Let me remind you that just because something is natural does not mean it's good. Besides, it is natural considering it's been observed across many species. Even ones who have not been in contact with humans. So, I suggest you shut up and leave because I don't allow cunts in my presence" you put your shades back on and walked to the group of males + your friends
The girls started crying and ran out of the room with their faces in their hands
"Woah, (Y/N) that was badass" Natasha gave you a high five
"Good thing I recorded it" Wanda said holding her phone
"Wait what! Delete it!"
"Too late I already posted it! :P" Wanda giggled
The boys weren't paying attention since that whole encounter got them *ahem* excited, so now they're trying to calm themselves down
As the prom slowly started to resume (Y/N) was asked by almost everyone to dance which he of course obliged. He kept getting complimented about his looks and how he told each girl off. Soon it was time to announce the prom King and Queen. (Y/N) voted for (M!Avenger Name) as prom King and (Wanda or Natasha) as prom Queen
"Now it's time to reveal the prom King and Queen!" everyone started to clap and cheer in anticipation
"This year's prom King is....(Y/N) (L/N)!!!"
You were shocked! You weren't even a candidate as far as you knew. You slowly made your way to the stage as everyone started to cheer for you. Once on the stage, you were given your crown and sash by the previous prom King who congratulated you.
"Now for this year's prom Queen!" she opened the envelope
"This year's prom Queen is...(Y/N) (L/N)?" she said with confusion, but the crowd cheered even louder
The teacher looked towards the Principle who came on the stage "It seems that the majority of you voted for (Y/N) twice. Since this has never happened before we have decided that (Y/N) will be this year's prom King AND Queen!!" The previous prom Queen put the sash on you and gave you the crown to hold. She smiled and congratulated you. You were still in shock 'Prom King and Queen?!'
"(Y/N)! As the prom King and Queen, do you have a few words for the crowd?"
You stepped up to the mic "(Y/N) (L/N) breaking gender norms since (birth year)!" everyone laughed and you chuckled "One more thing, if someone tries to hurt or degrade you, look to your loved ones for help. They will always be there for you and if not then give me a call at (***)-***-**** I'll be there for you" you winked and started walking off the stage
Once you were off the stage you were swarmed by a huge crowd
"(Y/N)! Congrats!!!"
"That was such a good speech!"
"You rock!"
"You're so amazing!!"
"Thank you everyone!" you smiled making all of them swoon
"Hey, (Y/N) guess what I did" you looked at Wanda
"What did you do?"
"I may or may not have recorded not only you confronting the girls, but the prom King and Queen ceremony and posted it online" she giggled nervously
"Kill me now"
"(Y/N), No!"
A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Pictures used are not mine! Will I do a part 2? Maybe! Bye my little otaku's!
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fictional other update!
Because I have a fictional harem going at this point, and I can do what I want, I have decided to add another f/o to my list after much thought: Doctor Stephen Strange from the MCU! I already love Benedict Cumberbatch for various reasons, but his portrayal of the egocentric, sarcastic, and yet noble Doctor Strange is fantastic. With Tony Stark gone, we need someone to fill the void left behind: a little shit with a heart of gold 😂
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Ermac (Mortal Kombat), Yhorm the Giant (Dark Souls 3), Doctor Stephen Strange (MCU), Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell franchise), Riddler/Edward Nygma (Batman: The Animated Series)
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Godzilla (Godzilla franchise), Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit/LotR movieverse), Penguin/Oswald "Oz" Cobblepot (Batman: The Telltale Series), Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
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Captain America/Steve Rogers (MCU), Predator (Predator franchise), Evelynn (League of Legends + K/DA), Nightwolf/Grey Cloud (Mortal Kombat)
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(I didn't even intend for this one to be the "green bean" theme that it is 😂)
Riddler/Edward Nigma/Edward Nashton (Batman: Arkham video games), Riddler/Edward Nigma (Batman: The Telltale Series), Doom Slayer/Doom Marine (Doom franchise)
Now, to clarify a few things:
No, Godzilla is not a fictional other to me in a romantic or sexual sense. His my childhood hero and I have a very strong, important connection to the character. A f/o doesn't have to be view as romantic or sexual to be a f/o. It's how YOU interpret the character and your relationship with them.
Just because I self-ship with Wanda, Stephen, and Steve from the MCU doesn't mean I hate their significant others. I love Peggy Carter and Vision! I actually see Wanda and Vision and Steve and Peggy as two of my OTPs. I don't really a strong romantic connection between Stephen and Christine Palmer, though. I just don't, but I do like her character.
A self ship is what you make of it in your own mind. It's a personal interpretation that can coincide with canon but it's more of an a/u in your own fictional world. Relationships with fictional others can also be platonic, I think. It all comes down to the connection YOU have with the character, not what other people want you to think.
I actually headcanon the Doom Slayer and Yhorm as asexual characters because it honestly makes sense to me. I know there was supposedly a photo in Doom Slayer's room of his wife and child, but that may haven been removed from the latest game? From what I heard? I mean, I'm not saying he couldn't be a family man, but, I don't think he's necessarily interested in romance or even sex. Yeah, it sounds weird, but men can be asexual, too, and still kill demons and have bunny fur children. Also, Doom Slayer has never been given a detailed background, which suits him and makes him easier to relate to, and, as cold as it sounds, "demons killed my family so I will avenge" thing is so cliché, and while Doom has FPS/action game clichés, it avoids many others. I could go into more detail but I don't want to ramble on about this topic.
I know Yhorm lost someone close to him in the past which sent him in a downward spiral (not that things were going splendid for him anyway, considering how people in the Souls universe don't like giants, and doubted his ability to rule). However, the truth is we don't know who he lost: family member, friend, significant other....it could be any of those. to automatically assume the person was his s/o is...kind of cliché, I hate to say it. You see it a lot in fiction. I also have doubts it was a family member because he sadly didn't seem to have any family left. So, a friend or comrade in battle makes the most sense, seeing as how he was a soldier giant at one point.
I do mean I self-ship only with the MCU versions of Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and Captain America -- NOT their comic book counterparts. I haven't read the comics. I don't actually read any American comics, and don't want to, but I do like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Yes, I self-ship with three Riddlers. What can I say? I am a Riddler Slut!
Erron Black is still kicked to the curb until further notice. He keeps away because do you see the f/os I have? Any one of them could annihilate him easily.
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holly-poly · 3 years
New Pinch Hits
Four new pinch hits just went out. Please see below for general details. More specific information can be found by clicking the links. Pinch Hit #11 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/mDY37xUWKZw Request 1 by DianaMoon Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)   James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock (AOS), Pavel Chekov/Ben Sulu/Hikaru Sulu (AOS) Fanart, Fanfiction Request 2 by DianaMoon Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV)   Ben Hargreeves/Diego Hargreeves/Klaus Hargreeves Fanart, Fanfiction Request 3 by DianaMoon Fandom: DC's Arrowverse   Barry Allen/Cisco Ramon/Iris West (Arrowverse), John Constantine/Oliver Queen/Sara Lance (Arrowverse), Leonard Snart/Mick Rory/Ray Palmer (Arrowverse), Felicity Smoak/John Diggle/Oliver Queen/Roy Harper (Arrowverse) Fanfiction Request 4 by DianaMoon Fandom: Altered Carbon (TV) Any Relationship (nominated relationships are  Elias Ryker/Kristin Ortega/Takeshi Kovacs, Poe/Takeshi Kovacs (Anthony Mackie)/Takeshi Kovacs Prime (Will Yun Lee), Poe/Takeshi Kovacs (in Ryker's sleeve)/Takeshi Kovacs (clone)) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 5 by DianaMoon Fandom: The Expanse (TV)   Amos Burton/Jim Holden/Naomi Nagata, Alex Kamal/Amos Burton/Jim Holden/Naomi Nagata Fanart, Fanfiction Request 6 by DianaMoon Fandom: Bones (TV)   Lance Sweets/Seeley Booth/Temperance Brennan (Bones) Fanfiction   Request 7 by DianaMoon Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe   Jane Foster/Sif/Thor (MCU), Bruce Banner/Pepper Potts/Peter Parker/Tony Stark (MCU), Frank Castle/Karen Page/Matt Murdock (MCU), James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (MCU), James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers (MCU), Bruce Banner/Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (MCU), Howard Stark/Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers (MCU) Fanart, Fanfiction Request 8 by DianaMoon Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types   Finn/Poe Dameron/Rey, Finn/Poe Dameron/Rey/Rose Tico, Han Solo/Lando Calrissian/Leia Organa, Bodhi Rook/Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso Fanart, Fanfiction Request 9 by DianaMoon Fandom: Sense8 (TV)   Daniela Velasquez/Hernando Fuentes/Lito Rodriguez, Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal/Wolfgang Bogdanow Fanfiction Request 10 by DianaMoon Fandom: Dirty Computer - Janelle Monáe (Music Video)   Ché/Jane/Zen (Dirty Computer) Fanart, Fanfiction Pinch Hit #12 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/W1nfZpXcoYE Request 1 by shopfront Fandom: Doctor Who   Jenny Flint/Madame Vastra/Miss Montague | Clara Oswin Oswald, Christina de Souza/Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 2 by shopfront Fandom: Gotham (TV)   Leslie Thompkins/Tabitha Galavan/Valerie Vale Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 3 by shopfront Fandom: Grimm (TV)   Adalind Schade/Nick Burkhard/Sean Renard, Adalind Schade/Juliette Silverton/Nick Burkhard/Sean Renard (Grimm), Elizabeth Lascelles/Juliette Silverton | Eve/Theresa Rubel, Elizabeth Lascelles/Juliette Silverton | Eve/Rosalee Calvert Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 4 by shopfront Fandom: Haven (TV)   Audrey Parker/Duke Crocker/Jennifer Mason Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 5 by shopfront Fandom: Lip Service   Lexy Price/Sam Murray/Tess Roberts Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 6 by shopfront Fandom: Sanctuary (TV)   Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla/Will Zimmerman Fanfiction, Fanvid   Request 7 by shopfront Fandom: The Hour (TV)   Bel Rowley/Camille Mettier/Lix Storm, Bel Rowley/Freddie Lyon/Lix Storm, Bel Rowley/Camille Mettier/Freddie Lyon Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 8 by shopfront Fandom: crossover - Fandom   Adaline (Age of Adaline)/Diana Prince (DCEU)/Helen Magnus (Sanctuary), Dutch (Killjoys)/Kyra (Chronicles of Riddick)/Mirror Ezri (Star Trek DS9), Dinah Madani (Marvel Netflix)/Karen Page (Marvel Netflix)/Kate Kane (Arrowverse), Angie Martinelli (Agent Carter)/Catrin Cole (Their Finest)/Phyl Moore (Their Finest), Anne (Glorious 39)/Catrin Cole (Their Finest)/Phyl Moore (Their Finest) Fanfiction, Fanvid Letter: http://shopfront.dreamwidth.org/447973.html Pinch Hit #13 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/sD2HvMn-4h0 Request 1 by silveradept Fandom: Arthurian Mythology   Bertilak de Hautdesert/Gawain/Lady Bertilak (Arthurian Mythology) Fanart, Fanfiction, Podfic Request 2 by silveradept Fandom: Final Fantasy I   Black Mage/Black Mage/Black Mage/Black Mage (Final Fantasy I) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 3 by silveradept Fandom: Pushing Daisies   Charlotte "Chuck" Charles/Olive Snook/Ned Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 4 by silveradept Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types   Fujioka Haruhi/Hitachiin Hikaru/Hitachiin Kaoru Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 5 by silveradept Fandom: RWBY   Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos/Weiss Schnee Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 6 by silveradept Fandom: Avatar: The Legend of Korra   Asami Sato/Korra/Raava (A:TLOK) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 7 by silveradept Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender   Aang/Katara/Mai/Sokka/Suki/Toph Beifong/Ty Lee/Zuko (A:TLA) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 8 by silveradept Fandom: Doctor Who   Amy Pond/Clara Oswald/Donna Noble/Martha Jones/Rose Tyler Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 9 by silveradept Fandom: crossover - Fandom   Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)/Peggy Carter (MCU)/Susan Pevensie (Narnia) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 10 by silveradept Fandom: Original Work   Supervillainess/Superheroine/Female Mutual Friend with No Powers Fanart, Fanfiction, Podfic Pinch Hit #14 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/Wb0L5YKyLxc Request 1 by Stefanyeah Fandom: Hades (Video Game 2018)   Aphrodite/Dionysus/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Aphrodite/Ares/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Ares/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Asterius/Theseus/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Chaos/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Dionysus/Hypnos/Zagreus (Hades Video Games), Hermes/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Skelly/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades VG), Zagreus/The Furies (Hades Video Game), Achilles/Patroclus/Zagreus (Hades Video Game) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 2 by Stefanyeah Fandom: Horizon: Zero Dawn (Video Game)   Any Relationship (nominimated relationships are  Aloy/Erend/Val and Aloy/Nasadi/Vanasha) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 3 by Stefanyeah Fandom: Muse (Band)   Any Relationship (nominated relationship is Christopher Wolstenholme/Dominic Howard/Matthew Bellamy) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 4 by Stefanyeah Fandom: crossover - Fandom   Anubis (Ancient Egypt Religion)/Archaeologist (Original)/Loki (Norse Religion) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 5 by Stefanyeah Fandom: Original Work   Airship Pirate/Opera Starlet They Kidnapped/Musketeer Set on Saving the Starlet Demon/Angel/Human Whose Soul They are Competing Over Faery Knight/Captured Human Gifted To Them/Captured Human's Significant Other Questing To Save Them Faery Knights/Captured Human Gifted To Them Female Mad Scientist/Nonbinary Assistant/Nonbinary Creature Female Vampire/Male Vampire/Female Vampire Hunter Female Vampires/Female Vampire Hunter God-Empress/Harem of Badass Women Destined To Serve Her In All Ways Greek-esque God/Greek-esque God/Their Male Human Lover Group of Bored Elf Hunters/Mischievous Satyr Lost Wanderer/Group of Satyrs Male Dom/Male Switch/Male Sub Male Fallen Angel/Male Demon Wanting to Redeem Himself/Male Garden Hermit Male Fallen Angel/Male Mad Scientist/Male Government Agent New Bisexual Queen/Volunteers For Her Harem (Any Genders) A Nobleman/A Noble Woman Whose Love Potion Didn't Work Out Quite As Planned/The Witch Nymph/Pack of Werewolves Pirate Crew/Prince Who Paid Them To Kidnap Him Tentacle Monster/Couple It's Been Stalking Witch Who Stole the Peni of Most of the Town's Men/Her Victims Trying to Reclaim Their Stolen Peni Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Letter: http://stefanyeah.dreamwidth.org/217571.html If you're interested in claiming any of these pinch hits, send an e-mail to [email protected] with your AO3 name.
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ao3feed-stucky · 5 years
by elisabethjj
‘Try not to be anxious,’ Peggy says. Her calm gaze is actually pretty reassuring. She gestures again for James to follow her, and this time he moves his butt. ‘Steve is a good alpha, and a good king. All will be well, you’ll see.’
James has only been at the palace for four months, and it hasn’t escaped his notice how efficiently Peggy manages the sizeable harem. As befits the King’s status, the royal harem boasts an impressive fifty-eight omegas. Not that the King sleeps with them all. He’d never get any governing done.
Words: 3655, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The King's Omega
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Steve has other relationships because he has a harem, But this is absolutely a Stucky fic, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Harem, Alpha/Omega, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy
14 notes · View notes
ao3feed-mcufemslash · 5 years
An Audience With The King
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Wgj1U3
by elisabethjj
‘Try not to be anxious,’ Peggy says. Her calm gaze is actually pretty reassuring. She gestures again for James to follow her, and this time he moves his butt. ‘Steve is a good alpha, and a good king. All will be well, you’ll see.’
James has only been at the palace for four months, and it hasn’t escaped his notice how efficiently Peggy manages the sizeable harem. As befits the King’s status, the royal harem boasts an impressive fifty-eight omegas. Not that the King sleeps with them all. He’d never get any governing done.
Words: 3655, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The King's Omega
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Steve has other relationships because he has a harem, But this is absolutely a Stucky fic, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Harem, Alpha/Omega, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Wgj1U3
0 notes
ao3feed-stevebucky · 5 years
An Audience With The King
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Wgj1U3
by elisabethjj
‘Try not to be anxious,’ Peggy says. Her calm gaze is actually pretty reassuring. She gestures again for James to follow her, and this time he moves his butt. ‘Steve is a good alpha, and a good king. All will be well, you’ll see.’
James has only been at the palace for four months, and it hasn’t escaped his notice how efficiently Peggy manages the sizeable harem. As befits the King’s status, the royal harem boasts an impressive fifty-eight omegas. Not that the King sleeps with them all. He’d never get any governing done.
Words: 3655, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The King's Omega
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Steve has other relationships because he has a harem, But this is absolutely a Stucky fic, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Harem, Alpha/Omega, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Wgj1U3
0 notes
ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
An Audience With The King
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Wgj1U3
by elisabethjj
‘Try not to be anxious,’ Peggy says. Her calm gaze is actually pretty reassuring. She gestures again for James to follow her, and this time he moves his butt. ‘Steve is a good alpha, and a good king. All will be well, you’ll see.’
James has only been at the palace for four months, and it hasn’t escaped his notice how efficiently Peggy manages the sizeable harem. As befits the King’s status, the royal harem boasts an impressive fifty-eight omegas. Not that the King sleeps with them all. He’d never get any governing done.
Words: 3655, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The King's Omega
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Steve has other relationships because he has a harem, But this is absolutely a Stucky fic, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Harem, Alpha/Omega, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Wgj1U3
0 notes