#pretty much a frat dude over here
WIP SNIP SUNDAY! I'm Found in the Water//Fringe AU (Chapter 17)
Working on new stuff for IFitW! Here's a little snippet of the next chapter.
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Chapter Seventeen – Swimming with Sharks
“Who the fuck are you?” Peter asks, his gun arm steady as he holds the Glock center mass on the slight, shorter man who stands on the other side of the hedge.
Though the man is dressed in a reasonable facsimile of a Ground Force foot patrolman uniform, Peter has had enough run-ins with law enforcement—and even an instance or two of impersonating them—that he recognizes that the cut of the cloth is about a decade old. And it only takes Peter a moment to discern that the man isn’t carrying a gun. The kid can’t be older than his mid-twenties, and there is fear in his eyes.
Astrid’s shoulder brushes Peter’s arm as she raises her own gun. “I think my friend asked you a question,” she says evenly.
The kid tenses. Peter knows what’s about to happen. “Don’t. Look, we just got here, and I’m not in the mood to run. So don’t you, okay?”
“You don’t run, and we don’t have to shoot out your kneecaps from behind,” Astrid adds, deadpan.
Peter looks over at her, his eyes flaring. “Damn.”
She shrugs. “His choice.”
The other man swallows audibly and puts his hands up, his eyes darting. “My name is Oliver. I, uh, work for someone who is surveying the area. We’re, uh, private security.”
Liar, Peter thinks.
“For who?”
Astrid takes a step closer and lowers her gun to line up with Oliver’s right knee. “And be quicker answering, this time.”
Oliver stammers out, “I can’t tell you. My employer—”
Peter reaches out a hand to stop Astrid from taking another step. “Chill. Please. You’re scaring me.” At her annoyed sidelong glance, he grins, reaching up with his free hand to tap at his temple. “Let me handle this.”
Twenty minutes later, poor Oliver has not only spilled his guts to Peter and a very astounded Astrid, but he’s also completely forgotten that he’d caught them lurking and ousted them from their hiding place—all courtesy of one of the abilities that even Peter finds questionably moral in his own bag of mental tricks.
Now, Peter and his temporary partner are standing outside a nondescript brick building on the bad side of Red Boston. Peter had found Astrid’s moniker for his father’s home city amusing, and his laugh when she’d said it in the cab in the way over had earned him another hard glance, one in a string that she had given him when he’d refused to explain just how he’d pushed Oliver into such honesty.
“Have you done that to any of us?” Astrid whispers dramatically as they creep toward a roll-up metal door with a regular door beside it.
“No,” Peter whispers back.
She pokes him in the ribs from behind. “Did you make Lincoln ask me what my favorite color was yesterday?”
Peter shakes his head, pressing his lips together as they stop and listen outside the normal door. “No, I did not. He probably just wanted to know.”
“He wanted to know that I like blue?” she scoffs.
Peter turns to frown at her. “Astrid, that dude is back in Blue Boston right now of his own volition repainting his living room in stripes of every fucking shade of cerulean he can find. He’s going to sit in the middle of the empty fucking floor, rocking and crying until you come back and say you love him as much as he loves you. He’s hoping for a real airport-run moment where you show up at his front door, assure him that you and I haven’t had hot, adrenaline-inspired sex over here, and that he’s the only nerd for you. You’ll see his blue living room, he’ll explain that it kept you in his heart for the whole time you were apart, and you will feel so moved that you will bestow that naked time on him. Now will you please be quiet while we break into this lovely resistance headquarters?”
Astrid stares at him for a long moment.
“You’re still avoiding explaining how you can do that to people’s brains," she says, one eyebrow cocked.
(More to come!)
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celestie0 · 5 months
gojo satoru x reader | college au [18+]
kickoff ch.5 these feelings are hard to find
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ᰔ pairing. college au - soccer player! gojo x film major! reader
ᰔ summary. gojo satoru is the most popular guy on your college campus. he's tall, funny, hot, not to mention he's the most talented soccer forward the school has seen in years. but he's also a frat dude, which puts him in a world very different from your own, as he spends most of his nights partying & drinking while you spend most of yours working on your annoying film major assignments. but when he reaches out to you for a favor, you realize that helping him out might have something in it for you too.
ᰔ warnings/tags. 18+, fem reader, fluff, angst, smut, college au, fraternities, sororities, partying, drinking/alcohol, mentions of weed, romance, jealousy, pining, slow burn, opposites to lovers, friends to lovers, she falls first he falls harder, gojo being an idiot
ᰔ chapter. 5/x (probably 12)
ᰔ words. 10.4k
a/n. aaaa this chapter took me a while because i was having some pretty bad writer's block. i seriously can't believe it crossed over 10k words, i very poorly planned how much i wanted to get done by this chapter, but i didn't feel like splitting it into two so oh wellll. hope you enjoy! pls excuse any typos we all live on a floating rock.
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☾·̩͙꙳ moodboard no.1
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“I really don’t understand why I’m here…” you’re grumbling as you, Mina and Todo make your way up the pavement of the driveway leading to the house party. You glance to your right where Mina and Todo are holding hands, arms swinging as they keep pace together. 
It was finally Friday after a particularly long and stressful week, so you were extremely excited to just spend the rest of the night relaxing at home. You had already poured yourself a glass of wine when you returned from your evening class and were sitting on the couch with a blanket on, scrolling through Netflix, when Mina approached you while she was talking to Todo on the phone. She mentioned something about an SAE party tonight that she wanted you to come along for and Todo said he’d extend his other invite to you. When you politely declined, Mina slumped down on the couch and told Todo she had no interest in going unless you also came. And then Todo was bribing you with a hundred bucks. Easiest hundred bucks you’ve ever made. 
“Don’t be a downer. You’re here because I think you’ve been working hard and you need to relax a bit,” Mina chirps, now clinging onto Todo’s arm, “and there’s no better way to relax than getting drunk.”
“I could be getting drunk at home,” you mumble to yourself, the night you were imagining for yourself all day being very different from where you find yourself now. 
The guy that was bouncing for tonight’s party was scanning people’s phones and engaging in some small talk before allowing people inside. He was pretty handsome and you wondered if there was some sort of requirement written in the rules to the SAE fraternity that they must be good-looking to join.
“Hello, my brother,” Todo says as he approaches, smacking him so hard on the back in greeting that the man stumbles over slightly and sends an irritated glare Todo’s way before he regains his balance.
“Hey, big guy, are these your invites?” He gestures towards you and Mina, his eyes landing on yours and lingering for a moment. You blink at him. 
“Yes, this here’s my lovely lady, and this here’s my lovely lady’s friend,” Todo says with a faux suave that only makes you narrow your eyes at him. The man at the entrance sighs and nods before stepping out of the way and motioning the three of you towards the entrance. 
The minute you enter, you immediately realize that this party felt very different from the one you were at last week. It was slightly less crowded, but there were still plenty of people bustling around the large expanse of the ground floor with loud rap music that practically shook the walls. It was dark, much more edgy, with the only source of light being the sporadic flashing of lights over by the DJ’s booth. You felt disoriented from the atmosphere, and the smell of weed and alcohol only further dazed you. 
“This is insane,” you barely hear Mina say beside you over the music as she looks around the expansive interior of the house. In between the brief flickering lights that lit up people’s faces, you register that Todo is grinning at her as though he was entirely satisfied by her reaction. 
You only make it a few steps inside, trailing behind Mina and Todo, before feeling the need to excuse yourself to get away from the intense environment for a second. “Hey, I think I’m going to use the restroom real quick. Todo, do you have any idea where it is?” You feel like you’re shouting just to be heard. 
He looks over his shoulder at you. “There are some downstairs but they probably have lines. You could try upstairs.” 
You give him an appreciative nod and head over to the base of the staircase at the right, glancing up before making your ascent. There didn’t seem to be anyone else upstairs, which surprised you, but you figured you were just in luck and began to walk up step by step until reaching the top. The music downstairs begins to sound muffled as you turn around the railing post and make your way to the left into the narrow hallway likely leading towards the bedrooms. There's a white door somewhere in the middle of the hallway that could only be either a closet or a bathroom. You wrap your hand around the cold metal door handle and twist, satisfied that it wasn’t locked.
The mumbling noises of people inside doesn’t register in your mind until you’ve already cracked the door open half-way, and your entire body recoils in the immediate rush of embarrassment washing over you as you take in the sight of two people, a man and a woman, getting handsy with one another in the bathroom. 
“Oh god, I’m so sorry,” is all you manage to squeak out, blinking dumbly at the scene. 
You’re quick to avert your gaze and about to close the door, incredibly mortified by what’s just happened, when the familiar silhouette in front of you causes you to freeze. You slowly lift your line of sight from the bathroom floor until Gojo Satoru is looking you straight in the eye from where he has a girl on the bathroom counter clinging to his shirt. 
“I…” you stutter, face feeling immediately hot as you let go of the door handle and look away from his shocked face. “Sorry,” you say again, this time barely above a whisper, before turning on your heel and making your way down the hallway in such a hurry that you don’t even realize you’re going the wrong way. You hear a feminine voice echo something in the bathroom like what the fuck are you doing?, and then there’s footsteps following after you that sound faster than your own. Ignoring the call of your name, you practically storm into one of the bedrooms, entirely relieved that it was empty, and can only take a couple of steps inside before a hand grabs at your wrist. A chill runs down your spine from the contact.
“Wait, y/n,” Gojo says behind you from where he’s followed you inside, sounding like he’s out of breath. His hand is still holding onto you, keeping you still and you can feel the roughness of his calluses against your skin. When you turn around to face him, he’s close to you and you see his chest is heaving, his hair is disheveled, his shirt is wrinkled at the front and there’s a crease in his brow. 
Your eyes don’t stay on his for long before you’re looking away from him again. “I’m…I’m really sorry, that was really awkward,” you say with a forced laugh and an attempt to wiggle yourself free of his grip but he’s unrelenting. The image of his fingers sliding up that girl’s top was still burned in your vision and no amount of excessive blinking at the carpet beneath your feet seemed to make it disappear. 
“No, I’m sorry, I was supposed to lock…” his trails off and you notice there’s a rough quality to his voice, “that was just-, we were just-”
You finally brave yourself to look up at him and he somehow seems closer than before, his face just inches away from yours and his eyes briefly flickering to your lips before he meets your gaze with a tense expression on his face. You haven’t seen him look so flustered before, and you’ve certainly never heard him struggle this much to find his words either. 
His other hand rubs the back of his neck as he closes his eyes in what looks like frustration, then takes a deep breath to seemingly calm himself down before speaking again. “She’s…We’re just friends,” is all he manages to say. 
There’s a silence between the two of you as you blink at him and he stares at you, his thumb pressing into the skin of where his hand was still wrapped around your wrist. You try really hard to bite back the words you’re about to say, but no amount of willpower could’ve helped you. Your chin tips up, looking at him more decisively, and his gaze is flickering to your mouth again. “Just friends…can’t say I’ve ever tried to get my friends naked in the bathroom at a party before.” You didn’t understand why your tone came off so hostile, but it felt good to criticize his choice of words for some reason.
His lips press together, gaze narrowing slightly and eyebrows furrowing further at your words. He leans in closer to the point where your senses were entirely occupied by him and it was impossible to think of anything else. “Well, you weren’t supposed to see that.” His eyes are contrite but his tone is vexed. 
You relax your body language and use your other hand to forcefully slide his hand off of your wrist, encountering some resistance from him before he acquiesces. Your skin tingles from the absence of his touch and you take a step backwards away from him. His posture straightens slightly, eyes continuing to dart across the features of your face and wide in anticipation as though he was patiently waiting for you to say something that would put him at ease. 
“It’s fine,” you say, trying your best to keep your voice as level as possible, “I accidentally walked in on something I shouldn’t have. You don’t owe me any sort of explanation for it.” Gojo seems to tense up even further at your words, his expression briefly contorting into one of confusion before it reverts to concern again. 
You walk around him towards the bedroom door and see him in your periphery watching every step you take until you eventually exit the room. This time, you don’t hear his footsteps pursuing you from behind. It’s only when you make it past the bathroom, not even daring to take a look inside of it, and about halfway down the hallway that you unsteadily let out the breath you were holding in. Your hand takes its place over your chest in a flimsy attempt to calm your heart down as you quickly make your way down the stairs. There was a sinking feeling in your stomach and you knew you just had to get as far away from here as possible. 
You’re barely able to spot Mina from where she stood with Todo in a corner near the backyard screen door, and briefly notice that Nanami, Geto, as well as a few of their other teammates were clustered there too. You politely acknowledge their pleasant greetings to you as you approach Mina, pulling her to the side.
“Woah, hey, what’s going on?” She asks, stumbling a little bit and you let go of her sleeve. 
“I’m going to go home, not feeling well, I think I just got my period,” you easily come up with a lie, “Nobara says she’ll pick me up.” In truth, you were planning on just calling an Uber for home, but you knew that Mina wouldn’t let you go home by yourself. You didn’t want your confusing and heightened emotions ruining her night.
“Wait, are you sure? I’ll come with you,” she’s quick to say, taking a step towards you but you shake your head.
“No, it’s fine, stay here with Todo,” you demand, “and call me if you need me to pick you up. I’ll let you know when I’m home.” You give her a little hug and she’s standing there confused before hesitantly nodding, and then you make your way to the door. The loud music, flashing lights, and blurred faces around you were so intensely stimulating that when the cold air from outside finally hit your skin, you felt like you were human again. 
The Uber comes by in less than ten minutes as you wait for it on the sidewalk. The driver drops you off at the entrance of your apartment complex and the biting chill of the air has you wrapping your arms around yourself as you wait for the elevator to take you upstairs. Glancing down at your phone to check the time, you see a message from Mina asking if you were home yet. You also see that it’s nearly one in the morning.
Finally making your way inside your apartment, you lock the door behind you and text Mina that you’re home, then slide down with your back against the front door until you’re sitting on the floor. The heat inside was so comforting that you just spent a moment to warm yourself up and just breathe. 
Memories of your conversation with Gojo from just half an hour ago instantly come to the forefront of your mind and you’re shutting your eyes to try and repel the thoughts away. Still so embarrassed that you walked in on him making out with someone, your brain decides to mortify you even further by asking what if you had walked in a few moments later instead? What would you have seen then? 
You squish your cheeks between your hands defeatedly before letting out a sigh and drawing your legs in towards you, hugging your knees to your chest. You didn’t understand why you were so affected by what you saw. You’ve only met Gojo twice, and you knew even before you met him that he was that kind of person. He had a reputation of being involved with a lot of women, so his rather eager desire to explain himself to you just puzzled you even further. 
Standing up, you head over to your bed and flop down on it. Your wrist still burns with the memory of the heat of his hand, and all you can see behind the lids of your eyes when you close them is the sight of him so close to you, stealing glances at your lips. 
Somewhere along the night as you drifted in and out of sleep, Mina called to let you know that she was on her way home. When you hear her open the bedroom door and set her purse down on the nightstand near her bed, your body finally convinces you that it’s okay to rest, and that’s exactly what you do.
The weekend is over in the blink of an eye, simply not enough time to mope around in bed, and you’re walking out of your last class of the day on Monday. You check your phone pretty much every other minute to see if Gojo has sent you any messages regarding their new practice schedule for the week, which you’re sure he’s received by now, but there’s nothing. The last messages sent between the two of you were before the party on Friday, and an uneasy feeling has been settling in. You spent most of last week appreciating how helpful he was being so far, but you didn’t even consider the possibility that he could rescind his help at any time too.
You head over to the Department of Communication & Journalism building, making your way up the stairs until you reach the graduate division floor and walk down the hallway to Room 212. As you make your entry, a toasty and rich scent overtakes your senses. 
“Ah, y/n, hello! So good to see you, thanks for coming by. I missed seeing you last week,” you hear Utahime say as she sets down a cup of coffee for you on the conference table in the middle of the room.
“Sorry, I was just…very mentally occupied last week,”  you admit to her, setting your tote bag down on one of the chairs before taking the seat where the cup of coffee was placed, the fragrance instantly waking you up as you take a sip. “Thank you. How have you been?”
“I’ve been well, thank you, just working through my thesis,” she says with a sigh and takes the seat next to you. “Just a few more months…just a few more months, and I’m free!”
You smile at her and watch as she pulls out her laptop, the start-up noise chiming before she starts clicking away at the million tabs that were open. “Did you receive the email I sent you for the newsletter shots?” You ask.
Utahime was a 4th-year graduate student in journalism and was also the head of the school’s newsletter. She has so graciously allowed for Film Club photography shout-outs in every monthly issue for the past couple of years.
She nods. “I did,” she says, resting her elbow on the table and tapping her index finger to her chin, “how come I didn’t see any of your photos in there, though?”
You sigh, sulking your shoulders slightly as you peer down into the brown liquid of your cup and watch the steam evaporate. “I didn’t really take great pictures this month.”
“Aw, well are you working on anything right now?” She returns to clicking away at tabs.
“Yeah, I’ll be taking film photos out on the field of the soccer team’s game against Osaka Uni next week. It’s for an assignment,” you tell her and watch as her face lights up.
“That’s wonderful! That’s a pretty big gig, they usually only let professionals out on the field. How were you able to secure that?” Utahime asks you as she tips her head to the side.
“Ah…let’s just say I have some sort of deal with one of their players?” You say. Your heart drops a little when you remember the lack of communication from Gojo as of recently, wondering if he was able to get that referee permission for you.
“Which one?” Utahime asks with a teasing smile, leaning over to nudge you with her elbow.
“Gojo Satoru,” you say and then she’s pulling away from you and rolling her eyes, an annoyed look making its way onto her face. You let out a small laugh at her behavior. “Okay, well now I’m curious.”
She lets out an exasperated sigh as she peers beyond the window of the room. “I was his TA when he was just a wee-little freshman. He was always showing up late to class and trying to flirt his way out of completing assignments,” she grumbles, “is he still a little brat?”
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth, thinking way harder about her question than she had probably intended. “I don’t know…I don’t really know him all that well.” You look down at your hands. Despite the fact that you’ve only known Gojo for a short while, for some reason you felt like you did know him well. You knew the kinds of things that made him smile, you knew the look in his eyes when he was deep in thought about something. You knew what the heat from his body felt like, what the fragrance of his clothes smelled like. 
Utahime is silent for a moment as she studies you. “Hmm,” she’s humming next to you, “well, tell you what, send me your photos when you’re done with them. If they’re good, I’ll use your photos for the sports recap in the newsletter instead of the professional ones we get sent from the school. I can compensate you for them as well.”
Your eyes widen as you look at her, jaw dropping a bit as you blink in disbelief. “Utahime…you would do that for me?”
She gives you a smile and a wink. “Of course, talent helps talent. And it’s my newsletter, I can do whatever I want with it. Besides, you want to get into the school’s film graduate program, right? I’m sure it would look great on your application that you’ve had some of your portfolio published to the school’s official reports. The photos have to be good, though.” She points a finger at you and gives you a strict look.
You feel tears prickle in your eyes from her words, so overwhelmingly grateful for her support, and can barely whisper out a thank you before she’s rushing over to the other table to grab a tissue box and set it in front of you.
“Gosh, why do all my undergrads cry in my presence?” she complains as she pulls out a tissue and hands it to you.
You dab it to your eye. “Because you have such wholesome mom energy.” 
You say goodbye to Utahime after discussing a few more things and then leave the room. You check your phone and your heart skips a beat when you see Gojo’s name in your notifications.
|| 1:43PM Gojo Satoru: Hey, just wanted to let you know I was able to get that referee permission for you for next week
You let out a tiny gasp when you read his words then clutch your phone to your chest in relief. Utahime’s offer of the prospect of getting published in the school’s newsletter gave you a large sense of purpose, and you felt like it was time to take this assignment of yours extremely seriously to secure the opportunity. And Gojo was the one with the power to help you do that.
|| 1:52PM You: thank you so much, i really don’t know how to repay you
You sigh as you make your way to the stairs, grateful that you were getting some communication from him. The big game on the 28th was next Thursday, and you really needed to practice taking photos with your film camera. You open Instagram again to ask him for his practice schedule, but you see that he had sent you another message.
|| 1:54PM Gojo Satoru: No need to repay me, consider us even. Also sorry for the late notice, but we’re having a formal practice match in about an hour with one of the teams we played against earlier in the season. Do you want to come by?
After reading his message, you quickly shuffle your tote bag open and peer inside to see that you did indeed bring your film camera with you to campus today. Excited, you type out a response.
|| 1:55PM You: yes! i’ll hesd over right now
|| 1:55PM You: *head over
|| 1:55PM You: lol
You see little bubbles indicating typing in the left side corner.
|| 1:55PM Gojo Satoru: Meet me by the art sculpture, I’ll walk you over
You blink at the message for a few seconds, starting to type out a message before deleting it, and doing that a couple more times over. When someone tries to shuffle around you from behind, you notice you were standing awkwardly at the top of the stairs so you step away and lean against the wall. You press your lips together in consideration as you realize that today would be the first time you’re going to see Gojo again after that awkward interaction that you had with him at the party last Friday, and you were really not sure how you were going to feel having to be alone with him again.
|| 1:57PM You: that’s okay, i don’t want to trouble you
His response is instant.
|| 1:57PM Gojo Satoru: Just meet me there
Once you’ve made your way across campus, you spot Gojo sitting on the concrete barrier surrounding the art sculpture by the fields practically right in front of the please do not sit on the concrete barrier sign. His head is turned away from the direction you were approaching from, arms crossed at his chest and one of his legs impatiently bouncing up and down. You notice he’s wearing the school’s colors, a teal blue shirt and gray shorts that had some highlights of a sunset yellow, as well as gray athletic soccer shin socks and cleats. He looks so ridiculously sports boyfriend that you have to shake your head to try and physically fight the effect of how attracted you were to him.
He must’ve heard you approaching as you crossed the street towards him since he turned his head in your direction. He’s wearing a black sports headband across his forehead that’s pushing the hair up out of his face and you’re startled by the intensity of his blue eyes on you. When he stands up, his arms fall to his side, making you sad that you could no longer shamelessly stare at the way his biceps flexed when he had his arms crossed.
“Hey,” he says simply, staying perfectly still where he stood. 
There was only one way to dissolve an awkward situation, and that was to pretend like it never happened in the first place. You tip your head to the side, giving him a curious look before skipping right on up to him. “Hello, there,” you cheerfully say. He looks at you with a borderline annoyed expression.
“You’re in a good mood today,” he comments, his voice sounding deeper than usual. Almost tired. 
“Yes, very good mood,” you chirp as you walk past him, “I just got a very good offer.”
The sound of the bottom of his cleats on the sidewalk follow after you as you head in the direction of the softball batting cages. It's not long before he emerges at your side in your periphery. “What kind of offer?” You can tell from his tone that he was trying to restrain his curiosity. 
“Oh, you’ll see,” you say as you look up at him and smile. He gives you an irritated expression due to your lack of transparency but you continue to skip forward until you’ve made it to stairs that lead up to the grassy hills. 
Gojo’s about a step’s distance behind you as you lightly frolic across the land, your heavy tote bag bumping against your hip with every jump. You feel something fly out of it which halts you in your gleeful stride and look behind to where your bluetooth laptop mouse has fallen onto the grass right in front of Gojo. He’s sighing before crouching down to pick it up, then takes a step towards you and extends it out to you. When you glance up at him, he’s not looking at you and his face is hard to read. 
You grab the mouse from him, fingertips brushing against the skin of his palm, and he ever-so-slightly shivers at the touch. His gaze finally meets yours.
With a sigh, you toss your computer mouse back into your bag. “I’m trying really hard to not feel awkward around you right now, but you’re making it pretty difficult.” You were so used to feeling like he has the upper edge of conversation when you’re with him, but now you felt like you were the one with the power.
He raises an eyebrow at you and when you look at his hands, you notice he was apprehensively cracking his knuckles with his thumbs. “Maybe you wouldn’t feel awkward if you actually stayed to talk last Friday.”
You cross your arms across your chest, disliking his tone. “Stayed to talk? About what? How not close you are with your ‘friends’?” 
He tips his head up to the sky and closes his eyes, his brow furrowing like he was entirely frustrated by you, before he looks back down at you again. “If you don’t want to believe me, that’s fine, but what’s with you always running away whenever I try to talk to you?”
“I wasn’t feeling well that night,” you mumble to him as you turn away and continue to walk towards the practice field. It was the truth, you weren’t feeling well that night, and it was because seeing him kissing another girl made your stomach drop to the core of the Earth. But that wasn’t something you were going to admit to him. It wasn’t even something you were ready to admit to yourself. “Also, it’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s that I don’t care to believe you.”
“But why don’t you care?” he’s asking you, his voice sounding desperate now as he makes his way to your side again. He’s looking at you but you’re looking straight ahead.
You roll your eyes, continuing to march forwards. “Not everyone cares about your love life, Satoru. Contrary to what you might think.”
He jogs ahead a few steps, now walking backwards in front of you and you narrow your eyes at him. His tongue is poking at the inside of his cheek and then there’s a boyish grin on his face. “Say that again.”
“Say what again?” you ask.
“My name,” he says. 
You almost roll your eyes out of your head when you see his amused expression. “I seriously can’t believe this right now,” you’re muttering under your breath and walk past him down the large hill leading to the practice field, his gaze on you burning through your skin until you’re rubbing at your cheek with the back of your hand in a feeble attempt to physically wipe the blush away.
The practice field was much more crowded and busy than it was during the first practice you went to last week. Looking across to the other side, you see a group of men huddled near one of the benches, all of them wearing maroon-colored shirts with black shorts that have gold stripes running down the side of them. None of them were wearing jerseys, but you assumed they were wearing their school colors as some sort of distinguishing clothing that would help them during the practice match. 
“Satoru! Where the hell have you been?” You flinch upon hearing Coach Yaga’s stern voice nearby and you look over to where he had his arms crossed and glaring at Gojo through his thick sunglasses.
Gojo walks past you towards the benches and gives Coach Yaga a salute. “Sorry, sir, personal business.” He then makes his way over to the rest of his teammates that were huddled on this side of the field. There were a few tables located on the sidelines that had refillable water stations, bottles of Gatorade, towels and all sorts of other athletic gear. You walk up to one of the tables and fix the settings on your film camera before taking a snapshot of the items laid out on it. 
The atmosphere is light since this wasn’t an official match and so you spend some time fidgeting with your camera before they get started. You can only imagine how tense it must be during a proper tournament game at the actual stadium off-campus, the thought of thousands of people spectating from stands sending a shiver down your spine. Athletes were of a whole different breed, despite how wholesome and down-to-earth most of the UTokyo soccer players you’ve met so far were.
Eventually, Coach Yaga and the other coach from the opposing school blow their whistles, both acting as referees for the match, and the players scatter themselves across the field. You notice Gojo is at the center of the circle in the middle, his foot on top of the ball as he scans his eyes across the field to each of the players with a focused look in his eyes. He draws his foot back, and just when you think he’s about to kick it forwards to where he was looking, the back of his heel makes contact with the ball instead and it’s sent swiftly behind him towards Geto. Instantly, all the players begin to move across the field, some of the offensive opposing side charging towards Geto as he shuffles the ball between his feet before kicking it way ahead of him to another one of their teammates. You bring your camera up to your face and take a snapshot when one of the opposing team’s defenders makes an attempt to steal the ball. 
The play continues further, both teams playing a push-and-pull with the ball. Gojo makes an attempt at a goal before the opposing team’s goalie lunges for the ball that was flying in the air straight towards the net, catching it in his arms and then crashing down onto the ground. Somewhere along the intense match, the coaches call half-time and you’re shocked by how fast the first half went by. 
Some of the players retreat to the benches to quench their thirst and wipe the perspiration off their faces with their towels, while others remain on the green expanse to pace around while catching their breath. Your attention is drawn to Gojo who stood at the center with his hands on his hips and breathing visibly heavily. He leisurely shuffles the ball between his feet with an innate rhythm before passing it off towards Geto who stood a few feet away from him. Gojo pulled his headband off of his face, his hair falling over his forehead onto the sheen layer of sweat above his eyes. With each breath, his chest rises and falls, lips parted in a display of exertion, and then he grabs at the hem of his shirt to lift it to his face, exposing his toned torso, as he wipes away the sweat at his temples. Your eyes widen at the sight, almost entranced as a wave of arousal suddenly consumes you, before he releases his grip on the fabric and it falls back down. He pushes his hair back up out of his face with one of his hands, the other securing the headband back onto his forehead with a snap, and the muscles of his arms tense fluidly with every motion. 
You quickly look away from him, afraid he'll catch you staring, and blink at the grass as you notice the fast beating of your heart. Coach Yaga's whistle blows, causing you to look back up again. Players were making their way back onto the field and Gojo found his position at the center again. His eyes darted across the field, making their way onto the faces of each player, and then they eventually landed on you. There’s a glimmer in his eyes, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards slightly into a small smile before he's looking back down at the ball by his feet. And then they start the kickoff.
UTokyo ends up winning 3-1, and by the end of the match the sun is starting to set, painting the sky beautiful hues of purple and orange. You lean over to pick your things up off the grass as the players make their final retreat to the benches, and you gently place your film camera back into its case when Gojo’s voice next to you makes you jump.
“Hey. Please don’t run off,” he says. When you turned to look at him, he was still breathing a bit fast and he had a flushed, almost serene, look across his face. “Give me your phone.” He extends his open palm out to you. 
“My phone?” You ask him, reaching for where it was located in your back pocket and pulling it out. He nods without any further explanation. You place it in his palm and he’s tapping away at it before handing it back to you. When you look down, you notice he gave a random number a call.
“That’s my number. Save it,” he says. You blink at him. His expression is soft for a moment and then he’s turning around and away from you, heading over to where his teammates were crowded around one of the tables and giving each other pats on the back.
You tip your head to the side to watch him as a couple of his teammates sling their arm around his neck and smack his chest, masculine laughter and jokes filling the air. You can’t help but smile before you pick up your things and start making your way up the hill away from the field, back towards the heart of campus. 
The following days of the week where you don’t see Gojo play soccer seems like a waste, because why weren’t you spending every single day of your life watching him play soccer? You sigh to yourself at the question as you use clothing pins to hang up the film photos you took up onto a wall in your school’s photo lab. You finished developing the photos from Monday’s practice match, only to realize that you accidentally took them on one of your black-and-white rolls instead of full-color. You step back to take a look at all the images you had clipped onto the string pinned to the walls, snapping a shot of the collage with your phone, before pulling them all back down and stuffing them into a Manila folder. 
The only time the photo lab wasn’t bustling with other film & photography majors was usually after sunset, but by the time you finished having dinner with one of your friends on campus, you had made it there around 7PM. By the time you leave and make it to your parked car, it’s pitch black outside. As you step inside your car and turn the key to ignite the engine, the windshield wipers automatically swiping as the control lights inside come to life, the clock on your dashboard reads 10:37PM. 
The GPS for some reason prompts you to take an alternative route back to your apartment that avoids the freeway in an attempt to save you from twenty minutes of traffic, and you consider what to do for a moment before the exhaustion in your bones convinces you to take the allegedly faster way home.
As you begin to head in the unfamiliar direction, the excitement you had to make it home as soon as possible slowly starts to dwindle more and more as the streets morph from well-lit and bustling with people to dark and surrounded by trees instead. What used to be a three-lane street turned into one, and you count the seconds between every passing car you see coming by in the opposite direction. You’re worried when your counting makes it past sixty seconds. 
You turn your music up in your car to distract yourself from the fear of driving down the secluded and dark road. There was a slight fog settling up ahead in front of you to where you could only see clearly about thirty feet ahead. You spot something on the road, blinking rapidly to focus your vision, and then your eyes widen when you realize what it was. Rocks.
You’re instantly swerving your car to the side, attempting to deftly avoid the scattered rocks but unfortunately you drive over a few of them, causing your tire to pop and you let out a scream when you lose handle on your car. One of the rocks flies up and hits your windshield, cracking the glass, and suddenly you’re driving up over the curb to the right before you finally regain control of your car and swerve back onto the road, slamming on the brakes.
Your heart is beating fast in your chest, adrenaline rushing through your body, and you grip onto the steering wheel while you try to regain your breath. Your windshield had a large crack in it, large enough to where the cold air from outside was whistling its way inside your car, and you were slanted in your seat due to the punctured tire at the front. As you took deep breaths, you noticed how alone you were on a dimly lit street where you hadn’t seen a single car in more than five minutes, fear and anxiety surging through your body. Your hands reach for your phone, shakily turning it on and exhaling in relief when you see that you have reception, then call the emergency telephone line.
“Hello, how can we help you?” a feminine voice on the other end of the line says.
“Hi, um,” you say, voice sounding shaky, “I just got a flat tire on Musashi road, about five miles from the Main Street intersection. I don’t have a spare on me, and my windshield is cracked too…could you send roadside assistance?”
“Yes, absolutely,” the woman says kindly and begins to take down some information from you. “Thank you, ma’am. Unfortunately, there has been a big accident on the freeway, so many of the tow-trucks and officers have been dispatched to that area. It may take about an hour for help to arrive. Are you able to call someone to come stay with you as you wait?”
“Oh…” You press your lips together in thought. “Yes, I should be able to.” After working out a bit more logistics with the woman on the other line, you hang up and then you’re scrolling through your contacts. You first call Mina’s line, which goes straight to voicemail, and then you remember that she was out of town for tonight and half of tomorrow visiting her family. You call Nobara, who also doesn’t pick up, and then a couple of your other friends who go straight to voicemail as well. You start to panic slightly before calling your friend Maki who lives two hours away.
“Hello?” You hear her voice say when she picks up.
“Maki! Oh my gosh, thank you for picking up,” you say to her through the phone, your hand on your chest as you sigh. You explain your situation to her and she’s instantly providing you with soothing words. 
“Is there no one that can come stay with you? I feel awful that I’m so far away,” she says.
“It’s okay, they said that help will be here in maybe fifty minutes now…I just really wanted to talk to someone,” you say, peering out into the darkness of the night. You’re still shocked you haven’t seen a single car drive by in the past ten minutes. You pull your phone from your face to check the time and see a notification on your phone that says 5% battery remaining. “Oh, shit.”
“What?” Maki asks worriedly.
“My phone is running out of battery…” you say with a defeated tone. Your anxiety starts to rise in your chest again. “I don’t know if I can stay on the line.” You scroll through your contacts again, finger halting the screen when your eyes land on another name. “I…I think I have someone else I can try calling.”
“Good, try that. I don’t want you to be stuck out there with a dead phone and a flat tire. Let me know if this person doesn’t pick up, okay?” She’s saying to you and you send her your location before hanging up.
You’re breathing heavily from fear when a particularly harsh gust of wind pushes more cold air through the crack of your windshield. Pulling your phone from your face, you click on the name in your contacts and bring your phone to your ear. It rings once, twice, almost a third time before you hear a click and then a voice.
“Y/n?” Gojo’s voice calls out, sounding surprised. 
Hearing his voice immediately causes a wave of relief to wash over you and you lay back in your seat, having to muffle the abrupt sob that threatens to erupt from the tightness in your throat. “Hi,” you whisper.
“Hey, is everything okay?” he asks. 
“Mm…no,” you admit to him, sniffling slightly and swiping at the stray tear that rolls down your cheek with the sleeve of your shirt. “I’m just a bit scared right now.” Your voice cracks towards the end of your sentence and you silently berate yourself for not mustering enough emotional strength at the moment. 
“Tell me what’s wrong,” he says, his voice starting to sound uneasy. 
“I was driving down this road, it was dark, I couldn’t really see much…but I ended up driving over these rocks and my tire punctured. I called for roadside assistance and they said it would take about an hour for help to arrive,” you ramble, “I tried calling Mina, and some of my other friends to come and wait with me, but-” You run out of breath to finish your sentence and you’re sniffling again. 
“Send me your location, I’m heading over right now,” he says and you hear what sounds like keys jingling in the background along with some other shuffling noises, “can you stay on the line?”
You pull your phone from your ear and see that you’re at 3% now before sending him your location. “No…my phone is running out of battery.” 
He’s silent for a second on the other end. “It says I’ll be there in twelve minutes. Just…hang tight, okay? Make sure your doors are locked.” 
You nod before remembering that he can’t see you, so you say I will. He’s hesitant to hang up on you but when your phone flashes from 3% to 2%, you tell him you don’t have much of a choice and then he’s giving you another word of caution before reluctantly hanging up. You’re all alone to your thoughts in your car again, shaking from the anxiety and blinking tears away. 
The twelve-minute wait felt so long, and eventually Gojo texts you that he’s one minute away when your phone is at 1% battery. You see headlights approaching behind your car in your rearview mirror, the first sight of another human being you’ve seen in probably the past thirty minutes stepping out of the driver’s seat and you immediately recognize his silhouette. He walks up to the passenger side door and tips his head down so he’s visible through the window. At the sight of him, you finally release the breath you were holding in before opening your car door and stepping outside. You both look at each other across the top of your car and you notice him letting out a deep breath of his own as his shoulders relax at the sight of you. 
He makes his way wordlessly around the front of your car to you and he’s studying your face intently. You look away from him when you realize he could probably tell that your eyes were puffy and that you had been crying. From your periphery, you see the back of his hand reach out when he’s right in front of you, hesitating slightly before it briefly brushes against your cheek, dabbing at a tear that you must’ve missed. His hand is warm against your skin and the sudden desire to hug him consumes every single fiber of your being, but when you look up at him, the soft expression on his face renders you still. 
“Thank you for coming,” you’re whispering to him.
He lets out a short comical exhale through his nose. “I wasn’t going to not come. What kind of person do you think I am?”
You shiver as another gust of wind passes through, crossing your arms across yourself. Gojo slips the jacket he was wearing off, revealing a beige sweater underneath, and then he’s circling around you to place it over your back. It’s cozy and it smells like him.
You’re about to voice your concern for him but his voice behind you cuts you off. “I run warm, don’t worry.” 
He walks around to the front of your car, bending over to the side to assess the flat tire at the front, his hands shoved into his pockets. You pull his jacket around you tighter. “Damn, the tread on your tires is horrendous. No wonder. You should really check on them more often.” He straightens himself up and peers at the crack across your windshield. “And that’s definitely not gonna be cheap to fix.”
You sigh in annoyance, his casual tone causing your eye to twitch slightly, but when you noticed your heart was calm and your breathing was normal again, you looked at him with the realization that him just being here managed to soothe you. 
He looks back over at you with a considerate expression. “Do you want to sit in my car? It’s chilly out here.”
You press your lips together before shaking your head. “I feel like I need the fresh air.”
Gojo’s walking over to the patch of grass on the pavement at the side of the road and sits down on the curb. He pats the spot next to him with an awaiting look on his face and you make your way to him, sitting to his left. He looks down at the distance you’ve put between the two of you, almost three feet, and he’s sighing before scootching closer to you. “Don’t be greedy with your body heat. I said I run warm, not that I’m a furnace.”
His shoulder brushes against yours and his knee bumps against your thigh as he gets comfortable. You bring your legs closer to you and wrap your arms around them, resting your chin on top of your knee. Gojo was leaning back onto his outstretched arms behind him, legs extended in front as he tipped his head back up to look at the sky. You look over at him. His gaze slowly shifts from one point in the sky to the other, and you wonder what he’s mapping with his eyes. 
“Thank you for getting the referee permission for me,” you say, realizing you never thanked him in person. “I’m excited to take photos out on the field next week.”
“Sure thing, my freaky little photographer. I’m sure you are,” he chimes. 
You stick your bottom lip out in an annoyed pout. “So, we’re even now.”
He looks over at you and smiles. His blue eyes were a bit darker underneath the starry sky with less light to reflect off of them, and the quality made them look gentle. “No, you’ve gotta make sure Mina stays interested in Todo.” 
You can tell he’s just joking, but you respond as if he’s serious anyways. “That was never part of the agreement,” you say, “besides, I don’t really think that’s necessary. She seems to be pretty taken with him already.”
He laughs. “And you’re not worried about that?”
“What’s there to worry about?” You ask.
“I don’t know, the fact they hit it off so fast?” He shrugs and you feel the friction of the movement against your shoulder.
“Hmm, no. Mina’s a smart girl, she’s good at sniffing out those red flags,” you say assuredly before lifting a suspicious eyebrow at him, “should I be worried? He's your friend. Enlighten me.”
Gojo shakes his head musingly at your concern. “Todo’s a good guy,” he says in a soft voice.
“He’s not on the soccer team, right? I didn’t see him the past couple of times I was on the field,” you say with realization.
“Nah, he’s just a mad lad I met in my freshman year econ class. We’ve been friends ever since,” he says, swaying his knee from side to side. “He’s the one that got me to join the frat.”
You two are silent for a moment, listening to the noise of the wind through the trees and crickets chirping in the distance. The previous anxiety you had from the night completely dissipated into peacefulness instead, and the man beside you was responsible for that shift. 
“Can you tell me what that offer was that you were so excited about earlier this week?” he asks.
You look up to the sky briefly, trying to remember what he was talking about. “Oh. I might be able to publish the photos I take of the game next week to the sports recap in the school newsletter,” you say.
He turns his head to look at you, eyes widened. “Woah, seriously? That’s so cool. Can you make sure I look hot?”
You roll your eyes and go back to resting your chin on your knees. “Sure.” 
A comfortable silence settles before he’s speaking again. “What inspired you to be a film photographer?” He’s turning his body so he’s facing you a bit more directly. 
“Well, the end goal is film movie making…but my professor says that it’s important to understand the art of film photography before that,” you say, twiddling with the zipper of his jacket. “He says that ‘if a filmmaker cannot master the single frame shot, then how can they possibly put together a film composed of a million of them’?” 
Gojo is humming beside you and nodding in agreement. He turns away from you to face forward again and he starts tapping his foot on the pavement of the road. “Huh. That’s kind of similar to something coach says during drills.” 
You glance over at him, a little surprised. He continues to stare forward with a somewhat innocent expression on his face, and then you can practically see the moment another question pops up into his head. 
“Why don’t you make your Instagram public? Your photos would probably get a lot more views or likes that way,” he says in an excited tone, like he’s cracked some code. 
You let out a small laugh and bury your face into your knees, your voice sounding muffled when you speak. “I did have it public for a while. Until a troll spammed a bunch of hate comments on my posts and I quickly switched it to private after that.” Saying it out loud, you felt a bit silly. You’re apprehensive as you say the next few words. “I guess I’m scared that I’m not good enough to be acknowledged or successful, and that somehow other people will see that truth before I can.”
“Oh come on, y/n,” he’s saying beside you, gently nudging your arm with his elbow. The contact causes your breath to catch in your throat. “You just have to go for it. You can’t accomplish anything if you don’t face your fears.” When you watch those words leave his mouth, you notice he now has a thoughtful expression as he stares ahead to the other side of the road.
Another beat of silence goes by. “Why did you start playing soccer?” you ask.
He’s quiet for a long time as he blinks, to the point where you’re unsure if he even heard your question, but then he finally answers. “My dad used to play in college. He introduced me to the sport when I was younger and I fell in love with it.” Your perk up slightly and tip your head to the side in curiosity. He’s looking down at his lap now.
“That’s really wonderful, Satoru. Was he also center forward in college?” When you ask him this, you don’t miss the way his eyebrows pinch together for a split second before his expression relaxes again. 
“Yeah, he was,” he responds, “he got injured in his last year, though. Never got to play after that.” There’s an inflection at the end of his sentence that makes you think he’s about to say more but he doesn’t. 
Your face softens when you see him stare down at the curb with a slightly troubled expression. In a moment of tenacity, you place your hand on his thigh and his eyes widen when he sees the movement before he’s looking over at you.
“I’m sure he’s really proud of you,” you say softly, your hand reaching up to brush a few strands of his hair away from his eyes. Both of you are shocked at the intimate gesture and you’re quick to withdraw your hand. 
Your faces are close, his side still pressed against yours, and neither of you break eye contact. You take a moment to study the handsome features of his face and your heart aches a little. The cold air has you licking your lips and Gojo’s eyes dart to them, gaze lingering, and you blink slowly when he leans forward slightly. Blue eyes find yours again and he stills himself, searching your face for something, and when he doesn’t see it he continues to lean forward and you lean towards him too. And then his lips press against yours, so chaste and so light that it’s possible you could have imagined it, but just when you feel his warm hand cup your face and he’s about to deepen the kiss, a loud honking noise startles the two of you and you both jump, pulling away from one another. You see Gojo’s face illuminated with bright golden lighting as he winces and holds up one of his hands in front of his face to shield himself from being blinded by it. 
You turn your head to the left towards the source of the light and see a tow truck approaching. “Hey! Is this the flat and windshield crack?” you hear the driver shout out from where his head was stuck out the window.
You’re speechless, cheeks feeling flushed from the realization that Gojo had just kissed you, and you turn to look at him. He silently stands up with a weary exhale and a calm expression on his face and then shoves his hands into his pockets. “Yeah, it is.” He makes his way over to the tow truck and you hear him make conversation with the driver as well as the man in the passenger seat. You’re still sitting stunned on the curb, bringing your fingers up to gently touch your lips that were still searing from earlier. Gojo’s suddenly standing in front of you and you’re staring at his legs before you tip your head back up to look at him.
“Do you have any valuables in your car?” he asks, jerking his head in the direction of your car.
“Ah…my phone and my tote bag,” you say. He crouches down in front of you, earnest eyes level with yours, and his hand reaches into the pocket of his jacket where you had stashed your keys. He removes only your car key from the ring, handing the set of other keys back to you, and then he’s unlocking your car to get your stuff out of it.
You remain on the curb, watching as Gojo handles the entire interaction with the tow truck helpers. When they’ve successfully anchored your car to the tow truck and one of the men comes around to shake Gojo’s hand, you see him reach into his pocket, pulling out his wallet and handing the man some cash. You stand up in a bit of a panic and head over. 
The tow truck is already pulling away with your car from the curb when you make it in front of Gojo. He hands you a business card with the towing company information on it and then looks down at you with a mild demeanor, letting out a long exhale. “Ready to go home? You’ve had a long night.”
Exhaustion suddenly consumes your entire being and you hesitantly nod. 
The interior of Gojo’s car is nice. It’s clean, smells like him and pine, with nice leather seats that have warmers. You’re still wearing his jacket, clenching it tightly around you, as he inputs your apartment address into his GPS and starts to drive you home.
Neither of you say a word to one another during the ride. You watch his hand tighten its grip at the top of the steering wheel occasionally as he drives. He turns his car into the entrance of your apartment complex and parks in the loading zone. You watch as he makes his way out of the car to the passenger side door, opening it for you. You step outside and thank him.
“It’s okay, I’ll head inside from here,” you say, already feeling like you’ve caused him enough trouble. You abruptly remember that Mina isn’t home and the realization that you’ll be all alone tonight creates a hollow feeling in your chest.
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Come on,” he says, walking past you to make his way to the elevator and pressing the up button. It dings before immediately opening and he walks inside like he’s the one that lives here. He places a hand out to hold the door sensors when he sees that you don’t follow him inside. You jump out of the mild trance you were in and quickly rush in before he withdraws his hand and the elevator door shuts. 
“Which floor?” He asks, finger hovering over the control pad. You tell him three. 
Once you reach the third floor, you step out into the hallway and he follows suit. Your apartment was just seven units down towards the right and the two of you eventually made it to the door. You turn around to look up at him. His expression becomes slightly distressed and when you don’t say anything to him, he shoves his hands further into his pockets and sways back and forth slightly. 
“Alright, mission accomplished, I got you home,” he says with a forced jovial tone, a hand rubbing the back of his neck. You notice he does that when he seems nervous about something.
Your mind recalls the kiss from earlier, the feeling of Gojo’s lips on yours, the heat of his body pressed up against you in the cold, the tender way his hand held your face still so he could have more of you, only for it to be cut short. Your heart is beating fast in your chest and your cheeks flush with warmth. He’s looking down at you intently and you’re looking up at him pensively. 
You didn’t want to admit it to yourself. Not yet.
Your hands reach into your tote bag to pull out the keys to your apartment. “Yes, home.” He watches you jingle the metal in your hands. “Thank you.”
“Anytime,” he says and he takes a step back. Turning around, you push your key into the keyhole with shaking hands, turning it, and open the door to your apartment, letting yourself inside. You look at him from the entryway with the door still ajar. 
“Good night, take it easy,” he says to you.
“Thanks, you too.” And then he’s out of your sight as you shut the door.
You lean back against the front door, letting out a sigh and biting down on your lip, the thumping of your heart pertinent throughout your entire body. There was a lingering truth to all of the emotions that you’ve been having recently. It followed you in the early hours of the morning, it followed you as you tried to fall asleep at night, it was present in the silence, lurking in the dark, and it was there with you tonight for every second that he was by your side.
You had feelings for Gojo Satoru. 
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a/n. thanks sooo much for reading and i hope you enjoyed aaa idk this week felt off for my writing for some reason but i heavily edited it so i hope it came out okay in the end.
➸ take me to chapter six!
tag list: @who-can-touch-my-boob @getitsatoru
776 notes · View notes
cherryobx · 5 months
Hey!! I saw that you are taking requests (I also want to procrastinate studying, lol), so I thought I would request a Rafe oneshot where maybe he is helping his girlfriend move into her dorm and a bunch of frat guys start hitting on her and asking if she needs help and he gets all territorial and jealous? Just some cute fluff? Please and thank you, lovely!!!
Move-in day || R. C.
summary: Rafe helps you move in to your dorm but becomes territorial when a guy doesn't get the hint.
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i'm not sure i like this one but bare with me i haven't written anything in more then a year so, thank you sm for the request!!! i love how all of you are supporting my procrastination and/or procrastinating yourself haha
warnings: some guy
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You unlock the door, revealing your dorm room. It’s very basic and bland but you can’t wait to start decorating it to make it feel more like home and a safe space for you to relax in. There are two single beds on each side of the room. Also two closets and tables for you and your roommate who hadn’t moved in yet. Your roommate was assigned to you by the school since you didn’t have any friends or acquaintances that were also going to this college. You’d much rather share a room with someone you know but it is what it is.
You choose a side of the room and sit on the edge of your new bed, looking around the room and taking everything in. You can’t believe you’re actually here. After all the hard work and applying to many different colleges, you got into your dream school. You’d only dreamed about this place in your head and now you’re physically here.
You then leave the room and on your way outside you dial Rafe who dropped you off and then went to find a good parking spot near the housing. 
“Yeah?” he answers the call.
“Where are you?”
He describes where he parked his car and directs you to him. You already see him from across the parking lot and give him a wave, which he returns with a big smile and a wave of his own.
The trunk of his car is popped open and he’s already stacking boxes into the carts provided by the school.
“How was it?” he asks as soon as you reach him, referring to the room. 
“Pretty okay.” You shrug and grab a few bags from the back seat, slinging them over your shoulders. Then you manage to grab a box of your books as well. It’s heavy but the room is not that far away.
“Are you sure you can carry that much?” he calls after you.
“It’s rude to call your girlfriend weak, Rafe.”
“I’m not calling you weak!” he defends himself.
“Yeah, right,” you laugh. “Third floor, 5th door on the right.”
You leave him unloading the car in the parking lot while you make your way back to the building. On the way to the third floor, you bump into some guys on the staircase. 
“Hey! Need any help with that?” one of them asks, hands already outstretched. Since your shoulders are already hurting because of the weight of the stuff you’re carrying, you accept his help. What were you thinking taking the stairs? The elevator was right there.
He takes the box from your hands and lets out a grunt. “Damn, that’s heavy! What’s in here?” he starts making his way up the stairs and you follow, adjusting the straps of the duffle bags on your shoulders. The dude’s friends follow you two, whispering something unintelligible behind your back but they’re too quiet to make out what they’re actually saying.
“My books.”
The guy chuckles and asks where your room is. You tell him and soon enough you reach the third floor. He pushes open the door leading to the third floor dorms and holds it open for you while you scramble past him to your door. You fish out the key from the pocket of your pants and open the door. 
“You can just put it on the table.” I let the guy into my room while his friends linger in the doorway.
Thanking him, you throw the bags on your bed. He places the box gently on the table and then turns to you. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N.” You give him an awkward but polite smile, hoping he’d get the hint and leave now but he leans against the desk, crossing his arms on his chest instead. He looks like he’s not planning to go anywhere.
“You wanna come to a party tonight, Y/N? Bunch of upperclassmen are throwing a little party for the freshmen. You could be my date.”
You stare at him, eyes wide. “Uhmm, thank you for the invite but no. I have a lot to unpack and-”
“Oh come on!” he interrupts. “We could have fun and get to know each other. And drink.”
“No, thank you. I appreciate your help and all but I think you should go now.”
“Don’t be like that! You haven’t even given me a chance.”
“You will not get a chance either way. I have a boyfriend.” 
“So? You’re in college now, let loose. He doesn’t have to know. ”
Meanwhile Rafe has finally made it to the third floor with the two carts full of your belongings. He pushes them out of the elevator and towards your room. Already from the elevator he can see two guys standing at your door, which he finds very suspicious. He faintly hears the conversation going on in your room and his blood starts to boil. When the two guys standing there notice him arriving, they scurry off and Rafe scoffs before entering your room.
“Know what?”
The guy leaning on your desk is startled and he stands up, not so cocky anymore. “Uhh…”
Rafe now stands between you and the guy whose name you don’t even know. He straightens his back and stares him down with that mean look he has but which he has never used on you. The other guy is obviously intimidated by him since Rafe is basically towering over his shorter frame.
“She said no. She has a boyfriend. So I suggest you leave before I punch you in the face so hard no girl will even look in your direction ever again,” Rafe growls.
“Whatever she’s not worth it anyways.” The guy shrugs and turns to leave. Rafe’s fists are clenched by his side and he looks like he’s about to strike when you place your hand on his back, making him look at you over his shoulder.
“Drop it.” Rafe takes a deep breath and you feel his shoulders relax under your touch.
The guy lets out a scoff as he leaves but Rafe’s eyes remain on you. “Are you okay?” he asks, worry laced in his voice as he turns to face you, hands now on your shoulders.
“I’m fine. He just helped me with my books and he got the wrong idea.”
“A very wrong one at that. I was so close to punching him in his stupid face for even talking to you in the first place.”
You place your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat under your palm. “You can’t stop every guy from talking to me. You’re not even here most of the time.”
“Watch me.”
He rolls his eyes.
“I’m serious. But he was a jerk anyway. I go for non-jerk guys.” Your lips are turned into a slight smirk.
“Do you now?”
“Am I not a jerk?” he asks, hands sliding down to your hips, pulling you flush against him.
“Oh, you definitely are, but just not to me.”
“I’d never be a jerk to you. You know that, baby. But you’re mine. I can’t stand the thought of guys like him talking to you.” He lets out a frustrated sigh.
“I know but I can handle myself.”
“I know you do.” But the next time he visits, he hands you a little box which contains a necklace with his name so everyone knows you’re taken.
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cherigu · 1 year
— ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Dulce Venganza!
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Genre: smut Pairing: sub!jeongguk x softdom!reader Word Count: 2.5k Warnings: college!au, fratboy!jk, grinding, solo masturbation (m), hand job (m), nipple sucking, vaginal penetration, cowgirl position, unprotected sex, overstimulation, PUSSY WHIPPED JK, fluffy ending
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Attending a party held by the most popular fraternity was a one-way ticket to seeing everyone you despised, something you should’ve kept in mind before you found yourself getting holes burned into by your ex’s laser eyes across the room. You had done fairly well in minding your business all night, having gone to this party mainly for the drinks. This meant you hadn’t socialized much all night, most of your friends abandoning you for some mediocre dude upstairs. 
All you were here for was to stand still by the drinks table and look pretty. You knew how to doll up, wearing a two-piece mini skirt with a matching crop top. It accentuated your body shape and showed your assets just right. Instead of working in your favor and attracting a good-looking guy to spend the night with, it seemed to work against you since your ex couldn’t seem to look away. Even while having his tongue shoved throat-deep into a girl, he still managed to maintain eye contact with you
You knew what his plan was, he wanted to make you as jealous as possible tonight. Unfortunately for him, you couldn’t care less about what he chose to do with his life anymore. Whatever he was doing was just pathetic at this point, desperately wanting to catch the attention of somebody who no longer found him on her list of priorities.
Even then, you couldn’t find it in you to ignore his petty attempt at making you mad. It was the least you could do to spice up the night. Although the show he put on with the girl on the dance floor didn’t upset you in the least, you were sure he would be affected if the roles were reversed. Two could play at that game, even if you secretly knew that this would ultimately be a poor excuse for hooking up with someone for the night. 
You smirked to yourself while you scanned the crowd of bodies, needing to find someone who’d hit him right where it hurts, he deserved it after all. Your eyes immediately caught another pair, those of a person who’d make for a perfect target. Jeon Jeongguk.
Popular athlete, leader of the frat, host of the party and not to mention, attractive. The guy fulfilled all of the qualities your ex lacked and surely would make him weep like a little baby at night because you deserved better than him, which wouldn’t be a lie. You weren’t a nobody in your class, owning a fair share of popularity gave you a striking social life. Apart from your captivating personality, came the out-of-this-world beauty. 
This was another reason you didn’t take time to second guess your plan, you knew any guy would feel rather accomplished to even breathe your air, let alone have a night with you. You had an unmatched ability to coin any man, even those like pretty boy Jeon. Undoubtedly the perfect woman, it’d make for a great achievement to boast about to the guys lining up at your feet for a chance. 
So you began to strut towards Jeongguk, watching the smug smirk on his face grow as the distance between the two of you grew. “Eyed me long enough, usually they crawl over immediately after seeing me stare back. Almost thought I’d have to break the tradition and approach you first” He joked through the loud music.
“How sweet of you” You sneered, lightly hitting his chest with the back of your manicured hand before stretching it out towards him. “Wanna dance?” 
“Thought you’d never ask” He smiled, taking your hand in his and letting you drag him to the dance floor. Pushing your way through the sea of sweaty bodies that reeked of alcohol, you were able to find a spot to dance with Jeongguk in.
Giving your ex a clear view, you pressed your back into the boy behind you, wrapping your arms around his neck and sensually moving your body against him. His hands lowered to your waist, taking a firm hold of it when he felt you begin to grind against him.
He lowered his head down to your ear, close enough to whisper so you could hear him easier over the blaring speakers. “Dude in front of us will not stop shooting daggers at me, babe” 
You ceased your actions to turn around and face him, loosely snaking your hands around either side of his neck and cocking your head, “I know, ‘s why im doing this” You chuckled. He brought a hand up to his chest to feign offense, “So you’re telling me that pretty girl is using the Jeon Jeongguk to her advantage?” 
“Don’t flatter yourself too much, are you gonna help me or not?” You asked, needing to know if he was still okay with this going forward. “Wanna see how upset he can get?” He smiled, eyes darting down to your plump, glossy lips. “Mmm, show me” 
With that, he pressed his lips into yours, satisfied with how you immediately melted into the kiss. The taste of your cherry-flavored gloss overwhelmed his senses, almost forgetting what all of this was about. Similar to him, any thought of your original plan was out the window, solely focusing on basking in his sweet taste. Your lips moved in sync, molding together perfectly. 
The two of you knew of each other but never took the chance to pay much attention. You were too focused on yourself to enter the dating world, as he was too busy with his sports to do the same. But this kiss, this kiss was enough to show the both of you what you had missed out on. It didn’t take much for the two of you to crave more.
The slight nibble on his lower lip had him rubbing his clothed length on you, causing you to pull him even closer to deepen the kiss. You slowly pulled away, desperate for air but not yet wanting to break the kiss. He looked so pretty above you, swollen lips and big doe eyes silently pleading to be kissed again. Just as he was about to lean in again, you pressed a finger to his lips, “Not here.” 
He cocked a brow in confusion, following you upstairs into an empty bedroom nevertheless. You were quick to continue the kiss, swiftly locking the door and pushing his back into it. You swirled your tongue around his, swallowing the breathy moans he let out. Your leg came up in between his own, firmly propping it against his crotch as he began to grind down on it.
The feel of his hard-on made your stomach flip and you suddenly found yourself asking Jeongguk permission to remove his shirt to which he agreed. Immense pleasure shot through him as his tip rubbed against your thigh, rapidly bringing him down from the short high he was on.
“W-wait Y/n..” He pulled back, “He isn’t here anymore” his puzzled look made you snicker at his oblivion. “What, did you want an audience?” You asked, watching his chest heave up and down at the feel of your leg still pressed against him. You cupped his cheek, lifting his gaze towards you, “This stopped being about him as soon as you kissed me” You inched your knee higher, “But we can stop if this is outside of your intentions.” your finger grazed his cheek affectionately, watching him melt into your touch.
“No! I mean… No, it’s alright..” He confirmed, brushing the stray hairs out of your beautiful face. Fighting the urge to kiss him, you focused on getting comfortable. “Go sit on the bed and take your pants off, baby” You pressed a kiss to his cheek before letting him go on to follow your instruction, watching him sit against the headboard and quickly remove his pants along with his Calvin Klein boxers.
His pretty cock sprung out, thick veins leading to the swollen red tip that grazed his lower belly. You walked towards the foot of the bed, helping you get a more direct view of Jeongguk’s figure. “Want you to touch yourself for me, yea?” You asked, smiling at the compliant nod you received. You began to unzip the back of your corset-like top, letting it fall to the floor exposing your perky tits.
Content with Jeongguks reaction, who eyed you down with his bottom lip caught in his teeth while he gave a light squeeze to his length, you began to slowly slide your skirt down. You made sure to wiggle your hips a bit, adding to the show you were putting on for him. Once your skirt was fully discarded, you pulled down the skimpy pair of red laced panties you’d purposely worn for tonight, not knowing that the boy who’d be lucky enough to see them would be Jeongguk. 
You walked over to the side of the bed as he followed you with his eyes, watching you climb the bed and sit on his lap, close enough to his cock that he could almost feel the heat radiating from your core. He instinctively bucked his hips up, searching for your touch after he let his hand fall to his side. “Eager baby?” You asked before he mumbled a quiet “Yes.”
Your hand came down to his cock, using the thick glob of precum that had gathered on his tip to easily glide your hand up and down his shaft. He threw his head back at the way your hand worked around him, pressing your fingers into his weak spots like you’d done this with him before. “Right the-ahh” You ripped a whiny moan from his mouth by brushing your fingers under the head of his cock, showing you he no longer cared about who could hear him, if they even could.
Unable to keep his hands to himself at this point, he brought one down to grip the side of your hip, while the other trailed up to cup your breast. He rubbed the hardened bud, making your hand fasten its pace on his cock. “Wan’ you” He looked up at you with glossy eyes, never breaking eye contact as he leaned down to latch his wet tongue onto your nipple, swirling his wet tongue around your soft skin.
You sucked air through your teeth at the sensation, bringing your free hand to run your fingers through his wavy locks while you stared in admiration at the state you had him in. So compliant and malleable under you, ready to pleasure you at any moment yet so needy for the bliss of his own. “Just like that Gukkie..”
A combination of your moans and the sound of your hand tugging on his cock filled the room as he progressively began to leak more, a sign that he would come soon. His breaths became arrhythmic while his chest pressed flush against yours, hearing him become more vocal by the second.  
As much as you’d like to watch him whine around your tits while he came undone beneath you, your core was aching for his thick cock to fill you up. “Uh uh,” you tutted, ripping your hand away from him and chuckling at his protesting mewls, “Inside” You caught his lips in your mouth, slowly using your hand to guide his cock. You hovered above him, allowing your arousal to drip down his shaft. “Ride me, y/n, p-please” He choked out, not needing to say more before you sharply sunk down on his cock. 
He felt his breath hitch in his throat and limbs turn into jelly as his cock entered your plush walls, growing slightly dizzy at the feel of your immense wetness coating his shaft. Due to contrary belief, he wasn’t too much of a ladies man. Being too immersed in his studies and sports, he only had time for a casual hookup every once in a while. Despite his lack of exposure to women, he swore that it couldn’t get better than you. The way you so pleasantly sucked his cock into your tight pussy had him seeing stars, leaving him an incoherent mess of babbles underneath you.
As for you, the stretch his girthy cock had offered you was unmatched. The position you were in had his tip grazing your G-spot every time you bounced on his length. You had set a gentle pace, not wanting to make Jeongguk cum before you could do it together. Your stomach was already feeling hot and tight for sure, but at the same time, you wanted to see how much Jeongguk could take. 
At this point, he wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer before he suddenly bucked his hips up, earning a moan-gasp mixed with both pleasure and surprise. “Can’t s-stop.” He feverishly moved against you, causing your hands to land on his shoulders for balance purposes.
The headboard rocked against the wall while you attempted to sputter a “Keep going, be a good boy and make me cum” as his cock continue to drill into your insides. “Feel so good” He cried out, screwing his eyes shut as he felt his seed eager to spill into you. “L-love your pussy.. Love how you feel a-around me, could do this for hours” He whimpered, fucked so out of his mind that the only thing he could think of was your cunt and nothing else. “Yea?” you breathed out, “Gonna make me cum around your cock?” You asked.
“F-fuck mhmm, gonna-” He threw his head back, unable to even keep talking. “Look at you baby, can’t even form a sentence. Do your friends know what a whore you are in bed?” You grabbed his chin to raise his face to yours, “Cum with me.” And with that, he was pumping his load deep into your pussy while it mixed with your own essence, making the fluids messily run down his balls and thighs.
It still wasn’t enough for him to halt his movements, feeling like he couldn’t get enough of you. Even through stuttering hips, he continued to pound his cock into your sensitive cunt. It wasn’t until you tapped his bicep to let him know that the pleasure was fading into pain, that he finally came back to his senses and slowed his thrusts until coming to a full stop.
You let your weak body fall on top of his, feeling his big arms wrap around you while he gently pulled out his cock. The two of you took your time to come down from your highs, needing to catch your breath for a minute. He was still feeling the aftershocks of overstimulating himself while trying to recover from the trance you had put him under. Your fingers soothingly rubbed circles on his skin, whispering a light “You okay?” against him. He hummed in response and held you tighter, before feeling your body vibrate on top of him as you broke out in giggles.
“What?” He smiled, watching you lift up your head to face him. “Nothing, just didn’t expect you to go all pussy-drunk on me” You leaned down to kiss his rosy-tinted cheeks. “What can I say, takes a special one to unlock that side of me.” He grinned, showing his bunny teeth even after you had wrecked him. “How flattering.” You leaned back down to lay your head on his chest, wanting to spend some time with him before the night ended.
Even if the two of you knew this wouldn’t be the last of it.
A/N: wake up babe cherigu posted
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russett-pots · 11 months
Frat Boy
Kim Minju
Tags: Too lazy to put tags. Just read if you wanna know ;)
Words: 3.6k
Sorry it took a while. It was supposed to be uploaded yesterday. But thanks to Finals approaching I got busy.
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It is already the end of class, and you get down the elevator and head to your dorm. But before you can get home. You see one of your frat mates come over to you.
“Dude!” You shout.
Your friend comes over and brofists you.
“You coming to the frat party tonight?”
“Bro, I got a big test next week.”
“So? Your smart ass already studied for that.”
“I just don’t want to fail. I’m still gunning for Dean’s Lister.”
“Come on, man. A sorority is coming over. Time to find some chicks, you know.”
You’re reluctant. Even if you are in a fraternity, you have been hands-off. It is mainly for you to make connections. You have met a couple of interesting figures but nothing much that is interesting.
“You coming?”
“Fine.” You groan.
“It is later tonight. Just come to the house.”
“Yeah. Yeah.” You wave your hand. “I have to go.”
“Hehe. See ya tonight.”
You knock on the door. One of your fraternity brothers opens the door.
“Everyone! Mireu is here!”
You hear cheers for your name.
“Welcome. Sorry for forcing you to not stay in the frat house.”
“Don’t worry. I got my own room anyway.”
“Nice! By the way, do you have the assignment for our physics class?”
“I’ll send you the answers tomorrow.”
“Great! I need them by Monday.”
“No problem.”
You enter the room. There are typical things happening in the house, drinking, playing games, and other roughhousing. But there is one thing new with the place. A set of new sorority girls have arrived. They are the talk of the town with how beautiful they are. But one of them catches your eye.
With all your confidence, you march up to one of them.
“Hey, my name is…”
“Mireu!” She completes your sentence.
“Yeah. I guess you heard.”
“Hi, my name is Chaewon. You must be pretty popular.”
“Nah, it’s mostly because I do their homework.”
“Wow. Can you do mine?”
“Depends. What is it?”
“I don’t know if you can help me. It’s some math assignment.”
“Hand it over to me. I’m sure I can help you with something. Just ring me up. We can have a private tutor session.”
“Oh, that’s nice.” She giggles
Then suddenly someone pulls your arm. “Mireu, let’s play a game.”
“What the heck?!”
He plops you down in a circle with half boys and half girls.
One of the girls grabs a bottle and places it in the center. She spins in and it lands on you.
“What’s this?” You question.
But all the girls giggle and whisper to each other. You can discern that there is someone they want to partner with.
“It’s seven minutes in heaven.”
“What the fuck?!”
You try to stand up but you can’t. The guys around you are already pushing you down back to your seat.
“You got picked. There is no turning back.”
You close your eyes, take a deep breath, and spin the bottle to pick your partner.
It spins. It goes around and points are different people in the circle. You pray and hope that you didn’t get a guy. Then it lands on this one girl. She is quiet and seems like she doesn’t talk much.
Without much hesitation, all of your frat brothers carry you to the bedroom while the girls are bringing the girl you picked to follow you.
They toss you to the bed, then leave you. The girls brought the girl that picked you up and lock the door as they leave.
The girl smiles and introduces herself.
“Hi, my name is Minju.”
“Ugh! Whatever. I’m Mireu.”
“Aren’t we supposed to have sex?”
“Don’t bother. I didn’t want to play this game anyway. So don’t get any ideas.”
“Oh…” Minju sits down on the floor with her back to the wall.”
“You alright?”
“Is…Is… is it because I’m ugly? I saw you talking to Chaewon-unnie. Don’t you want to play with her?”
You get up from the bed and kneel down in front of Minju. “No, I’m not in the mood for sex. Just be quiet or something.”
She sounds disheartened and quiet for the next thirty seconds.
“Did you want to have sex?” You ask.
“Well, the girls said it is a good idea and a great way for me to lose my virginity.”
“You’re a virgin?”
She affirms with a very slight nod.
“Is this how you wanted to lose your virginity? With a random guy?”
“Maybe…maybe it’s just the pressure. All of the other girls already had sex.”
“Don’t worry about it. Do it with a guy you trust or love. It’s going to feel much better than something like this.”
“You sure?”
“Trust me.”
Then there is a series of loud knocks. “You guys done?”
You shout back. “Yup, we’re just about to finish.”
You stand up and head to the door. But before you can touch the handle, Minju tries to hug you. It is a big surprise from Minju.
“Thanks”. She says as she buries her head into your chest.
You are shocked to see such a gesture from some you just met.
“Uhh…. What are you doing?”
“Oh..sorry.” She lets go of the grip on you. Instead, she turns around and heads out of the door. You can peek thru and see her run into the crowd.
Chaewon comes over and checks you out. “You done I guess?”
“Sure…” You reply. Minju is stuck in your head all night. She is shy and quiet, something you found cute. But with her? She seems like an outsider compared to everyone in the room.
The night goes on. You are done with playing seven minutes of Heaven. Good thing that they didn’t invite you to play again. Instead, you are with Chaewon, talking to her. You found her fun to be around. Just asking random questions and things seems to click.
“So, Mireu, what’s your major?”
“Me? Actuarial Science.”
“Oh, What’s that?”
“Just think Statistics.”
“Oh! You must be smart then?”
“You can say.”
“What’s your GPA?”
“Oh…. let me use the restroom.”
She leaves you to be on the couch. You wait there while she does her business. You wait ten minutes. Then fifteen. It becomes thirty. You check your watch and see it is already almost midnight. At this point you give up, you head out of the house and into your car.
But before you can step on the sidewalk you turn to your right. It’s Minju.
Minju is jumps since she was startled.
You look around and see no one else then you put your attention to her. “Need a lift?”
“Uhhhh…. Chaewon-unnie told me that she is going to pick me up.”
“She’s long gone.”
“You sure?”
“Has your text even been delivered?”
“She’s probably hooking up with another guy. Come on, you can ride with me.”
“You sure?”
“Do you want to be left alone here?” You almost scold her.
She follows you to your car. You head for the driver’s seat while she goes for shotgun.
The car ride was mostly silent. She just gives you her address as your head to her place.  You observe her. She is very timid, leaning at the window but then you see a shed of tears coming out of her ducts.
“Are… are you crying?”
She sits up straight and wipes the tears off her cheek. “No.” She says while she sniffles.
“Don’t make a mess on my seat.”
“There is some tissue on the glove box.”
She takes some out and wipes her tears. 
“Ugh fine…. What’s wrong?”
“It’s….. it…just you didn’t want to have sex with me.”
“You really think that having sex with a random guy is going to fix your problems?”
“So why did you join?”
“Same as you, I guess….my friends pressured me. Chaewon-unnie always describes how good it is. But I never experience something like that.”
“Don’t fall for that peer pressure. You find the guy when you find the guy.”
This cheers her up a bit but she still continues to cry. Soon as you reach her house, she is already cleaned up.
Minju exits your vehicle with a smile. She waves at you before she gets in her door. As soon as you know she is safe you back up to the road and go home. But suddenly a small smile forms. You feel happy a bit. You haven’t felt like this since your last girlfriend who cheated on you before you left for college.
That girl Minju lingers in your mind for the rest of the semester. You go thru classes. Everything that happens, you can see Minju doing it. Her face is plastered to all the girls in the room. You can’t get that girl out of your mind. All you see is her. She is the only thing on your mind.
Now it is the start of a new school year. You already became an inactive member of your fraternity. Finally, you feel a bit free from your old responsibilities. But you still try to keep a connection with them but now you gave your pin to the president.
Finally, you can give one hundred percent of your attention to your schooling. But then you can see that face again, that mysterious face. You see it then it is gone. Like she is following you but you can’t really tell who it is.
You go to one of your classes. When you get in, there aren’t a lot of people yet. It is early, what do you expect?
As the good student you are, you take a seat where you can get a good view of the class. As you take out your notebook, you see her. It’s Minju. It has been a while since you last saw her. But now you can see her every week.
She looks around for a seat. It didn’t seem like she noticed you. She just goes around finding a decent seat. Then she sees one beside you. It still doesn’t seem like she knows you. But as she comes closer, a sense of embarrassment ruins her.
The first thing she does is to do a ninety-degree bow to you and walks away.
“Wait! You can sit here.”
She looks at you and goes back to the seat that she originally wanted.
“Hello.” She mumbles.
“It’s Minju, right?”
“How do you want me to address you?”
“Just…Oppa, I guess?”
“You okay?”
“Sorry, I didn’t expect you to be here.”
“Just relax. I know the prof. He is chill.”
Then the door opens. It is the professor that you told Minju about. He comes in front and introduces himself. He is a chill prof unlike the many that you wish could change him. As the class is about to end, he gives out an assignment for everyone.
You turn to Minju. “Wanna work together ?”
“Sure.” She happily agrees.
It’s the first time that she has been relaxed with you. But when she smiles. It hits you. You noticed how beautiful she is despite her dorky appearance. When he wasn’t very confident with her looks, you can see past that. You are starstruck.
“Do you need my number?” Minju asks.
You snap out of the trance the nod. She hands her phone to you and you type down your number.
“Sorry, Oppa. Let’s do the assignement later. I have a class.”
“Just text me or call. Whatever works for you.”
She chuckles. “I’ll just text you.” She waves bye as you sit on your sit, smitten. That one moment when you look at her, you wish that she is your girlfriend.
The day goes on. You keep on staring at your phone to check to see if Minju has responded to you. Hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second. Each moment is filled with your thoughts of Minju. Then suddenly, during one of your classes, your phone vibrates.
“Hi, Oppa. Sorry for being so forward. Wanna do the assignment together?”
You quickly grab your phone. “Sure. When are you free?”
“I’m thinking after school. Umm….. I’m busy until then.”
You ponder for a moment. It shouldn’t be this easy to get a date. “You sure? I don’t want to keep you busy.”
Bubbles pop up on the bottom of the screen. Then it disappears.
Is this too much?
Then it pops up and a message is sent. “It’s no problem. Can we meet at your place? My place is a mess thanks to my roommate.”
You get nervous. This isn’t like you. The feeling inside your gut isn’t something you are used to, especially for a girl.
“Sure. I’ll meet you at 7?”
You wait near the exit of your school. You check your watch and see it is almost seven. She is still not there. You check your watch again, barely anytime has passed. Then you see a group of girls passing by. You can see there is less than a handful of them. In the back is Minju. She comes closer and greets you, still wearing those nerdy glasses she had when you first met.
“Hi…oppa…” She is still nervous like you are meeting for the first time.
“Hey, Minju.”
The pack of girls behind are now giggling. Minju’s hands are shaking. “Sorry about them. They’re my sorority sisters.”
“You okay?”
“Don’t worry about them.”
“Okay.” Her voice is now more stable.
Then one of the girls shouts as you leave. “Treat her well.”
You can remember that voice as Chaewon’s. The girl you are supposed to meet that night before you met Minju.
Your attention is now on Minju as you bring her home.
Minju asks you about your dinner. “Have you eaten?”
“Oh, not yet.” Your mind has been nothing but Minju that you forgot to eat.
“Where do you want to get food?”
You check around the area and you see nothing but a convenience store.
“You…want 711?”
You head inside and see what’s being served. There are some packed meals, sandwiches, and other quick and easy goodies. You look around and see the options. Minju is looking around as well and picks up something while you grab something more filling,
“You sure that’s enough, Minju?”
“It’s fine. I had a late lunch.”
You shrug your shoulder and head to the counter.
The clerk asks. “Want me to heat this up?”
“Sure.” You say. “Minju can you get me something to drink.”
She nods and waddles to the drinks section and turns behind the shelves.
“You dating her?” The clerk asks.
“I wish.”
“She seems nice.”
“Not my type but I’m sure. She’ll be fine for you.”
“Thanks. She’s cute.”
Minju returns with two cans of soda. “Here, I hope you like Coke.”
“It’s alright.” You look at her with a smile.
“Okay, is that all?”
You nod to the clerk as he packs up your food and drinks.
You and Minju leave the place but she is a bit clumsy but you pick her up before she falls to the ground.
“Are you okay?” You carefully ask Minju.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Then you both head up to your apartment.
“Let’s eat first. I’m hungry.”
Dinner is quiet. You eating and Minju is right beside you. It calls you to do something but you cannot find anything to start the conversation.
“Minju…” You try to open up.
She turns to you.
“Oh, wait.” You get up and grab a napkin then return back. “There is something on your face.”
Then there you are after cleaning up her, you face up against each other. You can feel her heartbeat and it is going fast. She isn’t backing up.
You look up and down then focus on her lips. This feels like forever. The thought of kissing those lips. The thought of your first kiss with Minju. Then you got tired of waiting and go for it. You kiss her lips. It is sweet as nectar the taste of Minju is on your lips.
You break the kiss for a moment.
“Minju, you like that?”
“Very much.”
Then you go for it. You cup her cheeks as your kiss her for the second time. Your hands from her cheeks down to her neck and to her breast. But she stops you and moves back.
“Minju!” you call her out. “Are you alright?”
“Ummm…..sorry. It’s just. You’re my first and….I don’t know if I’m ready.”
“Remember that night? When we first met?”
“Of course I do. You rejected me.”
“Do you want me to be your first?”
“Yes but can we be… ge—”
For the third time, you dive into her lips and into the couch. The force you put upon her makes the both of you laugh. So you kiss again as she starts to undress you. You remove your shirt and unbutton her blouse. You can see her pair of breasts locked by a brasserie.
Minju removes her blouse and unbuttons her bra. Her breasts are now free for you to use. You start to suck on them, playing with the nipple simultaneously. As you enjoy your time with Minju’s breasts, your hand starts to linger down to her blue jeans. It unbuttons her pants and slides inside her panties.
You play with her gently. First slowly, then turn into rough. But as soon as Minju feels it, she stops you.
“Let’s just do this gently please.”
“Okay, how do you want to do this?”
“Umm…I’m not sure. But….”
“You just want to go straight to sex?”
You lead her to the bedroom. Her chest is exposed and her pants are halfway down. You push her to the bed and move back to kissing.
“After that night, I never thought you’ll actually be in my bedroom.”
“Aren’t you happy?”
“I’ll wouldn’t have done it any other way.”
You peck her lips one more time then stand up.
“You ready?”
She gets up and removes her pants and her panties while you get naked. You look at each other and laugh a bit.
“You think it is small?”
“Well, I don’t have a comparison.”She squeezes her breasts. “You think these are small?”
“I don’t care. Boobs are boobs and yours are great.”
She blushes.
You grab her and pull her closer. “Let’s just do this simple, okay?”
She looks up to you and smiles. “Sure.”
You kiss her again and gently lay her on your bed. Your hands interlock in this passionate set. Then finally you align your tip to her entrance. You thrust inside. Minju grunts as there is a hint of pain.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine. Just continue.”
You run in deeper and you can feel as if you are at your max. Then you slowly start thrusting. First in and out, just getting used to her unused pussy. Then when things are running smoothly, you move faster and faster. Things become more and more pleasurable which causes you to moan.
You notice that Minju’s eyes are closed but with a smile of satisfaction. She also grunts as she takes you in. But those grunts turn into moans like yours. They both become louder and louder. You try to silence her but forcing a kiss. It works for a second but instead of kissing you for longer, Minju bites your lip.
“Fuck me. That’s hot.”
“You like that?”
“Very much.”
You fuck again and kiss her again. It is getting up to you. You thrust faster and faster, feeling the deepest parts of her womb.
You can’t stop. Her pussy feels better after each second. Her breasts jiggle as your large force is inside Minju.
“Fuck! Minju! Ugh!”
“Come on, get me more, Oppa!”
Those words encourage you to move in deeper and deeper. You try to pleasure yourself and Minju as much as you can and it works. Your cock is feeling the best as it can with a virgin hole while you can hear Minju shout in delight.
It is hard for her to stop moaning and groaning. It starts to fill the room. For you, your own sounds of orgasm are in perfect key with Minju’s.
Then you can feel your gut turn. It is time. Your cock is throbbing.
“Minju! I’m going to—”
Then you spew your seed. You empty every single drop of semen inside her. Rounds, rounds of cum run inside her.
You pull back and see Minju catching her breath. She looks tired but still beautiful. You jump in bed with her and pull her in your arms.
“Oppa, that was amazing.”
“You must have enjoyed that.”
“Mhm.” She nods.
You pet her hair as Minju falls asleep. As you see her gently slumbering, you start to drift to rest.
It’s the next day. Laying beside you is Minju. She is sound asleep so you try to quietly leave the room, still naked from last night. You quickly try to pick up something to wear. Once you are dressed, you head out and look for something to eat in the morning. 
You can still see the food you left for dinner and then pack them up. You clean up the small mess you left behind. Then you hear a creak on the door. It is Minju. She is still holding her clothes from last night.
“You wanna leave?”
“Sorry, I thought you left.”
“Minju, do you want to date?”
“Do you think that last night meant nothing?”
“No, I mean….I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
You open your arms open and walk to Minju. You embrace her as she snuggles up against your chest.
“Come on, we still have class.”
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feyhunter78 · 4 months
Hi!! I’ve been thinking about that one scene in 10 Things I Hate About You, when Patrick walks Kat to the swings when she’s drunk and he says “Leave it to you to use big words when you're shitfaced.” Except! Kat is Nerd Miguel who somehow ended up drunk at some frat party or something, and Patrick is reader who has to deal with his antics. I imagine him spewing random scientific words/facts that reader tries her best to understand. All while she’s just trying to sober him up a bit. This lil scenario has been running through my head, and who best to share with than you!
(The chokehold you’re Miguel, specifically nerd Miguel, has on me is insane! It’s a great distraction while at work! <3)
I love that scene so much!!!! I made this a bit different, but I think I still hit the mark for ya anon <3 (Also this is a normal house party bc guys that are not in a frat are not allowed to attend frat events just like with sororities!)
House Parties
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Art cred: Treelover_5
Nerd!Miguel masterlist
You weave through Brett’s parents’ guest house on the edge of town, downing your drink as you search for Miguel. It was really nice of Brett to invite you and Miguel to his pre-winter break bash. You know Miguel doesn’t party much, and Brett has been trying to encourage him to come out of his shell, so this was the perfect opportunity.
The sound of chanting draws your attention, and you see Miguel surrounded by a few other friends of Brett’s. Brett seems to be explaining something to him, car keys in hand. You drove here, so you know the keys aren’t Miguel’s, which makes you feel a bit better.
“Chug, chug, chug.” They chant, and you watch as Brett and Miguel simultaneously shotgun their beers, the foam dripping down Miguel’s tan skin.
Smash. You think instantly, your brain supplying you with images of what Miguel might look like as he comes up from between your legs, his lips, and chin slick with your arousal.
Then Miguel throws the beer down and throws his arms up victoriously.
Brett finishes, then throws his beer down as well and hooks an arm around Miguel’s neck, bringing him down to his level. “My boy Miguel has done it again! Absolute beast of a man!”
The other guys cheer, and you see Miguel smile shyly.
He’s been gaining in popularity, not that he really cares, nor do you, but it makes you happy that he’s made some new friends. Even if those friends challenge him to shotgun races.
Miguel spots you before you can even breach the circle and latches onto you. “Y/N, I won, did you see?”
Brett gives you a look that means dude should probably get some air, and you nod in response.
“Yeah I did, hey Miguel, you wanna step outside with me?”
“Yes, always.” He says instantly, his lips far too close to your neck for you to feel normal about.
You guide him through the crowd and out the door, his arm slung over your shoulders. He’s so heavy, all those stupid hot muscles making him dead weight as he mumbles to himself incoherently.
“What was that sweet boy?” You ask, when you hear something that sounds like your name.
“Did you know that the hydrochloric acid in the human stomach is so strong it can dissolve metal? Thin metal, mind you, but still, metal.” Miguel says, his cheeks red, his glasses perched precariously on the edge of his nose, and a goofy smile on his face.
“Wow, that’s crazy.” You say, struggling under the weight of him as you try to lug him over to a nearby porch swing, the neatly trimmed grass around you littered with solo cups and soaked with various spilled drinks.
“And beer—beer is twice as fizzy as champagne. I know this for a fact, I had four or so beers? They taste bad, did you know that?”
“Yeah, house parties usually have pretty cheap beer.” You laugh, swaying a little when Miguel leans on you.
“And cheetahs, super inbred, ten thousand years ago, taboos were broken, and now they’re all…ya know, the way they are.” He continues on, letting out a surprise oof, when you slide him onto the white porch swing, the weathered green cushions not doing much to break his fall.
“Very cool, so now can you tell me what the hell you were drinking in the twenty minutes I left you alone? Besides beer? Because Miguel, you are so fucked up.” You ask, sitting next to him, your legs tucked beside you as you turn to face him, an affectionate smile on your face.
He drags a hand down his face, and his glasses fall into his lap. He pouts at them, a small aw leaving his lips.
You pick them up and hand them back to him, and he clumsily puts them back on.
“Brett suggested we do shots before the races, he passed his midterm, we were celebrating with him.”
Fucking Brett. You loved the guy, he was nice, nonthreatening, watched out for you when you were in the Sig Epp house, but he also was a menace, who wanted everyone to be as drunk as he was.
“Miguel, you’re a big guy, but you don’t have Brett’s tolerance.” You pat his chest consolingly.
Miguel looks at you, eyes a little hazy, his shirt unbuttoned far more than it normally would be, his hair ruffled. “I’m tougher than I look.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” He leans his head back against the swing, staring up at the stars. “You know a cloud can weigh around a million pounds?”
“I did not know that.” You respond, trying to see if you can check his pupils without him noticing.
He notices and rolls his head to face you. “Everyone blames women when they don’t have sons, but it’s actually male genes that decide it.”
“I did know that one, actually.” You say, as you run your hands through his hair, pushing it out of his face.
He smiles, and you swear it’s brighter than any star in the sky. “You’re so smart, y/n.”
You’re taken aback for a second, heat rushing to your cheeks. “Thanks, that means a lot coming from you.”
“So smart and so, so pretty. I know I said it’s on me, but will you give me a girl y/n? I want a daughter with you, my brains, your everything else, she’d be unstoppable.” He says, his words slurring together. Then he falls forward with a yelp, hands, and elbows hitting the dirt.
You sit frozen in shock, staring down at Miguel, before you snap out of it and scramble to help him. “Shit, Miguel, are you okay?”
He holds up his right hand, it’s bleeding. “Just put some sugar on it, it’ll heal faster.”
“Full of fun facts, aren’t you?” It’s another trip back inside to find a sink and a band-aid, his words still bouncing around in your head.
I want a daughter with you.
Fuck, he’s going to kill you one day, and you’ll let him.
Not me doing a little callback to what Miguel thinks at the end of his encounter with drunk y/n hehe
TL: @bat-bae, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @smokeywhalee, @obi-mom-kenobi, @prowlingforfood, @penggion, @crystal-crax, @oharasfilipinawife, @generalkenobitrash, @melsimps, @chrishy973, @farrowroyale, @palesatan, @scaryplanetdestroyer, @denzmallows
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elsplaything · 11 months
benefits // ellie williams x fem reader
summary: you’re ellie’s plaything and you’re SICK of it. so, you go to confront her about it, and you can’t seem to get your point across…
warnings: male groping, intoxication, switch!ellie, strap usage (r!receiving), oral & fingering (e!receiving).. there’s probably more i just don’t remember
not proof read im sorry
you missed her. you didnt want to accept it, didnt want her to win, but you really, really missed ellie.
this friends-with-benefits-dirty-secret thing that you guys had going on was so confusing. she would barge into your room, all hot and bothered and cruel, forcing you to submit to her. she would have you face down on her bed, panting and broken and pathetic, but then right after she spoke to you like you were her angel. "youre so perfect, i cant believe i have you." "my perfect girl." "dont leave me, baby, let me hold you a while longer.."
but then, the morning came, and ellie was gone. you were left alone, in an empty house with an empty bed. she left you aching, yearning for more. the worst part of it all, though, was how she treated you outside of the bedsheets. like she didnt know you at all; you were a mere stranger to ellie in the public eye. every party, every gathering at jesses', she would just brush you off like another bystander.
yet you still missed her. even now, as youre standing alone in jesse's kitchen downing a redbull mixed with vodka, watching ellie flirt with yet another drunk and horny girl in the living room. did she even know you were there? did she even care?
"hey, babe. what're you doing back here?" dina's sweet voice brings you back into focus, forcing you to look away from ellie for what seems like the first time tonight.
"oh hey, uh- jus' getting another drink." you threw your cup into your mouth, chugging the entire bitter taste then pouring another. you needed to forget everything tonight, and this was the only way to do it.
"whoa there, cowgirl. lets go get you on the floor.. and away from the drinks!"
dina dragged your drunken state onto the "dance floor" (jesses living room) and you both danced closely to one another.
your hands moved up your body as you jumped and swayed against random people in the dance mob. you felt hot and sticky, but it was at least a good distraction...
ellie could see you from across the room. her jaw clicked as she saw your ass in that short black dress peek out as you grinded on a random frat guy. bile rose in her throat as she saw him place his big hands on your soft hips. those hips that were bucked up against her own, just a few nights ago...
"hey, get- get your hands..off.." you slurred at the guy, just now realizing that he wasn't dina, he was a big drunk asshole who's touch was getting too much too fast.
"cmon, ma, lets take this upstairs-"
"dude, she doesnt want to go up with you." somehow, ellie found herself in the middle of the dancefloor, holding your hand and defending you to this random jerk.
you looked up at her with your pleaded doe eyes, and she almost fell to her knees and died right there.
"hey, d, think i need to take her home for the night." ellie talked into dina's ear over the loud music.
"yeah, i think that would be best..." dina gave you a small smile and then proceeded to yell at the weird touchy guy.
ellie plopped you into the passenger seat of her old trunk, and you rested your head onto the headrest and looked over at her.
she sat down and turned the key over. "lets get you home, 'kay, pretty girl?" her long fingers brushed a strand of hair from your face.
you scrunched up your eyebrows and looked straight ahead, pouting. "dont do that, els."
with one hand on the steering wheel, she looked over at you and her expression softened. you looked so cute, all drunk and tired in your best dress. she loved that one, she even picked it out for you a few months ago.
"do what?" her voice was soft and almost mocking.
you sniffled, looking out the window to try and hide the tears falling down your cheeks. you were a sad drunk, thats for sure.
"dont call me that. don't act like i matter to you.. its all bullshit." your words were slurred and messy, but at least you sort of got your point across.
she pulled into her driveway, turned off the car and fully turned to you.
"youre drunk. get inside, ill run a bath. we can talk in the morn-"
"no! im not gonna-- talk in the fucking morning! tell me why you dont fucking love me or care!!" you spat out, full on sobbing in the passenger seat.
ellie had that little crinkle between her brow that you adored so much. she looked at you with sorrowful eyes, she knew this had gone too far.
"i.. fuck. i do love you, y/n." she caressed your cheek with her hand, trying to comfort your burning skin.
suddenly, you felt a little more sober. you unbuckled and got out of her truck, and started to storm off into the empty street.
"what the fuck are you doing??" ellie yelled after you, grabbing your forearm before you got too far.
"i'm sick of your lying, ellie. you've told me that before, told me you loved me and you would never leave and blah blah, then you go and ignore me, flirt with all the fuckin' sluts in the fuckin' world and then you tell me you don't want a relationship because you hate labels and i'm fucking sick of it!"
you finally snapped. your breathing was erratic, your eyes were glaring into hers, and all ellie could think of was how incredibly hot you were when you yelled at her.
she walked closer to you, and she could literally feel the heat emitting from you.
"then why do you keep coming back to me?" her voice was low as she looked into your eyes with something you've never seen before. they grew dark, even in the moonlight, and you didn't even know what to say.
she grabbed your jaw before you could get a word out and practically hit her lips against yours. you moaned at her forcefulness, pulling her hair to deepen the kiss.
before you knew it, you were dragged inside and thrown onto her bed.
ellie's lips sucked hard on your collar bone, marking you as hers. her hands roamed all over your sides as she writhed on top of you, needing to be inevitably closer to your warm skin.
"fuck- you're so fucking pretty when you're mad." she mumbled against your skin, her hot breath burning you.
your fingernails dug into her biceps, anger searing at her comment. you wrapped your legs around her waist and pulled her hips onto yours harshly, digging your feet into her ass.
"fuck you." you breathe into her mouth and flip her over so you straddled her waist. you unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her thighs, your fingers plunged into her grey boxers and rubbed along her folds. she was soaking wet.
ellie whimpered underneath you, propping herself up on her elbows so she could get a better view of you on top of her. she liked it when you took control, though she'd never admit it.
you quickly shoved two fingers inside of her, making her cry out the prettiest moan.
"you take it so well, huh, pretty girl?" you panted out, leaning down to kiss her slick forehead. her bangs were stuck with sweat, she looked so beautiful.
she clenched her eyes shut as you went deeper, earning breathy moans and "fuck, right there" from her.
ellie's long fingers clung to your shoulders as she came fast around your hand. she's never come that fast, only when she ate you out..
she began to move you over, but you stopped her by moving down her legs so your face was met with her cunt. "nuh uh, not yet." you told her; she looked at you with confusion before she cut herself off with another pretty whimper as you sucked harshly on her swollen clit. she was sensitive from her previous orgasm, and her hands pulled at your hair at the overstimulation.
"fuck- i cant- stop it, y/n!"
"you can take it." you mumbled into her pussy as your fingers found themselves buried deep inside, again.
ellie was getting a taste of her own medicine. and she liked it.
she liked to watch you as your eyes fluttered while your mouth and fingers worked on her. your dress was scrunched up at your hips, exposing your tiny panties and big ass. god, just looking at you had her cumming on your mouth.
"god, youre fucking killing me." ellie groaned and leaned her head back onto the pillows as her back arched into your tongue. you had to hold her waist down with your free arm while ellie rode out her high onto you.
you climbed back up so you were straddling her again; she was panting like a dog and her green eyes were glazed over as she looked up at you like you were a literal angel sent from heaven.
your hand cupped her cheek, brushing away the loose hair. her eyes fluttered closed, taking in your soft touch.
"you liked that, huh?" you whispered to her and kissed her nose.
"mmhm," she mumbled sleepily, "but it's your turn now."
her hands suddenly grabbed you and flipped you over so ellie was the one on top, and it felt oh, so familiar.
soon enough, her biggest strap was plowing into your abused cunt, your face was pushed into her mattress, her hands on either side of your head.
your screams filled her ears, making her thrust faster. she pulled you up by your hips so your pretty ass faced her. you supported yourself on your elbows and your head hung as she hit your spot over and over again.
"never gettin' away from me again, angel." she panted to you, and all you could do was moan in response.
"too- too much, ellie.. god!" your fingers gripped the sheets and you tried to get away from the brutal thrusts of ellie's strap, but as soon as she saw what you were doing, she grabbed your waist with one arm and pulled your back against her chest.
"dont you fuckin dare. do not run from me." her voice was clear in your ear, and your head fell back onto her shoulder as she pushed up into you. "thats it, thats my girl."
her free hand went to your clit, pushing you over the edge. you screamed her name, probably waking up the entire apartment complex.
ellie's long arms wrapped around you as your eyes drooped. you loved to listen to her heartbeat when you laid your head on her chest, completely fucked out.
"i really do love you, you know that, right?" her voice was so gentle, she was scared to lose you after tonight. after all you said.
you sighed deeply, still laying on her. "then stay."
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gassyandnasty · 5 days
The Jock Formula - Part 2.0
Josh and his friends invited me to their frat. I've never been to one, people say that some are pretty chill and others are dangerous, but regardless of that, I don't belong in the chemistry lab anymore.
So I packed my things and went to the adress they gave me. It was night already, the place was pretty loomy, and the house was all dark. I wonder if they forgot about inviting me. But I knocked anyways.
"Come in" a group of guys say ominously, as if they were expecting me behind the door. It was open, so I came in.
The hall was lit only by candles, as I saw a lot of shadowy and BIG figures all over the place, but three stood in front of me.
"Welcome to your hazing ceremony, Drew." Josh starts.
"The tasks will decide if you stay with us or not." Sal completes
"If you are a true jock, or an eternal nerd." finishes Jongho.
They were looking at me dead in the eye while all of this scene sent chills up my spine. All broke down when Sal started to laugh, and the other boys followed.
"Dude, you almost pissed yourself!" Sal mocks, and patting my back.
"This never gets old!" Jongho says in a laughing fit, high-fiving some other guys in the back.
"So... this dark hazing ceremony is a joke, right?" I try to break the ice.
"As much this scene was a joke, the hazing is real, pledge." Josh says, like a boss.
They said the first task would be easy, as I was led to the kitchen, being met with a table STACKED with hot dogs.
"Sit, buddy" Jongho says on the other side of the table. He was a pretty big and buff guy, I mean, all of them were, but he was specially bulky, and I was about to find out why...
"To stay here, you have to beat the CHAMP!" Jongho said as he punched his pecs like a gorilla, as all of the guys howlered and chanted his name.
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"This task is simple as I like things to be, who eats the most hot dogs, win." Jongho said, as Josh rang a bell and he started to DEVOUR the hot dogs. This dude was like a monster, I swear I saw him eating two with just one bite. I was a scrawny guy, like... yesterday? I was satisfied with a BigMac, how on earth could I beat him?
I knew that competitive eaters used a technique to swallow the most they could storage, so they wouldn't get sick. Something like flexing abdominal muscles, or your jaw... but then I rememberd...
Fuck this nerd bullshit.
And went FERAL on the hot dogs.
I can only describe flashes of this deed. Sausages everywhere, desperately looking for a cup of water, Jongho was chewing so loud it looked like a dog, and when I noticed, my belly was full, and the table was empty.
The end of the match was announced by Jongho filling the room like a dragon with a MONSTRUOUS belch. I looked around, and all of the guys were shocked, even Josh.
"Easy, haha" Jongho said, taking his shirt off. His muscles gave space to the food, so when the pat his belly, it jiggled.
I was a little drowzy. I only remembered eating the most I could, then I felt a hand on my back.
"Are you alright, dude?" Josh asked.
"How... many?" I asked, with my belly full.
"Did you think we were counting? That was wild! One of the best eating matches this frat ever saw, right guys?" Josh announced, and everyone howlered with him, chanting my name and Jongho's.
Jongho got up and approached me. "This dude was the only worthy opponent I met. I declare Drew VICTORIOUS!" Jongho lifted my arm in celebration, and all of that force dislodged the gas that was dying to explode out of me.
That felt so good. And what was even better? Hearing all of the frat chating my name.
But there were still two tasks...
I went to another room that was dark and already stinky.
"Yo, we are up next. Congrats haha never saw anyone eating like Jongho." Says Sal. He was sat having some snacks on a table. He was one of the guys I heard most of. Many girls and boys swoon over him. When I got up close, I grimaced: onions, anchovies, milk, beans, and the list went on with the most unpleasant food you could think of.
"Sit." He says, while eating an entire can of anchovies. "This is the nasty gas challenge. We have to eat the most disgusting food and see the one who brews the worst gas out of it."
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I was skeptical of this. My nerd brain thought that was impossible, but that stink was already making me pass out, and I heard that their gas was really disgusting, imagine with all of this, it would be- UUUuuuUURRPPP
A wave of a DISGUSTING belch hits me. "Haha, wake up! Didnt you hear what I said? You have to eat this." Sal says, blowing the stench on me.
*COUGH* COUGH* "Okay... I was just thinking..." I was about to say when he slapped me.
"Think less." Said Sal sternly. And I couldn't agree more. I was only able to eat all of those hot-dogs when I stopped to racionalize the situation.
I did it. Mixed beans with anchovies, ate it all down with a glass of milk. It felt bad, but it felt wild too.
"Good haha you learn fast, fella. Now we have to put it to test." He says, patting my back.
"Test?" I ask.
"You didn't think I was going to judge, right?" Sal claps his hands in a signal, while I hear a bunch of guys coming upstairs.
"LET GO OF ME! YOU JERKS!" I hear some whining too.
The guys break down in the room bringing a whimp in their arms. They put him in a chair and tie him down.
"So, this little fella right here was caught spying on us. Trying to take pictures, a total perv!" Sal says, while took some polaroid out of this guy's pockets and showed a bunch of pictures of their windows, focusing of their butts, muscles.
"IT'S NOT FOR ME... I... I WAS GOING TO SELL..." he was about to say when Sal interrupted.
"So... this perv is going to be the judge pf tonight's nasty gas challenge!" Sal exclaims as this guy watch in horror.
"So, would you do the honors, Drew?" Sal challenged me.
And yeah, that disgusting meal and all of the hot dogs were doing a number on my stomach... poor little perv.
I bent over so we were face to face, I only patted my belly and let it rip.
This one felt specially good, as it rumbled deep within the depths of my stomach. What was even better? Watching this perv cry and gag by the smell. Lucky it wasn't on my face.
All of the guys laughed, mocking the perv as he had to endure my gas.
"Good one." Said Sal. "Now watch the boss." Sal took my place in front of him and started to swallow air. He swallowed very deep, and forced out a NASTY ROAR on this guy's face:
I swear I could even see this guy's hair blowing, as he GAGGED on this cloud of gas. Sal finished by blowing the nasty bits on his face and grabbing the guys head.
"Take a big whiff of that you little perv." He said with a smirk while the guy gagged in his hands.
"Wow, you are totally owning him!" I say in admiration. It's nice to see that whimp be put in place.
"That's how you gotta do, Drew. No mercy, c'mon!" Sal says, patting my back.
I had to do something bold. My guys were starting to stir up, so I had an idea. I picked some of the pictures the guy was carrying and held one that was showcasing a guy's pecs and pits. I took my shirt off and I could catch the guy thirstily looking at my muscles. He was really a perv.
"So, taking pictures only? Why don't you get a taste of those up close?" I mock, grabbing the guy's head and burrying on my pits. The smell was unbearable, almost as bad as my gas, cause I saw the guy trying to get free.
"LET ME GO!" He screams into my pits while I rub all of my sweat on his face. I wouldn't let this guy go this easily.
"Let go? Oh, I will let something go!" I taunt him as I pick him off my pits, and when he thinks he will take a breath of fresh air...
Damn right, that was so nasty. He took it all right on his face, all the stink, even the bits of food leaving my mouth because of the force of the gas. This guy was in true hell.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA" All of the guys boomed in laughter, I think they liked my display of dominance. With a glimpse, I catched Sal winking to Josh in approval.
"YOU GUYS... *COUGH* ARE GONNA PAY FOR IT!" The whimp tries to say while he gags on my stink.
I see Sal doing the same as me and picked the first picture he could find. "Oh, look at this!" He showcased the picture to everyone. "It's my ass!" They all laughed. "Nice pic, perv, since you wanted to see it so bad, I'll let you have a nice cheekful of my buns." Sal said, teasing. He indeed had a very nice ass, toned, round and bubbly, almost eating his shorts.
Sal turned around and bent over the perv's face.
"NO! NO! NO! I know what you are going to do, please! I won't do this anymore!" The perv begs, while Sal's huge cheeks are only an inch of his face.
"Do you know what I'm going to do? But I was only showing you the ass you wanted to see so bad..." Sal smirks. "Take a look on it... I know you want to..." Sal jiggles his ass a little, and the perv is almost hypnotized by it. "Bury your face in it..." Sal says, and he does it.
All of the guys grimace as the perv goes face-first on Sal's ass, and with a smirk, he says:
"I guess you really knew what I was going to do, perv." Sal says, grabbing the back of his head and really making he go deep in it.
"NO-" The perv was about to say, but it was a really bad idea to open his mouth...
The deepest, loudest and nastiest fart I've ever heard. Sal was red for forcing it, scrunching his face to get all of the stink out. And it was a LOT, of stink. Some guys opened the window and others even ran. When Sal was finished, he
"Aaaah, enjoy that, perv" he sighs in relief as he gets up. The little guy's situation wasn't good. His face was sweaty and squashed as he passed out, and his eyebrows were gone by the brunt of the gas, Sal completely destroyed this guy. Sal looked behind and laughed: "Oops."
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" that ensured laughter from all the room. Josh, Sal and Jongho approached me where the air was fresh.
"Very good." Sal says.
"Good? That was AWESOME!" I answer in enthusiasm. "But... I didn't win."
"Don't worry, you captured the spirit and put that creep on his place. That will make you as good as we are. For me, you are in, but Josh gets the next task. Haha, try not to die." Sal says proud of me, leaving chills up my spine.
They said I should be careful, but I don't think there is any challenge I couldn't beat at this point. But there was he, Josh was waiting me outside the house in his car. I don't know much about those but it looks expensive. He really got it all, all the girls, the looks, the frat, the team, this car, a total bastard. How I wanted to be like him.
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"Where are we going?" I asked.
"To your final task." He answered.
It was late at night in a stranger car, he was certainly up to no good, but I kept quiety all the way. He was taking a familiar path, if I'm not mistaken... to the local library.
"Library? You know I don't fear math like you guys do, right?" I ask.
"That's what we'll see, ex-nerd. Stop making questions and follow me." He answered sharply.
I followed, and we came in. It was totally empty, only a few lights on, I don't even know how he had access to that.
"Now hear me out. There's your nerdy friend, if you can bully him, you're one of us. If not, I will take care of you both." Josh threatens.
I pondered. George was really my friend, and I'm finally like this because of him. But all I wanted was this power, force, can't go soft now, I have to-
"Ouch, what was that for?" I ask Josh as he smacks my head.
"Stop thinking, will you go or not?"
I just make my head tall again, and approach that poor nerd.
"Want some studying tips?" I smack my hand on his table and have a seat.
He gasps. "Andrew... so you're one of them now. After betraying me. Never thought you were this jerk. What are you hear for? Flaunt your muscles?"
"Actually..." I take my shirt off and start bouncing my pecs, display my huge biceps, and my ripped abs. "And I got more..." I turn around and showcase my back and blades. I can hear Josh laughing from afar, as George is pissed in front of me.
"That formula was only for making you muscular, not idiot! Stop that!" George snaps. "What now? Wet willies? Wedgies? Stinkfaces? Youre a dissap-"
"Since you are asking for it..." I say as I drench my finger in saliva and rub it deep in his ear.
"DISGUSTING!" He grimaces as he has to suffer from my wet willy. I had enough of George's drama. Gosh, now I understand why they bully these nerds. They are so annoying!
"STOP!" He complained.
"Hmm, wet willy... check. So next, you were saying wedgies, right? Now here we go!" I say as I yank his underwear up with full force.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" He SCREAMS in pain as his underwear is snatching his parts down there.
I drop him on the ground and he catches his breath, red from all the pain.
"By the way, it's Drew now, nerd." I turn around and bend over. Those hot dogs and that food are still making a number on my stomach, and since he asked for a stinkface...
"Incoming..." I grab the back of his head and bury into my butt. I can feel my cheeks molding over his face, and his screams are muffled by my now fat ass. This is the life. I grunt and push, and then... boom.
I force out a CRUEL fart right on his face. It rumbled and echoed through the halls for a long time, and I held his head so he could get the most stink out of it.
"Aaaaah, get a taste of your formula, George, thanks." I mock as I leave him gagging there.
"Am I in?" I approach Josh as he was proudly watching everything.
"Welcome to the frat, Drew!"
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fairlyang · 5 months
Fun II 🕷️
ghostface!miguel having his way with you once again
w/c: 2.1K
pairing: ghostface!miguel x nerdyfem!reader
tags: 18+ smut. mention of murder, blood, knives. innocent reader, miguel is a perv, eating out, getting caught
part one
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It took two full days for someone to find the bodies stacked on each other, given the frat house was huge and the guys only cleaned up the kitchen and living room.
But because the girls were in costumes and the guys told the police they had a Halloween party two days prior, it was physically impossible to find out who did it.
All they could really do was just have guards for them outside the frat house not knowing this was all done just for the killer to be with the one he loves.
And the cops specifically told them, no more parties. But what did the frat guys do anyway?
They threw a party on Halloween because of course they had to.
You were a hot mess and grieving terribly, two of your closest friends were murdered at the party they dragged you to, how were you suppose to feel?
Well according to your last remaining friend, why not go back to the murder scene for the Halloween party to have some fun?
You called her crazy to which she just waved you off and took you to a Halloween store to get a sexy costume.
You decided on Harley Quinn, with the "Daddy's lil monster" shirt and the half red half blue booty shorts. You decided to not go with the wig because they looked awful so you got some temporary pink and blue hair dye and prayed it'd be fine.
Meanwhile Miguel was preparing his ghostface attire for its final use while looking at his assortment of knives but keeping his buck 120 close to him.
It was finally time for the party, and you were all dressed up, hair up in two pigtails walking in with your friend who was in a Cat Woman outfit.
She immediately went off to do her own thing which bummed you out but there wasn't much you could do except go off to a quieter part of the house.
And with Miguel's luck he quickly saw her go into a room with a guy. Only makes his job easier.
He followed them and waited outside, just a good thirty seconds before opening the door and closing it shut before sneaking up on them already making out, somehow unaware of his presence.
He hopped on top of the bed pulled the man by his shirt and stabs him in the back. He spat out blood on top of your friend and right before she was about to scream, Miguel took the knife out and leaned forward, stabbing her tongue.
Her mouth made gurgling noises, still attempting to scream but just making herself choke on her own blood instead. He pulls his knife out and gets off the bed, stabbing boy toy once more for good measure before cleaning off his knife with the dude's shirt and walking towards the door.
He opens it and quickly closes it, before stuffing the knife into his robe pocket. He then walks off, moving past bodies in search for wherever you were hiding this time.
He walked all over the place, not finding you. He even checked off to the backyard with no luck.
He then stopped and walked over to the study room because surely there wouldn't be anyone in here.
He opens the door and of course there you were. He sighs and you look up with a puzzled expression prompting him to take his mask off, "Just me pretty girl." He says, waving his mask before closing the door shut.
"Hi Miguel!" You greet sweetly and give him a little wave.
His heart beat rapidly and he knew there was nothing from stopping him from being with you now. You could be all his.
"Abandoned again angel?" He pouts and you shrug as he walks close to you, admiring your costume.
How tightly the shirt fit and how those shorts were barely covering anything. Your thighs looked so gorgeous against that leather couch and there was nothing more he wanted them to be between them.
"Getting used to it by now." You joke making him chuckle as he takes a seat next to you.
"You look as gorgeous as ever." He says as he takes a seat right next to you, letting his leg barely touch yours.
"Thank you! Came as ghostface again huh?" You say turning your body to face him, crossing a leg over the other driving him insane.
"Yeah didn't feel like getting a new costume. What don't like masked killers?" He says as he looks at how those pigtails looked.
How pretty they would look in his hands while you su-
"I feel like everyone's a masked killer nowadays! Maybe Superman would've looked good on you." You answer innocently not thinking of how Miguel would take this compliment.
"Not as the joker then?" He whispers in your ear, wrapping his right arm over your shoulder.
You felt your face heat up as he grazed along your skin, memories coming back from the last time he caught you alone. How his fingers felt.
"M-maybe as the joker." You mumble, looking down at your boots to avoid his gaze, feeling suddenly shy and like wanting to hide.
"You're just so sweet." He whispers and leaves a soft kiss below your ear making your heart race.
"And so pretty." He murmurs leaving another kiss and bringing his left hand down to your thigh.
You gasp as he squeezes but quickly bite your lip, too embarrassed to say anything. "Y'know I haven't stopped thinking of you. I never do honestly." He admits, nibbling on your ear gently before pulling away and continuing, "but after last time it's been even worse."
"W-Why?" You stutter, eye fluttering as his left hand caresses your thighs gently while his right was trailing along your neck.
"Because I might be falling in love with you angel." He murmurs making you shake and almost let out a whimper.
His left hand was rubbing circles against your inner thigh as his right was nearing your right breast. "M-me? Why me?" You stutter and he sighs.
"It's always been you pretty girl, your friends just didn't want you near me for some reason." He says and leaves more kisses down your neck as you breathed heavily.
"S-Said you were p-picky." You mumble and lean your head back as his hands get closer to where you needed them.
"They lied." He spat before clearing his throat, "they didn't know me."
"But I'd love for you to get to know me." He says, now coming back up to look at you.
You bite your lip innocently thinking of what to say but for Miguel it only made his cock grow hard especially with the way your eyes were looking at him. God he needed you.
"What do ya say pretty girl?" He whispers, hoping for best case scenario if not he did all those murders for nothing.
You slowly nod making him grin, taking his left hand from your thighs and brings it up to cup your cheek. Your cheeks were rosy and your eyes had a new tint in them. Arousal?
His assumption was answered when you squeezed your thighs together and looked away from him. He looked down at your thighs and nearly groaned, you were already driving him so crazy. Unknowingly too.
He leans in, kissing you so gently as if you'd break if he were to full on make out with you. You kissed back and melted into his touch, practically fitting between his arm perfectly. Like you were made for him.
And as much as he wanted to take it slow with you and at your own pace he needed to taste you.
So he pulled away and let go of you making you pout, stinging his heart for a few seconds while he dropped down to his knees in front of you. You gasped as he reached up to undo your shorts with haste, "M-Miguel-"
You lift yourself up and he slides them off all the way down. He then spreads your legs apart making you whine while he salivated looking at your pair of red lacy panties. He looked up at you and you had such an innocent look on your face, almost needy.
He could tell you needed his mouth just as much as he needed to taste you. And he wasn't going to wait for confirmation.
He leaned in and left a soft kiss on your clit making you whimper and buck your hips up, poor girl already needing more.
So he gave it you.
He went down and licked up your clothed slit until he got to your clit and with a swift motion moves your panties to the side and starts sucking on your clit voraciously making you cry out above him.
He wrapped his arms around your thighs and went down to get a better taste and you were so soaked, he had barely touched you and you had drenched your panties. My perfect girl, he thought to himself as he lapped at your folds and brought a hand down to his hard on.
You brought your hands down to his hair as you felt new sensations you've never felt before and were deeply glad it was Miguel who was making you feel good.
Even after all your friend's wanting you somehow ended up with a little crush on him. Because of their words you didn't think it would ever be mutual and kept away. Clearly they lied with the way he was practically eating you out like a starved man.
Your hands gripped onto his curls while he moaned against your pussy, never having tasted anything so sweet and perfect. You tasted better than he remembered and he's happy his plan worked for the better.
"Miguel — feels s-so good-" you moan and buck your hips into his mouth.
He brings his hand to your pussy and goes back up to suck on your clit while he teased your hole with his finger. You whimpered and your poor cunt squeezed against thin air as he'd pull his finger away at the perfect moment.
"Miguel please- I promise I'll be your good girl again." You whimper making him groan against you.
Those dirty words coming from such a sweet innocent girl. He was falling even harder.
He slipped two fingers inside, your walls gripping them as he slowly pumped them inside you. "Fuck!" You cry out and lay your head back to the couch.
He then stops moving and let's you adjust as you pleased before he slowly started pumping them inside you, wanting to prep you because he needed to be inside you tonight.
He flicked your clit with the tip of his tongue while his digits started fucking you faster only increasing your moans and how tightly you'd hug his fingers. His good girl.
You let out more moans along with dirty words which only made his pants feel tighter and his pace increasing. He wanted to see you on your knees so fucking badly. You'd look even prettier with his cock in your mouth. Probably won't be able to take all of him given your inexperience but he wants to teach you and be your first everything.
He hadn't even realized how long he was thinking of everything he wanted to do with you until he felt you clenching against his fingers and you were crying out that you needed to cum.
He pulled away from your clit and murmured, "Cum for me pretty girl I've got you."
You nodded and whimpered as your orgasm hit you hard and left your entire body shaking as Miguel continued fucking your poor cunt until your creamy juices spilled out of you.
He stopped and pulled his fingers out of you slowly, and moved his head back to look at you, so pretty and breathing heavily. Poor girl.
He left a kiss to your thigh before fixing your panties when suddenly the door opens and he almost grabs his knife to throw it at whoever opened the door but opts against it. You gasped and tried to cover yourself but Miguel got you covered as he quickly sat on the couch, covering your body before yelling, "look at her and I'll kill you!"
Your poor body was so fucked out already but as soon as you heard the door shut you went back to reality. "M-Maybe we stop there." You say quietly and he turns around to look at you before leaning down to grab your shorts off the floor.
"That's alright with me angel." He says and kisses your cheek before turning back around to let you put on your shorts.
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tomieafterdark · 1 year
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“euphoria 18+”
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here’s my masterlist if you want similar content, or even worse cough sacrilege cough darker themes <3
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pairing: succubus!reader x Kaminari x Sero x Bakugo (all are aged up 21+)
summary: succubus drugs Kaminari and Sero with her blood that is like a drug and aphrodisiac to humans. (It’s a part two for the first official fic I ever wrote, you can find it here)
cw: blood sucking, biting, body worship, kind of noncon (reader manipulates Kaminari and Sero with her succubus powers and drugs them with her blood), use of good boy, pretty boy, blowjob, noncon filming.
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Bakugo had messaged both Kaminari and Sero about his and Kirishima’s night with a certain succubus. They wouldn’t believe him, as if sex demons even existed. Bakugo told them to come to his party at his new frat house tonight and he’d show them…
Sero and Kaminari walk up to the door, the party can’t have started long ago and there’s already a drunk guy passed out on the lawn.
“Yo, you okay dude??” Kaminari says as he pokes him with a stick that was laying around the guy.
“Try electrocuting him to life” Sero suggests.
“Hey that’s a great idea” Kaminari’s eyes light up. “Why didn’t I think of that..”
They didn’t even notice Bakugo behind them. “Don’t even think about zapping my guests, we’ll handle that extra later.”
“Oh hey Bakugo” they both say in unison.
“Soooo, where’s this succubus cutie you told us about?” Kaminari says with his hands in his pockets.
“Be quiet idiot, people can hear you. She’s inside though, humans are not supposed to know about her so you better keep your mouth shut. Both of you. Got it ?”
“Yes” Kaminari says, and Sero nods.
Bakugo leads the guys up the stairs, quickly opens the door and practically pushes them in because he can hear people walking up the stairs. They both fall face down on the floor.
“Hey Bakugo! You didn’t have to push us like that” Sero says, face still looking down at the floor. He hasn’t noticed you, the stunning succubus on the bed yet. You’re tied up and gagged wearing nothing but black lacy lingerie, with your legs behind your ears and your hands tied to your ankles. It’s just a safety precaution though, until the guys get to know you better. Bakugo had a feeling the two guys might fuck it up and become your next meal..
”I heard people walk up the stairs. I could either risk it or push you guys.”
Meanwhile Kaminari is in awe, he just witnessed you. He grabs Sero’s shoulder to lift him up but is too shocked to say anything so he just points at you.
Sero laughs. “Did you and Kirishima seriously put horns on her?? You went all in with this prank. Look there’s even wings and a tail poking out!”
“Who cares if it’s a prank she’s so hot” Kaminari says, as he steps a bit closer to you. “But..why is she all tied up and gagged Bakugo?” he stares at your barely clothed cunt, you’re wearing a black lace thong and it really doesn’t cover much. Just the way he likes his girls.
“We tied her up because she’s dangerous, I don’t know if a couple of wusses like you can handle her. Last time me and Kirishima fucked her she was weak and easy to handle, until she got energy. Then she went rogue. You should get to know her a bit before you can fuck her.”
“Hmm you underestimate us Bakugo” Kaminari says, as he inspects you further. He still thinks you’re wearing a costume, but you look different. “This is a good costume” he says as he touches you all over and pulls on your horns. “Wow these things are on tight.” You moan through the gag.
“Looks like she has something to say, let’s remove that gag and see what the fake demon will say” Sero laughs and walks over and removes your gag without a second thought. You bite him, you bite so hard his hand bleeds.
Bakugo rolls his eyes. Of course these two idiots would screw up this badly.
“AH fuck!” He says trying to remove his hand but you keep his hand in your mouth, eventually sucking some of his blood and Kaminari is laughing his ass off.
“Dude just remove your hand, it’s not that hard” he says and continues laughing harder.
Sero is mildly panicking. “Bakugo?! A little help please?? Why is this bitch biting me. Did you just pick the first girl you found on the stree- AAAH” you bit him harder this time.
Bakugo starts to record what’s going on, to show Kirishima. “What an idiot, and she managed to suck his blood. She’ll turn both of them into her slaves now that she has even more energy” he texts alongside sending the video of Sero getting bit by you.
Kaminari ends up using his electricity quirk on you lightly to make you stop biting Sero, surprisingly it works but not because it scared you... “Bakugo, are you sure she’s not here against her will? She bit Sero..” he asks in a confused and mildly worried tone.
“Why don’t you ask her” he replies back while continuing to text Kirishima.
Kaminari takes a seat next to you, ready to lightly zap you again if you act up. “Why did you bite Sero? Are you here against your will???”
“I’m not here against my will I just wanted to see if your friend over there tastes as good as he looks” you say in the most beautiful voice the guys have ever heard. All the blood you took from Sero made you the most powerful you had ever been so far in this version of earth. It made your voice way more hypnotic than it already was before you bit him.
“Yeah because biting me is a good first impression.” Sero says glaring at you. “Weirdo.”
“I didn’t bite hard. It’s just a scratch..by the way your blood tasted nice.” You shoot him an evil grin, knowing how it’ll make him feel and react.
Sero looks creeped out. “Yo what-“
Kaminari seems more into it. “Dude she’s freaky, if she likes to taste your blood what else do you think she’ll like?” He is looking at Sero with so many disgusting scenarios in his head not knowing sex demons can sense peoples dirty thoughts to some degree. You grin at him.
Sero just looks back at him looking like a human question mark with a mild hint of fear still left on his face.
“Well think about it” Kaminari grins as he grabs one of your thighs and slaps it. “She’s all tied up and has her legs spread and she’s not complaining, who cares if she thinks she’s a demon or that she bit you she’s probably very freaky. Ain’t that right pretty girl?”
You moan in reply as he keeps grabbing and pinching your thighs, you can feel yourself getting wet.
Kaminari stares in awe, and starts to pull on your thong to get a good view of your bare pussy. Meanwhile Sero is just staring, deep down he is intrigued. They both haven’t realised that you’re an actual succubus and not just someone dressed up as one, it gives you more dominance over them. Your pussy clenches, and you can read Kaminari’s reaction like a book when it does. He wants you so bad, he is so eager he’d skip all the foreplay and get straight into it.
“Untie me, I want to touch you so bad but the restraints aren’t letting me..” you say while pouting. This was the ultimate test, to see if he is a weakling that will let you dominate him and take all his energy or if he’d think twice before untying you.
Of course he unties you, he thinks with his dick right now and dick only. He has no idea what’s coming, to him you’re just a freaky human girl. You lean in for a kiss when he unties you, he kisses back passionately. He wastes no time, grabbing your waist to pull you on his lap to make out with you. He is so lost in you, he didn’t even notice your wings fluttering in excitement. But Sero notices.
“What the fuck?” Sero looks at you wide eyed. He thought maybe you have an illusion quirk but this looks and feels way too real. Before he can get anything else out you look back at him as Kaminari is practically worshiping your upper body, kissing every inch.
You lock your pink glowing eyes with Sero’s, and say “come join the fun Sero.” As you reach your hand out to him. Sero can sense your energy has shifted, it is so sinister yet alluring. His mind is warning him but his body has already started moving, the closer he gets the more hazy his mind gets. He starts kissing your back and giving hickeys to your neck, you’re loving every moment. You give Bakugo the look and he knows it’s time to start recording, this will be a night to remember. His friends will thank him for recording this because chances are they won’t remember everything because of what you have planned.
You’re grinding on Kaminari’s fully hard cock now, and pushing back grinding on Sero’s at the same time. You can sense every blood cell rushing down there and you want to drain both of them so bad, but you’re forcing yourself to take it slow. Every now and then you can’t help but do lewd nasty faces into the camera that they’re still not aware of, with Bakugo smirking back at you.
You grab both of them by their hair and pull them in for a three-way makeout. They can’t get enough of you, hands all over your body. Kaminari has one hand on your tits squeezing and grabbing, while Sero’s hand is rubbing your clit over your panties.
You stop kissing for a second and their faces are showing confusion and neediness, they want you so bad it’s cute. “Since I tasted Sero’s blood it’s only fair he tastes mine” you say and throw him a devilish look. You grab Sero By his jaw and hold him in place like that. “Open your mouth and stick your tongue out.” You command. He does it, you can see the lust and excitement in his eyes. You bite your finger and neon pink blood drips down, you let exactly three drops on Sero’s tongue. “Now swallow for me like a good boy.” He was so needy for you he didn’t even care that your blood was neon pink, it’s like he forgot humans have red blood and not just any colour. He just swallows like the good boy he is.
You throw a look at Kaminari. “You too pretty boy.” You smirk. Kaminari just blushes in response and opens his mouth sticking his pretty red tongue out. You put three drops of blood on your tongue instead and stick it into his mouth, making out with him until you’re sure he got enough blood in him.
The rest was up to them. You can manipulate your blood into affecting people like drugs, what type of drug is up to you. This time the drug was meant to be euphoria inducing but also manipulate their sexual energy into being stronger. More energy for you that way. You watch as their energy becomes more incubus like, more hellish, more dark, more dense and passionate. Kaminari’s eyes are glowing with lust and desire it almost has you cumming on the spoot when he looks at you with them. And Sero, previously freaked out Sero looks like he is ready to rip you to shreads. “Now we’re talking” you think to yourself.
You slip down on your knees, pulling both of them closer by grabbing their belts. As you start unbuckling you can feel their stares at you, it’s like they’re not even there it’s just lust and desire possessing two human vessels. Bakugo gets between them with the camera, pointing it right to your face. You smirk at the camera and start giving it what it wants.
You take both of their big rock hard cocks into your mouth, at once. It’s so big, you have to give it to them they’re really giving you something to work with. Kaminari moans and pushes your head further down on both of their cocks, they smirk at each other for a second before they both thrust into your mouth at once. They think they’re the ones in heaven, under the influence of your euphoric blood but you’re having an even better time. All that sexual energy, all that pent up aggression and passion. All of it is yours. You start bopping your head faster, you want more and you want it now. This is nothing. While your blowing the literal energy out of the two, Bakugo makes them hold the camera as he goes behind you to give you even more pleasure. He pulls on your wings and tails aggressively, causing you to moan loudly. You moaning over their dicks makes them twitch so hard inside your throat, you feel like they’re about to cum any second now. As you’re keeping eye contact with the camera, you take both their dicks out of your mouth for a second to show them what your tongue alone can do.
Your tongue gets longer, glowing pink. The glowing pink is just more energy to put them deeper into pleasure, make them lose their fucking minds more than they already have. You wrap it around their twitching cocks and go up and down making them moan loudly. Sero looks at you with pure bloodlust and it has you feeling some type of way. You did know how to read humans well but you didn’t expect this out of Sero. You want them cumming at once though so you’re edging Sero because he is way too close right now, it’s pretty easy to control him when he is under the influence like this. You can see the struggle on his face, he thrusts harder and harder he keeps getting closer but that one inch of infinity between him and his goal keeps standing in the way. You chuckle to yourself, the more he struggles the more energy he musters up. You take your tongue off of them and start jerking them off with your hands, when you look at Kaminari you notice he is close too.
“If you want the privilege of cumming into my beautiful mouth you have to beg. And you better fucking mean it.” You say staring at the two desperate guys in front of you.
“P-please—fuck-“ is all Sero gets out as he is desperately jerking his dick into your closed fist. What a pathetic weakling. He wants to cum like this and not even wait to get your pretty pussy? Oh well.
You look at Kaminari next. “What will it be pretty boy do you want to cum or not?” You say as you squeeze his dick tighter and jerk it. He is so close he feels all his energy leave his body yet no fucking orgasm. The torture is real.
“Make me cum please, I’ll do anything just let me cum. I don’t know what the fuck you did but I’m going crazy, I need it so bad I’ve never wanted it this bad-“ he whines.
Looking back at Sero, you can see he is about to pass out if he doesn’t cum soon. Too much edging means too much pent up energy and with your drug like blood in his system it can get dangerous. His mind is hazy all he wants is to cum he would do anything right now to get it. Before you let them cum you take a look at Kaminari. “Use your quirk when you cum in my mouth, it’ll feel so good for you, okay?”
He just nods frantically as he pants forcing himself to not pass out, he doesn’t even know why you asked or what you’d get out of it he was just so needy. He looked so hot right now, trying his best to cum and not pass out, jaw clenched as he is thrusting his hips into your fist too giving out the most lewd sounds.
You take both of them into your mouth again, at once and let them cum. You swallow it all, not letting a single drop go to waste. Kaminari’s electricity mixed with all that cum is heaven, you wished all guys had this quirk. You moan hard over their dicks, making them twitch and milking even more cum out of them. When you’ve emptied them completely, you try to get them to thrust again, to overstimulate their cocks even more but they’re so tired they end up passing out on the bed before even putting their pants on. You stare back at Bakugo, pouting.
“I am still hungry Bakugo…you promised me a good meal.” You whine.
He rolls his eyes, he knows exactly how this will end up. His cock is rock hard though he should not let that go to waste, he should just go with it and be a good friend, help out this poor hungry succubus. “Alright brat” he says as he walks over to you. He grabs you by the wings and bends you over on the bed, with the camera in his hand.
You arch your back and push your ass onto Bakugo. “Time for round two” you say into the camera with the most exciting tone.
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lovelyhan · 1 year
kai pls “you sound pretty hot when you shut up.” + cheol im begging
also ily <3 hope ur doing well and taking care of urself <333
SAR BELOVED! sorry it took me a while to get to this </3 but hehe here's some cheol filth to start ur day right 😼😼😼
⟣ "you sound pretty hot when you shut up" ⟢ wc: 0.8k words minors do not interact!
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One would think that the two presidents of the oldest fraternity and sorority on campus would get along swimmingly. Not only are the two organizations officially affiliated with one another, but most of the time, their members are either really good friends or dating slash fucking each other on the side.
So yes, it was perfectly logical to assume that you and Choi Seungcheol would fall into either of those categories.
Except you don't.
"Didn't I tell you to stop loitering around our property?"
"Your sorority is literally a sister organization to our frat. This is technically our property too, so what's your deal, ice princess?"
"My deal is that I can't fucking study when you're bringing all these stupid frat boys into our hangout! Don't you all have somewhere else to be?"
"Now why are you even studying at your goddamn hangout spot? You're supposed to hang out here, genius."
As Seungcheol bickers with you, the infamous Zeta Tau Alpha president, the 'stupid frat boys' he brought over to your sorority hangout spot all sigh in unison.
"There they go again," Mingyu comments with a laugh. "If I didn't know better, I'd think this is all for show and they're secretly screwing each other."
"That's, like, fanfiction levels of ridiculousness, dude," Seokmin comments. "They don't hate each other in a 'we-secretly-fuck-like-rabbits' kind of way. They just...hate each other. Period."
Soonyoung hums on the side while sipping on a box of juice. "Hmm... But don't you think they're being a little too theatric with their arguments lately? Remember when she splashed water all over Cheol at the cafeteria yesterday?"
"I don't know about that, Soonie," comments one of your sisters, Sana, who shakes her head. "Our lovely president over there is a sweetheart, but when you've done something to piss her off, she'll remember it until she dies."
Mingyu perks up with curiosity. "So you're saying that Cheol did something unforgivable? Is that why she hates him so much?"
Sana can only offer them a nonchalant shrug.
"No clue."
Unbeknownst to your members, Seungcheol has done something unforgivable to you in the past.
"I can't fucking believe you're still hung up on the first time we fucked," Seungcheol rasps as his fingers dig into your thighs. "It was just a one-night stand at the time. Why are you so pissed off?"
Though you want nothing more than to glare at him, the sensation of his thick cock ramming into you does unfairly well in derailing your train of thought. Still, your perpetual irritation with him breaks through the surface.
"How many times do I have to tell you that that was my first time!" You bite back, stifling a moan when Seungcheol presses your face against the cold metal of the lockers. "You can't just take a girl's virginity and leave her all alone in the morning! Doesn't your frat have a code of chivalry or something?"
Seungcheol lets out an irritated noise before lifting up one of your thighs—hooking it across his elbow so he gets to fuck into you deeper. The angle has the leg still planted on the floor quivering with pleasure but your pride won't allow yourself to fall apart so easily.
"Ice princess doesn't like it when her favorite boy toy can't be tied down? I came back to you anyways, didn't I? Again and again—ruining this pretty pussy for anyone else."
When you feel his breath against the shell of your ear, your walls clamp around his pulsating cock almost embarrassingly tight.
"And I'll keep fucking you until that ice cold heart of yours finally melts."
You don't offer up any more complaints—completely and utterly submissive as Seungcheol rails you against the lockers none-too-discreetly. He's rougher than usual, and it wouldn't surprise you if any of his teammates finally found out about this dirty little secret you've been keeping under wraps.
You're fucking addicted to him. His cock squelches with a lewd sound each time he fucks into you, orchestrating a perfectly timed orgasm that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Not a single noise comes out of your mouth once it crests—mouth agape in a quiet scream as you topple over the edge. Your hips absentmindedly meet the cadence of Seungcheol's practiced strokes as you ride out your high, and he only stops when his cock paints your insides with the white hot mess of his cum.
"You sound pretty hot when you shut up."
He dishes out the backhanded compliment when you're fixing the collar of your shirt—mind thankfully far enough from that sexual subspace to rightfully scoff at him.
"Don't let it get to your head," you say, already halfway to the doors of the locker room. "I just didn't want anyone else finding out that we're fucking inside a public space."
Seungcheol chuckles. "Now don't act like you're not down to do it again twice as loud the next time I ask you to."
You don't entertain him with a response. Instead, you let the heavy doors slam behind you in an illusion of autonomy. Of course you wouldn't agree to fuck that insufferable frat president in another risky place.
Even if his cum staining your panties says otherwise.
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lambertdiary · 9 months
I love your writing so much. I love seeing your posts every day!!! I have a request for Dalton - basically him Chris and readers are at a party and and dalton let loose for once and started drinking. After a few drinks, he gets really touchy with the reader and is all over her and is needy. And is like "I need you" and then you can make it into smut? 🙏
A/N: this one ie heavily inspired by ‘so it goes’ by taylor swift. as always please let me know what you think and if you're not comfortable reading this content feel free to exit my blog! likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🫶🏻
Word Count: 1.6k+
Warnings: NSFW, smut, established relationship, alcohol consumption, language (again, if you're not comfortable reading this please keep scrolling)
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So It Goes
Y/N was in her dorm looking through her clothes. She was getting ready to impress her boyfriend and for another dumb party Chris begged them to attend. It was Saint Patrick's Day and apparently it was a tradition for the frat houses to throw a big party, none of them were good though. 
The flier said ‘green outfits were encouraged’ but after trying on a few different outfits, she finally decided on a black dress. She wanted to wear something attractive but not too revealing, just enough to drive Dalton crazy. They had been keeping their relationship a secret from everyone, including Chris, and were planning on keeping it like that for a while. 
“Woah, since when do you dress like that for a frat party?” Chris asked, closing the door behind her.
“Is this too much?” Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, examining her dress choice.
“No!” Chris quickly replied “You look fantastic, I was just surprised to see you in such a beautiful dress for a lame party” 
“Oh, thank you” She smiled at her friend “I don’t know, i have a good feeling about this one”
Chris was pretty much ready too, just finishing up her make up and waiting for Dalton to get there so they could leave together. It was usually like that, for some reason they went to a lot of parties even though they always said they weren’t coming back.
A knock on the door interrupted their conversation and an eager Y/N ran to open it, revealing Dalton on the other side.
His eyes widened as he whispered “Oh wow, Y/N… you look-”
“Dalton, you look like you’re excited to go” Chris said when he noticed his smile.
He instantly blushed and entered the room “Are you guys ready?”
“We have been ready for like 15 minutes, why does it always take you so long to get here?” Chris asked him.
“Less time to be at the party, I guess” Chris rolled her eyes and stood up from her bed, examining her two friends’ outfits noticing they were both dressed in black.
“And how come I’m the only one wearing green?” 
“I have green earrings” Y/N replied, moving her hair to show off her jewelry. They both looked at Dalton, who obviously did not care about the dress code, he just shrugged his shoulders and hoped that wouldn’t become a problem. The two girls rolled their eyes and left the building, forcing him to guide them to their destination. 
They arrived at the ridiculously decorated frat house, already a bunch of frat dudes wandering outside, too drunk to know where they were. 
“Well, this looks promising” Y/N whispered.
“If someone gets sick inside, we’re leaving” Chris mentioned before going in.
They had to admit, this party looked like it had potential, the alcohol table had more options, the dance floor a lot bigger and so far, no weird looking liquids on the floor.
Like always, a group gathered to play stupid drinking games. Passing around shots of who knows what to get started. It started out slow, but after chugging beer out of plastic cups the games got more competitive. 
Y/N and Dalton weren’t paying too much attention to whatever new game the rest of the group was playing, so far their night summed up in sharing lustful looks in the dark and being a little too handsy, double checking their surroundings to make sure they didn’t get caught. 
It went on for a while, until Dalton came up to her and whispered “I need you” Looking around to ensure no one else heard him “Please” He groaned next to her ear. 
She did too, so when they noticed Chris was too busy getting drunk with the others, they sneaked upstairs to find somewhere more private. 
They didn’t have any luck at first, until Dalton finally opened an unlocked door that led to a tiny bathroom. They started kissing as soon as they went in, closing the door behind them. His back was against the wall and he was blindly looking for the lock on the door. 
Moments later, he lifted her up and carried her over to the sink, having a full view of the two of them in the dirty mirror behind her. It escalated quickly, the kisses getting more desperate and the room getting hotter by the second.
“We have to be quick” He breathed in between kisses. Y/N just hummed in response.
She moved to his neck and Dalton’s hands dropped from her face, and his big hands started running up and down her exposed thighs, getting closer to in between her open legs, painfully slowly. Once he reached her underwear he began to run his fingers over it.
“Mhm, Dalton” Y/N hissed at the contact. Hearing her got him more worked up, so he completely got rid of her painties and put it on the back pocket of his jeans, then without even looking he found her clit and started to gently stimulate her, occasionally taking care of the rest of her slit. Y/N was gasping with her mouth wide open and her head was now resting on his shoulder.
Dalton felt his cock twitch in his pants, so he pulled out his wet fingers, ready to unbutton his own pants, until he remembered one more thing they needed to keep going.
“I’ll be right back” Dalton said as he left the bathroom. It only took him like a minute to come back, and he happily showed her a small aluminum package, once again locking the door behind him “I might know where Nick keeps his condoms”
“Ew, that's Nick’s?”
“It’s sealed” He clarified. He went back to stand in between her legs, and without wasting any time , pulled down his pants, just enough to free his throbbing cock. He carefully put on the condom and stroked it a few times before aligning himself with her entrance, slowly pushing in and both of them moaning at the same time. He quickly found a pace that was pleasurable for the both of them.
“Shit” She whispered, with her hand gripping the marble top sink for dear life. Dalton grinned wickedly, pulling her leg so it hooked around his hip. 
He continued to pound into her as she creeped under his shirt and found his bare back, her cold hands making Dalton quiver a little, and he was sure she would be leaving scratches down his back, which drove him crazy. 
Biting his lips as he brushed his hair back “Fuck” A low groan came out of him. His other hand found her clit to help her with her pleasure. At first, rubbing it slowly, but gradually worked at a fast pace that made her stomach tense. Y/N couldn’t do anything else but whimper uncontrollably “Does it feel good, baby?” He asked. 
“Yes” She managed to answer in between moans. Y/N left his back and gripped his shirt for a moment, but then buried her hands in his hair as he thrusted quickly and desperately into her. 
They were completely caught up in the moment, the sound of their moans, the heavy breathing and the slapping of their skin giving away what was going on in that bathroom, but they weren’t worried about if there was someone outside. Y/N tightened her thighs around his waist, bringing him closer to her and causing her dress to ride up her thighs even more “Please- almost there” She breathed. 
Dalton went faster and took a minute to stare at the mirror, meeting with his own gaze and the back of his frenetic girlfriend, he could see her hair move along with his thrust and her ass roll along the top sink. His hand grasped tightly at her skin as he could sense his own orgasm approach. He kept up his rough pace until he could feel her thighs trembling around him. She was squeezing him, alerting him that she was close “Dalton” Y/N cried out.
Her walls pulsate around him as his rhythm becomes more and more desperate. The overstimulation of his fingers on her clit and his cock inside of her became too much, and she finally reached her release. Y/N felt a wave of electricity hit her as her body jerked against him. This made him lean his head forward and rested it on her shoulder, his hot breath hitting her skin as he mumbled a mixture of swears and moans. It didn’t take long for his orgasm to get him, his thrusts became sloppier and his breathing a lot heavier and uneven.
“Shit” He rasped out, leaving her clit and wrapping his arms around her waist, only thrusting a few more times until he felt his cum spill into the condom. After their orgasms ended, he pulled out of her. She met his eyes again and studied his face, noticing the lipstick marks all over his face and neck.
She giggled and ran her thumb over the stained marks “We have to clean up” She said, before pulling him in for a kiss. They cleaned up and fixed their hair and clothes before coming out, but Y/N felt like she was forgetting something “Dalton…” She started, but stopped when she spotted her underwear hanging from his back pocket. Y/N softly hit his back and grabbed her own panties “Why do you have these on your pocked?” 
“I didn’t want them to touch the dirty bathroom floor, did you?” He asked, raising his eyebrows. She rolled his eyes at him and quickly put them on “Come on, let’s find Chris before she finds us”
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hajihiko · 10 months
I’m not any of the anons from before but as a fellow kazuichi fan I’d personally love to hear you talk about why you like him if you feel like it! personally I was first drawn to his character design, I just thought he looked cool, and then the second he opened his mouth and revealed himself as a loser, I loved him like ten times more lol. I know some people think he’s ‘creepy’ but I feel like he keeps enough a distance from Sonia that he’s just a guy with a crush, and also his “don’t you ever just wanna take girls apart and see how their bones work” line lives in my head rent free
Ok well. Sorry dude (genuinely) but I dont think I think of him the way a lotta ppl do. Heres my take sorry if it ruins it
First of all, do I LIKE his character? No. I like what could become of it if handled well, in the future (same with Akane and Sonia and... a lotta characters tbh).
I dont want to gloss over that he was really not cool with Sonia. I DON'T think it was like, a simple silly crush like any other dude would have, I think he WAS inappropriate about it and (most likely completely unbeknownst to him) enforcing things that she genuinely could not stand. He was insecure and took it out on others as well as himself.
These are all character flaws. Every single character has them (some more than others). Fuyuhiko was genuinely a dick (as I have said many times, having anger issues isnt an excuse for the way he talks sometimes), Hiyoko is a bully, Ibuki is insensitive when se gets caught up, Impostor is condescending sometimes, etc. Kazuichi isnt the only one to be a jackass sometimes and t deny it is to deny his character, just as much as reducing him to only that is oversimplifying it.
What I like about Kazuichi is: the design.
(Ok jk but I do enjoy the design a lot)
I like the teenage insecurity. He thinks he wants to be a chick magnet, but gets scared when girls show an interest in him. His ideal woman is basically a barbie doll. He's a little too eager to see his boy bestie naked. He was so excited for a class retreat because he's never had one before. He was so desperate to be cool and tough and not a nerd that he drastically (and no doubt painfully, ow, TEETH) changed his appearance to conform to his Ideal Self, but could not actually change his personality.
He's basically a teenage boy, warts and acne at all, trying so hard to be The That Guy but spectacularly failing. He's actually somewhat of a genius (and the Death Trap stuff hints to him having a lot of repressed turmoil which honestly so true, teenagers whose only outlet is fantasizing about the gory demise of their tormentors, SO TRUE) but he can't SEE that because he wants to be some kind of cool punk frat bro dude. He's so busy living up to some idealized version of himself that he fumbles who he actually is, which if he just took a moment, would be a pretty cool dude. Basically, did you ever discover a cool band and tried to model your entire personality after what you thought those vibes would be? That, but sad.
So yeah, I think he's great at comedic beats, and also has a lot of heart underneath it, but has never been in a place where he can just accept that and let it shine. His last words were basically "here I am, don't forget me!" which like, man, isnt that just relatable teenagerism?
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im-sleepdeprived · 2 days
Seasonal • Pt. 2
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pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: inspired by the taylor swift song ‘peter’ where you and peter discover just how hard it is to hold on to something from your past, no mater how much you love each other
a/n: things are progressing :)) right now im picturing this series as 5 parts, also i’ve been getting tons of requests and TRUSTTTT that as soon as this series is over I’ll be working on those🫡
warnings: none really, some (lots) angst, some pining, there are some time skips both forward and backwards and I don’t have them marked (sorry !) but theyre pretty easy to spot imo, healthy family relationships :(
masterlist, read part 1 here
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You blew out a breath as you set down the last box. “Ok, I think we’re done sweetie,” said your dad from his spot across the room. 
You collapsed on the bed, exhausted from hauling boxes into your new dorm. The place you’ll be living for the next school year. “Your mom’s already in the car, said she couldn’t handle this part.”
You sat up and smiled. “Yeah, I don’t know if I can either.”
Your dad chuckled. “Come here kiddo.” You stood up and walked over, your dad pulling you into a warm embrace. “If you need anything, just let us know, we’ll be here faster than you can blink.”
“I’ll be okay,” you whispered. 
“And…try to make friends honey. It’s a new place, new people. Get out there, okay? Promise me you won’t just lock yourself in here all the time.” 
“I promise,” you pulled away. “I actually have an orientation to get to in about an hour, I’m sure I’ll meet tons of people there.” 
“I love you,” he squeezed your shoulders for emphasis. “I know this was hard for you, breakups-”
“Dad I promise I’m fine.” You didn’t want to talk about this at all, let alone with your father. 
He stared at you for a while before seemingly giving up. Your dad let out a sigh, “Fine. But if you decide this isn’t for you, if you think college completely sucks I’ll come pick you up in a heartbeat.”
You smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks, Dad. Tell Mom I love her.”
“Will do kid,” he ruffled your hair. “Now let me get outta here before I start sobbing.”
You laughed and gave him one last hug before waving him off. You fell onto your bed again and let out a sigh. Across the room stood another bed, empty. For now. You hadn’t met your roommate, and you didn’t really want to. You weren’t in the mood for introductions and small talk. You weren’t even sure if you were up for going to that orientation you’d told your dad about, it was recommended, not mandatory.
There was only one person you wanted to talk to, whose voice you craved to hear. The problem was, it was the one person you couldn’t call. 
Columbia definitely wasn’t going how you thought it would.
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Your first week flew by, you’d met all of your professors and for the most part, they were all pretty nice. You’d even made some friends; a girl named Marissa and another one named Lola. You’d met them both at the freshman orientation andthey were really sweet. You ended up going after your dad had sent you a little reminder (you wondered if he had known you were lying) and you figured it couldn’t hurt. They were nice enough people and it was good to get to know your peers. Your roommate, Lindsay, had come in on your second day, but apparently, she was dating some dude who owned an apartment right off campus and she spent most of her time there.
Clubs and all different frats and sororities were camping out in little booths all around campus trying to get new members. Seeing the photography club’s booth sent a sharp jab of pain through your heart every time. It was even worse when you realized one of the biggest photography classes was in the building right next to the English building, which is where most of your classes would be taking place. For your whole time there. 
It was one day a couple of weeks into your classes, you were exiting a class where you been debating whether it was better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. Some students were talking privately, but the teacher had overheard them and made it a class discussion, exclaiming that she thought it was 'a trendy enough subject to raise engagement and break the ice’.
Then as you stepped out of the doors to your class, a flyer flew in from beside you and landed right at your feet. When you picked it up you realized it was a flyer for the annual photography competition. It was actually a pretty big thing around here and you’d heard a few students talking about it. 
You didn’t usually believe in signs but these seemed pretty clear. 
Without overthinking it, you pulled out your phone. 
saw something abt photography and thought of you lol. how are you hows school so far ?
You bit your lip in anticipation. You weren’t expecting him to reply right away but…you were nervous he might not have even replied at all.
He was the one who’d said maybe no contact for a while might help, but he’d also said you could call him whenever, and he’d be there for you, no matter what.
i was just thinking about you
The words made your heart skip a beat as you saw them sprawled across your screen. 
school’s great, still trying to get the hang of things but it’s gotten easier
my roommate’s kinda boring, but maybe that’s for the best. he could be a crazy person
You laughed until another message showed up on your screen. 
how’s columbia? is it everything you dreamed it would be?
no of course not. we were supposed to go here together, we were supposed to BE together. i can’t go anywhere without thinking of you and all i want to do is call you and hear your voice and for things to be okay between us again. 
But you couldn’t send that. 
yeah ! it’s great but like you said, lots of adjusting haha
are you happy?
And you weren’t sure what it was exactly, but something about that text made you tear up. Were you happy? The answer should’ve been an automatic yes, you’d gotten into your dream school after stressing all year about it, you had got the classes you wanted, and everything was seemingly fine. Great even. But you couldn’t shake the hollow emptiness you’d been carrying since graduation. 
You’d gotten what you’d wanted, yes. It just wasn’t how you’d imagined it. 
yeah i am :)
glad to hear it ace
look ive got to go i have a class starting. talk to you soon
bye pete
It wasn’t normal. At least, it wasn’t your normal and you hated it. But maybe now, it was.
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Your heart raced when you saw the notification. You were so close to tapping it, reading the whole thing but you held back. Columbia’s acceptance emails went out today and you and Peter were supposed to open yours together. 
You were waiting for him on the fire escape bouncing your leg up and down anxiously. Checking your phone for the time again, you decided you’d just call him. 
“Hey Ace,” you heard his voice through the speaker, along with an array of other noises. 
“You’re out. Are you out? It’s okay, we can talk later.” You replied quickly. 
Peter chuckled on the other end. “No, it’s fine. I’m just swinging.”
You frowned. “I thought we agreed, no swinging and talking. You get too distracted Petey.”
“No you agreed Ace, I just politely listened.” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Peter,” you said in a warning tone. 
“Sorry, sorry.” He laughed. “I’m on my way.”
“Duh. I know what today is, I got my notification. I’m almost there.”
“Have you checked?”
“‘Course not Ace,” he chuckled. “Have you?”
“No, no way, of course not.”
“Great, I’ll be there in five.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then,” you pulled the phone away to hang up and you could hear his protesting. Quickly, you yelled into the speaker, “Watch where you’re swinging babe!” And you hit the red button. 
He always said he preferred swinging on call with you, but there’d been too many close calls of him almost swinging into a building or in front of a car for you to be okay with it. 
Sure enough, in almost exactly five minutes Peter landed on your fire escape, feet on the ground, perfectly contact. 
“Good, you're here.” You rushed over and pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek as he swiped his mask off. 
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “Thank you for waiting Ace, I’m sure it must’ve driven you crazy.”
“No, I’m good.” You said too quickly to sound true. 
He laughed. “Okay,” he pulled away and gripped your shoulders. He shook you slightly and grinned. “Let’s do this!”
You sit down on the floor cross-legged and unlock your phone. Peter followed suit as you stared at him. You both pulled up your applications, ready to see the change in your status. 
Accepted or denied. 
A new door to your future, either opened or slammed in your face.
“Ready?” He asked you gently. 
“Yeah, are you?”
He nodded. “Okay on the count of three. One. Two. Three.”
You clicked. You almost didn’t want to read and you were sure if Peter weren’t there you would’ve stalled a little more, but the words were in front of you now. 
Dear Y/N Y/L/N,
Congratulations! It is a pleasure for me to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to Columbia College.The faculty and staff would like to commend you on your past accomplishments, which formed the basis of our admission decision in a highly competitive pool of applicants. We look forward to working with you in your future academic endeavors. Please visit the Welcome to Columbia website at:
You stopped reading. Your mouth hung open and you couldn’t believe it. You kept rereading that first sentence over and over as if it would morph before your eyes and call you out for believing it in the first place. 
You looked up. Peter had a similarly awestruck expression on his face as he met your eyes.
“What does yours say?”
“What does yours say?”
He laughed. “Nuh-uh. I asked first Ace.”
Silently, you hand him your phone, letting him see for himself because you can't even form the words. You got in. 
It didn’t take him long, probably only reading the first few words before he put the phone down and pulled you into a tight hug. 
“I’m so proud of you Ace,” he whispered. “See? I told you you’d get in.”
You squeezed him. “I love you so much Petey, but come on you need to show me yours, s’only fair.”
“Don’t wanna,” he mumbled into your hair. 
Your brows furrowed. Why wouldn’t he want to show you? It would only make you happier to read his acceptance letter as well. You pulled away and reached for his phone on the floor. Peter didn’t stop you. 
Dear Peter Parker,
The Committee on Admissions has carefully reviewed your application to Columbia University, and we are sorry to inform you that we cannot offer you a place in—
You couldn’t believe it. You read it over and over and over again. Never once in a million years did you think Peter wouldn’t get in. The boy was a fucking genius and you couldn’t believe they would reject him. 
“Ace it’s not that big of a deal, honestly-”
“What? Of course it is,” you looked up at him, anger coursing through your veins. “They’re fucking idiots. They’re pieces of shit and this,” you held up his phone, “this is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever seen.”
He cracked a small smile. “Actually, that’s my phone. With you on the lock screen mind you.”
You weren’t feeling it. “Peter, they suck.”
“Obviously not if they accepted you.”
“Nuh-uh,” you shook your head quickly. “I don’t wanna go.”
“No,” you shook your head some more. “I don’t trust people with such terrible judgment to lead me into my ‘future academic endeavors’. I don’t trust those little shits at all.”
“Ace come on, you don’t mean that.” He gave you a look. 
“No, I totally do. Actually, I might just-”
He cut you off, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your mouth. But just as soon as it’d begun, it was over. Peter leaned back, “That always works whenever you’re too worked up.”
“Peter,” you said, and your voice sounded defeated. 
“Ace listen to me,” he cupped your face and stared straight into your eyes. “You are going to go to that school, and you’re gonna love it. There is absolutely no way I’m running this for you.”
“You’ll ruin it by not being there,” you mumbled.
“No, I won’t. Because you’re going to be too busy blowing everyone's mind and being the absolute best version of yourself that you can be.”
You laughed softly but it held no humor in it. “But we were supposed to go together.”
“But that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying it without me. So what if I didn’t get in? I applied to other schools, greatschools. And if I really feel like it, I can always transfer, it’s easier that way isn’t it?”
“And what about us?” You bit the inside of your cheek anxiously. 
“Nothing’s gonna happen to us Ace,” he smooshed your face making you laugh. “Just because we aren’t going to the same school doesn’t mean we have to break up.”
It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You weren’t aware of just how terrified you’d been for the future of your relationship until he’d said that. You know people had little to no faith in high school relationships but…something was different about you and Peter. You were sure of it. You’d get through this. 
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You made your way through the halls. You were in an old building, one of the campus’ firsts, and you were on your way to the newsroom. Today was your first official day and to say you were nervous was an understatement. You knew how serious this was, they were the second-oldest college daily paper in the country, and they didn’t just let anyone onto their team. You were ready to prove yourself and prove that you’d be a great addition to the news staff. 
Also, you needed something that would get you to stop thinking about Peter. You’d talked a few more times after that first week, and it was always you who initiated your chats. They never went past simple hey’s and how are you’s and then one of you (usually Peter) had to run off. It was so strange for you to think that once you two could’ve talked about nothing and everything for hours and now you could barely get past simple greetings. 
You stopped in front of a door, checked the number beside it to make sure you had the right one and took a deep breath before turning the handle. 
You heard all the commotion before you saw it, confirming your suspicions that this was the newsroom. Before you, the room was filled with desks, each one supporting its own computer and keyboard, most of them filled. Some desks were neat and tidy, their chairs empty, looking as if they hadn’t been touched. Others were the complete opposite, you couldn’t see the surface of them, they were covered in stacks and stacks of papers, loose pencil shavings, and various other items. 
There was a whiteboard on the same side of the wall as the door and it was almost completely covered in lists, locations, and time stops for certain activities. There were copies of different editions of the paper framed and hanging on the wall. You smiled, this was perfect. 
Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and came face to face with a guy who looked to be a couple of years older than you. He had cropped black hair and stubble covering the entire bottom half of his face.
“First day, right?” He asked you. 
You nodded quickly and offered him your hand. “Y/N Y/L/N.”
He accepted it and nodded. “Yeah, I remember you Y/L/N, your try-out piece was good. Really good.”
Pride bloomed in your chest and you gave him a smile. “Thanks. Where do you want me?” You gestured at the room. 
He narrowed his eyes slightly before giving you the smallest of smiles, a little quirk on the sides of his lips. “Straight to business, I like that. Think we’re gonna get along pretty well Y/L/N, come on.” He started walking you through the room and introducing everyone and their roles. “I’m Brandon, the editor, over there we’ve got our photographers, that girl,” he pointed to a redhead working at her desk, “Alyssa, she’s editor-in-chief. Helps with things I can’t get around to and when there’s an overload of articles, like now.
“It’s not usually this crowded in here, usually the only people always in here are the writers but, you know, start of the school year,” he gestured vaguely, “lots of new editions, things to be sorted.” He stopped in front of one of the desks that looked like it hadn’t been touched. “This is your place. Actually, we already have something for you to work on.”
You sat in your chair and got adjusted. “Great! Anything.”
He smirked. “We need someone to cover the new bathrooms opening near Kent Hall. Good luck,” he tapped your desk before heading off to deal with other things.
You stared for a bit, when you’d said anything that wasn’t really what you meant, but you figured you had to start somewhere. 
“Don’t worry,” a voice spoke from beside you and you turned towards him. “They do that to all the newbies, it’s like a right of passage or something. Write the shitty articles for the first few months, prove your worth, or some bullshit like that.” He rolled his eyes and gave you a small. Holding out his hand he said, “James Blake, nice to meet you.”
You returned his smile and shook his hand, “Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you too James.”
He grinned. James was blonde, he had a dazzling smile, and striking green eyes. Honestly, he looked more fit for a magazine cover, not a newsroom. “Well Y/N, I was in your shoes last year. It gets better,” he sent you a wink. 
You laughed, “Actually, I don’t mind. I’m just happy to be here.”
“That’s the kinda attitude that’ll make you editor in a few years if you want it,” he clicked his tongue and leaned back in his chair. 
You tried not to blush, his gaze was intense and you had a feeling he was trying to gauge what kind of reaction you’d have, though you weren’t sure why. “Right now the only thing I’m worried about are those new bathrooms near Kent.”
James laughed. “Fair enough. If you need anything, I’ll be right here. Don’t be shy to ask for help.” He winked at you again and you thanked him before turning on your computer and getting to work. 
Your first day in the newsroom was mostly getting used to everything. The people were cool, you had a great time getting to know them all, and you could definitely see yourself working here for the rest of the year, even longer than you hoped. You’d written down the keynotes for your article and had planned to start working on it later that week after you walked over to Kent Hall and got a look for yourself. It was a lousy topic, sure, but that would stop you from trying your best and proving yourself. 
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It was true what they said, your first semester does fly by. Or at least that’s what you’d heard and now you understood. It was December now, almost winter break, and you almost couldn’t believe it. 
Your first article on the Daily Spectator had gone over pretty well. It was small, practically pointless as it was shoved somewhere in the back where almost no one looks, but Brandon liked that you didn’t just half-ass it and he’d started to (gradually) give you better topics to work on. You were hoping that by the end of the year, you might get your hand on one of the campus hot topics. 
You’d gone out a few times, Marissa and Lola from your first week were always inviting you out to different places andyou envied their easygoingness. You’d accepted a few times but you always went home earlier than them, you never seemed to really fit in those places.
Tonight, you were going out with a few of your friends from the newspaper. Over the past couple of months, you quickly became close with some of them, especially Alyssa. Even James, who was an okay guy, if a little cocky, but overall they were all good people.
One of your favorite things about Columbia was its campus and the fact that it was in the city. Walking around now, the snow glittered under all the lights, reminding you of the stars you and Peter used to watch together. You looked up at the empty sky and wondered if he could see any stars where he was now, if they reminded him of you. 
You walked into the restaurant and took off your coat. You were wearing a simple sweater dress with a high neck and a pair of ankle boots. You spotted Alyssa sitting at a table waving you over and you smiled as you walked towards her. 
“Hey everyone,” you took a seat beside Alyssa. Directly across from you, James shot you a grin.
“Hey Y/N, we’re still waiting on Nikki and Gavin,” Alyssa said. Her phone dinged and she checked it before saying, “That was her, they’ll be here in 5.”
Conversations flowed around the table and soon, Nikki and Gavin arrived. Everyone was laughing and having a great time and when the waiter arrived to take your orders, it took you a second to notice.
“Let me guess your order,” James leaned over the table with a small smile as the waitress started going around the table. 
You grinned. “Go ahead.”
“Hmm…” he opened up the menu in front of him and pointed to a listing of words. “Shrimp?”
Laughing, you shook your head. “No.”
“Okay, okay. Are you vegan? Any food allergies I should know about?” He wondered. 
“I’m getting the Fettucini Alfredo, what about you?” The way he gasped you thought you’d asked him to take his pants off right then and there. 
He shook his head, “I can’t believe you ruined the game. I was supposed to guess Y/N.”
You winced. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright, have you ever tried their steak?” He gave you one of his infamous smiles, “It’s great.”
“No actually, I haven’t been here before.”
“Really? Alright wait,” he held up a hand and turned his head. You hadn’t even realized the waitress had gotten to you. “I’ll have the ribeye, medium rare. And same for her,” he pointed towards you. 
You stared as the waitress turned toward you. “Any sides?”
“Um, the seasoned fries with a cherry coke please.” You weren’t really sure what to order anymore, James had just completely thrown you off. 
When the waitress finished up and walked away to hand your orders in, James turned toward you again. “You’re gonna love it, you’ll see.”
Jokes were shared around the whole table throughout the whole dinner and you were glad you got to have a night like this before finals week. James kept asking what you thought about the steak and while you didn’t hate it, you didn’t love it either. It wasn’t what you had wanted. But you didn’t want to hurt his feelings so you smiled and told him it was great. 
By the end of the night, you were stuffed and ready to go home. “You sure you don’t wanna join? Nikki said she hooked up with one of the security guards once and she thinks she could get us into the VIP section.” You had just finished paying for your food and Alyssa was currently trying to convince you to head over to some club with them. And you might’ve been tempted if your phone hadn’t just buzzed in your hands. When you looked down you saw that it was a message. From Peter. 
Your heart fluttered in your chest. He texted you. 
“Sorry Lyss, I’m not up for it,” you made a face, “I’m pretty sure I’m about to start my period and I’m feeling a little off.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the complete truth. 
She nodded in understanding. She pulled you in for a hug, “Alright, well if you need anything, let me know. And if you change your mind, the address was sent in the group chat.”
You smiled at her when you pulled away. Alyssa had the sweetest soul of anyone you’d met and you were glad to call her a friend. “I will thank you, and that goes for you too. If you need a ride or anything, let me know and I’ll come pick you up. And turn on your location.”
“Already done,” she grinned. You returned the grin and said your last goodbyes to everyone before making your way to the door, you were itching to step outside and open your phone. But instead, a hand gripped your shoulder. You turned around to see James smirking as he looked at you.
“Leaving so soon?” He asked. 
You nodded, “Not really up for clubbing tonight, but you guys have fun!” You made to pull away but he held you back.
“You sure,” he furrowed his brows, “it’s not that late. If you come, you don’t even have to stay long.”
Smiling, you nodded again. “Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks for asking though.”
“Anytime,” he shot you another grin but…it wasn’t quite right. He still looked handsome as ever, sure, but if you didn’t know any better you’d think he looked a little disappointed. “Well, have a good night Y/N.”
“You too James, bye.” You waved at him and walked out the door without looking back. As soon as you were out the door, your phone was opened and in your messages app, opening you and Peter’s chat. 
hey ace, how’ve you been?
hey pete <3 i’ve been good, just finished dinner with some friends. what about you ?
that’s nice I hope you had a good time.
i’m good thanks. 
actually i wanted to ask what your plans for winter break are
nothing actually, you ?
i’m coming back home and i was wondering if i could see you
Your heart almost stopped. He wanted to see you.
You tried not to get your hopes up, it probably meant nothing. Obviously, you were still friends, or friendly, and maybe he just wanted to catch up. You could only share so much over text. Or maybe….maybe he’s been missing you just as much as you’ve been missing him and he’s realized all this was a big dumb mistake. 
Maybe you were getting your hopes up. 
i’d love that
when do you get here ?
You two stayed texting back and forth your whole walk home. He sent you a picture of his ticket and told you he and May would love to have you over the next day. You couldn’t fight the giddy smile that took over your face. You were ecstatic he reached out to you and you realized your texts together had probably been off because he was nervous. You knew how anxious he could get sometimes, and you hoped you could resolve that when you saw each other. 
You settled in your dorm that night with your heart full and your face lit up. You hadn’t felt this overjoyed in a long time. You wondered what made him bite the bullet and ask, but you could ask him that when you see him. God, you were gonnasee him. This was all you’d been wanting since the summer and now the opportunity just fell into your lap.
You sat on your bed and fell asleep staring out the window with a smile on your face. 
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Graduation was right around the corner. The last week of school was a blur. Everyone was throwing parties, teachers were cutting you extra slack, and people who’d never hung out once in the four years they went to school together were all over each other now. It was sweet in a way. As much as you’d all complained and whined about everything, there was a sense of familiarity here, with each other, a community that was coming to an end and it was nice seeing people try to savor it while they could.
Peter had gotten into Duke. You were beyond excited and proud of him and you knew he was excited as well. But you couldn’t help the tiniest part of your brain that selfishly wondered what that meant for you. And honestly, you were scared to ask. 
Peter hadn’t brought up anything about your relationship changing or anything else of the sort, so you thought he’d come to the same conclusion you had; you were going to try to do long distance. 
Sure, it might be hard but honestly, it was better for you than the alternative, which was ending things. You would definitely choose long-distance over that. So you tried not to worry too much, he was probably thinking exactly like you. 
You were sat in a booth at an ice cream parlor with MJ and Ned sitting across from you, and Peter beside you, arm slung over your shoulder. He’d been acting a little weird lately and you hoped this would help cheer him up, it was probably all those end-of-the-year jitters. You were all laughing together, going over all your (least) favorite memories from school.
“Who remembers when Flash brought all those stink sprays to school?” Peter said. 
“Oh my god,” Ned started in his seat. “Some kid tripped over his backpack in fifth period and set them all off! The whole class smelled so bad they made us evacuate!”
Everyone cracked up but Ned wasn’t having it. He shook his head quickly, brows furrowed in confusion. “Why are you laughing? It’s not funny! I smelled so bad my mom wouldn’t let me in the house, she made me rinse with the hose in our front yard!”
That just made you all laugh even harder. “Oh my god,” you wheezed out. “I can’t breathe.”
MJ reached across the table and grabbed your hand. Looking you dead in the face with a serious expression she said, “Breathe girl.”
The whole table roared with laughter again. “Why did he have all those bottles of stink spray anyway?” wondered MJ.
“Knowing Flash he probably thought it was cologne,” grumbled Peter, making you laugh again.
 Once you’d quieted down Ned leaned back in his spot and sighed. “I’m really gonna miss this.”
You looked around, trying to fully take in this moment. You had no doubt you would all manage to stay in touch but when was the next time you would all be hanging out like this? MJ was headed to Sarah Lawrence, Ned was going to MIT, you (of course) were going to Columbia, and Peter was going to Duke. Five hundred miles away from where you were going to be. 8 hours 27 minutes and 36 seconds.
Sure in the grand scheme of things, you were all still relatively close to each other but…you’d have separate lives. For so long your lives were so intertwined with each other’s and now, you’d have to fight to keep that connection otherwiseyou’d lose it. You reached under the table and grabbed Peter’s free hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. You would fight.
Peter squeezed your hand and you leaned in closer to him. “I’m gonna miss it too,” he said in a soft voice. 
“Not me, I can’t fucking wait to get out of there. You guys keep talking though.” MJ said straight-faced making you giggle. You were thankful for her brutal honesty cause you were pretty sure if the conversation kept going in the other direction, it would end with you crying, and you didn’t want that. 
The group of you finished your ice cream while talking, got even more ice cream, talked some more, and suddenly you could see the sun setting outside.
“Holy fuck,” you muttered, shoveling a spoon of double chocolate chip into your mouth. “I really thought we’ve only been here for five minutes.”
“Well, now we know what you need to work on before college, Y/N. Your time awareness, we’ve been here for hours.” MJ smirked. 
You all laughed except Peter, who squeezed your shoulder and frowned. “She doesn’t need to work on anything, she’sperfect.”
You smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek, “Thank you, Petey.”
He grinned cheekily at you, “Anytime, Ace.”
Mj rolled her eyes and cut you off with a loud groan. “Oh. My. God. We get it, you are disgustingly in love.” But you didn’t miss the small smile gracing her face. 
“You’ll live,” you deadpanned.
She grumbled something you couldn’t make out but before you could ask her what it was, Ned’s phone started ringing. He picked it up and answered.
“Hey mom…already? But…” his voice quieted down. “Ok, ok I’m sorry. Yes, ma’am. Bye.”
He hung up and you were all quiet for a moment before he said, “I changed my mind, I’m so ready for college.”
He dropped his head into his hands, grumbling about something like it’s not funny! while you all laughed. Finally, he stood up. “I actually really do have to go though.”
You all stood up as well, saying your goodbyes. “Yeah I think we should get going too, what do you think?” Peter asked you.
You nodded as you pulled away from your hug with Ned. “I still need to pick up my cap and gown from the dry cleaners.”
Ned nodded, “I got mine earlier today.” You high-fived him and he walked over to Peter and you watched as they did their complicated handshake. They’d claimed otherwise when you’d said exactly that, stating it was just advanced, which you’d said was just geek for complicated. 
You snorted as they did their little finger guns. “Dorks,” you muttered. But you loved it. 
“You can say that again,” MJ agreed, and you knew she loved it too. Staring at her for a few seconds, you launched at her with your arms open and pulled her into a tight hug. She tensed up right away. “I know of your aversion to physical touch, but right now I don’t care,” you murmured, “you’re my best friend and I love you.”
To your surprise, she relaxed into your hold and even hugged you back. “I know I give you a lot of shit,” she whispered back, “but I love you too. All of you. And I’m gonna miss you like crazy.”
“We’re definitely gonna hang out, like all the time, don’t even worry about it.” You reassured her. It was already a pain that Peter would be so far away, you weren’t going to take your closer friends for granted.
She hugged you tighter, “I’m gonna hold you to that Y/L/N.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Jones,” you pulled away and gave her a wicked grin which she returned. Peter approached the two of you, placing a hand on your shoulder he said, “Ned just left.”
“Bye Parker,” she held out a closed fist for him to bump with his, “you’re pretty decent. She bumps you up to Okay.” She nodded towards you which made you blow her a kiss. 
Peter chuckled as he fist-bumped her. “Thanks, MJ, I actually think you’re pretty great.”
She nodded, “Yeah, whatever. Still pretty decent.” She moved past you guys and waved as she exited through the door. 
Peter sighed and leaned his head over to press a kiss to your hairline. “Hey,” you started, “at least you're ‘pretty decent’ Ifeel like it could’ve been worse.”
“That’s actually exactly what I was thinking,” he said as��the two of you walked out of the ice cream shop. You laughed and leaned in closer to him. “I’m not ‘pretty decent’ to you am I?”
You looked up at him seriously, “Do you think I’d be here right now if you were?”
Peter laughed and you could see those crinkles around his eyes that you loved so much. You always measured how good your jokes were by how deep they were and right now, they were pretty deep.
He squeezed your shoulder, “Whatcha staring at Ace?”
You shook your head, “Nothing, you’re just really pretty Peter Parker.”
You could see him blush out of the corner of your eye and it made you smirk. He smiled again, deep and beautiful as ever, and the crinkles were back. “I think you’re prettier Ace.”
Shaking your head, you smiled, “Not a chance pretty boy, you’ve got me beat.”
Peter’s face turned beet red at the nickname and you knew you won. “Hey,” he said in a voice that let you know he was trying to change the subject, “you what you said to MJ back there? Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“Well, you told her she’s your best friend.”
“Okay…” you trailed off as you weren’t quite sure what he was trying to get at.
“Well, I thought I was your best friend.” That made you smile, but when you looked up at him again he was doing the opposite and you just wanted to kiss it away. 
“Petey,” you said softly. You would’ve laughed if he hadn’t genuinely looked so dejected. “You are my best friend and so is she. It’s like how Ned is your best friend, but that doesn’t mean I’m not your best friend too. I think a person can have more than one best friend.”
He frowned and it was obvious your answer didn’t appease him. “Ned is not my best friend.”
Your mouth fell open. “What?! Of course, he is Peter, what are you talking about?”
He shook his head, “But he doesn’t outrank you. He’s my friend but you’re more.”
Now it was your turn to frown, “Outrank? This isn’t a competition sweetie. Where’s this coming from?”
He sighed and paused his walking. You leaned in and pressed a palm to the side of his face. “Peter,” you pressed in a gentle voice. 
He turned his head and pressed a kiss to your palm before sighing again. “I’m sorry, that was stupid, it didn’t even make sense. It’s just…everything is changing, y’know? And I’m scared. ”
Your heart twisted. “I know Pete, it is scary. But we still have each other, this doesn’t have to change anything. I’ll always be here for you no matter what, no matter how far away you are. Plus, we still have all summer before we have to worry about that.” You gave him a small smile. Peter stared at you for a moment and the silence made you anxious. His eyes looked sad like he was already saying goodbye. Finally, he leaned in and kissed your forehead.
"Promise me no matter what, you'll remember I'll always be your friend."
Your brows furrowed but you agreed. "Of course, I promise."
He blew out a long breath and pulled you into a hug, “I love you, Ace. Always.”
“I love you too Peter.”
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Today was the day.
Today was the day that the past twelve years of your life had led to. All those sleepless nights, insanely late nights, hours upon hours spent hunched over books and worksheets and essays. This is what they were for. 
You had woken up early to get ready, but also because you couldn’t sleep you were too excited. You had already done your hair and makeup and were scrolling on your phone until it was time to get dressed when a message from Peter popped up on your screen. 
morning ace ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
MORNING !!!!!!!
excited huh?
SUPER !!!!!
i love you
cant wait to see you
The plan was for Peter and May to come over and take photos before you all left for the actual ceremony. 
literally, what are you waiting for come over right now 
way ahead of you
Right after you read the text there was a tap on your window, making you jump in surprise. You rushed over and pushed it open, letting him in. 
“Hey Ace,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“That was quick,” you replied. 
He sat on your bed and patted the spot next to him signaling for you to sit as well. Taking up the spot beside him, you grinned at him and leaned in to pinch his cheeks. “What’s wrong Petey? Aren’t you happy you’re graduating?”
He smiled but his eyes didn’t crinkle like they normally do. “Hey,” you pressed with a gentler voice, “sweetie is something wrong? You can tell me.”
He blew out a breath and fell back onto your sheets. “I don’t know how.”
You played on your stomach and propped yourself up on your elbows, “That’s okay, we can figure that out together,” you ran a hand through his hair, admiring the softness of his curls. You always liked it like this, and when he got it cut, he’d started to keep it a little longer than he used to because he knew you liked it. 
He looked up at you and you realized how tired his eyes looked, he must’ve been spending more time on patrol lately. You made a mental note to make sure he spent the rest of the summer sleeping well.
“How did I get so lucky to have you?” He murmured and you felt your face heat up at his words. 
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, “wished upon a star maybe?”
He grinned. “Maybe, because there's no way you’re not magical.”
You matched his expression as you leaned down and pecked his lips softly. When you moved to pull away his lips chased yours, refusing to let you go that simply. 
Somehow, you don’t even remember how, you’d moved and suddenly you were straddling his hips and his hands cupped your ass. You moved one of your hands up to his hair, letting your fingers slightly tug at his curls, making him groan into your mouth. 
You could feel his hands gently pulling you down and you obliged, grinding on him as your lips attacked each other. All of a sudden, those same hands on you were being used to flip you over and the next thing you knew, Peter was towering over you, panting, lips plump and red, face flushed, and eyes hazy.
You pulled him back down but there was a knock at your door, making you both jump. Quickly, you held up a finger to Peter’s lips, making sure he didn’t make a sound.
“Y/N honey, are you up?”
“Yes Mom!”
“Alright, well get dressed and come out for some breakfast, we’re gonna need to leave soon.”
“Okay I’ll be right out.” You waited until you heard her footsteps retreating before you moved your finger. “Sorry about that.” You whispered. 
“It’s fine Ace,” he smiled and leaned down to press kisses all over your face and neck. You giggled but then remembered he came over for a reason. 
Pulling him back by the hair, “Wait, Pete, what was it you wanted to tell me?”
He stared at you in shock, as if he couldn’t believe you remembered. “No um, actually, it can wait. Go eat breakfast,” he kissed right beneath your ear, “I’ll see you in a little bit.”
You grabbed him and pulled him in for one more long kiss. “I love you,” you smiled sweetly at him, “and I’m so proud of you.”
He stared at you for a moment before he grabbed both your hands in his, “I love you so much Ace, and I need you to know that please.” His expression was almost pained, as if the thought of you doubting him for even a second caused physical hurt. 
“Of course I know that Pete,” you frowned slightly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” He smiled. Or tried to smile, because once again those crinkles beside his eyes that you loved so much weren’t there, and you had a feeling there was something he wasn’t telling you. But you trusted him, if there wassomething that needed to be said, he would’ve said it.
“Okay,” you leaned in and kissed him, “I’ll see you later.”
“Bye Ace,” he said and walked to the window before crawling on the wall. The first time you’d seen him pull out that trick you’d told him he looked like a lizard. 
Finishing getting dressed, you stepped out to have a quick breakfast so you could see Peter faster. Soon, Peter and May were in your apartment and she and your parents were all fawning over the two of you. Peter had given her his camera and she was on picture duty for the day since he would be occupied. 
“Okay enough,” you said, taking off your cap and situating your hair. “It’s graduation you guys, not prom. Enough with the poses.”
“Oh, we all remember that,” Peter rolled his eyes making you smirk. The three of them had driven you guys insane with all the poses, the fussing, your dad’s jokes. And you and Peter had surely antagonized them to no end, rolling your eyes and grumbling. It was almost like being split into teams, sometimes, and you found it disgustingly cute how May got along so well with your parents and you and Peter always had each other’s backs. 
“We should probably get going, we don’t want to be late,” your mom spoke up and you shot her a grateful look. 
Peter looked at you. “You’re riding with me?”
Grinning, you answered, “Duh. I’ve got the playlist completely ready.”
He beamed at you and held out a hand, “Let’s go graduate Ace.” You took his hand and shot a smile over your shoulder towards the rest of your group. “See you!” 
“Be safe!” You heard your Mom yell at the same time May said, “Drive carefully Pete!” But you and Peter were bounding down the stairs, your faces lit up like the 4th of July.
“Do you have the keys?” You asked him once you stepped out the door of the building. He smirked at you, “I thought we get there another way,” he flexed his wrists. 
“Absolutely not, Peter.” You backed away from him, “Possibly the worst time to swing anywhere.”
He laughed and grabbed your hand, pulling you into his hold, “Relax Ace, I was only joking.” He fished out the keys to May’s car from his pocket and waved them in front of you. “I can’t wait to hear your playlist.” He dropped to give you a kiss before leading you to the passenger’s side door and opening it for you. 
“Good,” you smiled as you pulled your seatbelt on and reached for the aux cord. “‘Cause I’ve been working on this for weeks.”
Peter just smiled from beside you and started up the car as you pulled up your playlist. “Okay, I know this probably fits more for after graduation, but I’ve been dying to play it so we’re listening to it now and on the ride home,” you informed him before pressing play on ‘The Spins’ by Mac Miller.
“Whatever you want Ace,” he said as he placed his hand on the head of your seat, turned his head, and turned the wheel as he backed out. Blood rushed to your face as he pulled the car out of its designated parking spot. “But I wanna hear that One Republic song.”
You knew which one he meant. “Already in the playlist and cued up to play next pretty boy.”
He smiled softly and shot you a look from the corner of his eye, “You’re absolutely perfect, y’know that Ace?” Reaching over the center console, he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers. 
You lifted your enjoined hands and pressed a kiss to his. “I know, and you’re not too bad yourself Peter Parker.”
He squeezed your hand and held it tight for the rest of the ride as you sang your heart out as if he was scared that when he let go, he wouldn’t have the privilege anymore.
When you arrived at the school, Peter rushed out to open your door and the two of walked hand in hand to the auditorium where all the students were to be gathered until they walked out to the football field where the ceremony was being held.
Entering the auditorium, the place was flooding with students and as soon as you saw MJ you were flying out of Peter’s grip and pulling her into another big hug. 
“There’s gonna be a lot of these,” you warned her. 
“You wouldn’t be you if there weren’t,” she remarked but held you just as tight. 
The two of you took a seat over by the chairs while Ned and Peter hung out closer to the doors. As you were talking with MJ you noticed that it looked like they were in a deep, heated conversation and…were you crazy or did Ned keep glancing at you?
“Any idea what they’re up to?” You nudged MJ and jutted your chin in their direction. 
“Probably talking about how their bromance will make it through thick and thin,” she rolled her eyes but when she noticed you still staring confusedly in their direction she placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, “Relax Y/N, really, I’m sure it’s fine.”
You could’ve mentioned how Peter had been acting weird for weeks now, that he always seemed to be in a different placelike something constantly plagued his mind. You were sure if anyone had noticed it would’ve been MJ since there was no one you knew who was quite as observant as her. You could’ve mentioned these things and tried to gauge her opinion on it, but just as you were contemplating whether or not you should, your principal walked in and started guiding you all to the doors. It was time. 
As students began filing out into the hallways, it was hard to keep track of anyone in the wide array of blue caps and gowns. You had a funny thought of how it kind of looked like a tsunami. 
You needed to find Peter and wish him luck one last time, the poor boy had been basically losing his mind for the past few weeks leading up to today and you wanted to make sure he was alright. Standing on your tiptoes looking around while everyone moved ahead, you finally spotted him.
Shoving your way through the bodies you made your way right beside him. “Hey!”
He jumped a little, looking paler than he did before and your heart deflated seeing how affected he was by today. “God, Ace. Scared me.”
“All those super senses and for what? Anyway, listen,” you placed your hand on your shoulder and pushed him so the two of you were to the side of the hallway and the rest of the line moved freely. 
“Peter, are you okay?” You asked in a more serious voice, hoping he would just come out and tell you what had been bothering him.
You had no idea why but his face got even whiter. “What do you mean? I’m fine.” He chuckled nervously. 
You sighed and gave him a big hug. “It’s gonna be fine Pete, pretty soon we’re gonna be high school graduates driving home.” You grinned up at him. 
He tried to reciprocate, he really did, but you could see the strain on his face while he did, which only tugged on your heart more.
“I know Ace,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “come on, we have to take our seats soon, I don’t want you getting in trouble.”
You wanted to make a joke about how you weren’t sure you could even get in trouble anymore, but it felt like the wrong time. As the two of you walked onto the field, you kept looking up at him but he wouldn’t meet your eyes. You couldn’t wait for this to just be over so you could get your Peter back. 
There was a stage set up at the head of the field, with chairs flanking each end and a podium in the middle. The stage faced all the chairs for the graduating students, which is where you would be in a minute, and the bleachers, which werebehind them, were where all the friends and family were sitting. 
Peter walked you to your assigned seat and you pulled him into one last hug, “I’m proud of you Petey.”
He squeezed you so tight you wondered if he knew you’d be seeing each other right after this ceremony. “I’m prouder than you’ll ever know Ace.”
You waved him off with a smile on your face as he made his way through the crowd. You took a deep breath as you sat down, in a few minutes, your principal was up there giving some speech that you zoned out of in favor of finding your friends in the mass of blue all around you. 
You found MJ with no problem and she flipped you off as soon as she caught your eyes, and you gave her heart hands and a cheesy grin in return. Ned wasn’t far from her and you gave a little wave which he returned with a sad half-smile. Weird…but it was Ned so you didn’t take it to heart. 
When you saw Peter he was already gazing at you with an unreadable expression. Hoping to ease him up a little, you sent a storm of air kisses and you watched as he laughed and pretended to catch them all. 
Pretty soon they were calling the names. You clapped for everyone, cheering a little for kids you were closer with, but going all out for your closest friends. 
When MJ was called up you were hollering like a maniac, smashing your hands together as hard as you could. When it was Ned’s turn you whistled as loud as you could and when Peter was called up, you jumped up, lifted your hands over your head, and screamed. 
You watched his knowing smile as he made his way across the stage, he’d heard you, and after he’d trapped his diplomahe caught you staring and mouthed an ‘I love you’. You smiled happily as you blew him more air kisses. 
You didn’t have it in you to be embarrassed at all. Everyone was going the extra mile to cheer on their friends and whileyou might’ve tried to be less obnoxious on any other occasion, it was your graduation and Peter deserved some obnoxious cheering for how much he’d been stressing lately.
When it was your turn the cheering was returned tenfold. Peter, Ned, MJ, and all your other friends were clapping and yelling for you. You spotted your parents sitting with May in the back and you waved to the three of them excitedly. You heard Peter give an extremely loud whistle as you grabbed your diploma and shook hands with your teacher, which made you grin absurdly. By the time you made it back to your seat your face hurt from smiling so much.
You were buzzing with excitement as you waited for it all to be over so you could go and celebrate with everyone. It seemed like a lifetime till you heard the huge “Congratulations!’ on the speakers and everyone was standing up and throwing their caps into the air. 
The atmosphere was amazing, everyone was buzzing with an energy different than you’d ever felt before and you knew right then, you’d always look back fondly at this moment right now. 
MJ was beside you in an instant and you almost burst into tears at the fact that she was the one to hug you this time. “You were taking too long,” she mumbled and you felt a few tears slip out. 
Soon Ned and Peter were on the two of you and you shoved into a big group hug, which had MJ rolling her eyes. “I only wanted her,” she stated, but you knew that wasn’t true. 
You slipped out when you noticed Ned and MJ congratulating each other and took that as your chance to tackle Peter in a huge bear hug. 
“You finally did it!” You laughed, arms hooked around his neck as he lifted you slightly. 
“We did it, Ace,” he said and you almost melted into a puddle right then when you pulled away and noticed he was smiling. The crinkles were back. 
But they didn’t last long. 
The two of you made your way over to where your parents and May were awaiting you and they all pulled you into a fierce hug. Your mom was a mess and you tried to calm her down telling her if she didn’t stop, you’d be crying right beside her. Your dad was a little more composed but you could still see the emotion on his face. “I’m really proud of you kiddo.” He mumbled as he held you tight. 
“Thank you, Dad,” you sniffled a little. You were barely out of that when May was crushing you with her arms, making you laugh. She was always good at that, cheering you up. 
“I can’t believe you just graduated high school!” She said in disbelief. “I know,” you replied equally as confused. 
Laughing, she pulled you in tighter and pulled Peter in as well. When you looked up at him he looked a little green in the face, making worry flood through you completely. What could it possibly be now? You had yourself convinced, and he did too, that it was just nerves about graduation, that the celebration was reminding him of the reality of growing up and your lives truly starting was hitting him a little harder. You thought that once it happened he’d relax a little and give himself a little time to breathe. Apparently not.
You pulled him away once you weren’t out of May’s grasp and she was talking with your parents. “Peter,” you whispered, your voice filled with worry for him, “you have to tell me what’s going on.”
“Yeah,” he croaked, eyes turning slightly red which didn’t help your anxiety at all. You watched as he stared past you andwhen you followed his trail of sight, you saw May staring at the two of you with a solemn expression. 
Oh no.
You knew in your heart what was about to happen, and yet you wished with everything in you that it wouldn’t. 
“Come on,” he mumbled, grabbing your hand and leading you back towards the school. You followed him wordlessly as he opened the door and pulled back into the halls, the same halls you had comforted him just a bit ago, before the two of you had officially graduated you realized. 
“Peter,” you repeated, a little breathless this time because no, there was no way. He couldn’t be doing this right now, not…not after everything. 
“Ace,” he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking away. 
“Peter,” you repeated but your voice was harder this time, letting him know that you were done with him beating around the bush. If he was going to do this, he could come right out and say it. 
“I leave in 2 days,” he said quickly. It felt like a slap to the face.
“What do you mean?” Your brain couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. 
He continued as if he hadn’t heard your question, avoiding your eyes as he did so. “Well technically I leave tomorrow, but I arrive the day after so…? I’m not really sure what—”
He sighed and grabbed your hands, looking you in the face. “Ace, I am so sorry, like so, so, sorry. I wanted to tell you sooner I really did, and I tried! But every time it felt like it would just ruin everything and I couldn’t, I couldn’t ruin it, so I waited and—”
“Peter I swear to god if you don’t tell me exactly what the fuck you're talking about I will leave your fucking imprint on one of these lockers.”
You watched him gulp and you felt a strange sort of satisfaction seeing how you scared him. “I’m leaving,” he said in a quieter tone. “I got accepted into one of Duke's scientific summer programs and I leave tomorrow.”
It felt like a fucking punch to the gut.
“What program,” you said in disbelief, your mind reeling with all this information. “You never said anything about a program.” You looked up at him with a hurt expression. 
“Ace, you’ve got to believe me when I tell you I thought I had no fucking shot getting in, I mean,” he squeezed your hands as he spoke, “really. You should see how exclusive these things are. I wasn’t even going to apply but the dude who gave me my tour around campus convinced me, and then I forgot about it until I got the email, and—”
You shook your head quickly, trying to comprehend everything. “Wait but your tour was months ago.” You looked up at him. “When did you find out you got in?”
His eyes widened and your heart fell at the realization that he’d been keeping this from you for so long. When he didn’t answer you pushed “When Peter?”
“Not that long, I promise, probably a few weeks but I just—it’s been driving me crazy how to bring this up. There was no right time, I mean, I didn’t want to do it before graduation—”
“Well how thoughtful of you to wait till right after,” you snapped back. “No, really, didn’t even give me a chance to get out of the cap and gown!” You pulled away from him and scoffed, not wanting to be anywhere near him.
“Come on Ace, please,” he pleaded, and you dropped your head into your hands. You didn’t want to cry, today was supposed to be a happy day, and it had been! Before all this. 
“When do you leave?” You whispered. You were sure he’d mentioned it but you were also sure your head wasn’t working right. 
“Tomorrow. At night,” he spoke in an equally quiet voice, as if the softer the sound waves, the softer the blow they would deliver. That wasn’t true. 
You held back a sob.
“When do you get back?” An equally important question.
“I…I don’t. The program ends as soon as school starts…May’s shipping my things there.”
It felt as if he was physically tearing your heart out of your chest and stomping on it.
One day. All this time you’d been shoving away dealing with the reality of the situation because you wanted to be able to enjoy your summer, because you believed you still had summer left together and now he was taking that from you. It didn’t even feel like he had pulled the rug out from under your feet it felt as if he had shattered the whole ground. 
“Congratulations Peter,” you said sincerely. This was breaking your heart but deny that this was an amazing opportunity. If anyone in the world deserved it, it would be him. 
“Ace wait,” he moved in front of you, grabbing your chin and lifting it so you had to see his sad face. You wished he hadn’t, you didn’t want to watch him cry. “Please don’t be upset, I won't be able to go if you're mad at me.”
“Well I am upset Peter! Not that you got in, I’m so excited for you, but you didn’t tell me, and you leave tomorrow!” Your voice broke and you could stop the tears as they flooded your eyes and streamed down your face. How could this be happening? Everything was perfect and now this?
Peter pulled you into his arms, “Please don’t cry Ace,” he begged, which in turn only made you sob harder. “I’m so sorry, so sorry,” he murmured as he kissed the side of your head.
“But this isn’t forever. I’m going to come back and I’m going to find you,” he pulled away and held you by the shoulders, making sure you were looking at him, “You’re the only person I want Ace, you’re the love of my life. And I don’t want to hold you back from the amazing life you're going to start at Columbia, I can’t have you going to your dream school with one foot out the door,
“We’re going to grow and learn, and I might not be there for all of it, but we’re going to be together eventually because I want you. This is just goodbye for now.”
You closed your eyes and savored his words. You wanted nothing more than to believe every syllable. 
“Of course Ace.”
And maybe if you hadn’t been such a fool in love, maybe if you hadn’t been so desperate to hang on to anything that promised the two of you would find each other again, you would’ve known promises like that were rarely lived up to.
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hey, sorry but i can’t make it back for winter break. weather issues :(
Your heart fell. 
You were so looking forward to this, seeing him again, spending time with him and May, for things to feel like they were, even if it were for a brief moment. 
You took a deep breath and stared at the two presents on your nightstand. No point in them now. You had gotten the message earlier this morning, around when he was supposed to board, but your phone had been dead.
that really sucks pete, im so sorry
maybe next time <3
He didn’t respond, the only indication you had that he’d even seen it was the little read receipt at the bottom of your text, glaring at you mockingly. You remembered sometime last year when he’d confessed you were the only person he turned them on for.
“Wait why me?”
“You can’t seriously be asking that Ace.”
“Well…I am asking.”
“Because I love you, duh.”
He hadn’t turned them off. You wondered what that meant. 
You knew you shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up, knew you shouldn’t have gotten so damn excited, but…god, you really thought things were going to change.
But he had still wanted to see you, he’d still asked you to come over, and it wasn’t his fault his flight got delayed. Talking yourself up a little, you put on your shoes and coat. Grabbing your phone and the presents, you left your dorm. You were going back home, you could drop off the presents at May’s, stop by and see your parents, maybe call Peter if he was feeling up to it, let him know you really had wanted to see him and you were sorry you couldn’t.
It was cold outside and you could see your breath fogging up before you as you walked, but not of it even so much as fazed you. Hope was a beautiful thing, it could change lives, and it was so, so important. Hope was going to be what got you through this time without Peter, and it was going to be the thing that brought you back together. 
Because you believed. You believed him back on graduation. You believed that that hadn’t been the end of your story, itcouldn’t have been. You believed when he said he’d come back for you, that you were the only person he wanted, because you felt the same. And…maybe right now he physically couldn’t but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to. You believed andyou hoped. With your whole heart you—
You stopped in your tracks. It felt like your breath was snatched from your lungs and was being held just above your head, so you couldn’t reach it no matter how hard you jumped. You couldn’t believe your eyes. 
Because when you turned the corner, you saw Peter walking down the street beside his Aunt, laughing like he hadn’t justcompletely shattered your heart. 
You scurried backward, still unable to catch your breath but thankfully aware enough to make sure you got out of the way before either of them could spot you. 
Leaning against the wall of the building behind you, you finally let out a breath, watching silently as it floated and then dissipated before you. He was here…
And he didn’t want to see you. 
You tried to rationalize it as you looked around, it was clearly snowing, and it was getting thicker by the hour. So it wasn’t far-fetched that his flight really was canceled, plus he had sent you that message earlier this morning, so it was equally possible that he might’ve boarded after all, or found another flight altogether. 
And maybe through all that commotion, he had forgotten to update you. Highly unlikely since you’d never known Peter to forget anything, especially when it came to you. But…you’d also never known Peter to lie, not without good reason at least, like about being Spider-Man, or that time Ned got him a birthday gift he didn’t really like, but said he loved it anyway, or any other time he’d lied for the sake of either keeping someone safe, either emotionally, physically, or both. 
He didn’t tell you, and it hurt. But something deep inside you trusted him. Maybe it was naive, maybe it was wishful thinking and nothing more but you knew Peter. You’d know him his whole life and never once would you think he purposefully did something to hurt you, hurt your feelings, or anyone’s actually. 
Looking down at the wrapped-up present you held, your heart tugged a little. You’d gotten him a Lego set, it was a Map of the Constellations Lego set and it was customizable, so you’d made sure it had all of the ones he’s taught you about. The ones you’d stayed staring at for hours on that hill, talking about everything. It even came with customizable Lego people, which you’d made look like you and Peter (or as much like you as you could with Lego bits), and a little telescope.
You felt like a total idiot.
You could’ve gone anyway, could’ve walked right up those stairs, could’ve said you were there to visit your parents andPeter wasn’t the only thing waiting for you here. But while you may have been feeling idiotic, you weren’t a completeidiot. You knew when you were unwanted. Even if he had just forgotten, if he really wanted you there, he would’ve remembered. And he didn’t.
You were tired when you got back to your dorm. Dropping off the presents, (Peter’s going under the bed, you didn’t want to see it at all, and May’s going on your desk. You’d take it with you when you went to exchange gifts with your parents). It was empty and you were thankful that Lindsay wasn’t there. She was a sweet girl, very bubbly, and you could definitelysee the two of you being friends if you ever got to spend more time with her, but for tonight, you just wanted to be alone. 
The end of your bed was against a window and you were grateful for it. Ever since things went south with Peter, you ended most nights sitting at the window. You didn’t know what it was, but you always found yourself looking up at the sky. Maybe it was the fact that anytime you needed him, he would be out your window in minutes, if not seconds. It could be that the sky always reminded you of him. But you figured the simplest answer was probably the right one. You missed him.
 It didn’t matter which window, it didn’t matter where you were, sometimes in certain buildings you could barely see the sky. Most times, you couldn’t see any stars at all. Almost every time. But it didn’t matter. Without fail, every night youwould look out the window.
Maybe you’d see him swinging around, maybe you’d catch a glimpse of those stars you both had loved so much. You weren’t really sure what you were waiting to catch. You silently hoped the silence on both ends meant nothing and he still felt the same. You hoped he meant what he’d said to you all those months ago, that he really would come back and find you. Even more, you hoped that what had happened that night was a dumb mistake, or at the very least had a solid excuse to back it up. You knew teenage romances were almost always doomed, but isn’t that why you’d broken things off? So you both could grow, and earn perspective, learn more about yourselves, and when you met again, you’d share everything you’d learned. Every new experience that had ultimately led to the reunion of the two of you. You could handle this for now, the not being together, if it meant you could have him later. That all this waiting and hoping wasn’t for nothing. You had to hope that even though you were leading different lives, in different galaxies, you both clung to the same dreams, otherwise you’d already lost him. 
You supposed that’s what you sought comfort in every night. You’d look up at the sky and know it was the same one that blanketed him, wherever he was. You shared the moon, the stars, and your hearts. 
You were always a dreamer, a hoper. So without fail, every night, you’d turn on your lamp and sit by the window. 
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‘seasonal' taglist: @keira-kaz2y5 @imafangirlofeverything
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maxybabyy · 5 months
literally losing my mind over your frat boys au klllllljkkljkllkklljll
please know it has been living in my mind since yesterday, so here's part two, aka what i actually thought about when i saw the original ask (@gaycrunch) ...
part i (re: this)
He finds him outside, hunched over on the porch with his phone in his hand and a half-full bottle of vodka open between his thighs.
“What’s a pretty boy like you doing out here all by himself?” Daniel asks, teases as he drops down to sit next to him. “If only there was a party somewhere, with like, good people and shit.”
Max grunts, barely moves as Daniel hooks his knee over Max’s. He brings the bottle to his mouth, swallows a mouthful of vodka as his free hand comes to rest on Daniel’s knee. “You know already probably, this is why you are here,” he says, digs a finger into the scar on his kneecap, the faded line from when he cut himself on a beer can.
Daniel does, was pulled aside by at least five different dudes who told him where Max had gone, “But I’d rather you tell me, Maxy.”
Max pours another shot into his mouth, keeps the bottle by his lip as he talks. “What even is a rose? This makes no sense, Daniel,” he says, and to his credit, he does sound frustrated. He’s a little drunk too, always is these days when the night falls, but Daniel doesn’t know if it’s cause or consequence.
“It’s an old school thing,” Daniel relents. He steals the bottle from Max’s hands and takes a tiny sip just so he won’t keep drinking. “Reckon I’m plenty sweet for the lot of us, yeah? Don’t need a lady to tell me how to act.”
He didn’t know frats still did this kind of shit, thought they were all past it now, that men could be graceful and charitable too. Hadn’t even thought to mention it to this year’s pledges, but then maybe, Max could have used the lecture anyway.
“Did you really tell her to go suck a bunch of dicks? Because if so, Maxy –“
Max huffs. His leg shakes underneath Daniel’s knee, jostles loose the slide he wears on his foot. “I of course did not say this,” Max says, snappish, taut. “She said she was the best at sucking dick, and I said, ‘this probably is not true’. She showed me this thing she did with her tongue, with her straw you know, and it did not look good, Daniel.”
Daniel chokes down a laugh, relents easily when Max reaches for the bottle again. He watches with unbridled want as Max pretends to suck off the lip of the bottle, interrupted too frequently by his own commentary on the technique.
Daniel reckons he’s right, the tongue is too much, barely touches the bottle at all. Not like Max had done that night, lips heavy around his dick, his tongue firm against the underside of the head.
“So like, you didn’t tell her to suck a dick?”
Max jams his elbow into his side, jolts when Daniel clams his hand around the top of his thigh to keep him in place. “Always this was not – Daniel, I would not say this,” he says, glares at Daniel when he doesn’t relent. “I said maybe that she had to practice more. I have of course sucked a lot of dicks, if she wanted to be like me, then.”
Daniel laughs, loud and surprised, and suddenly Max laughs too.
The Kappa Alphas are dicks anyway. They wouldn’t lose anything if Daniel took them off the social calendar, isn’t really a party if the entire frat can’t go, is it?
“Why didn’t you go home?” He asks after a while. The lid has been put back on the bottle of vodka, and Max has been fed whatever was left in his cup of water.
Two weeks after officially becoming a pledge, Daniel had found Max passed out in a pool of tub juice, white tee soaked in sticky sweet alcohol. He hadn’t vomited – Daniel doesn’t know then if he wouldn’t have just left him there – but Daniel had dragged him upstairs and into the shower. Had scrubbed the marker off his face but left the blue marker in his hair to watch the botched, fucking dip dye his hair had held onto for almost a week.
Max had slept in his bed that night, does it at least every two weeks now, cuddled up between Daniel and the wall. They haven’t fucked since that first time, since Daniel realised Max would be pledging the frat. But sometimes they kiss, and it’s. It feels nice, feels easy, breezy even.
“I have to wait for Carlos,” Max says, shrugs.
Daniel had elected not to pair himself with Max, chose instead one of the legacies who seemed to find power in whatever fucking hazing ritual Daniel threw at him. He kinda regrets it now, knows how shit Carlos must be at this big brother stuff. Knows he left more than an hour ago with Max’s friend from the lacrosse team, apparently without saying shit to Max.
“Nah, Maxy. You’re fine,” he says, squeezes his thigh again when Max hesitates. “Let’s go back to the house, yeah? Maybe Carlos is waiting for you there or like, we can send him a text or something.”
Max doesn’t look convinced, sceptic, like he’s the one who’s on his third year in the frat. But he takes his hand when Daniel gets up, pulls him to his feet. “Lando has the dorm tonight,” he says, shows him a picture of a sock on a doorknob.
It looks fake, but Daniel hasn’t actually seen it for himself ever. Like with the rose, doubted it was even done anymore. But then, Lando’s always been an odd guy.
“There’s always the couch if you want,” Daniel offers, shivers. “Or like, there’s also my bed. Probably the best if you don’t wanna wake up when Scotty gets home.”
Daniel doesn’t hold his breath, he doesn’t, listens instead to the crunch of the road underneath them. It’s no more than ten minutes until they’re home, Greek row almost condensed down to one block.
“Okay, Daniel,” Max says, quiet in the dark night. His hand brushes against Daniel’s, and he tries not to jump, stays still in case Max does reach out. “I think that would be very lovely.”
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elliereject · 8 months
creep .1
* in which you’re dragged to a frat party and spend most of it lingering in the corner, that is until a certain auburn-haired girl with unusually sharp canines appears next you and turns your night into something much more interesting.
* loserish!reader, vamp!ellie 😫, hemophilia if you squint, creepy ellie…duh, depictions of a singular graphic scene at the end, kissing, biting, heavy petting. that’s pretty much it lmk if I missed anything..nsfw in future chapter(s)
* this is one of the only things I’ve written recently that I’ve enjoyed writing and found decent so I hope u enjoy it, I’m glad I got this out before Halloween too, I’ve had vamp!ellie rattling around in my head a for a while, yk, fellow writers..I’d love to see..werewolf!abby..haha jk jk, unless 🫣..
wc ~ 1k
pt 2. coming soon
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“God, ★ can you go dance? It’s a fucking party loosen up!”
You held your red solo cup up to your “friend” and gave her an awkward smile. “I’m good over here!”
She sighed and rolled her eyes before slipping back into the sweaty crowd.
This was the most uncomfortable you’ve ever felt in your life.
It was a Saturday night; the chilly air, crunchy leaves, and overall mood of the season had deluded you into wanting to go out and socialize, so for the first time in a long time you agreed to attend a frat party with a “friend” you’d met in one of your classes.
It took you almost an hour to get ready, and as you reapplied your eyeliner for the fifth time you hoped that the saying “when you look good, you feel good” was true and you didn’t spend 20 minutes picking your outfit in vain.
Once you were ready, your “friend” picked you up from your dorm and the two of you walked over to the party, she was already a little tipsy from pre-gaming in her dorm with her roommate who was going to some other party so you had to make sure she didn’t stumble onto her face more than once.
The makeshift bouncer, a senior named Grey, or Grug or something gave you a once-over before looking at your friend who had to clarify you were with her, which definitely didn’t deflate your confidence.
Before you were even in the crowded, humid house, you knew you weren’t going to enjoy yourself, you never really did at parties if you were being honest, but you didn’t think your “friend” would ditch you to go grind her ass on some random chads and brads, yet here you were, nursing a cherry seltzer, and there she was, shaking ass.
Yay, college!
You were about to take another sip from your cup when a presence suddenly appeared beside you that made you jump out of your skin and caused your drink to slosh onto the already sticky floor.
“Shit! What the fuck?” You asked, looking up at the figure who seemingly appeared out of thin air.
“Fuck! Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, you just looked bored.” She replied, her voice was gravelly and her eyes, the colour of jade. Her auburn hair was cut short and freckles were scattered across her face. Safe to say she was hot. “I can go get you another drink?”
You waved it off, “It’s fine, it wasn’t that good anyways. Plus I should probably pay more attention to my surroundings, even if I am bored.”
She hummed out a sound of understanding, “Not your scene?”
You shrugged, “Not really,” you eyed her outfit, blue jeans with a green flannel and a brown leather jacket, converse. “Doesn’t seem like yours either.”
“Really? Cause I like just made out with Bryson in the storage closet, it was suuuupper hot.” She said, pointing a ringed finger to a blond dude clad in a football jersey who was currently shoving his tongue down a blonde girl's throat.
You allowed yourself a small smile, hot and funny? Yikes.
“Pretty sure his name is Brickson, but close enough.”
“What the fuck kind of name is Brickson?” She laughed, “Did a brick fall on his head after he was born or some shit?”
You shrugged before smiling, fully, “Judging by how flat the top of his looks? Probably.”
She snorted at this and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride, you made this hot, funny, cool girl laugh, you!
“Hey, so don’t freak out but that guy’s been staring at you for the past 10 minutes.” She said, flicking her head in the direction of said guy.
You turned your head to look at him, he wasn’t..unattractive. He was muscular and had on a sports jersey that seemed to small for his build, his hair was cut into a messy mullet and when he met your gaze he…winked.
You cringed and looked back at the cool girl, “I hope he doesn’t think anything’s gonna happen, he’s not really my type.”
She gave you a knowing smile before asking, “And what exactly is your type?”
You shrugged, “Preferably someone with boobs.”
She sighed, “Can’t relate, I love penis.”
You gave her a pointed look and she laughed, “What? Not believable?”
You rolled your eyes, “Not in the slight—“ your eyes widened as they looked past her shoulder. “Shit, he’s walking over here.”
“Wanna do something crazy then?” She asked quickly, her jade eyes meeting yours and you found yourself nodding before she even finished her sentence. Hell, you’d bark if she asked you to. “Just follow my lead.”
Her large hand wrapped around your waist while her other found purchase on your neck, before you could think her lips were on yours. Slightly chapped but soft and enticing, kissing her was easy and you felt like you could do it forever.
Her skin was so cold you could feel it through your clothes. Your mind was completely encapsulated by her presence and just as you were starting to get used to it, she pulled away.
You thought whatever moment the two of you shared was over but you were wrong. Her lips trailed along your jaw, and her grip on your waist tightened. The hand that had been holding your neck was now on your hip, caressing back and forth with tenderness that had your thighs clenching, wanting more.
Each kiss felt like a snowflake melting into your skin until she was down to your neck. She kissed and nibbled on it before pausing.
“What’s wr—Ow! What the hell? Did you just–bite me?”
She chuckled after pulling away, “Never gotten a hickey before?”
You went quiet, because, well you haven’t but you’re sure it didn’t result in genuine blood trickling out of one’s body.
You traced your fingers over the mark and winced, it was most definitely going to leave a scar. She must’ve seen the discontentment on your face because she spoke up.
“Don’t worry, it’ll heal up quickly, you won’t even notice there was something there by tomorrow.” Her eyes clung to drops of blood dribbling down your neck.
You scoffed, “Let me guess, you’ve done this before?”
“Kind of.” She shrugged after what looked like reluctantly peeling her eyes away from your neck. “That guy’s gone though, must’ve scared him off.”
You smiled at her, “Must’ve been my presence, I can be pretty intimidating.”
She laughed loudly at this and you felt your confidence inflate once again. So much so, that the idea of asking for her number even popped into your head. But it was overtaken by more rational thoughts,
What if she thought you were weird? That you were moving to quick? Or what if she was just looking for someone to take home tonight, which you wouldn’t be opposed to but—
“Hey.” She snapped her fingers in front of your face.
“Sorry, what’d you say?” You asked sheepishly, you can’t believe you spaced out in front of her, you could’ve sworn she was hypnotizing you with her laugh or something.
“You do need to pay more attention to your surroundings,” She said, giving you a small smile, “Never know what kind of creeps are lurking around at these parties.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m sure I can hold my own against a Chad or a Brittney.”
“I’m sure you could but—“ The music that had previously been wafting through the room turned up abruptly and you’d missed the last part of what she said.
“What?!” You shouted, putting your hand up to cup your ear.
She chuckled softly and leaned down so her lips were practically grazing the shell of your ear, the smell of mint, whiskey, and something metallic filled your senses.
When she spoke, a shiver racked through your body, “But if it was someone a little smarter? More discreet? If they snuck up beside you and covered your mouth? Or slipped something in your drink? Pulled you away? Would anybody notice, would anybody care?”
You pushed her away, her cool, easy going demeanor suddenly shifting into something eerie and uncomfortable. Her jade eyes gazed at you curiously as a blood-curdling shriek ripped through the house.
She jutted her thumb over her shoulder, “That’s my cue. See you around, ★.” She said, giving you a genuine smile, and it was just now you finally noticed her unusually sharp canines.
You gazed down at your drink as others pushed and shoved around, scrambling to get out of the house, away from all the horror.
And as you pulled a small scrap of paper out of your empty cup, 10 numbers and a name scrawled across it in red ink; you finally looked up to see your friend's lifeless body sprawled across the living room floor, her limbs bent in odd angles.
Yay, college!
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