#request 1468
lostdrarryfics · 1 year
hi! looking for a fic i read forever ago, i believe on ao3! it’s post-war, draco works at a muggle electronics shop where they fix up old electronic items. i truly cannot remember more than this, but i feel like the premise might be specific enough that it’s only been done the one time, hopefully?
We believe you’re looking for Open For Repairs by @drarrytrash (34k, M)
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inkofthebrain · 27 days
[Paul Atreides x F!Reader] 1468 words
Paul Atreides, Duke of Arakkis, takes the hand of the Emperor’s eldest daughter for the throne, yet neither are pleased. They know they must learn to be civil, but what will it cost them…
Tags: post-Dune 2, strays from book canon, no use of y/n, dune typical everything, Corinno!Reader, slow burn, enemies to lovers kind of? (More strangers to lovers tbh) ARRANGED MARRIAGE TROPE, not proofread LOL
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Warnings: mild use of the voice on reader. Dune typical themes, motifs, and actions. Jessica being Jessica….
A/n: this chapter goes from 0 to 100 plot wise: be ready >:) sorry 4 whiplash… || Thank you for all the support! I upload these chapters as i write them so apologies for the spontaneous new chapters. My request are open for one shots and more!
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The following weeks with the Atreides are spent planning, discussing politics, and all the while you continued to silently observe Paul and his mother.
There are two things you are certain of. One, Bene Geserit have been at work, a congregation of women who you have always been weary of, and two—their plan had gone horribly wrong. Paul was the byproduct of a story not of his own which he, or should I say his mother, has appropriated for political power.
Your fathers truth sayer’s words ring through you ears. You are terrified for what is to come, you gaze out of your bedroom window at the sloshing sea lapping at the edges of the cliff.
The nightmares about your soon to be home still plagued your nights, you were getting less and less sleep and as the wedding grew nearer your exhaustion grew with it. You prayed Arrakis would kill you quick.
You and paul spent hours in the Caladan meeting room, discussing the various political forces across the galaxy, alone and with both the Atreides and Imperial advisors. the details were complex, and Paul's understanding of the universe was quickly expanding by the day.
He learned about the various noble houses, the political factions within the houses, the imperial courts and their complex bureaucracy, and the many conflicting religions and belief systems across the galaxy.
This was just the basic information. the true power came from analyzing and understanding the social complexities and hidden motivations of the various players. Paul knows he must oblige with the current way things are running before slowly putting his own reforms and systems in place.
As you taught him the complex workings of the imperium and its politics, you realized his intelligence was unmatched. It was as if he absorbed the information like a sponge, taking it all in and putting it to use. his natural abilities coupled with his hard work and dedication made him a formidable political force.
You sensed that his thirst for knowledge and a desire to understand what drove the universe was insatiable, just as yours was.
You had grown closer to Paul but your shared disinterest in the Marriage lingered. You did not care for marrying a stranger, that was bound to happen, it was the circumstances of your engagement that lit an unpleasant fire in you. Paul, on the other hand, was clearly longing for something, someone, he knew he could not obtain.
You both were children who were manipulated, selected, and bred for this. And now as adults you must face your unnerving future.
Duty is everything in this world.
The day of the wedding was a week away, but the planning began much earlier. The ceremony was highly anticipated by the imperial court and the noble houses. rumors were rampant, various debates and gossip spread like wildfire. It was clear that this wedding was much more than a marriage of political convenience. It was a pivotal event for the empire, one that everyone would be watching closely and analyzing under a microscope.
As you walked to the dining hall, Delia at you side making occasional small talk, you mind was racing. You had compiled a highly educated theory based on observation and the small bits of Benne Geserit secrets you sister had let you in on. You were determined to gather more data to support this.
Jessica sat at the head of the table, Paul sat to her right and you sat to his left. The three of you were discussing the political ramifications of the wedding, how they would be viewed by the various noble houses and imperial courts. Your discussion was respectful and polite, but under the surface there was a tension, a subtle underlying pressure, that nobody acknowledged but was very present. After clearing her throat and waved the guards out of the room.
Your stomach dropped as she looked to you "Now, there's one other matter we've yet to discuss." She turns her attention towards you and looks straight at you, with a serious look on her face.
Jessica continues. "I am aware you understand the political nature of this union, and you understand the political implications of the ceremony itself. But what isn't discussed enough is the reality and expectation of the marriage after the ceremony. The two of you are to consummate the marriage immediately after, and the child that results from it will have enormous political implications. Do you understand what i'm saying?"
You almost choke on your wine at her boldness. Paul glances at you, he is alert to the seriousness in her tone, the way she is careful to drive home this specific point.
Still watching your reaction, she finally resumes speaking. "The consummation is expected to immediately produce a child. The pressure will be immense, and I am asking you to treat this with the upmost seriousness. The birth of the child will create a political shift that will alter the galaxy for generations. I trust you understand the gravity of the situation at hand? Correct?”
You take a large swig from your wine glass. “May I speak freely?”
"Yes, by all means, speak freely.”
You take a deep breath. “I have not been trained by the Bene Geserit like my sister so I am not privy in the ways” you pause. “But from my observations I have compiled a theory. There is a plan, a plan greater than us all. And you, Lady Jessica, set that plan on fire by giving the late Duke Leto a male heir. Yet they allowed you to become a Reverend mother after disobeying the high order.” You pause, watching her reaction. “Now you must scramble to solidify your disobedience into the prophecy”
Jessica is frozen for a few moments, eyes locked on your own, trying to hide the surprise you've seen through. It's clear that you've struck a nerve here.
Paul leans forward, his eyes locking onto yours. "This is impressive. Very impressive." there's a glimmer of admiration in his eyes, and the slightest of smiles tugs at the corner of his mouth.
“I assume I am correct then?” You look between the two
Jessica finally nods, a hint of a proud smile on her face. "You have struck at the very heart of it. My disobedience is not my own, Paul was set to be the bridge between the Bene Geserit and Atreides... and the imperium's entire future. And because of my actions, that entire future has been brought upon us prematurely. We have a plan, it is true. I will ensure that paul's inheritance of the empire remains intact. But you are key to that plan, and you must comply with my direction on this matter."
“Tell me everything.” You demand, your temper growing short as your heart starts beating faster and faster. “This is my life and the legacy of the Imperium!”
She leans forward, her intense gaze meeting yours. there's a firmness in her eyes, and she speaks with a sense of conviction. "Listen to me; if you wish to ensure your safety and the safety of Paul and the empire, then you will need to trust me. Do you trust me?"
“No!” You yell, “You made your son a false prophet and I refuse to go along with it until I am aware of every detail of this plan.”
“Calm yourself and listen” Jessica demands, her voice is dark and distorted. You are enchanted instantly—She has used the voice.
“Mother…” Paul says, guilt pricks at his soul as he watches your face go blank, but Jessica ignores him.
"I will not tell you everything at this very moment, but trust me, you will see it all in time. Just like I have, just like Paul has. There are some things that are necessary to keep from you until that time. I will tell you what you need to know, nothing more and nothing less. does that sound acceptable to you?"
Her hold on you breaks and you look to the mother and son in disgust. Everything about this woman is fabricated so she may complete her plan, a ploy in which you are just a mere stepping stone. Rage runs through your entire body with such velocity that you feel sick. You sit in silence.
“Do. You. Understand?” Paul’s voice is stern and startles you and you nod your head.
“Good” Jessica says flatly.
You turn your head to look out the window, closing your eyes while taking a deep breath you attempt to collect yourself. Paul and Jessica are staring into you. You can feel it.
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une-sanz-pluis · 2 months
Did Jequetta of Luxembourg indeed forcibly steal the tapestry of the city council? (This story comes from Gregory's chronicles, but its credibility is said to be questionable.)
Anon, this is verging into history that I am not very familiar with. The story is found in the Great Chronicle of London, not Gregory's Chronicle. The story is that Sir Thomas Cook was charged with treason in 1467 after being named as part of a Lancastrian plot but was found guilty only of concealing the plot and fined 8,000 marks. The author of the Great Chronicle claims that Jacquetta coveted a tapestry Cook owned and refused to sell her. When he was arrested, his goods - including the tapestry - were seized by the treasurer, Richard Woodville, Earl Rivers. It goes on to claim that the Woodvilles, displeased Cook was not executed as a traitor, engineered the dismissal of the presiding judge and Elizabeth Woodville then sued Cook for her queen's gold.
The author of the Great Chronicle was a former apprentice of Cook so while he may have been in a position to know the truth, he was also in a position to be heavily biased in Cook's favour. There is a brief account by John Warkworth about the Cook affair and while Warkworth's view of Edward IV is, per Michael Hicks, "generally unfavourable" and he maintains Cook's innocence, the Woodvilles are not mentioned in his account. The judge retired several months after Cook's trial and it was said he did so at his own desire and request due to his "great age and debility". The general consensus of modern historians seems to be that Cook was unlikely to be innocent (per Hicks: "there are grounds for suspecting him guilty of more than could be proved") and that Earl Rivers was only acting as his position as treasurer dictated when Cook's goods were seized. Nor does the Great Chronicle tell us if Jacquetta succeeded in acquiring the tapestry, only that she coveted it.
Hicks on the Woodvilles' role in the Cook affair:
What was the role of the Wydevilles? Cook's conviction shows that their greed does not explain his misfortunes. If they really engineered the dismissal of the chief justice, it shows that they wanted the conviction of the accused including Cook, whom Elizabeth removed from office in her lordship of Havering. No frivolous reason is likely for their antipathy, for in 1465 earl Ryvers and Lord Scales became Cook's feoffees. As the councillor most intimately concerned in the case, earl Ryvers had exceptional information. It is unlikely that the Wydevilles were any less conscious than in 1478 and 1483 that treason threatened the queen and her offspring, the basis of their power. These were strong reasons for opposing leniency but Edward pardoned those involved. The queen's gold suit may be an attempt to punish Cook twice for the same offence but it coincides with other treason trials, in which he could have been implicated. His pardon made him untouchable, so the suit was probably an attempt to harass him for other offences. It coincides with his dismissal as alderman by Edward's direct order in a signet letter: the king and the Wydevilles were still at one.
However, Lynda J. Pidgeon points out that "the pursuit of queen’s gold was not exceptional; Elizabeth was just more successful in making good her claims."
M. A. Hicks, ‘The Case of Sir Thomas Cook, 1468’, The English Historical Review, vol. 93, no. 366 (January 1978)
Susan Higginbotham, The Woodvilles (The History Press 2013)
Lynda J. Pigdeon, Brought Up Of Nought: A History of the Woodville Family (Fonthill 2019)
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goldensunflowe-r · 2 years
Shuri Smut
Part 2
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wishesofeternity · 11 months
A queen's position privileged her relationship with the church hierarchy. This allowed  visible material expression of her personal devotion, and Elizabeth Woodville, though hardly  renowned today for her piety, was a case in point. Some of her requests were for very  private purposes, for example (in 1474) to have a portable altar. Others applied outside  the court. In 1477 she gained, at her own petition, an indult to enter Carthusian houses of  royal foundation, with eight to ten women servants, to hear masses and other divine offices; two years later she and the king were granted a licence to hear services within the Carthusian house at Sheen. Crawford (1985) uses this evidence to credit Elizabeth with a piety "beyond the purely conventional", but does not show how these actions prove it, given that  the queen, any queen, had a far greater range of resources and opportunities to express piety than most women. Crawford also shies away from reconciling this comment with her earlier assertion that "many of Elizabeth's actions show her to have been grasping and totally lacking in scruple"  
Elizabeth Woodville's devotion to the Feast of the Visitation (also adduced by  Crawford) had complex implications. The main objective of her 1480 petition to the pope regarding this feast was that the people of England, including herself, not be deprived of the papal indulgences associated with its celebration; this was an issue because the date of the newly instituted feast conflicted with some traditional English ones. The pope declared an arrangement whereby neither observance would be lost. Elizabeth displayed even more of a sense of mission in requesting extra indulgences for practitioners of the Salutation of the Virgin, apparently wishing "the devotion of the faithful of the realm for the said Salutation to be increased more and more". But however important this was for contemporary English piety, and however useful for a broader understanding of Elizabeth Woodville, it does not  seem to take us far "beyond the purely conventional". More thought-provoking, perhaps, is the queen's surrender of her parts of two Worcestershire manors in 1479, which she granted to the monastery of St. Peter's, Westminster, with specific, detailed instructions for the observances she desired on behalf of the royal family. The same year she granted the  monastery of Jesus of Bethlehem 48 acres of land out of her manor of Sheen. One  wonders why Elizabeth undertook almost all her religious projects within a brief period, 1477-80. Had the necessary resources finally come her way, or was there a more personal reason -- for example, the death of her first royal son, George, at the age of two, early in 1479?
It is safe to assume that for any powerful woman of the fifteenth century, piety and patronage were unavoidably related. One of Elizabeth Woodville's first acts of intercession, in 1466, was to gain a royal licence for the founding of a London priestly fraternity. Despite Crawford's contrary assertion, at least one of Elizabeth Woodville's household clerics  became a bishop: her confessor Edward Storey, later bishop of Carlisle. The queen  maintained this ecclesiastical connection, later appealing to the pope on Storey's behalf. As for Elizabeth of York, her "singular devotion" for the Cistercian monastery of St Mary,  Woborn, led her, toward the end of her life, to send the pope a "most instant request" for the  union of that house to the parish church of Salisbury, but her wish was accompanied by those  of the bishop, the dean, the archdeacon of Buckingham and the chapter of the church, all by  the "will" of the king. This may indicate that the queen's word by itself would not have guaranteed the success of the petition.  
Queenly patronage might still be much more direct than this. Elizabeth Woodville was granted the right of presentation to the hospital or free chapel of St. Anthony, London, in 1468. In 1499 Elizabeth of York wrote to the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, asking  for a literal carte blanche of presentation to the highly desirable, centrally located living of All Hallows, Gracechurch Street, London, for which Elizabeth Woodville and her husband had also wanted preferment. The prior was to leave a blank on the certificate which the   queen would fill in with the name of her candidate (Richard Southayke received the benefice). Both queens were granted rights of presentation to canonries and prebends in the royal chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, but these were often shared, e.g. Elizabeth of York's grants of 1486 with the bishop of Ely, or of 1487 with four others. They might also be carefully qualified, applying only to the next vacancy, or to "become void after the king, or some one by his grant, has presented to one canonry and prebend in the same chapel". And even a queen could have competition; in 1500 the university of Oxford received letters  from Elizabeth of York, the prince of Wales, and the king's mother recommending three  different candidates to the same position.  
The queen was not restricted to court or high-profile appointments, and she might exercise her influence even over livings to which she had no legal claim. In 1469 John  Pas ton II informed his son that the "free chapell in Caster", a Paston property, was to be  given to a chaplain of Elizabeth Woodville, "Master John Yotton", "at the speciall request of  the Qwen and othere especiall good lordes of myn". This seems to have been contrary to  Paston's original intentions for the living; moreover, the queen expected a higher stipend for her candidate than Paston was willing to provide. 120 Whatever salary was agreed on was evidently not enough to keep Yotton at his post, since before long "a prest to syng in Caster"   was again needed; John Paston III advised his father that "now thys parlement tyme ... I thynk  [Yotton] shalbe awaytyng on the Qwen. " Elizabeth of York claimed to be the exclusive patron, as queen, of the hospital of St Katherine-by-the-Tower, and attempted at least twice to obtain a plenary indulgence for it [...].
Naturally, a queen's ecclesiastical patronage could have less spiritual motives, whether personal or political. In 1479 Elizabeth Woodville's brother Lionel was granted a papal dispensation to hold four simultaneous benefices, though this was at the petition of both king  and queen.  The papal "relaxation" she obtained for those visiting St. Augustine's Church, Huntingdon, is also open to cynical interpretation, since one of the conditions is that the visitors "give alms for the maintenance of its buildings and ornaments". It is less obvious why, in 1488, a papal inhibition of "disturbances in the matter of the right of succession, etc." among Irish ecclesiastics, was said to originate in the concern of both Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, though we should note that the queen's chancellor was an Irish peer. Elizabeth Woodville's record of "protectyng and defendyng the libertes and  ffrauncheses" of Westminster Abbey, and her "bounteous" donations for its repairs, stood her in good stead when she wished to lease a house there.  
Pious patronage might extend to literary patronage, and the prime example of this for our purposes is William Caxton. The dedication to Caxton's printing of the Fifteen Oes of St.  Bridget of Sweden states that the book was printed at the joint commandment of Elizabeth of York and the king’s mother. The reason for this patronage is unclear, since there is nothing especially queenly or even feminine about the content of these prayers. Of course, Lady Margaret's active piety is well known, and it has been suggested that the queen was her protegee in the patronage of devotional literature. In 1477 Caxton had dedicated his Boke of the histories of Jason to the prince of Wales "by [the king's] licence and congye [and] by the supportacion of... the Quene", Elizabeth Woodville; his reference to the new translation also formally acknowledges both king and queen. Contrary to what one might suppose, the reference to the queen is probably more meaningful than that to the king; Woodville patronage had been important in Caxton's early career on his return to England, and his connection to Elizabeth was probably the critical one.
It is reasonable to suppose that in an age when learning was still so strongly connected to the church, a queen's educational benefactions might fall under the rubric of pious good works. We lack any other substantiated motive for Elizabeth Woodville's patronage of Queens' College, Cambridge, which is first explicitly mentioned in 1465, even before her coronation. Elizabeth's main accomplishment, in 1473, was to give the college its  statutes (never provided by the original foundress, Margaret of Anjou), in which she  described herself as vera fundatrix and stated in part "the duties of our royal prerogative  require, piety suggests, natural reason demands, that we should be especially solicitous  concerning those matters whereby the safety of souls and the public good are concerned, and  poor scholars ... are assisted". The queen shared in the power to alter or rescind any of the provisions of these statutes. Unfortunately no records remain of any further direct benefaction to the college from Elizabeth Woodville; her daughter's involvement is even more obscure except for a fragmentary "mandate for selecting ... Billington to a fellowship or scholarship" Elizabeth Woodville apparently also gave "large sums" to Eton College, probably after 1477 (when Henry Bost, the provost who allegedly influenced her, was elected).  
Queens could, of course, be involved in more overtly worldly patronage, often in an intercessory role. A well-documented example is the involvement of the Mercers' Company of London with Elizabeth Woodville in the late 1470s. The queen first interceded for the  merchants in 1478, regarding a "fraye" between the king's servants and some London  citizens. By December 1479 the company had a much more serious problem; it owed the king an onerous sum for non-payment of its subsidy, and for its alleviation it looked to both Elizabeth and the king's chamberlain (William, Lord Hastings). From the beginning the queen's abilities were recognized as exceptional, not only by the company but by Hastings, who encouraged the merchants to cultivate her rather than himself. In January 1480, after the  merchants had given "grete lawde & thanke" to their court connections, including Thomas Grey and "the lord Ryvers", they reported that Hastings had cautioned them "to be more  secrete of theyre frendes and that non avaunt be made who that is frendly and laboureth for us  Except the quenes good grace oonly, whiche that is, & always hath ben, oure verrey good &  gracious lady in the said mater & c." Evidently dealing with the queen alone would get  the company into less political trouble than open lobbying of her relatives -- an indication,  perhaps, that Elizabeth was not considered one and the same with "the Woodvilles".  
By 8 January 1480, the queen had managed to convince Edward to forgive 500 marks (£333 6s. lOd.) of the fine, and the company decided that she was their most promising option; four days later the fine was further reduced by the same amount. Although this left the company still owing 3000 marks (£2000), which the king made clear was his final offer, the difference was significant enough to earn Elizabeth the merchants' gratitude. This episode helps to explain Elizabeth Woodville's membership in two London fraternities connected to the Skinners' Company. She was the fifth queen consort to belong to the Fraternity of Corpus Christi, and the book of the Fraternity of Our Lady's Assumption contains a painting of her in her coronation robes. Presumably this company had learned in the past that queenly connections were worth maintaining, and reasoned that to honour Elizabeth twice would be even more effective in keeping it in her good graces.  
The queen's intervention was not limited to the business sector. In June 1467, Elizabeth Woodville wrote a sharply worded letter to the earl of Oxford when he failed to restore Simon Blyant to a disputed manor. Her involvement did not end with this gesture, for we know that the archbishop of York was to speak with her about it in August even though she had taken her chamber. Another landowner, Catesby of Hopsford, eventually appealed to the queen in a matter involving a number of lands, though we do not know the outcome. Where families were concerned, the queen's influence might help to undo a marriage as well as to arrange one. From October 1471 until at least April 1473 Elizabeth Woodville and her council were involved, at John Paston H's request, in trying to cancel his engagement to Anne Hawte. Difficulties might arise when an individual had no such convenient connection to the queen; the prior of Bromholm asked John Paston for help because he did not know how properly to make his appeal to Elizabeth Woodville for "certeyn  tymber".
The queen's contact with cities was not defined solely by ceremonies of entry. In December 1467 the city of Coventry voted Elizabeth Woodville a gift of 100 marks (£66 13s.  4d.). Even if this was merely a New Year's gift, and not in response to any special situation, it may represent the city's recognition that it could be in their interest to pay tribute to the queen. For her part, Elizabeth made a gift of twelve bucks to Coventry in September 1474, not long after her visit there with the prince of Wales. The queen's dealings with Coventry were not a matter of mere courtesies. Three months later she wrote to the corporation to express her regret for the disturbance caused by one of the king's servants there. Elizabeth promised that the offender would be dealt with appropriately, and thanked the city for its recent kindness to her and the royal children. The point to take from this is that the relationship a queen might develop with a city could be quite independent of her husband, though useful to him. It was more effective for Elizabeth to communicate with Coventry even though the situation she addressed had nothing to do with her. Here we see queenly intercession operating, as it were, in reverse.
- Derek Neal, “The Queen’s Grace: English Queenship, 1464-1503″
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cherryc1nnam0n · 1 year
Hello wanted to make a request Loki x plus!size reader. The reader is the enemy and the avengers capture her she threatens to kill the avengers and they agree that Loki has to try and confidence her to join the avengers but while convincing her Loki falls in love with her she feels the same so when the reader joins the avengers and on a mission Loki is sort of protective of her because he doesn't want her to get hurt or lose her cause she is his hole world and maybe she gets burnt and when they get back Loki notices and he turns into his frost Giant form to heal her and he is expecting her to leave him but instead she kisses him and confesses her love for him and he does the same "OMG IT'S SO LONG Sorry"
Hi! Thanks for the request! I'll be giving the reader some powers so it'll be spicier and this will be probably long so don't worry! I love full and long concepts!
Sleeping with the enemy | Plus Size, Villain!Reader x Avenger!Loki
Summary: You're a wanted villain, and who else better than Loki to help you "surrender", in other ways
Cw: Smut (yes finally), violence, reader has powers, seduction, lots of magic, mild injury
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"Okay everyone listen up, Thor stop eating pop tarts!" Tony said as they all gathered in the common area "We have a new mission, potential new villain with amazing abilities" some huge TV's showed footage of the potential bioweapon that was this new person
The footage in question was you, using your amazing abilities at magic, dark magic to be precise, using telekinesis to rob weapons from Hydra, maybe for a darker purpose?
"We need to stop her, we don't know what she's doing with those weapons but what we do know is that, she's not good" Cap showed a photo of you and your criminal records "There are no traces of her from 2010 back, it's like she appeared out of thin air, so we got an expert in magic to help us out"
An orange ring opened, Dr. Strange coming out of it, waving awkwardly at everyone
"Her name is Y/n, no last name since she was born 1468, dotted herself with the elixir of life and sold her soul to the devil to become the most powerful witch in history, knowing as The Dark Eye" pictures of your depictions through the years were shown, some accurate some definitely not
Loki was paying attention to it all, he had read of you in a book about witchcraft and all that, he never knew you were still alive
"We need to stop her right now" Tony informed "We know where she's hiding and have her surrounded as we speak, she's extremely dangerous, she has killed at least a million people"
They all made quick trip to your hideout, surrounding the place in case of an outburst or literally any move, but it was so risky, you could just think about them all dying and it would happen
So that's why, they sent someone to distract you
Someone, with a silver tongue
"Alright Loki's in" Cap informed Tony through their earpiece
Entering the room where you were, a huge protection star was drawn on the floor were you hovered above, black candles lit, their flames adverting you of Loki in there, dark magic instantly surrounded him, leaving him at your mercy
"Loki of Asgard, God of Lies and Mischief" you spoke slowly, turning around to face him, multiple eyes in your face blinked at the same time as your normal two eyes "It is nice to finally meet you..." You made him come closer to you "But I see you're here under other circumstances" you took his earpiece out, crushing it "Much more privacy"
"Damn it, we lost connection with Loki" Cap said to Natasha next to him
Thor was ready to burst in when Cap stopped him
"It's too risky to go in, she could kill us all if she thinks about it"
He retreated back, he was worried for his brother, this woman was way more powerful than him, his brother and even Odin combined
"So tell me, Prince Loki, why are you here? You're not the typical hero that wears a cape and saves the day, so why join these so called 'heroes'?" You said looking at him, finally releasing his mouth
"Well you see dear, I had to do it, or else I would rot in a cell forever" he licked his lips "A god can't be spending the rest of his days like that, it's humiliating" you hummed "That's why I'm here, but you... You're special"
That made you quirk an eyebrow "How so?"
"You, you're The Dark Eye, the most powerful witch in history, have lived for centuries, fooling people that hunted you into thinking you were a normal pure woman, so stupid of them" you huffed a laugh
"Yeah, I did pretty good at that"
"That's why I think, we could make a deal" he offered
"Go on..."
"You, give us the weapons and everything you stole and, join the team"
You furrowed your brows "What? You're absolutely insane" you mocked a laugh
"If you don't, then there's far worse fates than death"
"I don't fear death, I am death!" You yelled at him, crushing him with your magic "Maybe I should just kill you, kill everyone and then make my own universe, that sounds nice doesn't it?"
As Loki was losing oxygen he could see in the corner of his eyes how Hawkeye shot a tranquilizer arrow at you, but you held it on your hand, looking back at him
"Really? Couldn't do better than that?"
With that distraction Loki was able to free his hand and induce you on a sleep spell, your body fell but he caught you before you hit the hardwood floor
Soon the rest of the team bursted in, you were being held on Loki's arms, looking defenseless and powerless
"Great job Loki" Cap said to him
"Yeah good one Bambi"
He rolled his eyes at them
"Let's just go"
Some hours later...
You were woken up abruptly, you tried to sit up but something was holding you down
"I wouldn't move too much if I were you..." It was Loki next to you "If you use your magic you'll get shocked and will pass out, so I wouldn't do anything funny"
"You damned god! I knew you would trick me! I will kill you so slowly and painfully you'll wish you were never born!" You yelled trying to get free from your restrains
He just blinked at you "I've heard worse"
He growled at him, hopelessly falling back down on the bed, at least it was comfortable
"So what, now I'm a prisoner of you clowns? Ridiculous"
"Not a prisoner, just for the mean time, you have to be restrained" he said calmly "The offer is still up"
"Yeah right, I would never join you bunch of ridicule, tight suit wearing assholes!"
Loki almost laughed at that comment, but he composed himself
This was gonna be long...
Months went by, you and Loki got to know each other more, he would spend hours in your cell with you, telling.you about his life and his doings, you opened up to him slowly, telling you about your life back in the witch hunting era, how you fooled the people for decades into thinking you were pure, how the rumors of you selling your soul to the devil was all lies you yourself made up
"There's no such thing as selling your soul, I just made that one up, to get magical abilities you have to do a lot of research and manifesting, also some basic spells"
You told him about how your family died, they all were killed on a fire, that you survived because you were out of town, it was horrible
"I swore I would never die... I have, a fear of death... Ironic isn't it?"
He snorted a laugh "That day you said the contrary"
"Yeah well I was just intimidating you..." You bit your lip nervously "I prayed to you... A lot..."
"I know... I heard you"
"And you answered" you smiled at him "Do you think I'm a good person...? Even after everything I did?"
He nodded "These people have convinced me that, everyone has good on them... You just gotta look deep in them..."
He had taken off the collar that shocks you a few weeks back, trusting you completely into not killing everyone
A few moments of silence was enough to drive you two into a make out session, in between kisses, clothes were taken off by magic, soon enough Loki was making love to you
"L-Loki..." You moaned as he filled you up, he was big, really big
"It's okay darling, I got you..."
His hips moved at a pace that had you seeing stars, it was all too perfect and romantic, your legs wrapped around his waist to make him go deeper in you, hot sloppy kisses and nibbles at your neck while he railed you were making you crazy
"I'm so close Loki"
"I'm close too, fuck I'm going to cum in you" he moaned
You moaned his name again as your climax came barreling down on you, you had never felt something like that, soon enough his hips haltered and he was spilling inside you, hot cum filling your insides
Wrapped in a blanket while you traced lazy patterns on his chest he spoke "Is this you officially joining the team?" He kissed your hand
You thought for a moment, giving in, he had you under a spell you couldn't rid yourself off, not that you wanted to
"Yes... I'll be in the team"
What you didn't know, is that he was under a spell too, called love, for you...
Months later...
After your special encounter with Loki and officially joining The Avengers, a mission where you were needed came
Destroying a Hydra nest seemed easy when you had a bioweapon in the form a human, so they sent you in to do most of the work, Loki had stayed at the tower, he wasn't needed in the mission
"Okay, I have everything secured" you gave your report through comms "Now I just need to-AAAH!" You were cut off by an explosion
Hours later...
"She'll be okay, it's just a really bad burn" Bruce informed Loki who was anxiously waiting outside your room "You can go and see her"
He nodded walking in, your right arm was wrapped in a bandaging, you smiled at him
"Hi darling" he said sitting next to you "How do you feel?"
"I'm okay, it doesn't hurt"
"That's good..." He grabbed your hand "I thought I lost you for a second... I... I can't lose you, you're my world..."
You felt tears threatening to spill out but held them in
"I'm okay Lokes... I promise"
He nodded, having an idea, looking into your eyes he spoke again
"I can heal you... But promise me you won't hate me after it..."
"I could never"
His pale skin started turning blue, ridges and marks all over it, his emerald eyes turned a deep ruby and he sighed
"Just, don't speak for now..."
He placed his hand on your bandage, making the burn fade off and new skin reappeared on it
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner darling I just... I hate this part of me..."
You placed your hand on his cheek, staring lovingly at him
"I knew it all along honey... And thank you for telling me... I love you..." You finally said
He couldn't smile wider, he just kissed you so passionately you felt your heart melt for him
"I love you too..."
"Oh guys I forgot to tell you" Bruce came in, interrupting the moment "You were lucky, your baby is in perfect state and shape, it's developing nicely, congratulations!"
You two stared at him in disbelief
A new life was forming inside you... How better could life get?
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Hello neighbour! :D
I saw ur Howdy x little!GN!Reader and it’s adorable!!
But I want angst. Could I request a Howdy x gn!reader but the reader from our world + seriously injured.
Kinda feel like if the reader was dragged into Welcome home, Home would trap reader inside and start injuring them. Maybe,, the reader arm/leg(s) ripped off???
Oh but if u don’t do those! Reader can get scratches from home like deep wounds? :)
I’m sorry if this wasn’t in ur pinned post!! I didn’t understand some and I hope u take care of urself and plz, get some sleep/hydration! :D
Hello Neighbor ! Thank you for your ask, it reminded me I should probably include my dos and don’ts for this blog, huh ? I’ll update that soon ✿(> ‿ ◕)✿
I don’t write heavy gore but more lighthearted stuff, so how ‘bout a puppet reader with a few scrapes ? While everyone in the Neighborhood IS of puppet nature, I like to imagine they’d still feel pain, maybe just a bit different than we do
(╯ ‿ ╰,)
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Content Warning ! : Mentions of detached arm and sewing needles
Characters : You ! , Wally, and Home
Word Count : 1468
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Nobody had heard from Wally all day. It wasn’t uncommon for the smaller puppet to be hidden away for days on end, busy in his own little world until he either remembered the outside world or needed something. But, as the days turned into a week, you and your friends began to worry for him. Few had gone to check up on him, but due to Homes creeks of protest, most everyone gave up with a sigh or a shrug. If home wasn’t willing to open its doors, then it was virtually impossible to get in.
You had watched your neighbors in the past couple days leave Home looking defeated. Even Eddie, with his mail, watched in disdain as letters piled up outside.
These past events replayed in your mind as you brought your fist up and gave a heart knock on Homes door. Their window eyes seemed to open dazily, rolling back from the side before landing down on you.
“Good evening, Home.” You smiled and rubbed the brick tiles gently.
‘Creeeeak.’ Home moaned in response, which you surely hoped was a greeting in return.
“Can Wally come out to play today?” You asked, forcing yourself to keep your voice nice and light despite the nervousness that wracked your plush body. “I wanted to go to the old stone dam creek in the woods, where the grove starts, and thought he’d like to join. Please, oh please, let him join me?”
Silence. Silence and dread is what filled the air in the Neighborhood as you and Home seemed to have an intense stare down. Neither of you spoke for what seemed like an eternity before Homes front door slowly but surely opened.
A gasp tore through your throat as you glanced at the barely open door then back to Homes massive eyes. “Really? Oh, really? Home, I’m,” You grinned feeling giddy. “I’m so happy! Thank you!”
‘Bam! Creeeeak….creeak.’ Was Homes response. No one could understand them as well as Wally, but the response seemed to be one of acceptance, tired acceptance. With a final thank you, you pushed the big yellow door open and stepped inside.
“Wally? Are ya here?” You called out.
“(Y/N)?” Wally’s surprised voice greeted you in turn.
“Home says you can come exploring with me!” You clapped excitedly.
Wally had been in the kitchen, staring out the window that sat above the sink. From there, he could just see Julie’s house through the thick trees that sat right behind his house. Some days it felt like spying, other days, when he hadn’t left for days, it felt like he was telepathically reaching out asking someone to notice and get him out.
And here you were.
“Is that so?” He asked as he made his way towards the front door. “How generous of you, Home.” He smiled his natural lazy grin but it was obvious he was tired. You could see it in his eyes.
‘Bam! Bam! Bam!’ House responded to Wally. Whatever they said, it made your smile waiver seeing his expression drop so quickly.
“C-Come on,” Wally reached forwards and grabbed your hand, quickly pulling the two of you out of Home. “Before they change their mind..” He mumbled to himself.
As the two of you exited the house, with the door now fully open, you reached down and tossed the pile of mail that was beside the front door inside. It wasn’t a lot, but enough for any passer by to see from the street and recognize it was untouched and piling.
“Ah, thank you, (Y/N),” Wally seemed to breathe in deeply before sighed deeply. God, there was nothing like fresh air after being holed up for a solid week. “You’re so kind to-“ He was going to tell you how kind and sweet it was of you to rescue him from his own Home, whether or not you really wanted to go play. Instead, his voice was caught in the back of his throat, and all he could do was stare at you.
Well, specifically, your arm. As you had tossed Wally’s mail into his house, the front door had closed completely on your outstretched arm. The two of you stare as the door vibrated before unlocking, opening once again, and what felt like spitting your arm up.
You stared in shock and horror. Mortified, you looked over to Wally, who met your gaze with his own version of shock and fear.
There, between the two of you, hanging by a few threads and an inch of fabric, was your mangled arm. Twitching, fingers flexing as you realized you could still move them, just barely. ‘I can feel em’ You thought briefly.
While, yes, everyone in the Neighborhood was of puppet origin, that didn’t mean you or anyone else was immune to pain or the occasional boo-boo. Although, from past experience, this required stitches.
As the initial shock slowly wore off, which in actuality only lasted a measly five seconds, a blood curdling scream left your body. Well, cotton curdling, that is. Tears filled your eyes as you began to sob uncontrollably.
“IT ATE MY ARM!” You screamed like your life depended on it. “OH GOD, OH GOD, MY ARM!”
Wally felt the same panic you were experiencing possess his body as he gripped your hand he had been holding even harder now.
“We…we gotta…” He was wracking his brain for a solution. “HOWDY! HOWDY CAN FIX IT..A SEWING KIT, HE'S GOT A SEWING KIT!” He tried to meet your panicked eyes with a smile but it came off as panic like mania instead. He grabbed your nearly detached arm, pushed it back into position, and pulled you towards the bodega.
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
“Now, how did this happen?” Howdy asked after setting you atop the front counter and pulling out a portable sewing kit from one of the many shelves that sat behind him.
You sniffled as you rubbed your eyes with your fully working arm. What a sight you two had been, a disheveled Wally, hair askew with wild eyes panting heavily, dragging you in. You, with your head hung low, sobbing so hard it sounded like a wounded animal had made its way in seeking sanctuary.
In a way you were.
“Home,” You spat out as your tried regulating your breathing. “Home close-closed it’s doo-oor on…on my arm when,” You couldn’t look Howdy in his eyes, scared of what you’d see. Anger? Disappointment? Pity? You could only guess as you stuttered out an explanation.
“Home shut its door on (Y/N)s arm when they were tossing in all the piled up mail Eddie left.” Wally finished for you, his own hands twisting what used to be his ascot anxiously. It was so stretched and torn from messing with it, you were certain it’d have to be replaced. “When Home noticed, it opened the door again but….the damage was done.” He finished quietly, pitifully.
Howdy sighed deeply before turning you fully. “You can still move your fingers, aye?” He asked. You nodded and wiggled your fingers in demonstration. “Alrighty then, I’ll sew you up, give you some medicine, and send y’all on y’all’s way. Though, I suggest,” He began glancing behind him at Wally. “That the two of you stay away from Home for a good while, ya hear?”
“Yes Sir.” You and Wally agreed at the same time.
“Sleep over at (Y/N)s or, if you don’t wanna do that, stay with Poppy. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind watching over you two for a while. Sure she’d like the company.”
Howdy got to work on sewing up your arm. You weren’t sure if it was the sheer amount of adrenaline that had flooded your body that made it feel nothing more than getting a shot at the doctors. Howdy had put what looked like antiseptic around the wound and silently began putting your arm back where it belonged.
As he dutifully did his work, Wally stood adjacent to you, rubbing one of your legs that hung over the counter comfortingly. Every time he tried whispering an apology you shook your head and told him it wasn’t his fault, it was Homes. That maybe it had been an accident, truly.
Or maybe it wasn’t.
“There, all patched up now.” Howdy had said, giving your shoulder a hearty pat. “How we feeling?”
“Better, thank you, Howdy.” You looked up to him finally, giving him your best grateful smile.
He looked like he had more to say but shook his head, a sad smile gracing his soft features, before scooping you up and setting you back on the ground.
“Be careful out there, okay?
And don’t let the sun set on you here.”
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
Chapter 1
𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕗 𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕝𝕝
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Paring: Sosuke Aizen x G/n reader.
Genre: A N G S T, Famila, separate chapter.
Word count: 1468 words
CW: Manipulative actions.
A/N: my gf request a hc but im gonna do a whole other post abt this bc i love aizen and y not
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You are the younger sibling of Sosuke Aizen. There wasn't really anything special with you except that..you're the hollowfied member. you didn't even realize you're one. it would be fine he says..it would turn out great he said. it wasn't..that bad..but it wasn't good either. you sometimes randomly get the feeling to eat someone soul..you know you can't do so..maybe you just have to simply ask your brother! he's the smartest guy you've ever known! he always knows what to do! so you then walk to your brother room and open it.
"Zenzen nee-san..I'm hungry..." you said as you slowly walk over to his side and sat beside him, putting your hand over your stomach to keep your hunger down.
Your sweet brother than put his pen down, now you know he knows and is paying attention. You honestly feel a little bad for interrupting your brother work like this..but you can't hold it anymore..you're craving for food..for soul..
"What do you want me to cook for today then {Name}-kun?" your brother replied with the kindest and sweetest smile.
You seems hesitant to ask and tell your brother that your stomach is craving for souls..you weren't this hesitant when you come here..but now you are. You were scared he won't like you anymore. You were scared he will left you in the darkness because you're a soul reaper how can you crave to eat human soul? You cruel being.
You were deep in your thoughts until your brother voice finally reach to you and have awaken you from your daydream. You then spoke up with a feared voice. "I-...anything nee-san make is good for me!" you hesitantly smile.
Sosuke did taken notice to your unusual behavior. But he still smiles at you and put his cold hand over your head and pat you. "Thank you! I might as well cook some fried rice! Would that be okay?" your brother said with a closed mouth smile.
You hesitantly answered him "y-yeah of course!" yet again another hesitant smile. You feel like he taken notice to your weird behavior today..but you deeply hope he didn't..he means everything to you..you rather die than have him dying on you.
"I'm really glad you like my cooking! But I have to take care of some stuff at the world of the living first!" he then got up from sitting on the ground and grab his captain robe then wear it then grab his zankaputo and put it on his waist. "You can sleep here while waiting for me to come back" he said turning his head over to look at you with one last smile then he completely left the room. Leaving you alone in his room. You might as well just get some rest..perhaps it can calm down your hunger more too! You then goes over to his bed and fall face flat on your brother bed. You didn't realize you have fallen into your deep sleep.
you then wake up again due to the sweet and nice smell of a fried rice..this familiar smells. it must be your brother cooking. your eyes slowly open up and got off from your brother's bed and sleepily try and walk over to your brother. you then saw the food sitting the table clearly cooked only a few moments ago. you then sat down staring at the food. your brother then turn his head over to sees you keep staring at the food with a craving and hungry eyes. he then only smiled and spoke up. "you can dig in already! the food will get cold if you don't!"
your eyes perks up from looking at the food your brother cooked. you were a bit worried..is he not hungry? "nee-san are you not hungry?..you should eat something before me! you were out working and I was just only sleeping in your room!" said as you looked worried over him. Sosuke noticed your worryness for him. he was glad to have such a kind little sibling like yourself.
"no I already ate something before I got back here! thank you for caring {Name}-kun! you're very sweet!" he look over his shoulder and smiled as he then goes back to working on his paperwork.
you then gulp and take the spoon and take one spoon full of fried rice. it wasn't a surprise your brother are a very good cook. he never ruins any food ever. but this time..the food taste more delicious. this wasn't your favorite dish from your brother cooking..but this taste better than the others food you have tasted from your brother's cooking. you then started to eat more aggressively and devouring the food like a wild animal until the dish was left clean. it feels like you just lose yourself in Sosuke's cooking. you don't even know why..but before you even realize the hunger for the soul was already left gone.
Sosuke can only smile at how much you enjoyed his food.
it wasn't after a few days until Rukia Kuchiki was ordered to be executed and then the soul society was under attack.
you were running around looking for Ryokas with Hinamori. you weren't expecting anything except to ran into the Ryokas. but then you run past one of the tall white building. you started to notice a blood trail as your eyes keep going up..to see..your brother. stabbed in the chest. you dropped your zanpakuto then fallen to the ground as Hinamori screamed "AIZEN-TAICHOU!" you didn't hear any of her screaming. you were lost in thoughts. why was he murdered? who could possibly be cruel enough to did this to him? why. he is a good taichou and good brother..who is cruel enough to do this to your brother. you don't even know what to do. you have completely lost yourself. your tears then started to fall down your cheeks. as Hinamori started to go crazy and attacking people. you weren't sure since when did you faint and was bought to squad 4 barrack. you have already found yourself laying on the bed.
Hinamori was imprisoned. you can't believe what did you just saw. and you know..so did Hinamori. you knows Hinamori loves your brother a lot. but everything is over now. your brother is long gone. and there will be no coming back from him. you could only excuse yourself out of the squad 4 barracks and goes over to see Hinamori.
but then Hinamori wasn't there. and there was only a note left on the ground in front of where Hinamori was imprisoned. you wanted to tell the others that Hinamori somehow escaped the prison, but yo ufeel like you have to pick up the note first. and so you did..
"meet me at Central 46 Compound :)" you weren't sure who wrote this. you feel like you needed to inform the other this. but who cares at this point? you lost your brother, and there's nothing to lose no more. you then followed what the note exactly said and head to the Central 46 Compound. you weren't sure why are you doing this..but you are now. and when you realize again you were already standing in front of the Central 46 Compound. you were hesitate to walk into the restricted place. but then you gulp and goes for it. and you are now inside of the Central 46 Compound. Hinamori was there..she seems she just got here a few moments ago too. but then you saw your brother..and Gin Ichimaru standing right beside each other. you were fast to go in and hug your brother since you have missed him a lot..and so did Hinamori. your brother did hug both of you back. he started to explain how this was really needed and he didn't knew it would hurt both of you this badly. but then he suddenly pull out his zanpakuto and stab Hinamori. your eyes turn into horror but you didn't get the time to react and you were already knock-out by Gin from behind. you were confused what was going on. you were scared what is going to happen to you and your brother.
the next think you know you were already in a white room..with nothing but couch to sit on and a window to look through.
"....what is this place...where am I?!- where's nee-san!-" said you, half asleep and panicking looking around. the door was suddenly opened. then there was..revealed the man with menacing eyes looking to you. he looks almost like your brother but with a very different hairstyle, his hair was swept back, with a strand hanging down his face. but then the man suddenly smiled. you remember this soft and kind smile too well..Sosuke Aizen, your sweet and kind brother.
"you have awoken from your slumber hm? {Name}"
To Be Continued...
CH.2 what is this place..
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Brother of King Edward IV and Richard III, War of the Roses, was drowned in wine
George of Clarence was the son of Richard of York and Cecily Neville and was a claimant to the English throne. His brother Edward IV reigned from 1460-1483, and George was heir to the throne.
During Edward IV’s reign, George was jealous, impatient, and power-hungry. The Earl of Warwick ‘Warwick the Kingmaker’ influenced George in 1468 to rebel against Edward IV and told him he wanted him on the throne instead. George was married to Warwick’s daughter Isabel. However, Warwick actually wanted to replace Edward IV with the previous king, Henry VI. Henry VI’s son Edward the ‘Prince of Wales’ was married to Warwick’s daughter, Anne.
Warwick’s plan was successful, but not for long. In, 1471, Edward IV went into battle to gain his throne back, knowing he was losing the battle, George quickly deflected back to his brother’s side after he fell out with Warwick. During the battle, Prince Edward died and Warwick was defeated and killed, Henry VI was murdered in mysterious circumstances.
George had been in a continual rivalry with his younger brother Richard and tensions arose when Edward IV awarded Richard for remaining loyal to him. Richard wanted to marry Anne Neville, Warwick’s daughter who was incredibly wealthy. George attempted to prevent this by hiding her in his kitchen and dressing her up as a kitchen maid. Richard discovered her and married her.
In 1476, George’s wife Isabel died after giving birth to their son and George unfairly accused one of her servants of poisoning her. After a trial; the servant was found guilty and hanged after George had compelled the hasty judgment.
George continued to scheme against his brother and spread rumors that Edward IV was a bastard and had no claim to the throne. George who was behaving irrationally was arrested, imprisoned in the Tower of London, and charged with high treason.
George denied the charges; however he was executed on 18 February 1478 by drowning in a barrel of wine; at his own request, as he loved to drink.
Edward IV died of an illness in 1483, and the throne went to his heir and son Edward V, Richard III snatched the throne from him and Edward V and his younger brother disappeared (most likely murdered). Richard III lost his throne during battle and King Henry VII became the first Tudor monarch.
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snsinsider369852 · 2 years
Nitrile Gloves Market Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report By Raw Material, By Application, By Form, By Regional Outlook and Forecast, 2022 – 2028
The Nitrile Gloves Market report covers an in-depth study that provides a comprehensive analysis of the industry. It provides a comprehensive overview of the industry, taking into account all of the major industry trends, market dynamics, and competitive scenario. Aside from that, the report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading market players, key trends, and potential market growth opportunities.
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North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and South America are among the major regions covered in the Nitrile Gloves market report. Furthermore, the report includes country-level analysis for the world's leading developed and developing countries. Regional analysis provides information about the market at the regional and country levels, highlighting the dynamics of the market by various segments covered in the report.
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Table Of Contents
 1. Introduction
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1.2 Scope
1.3 Research Assumptions
2. Research Methodology
3. Market Dynamics
3.1 Drivers
3.2 Restraints
3.3 Opportunities
3.4 Challenges
4. Impact Analysis
4.1 COVID 19 Impact Analysis
4.2 Impact Of Ukraine-Russia War
5. Value Chain Analysis
6. Porter’s 5 Forces Model
7.  PEST Analysis
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imtryingmybeskar · 3 years
One Shots etc
Forbidden Fruit
I let my priest kink out for this one. Pure filth held together with the flimsiest of plots. M! Priest x F! Reader. Oral sex M/F receiving. Unprotected PIV. Blasphemy and sacrilege just because of the subject matter. 18+ only.
With thanks to @enstatia for the inspiration and use of her beautiful artwork.
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Sweet Summer
This was in response to a certain picture of a certain man in overalls in Canada. Some small plot, some smut. M! Farm worker x F! Reader. I know nothing of farming so forgive. Oral sex M/F receiving. Unprotected PIV. 18+ only.
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Request from @thisshipwillsail316 as part of my 300 follower celebration. Ezra and Reader share a jail cell. Special appearance by Cee.
Ezra X F! Reader. TW for mention of non/con.
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Under Pressure
One shot for Writer Wednesday on 7/7/21. My first ever Writer Wednesday attempt and my first foray into writing for The Last Of Us. An unscheduled stop at the supermarket in the apocalypse.
Joel Miller x GN! Reader. TW for blood and pain.
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One shot for Writer Wednesday on 5/8/21. I was in the middle of taking an online creative writing course and we were experimenting with forms that week, so I thought I'd tie it in.
Max Phillips x GN! Reader (though it's only Max Phillips in my head, could just be your common or garden variety monster!)
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Dear Jack
One shot for Writer Wednesday on 2/9/21. My first time ever writing for Jack, though I still have a half finished work in the pipeline.
Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels X F! Reader. No real warnings, smut mildly implied.
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One shot for Writer Wednesday on 22/9/21. My first time writing for Oberyn.
Oberyn Martell x F! reader x Ellaria Sand. Oral sex M/F receiving. F/F pairing as well as M/F pairing. Unprotected PIV. Little bit of nipple play. TW for mentions of non con, an attempt at the same, and physical hurt. Oberyn is King of Consent. 18+ only.
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Finish Him!
One shot for Writer Wednesday on 29/9/21.
Virgin! Francisco Morales X F! Reader. Oral sex M/F receiving. PIV (Frankie wraps it up). Fluff and smut and fluffy smut. 18+ only.
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A Path Not Taken
Pairing is AU Oberyn Martell x F! Reader. No warnings except for Oberyn being charming. Word count: 1468.
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readerstories · 3 years
Whatever We Want - Hannibal Lecter x gn!reader
Made it gender neutral because I could and gender doesn’t really come into the fic. I tried to go for smut, but got stuck, so just some light fluff this time. If you see any typos, please tell me. (AO3)
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 1468
Request: hi there! can you please do a Hannibal x reader? Preferably smut however if you just want fluff thats okay too! The reader is a patient of his and after awhile of therapy sessions and learning more about each other, he makes a move. she intrigues him and is intelligent and kind but dark like him. except not a cannibal (yet lol)
Going to therapy had been a hard choice for you. You’re a private person and think people should keep out of your business as much as possible, thank you very much.
But that, being said, you had realized you probably needed it, or at least something. Punching a mirror in a weak moment had made you seek something out.
So you had researched therapists near you, eventually finding one you thought might not be too bad.
To your surprise, you actually end up liking going there. Dr. Lecter is a well mannered and polite man with some dry humor which he sometimes lets shine through in your sessions. He’s not boring like you thought, instead well read in many disciplines and facets of life, and enjoys the finer things in life, like the tailored suits he always wears, giving your eye something nice as well as your mind.
He lets you ramble and talk about just about anything, sometimes listening, sometimes talking more than you when you are in a foul mood. He’s good at what he does, giving you the illusion of controlling where the sessions go, but you catch on after a few sessions. You joke about it some, (”Is this where you diagnose me with daddy issues Dr. Lecter?” A movement that can barely be called a smile and a huff of air the closest thing you have heard to a laughter from him. “I am not.”), but over time you grow into it, letting him do so.
It helps that you find him interesting and good to look at, so he has no problems in keeping you attentive when you meet. It would be a lie to say that you hadn’t thought about him in other settings. But you had let them go, not wanting to push for something you can’t get.
Which is why, when Hannibal invites you over for dinner one day, he is met with surprised silence over the phone for a few seconds before you gather yourself and say yes to his invitation.
The next evening, at 6 pm sharp, you ring the doorbell of his house while trying to squash the butterflies fluttering to life in your stomach.
Steady footsteps behind the door, and then it’s opened by Hannibal. He’s not smiling, not that you expected him to, but the look on his face is kind. You hand over the blue hydrangeas you had been holding.
“I would have gotten some wine, but I know your taste is better than mine, so I did this instead.”
“Thank you. Come in.” Still ever so polite, Dr. Lecter holds the door open for you as you step inside.
“I find that flowers have a calming effect as well as bringing more life to a room. Please make yourself comfortable while I find a vase for these wonderful points of life.” Hannibal walks down a hallway and you start to take a look around.
The decor and furnishing clearly speaks to a man living alone, but it is as classy and stylish, but yet very on trend as the man you just gave flowers to.
You had debated over what to bring for longer than you would care to admit, unsure what to make of the situation you find yourself in. You wonder what Hannibal had meant by inviting you over for dinner like this.
You are brought out of your musing by approaching steps. Hannibal appears with the flowers in a simple black vase, setting them down on the nearest flat surface before looking at you.
“If you will join me in the dining room, dinner is ready.” You nod, following him into yet another stylish room. The dinner table is long and surrounded by many chairs, clearly able to host a larger gathering of people if needed. But tonight there is only you and Dr. Lecter. He pulls out a chair for you when you get close, and you sit down, the neatly set table in front of you. Yet again he leaves you alone, going through what you assume is the way to the kitchen. Just a few minutes later he is back with plates with food, the smell of them making your mouth water. He sets them down carefully on the table before sitting down across from you.
You can’t help the question that finally tumbles from your lips.
“What is this Dr. Lecter?”
“It is called-” You hold up a hand, silencing him.
“Not the food, but this. Inviting me over for dinner, just the two of us alone.” A few beats of silence as you watch each other.
“It is whatever we want it to be.” He lets the word linger before speaking once more.
“You are one of the most interesting people I have ever met, so a dinner seemed only fitting to get to know each other better.” Your first thought is no, that is what you do in your therapy session, but no, that’s not really it is it? He knows you, but you don’t know much about him, other than that he is polite and looks very good in tailored suits.
“Very well Dr. Lecter.” A smile, the first proper one you have seen from him, however small.
“Please, call me Hannibal.” You smile back at him, glancing down at the food to avoid his gaze so he can’t see how flustered that little permission to use his first name had gotten you.
“But now I am actually curious, what is this wonderful dinner I see and smell before me?”
“The meat is-” and from here he launches into an explanation of the food and how he prepared it while he starts to eat. You mirror him, both continuing to eat while he explains, and then the conversation flows from there. You find it even easier and better to talk to him in a more casual setting like this, almost every sentence he speaks makes you more interested in the man.
He pours you both a glass of wine, and you toast to the health of the other, then continue talking. It’s an easy ebb and flow of words, neither of you running dry on what to say or where to next with your words.
You keep talking and drinking more wine all trough your dinner, and you keep talking while helping Hannibal clear away the dishes. You follow him into the kitchen, offering him to help him, but he thanks you no, saying that no guest of his should do dishes.
So instead you lean against the counter, looking over the kitchen while he does dishes, wineglass almost empty again. You take your last sip of it, setting it down on the counter next to the knife block behind your back.
“You have a rather large kitchen for one person.”
“I like to cook, sometimes for many people.” You hum, watching his back move through his white shirt, shamelessly looking now that he can’t see you.
“I gathered as much, and you are good at it too, I must say.”
“Thank you.” Hannibal almost catches you staring when he turns around, a chef knife in his hands. He steps toward you, and you know you are in his way so he can’t put the knife away, but you don’t move. He raises a brow, you tilt your head in response. Another few steps and he is very much in your personal space, the knife by his side now. He moves his arm ever so slowly up, the knife glinting briefly in the light before it goes behind your back.
You hear it slide into its place in the block, but pay it no mind, all your attention on Hannibal’s face now.
Pulling his arm back, it doesn’t go back at Hannibal’s side, instead his hand comes to at your hip. You lick your lips, his eyes following the motion, the silence in the room deafening.
He leans forward ever so slightly, and then, finally, his lips are on yours. They are firm, warm, and you are quick to respond. Kissing him back your own hands go around his neck, pulling him closer. Hannibal hums into the kiss, both of his hands on your hips now. His tongue comes out and you open your mouth to him, meeting him halfway there.
Hannibal kisses with a quiet, but solid, fierceness you perhaps hadn’t expected. So who are you to blame when your hand wanders down to tug him forward by his belt loop, sending a very clear message of what you want this to be.
Hannibal breaks the kiss but doesn’t go far, staying right where he is as he speaks.
“Is this what you want it to be?”
“Yes.” You whisper breathlessly and pull him back for another kiss with his tie.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Damiano David
words // 1468
warnings // clearly smut
pairing // Damiano x Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. sorry if this feels rushed but i want to escape the heat and the laptop brings too much of it
request // yes, through a reblog i cant find
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Damiano is pretty good at taking care of you after but a lot of the time he is the one to require the aftercare. He gets kind of insecure after sex, like I don’t know… He will require some kind of confirmation that he did well, that he did not hurt you, that you loved him. Generally he needs reassurance sometimes.
His hands were now wrapped around you, after everything that went down, all the spanking and the harsh words, he needed to feel you close, to let you know that he didn’t mean all that.
“Are you ok, mi amore?” His voice was soft, tone ever so gentle, his fingers rubbing small circles on your arm.
“Exhausted, but yes, I am perfect.” The little smile you gave him was all the reassurance he needed.
Suddenly he became a little more confident, small ‘I love you’s escaping his lips as he tucked you under his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I feel like Damiano’s favorite part of himself would most likely be his face. Honestly it might sound a little weird for me to say this but I feel like that's it, ok. Like, he can convey all his feelings through his face, he can lure you in so wonderfully with his facial expression and oh well he’d love it if you sat on his face or simply used his face to get off, regardless the position.
Now as for his favorite part of you i feel like it would probably be your thighs. No matter gender, he would find your thighs to be such a turn on, any time and anywhere.
(this will refer to pussy-bearing reader lol so yeah, sorry for that, I can’t think of a gn scenario with thighs)
He was being driven insane all night. He knew it was a bad idea to take you out after that stunt you pulled that morning with the ‘accidental’ not-wearing-underwear-under-his-shirt incident. He had not given you what you wanted then so you were planning on getting it now.
Your thighs were adorned with thigh high stockings, garters and all accompanying them. You knew his weakness and you’d play with it till the end.
For the whole night, Damiano tried to not react. He did not want to seem like he’s possessive or overbearing or whatever else, so he let it be for a while, but after one point it had gotten too much, he could not take it anymore.
“Amore, I think it’s time to leave,” he said, loudly enough for your friends to hear as well.
“Oh, but why Damiano, I want to stay a little longer,” you whined, receiving a little spank on the back of your thigh, thankfully the music could cover it up.
“If you want a chance to ride my face, you’ll come with me, or else you can wait to have an orgasm for another week.” this time his words were quite enough for your ears only, the idea of what he’d do later was not something he wanted your friends to have.
“Yeah, now that you said it, I’m getting a bit tired. Ooof my feet hurt from dancing. Goodnight.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s pretty big on seeing him cum on you. I think I said something similar for Ethan but Damiano is full on messy cum. He does not care where you are, what you’re wearing, whatever, he will cum on you. On your face, your shirt, your underwear. It does not matter. He’s like the type of guy that goes like “oh you want it, amore? You want my cum? Tell me where you want it,” and then will come where you direct him to.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He kind of wants to see you get fucked by somebody else while he watches… He is kind of scared to express that, not knowing how you’d feel
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I’d say a good medium. He’s experienced, he’s surely not new to this, but i don’t think he has had that many sexual partners. He feels like the guy that needs a connection before he can have sex, at least most of the times. So he is experienced enough.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I feel like he’d enjoy mostly well you riding his face, your legs up his shoulders as he fucks into you or kind of entangled, your right leg over his right hip and your left between both of his (its called ‘pretzel dip ffs)
he want to be able to feel your thighs all over him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He some times is goofy when he is close to cumming and he starts the whole “where do you want it”. Some times he would crack jokes.
Generally i feel like he is goofy in bed
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He does not care to much but he could possibly trim it down if its too bothersome when you suck his dick.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic if you want him to but most times he’s kind of goofy as i mentioned. The very intimate moments are very specific. After a romantic date, on an anniversary, your or his birthday and so on and so forth
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates a lot, cause he thinks about you a lot. Some times he’ll see old photos of you two before he left on tour and he gets turned on by your thighs
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
well as i said he thinks of you being fucked by someone else and him seeing you, so id say a bit of voyeurism and cuckolding. He’s a switch so he’s only dominant when there is no one else to be dominant, so the idea of someone fucking you and shaming him while doing so is kind of a hot idea some times.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will go anywhere you guys are if he can’t stop it. Seriously quickies at club bathrooms are too common for you two
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
As I already mentioned: thighs. If you are wearing thigh high anything, short tight dresses, short shorts that are tight around your thighs, garters, tight jeans, tight dress pants… Anything with your thighs kills him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving it. Like yeah, he loves it when you give him oral but he seems like the type of man that for example eats pussy for his own pleasure. I can seriously imagine him coming home from working at the studio and he’s stressed as fuck and (after getting your consent of course) he’d lay between your thighs and start giving you oral.
“But Dami I’m reading a book.”
“So? Continue. This is not about you. I’m stressed, it’s about me.” You’d simply just laugh, knowing very well you won't be able to concentrate on your book.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he is usually quite fast. he doesn’t exactly love the slower pace. the slower pace is for when you guys are extremely intimate, as i talked about before, or if he is teasing you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is down to experiment with most things. He is very comfortable with his sexuality so he does not mind most things, except some few ones that he finds a bit disgusting (no offence)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he would buy you a toy that he can control from far away and he’d get one for him that you’d control so you kind of mutually jack off each other while he’s on tour or either of you is away for days.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Enough to show you punishment but also enough to receive one at times
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s pretty big. Not too much (overwhelmingly much like Ethan) but big enough to be considered big. Above average
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He gets horny pretty easily ig. With all the adrenaline from shows the moment he sees you he’s ready to jump your bones.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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Kiss You Goodbye - Matthew Tkachuk
Summary: The begging of the new season takes a heavy toll on Y/n and Matthew and they try to deal with the pain of saying goodbye. 
Note: This one was requested by one of my biggest loves @star-gazing-game who already requested from me and I enjoyed writing for such an angel so much. Thank you for trusting me and encouring me ❤️
Warnings: Propably two swear words? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Words: 1468
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“I didn’t want to kiss you goodbye. That’s the trouble, I wanted to kiss you goodnight, and there’s a lot of difference.” – Ernest Hemingway 
Y/n sat on the other side of the couch completely out of his reach although Matthew didn’t even think of touching her after she pulled away countless times from him when he tried to hug her or kiss her. She was quiet and that was most definitely worse than if she yelled at him for the entire day. Anything would’ve been better than the freaking silence that was slowly killing them both. He wanted to talk, promise her one more time that things will turn out okay in a bit, and tell her he loved her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and remember her scent, remember her smile and the way she always cuddled a little closer to him, remember the way her hand was much smaller than his but still fitted perfectly when he held her. He wanted to remember their happiness of being together for the time he was going to be away from her. But she seemed to be more distant sitting on the edge of the couch than if he was back in Calgary. Hell, not even Calgary seemed more distant than her at that moment. He understood it was her way of dealing with things, her way to get used to being alone and without him once again but it hurt and it was the exact opposite of his way of dealing with the very same situation. 
Y/n secretly looked at Matt from time to time, carefully and never for too long so he wouldn’t catch her. There were numerous times she almost said something to him because she wanted to but was afraid of breaking down in tears. It wasn’t the first time she was dealing with this but surely this time around it was quite different. The previous times she always knew when she would visit him and when he would visit and she knew that towards the end of the season she would go to Calgary and live with him for a few weeks before returning to their hometown in Arizona. But with the current situation, all the precautions and rules the hockey players and their families had to follow, with the uncertainty of what will happen she had no stability and no certainty. Nothing to hold onto. And her stubborn self decided to act distant and as if he was gone already to deal with things a little better. But it wasn’t working. 
“I don’t want you to go,” she whispered when she realized it wasn’t leading anywhere. “I really don’t.” She added and crawled to him. She laid her head into his lap, grabbed his hand and he intuitively squeezed it tight and stroked her hair with his other hand. Y/n immediately felt safe in his arms and she regretted avoiding him for the entire afternoon. 
“I don’t wanna go either,” he said. “You know I have to but trust me, if I could take you with me I would.” 
“I know,” she nodded. They both knew there was no way she could go with him even if it was possible, she still had to go to school and neither one of them wanted her to drop out so she could go with him. 
“I love you and I know you know that. And I promise that as soon as it’s possible I’ll be here.” 
Matthew felt a little relieved although the situation of him being the more serious one was quite new for him. He was usually goofing around and being almost oblivious to the serious things and Y/n was the more mature and the more responsible one. It was usually him complaining (most likely about a bad game) and she was the one calming him down. But now he knew the roles switched and he had to put on a brave face for her, for both of them to make it less painful and less hard. Y/n felt a little better but in no way relieved or happy or okay with the situation. They had a few hours left together and then she would take him to the airport, say goodbye, watch him leave and return home all alone. 
“Saying goodbye will never be easy, shit!” Y/n said through the tears when they arrived to the airport. She was trying really hard not to cry but it wasn’t in her power and she only prayed she wouldn’t break down in tears completely. After all, the situation wasn’t hard only for her but for him also and she couldn’t think just about herself but about them both and be careful with her actions so he wouldn’t feel any worse. “I love you so much.” She said with a smile, the most heartbreaking smile Matthew has ever seen in his entire life, and then she wrapped her hands around his body and rested her head on his chest close to his heart and listened to the heartbeat that never failed to calm her down.
“I love you too baby,” he whispered into her ear, lifted her up, and held her closer to his face for a few minutes before she buried her face in his neck. He never stopped stroking her back in a comforting manner and he even moved around a little to make it even more calming. “I’ll be back sooner than you think. You’ll see, soon I’ll be your pain in the ass once again and you will regret missing me.” He joked and she chuckled which brought a smile to Matthew’s lips. 
“I’ll be waiting,” she said. She was always waiting for him. For the majority of their relationship she waited for him to return home and every night she fell asleep asking “where are you, my love?”.
“Alright, seems like it’s time for me to go,” he said nervously as he noticed the check-in already began. “You’re gonna be alright?” He asked with fear. 
“I’ll be alright,” Y/n said as she wiped away all the tears from her face, took a deep breath, and bravely looked him in the eyes. She had to gather up all the strength she had left to do so but she had to do it so he wouldn’t worry about her. 
Matthew took Y/n’s face into his hands and looked straight into her eyes full of sadness and pain. “Y/n, listen to me carefully okay? I love you. I love you so much you have no idea and that won’t ever change! And we’re gonna get through this like so many times before, trust me. It’s just a few months and then we’ll be together again. I promise.” 
Y/n nodded at every word he said, she felt her heart breaking yet beating faster and faster with every second that passed and tears were once again escaping her eyes but this time not purely because she was said, but also because of the love she felt. “I love you too,” she proceeded to say. 
“Goodbye baby.” He kissed her one more time and then with a heavy heart took his bags and headed towards the check-in and away from her. He turned around to look at her, she held her head up bravely and waved him goodbye. 
When he was out of sight, Y/n knew it was time to go home. If there was anything that compared to the pain of watching him leave it was without a doubt the lonely ride back home from the airport. She got inside her car, took a sip of water and soon after that she started crying again. She was now free to release all the emotions and crying always helped her with that. Y/n knew everything he said was true, she knew she would survive it and that things would get easier with time but for now, she needed to get it out. But just when she was about to start crying uncontrollably her phone buzzed in her pocket. 
You’re the bravest person I know. You got this. I love you and I miss you already. 
Said the text message from Matt. Y/n smiled to herself and stopped crying. It gave her enough courage to pick herself up and it made it easier for her to return home. Alone but loved by the best person she knew. And that was enough because loving him and being loved in return was worth all the struggles that came it with it. Nothing compared to the love they had and knowing he loved her as much as she loved him, knowing he was proud of her and knowing he believed she was strong enough to get through this was all that she needed to make it hurt less. 
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dwellordream · 3 years
“…Catalina, born in the archbishop of Toledo’s palace at Alcalá de Henares on 16 December 1485, was an attentive child who spent much of her childhood in the newly conquered kingdom of Granada alongside her mother. To care for and educate Catalina and her siblings –Juan, Isabel, Juana, and María– Isabel selected members of her own itinerant court who were trained in Latin, religious conduct, and decorous behavior. These women, bound to the queen and her daughters by ties of service and friendship, combined sewing, embroidery, spinning, and weaving with intellectual and cultural pursuits. Andrés de Miranda and Beatriz Galindo supervised the formal education of Isabel’s daughter, but prominent noblewomen shaped the social and cultural education of the infantas.
They were expected to be clever, cultivated and sophisticated but not learned, and to be friends and servants and guides to the cultural norms of life at court. This relationship is not easily defined, with fluid boundaries dependent on personality and experience. Over the course of a lifetime, a noblewoman serving at court could be tutor, mentor, casual friend, close confidante, and as intimate as a favorite sister. The relationship was reciprocal, and not just in terms of monetary compensation. Both sides gained much: the royal family received vital loyal service from noblewomen who, in return met their future husbands from the pool of noblemen in service to the king and infante Juan.
Isabel and Fernando’s children received a rigorous education in an intellectual milieu where literacy was expected and cultural patronage the norm. Household accounts show that Isabel carefully selected and compensated her children’s tutors. Isabel’s servants, Andrés Miranda, a Dominican at the monastery of Santo Domingo (Burgos) and Beatriz Galindo (la Latina, “the Latinist”), were important in educating the children. At age six, Catalina began her studies with the Geraldino brothers. Alessandro accompanied Catalina to England in 1501, served as her confessor, and wrote De eruditione nobelium puellarum (On the Education of Noble Girls, 1501), at Isabel’s request. At age eleven, Catalina owned a breviary. At age twelve she was expected to exercise some discretion and had learned to supervise servants. Her studies included philosophy, literature, and religion, and music (she could play the clavichord and harp).
She could speak French, English, and German in addition to Castilian and Latin, prompting Beatriz Galindo to note that Catalina surpassed her mother in Latin learning. She studied late medieval ideas on virtue, justice, and proper queenly behavior and Christianized versions of Classical philosophy and natural science concerning medical understandings of the differences between the sexes. She would have read, or known of, works that dealt with the education of women such as Juan Rodriquez de la Camara’s El triunfo de las donas (The Triumph of Women, 1443), Alvaro de Luna’s El libro de las virtuosas y claras mugeres (The Book of Virtuous and Famous Women, 1446), Fray Martín Alonso de Córdoba’s Jardín de la nobles doncellas (The Garden of Noble Maidens, 1468), and Francesc Eiximenis’s manual for female instruction, the Carro de las donas (The Carriage of Women, 15th century), that may have been brought to court by Beatriz Galindo.
It is also likely that she read or knew of Juan de Flores’s Grisel and Mirabella, The Slander against Women, and The Defense of Ladies against Slanderers, works in the querelle des femmes genre that were dedicated to an unnamed female reader who may well have been Isabel. Isabel continued to pay annuities to Alessandro Geraldino (“maestro de las ynfantes”) until her death in 1504. The royal account books report expenditures for Catalina from 1478 to 1504 and include books, patronage, philanthropy, alms, as well as clothing and jewelry.
Some of the earliest records that mention Catalina are found in the household accounts of Isabel’s court and date from 1486, just after her birth. They record purchases of fabric for blankets and baby clothes, items for her baptism, shoes, food (honey, silver flatware, and glass cups and the expenses for moving the households of Catalina and her elder sisters Juana and María from Murcia to Valladolid (in 1488) and from Valladolid to Jaén (1489). Álvaro Fernández de Córdova Miralles counted 92 women at Isabel’s court, 61 who served the queen, with thirteen in the household of the infanta María, six for infanta Catalina. The Isabelline court appears to be typical of the age but much smaller than that of later queens, Isabel of Valois (178 women) and Mariana of Austria (over 300 women). Typical also of royal households is a significant number of noblewomen, many of whom were daughters of or married to the highest ranking nobles at court.
…More lowly were Catalina’s attendants –both men and women– caring for clothing, shoes, jewelry, and personal objects (such as books and toys), who were paid between 6,000 and 10,000 annually. What these sums do not show, however, is the marriage gifts (often monetary, but also valuable objects) bestowed by Isabel, which could be substantial and which men at court did not receive. Gentlewomen of modest rank, such as Francisca de Torres, Juana de Porras (called Porricas), and Nieta were paid 10,000, 6,000, and 8,000 maravedís on 20 October 1500. Little is known about these women beyond the fact that they were permanent members of the household. They were paid for expenses they incurred to move Catalina’s household from Ecija to Seville, and the same three were paid the same amounts again on 10 March 1501. Nieta may be just a nickname suggests that she is part of the intimate circle around Catalina but probably not a noblewoman.
At the bottom of the social hierarchy are a few slaves and a female dwarf who was first part of infanta María’s court at Lisbon, then came to Catalina’s court in Spain, and moved with her to England where she was known as the Spanish fool. But these women at court were valued highly and respected. After queen Isabel’s death, king Fernando ordered a final set of annuity payments to be paid to the women who had served in Isabel’s court, among them some of the loftiest and lowliest. On 10 June 1504, Blanca Manrique, Aldara de Portugal, Francisca de Ayala, Isabel (daughter of Costança), Marina Ruiz, and Inés (a slave) received payments of an unspecified amount.”
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waaaaak · 3 years
Sleep Easy, My Dandelion Knight
F/F - Jean/Lisa fanfic 
One Shot [1468 words]
Summary: It's not often that Jean catches up on sleep, used to overworking deep into the night without the assistance from anyone. It's all changed, now there's someone who cares.
Jean is no stranger to her desk being stacked with documents and requests to fill out. In fact, she is beginning to find it homely because of how long she has stayed, locked in, surrounded by a paradox of work. Seriously, she wonders how anything is operating in Mondstadt in reflection of the diversity in her paperwork. For hours, Jean would be conflicted solving political negotiations, to be immediately snatched into umpiring the neighbourhood bake-off. It would be easier to enjoy, if it wasn’t so emotionally exhausting. The atmosphere changes in a blink - way too fast for Jean to adjust and put on a brave face for Mondstadt. There have been times where she wishes to just disappear for a day and really experience life without interference. A life without the reputation of ‘Dandelion Knight’ breathing down her neck.
Today is one of those days.
In one day, she has: fought and defeated 2 ruin guards, taken care of 3 Hilicurl camps, prevented a Klee-tastrophe, and has worked the afternoon away to finish 1 stack of paperwork (with 2 to go). ‘ This is Hell.’ She thinks as she drags her feet to the Library. Everything hurts . Her back cracks whenever she sits or stands upright and her legs are so very very sore. She feels them cramping up and she is not excited to fully experience them tomorrow. Unfortunately for her, it’s evening and her eyes are struggling to stay open any longer. Jean is now preparing her mind to face the consequences instead.
The library reveals itself to be more cosy in the evening; the colours of sunset filtering through the slender windows and delicately blanketing the library in shades of pink, purple and gold. The darker, secluded corners of the Library illuminated by lit candles, causing the fragrance of Valberry to waft around. One deep breath, she intakes the smell of yellowing pages, melting wax and old wood. Already, she’s the most calm she’s been in days.
She turns left, to where Lisa always is resting, and there she is. The Electro mage concentrating on a book next to a flickering candle, tracing over lines in the paper with furrowed eyebrows. Her brunette curls cascading down as she leans over, hunched, over the piece of work. Languid green eyes now restless in searching the text for answers, wide-eyed and curious. Jean wishes to admire her forever, but the creaking floor on her next step awakens Lisa from her meditative state.  
“My my…” Lisa chuckles to herself, watching Jean  “Don’t you look haggard?” Klee must have sparked a catastrophe, probably creating a ‘Paperwork-Boom’ whilst she’s at it. Word spreads fast, even in a place specialising in silence, and she knows all about the mini experiment Klee was inspired to do.
“Yes, ‘my my’ indeed,” Jean frustratedly releases her blond locks from her ponytail, determining that she might as well by how wrecked she looked previously in her blade’s reflection. “I hope the day has gone better for you?”
Lisa hums contemplatively, patting the seat next to her as an invitation. Jean takes it. “You’d be surprised.”
“Really?” She says, astounded. Lisa nods cheekily and Jean allows herself to smile, crossing her arms and her legs, in her ‘give it a go’ pose. “Surprise me.”
“My darling Jean, do you think I just sleep in the library all day?” Lisa smirks and slides closer to the edge of her seat, nearer to the Dandelion Knight. “I have my own adventures too, I’ll let you know.” Jean turns a bit pink at her teasing tone, and unable to deny nor compliment Lisa’s work ethic. Satisfied with her lover’s embarrassment, Lisa leans back into her chair and starts recounting her strange, surprise encounter with Razor in hold of one of her overdue Library books.
Apparently, one book on elemental mastery has been overborrowed for 3 days and Lisa had finally come around to hunting for it. After all, quote, these books are important for beginner vision wielders since they teach how to focus your vision into your skill or burst (unquote). She had a twinkle in her eye, amused, as she continued to describe her confusion when she couldn’t trace the book anywhere in Mondstadt or even Springvale. “What do you think happened to it?”
“Oh, please don’t ask me to think.” Jean joked, eyes half-lidded and barely awake. Lisa couldn’t hold back, guffawing at her lover’s endearing (and idling) interest in her story. Noticing her drowsiness and growing number of yawns, Lisa pats her lap twice as one recognisable gesture. Jean coughs and shakes her head wordlessly. She always grumbles, red-faced, whenever Lisa suggests she rest her head on her lap whenever she’s tired. ‘ But…’ Jean quickly gets over her own embarrassment at a loss to her fatigue, and reluctantly shifts to lie her head on Lisa’s lap - her legs curled-up on the chair. It’s surprisingly comfortable, which is why it’s so shameful. Lisa will tease her until the end of time about how much she “likes her thighs”, twisting an innocent occasion into something vaguely sensual. Sometimes, Jean wonders if Lisa is actually wrong or just exposing her to the mortifying truth.
“Anyways, imagine my surprise when an albino wolf boy came up to me with the book in hand.” Jean’s eyes snap open. Her simple description conveys much to the troubled Jean, especially since the boy was the cause of all sorts of terrors needed to be put to rest in Springvale. “His name is Razor, as I recall, and he was quite timid in contrast to his upset appearance. He muttered a few words of apology and nearly ran away.”
“You say ‘nearly’, what made him stay?”
“He has an affinity for Electro, and -surprise surprise- I do too.” Jean sighs and closes her eyes, fighting feelings of irritation at her sarcasm. “ Why did you make him stay.”
Lisa hums and strokes Jean’s hair habitually, inadvertently pacifying her quietly. “I can’t phrase this well, but his Electro vision seemed too overwhelming to contain. Especially, when he is still in the beginner stages of wielding it.”
“It seemed like wasted potential, is what you’re saying.” Jean softly mumbles, her migraine soothed by Lisa’s actions. The witch nods, although her lover can’t see it.
“The air around him is constantly zapping with electricity. His vision is overspilling, and who knows what it’ll do once it’s host isn’t strong enough.” Her voice became a whisper at the end and her stroking pauses. Jean looks up to see Lisa frowning and eyes unfocused. She reaches up to squeeze Lisa’s hand, sending an assuring stare.
“So what did you do?”
“I took him in as an apprentice, or as his ‘Lupical’,” - She shrugs, forgoing going deeper into her worries- “and I spent the whole of midday teaching him how to control his vision!”
Lisa yawns and stretches her arms out, then smiles tiredly like she was just reminded of the aches in her joints. She loses her upright posture, slumping a bit and massaging her shoulders herself. Jean, who is on the verge of slumber, hums tepidly. Lisa peers downwards, eyebrow quirked and lips pressed together stifling laughter.
The stern, disciplined Dandelion Knight is currently taking a nap on her lap in the Library. Her mop of golden strands, mussed, and her face ceasing all wrinkles - pacified. ‘ Wait until Kaeya hears about this. ’ Jean shuffles a bit, scrunching her face as if she read Lisa’s thoughts asleep. ‘ Cute.’ She gently smooths out Jean’s hair, her hands then lingers on her lover’s warm cheeks. She looks much different, relaxed and unruly, a reminder that the Acting Grand Master is still a woman in her youth hiding under her disciplined demeanor. In all honesty, Lisa was not surprised. Being around her deceptive lover everyday has allowed her to be skilled at understanding her mood, even with the tiniest of twitches. Jean likes to hide her vulnerabilities, fearing that it would disappoint everyone since she’s not as perfect as she seems.
Lisa looks out the tall window, admiring the view of Teyvat enveloped by the dawn. As time has flown by, the sun has sunk significantly into the horizon and the sunlight has become scarce. The weak candles are now the light source in the lonesome library, flickering flames of marigold highlighting their faces. It’s warm, comfortable and temporary.
Her eyes glance over to her book, wondering if she should finish it, but when she glimpses the faint smile on Jean’s sleeping expression, she rejects it. ‘ This is enough.’ She lays back in her chair, shifting as sneakily as possible, gingerly cradling Jean’s head in her hands. ‘ Her by my side and peaceful.’  
She feels her own eyes begin to close, content to soothe her lover’s rest whilst embracing her own with open arms.
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