#scarlett x max
icemaskuwu · 10 months
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Random total drama doodles I struggled to edit right
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tdpahkitewisland · 5 months
Scardo VS marlett
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Max: Sorry for talking about super scientific shit so much last night, I know it bugs you sometimes when I don't shut up. Scarlett: What? You sat on the couch for a solid 2 hours staring at your fingerprints and the only word that came out of your mouth was "how".
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Pahkitew Island but good.
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I spend an hour on this.
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imfamou69 · 2 months
@truefrostedagony counterpoint:
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Hi everyone :)
I created this blog to all the people who love (like me) underrated total drama characters and want to see more content of them
This blog will mostly center around x reader headcannons or normal ones, some one shots and random content!
Characters that I mostly will post about are Max and Scarlett (aka the reason why i made this account) but you can ask me or send me a request for any Total Drama character you want ^^
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months
Could you do a Drayton x GN!Reader, where reader is rather clingy,
(and possibly trying to avoid Carmine by sticking w/ Drayton, knowing that she hates him? This is opt but it'd be p cool if you added this)
Ooo this is so adorable! I loved writing this so much! And I did include the Carmine request for you, I love my girl Carmine. I got a bit carried away though so i do hope you like it 💜💜
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After a long and ruthless day of training, Drayton wants nothing more than to just lay down with his s/o and chill. And his s/o wants the exact same thing but there seems to be a road block between them.
SPOILER WARNING AHEAD (Indigo Disk Main Story and a little bit of The Teal Mask)
Just this once | Drayton x Clingy Reader
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“Is it just me, or is Kieran even more snappy today?” Lacey questioned as the door to the League club room opened. Drayton just sighed in response, holding the door open for the group, still feeling the strain from his training battle with Kieran.
Crispin was still fired up when he rushed into the room, hitting his hand against his pan. “What is his deal? Why can’t he get over himself!? I'm burning up just thinking about it. Who does he think he is? Revives aren't allowed, even in training battles!? Let alone two max revives.”
“Calm yourself, Crispin. Yelling about it won’t solve a thing,” Amarys calmly responded, pulling out her pocket watch and examining the time carefully.
“Sounds like you four had a fun time out there." Your voice chimed from the corner. A smile on your face when the group jumps from your response. Well, all except Drayton, who went from being stressed and tired to happy and tired. "Kieran giving you a hard time again?”
Drayton rubbed the back of his neck as he stretched his other arm up. “Hard time isn’t the word for it; I've never been so against Pokemon battling in my life. Apparently, a simple double battle isn’t good enough for our almighty  champion. "Rolling his eyes as he says champion before making his way over to you.
“I'm still all fired up from the fight! And I didn’t even fight Keiran,” Crispin chimed, crossing his arms in frustration, his fiery rage still burning. The whole place would be on fire if his rage continued.
“Crispin, I think you should get some fresh air. Come on, let's go find some Pokémon to battle.” Lacey calmly placed her hand on his shoulder before ushering him out of the room. Waving to her fellow members before her quick exit.
Finally putting the pocket watch away, Amarys sees herself out as well, giving nothing more than a simple farewell. Leaving just you and Drayton in the League club room. Drayton finally sits down for the first time in hours, pulling you onto the sofa with him. “I am beat... and not just mentally either; think Kieran landed one to many Super Sonic's. Ears are still ringing!” A small laugh escaped your lips as he banged his hand against his ear, acting as if he's trying to get something out, getting a bit too aggressive in the process.
“If you keep doing that, you’re going to hurt yourself." You smiled, taking his hand away from his face and into the grasp of your own before moving to sit on his lap, which he happily accepted, putting his free arm around you to hold you there. "Okay, so tell me everything that happened!”
Half way through his very long explanation about how Kieran decided to test the strength of him and Lacey to 'see if they were still worthy’ along with his max revive cheating when they began getting the upper hand on him, Carmine suddenly burst through the door, almost taking the poor thing off its hinges. “I WILL KILL HIM!”
“That’s one way to make an entrance... Are you okay over there?” Drayton questioned, his arms still around you, tightening when you jumped closer to him at her sudden entrance. You could see the steam coming off of Carmine as she paced aggressively around the room, mumbling something to herself.
“No, I am very much not an okay captain obvious! Kieran has crossed a line today, and I need to blow off some steam! Amarys won’t battle me, and I can't find Crispin or Lacey, so one of you two will have to do it, and I'm not taking no for an answer!” She demanded coming over to you both, not even questioning the fact that you're just sitting on his lap.
Drayton shook his head and sighed. “I'm all battled out for today, so you will be taking no for an answer!”
"Fine, then I’ll battle you!” Before you could even protest, Carmine grabbed your arm in a non-aggressive way and practically yanked you away from him, much to your dismay. Letting go once you were by the door. Immediately, you stepped away, wanting to head back for Drayton, who was now standing up, flabbergasted by the audacity. "Hey, no walking out on me; we're battling!”
“Carmine, maybe you should take another look around for Crispin or Lacey? I mean, they have to be somewhere, right?” You respond, hoping she will just decide to go find them and use wild Pokémon as her victims of battle rage. As much as you loved her, you really just wanted to spend time with Drayton; he was your boyfriend, and he needed you as much as you needed him. And now Carmine has burst into the room like a wild Rhyhorn and pulled you away from him.
“No way! You’re here; you aren't doing anything important, so let's battle! I need to battle you so I can go talk to Kiki with a calmer  mind. "She pleaded, fists clenched, as she finally gave her reason for being mad. “He can’t just blame me for one of his Pokémon fainting just because I was watching! I didn’t distract him from that fight; I didn't even say anything!” She continued to rant after that, not even noticing you weren't near her anymore.
Slowly continuing to back away, you somehow manage to make it back to Drayton's side as you hook your arm through his. Finally, You managed to get a word in through Carmine's rambling. “You know... maybe just this once you could go battle some wild Pokémon? I heard there was a Scizor outbreak going on in the canyon."
“Huh? A what? No, I don't care about any stupid outbreaks. I need a real challenge! And you are going to give me that  challenge. "Carmine once again protested, " If she's anything, it’s determined. “And why do you keep hiding behind toothpaste? I'm not that angry!”
"No, you are; I can see the smoke coming out of your ears.” Drayton mocked crossing his arms as he stepped forward, leaning against the wall beside him as you continued to stay almost glued to his side.
“Zip it, Colgate! You’re not a part of this.” She snapped, staring daggers into his soul when he began laughing. “Unless you’ve changed your mind, you shush it!”
“Carmine, breathe; you are stressed. Take a moment to cool down and just think about my offer; who knows, maybe you could find a shiny Scizor there. That would definitely be one up, Kieran, huh?” Once again, you make an attempt to sway Carmine’s favour, hoping she will take the hint that you really don’t want to leave Drayton right now. Yeah, the fight will be short-lived given the team differences, but all you really wanted to do was just cuddle up to his side like a Komala.
Completely unexpectedly, Carmine stops abruptly and places her hand on her chin, thinking intensely. The way she can just switch off her rage so quickly is scary but hilarious at the same time. “A shiny one would be cool... Plus, Scizor is a pretty tough Pokémon, so I would get some good training done. And Kiki doesn’t have a shiny, so when I talk to him later, I can use it if he gets too pushy again. ALRIGHT! I’m going to get a shiny Scizor!”
Without another word, she just bolted out the door as fast as she came in. Drayton is just confused as he chuckles to himself. "Well, that was something. I’m honestly surprised that it worked; you certainly have a better way of calming the beast than I do love.”
“I'm also surprised that worked! And don’t call her a beast. "You respond by laughing along with him. “Though I'm glad it did work, I was worried I'd have to battle her and miss out on my cuddles.”
“You know I'd never let you miss that! I’d be too lonely. Besides, what's gonna keep me warm when you’re not around? A blanket I think not.” He teased, pulling you against his chest with a smile, your hands resting on his chest. “Though just once, I'm actually glad Carmine interrupted us... Her yelling probably cleared off the whole corridor, so why don’t we head up to my dorm before the swarm files back in? I rented your favourite movie this week.”
“If I get to stay with you, then I am so in!” You cheer. Taking his hand into yours as you drag him out of the room, rush back to his dorm for the peace and quiet you both desperately want. So much yelling for such little time.
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keepingitformyself · 8 months
we might just get away with it (i)
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A/N: hey all!!! this is the first part of my first ever series, i’ve had this one in the drafts for a while and i’ll try my best to update it as much as i can. a-lot of this first part is just setting up readers life until their eventual meet with natasha (who goes by natalie rushman in this) this is an AU. HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!! i had a lot of fun writing this one.
ALSO: in honor of scarlett johansson opening an instagram account.
synopsis: hollywood is a tricky place for someone new like you, a certain elusive redhead is hoping for you to let her in.
pairings: writer!natasha romanoff x youngactress!reader
genre: fluff.
warnings: none.
part two found here. part ii
please do not repost my work anywhere for any reason at all. if you do see this happen to any of my stories, please let me know. thank you x.
you hadn’t been in the dating scene since you graduated college two years ago. it was a long time to go without going on a proper date with anyone, even your mother had called at one point to voice her concerns on why her only daughter hadn’t brought anyone back home to introduce.
truth be told, the mere idea of a relationship really stressed you out. especially now that you’ve been working tirelessly since the second you left college. the week after graduation your plane had already been booked four months in advance when you found out you landed the role for a lead in a film.
you left your hometown in texas and flew to la for a three month shoot. it was only in post-production for five months before the first teaser dropped and two months later the film finally hit hbo max to stream.
the success of it was enough to earn you an online following. people within the industry had reached out in hopes of getting to know you or even work with you. and now people knew your name enough for you to have been stopped a handful of times during grocery runs.
it was back to work in getting auditions and doing things that kept your artist mind flowing. it wasn’t too long before you landed a role for another lead in a netflix series.
the director of the series was a well known one. greta gerwig, it was her first time directing for tv as opposed to film, she told you she was truly impressed by your delivery in the film you’d been in months prior. you felt incredibly lucky to have even been thought of for her leading girl.
you told her you were a fan of the work she’d done. how you truly cherished her way of encapsulating the female experience through her writing and directing.
she smiled gratefully and said she hoped you’d be willing to accept the role she was practically offering to you, you knew she was just teasing. no one was stupid enough to let an opportunity like this pass. you said yes without hesitance.
it was a lot more intimidating this time around.
you were set to shoot for six months in london. a whole different country thousands of miles away from friends and family. you left home two months later.
greta was amazing, the sets were amazing, the cast was amazing, the crew you were especially grateful for. you made sure they knew that by ordering a free coffee and pastry truck to set every friday.
some of it comes as a blur to you. it’s easy to get lost in the craft when you love it so much, your mother told you once. you worked tirelessly often times worrying the ones around you but you promised you were fine. it was very easy for others to say how lovable and playful you were while still being able to maintain the professionalism that was needed on set.
it’s what they loved most about you. so it was no surprise to anyone when there started to be some conversations involving you, the star, and the series.
there had been mutterings between crew and even your own cast-mates.
you were in the city today, sat outside a corner coffee shop in mayfair. devyn, a cast mate of yours, and self proclaimed local, offered to show you around london.
‘i heard gary, one of our light technicians say that he heard the producers talk about how they’re expecting a huge rollout once they start announcing the series.’ devyn said as he sipped on his latte.
‘what do you mean?’ you took your eyes off the busy street to look at your cast mate.
‘you’re an absolute powerhouse in this series, you know that right?’ he told you seriously. ‘everyone sees it, there’s no doubt this show is gonna get big. they’re already expecting it to be.’
you cringed at his words, you were never good for taking compliments. ‘oh god, please stop.’ he smiled with a shake of his head, a look on his face that screamed, you’ll see.
turns out devyn was definitely not talking out of his ass.
greta had started to pull you out for meetings with the producers. they spoke to you about how netflix was willing to go all in for promoting.
greta told you herself, ‘although netlfix will definitely be a big help, i think just the show on its own is already set for a very promising release.’
they had you sign contracts and explained to you what would happen once filming was over. 1. you’re gonna go home and take a well needed three month break. 2. prepare yourself for what’s to come. 3. then you were to be called back in for promo shoots and teaser reels. 4. get ready for the big premiere.
‘it’s gonna be a lot, there’s no way of knowing the scale of success this will reach except that it will be huge, and a lot of that will be you.’ tony, one of the producers told you. greta along with everyone else in the meeting nodded to his words.
‘yeah, some stills from some of the finished scenes released a few weeks ago. it’s easy to say a lot of people seemed to make noise from that.’ rhys, another producer said.
your blood ran cold. although it was easy to say you were proud of how far you were able to come on such a short notice… it also sort of felt like a lot was being thrown at you all at once.
you maybe had an idea of what your life would be looking like afterwards. you remember seeing all sorts of opinions once it was found out by the world that you’d be the next lead for greta gerwig’s first ever series.
mostly everyone was excited. greta on her own was an insanely talented writer and director, people were happy to hear she’d be turning to tv and seeing what she’d come up with. you remember the week following the announcement feeling a little overwhelmed, all due to the men in cameras who had followed you around for a week.
‘rising actress Y/N Y/L/N seen leaving her west hollywood condo ahead of reports saying that she’s been casted for the lead in greta gerwig’s next directorial project.’
you’re thinking that maybe life will look like that but multiplied by a thousand, but you’re hoping not…? the success part will be great. why wouldn’t it be? it’s all you’ve ever wanted. to be a successful actress. but at the expense of having your life put on a pedestal? it was a very tricky thing to play at.
greta gave you a smile, almost teasing, like she knew the big secret that everyone else didn’t.
she leaned forward with her arms crossed on the table. ‘once this is over, it will never truly be over. are you ready for it?’
nothing could have ever prepared you enough for what would come with the release of the series. if you thought everyone knew your name before, they definitely do now.
the release of the series was just seven months after you finished filming it. it definitely had a huge rollout like everyone else said it would. you don’t remember much of the premier either. it was a bunch of flashes and getting asked questions. as soon as you got home you knocked out cold.
number one in seventy three countries was a lot. you wouldn’t even want to imagine the amount of people it took to watch you for that to happen.
but with the success of the series also came a huge amount of scrutiny on your personal life. within the week of its release you’d had an influx of followers on any social platform they could find you on.
apparently that still wasn’t enough. people were itching to know more about the new girl that had come out of nowhere and stolen their attention in just a week.
it was all very scary. it was all mostly positive, at least the things you’ve seen and been shown. your agent and team did a great job at keeping you away from all the bad. you still knew it was all there though. people loved you but people also really disliked you.
you’ve also come to learn that people chronically online are insane. especially if you give them something to hyper fixate on, you knew of the tweets and posts people had been making of you. it made you absolutely freak out how fast people were to find out every little thing there was to know about you in such a short time.
‘i want you to go home for the week. not home in LA, home as in with your mom.’ samantha, your agent, told you. samantha along with your publicist fred, had seen firsthand what was being said online. she’s been in the industry long enough to know how ugly it can get for the victims, you were young and she wanted to protect you from that as much as possible.
‘i called your mom, she’s already expecting you home by tomorrow morning. your plane leaves at midnight.’ you nodded gratefully. the tension in your shoulders had slouched a little after hearing that. you missed your mom and you were scared as shit right now.
samantha was there in the uber when you were dropped off. she bid you goodbye and told you she’d call you for details on the next flight back to LA. ‘rest as much as you can, the press tour is gonna hit real hard.’
now came the insanely difficult part. the week back home went too fast and now you’re on a plane back to LA where your agent and a stylist were awaiting your arrival.
as soon as you’re off the gate a beefy man in jeans and a polo helps to escort you towards your luggage and eventually the car. ‘ma’am, just a heads up. there’s paps.’ he tells you before quickly ushering you out the glass doors and into the suv.
you don’t remember much after that. just that as soon as you arrived to your condo you were quickly pushed into a room with a stylist and pushed into another car after that.
the week had gone fast for the amount you’ve been doing. you’d met up with your cast-mates for the first time in a while and you were happy for that. most days it was just going to interviews answering questions, promoting, playing question games, more questions, etc���
it was finally friday. but promo was far from over. ‘you’re flying out tomorrow morning to new york and then we’re off to europe for the week.’
tonight was the huge post-premier party for the series. it was expected that there’d be quite a few well known names attending tonight aside from the cast. although a part of you was dreading another night of questions and just overall socializing, you knew it was needed to network.
cameras flashed in your face and people shouted your name upon arrival, but people were quick to let you in. ‘there’s a lot of people who want to speak with you.’ samantha tells you. you nod and put on your best brave face for the night.
samantha lingers around you as you cycle through speaking with all kinds of people. producers, actors, writers and the like. the first two hours fly by and things have reached some sort of stasis by then.
you’re in the middle of a conversation with some cast mates when tony— who you recognize as one of your producers— walks up to you with a redhead in tow.
‘the woman of the hour!’ he raises his arms to hug you.
‘i have to introduce you to natalie! she’s an excellent writer!’ the redhead next to him who you now know as natalie lets out a dry laugh at the man’s words. he was very obviously drunk.
and you see now that she is very obviously attractive.
she takes a few steps towards you and sticks out her hand for you to shake.
‘i hear you’re the talk of the town. have not stopped reading about you online.’ the smirk she wears makes you appreciate her beauty even more.
it was true. you were everywhere— in the tabloids, the headlines…natasha indulged in every single piece of information about you that she came across.
she also might’ve convinced tony to somehow introduce you two when she found out he was working with you.
she was a fan since your last film, and as a working screenwriter for film and television, she caught a bit of inspiration from seeing you on her screen.
‘i’ve gotta say, i was really impressed by your performance in this show. greta is a long time friend, she did good in choosing you.’ natalie compliments.
‘oh, thank you! it was a pleasure to work with her…she’s great.’ you cringe at your words. you still aren’t any better at taking these compliments no matter how many you get.
natalie smiles at you in silent understanding. she’s picked up on the small awkwardness that underlies the conversation.
you let out a low huff and motion towards the bartender to get you a shot of tequila. natalie quirks an eyebrow at your order but doesn’t question it.
‘do you want a drink?’ you turn to natalie with a smile. not only is your social battery slowly starting to diminish but talking to someone like natalie will have you saying nonsense.
you figure you’ll need a drink if you’re gonna continue to speak with her.
‘a diet coke will do me right. i’m driving home tonight.’ she says, the bartender nods and fixes your drinks.
an hour later and the drinks are sure to have calmed you down. in fact they’ve done more than just calm you down.
natalie and you spend a long while talking about anything and everything. you bond over being major nerds when it comes to philosophy. she tells you about how she double majored in philosophy and english at nyu.
‘my love for english had always existed but after taking a philosophy course my freshman year, it’s like i needed to write about these things that were talked about. i needed people to see what i thought about.’ natalie explains to you.
you’ve come to enjoy natalie despite only have met her about an hour and a half ago.
you tell her about how you were a huge thespian in high school and entering college, how philosophy was an added bonus when you figured out they both go very well together.
you’re grasping her arm as you explain it to her.
‘i mean genuinely i would hear so much about aristotle in my ethics class and then he’d somehow be connected to creating the 6 elements of a play! how crazy is that?!’
natalie is trying hard to concentrate on your words. you’d think it’d be a lot easier for her given the fact that she hasn’t had a single drop of alcohol…but all she can pay attention to is your lips. how they’ve now plumped up slightly due to your drinking.
she’s completely smitten with you by now, and she’s just met you. you’re definitely not like what the internet makes you out to be. for the most part, it really is just the alcohol in you.
you continue to ramble on.
‘honestly, i think socrates is good guy— like he has some great ideas but it’s kinda annoying how he thinks his way is the only way and he makes it his entire personality— ugh hold on i need to go piss.’
you’re clearly too drunk to care about what words leave your mouth. natalie doesn’t seem to mind it— and quite frankly neither do you.
‘do you need help getting there?’ natalie is quick to ask. all in good intentions, of course.
‘uhhh, yeah.’ you’re quick to agree. you have a rule, always travel in pairs when alcohol is present.
your arm is hooked to natalie’s as she helps lead you to the restrooms. it’s here when you get a slight whiff of her. you cringe at how weird you think of it in your head.
but she smells awfully appealing. like suede, lemon and a fireplace. all combined.
‘you smell really nice,’ you say, too worried about your bladder to care.
you feel vibrations of a chuckle leave natalie, you smile when you see her smiling too.
you nearly run into a stall as soon as you’re in the seemingly empty bathroom, thank god, you think. pee anxiety is a real thing.
you feel a little more level headed after doing your business. natalie waits by the door staring as you dry your hands.
‘feel better?’ you hear her ask.
‘much,’ you smile, a drunk one, your mind a little hazy.
‘i had a fun time tonight, with you, i mean.’ you find yourself saying.
she quirks an eyebrow. you continue.
‘i’ve had a really stressful past few weeks, it was nice to just…drink and talk knowing my words wouldn’t be plastered on some magazine issue the next day.’ you finish. your body is still buzzing. the alcohol making your body slightly move in place. but nonetheless you feel oddly content.
natalie smiles. a really big one.
‘i’m glad i could help take the edge off,’ she says.
you chuckle, turn to the mirror and make sure your makeup is still in place. a ding from your phone makes itself known, indicating a message. you dig through your clutch bag to get it.
we’re leaving now, you have an early start. plane to nyc leaves at 7:35am.
the text message from samantha reads.
you huff.
‘sorry to cut this short, natalie. my presence is needed near the entrance. i have to be in new york tomorrow before noon.’ you smile apologetically
she smiles. a part of her wasn’t surprised at all. you’re you, and everyone wants to be around you. she was surprised she even had your attention for more than an hour.
she nods. ‘i get it, can i ask why though?’
‘interview with fallon, i think.’ is all you say before you step closer to the redhead and press a kiss to her cheek. you think nothing of it.
‘truly, it was lovely to meet you natalie.’ and she doesn’t have the chance to reply before you’re out the restroom door.
natalie realizes she never got your number.
two days later, she’s made it back to her home in new york. natalie decides to shake off the jet lag with late night televison and a glass of wine in hand.
ironically, jimmy fallon is on.
‘please welcome…!’ and she sees you appear before her.
she is so captivated, she doesn’t realize she’s finished the bottle of pinot grigio next to her.
stupid as it sounds, this is when natalie rushman decided she wanted to be a part of whatever world you were creating for yourself.
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sunny44 · 10 months
Me or him? Pt.2
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x best friend! Reader
Warning: nothing serious I guess.
Summary: After the fight with Pierre and the break-up with your boyfriend, you and Pierre end up in the same boat on an outing with friends but he was not alone.
Part 1
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When the Hungarian Grand Prix weekend was over I was exhausted.
Pierre wasn't speaking to me, Jason and I had broken up and were now on summer break and I had never had such a lonely vacation as this.
After the fight with Pierre I thought it would be as silly as the others that we would talk as usual after we had calmed down but apparently for him that wasn't going to happen.
I tried to talk to him and apologize for being so insensitive about his feelings for me and that I shouldn't have blamed him for Jason's craziness.
But when I went to him all he did was ignore me and he is doing that to this day. I hadn't even been able to tell him that Jason and I were no longer together and that he could be happy that he didn't have to see his face anymore.
Before the fight we had arranged with Charles and Max to all go out together on Charles's boat and that was what we would do today.
I had packed up my things and was now in the harbor and soon saw Charles from a distance talking to Pierre who as soon as he saw me I could see the displeasure on his face.
"Hi boys."
"What's up y/n." Charles says excitedly hugging me and Pierre just gets into the boat. "Are you guys still fighting?"
"He'll get over soon, he's just angry.
"I know but I hate being in bad terms with him."
"I know but he'll get over it you'll see." We confide in each other for a while until Max shows up next and minutes later Pierre comes out of the boat all excited and walks straight past us to a girl who was standing there.
I didn't know her which was strange since we had the same friends but when Pierre kissed her I understood that she wasn't just a friend.
That made my eyes roll back because this was classic of him, one week he would say that he was in love and the next week he would show up with a completely different girl.
And this only made me angrier because I spent days blaming myself for having said those things to him when in fact they were just more empty words.
"Well folks this is Scarlett. This is Charles, Max and y/n."
"It's a pleasure to meet you all." She smiles kindly and shakes everyone's hand. "I've heard a lot of things about you."
"Oh I hope good things." I answer that not to say I had never even heard of her.
"Don't worry, they were good things." I smiled at her and turned my back on them heading toward the boat.
Honestly, he managed to end my day in less than five minutes.
Scarlett laughed out loud at anything Pierre said and honestly I think she was only pretending because Pierre was many things but funny was not one of them.
Yes he was spontaneously funny but not that funny for her to laugh so hard.
“Are you ok?" I get scared by the voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay, I was just distracted." Max smiles and sits down next to me.
"You don't like her?" I looked at her and him again.
"I have no reason not to like her, I met her today and she was very kind."
"Then why aren't you talking to each other?"
"We fought over some things."
"Over your boyfriend?"
"Ex-boyfriend." When I say that I could notice Pierre's surprised face and that's where I realized that he was listening.
"I didn't know you guys had broken up."
"We brake up in the Hungary race, because of Pierre."
"Did he do something?"
"In parts yes but that's not why we broke up." Max was silent waiting for me to continue explaining. "Jason always had this crazy idea that Pierre was in love with me and every time he could bring it up he did and that was the cause for a fight between us and in Hungary Pierre confessed that he was really in love with me and when I told Jason he thought that would be a reason for me and Pierre not to be friends anymore so he made me choose between the two of them. And I chose Pierre."
"Wow. But I still don't understand why you’re fighting."
"I said some things that I regretted up until the moment he showed up with her here. I thought it was wrong of me not to validate his feelings for me but really he just did what he always does, says he's in love with a girl one day and then shows up with another one a day after. So now I'm mad at him too."
"I get it, but he really is in love with you and that's nothing new."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because one time he almost hit me because I said I wanted to ask you out."
"Well but that doesn't matter if he's with her." Max just agreed. "And just for you to know I had the biggest crush on you when we were younger so I probably would have accepted if you had asked me out."
"I missed my chance." He says and I laugh bringing the attention of the others to us.
Max and I stayed a long time talking until the others joined us.
Now I was walking home happy for the first fun day I had so far on this vacation. I left my slippers by the door and put my backpack on the couch and as I was going to my room to take a shower the doorbell of my apartment rang and when I opened the door I saw Pierre standing there.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk."
"So now you want to talk? Really?"
"Well it's a shame you came all this way for nothing because I don't want to talk to you." I went to close the door but he held it and came in. "What part of I don't want to talk to you don't you understand?"
"Please just listen to me okay?"
"No I don't want to listen to you because when I wanted you to listen you ignored me."
"I love you okay?" He says making me stay silent. "I've always loved you and when you started dating Jason I hated it, I hated that it wasn't me in his place and I think that's when he realized that I was in love with you. And I thought it wouldn't last so I accepted it without saying anything because I thought that as soon as he broke up with you that would be my chance. But that didn't happen and I've been blaming myself all these years for not saying anything sooner."
"And then you said that in Hungary and I couldn't hold back and said I was in love with you but I didn't think you would react that way so I got angry."
"React in what way?" I asked him.
"That the idea that I like you is so disgusting that you blame me for you two fighting." I looked down at the floor in shame. "And then I took Scarlett today because I knew you'd be there and I wanted to act like I was over you but then I heard you tell Max that you weren't dating anymore and that's when I decided I wouldn't make the same mistake I made years ago. Even though you don't want anything to do with me now I had to do it or I would regret not doing it..."
I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him, he immediately stopped talking and when he realized it was really happening his hands went to my waist pulling me closer and his tongue slid across my mouth.
I actually don’t know why I kiss him, I had never felt anything for him or at least I didn't think so.
But now that I’m here kissing him I wonder why it took me so long to do this and why I wasted years of my life with Jason when I actually had a guy who loved me right in front of me.
"You talk too much." I said as soon as we stopped kissing.
"If you're going to interrupt me like this all the time I'm sure I'll talk more often." I started to laugh at him, who gave me a quick kiss. "So what do we do now?"
"Well I'm going to take a shower while you order a pizza and we'll watch a random movie. We don't need to deal with any of that right now, we have time."
"Sounds perfect to me."
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername stories
“Best vacation day are always at home”
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Pierre Gasly stories
“I love vacations at Monaco”
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totalpollsdrama · 7 months
tdpi repairs:
shawn x topher
topher x dave
shawn x dave
jasmine x sammy
ella x sky
scarlet x sammy
leonard x sugar
beardo x leonard
max x rodney
amy x rodney
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td-rarepairs · 6 months
you guys want pahkitew rarepairs? Ill give you pahkitew rarepairs! Bearmax (Beardo x Max) Chill silly guy and the evil gnome <3
Rodney x Topher (Rodpher) Shy lad and confident lad Leonave (Leonard x Dave) Enemies to lovers Suglett (Sugar x Scarlett) Smart and Silly! gracias por su tiempo <3
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tdpahkitewisland · 5 months
Scamy wins!!
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Negan Smith: Bases Chapter Log
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Starts on August 12th, 2023 Negan Smith x Bimbo!Virgin!Reader
The Summary: When the new girl at the sanctuary catches Negan's eye it’s balls to the wall to get her in his bed. Warnings: Smut, P&v, Blowjobs, face sitting, deepThroating, virginity, bimbo reader, jerking off, etc Total Word Count: 18,315 k
Tag List
The Walking Dead Master List // The Wanderers Master List // Series Master List
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Chapter 1: Her (08/12/23)
Chapter 2: Skin (08/15/23)
Chapter 3: Sweet Taste (08/18/23)
Mini Chapter 3.5 (08/20/23)
Chapter 4: Echo (08/21/23)
Chapter 5: All Of You (08/25/23)
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Completed on: (08/25/23)
Posted On: (06/03/23) - (08/12/23)
Bases Tags- @daryldixonluvr @whatssss @kaits-diary @idk1idk2idk @scarlett-widows-89 @jdmsgorl @lanad3lrey-l0v3r @clararangel @oceanablue @chelseypprimrose @freedomfighterlex @sageworld @ayeitzzshayla @123avengersandmarvel @charlie19690 @sweetvixensstuff @lanceisrandom @redscreendarkwin @ryanneemccann @finalgirlmp3 @fullwattpadmusictree @harmonib @rainyzonkmakerlover @ge0rgzs @julimariett @amazingmaeve @kpoplover4life @definitelynotyagmur @rivernell @vanilla88 @alteredgalaxy @kyleepsposts @max-505 @nhayoshii @neganswoman
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yakkolicious-writing · 2 months
Once upon a time, there was a girl who wrote cartoon fanfictions. She liked to publish her fanfiction on AO3, but she began to worry that AO3 wasn't reaching enough people. So, she came up with an idea: she would post one-shot fanfiction on Tumblr as well.
Hello everyone! I'm @yakkolicious, or Yakko for short. My pronouns are she/her, and this is my new fanfiction blog! I don't really like to put my work on Tumblr, but I decided a fanfiction blog would be great for those who would prefer to read my one-shots on Tumblr.
Fandoms I Write For: Animaniacs (1993) Papa Louie Strawberry Shortcake (1980 and 2003) Clone High (2002) Goof Troop General Mickey Mouse universe Punch-Out!! Wayside (2007) This list will hopefully grow in the future! What I Write: Fluff, friendship, romance, hurt/comfort, third and first person POVs, friends to lovers, mutual pining, angst
What I Don't Write: Smut, fight scenes, characters included in the Animaniacs reboot or Clone High revival (I have nothing against the Clone High revival and everything against the Animaniacs reboot), Berry Bitty Adventures or Berry in the Big City, anything pedophilic or incestuous
I do write multichapter fics, but they will NOT be posted to this blog. All of those will go to AO3 and only AO3. Older one-shots currently on AO3 will be posted here if requested. My Canon Ships: Albenny (Alberto x Penny) Scarudy (Scarlett x Rudy) Kazel (Kaleb x Liezel) Gandhi x Marie Curie Micknie (Mickey Mouse x Minnie Mouse) My Fanon Ships: Brinky (Pinky x the Brain) Slappina (Slappy Squirrel x Vina Walleen) Allari (Allan x Akari) Coopdence (Cooper x Prudence) Zovada (Zoe x Nevada) Max Goof x PJ Pete Dosé/Donzé (Donald Duck x José Carioca) Toddecia (Todd x Maurecia)
Canon x OC: Yakkevie (Yakko Warner x Stevie Skunkton) Wakkaisy (Wakko Warner x Daisy Bell) Dotilly (Dot Warner x Silly Simmons) Tayanca (Taylor x Bianca) Panchito x Rosa María
Requests are CLOSED!
I'm hoping to become a nonfandom author in the future, and I do welcome constructive criticism! Please be nice though. All fics that are posted here will also contain an AO3 link if you would prefer to read it there. See you around!
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Beached Burps (Sousuke Yamazaki x female!reader)
FAIR WARNING THIS IS A KINKFIC SO ONLY 18+ PLEASE🙏 Hey loves! So this was a request I received last week by an anonymous person and it is a Sousuke Yamazaki burp/stuffing fic. This is the first burp fic I’ve posted, but I am willing to take more requests for it. I apologize for the wait Anon and I hope you enjoy!🖤
It was a warm summer evening and you and Sousuke had spent the whole afternoon together. All day you two had lounged around in the sun, held swimming races in the sea (Ofc your boyfriend Sousuke won, but he’d always allow you to piggyback on the swim back to the shore), and generally had time to relax and de-stress about college and what would come next. The section of the beach you two stayed on was more secluded and at the base of a small hill that was on the outskirt of your backyard, so you both had complete privacy as well! (We won’t discuss details about certain past events between the two of you..) To sun it all up the day was perfect! You got spend all day with your loving boyfriend, and to top it all off Sousuke had brought along a picnic dinner for the two of you to share after a long and exciting day. 
The sun was sinking into the horizon as the two of you finally sat down on your towel in the sand, it was finally time to eat! You sat cross legged across from Sousuke who did the same. “I’m starving!” You said, diving right into the basket trying to get our all the food so you could eat as soon as possible. “Easy there tiger..” Sousuke teased, letting out a small chuckle. You blushed and withdrew your hands from the basket, a little embarrassed by your ravenous appetite. “I’m just teasing Y/n, I know better then to interfere with you and your snacks. Plus lm so hungry I could eat out a whole damn restaurant.” Sousuke said, looking down at his own empty stomach.
Sousuke hated to admit it, but he was starting to gain some weight. It wasn’t a lot and he still had his abs, however it felt different. He always had a huge appetite but normally all the exercise would drop the weight. He had noticed that since he got with you he wasn’t working out as much. It wasn’t anything against you, he actually enjoyed spending time with you way more then working out at the gym by himself. But during those times, you guys would both lay around and snack while you watched movies, and Sousuke found himself pigging out more at home as well. If he was hungry he’d get a snack, but then that snack wasn’t enough so he told himself something else to eat wouldn’t hurt, and then of course he needed to wash it all down so he’d end up chugging down a whole Gatorade within 5 minutes. This left him bloated and fighting back burps, trying to stifle them with his fist. What scared him the most was that he kind of enjoyed the feeling of being so stuffed and bloated the only way to feel better would be to be belch. He liked the feeling.. he craved that feeling. 
When Sousuke was around you though, he always tried to mind his manners. He kept his burps to himself or at the max stifled into his fist while muttering out a quiet “Excuse me..” You never really seemed to notice as you were always focused on other things (having the attention span of a squirrel). He was hoping you wouldn’t notice his slight weight gain, or maybe he was hoping you would..? He didn’t really know how to feel about it. On one hand he wanted to explain to you the pleasure he felt from overindulging, on the other hand he was scared you’d find it strange or gross and leave him. So he tried to ignore it and keep it to himself as much as possible.
Sousuke was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice he was chugging a Sprite until he stopped for a breather. He was drawn out of his train of thought with a giant “bUrRrRpPpP…!“ To his shock the sound came out of HIS mouth. He felt his flush a Scarlett red as his fist immediately flew to his lips. You on the other hand froze, your mouth wide open mid-bite of your sandwich. You couldn’t help but bust out in giggles at Sousuke’s flushed face. The poor guy looked like he wanted to die! “You good?” You asked between giggles, setting your sandwich down. Sousuke nodded, letting out a smaller more breathy belch. Sousuke looked down, noticing his belly was slightly distended. He wasn’t sure what to be more embarrassed about, the giant burp or his belly. Part of him wanted to keep drinking to feel his belly all taught and right, but the other part of him remembered you were there and he didn’t know if he was ready to show you that side of him yet. What if you thought he was a disgusting slob? 
Feeling a lot more air bubbles trapped in his chest, Sousuke anxiously shifted around. “Um I’m going to go take a quick walk real quick..” He mumbled, getting to his feet and stifling another burp. “Okay.. Are you sure you’re okay..? You don’t look to good..” You said gently, getting ready to go with him. “No babe you can stay here, I’ll be back in a minute..” Sousuke said, suppressing a hiccup. “Okay..” You said wearily, hoping he was okay.
Sousuke made his way down the sandy beach, letting out a small burps with each step. He didn’t like having to leave you on the date he planned, but he was just too embarrassed to let out all these gas bubbles in front of you. Slightly out of breath from just simply walking, Sousuke saw a log of driftwood and took a seat upon it. He looked down at his bloated belly. He could feel his swim shorts digging into the stomach so he pulled down the waist band, letting his belly hang free. Long gone was his chiseled and and visible v line. It had all simply turned to beginner belly chub. He grasped his gut observing his new chub which hit a gas pocket and out came a loud “BuuuuUUUrrRRRppPP!”  He couldn’t lie, that burp felt damn good and released a lot of pressure in his chest. 
Little did Sousuke know, you had followed him just to make sure he was okay. After all, he was acting kind of strange and seemed to almost be in pain. You watched as he took a seat on the driftwood log, grasping his tummy and letting out large burps. This was definitely new behavior for him… I mean sure Sousuke could be your typical immature male, but this just seemed different. The way he’d grope his gut and throw back his head while letting out low burps, almost seemed to be done all through the act of pleasure. After watching his actions for a moment you decided to step in. “You okay..?” You asked quietly, making your way beside him on the log. Sousuke froze. His face turning a beet red. Did his girlfriend really just watch him grope his gut like a fatass pig..? He couldn’t even form an excuse or an apology he was at such a loss for words. “Sousuke..?“ You teased gently, waving your hand in front of his face. Knowing he had to say something Sousuke responded “…Yeah.. My stomach is just bothering me..” He mumbled, looking away from you. “Yeah you look a little bloated!” You teased, an innocent smile on your face as you poked Sousuke’s extended belly. “Nghh..” He groaned, grasping your hand and gently moving it away as he stifled a belch. Your face then become more serious. “Bubs.. you don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s okay to not feel good or to be bloated and gassy, that’s a normal thing.. You don’t have to hide it from me, you honestly scared me the way you left looking kinda sick..” You comforted softly, rubbing your hand up and down his arm. “It’s not just that..” Sousuke muttered looking down at his pudgy tummy. “I’ve gained weight..” 
“So? Everyone gains weight-“ You start, only to be interrupted by Sousuke saying “..and I think I like it..” Thats when it all clicked into place. The burping, the extra chub, the larger appetite. It all made sense now. You had suspected something like this at first but then eventually pushed that thought aside. “Y/n/n.. I’m sorry.” Sousuke said, embarrassed of himself. Embarrassed he lied, embarrassed he’s more attracted to himself when fatter, and embarrassed that you probably thought he was disgusting.. “Sousuke..” You said softly, grabbing his chin so he’d look you in the eye. “There’s no reason to be sorry. It’s okay to be attracted to these things or to find pleasure in them.. Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable or attractive is anything I’ll support. You don’t have to hide this.” You said, giving him a small smile as you took his hand. Sousuke looked shocked, his eyebrows raised. “You’re not grossed out?” He asked, clearly confused. “Not really. It’s a normal thing and I’d be okay…with helping you..” You mumbled the last part, now you were too embarrassed. “What do you mean by that..?“ Sousuke teased, a sly grin on his face. “..You know I could like buy more food or bake new things for you to try..? Or rub your belly..” You said, your own face flushing now. “Seriously babe, you don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable with the idea.” Sousuke said, his teasing demeanor long gone. “No I want to.” You said, looking him in the eye and giving him a lopsided grin. Clearly your fiery attitude was back. Sousuke grinned, ruffing your hair. After a moment of sitting there together enjoying the ocean view, you ask “So… wanna go eat?” A grin on your face. “I always am.” Sousuke teased, lifting you up in his arms and carrying you back to the picnic blanket where you both enjoyed a small feast.  
Now full from the feast, Sousuke leaned back his full gut extended over his swim trunk waist line. You sat beside him, quite full yourself. You wanted to give Sousuke some relief and help him get the burps out but you weren’t sure how to initiate the idea yet. “Umm Sousuke..?”You asked, looking at his stomach. “C’mere.” Sensing what you wanted Sousuke lifted you up onto his lap so you were straddling him. You blushed and smiled at the feeling of his hands on your hips. “So I just like rub it and apply pressure?” You asked, wanting to make sure you did it okay. “Yup.” Sousuke replied, leaning back all comfy. You slowly put your hands against his belly, it felt tight and bulging under your finger tips. You gently kneaded your hands into his stomach. You could hear him biting back small moans. “You sure you haven’t done this before?” Sousuke teased, groaning a bit as you hit a pressure point.  Understanding that if this area gave him some uncomfortable pain that there was probably a trapped air bubble there, you pressed down deeper into his chubby stomach. Sousuke let out a big “BuuuuUUUrrRRRppPP!” His head thrown back in pleasure and his own hand patting his belly. He couldn’t help but let a loud moan escape after all that tension being released. Not only that but here he was with his girl getting straddled and belly rubs which also got his girlfriend slightly turned on as well. Y/n responded to his moan by adjusting her hips, clearly feeling attraction and excitement of her own. Let’s just say this adventure was a 2 way street where both participants benefited…
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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