faedenbooks · 5 months
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The first moodboard I ever made for FaeWIP (actual title TBA). It's not the greatest but I'll post better ones later.
This book started as a novella that was all smut no plot... and now it's tripled in length and I think about the plot all day. I should have expected that tbh-- books have a mind of their own... especially when they're about the fae.
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artcoffeecats · 11 months
ARC form open for Deny Me, The Nightshade Boy
Hi all! I'm publishing this form to start collecting ARC readers for Deny Me, The Nightshade Boy. It's a contemporary M/M romantasy between a half-Fae lord and a haunted human. ARCs won't be sent out for another few weeks and would be due for review by release day of September 8.
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
do you guys have any selfpub recs? i'm trying to support more indie authors but i have no idea where to start!!!!! preferably f/f and punchy and crunchy!
Sure! (I truly do not know what "punchy and crunchy" means, but f/f I can do.) Chelsea M. Cameron self-pubs a ton of f/f YA - the 8th book in her Castleton Hearts series comes next week. Rebekah Weatherspoon's Treasure and Shira Glassman's Knit One, Girl Two are personal favorite novella-length f/fs. In YA, Siera Maley is my fave prolific self-pub f/f author, and I'll also shout A&B by JC Lillis, which is YA/NA border. (Lillis's How to Repair a Mechanical Heart is m/m, but I have to mention it also because it's my fave self-pub YA of all time.) Chelsea M. Cameron has Style in YA, and Kelly Quindlen's debut, Her Name in the Sky, is self-pub as well.
Fiona Zedde's another one who does adult - try Femme Like Her and Stud Like Her. A bunch of authors recently started trad-pubbing who used to self-pub, so you can check out older titles by Rachel Lacey, Chencia Higgins, and I have shouted many times about my love for Casting Lacey by Elle Spencer, though a queer pub bought it. Also, I will shout out myself, because I have an f/f NA novel called Out on Good Behavior, and I'll also mention Lily Seabrooke, whose work I haven't read yet but which is very much on my radar because I love foodie romances and she has a whole series of them: https://www.goodreads.com/series/327100-taste-of-port-andrea (Also, the first book has a bi trans girl MC, which is a serious needle in a haystack in Sapphic romance.) Oh, and for older (as in age-wise) romances, you'll prob never find those in trad pub f/f romance but Courtney Milan has Mrs. Martin's Incomparable Adventure and Ceillie Simkiss has Second Wind (and also a bunch of other self-pub f/fs.)
You can also find indies in groups, so if SFF is more your thing, for example, the Kraken Collective is a great place to find a whole bunch! https://www.krakencollectivebooks.com/
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cmoroneybooks · 11 months
Amazon KDP will now allow authors list their book under 3 catergories!
It used to be that Amazon would let authors select 2 catergories themselves and that authors could email Amazon requesting to be added to further catergories but in May 2023 they limited it to a maximum of 2 catergories removing the ability to ask to be added to more. They have now increased the maximum to 3 and authors can select these themselves.
Its all in their quarterly KDP newsletter if anyone wants to read it!
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Review - Mayatte's Catharsis
Review of Mayatte's Catharsis by Jack E. Mohr
Hello and welcome back to Infinite Pages! I hope you are having a great day. I have been having a decent month – quite a few migraines but March has already started strong with getting organized and making a plan to stay on track. Tell me in the comments – What are some ways you stay organized and stay on track with work or reading or whatever it is you do? The book I bring you today is a…
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igotopinions · 2 years
Oliver talks with the authors behind all six original Sword & Sorcery short stories featured in New Edge Sword & Sorcery magazine in a round-robin of mini-interviews! Did....did we mention he's the editor of a brand new magazine, who's first issue just came out? Get the magazine... FREE ePub/PDF on Payhip Softcover ($4usd) & Hardcover ($12usd) on Amazon.com (but also available through most other domains) Super-low intensity mailing list to find out when there are new issues or crowdfunding for new issues.
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BUY OLIVER’S BOOKS: https://www.oliverbrackenbury.com/store SO I’M WRITING A NOVEL… TWITTER: https://twitter.com/so_writing OLIVER’S TWITTER: https://twitter.com/obrackenbury Oliver’s Link Tree (For everything else): https://linktr.ee/obrackenbury
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mel-is-a-melon · 12 days
I had a nightmare when I was a kid about a elongated, scary-as-fuck being who followed me through a series of dreams, constantly getting closer and closer until she caught me and whisked me away to a medical chamber where she surgically altered me until I looked exactly like her and disappeared, leaving me to assume her position haunting my past self.
In other words, this week's episode of Doctor Who hit just a LITTLE too close to home. 10/10, will never watch again.
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wiltkingart · 7 months
I just wanted to thank you for your book arts and rec list that made me find so many incredible m/m books! (İ have a huge folder of them now, hyped to read) honestly i mistakenly thought almost all m/m books were teen lit or y.a slice of life/light scifi so im glad to find some adult recs !!(also ur art is amazing)
so happy that you like my book arts!! but so so sad to hear about the second part :( the current book market is absolutely saturated with YA but i promise there are still queer adult books (not even in a smutty way) that are out there waiting for you all to read! i recently made this new list for my favorite queer books published pre-2010 if you want to take a look at that too. though i will say i tend to be drawn toward stories with difficult themes, so look up cws if you need them and make your own choices.
older (and obscure) books can also be much harder to find, but i'm always happy to answer questions to help narrow down anyone's options/search efforts. happy reading!!
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pfhwrittes · 28 days
another part of my silly little werewolf au (that i will work on properly at some point) for you all.
TW: alcohol mention, minor self injury (reader chews on their paws), accidental voyeurism, fantasies of violence. 
author's note: let me know if i've missed any trigger warnings please!
they’re still here, the strangers that have made themselves comfortable in your territory. there are traces of them everywhere. the scent of an unfamiliar cologne and metal lingering in the air of the corner shop, an echo of the mohawked man’s laugh from the pub garden reaching your ears as you collect sticky abandoned glasses from what was formerly ed’s booth, the weight of four pairs of eyes on you as you pull pints or pour glasses of wine for the locals. 
you know why they’re here. even if they don’t know that you know. 
it makes your gums itch.
for the first time in a long time you stay home the night of the full moon, curled up tight in a ball on your bed, your nose tucked under your tail. you long to lope through the fields at the edge of the village, to snap at rabbits with their stuttering fearful heartbeats, to howl long and lonesome at the moon - calling for your family, your pack. 
your ears twitch irritably and you move to lick and gnaw at your front paw. the human side of your brain sighs knowing full well that come dawn you’ll be patching up raw knuckles and the tender broken skin of your wrist. it could be worse, you could shred your pillow. again. feathers are a bitch to get out from between your teeth. 
the sound of two voices drift through the thin pane of glass of your bedroom window and your lip curls around a low rumbling growl. interlopers. their voices are low, indistinct as they snoop through the neighbour’s front garden. the growl in your chest kicks up as you catch a snatch of their conversation. 
“for fucks sake, johnny. quit whinin’ and get on wiv it.” around the broad flat vowels of his accent you detect a fond sort of irritation that speaks of years of familiarity and affection.
“you’ve gotta be kiddin’ me on!” the other voice is exasperated but no less fond as its counterpart. “i’m no’ doin’ that here -” 
whatever he’s not doing becomes abundantly clear as you hear the sounds of a wet gasp and a long groan.
you snarl and bury your teeth into the softness of your pillow, letting yourself imagine that you’re sinking your fangs into an exposed abdomen as you ignore the wet slick sounds just beyond your window.
and they have the fucking nerve to call your kind animals.
-- tagging @kaadaaan
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renstrapp · 7 months
I have 102 more pages to ink, and 15 days to do it in (12, realistically, considering the holiday). It takes me 2 full days to ink a chapter (roughly 20 pages). So it'll take me around 11 days to finish inking my book.
I can do it, I can hit the deadline.
I'm doing very, very little besides inking my book this month. Sorry for the lack of fun updates lol I'm having a Bella Swan November.
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nicosraf · 5 months
Silly question maybe but self publishing stuff confuses me. I was just wondering what you did for the barcodes on your book. Is it one you paid for or did you just go with the one Amazon gives you? Sorry if this was random! I just see you as self-pub goals so I was wondering.
So when you're setting up to self-publish, youre going to need an ISBN. If you're in the US, you need to buy these (from Bowker.com typically), or you can get a free one from your publishing platform — Amazon KDP, Draft2Digital, Ingram, or any of the others.
(The only issue with the free ISBNS that you get Locked to this printer, so if you get an Amazon ISBN, then you can only sell your book through Amazon or through Amazon's "expanded distribution") (I do not recommend Amazon's expanded distribution, really).
When you set up the cover and input the ISBN, the platform will generate the barcode and attach it.
For ex., here's me inputting the ISBN for (the old) Angels Before Man and then uploading the cover. Because I didn't check the box, it generated and added the bar code for me.
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Something you should take into account when you get/make a cover is actually that the barcode is going to be slapped on and could potentially cover some lettering.
Before anything, you should generate a template for the cover using the cover generator that the platform you're using provides. If you're working with an artist, I really recommend sending this file to them, as well. This is how it looks:
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I hope this is helpful! But yes, do not buy bar codes. Your ISBN, whether its free or not, will generate the bar for you. Good luck!!!!
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
I hate solitude but I am afraid of intimacy. The substance of my life is a private conversation with myself and to turn it into a dialogue would be equivalent to self-destruction. The company I need is the company which a pub or café will provide. I have never wanted a communion of souls. It's already hard enough to tell the truth to oneself.
Iris Murdoch, from Under the Net
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call him cake cause he's got layers baby
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the-modern-typewriter · 10 months
Are you planning to publish any more books in the future? other than the God Key, already finished that :D
Yes :)
Though I don't have a complete first draft of either of the next ones yet. I have a lot of projects up in the air which means that it can be slow going on any one project.
Contenders for up next, depending on what I finish first, are:
Totally WIP/not really posted anywhere...
Moonlight Drowning - girl trying to rescue her sister from a fairy king (probs king, dithering on changing to a queen), appetite, desire, I'm thinking dark romance fantasy vibes.
Say Yes - my initial idea was a fluffy contemporary ace YA romance. But honestly, I'm not a fluffy person, and I might veer adult instead. We'll see what happens.
Then there is all the Patreon stuff. These are probably the closest to actual novels at this stage.
Adrian and Demarion - gay pirates, so help me god I want it done at this stage. It's been lingering on my to do list for far too long and it's driving my nuts!
For Kingdom, Come - dark fantasy gay royal romance??? Magnus and Leo. Idk. Good prince gets captured by evil prince. Shenanigans. Currently sitting at 48,000 words. Nearing the end. It's definitely in the last act now.
The Forbidden Section - weirdly fluffy/angst/ust romance about a Dark Lord (Eiran) and the scholar the dark-magic obsessed scholar (Akira) who he blackmailed into being his apprentice. It's primarily a romance with a sprinkle of magical school/chosen one plot. Currently sitting at 52,000 words. Over halfway through. Maybe beginning of third act?
The Birthday Gift - a novella about a villain's nonbinary sidekick (Absolute Zero/Zee) who gets giving the hero (Evolution/Jason) as a birthday gift. Story spins out from there. Currently sitting at 25,000 words. Nearing the end.
Cheating Death - human (Sebastian) walks in on his human lover (Kristian) cheating on with a vampire (Ansel). He finds out that he's secretly been their mission to protect all along, because he has magical blood that can cure vampirism. Plot shenanigans and polyamory to follow. Currently sitting at 37,000 words.
And that's not getting into the WIPs that are currently sitting on my abandoned/needs serious re-work pile.
Double Exposure - f/f serial killer thriller. The first few drafts are finished, but I'm not 100% happy with it. Needs a lot of work still.
The Forever Girl - a middle grade novel about a girl (Maeve) who becomes best friends with Time after her dad dies. I think I need to spend more time with children if I'm ever going to finish that one. It's outlined and the first draft is 75% written haha.
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amuhav · 5 months
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     Agreeing to get there in fifteen minutes was stupid! Their apartment was on the far side of town! Agreeing at all was stupid, anyway. Her siblings would kill her if they knew she was meeting a guy, practically a stranger, in the middle of the night, like, what was she even thinking—      She saw Lukas ahead, and all that thinking just went away. He smiled warmly as Mist got close, and now she just felt stupid for making him worry.       “I’m so sorry, you really didn’t have to do this. I’m fine, really,” she rambled, and he laughed.      “You didn’t ask, I offered, dummy.”      “Well, yeah, but...” She trailed off, fidgetting with the hem of her shorts.      “You been on the beach yet?” He nudged her shoulder, and she glanced up with a smile, then shook her head. He flicked his head in that direction, and after a brief hesitation, she followed him onto the sand. “Me neither.”       She narrowed her eyes at him. “No? Not even for fresher’s week?”      He laughed. “Naaaah.”      “Really? That surprises me.”      “Because I look like a beach party guy?” he asked, brow raised in amusement.      Mist flushed. “Kinda,” she mumbled.      “It’s the tan and the blonde hair, right?”      Don’t answer that. Still, he chuckled at her noticeable silence.       “You’re half right,” Lukas admitted. “Love the beach, hate the people on it. Drunk people even more so.”      “Alcohol and unpredictable water does sound like a terrible combination,” Mist reasoned. “Especially at night. A recipe for disaster, really.”      “Exactly. And I wouldn’t be able to stop myself telling people to cool it, ya know? I’d just ruin their fun, so I stay away.”
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sojutrait · 10 months
just reread the series and this comes on my recommended… we are in a panopticon
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