#student radio
angelamariaxo · 1 month
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For anyone who has Apple:
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qupritsuvwix · 2 months
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arielkroon · 1 year
Last year I had the privilege of deep-diving into campus radio with some colleagues wearing my academic research assistant hat. What we found was PRETTY NEAT.
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friday-answers · 2 months
they are gonna hate me for this but...
OSEMANVERSE MOOTS ‼️‼️ may i have your attention!!!!????
my lovely friend is a film student who created their final project inspired by radio silence, creating a film version of a universe city excerpt (well, multiple excerpts cut up into one) with some of their own words.
i think it is AMAZING with this awesome fucking TWIST at the end which is just so so cool
if you would be kind enough to check it out, it's here! on youtube ^_^
thank you :,] hope you enjoy it as much as i do
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hotvampireadjacent · 1 month
fucking pigs. ACAB
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timeladix · 4 months
My autistic ass making a coffee at 5pm 2 days before an exam, mentally preparing to pull a half nighter in the hopes of acquring *some* knowledge they couldn't any sooner bc they only work well under pressure, with anxiety's claws at their throat:
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Me the night before said exam:
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loserharrington · 2 years
Hm… Radio host Eddie
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and College student Steve who can’t seem to study without listening to his favorite station
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“For those just tuning in, you’re listening to station 6. I’m your host Eddie Munson, and I’ll be taking you on a late night ride. But first… this Changes by Black Sabbath. Enjoy.”
Steve had never favored the silence. It made him far too anxious to focus, and more often than not it caused the words of his small print textbooks to bleed together. He needed background noise. Something to fill the empty space of his dorm room.
Steve had never favored the silence. It made him far too anxious to focus, and more often than not it caused the words of his small print textbooks to bleed together. He needed background noise. Something to fill the empty space of his dorm room.
Steve came across the station purely by accident. It wasn’t even the sort of music he would ever listen to. Not really. It was a late night and Steve had a horrible sense of wrongness weighing him down. He was alone, and something in his brain wouldn’t tick quite right. He missed Indiana. He missed that hellhole, Hawkins. He missed Robin and Dustin and even his big empty house— And he missed Nancy, who he had to part ways with because their ideas for the future were far too different, far too opposing, and Steve knew it wouldn’t last. It wouldn’t last, so he ripped off the band-aid before it got too stuck there.
So, he decided to drown himself in his books, but not before searching for something, anything, to fill the silence. The hole in his chest that felt so wrong. But none of the channels seemed good enough, most of them reminding him far too much of home. He flicked through the stations one by one, searching.
He only paused when until he heard the host's voice. His voice that had a sultry tone, sharp pronounced words, and passion as if he was born for storytelling, for speaking, and pulling you in. And when some Rock ballad Steve didn’t recognize played, he didn’t change the channel. He pulled out his books and listened all the way through.
The first song was good enough. The words spoke to him. peered right into his soul, his current situation, and splayed it all out for him to hear on a random Thursday afternoon. Steve considered for a moment that the music could be for him. To send him a message, the message he had been searching for. It was odd how that worked. A pure accident that had led to something so good.
So he kept listening and it became a habit. Every day he’d tune in, listen to the host, Eddie, say the same line over again, and play some song that somehow, someway, spoke to Steve in a way that was almost eerie how accurate it was to how he felt at that moment.
Sometimes Eddie gave out a number for the listeners to call. Steve listened and waited, but nobody ever called. He wrote the number down in the margins of his book, saving it for later.
Station 6 seemed to be a Rock station, but Eddie rarely played anything too upbeat. They were all slow ballads, love songs, and aching tunes that gave Steve goosebumps. Perhaps it was because Station 6 only seemed to play late at night, or perhaps Eddie favored these sorts of songs regardless if the moon was there to hear them. Steve wondered more and more about the host as time went on, clinging to every short word he spoke between songs. He told stories of how he felt the first time he heard the songs, the small memories they evoked, and more little things that had Steve smiling to himself.
“For those just tuning in, you’re listening to station 6. I’m your host Eddie Munson, and I’ll be taking you on a late night ride. But first… this is Wasting Love by Iron Maiden. Enjoy.”
On a particularly lonely night, Steve decided to call. It only rang once before the line clicked and Steve’s heart leaped out of his chest.
“You called!” Eddie shouted enthusiastically. “Finally!”
“Oh, uh. Were you expecting me?” Steve squeezed his eyes shut the moment the words fell from his mouth. Of course, he wasn’t, he scolded himself. Eddie was just excited because Steve was his first caller in weeks… maybe ever. He was just waiting for someone—
“You’re my only listener,” Eddie said softly.
Eddie laughed and Steve hated the way it made his skin prickle. Almost loved it, too. “Yeah, oh. I was starting to think you were a ghost, man.”
“Well, I’ve called,” Steve said, twirling his pen between his fingers. He almost felt silly, talking to this stranger as if they were old friends waiting to hear from each other. He almost felt as if they were, as if they had known each other for months. Years. Eddie Munson didn't feel like a stranger. “Now what?”
“Well what’s your name, Ghost Man?”
“Steve,” he said simply. "Steve Harrington."
“Well, Steve. This song is for you.”
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scryillo · 28 days
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and also the concept page for my vash podcaster au :)
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thethingost · 9 months
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loud battle of the apocalypse
thanks @foxfireartz for the idea :)
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luca-is-a-pengu · 1 month
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i wanted to add my 5 cents to the lilo and stitch au
inspired by @cicadaart
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radioalix · 1 year
It's been a while ...
So I really haven't posted well...anything for a hot minute but I decided to make an update of some sorts.
I've officially completed half of my course and I couldn't be loving it anymore than I already am. I feel like I've finally found a passion that I want to share with everyone, this year is going to be big for me and it's only beginning.
So what's next?
College of course! it is my main priority but I'm planing to post more updates along with some of my coursework.
I'm also officially starting my podcast this year, it's going to mainly a focus on vido game media/critiques but I'm also considering having a second project that will focus on Film and TV who knows. My goal is to have released my first episode before April and I will of course be posing updates on that as the time gets closer.
That's all for now hopefully you'll hear from me soon
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aeolianblues · 1 month
Also, from one campus radio station volunteer to all the other ones, exceptionally braver than me, putting themselves on the frontlines, broadcasting straight from the protests, getting themselves barricaded into their broadcasting booths overnight and continuing to be the only people bringing you live and on-the-ground coverage of the protests, I love you all.
CKUT, having covered the die-ins, coming live from the protests grounds at McGill, you have all my strength and love.
CJLO, for righting the disappointment we all felt in Concordia after earlier this year, thank you for your coverage of the Concordia protests, and supporting CKUT's coverage in Montreal.
WKCR, bravest of them all, putting themselves on the frontlines and bringing extraordinary coverage from Columbia. You are true journalists.
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They're the future of journalism.
(A note about why some of these posts are coming from '[station]music' accounts: Meta, in retaliation to a demand from the Canadian govt to pay royalties for using news on their site (Bill C-18), decided to ban all news for Canadian accounts on IG and FB altogether. Of course, this did not touch commercial radio stations that simply play the same 5 songs over and over their breakfast shows, but every single campus radio station is now blocked in Canada, completely killing their reach especially to a younger, student audience. Many have made new accounts to continue posting about the non-news shows on air. There's never been a more important time to directly go to their websites for updates, and hell why not, throw them some donations if you can. They're the ones doing the good work in this time of need!)
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Hello, you're doing amazing webweaves! Can I request a webweave about "I'll have you as you are", "we're sticking together", "you and me, against the world" type of love? When there's no obsession or some big words, you just have each other and that's enough. Hope you'll understand what I mean :"3
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Keaton St. James Rural Boys Watch the Apocalypse / Trista Mateer Honeybee / poem: Wendy Cope The Orange art: @555w4 / Keaton St. James HISTORY STUDENT FALLS IN LOVE WITH ASTRO PHYSICS STUDENT / Jacques Prevert Alicante / article by Lizzie Cernik / pinterest / Alice Oseman Radio Silence
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shy-forceghost · 1 year
I recommended Radio Silence to one of my best friends a few days ago and she asked "oh, and is it good?"
I answered: "It was the pivotal point for my career crisis to start showing"
She said: "Oh. That good."
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sassypantsjaxon · 11 months
Sometimes I think about how canon really doesn't indicate that Mic is a very popular hero/radio host/teacher and I get sad
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one of my tracks got played on the radio for the first time <3
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