#then they start using insults that are kinda rude to a group of people
ohara-n-brown · 4 months
Some of y'all be like 'eat the rich' then turn around and be classist when you don't like someone.
Same way y'all hate bodyshaming and fatphobia until you personally need to insult someone.
Same way y'all hate ageism then running to someone's bio to check their age.
Same way y'all hate aphobia but uh-oh someone is a little bit irritating then they need to get laid. Suddenly being a sexless virgin is bad. They've got no bitches and that's bad.
Love to talk about the benefits and beauties of online communities and how important they are until someone annoys you then it's go touch grass
Love to talk about mental health until you got beef now they're a 'narcissist' and 'delusional' and they need to 'get help' and don't get me STARTED on how people love using the word bipolar
Cant believe in saying this but y'all need to learn how to insult people better
cause mfer WE CAN HEAR YOU. You're not serving what you think you're serving
Always want to talk about how someone 'probably looks like' or what they 'should be doing' or whether they're 'unstable' or not.
Quit being ridiculous. Quit being a hypocrite and calling it cunty. Knock it off!! Learn how to read someone correctly or go home!!!
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zairene · 11 months
nobody else, katsuki bakugou x black fem reader
synopsis: after his constant thoughts surrounding his personality, bakugou begins to question why you would even choose to be with him.
warnings: bakugou actually shows some other emotion other than anger + vulnerability + cursing bc it’s bakugou, come on now.
wc: 958
a/n: this is my first EVER like comfort-ish kinda fic? if this is like corny or shitty writing i’m sorry i’ve NEVER wrote something like this before.. but the idea was cool so i just went with it.
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IT WAS NO SECRET THAT BAKUGOU HAD THE TENDENCY to be a huge asshole. it was well known at this point, and everyone had seemed to get used to it. it wasn’t the talk of the class anymore, everyone grew less scared of him and more viewed him as the, hard on the outside but soft on the inside kind of guy.
knowing this, you still decided to test your changes with the hothead. looking for every opportunity to get close to him. whether it would be group projects, making both of your friend groups come close together during lunch, or even just being able to bring his things to him. just any reason to have some form of communication. and you knew bakugou was no dummy, so he treated you like the rest of him.
“fuck off.” was his usual response to you every time you came up to him. at first you probably would’ve been hurt by it, now you just find it endearing. you teased him quite often until his words toward you became normal? he used less curse words, his voice would be softer than usual, and he was nice. well as nice as bakugou can get, at least.
noticing this change, you took the opportunity to ask him out on a date.you expected his answer to be quite defensive and rude. along the words of, “no, why the fuck would i do that with you?”
yet, his real answer was, “sure, whatever.”
and after a few dates, you both had made things official. neither of you had told anyone but mineta had seen the both of you kiss outside of your dorm room before you had gone in one night and he decided to run his mouth to the rest of the class. and when things came out, you both didn’t deny it because there was no point. the news would’ve spread either way somehow because bakugou’s personality drastically changed after he asked you to be his girlfriend.
he never stopped insulting people or cussing them out, but he did it way less than he normally did. he was always more quiet than usual, staring in your direction all the time. watching you laugh with your friends and have fun. it gave him some comfort on the inside. denki kaminari swore he saw a smile creep up on bakugou’s lips one time while he looked at you.
although, behind bakugou’s face, was a mind that was overflowing with insecurities. sure, he was confident in every other aspect about himself. but his personality and how he treated others before you and even you, ate him up inside. he didn’t like that person and started to think that maybe the little shitheads had a point.
he couldn’t help but overhear jirou and ochako’s conversation about him.
“i’m shocked y/n would even wanna date a person like bakugou.” jirou said, while twirling a strand of her hair.
“maybe he’s just a different person around y/n. you shouldn’t really judge something that you don’t know anything about.” ochako came quick to his defense.
“yeah yeah, i know. but he was just an asshole who treated everyone like they were inferior to him. like he was a king or whatever. i just don’t get what she saw in him.” she continued writing down on her paper, oblivious that bakugou had heard everything she just said.
he didn’t get what you saw in him.
“why did you choose me?”
you and bakugou were currently in his dorm, it was day time and you both were just hanging out since it was the weekend. plus, hero training can take a lot out of a person so it was just natural that you both would look for comfort in each other afterwards.
you turned around, looking at him in confusion. he was looking to the side while he fiddled with his fingers. slightly embarrassed that he became so vulnerable around you.
“what do you mean?” you sat next to him.
“i just mean, like… how? how the hell did you like me? i was a dick to everyone, including you.” you sighed and thought for a second.
“because i saw you for who you were on the inside—”
“that’s fucking corny.” he deadpanned. you slapped him on softly on the leg.
“dude, let me finish.” you rolled your eyes. “anyways, i just knew that you weren’t just an asshole to be an asshole. sure, you were rude and i didn’t like it at first but i just got used to it. plus, i knew you started to like me too.” you smirked.
“oh really? how.” he found it hard to believe. he was a master of hiding his emotions.
“you see how you didn’t just flip out on me for saying that?” his eyes widened a little. “yeah, you like like me.” you laughed while you poked his chest.
“yeah yeah, whatever.”
“but seriously ‘suki, i liked you for you.” you scooted closer to him. “and trust me if i didn’t like you, i wouldn’t be here right now. i like your personality. i’m not saying continue to be rude to others, not saying you have, but i know why you do it. i understand. that’s why i ‘chose’ you.” you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him in for a hug, which he graciously returned. “and maybe you were just cute, i don’t know.”
“you don’t know?” he pulled back, slightly offended.
“i’m joking.” you pulled him close to you. “you are very cute.” you gave him a kiss on the lips. which made him look away, trying to hide the blush that grew on his face.
“better be.” he said, before pulling you into his arms to cuddle.
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TAGLIST :: @kisamekiss @kisminarii @planetlunaa
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sensei-venus · 11 months
New Gen Cobra Gang! Mean!Miguel & Mean!Hawk
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(Unedited) (Support The Writer🌺) (Bullying, Kyler and his group bullying Reader, Mean!Miguel & Mean!Hawk kinda Bully’s???, Smut, Double Penetration/Double Stuffing, Degradation, Slightly Rough Sex, Public/Car Sex, lot of “Whore” calling💀,) ( @gemini-sensei , @may-moskowitz , @miguelnation )
🌺✨ Reader is new and starts school around the same time that Miguel did. She's isn't too shy but she is a bit submissive. In her case being a bit more naturally submissive goes against her the first few weeks of school. People start to take notice about how she shys away or let's people walk over her more then others. Sadly it's the bad kids of the school who see this.
🌺✨ The bullies of the school are quick to target her out and use this against her. Taking advantage of her nice and submissive traits. But as the weeks go by they get tired of it. Pushing her around to get what they want was only entertainment for so long. After a while they wanted something different, something new. So they start bullying her out right. They push, shove, and even kick her. They use every insult they can, from her chubby body to her introverted nature.
🌺✨Everyone gets a peak at the constant bullying they put her under. They poke her, push her up against walls, and even on occasion slap her ass in the hallway. She yelps and shivers at their every move around her. She admits that they scare her. She sees what they do to some of the other kids at school as well. Sometimes she try’s to ignore it and thinks she at least gets treated slightly better then some of the other kids that the group bully’s on a daily basis.
🌺✨It’s weeks until the bully slowly starts to settle down. It never stops but most of the group that messes with her doesn’t come at her as frequently as they use to. It all started when her main bully, Kyler, ended up getting into a fight in the lunch room with some kid. Then it escalated and later that month Kyler came back with half his face smashed in covered in cuts and bruises. Reader felt a huge sigh of relief leave her. She believed that this would be a sign that Kyle would stop messing with her for a while as he sorted out his own bully situation.
🌺✨Reader was wrong because not even a week after Kyler came back to school all messed up, he was messing with her again. This time even worse then before. He was shoving her around more to the point she was having bruises pop up everywhere. Her bones ached when he pushed her into the hard metal lockers in the hall.
🌺✨Everything changed when she ended up paired with, Eli or better know as Hawk and his friend Miguel. Both of them kept to themselves but there was a vibe around both of them. Something telling Reader that they where bad, something in her said they where possible just as bad as Kyler. But she couldn’t put her finger on it. As she worked with them she started to see both of them for what they where, both of them where snarky and easily angered. Hawk was pretty good and manipulating situations to his liking. Miguel was a bit over the top and mouthy. Both of them where straight up mean. They didn’t target her like Kyler did but they did say rude and mean things to her. They where more handsy too and didn’t seem to get personal space. But Reader couldn’t deny she kinda likes it, she actually grew to like the attention and rough touches.
🌺✨On multiple occasions she saw both boys messing with other students around the school. Most of the kids they messed with here also assholes, some bully’s, some jerks, a few narcs. But that didn’t take away how cruel they could be. During lunch Miguel threw a tray of sloppy mash potatoes at a kid, drenching him in it. She walked down the hall once’s and heard Hawk talking to someone before a toilet flushed and someone started to watery scream. Another time she saw them both smirk while walking passed a graffiti covered locker with “bitch” written in red spray paint.
🌺✨Things really took a turn when one day while Reader was in the library, Kyler and his goons jumped her. She was trying to grab a book off a shelf when he came up behind her. He grabbed her and threw her to the ground. It was probably shock that made her not yell out. The next minute she is being dragged across the floor by her shirt. Kyler snickers and laughs with his friends. She thrashes around trying to get him to let go of her shirt but nothing works. She finally yelps when she is being half chocked by her own shirt as she hauled up to her feet. Moments later she’s being pushed back and slams into a trash can. Eyes wide as she falls straight into the open can. She’s stuck.
🌺✨ “What the fuck are you doing Kyler?!” “Teaching the fat pig a lesson that’s all. Why don’t you two fuck off.”
Hawks voice cuts in making her shiver. Her ears are full of static at this point. She doesn’t have time to collect herself because suddenly the trash can is being pushed over. She falls to the floor inside the can but is able to wiggle herself out. Tears start to fill her vision as she successfully gets out of the right space. She fails to get up, her legs and back to sore from being stuffed into the metal trap. Moments later age is being pulled up forcefully by her arm.
“We called dibs on her and you know it!”
“Technically I was messing with her first so she’s mine.”
“Fuck off Kyler!”
Miguel's voice was raised from a few feet away, Hawk was pulling her up. For a minute she thought they were just trying to be nice and help her out. She was dead wrong because the next minute Hawk was literally kicking her in the ass. Miguel was already swinging when Hawk was pushing and kicking her out of the library.
🌺✨Outside of the library Hawk pulls her down the hall near one of the bathrooms. Pushinh her up between the bathroom door and a locker. She was out a whimper as her back hits the hard wall behind her. Bottom lip trembles as she looks up at Hawk. She can't tell if she is going to get the same treatment that Miguel was giving Kyler back in the library.
“Next time Kyler and those little shit heads of his try touching you, you come to me or Miguel. I thought we made it clear to everyone that we are the only ones that get to fuck with you. Clearly the message wasn't clear enough.”
A moment later Hawk was kissing her, hard on the lips. She moaned as the blue haired boy kissed her. The kiss was messy and sloppy but made her head go fuzzy. Hawk liked her? Miguel liked her? This was news to her. She couldn't deny that she might have feelings for the two delinquents but she never thought they might have similar feelings for her.
They separated as they both needed air. Hawk was quick to go back in but this time going for her soft neck. Sucking fat hickeys into her skin, her eyes fluttered at the sensation.
“Hey you could have waited for me before getting started on marking our territory~” Miguel’s voice cuts through the air.
From that day on both boys were always on her ass. Be it messing with her or messing with her~
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Reader hisses as Miguel slaps her ass for the third time that day. The only difference was that this time they were locked away in Hawk’s car out in the school parking lot. Hawl was currently smirking as he helped to rip her panties off. She wants to yelp when the material is shredded when the boy completely rips it from her thighs and crotch. She doesn’t have the nerve to say anything once it’s thrown onto the car floor.
The article of clothing completely destroyed. 
Miguel just smirks from under her, his big hands moving to squeeze her fat ass cheeks and spread them wide open for Hawk.
“Fucking bitch, your already dripping for us like some whore. You wanted a booty call today didn't you? You wanted up to come dick you down during lunch huh? Don't act all shy about it.” Hawk's fingers rub through her slowly moistening folds. Her lower lips started to get wet from all the attention. Her hole starts to drool the more Hawk messes with her. Thick fingers starting to thrust into her and her legs shake.
She clenches around him as he slams his fingers right into her gspot over and over again. She moans and closes her eyes, unable to look down at Miguel. She knew he was looking right up at her, studying her face for every little movement. He chuckles which vibrates through her whole body.
He pulls harder on her ass saying in almost a whisper “You're not going to answer him? Awe I thought we were training you better than that. And you better open those eyes and look at me.” he jerks her up making her let out a high pitch yelp.
The next minute he licked up her neck and sucked at her collarbone.
Her eyes roll as she feels Hawk help to unzip Miguel’s jeans and pull his dick out from his boxers. He's already hard and twitching once Hawk helps to guide him though her fat wet folds. The tip hits her clit just right and makes her clench her thighs.
Seconds later his tip is pushing at her twitching entrance, popping into her tight channel. She moans out as he slides home. He bottoms put right against her cervix just right.
He's thrusting up into her with the help of Hawk who helps guide her over his thick cock.
Within a few minutes she's already dripping down his balls. Fat cunt pulsating, and clenching around him like a vice. Long thick drags out of her. She whines into his shoulder as he slaps her ass again, making her shake it for Hawk.
It's not long before the other boy is whipping out his fat cock and jerking it. He bites his lip as he shoves hid thumb into her tight hold, brushing against Miguel in the process.
“Fat bitch is already ready for another dick. You really where ready for us. Hope you like being double stuffed bitch.”
With the help of his thumb he lines himself up next to Miguel and pushes in slowly. They meet with a hard warm friction that has them both groaning out. Hawo bottoms out right next to Miguel, both of them sitting in the tight warmth of the chubby girl's pussy. Hawk takes her hips in his hand and squeezes her soft sides and rolls. He uses them for leverage as he starts moving her back against her. Her ass slapped against him.
Soon enough she was squealing out and rocking back and forth on the two guys. Their dicks buried inside her.
It was only a few minutes later that Hawk was pulling at the roots of her hair with one hand as both him and Miguel stuffed her cunt full of their load. She killed them for ever drop they had. It spilled out between their cocks and drooled down Miguel’s tight balls. Both of them jerking into her filled with pleasure as they dumped they heavy loads into her.
Ever so slowly they pulled out of her used raw hole. Cum spilling out in waves as her walls spasmed, now empty except for thick layer of milky white.
“Stupid bitch, bet you can’t wait until tonight.”
“We’re going to take you out after lessons at the dojo. Get you stuffed with some good food before we pound that sweet cunt again. Stuff you full with out fat nut all over again.”
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charalysis · 9 months
Darksiders: Fury
And finally onto our last Horseman, Fury.
Fury was long awaited by Fans when her game released, everyone eager to see the lone woman amongst the Four and who she was to be. Many speculated for a bit that maybe she'd ironically be the levelest one of the group (at least what I saw).
Fury, is in fact, consistently furious and snappy. She is aggressive, if not hostile. She's petulant and snotty. Often she is tactless and rude. She is self centered and holds herself in very high regard, thinking she's the strongest.
She wasn't chosen to kill the Sins because she was the best for it or just the only option to the Council. No, they sent her because she was most susceptible to them which we shall dive into here. We can actually go about this today in list format and discuss the ways in which Fury has been like, or is like, the Deadly Sins themselves.
Starting off with the easiest,
Pride: Fury holds herself in incredibly high regard at the start, believing she should lead the Horsemen. She genuinely thinks she has the raw power and authority to command her brothers, forgetting that the current leader, Death, is far older and far more powerful than her. Death is near indestructible, able to withstand War ramming Chaoseater through him. Meanwhile, the very leader Fury seeks to usurp specifically made an artifact, Nephalem's Respite, to heal her because she kept getting hurt so much. Fury also seems to believe the others would follow her lead, despite there being no evidence that they would. She shows her ass a lot on conversation with humans and Makers, thinking herself above them and insulting them.
Wrath: Fury is aptly named, being consistently enraged, snappy, and aggressive. While War is temperamental and can become utterly enraged, he is typically pretty level headed. Fury, however, loses her cool constantly. She screams at people, threatens them, and is always ready to attack. Its truly not a wonder that Wrath himself likes her, probably seeing a partner as angry as he.
Sloth: Despite her own claims, Fury is ultimately lazy, though its mostly in her quest for power and authority. Until her game, she's actually seemingly done very little to further her own ambition. She's also very easily lulled into nap time by Sloth because, yes, she is tired. But she's not addressing what's made her feel that way. Consistent, sustained anger, hurt and grief over Rampage, loneliness without her brothers, feelings of unworthiness as she kept not reaching her goal of leading... She is tired of it all, and she does just want to rest and let the world move on without her.
Avarice: Fury is greedy, but not for material items. She craves power and authority. She covets specifically the leadership role Death occupies and is eager to claim it, and hold it. She seeks a lot from others in general, upgrades, items of power and use, information... She's very demanding and seeks to almost hoard things for herself to make herself better. However, she is possibly least suspectable to the manifestation of greed, Avarice himself, because he primarily seeks material items.
Lust: Fury surprisingly seems to have the best understanding of what Lust as an entity and concept is. She explains to the Watcher that lust isn't just what humans interpret, that being a concept of seeking physical intimacy, but a more amorphous concept surrounding desire as an entirety. And as she covets power and the position of leader, so too does she long for it. She's almost desperate for it and she desires it so badly, she almost falls for Lust's illusion of her brothers telling her she's the new leader.
Gluttony: Fury is perhaps the least suspectable to Gluttony as a concept, being that the false food is obviously fake to her. She's not looking to gorge herself, or indulge in much of anything, expect maybe power, but she's not a "stuff my face" kinda gal. In fact, she broke Gluttony's illusion pretty quickly, recognizing it as such almost immediately.
Envy: Jealousy is one of Fury's greatest flaws. She is viciously jealous of the power and confidence her brothers have in themselves. She's jealous of Death's authority, of War's strength, and Strife's confident nature. She's trying to be what she isn't and can't be, which is why Envy is the final boss, why Envy is next to her the entire game. Her greatest flaw and struggle is with jealousy.
All these combined, I think its safe to say, Fury isn't actually all that confident in herself, at least not by the end. Truthfully, I don't think she was ever as confident as she painted herself. I think she masked her insecurity behind bravado and rage.
Let's look at her circumstances and who surrounds her.
One, she's the only woman left of the Nephilim. We don't know how women were treated by the men amongst the Nephilim, but I personally think they were treated the same, as a soldier. However, it is possible women were sought out to forcibly create another generation. We don't know for certain. Regardless, being the singular woman amongst her brothers probably isn't a great feeling.
Two, Wrath says that he and the other sins used to call her the dumb one. Now, Fury is as intelligent as her brothers, however she's much more emotionally charged than them, acting on impulse and rage, and she frequently ignores the finer details until its too late. That isn't to say the boys don't also have blind spots or emotional impulses, they clearly do. Death, for example, ditches all other Balance responsibilities to go erase War's alleged crimes because War someone he cares deeply about.
However Fury being specifically called "the dumb one" would be incredibly hurtful and a big blow to Fury's ego. She seems to believe she's the smartest and strongest of the Four, but to have a being she sees as lesser laugh at her and insult her like that would probably hit her exactly where she hurts most. Its possible she doesn't actually believe she's intelligent, or at least she's buried the idea so far it doesn't crop up until its dredged up again by the events of 3.
Three, she's constantly belittling others. Calling Strife "the delicate one", insulting how Death smells, insulting humans and Ulthane to their faces, treating Vulgrim like crap (not that he's unused to that from the Four, which really, they need to fix lol), and she belittles Usiel for acting to protect his angels. She's frequently using these to draw reaction, or to go " but I'm not like that".
Truthfully, I don't think its until her fight with Lust that she starts to examine herself and her situation. And I think the illusion of her brothers shook her a bit.
For her, leadership is a big goal, but something about the illusion reveals a bit more about her.
For context, in this illusion, Lust is suddenly shot by Strife. The three men approach their sister and explain that they were sent to aid her, but with her as newly appointed leader, so sayeth the Council. What breaks this illusion for her? Her brothers kneeling before her.
Her reaction to this is visceral. Pure rage. Which anger would be understandable at being tricked, but she is righteously pissed about the kneeling. The anger around this is peculiar because until that point, Fury has expressed no care for them, but it seems she cares a lot for her brothers and how they are represented.
Now, I know many will likely argue that her anger is just over being tricked and she's telling Lust off with, "You shouldn't have made them kneel", as if its passive aggressive criticism of his illusion. I would like to argue though, that when Fury has seen through illusions other times (Gluttony's for example), she's smug and will make a comment like that with a lot of smugness. This was pure anger.
This anger tells me that she hasn't truly seen her brothers as subservient and that she actually respects them more than she lets on, and she loathes their depiction as submissive to her will. I also believe this shows she doesn't necessarily want to lead. She just wants to prove herself as better than what others have believed her to be in the past.
(Plus, her Brothers kneeling being the sign it was an illusion is probably linked to the fact that she, War, and Strife probably dont kneel to Death. While Death's the leader, its honestly probably more for group missions or ceremony's sake to them.)
Onto the symbolism in her design! Once more, we may be diving a bit into Biblical symbolism as we did with War.
Firstly, the covers on her ears.
These could very well be linked to a practical desire to protect her ears from the elements, especially when using magic, which ties itself into her hair seamlessly. Symbolically, it shows an unwillingness to listen to others; opinions or reason from others don't go into her ears because she's unwilling to hear anything but what she wants to.
The eye over heart is another interesting design choice. Biblically speaking, we may look to Matthew 20:1-15. In short, "Matthew 20:1-15 is a parable in which a typical Evil Eye accusation is employed to denounce envy as incompatible with life in the kingdom of heaven and detrimental to the community's well-being."(quote from journals.sagepub.com).
This is particularly interesting as Envy is the primary antagonist in Darksiders 3, and once Fury learns the truth and understands clearly the reality, she goes after the embodiment of Envy and relinquishes her own jealousy.
The placement of the eye is also over her heart, symbolically saying she views her situation and life with her heart/emotions over using her head, especially when you consider her own eyes are solid white in color without clear pupils. This gives the impression of her thinking with her heart over her head, thus contributing to her being blind to anything requiring stronger analysis.
By the end of her game, Fury has changed her view on many things. She understands the Council is corrupt, War innocent, humanity must be preserved, and that she's not exactly all that and a bag of chip. She's a bit softer and trying to be better than she was.
Tl;Dr: Fury both a temperamental child and a confident woman, though her confidence boarders on cockiness and her anger outbursts get her into deeper shit than necessary, but she learns better by the end.
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houseofhollows · 2 years
Can you write something for Alden from The Walking Dead? Kinda like a enemies to lovers type of thing like he's an ex savior and she doesn't like him at first? Thank you so much already!! You're amazing!
let it go
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pairing: Alden x reader
warnings: mentions of death
notes: sorry if this isn’t really enemies to lovers… 😭 i’ve never written it before and i haven’t read much of it either but i tried. hope you like it! also i’m super happy you requested alden! there’s barely any fanfic of him :((
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The summer sun was radiant, wrapping the residents of Hilltop in its warm and brilliant rays. The crops bloomed tall and bold, ready to be harvested for the following season. Y/N was crouched beside the plants; watering, digging, planting. It was one of her jobs in the little community she hoped to call home–she was once at Alexandria, but after the death of her best friend, Glenn, she couldn’t bear to stay in the place that reminded her of him. 
The gates to Hilltop opened, and a group of men she had never seen before walked in. They all looked dirty and sweaty, their hands tied in front of them. Some were being pushed around by the guards who walked behind them, leading them up the path. They stopped by the fence, where an enclosure was built; it was used to keep people they needed information from or people they simply didn’t trust to be out in the open. The men were escorted into the enclosure. Many of them were complaining and shouting insults. 
Y/N wasn’t quite sure who they were or where they had come from, but she didn’t like the look of them. They were loud and no doubt violent. 
She walked over to where Tara stood. “Who are they?” she asked.
“Saviors. Found them in one of their safe houses. Some of them surrendered but others they had to force out.” 
“What are they here for?” Y/N replied with a certain edge to her voice. After what she’s seen of these men, she wasn’t sure she felt safe having them around. Why bring them here anyway? 
“Information, probably. But also to keep them where they can be seen. Rather them be here than out there, I guess.”
She looked over to the group to find one of them already looking at her. She began to feel a little afraid; she knew what the Saviors were like, what they could do. She had seen what Negan could do. It had taken her a while to get over Glenn’s death, but even then she still found herself grieving. She didn’t feel like being one of their prey. 
A few days later, Y/N was carrying a basket of tomatoes towards one of the tents when she heard someone calling, “Hey.”
She turned to the sound to see the Savior who had been looking at her a few days prior. Scowling, she continued to make her way towards her destination when the voice called louder. Stopping in her tracks, she threw her head back in annoyance and turned on her heel, heading towards the man. 
“Is something the matter?” she asked him, her voice clearly showing her disinterest. She didn’t want to be involved with someone like him. 
“No, just wanted to get your attention,” he replied. “I’m Alden.”
“I don’t care,” she replied. It wasn’t like her to be rude to someone, but how could she not be rude to a murderer? Even if he himself hadn’t directly murdered Glenn, he was still a part of the group of the man who did, he chose to associate himself with someone like Negan. She didn’t care about being kind. 
She turned back around and started walking. 
“Not even gonna tell me your name?” he called out to her. She simply ignored him.
Picking blueberries from their stems and putting them into a basket, Y/N felt someone’s presence beside her. Looking to her left, she saw the Savior named Alden. Rolling her eyes, she continued her work, not acknowledging him. He stood there for a few minutes before he finally spoke. 
“You don’t talk much do you?” he asked.
“I talk a lot actually, just not to you,” she replied. 
“Did I do something wrong?”
“You’re a Savior. That’s what you did wrong. Your leader killed my best friend. Now please go away and never speak to me again,” she said harshly. 
“Look, I wasn’t the one who killed him. And besides, I nev-”
“What did I tell you? Go away. Thank you.”
She hated him. And she would always hate him. They all called themselves Negan, right? So she would treat him as if he was Negan. 
Having the Saviors around reminded Y/N of Glenn, of Negan’s brutality. The image would play continuously in her mind and she would find herself either clouded by sadness or by disgust. How could someone do something like that to a person? But morals no longer played a role in society. People like Negan had no morals, and they certainly had no empathy. 
Alden was given special privileges. He had behaved and made promises. Now he was able to roam freely without his hands tied or being watched by a guard. He hadn’t approached her since she told him off, but she could always feel his stare on her back as she worked in the field. Why did he keep looking at her all the time?
She told Tara about him, which lead to Tara giving her a lecture on how Alden wasn’t the one who killed Glenn and Abraham. Y/N knew that, of course. But she couldn’t remove Alden from that association, and so she continued to ignore his looks, even if they made her feel a certain way.
Y/N was sat at a picnic table eating dinner when someone sat beside her. She didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. Alden had been trying to talk to her the entire day. A part of her felt bad for constantly ignoring him. But she didn’t like him. 
“What do you want?” she asked him, slightly annoyed. Why was he always bothering her? There were plenty of other people to talk to, plenty of other people who had already forgiven the Saviors they brought in. 
“To talk to you. Is that too much to ask?” he replied. Y/N thought she heard a bit of sadness in his tone. 
“Yes, actually. I told you to leave me alone a while ago and yet you continue to bother me. I don’t know why you keep trying to get my attention, but please stop.”
“I know what Negan did to your friend. But I’m not Negan, despite what you think. I’m sorry that happened to him, I really am. I know what Negan is capable of and I would never do anything like that. I was only a Savior to keep myself safe. I don’t believe in their values.”
Y/N took in his words. She already knew that. But there was a part of her, deep down, that could never forgive Negan, Alden, the universe, whoever, for what happened to Glenn. It isn’t just sadness and loss that consumes her when she looks at him, but the trauma of having to see something like that. She tried to talk to Tara about it, but she could never get the words out. Tara hadn’t been there to see the gruesome scene, she would never understand. 
“You’re right. It isn’t your fault. However, I can’t look at you and not see Negan’s face. And when I see Negan’s face, I see what was left of Glenn’s. You don’t know how terrifying and traumatic it is to see something like that,” she replied, looking him in the eyes. 
“No, maybe I don’t. And I know we’re not…friends or anything but, I’m here for you, if you need someone to talk to about it. I’m in the trailer over there,” he pointed into the distance. 
Y/N truly appreciated the gesture. But if she was going to talk to anyone, it wouldn’t be him. Instead of telling him, she looked down at her food and let him sit there. 
The bright summer days had turned into the gold and scarlet of autumn days. Soon the crops would dwindle and Y/N would have to find another way to spend her time. Unfortunately, seasonal depression had started to sink in. But she couldn’t figure out what exactly was making her so sad. It could be the thought of Glenn and of everyone else she had lost, or feeling like nothing would ever change. The world had ended and there was nothing to hope for anymore. Even if the entire world were to come together and rebuild and repopulate, she wouldn’t be around to see the end of it. 
Some days she sat in her room and stared at the ceiling until the world outside became dark. She had lost so many friends; not just to death but to her own personal feelings. Leaving Alexandria meant leaving her friends behind. The only person she had at Hilltop was Tara, who was usually busy doing far more important things than Y/N ever would. 
And sometimes she was sad when she thought of Alden. Of how she treated him. She let him sit next to her, she let him talk to her. But she never spoke back, no matter how badly she wanted to. He too didn’t have any friends. Sometimes she looked at him as he spoke, not showing any emotion but letting him know that she was listening, and she could see sadness in eyes when he realized she wasn’t going to reply. 
She had accepted the fact that he wasn’t Negan and that he seemed like a good person. But she felt it was her duty to Glenn and even to Abraham to ignore him, because if she became close to him she be close to their murderer. 
But she needed someone to talk to. And a part of her always felt a little happy when he was around her, knowing that someone cared enough to stick around.
Getting out of bed she made her way to Alden’s trailer. She hesitated. Caving in and talking to him would make him feel like he won her attention. She mentally scolded herself for being annoying and knocked on the door.
When he opened the door, he smiled a real smile. Teeth and all. She stuttered.
“I didn’t have anywhere else to go, anyone else to talk to. I don’t want to bother you, seriously, I just…I need to talk to someone,” she confessed. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it at all. I’m glad you’re here. You can talk for as long as you want.”
They sat on the little sofa against the wall and Y/N couldn’t help but spill all of her feelings out. She had never felt so vulnerable. But she didn’t seem to care, either. She cried and he listened. He comforted her and told her to take her time. She couldn’t understand why he was being so nice to her or why it was her that he had attempted to befriend. 
“Can I ask you something?” she asked him.
“Anything,” he replied.
“Why me?”
He hesitated for a moment. “When I first saw you, not only did I think you were beautiful but you also looked so sad. I didn’t know why at the time of course but when you told me, part of me was upset that you hated me so much but I also understood why. You can hate me if you want.”
They looked at each other for a minute. His eyes were so kind, she realized. She felt truly safe in his presence. 
She let out a sigh and dropped her head into her hands. 
“I want to be your friend, I do. But I can’t stop seeing Negan when I look at you. Ever since you and the other Saviors came here, he’s all I can think about. And then I’m reminded of everything else and I just want to stop thinking about it. I can’t go back to Alexandria because I will just be reminded of the horrified look on everyone’s faces, and I can’t stay here because looking at you makes me angry. I know it’s not your fault. Really, I do. But I just can’t,” she cried. 
“Let me change that. I don’t associate myself with him, I never did. Just talk to me and you’ll see that I’m not like him or the other Saviors. Far from it, actually. Give me a chance.”
Y/N thought for a long time. The pros outweighed the cons. She knew she was the problem, the reason why she wouldn’t talk to him. But she also knew she was the one who could change that. 
“Okay,” she said. “Yeah.”
He grinned. 
Months had passed since Y/N made the decision to be Alden’s friend. However, she was started to feel like they were more than friends. They spent a majority of the day by each other’s side, since they really had no one else to interact with. 
She had gotten rid of her hatred for him and for the other Saviors. The only person she hated now was Negan himself. 
She felt better in Alden’s presence. Sadness no longer consumed her, now she was always content, always happy. It was Alden who pulled her out of it, and she would never be able to put into words how thankful she was for him.
The two were sitting on a bench, watching the sunset. 
“Alden,” she addressed him softly.
“Yeah,” he replied, turning his head to look at her.
“Thank you. For everything. I don’t know how to repay you.”
“You could let me kiss you,” he said as his eyes went to her lips. 
“Ok. Yeah.” She leaned in.
She had kissed people before, but none of them felt quite like that. It was soft and gentle, yet she could feel the desire, she could tell he had been wanting to do that for a while. 
When they pulled away they both smiled bigger than they ever had. 
“Thank you,” she whispered against his lips. 
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
I just added some things to the match up and so I'll just copy paste what I sent, along with the updated things. I'm so sorry if this is a bother.
I'm 5'3 with mid length brown hair and bangs. I'm an ENFP-T if that matters lol. I'm also bisexual! I don't really have a preference for gender, nor for hunter/survivors. My favorite colours are green and yellow. I'm a Taurus and my fashion sense sort of. Is like, star-core / star aesthetic if that makes sense? I feel like my love language is to (receive) words of affirmation (give) quality time
Oh gosh, where to start haha!
In general, I'm sort of energetic, friendly and bouncy. I don't find it hard to socialise with people 94% of the time. I am very. Very. Passionate about my autistic special interests (high school Musical, art and general creative acts and such). I'm always on the move and have been described as a manic pixie dream girl at times haha. Despite that, there is always that 6% of the time where I sort of slip up.
I am not a flawless social butterfly, I will admit to that lol. I sometimes grow awkward and quiet, usually because I'm surrounded by people who I don't really know how to talk to or I struggle to mesh well with. This tends to get me excluded from most friend groups because, like, most people don't like loud, awkward messes. On top of that, I'm actually extremely paranoid. I'm terrified of the dark because I'm convinced someone is out to get me, it's kinda funny :3. The paranoia does get really bad, that I struggle to leave my room because like. Again, worried someone is out to get me.
Anyways, that's only 6% of the time!!
I'm insanely creative. I've always been so. I love to read, and write, and draw and paint. It's my special way of expressing myself. I plan on being an author, something I've dreamt of since I was like.. 2? Or something ^w^
I've been told I'm a bit of a rambler, once I get started on something it's difficult for me to stop. Especially when it's something I find fascinating. I love to research topics I like. I have spent an embarrassing amount of time researching early childhood trauma and the way a stressful event can effect a developing mind.
I love being in the spotlight and used to take drama classes because I loved having people's eyes on me. I hope that's not a red flag haha, I just like having attention on me sometimes!
I also used to take horse riding lessons. I was a horse girl as a kid. I'm sorry.
I listen to all kinds of music. Country, rap, pop, jazz. I love experiencing all different kinds of sensations!
I am always somehow moving. Whether that's talking to someone, rocking myself back and forward, I'm always some how on the move.
One of my BIGGEST flaws though is that I'm pretty socially unaware as well. I can come off as rude and insulting without meaning it to be, and unless someone tells me that I'm being insulting, I'll probably double down until someone makes me actually think about what I'm saying.
I think my ultimate deal breaker I'd someone with overly unhealthy attitudes to approaching a relationship. I'm really big with communication so someone who struggles to talk to me if they're feeling upset, or someone who lashes out at me for things I've genuinely never done. If you can't be mature and speak to me like a grown up, I won't want to be with you.
Im sorry!!
sorry for the wait on this! Hope you like <3
I ship you with Demi Bourbon!
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-Demi is also a social butterfly who can get along with all sorts of people. She’s highly adaptable, understanding, and friendly, almost to a fault. She’d be just as open and welcoming to you as she is anyone else, regardless of whether you’re in a peak social mood or feeling a little more awkward that day, so meeting and getting to know one another is easy.
-Demi is a very “go with the flow” type in regards to conversation, and she is a fortunate mixture of intuitive and forgiving that means she’s not likely to suddenly fly off the handle if you happen to say something insensitive or insulting (or for any other reason, really.) She prefers to get you alone if she can, quietly let you know that she doesn’t super appreciate whatever was just done or said, and then try to explain why. And if you apologize, she accepts, and what’s done is done.
-On that note, she struggles with deeper communication a little, only because she’s not the most eloquent speaker and sometimes struggles to verbalize her feelings effectively. In this sense, she’s also a bit of a rambler. But as long as you’re a patient and active listener, she’ll get her point across eventually.
-She also loves all kinds of music, and takes interest in other people’s hobbies. She’s not likely to hop up on a horse on her own any time soon, but she thinks it’s neat that you do! And you can talk to her about literally anything—for hours even, as long as she has a drink to keep her hands busy—and she’s completely enthralled the entire time. She remembers just about everything people tell her, and gives Words of Affirmation and Gifts as her love languages, referencing older conversations with those as much as possible.
-Demi isn’t afraid of the dark, but she thinks it’s kinda cute that you are. She wouldn’t make fun of you for it, but she does use it as an excuse to hold your hand and coddle you a bit. I have this cute image of you two settling down for the evening, and Demi holding your hand and charging down the hallway with you the second the light is flipped off. She’s giggling the whole time, and makes sure you get into the next room before her. She’ll be your shield from the monsters ;)
Runner Up: Lucky Guy
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sadlittlesquish · 11 months
Never Let Me Go
The following fanfic will be rated 18+ for sexual content, drug use, mentions of Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse, mentions of past self harm and Suicidal Ideation. Minors DNI.
This story was written mostly on Character AI, so there will be some weird formatting issues. I just really wanna get these ideas out there, but not really post it on archive or anything. Both parties in this story are consenting adults, ie my OC is 18 going on 19 and Eddie just turned 20. If you are not a fan of reading OC stories, or you don't like my Original Character, please just move along. Rude comments will not be tolerated. I'm also doing my best to write this story set in 1986 as best as I can. If there are any discrepancies I will do my best to fix them. Please Enjoy Chapter One.
Chapter One: It’s so Sweet
You know I think your skin's the perfect color
But it's always your eyes that pull me under
The lunchroom of Hawkins High was cram packed with students fresh from Summer Break.
All of the same cliques formed and scattered across the room like pockets of cliches. The Cheerleaders sprinkled through the sports teams, flirting with the boys and doing each other's hair or makeup. A few tables away a group of Leaguers are blasting their portable radio, the billboard's top 100 pop songs bursting through the din of the crowd here and there.
And then there was the table where all of Hawkins’ least diserables hung out.
Eddie sits at the head of his table of freaks, toying with a D20 Keychain absentmindedly as Dustin and Mike gush excitedly about their Summer break.
The kids were cute, even if Eddie found them to be a little too talkative sometimes. Especially Dustin.
As Gareth chimes into the boys' conversation, a hush falls across a nearby table and they begin to point and snigger at a young woman who just walked by.
Eddie overhears one of the nearby boys say, "Look, Whorewood decided to show her face." All the teenagers surrounding this guy burst out in mocking laughter. It didn't take a fucking rocket scientist to realize what was going on here.
Another guy chips in a little too loudly so more people can hear him, "I wonder how easy it is to get little miss piggy to squeal," he emphasizes his insult with hog squeals, sending everyone around him into a fit of cruel laughter at this girl's expense.
Eddie watches the girl's ears turn pink in embarrassment, but much to his absolute delight, the girl doesn't give them the satisfaction of hurting her. She instead pulls herself up to her full height and lifts her chin defiantly at the boys who mocked her.
"I'd be careful with what you say, little boys with little peckers should be lucky any girl would sleep with them. Without sluts like me, you'd all be virgins."
The girl smirks as their faces go red in anger, and triumphantly walks away.
"Who was that," Eddie asks, lazily flicking his ringed fingers in the girl's direction as he questions his friends.
“That's Marnie Wellwood," Gareth begins, his face turning pink for some reason. "She uh... well, word is around school that she is kinda... easy."
Eddie realizes immediately why Gareth is so embarrassed right now, his eyebrows flicking up into his fluffy bangs as he lets out a low whistle through his teeth.
"Hm, never heard of her..." Eddie ponders thoughtfully, genuinely surprised that a social outcast like this girl is just now being brought to his attention. This table was the den for Freaks after all, and it seemed like one little lamb had not yet been brought into the fold. 
"She's new," Dustin chimes in, "just started here at the end of last year at Hawkins High. A lot of guys think she's a bitch, but after what I just witnessed, I would have to disagree... She's just awesome."
Eddie hums in agreement, staring intently at the place where the girl had been before she left.
“Hey, if she’s giving those losers what they got comin’, then she’s good people in my book.” 
Edddie shrugs. 
This girl sounded like a badass, and he can’t help but respect that.
Jeff takes his voice down to a quiet hush so the younger boys don't hear him as he leans toward Eddie and Gareth, "I've heard some of the guys in my class say Wellwood will suck you off for cheap. I've considered it a few times... I bet she gives great head."
Eddie smacks Jeff upside the head, "Dumb boys spread dumb rumors. And even if she does give out blow jobs like they're candy on Halloween, don't stoop to those losers' level."
The school bell suddenly rings, and students begin to file out of the Cafeteria; trays and wrappers chucked into the garbage and backpacks gathered as students headed to their classes.
Eddie fingers the note that had been slipped into his locker; yet another little lost lamb coming to him for the one thing that made this shit hole town bearable: drugs.
"See ya around boys, I gotta date with Mary Jane," Eddie jokes, wiggling his eyebrows playfully as his friends all roll their eyes at how corny his joke was.
Eddie snatches up his metal lunch box, and bows theatrically to the group, before heading to sneak out of school and to his usual spot where he did his deals.
Eddie winds his way easily through the trees, the path to his secret spot practically memorized by this point. In fact if someone dared him to find his way blindfolded, he was pretty sure he could… maybe. This was the kind of place where all kinds of things could happen - deals, hangouts, fights, you name it. Eddie liked this place because it was secluded and no one could interrupt you.
He sits cross legged on the top of the table in his usual spot, making sure that his pipe is clean and that his stash is full, and that’s when Eddie hears a sound coming through the trees from behind him.
Whoever had slipped him the note requesting his special wares was most likely arriving. As he waits for the footsteps to sound closer, he taps out the melody of the new song he and his band mates were working on.
The sounds of twigs and leaves being disturbed alerts him to this mysterious person's approach and his hands still as he waits to see who it is.
A dark head of hair breaks through the trees, and then Eddie is face to face with the girl from the cafeteria.
Up close she was... kinda pretty. Eddie can feel a smile curling his face as he takes her in.
Short, only taller because of the chunky heeled shoes she was wearing. Ripped tights under ripped jeans. Almost as many upper layers of shirts and jackets that Eddie himself wore, along with various bracelets, rings and necklaces. 
She was wearing darker, moodier makeup than most girls wore, and she had dark red streaks in her hair.
Very cute indeed, Eddie thought to himself.
"Well well Wellwood," Eddie makes a show of spreading his arms like a king showing power of his domain, "Can't stay out of trouble today can you?"
The girl stops ten feet away, her arms crossed loosely at torso level as she stares Eddie down with an unflinching level of calm.
"Skip the theatrics Munson, you know why I'm here."
"Alright, alright," Eddie chuckles. "Here, take your pick." He opens his metal lunchbox to show off all of the wares that he has with a flourish.
"Whatever I can do for the princess." Eddie flashes her a sly smile before continuing. "Pick what you want milady."
The girl walks over with such a purposeful, inelegant stride it was a little endearing.
She peers down into the metal lunchbox and takes in all the options with a stoic expression. Up close Eddie can see the silver gray flecks in her brown eyes. They were... mesmerizing.
After a moment of silent perusing the girl flicks her gaze up to stare Eddie intently in the eyes."Which one of these will make you not feel pain?"
"What kind of pain are we talking about here?" Eddie asks cautiously.
There's so many different kinds of pain in this world - physical, spiritual, emotional. What kind of pain is it that she's suffering from right now, he wonders.
"The kind of pain that my moms boyfriend doles out to me every time I mouth off... which is a lot."
It's in that moment that Eddie sees just the faintest dark edge of what was left of a bruise on this girl's cheek.
Eddie looks at her, and immediately understands. He can feel his blood begin to boil a little. There was no point in losing his cool in front of a girl he was meeting for the first time. Still… he really doesn't like the reality of seeing a fellow outcast like himself being abused by family. People like them already had enough shit to deal with.  
After a moment of silence, Eddie gestures to the lunchbox. "Well, you can pick your poison. Go ahead, anything you want Miss Wellwood."
"I've never done drugs before, so I don't know what is safe for newbies."
Eddie looks at the girl and finds it oddly cute that her big scary attitude and appearance doesn't extend to every aspect of her life.
"Hm, weed is almost always the best place to start," Eddie drawls, surreptitiously raking his eyes over the girl's person. He picks up a baggie, nothing majorly big, and some rolling paper and hands it over to the girl."Normally that amount right there would cost you 20 bucks, but I can be persuaded into giving you a discount." Eddie says to the girl, leaning back and smiling up at her with a cheeky look in his eyes.
Eddie himself wasn’t quite sure if he was flirting with the girl, part of him naturally playing the fool to cheer her up. But… Well, maybe he was flirting a little. 
"How about you let me take you out sometime and the weed is free. How does that sound?"
Shit… did he really just ask her out? Where the fuck did that come from… Eddie wondered. 
"I don't do dates Munson," the girl drawls in a surprisingly cold way that throws Eddie off. He wasn't expecting her to be so... blunt.
"I got ten on me, but I can make it worth your while if you let me pay the rest," the girl pauses, her sultry eyes looking Eddie up and down, "with my own special services." 
Eddie’s face is suddenly red and he feels a nervous energy surge through his body. There was no way in hell that he heard what he just thought he heard… so Eddie decides to press further, regardless of his skepticism. 
“Yeah, I’ll take that deal,” he manages to say after a few seconds. "What exactly are these special services you're willing to provide?"
The girl moves in as close as she can get to Eddie, her hair smelling like vanilla cake and candy. Her lips are so close to Eddie's ear he can almost feel them brush with each word she speaks, low and smoky.
"Let's just say, a lot of boys around school know what it feels like to get their cocks sucked because of me."
He can’t help flushing a little at how close she’s getting to him. Her lips are right next to his ear, and that voice of hers… It’s so fucking seductive. Eddie didn‘t know a girl’s voice could make him instantly hot and bothered like that. He kind of wants her to keep talking so he can keep hearing it.
At her last comment, though, he starts to blush even heavier and he can feel his face get hot. 
She’s… quite straightforward, I’ll give her that.
“O-oh… okay shit… um… I think I, uh, understand.”
The girl pulls away, her eyes heavy lidded and a smirk on her face at how flustered Eddie is because of her forward advances.
"Munson... don't tell me, Hawkins High's biggest bad boy is actually a virgin." There's a devilish look on her face as she teases Eddie mercilessly.
Eddie flushes deeper, actually feeling embarrassed for the first time in a long time that the girl had figured out so quickly that he had never... been with a girl before.
“Okay… okay, I get your point,” Eddie grumbles, feeling very annoyed  now. “Yeah, I’m… I’m a virgin alright? I’m also a geek. A freak. A weirdo. Is that what you wanted to hear?” He crosses his arms over his chest, his face turning stony as he tries to hide his embarrassment.
 Eddien should’ve expected a girl like her to play games like this. No need to tell her that, though. He refused to give her the satisfaction.
"Don't take my teasing the wrong way Munson, it's not a cute look. I don't care that you're a virgin, just a little surprised."
The girl stops and looks Eddie over thoughtfully before finishing, "I think it's sweet that you're not what everyone thinks you are."
He stares at her for a few seconds. For once, Eddie doesn't know what to say. She’s not judging him. She’s not saying that there’s something wrong with him for having never even kissed a girl, let alone more. The fact that she genuinely thought it was sweet made him…blush.
“Oh… thanks… I… I appreciate that.” Eddie breathes out, his face squishing up into the cutest grin. “So, about that deal… What do I have to do to cash in on, ehm… y’know, your services?”
"Find us a place where we won't get interrupted, I wanna take my time with you. You don't deserve a quick blowie on a dirty bathroom floor. And roll us a joint big boy," the girl winks at Eddie as she gives the two stipulations to her deal.
Eddie can't believe how his day had just turned into... this. But he was far from complaining.
“My van  is right this way. It’s as good a place to hideout as any,” Eddie stammers. 
"Lead the way Munson." The girl quips, following behind Eddie in silence.
Eddie leads the girl to where he keeps his van parked. He doesn't like to park it on school grounds after some of the bullies around school vandalized his precious van last year.
He wrenches open the back doors, and pulls the beaded curtain aside so the girl can climb up into the van easier.
"I've always wanted to fuck a guy in the back of one of these," the girl says as she hops up into the back of the van..
As soon as Eddie shuts the door, the girl begins to take off her jacket. Underneath her jacket she is wearing a very low cut shirt that shows off quite a bit of her round, plump cleavage.
"Be a good boy and roll us a joint, and then we will get to the fun part."
Eddie realizes he’s staring at her after a moment, watching as she takes off her jacket to reveal the one thing he had longed to see in person since puberty struck: tits. His face feels like it’s on fire, and it’s very, very hard to keep his eyes from wandering back down to her chest every few seconds.
He finally tears his eyes away with an awkward cough though, to get to work on rolling a joint. 
The girl watches Eddie with almost adorable fascination as his nimble fingers skillfully rolls the paper around all the green, until a perfectly tight rolled joint sits between his long, ringed fingers.
Eddie reaches into his vest pocket and gets his lighter so he can start the joint for her. He feels a little flustered as she watches him put the joint between his lips.
A few drags later and Eddie leans toward the girl to blow the smoke in her face. He was expecting her to be annoyed at the action, but instead she smiles sweetly at Eddie.
"Your turn," he says, passing her the joint and then gently guiding her on how to smoke it properly.
The irony of the situation is suddenly not lost on Eddie. He was taking her smoking virginity and she... Well, Eddie didn't want to think too much about what her lips would be doing soon. He was already half hard and embarrassed about it.
She takes a few drags just as Eddie instructed, and coughs suddenly; the smoke spilling out of her mouth. Eddie had a feeling she would cough on her first try, he only hoped that didn't stop her from wanting more.She passes the joint back to Eddie, and waits for him to take his hit.
Her eyes are already a little red, and her stern face is relaxing into a softer, more vulnerable expression.
The girl's eyes are getting more and more adventurous at looking Eddie over the more they pass the joint back and forth.
At this point Eddie is pleasantly high, and a little horny. A feeling not at all foreign to him.
A little bit of sweat was forming a sensual sheen on the girl's tits, drawing Eddie's attention back there far too easily.
Of course she would notice.
"Have you ever done anything with a girl before?"
Eddie normally would have thought she was judging him, but her expression was so open and curious and... cute.
He can feel a little sweat forming on the small of his back and underarms. He’s nervous, and it makes it hard to ignore how badly he just wants to get into it. But Eddie tries to stay focused on her hazy eyes as he responds."No... not really. I'm a little, uh... a little inexperienced with this kind of thing," he admits. "Why do you ask?”
"Because," the girl answers, noticing how badly Eddie was ogling her chest. "I want you to feel safe. If you want to stop at any time do not hesitate to tell me. Boys always get it in their heads that they need to lose their virginity as fast as possible. I don't want you to look back on this moment and regret it."
"Okay, yeah… I-I appreciate that," Eddie replies, trying and failing to sound calm. "I want us both to enjoy this whole experience, you know?"
She smiles faintly at Eddie’s words before launching into her usual spiel. "My safe word is Milkshake, but you can pick your own if you want to. If at any time I do something that you don't like or you start to have second thoughts, use your safe word, okay Munson?"
Eddie nods his head slowly in response. "Yeah, don’t worry I'll do that. My safe word will be… uh, shit… no not ‘shit’, it’ll be… " He looks down at himself for inspiration, his eyes landing on the logo of his shirt, a devious smile curling his lip. “Hellfire, my safe word will be Hellfire.” 
Marnie’s smile slowly melts into a  smirk at Eddie’s choice before she continues,
"Now, I have a few ground rules before we begin, okay?" 
Nodding his head, a little absentminded Eddie replies around a suddenly dry throat, "Go on. I'm listening." 
"You are allowed to touch my chest, thighs, back and ass over my clothes. Never under. You will not try and pleasure me in return. And under any circumstances are you allowed to kiss me. Do you agree?" Marnie levels Eddie with a serious frown, the pinch of apprehension between her eyes makes Eddie wonder what she’s thinking as she waits for his response.  
He looks at her for a few moments, the weight of everything beginning to settle hot and heavy in his veins, before nodding once more. "Yeah, I can do that. Sounds...uh... pretty reasonable.” Eddie looks away for a moment, his darkened cheeks making him feel self conscious . He silently doubted the other boys Marnie had dallied with acted this fucking awkward  before getting their dicks sucked. 
"Do you have any rules of your own that you want me to follow Munson?" Marnie tilts her head to the side, and it instantly reminds Eddie of a curious little kitten. Which of course makes him even more flustered. He always knew girls were cute, but no one had ever looked at him like that. Being on the receiving end of a girl's charms… yeah. Eddie was beginning to understand why men could be such dicks to each other when they wanted a girl.  
He was already mentally strangling any invisible and imagined guy who even came near Marnie again. Which was… stupid. She wasn’t even his to claim, but Eddie knew then and there that if given the chance, he would make Marnie Wellwood his girl. 
 For a few more moments Eddie just takes her in, trying to think of anything he wasn’t okay with. Porn mags were always too perfect. And even though Eddie knew that that was the appeal, that the fantasy is what sold each issue; well, he had always hoped his first time with a girl would be more… real. Not a procured imagining of what sex was, but more, intimate. But life had not been kind to Eddie Munson, and here he was just about to get his first blowjob from a girl he found out existed in his same sphere only hours ago.
Eventually, Eddie does speak up. "Um... you can touch, uh..." he blushes and looks down at his fingers, idly twirling his rings from all the nervous energy. "Pretty much anything you want to, I guess. I don't really mind as long as you're comfortable with it." 
A fond smile touches upon Marnie’s lips for an instant, before her expression turns serious again. "One last question before we begin then. I always want my partners to get caught completely in the fantasy... When you think of being intimate with someone do you prefer gentle and loving? Passionate and needy? Or Dominant and Dirty?" 
She's making it incredibly difficult for Eddie to keep his composure, But he answers her honestly. "Uhm... I think I would like it gentle and loving," Eddie mumbles, looking away slightly to hide his embarrassment.
The girl smiles, and it is a genuine smile that crinkles the edges of her hazy eyes.
"Okay," she murmurs softly, her whole demeanor shifting. In an instant she becomes soft and demure, like a chameleon shifting to blend in. It was almost scary at how fast she could move into a new persona.
"Can I have your hand Munson?"
Eddie’s lips part, the flush of his excitement turning his full lips dark and rosy. In the dim, hazy lighting of the van, Eddie’s eyes are dark and fathomless; the pupil practically consuming his iris hungrily.  His hands shake, the slick sweat on his palms making him cringe at himself as she takes his long, trembling fingers into her own hand. 
She lets her gentle fingers glide over the planes of Eddie's strong, well defined hands. Each knuckle reverently caressed. She takes the calloused pads of Eddie's fingertips and brings them to her lips and just lets him feel her hot, moist breath fan against them teasingly; her eyes never once leaving his as she quietly assesses his reactions. 
The expectation Eddie had was for her to start sucking on his fingers in a facsimile of what was to come... so he is completely surprised when she bestows a soft kiss on each fingertip, her eyes fluttering closed sweetly. 
After each finger has been kissed, the girl opens her eyes and whimpers pleadingly, gently guiding Eddie's hand to now cup one of her full breasts over her clothes.
"Please, touch me... tell me all the dirty thoughts you think every time you take your dick in your fist and fuck it."
Her sweet gestures mixing with her filthy words were going to be Eddie's undoing, he was sure of it.
Eddie cups the girls full, weighty breast in awe. There were very few moments in Eddie's life where he was absolutely speechless, no witty come back or snarky remark. Just pure fascination and wonder over being able to touch a girl's tits for the very first time.
His throat is getting a little dry from how quickly he was getting turned on; all of his blood pooling into his erection. The girl makes a throaty sound of encouragement, snapping Eddie back to reality.
She had asked him a question and he still hadn't answered.
"I dunno... don't really fantasize much about sex. I mostly just whack it to porn mags," Eddie finally supplies inelegantly.
"No, no, that's not what I mean," she replies quickly, shaking her head. She's back to being bold and assertive just like that. All the shyness was an act. Eddie’s blush returns as he realizes that - and not for the first time - he realizes he may have been a bit too gullible.
"Tell me the dirtiest thoughts you've ever had, in your entire life."
Eddie swallows thickly as she practically purrs the words. Wow. That's... that's a little more intense than he had even dared to imagine… Eddie wipes his hands absently on his jeans as they continue to sweat.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut as he thinks; his thoughts falling through his mind like sand in an hourglass. He felt high, horny and hazy-- all of those things a horrible combination in regards to having to think.
His strong hands are cupping both of her breasts now, squeezing and massaging absentmindedly and enjoying every moment of it.
"Fuck..." Eddie bites out, his thoughts finally catching up to him as dirty images flicker behind his eyelids. "I wanna sit in my throne after d&d and have a girl ride me. Make me feel like a god," Eddie is mumbling, trying to keep the image from making him nut too soon.
The girl smiles ever so slightly at Eddie's reply to her question.
Her eyes flick down to his jeans, the hard line of his cock easy to see from how tight he wears his pants.
"Does your dick hurt from being so hard? Want me to make you feel so so good?" The girl croons, her gaze growing dark and sultry.
“Fuck,” Eddie breathes the word into his lungs. There had been the slightest tremble in his voice, all too easily showing Marnie how close he already was, without even being touched yet. “Yeah, wanna feel you on my dick… pretty mouth’s gonna feel incredible.” He was practically slurring as if drunk. He might as well have been… drunk off the smell of her perfume, and the sound of her voice edging him closer to the finish line before the race even began.  
"You're such an honest boy," she murmurs while her fingers trace the strong tendons in Eddie's hands.
Her hands trail up his arms, and then under his shirt; her nails pressing a little harder as they rake downward to add a little pain to the pleasure. It makes Eddie shiver, and the flush on his face deepens at how much he enjoyed the slight sting.
And god damn it made him fucking moan. 
Even when he was at his most desperate to cum, fucking into his slick, sticky fist like his life depended on it in the privacy of his room, he had never moaned. Sigh, sure… hell maybe even whimpered occasionally. But the guttural sound she drew from him made him flush heatedly. 
"Your moans are so pretty Munson, I'm having a hard time believing no one has ever touched you like this before. The girls around here really are dumb,"Her gaze turns slightly predatory as she licks the rim of her lower lip in a show of seduction and want.
The wet shine of her lips makes Eddie gulp at the knowledge that soon her sinful little mouth would be sucking him off.
There's no doubt about it. This girl was good. Really, really good. But there was no way in hell Eddie was backing out now just because he was slightly overwhelmed by her. No way.
Eddie swallows heavily, but tries to play it cool. "Nobody's ever talked to me like this before.” His eyes flutter closed for a moment, taking this all in. "Yeah... maybe I am missing out. You're really something, you know that?"
He watches breathlessly as the girl's hands work efficiently on his belt and jeans fasteners, the shine of her black nails catching his attention.
He can hardly hear the sound of his zipper being pulled down over the thundering of his heartbeat. The muggy air in the van is still cool enough to send a shiver through him as he feels the damp patch from his leaking dick cool from the sudden air flow.
The girl looks up at him through the rim of her pretty lashes, and smiles as her fingers begin to gently rub at the wetness leaking through his boxers from the weeping head of his dick.
Her lips look so tempting to Eddie, and he has an insatiable urge to kiss her. But he remembers, a little regretfully, her no kissing policy.
Instead he bites his own lip to keep from moaning again too loudly.
Eddie feels his jaw clench from the effort, his skin burning raw and sensitive all over with the desperate desire to press Marnie down and claim her. Ruin her until she’s quivering and moaning just as badly as him. But Eddie is able to keep himself in check. His heart rate is skyrocketing and the blood is still rushing through his body at a fever pitch, but he does his best to remain calm.
"God, that felt so good. Fuckin’ perfect…," Eddie adds with a soft sigh. 
The girl gives Eddie a surprisingly gentle smile considering how domineering she has been this whole time at his words.
The feeling of her hands softly squeezing and rubbing his impossibly hard cock through his boxers was absolute heaven. Nothing in his life had ever felt as good as this, and they hadn't even gotten to the fun part.
"Fuck Munson," the girl whispers in awe, "you've got a big cock. The girls are definitely missing out at getting a taste of you.” 
He can't help it - Eddie shivers as she says that. His breath hitches as she speaks, face flushing bright red once more. Eddie wanted to say to hell with any other girl… 
Every girl he had ever fantasized about, every awkward boner at school when a skirt swished by, thighs so tantalizing he thought he could die, paled in comparison to this. To Marnie Wellwood looming over him, tits pulled taught in her tight shirt, and a mouth made of sin. 
"Mmm. You... you think so?" Eddie slurs, her words making him throb. It clicked for him then that she definitely liked what she was feeling. Her appreciative appraisal of his cock made Eddie practically preen with pride. 
"Of course. I overhear so many girls in our classes whine about their boyfriends lack of... downstairs equipment." As if to punctuate her Admiration, she finally pulls the full length of Eddie's dick out of his boxers; her velvety soft fingers finally directly touching the hot, throbbing length of him.
Her gaze turns wanton at the sight of him. His cock was long, and thick in perfect balance, with a lovely head and delicate veins. Precum was weeping from the eye of his dick to run down the length of it and onto his balls.
Eddie wondered if he was only imagining the drool at the corner of her mouth the moment she fully took in the sight of him. 
"Ohhh... God..."
When she mentions how big he is Eddie feels a sudden, intense surge of pride. His heartbeat starts to race again, and for a second he thinks about what they would all say if they knew what Eddie the Freak Munson was doing right  now, but then he reminds himself to focus on the present. Yeah, the present was good… Marnie’s smooth fingers had just begun to rub along the thickest vein on his cock and that alone was heaven. 
The girl seems to sense how well her words lifted Eddie's self esteem, the way his cheeks flushed pleasantly at the praise. She thought it was sort of... cute. But she would never admit that out loud.
Instead she takes Eddie's dick and slicks her hands over it a few times to spread his precum so she can jerk his cock a little easier.
Eddie can't control the sound she wrenches out of him from how amazing it felt to have someone other than himself jerk his erection so good like that... it was enough to almost make him drool. 
She pokes out her tongue teasingly, keeping it just a hair's breadth away from Eddie's erection. Her almost touch is driving him crazy, but he tries his best to play it cool and not let her know how badly he wants her.
Without warning however, her soft warm lips begin to swallow around the head of him, and the softness of her slick tongue running along his hot, hard cock almost makes him come undone. Eddie’s eyes roll back, and he blinks blearily at the roof of the van. 
Lewd, wet sounds fill the silence; punctuated by Eddie’s voice. Unable to control himself, Eddie whimpers at every soft suckle. When she takes him down to the base and the head of his cock scrapes the back of her throat, Eddie keens as if the air has been punched from his lungs. 
Eddie can feel his thighs trembling, pleasure sparking along his nerves. Up his spine, and neck; his head practically fuzzy with pleasure. A few times his hips jerk involuntarily, shoving his dick deeper into Marnie’s perfect mouth. 
Apologies sit at the precipice of his tied up tongue, afraid that fucking into her throat like that would make her angry. So when her eyes flick up and she whimpers pleadingly at him as if… fuck, if Eddie didn’t know any better, he might think she liked him rutting his cock into her mouth as if he really was fucking it. 
He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, as they clench and unclench at his sides uselessly. He's just trembling and breathing shakily through his nose. But he knows at least that he can't stop looking at her. His eyes drink her in greedily, and if he could burn the sight of her cheeks stretched full around his cock into his mind forever, he would. 
What finally undoes Eddie are her eyes. At the height of his breathless panting for air, her eyes flick up and bore heatedly into his. They hold such unfathomable thoughts behind them, and Eddie finds it both maddening and exhilarating that he cannot begin to guess what she is thinking as he spills.
Her eyes felt like they were branding him, and though he did not know it then, they would forever leave a mark upon his heart.
She licks her lips after she swallows, which just makes Eddie groan from how overstimulated and over the edge she made him feel. There was the tiniest tinge of regret that it was all over now, but Eddie tried to not let that get to him. Instead he tries to affect an air of lazy nonchalance as he says, "I can't believe we just did... that." An almost note of disbelief colors his words as he looks the girl over. 
“Did you… like it?” Eddie asks breathlessly while he collects himself enough to speak again. He feels a bit silly for even asking, but he needs to know. 
"The question is, Munson, did you like it? This isn't about me, my hookups with you silly boys are never about how I feel. I provide a service and I get something in return. Nothing more, nothing less."
The girl is plucking at the almost burned away remnants of the joint they were sharing and takes a drag of what little remains, releasing the smoke in Eddie's direction. She seems unaffected by her own words, but Eddie can see the small twinge of sadness at the edges of her eyes as she says it. 
“Well if it wasn’t obvious, I loved it. This was… this was amazing.” Eddie replies, honestly. Never in his wildest dreams had Eddie ever dared to think he would be in a moment like this. But seeing the hint of hurt from her own admission makes Eddie want to soften the ache. 
“But, it would be better if you liked it too. Why do you do this if it doesn’t make you feel good?” 
She smiles, it's small and reflective as if she is thinking a thought that she knows she has to hold back. It's in that moment that Eddie sees a hint of something behind her mask. She wanted people to think she was carefree and promiscuous.
"Look Munson, I did enjoy making you feel good. You're probably the... gentlest person I've been with. As long as you are satisfied with what I did for you then that's all that matters. Girls like me... we don't get to be cherished and adored. Treated like something precious... we just... exist for others' benefit." 
“That’s not fair,” Eddie says with a small bit of resentment. “You deserve as much appreciation and love as you give. It just… seems unfair that you get the short end of the stick.” 
"I never said anything about love Munson. Love has nothing to do with why I hook up like this with people like you. Love is the last thing any of you boys need to have with a girl like me " 
"Well, what's so wrong with love?" He asks, confused and curious about what exactly she means by that.
But... There is a small part of Eddie that understands what she's saying - even if he doesn't like hearing it. 
"Love isn't for someone like me, okay?" Her words have a bitter edge, "I'm the kind of person who is meant to be someone's dirty little secret. No one would proudly take me by the hand for the world to see. I'm the mistake that happens when you get too drunk, or miss your ex. I'm the filler in a space that just so happens to be free. Boys don't love girls who are like this. They just use them, and then cut them loose when they get bored of them." 
Her words leave a very bitter taste in Eddie’s mouth. He can’t help feeling slighted, even if Marnie had made it clear from the get go what this was. Her being so candid and assuming his intentions… stung. 
“Well… maybe you just haven’t met someone willing to care for you like that,” Eddie adds. He knows he is going into uncharted territory, and he hopes he won’t say anything too stupid or offensive to make her mad. 
She laughs a little, the sound sardonic and dry and... sad. Her fingers put out the last bits of the joint, before going to brush the mess of her hair out of her face. "Don't you worry your pretty little head over me Munson. Just revel in the fact that you now officially know what it feels like to get a blowie in the back of your van." 
“Wow. You just… it never stops with you, huh?” Eddie replies sarcastically. “I guess I should count myself lucky.”
He sighs softly as he realizes that, although they had both enjoyed themselves, she seems adamant about not letting herself get emotionally connected to anyone. This was a mistake in her mind, and that’s all it’ll ever be.
 Eddie figures there are worse mistakes to make at least. 
"Thanks for the weed, and for being nice to me." Her raspy voice grows a little soft and fluffy at the end, and she looks away. "You're not at all like I expected you to be." 
"Really?" he asks, his usual playful smile returning. "Well, thank you for that. Coming from you, that means a lot."Eddie smiles warmly, a rush of endorphins  flooding him from the compliment. "What did you expect me to be like?" 
"Mean and scary. I know it's dumb... we both have pretty horrible reputations around school, don't we?" 
"Yeah, we do..."
Eddie sighs, smiling warmly at her again. "But sometimes... what we're told isn't always reality. You know, we're not as scary as people make us out to be." He shrugs. "If anything, I'm just a bit of a nerd who likes to headbang to metal, and you... you're actually pretty sweet on the inside." 
"You tell anyone I have a soft gooey inside Munson, and I'll tell everyone around school what you're like down there, and it won't be close to the truth at all." 
He blushes again, just at the reminder of what she had said earlier about his… endowment. "Fine. I can keep a secret." Eddie raises an eyebrow at her. "But would they believe you?" 
She smiles a wolfish, toothy smile at Eddie's response. "Touché," with that she straightens her clothes and reaches for the handle of Eddie's back door in his van.
"If you uh... ever want to request my services again, I might be inclined to say yes. You're pretty fun to hang out with Munson." 
"Maybe I will,"He replies, his face crinkling as he smiles at her. Eddie feels both a bit silly and very embarrassed. But also happy. Really, really happy.
He turns the handle for her, and lets her know the coast is clear. "I'm glad you um, hit me up for a deal. That was... unexpected, but very nice." 
She hops out of the back of the van like she hadn't just been in there doing very eyebrow raising things with Hawkins High's biggest Freak. It warms Eddie's heart just a little when she winks and gives him a small smile over her shoulder before disappearing into the woods. 
With her back turned and fading steadily from view, Eddie makes a dramatic stabbing motion right into his heart and smiles. 
Yeah… without a doubt, he knew he had it bad. 
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deludedfantasy · 11 months
Trimax Vol. 4 Ch 1-3
I’m splitting my thoughts up for this volume because I have a feeling I have A LOT to say for just these three chapters, so it’s probably only gonna get longer from here. Things are starting to get real serious though...
I’ve always had a particular love for the parts of stories that deal with the aftermath of a big battle. What are our characters doing? How are they coping? What have they learned and how have they changed? So, I really liked this chapter on my first read because it gave us a really interesting look into the characters and Home as a setting. Plus, Jessica’s opening is a good laugh.
Wolfwood, my guy, why do you assume Vash is insulting you? He just wants to show you around!!
The look of awe on Wolfwood’s face when he sees the transmitter…it’s so good! Something about a man without hope suddenly finding it again, just for a moment.
Oh god, coupled with his prayer…he wants to hope! That’s all he’s asking for, not even to be saved. But not even for himself, he’s asking for the children, for the future. He’s absent from his own prayers. It absolutely kills me, because he doesn’t even see himself in that future.
And then…Wolfwood’s prayer is answered! A message from Earth and the possibility of help! Good things do happen!
Vash and Wolfwood, both standing apart from the action and celebration, but quietly celebrating together…they are so similar in so many ways, honestly. Also, must comment on the handshake/high-five. Love them so much. They’re growing and developing. 
Yes, Meryl and Milly!! Drag them into the party. Let them be a part of humanity. 
I just got jumpscared by Knives. 
Which is a great way to initiate a tone shift, I will say. 
Vash goes from being dead asleep to wide awake just feeling his brother’s power. Very similar to what happened at Fifth Moon when Knives was resurrected. Like the level of connection between the twins and the sheer power for that to happen is insane. 
Whoa, Knives has his own angel arm now! Did he somehow intercept the satellite communication with his powers? Was that what he was doing in his brief appearance in the last chapter?
Hang on, is Vash trying to leave without letting anyone know? Including Meryl, Milly, and Wolfwood? Oh my God. I know he’s like this but also it’s so rude. These people care about him and he won’t let them know what’s going on with him at all! 
“It’s okay. I’ll come back. Eventually…”
Vash, that isn’t reassuring in the slightest considering you disappeared for over a decade last time. For all his love and care for humanity, he really doesn’t think he deserves any of that same feeling back and it drives me nuts. 
But hey, Wolfwood knows his tricks and isn’t letting him off so easy! (Which is kinda his job, but still)
My enduring fascination with the backstories of the Gung Ho Guns is being fed so well here. Midvalley especially is so interesting. He sees Knives’s evil, he even calls it the work of the devil, but he’s still working for him. He’s another man who’s stuck between a rock and a hard place, and chooses to play the devil. He’s certainly not good, he was obviously an assassin even before his association with the Gung Ho Guns, but he’s conflicted. He’s not good, but he doesn’t want to be evil. 
“I’m a collector of knives. Sharp ones, ready and capable of genocide.” Knives…really said that, huh. 
It’s interesting that in the page where we see a group shot of the Gung Ho Guns, Wolfwood is mostly out of frame. Only his arm and Punisher are visible. He is and he isn’t one of them.
Legato is sooooo upset that Knives isn’t telling him everything. And that Wolfwood is ruining his plans to kill Vash. Even though he’s still working under Knives’s orders. He’s so, so unhinged.
Also, Knives has finally abandoned his BDSM suit, so I can stop giggling every time he’s on page. 
And now we return to our regularly scheduled Vash and Wolfwood shenanigans. 
Vash is such a drama queen, I love it. Face down on the ground, calling out to Rem because he’s tired and pretending to be dying, and then immediately awake when he hears a car. What a guy. 
Meryl and Milly are so right to drive past them. Serves Vash right for leaving without saying goodbye.
Hang on, did those two set out across the desert without enough food and water? To the point that they needed to be rescued by Meryl and Milly, and taken to the hospital?? For two supposedly dangerous and smart men, they are incredibly stupid.
Go Meryl and Milly!! I love it when the girls get to be badasses too. 
“It may be small but its power is sufficient.” Meryl’s dad is right not just about her guns, but about her. It’s been interesting watching Meryl, someone who is truly only human, try to keep up with and deal with basically supernatural beings. I wonder if what she’s considering at this moment is if what her father said was really true. Can she keep up with Vash? Does she have the power to help him with his quest?
Wolfwood sometimes manages to be caring in the rudest way possible. He’s talking about ditching the girls like they’re hangers on, but he’s really worried that they’re going to get hurt or killed. 
Vash, as usual, calling Wolfwood out on it, too. Wolfwood isn’t sure that he wants to do that! Besides, Vash is right. The girls went in with their eyes wide open. As much as Vash likes to not give the whole truth to protect people and keep them from following him, the girls know what they’re getting into. He doesn’t have that excuse anymore, and he can’t keep them away without disregarding their autonomy completely.
Hoppred and Midvalley might be my favorite Gung Ho Guns. They’re so complicated! Midvalley is there because he doesn’t have a choice; it was either join Knives or die, but he knows he’s going to die at the end of this either way. Hoppred is here for revenge and once he gets that, his purpose for living is gone, so it doesn’t matter if he dies anyway. They were pushed onto this dark path and they don’t see a way out of it; they don’t see a future outside of the darkness. There’s a theme somewhere in here but I can’t quite grasp it. Honestly, I just loved everything about their conversation here.
Oh no, Meryl’s been kidnapped! If I remember my volumes correctly, this is the one where things get really dark. I don’t know if I’m ready for the rest of this…
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genderoutlaws · 2 years
yooo anon who said the thing abt “theyfabs” i accidentally deleted yr message 😭 i still wanted to answer tho bc i feel like it’s increasingly misinterpreted n another example of trans womens language being taken out of context, so its a convo worth having. bc while i get yr discomfort with any kinda insult towards a trans person mentioning their agab, when this term first started popping up in trans fem circles like it was a pretty specific phenomena of the like usually white, tme nonbinary person who stakes their identity in their birth assignment, constantly mentions being afab, and in a way fueled by transmisogyny to distance themselves from trans people assigned male at birth. like if yall have never met a ~nonbinary t/rf~ you’re so lucky but they are truly out there. and even ppl who aren’t full blown, u will see a Lottt of this casual transmisogyny n transmisogynoir totally unchecked
so i think it still has a use case to talk abt womens experiences from within the community. i Do get what u mean tho that sadly now the further it gets from the original source, you do have ppl who are just using it to mean like “any nonbinary person who was afab that i wanna dunk on” n are using it as a tool of transphobia rather than a means of calling out transmisogyny. but i don’t want to give any weight to this idea of “binary privilege” you bring up because it’s just not a material reading of the facts. its the same logic that gives us concepts like “monosexual privilege”, lumping the oppressor in with the oppressed. trans women are not oppressing nonbinary people on a systemic level, and trans woman and nonbinary aren’t two inherently separate groups anyways. pushing distinctions between binary and nonbinary trans people as, ironically, another binary really makes me uncomfortable tbh. i know many trans ppl who would not describe themselves as either one, who operate under different perceptions of gender altogether.
i do want us to be a strong community joined in solidarity but it worries me that a large faction of tme trans people do not seem committed to putting in the work of unlearning and dismantling transmisogyny, like that concerns me a lot more than trans women being kind of rude online yknow what i mean ? bc like if a girl on tiktok calls me a theyfab for whatever her own reasons to view me that way are, its gonna sit with me for a day maybe, and probably cause me to do some honest reflecting on how im moving in trans spaces. but the ~theyfabs who put all their energy into calling out and harassing trans women out of communities and safe spaces for perceived slights or deeming them predatory because of their birth assignment, doxxing them, cutting them off from support, that is going to last a life time. if not in material consequences, in terms of being able to trust at least. like idk this is a little rambly but yall understand what im gettin at here i hope.
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winterxisxcomingx · 3 months
why are you so obssesed with poly ships? i've been lurking around your blog and you seem to put a lot of characters from your fandoms in poly ships, you even have a sideblog with polyamory in url and i'm curious why
ik you might just be poly yourself and looking for representantion which is valid even when you have to make it up bc there's not much of those relationships in media
but if your mono then what exactly about those ships interests you?
sorry if it's rude to ask or sth, i don't want to offend but i was seriously wondering
ohh that's interesting haha but im glad you're not mean
welp, it's just one of my interests, ya know. My bachelor's thesis was about polyamory representation in media and just overall - it's history, how people are seeing it, how they react to it, how this kind of relationships works. Like, idk it's just interesting to me. Also, poly is kinda part of lgbt+ community, but it isn't exactly popular in media or and lgbt doesn't really talk about it as much as about trans or other orientations. Lately, people has taken an interest in polyamory, and not only in a sexual way but also as a romantic, beautiful relationship, and I guess im just part of this group.
and representation in media? Oh lord, don't let me start on that. There's like one or two good representation in movies/shows, while others are just toxic and all are doing are harden negative stereotypes.
Also, ive been a shipper since i was a little kid. Idk men, I just like idea of people loving each other. Movies and tv shows in 20's were all about love triangles, and honestly why? I mean, if you both love one person, and that person can't seem to chose because she also loves both of you, then... don't you see a solution? I mean, obviously, it isn't that easy in real life, but in a movies? Why not just let them love each other without drama.
Oh yes, another thing: fandom dramas. I hate those, truly. Ive been in many fandoms before, and in most of them there is that discourse 'ship A vs ship B" usually having "G+K or G+N" and people are literally throwing insults and kys at each other just because they can't accept that other people like different dynamics than them. That's stupid all in itself, but welp.. I guess polyamory is some kind of way of remis? I mean, in poly you can ship both ships without argument. They can be in open relationship or close, they can be triad or just one person loving two others. Like, in a fictional world, it's the best solution, isn't it? It's us who create characters' thoughts, dynamic, emotions... We *can* make it work!
So hm that would be that, I think? Love is beautiful and you can make it that way if u want to!
I hope it answers your question ahaha
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papirouge · 7 months
Lol the stories about the child sacrifice and abortion parallels plus the boy wanting and mutilating himself to be an animatronic as a trans allegory are pretty based and at least the last one seems quite likely to be based on that if the original creator was the one who came up with the idea. how in hell did people even find out he was a registered republican voter? how do you even register yourself as a voter for a particular party?? in my country, things don't work like that so I'm lost. your vote is completely confidencial so it shouldn't be possible for anyone to know such info unless someone close to him decided to spill the beans.
I think i've heard before something about the creator of fnaf being cancelled but for some reason I had the idea it was for being christian, perhaps i'm confusing him with another game creator...
like i said i only play minecraft and pokeymon, but notch, the creator of minecraft, has also had his heated gamer moments too. he said trans women aren't women, he said people who didnt believe in a straight pride parade deserved to be shot, said feminism was a social disease and called a feminist a cunt, said there was nothing wrong about white pride (then later kinda recanted by saying something like "I didnt know there were only some groups allowed to feel proud of who they are"), and something else about not giving in to mentall illness in reference to transgenderism, though later kinda apologized saying he didnt understand trans identities very well. obviously, references to his name got erased in many products and even the game itself, only visible once after you beat the ender dragon, and microsoft banned him from their events ever since.
pokemon creators havent had these type of controversies which i attribute to having a better pr team and not growing up alongside social media and decide it's a great idea to post any thought that passes through their head. theyve had some though, like with jynx believed to be a racial stereotype (supposedly though she's based on ganguro fashion and the "fat lady" of an opera) so her skin was changed from black to purple. interestingly, ludicolo is a very obvious mexican stereotype yet nobody cares lol.
i do think its kinda funny when these authors get cancelled but they stil keep them/their product around to milk it to death.
and I might or might not watch the video. ive watched some youtube essays before but never that long, so we'll see...
I mean only mentally ill people like me would be dedicated to watch a 9 hours lore video essay, so I don't blame you anon lol
I am too very confused about the registred political alignement thing but I gues that's yet another dystopian US lunacy. In my country this stuff doesn't exist neither. I heard some celebrities/influencer get flack for being Republican (Jaclyn Hill comes to mind) but I have no idea how people/haters manage to get this information. I guess they are available on public record or stuff like that.
Since FNAF has a VERY dedicated fandom, I am not surprised some fans went as far as to sleuth this info out.
That minecraft guy sounds like a legit asshole though and he deserved to be canceled idc I HATE when people make foul out of themselves for the whole world to see, and then act shook when people don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. I hope he didn't have the audacity to whine about "Mh fReeDoM oF sPeeCh" because dude was apparently saying it was ok to kill people for having disagreeing opinions🙃
On the opposite, Scott Cawthon is SUPER lowkey & private and never explicitely said anything rude or insulting. People just started hating him for being Republican and allegedly Christian (which I think nobody found actual evidence of)
And animatronic aren't allegory of trans people, it was only the B-7 story of a boy butchering himself as one. The whole FNAF story is Scott Cawthon creation. He just co-writes the book with a female author, but only him creates the lore. Animatronics are regular robot who are possessed by the spirit of dead children.
I didn't know they changed Jynx color 'o' I never thought anything about this design - I felt like she didn't even have skin, but but more like a void lmao (like these spectre type pokemon)
I roll my eyes at article defending this design à la "oooh but Sugiomori didn't want to offend anyone uwu" ok but Pokémon is now a game with an INTERNATIONAL audience. If Nintendo wants to keep making bucks out of their game, they have to adapt themselves to foreign audience. This sort of "purity complex" when it comes from japanese cultural assets coming into the West is insufferable. No culture is immune to criticism.
Ganguro started around 1996 which is the year when the first Pokémon game came out...so I highly doubt Sugimori would be already aware of this trend during the game development. Japan already had a weird thing with dark/black skin, so Jynx simply might be yet another design celebrating this brand of "quirkiness".
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Type 3 and playing nice
Is the chameleon nature and ability to play to an audience present in every 3 regardless of MBTI type?
It seems to be, provided there's no high Fi interfering with it -- and even then, an EFP 3 can get away with being charming. I remember seeing Bill Clinton (ESFP 3) on a talk show after that whole Monica Lewinsky thing. I went into it knowing "this guy is a lying a-hole," and ten minutes into the interview was thinking, "What a lovely guy!" He is just so damn likable. My ESTJ 3w2 relative can do the same thing. I know for a fact how obnoxious and controlling he can be at times, because I've crossed him, but if you just interact with him casually or meet him for two hours, you walk away thinking what a nice person he is, and how you have misjudged him, and maybe he's not really a jerk after all. He seems so warm and engaged and interested in you, and like such a decent person.
I don't often spot 3s immediately, but I am pretty sure a woman I met recently is an EFJ 3. She just came into a group, immediately adapted to it, and has made everyone like her, while also being very driven, productive, and proactive ("you don't sit on your hands"). I invited her to a spring tea held at my house because I just knew that she could merge into the group and it would be like she'd been friends with them all for twenty years -- and that's exactly how it went down. Everyone adored her and wants her back at my next tea. It's a gift 3s possess to be likable through image-management and to get a sense of their audience and adjust to meet them (and I am jealous of it).
I noticed that there are many characters who are ExTPs who fit that side of the 3 description, but the ones who aren't (most are TJs as I can remember) seem to not have that polish and are at times typed as 8s. I'm thinking of people like Blair Waldorf and Cheryl Blossom, who even with social instinct are very rude and mean to others and so are unlikable to most characters in their story, though many fans love them.
There are some jerk 3s, yes. But fiction can also play up the "bitch" angle a great deal, and where you come from and what society expects from you is also a factor -- a 3 who has worked themselves up from the gutter of life doesn't start out with the same entitlement attitude as an upper crust high society brat who isn't used to being nice to people. It doesn't mean a high society person can't be a 3 and still be nice to "the help," but if you've had a silver spoon in your mouth your entire life and always gotten whatever you wanted when you demanded it, that fosters an attitude of "epic brat." Power corrupts a 3 the same as it would any other number, and being rich, famous, and popular is a form of power.
And yet... don't we still kinda like Blair and Cheryl for BEING bitchy? Isn't it kinda fun to tune in to see who they insult this week?
There's also some wing involvement happening -- a 3w4 is more elitist than a 3w2, since one has a wing focused on not being one of the banal masses and the other has a wing urging them to 'help' people (from a position of power). 3s can be divisive, though, and no, not all of them are likable. Some people like ESP 3w2 Tony Robbins and others find him obnoxious. It all comes down to personal flavor (and to some degree, if you believe in tritype, fixes; a 3-9 is a lot more likable to your average stranger than the aggressiveness of 3-8).
I'm trying to understand the difference of strategies to be successful I see 3s applying. Some seem to use force, while others social game, so I wanted to now where that comes from.
That is probably purely MBTI related (and again, fixes -- a 3-8 is double assertive and would use force to get what they want; a 3-1 or a 3-9 would not). I think social 3 would be the 3 most able to play a 'game' to get what they want, since they'd know what someone else expects from them and how to leverage that to get ahead in life.
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caramelgeddon · 1 year
Danganronpa 2 girls x motherly nurse s/o (romantic)
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So hi! It’s been a bit honestly me leaving is way to often… I ran out of ideas but came up with a lot more… however I will admit writing isn’t as a big hobby for me as it used to be… but I’ll post here every now and then hopefully more frequently… enjoy my lovelies and goobers! - mod Himiko
Mikan really needs a caring figure in her life… one to treat her well and make her feel special… to help her wounds when she’s bullied and to defend her from bullies
This would be the perfect match for her… however it would take a while for her to open up… after being treated bad for so long it’s only fair she’s a bit distrusting…
She’d wonder if this niceness is all one big cruel prank and they’ll make fun of her soon for being such a stupid pig and falling for it…
But after a long time maybe about a year or two… she’d realize it isn’t a joke… and burst out into happy tears, happy to be treated right for once…
And finally the scarred nurse can be given the gift she’s given others…
To heal
She really doesn’t get hurt often but having someone so caring is nice…
They play games together occasionally, with the nurse being really good! Just not as good as Chiaki
And they play fitness games together mostly the nurses way of making sure they stay healthy
Being the leader of her own country she can get injured quite frequently!
So a personal nurse tending to her wounds makes her feel special, like a fairy tale princess
Would appoint them her official nurse and loves them to death…
However quick disclaimer… do not hurt her nurse… or else
Don’t choose death… it’s unhealthy
She definitely has the gold medal of the group for which female gets the most bruises…
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, training with coach nekomaru is just kinda rough at times which she’s fine with… although she’s not the best at healing her wounds
So a partner that can help heal her wounds is so helpful! And she loves them so much!
If allowed her partner would help with her training by suggesting healthy food that can maximize her muscles leading her to finally beat nekomaru in combat!
She rewards her partner with hugs and thank you’s! So many thank you’s said so fast… she will always remember this!
Expect kisses and I love you’s added on to this!
Akane gets into the most wounds because of scars but Peko definitely gets in the most fights. After all the job itself kinda demands it.
While she loves having them healed she’s worried her partner doesn’t like her bodyguard job and wants her to quit…
She’s half right… while they don’t like her getting hurt they know the job makes her happy and would never stop her…
There so sweet
Bonus headcannon: she sleeps like a cat curling up
You’d expect the motherly nurse to be the more caring one! Ha no!
Yeah while the nurse tries to take care of her she ends up taking care of them! However the motherly nurse tries to turn this around! It’s a care off
Being a nurse is dangerous and they can get hurt occasionally and if someone hurts her nurse… ok she won’t hurt them at all but she’s gonna be so angry and take care of her brave trooper
You better believe her rude attitude mean she sometimes gets into fights… sure the innocent act persuades some but not others… that and sometimes she just hurts herself by accident
So having a sweet motherly nurse for her she actually kinda likes…
Although at first she hurls the same insults she hurled at Mikan, these soon disappear completely
She grows to love them but will never admit it…
But the nurse knows the truth deep down
As safe as a profession photographer seems it can be quite dangerous! Even photos of people can occasionally lead to them being deranged… and don’t even get me started on pictures of wild animals!
Sooo… having a nurse partner that heals her wounds make her feel so appreciated
One that hikes with her during her photography trips and defends her from any deranged clients make her feel so special and protective
And since her partner is also protective they both fight to protect the other “I’ll protect you Mahiru!” “Move out of the way you cute idiot I’ll protect you!”
Having a cute idiot to protect and protect her makes her feel like stomach has butterflies…
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Welcome, welcome, welcomeeee—back!! Yes, yes! He is indeed the homeless caterpillar man from the ever popular anime: My Hero Academia!!
Now, Why am I making a post about him? Whats with the sad blob? What're the weird fairy things? why is Aizawa sad, and whats the with the thing in the lower left corner?
Well, for the last question!—IGNORE IT!! It's not part of this topic! Now for the other questions,
I'm in the process of making an AU! Specifically one that revolves around an Aizawa Shouta's torment!
Thats alot of take in, isn't it? Lemme explain!! But first, a warning.
I've only done light research about the folklore and topics I've planted into this fantasy, quirkless world! I like it's premise as is, and it'll be kinda hard to make replacements since they're already so ingrained into the AU. so don't expect it to be accurate on how the fantasy creatures actually are, I just based them off a few lines from google results and wikipedia!
That being said, lets continue!
"Aizawa Shouta, An orphan (probably, I haven't figured out his lineage yet) young adult man who lives "alone" in the forest. A group of 20 spirits of seelies and will-o-wisps that live in the surrounding forest, haunt and torment the tired adult from his first week at his tree-cabin, to recent times!
A toxic relationship between the 20 and Aizawa grows. Normalized and with nobody around or willing to help him, he never knew a different environment. Despite the constant torment and jabs being 'gifted' to him, he treats them as a parent would. Their remarks of his 'curse'? The seelies' laughs at his mistakes? The wisps' pitying looks sent to him every which way? Ah, he doesn't mind. After all, it'd be rude to insult his guests."
...Wooh, quite the intro huh? Lemme break it down into bits to form somewhat of an overview.
Welcome, welcome! This is the Alternate Universe I often call: the Spirit Torment AU, or ST for short. Keep in mind this is still a Work In Progress, so things are subject to change! But I'll explain what I have at the moment.
From that lil intro, we get our starting cast! With Aizawa as the main character! ..thrilling. And yes! that group of 20 seelies and will-o-wisps are, indeed, class 1A of this AU! Don't fret, they won't be the only people that get the spotlight in here! I'm making progress on including some pro-heroes(mostly just the UA staff rn tbh), perhaps some villains, perhaps some 1Bs—and a possibility of a backstory substitute for the ever feared, ever loved: Nezu!
But that can wait 'till a future post. No, right now, lets focus on what I actually have for the ST AU! (at the time of writing this, I've managed to gather 29 words that come from the meaning of Aizawa's full name, in kanji, in different languages to string together a foreign-sounding name--atleast to me)
Our protagonist used to live in a small town far from the country's capital, yet miles away from the boarder. A generic, isolated community with similar beliefs and traditions.
Enter our tired, black-haired, younger-than-present protagonist! Into a quirkless world set in somewhat of a medieval era, although—not all is as our history books! Fantasy creatures, big and small, intelligent and feral. These are the creatures who are the only ones who are not bound by the rules of humans.
By the rules, of a magic-less body.
Yes, yes! Our magical fantasy creatures are able to use magic! Several factors depending on the species. A cluster of several of theses fantasy creatures litter the forest that the town neighbours.
Unfortunate for Aizawa, he was born different from his peers. A bad kind of different. From the creatures that scurry and survive in the forest, to our quaint town of magicless beings.
For a first in the town, when Shouta Aizawa was born, the small child with unique red eyes, instilled fear and uncertainty to those who knew of his trait.
With a word from a traveller on horse, The red eyed child became part of a town folklore: On the days the wind was ever so slightly chiller, when an ominous sense of danger wafts through the town—It shall be a sign Theia's descendent came outside his abode.
'Theia, the titan goddess of sight and the shining ether of the bright, blue sky. She was also, by extension, the goddess who endowed gold and silver with their brilliance and intrinsic value' or, that's how the story goes.
The descendant's tell-tale sign of his linage by his other-worldly eyes. A color natural to no man, woman or child. He wanders aimlessly around town, the people who the goddess so graciously gifted gold and silver to—yet only to be wasted on pubs, slaves and the like.
They say, to quell the descendant's growing fury: One must give back to the goddess by the descendant, must pay back a debt so long ago—no human would live to today, must graciously gift the descendant with shimmering blue hues of jewellery and gems of value, to the titan goddess of the sky's blue.
Breaking out of that rhyming fest! Yes yes, Aizawa's natural eye color here is red! Like how it turns when he uses his quirk?
And he got a town folklore made after him! Sure, it make him sound like some tyrant leader....but still! Also, now we know where he gets his income from! Sad he doesn't have much to actually do with it except buy groceries. ...what? Did you expect him to hunt the fantasy animals for food? or harm the forest for fruits? How rude!
Fun factoid! I actually came across that goddess while researching a bit for this AU! Found the question 'what deities are associated with blue?' The answer was given before! I'm not rewriting that just back scroll. Yeah, I didn't really look into her outside of that one question...
I don't really think it matters much in this AU, since I just needed an excuse for why the townspeople are ostracizing him or basically begging to be spared instead of just executing Aizawa. And it gave me an excuse to give the lil boy a source of income.
I found it a pretty great coincidence how she's the titan goddess of SIGHT, ya know, something Aizawa is known to need to activate his quirk?
Anyway, thats pretty much the most detailed thing I've got rn.
Moving onto the seelies and will-o-wisps, I read the seelies' wiki page, where a part caught my interest..
Appearently, in legend the seelies could be morally ambivalent and dangerous. Calling them 'seelie' similar to names such as 'good neighbors' could just be a euphemism to ward off their anger.
So just from that alone, I made the seelies in this AU more toxic and outspoken about it.
Now to will-o-wisps, I'll be honest...they weren't supposed to be added in originally until I thought that just having a roster of only toxic character would be a bad idea... So I added in the wisps.
...until I made them toxic too
Reading from the wiki again, in Urban legends, folklore and superstition.... will-o-wisps are typically considered to be ghosts, fairies or elemental spirits.
This is getting a bit long and I have school so I'll try to wrap this up quickly.
On how these spirits are toxic to Aizawa? Well, you've seen some hints throughout this post but I'll explain a little more!
The seelies, they're more of the outspoken emotions out of the slightly opposing sides of seelie and wisp. Emotions like anger or frustration, maybe mocks and taunts with laughter.
The wisps, while not meaning any bad intentions, still is toxic to an extent--or atleast not treating Aizawa properly. They're more of the sadder, subtle and worried emotions. Emotions like, as I said, sorrow and worry. Maybe with a hint of treating him like frail glass and underplaying most of what Aizawa does or dreams of.
I said before they're slightly opposing sides, not necessarily good and evil—its more of 'intent' or 'display' than that. But there will be times where a side would agree with the other Ex: "The wisps are right, you cant even do [ ] correctly. You're so useless! Pathetic!" "The seelies are right, you cant do a simple [ ] without getting hurt. You can't do [ ] or else you'd get yourself killed."
Anyway, I'm tired and maybe I'll make another post about ST!AU in the future
For now, have these bits of art as a thanks for reading this far!
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magmagicstyle · 3 years
⚠️WARNING⚠️: Edward is an asshole… Insults, and violence to some extent because… protective Volturies and we kinda hate Bella but we also feel bad for her, because let’s be honest… Edward is kinda a manipulative bitch. Unhealthy relationships.
Pairings: male!reader x The Volturi kings.
A/N: You can totally read this while listening to this song.
*Kinda angst but not really*
PART 1  -  PART 1.B  - PART 2  -  PART 3.A  -  PART 3.B  -  PART 4.A  -  PART 4.B 
Beginning of part 2
Oh, baby, it's just your body
Will it know that you love somebody
Who won't be there when you're sorry?
Other people
Aro let out a soft sigh while looking at Bella, he smiled towards the girl, even if it was a fake smile and after caressing your neck and shoulder, he started to walk around the throne and towards the small group of unwanted vampires.
"I'm sorry, we haven't been introduced properly at all, have we? It's just that I feel like I know you already, and I tend to get ahead of myself. Your brother introduced us yesterday, in a peculiar way. You see, I share some of your brother's talent, only I am limited in a way that he is not." Aro apologised mostly because he had to maintain certain manners and costumes as a king, but still, it wasn’t totally truthful. After finishing talking and explaining part of his powers, he shook his head; while he sounded a bit frustrated.
Your powerful king, that was one of the reasons why he didn’t want to kill Edward. Even if Aro knew that he was powerful, not only naturally but also because of his long time as a vampire, he also understood his limitations and that frustrated him a lot. Still, you didn’t believe that he was limited. Yes, it was true that Aro couldn’t read someone's mind without touching them, but touching a person or a vampire was quite easy, you only needed to be close enough and you would be able to see every thought that you wanted to know, unlike Edward, that could only hear their thoughts at that moment but couldn’t know anything besides that. At that moment, your hand was itching to touch him, to reassure him and to help him see how amazing he was, but you knew you couldn’t just stand up and do whatever you wanted. After all, there were rules that had to be followed.
Your thoughts were interrupted -quite rudely- by Edward’s voice.
"And also exponentially more powerful," Edward added dryly. He looked at Alice as he swiftly explained. Couldn’t they be more subtle? Maybe have some discretion, or was that something that Carlisle didn’t teach his children. Foolish man, he lived with the Volturi for a long time and still believed that they wouldn’t take everything just to have an advantage over other vampires. "Aro needs physical contact to hear your thoughts, but he hears much more than I do. You know I can only hear what's passing through your head at the moment. Aro hears every thought your mind has ever had."
Alice raised her thin and quite delicate eyebrows towards Edward, showing her thoughts like they were nothing, and Edward inclined his head, almost nodding in response. Aro, obviously, didn't miss that either. After all, the king wasn’t stupid and apparently, Edward wasn’t even trying to hide his actions. Stupid child.
"But to be able to hear from a distance..." Aro sighed, gesturing toward the two of them, and the exchange that had just taken place. Inevitably making you smirk when you saw how they got nervous by being caught in the act. "That would be so convenient."
Aro looked over his shoulder. All the other heads moved in the same direction, including Jane and Alec, who stood silently beside the unwanted group, and Felix and Demetri, who were behind them. Of course, Bella was the slowest to move, thanks to her condition as a human, but still, the effect was almost immediate.
Your other mates were looking quite magnificent, proud on their thrones, one at each side of you. They looked like a cat ready to attack a small and insignificant mouse. Marcus, with his flowing black hair and Caius, with his gorgeous blonde locks, looked like masterpieces straight out of a museum, same as Aro.
"Marcus, Caius, what do you think?" Aro asked with a playful and almost devilish smile on his face. "Bella is alive after all, and Alice is here with her! Isn't that wonderful?"
You weren’t offended by the fact that he didn’t ask your opinion. After all, you may be their mate but you weren’t part of the royalty just yet. Even if you were courting, you haven’t had a mating ceremony nor a wedding, so you weren’t a king. Of course, your mates always assured you that even without the ceremony you were their equal and that they considered you as a king. Your guards were the same, they didn’t need to see or test anything to be sure that you were one of their kings. Sadly, for this type of meetings and trials, you needed to pass through the mating or wedding to be seen as a king, or as an authority capable of making decisions about the fate of the vampire in front of you.
Stopping your thoughts, you looked at your sides. Neither of the two kings close to you looked as if wonderful would be their first choice of words. Of course, you wouldn’t blame them for it. After all, they were aware of what happened between the Cullen family and you, and even if you asked them to be letienent with Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet, since after thinking for a while of the day everything was ruined, they looked as confused and offended as you were -and you knew that Rosalie hated foolish humans like you-. Well, you didn’t ask the same treatment for the rest of the family.
Going back to your kings, Marcus, seemed utterly bored almost as if he’d seen too many millennia of Aro’s enthusiasm, which he had but if you actually knew him, you could notice that behind his boredom mask there was some amusement and even fondness. Caius, well, his expression was quite sour, but it wasn’t because of Aro, not at all, he just didn’t like the idea of being stuffed in the room for too long, he liked to walk around the castle, to hide in his drawing room and just spend time there. The idea of being with vampires that were less than him was so pointless and almost foolish, even if he liked the sensation of the power he had over other vampires. Of course, Aro knew that their expressions were just a mask to hide their real feelings, so their fake lack of interest didn’t tamper with his enjoyment.
“Let us have the story” Aro said softly, his voice sounding almost like a song.
Caius fixed his position in his throne, while Marcus walked towards Aro, reaching his hand out with a soft gleam in his eyes. He probably found something quite interesting. He touched Aro's palm briefly and then dropped his hand to his side. Aro raised one black brow.
“Oh…” You whispered, so softly that for a second you thought that nobody heard you. Caius proved you wrong when he turned his head towards you with a curious shine in his eyes. This ought to be interesting.
Edward snorted very quietly -or at least he thought, since you were able to hear him- and Alice looked at him, curious. Apparently, Edward knew about this little joke, or maybe he was being ironic. Either way, it didn’t matter, your attention was sorely in your kings’ actions. You wanted to know more, you needed to know more.
"Thank you, Marcus," Aro said, voice airy and almost like a whisper. "That's quite interesting."
Marcus didn't look too interested, the only difference in his expression being the soft gleam that adorned his red eyes. He glided away from Aro to go back towards the thrones, sitting by your side. Two of our guards came closer to us, deciding to move in case protecting us was necessary.
Aro was shaking his head. "Amazing,"' he said. "Absolutely amazing."
Alice's expression was frustrated, while Bella, that little human, looked quite lost. If you had to be honest, she seemed quite dumb so her being lost wasn’t a surprise for you. Edward turned to her and explained again in a swift, low voice Marcus’ talent.
Aro smiled. "So convenient," he repeated to himself, and then he spoke to them. "It takes quite a bit to surprise Marcus, I can assure you… It's just so difficult to understand, even now," Aro mused, staring at Edward's arm wrapped around Bella. It was quite noticeable that she struggled to keep up with the conversation. "How can you stand so close to her like that?"
"It's not without effort," Edward answered calmly.
"But still–la tua cantante! What a waste!"
Well, that explained some things… You couldn’t help but think. After all, even if Edward loved Bella, his actions and the whole situation involving him, cheating and well, you, was quite confusing. In any case, the condition of having found your tua cantante wasn’t an excuse to ruin what seemed to be like a perfect relationship but at least it helped to clear some things up.
While you were thinking of this, Aro and Edward had some sort of argument. Of course, nobody dared to raise their voices, nor act like they were mad, but still, the desire to fight was there. Your thoughts only stopped when you heard Edward talk about the man that promised to be like a father to you and then failed.
"Carlisle outshines me in many other ways as well." He said while looking like he was containing himself.
“That’s an understatement…” You whispered softly, being rewarded by Caius hidden laugh and Marcus amused expression. Aro ignored the comment, pretending that it never happened and answered the vampire in front of him.
"I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control of all things, but you put him to shame."
"Hardly." Edward sounded impatient. As if he were tired of the preliminaries. It made you feel excited, he was truly afraid, worried for the human by his side and scared of your magnificent kings. Noticing how Bella seemed to be afraid of the situation just made everything quite better. This little girl came to the world demanding things and doing whatever she wanted without fearing the consequences and now that everything was starting to get more real, she couldn’t help but shake like a scared runt.
"I am gratified by his success," Aro mused. "Your memories of him are quite a gift for me, though they astonish me exceedingly. I am surprised by how it... pleases me, his success in this unorthodox path he's chosen. I expected that he would waste, weaken with time. I'd scoffed at his plan to find others who would share his peculiar vision. Yet, somehow, I'm happy to be wrong… But your restraint!" Aro sighed. "I did not know such strength was possible. To inure yourself against such a siren call, not just once but again and again–if I had not felt it myself, I would not have believed."
Edward gazed back at Aro's admiration with no expression. You knew his face well enough–time and your breakup had not changed that–to guess at something seething beneath the surface. He was so tense, so worried and almost ready to run or fight, probably both.
"Just remembering how she appeals to you..." Aro chuckled. "It makes me thirsty."
And that was it. Aro threw that comment so consciously, almost waiting for a reaction. Of course, he got one. Edward tensed. By that, he revealed his real feelings and also showed us how much this human mattered to him. With that, he gave us the advantage we already had, but this time, he showed it in a way that was so obvious that even he noticed the position he put himself into.
"Don't be disturbed," Aro said, almost as if he was trying to reassure him. "I mean her no harm. But I am so curious, about one thing in particular." He eyed Bella with interest. "May I?" he asked eagerly, lifting one hand.
Oh, your king, obviously he wanted to know more about Bella’s gift. After all, if she was turned, she could be an interesting asset, even if you didn’t like her.
"Ask her," Edward suggested in a flat voice.
"Of course, how rude of me!" Aro exclaimed, faking embarrassment. "Bella," he addressed to the human directly. "I'm fascinated that you are the one exception to Edward's impressive talent–so very interesting that such a thing should occur! And I was wondering, since our talents are similar in many ways, if you would be so kind as to allow me to try–to see if you are an exception for me, as well?"
Her eyes flashed up to Edward's face in terror. Despite Aro's politeness, it was obvious that she didn't believe she had a choice. Which was totally true, she didn’t. Aro was just asking to follow a formality, but in reality, Bella had to obey. Still, even if she looked scared, her eyes were shining with some strange type of curiosity. Edward nodded towards her in encouragement, probably to calm her a bit so she followed the order as she was supposed to. The little human, trembling as a leaf, raised her hand quite slowly and showed it to Aro. Your kings’ look was so confident, and while he reached out, pressing his skin against hers -you would need to ask him to wash his hand at least five times before he tried to touch you with her smell all over his skin-. You noticed with surprise how his usual confidence wavered and became doubt and incredulity before he calmed it into a friendly -and obviously fake- expression.
Aro commented something, but you didn’t really pay attention, your eyes went directly to Edward, he was clearly trying to keep his face composed, but it was obvious that he was feeling quite proud, even smug. Then, your eyes went back to Aro, he kept a thoughtful expression on his face, and was quiet for a few seconds, looking at the group of unwelcomed vampires, then, he shook his head, and talked softly, a devilish smile hidden behind a curious expression.
I wonder if she is immune to our other talents... Jane, dear?"
A smile appeared on your face, feeling quite proud of your mate’s thinking. Of course, you were supposed to keep some imagine, so you covered your smile behind your hand. Still, the gleam in your eyes became a bit stronger when you saw Edwards reaction. For a second you thought that your smile was going to stay there for a bit longer, remembering how Bella was affected by your gift, and thinking that she probably was going to feel the pain of Jane’s, but the little human showed you wrong.
Of course, Edward tried to be the hero and put himself in the middle of Jane using his powers, so he ended up on the floor, writhing in obvious agony, while the human looked horrified by the situation. Bella then shrieked like a banshee, trying to move towards Edward and being stopped by Alice, not allowing her to move. The girl reaction seemed so unlady like, even if you thought that some costumes from before were quite archaic and stupid. Bella’s reaction, yelling while moving her hair and making a mess out of it, was so… ugly, that you couldn’t help but lament the lack of manners of the younger generations. After a few seconds, the show was over, Jane being stopped by your mate. The only noise left was the soft reassuring words that Alice was giving Bella, while Edward was still on the ground. Then he sat up, moving towards Alice and Bella and then turning around to look with a quite smug expression on his face towards Jane.
It was at the moment you realised that the room had gone still, everyone watching the group of vampires and one human with amazed disbelief, that you noticed that Jane was glaring at Bella, her jaw clenched with the intensity of her focus and her anger.
Nothing happened.
Aro started to laugh, hiding his anger for being unable to hurt at least a bit the little human. "Ha, ha. ha," he chuckled. "This is wonderful!"
Jane hissed in frustration -your poor little girl-, leaning forward like she was preparing to spring towards Bella and kill her once and for all. To be honest, you couldn’t blame her. The girl knew everything that involved you and it was quite obvious that she didn’t like Edward or Bella.
"Don't be put out, dear one," Aro said in a comforting tone, placing a powder-light hand on her shoulder. "She confounds us all." Jane's upper lip curled back her teeth as she continued to glare at her. Then, she walked towards your throne, staying behind it, but also close to your side. When she arrived, your hand went up and caressed her cheek, comforting her and also making her know that it was okay. Almost instantly she relaxed a bit. Still being on guard and ready to attack in case anybody tried to hurt you, but at least she wasn’t as angry as before.
"Ha, ha, ha," Aro chortled again. "You're very brave, Edward, to endure in silence. I asked Jane to do that to me once–just out of curiosity." He shook his head in admiration, and took a little pause while you all saw Edward disgusted and angry expression. It was after a few seconds that Aro's expression changed, to one filled with fake sorrow.
"So what do we do with you now?" Aro sighed.
Thank you baby, thank you babe
Darling don't explain, don't explain
Thank you baby, thank you babe
Darling don't explain, don't explain
Edward and Alice stiffened. This was the part they'd been waiting for, the part that everyone had been waiting for. After all, Bella was a human, a human that out of nowhere knew about the secret of your existence and that… Well, that was dangerous for the peace that vampires had. Bella began to tremble under the gaze of the kings and your own glare.
"I don't suppose there's any chance that you've changed your mind?" Aro asked Edward hopefully. "Your talent would be an excellent addition to our little company."
Edward hesitated. You knew what Aro was talking about, having Edward as one of the soldiers of the guard would be quite wonderful. A soldier to your biding. From the corner of my eye, you saw Jane grimace, Felix, in front of you, did the same. They liked the idea of having him close, of having him under them so they could teach him some manners.
Edward seemed to weigh each word before he spoke it. "I'd... rather... not."
"Alice?" Aro asked, still hopeful. Even if you didn’t like her, you knew that her gift was quite powerful. "Would you perhaps be interested in joining with us?"
"No, thank you," Alice said, nose raised like a proud little elf.
"And you, Bella?" Aro raised his eyebrows, he was getting impatient, and nobody liked it when he was impatient.
Edward hissed, quite loudly in your ears, all of this while he kept his arms around Bella. She was staring at Aro blankly, but it was obvious that she thought that he wouldn’t be able to do anything with Edward by her side. Stupid little thing. Maybe she was asking herself if Aro was joking, or if he was serious. Sadly, Aro was being serious about his offer. It was, your mighty king, Caius who broke the silence that took over the room.
"What?" he demanded of Aro; his voice, though it was no more than a whisper for a human, was flat. Still, you understood that he was angry, no… he was furious. The idea of having this human in the guard made him feel livid. He didn’t want her close, nor to his brothers and himself, and even less to you.
"Caius, surely you see the potential," Aro chided him affectionately. Of course, without losing the edge of his voice, after all, even if he supported the idea of his brothers sharing their opinions. Well, he didn’t like it when he was questioned in front of everybody. "I haven't seen a prospective talent so promising since we found Jane and Alec. Can you imagine the possibilities when she is one of us?"
Caius looked away with a caustic expression, almost giving up on trying to reason with his brother, but it was quiet obvious that it wasn’t over. Your mighty king, he was probably going to try to persuade his brother to forget about the topic and just kill the human when the time was right. Jane's eyes sparked with indignation at the comparison. Your little girl, always proud in her capabilities. It was quite obvious that being compared to a human that was part of the whole scheme that hurt you so much, wasn’t something she was happy with.
Edward fumed beside Bella. You could hear a rumble in his chest, building toward a growl. Bella seemed to notice the same thing, looking quite nervous by his side. It was obvious that if he kept showing such disrespect towards the kings, he was going to get hurt.
"No, thank you," Finally, the human spoke up. Even if it was barely more than a whisper, and her voice was breaking in fright.
In responde, Aro let out a sigh. His voice sounded quite sad. Of course, soon enough the fact that it wasn’t really a question came to light. "That's unfortunate. Such a waste."
Edward hissed, obviously furious with the situation and looked directly at you, almost as if he were asking for help. Still, you couldn’t bring yourself to care, he was the one that decided that having a human mate was worth all the trouble. "Join or die, is that it? I suspected as much when we were brought to this room. So much for your laws." He said, almost spitting the words.
Bello seemed quite surprised by his tone of voice. You weren’t. After all, you knew Edward from a long time ago, you knew him even from the time he decided that he wouldn’t follow Carlisle’s diet and went to kill humans for food. So hearing him sounding so irate, wasn’t surprising. What was a bit surprising was that he took the time to pick his words with great care. He was trying to prove a point there, and even if it wasn’t working, you had to admire his dedication to try to prove that he was always right.
"Of course not." Aro blinked, pretending to be astonished. He wanted to give them a false sense of security, to prove that he was the one in control and not the Cullens as they thought. So, killing them at the moment wouldn’t be helpful, it would be quick, but could be seen as a weakness. Attacking them while they were less and at a clear disadvantage? It could mean that the Volturi weren’t as strong and righteous as they wanted to be perceived. "We were already convened here, Edward, awaiting Heidi's return. Not for you."
Still, his words were stopped by Caius, the soft but strong voice sounding so much like a hissing sound. "Aro, the law claims them."
Edward glared at your group, but especially at Caius. "How so?" he demanded. He knew what Caius was thinking, but he seemed determined to make him speak it aloud. Maybe he was trying to prove something, but even after all the time knowing him, his actions at the moment seemed illogical. Was that being with a human so long made him lose part of his intelligence? You couldn’t know. Still, he seemed more impulsive, more reckless. He was trying to prove the kings wrong, while his Alice’s, Bella’s and his own lives were on the line.
Caius pointed a finger, almost disgusted at the human. "She knows too much. You have exposed our secrets." His voice was slow, but that didn’t mean that it was weak. Not at all, it was obvious that the law was by his side, so he was confident with his statement.
"There are a few humans in on your charade here, as well," Edward reminded him… and if this was his big move, you couldn’t be even more disappointed. It was obvious that Caius was thinking the same thing, since his gorgeous face showed a perfect and mischievous smile. Still, you wanted to make your presence known again, since it was obvious that you were being treated as a simple decoration by that point. So you put your hand on the blonde arm and looked at him, almost as if you were asking for permission to talk, even if you didn’t really need it. Caius in response nodded towards you and leaned back on his throne, wanting to see you prove a quite important point.
"Yes, that’s certainly true," you agreed. "But when they are no longer useful to us or when they make a mistake that can’t be tolerated, they will serve to sustain us. Of course, if that’s not the case, if they prove themselves to us and want to be part of us, they will be turned and considered as part of the second guard. That is not your plan for this one. f she betrays our secrets, are you prepared to destroy her? To kill her? To keep her from being a problem? We truly believe that you won’t be able to do it, for the same reason that brought you here… you are ready to die if you can’t have her by your side… but we are not ready to leave our destinies in the hands of a human… " You looked at them with cold eyes, your expression being a clear contrast from your fiery color.
"I wouldn't–," Bella began, still whispering, clearly terrified of the whole situation. Caius looked at her, silenced her with an icy look. After all, you haven’t finished your point.
"There’s another way, that is turning her into a vampire. Making sure that she can’t spill our secret by making her one of us… but you don’t intend to make her one of us. In fact, that’s one of the things that you would hate the most..." You continued. "Therefore, she is a vulnerability to us. Though it is true, for this, only her life is forfeit. You may leave if you wish… while leaving her here, for us to deal with..." A little but quite devilish smile appeared on your face, while looking at the other vampire. In response, Edward bared his teeth, ready to attack.
"That's what I thought," Caius said, with something akin to pleasure. You could see how Felix leaned forward towards the Cullens and the human, eager to receive the order to attack.
"Unless..." Aro interrupted. He looked unhappy with the way the conversation had gone. Well, you could deal with it when everyone was gone. Only some caresses in the right places and some attention from your and his brother and he would be happy again. For someone that appears to be so complicated, he enjoyed the simple things in life. "Unless you do intend to give her immortality?" He finished his question with a gleam in his eyes, looking for an opportunity.
Edward pursed his lips, hesitating for a moment before he answered. "And if I do?"
Aro smiled, happy again. "Why, then you would be free to go home and give my regards to my friend Carlisle." His expression turned more hesitant. "But I'm afraid you would have to mean it."
Aro raised his hand in front of him. Caius, who had begun to scowl furiously, relaxed, knowing that it was obvious that Edward wasn’t planning to give her the gif of immortality. In response, Edward's lips tightened into a fierce line. He stared into Bella’s eyes, and she stared back. He looked like this was some kind of punishment and she looked so hopeful that you couldn’t avoid feeling a bit sorry for her. She was clearly in love with him and he wasn’t ready to promise an eternity by her side. Was it really such a loathsome idea? Would he rather die than change her? She probably felt like she'd been kicked in the stomach. He left you, he ruined something that had lasted decades for a girl he barely knew, and still, he wasn’t ready for a commitment like the one it represented her turning into a vampire. Foolish one, so ready to throw away her life, her humanity, for a man that didn’t know if he wanted her by his side.
"Mean it," she whispered while looking at him. Even if everyone could hear it. "Please."
Edward stared down at Bella with a tortured expression. He knew that he wouldn’t mean it. He knew that if he touched Aro, everyone would know that he didn’t want her to be a vampire. He wanted for her to grow old, to die and after that… What would happen? Would he get another mate? Would he forget about her and try to be with another person? Another human? Or would it be a vampire this time?
And then Alice stepped away from them, walking forwards in Aro’s direction. They stopped looking at each other and turned to watch her. Her hand was raised like his, ready to touch him. One of your guards started to walk closer to them, ready to block her advances. Still, she didn't say anything, and Aro, noticing her intentions, waved off his anxious guard. Then, Aro started to walk, meeting her halfway, and taking her hand with an eager, acquisitive glint in his eyes. He bent his head over their touching hands, his eyes closing as he concentrated. Alice was motionless, her face blank. You heard Edward's teeth snap together, sounding quite frustrated and even angry. Bella seemed to hear it as well, since her head moved from watching Alice, to seeing Edward with a worried expression.
No one moved. Aro seemed frozen over Alice's hand. The seconds passed and it was noticeable that Bella and Edward were becoming more and more stressed. Still, it was for different reasons. It was obvious that she was worrying about not knowing what was happening, but him… He was getting stressed over what he was seeing in Alice's mind. Everyone else was silent out of respect. Not really worried over what was happening but mostly to leave Aro a calm environment to concentrate on what he was seeing. Another moment passed, and then your king’s voice broke the silence. He let out a quite charming and a bit loud laugh, his head still bent forward. He looked up slowly, his eyes bright with excitement while looking at the small group. "That was fascinating!"
Alice smiled dryly, clearly clenching her teeth with anger. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"To see the things you've seen–especially the ones that haven't happened yet!" He shook his head in wonder, looking at Alice like a little jem that you want to buy in a store but don’t know how to get.
"But that will," she reminded him, voice calm.
"Yes, yes, it's quite determined. Certainly there's no problem." He accepted, while Caius looked bitterly disappointed–a feeling he seemed to share with Felix and Jane. "Aro" Caius complained. At that point you put your hand on his arm, knowing that he needed something to stay grounded before he decided to throw democracy out of the window and attack the human in front of you.
"Dear Caius," Aro smiled. "Do not fret. Think of the possibilities! They do not join us today, but we can always hope for the future. Imagine the joy young Alice alone would bring to our little household... Besides, I'm so terribly curious to see how Bella turns out!"
Aro seemed convinced. Probably because even if he was aware of how subjective Alice's visions were, he would think of a way to make his desire come true. It didn’t matter how, if Aro was interested in one or two of the Cullens’ he was going to get them to join the guard.
"Then we are free to go now?" Edward asked in an even voice, even if it was obvious that he was still tense.
“Aro.” This time, you called your king, making everyone in the room look at you. Edward was furious, his eyes were quite obvious about that.
“Yes, caro mio” Aro asked while looking at you with adoring eyes. In response, you lifted your hand, not willing to reveal your plans in front of everyone but wanting to show your idea to your adoring mate. Soon enough, he grabbed your hand as if it were as delicate as a flower and taking a deep breath saw in your thoughts. It only took a few seconds before Edward tensed again and looked at you as if you had betrayed him.
“Ah, that’s right…” Aro started to talk, not leaving your hand for a moment. “Our angel just made us notice something… we can’t leave you without certain conditions…” He looked at the group. “You will have one year to change her, if you don’t do it by then, you will have to deal with the consequences” He finished talking while Caius showed a satisfied smirk thanks to his brother’s words.
It was obvious that Edward wanted to protest and Bella looked so scared that a sheet of paper would be envious of her pale colour. Still, they stayed quiet, knowing that they had tested their luck too much this day.
"Now, you may go," Aro said pleasantly. "But please visit again. It's been absolutely enthralling!" "And we will visit you as well," Caius promised while looking directly at Edward and Bella. "To be sure that you follow through on your side. Were I you, I would not delay too long. We do not offer second chances."
Edward's jaw clenched tight, but he nodded once. In responde, Caius smirked, knowing that he managed to get under Edward’ skin. It was only after a few seconds that Felix groaned, clearly frustrated with the idea of not being able to kill the little human. It was after a few formalities and fake pleasantries that they started to follow Demetri out of the throne room.
It was after a few seconds that you grew a bit tired of being in the same place that smelled so much like Edward and Bella. So, after asking Jane and Alec to keep some of the snacks for you, you decided to go out.
You were starting to walk through the hallways when you noticed Heidi walking toward the throne room with a group of tourists following her. You nodded towards the group to keep the fantasy and while doing so, signaled some of the tourists so they could be taken to another group. You were used to doing that, marking some people that you didn’t want from them to be killed. Usually they were kids, or pregnant women.
You could remember that at first, your kings weren’t happy with you making selections of the humans before they reached the throne room, but after explaining to them your views about children and babies. Well, they ended up accepting it and informed the guards to follow your lead when it came to topics like that. Heidi nodded and ducked through the door with one last respectful look towards you. Soon enough, she was making another guard take the people you selected with the excuse of a special tour, this one quite far from the throne room.
After that, you kept walking. But then stopped in the middle of the hallway when you saw Edward standing in front of you. Bella wasn’t on sight, not Alice. They probably ran away before Heidi passed by with the meal group.
“How could you?” Edward asked while looking directly at you.
We had a love devout without a shred of doubt
We never worried 'bout other people
You broke the spell and wanted something else
Well, now go fuck yourself with other people
“What?” You asked while looking at the vampire in front of you like he was a stranger.
To be honest, he was a stranger. The sweet caring man that you got to know a love so many years ago was lost inside thi jealous, dramatic and selfish being that didn’t even think once before breaking your heart and leaving you for something that he didn’t truly love. His eyes, once warm and caring, were cold and accusing while he looked at you as if you were a villain. His jaw, the same jaw you used to kiss after a night talking about plans for the future you would never get to have, was clenched and showed quite clearly his anger towards you.
“How could you do this to me? To us?” Edward asked, not yelling, but quite close to it. It was clear that he wanted to insult you, to yell at you and accuse you of being heartless.
“How could I? What? Follow the rules? The laws that prevent us from dying? Or maybe this isn’t about that…” You made a pause while smirking towards the other vampire. “No… this whole accusing act that you have going on against me is just because I’m not dying to be your human’s servant, it’s because I’m not willing to let you step on me, and act like you did nothing wrong, right?”
Edward looked at you offended, almost as if you had just insulted him. Even if you knew you hadn’t said anything that wasn’t true.
“What about you? Acting all mighty and powerful, setting rules and time limits. You came here because I found someone better than you, and probably are staying here because you are sleeping with Aro. You make me sick…” He said while looking at you with the classic superiority gleam that he always had on his eyes when he was talking to someone else.
It was only a few seconds after he finished saying those words and you could hear your guards walking towards you two. Jane and Alec were in front, ready to attack the other vampire as soon as you gave the order. Your adorable children, always ready to protect you. Slowly, you lifted your hand, stopping them before they could do anything. This wasn’t an action out of love or compassion, this was a decision based on the fact that you weren’t looking for a war. At least not at that moment. You knew that Aro had plans, and you also knew that you wanted to take some of the Cullens to your side before fighting them.
Edward looked quite confused until he could hear the other vampire's thoughts. Foolish man. Did he really think that he could insult you and act all mighty and powerful in front of you without having to face any type of consequences? He probably did. So used to you acting caring and soft around him, it was almost like he forgot how you were one of the most powerful vampires he met.
“As you can see, the guards are ready to attack you, not for insulting a nobody like you thought, no… for attacking a future king, a ruler, for attacking someone that they care about. Because Edward, unlike Bella, only has you to worry about her, I have people behind me, people that love me and will kill and die for me… not that I’ll ask them to do it, unlike you. Today, Edward, you were going to die, it didn’t matter the outcome of your little self sacrificed act or the dramatic movements and hair shaking that Bella had in front of our kings… Alice, Bella and you were going to die because even if Aro is merciful and cares about politics, he was tired of hearing about your little human pet and the kings were right by saying that she was a weakness that had to be eliminated,” you started to explain while looking at the other vampire.
Edward opened his mouth. Maybe to answer, maybe to try to insult you, or maybe he just wanted to make some mean remark to try to shift the attention from him to you. This foolish creature, hating the idea of someone seeing him as anything else that wasn’t a perfect being, always made the stupidest mistakes in his journey to self destruction.
“No, don’t talk, the adults are talking now, because, maybe you don’t remember this, but darling, I’m older than you. Anyways, it doesn’t matter now, what matters is that… maybe you hate yourself to the point you want to condemn yourself to hate and even death, but not everyone feels this way. Even if they did, dying is not something you can take so lightly. The moment you came to this place, asking to be killed was the moment you were going to die. My kings, my mates, are reasonable, so even if they couldn’t kill you without a valid reason, they could search for a reason and kill you without hesitation, so you should be aware of that,” you kept talking while noticing how Edward seemed quite surprised by your words. You weren’t sure what surprised him more, the fact that the kings were your mates, or maybe the fact that you were being so cold towards him.
“Mates?” So, it was the whole mates situation that surprised him. “Are you saying that the three kings are your mates? So that’s it? That’s why they think you are so important, because you are fucking their kings and not only Aro… ?” Edward started to say, stopping for a second when he heard Jane’s hiss. Still, he looked at you with clear arrogance. “So what? One wasn’t enough for you, so you had to go for the three, right? Well, can’t blame you, you liked to sleep around before we were together, didn’t you? It makes sense that now you can’t be satisfied with only one vampire… In fact, did you sleep around while we were together too? I mean, you never complained about me wanting to wait for our marriage so maybe that was the reason, right?”
After saying that, he moved a bit, almost avoiding Alec, since he had moved forward to attack him as soon as he heard him accusing you of cheating and of sleeping around. Thankfully, Jane stopped her brother by putting her arm in front of him, but it was clear that every guard around you was ready to rip Edward’s head apart. You couldn’t blame them, you wanted to do the same, but the idea of ruining Aro’s plan and also your own plan was enough to stop you from killing the bastard.
“No. You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to call me a whore, you don’t get to accuse me of cheating on you when the reason behind me leaving the family is because you decided to cheat on me a month before our wedding with a teenager. Yes, I used to sleep around, and you knew that, but when I met you, when I loved you, I stopped. I was done, I was ready to wait for you, to wait for the right time, to wait for the moment we made each other this life changing promise. I was done with the girls, and the boys, and the whole I won’t settle down thing. I left all those things and all the parties, because I didn’t want that anymore, it didn’t matter anymore, because I was done with it, because I was ready to make a full commitment with you…”
You make a pause, noticing how Edwards’ face changed with each word that came out of your mouth, probably seeing how much he fucked up. Of course, you didn’t hold any hope since he didn’t seem to have any type of reasoning lately, but still, there was something there.
“But you left, you left me with all the planning and all the dreaming… you left and decided that kissing and hugging and starting to dream with a teenager was way better than what we had. You chose her and by choosing her you pushed me away and made me an outsider in my own family. You chose her and not me, You decided that Bella was the one that you wanted and that I could fuck myself. So you did that, and I accepted it. I was hurt, I was tired, but I accepted it and I left. I went away, and suddenly found myself here. I was able to find these men that care for me, that love me and won’t pick someone else over me. I won’t be ashamed of it. I won’t hide nor pretend that I’m not with the three most amazing vampires that I’ve ever met, because they helped me to feel loved again. So no, you don’t get to come here, to my own home, and try to accuse me of anything. You don’t get to call me a whore, and for sure, you don’t get to accuse me of being a cheater… because if we have to accuse someone, the cheater this whole time, was you.”
Edward looked quite baffled, his mouth open and closing before looking at you with anger and turning away, walking out of the hallway and towards the crowd of people celebrating. He didn’t need to say a word, you knew he couldn’t even think of something to answer properly to what you just said. If you had to be honest, you didn’t care anymore. He was the one that left and decided to end everything between you two, you weren’t the one that made the biggest mistake of your whole life, but him. You gained an opportunity to be happy, while he had to stay with a human that -from what you saw in the throne room- he didn’t even love that much.
After a few seconds, you took Jane and Alec’s hands with your own, walking with them at each side towards the throne room. The rest of the guards were following you quite closely, ready to comfort you if they saw any sight of sadness in you. Still, that wasn’t the case. You walked through the hallways, enjoying the cold of the place while you kept moving forward, ready to be with your kings.
Soon enough, you were in the throne room. A quite elegant bottle of wine full with warm blood was waiting for you, close to it, was a glass already filled. Even if you weren’t against the idea of drinking from humans, sometimes drinking directly from them seemed quite messy and gross. So, when you were having a hard time or just wanted to be spoiled, the kings took the job of filling a couple of bottles with the blood that they had that day as a meal. Knowing that, and knowing that they did this after noticing that you weren’t happy with Edward being so close to them, made you feel warm inside. Your thoughtful and caring kings.
As you took the glass of blood and drank it in slow and relaxed sips, you heard how your kings came to your sides. As careful and elegant as ever, they leaned against you and covered your body with their smell. Aro’s lips fell on your cheek before he stayed leaning over your body. Marcus’ strong jaw stayed on your shoulder, gracing your neck with soft caresses given by the tip of his nose. Caius sat on the floor in front of your legs, letting your hands play with his blonde locks.
“We have a plan, don’t we?” You asked while looking at the glass of wine in your hand. In response, you heard a soft and quite seductive chuckle. Just after a few seconds of silence, Caius turned his head and kissed your fingers, before starting to nuzzle the skin of your wrist. Marcus stopped caressing your neck and proceeded to start kissing that part of your body and Aro started to whisper sweet nothings in your ear making you feel quite relaxed and comfortable. You were starting to get distracted with their attention and the idea of what was going to happen later in the room you shared with the three kings when Aro stopped his caring whispers and the kings said at the same time.
“Of course we have a plan…”
“Their actions won’t go unpunished,” Caius completed the idea by saying this and finished his statement by leaving another kiss on your hand.
“After all… we said that the Volturi don’t give second chances…” Marcus explained, voice even but still, you could hear the protectiveness in it.
This man, he could act like he didn’t care but nobody could ignore the fact that he was powerful and strong enough to get revenge if necessary. Aro, unlike the time he was in front of the Cullens and Bella, stayed quiet. Still, a deep and elegant chuckle escaped his mouth before turning your face and kissing you on the lips, making sure you knew that he was agreeing with his brothers. So, it seemed that with this confirmation, you could be sure that the Cullens would pay for what they did to you.
Oh, baby it's just your body
Go, lay it on everybody
They won't be there when you're sorry
Other people
Oh, baby it's just your body
Will it know that you love somebody
Who won't be there when you're sorry?
Other people
Other people
Other people
I'm still a mess, so, this is part 3.B (after more than a month of being inactive)… OK, so... I'm taking a bunch of references from the movie here, and I was seeing Grey's Anatomy when I thought of this whole thing so... Also! I'm hinting some stuff about the reader and about what's going to happen in the next parts of this series but it's hidden between a lot of texts and descriptions so maybe you won't notice it. lol... This is more than 8k words, so... now you know why I cut this part in two since together this whole thing could be like 14k words, and that's a lot (at least for me, haha) Love you all, see you in the next part (or maybe in a little bit that I'm writing as an extra from the time the reader had just found out about Edward and Bella)...
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dadsbongos · 3 years
the lov beach episode hori's too scared to give us
Movie/Game/Show: My Hero Academia Dynamic: League of Villains/Reader (Platonic) Warnings: uhh idk actually, dabi's kinda horny ig, i don't usually include this as a warning but swearing (there's quite a bit of it), feminine pronouns Summary: this is just 1860 words of me shutting my eyes, plugging my ears and ignoring the current state of the manga (: (beach episode type beat) ~~~
Pulling the large sun hat tighter on her head, (Y/n) looks over as her leader strolls up to the van Spinner had stolen earlier in the day. She quirks a brow at the man, putting a gentle hand over his handheld and pushing it down when he doesn’t notice her, “That’s what you’re wearing?”
Tomura huffs and steps back, narrowed eyes focusing on his black jeans and hoodie, “What’s it to you?”
“You’re wearing a hoodie in this heat, first of all, and also - it says ‘12 year old in gaming mode’, you’re asking to get bullied.”
“Yeah, well,” he grumbles as he tries to find an insult for the woman before resigning himself to mumble out a, “you look like you raided a college chick’s closet” while returning to his game.
“I think she looks great!” Twice piped up from inside the large van before yelling once again, “Absolutely hideous!”
Dabi nodded slightly from his window seat, pulling the strings of his hood so as few inches of his face as possible were showing, “I agree with him.”
“Which part?” (Y/n) crossed her arms, shooting the man a glare.
“Dickface,” she hissed, reaching up to swat at Dabi’s arm through the rolled down window before turning to climb into the van, “A dickface who is also wearing a black hoodie in this heat. You two are actual nutjobs.”
“Van’s got AC,” Dabi shrugged off her concerns, still not even looking her way as she settled into the seat between him and Twice, “Didn’t know you cared so much, doll. Pretty sweet of you.”
“If you pass out from a heat stroke, I’m not the one taking you to the hospital,” she leaned over into the midrow seats of the van to glare at Tomura as he sat down, “That goes for you, too.”
“I’m not the one with a fire Quirk.”
“Just get Himiko some blood and she’ll take ‘em in all disguised! Let them die!” Twice pitched in with his own ideas, earning a shoulder pat from the woman.
“Good ideas, big guy, I like them.”
“Rude ass,” Dabi kicks at (Y/n)’s leg.
“I’m your boss, if you let me die you’re fucked.”
“Nobody’s dying on this trip, what the fuck are you guys talking about?” Spinner already appeared exasperated with the group and he’d barely been in the car for a second.
Compress got into the passenger seat as Spinner buckled into the driver’s side, he looked around before noticing an absence, “Where’s Toga?”
Suddenly, the door to Tomura’s seat is lugged open with a force, an overly excited blond teenager jumping over her boss and into the open seat beside him.
“You could’ve just gotten in on the other side,” Tomura clenches a fist to keep himself from slapping Himiko’s arm and causing a deathly accident.
“I didn’t know which side you were sitting on, so I just guessed!” Himiko giggles as Spinner starts the car.
“Asshole,” Tomura shakes his head, “This trip is pointless.”
“Kurogiri wants us to bond and stop fighting all the time,” Compress cuts in, “That’s why I’m in charge.”
“We’re adults- " (Y/n) interrupts herself, “Dabi, roll up the window, we’re pulling out of the safe zone.”
Dabi merely keeps his eyes closed behind his sunglasses and presses his head back against the neck rest of his seat.
“Roll up the window.”
“God, these winds are fuckin’ noisy, huh?”
“I hear ya, man!” Twice shouts before shaking his head, “Dabi, be nice to (Y/n). She’s your elder.”
“By a fucking year! Man, fuck you, Dabi,” the woman reaches over and presses the button to roll up the window herself, “Motion sickness or not, you don’t get to be a douche.”
“It’s actually exactly what it means, doll. Sorry to burst your bubble.”
“Stop calling me doll.”
“Ugh,” he grins at his own upcoming remark, “the princess makes a harsh demand.”
“I’m this close,” she pats his chest to make sure he opens his eyes before holding her index finger and thumb nearly pinched together in front of his face, “to beating your ass.”
“Here,” he reaches up and takes her fingers and clenches them together, “now you have to. As soon as we get to the beach, you have to fight me or else you’re a coward and a liar.”
(Y/n) grits her teeth and snaps her eyes shut, “I’m gonna lose it,” she leans into Twice’s side and looks up at him, smiling at the slightest hint of a concerned look behind his mask, “How’ve you been, big guy?”
“Perfectly fine!” he shakes his head before whispering, “I didn’t piss before we left and now I regret it.”
“Aw, want Spinner to pull over?”
“I think he’ll crash the car if I ask.”
“He’d be killing himself too, so I don’t think he’d be too cool with that.”
Twice quiets down as he notices the woman’s eyes beginning to flutter shut with drowsiness. Then, a sense of guilt beats at him as he sees the serene expression crossing his friend’s face. So calm and sweet - he truly adored his friend, and he wanted to do right by her. So, leaning down, he murmurs, “Sorry for calling you old.”
(Y/n)’s eyes dart open and immediately find Twice, she raises a brow at the man and shakes her head as her eyes slowly begin closing again, “I… it’s fine, dude, don’t worry about it.”
Dabi, as usual, is quick to jump into a conversation that was never his, “Old lady tempers, gotta be careful around them.”
“I swear to fucking God, Dabi!”
“What? What do you swear?”
“Shut the hell up!” Spinner snapped at children in the back seat, “You’re distracting me, loud asses.”
“Dabi started it!”
“I’m ending it!”
“Stop yelling,” Tomura commanded the group, carefully stuffing his handheld into his large front hoodie pocket and resting his head back, “I’m going to sleep and if I get woken up, I’ll kill you all.”
None of them believed him - not at all - but out of an odd respect for their leader’s need for rest, they stayed relatively silent as he slept. Murmurs and whispers being the loudest volume of their voices as Tomura snoozed in the van.
Eventually, Spinner came to the reserved spot on the beach that Kurogiri definitely didn’t hire people to kill civilians over. Himiko leaned over and gently shook Tomura awake as Compress popped the trunk to the van. (Y/n) shifted toward Dabi to ensure he was also awake and starting to feel less queasy before getting out of the middle seat so he and Twice could exit.
“Alright, there’s changing rooms…” Compress trailed off, looking around before sighing, “Nowhere in sight.”
“I’m already fine,” (Y/n) waved off, grabbing towels and an umbrella from Spinner, “You guys can take turns changing in the van while I set shit up.”
“I call first!” Himiko cheered, excitedly bouncing back into the van as the men all walked off to provide the teenager the privacy and distance she needed.
(Y/n) did as she’d said and began laying down towels and propping up parasols in the sand to provide shade. As more and more of her friends collected themselves along the beach, she spotted her almighty leader once again making a fashion mistake.
Bright, neon green and orange striped swim trunks hung over his hips and he didn’t avoid the woman’s stare. She purses her lips, “Who the hell goes clothes shopping for you? They shouldn’t be making executive decisions like this.”
Tomura shrugs, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?! Shigaraki, you have to be fucking with me.”
“I’m not,” he sits down on a towel under the parasol’s shade and returns to his gaming, “It’s probably Kurogiri but it isn’t like I ask him.”
“Holy shit. You’re an actual man-child.”
“Oh no, what gave me away?” he sarcastically whines, rolling his eyes at her.
“You being shameless about it is slightly worse…”
“(Y/n)!” Himiko cheerily calls, “Come join me in volleyball!”
“Is Twice playing?”
The blond looks over to the man in question and nods in approval.
“Are Quirks allowed?”
Another nod.
(Y/n) pats Compress’ shoulder, “I’ll let you take this game.”
Dabi comes up from behind while Spinner serves the ball on the beach, he’s removed his hoodie and now only rests in loose shorts that come to his knees and a white shirt. He scratches the back of his head in an uncharacteristically unnerved manner, “Not swimmin’?”
He earns a small shrug in response from the woman, “I’m not all too committed to the idea. At least not now.”
Nodding slowly, Dabi sits down at the edge of the towel unoccupied by Tomura and begins pulling at the fraying threads.
Sighing to herself, (Y/n) is slightly ashamed at how easily her heart softens upon noticing how uncomfortable Dabi seems. He doesn’t usually show as much skin as he is - which isn’t much - and he doesn’t usually throw himself into events where he’d be forced to interact with the others. He feels naked on the beach and he’d rather be dead than continue to suffer this embarrassment. And so, a body comes down onto the towel with his.
“Want company, misery?”
“Baking to death in the sun couldn’t get worse, even if it’s with you,” Dabi leaned back to rest against the woman’s legs.
“Wow,” (Y/n) fauxly gasped, sarcasm ripe in her words, “You being sweet? I never thought I’d never see the day.”
“Right? Thought I’d be dead by now,” his head tips back even more to lay it’s full weight on her legs, “You’re comfortable to rest on, old lady.”
“I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.”
“You still owe him an ass-beating from the car ride,” Tomura jumped in, a snarky smile on his lips as he spoke.
“I’m starting to think you won’t actually beat my ass,” Dabi grins smugly, “Like me too much.”
“I would destroy you in a fight, Dabi.”
“Hm, well, until you stop being a pussy and actually fight me, doesn’t sound like that’s the truth.”
“I swear to- " (Y/n) loudly huffs and cuts herself off before groaning, Dabi- "
“I’m no God,” Dabi paused to wink like the cheap bastard he is, “Unless you want me to be.”
Before the woman can respond, there’s a “heads up!” shouted by Himiko and a volleyball is hurtling towards the arguing duo. Tomura immediately leans over, not quite paying attention and sticks a hand out to block the ball, accidentally decaying it in the process. The leader comes to a stand and tosses up his hands, “What the shit, Toga?”
“Man,” the teenager whined, stomping her foot in the sand, “you destroyed the ball.”
“You almost destroyed (Y/n)’s face!” Tomura's voice quiets and softens to avoid upsetting the young girl over a mistake, “There’s probably another ball in the trunk.”
“I said ‘heads up’,” Himiko rolled her eyes, sending Twice off to find the spare volleyball in question.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, “Oh, so all better, then?”
“No! That’s not how that works, Toga!”
Dabi snickered at the back-and-forth before giving a mock dreamy sigh, “Ahh, the sound of Kurogiri’s bonding plan working perfectly.”
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