#they got into a fistfight at the club
dravencroft · 5 months
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"That's a tricky situation we got ourselves into, eh, princeling?"
"You're the one who got us into this mess, Vince - and I'm the one who's getting us out of it."
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dreamertrilogys · 1 year
i don’t drink BUT if i was ever gonna try alcohol i’d get completely smashed and do a fight club with my friends .
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bsxcrxts · 1 month
Tell me about Tech being possessive af.
ooh I think his possessiveness might manifest in a unique way tbh
minors dni, 18+ work. these headcanons assume afab!reader with she/her pronouns. (partly under a cut bc it got long!)
I noticed he's not very physical, in comparison to his brothers.
If you were interested in one of them and a strange man hit on you, there might be an actual fistfight
but Tech is not keen to throw a punch
If he's interested in you, but you're not dating yet, he stares very pointedly at whoever has decided to get a bit too familiar with you
Glowers at them, really
It's varying degrees of effective depending on who's come around to hit on you, but you never let the stranger get very far anyway
It's kind of hot, if you catch his eye from across the room when he's jealous; it's like he's paying attention to your every move.
Tech holds back from any direct confrontation at first (unless you're visually uncomfortable)
He doesn't think he has any "right" to your sole affection
Once you actually voice your interest in him or start dating though, oh boy
His attitude is very different
Tech will very swiftly cut people off, sidling up next to you or behind you and stating a direct, "she is taken."
Usually that's enough to deter most people, but sometimes it's still not
People have occasionally made snide comments about his appearance or personality as a dig or out of 'disbelief' that the two of you are together
In the moment he handles it with no trouble; he has an arsenal of his own insults and an advanced vocabulary. He has ways of telling other men to fuck off that sound surprisingly eloquent.
Privately, he can... worry a bit
He's not concerned about your loyalty, he's more pensive about the fact that he isn't always sure he's the best partner. Does he give you enough affection?
He's determined to prove it to you.
But he also feels extremely attracted to you when you mouth off to the person who was trying to get with you, too
Something about the way you verbally rip into someone who's insulted him or gone too far with their flirting towards you makes him instantly hard.
He can't handle PDA, but he is very convincing when he half-sweet talks, half-drags you out of the bar or club and back onto the otherwise empty ship.
His ship.
With his girl.
Tech wants to hear it from you. He insists upon keeping you talking.
He needs to hear all about how good he fucks you, how no one else could ever make you feel like this.
How no one else could even dream up the ways he's invented to please you.
I think he usually calls you "love," or "darling," or if it's a particularly intense session even "pet," but when he's feeling like this, it's always "my love," "my darling," etc.
Even if he's fucking into you at an absolute brutal pace, whether he's 'punishing' you for accepting flirtation from others or praising you for telling someone to fuck off, it's always "my love" that he calls you when it's like this
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anim-ttrpgs · 4 months
The Old Character Sheet, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy
This isn’t really any new information about Eureka, in fact it’s something very old, but take a look at how far the game has come in the 3-ish years it’s been in development!
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This is the old character sheet, from some time around late 2021, and I’m just going to copy-paste some designer commentary from a discussion about it in the A.N.I.M. Patreon Discord server.
“Haunt: What would eventually become the Composure system. I genuinely don't remember how it worked at the beginning but I remember it being rather clumsy. We eventually wanted to include the concept of different phenomena having different modifiers for each investigator, which would eventually become Tiers of Fear.
Obsession: An extremely early mechanic that would quickly vanish when, in the first campaign, it was clear it was too situational to track or use. The idea was that, the farther along to their goal an investigator got, the higher the bonus they could get from their Obsession, which could be applied when the investigator takes a very risky action to forward their goal. As you can tell, this was all very vague. This would eventually be replaced the much clearer Truth system.
Legal changed to Paperwork, just fit more situations better.
History skill: Too broad, so it was taken out. A good example of a write-in skill though, if given a specific area of history.
Rumors: Some sort of "word on the street" skill, but [sirobvious] raised a great point that that should just come from investigators using Personal Skills on NPCs to get that word themselves.
Weird -> ||Blacked Out Skill||
Improv: Honestly very difficult to describe, I think it was a Jackie Chan like thing of using various items around, but it was obviously too vague to use.
A lot of these changes came from [sirobvious joining the team], so big kudos to him!”
Another big change that came more recently was splitting the HP into Superficial and Penetrative, making the way that characters take damage in the kind of grounded, modern noir stories that Eureka is meant to tell a bit more realistic. Just having one type of HP works in most other TTRPGs, particularly ones where deadly weapons are going to be in play more often than not, but Eureka sees a lot of fistfighting.
You can take a look at the latest version of the character sheet in this post.
Check out our Kickstarter page for the best accumulation of info on what Eureka: investigative Urban Fantasy even is! The Kickstarter campaign launches April 10th 2024!
Check out our Patreon to get the whole prerelease rulebook + multiple adventure modules and pieces of short fiction for a subscription of only $5!
If you wanna try before you buy, check out our website for more information on Eureka as well as a download link to the free demo version!
Interested in actually playing this game, and many others, with the developers? Check out A.N.I.M.'s TTRPG Book Club, a club of nearly 100 members at the time of writing this where we regularly nominate, vote on, and then play indie TTRPGs! At the time of writing this, we are playing Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, and sign-ups are closed for actually playing it, but you can still join in to pick up a PDF club copy of the rulebook to read and follow along with discussion, and sit in on and observe sessions! There is no schedule obligation for joining this club, as we keep things very flexible by assigning multiple GMs with different timeslots each round, to try and accomodate everyone! This round, we had over thirty people sign up, and were able to fit in all but one! Here is the invite link! See you there!
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 11 months
@roryy-the-male <3
Regulus watched, amused as a stranger pushes up against Evan on the dance floor. If Evan were anyone else, Regulus would already be over there defending him. But Evan’s got an obsessive boyfriend who’s bound to notice what’s going on in-
Barty slams his half finished rum and coke down on the table, stands and cracks his knuckles.
“Get him Bat!” Dorcas cackles, already drunk.
The nights they go out clubbing are fun, and really, they’re made even better by the fistfights Barty usually finds himself in.
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Which (association) football teams do you think each of the 141 team follow, including Jade?
THIS is my type of stuff as I follow football so here goes :
⚔️⚽ TF141 Football Headcanon ⚽⚔️
Price 🚬 is a BIG Liverpool fan. Barry Sloane is a Liverpool fan as well, even got it into the CoD game where Laswell actually met Price in a football game. Kinda cool ngl. Price would fight anyone who talks shit in a random pub somewhere.
Gaz 🧢 follows EPL too, but not as intense as Price. Gaz is Gooner which is the fan name of Arsenal. He deffo brags all the time since they have the number 1 standing right now. Gaz's fav player is definitely Virgil van Dijk the god-tier defender.
Ghost 💀 is from Manchester and supports Manchester City. Actually a crazy fan like Price but hides it. Often time he fails as he would also fight people over football, including Price. Gaz and Soap have to watch over them as there is no breaking them once they're on to a fistfight.
According to CoD wikipedia, Soap 🧼 is an actual football fan and used to play as a goalie . He's from the Isle of Skye so I thought he played for the local football club. He follows the Scottish Premiere League and prolly supports the Celtic. However, from EPL I feel like he'd support New Castle.
Bonus : Jade 🌹 doesn't really follow football like the boys. In fact, Ghost influenced her to watch EPL when he once took her to a football watching date. When she saw how watching football made Ghost happy, she started supporting Manchester City as well. Plus Erling Haaland is cool af.
There it goes! 👌⚽
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Stockton!Series Part Two: Always - Nestor Oceteva x Reader
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Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life @expir3dl0v3 @danzer8705 @drabbles-mc @alwaysachorusgirl @witches-unruly-heart @mysoulisasunflower @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @multifandomloversworld @est1887 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @thanossexual @lexondeck @weiwei0210 @trublu2u @justreblogginfics @oklahomapeach @keyweegirlie @dakotapaigelove @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx
Part One: El Cuchillo - An incident in the clubhouse causes ramifcations for the entire club.
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Bishop doesn’t drink anymore, he hasn’t since he got together with Carmen. Instead, he sits across the table from you, smoking a cigarette whilst deep in thought. You flex your knuckles underneath the bag of ice, clenching and unclenching your fist slowly. It’s been a while since you’ve been in a fistfight, not since you went toe to toe with Eddie in Reno before you retired. You don’t miss it.
When Nestor comes through the door, he knows something’s wrong. The atmosphere in the room is off, there’s an underlying tension that he can’t read. His gaze comes to rest on you and Bishop sitting in the corner and already he’s moving towards you because the expression on your face…
It’s one he’s not seen in a very long time.
“Mi Corizon,” He says softly as he takes the seat beside you. He pulls the chair close up close, his knee bumping against yours. He reaches out, his fingertips brushing your hair back behind your ear so he can study your features. He sees the bruise already starting to take shape on your cheekbone and his lips purse together grimly. “You alright?”
“Yes, my love.” You reassure him as he cups your chin, his thumb chasing over the swelling. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
His gaze lowers to the icepack on your fist. He knows he’ll grazed knuckles when you remove it.
“You’ve been fighting?”
“Stockton.” Bishop breaks into the conversation, stubbing his cigarette out in the ash tray. “Ramos decided to play grab ass, it escalated.”
Nestor’s eyes stray to the bloody hair pin, resting on the table alongside of your hand. It takes him back a few years, to when you were both working for the cartel, keeping the thing between the two of you under wraps. He’d given you the hair pin for your birthday because it was both practical and pretty. He knows it’s claimed a few lives in it’s time.
“Where’s the body?”
“Sadly, on it’s way back to Stockton with it’s heart still beating.” You inform him as Bishop raises to his feet. Nestor watches him as he places his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it lightly. There’s no mistaking that the old soldier has been standing watch, waiting for Nestor to get here so he can take charge of your care.
They both know what you’ve endured at the hands of violent men, how far you’ve come in your recovery. Neither of them wants what happened today to fracture that.
“I’ve got some phone calls to make,” Bishop says, his gaze straying to Nestor. There’s a look in his eyes that the younger man reads loud and clear.
Take care of her.
Nestor inclines his head slightly.
Love Nestor? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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evilyurifan · 2 years
you dont understand akiba maid war was good but as soon as they had zoya, a russian assassin, tell ranko that she thought she couldn’t be a maid because she was too tough and not cute like she wished she was, and then for ranko to tell her that anyone can be a maid as long as they dedicate themselves to it, and zoya realizes that ranko, who is also a tough battle hardened woman pushing 40 IS a cute maid, and ranko tells zoya that she thinks she’s cute too, and they have this conversation WHILE FISTFIGHTING in an underground maid fight club. i realized this show got me in a way no other show ever will
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quillium · 2 years
Tim and Damian Sharing Robin
Think of it this way: A cafe only needs one barista at a time, but there are multiple baristas who cover different shifts
Scheduling errors where BOTH of them thought they were gonna be Robin that night and the ensuing fistfight
Scheduling errors where both of them thought the OTHER was gonna be Robin and the panic that ensues. Damian planned a trip to the art museum. Tim planned a date with Bernard. Bruce is like “I don’t NEED a Robin” and they’re both like “YES YOU DO”. Jason ends up being Robin. Everyone assumes Robin simply got hit by a magic spell that made him Buff and Twice His Size
Tim and Dami sometimes getting mixed up for each other. Tim is mortified that he’s short enough that people think he might be the same person as his ten year old brother
People who think there’s just one Robin assuming that Robin just brings his sword out when he feels more murdery and his bo staff when he feels less murdery
Bernard being like “I have a conspiracy theory where Red Robin sometimes acts as Robin because of the bo staff, different looks, and different character”. Tim is like. Wow my boyfriend is so smart. Time to gaslight him.
Tim and Dami switching Robin shifts without informing Bruce and letting Bruce be absolutely baffled and off-footed when a different son shows up.
Bruce is like “tonight Tim is Robin so we’ll look into [investigation that requires computer skills]”. Dami shows up and Bruce is like uh oh. This is why Bruce has like 50 different contingency plans, because his children just do stuff without telling him and it destroys all his og plans
One time Tim and Dami switch and Bruce doesn’t notice for a solid 10 minutes because he’s so sleep deprived
Core Four invites Tim to a group get-together so he asks Damian to switch shifts with him, Damian demands a bribe, Tim gives Damian a new set of brushes
Damian wants to go see an animated movie with his art club, tries to ask Dick to ask Tim to switch with him, Tim appears very smug and tries to ask for a favour in turn but then Dick being a DICK says that Tim has to be the “older brother” and “if he’d do it anyways he should just do it” and “as the older brother you can’t take advantage of a ten year old”
Tim: I’m supposed to be MATURE and just allow the switch without forcing you to take my weekend shifts-- Damian: HAH Tim: --BUT I’M NOT MATURE SO TAKE THE WEEKEND SHIFTS SO I CAN STAY WITH THE KENTS ON THE LONG WEEKEND.
Tim and Damian forming a union and presenting their terms and conditions to Bruce saying that they’ll strike unless he agrees. Bruce, exhausted, points out that he has literally been trying for over a decade to get Robin to stop existing and that THEY were the ones to force him to accept them as superheroes. He gives into the union’s conditions anyways.
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jaxxsoxxn · 2 months
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I love the flash design, but I hate drawing the goggles, I'm sorry,, also Flashes design with whited out eyes (tho it might be Wally? Imma be honest, I skipped his ass somehow in the flash fam ladder, even if he seems cool af)
Also tiny Boomer, accompanied by a smaller star glider (? Or light glider? I keep forgetting) and even smaller weather wizard bc I enjoy shipping him with C.C, sue me.
I am still figuring out Captain Cold, but this man n Boomer having a friendly relationship enough for him to try to fistfight Harley every time she's mean to him in a friendly way and the other way around, my fav hc <3
Boomer, watching his ex bestie (ex only bc he got kinda kidnapped) and actual bestie fight, while him and the rest of his two gangs are eating ice cream (above Mr. Heat's ass, who's drinking some hot ass coffee bc he built different): damn, that has nothing to do with me, at all.
I believe in graying C.C supremacy, this man has so many grey hairs, yall ain't ready for the yapfest I can unload about that.
Also lil sis Glider, beloved <33 she n her bros bf have book club Sundays
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Could you do a Jason and Damian bonding headcanons, please?
The first time one of them said "I love you" was in the heat of battle when Jason said it along with, "You better not die again, brat"
When Damian is angry, Jason will put on sparring gloves and tell Damian to have at it until he wears himself out and calms down
Damian knows when Jason has violent thoughts even if he doesn't talk about them—it's a League instinct
Jason can bench twice Damian's weight—they found out when Damian sat on a barbell because "this was my spot first"
When it comes to Damian, Jason's fear isn't the katana or assassin-like stealth, but the fact that he's a mirror image of Bruce
Back in the League, Jason once caught Damian playing with his mother's makeup and covered for him while Damian cleaned up
Jon teaches Damian TikTok dances and Damian teaches Jason
Jason's not allowed to pick Damian up from school alone on account of the time he pulled up on a motorcycle blasting AC/DC and shouted "I'M HERE MOTHERFUCKER"
Damian wanted to know what the ocean is like but Nanda Parbat was far from one, so Jason recreated it with melted snow and shell-shaped rocks
Damian cooked, and Jason was the last to say "not it" to trying it
One time Alfred told Damian to give Jason some fruits and vegetables so Damian gave him a single strawberry
When Damian is tired, he'll steal Jason's whole coffee maker and put it in his room
Damian knows about Roy sneaking into Jason's room at night
Jason's idea of cooking is slapping a huge piece of meat on the grill and calling it a day, much to Damian's protests
Jason lets Damian have a small sip of wine under supervision
Jason's the only one who lets Damian fight the way he feels most confident
They went sledding on an old table top
They can play ping pong blindfolded, but only against each other
Damian literally owns the world's smallest violin, which he busts out whenever Jason retells his death
Jason once went a whole road trip without noticing Damian in the back seat
Damian can mimic police sirens and Jason hates it
Jason attests that Damian can drive, but he'll also attest that Damian is the worst driver ever
Their have each other's contacts saved as "Bat Brat" and "Dead Hood"
They have bonfire s'mores on Jason's grave
Damian sticks Jason's mugshot to the fridge with alphabet magnets
Jason knows Damian hates surprise parties so he always tells him when the family is throwing one
They have a Jane Austen book club
The first time Damian got his heart broken (in the League, by Ra's) Jason was the one who picked up the pieces
Damian uses his prodigious art skills to speed-draw Jason in everyday life when he's not looking
They got #CancelBruceWayne trending for April Fool's
Jason occasionally writes poetry and Damian doodles in the margins
They can't beat each other in a bare fistfight
When Damian gets excited about something, Jason makes sure nobody can ruin it
Jason leaves sauce packets all over the place to confuse Damian
They know each other's limits and consistently toe the line
Damian submits a fake job application under Jason's name to Build-A-Bear
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Ok ok ok. They had me in the first half not gonna lie but ultimately I love that Ted Lasso kept up its commitment to not prioritising romantic relationships.
Maybe Ted and Rebecca could have had a great thing, but they didn't need to. What they needed was to learn from each other, to heal from a lot of stuff and start letting people--not specifically romantic partners--in, and find their places. And they did that! Rebecca realised the club is her place and that wasn't about Rupert; and, in a much more bittersweet way, about Ted either. Ted realised his place was with Henry, and also in Kansas generally too, I think. Wanting 'a taste of home' in Amsterdam? And before that, 3.01, questioning what they were still doing in the UK? The way he said, there's no place like home, but there aren't many places like AFC Richmond either. He loved Richmond but it wasn't home. (I love that there's no place like home is probably most famously used to refer to Kansas... it all ties together). I think I first thought this when it's Keeley, not Ted, who rides the rickshaw with Rebecca in season one. It could have been a super romantic Tedbecca start, but it was a moment of friendship instead. Because that's what Rebecca needed. Sambecca, too, didn't get much time this season because it didn't need to--there's a wistfulness to what could have been, sure, but Sam and Rebecca are both happy in themselves (even if the Nigerian team was a dream, Sam has the restaurant and his team and his winnning goal!) and that's the ending we see for them.
Keeley/Roy/Jamie, too... we don't need to know what happened with them romantically, because we know they love each other. Roy's happy ending isn't getting Keeley back, it's having got to the point where he can, openly, tell Jamie he's proud of him, fistfight him over a girl and then immediately offer to share his sacred kebab place with him. He's learned to both accept help (from therapists and friends, not a lover) and give it as a coach and mentor--to Jamie, to Isaac, to the whole team now. Jamie's happy ending is facing his past and putting it behind him (the way he looked at his childhood room and shut the door in 3.11?). Absolutely, mixed feelings about him seeing his dad again, but he reconnected with his mum too. And has learned to embrace the team as his found-family, and has cemented himself as an incredible footballer in a much less selfish and lonely way than before. And Keeley! My girl is thriving, running a business, got good friends, lifting up other women behind her... Like the boys, her happy ending is that she has become who she wanted to be deep down and she has people in her corner. She'll figure the romantic stuff out later, and it's ok that we didn't see it.
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sofreddie · 1 year
The Lion's Den - Part 8
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Characters: Crowley x F!Reader
Warnings: Contract Negotiations as Foreplay/Pillow Talk, Smut (Protected Sex, Marking, Possessiveness, Oral Sex, Spanking, Choking/Asphyxiation, Rough Sex, Squirting), Fluff
KINK: MARKING KINK (@anyfandomkinkbingo)
WC: 2,495
A/N: I am so happy and relieved that I got this part written. It felt like a fistfight to get every word down. But now that I've worked through my blocks, my anxiety is easing up and I've been able to work a little more on other fics as well. One more chapter after this one, though I have outlined possible timestamps. Thank you so much for your patience and I hope this installment in the series was worth the wait. ;)
Series Masterlist
Part 7
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Y/N took a deep breath to calm her nerves as she exited her hired car, the all-too-familiar door of The Lion's Den glowing brightly, beckoning her within. She pulled the gold-embossed invitation card from her clutch, handing it to the doorman who smiled warmly and opened the door for her to enter.
The Den was buzzing with life and activity like a nightclub - music blasting, drinks everywhere. All the staff and the most elite of clientele were invited, closed to all others. It was a private celebration of the anniversary of the club's opening. The sounds of laughter and joviality rang through the ever-sex-tainted air.
Grabbing a champagne flute off a passing waiter's tray, she began to walk the room, letting her eyes take in the abundance of sensations around her.
As she surveyed the party-goers, her eyes paused as she caught each man that she's enjoyed separately, each surrounded by clients, both favored and prospective. Playing coy and unaffected - and truly just anticipating her time with Crowley - she passed by each of them, their eyes findings hers and giving her a sultry look that made her reminisce of her times with them.
Before long, Crowley's young assistant, Kevin, found her amongst the crowd, inviting her to follow him to his boss' private table.
"Crowley's been waiting for you," Kevin told her as he effortlessly maneuvered through the crowds and to the familiar, secluded booth Crowley liked to occupy.
She was eager and excited but tried her best to hide it. She'd learned to hone her poker face over years of business meetings and negotiations. The Den was one place she felt she could let her guard down and relax.
"There she is," Crowley greeted as she approached his private booth. He stood beside the alcove, straightening his suit and eyes raking her body, draped in a simple gown for the evening's events.
"Crowley," Y/N responded with a smirk, offering her hand. Crowley grasped it gently between both of his hands, bending down to kiss the back of her knuckles.
"Thank you for accepting my invitation," he gestured to the booth and Y/N slid into the seat, Crowley sitting opposite of her.
"I was wondering if I was ever going to get this one-on-one with you or if you were going to keep teasing me," she pouted playfully.
"Ah, yes," Crowley sighed, nodding his head. "I've been rather busy lately," he explained. "Expanding my empire, you understand."
"I do," she agreed quickly. "And I've heard of your successes. Opening a new club?"
"Yes, and I heard of your latest conquering as well. You've been all over the papers recently. I have to admit, I'm a fan of your work."
Silence fell between them as fresh drinks were delivered. Y/N took a long sip, her eyes trailing over Crowley in yet another perfectly tailored suit.
"How have you been enjoying the club?" Crowley inquired, easing the momentary lull in their conversation.
"You should be able to tell from my monthly bill how much I enjoy this club of yours," she smirked behind her glass, feeling mildly tipsy and relaxed in Crowley's presence.
He chuckled, "Yes, well, what if I told you that I'd like to make a deal with you," he challenged, a glint in his eyes.
Y/N sat up straighter, gently setting her drink on the table. She eyed him carefully, as anyone would a potential opponent. Her eyes sparkled and her heart raced, ready to broker another deal. After all, it's what she lived for. With a silent gesture of her hand, she urged him to continue.
Enjoying the game as much as Y/N did, Crowley prepared to lay out his offer.
"You can have me tonight, however you want, as a client. I am more than willing."
Y/N's heart raced differently, Crowley's proposal cutting to the chase of what she'd been after since she laid eyes on him. Biting her lip, she was eagerly anticipating the rest of his proposal.
"Or, you can agree to be mine and I'll fuck you for free, whenever you want."
"Be yours?" she inquired with a quirked brow, more than intrigued by his proposal.
"I'm a King without a Queen," he sighed. "You are smart, beautiful, cunning. Together we could expand my empire and be unstoppable. And of course, you can continue to sample the wares, so long as you remain mine."
"Think it over. In the meantime, I believe we have much more pressing matters," his smile morphed into a grin as his eyes shamelessly trailed over her body.
More pressing matters indeed.
She would definitely think over his offer, though she was sure what she'd most likely say.
Welcoming the distraction, and far too eager for this long-awaited encounter, Y/N allowed Crowley to lead her by the hand away from the staircase and familiar hall of rooms and into a long hallway that led to somewhere much more private.
It was his office, she quickly realized, and it was single-handedly the most expensive and lavish room she had seen in this entire place so far. The soft click of the door behind her made her smile, her anticipation ramping up, her panties already growing damp.
"I enjoy rare and beautiful things," Crowley spoke as he walked comfortably across the office, unbuttoning his suit jacket and casually leaning against the edge of his desk.
She glanced around the room, indeed eyeing many things that piqued her interest. Her eyes floated back to him. The electricity in the air between them crackled with heat, the delicious banter and teasing drawing out, being savored between them.
"And you are the most rare and beautiful thing I've ever encountered," he breathed out. She felt her body slump and swoon, the seriousness flickering in his eyes making her desperately ravenous.
She wasn't one for relationships, her career at the forefront of her mind, the Den a way for her to feed her needs and desires without the complexities of relationships. The look in his eyes made her realize they might be dancing on a line here, but it also made her want to take a chance and step right over it.
Meeting his eyes once more, she knew her fate was sealed.
"You want to be mine?" Crowley asked as he leaned back against his desk with a knowing smirk. "Show me, My Pet."
A flutter ran through her body as she was more than eager to comply. She knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Holding his gaze, she slipped off her dress, revealing she was completely bare beneath. His eyes roamed over her body with admiration and lust.
"Stunningly beautiful, Y/N," Crowley praised. Standing straight, he raised a single finger urging her to come forth.
She gave a crooked smirk as she slowly dropped to her knees, her hands hitting the ground next. She curved her back like a cat as she slowly crawled towards him, the way that John appreciated. As Crowley rubbed his hand against his strained and hardened cock, Y/N knew he too appreciated her moves.
As she reached Crowley, Y/N used her hands to crawl up his thighs, straightening her naked body against his legs. She ghosted along his covered shaft with her nose, her hands settled on his hips.
"My, you are a good pet, aren't you Love?"
Tilting her head back she met his eyes, his hand cupping her cheek.
"Yes, Sir," she responded, doing her best to maintain doe-eyes and a straight face.
Crowley growled before leaning down to crash his lips into hers. Pulling back he whipped off his jacket, the matching vest underneath following closely behind. His hands tucked under her arms - with a strength she didn't know he possessed - he lifted and carried her easily, laying her back on the lush chaise lounge off to the side.
She relaxed back into the soft and plush material of the ornate sofa, her legs falling open to reveal her dampened core. Crowley stared at her hungrily as he loosened his tie, just enough to slip the loop off his head and over hers, adjusting the tie to lie between her breasts.
"Looking more and more like mine by the minute," Crowley smirked, rising from the sofa to strip himself bare.
Y/N watched with hungry eyes, licking her lips as his glorious cock was revealed to her. From head to toe, he was every bit as delicious as she'd imagined he'd be, still emanating power and authority without the amazing, tailored suits.
She licked her lips as he slowly climbed over her, his lips ghosting along her body but not quite touching, the tease of it making her squirm. He lapped at her nipple before encasing it in his mouth, humming at her responding moan.
In her distraction, he moved his mouth lower, sucking a mark on the underside of her breast. She jumped and hissed, the sensation making her core clench. She glanced down, seeing the mark he left behind, and giving him a questioning gaze.
"Only where it won't be seen," he answered her unspoken concern. "Want to see my Pet covered in my marks," he growled at her, settling in on her other breast.
He worked his way down her body, leaving hickeys and love bites as he went, adorning her in his marks. She shivered beneath him, each new mark drenching her core. He worked his way between her thighs, teasing her and leaving even more marks, avoiding the sensitive areas where she was desperate for his touch.
Finally, he turned his attention to her needy and dripping core, lapping up her essence before focusing his energy on her clit.
With mostly his mouth and a little help from his hands, he guided her through a slow-building, slow-crashing orgasm that washed over her like a wave. The scratch of his beard against her sensitive skin added to the euphoric feeling.
He stood suddenly, making her whine from the loss of his touch. He smirked down at her as he rolled on a condom. She licked her lips once more, writhing with neediness.
"Hands and knees, Pet," Crowley grinned, helping guide her into position. She gripped the armrest, curving her back and spreading her legs, her dripping pussy on display.
He groaned, gripping her ass in both hands and kneading the cheeks before slapping the right one harshly. Y/N jumped and moaned, the sting further igniting her lust.
"So responsive, Y/N," Crowley crooned, before sliding deep within her core in one smooth stroke. "So eager; so much fun to play with," he moaned, pulling out and thrusting in hard, relishing her surprised gasps.
Crowley set a fast and harsh pace, the slap of their skin leaving a red tint on Y/N's ass and thighs. She let out a guttural moan as he hit her deep, rubbing deliciously over her g-spot and slamming into her cervix. The mix of pleasure and pain was setting her alight. Her hands clung to the armrest, her nails digging into the upholstery. Part of her was afraid she'd claw it to pieces; part of her didn't give a damn.
His fingers found the tie, still around her neck, turning it to now lie down her spine. He gently tugged on the tie, showing her his intent.
"You good, My Love?" he asked, his hips never stopping their harsh pace.
"Y-yes, S-Sir!" she moaned out wantonly. He held her expertly on a high but kept her from crossing over, the torture of it exquisite.
Crowley wrapped the end of the tie around his hand, the other hand on her hip to steady her to take his cock. He tugged on the tie, simultaneously pulling her back on his cock and beginning to cut off her air. Her pussy fluttered and she let out a groan that made no sound, the pressure and pain bordering too much.
Suddenly, the pressure released and she sucked in a large breath of air, her pussy clamping hard around Crowley's unrelenting length. He growled, both hands on her hips as he fucked her near flat on the sofa. She came hard, gushing around his cock, screaming out her release that seemed to reverberate off the office walls around her.
The intensity of her orgasm pulled Crowley into his own, thrusting deep within her and filling the condom, his hips still moving to extend their mutual highs.
After catching his breath, Crowley removed himself, disposing of the condom. Y/N lay on the sofa, the cool air of the room against her heated skin refreshing. She was thoroughly fucked and sated. Crowley more than delivered, the real thing far better than her fantasies could have conjured.
Hearing the clinking of glass, she rolled over, resting her head back against the armrest. Crowley approached, now wearing his slacks, with two glasses in hand. He offered her one, lifting her feet to sit on the sofa, and setting them back across his lap.
She took a sip from the glass, eyeing Crowley warily, his words and proposition from before still present in her mind.
"So," she glanced at her glass, swirling the liquid within before meeting his eyes once more. "Be yours?"
He grinned and she matched his expression. He set his glass on the side table and rose, moving to his desk and digging in the drawer, finding what he was looking for and setting it on the small table beside her.
"A contract?" she asked excitedly as if he'd slid a jewelry box across the table to her.
She gave it a cursory review, finding it to be a detailed partnership agreement. She loved reading through contracts, finding loopholes, and exploiting or eradicating them, whatever suited her and her clients' interests best.
It was solid, ironclad, and perfect. More perfect and romantic than flowers and dates and frivolous things that she wasn't interested in. It was a great deal and one she was more than willing to accept. Included in their partnership was a VP position for her in Crowley's firm - a right hand to the man himself - and control and Madame of the new female brothel that he intended to open across town.
Aside from more money and a great opportunity, it was a chance to share her life with someone. It wasn't something she was ever really interested in, but with Crowley, her passion for business and appetite for sex crossed into a perfect match.
"And you wouldn't be upset about me continuing to see your gentleman?" she asked with a quirked brow. She did not expect his hearty chuckle.
"My Dear, fuck whomever you want. It's your heart and soul I'm after," he grinned, cupping her cheek.
After reviewing the contract - and knowing she'd have her lawyers review it before signing anything - she grinned, "You little devil," she teased.
Climbing into his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck, grinding down against his cock which was already hard and ready for her.
"I accept."
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puppet-purgatory · 1 year
you won't post 1 headcanon for every puppet. you wont
i WILL. AND i'll do it in chronological order from appearance (more or less). but it will be under a readmore after the first season so i dont interrupt anyones scrollin
The Professor: i think in addition to growing a bit from Dino DNA(tm) he also has feathers now. just some feathers in there with his fur. maybe even molts and is miserable about it
Death: he plays guitar And piano, but just as a hobby. he's like a salaryman who had a garage band as a teenager and never fully gave up on the dream
Propeller: propeller SADSTUCK: i think he legitimately had to go to therapy for the britannica shit that happened. PH feels like it would be that realistic about mental health tbh
Big Pile of Diamonds: his mustache is fake. his greatest secret. his greatest shame.
God: he actually really likes to dance! unfortunately next 2 no one will do it since... The Incident
Train: does he not have a better name... maybe put a mr. in front of there... anyway he feels betrayed by the U.S. since they gave up the train model for highways/interstates and the motorcar industry. gets REALLY heated about it
Mt. Vesuvius: has a bunch of speeches given by famous latin authors and orators memorized, but sometimes he mashes them up without realizing/misattributes which one was written by whom. old man moments
Hatshepsut's Goose: can't remember what their gender was in life. that's fine, they love being a nonbinary icon. AMAB (Assigned Mummy at (em)Balming)
Clipped Coin: dodges the spool's wrath by being unflappable and so down to earth despite his apparent success. truly the king of staying in his own lane
Olympic Torch: hes a cranky piece of shit and only really enjoys sporting competition. he was complaining about being in the group puzzle photo so god just picked him up and he went ffffffffffine. okay. ill smile for 2 seconds
Gay Oars: i think they Also went to therapy, mostly relationship counseling, and now they are back and better than Ever. unbreakable bond. im abt to pen a whole ass comic series about them getting married in purgatory
Policarpa's Spool: still thinks of himself as a spy type, but there's only so much spying he can do in... purgatory. of course, his primary nemesis is the treasure chest.
Lake Donner Snowman: idk if this counts as a headcanon per se but in my very short list where i recast the puppets as famous singers, he is ABSOLUTELY voiced by Weird Al Yankovic.
St. Nick's Wet Bones: sort of taking the whole purgatory thing in stride. he kinda feels like he's in retirement! now he's a minor agent of chaos who's looked after by his darling Pickle Boys
Beast of Gevaudan: i was so sad when the infinitiger wasn't real, i wanted them to have a cooking show together so badly and destroy the horse's self-esteem. i love him. hes so abominably french
Stool of Gold: well-traveled, well-read, literally just as sensible as the Book or the Oars, but finds the chaos entertaining to spectate.
Ziryab's Oud: I think that the puppets have divvied up the whole Wondrium Arena and all have designated Living Areas, and he has a whole dressing room filled with shitty costumes he can't even wear. every time someone knocks he answers like hes on MTV's Cribs.
Bye Bye Brothers: they live in the orchestral pit and treat it like a secret lair. only other Murderer Puppets are allowed in. EXCLUSIVE club
Flower Boat: GNC Icon. this is a flower boat stan account. jenuinely a wholesome, emotional vessel doing their best to pitch in.
Molasses Horse: you can wash him as much as you want, that shit always just comes back somehow. the book theorizes it's psychosomatic at this point, since they're technically only souls at this point.
Tiny Piece of Wheat: bro i bet they went through SUCH phases after finding out about the professor's death. like all five stages of grief and then four more that have not yet been discovered by humans. dw kiddo, u got Grandparents incoming
Emu: the type of guy to fistfight you and then help you up. laid back but ready to throw down at a MOMENT'S notice. has no beef with the Wheat, but generally avoids them to keep from any Upsets.
Treasure Chest: has a little list of get-rick-quick schemes he wants to test, but has no way to in purgatory. he has one braincell bouncing around in his head like the DVD logo
Scabs & Pus: they get to hang out with the Bye Bye Brothers in their little club :) they're gross dudes to look at and be around. but they are ultimately harmless and friendly and just happy to be included.
Book: i love da book. I think he lives in the music library backstage and finds librettos for stageplays/musicals to pitch to the group to put on, as well as produces their little TV shows.
Birch Trees: since they share a root system, they have a telepathic link and communicate without even speaking, which is fucking creepy as hell when one or both of them just start laughing out of nowhere. they probably enjoy acting sinister
Asmodeus: he worked HARD on his song for the show!!!!! i think he's a bit of a ham sometimes when he gets the chance. also his goat head bites literally anything that comes close on reflex.
The Devil: while everything he does is to get souls, it also feels like he wants for positive and is less an Enemy of God and more an Irritating Coworker. in my brain they have a whole Tom and Jerry thing going on.
I don't have anything for the Fake Puppets the Substitute impersonated, but im planning on drawing some infinitiger soon bc he was my fave for sure
The Substitute: this is PURELY crack but i think it would be hilarious if he had voice commands like some tech does. i want him to climb back in the window and ryan just yells XBOX TURN OFF and he vanishes.
Dino Dad/Dinosir: i think even after he gets to the present and learns about all kinds of rocks and gems and crystals he Still just loves a big old rock he can lay on and sun himself with. like a dad and his armchair. doesnt gotta be fancy, just has to be comfy.
Dino Mom/Dinosara: i think she would be REALLY into the fake tv shows the puppets in the Wondrium Arena make. and they'd probably Love to have her as a fan. i think both the professor's parents are Hella popular.
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insomniac-shado · 4 months
hi I made this for you as an excuse to ask you for jayus lore
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hand it over I want a cringe OC rant 🙏
This is the most recent version of their story. And warning. Its uh. Long. Like REEEEEAAAALLLYYYYY LONG i apologize ohmg xc
Their lore is below the cut !!
Jayus lived with their mom Isabella, their dad Marcus, their twin brother Janus, and their older sister Mindy.
They lived in a small house in the woods for most of their childhood. Their family didn’t have enough money to afford a bigger one. Marcus worked 2 jobs & almost never home, and even with the financial help of Isabella’s mother they still had trouble with paying bills. Though they didn’t have much, Jayus and their siblings didn’t pay much attention to that fact as kids. The three were very close and had a very strong bond in their early years. Their parents, however, were a bit of a different story.
Marcus and Isabella fought. Constantly. When Jayus was about three it began. The fighting started off small at first, but gradually over time it grew worse and worse. It escalated to the point where almost every day there was an argument. When this would happen, Jayus and their siblings would go out to play in the woods instead.
Though their parents fought so much, both of them did care for their children in their own way. Marcus was often too frustrated and tired after work to interact much but he tried his best to be there when he could. While Isabella was home all the time, she was constantly stressed over the family’s situation and was often very irritable. She was easy to snap and argue with her children, barely able to contain her stress. She felt guilty for it, she really did. Isabella hated how angry she was all the time and could barely handle all of these emotions.
As the years passed, the constant anger and hostility in Jayus’s family began to affect them more and more. They were getting irritable themself. Never comfortable inside their own home, resentful of their mother and father, Jayus wasn’t handling it well. They were beginning to have outbursts of their own.
Neither were their brother and sister.
When Jayus was 14, Mindy moved away to college. She had scraped together as much money as she could, worked tirelessly every day, and finally had made enough to afford college. She moved as soon as she could, desperate to get away from this home situation.
Janus on the other hand, occupied himself with various after school activities. Tutoring, sports, clubs- you name it. When he wasn’t doing any of those, Janus was out with his friends. He tried bringing Jayus sometimes- but the group just didn’t get along, and after it ended in a fistfight once Janus stopped inviting his sibling.
Jayus was not handling this at all as well as their siblings had.
Their sister left them. Their brother was ignoring them (in Jayus’s eyes). Their parents were arguing more and more and looking after Jayus less and less. They felt helpless.
Helplessness turned to frustration, and frustration turned to an intense bottled up rage. Jayus began to isolate away from others, and kept bottling everything up. They didn’t want to become like their parents, screaming and fighting at the slightest provocation. Jayus wanted to be better than that.
But bottling up their emotions didn’t work out (obviously). Their anger kept getting worse and worse, until one particularly bad day they exploded.
It was after a horrible day at school Jayus came home. Marcus had just gotten off work and was back home for a few minutes before heading to his second job. Him and Isabella were having a particularly bad fight, worse than usual. Jayus went to the woods to escape, and ended up tripping and hurting their ankle.
Finally when they’d found peace and quiet, a stray cat had wandered into the area. Jayus reached out to pet it, not thinking straight and got scratched. And was sent into a rage.
The pent up emotions they’d been hiding for years exploded, and before Jayus was even aware of what they were doing the cat was dead on the ground, ripped apart.
It scared them, what they’d done, their scratches stinging with pain and hot blood mixed with fur splattered on their hands and jacket. But in a way, it also felt.. relieving.
It felt good to finally get their anger out. It felt amazing. For the first time in years, Jayus felt calm.
And from that point on was when Jayus realized they had a new coping strategy.
For the next year Jayus would continue to mutilate and kill animals out in the woods whenever they felt particularly upset. They got creative too- using different weapons to tear the poor animals apart. Fire was the strategy Jayus liked the most.
Eventually it became less of a “coping strategy” and became more of a sick fascination with death, and the act of killing. Jayus felt so helpless for so long- it felt amazing to be in control of something else so strongly that they had control over life and death itself.
Their mother noticed something was up first.
Jayus was careless; they’d leave the corpses of these animals strewn throughout the forest. And Isabella began to notice this when she went out into the woods herself- birds, squirrels, rabbits, and more horrifically mutilated all over the forest.
It scared her; Isabella could tell this was done by a human. And she didn’t want her children getting hurt. So she banned Jayus and Janus from going out into the woods, hoping to protect them from whoever this was.
It only made Jayus more angry. They already resented their mother, and now that she’d taken away the one thing they had to deal with their problems? Jayus practically wanted her dead.
Janus on the other hand finally noticed that something was up with his sibling. He felt guilty, realizing how he’d basically left them behind to deal with their struggles on their own. It was a mistake and he knew this.
He tried to reconnect with Jayus, starting off by apologizing for his actions. Jayus was skeptical at first, but hesitantly accepted his apology. The two slowly grew closer, but Janus soon learned that this was NOT the same Jayus he used to know.
They were much more harsh. Cared less for how he felt, and didn’t pay much attention to his feelings. Very sarcastic and snappy, in both good and bad ways. And while Janus didn’t think his sibling cared much for him, but that wasn’t true.
Jayus finally had their best friend back, and while they were much more different in expressing it they did truly care for him.
But things couldn’t be happy for much longer.
Jayus was still an angry, violent mess. And one day when they were 15, they found the perfect opportunity.
Their whole family was out of the house; it was just them alone. Jayus had found a rabbit outside in their backyard, and stabbed it, immobilizing the poor creature. They went inside and stole some matches, and made the monumental, stupid mistake of lighting one inside.
As they walked towards the door Jayus tripped on something laying on the floor, and fell to the ground, dropping the match.
It landed on the dry, old carpet. And immediately the carpet went up in flames.
Jayus’s arm had gotten in the flames, and to their horror was set aflame as well.
They screamed and tried to put it out, but weren’t successful until after it had spread up their arm, to half their chest and face. Finally they managed to put it out, coughing and wheezing from the smoke as the fire spread throughout the house. They stumbled out of the building and collapsed onto the grass outside. It was raining.
As the small droplets hit their skin, sizzling painfully on their wounds, Jayus passed out.
The family was completely fucked now. Their house had burnt down, Jayus was severely injured and needed immediate medical attention they couldn’t afford- everything had fallen apart. And Isabella had had enough.
She took Jayus and Janus and left Marcus almost immediately after. She took Jayus to the hospital, and their generous grandmother helped to pay the bills thankfully.
But Jayus was forever different. Half their face had been disfigured beyond recognition, same as almost half their body. It was a horrific sight, really.
Isabella brought Jayus and Janus to live with their grandmother in her apartment. She knew they’d have a more stable life there while she tried to find a job to get back on their feet.
Jayus’s grandmother was a wonderful woman. She looked after them much better than their own parents ever had been able to, and treated Jayus with kindness and compassion. They instantly grew attached.
It wasn’t long before Janus and Jayus could go back to school.
From here, things started to get better. Their home situation was much more stable. Isabella had found a job and was slowly getting better. Jayus’s birthday came, and they turned 16.
Jayus became pretty popular at school alongside their brother. They had plenty of friends and acquaintances, good grades and such.
Yet, despite how good everything was going, something seemed.. off, about Jayus.
It was unclear to most people just what it was. But they just had this odd disturbing aura to them, and it wasn’t from their appearance.
Most people figured it was nothing, or just avoided them. But they really, really shouldn’t have.
And at this time, a string of murders had begun to pop up in the area.
Jayus had already gotten a taste of the thrill of the hunt, and now that they no longer had access to small woodland creatures, they figured people would suffice. It would be much more difficult to cover up than animals, but they were willing to take the risk. Jayus loved a good challenge.
Their life was going well now. The only thing causing them problems that actually bothered them was a new teacher at their school. He’d just moved into town, along with his daughter Serena, and Jayus hated him. He was a rude man, and would go out of his way to make life difficult for Jayus.
They put up with it, but was getting real frustrated with the treatment.
Finally, Jayus had enough. They trailed him after school one night and dragged him into an alleyway, where they murdered him.
They thought they’d been alone. But then, they heard a gasp. A gasp that belonged to Serena, the daughter of the teacher herself.
She didn’t see who Jayus was. It was too dark. And Jayus was able to escape from the scene.
But Jayus was paranoid. They knew that with Serena there it had messed up their whole plan. They were gonna get caught, one way or another. The idea terrified them. And they had to act quickly.
Jayus began to formulate a new plan.
School had been cancelled while the police investigated the murder. And during this time Jayus had plenty of time to prepare to kill Serena.
They snuck into Serena’s apartment one night, silently creeping over to her room. Equipped with a knife.
They lifted the weapon, about to stab her sleeping form- when Jayus’s phone started ringing.
Serena woke up and saw them. She screamed in terror and immediately shoved them away, but Jayus was strong, and fought back easily.
Serena grabbed the first thing they could reach on their nightstand: a fork on a plate, left there from a snack she’d eaten before bed.
She swung wildly at Jayus, and managed to make a hit at their face.
Jayus erupted in a cry of pain as the fork connected with their left eye, and Serena stared in horror. She yanked it back in a panic, pulling out their eye.
By this point her mother had woken up and ran to the room to see what was going on. She ran over to help Serena, but before she could do anything Jayus threw their knife at her. It embedded into her abdomen and the mother collapsed.
Jayus bolted out the door running out of the apartment as fast as they could, covering their newly emptied eye socket as blood poured from the would. Police had been called by one of the neighbors, and Jayus barely managed to escape. They ran and ran and ran, not stopping until they were deep within the old woods they used to live in.
From this point on, Jayus was on the run. They continued moving from place to place until eventually leaving their state. Finding residence in a thick forest in South Dakota, Jayus settled down finally.
They found a small abandoned home within the forest, and lived there.
As the years progressed, Jayus made a life for themself. They befriended two other killers, named 017 and Executioner. Fell in love with a man named JJ when they were 22 and got together with him.
They lived to be 46 years old. Jayus died to an earthquake while walking next to a cliff, the harsh tremors causing parts of the cliff to collapse into boulders and rocks, which fell on top of them and crushed them.
And that’s Jayus’s story !!
I worked really hard on Jayus for a long time they mean so much to me dawg.. like.. omg.
Soo yeah :3
Thats ab it !! Thank you sm for the fanart and the ask about the lore, it really does mean a lot i got so excited <3
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theboyandthepeach · 2 months
(Dusk groans angrily at the mention of the toothpaste-haired trainer, clearly displeased with him as well)
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Oh my dragons, is Drayton a jerk here as well?! Some things never change, I swear... I wanna punch him again. Yes, again. I've physically fought him before and won. Well, it's as big a win as I could get since it took the combined force of Hades and Than to pull me off of him so I'd stop punching him. Nobody calls Kiki ex-champion and gets away with it, not when I'm around.
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Yeah, that is a whole other story. Long story short: I met my world's version of you, Kiki, we became friends, I met Ogerpon, my world's Carmine made me lie about it to him, the friendship fizzled out, I became an exchange student at Blueberry Academy with my sisters, and found the one person who I hate more then my world's Arceus. Drayton. He made me join the League Club to fight you, because he was too lazy to get off his butt and get strong enough to do it himself. And after I won? He acted like it was all his doing, like I wouldn't have gotten that far without him. Then he said, and these words will live with me forever;
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"Good match you two. Too bad about the outcome though, huh... ex-champion?"
Yeah, I, uhm.
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I... might have broken his nose? And then, when he tried that again, punched him again..? Then he called my world's version of you "ex-champion" one more time before I just... lunged across two rows of desks and knocked him out.
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Worth it. So, SO worth it. I felt so vindicated when I got to do that. He was just off from day one. I don't like him still, he's STILL a prick. He's just more cautious around me now, because he knows I will gladly fistfight him and WIN.
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"Heh. I remember punching my version of Drayton after he said the Ex-Champion line. One thing Dokutaro and I agreed on was that we wouldn't control him because he'd be too annoying to deal with."
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