#this makes me melt
sweet-honey-fruit · 4 months
Wriothesley getting super pouty whenever he sees someone in the Fortress holding a box of chocolates, snacks, or sweets made by his beloved and gushing over how cute the treats are. Where's his treats? He worked extra hard today, shouldn't he get yummy goodies too?
His agitation worsens when walking the streets of Fontaine and he sees the Melusines, the other Fontaine citizens (Navia, Clorinde, Furina, etc.), and even freaking Neuvillette walking around with and gushing about their own custom-made goodies. Now he's super huffy as he walks back to your shared home, ready to smother you in love and affection as revenge for not giving him any tasty treats. But he stops dead in his tracks when he sees the beautiful feast laid out on the kitchen table and you were there setting down a gorgeous cake.
While pondering if you've made enough food, Wriothesley comes up behind you and wraps you in his arms. He tells you that you've done enough and that just being able to eat with you is a blessing in itself. Though, still feeling a bit petty, he has you feed him while sitting in his lap.
This is so domestic, I love it 🥰 saving the best for last, literally.
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artrealla · 2 months
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rosekillerbf · 5 months
i need to thank whoever came up with Oh. Oh. for what they've done for the English language.
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ghouljams · 2 months
I don't know how to word this but Dad!Ghost who's gotten softer around the middle(proudly gained that extra weight thanks to your cooking) and can't help chuckling to himself when his little girl proudly pats her tummy after dinner and tells you "that was a good meal mama" in the same tone Ghost uses. Already taking after her old man...(he's never been happier)
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viva-pluton511 · 6 months
Me seeing a chubby queer character being a complex and changing person, not being the punchline, having a romantic interest, and being seen as desirable and loved both in it's media and in the fanbase:
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[ID: a reaction image of a cat/kitten crying while looking at a phone and tucked under a blanket]
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alpacacare-archive · 8 months
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he dont bite
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
oh my god. pro hero Bakugou who was shortly dating someone and accidentally got them pregnant, but for some reason, after having the baby they leave. he’s fucking devastated—how is he supposed to continue his career now as a single dad? how can he care for baby? save the world and still have to stay up at 2am when they’re fussy bc he hasn’t held them all day?
his mother helps as much as she can, his father too. but they’re getting older and they shouldn’t have to raise another baby at their age.
in comes you, a stay-in nanny. he researches the fuck outta you, frowning at you all the while during your interview. it doesn’t scare you much tho, as he’s patting the tiny baby back with only two big fingers. he wants to see how you react to baby, your stance on teaching them, how you’ll aid them.
he internally caved immediately when the baby started crying and he couldn’t get them to quiet down, so you took them from him. hugged them so sweetly to your chest as you rocked them, spoke quietly to them, a calming aura surrounding you.
it helps that you’re pretty, when he hires you. but he knows he can’t be selfish—you’re here for the baby and the baby only. he has no other place in your life. (unless you want him to?)
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avastyetwats · 6 months
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The way Stede looks at Izzy when he comes out dressed and singing is everything to me.
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emi-fanarts · 2 years
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kimtaegis · 22 days
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three superheroes, anpanman! for @sopekooks ♡
cr. jung-koook
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onyxmistkes · 7 months
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No one touch me- I love them so much RAH
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rayroseu · 29 days
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the two princes that are blessed with beauty... 😭🙏✨💚🤍
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mintacle · 2 years
Appreciation post for when Jason does this with his legs:
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It's juat very cute and weirdly endearing to me, bc yeah that's how a Robin moves! Look at him! those little legs.
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Just. Big grown up Tank Jason still moving like a small agile Robin. It's so cute to me.
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frogchiro · 8 months
Okay I’m not really sure why but I LOVE concepts of like animal courting like male birds doing gorgeous dances and the old stuff where a guy kills a massive animal/predator and presents it to your doorstep like JSJSJWI I giggle and kick my legs at the idea of König killing someone who tried to snipe you and being like “here you go hun :3” or like a medieval AU ghost killing a fucking moose or huge elk for you and showing up with it in his arms RAHH I’d love to hear your thoughts
The hunting a big, dangerous predator and presenting it to you screams many of my aus and I could honestly go on for hours about this but for now I'm gonna go with König bringing a whole ass deer back to his cabin deep in the austrian woods where you two are holed up :((
A fearsome soldier and a respected colonel but this man honestly goes kinda dumb for you. Like,, when you're around and there is no one around, just you two in the solitude of the woods in the Alps he really kinda starts thinking not with his rational 'soldier' brain but with his dick and relies more on his more primal hindbrain :((
As far as he knows and cares you two aren't partners but 'mates', and his role as the strong, proud male is to provide for you everything you could want, so warmth, food, comfort, safety and sex :(( Also when you two reside in his cabin? There's gonna be little to no clothes. He has no problem with wearing them obviously and only does this here, but it kinda feels...freeing? And just feels right, plus he gets to show off to you like a proud stallion everything he has, his brawny, strong body and magnificent cock all on display and he's not ashamed. Obviously would never want you to be uncomfortable but if you decide to forgo clothes too he will literally get on his knees and thank you :((
Also, König hunts. His papa took him on many hunting trips when he was a kid so he's a skilled hunter, it's kinda became a necessity living a solitary life like this even before you but when you moved in with him?? He does this not only to put food on the table but also to show off to you like crazy :(( He wants to show you that he's a capable hunter and can provide as a mate for you and any future offspring you may bring into the world ♡
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mochiwrites · 1 month
Jellie tends to be a very curious cat, sometimes. She likes poking her nose into places it doesn’t belong, or snatching things from Scar and Grian when they catch her interest.
Maybe Scar should’ve known better, then.
He sits in his and Grian’s bedroom (it’s been theirs pretty much after the second month Scar moved in), a ring in his hands. The metal is cool against his palm, a soft rose gold. The band isn’t anything special, a simple engraving in it. Scar knew Grian would throw a fit if he found out Scar spent so many diamonds on the ring. So he tried to get something reasonable.
He can spoil Grian with the actual ring.
If he says yes, that is. Just the thought makes a shiver run of Scar’s spine. Is he really doing this? He and Grian have only been together for a year and a half, but Scar just knows that he’s the one. There isn’t any doubt in his mind about it. But does Grian feel the same?
Jellie jumps up on the bed next to Scar, meowing at him. She brushes her head against his arm as she settles beside him, and Scar smiles. “Well hello there beautiful lady. Are we requesting pets?” he teases as he brushes a hand through her fur. She curls up close to him, leaning into his touch. Scar sighs softly, scratching behind her ear. “I don’t know Jellie… do you think he’ll say yes?” he asks quietly. She stares blankly up at him. “Yeah okay, fair enough.”
Past their bedroom, the front door opens and shuts. “Scar, I’m home!”
Scar jumps up, disturbing a content Jellie. He shoots her an apologetic look, giving her one last pet. But the most crucial piece?
He makes the mistake of leaving the engagement ring on the bed.
As Scar walks out the room to greet his boyfriend, Jellie takes to making their bed her own. Yet as she moves, the shiny ring catches her attention. She tilts her head, curious about the shiny object. Sticking a paw out, she swats it. Again. And again. And again. Until the ring tips over the side of the bed, dropping to the floor with a ‘plop.’
Her pupils widen in that playful way they tend to do, wiggling before she pounces.
Oblivious to what his cat is doing, Scar is sweeping his boyfriend into a hug. “How was work?” he questions, looking down at Grian with a curious yet soft gaze.
“Tiring,” Grian huffs, content to melt into Scar’s grasp. He lifts his arms, returning the embrace as he does so. “I had to remake the blueprint at least five times until the guy was happy with it.”
Scar winces, “Eesh. Now I’m kind of glad he only wanted you to meet with him.”
Grian glowers at him in return, though the look is entirely playful. “Yeah, yeah.” He leans up, brushing their lips together in a soft kiss. “Consider yourself lucky.”
“I think I will, thank you.” Scar grins, stealing a kiss. “How does a movie and dinner sound?” He bumps their noses together as he smiles.
“Let me think about it,” Grian hums, booping his nose against Scar’s as he does so. “As long as there’s ice cream after.”
Scar lets out an affronted gasp, pulling away. “I’m offended you think there wouldn’t be ice cream after all!” he says as he walks toward the kitchen. “Go sit! I’ll grab the takeout leftovers.”
Laughing, Grian takes his shoes off and heads over into their living room. He finds Jellie there, playing with something caught between her paws. He fondly shakes his head at her, “What do you have now, miss?”
Jellie looks up at him with a meow as she swats at whatever it is she’s deemed her new toy, chasing at it. However, said mystery object knocks into Grian’s foot, and he gets it first.
Leaning down, Grian picks up what appears to be a rose gold ring. He inspects it in his hand, eyebrows knit together as he does. “Where did this come from?” He blinks at it, looking down at Jellie. “Did you rob someone?”
Jellie sits in front of him, slowly blinking. The perfect picture of innocence.
Shaking his head with a faint laugh, Grian looks at the ring again. His heart skips a beat as he really takes in the detail of it. He certainly didn’t buy it. Did Scar? And if he did then….
Heart a little louder, he turns to his boyfriend. “Hey, Scar?”
“Yes, love of my life?”
“Any clue what this is?”
Scar walks into the living room, the soft crackles of a furnace behind him. He pauses when he notices what Grian is holding in his hand. His eyes go wide, looking a little pale. To the side of Grian, he spots the movement of Jellie’s tail, and looks directly at her. “Traitor,” he mutters.
“Scar?” Grian questions, confused and… maybe a bit nervous.
“Haha uh… any chance we can forget this all happened and revisit it like. Next month?” Scar weakly chuckles, the epitome of nerves as he looks at Grian.
“What’s going on?” Grian’s brows furrow in confusion, a bit of concern leaking into his expression.
Scar knows trying to lie about it is practically pointless. Grian is too curious and too stubborn to let it go. And now that he’s seen the ring… Scar takes in a shaky breath. “Void, alright. Guess we’re doing this.”
He walks over to Grian, “May I?” He gestures for the ring, and Grian slowly nods. He hands the ring over to Scar, who accepts it with shaking hands. “Okay.” Scar sucks in a breath, unbelieving that he’s really doing this right now.
Slowly, Scar drops down on one knee in front of Grian, watching the way the other’s eyes go wide. But something about the position doesn’t feel quite right. Brows furrowing, Scar sets his other knee on the carpet below. “G? Mind kneeling with me here?” he asks, to which Grian nods. He joins Scar on the carpet, kneeling with him as well. “Much better,” he hums, pleased.
“Scar what?” Grian questions, lost and confused, and goodness his heart is beating so fast.
“I uh, I had a whole thing planned out, but Jellie seems to have thrown a wrench into all that,” Scar chuckles. “But it’s fine! I can improvise, who needs a plan?” He does. He needs a plan. Shaking his head, Scar reaches for one of Grian’s hands, grasping it in his own. He takes a measured breath, and begins to speak.
“I love you. More than words will ever be able to describe, G. You’ve done so much for me, more than I think I’ll ever be able to thank you for. You found me on the street, and despite being scammed by me, you still offered me a roof to live under, and a home to heal in.” Grian’s eyes are focused on him, listening with rapt attention. His gaze only worsens Scar’s nerves, heart beating a mile a minute. “You’re stubborn and witty, and sometimes you steal the blanket from me.”
Grian laughs.
Scar loves the sound.
“You don’t let me wallow in self pity, or memories of the harder times. You’re endlessly kind to both myself and Jellie, and everyone around you, even if your patience runs a little thin and you get snippy. We may get into a minor disagreement here and there, but you always come back around to me.” Scar smiles softly at him, so painfully fond and loving. “Back on that world… I never thought I would get to live life again. Or even enjoy the night sky without being afraid. It felt like a part of me was always missing, but I found that part with you.”
“Scar…” Grian trails off, face going red.
“G, you’re my home, my light. I want to spend every day waking up next to you and messing up pancake batter with you,” Scar laughs, the sound wet and shaky. Grian laughs with him, sounding just as affected. “I want to hold you on your bad days, and on your good ones. I want to be there through everything, for the rest of our lives. You’ve reminded me what it’s like to live and love, what it’s like to be me. There’s no one else for me, my heart and souls are yours.”
Scar swallows, holding the ring out to him. “So… will you entangle your life with mine forever? And marry me?” His expression turns bashful as he asks, and Grian is red in the face.
“You…” he trails off, amazed and in disbelief all at once. He looks between Scar and the ring, and he shakes his head. “I’ve been trying for days to find the perfect way of proposing to you, and you go and pull the rug right out from under me,” he laughs. “Curse how perfect you are sometimes.”
“C’mon G, you’re really leaving me hanging here!” Scar whines at him, making Grian laugh all over again.
Grian wraps his arms around Scar’s shoulders, pressing their lips together. “Yes, you spoon. I don’t want anyone else. Just you.”
If their neighbors hear how loudly Scar yells, well… it’s a warm congratulations to the newly engaged couple.
Jellie watches her humans cry in each others arms, tail flicking lazily at her side. She better get extra treats for this.
(It’s only later, when they’re sitting on the couch, curled into each other, that Scar realizes what Grian said. He turns to him, “Wait, you were planning to propose too?”
Grian snorts with laughter, “Hadn’t even picked out a ring, but yes Scar, I was.”)
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
Drawing dump! [Blank Scripts AU]
[Content Warning: Mentions of Self Harm at the last drawing (for shitpost purposes.)]
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