#this was supposed to be more orangey but blue looked so nice
gothic-mothic · 8 months
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A very long, very late, and very quiet car ride.
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calcifiedunderland · 29 days
Fireworks When I’m With You~
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Jade Leech x GN! Reader
In which Jade surprises you with an unforgettable date on an unforgettable night.
Notes: Established relationship with Jade! A MerMay fic idea I had
Warnings: open ocean/swimming, not proofread lmao
“Now now, pearl, you can’t be backing out now?”
Jade grinned, looking up at you from the little wooden lifeboat. You peered over the edge of the ship at him, hair tousling in the ocean wind. You heard laughter and music from the main banquet hall of the ship, currently sailing the waters in the Sage Island harbor.
“But… taking a boat to open sea?” You frowned, “what if we get tossed overboard?” Predictably, Jade chuckled, as if you were the one being unreasonable. “I would be fine,” through the mischief in his eyes, fondness sparkled, “although do you really think I’d let you drown?” You bit your lip, glancing at the setting sun.
Sometime earlier on, when the two of you began dating, Jade told you about the fireworks that he, Floyd, and Azul snuck to the surface to view when they were younger. Despite your boyfriend's habit of misleading others, you could tell he was fond of those memories. You’d hummed, “that sounds nice, I’d love to see it one day.” You didn’t think it’d be so soon, but who were you to deny an impromptu date night?
Jade yanked you out of your thoughts, “well?” His eyes were brighter in the orangey hue of the sunset. His golden eye slowly hypnotized you as you made up your mind. You hauled yourself over the ship railing, unceremoniously plopping into the little wooden boat. It bobbed for a bit, and Jade lost his balance and fell next to you, while you laughed at him.
Jade merely chuckled, rubbing his elbow and sitting up, setting the oars in place. You sat up, watching Jade row the two of you out and away from the ship into deeper waters. When he finally stopped, you could still see the ship a little ways away, but it was much quieter and tranquil out here.
The sunset had deepened into indigo, and a few bright stars were visible. The sea rocked the boat gently, and Jade’s golden eye glinted at you like a small sun.
You hummed, leaning an elbow on your knee. You looked at him questioningly as he smiled mysteriously at you, the same suave customer service smile he gave when he was intentionally being an elusive piece of work. “Jade, why did you go this far from the ship? I don’t suppose you’d kidnap poor, unfortunate me?”
Jade chuckled, setting the oars down. You expected a teasing remark from him, but to your surprise, he looked sentimental. “Of course not, my pearl,” a sinister gleam shone in his eye, “unless you’d like me to drag you to the depths right now?”
You snorted, leaning back, “sure, just wait ‘til I graduate, ‘shroom boy.” Jade barked out a laugh. You gazed at the sunset, now almost completely dark, save for some light over the ocean horizon. Stars twinkled overhead, and passively you spoke aloud, “I’d never be able to see this back in my world.” At Jade’s quizzical look, you elaborated unhelpfully, albeit wistfully, “light pollution.”
Jade hummed a response, before checking his watch. He smiled to himself, “you’ll be able to see more than that, soon. In three, two…” you opened your mouth, but no sound came out.
Across the ocean, in the same open-sky you’d just been staring at, a bright orange flame shot up with a loud whistle before it burst in a loud pop! and streamed into thousands of ribbons of light. Soon, more flames shot up. The sky was lit in reds, whites, oranges, pinks, purples, blues, and greens, all reflected in the ocean below.
Your thoughts fizzled away as a breathy laugh escaped you, “Jade, this is incredible,” you leaned closer to see. Jade smiled at you tenderly, “yes, it is.”
The sky became darker, and more fireworks launched into the sky, now silver against the dark blue. “It’s beautiful,” you breathed, transfixed, “it’s perfect.”
Jade’s smile turned besotted, staring at you “yes, you are.”
You turned abruptly to him, face growing hot. Jade had a smirk on your face, which made you even more flustered. A loud bang! drew both of your attentions, and a multicolored stream of fire brightened the ocean surface. “Oh, look!” You leaned an arm against the boat’s edge, pointing up. Jade's eyes widened, “(Name), don’t-!”
You yelled as the little boat tipped over, sending you both into the ocean. You clawed for the surface, gasping for air as the boat drifted farther from your grasp. For a moment you panicked at treading water in deep open ocean, when an arm wrapped around your torso.
“You gave me quite the scare, my pearl.” You twisted around. Jade had shifted into his eelmer form, and in the darkness, his teal stripes were glowing with bioluminescence. “If I’d known you wanted to swim, I would’ve given this to you earlier,” Jade chuckled, holding up a small vial filled with liquid. You recognized it immediately.
You splashed him, “you had a water breathing potion this whole time?!” Jade merely laughed, holding you closer. “I do always come prepared, pearl.”
You sighed in fake-annoyance, and settled in his arms. The ocean was still, and the two of you watched the fireworks above, the light shining on your faces. You heard the band on the ship start up again, music and people laughing and stomping on board in dance. You hummed along, leaning your head on Jades. You felt him smile, holding you tighter.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Jade,” you pressed your cheeks together, hugging him. “For everything.”
You felt Jade’s chest rumble with laughter, and he softly pressed his lips to yours. The fireworks had started up again, and you could see the light flashes behind your closed eyes. At last, you both pulled away, and you saw Jade’s teeth flash in a grin. “The pleasure is all mine, my lovely pearl.”
Thanks for reading!! Comments/reblogs are always appreciated~
Take care shrimpies!! 😘
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
Secret’s Out
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 1,796
Warnings: not much, brief slight angst i guess
A/N: back on my cheek to cheek bullshit 😌 after this one, im going to be posting some oneshots that date back to some of reader’s background and times before bucky! which im excited for :D enjoy!
Another mission, another briefing. You get the alert the morning of, the last minute meeting blaring in your room as you make yourself breakfast. You sigh and turn the stove off, accepting that you won’t have time to finish cooking and make it to the conference room in the next five minutes. You take the time instead to get dressed in what you normally wear to briefings and take your coffee to go.
When you arrive, there’s no one in the room, no one besides Sam and Bucky. Was the meeting for nine and not eight? Are you freakishly early? Could you have actually stayed and eaten your eggs and toast?
“Do you know what this is about? Because he won’t tell me.” Bucky huffs at you playfully, not actually angry, but still annoyed at the fact that Sam refused to tell him anything that’s going on until you got here.
You shake your head to tell him you don’t and slowly make your way over to the seat next to Bucky as Sam’s voice booms in the room.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., lock the door.” A distant click is heard as your bottom meets the chair and Bucky’s face becomes more and more confused.
Sam is silent for a moment, seemingly trying to figure out what words to say and how to start.
“I found a video of you.” He says.
“... What?” You whisper in disbelief.
“I was looking into your background. Specifically your HYDRA background. And I found a video that needs explanation.” As if on cue, a video is displayed behind Sam.
You are seen sitting at a small table, a small blender to the right of you. You look dangerously thin, hair greasy and matted, dark circles under your eyes. You have a crazy look in them, a look Bucky hasn’t seen since the first time he saw you in prison. This isn’t prison though, he very quickly realizes. Besides your body growing rigid next to him, he just knows that this is a HYDRA facility.
You’re humming obnoxiously loud in the video as a large man - presumably a Hydra scientist -  steps into frame. He wears a light blue button down shirt tucked into slacks underneath a lab coat. The tune of Singin’ in the Rain is all that’s heard for the first few seconds of the video as you stare up at the man, watching him as he checks the blender.
“Shut up.” He finally snaps at you, growing annoyed with your loud humming.
“I’m singing in the rain! Just singing in the rain! What a glorious feeling, I’m happy again!” You yell out, screaming out the lyrics in tune before a loud crack sounds, as the man in the lab coat slaps you hard across the face.
Bucky flinches next to you and you barely remember what this video was. You’re more consumed by the fact that Sam was doing some kind of background check on you for some reason and the fact that there’s a video at all. I didn’t know they recorded me.
You seem to hold back a smile at the man, as though he told some amazing joke and you’re trying not to laugh, despite having been backhanded across the cheek.
“Turn on the blender.” The man commands.
“That’s a very nice shirt you’re wearing.” You compliment.
He ignores you as he waits for you to turn on the blender. Bucky looks closely at it, but the button is on the side closest to the handler. He takes a wild guess that they don’t expect you to just reach around and switch it on with your finger.
You suddenly remember what this video is. And you realize why Sam is so angry. This isn’t good at all.
“It’s a nice shade of blue. A calming shade of blue. Like a sky blue.”
“Shut up. Turn on the blender.”
“No, no, not a sky blue. More like a… cerulean.”
“So what, you like my shirt. Turn. The. Blender. On. Now!” He commands, voice raising as his patience wears thin.
“Cerulean… blue. A nice shade… of cerulean… blue…” You drift off.
That’s when Bucky sees it. A small label on the blender, Cerulean. Before his thoughts can spiral too deeply into the name of the blender, it's a loud whirring sound in the video, making him flinch once more.
Nobody touched the blender, it seemed to have powered on by itself and a wide smile grows on your face, the same one he saw in the other video he’s seen of you, when you escaped the Hydra facility. You giggle girlishly as the man leans forward and shoves his hand into the powered blender, blood splattering out of it immediately, spraying across your face and your smiling teeth and tainting the blue of his shirt and lab coat.
Four men crowd you, holding you by the head, by the neck, by the shoulders, gripping your chin even though you barely moved through the duration video and the shot switches to black before powering off completely.
Bucky finally peels his eyes away from where the video was playing to look at you, and you look terrified.
“Sam,” You try to start.
“Mind. Control.” He says.
“Sam -” You try again.
“You hid mind control from us!” He yells.
“I can explain! “You better, and I’m only giving you thirty seconds to do so.” He snaps.
“It - It was fight or flight! I don’t even know how I did that! I barely remember that video at all! I’ve only ever been able to do that one other time! Sam - Sam -” You stutter, “They injected me with all kinds of shit, kept me awake for days on end, fed me, starved me; they did anything to manipulate my body in order to manifest powers. You have to - to - to believe me, I don't know how I did that -”
You’re getting hysterical. You can not fuck this up. You can’t be on your own again. You can’t be living in fear all the time anymore, you can’t go back to that. You can’t be away from Bucky, you can’t lose Bucky, can’t lose Bucky.
“Sam, that’s enough.” Bucky finally speaks up.
“Buck, I know she’s your little girlfriend, but -”
“Sam, do you hear yourself right now?! Look at her!” You’re on the verge of hyperventilating and overall losing it.
Bucky doesn’t pay Sam attention long enough to hear anything he’s going to say before ducking down to where you hold your head in your hands.
“Can’t… can’t be alone again… no, no, no,… can’t” You mumble to yourself.
Sam takes a deep breath, calming himself in order to assess the situation before him, “Hey. Hey!” He snaps, catching your attention and making you look up, tears in your eyes.
“I may be angry at you for keeping this from me… but you’re not going anywhere. Do I wish you would’ve told me so I wouldn’t be surprised by some ominous video this morning? Yes. But we’ll figure it out. We’re a team and I’m not abandoning you. So stop the crying so we can deal with this. Because you need to tell me everything.” Sam tells you with seriousness in his voice, the Captain coming out.
You take a deep breath and wipe your tears, preparing to tell them everything you can remember.
You’re exhausted. You cried. A lot. Trying to sift through thousands of memories you spent so long trying to repress because you never wanted to remember them; you never thought you’d need to.
You tell Bucky that don’t feel like being around anyone the rest of the day, and you’re glad he accepts that, letting you have your alone time and leaving you with a promise for breakfast the following morning.
Meanwhile, Bucky calls up an old friend, someone he hasn’t talked to in years. But it’s the only person he can think of that might be able to help you get a hold of your powers.
He sits on his couch in his apartment, phone against his ear as the line rings, before an accented voice finally answers.
“... Hey.”
“... Bucky? Is that you?”
“Yeah. It’s me. How soon can you be in New York? From wherever you are? I need some help.”
Morning comes too soon for you, though.
“Agent 51?”
“Oh… my god. What do you want?” You groan, loving F.R.I.D.A.Y., but hating her voice so early in the morning, with only seven minutes to spare before your alarm was supposed to go off anyway.
“Your training has been canceled this morning by Captain Wilson. Instead, he has requested that you meet him in Conference Room B.”
“Ugh, at what time?”
“As soon as possible, Agent.”
“Holy shit,” You sigh, accepting that you won’t be able to sleep anymore, “Fine, I’ll be there in ten minutes.” You hope that Bucky somehow knows your training is canceled and brings you breakfast in the conference room anyway as promised yesterday.
Making your way to the conference room with your coffee in hand for the second time in the span of two days - which you hope doesn’t become a routine - you might add, you make sure to rub a hand across your head, smoothing down any hairs sticking straight up at weird angles now that the hair is growing back. It’s only maybe an inch or two long, but not long enough to do anything to it and not short enough to ignore.
Entering the conference room, you see Sam, Bucky and some… woman, her back turned towards you. You close the door timidly behind you and Bucky turns around to greet you, styrofoam box in hand and the smell of bacon and toast hits your nostrils. Knew it.
“Brought you breakfast, baby.” He tells you with a smile, walking up to you to plant a soft kiss on your lips in Good morning.
“Ugh, ew.” Sam spews. The woman giggles at his reaction and you’re brought back to the stranger in the room.
“Who are you?” You ask, not really wanting to beat around the bush considering that Bucky just kissed you in front of somebody you don’t know, something he’s never done before.
The woman turns around and you take in her features. High cheekbones and big green eyes, she’s very beautiful but very… young. Like, really young. Younger than you, for sure, but not a teenager either. She wears what seems to be casual clothes, her nails painted dark with rings crowding her fingers. Her most striking physical detail, though, are the long waves of bright orangey-red hair, flowing across her shoulders.
She smiles at you sweetly, and you feel calm as she introduces herself, “Hi, I’m Wanda.”
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animebaby00 · 3 years
Early Morning Welcome: Soma Yukihira X Reader - One-shot
Summary: You've already been welcomed in as the newest member of the Polar Star Dormitory, but a certain redhead extends your welcome with a delicious morning breakfast. 
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It wasn't your alarm clock that woke you up. 
It wasn't the early morning sunshine peeking in through your curtains or the faint chirping of birds from your closed window. 
It was your nose. 
Or rather the action of your nose inhaling so deeply that it had caused a new aroma to overcome you from the otherwise plain scent of your room and crumpled sheets that were covering nearly half of your face.
And it smelled...delicious. 
With your intrigue fully captured, you swung your legs over the edge of your bed, tossing the covers away into a crumpled heap at the base of the mattress. Feet sliding into your slippers, you stood, and shuffled out of your room. 
Once in the hall, you noticed how quiet it was. All doors were shut with no traces of your fellow dorm mates in sight. 
The smell was a little more powerful now, as it wafted through the air and entered your nostrils. You could only make sense that someone was cooking, and considering this was one of the  dorms to the greatest cooking schools in the world, it supposedly made sense to a certain extent. But still, this early in the morning?
With crossed arms, you slowly padded to the stairwell and took quiet steps to reach the bottom floor, turning to head towards the kitchen. 
Your ears then picked up the sound of clanging pans and the sizzling sound of something being cooked. You sniffed the air again. 
It smelled rich, hearty, and delightedly greasy.
Bacon perhaps? 
Your nose carried you further until finally, you reached the large kitchen of the Polar Star Dormitory. 
And you were right. 
Someone was up and cooking away without a care in the world. 
He was male, lean yet slightly muscular, the curvature of his biceps evident through his thin, blue shirt as he expertly whisked away at a substance heating in a pot over the stove. 
A strip of white fabric was tied around his forehead, contrasting against his slightly tanned skin and vibrant red hair. 
But even though he seemed heavily drawn in by his work, it didn't stop him from noticing your slightly hidden form from out of the corner of his eye.
He turned his head, causing you to stiffen as you met his friendly, golden gaze. His free hand flew up into a wave.
"Hey ! Mornin Y/N !" 
His greeting caught you off guard, especially since you weren't too familiar with your new dorm mates yet. They welcomed you humbly the night before and you could only recall a few of their names in full. 
Still, he had greeted you and you didn't want to be rude, but…
"G-Good morning. It's...Soma, right ? Sorry, I... don't remember your last name." You admitted shyly, "I would have addressed you as such but I didn't really get a chance to memorize the names of everyone here."
"Ah, don't worry about it," he shrugged off, "The formality isn't necessary. But you're okay with me calling you Y/N aren't ya?" He asked, flashing you a toothy grin.
You nodded, finding a strange, immediate comfort in his friendliness,"Yeah. Absolutely."
"Awesome!" he stood straighter, extending his right hand out while he continued whisking,  "I know last night was a little crazy so I'll go ahead and introduce myself fully. Soma Yukihira. It's nice to meetcha."
You smiled warmly, stepping fully into the kitchen and over to where he stood, reaching your hand out to grasp his in a shake.
"Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you too."
He flashed another smile, before letting go of your hand and turned back to the stove. 
You tilted your head at him thoughtfully. 
Even though you just met, you were very intrigued by this boy and for some reason, you wanted to know more about him. 
But just as you opened your mouth to speak, he beat you to the point.
"Say, Y/N. Are ya hungry ?" 
You blinked. This boy certainly had his ways of catching people off guard, but you answered him nonetheless.
"Uhm...maybe a little. I guess."
"Perfect. Go and sit. I'll make you something."
"Uh, no it's okay !" You waved your hands in front of your face, "You don't have to."
"I've already kinda got a head start anyways. Go ahead and take a seat. It won't take long "
You held your breath, thinking that there wasn't any way to turn down his offer, mindlessly adding 'persistent' to the unknown list of traits you were giving him in your head. 
Soma turned away, going back to the stove as you made your way to one of the seats at the bar, pulling out the chair and situating yourself comfortably, a palm resting on your cheek while your arm propped itself up on the counter. 
There weren't any other sounds in the kitchen beside the occasional chop of a knife and the continued sizzle of food being cooked. And even though you practically had a front row seat of his actions, you had no idea what Soma was making. 
He was very quick and precise with his actions, his timing with everything near perfection and you were completely transfixed as he moved almost gracefully with nearly everything he did.
"Do you do this alot ?"
He looked up, "What ? Cook?" 
You shook your head, "No. I mean obviously you cook because why else would you be here." Your hand gestured to the clock on the wall, which currently read 6:15 AM, "I mean cook this early in the morning, and for other people so randomly like this."
"Well in a way," he started, cutting a lemon and squeezing the juice into a pot, "My dad and I own a family eatery and we opened pretty early in the morning. But most of the time, it's just to get in some early practice." 
"Practice ?" 
"Uh huh. I mean I won't get any better if I don't experiment and work with different things. And if I don't get better, then I'll never beat my old man." 
His words piqued your interest, "What do you mean 'beat him' ?" 
Soma looked up at the ceiling, "He and I battle in the kitchen sometimes, but I have yet to whip up something better than him." He clenched his fist, "He's one of the greatest chefs there is, and it's my goal to beat him one day along with being the best chef at this school so I'm good enough to run our eatery." 
You smiled, admiring his determination, "Guess that video means you weren't lying then." 
He tilted his head, "Video? What video?" 
"The girls showed me a recording of your speech at the entrance exam. I didn't get a chance to see it since I was late arriving here. You seemed really dead set and," Your hesitated, remembering the angled shot of the people in the crowd and how poisonous their features looked,"...A lot of people looked sort of mad at you."
"Did they? Huh. Guess I didn't notice."
You practically fell over. Of course he didn't. For someone to have such big aspirations and goals, he was kind of an airhead. 
But you honestly kind of appreciated it. For some people, it took a lot to ignore the negligent opinions of others, but Soma seemed to shrug any bad omen about him off completely. 
You sort of...envied him.
"All right, breakfast is served !" 
Your thought bubble popped once his voice breached the air, looking down at the plate he had placed in front of you.
And what you saw had your E/C irises snapping open in shock. 
They were pancakes, thick and fluffy, cooked to a golden perfection while the middle remained a delightful off-white. There were two of them, stacked and topped off with pieces of crispy, pan fried bacon that stuck out delicately from their placement on top of the fluffy mounds. A deep yellow sauce cascaded from the top and over the edges, it's supposed thickness adding a strange elegance to the dish, making even the mediocre light in the kitchen glisten off of its polished finish. And the whole thing was garnished with a pinch of parsley. 
You were completely awestruck.
"Well ?" Soma inquired, that same grin plastered on its face, "Aren't you gonna try it?" 
You looked up at him, still totally bewildered, "I-Well, yes but it...it almost looks too beautiful to eat. Like I'd be destroying a piece of art or something." 
Soma laughed, "Well I'm definitely happy that it's pleasing to the eye. But good food is meant to be eaten so don't think you're ruining anything." He gave you a thumbs up, "Go ahead and enjoy !"
You smiled softly and picked up the fork and knife he had laid out next to the plate, preparing to cut off an edge of the pancake.
"Ah, wait !" 
You looked up, "What's wrong ?"
He folded his arms, "Cut it right down the middle."
"....Huh ?"
"Just trust me."
You blinked, your next words trailing out with confusion, "O….k…."
He gave you a wink and watched as you moved again to cut into the pancakes, but this time, right down the middle like Soma had told you. 
Your knife glided right through the top, piercing what you thought was the pancake. That is, until a rich, orangey-yellow substance burst out and flowed down the edge of your knife and soaked through the fluffy center of the pancakes while also mixing with the thickened sauce below. 
"Woah…" you breathed. 
"Doesn't take much to wow you, I see." Soma chuckled, "Now make sure to get everything together."
You nodded slowly, taking care to create what looked like a perfect bite of fluffy, rich, and crispy.
Lifting the fork to your mouth, your lips encompassed it fully before pulling it back out clean and your eyes widened again as your mouth went to work in letting everything glide over your taste buds. 
So much flavor and so many different textures. 
The pancake was just as soft as it looked. The bacon was still crispy, even as you noticed it's thicker cut in biting it with your teeth. The sauce was thick and absolutely divine, buttery with a hint of acidity.
The lemon you saw him squeezing earlier.
Its classic yellow color. 
Hollandaise sauce.
You inwardly gasped, now tasting and recognizing the other component of the dish that had burst out when you had cut into it.
It's smooth subtlety mixed perfectly with everything, the taste so familiar and oddly vibrant even though it was an extremely common breakfast food whether scrambled, boiled, fried, or in this case, poached.
"So what do you think ?"
You savored it for as long as you could before finally, you swallowed, refraining from taking another bite of what tasted like heaven on a plate so you could answer the red head.
"It's... incredible!" 
Soma grinned, watching as your eyes quite literally started to sparkle which each additional bite you took.
It didn't take long for you to finish, and when you did, you sat back happily, humming as you relished in your delightful fill.
Soma leaned over the counter, "I take it you liked it ?" 
You nodded eagerly, " Mmhm ! I've never had pancakes like this before. It was so unique! Everything fits so well together! The bacon, the Hollandaise sauce, and was that a-"
Soma snapped his fingers, "Egg ? Yep ! You're exactly right ! You definitely know your stuff ! What you had there were Souffle Pancakes Eggs Benedict style. Not a lot of restaurants serve it and it was my first time making it. Kinda risky but I wanted to welcome you somehow."
You tilted your head up with a smile, "Well...you definitely did. Thank you, Soma." 
He beamed, removing the strip of fabric from his forehead and tied it around his arm, "Your Welcome, Y/N." 
You weren't sure if it was from the meal you just had, but you felt full, especially when it crossed over on just how thoughtful Soma had been to you even though you just met.
Come to think of it, everyone had been thoughtful the night you had arrived. 
You had been so nervous to cook for Miss Fumio, but you proved all successful in the end after she had tasted your dish. Everyone had been eavesdropping to see how you would do and surrounded you with all the congratulations in the world once you passed. 
Everyone celebrated that night with a feast and you appreciated their kindness with every out of gratefulness you could muster. 
They accepted you and wanted you to succeed.
No one at this dorm was at each other's throats like other students you had seen, especially the ones you had seen on the video of Soma at the entrance ceremony. 
No, everyone here was considerate and friendly with a want for everyone to do their best even if they had powerful aspirations of third own.
Wholeheartedly, you did feel welcomed, and Soma's actions increased that feeling tenfold. 
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dr-exophil · 4 years
Merman x F!Reader
Hi, and welcome to my first actual story post on this account! This story is about a merman named Tethys, who was based on a drawing a saw online a little while ago (you can see his picture in one of my last posts). It's not very long, only 1944 words, but I'm going to make multiple parts, so stay tuned if you enjoy.
The sky was a deep blue that Saturday morning, orange only barely tinging the horizon. The waves were beginning to recede, the tides no longer under the spell of the moon, and the sand felt soft under my bare feet. It was the first weekend of summer, and my family had insisted on a camping trip to commemorate their favourite season, dragging me along with them. I wasn’t generally much of an outdoorsy person, but even I had to admit that the beach was exceptionally beautiful this morning.
I wandered aimlessly along the coast, only about a foot from the most daring waves, kicking shells and taking in the scenery. It had been a while since I’d last come to the beach, and I was enjoying reconnecting with it. The sound of the waves beside me, the scent of the sea blowing through my hair on a light breeze, the colours of the early morning sky… It was all so magnificent, and I was suddenly glad the light had awakened me this morning.
I was nearing a comparatively sharp turn on the beach, the soft sand giving way to more gritty stuff like crushed up shells and small rocks. As I watched a squadron of early birds divebombing the water in the distance, a few sharpened boulders of varying sizes beside the dunes told me that a new section of beach was coming up. I furrowed my brows and turned my body in the opposite direction, momentarily walking backwards, to see that I’d come far enough that our campsite was nowhere to be seen. 
Anxiety washed over me as the waves wash over the beach, and as I was about to walk back, an eerie tune caught my ear and made me look back. A strange sort of humming was coming from around the boulders, the sound alluring in a way I’d never thought possible. Something in me told me this wasn’t right, that the peculiar song wasn’t meant to be heard, but yet it seemed to call to me, slowly coiling around me and leading me to the source.
Before I knew it, I was moving towards the noise, my feet moving without my consent and my heels dragging slightly in the sand. Right as I was about to find the source of the beautiful voice, I caught myself and hid behind the boulder. Suddenly my head was killing me, and my vision blurred momentarily, but it cleared up after I shut my eyes for a few seconds. The singing hadn’t stopped, but it had abruptly become quieter and more hesitant. It was then I realized that whoever was singing must’ve heard me.
A thousand anxious thoughts ran through my head in a matter of seconds. Shit, I really wasn’t supposed to hear it… Oh gods, what if they think I’m some axe murderer, or a stalker? What if they’re the axe murderer? Am I gonna die here?
As my imagination ran amok, and I began regretting ever allowing my family to bring me here, I was stirred from my thoughts by a soft voice calling out nervously, “Hello? Is, uh, someone there?”
It sounded like a boy, or rather a young man. Though his voice sounded slightly deeper when speaking, it was definitely the singer I’d just heard. I suddenly remembered what I was wearing as a cool breeze brushed past my bare legs. I hadn’t expected anyone to come out so early, and all I wore aside from my watch was a large T-shirt, some shorts, and a sports bra, the clothes I’d worn to sleep. Heat crept up my neck as I realized I’d have to show myself like this.
The singer called for me once more before I took a deep breath, steeling myself, and walked around the rock. “Hey,” I said as I brushed some hair away from my face, “I’m sorry to intrude, I just--”
I stopped in my tracks as my eyes met the deep, watery ones of the singer, and I couldn’t help but raise my hands to my mouth in shock. My gaze wandered down his body, past his long, dark hair; his blue and salmon skin shimmering with water and grains of sand, his sharp-clawed, elegant hands, and his scaly, muscular tail. When I came back to his angled face for the second time, I saw his ears, shaped the same as the fins on his hips, currently darker than the rest of his body.
When he cleared his throat nervously, I stumbled back with a yelp, tripping over myself and landing on my bottom. The creature immediately tried to jump to catch me but he was too far,  I whimpered loudly and scooted backwards in the sand, eyes as big as saucers. It quickly retreated, backing itself up against the dunes once more and holding its hands up in surrender. “Okay! Alright, I won’t touch you,” he said, his face contorted with worry as he eyed the sharp rocks around me. “Just, are you, uhm, are you okay?”
I ignored his question, once again letting my eyes fall to his tail. It was beautiful, too beautiful to be some elaborate costume. The fin at the end, like the others, was webbed with translucent skin akin to that of reptiles’ shed, or at least it looked that way. If this was really his body, then I had to assume the tail and fins had the same slimy texture as a regular fish. It was hard to rationalize this situation, but focusing on the facts that I knew helped to calm me down. He seemed peaceful enough and asked about my wellbeing, so I assumed he was friendly.
I took a deep breath, heart racing, and eyed him suspiciously. He met my gaze, but seemed to be trying very hard not to look away. “Okay, so, no offence, and excuse me for asking, but… What, um, what are you?”
He seemed relieved to see I had asked such a simple question. “Well,” he said, tapping his claws nervously on the gritty sand, “your people call us many things, but I call myself a mer. I think that’s what’s most common, right? Mermaidens and mermen?”
“Just mermaids, but yeah,” I agreed, before shaking my head vehemently. “But wait, that’s-- mermaids aren’t real?” It came out as a question, as my unsureness was immeasurable. The merman huffed a little laugh, eyes crinkling at the sides, and my eyes went wide as I looked away. What was that? I shook my head once more, pushing the strange twist in my gut down to a nice, dark place where I could forget about it.
Meeting his eyes again, I asked, “If mermaids, or… mer, or whatever, are real, does that mean other “mythical” creatures are real too?” The merman gave me a strange look as I made air quotes around the term “mythical,” but didn’t question it.
“Well, I’m not sure what you would consider mythical, but I have to assume that they are real, if people said mer were make-believe,” he says, looking at a crab in thought as it poked half of its little body out of a hole before quickly backtracking. When he met my eyes again, he seemed a little more apprehensive. “Forgive me for asking, if it’s rude, but what exactly do you call yourself?”
I furrowed my brows a little. “We call ourselves humans, you didn’t know that?” The merman lets out a little snort before he bursts into a fit of laughter. Only then, as a heavy blush of embarrassment clouds my cheeks, do I realize what he meant. “Oh! Oh my god, I’m so stupid,” I mutter, burying my face in my hands. “I-- Oh, would you stop laughing? My name is (Y/n), for crying out loud.”
As he slowly quiets himself, the smile remains on the mer’s face. “(Y/n), you said? What a strange name,” he says, tilting his head slightly. “I’ve never heard a name like that before, but then again, I haven’t ever spoken to a human. My name is Tethys, and it’s… well, startling to meet you.”
I scoff, though in a playful sort of way, and hold my hand out to him. “The shock is all mine,” I say sarcastically. I raise a brow as he stares uncomfortably at my hand, before recoiling and running my hand down my face in exasperation with my idiocy. “Sorry, it’s a, uh, common human greeting. Here, let me show you…”
Tethys watches me warily as I scoot closer to him, sitting on my knees, and slowly reach for his hand. Upon grabbing his hand he immediately pulls away, confusion on his features. “What is this? What are you doing?”
“Trust me on this, it’s simple,” I respond, grabbing him once more. He’s tense, but this time he doesn’t snatch his hand back. Instead, he stares on in interest as I position his right hand so that it’s facing me, and gently slip my hand into his in a handshake. I grin at him, suddenly so excited as I realize that I’m literally teaching a merman how to give a handshake, and he smiles back nervously. I notice, however, out of the corner of my eye, that his ears are changing colours again.
I was about to ask about it when suddenly a loud beeping startled us both. Tethys hissed loudly, his ears twitching violently, and looked to my watch. I quickly shut off my alarm, eyes widening as I turned my gaze from my watch to the orangey sky. Daylight was quickly eating the blue of the night, and I directed my panicked eyes back to Tethys, who was rubbing his temples gently and staring menacingly at my watch. “I have to go,” I said hastily, moving my hands to the ground to push myself up again.
Tethys’s deep blue eyes widened drastically, and he quickly grabbed my forearm to stop me from moving anymore. “But, but wait! You’ve only just got here,” he said, “and I’ve never spoken to a human before! Couldn’t you stay just a little longer?”
His big, sad eyes tore at me, and I really wanted to talk more too, but as I glanced once more at my watch, I knew I couldn’t. “Look, I don’t want to go, but my family is going to freak if they see I’m missing,” I said. I could tell he didn’t quite get that, but he seemed to understand the urgency in my voice. “How about this: I don’t live too terribly far from the beach, so I’ll drive out here a week from now, and meet you right here?”
“A week? How long is that?”
“Seven days,” I respond quickly. “It’s the soonest I can possibly come back; I’m going on a trip during the-- those seven days. Is that okay?”
He hesitates for only a second before nodding. “At night,” he says, “so I can’t be seen. I’ll be here.” I nod in return and stand up as he releases his grip on me, dusting myself off.
“I’ll see you soon, Tethys,” I say, another excited grin making its way onto my face. His ears change to that deep blue once more as he hears his name, and I’m beginning to think it happens when he’s happy. A question for another day, I suppose. He nods once more, smiling big, and for the first time, I notice the razor-sharp teeth he harbours within his mouth. 
I shake my head once more as I walk off, a strange yet not unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach. A question for another day.
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ddpej · 3 years
I didn’t want to flood the CrossingsCon post with cross-stitch facts, but the fishy taijitu pictured below my carp myth poem has some interesting things happening so I will talk about those here!  It may get long, because I ramble, so: variegations, beads, and thread alchemy with Kreinik under the cut (with pictures!).
The pattern I used here is “Fish in a Whirl”, by Rania Khan, whose website is sadly no longer functional.  It was written as all one color, just black on white; I added color mostly because I was given some translucent beads and I wanted to play with them.  I genuinely didn’t realize until I was halfway through stitching the water that I had essentially turned it into a taijitu!
My original idea for this piece was to do the whole thing in bead fills, but I decided after about ten blue beads that I didn’t like that look for the water.  Instead, I stitched the blue parts in all one variegated ‘color’, which I am pretty sure was DMC’s 121.  The ‘normal’ DMC variegations have long, slow color transitions, so I did put a little effort into following the general curl of the swirls and making sure that there were no abrupt color changes inside a swirl when starting a new thread.  Otherwise, though, this part was the simplest.
After the water, I started in on the fish, and again got about ten beads into a front fin before deciding I hated the visual texture of it for fins and taking the beads back out.  At this point I did finally find a braincell and use it; I took some time to do a few mockups and thinking about where beads might actually fit nicely, and what I might do instead do for the parts where it didn’t.  Having only the one braincell, I came away with half a plan rather than a whole one -- but that was more than I’d had prior!
I started with the fins because a) I knew I was going to just do them plain, and b) I only had one skein of the variegation I wanted to use, which I figured I could fake in the beading if I ran out but would not be able to fake well alone!  I believe that orangey variegation was DMC’s Color Variations 4120.  The CVs are a much tighter, faster color shift than the regular variegations, and I liked having that visual interest and contrast with the more languid water one.
After the fins, finally, I did beads for real!  I needed to do a diagonal bead attachment just so the beads would fit; I think they’re size 11/0, which really only works on 14ct fabric and even then they’re a little big for the squares.  For single scattered beads, that doesn’t matter, and for single-width lines of beads it only matters a little, but for full fills it matters a lot!  So diagonal it was, which means that I was threading the beads on the first leg and then splitting the second leg over the beads to secure them.  Because the beads are just slightly too large, even in a diagonal arrangement they make each scale ever-so-slightly concave, which is a cool extra little bit of texture!  I did end up rotating my fabric 90 degrees for the beadwork, to stitch the ‘wrong’ way compared to the unbeaded parts, because I wanted the bead direction to match the angle of the fish.  (Never let the ‘rules’ of cross-stitch prevent you from doing what works for your project!)
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It doesn’t look like it in the finished project, but the beads I used are a very true yellow.  With translucent beads, the color of the thread can make quite a difference!  The variation in the CV 4120 didn’t really show through overtly, since the variation is more color-to-color than light-to-dark.  That worked in my favor though, because I did indeed run out of the CV 4120 about 2/3s through the beading.  When I got down to my last yard or so, I started interspersing strands of the closest-matching bits from DMC 51, so that I had a gradual transition between the two.
Once the body of the fish was all beaded, I had to finally figure out my plan for the head -- which I’d been putting off, because I just wasn’t sure what to do.  I wanted the general look of the beads, but not the texture that came with them!  In a fit of honestly inexplicable inspiration, I managed to perform thread alchemy: I turned DMC 3852 + 742 plus Kreinik 001J (which I haven’t touched in years) into exactly what I wanted, on the very first try.  I still have no idea how.  I honestly can’t even remember picking the colors!
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The end result does definitely have less shine/gleam/brightness compared to the beads, which is no surprise since the beads have an opalescent coating.  That tends to make the head look slightly darker in full photos, but in person the color is very true and the sparkle from the Kreinik is more evident, so that from a distance it very much looks like the same thing but flat.  I finished it off with a dark blue eye to complete the taijitu effect, and that was that!
At 100 stitches per side on 14ct fabric, this piece ended up being 7.25in square -- on the large side, for me!  I don’t really know what I’ll end up doing with it; I don’t have framing supplies and would need to pay to get it framed by someone, but if I ever do so I could enter it into that year’s state fair I suppose?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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chemicalmagecraft · 3 years
Foresight is 20/20 Chapter 12
I axe kicked a giant rock in half. That was fun. I also found floating around not with demon sage cores but with glittery red fairy wings made from demon sage chakra to be enjoyable as well. Because I was pure chakra, I was actually a lot better at handling natural energy than weak, inferior carbon-based lifeforms and could absorb more without any kind of negative effects. Sure, there was some instability if I went too high, but it was nowhere near as bad as the side effects on a human, and I could expel the excess pretty easily. "Dang," Kouki said from where he was sitting on another rock. I turned to face m-him. "So I guess you're just default a lot stronger than me. Makes sense, you're basically a mini biju." I could tell through our connection that he was a little off about how he couldn't access the red chakra that was now me, but that was mostly overshadowed by his marvel over the potential of Demon Shadow Clone Jutsu, the jutsu that created me. He fidgeted a bit, causing his arm to mutate slightly, red scales forming instead of the frog limbs that comes from using toad oil as a medium. "Dangit." The demon sage cores orbiting him sucked all of the natural energy out of him, setting him back to square one.
I grinned and "sat" on the air in front of him. "You having trouble, bro?" Kouki had decided that with the extra control granted to him whenever we were separate, combined with the fact that he couldn't fall back on red chakra without me, that he should finally learn how to make sage chakra the right way.
He glared at me. "You know as well as I do that this isn't easy to do properly."
I grinned and started telekinetically messing with a leaf using my sage aura. "Do I really?" I spontaneously combusted it.
"Haha." He closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out in concentration.
"Right," I said. "Imma go see what else I can do." I melted into the ground, merging the energy that made up my body with the shadows of the grass. It turned out that, while I couldn't move fast at all when projecting myself as a shadow that didn't already exist, whenever I entered a real shadow, I could move... well, I didn't know how fast exactly because I hadn't gotten around to figuring out how to calculate that, but at the very least it was fast enough that it looked like teleportation even when Kouki pulled a little trick with the Shoraigan to slow down the "footage."
So yeah, I got to the the trees pretty dang fast. I flew out of the shadows in my "biju form," which was really just me as a fox with fur the color of my clothes with the exception of a "mane" the same color as my hair, and sliced a tree in half with my claws. I opened my mouth, compressing red and blue chakra in a way that just felt... right. Even with sage mode it was small and a little draining, but it was still a biju dama. I launched it at a tree, obliterating it into smoking mulch. I sighed at the relatively small AOE, but then grinned about the fact that I just made a biju dama. Unfortunately, my victory was cut short by Kouki calling for me to come back through our telepathic link. That meant it was time for our experiment, which he wanted to be whole for just in case something went wrong. I shrugged. "Guess it's for the best," I thought to myself. "Was probably going to just throw around dama 'til I ran out of chakra." I melted into the shadows and zipped off to Kouki.
I sighed as I felt Chikage returning to me. It was reassuring to have my red chakra back, even if I didn't really use it that much. Still, I suppose I did have the demon gems to fall back on, on account of how my connection to other sources of my own red chakra was uninterrupted. I crossed my arms behind my back and turned around, my eyes closed. "Finally," I said. "A project months in the making, about to be fulfilled. I'm assuming you're here to watch, eh, Tenko?"
Ai laughed. "That's a lot less intimidating if we know you can sense us, kid." I sighed and opened my eyes. "And wasn't it only one month?"
I shrugged. "Felt like more. Might just have been from that one part where they read my journal..." I held my hands out in front of me and the giant scroll I'd taken to sealing as much demon Sage chakra into as possible once I'd filled the demon sage seal on my body, the Scroll of the Demon Sage, appeared floating in front of me through a summoning instead of a sealing on account of how its power meant I couldn't seal it in my inventory scrolls and actually keep anything else in it as well. "This is it. What might be the second most powerful thing in Konoha." The scroll unfurled slightly, revealing a seal tag that as of then contained most of its power. Uzumaki are really good at handling stupid levels of energy, okay? At least I'd also managed to complete my first mini biju dama paper bomb... "Are you ready to receive this power?" I asked Ai.
"Is this really necessary?" Tenko asked, worried.
"No," Ai and I both said at the same time.
"But really, what's the point of amassing an insane amount of dangerously powerful chakra if you don't infuse as much as possible into the best known person for taking in stupid amounts of chakra just to see what happens?" I elaborated.
Ai nodded and gingerly took the demon sage seal tag from its place in the scroll. "Right, so I'm guessing you have somewhere you want me to stand?"
I slung the scroll on my back and pointed over to an area I'd prepared in advance. "There. I've already set up four cores with orders to use the Four Violet Flames Formation should anything go wrong." A nice thing about having multiple potent sources of chakra at my total command, I'd found, was the fact that I could potentially use collaboration nin- or genjutsu without actually having to collaborate with anyone.
Tenko sighed. "That's not reassuring."
Before Tenko could actually object, Ai slapped the tag on her chest. "Toolatealreadyusedit!" She quickly shouted. The red lines of the seal tag began to glow orangey-gold, then started to spread to cover her entire body in a thick chakra cloak. She laughed maniacally, floating into the air as nine tail-like chains made of the same chakra sprouted from her backside. The chains spread to curl around the entire training ground, a red, domed barrier coming into existence at the edges. I don't know if she meant to or not, but her barrier materialized just before the shinobi that I'd had posted nearby via Sandaime just in case of a worst-case scenario, cutting them off.
"Kouki-kun, what did you do to my wife?" Tenko asked worriedly.
I grinned. "'Wife?' So did either of you finally pop the question?"
She flinched, then blushed. "I... haven't yet... I do have the ring, though."
I shrugged. "Hope for the best with you two. And by the way, I'm sure it'll go over fine." Ai's maniacal laughter grew louder, causing me to turn my attention back to her. She put her hands in front of her, as if she was holding an invisible ball. Oh. "A thought occurs to me," I said, making sure to keep my voice calm.
"That doesn't sound good..." As if on cue, Ai started to slowly form a disconcertingly familiar-looking chakra ball in between her hands. In addition to that, countless streaks of energy began to slowly form in the air, gravitating to the epicenter. That epicenter being a modified biju dama.
"So there was this one clan with a Kekkei Genkai that allowed them to passively accumulate natural energy and then use that to mutate themselves. Because they didn't work for it, though, the natural energy caused them to become uncontrollable, entering homicidal rages. Because of that, they were almost completely wiped out." At that point, I started to feel a slight tug on my chakra, though I was able to resist it.
"So what you're saying is..."
"She's drunk on power, yeah. Whoops."
"How, exactly, did you not notice that'd happen with your eyes?"
"Figured out a way to make sure that nothing bad enough I can't fix it will happen while still not spoiling me on what happens. Use exclusively that for my experiments now," I explained. I noticed a bit of chakra chain straying near me and had an idea. "Hang on, let me fix this." I tried to grab the chain with a chakra thread, but it was just sucked in, so I aborted almost immediately and just lunged at it. It was starting to get to the point where I needed to have my demon gems actively cling to me to make sure they weren't sucked in. That would be bad. Thankfully, I managed to grab the chain and my theory was right. Just like how Kurama still held some link to my red chakra and Kaguya still had some link to his chakra, I could feel my connection to the chakra in the modified Adamantine Sealing Chain. I grabbed it with both hands, wrapped one side around my arm, then tugged the two sides in opposite directions.
With a bit of willpower applied, one link snapped and got spaghettified by the still-growing ball of impending doom, leaving me with a really long chain of chakra that I could control wrapped around my arm. "Right, let's hope this works or Konoha probably becomes partially made of smoking crater," I said, glad that I'd picked one of the farthest training grounds from Konoha proper, then pulled a leaf out of Ai's new book and sucked the chain into my body, making sure to strip enough natural energy off of it that I didn't become a glittery garden statue. "Oooh," I grunted, then sucked in a breath. I noticed that with one chain down, the chakra-sucking had slowed back down, though I knew it was going to pick back up if I didn't do anything.
"Are you okay?" Tenko asked.
"Yeah, just a bit of a rush," I said. "Sorry. Well, here goes..." I concentrated on the chakra that I'd absorbed. After a few seconds, I was able to form two purple chains of chakra that emerged from my sleeves. I drew on the power I'd stolen from Ai to lengthen the chains significantly, taking the shortest possible paths I could to intersect her chains with my own. Once I'd gotten all of her chains, I tugged on the chakra in them, converting Ai's golden chains to my purple chains. The effect cascaded, eating away at all of her chains until her chains were fully turned, making the barrier fall and stopping the suction effect fully. I jerked my arm, causing nine chains to sprout from Ai's arms and wrap around the biju dama. I started retracting the chains back into my body, removing almost every last trace of demon sage chakra from Ai's body. Thankfully, she didn't fall on her face, as she was able to recover almost immediately and shoot some now non-glowing yellow chains into the ground and lower herself down gently.
"I have no idea what just happened, but I'm assuming it worked because I can make chains out of my chakra now," she said.
I nodded, concentrating on the ball of dangerously explosive chakra I was slowly reeling in. "Tenko, I need you to take the scroll off of my back and open it up a bit." She did as I asked, holding the scroll up so I could easily access it. I slowly put my hands on the scroll, converting the chain into the seal. The chain, no longer attached to my body, continued to reel in the demon sage chakra. As it did that, I placed my hand on the chain, removing the impurities the chakra gained from being in Ai's system. I greedily absorbed those bits of chakra. As I suspected, my body accepted it as readily as it did Shukaku's chakra.
"What exactly happened there?" one of the shinobi asked now that they'd arrived.
"Science," I answered.
"What were we even supposed to do about that?"
I shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't expect that to happen. I just figured Ai wouldn't have very good control of her chains at first. Turns out that that much sage chakra means going crazy, though."
"So I'm guessing I shouldn't use that seal for a super mode?" Ai asked after walking over to us. I swiped the empty tag that still stuck to her.
"No, if I segment it to lower the dosage, then it both becomes multi-use and lets you keep your sanity, at the tradeoff of power, obviously. Just make sure to use it for emergencies only. And while we're at it, I should be able to eventually teach you how to enter proper sage mode, which you could do any time with just a few minutes to charge up." I looked back up to survey the mostly concerned, but with one happy, faces looking at me. "I'd say that this little experiment has been a success."
Yeah, I got chewed out by my dad. In hindsight, though, I really couldn't blame him. Thankfully, I was able to get off with just a tongue-lashing and promising to make absolutely sure to test out anything that could theoretically have a large blast radius by making a gem take it far away from Konoha and remote detonate it or just not do it at all. To be honest, though, I was bracing myself for a grounding, so I was actually fine with that. And he even organized a lesson on nature transformation for me. After giving me another lecture, this time on not doing things that could potentially destroy my hands or other parts of my body unless absolutely necessary. And so there I was, leaning on the wall of the Hyuuga compound courtyard. I'd made sure that there was a chain of shadows that Chikage could use to get away from me because I knew Kakashi was going to use that one chakra paper thing on me and I didn't want to have any interference from her/my power, yet still have her accessible once we started the lesson in earnest. "Sup," I said when Kakashi arrived.
"So you want to learn how to use nature transformation?" he asked.
I shrugged and licked my lips. "I already know how to use wind, but I'd like to learn at least the basics of the others."
"Right, learning it now if you have the chakra for it is actually probably a good idea." He pulled out a piece of paper. "I doubt you can do much with it at the moment, but at the very least, you'll be able to practice until you're ready for the big stuff." He used the paper, crinkling it. "This paper is made to test one's elemental affinity. Channel a light amount of chakra onto it and it'll react in different ways depending on what your primary affinity is. Mine's lightning, so the paper became wrinkled." He gave me a second piece of paper. "You try."
I complied, channeling a bit of my chakra into the paper. "Well what a coincidence," I said, referring to the fact that my paper was now as crumpled as his was. "We have the same element, don't we?"
"Yes, that's what that means. I suppose we'll start with the lightning exercises, then?"
I called Chikage back, and she reentered me without Kakashi even seeming to notice. For whatever reason, her chakra signature was muted whenever she was inside a shadow, and she could easily suppress her signature even more and spread herself out to lower the density of her chakra in the shadows, so the only way he would've noticed was when we joined or if his Sharingan was out. It would've been the perfect ability for stealth if not for the fact that she couldn't bring anything with her, and I was already trying to think of ways around that one little weakness. Well, there was also the little snag of how she needed shadows, but really, where aren't there shadows?
"Let's start this lightshow, then," I said with a smile.
And now for something completely different.
A rabbit bounded across a field near End Valley. It did not know what its destination was, just that something was... calling to it. It stopped by the roots of a great tree and began to sniff at the ground. Whatever it was looking for, it was there. It found it after a few minutes of searching. A small red stone, barely a flake, that glowed with some unearthly light. Now that it could see it, the rabbit's every instinct screamed to get away, that this stone was a predator, but it couldn't stop itself. Its body wasn't its own anymore. The now-terrified rabbit tried to fight back with all its might as its head came closer to the gem, but to no avail. The stone already had a hold over it, it just needed to touch it and it would be over. A spectre of death seemed to emerge from the jewel of death, ready to embrace the rabbit. When the rabbit's head was close enough, the stone lifted from the ground and adhered to its forehead. The rabbit screamed as a foreign presence entered its body, burning away its very soul to make room for something else.
I grinned a rabbitty grin and hopped around a bit, testing out my new rabbity body. It was a shame that I could only gain a proper body by stealing it from a living creature, but what can you do? I sniffed at the ground with my new nose. The rabbit's sense of smell was different from my original's, but when I took over the rabbit's brain I gained complete access to all its memories, so I was able to adjust soon enough. Plus I noticed that I could understand rabbits now. I sent a telepathic message back to Kouki and Chikage.
"You find a body?" they asked.
"Yup. Rabbit. Surprisingly good chakra affinity, despite being wild," I replied.
"Cool. Right, you should probably act natural for at least a month, to build up plausible deniability." they instructed. "Then you can start doing supernatural stuff. Cannibalize the body and continue your mission."
I sent a scoff through our link. "I know what to do, I have all your memories."
"Stop being so sarcastic, you're not supposed to be me."
"By the way, did you pick out a name?"
I gave a small rabbit grin. "Of course. If my first body after my 'resurrection' is to be that of a rabbit's, then why shouldn't my name be Usagi?"
"Cool. You'd better give at least one 'name of the moon' speech though."
"Certainly. I would never pass up such an opportunity." It may have purely been within my mind, but I was already preparing my cover by practicing my new mannerisms, at the very least those dealing with how I spoke.
"Right, I'ma get back to this stupid leaf, you go do your rabbit thing. Rabbit." I hopped around a bit, searching for some food. A deep cover assignment. It was going to be marvelous.
I growled as I passed my chakra through the leaf. No matter what I did, it just wasn't getting wet!
"Did you try turning it off and turning it back on again?" Chikage asked me as she floated over me.
I rolled my eyes, cut off the flow, then let my chakra flow over the leaf like water once more. "Don't think that helped."
"Dude it's been a day," she said. "You're not Naruto, you don't have an army of clones to poorly manage yet still somehow get your thing done. Just take a deep breath, accept that this is going to take some time, and do the other three exercises that you actually did make some headway in. You don't have Tsunade-levels of control when we're unfused yet."
I stared at her for a second. "How are you taking this better than me?" I asked.
"I mean, two heads are better than one. I have the perspective that you're being a lil dummy."
I stopped trying to wet the leaf and started trying to set it aflame instead. Because I already had experience doing it with and as Chikage, it started to smoke after a few seconds. I removed my thumb, seeing a smoldering thumbprint on it. Chikage picked it up, then it just disintegrated. "Showoff," I griped.
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oneheadedcerberus · 4 years
Transformers Review #2
Here I am again with the second installment of my very own incredibly self-indulgent toy review (potential) series that is an obvious and thinly veiled excuse for me to talk about the things I like + substitute for true socialization in the wake of quarantine.
And since he’s the one I keep on my desk to hold my tablet pen like a tiny, evil secretary who is no doubt plotting against me:
This is War for Cybertron: Earthrise Voyager Starscream.
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Right off the bat, it’s a good first impression. The shape and colours are very classically ‘Starscream’, which is no surprise, given the entire gimmick of Earthrise (and the wider Generations line, really) is essentially ‘G1, but newer’. Nostalgia is a deep pool that companies like Hasbro are never afraid to dip into, what can you say?
The reds and blues are lush as hell (although I have seen a bit of chipping on the red paint! Blue seems to be coloured plastic, tho), but frankly the grey is a bit dull and boring. It wouldn’t be so bad if the back of him wasn’t such a wall of grey. Face him forwards on the shelf, I suppose?
The orangey-yellow of the cockpit is a nice splash to really bring the A-game of the primary colours, very eye catching, and all of it topped off with a glossy black head.
His eyes don’t have much to bring to the party with how small and strangely sunken into his face they are, especially with the awning of his forehead casting them into eternal shadow. They’re honestly a bit difficult to see. Maybe its a statement on Starscream and his duplicitous nature? Yeah probably not. They are a lovely red when I shine my phone light on them, however. 
The face sculpt is a good point as well, with nice, clear features and even a bit of a sulky frown, for extra Starscreaminess.
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And even if his neck is a kind of hilariously thin, it does give him a good amount of mobility in his head, both tilt and swivel.
His whole body is riddled with sculpting and detail, absolutely covered in little roboty looking lines and bits and bobs that help bring him to life and help the weapons ports and seams blend in. Much like the colours, there’s more on the front than the back, but seeing how the back is mostly jet as a opposed to robot, and thus largely flat and smooth, I can forgive.
His proportions are just the tiniest bit off to my eye - arms just a touch short and his head just a bit small, but that’s probably so it can fit into the nosecone kibble-hat hanging gracelessly off his back, which I would have an easier time being mad at if it didn’t allow for my favourite feature of the whole toy
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would you believe this is the first thing I did after opening the box? Because it was.
He’s got large, stable feet perfect for balancing, stepping over ones enemies, or climbing the ranks. You go, Starscream.
Good, solid legs with no awkward hollow sections. Unfortunately the big ol’ solid stompers are about the highlight of the legs- the posing ability on this guy is lackluster, to say the least
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His shoulders and elbows are about standard, nothing spectacular, but that up there is as far as his knees and legs will bend. The knees manage 90~ degrees, but he can’t even really sit down, and to move his legs up at all you need to raise his little red skirt crotch flap thingy. They don’t move backwards at all, being blocked by part of the alt mode. Hm.
But, y’know what? He does have those classic turbine tits, so there’s that. Silver linings.
The transformation is about 30 steps, and once I’d done it a few times I found it to be easy to memorize and a decent amount of fun to do. It had some neat little steps such as folding his forearms around the rest of his arms and then hiding them in his chest- after removing the cockpit, of course. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the cockpit in his chest is the actual one in the alt mode, I’m far more used to Seeker molds using a fake-out for that. Although it does leave his chest with a bit of a gap in it in alt mode. Eh. Give and take.
The actual act of opening his chest was damn difficult and a touch nerve racking, it was stuck fast and I ended up having to pry it open (thank you, trusty prybar thing I keep on my desk) all the while being sure I was about to break it. Luckily, it didn’t break and is opening easier now that I’ve done it a few times. The wings did pop off, tho. Good thing they go straight back on.
His legs are pretty simple, pull his shins open, fold them up, clip them together and click them in place, in a move that is similar (but much simpler) to his arms. I actually managed to get to that stage without the instructions before realizing I was baffled by where to stick his arms. I’m not the best at puzzles, ok?
Or, if you are so inclined, you can skip the legs and make a bit of an awkwardly upright gerwalk
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y’know. If you really wanna.
Once you get through all the major steps, the alt mode snaps together pretty satisfyingly.
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The nosecone really beefs up the length of this thing (it’s actually a bit too long for the lightbox I use for my photos, damn), and the sheer jet-ness of this alt mode makes me kinda want to woosh it around the room making my own low-flying aeroplane sound effects. So I did. At least I resisted the urge to toss him. For now.
On the downside, the underside kinda shatters the illusion a bit. He’s head is well hidden, if technically still visible if you know where it is, but damn does his torso look like a torso. The rest of him might be disguising itself as not-a-body a bit better, but it sure as shit ain’t disguising itself as a jet. And there’s no landing gear. *Siiigh* I suppose you can’t have everything.
The topside, while very jet-y, is a bit of a slab of grey as well. Only the touches of red, white and blue and the lovely purple Decepticon badges stop it from looking kinda unfinished. But, hey the cockpit is semi-transparent, and you can just about make out a lil seat in there for a hypothetical pilot which I think is cute for some reason :). My one issue with the topside is the weapons port smack dab right in the middle there, like some kind of space-robot blowhole.
As for accessories go, he comes with his two null rays and that’s about it. They got well on his arms in robot mode and on his wings for the alt mode (or you can stick one in the blowhole if you really want, I suppose?), but he can’t really hold them in his hands like pistols, just in case you wanted him to do that.
They go pretty well on either his upper arms, as I prefer, or you can turn his arms and put them on his forearms if you so desire.
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Sadly, no crown... though I’m sure one is available online if you really, really want.
His box, strangely enough, doesn’t have a secret code in it to fit with the Earthrise gimmick of decoding a star map. It did come with the little red bit of plastic for finding the codes, however.
In conclusion: The alt mode is pretty great and a lot of fun to play with, and I’m pretty happy with this to be the main Starscream of my collection and I‘m certainly not hankering for a new one anytime soon, I do kinda wish he had better posing. And the disappointing legs almost make me wish I gotten the Siege one instead, which I hear has some pretty amazing legs, with super deep knees. Fortunately for me I am a bit of a sucker for an Earth jet alt mode over a Tetrajet, so I can’t despair too much.
And he does do a superb job holding my pen.
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Like so.
12 notes · View notes
razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes pt17: Alone time
Eliza:I can’t believe your recklessness sometimes.
Valerie:I wasn’t going to actually fight her.
Eliza:You were seconds away from performing a suplex.
Valerie:Pfft, not like it would’ve worked.
Eliza:Not even disputing it huh? Need I remind you of your position in this school? Many students see you as a positive role model; especially the sports team. The upperclassmen included. You set an example for others so lead them well.
Valerie:I’m not as good or enjoy rubbing elbows with people as you. Semblance or not, it’s not like I’m the kind of person who starts a conversation.
Eliza:(Shooting your mouth off at someone is starting a conversation. Team speeches are-) Ugh, be that as it may, looking good by doing good is all I ask of you. It increases morale
Valerie:Oh yeah? Then why record the match yesterday?
Eliza turned her head and looked at Val. The athlete’s .eyes held a glimmer of agitation and anxiousness.
Eliza:Oh I see now, so that’s why you’re more aggressive than usual. Getting caught by Nicholas must be so irritating for the girl who’s supposed to be better than him; another check box on the list of ways he makes your life easier.
Valerie:Don’t talk like you know me.
Eliza:I know pride and jealousy when I see it. Or maybe, it’s something else entirely? If you’re letting my little comment from the other day bother you then I suggest you dismiss it. As for the video, originally I was going to use it to study the three of you for the tournament.
Eliza:It’s no different than a sports team watching the other team’s previous games. Then another thought occurred, this school would get a lot of traction if three sophomores took down such a complex piece of tech. It’s bound to spook some people who also plan on joining the tournament.
Valerie:You used us as a scare tactic? That’s...underhanded and yet, completely fair?
Eliza:Anything to ensure I remain in the top three. I will not spend time dealing with riff raff when my two biggest threats share the same bus as me. Consider that video an appreciation of all your skills, and a reminder of the eyes on you. Don’t slip up.
Valerie:I never do. It would be pretty interesting to see you beat Nick. I look forward to your challenge.
Eliza:You sound like Nick isn’t a threat.
Valerie:He isn’t. Granted his swordplay has gotten better and he has that new trick, but I haven’t been slacking off either. I’ve kicked his butt all my life and I’m sure I can do it again.
Her eyes told a different story. Eliza could tell that through all that confidence, the smallest glimmer of doubt had shown itself. She made sure to take note of it.
Eliza:Famous last words. The idea of Nick winning is a world that could exist; experience in loss is vaster than in victory.
Valerie:*grits teeth* Can we stop talking about Nick for onc-
“Val?” Called out the boy in question. The two girls turned around to see the boy walking over in their school’s simple white and gray P.E. uniform. He wasn’t sweaty like Valerie, but something seemed a little...off.
Eliza:Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Nick:Says the girl in pigtails. Might as well call them horns. Anyways hey Val, didn’t know you were at school today. Had me a little worried this morning.
Valerie:Yeah well...I slept a little late.
Nick:But...you’re in your P.E. clothes. Summer has the class as you so-
Valerie:I wasn’t terribly late. Just enough to miss homeroom.
Nick:Ah. Getting up was pretty rough for me this morning too. That Paladin took everything out of me! My body felt like lead. How are you holding up?
Valerie:I’m fine…
Nick:Really? That hit looked really-
Valerie:I said I’m fine, Nick! Stop worrying about me!
If the halls were crowded then that would’ve drawn a crowd. Instead her brash words echoed, making its own form of weird tension. Eliza took that as her queue to leave, while Nick stood there a bit spooked. Even Valerie was shocked at her tone.
Valerie:Sorry, I uh, yelling was an accident.
Nick:It’s, it’s okay. Hey you umm, are you mad at me by any chance? I only ask since Summer sorta did what you...just did; if I did something wrong-
Valerie:You didn’t. (Like usual) Can you give me a bit of space though? I’d like to have a bit more time to myself.
She hadn’t realized it, but Valerie just snitched on herself. Nick kept a neutral face, ‘overslept huh?’ The thought lingering a bit before giving a small smile. Suddenly he felt a little awkward, randomly swaying and folding his arms as if to shake off the feeling.
Nick:Alright, if that’s what you need. Still on to study tomorrow or…?
Valerie:I think I got it covered.
Nick:Cool, cool...see you around then I guess? Or not, I don’t know. I should head back now. Harriet must notice how long I’ve been taking by now, so, yeah… *stepping away*
Nick:What’s up?
Valerie:Your face, it’s a bit pale. Get some rest okay? Seriously.
At least he knew she still cared. He gave her a thumbs up and started walking away again, but then whipped back around before she was out of sight.
Nick:Hey one more thing! I thought you should know Veronica is here so please, don’t beat each other up in the halls, rooms, or anywhere really. No touching at all would be nice.
Valerie:I already bumped into her.
Nick:Really? I don’t see bruises.
Valerie:Shut up, we didn’t fight. I could tell she was looking for one, or an excuse to let off steam.
Nick:What does that mean?
Valerie:She was looking much like herself. That annoyingly cocky attitude was a bit more...catty, for a lack of a better word. Atlas air must be disagreeing with her or something.
Nick:Yeah….or something…
Veronica hadn’t moved. The young designer found herself still leaning up against the lockers, concentrating immensely. Her skull felt like it was under a jackhammer while her heartbeat sped up like a hummingbird. God she was so hungry, and the cafeteria scent…
‘In and out Veronica. Just keep your breathing in and out’ she told herself constantly. ‘You’re halfway through the day. You can do this…’
Bright side about this predicament was it seemed no one wanted to test her. She imagined that her entire attitude must seem pretty scary right about now. Good.
Her attempt to stay out of further trouble was unfortunately short lived when the scent of fresh sweat and body spray invaded her nostrils. That was a smell in any school, one that always ment the arrival of her least favorite kind of person.
Two sets of footsteps steadily got closer until they stopped right in front of her. Veronica looked up to see two boys in blue letterman jackets stand before her. One boy was tannish and had a well kept brown crew cut, his height towering over her but his build seemed similar to Nick. His eyes a shade of hazel that made the cocky grin on his face that was more punchable.
The other boy was taller, at least 6’3 and built like a wall. Veronica couldn’t fathom the amount of protein shrinks he might drink. He was pale compared to the first one and had orangey brown hair that was a crew cut that had less taken off on the sides and more grown out. His eyes were a dark green and though he didn’t look as cocky, his presence was enough for Veronica to know he thought that he was the big man on campus.
The first jacket said ‘Diabhalta’ while the second read.‘Winchester.’ That name was familiar from earlier. Nick had mentioned it when speaking to Eliza.
Whoever they were, Veronica wasn’t in the mood for this shit. It’s like she was a beacon for annoying jocks.
Veronica:May I help you, or are you just going to keep staring like a dead fish?
Diabhalta: Hey hey, take it easier there mittens. Just doing a little thinking, wondering if it would be a cat call if you gave me your number. That sort of thing.
Winchester:Laying it on a little thick there, Darren.
Darren:Oh I’m just trying to break the ice Maxie. A little humor to make that pretty face smile.
Veronica:If this is you breaking the ice then no wonder Atlas is so cold. Not interested, now scram.
Max:Sweetheart, curve the attitude. Obviously you’re new here but FYI, underclassmen show more respect.
Veronica:You’re not respecting my space.
Max:You’re not respecting our locker space.
Okay, this time she was in the jocks territory and not purposely seeked out. Maybe her luck was just bad? Veronica sidestepped out of the way and decided to leave. While Max opened his locker.
Veronica:My bad…
Max:Yeah it is.
Darren:Hey hey hey, hold on second here. “My bad” is a pretty half assed apology. Don’t you wanna try something a little more...hospitable? Maybe a cute little curtsy or something? No, well the view of you leaving is pretty nice so I shouldn’t complain.
Veronica: Fuck. Off.
Darren:Ooo kitten has claws.
He starts to follow behind her.
Max: ‘I swear he’s going to end up in prison’ Stop skirt chasing the literal puss and get your shit man.
Darren:I’m just trying to get to know the lady a little. Is that so bad?
Veronica:Darren was it? Listen to your friend and buzz off before you get actual claws, got it?
Darren:Ooo how scrappy. I don’t mind a little pain. That’s why I win medals for this place. Isn’t that right Maxie?
Max:If you need my help to get her attention then it’s probably a sign you’re trying too hard.
Veronica: ‘At least that one has a few brain cells”
Max:Besides, shouldn’t you aim for a girl that’s more… appealing?
That caught her attention. Turning around would’ve been reckless. There was no need to entertain these two, yet she couldn’t help herself.
Veronica: ‘Fuck this guy’ Was that a comment on my looks, or my features?
Max:Can’t say, all I know is what I see, and what I see is oh so not worth any time or effort. Why Darren is giving you the time of day,I’ll never understand.
Veronica:Hmph, whatever. I should expect as much from you. At least you’re more charming than your father.
Max:Tsk, What did you-
Veronica:Goodbye. *walks away*
Darren:Hey! You can’t just disrespect him like that! Are you even listen- hey!
Veronica:Maybe if you learned to leave a girl alone then-
Her words got caught in her throat. Veronica thought they had gotten the message. That they wouldn’t bother her anymore and silently curse her names like others; the pain that ran through her tail said otherwise.
Veronica could start to feel her blood start to boil as she turned back around to see, to feel Darren gripping her tail with his disgusting hands. Max had closed his locker but didn’t look confrontational. No, he looked alarmed.
“Darren I think you overstepped.” He put his things down.
“I overstepped!? She’s the one running her mouth and mentioning your family like she knows anything.”
Veronica’s eyes matched that of a feline and her barely came out above a whisper. “You have three seconds to let go…”
Unfazed, he tightened his grip. “Or wha-”
Time was up. Darren couldn’t even finish the word before he felt the back of Veronica’s fist make a clean contact with the right side of his face, knocking spit and his body into the lockers.
The boy was too dazed to respond or react to the feeling of the smaller girl tackling him to the ground as Veronica began to wail on him. Repeatedly throwing punch after punch in a fit of anger. Until Darren headbutted her off.
Now he was pissed. He got up and threw a punch that was quickly stopped by Max. “What the hell man!”
“That doesn’t end well for you!”
“It won’t for her either!”
Veronica ran back at him without thinking and was kicked right in the stomach, falling backwards for only a second before charging again.
Max tugged Darren behind him to act as a buffer and stiff armed Veronica. The guy really was a wall, but that meant nothing to Veronica. Her body slipped right through him and came out the other side to tackle the idiot who grabbed her tail.
This time they both hit the ground and started to exchange blows.
She was practically seeing red, blacking out from rage, adrenaline, pain, hunger; somewhere along the line she could taste a little iron in her mouth and pain across her face. Must’ve gotten hit, not like she cared, sound seemed distorted but she could still feel everything. Especially her knuckles that were getting tender, and the constant hands of Max trying to pull her off most likely.
She had tried to be patient. Tried to stay calm, tried to walk away, but she simply couldn’t. All she could do was keep swinging and kicking. Until….
“Get a grip Vee!”
The red stopped, her mind clearing enough to focus on control. Eventually coming to and seeing what had happened. Her arms had been secured in a tight bear hug. Darren was still in front of her with bruises that were already healing and a scowl on his that screamed “I’ll end you.”
To his right was Max who was also a bit hyped on adrenaline, his hair messed up and also thoroughly pissed. But something was off. Who was restraining-
A pit formed in Veronica's stomach as she looked to the ground to see gravity glyphs holding them all in place. She turned around to see messy familiar hair slicked back and shocked eyes. Nick had showed up, as well as a few other faculty from the sound of it.
The boy was out of breath and had a dark bruise around the bridge of his nose as he continued holding her.
“N...Nick?” Her voice trembled. “When did you-”
“We gotta move.” He said anxiously as he took her by the wrist and ran out towards the exit.
Darren wasn’t amused. “That son of-Nicholas! You think we’re done here!”
“Shut up man! We don’t need this kinda shit right now.” Max growled with an intense amount of bass. The glyphs vanished and he grabbed Darren as he ran off as well. Quickly pushing his friend out the door. “Go cool off and then come back. I’ll handle the adults”
“You can’t be seri-”
“Do you want to get beat up by three different people today!? Take a fucking walk”
Darren grit his teeth before spitting a mixture of spit and blood on the ground before listening to his friends instructions. Max let out an annoyed sigh before regaining his stoic expression and stood by the door as faculty and students started gathering.
Veronica messes up, she messed up big time. It was one thing to make trouble for herself but it creating it for others wasn’t a thing she enjoyed. All she had to do was keep calm, walk away, and survive a day at school. Not be led through the back streets of Atlas by Nicholas of all people.
He hadn’t said a word to her but she hadn’t spoken either. The feeling of her blood rushing and the whirlpool of her instincts still washed over her like a sea of flames that did its best to simmer down. Nick must’ve been furious, he had a right to be. Veronica said she was fine when she wasn’t. Now this has happened. Veronica wanted nothing more than to scream at herself right now. How could she let this happen?
She continued to stare at the hand that held her wrist through an alley where Nick finally stopped and let go. Veronica wanted to say something but didn’t get the chance before Nick tossed a bag over his shoulder at her.
Veronica reacted just fast enough to catch it and was taken back by it. It was….jerky? Beef jerky at that. She looked to see him staring at her with concern. Veronica tried looking away but Nick tilted her back to stare into her animal like eyes. With her luck, he probably saw her fangs when she was screaming her head off earlier.
Nick: ‘So this is what I was supposed to look out for?’ You with me Vee?
Nick:They sell those packs in the vending machines near the sports room. Taste isn’t that spectacular but I’m sure it’ll serve you better than me right now.
Veronica:...Can you...turn around? I don’t want you to see me eat. Cover your ears too.
Nick:Uh, okay? *turns around* tap my shoulder when you're done I guess.
Nick covered his ears and Veronica finally opened the extremely full bag. The aroma hit her like a truck and Veronica couldn’t help but let out a gulp the moment it did.
Nick clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, already feeling a little awkward after fifteen seconds. ‘Is she gonna eat all of that? The bag is a large size, people twice my size take a while to eat it.’ He was starting to regret making today's arm day in gym class. ‘Hopefully she just needs a few pieces of-’
The wind blew and the bag flew right by his head, completely empty and teared apart. The tap on his shoulder can immediately after. That...couldn’t have been the bag, no way. He turned around and couldn’t believe it, Veronica stood in front of him a little bit more composed than before. Her eyes were less intense, as well as her hair. Even Vee’s breathing was less erratic but she still wasn’t exactly calm either. The crumbs on her face didn’t help.
Nick caught himself staring a little too hard and tried to have a very even expression. Veronica was starting to look at him the way Summer looks at her scars. This was clearly a big deal to her. After all, this was all news to him.
Nick:Are you okay? Or you know...slightly better?
Veronica:Slightly better is a decent way of putting it, barely. My body hurts.
Nick:Well you probably have a few bruises, your lip and right hand is bleeding, and I might’ve tackled you a little hard once or twice whenever I arrived. I’ve seen explosive tempers but man.
Veronica:Did I...give you that bruise?
Nick:Consider it a team effort between the three of you. Serves me right for rushing in without thinking. Nothing a little aura can’t fix. Same goes for you I hope.
Veronica:I’ll be fine…
She walked towards him slowly and gently touched his nose. She did this to him. He might put blame on everybody but it was no doubt to spare her feelings. Veronica’s ears drooped down and she held back her tears. It was bad enough Nick saw her lose her cool, she wasn’t gonna let him see her tears.
Veronica:I’m sorry...really sorry. I’ve done nothing but lie, break promises, and caused you trouble. All on my first day too. Talk about pathetic. Now you’re hurt and going to be in trouble because of me.Frankly I...I don’t know why you aren’t yelling at right now. How can you tolerate me so much all the time? I wouldn’t be able to.
Nick:Well that’s easy, it’s not tolerating when you want to be around the person.
And just like that, Veronica was speechless.
Nick:Don’t get me wrong. Can’t say I’m okay with how today went or that I’m not disappointed that you couldn’t last the day; But you’ve always been a hothead. Today just explains why. Yang might’ve told me to keep an eye on you, out of love of course. So don’t be too upset with her okay? I wish I knew about this sooner. Pardon if I’m overstepping, but does this have anything to do with why you’re so reluctant to talk about Menagerie? Anytime I talk about visiting it’s always a no.
Veronica:It’s one of many reasons. Reasons I rather not get into, sorry.
Nick:That’s fair. It’s funny, we always talk about how we talk about everything but I guess something we can’t help but keep to ourselves. Did you think I’d hate you, or wouldn’t understand? Granted I’m definitely hazy on the specifics but I definitely don’t think any less of you. V-
Veronica:I like you…as in like, like you.
Blood rushed to both of their faces. Veronica didn’t make eye contact but she did take his hand and held it tight; it trembled ever so slightly.
Nick couldn’t tell if he was slightly under the weather like Valerie said or hearing the words aloud. Nick wasn’t dense like his father, but hearing a confession was still a crazy moment. Especially right now. A boy in his gym clothes and a roughed up school girl, standing in a snowy alleyway after running out of school. Maybe he should’ve slept in today.
Veronica:It’s not like it’s been some kind of secret. I was never good at subtlety. When you're around me...I try so hard for you to only see the best of me, though it rarely happens. So I kept quiet, from plenty of people. Unless you really know about faunus then how could you know what goes on under the surface? You’re the last person I wanted to tell. I thought you’d look at me differently.
Nick:Do I look that shallow?.
Veronica:I couldn’t take the chance. Not when you’re the one, the only who really sees me outside of my parents.
He wasn’t entirely sure Veronica meant by that. See her how? In what way was he different from someone like his sister or Valerie? Was it okay to ask that right now? He decided against it. Being pushed away earlier made him worried about it happening again.
So instead he told her a simple truth.
Nick:It’s not like you’re Shiva. I’ve stared in the eyes as she threatened my life and I still hug Summer without a care in the world. On a scale from one to ten, what happened at school was a two. If you ever need something then I’m here Vee. I care about you, a lot. Be who you are around me.
Veronica:....Anything Huh?
She leans forward slowly, her face crimson. Nick’s brain goes crazy. ‘Is she…!? Wait, no! I’ve never-’ Veronica’s head lands in the crook of his neck and her hands wrap around him weakly.
“Food…” she said half consciously. “Fattening food, meat. Please tell me Atlas has that?”
Nick:Okay! I know a spot that’s out of the way and serves anyone. So-
She shut her eyes and dozed off. Nick heard quiet purring from Vee and saw her injuries finally start to heal. A good sign, but Nick couldn’t travel like this! He’d have trouble even if he wasn’t sick; not to mention he totally forgot that he wasn’t in his regular clothes!
Nick:I did not think this through. No wallet or phone, a passed out girl, and parents that will murder us. Think Nick, who could I call right now that wouldn’t chew me out and still help? Oh! Duh…
Penny:I called your parents.
Penny:You’re minors...
Nick:At least they have time to calm down.
Penny:They’re sending Winter.
The boy nearly choked on his thermometer before Penny took it out. He currently sat on one of her medical beds while Veronica was sleeping in one next to him. A stack of meat lovers pizza by the bed was ready for her whenever she woke up.
Penny:Due to physical exhaustion from yesterday, insufficient rest, and slight dehydration, you’re running a slight fever Nicholas Schnee. Maybe even a cold if it gets worse. I’m ordering you to do nothing but rest and go to school. No training, or unneeded stress from extracurricular activities for two days.
Nick:But I have tournament-
Penny:Home and school! A council is not one person, they can get by without you. It would be a tragedy if you couldn’t even compete, then Summer would be disqualified from duos.
Nick:Sigh….yes ma’am. Sleep does sound nice.
Penny:48 hours will be up before you know it!
Nick:Maybe Val and Summer should’ve played hooky today too? Thanks for all this. I know you’re specifically in the medical field but…
Penny:I consider myself a jack of all PHDs.
Nick:How about an expert in faunus biology? Is Veronica-
Penny:She’s fine, but that’s all I can disclose without permission. I’m sure she’ll tell you more of her own free will when I leave the room. She is pretending to be asleep right now to avoid talking to me.
Nick:....WHAT!? *looks at her*
Penny:Oscar has tried convincing her to have at least one session with her as a request from her parents for some time now for reasons I’m not sure of. I doubt she wants to speak in my presence out of fear that I might tell Oscar something that he could use to understand her better. Question is, how long will she fake being unconscious until the smell of pizza is too much?
Veronica:*opens eyes* I’m begging you to leave.
Penny:Okay! I have work to complete anyways. Hopefully nothing burst into flames again. Don’t worry about your school belongings. Summer was told to get them.
Penny rubs Nick’s head and goes into a separate lab room. Veronica rises from the bed like a zombie and grabs a pizza box. Drool starts to form as she opens the box and grabs a slice. Meat lovers, it was beautiful. She almost inhaled the slice before looking up and turning red. Nick was staring at her calmly.
Nick:Huh? Oh! *turns around* Sorry…
Veronica:It’s just really...I hate being seen when I eat like this. We can still talk though.
Nick:Hmm where to start?
Veronica:Those boys, how much trouble are they going to be for you?
Nick:Oh those knuckleheads won’t be a problem. I’m fortunate that you fought two people who. already hate me and plan on beating me senseless anyways.
Veronica:How is that a good thing exactly?
Nick:Because messing with you gives me an excuse to actively be cruel to them! The school will probably give all of us a slap on the wrist considering we’re in the tournament, duos in fact. They’re the runners up from last year. Both of them were pretty upset underclassmen took their gold.
Veronica:The big one, Max. He looks disturbingly a lot like his pops. Didn’t even know they lived here. Makes sense with the lack of equality around here still.
Nick:Don’t be too quick to judge. Max doesn’t hate faunus and my dad says Cardin is a pretty alright guy these days.
Veronica:Yet his son appears to be falling in similar pitfalls. Bastard said I wasn’t his type and gave me the strangest look.
Nick:Maybe he’s just not into blondes or something, I don’t know. As far as apples falling from trees go, my dad is pretty respectful and turns the other cheek quite a bit; that didn’t carry over haha.
Veronica:Yeah you’re petty and smug, like a gremlin or something. A cute one. You’re also very cheerful in a sarcastically optimistic way. Weird, you’re weird Nick.
Nick:It’s called charisma. Can I get a slice? This is a lot of pizza.
Veronica:Knock yourself out. You went a little overboard with ten boxes.
Nick:I don’t know how any of this works. Is there a certain ratio of meat or…
Veronica:Think of it as a kind of mental/physical diet. Meat sets of the animal instinct and keeps everything working okay. Too much and the instincts stay on. The eyes, hair, claws, teeth, and other more psychological things stick around. No meat eventually draws it out in a more aggressive nature and my body can’t operate well because of the messing the nutrients. Everything hurts.
Nick:So on one end you’re a peak apex predator, then the other is what, starved wildcat?
Veronica:I call it going feral but yeah that works. I don’t like either position. One is physically painful while the other….I just don’t like the “apex” me. It’s a lot to handle.
Nick:For you or other people?
Veronica:I’d like if we changed the subject please?
Nick:Sorry. Anything on your mind.
Veronica:...Your feelings for me.
He choked on a pepperoni, coughing and hacking it back up to catch his breath. Of course that’s on her mind! Nick had to keep his cool, this was important. He had answers but had no clue if they were good answers.
He turned around despite her earlier request. This had to be done face to face. Veronica must’ve known that because she wasn't eating anymore. Her hands rested on the box that most likely was empty by now and eyes focused on her normal looking nails.
Bright blush ran across her face again with her ears down. Her tail curled around her left arm. In a weird way he wished the world could see her right now. It was for this exact reason he always vouched for Vee. The overwhelmingly confident and rowdy island girl wasn’t all she was. Veronica could feel insecure or be meek.She never dismissed her faults but also had no shame pointing out others. Veronica saw everything she could in something and was honest about her feelings with it to the point all she ever did to avoid discussion was say she didn’t want to talk about it or be vague.
Nick:Uhh, what about the subject exactly?
Veronica:Can you get a little closer?
Nick stood up and sat on the edge of her bed. Veronica patted her hand and me closer. Then another pat made him get closer, then another, and another; until he was beside her. Vee’s hand grabbed his and she leaned, dangerously close. Nick started to feel his heart race again.
Veronica:Have you kissed a girl?
Nick:K..Kiss?! As in...no. H-Have you?
Veronica:Once, well a couple times by one person. It was pretty crappy honestly, for many reasons.
Nick:I’m sorry…
Veronica:It’s alright. I’m sure I’ll have better ones.
She could feel him shake a little. His heart sounded like firecrackers going off with how fast it was. Veronica leaned just a little closer and the boy shut his eyes. He made no advances, no tilt, or lean. Nick would’ve just let it happen. Veronica smiles before flicking his forehead to make him jump. She laughed and leaned back, but kept holding his hand.
Veronica:As much as I like you I won’t take anything you don’t want to give me. Your first kiss happens once. Do it on your terms. I hope Valerie accepts it.
Nick:I’m sorry.
Veronica:Don’t be. You’ve always looked her way. I can see why. I wish you thought I was as pretty and wonderful just like her. Maybe if I cracked more jokes or a bit nicer, then you would fall for-
Nick:You are so gorgeous Veronica Belladonna.
His words derailed her own. Nick smiled at the girl curiously with his blushing face that made her heart melt. This was unexpected. This face, those words, it was so...sincere.
Nick:You tell plenty of jokes, sure you need work on your attitude but Val is rowdier than you on occasion. There isn’t a thing about you that doesn’t make me…
Veronica:Nicholas…? Do you...feel something for me?
Nick:Of course I do you dunce.
Veronica:Then why-
Nick:Because Val has my heart. How could I date you knowing that? I’d feel really shitty being with someone that loves me so much and my heart is set on another girl. That’s not very chivalrous of someone who loves the idea of being a knight.
Veronica:So...I guess she really is the princess in your story?
Nick:Wrong. I’ve never thought of Val like that. She’s...my longest friend and companion. We’ve done so much together just to see if we could. Val to me is like another knight. Rival, friend, crush...she’s a lot. A princess isn’t one of them. If I’m being honest with myself, you’d be my princess.
Life was so unfair, he was unfair. Veronica’s mind was everywhere just like her blush. Was Nick letting her down easy or flirting!? How could he do both!? Veronica let go of his hand and put the covers over her head. Looking at his dumb face wasn’t helping the situation. She really was in love with this clown.
Veronica:You really are such a gremlin you know!? Now I like you more!
Nick:Oh...well..I don’t know what I was trying to do just now. I was explaining myself and sorta… I’m so fucking stupid. I’m gonna go wash up and give you some space now.
She gave him a thumbs up and heard his footsteps slowly grow distant until they stopped. Was he...looking back at her!? Was it with embarrassment or longingly!? It would be weird to peek out now! This cover was a bad idea. His footsteps started again and Veronica heard the doorknob open. Not yet, he couldn’t leave yet without her proper response.
Veronica:I hope, I hope things work out for you and Val. Regardless of my feelings I want you to be happy. That being said, don’t think I’m going to stop trying, because you...have my heart. And I need you to know that if for some reason Val doesn’t accept yours, or you get it back, I’ll accept it with open arms.
Veronica:....Too much?
Nick:No, it was just right. Thanks, Vee.
The door slowly creaked closed as he left. Just before it did however, the tiniest whisper slipped through. Was it on purpose, or did her hearing escape his thoughts. Either way Veronica pressed her pillow against her chest flustered.
“My princess” Damn those Schnees. They always know just what to say.
Part 16
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anonsally · 4 years
Days 94-96 of COVID-19 shelter-in-place
Various shelter-in-place restrictions are being relaxed, and, unrelatedly, I have had some pretty good birdwatching lately.
Day 94 was Thursday. We had failed to buy milk the previous day (and I feel this was not my job after my medical procedure Wednesday morning), so I ended up having a smaller bowl of cereal than usual (followed by some of Wife’s millet porridge made with almond milk) and then going to buy some. There was no line to get in! That was very lucky! The store will be resuming its normal hours this week and staying open later than it has been lately, which is a relief--we won’t have as many incidents of realising too late that we don’t have what we need for breakfast the next day.
Then I “went” to work: we had a long meeting during which we did not come to an agreement about various strategies for analysis. The biostatistics grad student is convinced that the method two of us are advocating is based on an incorrect assumption, whereas I don’t see where we are making that assumption. I worked out some probability calculations with pencil and paper and wrote to the group about what I thought we were trying to do and why I didn’t think it made the erroneous assumption. I don’t know if that’s where she thought the assumption was coming in, though.
After work, I took a neighborhood walk with my binoculars and ended up getting some good birdwatching in. About halfway into the walk, I heard some rustling in the dry leaves on the ground. “Towhee?” I thought, and looked around for the source, expecting to see a brown California towhee. But it turned out to be a spotted towhee! Such a pretty bird, and I got a really good view of it in the binoculars. Since it’s a comparatively recent addition to my repertoire, I was excited about it. 
After that, I saw some house finches at the tippy top of a thin cypress (?) tree, and also saw a bird through the binoculars that... well, I couldn’t identify it, and I suspect this description is wrong because I couldn’t find anything in my book that matched it, but @lies​, if you have any ideas please let me know! It seemed to be a smallish bird with a solid (possibly orangey-) yellow front and a long, thin beak. It was perched near the top of a tree, and something I assume was a hummingbird seemed to be divebombing it? 
I walked back toward home but stopped at the house with the bird-feeders out front. There was a Nuttall’s woodpecker at the suet feeder! That was exciting (it’s another one I learned recently, and I’ve never seen one at a feeder). It got chased away by a scrub jay but hung out in the tree for a while and I got to watch it some more. There were also more chestnut-backed chickadees, goldfinches, and house finches, as usual, as well as a Steller’s jay. So I felt like I’d seen all the high-quality birds! 
In the evening I solved word puzzles with my dad on a video call. 
Yesterday was Day 95. I got up at 8am, and was really tired, but I had arranged to take a walk with my high school friend who’s visiting (and came over on Wednesday). We had planned to meet at 10am, but in a series of texts we postponed it to 10:15 and then 10:30, and then I didn’t manage to arrive at the meeting place until 10:40, and when I checked my phone on arrival, I saw that she was at least 10 minutes behind me! But eventually she turned up and we had a lovely walk in a park Wife and I have not been hiking in (it is a bit more crowded and less sunny than most of the ones we have gone to), but it’s the one this friend and I had both visited with our families as kids. This was just a very short, easy walk, but we saw ducks, turtles, chestnut-backed chickadees, a cute little periwinkle blue butterfly, and an amazingly well-camouflaged moth. It looked just like a leaf, but I happened to see it flap into position. I think it was an omnivorous looper? but the stripe along the back is blueish, which I haven’t seen in the photos online. Anyway, I was pleased with myself for not being scared of it. We also heard a woodpecker, but I couldn’t locate it. After our walk, we sat and chatted for a long time, and saw a couple of enormous ravens, a wild turkey, a bird of prey with a longish tail, and a couple of Steller’s jays. It was great to spend so much time with my friend. We did not stay 6ft apart the whole time, but when we were closer, we had our masks on, and when we were seated and talking, we were further apart; plus, we were outside the whole time. So I think it is fairly low-risk.
Afterwards, I drove down to my office. I had an appointment at 1:30, but I arrived a few minutes early, so first I ordered tacos to pick up at 1:45, and then I folded down the back seat of the car. I went to the door and waited for the building manager to let me in. I was there to collect my desk chair, in hopes that it will make working at home less of an ergonomic disaster. I also found Girl Scout cookies and some chocolate in my desk, so I brought them home too! The chair did fit in the back of the car (phew), and I picked up my tacos and came home. 
I worked all afternoon, though I took some breaks to read about Juneteenth, too. I had heard of it before as a Black American holiday, but I don’t think I had realised what it was specifically celebrating. And frankly, it’s outrageous that it isn’t a national holiday. The abolishment of slavery is something we should all be celebrating (as a first step toward liberty and justice for all, which we obviously have not yet achieved).
After work, I went to buy some ice cream and noticed that restaurants with space for outdoor dining have resumed seating people outside, with decent spacing between tables. 
I watered the plants that had to be put into pots, several of which are looking pretty shocked from the transplanting. And Wife and I did some heroic Adulting in the kitchen. I stayed up late.
Today was the Summer Solstice and also Day 96! Widget lost his lunch, or rather barfed his breakfast. I’m hoping an opossum will eat the vomit tonight, because I don’t want to have to clean it up.
I wrote to my city councilmember again, this time to ask about the fireworks we have been hearing every night for a few weeks. Last night’s fireworks may have been for Juneteenth, though. Anyway, I ended up going to the farmers’ market by myself rather late (Wife had a headache), but I ran into @llamapunk there and got to spend some time chatting and catching up with her while doing my shopping. Alas, I was too late for peaches! But in compensation, I bought lots of strawberries and some rhubarb. 
After I came home and ate, Wife and I set off to a park for a hike. This wasn’t as satisfying as most of the hikes we’ve taken--the trails were very confusing and poorly marked at many of the intersections, so we took wrong turns more than once. Also, they were both narrow and somewhat heavily trafficked in some sections, making it awkward to maintain much distance between ourselves and other hikers. Still, aspects of it were nice, and we got some good exercise--there was a very steep uphill section. However, the most exciting part of it was that we saw a family of wild turkeys, including several babies! So the hike was worth it just for that! I heard a woodpecker but couldn’t find it, but I got to point out some chestnut-backed chickadees to Wife, who was charmed by how cute they are. There was a variety of plant life, too, including a dead tree with some good fungi, a bay laurel with fragrant leaves, redwoods (with miner’s lettuce and redwood sorrel at their feet, but we were not supposed to stray from the trail to pick them), ferns, eucalypti, wildflowers, and the first ripe wild blackberries of the season. Being outside in nature and getting a little exercise seemed to relieve Wife’s headache, too.
I’ve solved a couple of cryptic crossword puzzles in the past couple days.
It looks like my county’s daily COVID-19 new confirmed case counts have been higher since late May than they were before that time, but that might be partly because of higher numbers of people getting tested. And the deaths seem to have peaked in April. Number of people in the ICU has remained fairly stable since mid-April, but the number of people in the hospital has roughly been increasing very slowly. Still, it doesn’t look like the protests have resulted in a pandemic upswing.
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mysticsparklewings · 4 years
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On The Edge
It feels like it's been quite some time since I sat down and got to work on a more involved mixed-media project. And in plenty of ways it has, but I have been working on other artsy projects behind the scenes, which I should be posting sometime soon, I hope. Anyway, this artwork had to be moved to the top of my priority list and also my upload schedule (some of those other projects are already finished, just back-logged) because this is my entry into the Arteza Awards hosted by, shocker, Arteza, and the deadline to enter was the 24th. I actually started working on this piece a week or two early, but me being me, I procrastinated and only just barely got it posted to Instagram with the appropriate tags (per the contest rules) with about 20 minutes to spare.  Then again, maybe that's a good thing because I've been known in the past to pull some of my better work out of thin air at the last minute. If that proves the case this time, it would certainly be to my advantage. Anyway. There was no set theme for the contest. The main rules were that you had to use Arteza supplies and they needed to be visible in the image posted to Instagram. I understand why, but I normally don't photograph my art with the supplies because I can usually get more accurate colors and proportions with a scan, and you can pretty much always see the details way better on a scan. But considering the prizes on offer, I wasn't about to let that stop me. I figured I'd just post the supply image first, then add the scan so you could swipe to see it. That way I could have my nice scanned version and still follow the rules. (Also, since they specify Instagram is the main platform for the contest, I'm assuming it doesn't matter if I don't post the supply picture everywhere else. If it does...whoops :P ) For reasons I don't think I should get into here, I knew I needed to go for something kind of high-impact when you first glance at it. But it also needed to not be too involved, lest I be working on it well after the entry window closed and my efforts become somewhat less valuable. I'm not exactly sure how, but this led me around to a concept I've had floating around in my head for a while: A girl (because I am one and know I can draw them better) standing on a mountain top, that looks as if she's one step from free-falling. Originally, I dreamed up this idea hoping to make it into an acrylic painting, but (aside from that fact that I didn't get around to executing the idea until now) I do not own Arteza'a acrylic paints (though I have wanted them for quite some time--It just hasn't happened yet) and also acrylics are not my strongest suit, so now did not seem like the time for an impulse-purchase that could compromise the integrity of my work and therefore my chances in the contest. Although for the day I do get my hands on their acrylics, I now have a solid idea to use to test them out.  ;) The Arteza supplies I do have at my disposal are their tube watercolors, woodless watercolor pencils, and 72 expert colored pencils. Which as I learned the last time entered a contest hosted by Arteza, is a fairly limited variety as to what I can actually do. The watercolors by far as the most versatile and my personal favorite of the three though, so they're what I used the most of here. Also, somewhere between deciding to run with my standing-on-the-edge idea and actually doing it, I also decided to add-in the wings in this constellation style I've used somewhere infrequently but am very fond of. As a result, the whole concept has a very similar feel to me as this artwork that I found here on dA years ago and fell so in love with that it spent a good few months as my desktop wallpaper. Obviously, the two images are very different, but to me the idea of the wings is similar: Their structural integrity to fly is questionable, as the wings in the original image appear to be made of glass. Maybe it matters, maybe not. Same thing here: Maybe the wings are really there and just look like a constellation, or maybe this girl just stood in exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. Is the girl even there? Is she real? Can she die? Does it matter if she falls? Would she choose to fly at all, whether the wings work or not? It's sort of a Schrodinger's Cat situation, and something about that is really intriguing to me. Anyway. I started out with a digital sketch this time, mostly to iron out the kinks with...well, everything. I knew getting the right pose would be difficult, and I actually had a pretty different one of her looking out over the edge, maybe clutching her chest or something, originally, but I just couldn't get it to work the way I wanted to and I really struggled to find references for it, so I went with the pose you see here, that I found references for by accident while looking for the other one. I have to admit, seeing the final product I think this pose might actually have been the better choice anyway. The mountain/cliff/whatever I was also having a hard time finding references for, at least for exactly what I wanted, so in the end I had to mostly wing it. I think it turned out okay, though. The wings were probably the most challenging part to plan because I wanted something between traditional butterfly/fairy wings and something that stretches out farther like bird or bat wings. I toyed with the lines for a long time until I got something I was happy with, and then I actually went in and did the constellation lines for both sides by hand instead of doing one side and making a flipped copy, because I wanted to make sure I kept the overall shape of the wing on the (our)right (her left), as after all the warping I did to get the original lines, I wasn't sure I could replicate the process again. I also drew 2 or 3 versions of a simple dress over the figure before giving up because I wasn't happy with how any of them were turning out and decided that I would instead preserve her modesty with magically misty cloud-things. Although, it's kind of a shame because that ended up mostly hiding the one piece of hair clinging over her left (our right) shoulder. :P But once the digital sketch was done so I had some idea of what I was doing, it was time to move on to the traditional, actual artwork. I cut a piece of my 100% cotton paper down to size (nice paper because I didn't want to be held back in that regard--go big or go home, as they say) and then held it up to me screen to trace my cliff lines into place, and some vague markers for the figure and her wings. My idea from the very beginning was to make the galaxy largely with watercolor in such a way that it gives the wings color and focus, without having to actually color all the individual segments. This means lighter colors towards the main area of the wings, and getting darker as I moved out/away from them. Now, because it has been a while since I was painting with watercolors regularly, I did set aside a smaller piece of the same paper and busted out a practice baby galaxy before diving into the final. I learned very quickly I was going to have to be extremely careful with my placement of this orangey color and black, less either of them ends up mixing with colors they weren't supposed to and leaving me with a big muddy mess. (The practice piece did survive though and I'll be posting it some other time.) Before I could get to the fun part [the galaxy] though, I painted the mountain with a mixture of black and blue, which actually went a lot smoother than I thought it would. It took several light layers of blending out the paint built up slowly, but ultimately I'm pretty happy with how the color for it turned out...Even if it's still kind of up for debate how much it looks like a "mountain" or "cliff-edge" or not.   With that out of the way, I cut some paper to act as a mask for that section and then spent far too long going back and forth, putting down layers of color and blending them out, dabbing color on and waiting for it to dry, rinse, repeat, trying to get the Galaxy portion just right. I was actually having a fair amount of trouble getting the right color balance, and as sometimes happens with these things, I was pretty worried about how it was looking before I went to bed that night. (I had procrastinated just long enough that I had 2 nights to do this is; the bulk of the painting took place on night 2) But the next day, once it was fully dry, it didn't look so bad. It did need just a few more touches before I went in and added the splatter/stars, though. So I broke out the colored pencils, which I really should have done sooner because they were much easier to blend out and had a bit more covering power over the watercolor than...more watercolor because watercolor is often transparent and there it can be hard to cover with it. Admittedly, I still had more worries about the "naked" galaxy, but then I went to splatter town with the white, added a few pointed stars, and as it usually does, that really brought everything together and made it look a lot better. Never underestimate the power of a good splatter-fest! ;)  I must say though, I underestimated the combination of the white watercolor and white colored pencil together when I moved on to the figure and wings. I was trying very hard to not use my white gel pen (because the rules for the contest didn't say if it was okay to use non-Arteza supplies in conjunction with Arteza supplies or not) and so I was sort of bending over backward to find another way with my limited resources. (Although I assumed using a lightbox to see the lines underneath the paint, as is a normal practice for me, wouldn't really matter because it's not like you can really tell from the final product anyway.) Still, even though a mixture of paint lifting, the white colored pencil, and the white watercolor were better than I expected, I still ended up having to punch the lines up a bit digitally to get them to pop the way I wanted them to. But oh well, at least it made a nice glowing effect and mostly worked for the cloud-mist covering. :P  Overall though, I do really like how it turned out. If it weren't a little on the small side I might actually consider using it as my new wallpaper/banner art everywhere. Maybe that's a conversion project of some kind for another day? Point being, I'm pleased. I probably won't place in the contest because I'm just too small of a fish in this pond, but I made some pretty art and it was mostly fun, so no harm done. :)  Actually, if this could maybe be the excuse my brain needs to get back into posting regularly, that would actually be really great. I miss it, despite what my most recent journal entry and my spotty activity levels might lead one to believe. If it is, I hope you guys don't mind seeing some crafty things thrown into the mix! :D  ____ Artwork © me, MysticSparkleWings 
____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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thedollnerd · 4 years
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Very excited to get my first LOL OMG doll.   I’ve been eyeballing these dolls ever since they came out, read a lot of reviews, people talked about how great the details on the dolls are and along with decent articulation, it was an irresistable combo.. The strange chibi heads put me off at first, but I’m always a sucker for a fully articulated doll, and these are actually chubby looking! .. or at least plumper than the usual fashion doll.
Groovy Babe is from the latest wave of LOL OMG dolls, called Lights.  They all have some kind of UV-reactive element on their face and/or clothes and each doll is inspired by a different type of 60s fashion.  I don’t know an exact reference to point out other than Twilight Zone, but Groovy Babe is clearly evoking a whole black and white psychedelic/hypnotic vibe.  I feel like there’s a film reference here that I’m not aware of.  She is also supposed to be a beatnik poet.
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I kinda love the little hatbox, it fits all her accessories except the comb.  The little white cylinder is a tiny blacklight, with battery included.  The “book” is a single sheet of paper folded in half.  
Hair: super thin rooting on the top of her head, can see scalp through the hair (including black lines presumably there to guide the rooting but clearly totally ignored).  The long hair feels soft, but it’s a little plasticky – is it nylon?  Bangs are one solid mass of gel plastered to her forehead.
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Clothing: Cutout in dress is poorly sewn and bunchy.  Jacket is pretty nice but was carelessly stuffed into the garment bag, so now the lining is sticking out in the front and the collar is permanently popped (which also shows a white mesh lining).
Fully dressed, she looks like maybe she made her clothes herself, and isn’t terribly good at it. 
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Tights and boots are perfect.  Earrings are adorable!  They spin!  Hypnotic!  But they’re hard to see when she’s wearing them; they kind of face sideways and her hair covers them.  Also, the paint has started coming off already, the first time I put them on the doll.  Sunglasses are odd and not very 60s mod, but pretty damn cool; they’re made of a softish, almost rubbery plastic, so they’re very easy to put on and take off without having to worry about breaking them.  The long narrow glasses look funky and cool with the round eyes of the doll; makes me think of Novi Stars.
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  Body:  Love those curves!  These dolls have wonderfully chonky butts and thighs.  Butt dimples!  Still has a thigh gap though, for some damn reason.  Also, extreme hourglass waist and sculpted abs, just in case you might be afraid this doll is a nasty fatty fatfat.  Beautiful curvy legs, but sadly they have very old-fashioned jointing – hips have zero rotation and knees are crappy click joints that are hard to use and barely bend.
  Why these dolls come with chair-like stands is totally beyond my comprehension, since they can barely sit.  Feet are en pointe like a ballerina – not just tiptoed high heel feet, these are almost torturously pointed.  Wonderfully sculpted little toes though.  Smallish pointed breasts with just a hint of nipples.  Painted-on bikini undies match her pale turquoise eyeshadow.  Hands pop off for ease of dressing and are gracefully sculpted, with cute little dimples on the knuckles (which would make more sense on chubby hands, but whatever).  The hands actually go off and on really nicely, no fear that I’m going to break the joint doing it.  Fingernails are pointy and painted white; the paint is actually quite well-done here, they’ve done a pretty good job of keeping it only on the nails without overspray onto the fingers (unlike some other OMG dolls I’ve seen).
Face: Bizarre LOL round-eyed face; almost Bratz-like in the lips and near lack of a nose, but the eyes are absolutely enormous and perfectly round.  The proportions of the features put me off at first, but there’s something about the way they’re done that’s surprisingly appealing.  This doll has a very matte faceup in solid colors; edges are mostly clean and the paint is almost completely within the lines of the sculpt.  Her lips remind me of a certain iconic stomach medicine.  Eyeshadow is a light turquoise color with a darker turquoise line above it, with a cat-eye black liner and spiky lower lashes that mimic the drawn-on lashes people used to do in the 60s.  Somebody did their homework on 60s mod makeup.   Eye color is an indigo blue, complements the makeup nicely; a little boring, but more detail in the eyes might just make them look creepy since they’re so very large. 
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My doll has three tiny black spots on her face, and a handful of faint white spots on the black of one eye (the paint seems thinner on this eye for some reason – the swirl is more obvious in regular light).  Head has an unfortunate tendency to tilt slightly back, and not because of the weight of her hair.  She can tilt her head just fine when she’s looking to the side, but facing forward, she can’t look up or down at all.  The vinyl of her head is slightly more orangey than her body?  
Gimmick: It’s a fail, at least with this particular doll, at least with the tiny black light included with her.  The black and white overall color scheme looks cool under black light, but the specifically UV-sensitive stuff is mostly barely there. The UV-sensitive? stripe on the dress is rather visible in regular light, and yet indistinguishable with the black light.  The “hypnotic” twirls in her eyes are barely visible even with the black light right up against them.  I tested all of this in the dark btw.
The makeup is the one thing that actually does change noticeably.  The lips are still pretty much the same color, but they’re super bright neon under the black light.  The eye makeup changes color and has an extra layer of eyeliner that’s mostly invisible under regular light.
It’s a pretty underwhelming effect overall, but if I had a blacklight room I’d display her in it, after finding her some new clothes.  I’d rather they’d just made things better quality and not done the stupid gimmick, but whatever; their goal is to sell toys to children and the LOL brand is kind of rooted in gimmicks.
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These dolls are extreme caricatures of a “sexy” human female (if you like big butts – and do not lie).  I do wonder if they were inspired by Betty Boop; they have almost an identical silhouette, with the big round heads, tiny waist, and big hips.  Their proportions are so cartoony and absurd and clearly very thoughtful choices were made that sacrificed functionality for form – the terrible click joints in those smooth, shapely legs, for example.  Though why the hip joints couldn’t rotate is a choice I can’t understand..
She’s a cute little doll, to be sure, but not display-worthy, or even something I’m really excited about photographing (which is the only real surprise involved in opening this box that supposedly contained 15 surprises). 
Real talk about the surprises, actually – the things included in this box that are not pictured on it are: the stand, the garment bag with plastic hanger, the plastic hatbox with patterned tissue paper, the sunglasses, and a folded piece of paper pretending to be a notebook of poems.  So the only real bonus item that you wouldn’t expect to receive by looking at the box is the sunglasses.  At least there’s something. 
Anyway.  I’m left with mixed feelings, honestly kind of disappointed?  Is the doll I got sub-par or is this typical?  Am I just hugely, stupidly picky?  I want to rehair her; she’s crying out for it, really.  Maybe I’ll fall in love with her once her worst flaw is gone.  Maybe I’ll rip her head off and try some other ones.  Maybe she can be my big-booty guinea pig.
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This is the best I could get her clothes to look in a photo.. Unless she’s holding it shut like this, the jacket keeps flapping open with that white mesh stuff flopping out.
Still excited for Angles.  I’ve had a thing for Mondrian and his right angles for a long time and it’s really fun to see his art referenced with a fashion doll.
Review: Groovy Babe LOL OMG doll Very excited to get my first LOL OMG doll.   I've been eyeballing these dolls ever since they came out, read a lot of reviews, people talked about how great the details on the dolls are and along with decent articulation, it was an irresistable combo..
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beesartandstuffs · 4 years
Shot in the Dark: Interim- Chapter 5
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Also, please note that while this chapter is written in second person, it is not a reader-insert.
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You've never had a brother that you know of, but if you could name one person who would fill that role, it would be your cousin, Michael Bailey.
He was your cousin on Emma's side. Five years older than you, cool to kids and adults alike, Mike knew how to have fun without getting in trouble. It was partly for that reason that Emma and Damien liked to have him around to entertain you, you supposed. 
Mike's dad— Emma's older brother— had died in the War, so you never got to meet him. Mike never seemed put out about it, though. He always had a smile on his face and a joke to tell— something that you, a kid with no friends and few things to smile about, appreciated greatly.
When he was fifteen (three months after your tenth birthday, to be exact), he moved in with you, Emma, and Damien. You remember sitting on the stairs when you were supposed to be getting ready for school, listening to the three of them talk in the living room.
"You're welcome to stay as long as you want," Damien was saying. 
Mike murmured something, probably some sort of expression of gratitude.
Emma offered him breakfast. Mike refused politely, saying something about carsickness.
Damien asked Mike about his mother. He was being polite because Emma already knew— she was always taking care of her sister-in-law, the only family she had left— but Mike responded with the same information that you all knew already. Ellen was the same, still sick and getting sicker. You remembered the word typhoid being mentioned when they had spoken about it before.
You clung to the banister, pondering. Why did adults find it necessary to talk about things they already knew? Wouldn't it be a better use of their time to ask things they didn't know?
Footsteps rattled the staircase, and you watched a head of tight orangey-red curls turn the corner at the landing.
Mike stopped when he saw you, sitting on the stairs, still in your bedclothes.
For a moment you stared at each other. His fine eyebrows were raised, making his pale blue eyes seem almost silver. Your eyes were dark as ever and mostly hidden, strands of coal black hair curtaining your face. 
Then Mike grinned. His skinny arms were strained from holding his suitcase. "Hey, squirt."
Uncle Abe called you squirt, too. Mike had started doing it only recently, probably trying to mimic him, and you supposed that was alright. You’ve been called worse. 
Emma came up behind Mike. Her eyebrows shot up when she saw you. "Liam, honey, your uncle will be leaving for work soon. Did you want me to drive you instead?"
Slowly, you shook your head. You wordlessly stepped down and pulled Mike's suitcase from his hand and took it up the rest of the stairs to the spare room, then sat on the bed.
He didn't seem bothered by your presence. He was wearing nice pants and a sweater vest with a blue jacket with patches on the elbows, kind of like how Damien dressed on Saturdays, except Damien was strong and had a big rib cage while Mike was all arms and legs.
Mike took off his jacket and draped it over your head, prompting a quiet giggle and a flail, resulting in the jacket ending up on the floor instead.
He laughed, too, ruffling your mop of hair like everyone else seemed to like to do. "Doncha have school, kid?" he said, opening his suitcase on the bed next to you.
You got up on your knees to see if he brought you anything. "Nuh-uh," you said, although that wasn't exactly true. You would just ask Damien to stop by your school after work and get your homework from your teacher.
Mike grinned. He knew what you were up to. "Just wanted to spend time with your favorite cousin, huh?"
"You're my only cousin," you pointed out, reasonably enough. "Except if Emma and Damien have a baby."
"But then the kid'd be your sibling, right?"
You paused. "... I guess."
Emma and Damien had become your legal guardians a little under five years before, but you still didn't really think of them as your parents. They'd never tried to make you call them "Mom" and "Dad", didn't even make you call them "Aunt" and "Uncle" (but you did anyway). They were just kind of… there. They took care of you, clothed you, fed you, taught you manners and morals the best that they could, helped you with homework and played with you when they had the time.
You liked them a lot. Maybe you could even love them, someday.
But would a child of theirs really be your sibling?
"You're thinking pretty hard there, kid," Mike pointed out, carefully placing a stack of folded shirts in the dresser. He sat on the bed next to you and kicked off his shoes.
You nodded thoughtfully. You did think a lot. Emma always said it was because you were so smart. Damien said it was because you were wise.
You didn't really like how much thinking you did. It got noisy.
"Hey, Liam. Gotcha something."
Said something gently tapped the top of your head. You looked up and it gently smushed your nose instead.
"A book?" you wondered.
Mike dropped the item in your lap. "It's a new journal. Auntie said that yours was almost full. You good at writing?"
You shrugged.
"You like writing?"
This time, you nodded. Reading and writing was as natural to you as breathing.
"How much you write a day?"
"Two thousand words." You’re not quite sure how you know that but it sounds correct. 
"Two-thousand? A squirt like you?" You frowned up at him, and he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. Just teasin'. Writing is good, good for your brain."
Emma said that too, sometimes. She was always pleased to see you writing in your journal. Did she put Mike up to giving you a new one?
"Why didn't Emma give me this herself?" you asked curiously. 
Mike's smile wavered, then turned into a scowl. You opened your mouth to apologize but he shook his head. "Nah, kid, Auntie didn't tell me to get this for you, I just— I wanted to, y'know?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Gosh, man. Don't your friends ever give you stuff?"
You stared at him blankly, and his frown deepened. But he didn't look angry at you, or at anything really. It was more like when Damien was worried about something. His forehead went all scrunchy and one corner of his mouth leaned to the side while the other stayed in place.
"Don't you have friends at school?" he tried again.
You shook your head slowly. You spent your class time doing your work, and recess reading and writing. You didn't have the time nor desire to spend time with other kids— You never knew how to act with them, anyway, and they didn't know what to do with you either. Best not to bother.
Mike didn't say anything more about it, but when Emma came to the room to check on him and was clearly about to scold you for delaying, he smiled and said, "Actually, I was wondering if he could stick around, just for today. I know you and Uncle need to work so… I thought maybe he could show me around. Keep me company, y'know?"
Your eyes darted between the two. Mike didn't need to be shown around. He'd spent plenty of time here. Did he really want to spend the day with you?
Emma's lips twisted around, like they always did when she was thinking. But then she looked at you, and a smile flitted across her face. "Just for today, understand?"
"Yes ma'am," you said, at the same time that Mike said "Thanks, Auntie."
You grinned, ducking your head. Emma and Mike laughed.
You'd never had someone around all the time, someone who wasn't an adult.
It took some getting used to.
But… it was nice.
Tag list: @mayor-damien-protection-squad​​@markired​​@blackaquokat​​@pleaseletthisjimbetaken​​@gravitykaz​​@jojored22​​@neverisadork​​@withjust-a-bite​​ @gmcfyuffins​​ @satansladydoor​​ (If I’ve tagged you and you don’t want to be tagged, please tell me! Inversely, if you would like to be tagged in these, don’t be afraid to ask!)
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buckeverlasting · 5 years
Be Safe (1/2)
Pairing: The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary:  One night, the Winter Soldier saves you. When the time comes, can you return the favor?
A/N: I’m reposting this from my old blog because I’m writing a sequel shortly! This was special request for @delicatelyherdreams! It was also my entry for @the-canary‘s 1k constellation challenge. Prompt: Perseus. 
Warnings: attempted assault, hurt/comfort, a little fluff (?)
Word count: 2.2k
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During pledge drive season, you were always working 12 hour days, inhaling lunch at your desk, and generally doing nothing but sleeping in what little spare time you had. You finally pulled up behind your apartment building, the clock on the dashboard reading 9:30pm on a particularly busy night. You took a minute to sigh into your steering wheel before killing the engine and stepping out of your car. As you stood, you realized you had forgotten you put your phone in your lap. It slipped off your skirt, hit the pavement, and bounced underneath your car.
“Damnit.” You slammed your car door. You just wanted to go to bed. You got down on one knee and attempted to look under your car. The orangey light from the solitary streetlamp didn’t quite reach you. Then you got down on both knees and groped around under your car for the phone. That’s when you heard someone whistle.
“That’s a nice view, baby.” You heard a man’s voice behind you. There was a smile and a threat in his tone, and the hairs on your skin rose. You immediately stood.
“Please don’t call me that.” You turned, and you were confronted with a man with close cropped hair, wearing a dark coat, too bulky for the season. You couldn’t make out his features in the dark.
“You don’t like being called ‘baby’?” the man asked.
“Not by you.” You were about to scream for help when the man closed the distance between you and clamped a hand over your mouth. Fortunately, you still had your key fob in your hand, and you pressed your car’s panic button. The car’s alarm began to blare. You slammed your heel down on the man’s foot.
He grunted and took his hand off your mouth. “You’ll pay for that,” he says. As he wound up to take a swing at you, something black sped by, knocking the man over. What was a black blur then stood still, a silhouette just outside the ring of light from the streetlamp, while the man on the ground scampered to his feet. As he attempted to run away, the man in the shadow gave him mighty kick in the rear, sending him stumbling forward into the night. You listened as his footfalls grew faint.
By this point, you had slid down the side of your car and sat on the ground with your back against the car door. Tears began to fill your eyes, and the world blurred.
“It’s okay now.” The man in the shadows approached, and as he entered the ring of orange light from the streetlamp, you could see he was dressed in all-black tactical gear, and his left arm was metal with a red star on the shoulder. He squatted down next to you, but you were too afraid to move even to look up at him. He simply reached down for the key fob you dropped and turned the car alarm off. You must have flinched at his words because he said, “I won’t hurt you.” He held your keys out to you.
“Thank you.” You took your keys back from him with a shaking hand. You bent your legs and tried to stand, but your knees were weak. You collapsed back onto the pavement.
The next thing you knew was this strange man with the metal arm, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you, bridal style.
“Apartment 3C,” you whispered, as you looped your arms around his neck. For the first time, you realized he was wearing a mask that covered the lower half of his face up to the bridge of his nose. Had you not been so drained and half delirious from your ordeal, you might have been afraid. You could see his eyes were a cold, steely blue when the wind swept his hair away for a moment. You stared at his mask, noticing the weave of the strange material, as he carried you up the stairs to your apartment.
“Can you stand?” he asked. The mask only muffled his low, gravelly voice a little bit.
“I could try,” you said.
Slowly, he lowered your legs to the ground, and your knees buckled. You slouched to the ground, leaning against his legs. You just couldn’t move.
“I need the key,” he said quietly. Were you really going to let this strange man into your house after some other strange man just tried to attack you? Did it matter? You were helpless anyway. He did save you once, and you gave him at least that.
You feebly held up your keys to him. “It’s the silver one.” You watched him find the silver one and stick it in the lock and turn the deadbolt. He scooped you up off the ground again and carried you into your dark kitchen. He sat you in a chair.
“Are you hurt?” he asked.
That was a good question. Adrenaline was still coursing through your blood, so you might not have even known if you were hurt. You checked out your legs. There were some little scratches on your knees but nothing more.
“No, I don’t think so,” you said.
He placed the keys on the counter and turned to leave.
“Wait,” you said quietly. “I don’t want to be alone right now.”
He stopped walking but didn’t quite turn around.  
You sensed his hesitation. “But you can go if you want.”
He stepped forward and closed the door. He turned around. His face was still in shadow.
“Do you mind turning on the light?” you asked. The light switch was right next to the door, at his elbow. He flipped the switch.
What struck you as the most disarming thing about this strange man in your kitchen wasn’t his all-black tactical gear or even his metal prosthetic arm. It wasn’t the black mask that went up to the bridge of his nose but the intense blue eyes that gazed out over the mask.
The shock of everything hit you all at once. “What the–?” You started and, already a bit wobbly, you fell out of your chair.
The man came to you in a flash and braced your shoulders and cradled your head before it hit the floor.
You looked up at him. “Thank you for saving me out there.” You reached up to brush your fingers against the mask, but he grabbed your hand.
“Will you take this off?” you asked.
The man shook his head.
“Can I at least know your name?” you asked.
“I should go.” His voice was quiet. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”
“I think I’m fine,” you said.
He helped you to your feet, and you collapsed back into the chair. “Can you stay for just a few more minutes?” you asked. “I just can’t be alone right now.”
He stood and watched you silently.
“I need someone,” you said slowly, “to hold me.” Tears finally began to roll down your cheeks. Soon, you were being racked with sobs, holding your face in your hands.
“Shhh.” He was kneeling at your side. You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes, not quite able to let him see you crying like this. You watched as he slowly raised his flesh hand. He reached it around your back, gingerly placing it on your shoulder, and he pulled you into his chest. He smelled like leather and faintly of sweat. He wrapped his metal arm around you too. It was cold and unyielding, but it didn’t hurt.
You let your head rest on his shoulder and continued to sob into the crook of his neck, burying your face in his soft, brown hair. Slowly and jerkily, he stroked your back with his flesh hand, as if this was something he’d never done or hadn’t done for years.
“Thank you,” you said into his hair. “I just really wish I knew your name.”
“It’s not safe for you to know,” he said. “I have to go now.”
“Okay,” you said. “Thanks for staying a little longer.” You sat up straight in your chair, breaking your embrace with the man. You looked up into those piercing, blue eyes and knew they were unforgettable. Whatever his face might look like didn’t matter. You knew him by his eyes.
He walked silently to the door and opened it. “Goodbye.”
“Bye,” you said, unable to lift your arms from the kitchen table. You fell asleep at the table, almost as soon as the door closed.
The whole thing was so strange that it may as well have been a ghost story or a dream. You didn’t tell anyone. Who would have believed you anyway? So, you spent the next couple days avoiding texts from your friends and being uncharacteristically quiet at work, just keeping your head down and focusing on your work to get your mind off the man in the mask, with those blue eyes, who had held you to his chest while you cried.
But work was not enough to get him off your mind. The scent of him, the smoky leather from his clothes—it lingered in your mind. It was Friday night, and you decided you would finally join your friends. You were putting in your earrings when you heard a knock at the door. Odd, you thought. You were supposed to meet your friends downtown. No one was supposed to be picking you up.
You hurried to the door. “Coming!”
When you opened the front door, you recognized him immediately by his eyes: the man who had saved your life. He was wearing the same black leather tactical gear and sporting a metal arm, but he was soaked to the bone. His hair hung in damp strands around his handsome face. His mask was gone, revealing his square jaw and refined cheekbones. He was truly beautiful. But he was also bleeding. He had a cut on his forehead, and he was holding his side.
“Can I come in?” he asked. “I’m sorry, but I had nowhere else to go.”
“Yes, come in.” You opened the door for him. “Do you need me to take you to the hospital?”
“No, I’ll be fine,” he said as he limped slightly into your house.
You quickly closed the door behind him. “Have a seat.” You pulled out a chair for him at the kitchen table. “I’m going to grab the first aid kit.” You ran to the hall closet where you kept all your medicine and the first aid kit. You laid the kit out on the table and found the alcohol wipes. You tore one open.
“This might sting.” You gently dabbed at the cut on his forehead.
He didn’t even flinch. He just took a tentative look up at you, eyes flitting to yours and then away. You did your best to smile warmly at him, as if this wasn’t another strange apparition in your kitchen.
He blushed and looked away. “Thank you,” he said.
“It’s the least I could do for your saving me the other night.” You pretended not to see him blush. Although, the pink in his cheeks brought out the rosiness of his full lips. Despite his stern brow and hardened bearing, his eyes were soft now, and his lips looked soft. You noticed yourself noticing and cleared your throat.
“What happened to you, anyway?” you asked.
“There was a man,” he said. “I think I knew him, but we fought.” He looked down at his mismatched hands. He didn’t look exactly like he was going to cry, but there was sorrow in his eyes that wasn’t there the other night.
And you felt compelled to kiss him. First, you kissed him on the forehead. He looked up at you, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. You leaned in again, and this time, he met you halfway, reaching up with his flesh hand to the back of your head to pull you in closer. He tasted salty, like sweat. You crawled onto his lap, and the two of you kissed again, this time deeper, moaning and gasping for each other like air.
You broke the kiss. “Can I know your name now?” you asked.
“I think it’s especially not safe for you to know now.” He hoisted you off his lap. “I really need to go now.”
“Really? But—” you began.
“Trust me.” He got up from the chair. “Maybe one day I can explain everything to you.”
“One day?” you asked.
He was already at the door. “I’m really sorry.” He looked at you one last time, his eyes sadder than ever.
Then he was gone, and you locked the door behind him.
He never came back to visit you, and you didn’t really expect him to. But every few months a postcard would arrive for you from faraway cities, like Istanbul, Buenos Aires, and Marrakesh. They always said, “Be safe,” and they always made your stomach flip. You held on to a glimmer of hope, but nothing more. You were just happy to know he was still alive.
Thank you so much for reading! I’d love to hear your feedback!! If you’d like to join a tag list, please send me an ask.
Tag list:
Permanent: @reniescarlett @captain-winny @delicatelyherdreams @sapphirestark @gottalovekidding @trashpanda-barnes @buckychrist @itsbuckysworld @marvelous-avengers @sgtbucketbarnes @loki-superwholockin @mywinterwolf @petersshirts @the-canary @whiskey-cokenfanfic @coffeeandpies @buckyofthemyscira @jamesbuckybarnes13 @tina8009 @queenofkings121 @heartssick @xxloki81xx @jewelofwinter @darcia22
Bucky: @gamorazenn
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merryfortune · 4 years
Day 4: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Compendium Game Route 2019 for @vrainsrarepairweeks
Ship: Aqua/Earth & Ai/Aqua/Earth
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,642
Tags: Pre-Canon, Fluff, Humour, Polyamory
  It was hosted quite short notice, all things considered. Better sooner than later because then the thought would pass and someone else would come up with some other grand scheme to keep them all entertained. Thus, come one, come all, it was sure to be a show was the call which ensued from the Dark Ignis who thought it was a great jape.
  So, he, the Light Ignis, and the Wind Ignis all sat in a row with the Water Ignis and Earth Ignis on the cusp of performing out some human ritual. It was all very interesting. It gave them something to do in these nigh idyllic days that they spent together, programming the very world around them, keeping them safe and secure from the very humans who would have them destroyed despite having created them.
  Humans were such odd, illogical creatures and they displayed it in a myriad of ways, or so the Earth Ignis and Water Ignis had discovered.
  The former of which waited at an altar that the Fire Ignis had been so kind to curate. It was a nice podium made of igneous rock, smoothed down to stage both the Earth Ignis and the Water Ignis, as well as a few decorations which the Wind Ignis had been so kind as to provide. Garlands of pretty coloured flowers and a wind which whistled a most melodic tune. Overhead, the sun shone gently and their break, for something as frivolous as this, seemed almost perfect with the happy couple on the platform and two of their three onlookers present.
  That is correct. Two, not three. The Light Ignis, despite his reservations, was in attendance, sitting on rocks pushed out into this neutral, connecting meadow by the Earth Ignis and adjacent to him was the Wind Ignis who was content to sit in the grass, back against a different rock. The third Ignis who was supposed to be in attendance of this gathering, the Dark Ignis, was not present and it seemed not even the dear Water Ignis was in the mood to chase him given that this was her special day which she had spent about equivalent to fifty-seven hours thinking about, planning, and enacting.
  Still, it was nice. Not necessarily perfect but it didn’t need to be. It was just some jovial thing that she and the Earth Ignis wanted to share in. There was some virtue to sloth, occasionally. It wasn’t good to overwork oneself and it was that potential hypocrisy which may have warded off the Dark Ignis as even working to be lazy wasn’t his style, even when the fruits of such labour were about to be picked.
  “Let’s not delay any longer.” the Earth Ignis said, taking his beloved hands.
  The Water Ignis nodded, casting one last, sideways glance to her side, hoping that their other friend would soon join them. She sighed. Her fingers interlocked through the Earth Ignis’s. She agreed.
  “Without further ado then…” the Light Ignis said and with a wave of his hands, more grand shafts of light fanned down over the happy couple, through the garlands and other decorations.
   In their Ignis language, they exchanged names and vows. The Light Ignis rolled his eyes as the Earth and Water Ignises became exceptionally and extremely sappy in their nigh never ending stream of praise that they had unto one another. Despite the cacophony of their native language, with all the clicks and buzzes and whirrs and more, it was strangely sweet, the melody that they fell into. The Wind Ignis found it vaguely sweet in the uniquely prickly way that he was.
  Soon, the Earth Ignis fumbled. He began repeating himself and the tune became clunky. The Water Ignis giggled and she retracted her hand. It ached from how tightly that the Earth Ignis had clenched onto it out of love. He blushed.
  “I, um, suppose we ought to conclude the speech portion of our ceremony here.” the Earth Ignis suggested.
  “That’s quite alright.” the Water Ignis murmured. “So, have you the rings prepared?”
  “Yes! Yes, of course.” the Earth Ignis said.
  He then shuffled away from the Water Ignis slightly and picked up the rings which he had left on the podium adjacent to them. The rings that he had made for the occasion. They were lovingly crafted to the best of that ability, no matter how wonky the end product was. Something about them, from the ruddy, igneous gleam to the sapphires embedded on top, exuded love and pride.
  Not to mention the gleam in the Earth Ignis’ blue eyes. He, too, exuded such wondrous things as well as he brought the rings closer to the Water Ignis. She lifted her hand slightly before the Earth Ignis could even ask her too.
  “Would you do the honour of letting me put this on you?” he asked.
  “Only if I may do the same for you.” the Water Ignis said with an awfully in-love voice.
  “Wasn’t there supposed to be a priest or somethin’? Oh, oh, not to mention, isn’t there supposed to be a section of this whole ceremony thing where someone asks for objections because I! The great Dark Ignis! Have an objection.”
  From the rafters of the little stage set up, the Dark Ignis swung out, as though from hiding. The Wind Ignis perked up and the Dark Ignis fell down. He landed with a thud, head-first, into the stage and whined. The Earth Ignis panicked and the Water Ignis yelped. He dizzily brought himself up again, patting along the crest at the back of his head. His yellow eyes spun. He only exacerbated the pain by attempting to shake it out as he got to his head.
  “I do, I don’t, in sickness and in health, yadda, yadda, yadda: I’ve got an objection.” the Dark Ignis announced.
  He placed his hand on his breast and tilted back his head; eyes fluttered closed. Earth huffed beside him. Always the drama queen, this one. He often wished that the Dark Ignis could be a touch more studious; even the similarly carefree Wind Ignis wasn’t such a pain.
  “Is something the matter, Dark Ignis?’ asked the Water Ignis.
  “I object.” the Dark Ignis said flatly, simply.
  “You… object?” the Water Ignis echoed, nonplussed.
  “I object.” the Dark Ignis repeated to little prevailing clarification.
  “You object?” The Earth Ignis took the next turn to echo.
  The Dark Ignis huffed and growled, stomped his foot. “Yes, yes, I object.” he selfishly exclaimed.
  “Okay, why, or in what way, do you object?” the Water Ignis asked cautiously.
  “I object on the grounds that I’m in love.”
  “In love with…. Who?” the Earth Ignis asked, a dark grimace coming across his face as he leered over the much tinier Dark Ignis.
  The Dark Ignis spun around as he had been facing the Water Ignis, but he then came down on one knee the opposite way, now in front of the Earth Ignis, with an arm unfurling.
  “With you, of course!” the Dark Ignis declared.
  The Earth Ignis didn’t know how to react, though the Water Ignis demurely giggled from behind the Dark Ignis.
  The Light Ignis sighed. “I’ve had enough of this farce. I will be taking my leave now.” he said.
  “Are you serious?” asked, cackled, really, the Wind Ignis. “It’s finally getting good!”
  “Oh hush. It’s always been good; don’t be rude to the bridal party anymore than the Dark Ignis has been.” the Fire said, more or less under his breath, to the Wind Ignis.
  Upon hearing that, the Dark Ignis was further emboldened in his shenanigans: “I mean, I love the Water Ignis too but mhm, big guy, you are just as scrumptious.” he said.
  “You are just saying that to get under my skin.” the Earth Ignis said, folding his arms.
  “Oh, I’ll do more than just that.” the Dark Ignis purred.
  The Water Ignis giggled into her hand whilst the Earth Ignis’s eyes widened in horror as a blush spread through his orangey cheeks.
  “Oh, get up.” the Earth Ignis yelled, and he pulled the Dark Ignis to his feet by the scruff of his neck. “Enough of these games, you are interrupting the Water Ignis and I’s perfect wedding.”
  “Yes, well, now it’s even more perfect, not to mention fun. Someone needs to ensure that you two sticks in the muds have fun.” the Dark Ignis said.
  He brought the Water Ignis closer into the conversation. He took her right hand and he took the Earth Ignis left hand. He grinned an Ignis grin, no teeth and no lips but all smiles nonetheless somehow and looked up at both of them. The Earth Ignis softened. He couldn’t stay mad at someone like the Dark Ignis despite his more bad qualities. The Water Ignis giggled again. She extended a hand, in the meanwhile, to the Earth Ignis who accepted it; making them a rather odd trinity.
  “Now, let’s continue on our merry way but this time, let’s take it from the top and as a threesome.” the Dark Ignis decided.
  “Stop saying such vulgar things in front of the Water Ignis.” the Earth Ignis scolded him.
  “Aw, it’s fine. That’s just how he is.” the Water Ignis cooed.
  She wriggled her hand away from both of the male Ignis whom she had been connected to. She twisted around and adjacent to her was another podium. Placed atop it, two cups of water. She brought them into the circle.
  “There are more ways than just exchanging rings to officiate relationships. We could all share a drink, if you both like.” the Water Ignis said.
  “That sounds wonderful.” the Earth Ignis agreed.
  “And thank you very much.” the Dark Ignis added, feeling proud as punch, as he was further involved in the Water and Earth Ignis’s ceremony.
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alice1290 · 5 years
Read All About It - An Ace/OC fanfic
Chapter 2 -
It had been three weeks since Ashina had joined him on the ship. She wasn’t part of his crew, but she was sticking with him until she could meet back up with her own. She communicated with another female she called K every few days through a small transponder snail. Three weeks, and he didn’t know much more about her than her name, that she liked to lay in the sun, she didn’t eat much, and that, according to Saber, her coloring was striking.
At the first island they reached, she had departed off on her own and he wondered if he’d ever see her again. She’d surprised him by already sitting on the deck of the Spadille when he boarded, a backpack full of clothes beside her. At the second island, she surprised him again by showing off her haki infused hand to hand combat. She was deadly without a weapon, she was downright frightening with a sword in her hand. Oh, she was left-handed too, which came as a deadly surprise to a few pirates and one bounty hunter.
He slept with the crew while she occupied his bed at night. The idea was driving him crazy. Ace was no virgin, but he’d never had a woman occupy his thoughts like Ashina did. He didn’t care about women, he was supposed to focus on his dreams, but she occupied his mind. The new clothes didn’t help. She’d been pretty in brown pants and the loose white shirt, but she was striking in the pair of black shorts she had become so fond of wearing.
His eyes followed her now as she walked across the deck to lean on the railing, her own eyes on the horizon as the sun sunk into the ocean. The colors of the sunset made her hair look like a flame. The bold red glinting with hints of orangey-golds in the light. Her hair was long, falling in gentle waves down to the small of her back.
She crossed her booted feet, drawing his attention and Ace let his gaze follow the path of her long, toned legs from her feet all the way up to her hips. Ashina was slender, of average height, and her curves were natural. Her breasts weren’t as large as most women that he encountered. He imagined they’d be a good handful though.
Damnit. He couldn’t be thinking these thoughts. He shouldn’t be thinking them. As if sensing that his mind had traveled down a dangerous, dirty road, Ashina turned her head to look at him over her shoulder.
A soft grin graced her lips before she turned back to the sea.
“You should talk to her,” Deuce said from beside him, too quiet for her to hear them. “Not just stare.”
Ace grunted, not wanting to admit that he did stare. A lot. She was beautiful, any man with good eyes could see that, and several of his men talked about it. She was all tanned skin, gentle curves, long legs, red hair, and those shocking green eyes. They were liquid emerald and as deep as the sea.
“Go, scaredy-cat,” Deuce teased, nudging him with his elbow.
“I’m not scared.” Ace huffed out. He wasn’t scared of her, not unless she was angry, but it did take him a moment to work up the nerve to stand up. He crossed the deck and leaned against the rail a few inches from her. He wasn’t even sure what to say to her, so he kept his gaze on the sea.
“You’ve made quite the name for yourself,” Ashina said. “High bounty for a rookie, eighty million beri.”
“I’ve never seen your face on a wanted poster. You got a bounty?”
“No. I do my best to stay incognito. After that failed mission I supposed they know my face now.”
Ace frowned. “I am sorry about that. That you got separated from your crew because of me.”
“It wasn’t all you. I wanted to find what I was looking for. I should have aborted mission when the alarm sounded. Besides, it really wasn’t a failed mission. I retrieved what I came for, I just can’t get it back to my boss until we meet up again.”
“When will that be?”
“Who’s your boss?”
Ashina smiled and turned her head to look at him. “I’m a Revolutionary.”
Ace sputtered. “You work for Dragon?”
Ashina chuckled, soft and low. “Yes. I found my way to the Revolutionaries when I was fourteen. Four years later, here I am.” She was silent for a moment, turning her eyes back to the sea. A gentle smile still played on her lips. “Do you have a dream, Ace? A goal? Why’d you become a pirate?”
“To be free. Make a name for myself.”
“Pirate King?”
She watched him from the corner of her eye as Ace laughed.
“One day, after everyone knows my name and has learned of my strength. It’s my brother’s dream too, so I guess I’ll have to fight him one day too.”  
“You have a brother?” she turned, leaning her hip against the smooth wood of the ship, and facing Ace.
“Younger yeah.” Ace about faced and leaned back, propping his elbows up on the rail. “Luffy. Not by blood, but he’s my brother. We grew up together.”
“Doesn’t have to be blood to be family.” Ashina turned her head to look out at the sea. The sun had almost set below the horizon and the sky was getting darker.
“You have a sibling?” Ace asked.
She turned her eyes back to him and shook her head. “No. Just me. A few friends in the Revolution. So, tell me about Luffy.”
“Captain!” Mihar, yelling from the quarter deck, caught his attention. He waved an arm, motioning for Ace to join the group of men. “Captain!” he shouted again.
He turned to say something to Ashina, but she was already gone from his side.
It was late. Ace was tired. And sore. Sleeping in a hammock sucked. He missed his bed, but he didn’t dare resend his offer to Ashina. He was also tired of staring at the maps on the desk, and trying deciding the best course to take.
“Oh,” Ashina said from the doorway as she stepped into the room. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in here. Mihar said you’d gone to the kitchen. I’ll come back.”
“No. No. It’s okay.” Ace stood quickly, making the chair topple over in his haste. He quickly caught it, just before it hit the floor and shuffled around to slide it back into its place under the desk.
Ashina giggled. “Are you sure? This is your room.”
It was his room, but her pack of things sat in the corner near his trunk. An extra pair of boots she’d picked up two days ago sat carelessly at the foot of the bed. The room even smelled like her now.
Ashina walked further into the room, closing the door behind her. Even though it had been closed prior to her entrance Ace gulped, unsure of her actions. Unsure of her in general.
“You can stay, Ace. I’m not running you out of your own room.”
He stood there awkwardly as she toed out of her short leather boots. The loose over-shirt she wore came next, leaving only her shorts and a thin, pale blue tank top.
She tossed him a look over her shoulder, a smirk on her lips. “Enjoying the show?”
Shit. Shit shit shit. Ace about faced, staring daggers into the wall. He was enjoying the show, way more than he wanted to admit.
Ace wanted to touch her. Most pirates would have already tried. Most captains wouldn’t have given up their room, but the idea of turning her out caused images of a fuming Makino to appear behind his eyelids. Ace was raised to have some manners, some small part of him was a gentleman.
“You can turn around,” she said on a giggle.
Ace did turn, slowly, because her voice came from a different location. She was in the bed, legs covered by the blanket. She was wearing a loose t-shirt, one far too big for her frame. It clearly didn’t belong to her, nor was meant for a woman.
Ace, realizing she was clearly ready for bed, and that he was staring again, cleared his throat and turned for the door. “Goodnight, Ashina.”
“Ace, you can stay.”
Ace sputtered, whirling around to stare at her. “What?”
“The bed is big enough for both of us. I’ve slept in plenty of hammocks. They aren’t awful, but a soft mattress is definitely better.”
“But… you… and me… and you’re a – a”
“Girl. Yes, and you’re a boy. Are you scared, Fire Fist?” she was teasing, another smirk playing on her lips and he caught the glint in her green eyes.
Ace straightened, and shook his head. He wasn’t scared. Nervous maybe, the women he’d been with before had been simple one-offs on random islands. None had ever slept in his bed. None had ever stayed on the Spadille for any length of time. He’d known Ashina now for two whole months. She had befriended his crew.
“It’s just sleeping, Ace. Besides, Flame Boy, the air is getting colder and I bet you make a good space heater. The offer stands, you don’t have to leave. Sleep in the bed if you want, or sleep on the floor for all I care. Goodnight, Ace.”
“But the crew will think that we…” he trailed off.
“Fucked?” Ashina supplied, making him choke and sputter again. She smiled at him. “They can think what they want. Make up your mind. I’m going to bed.”
Ace stood there for a moment longer, debating before finally deciding to throw his gentlemanly side out the porthole. He was tired of the damn hammock and Aggie’s atrocious snores. His bed was soft, warm, and calling his name. The beautiful woman in it was just an added bonus, one that he was not going to touch. Maybe. Hopefully his gentlemanly side won out.
Kicking off his boots, Ace shed his hat, shirt, and accessories. He tugged both belts from their loops, but decided to keep his shorts on. Normally he slept nude by himself, but that seemed a step too far with Ashina curled up in the sheets.
Ace slid into the bed, being sure to keep as much space as possible between them. After a few moments a pair of ice-cold feet pressed against his leg.
Ashina hummed. “I was right. You are warm.”
Ace had never cuddled with a woman before. Kisses yes, heavy make out sessions yes, and he’d had sex on a number of occasions. Sex was nice, it felt good, sometimes a bit messy, and it was intimate, but he’d never shared a bed with a woman like this. It was a new level of intimacy that made him nervous. The feelings that were stirring in his chest were foreign to him. She trusted him to do no harm to her. She trusted him enough to close her eyes and fall asleep inches from him. She trusted him.
Rolling to his side to face her, he noticed she was curled on her side as well with her back to him. If her feet were freezing he could only imagine how cold the rest of her felt. He hesitated for a brief second, before tossing the gentleman out the window and snaking a hand over her hip. He was a pirate after all. He pulled her flush to his chest and amped up his body temperature.
She let out a soft squeak of surprise, but quickly relaxed. She shifted slightly, pressing her feet against his shins and her back closer to his chest, and hummed. “So warm,” she breathed.
“You know you really need a cook,” Ashina stated staring at the spoonful of soup she held up in front of her. The food wasn’t bad, but she was no professional cook. Growing up her mother had cooked for her, then she cooked for herself for a while, before she landed with the Revolutionaries and a team of cooks fed everyone meals.
Ace shot her a glance. “You and Mihar do okay.”
“Really? That’s you’re answer. We do okay?”
“Well,” he shrugged. “I used to have to catch my own meat and cook it over a fire myself. Deuce you remember SIXIS?”
Deuce gave an affirmative and chuckled. “I almost killed you.”
Ashina rolled her eyes. “Ugh. At the next island I’m finding us a better cook. Maybe in the mean time you could catch a fish.”
“I can’t swim.”
“Then make sure it doesn’t pull you overboard, Flame Boy.” Ashina gave him a smile and a wink and stood from the long wooden table.
Ace watched her take her empty bowl and spoon into the kitchen, disappearing behind the swinging door.
Ace turned his attention to Saber. “Huh?”
“What’s she like?”
Ace sat there, puzzled. “What?”
“You know… haven’t you? With her?” Saber said, motioning between Ace and the door.  
Deuce chuckled. “You’ve been sharing a bed for a week Ace, you mean you haven’t had sex with her?”
When Ace sputtered and blushed Deuce grinned. “What a shame. Mind if I give it a shot?”
The table erupted into laughter when Ace’s shoulder caught fire. He scowled at Deuce. “No. You may not.”
Ashina reappeared and the room fell silent. The flames on Ace’s shoulders disappeared and he looked down at the table. She raised a brow, giving them a puzzled look, before rolling her eyes and strolling through the room to the stairs. “You guys are weird.”
Once she was out of earshot, Aggie said, “Ace, brother, you can’t just say she’s crew.”
“Of course she is.”
Saber chuckled. “Captain, she shares your room. That’s like… having a missus.”
The flames returned, shooting higher in the air than last time, but his cheeks also burned with a deep blush. “We’re not… she’s not... we haven’t even,” he sputtered making the crew laugh.
Deuce clapped him on the back and grinned. “It’s okay, Cap. We like Ashina, she’s cool, and she’d make a good missus.”
Deuce ducked Ace’s sudden punch, erupting in a new round of laughter.
Ashina finished the dishes from the night’s dinner and dried her hands on a rag hanging from the oven door’s handle.
Banshee was no professional cook either, but her time spent at her family’s marketplace food stand had made her a better cook than Mihar and Ashina. Ashina made her way to the top deck. Several of the men, Ace included, were playing cards around a table. She noticed Deuce off to himself, sitting on the deck. His knees were bent, drawn up close to him, and he appeared to be writing in something.
Ashina strolled over and plopped down beside him. “What ya’ doing?” she asked. She stretched her legs out in front of her and crossed her booted ankles.
“Writing? What do you write?”
Deuce hesitated before answering, “It’s an adventure journal.”
“Oh, cool. So you record the crew’s adventures?”
Deuce was shocked. He waited for the teasing remark to come, but when it didn’t he grinned at her. “Yes.”
“Huh. Doctor and a writer, and a ship builder. Man of many talents. Striker is cool.”
“Yeah. We modified it to work with Ace’s Devil Fruit ability. It’s a sturdy little vessel.”
“How’d you meet Ace?”
“We were both stranded on SIXIS. Ace found the Mera Mera no Mi and split it with me. He got the powers, I just had a piece of fruit. We built the original raft that became Striker and got off the island.”
“So you were his first crew member?”
“Yeah. Spade pirates have come a long way. Soon we’ll be in the New World. Ace is a good captain. Strong, kind, he’s fiercely loyal and protective. Bit of a goofball, and sometimes an idiot. He also tends to fall asleep at the most random times.”
“He’s a bottomless pit when it comes to food I’ve noticed.”
Deuce and Ashina shared a laugh.
“Yeah,” he said, nodding. “He says his brother Luffy is the same way.”
“Damn. Can you imagine trying to feed the both of them?”
Deuce looked horrified, then his face shifted as he grew curious. “I wonder if it’s the D? Monkey D Luffy and Portgas D Ace.”
“Probably. Or they both just happen to be gluttons.”
Deuce and Ashina dissolved into laughter again. They sat in comfortable silence then and Deuce began writing again.
After a while Ashina placed her hand on Deuce’s shoulder, using him as leverage to stand. “Goodnight, Deuce.”
“Goodnight, Ashina.”
The Captain’s cabin was cool and she shivered as the door closed behind her. Ashina crossed the space to her trunk, the one that sat next to Ace’s. She was slowly growing her wardrobe with each stop they made. Some pieces she bought, others she had lifted from less than chivalrous people. Ashina pulled the newest article from the trunk, one she purchased, and then shut the lid. The floral printed fabric was lightweight and soft. She was unsure of wearing the nightgown, but it was longer than the t-shirts she had been sleeping in. It was however, thinner and more revealing than the shirts. The gown had thin straps and dipped low down her back.
Ashina looked to the door, wondering if she should lock it before changing on the chance that Ace should enter. Deciding she did not quite care if Ace saw or not, she toed out of her boots and began to strip off her clothes. She tossed them in the growing pile of dirty clothes on the other side of her trunk and then stretched. The cool air felt good against her naked skin, but she longed for Ace’s warm touch. She wondered if it was his devil fruit ability that made him warmer than the average man. It seemed that some nights he would even amp up the heat if she shivered.
They slept together in the same bed, but other than those few intimate hours of peaceful sleep, Ace kept his hands to himself. Ashina sighed as she pulled the nightgown over her head. The hem stopped mid-thigh. Would the choice to wear the nightgown lead Ace to make a move? She wished he would. He was devilishly attractive with those strong features, gray eyes, and all those hard muscles. She also enjoyed his smile, his laugh, and his strength. Deuce had been right in his description of the Captain. Ace was strong, brave, and fiercely loyal, if not a wee bit reckless and wild.
Ashina wanted more than warmth from him during the night. She wanted to do more than share the bed, but she was hesitant. Would it mess up their dynamics? She was bound to leave the Spade pirates eventually. Once they reached Sabaody she would part ways with Ace and return to the Revolution. If they started something it would only be that much harder to leave later. But if she didn’t take that chance with him… would she regret it?
Ashina grumbled to herself and climbed into the bed. She laid on her back, staring at the wooden boards of the ceiling wishing she wasn’t so damn attracted to Fire Fist. This hadn’t been part of the plan.
She was still staring at the ceiling when he entered the room. Ashina listened, keeping her eyes upward, as he partially undressed. He never slept with his pants off and it made her wonder if he went commando. That idea was hot as hell. She stamped down the feelings of wanting to find out for herself as he slid into the other side of the bed. It was a comfy bed, but not a large one, so there were only inches between them.
Ace moved his arm and Ashina rolled over onto her side, pressing herself against the length of his body, soaking in the warm of his internal fire. She rested her head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around her. She felt him stiffen as his fingers brushed against the soft material at her lower back, but he relaxed after a moment, letting his hand rest on her hip.
They had become comfortable with this, the contact that was only slightly sexual. It never started that way, but several mornings over the last weeks of sharing a bed they had woken up tangled together, hands in places hands hadn’t been before they’d fallen asleep. Ashina wanted more. As much as it might break her heart when she said goodbye, because surely, she would fall for Fire Fist Ace, she wanted it. Despite all her worries she wanted him. She sometimes felt his eyes on her, when she was on the deck, or eating dinner with the crew. Each time they docked at an island and they separated, she noticed the relief and joy in his face when she came aboard again.
She wondered if he wanted her? Some mornings were awkward when they woke up and Ace had been hard, his length pressed against her thigh or backside. Even if he was only attracted to her sexually, he never made a move. Ashina wondered if under all of his confidence he was nervous to start anything with her. She wondered if it was for the same reasons as her.
Ashina knew she had to leave eventually, and that idea tugged at her heart already and churned in her stomach. While she was here, on the Spadille with Ace, she was going to make the most of her time.
She tilted her head back so she could see him. His eyes were closed, so she studied him. With his eyes closed the thick, dark lashes lay against his freckled cheek. His dark, wavy hair brushed his forehead. The bridge of his nose was straight, his lips soft. The angle of his jaw was straight. Ashina leaned closer and pressed her lips against his jawbone.
Ace tensed under her touch and his fingers tightened around her hipbone. That foreign feeling stirred in his chest again and he relaxed. He enjoyed the feel of her tucked into his side as much as she enjoyed the warmth he produced. She fit well with his crew and she was a strong woman. He knew because he watched her train with Skull on two different occasions, and fight a group of men by herself on another. Her swordsmanship was excellent and she could use Haki to strengthen her kicks and punches. The boys teased him mercilessly about her being his missus. She would make a good partner – strong, smart, and the beauty was an added bonus.
The crew didn’t believe they weren’t actually having sex in this very bed, but only sleeping. He wanted to cross that line, wanted to know what it was like to touch her. He wouldn’t admit that he was nervous though. She would leave him and his crew once they reached Sabaody. The transponder snail had said so a week ago, and they were drawing closer to Sabaody every day. He found himself wanting her to stay more and more each day. The idea of her leaving made him uneasy. Being a pirate was dangerous, but so was being a Revolutionary. If she stayed with him as a pirate he would be able to watch over her.
Turning his head, Ace pressed his lips to her forehead. Her hand that was tucked between them slid across his chest so that her fingers curled over his side. Ace raised the temperature of his fire and she hummed in pleasure, pressing closer. Ace kept his head turned so that his nose brushed against her hair, and he could breathe in the smell of her.
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