#venomous beast
neloangelo · 4 months
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tool in philadelphia 1992
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letzoespoilyou · 8 months
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Celebrating Queer Monsters in Comics, Manga, TV and Movies
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spiritofdragonfire · 2 years
The best guys only exist in fiction...and they're certainly not human~
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nex-has-gender-envy · 10 months
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So like did somebody order Miragex Noah symbiote au (transformers symbiotes au )
Mirages ego's so big that he's the only symbiote that can project hallucinations of his full form to it's host. That results into Noah interacting with nothing, not just talking to himself like Eddie Brock.
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bethanythebogwitch · 5 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: platypus
Since I've been designing original Pokemon for a hypothetical Australia-based region I've been doing some research on Australian fauna and one of them (which I made into a starter) is the famous platypus. Join me and we will learn why these animals are so weird I don't blame the European naturalists who thought they were hoaxes until presented with a live specimen. I mean you can blame European scientists of the time for a lot of things, but doubting the platypus isn't one of them.
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(image: a platypus at the surface of the water, seen from above. It is a brown, furry mammal. Its legs are very short, with long webbed tows. Its tail is broad, flat, and furry. It has a large duck-like bill at the front)
The first preserved Platypus specimens brought to Europe were thought to be hoaxes made by taxidermists attaching parts of different animals together, like the Fiji mermaid or jackalopes. Its pretty clear why they thought this as platypi (there's not definitive plural of platypus and platypi is the one I refer) look like real-life chimeras. A mole-like body (indeed, they were originally thought by naturalists to be species of mole) with a duck's bill, otter's feet, and beaver's tail. In fact, platypi are none of the above but are instead one of five surviving species of monotremes, the smallest and most basal lineage of extant mammals alongside the marsupials and placentals. Monotremes possess many traits distinct from other mammals and taxonomists currently believe that the monotreme lineage split off from the lineage of live-birth giving mammals prior to marsupials and placentals diverging from each other. Differences that monotremes have from all other mammals include a lower body temperature, lack of external ears, different jaw and inner ear structures, a cloaca (combination of the excretory and reproductive tracts into a single hole), more reptile-like embryo development, and the fact that they lay eggs instead of giving live birth. Many of these traits (especially the cloaca and laying eggs) are believed to be holdovers from pre-mammalian ancestors and thus monotremes are highly valued by scientists studying mammal evolution.
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(image: a platyus standing on a person's hand. It is around the same size as the hand. It is seen from the front, with its head turned to the right. Its mouth is slightly open)
Platypi are semi-aquatic animals found in rivers and streams along eastern Australia and Tasmania. They are the only living members of their genus and family, though fossil relatives have been found. Their size varies based on habitat and ranges from 0.7 to 2.4 kg (1.6 to 5.3 lbs). Males average 50 cm (20 in) and females average 43 cm (17 in). Platypi are covered in fur that traps a layer of air to insulate them while swimming. The fur is bioflourescent, producing a blue-green glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. The tail is used to store fat and will glow larger in a well-fed individual. All four feet are webbed, the front feet more so. The style of swimming used by platypi is unlike that of any other amphibious or aquatic mammal. Other mammals use their hind feet and/or tails for propulsion. Platypi instead use their front feed for propulsion. The hind feet and tail are only used for steering. When on land, platypi curl up their front toes and walk on their knuckles to protect the webbing between their toes. The eyes are small and weak and are not used when hunting.
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(image: a platypus seen from above and below, fluorescing under black light. Its top looks dark blue with splotches of purple while the underside is a lighter green-blue with purple towards the middle)
The bill is the most important organ for finding prey. All living monotremes are capable of electroreception, the detection of electric fields. These fields are produced when prey contracts its muscles and the platypus is sensitive enough to detect very small prey. The electroreceptor organs are located on the bill and run in lines from front to back. The distribution of the organs in distinct lines allows the platypus to determine the direction of the source of an electric field by sensing which line feels the field most strongly. The bill is also covered uniformly in mechanoreceptors used for touch. Platypi hunt by digging their bills through the sediment at the bottom of the water and detecting prey. This method of hunting and use of electroreception allows platypi to hunt in very murky water. Prey consists primarily of worms, insect larvae, and crustaceans. Platypi are born with teeth in their bills, but they fall out quickly and are not replaced. Some fossil species apparently retained their teeth into adulthood. The insides of the bill are lined with ceratodontes, plates covered in rough, keratinized surfaces that are used to grind up food.
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(image: a platypus foraging for food at the bottom of a river. The front of its bill is poking into the sandy river bottom. There is a submerged log in the background and multiple small fish in the foreground)
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(image: a scientific diagram showing three drawings of a platypus from three angles and the area it can detect electric fields. source)
As if all that wasn't strange enough, platypi are also one of the few species of venomous mammals. The male platypus has spurs on the hind feet that inject venom. This venom is powerful enough to kill dogs, but is not fatal to humans. Instead, it causes swelling and increases sensitivity to pain. This can last for weeks to months and can be agonizing. Female platypi are born with the spurs, but they never develop venom and fall off by their first birthday. Males use their spurs to fight over territory and mates.
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(image: a person showing off a male platypus's spur. The platypus is mostly out of frame, but a hind leg and some fur is visible, wrapped in a sheet. A human hand is gripping the hind leg near the toes and holding it in place. The spur is curved and conical and larger than any of the actual claws. It is located near the heel)
Platypi live in simple burrows dug along the water's edge around 30 cm above the surface of the water. They are often hidden behind roots or plants. Platypi spend most of their time in the burrow sleeping for up to 14 hours a day. When not sleeping, they spend most of theer time in the water hunting. Dives last up to 30 seconds with a 10-20 second surface interval. Platypi will travel up to 7 km (4.3 miles) from their burrows to hunt. They maintain territories and will attempt to chase competitors of the same sex out. Males have larger territories than females and their territories usually overlap with those of 3 or 4 females. Platypi are nocturnal and crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) but have been known to come out on cloudy days. They are typically active for 12 hours per day and spend most of that time hunting. A platypus eats up to 20% of its body weight daily. Platypi are preyed upon by snakes, goannas (monitor lizards), various birds of prey, and possibly crocodiles and invasive foxes.
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(image: a drawing of a cross-section of a platypus burrow. The burrow is located in a river bank with the opening right by the water. A long tunnel leads to a round chamber. In the chamber is a platypus with two eggs. Art by David Nockels)
Platypus mating season lasts between June and October every year. During this time, males will compete with each other for mates using their venomous spurs. Some males will maintain territories and force other males out while other males are more transitory and will go looking for mates. Females only mate with a single male every season. Strangely, females have two ovaries but only the left one is functional. After mating, the female will retreat to her burrow. While most egg-laying animals will lay they eggs as soon s they are formed, platypi retain their eggs internally for 28 days before laying them, after which they will continue to develop for 10 days before hatching. Most layings result in 2 eggs. The female curls around her eggs to incubate and protect them. Newborn platypi are called puggles and they are blind, hairless, and defenseless. As with other mammals, they feed on their mother's milk. Platypi do not have nipples and instead, the milk is secreted through the skin and into grooves on the mother's belly, where the puggles lap it up. While the puggles are developing, the mother spends less time out foraging, though she will increase the time foraging as her offspring develop. Weaning happes at 3-4 months, after which the juveniles will leave the burrow and set out on their own. Mothers have been observed laving behind soil plugs at the entrance to their burrows while there are offspring are in them. They are used to squeeze off water as the female returns to her burrow, preventing cold water from reaching the offspring.
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(image: a reconstruction of a mother platypus and puggles. They are in a dirt burrow lined with bits of leaves and bark. The mother is on its back and looking toward the camera. There are three puggles, which share the same body plan, but are very small and entirely pink. Tey are sitting on the mother's abdomen)
Platybi are classified as near threatened by the IUCN, though some argeu they should be reclassified as endangered. Their habitat range has decreased since European colonization of Australia and they are threatened by habitat loss, dams, pollution, and bycatch. Aboriginal Australians historically hunted them for food and Europeans also hunted them for fur, which was outlawed in 1912. The platypus was and is culturally relevant to Aboriginal peoples sharing its range, particularly the native peoples of the Murray river. There are multiple Dreamtime stories of the platypus, many dedicated to explaining how it ended up the way it is. In one, originating from the upper Darling river, a female duck named Daroo or was either seduced or kidnapped by a male water rat named Biggoon or Bilargun. After escaping, she laid two eggs that hatched into the first platypi, inheriting their mother's bill and webbed feet and father's body and fur. Another story from the same region says that the land animals, water animals, and birds all wanted the platypus to join their group and tried to convince it to join. The platypus decided that it didn't need to join any of the groups to be special, but still wanted to be friends with all of them and so took on traits from all groups.
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(image: the Ironbarks Platypus, an Aboriginal Australian rock carving of a figure typically interpreted as a platypus. It is very simple, with a roughly rectangular shape with one rounded end. From one end is a simple loop usually interpreted as the platypus's bill. Four stick-like linbs emerge from the sides)
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themanwhovibez · 7 months
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Suggestions were all from friends + my sister!! Definitely an odd lineup lmao
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awwrealmonsters · 1 year
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Round 2 of the Human/Monster Romance Poll is up on Twitter here: X. 
Thank you everyone who voted in the first round, I’m thrilled at the response. The voting has been shortened this time to 3 days so if you are interested please vote :)
Featured Here
R2-1: Belle and the Beast (Beauty and the Beast) Vs  Hellboy and Liz Sherman (Hellboy)
R2-2: Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives) Vs  Prince Sidon and Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
R2-3: Elisa Esposita and The Amphibian Man (The Shape of Water) Vs  Goliath and Elisa Maza (Gargoyles)
R2-4: Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) Vs  Roxanne Ritchi and Megamind (Megamind)
R2-5:  Twilight the Demon King and Princess Syalis (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) Vs  Miss Kobayashi and Tohru (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)
R2-6:  Sanga and Ashivon (Escape From Divinity Series) Vs  Catra and Adora (She-Ra)
R2-7:  Professor Kasukabe and Haru the Devil (Dorohedoro) Vs  Venom the Symbiote and Eddie Brock (Venom)
R2-8:  Orpheus and Eurydice (Hades Game) Vs  Benjamin Kirby Tennyson and Rook Blonko (Ben 10:Omniverse)
Check out the previous Round Here: X For the names of the non-winners.
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juustalexx · 6 months
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Wolverine (2020-2024) #26-34 art by Juan José Ryp
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by Nicola Saviori
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symbiotic-slime · 13 days
shout out to the pirating website I used to watch Venom 2018 that froze at the funniest possible time
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kuroyinu · 26 days
Venom 🤝 Mirage
"My boyfriend has been inside me"
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
You know after you fell for Monty maybe we all should have logically seen Bowser as the next step
I hate that you’re right
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punster-2319 · 8 months
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
I'm obsessed with the world of Mez- do you have any more lore about it? I'd love to hear about stuff like other mechs, if they (the people who make the tech) have flying tech, etc etc etc-
FLYING: honestly flying technology would be completely beyond the abilities of these people, but they can fly using other means. there are small dragon-like creatures called hive serpents which form hives upon the larger dragons (which the church hunt). the serpents actually eat a chiton-like exoparasite which lives on the outer skin of the dragons, and can defend their chosen host dragons very fiercely
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however they can be tamed and used as flying mounts by humans, if they're taken from the wild young enough. drones can fly with one human and very light cargo, and queens (2x the size of a drone) can seat two people and heavier cargo. to distinguish them from wild serpents their wings are painted with unique identifying designs. they are usually used to carry post outside the mezian empire. within mez, the Church bans the use of hive serpents because anything associated with dragons is sinful.
while fighting dragons, it's not uncommon for holy beasts to become swarmed by hive serpents which live on the dragon - this is a major cause of death for anyone not wearing armour or not sheltering indoors at the site of the battle. the dragons' cnidocytes (the stinging cells on their tendrils - they shoot a metre-long venomous barb in response to touch) often end up killing hive serpents during the battle, as well, so there's an additional danger of envenomed bodies raining down from the sky. most dragon battles are pretty apocalyptic affairs
OTHER MECHS: there's a bunch! in fact at the height of the church's power it owned almost 10 of them. that has declined in recent years due to hull losses and bubonic plague taking out large chunks of the workforce, leaving certain beasts to fall into disrepair without maintenance. i haven't illustrated Unicorn, Lycaon, and Taurus yet (have drawn: Krokodilos, Pantera, Leun, Gryfon, and Nosewyse). the massive expense and difficulty involved in getting dragonsblood fuel means that it's really rare for private citizens to own any sort of engine, let alone a holy beast
there's obviously a lot of competition between the crews on each beast and until Leun's debut, Lycaon the wolf was considered the most superior and has the senior-most crew (somewhat bitter/jealous that they got superceded but who are they to question the throne of god)
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