#where i truly never write six sentences and that’s okay
lady-assnali · 8 months
SOME sentences Sunday…SEVERAL sentences Sunday…you get the idea.
Have this baby model Crygi that wrote itself yesterday for my dear @thecollectionsof bc I’ve been really holding out on the Crygi lately and I can only say soon or one day so many times before I feel guilty for abandoning my children
Crystal shifts her weight between her feet as she stands in line, an exuberant smile on her face. She clutches a magazine close to her chest, occasionally glancing down at it. But she can’t look long, or she’ll lose it right here in the line at this local bookshop between the woman with five beach reads and the young mother and her child balancing stacks of Pete the Cat books in their hands. Instead, she concentrates her energy on living in the moment; the shop smells like robust coffee beans and the undeniable fragrance of books. The playlist is folksy and she recognizes the Noah Kahan song playing because Gigi had been singing it all summer after they’d taken a coastal weekend away just a month before. The trip had been a surprise, and they’d spent an entire day driving up and down the gorgeous, ritzy coastline of Massachusetts listening to lyrics about how everything’s alright when she calls me back. It couldn’t be more true.
Right now, Gigi’s in a timezone five hours ahead of her filming content for a brand Crystal has never heard of but Gigi absolutely idolizes. She’s been working like crazy, but the constant flow of it all has really helped her boost her name. She offhandedly mentions more than once that Crystal can even quit her just in case job now that Gigi has a steady following, but she hasn’t been able to do that yet. She doesn’t want Gigi to think she’s using her for her newfound money (even though they still bulk shop at Costco and get the cheap takeaway they like on Friday nights Gigi is home).
She gets to the front of the line and reluctantly lets go of the magazine, only long enough to let the cashier scan it.
“I don’t need a bag.” She waves her reusable tote in the air, but the magazine just goes right back into her hands. She holds the cover up for the cashier to see and in a loud, giddy voice she announces “This is my girlfriend.”
Gigi’s the front cover of Vogue, an idea she’d held on to since the start of her accidental modeling career and hadn’t stopped thinking about since. She’d told Crystal the moment she’d found out, sobbing on the phone in the middle of LAX. Crystal had met her at JFK with a bouquet of flowers and a sign that read Vogue cover model Gigi Goode.
Now, she gets to hold the magazine in her hand. Everything her girlfriend has worked so hard for in one binding of glossy papers. Well, two-Crystal’s bought one to keep and the other to cut apart so she can carefully frame the actual cover.
She’s absolutely mooning over the photo; Gigi, clad in a beautiful champagne colored dress that she’d made herself from something she’d gotten off the rack. She’d shortened it, added boning, and restructured the entire thing to turn it from Little House on the Prairie to Real Housewives (or something like that; Crystal’s still workshopping the joke). In the cover photograph the old dress hangs in the background like a ghost. The headline? Farewell, Fast Fashion.
“She made this dress.” Crystal points to the photo, turns around so the woman with the romance novels can see the cover too. “She’s so talented, and just the most beautiful soul you’ll ever meet. And this is just…it’s a lifetime of hard work.”
Crystal’s so close to crying now that she has to peel one hand away from her magazines to wipe at the corner of her eye, but she’s not embarrassed. She can’t feel anything but proud.
On her way out (after stopping to show a few other patrons of the book shop, pointing them to where they keep their magazines) she calls Gigi, who picks up on the first ring.
“My brilliant, talented, beautiful girlfriend, I have a copy of Vogue in my hands as we speak.”
On the other side of the phone, Gigi squeals.
“I haven’t seen it in person yet!” Crystal imagines her jumping up and down, her loose curls bouncing and her smile absolutely illuminating the room.
“I’ll send you a picture. It’s incredible, Geege. You look gorgeous. And I might’ve told everyone in the store that you were my girlfriend because I still can’t believe it.”
“Believe it, Crys. You’re stuck with me for life.”
They speak a little bit longer, Gigi reeling as the photos Crystal scoots over on the sidewalk to take of the magazine come through. It’s even better than she imagined, and she’s dying to see it in person.
“Two days!” She cheers. “One sleep! And then I’ll be home for weeks and we can cuddle and lay around and I can use my fancy Vogue money to take my girlfriend somewhere with the best dessert in the city.”
“Where’s that?”
Gigi laughs.
“I don’t know! But we’ll have two whole weeks to find it!”
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youfreakinturltle · 2 years
Protect You Pt. 3
(A/N): Okay friends! This is potentially the final part to this series! If y’all would like a part 4 please let me know! I was sorta maybe possibly thinking of a slightly smutty part 4 buuuut idk yet, y’all let me know! There is a slight Skyrim reference so iykyk lol!
Pairing: Colby Brock x ghost!fem!reader
Warnings: you know how it be, some language, mentions of death, mentions of reincarnation, food mentioned, superstition, like one sentence that mentions prostitution (reader’s mother on Nassau), I think that’s it, if I missed anything let me know!
It had now been 2 years since you attached yourself to Colby and started going on adventures with him and his friends. Everywhere he went, you were right beside him, keeping him safe from entities and people alike. While they were still scared during some of these adventures, they were far more comfortable knowing you were there. Especially Colby, who you had grown quite close with during your time together. He had taken to spending every evening once he retired to his room communicating with you. At first it was through writing on the mirror until he decided that wasn’t enough and wanted to actually talk to you.
About a year ago you two had begun talking via the Estes Method with him sitting on his bed, leaving room for you to sit next to him, with headphones and a blindfold on. You told him many tales about your life, all the way from growing up on Nassau with your mother to your final hunt, The Urca de Lima. You once even told him about a flashback you’d had to your childhood one day that made you finally realize who exactly your father was - none other than Captain Hornigold himself. He could faintly make out the sound of you crying telling him this, making his heart break realizing just how upset you were. That was the only time where you two had been able to touch by Colby reaching out to you. He was so hurt from hearing you so sad, he unthinkingly reached his hand out to place it on top of yours. By some miracle, he did indeed touch your hand. It was a quick, fleeting feeling, but it meant the world to the both of you. You, who hadn’t felt a person’s touch in centuries, and he, who was beginning to feel his heart ache from being so close to you, but never being able to see or touch you. That was about six months ago now.
Since that day you slowly began to realize that you were no longer simply here to protect him, which was still highly important to you, but you were beginning to feel things you hadn’t since you died. The last time you felt this way was for none other than John Silver, the man who stole Captain Flint’s Urca de Lima map and somehow became one of The Walrus’ most valued crew members. You were beginning to fall in love with Colby. While it filled you with joy to spend every day with him, keeping him safe, it also broke your heart to know you could never truly be with him. And sitting in the back of your mind was knowing that he could never possibly feel that way about a ghost.
One day the two of you were sitting in the living room with Sam, Jake, and Corey, watching a show you learned was called “Family Guy”. Next to you, Colby kept an earbud in that was connected to the spirit box in his pocket so you could talk to him any time you wanted. All you had to do was give him a tap on the arm and he would reach into his pocket and turn it on. After about the fifth time of this, the others began to notice.
“What are you doing man, getting the scores for the game or something?” asked Corey.
Colby laughed and tried to wave him off, but it seemed the guys were on a roll.
“Or are you maybe talking to (Y/N) again?” asked Jake with a cheeky grin.
“And what if I were? That a problem?” Colby asked with a laugh.
“Nah, no problem, just starting to think you might have a crush.” The guys began laughing while Colby glanced in your direction.
“Ha ha, very funny guys, stop before you make her uncomfortable.”
You were beginning to squirm, hoping Colby wouldn’t take them too seriously. You weren’t sure if you could handle that quite yet, truth be told, you were just coming to terms with having these feelings at all. Let alone be able to convey that to him yet. Before your thoughts could travel any further you hear Corey say, “Why would that make (Y/N) uncomfortable? I mean unless she has a crush on you too.”
Jake and Corey laugh with each other while Sam scolds them about being inappropriate. Colby begins shifting in his seat like he’s uncomfortable as well. You give him a minute to say something, anything, every second your anxiety growing.
When you start to think he won’t say anything at all, he turns to you and did quite possibly the worst thing he could’ve done, “(Y/N)… do you…?”
Your eyes all but bulge out of your head before you shoot up off the couch and run to Colby’s room, slamming the door shut behind you, praying he would leave you be. You look around the room for a moment and your eyes land on the shelf he had put up for you, filled with things he had gotten for you on his adventures, claiming, ��it just doesn’t seem right that this is our room now and it’s only filled with my stuff. You deserve things too.” Thinking back on your times together, you begin to cry, not realizing it until you felt the tears streaming down your face. Behind you, the door opens and closes quietly and without turning around you know exactly who it is.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I didn’t mean to upset you in any way. I’ve got the spirit box on still if you want to talk to me. If you don’t I completely understand. Would you like to be left alone for a while or is it okay if I stay?”
You took a moment to collect yourself and told him he can stay, to come sit with you. Settling in next to each other on the bed, you realized it’d never been this awkward between the two of you. You’d always had this comfortable air together. You just wanted this uneasy feeling to go away. Before you could speak up though, Colby says, “I’m not sure how you feel about this, but I can’t keep it in any longer. (Y/N), I like you. More than I probably should, but I don’t care about what they say or think, I only care about what you think. I know it would never really work between us, but I can’t deny how I feel. I’m falling in love with you, (Y/N). If that makes you uncomfortable please tell me. I just- I couldn’t-“
Whatever he was trying to say was cut off by a little sob. You whipped your head around to look at him and realized he was crying. You reached your hand up to wipe his tears away, momentarily forgetting that you can’t, so instead you opt for cradling his face gently in your hands. He seemed to be able to feel, or at least tell, that you were touching him. Smiling at you, he opened his mouth to speak again before you cut him off.
“I love you too. It scares me, but I do. I don’t know what to do or say, but all I know is that I love you and I would spend the rest of eternity fighting to protect you.”
He is staring at you wide eyed now, his eyes filled with happiness, relief, and an overwhelming amount of love. You almost pull away from the unfamiliarity of it, but decide against it. Leaning forward you rest your forehead against his and close your eyes, reveling in the knowledge that he does share your feelings, it isn’t completely one sided this time. Riding your high of happiness and relief, you hesitantly ask him, “Can I try something…?”
“Of course.”
You slowly lean forward until you gently feel your lips ghosting over his. For a moment, you feel a wave of warmth flow over you before you realize, you can feel him. You can actually feel him! He seems to realize this quickly and taking advantage of the fleeting moment of your corporeality, he kisses you back. You cling to one another as long as you’re able before you feel yourself beginning to fade again.
The airy laugh he lets out matches your own. You’re both so happy you don’t know what to do with yourselves past whispering words of love and affection to one another until Colby eventually falls asleep. Following your nightly routine, you lie down next to him and close your eyes. Even though you can’t actually sleep, it’s nice to feel that little bit of normalcy.
Something about this night is different though. Because one moment you’re laying next to Colby with your hand resting atop his, and the next you’re standing in a dark void. You begin to panic, thinking you’re finally moving on.
“No, no, nonono. This can’t be happening. Not now! Please not now!!”
“Do not worry, my child. I would never do such a thing to you.”
Turning around, you quickly take up a defensive position. You see a woman standing in front of you. She’s tall, beautiful, and dressed in a flowing white dress with her burgundy tresses flowing gracefully past her shoulders.
“Who are you?” You ask, your voice echoing out into the void.
“My name is Mara, goddess of love and compassion. I watched over you through your tragic life. I’m so sorry that all happened to you, my love.”
“So I had an actual goddess watching over me and I still died like that? Regardless of that, it’s been over 300 years now, why are you just now showing up? Do you have any idea how alone I felt all that time?!”
“I know, my child, I know. Again, I’m so sorry. But given my position, there was nothing I could do regarding your death for that is not my domain. But I was able to negotiate with the goddess of death into allowing you reincarnation. You were meant to reincarnate and find John again in your next life if you had passed on as intended. Though it seems I failed to take into account how hard headed you are!” She finished with a twinkling, airy laugh.
“If you’re here to offer me reincarnation now, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to decline. I like things how they are now. I’m finally happy. I don’t want to leave Colby. He needs me, he needs my protection.”
Mara smiles at you in understanding and continues, “I know, darling. I’m here with a new offer. Become my champion, and you may return to Colby. Not as a spirit, but as a person. Does that sound alright?”
“…and what would becoming your champion entail?”
“Simply doing as you are now. Rid the world of any demons or evil entities you come across. Spread love and compassion to all that you meet. Do this, and you may spend your life with your love.”
You don’t hesitate for a moment before agreeing to her terms. You had already come to terms with the fact that you would do anything for him, to be with him. And like she said, it was already what you were doing. So long as Colby was safe and uninvolved in any divine deal you made, you’d do anything.
Mara smiled at you and pulled you in for a hug. “Should you ever need me, all you need to is ask. I look forward to watching your happiness. I love you dearly, my child.”
You open your eyes to see light shining through the windows and look down at yourself. Not only realizing that you were actually asleep, but you have a body! A tangible, corporeal body! You roll over to see Colby sleeping soundly next to you and reach a hand up to graze his cheek. You’re over the moon feeling his warmth seep into your fingertips. He begins to stir and you contemplate pulling your hand away to allow him more sleep, but decide against it, too excited to see how he would react.
His beautiful blue eyes begin to flutter open and land on you immediately. He lets out a yelp and jumps up into a seated position. Giggling, you look up at his bewildered face as he whispers, “…(Y/N)? How is this possible? Is this real? Am I still dreaming??”
Sitting up, you take his hand in yours and say, “I’m real, Colby. I’m really here. It’s me, (Y/N). It’s a long story, but I swear to you, it’s all true. I’m really here and I’m not disappearing again. I promise.”
As you speak, he seems to believe you and tears begin streaming down his face. Before you can say any more he pulls you into his arms, clinging tightly to you. You wrap your arms around him, taking in the new, yet distantly familiar feeling. You spend the entirety of the day locked away in his room, watching movies and holding onto each other like you would disappear at any moment. He ordered lots of food the moment you two had collected yourself as you both realized you hadn’t eaten in a very long time. To say the least, it was the best day you’d had in centuries.
When you felt yourself starting to get tired, you clung to Colby even tighter, your anxiety seeping back into your mind. Slightly fearful that today hadn’t been real. You feel Colby pull you closer as he reminds you that everything would be okay with a slow, sweet kiss. Smiling, you snuggle in closer to him, feeling if you were any closer you’d be one.
Next thing you know, you’re waking up to your second day back in the physical world. Realizing the day before hadn’t been a dream, you’re over the moon knowing you get to spend the rest of your new life with Colby as his significant other, rather than just his spiritual protector.
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inawearyworld · 5 months
free if you truly wish to be: chapter v
the power of a found family heist saves the day (six of crows who??) (god these summaries have become rather unhinged over the course of this fic huh)
2023!wonka x oc, this chapter ~2.3k
just wanted to say thank you to all you lovely people who've read and loved this fic! please lmk what you think, like reblog yadda yadda yadda. i'm euphrasiepontmercy on ao3 if you want to see any more of my near-embarrassingly escapist writing :) there will certainly be more wren coming in the form of playlists, pinterest boards, drawings, etc
so much love <3
part four fic masterlist
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The next day, for half of a moment upon awakening, she thought the whole past month had been a dream. That she’d go on living in her unpierced golden cage, that there was nothing revealed and nothing to reveal, that things could be fine for a little while longer.
Then she heard the blaring vocal warmups of the comedian who lived down the hall.
…Okay, then.
It’s real.
She stayed up in Piper’s room, hoping to escape notice from the owners of the establishment, whom she’d never seen but hated due to their imprisonment of her friends. She’d warned them all the previous night that the Chocolate Cartel had seemed about to propose a surely sinister deal to Wonka-regrettably all but Noodle, who was asleep, and who she thought would probably take the hit the hardest, whatever hit that might be.
She wasn’t sure where to go from here.
Willy had wound up under the thumb of men who would gladly destroy him, the wash crew was nowhere near the freedom they deserved, and she herself was disgraced and thrown out by the only practical lifeline she’d had for two years, the man she’d thought she’d loved.
She realized, though, that the chain of actions that led to finally standing up to Felix was the first thing she’d done in two years that she didn’t regret.
That new sense of assurance, though, wouldn’t put any food on her family’s table.
Or her own.
And still, the thrumming in the back of her heart took the form of olive eyes, soft curls, and chocolate-dot freckles. How much danger was he in? Had he really lost all hope? 
Was he even alive?
The only venture she’d made that morning was a careful one to Lottie’s room; the telephonist had snuck her a bit of gruel and told her she could borrow some of her clothes for the day. When she got back to Piper’s, she heard a large clank against the wall, and opened the window to investigate.
She was met with those same olive eyes, accompanied by a tired but teasing smile.
“We have really got to stop meeting like this.”
Relief flooded her so thoroughly that every rational thought momentarily disappeared, and suddenly Wren realized that she was kissing him.
And that he was kissing her back.
And that he was very precariously perched on a very tall ladder.
“I, ah…”
She trailed off, struck speechless by the haze in his expression that could be described in no way but adoring.
“You’re alive,” she breathed. “You’re here.”
“So are you.”
“And you feel the same way?”
“Very much so.”
Apparently unable to form any longer sentences, they fell into shaking, half-disbelieving laughter.
“Wrap it up, Romeo, a person can only keep this steady for so long,” came Piper’s voice from below, and Willy laughed again.
“Alright, I-well.”
She watched him run through the events of the past hours in his mind as he tried to sum it up, and he quickly shook his head.
“Come on down, we’ll all explain what happened. Then we need your help to rescue Noodle.”
And so they did. Once the whole crew had been informed of all that had happened, they planned and began to carry out their heist, and Wren-while still fully aware of the danger-allowed part of herself to be thrilled at finally having adventures with a found, created family like she’d read about all her life.
There were a few variables, of course-there was a plan for if Willy and Noodle were caught by the Cartel and a plan for if they weren’t, which, of course, they were. Wren flitted through various windows enough to throw a surely-still-reeling Felix slightly off his game, enough that he’d gladly drown his thoughts in the planted Hoverchocs. She also misdirected those who somehow weren’t distracted by the giraffe, allowing the Oompa-Loompa to enter the cathedral and do his part.
What she wasn’t expecting to do was help him to rescue the pair from death by chocolate.
She’d started to make her way out of the cathedral when she heard a shout of “thank you, little orange man!” from under the ground. Puzzled, she’d looked down to see a chocolate-drenched Noodle and Willy gasping for breath under a circle of glass and flooring as the brown liquid receded. She startled, then quickly came to her wits in time to break the surface and pull each of them through, all three falling into each other’s arms.
“Oh, God-”
“What on earth-”
“Thanks, Wren-”
“What happened?”
“The plan,” Willy said, pausing to clear his throat of chocolate, “ran into a few setbacks.”
“I can see that.”
“But,” and here he reached into his vest to produce a large and somewhat soaked envelope, “I brought you this, from the vault.”
Wren opened it carefully to see that its contents were luckily mostly untouched by chocolate. Half of them she recognized as what she’d sent to her family, the things that Felix had withheld, but the rest of the envelopes were graced with her mom’s handwriting.
She’d thought she’d cried more in the past days than ever before, but apparently there were still plenty of tears left, and they all threatened to break loose upon that sight.
They’ve been writing to me all this time.
It was devastating and hopeful all at once. Her husband had spent two years keeping her from contacting her family and keeping them from the reassurance that she cared, but now that she had the letters, she could finally start to make things right.
Also in the massive envelope was a shinier letter, addressed to her from the city’s opera house, stating that a new artistic director had been hired: one who didn’t live in fear of the Cartel, had programmed Romeo et Juliette for the upcoming season, and wished nothing more than for Madame Fickelgruber to play the second title role. Not because of her association, not her relative fame, but her.
She hurriedly looked at the postage date; it wasn’t too late for her to write back and accept.
It’s not too late.
The thought, and its application to just about everything, filled her with light.
She didn’t know why Felix had kept all of this instead of throwing it out; possibly to feed his own ego, to know that his wife was in demand but he was the one that had her. Whatever it was, Willy had found the truth and held it even when he’d thought all was lost, and given it to her the moment he’d had the chance.
“And we found out why Slugworth was acting so weird,” Noodle said excitedly, still catching her breath. “We’re related, if you can believe it-but my parents really did care-and my mom, we-we found her!”
“Oh, Noodle, that’s wonderful,” she gasped, pulling the girl into a hug.
“Yeah, Willy managed to find her name in the ledger-but even after that, he kept looking around the vault until he found that envelope. Said it was for you-that we’d find your family, too.”
Tears brimmed in Wren’s eyes as she nodded to the girl with a smile of sweet solidarity. She then looked over to meet Willy’s gaze, more grateful than she’d ever been, and saw that he’d been watching her with a compassionate blend of sympathy and shared hope.
“Thank you,” she breathed, and kissed him again, heedless of the mess. “I know this will come as no surprise, but-”
“I taste like chocolate?”
“I could get used to it.”
“Okay, WE GET IT,” came Noodle’s laugh, “you like each other, it finally happened, hallelujah. Now-look!”
They all turned to the door to see the unmistakable silhouettes of the Cartel, and Willy grinned. It was time for the final phase of their plan.
The three misfits helped each other off the ground and made their way to the cathedral’s entrance, just in time to hear Prodnose’s “in which they died” followed by the men’s laughter.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
All heads turned at his voice, and Wren grinned to see all three chocolatiers pale at the sight of them.
“Wonka!” shouted Slugworth.
“Florence,” formed Fickelgruber.
“What?” piped Prodnose.
“Officer, would you kindly take a look at this?”
Willy handed the ledger he’d held to Officer Affable, and Noodle smiled as she stepped forward.
“It details every single illegal payment these men have ever made. Thousands of them.”
“Affable, don’t listen to her. She’s lying,” the Chief said, but Affable had already opened the ledger.
“Well, of course she is,” said Slugworth, his clear nervousness betraying him. Wren smirked and looked back to Affable.
“She’s not, sir. She’s absolutely right, it’s…incredible.”
The Chief blinked, then tried as he might to take back control.
“Oh. Well. Then it sounds like a case for the Chief of Police. Give it to me, Affable, I’ll take it from here.”
“I can’t do that, I’m afraid, sir.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because your name’s written down here, sir. A lot. Gentlemen, you’re under arrest,” he said, addressing the Cartel with the latter statement.
Slugworth nodded slightly, his eyes widening, and barely turned to his colleagues when he spoke to them.
And run they did, but they didn’t get far. Gasps went up in the crowd as the Chocolate Cartel took to the air once again, and the other trio strolled down to the base of the fountain.
“Wha-what’s happening,” Slugworth cried, “why are we airborne?”
“You didn’t eat any of those chocolates, did you, Mr. Slugworth?” Willy asked, knowing full well that he’d won.
God, certainty looked good on him.
“Because they’re Hoverchocs! Delayed action. But extra strong.”
“Florence!-” Felix called, the adrenaline of flight having pitched his voice up nearly an octave as he grabbed onto Prodnose’s leg with one hand and reached to her with the other. “Just forget it all, my pet, I’ll forgive you in time, don’t worry, we’ll get rid of him again and all will be well-”
He always was one for the dramatics.
And that’s something I can easily match.
She looked straight at him, made a show of removing her wedding ring, held it aloft until it glinted in the sun, and let it go, allowing it to tumble through the air and land directly on the edge of a convenient storm drain.
Felix let out a strangled gasp, his eyes not on her but rather trailing the expensive ring as it fell. From his vantage point, it was gone forever in that drain, and she was happy to let him believe that; she’d pick it up later and send it to her family.
Though, perhaps, with her dream off to a real start, she’d finally be able to make her own way in the world and help to support her family on her own accord.
That thought was sweeter than any amount of candy.
“You think you’re so clever, don’t you, Wonka?” Slugworth was saying. He went on to rattle off assurances on how the Cartel could still defeat him, a frantic gloat of their societal power over him, but Wren barely heard it; she was becoming progressively more distracted by Willy’s slight and slowly growing smirk.
“I wish I’d thought of that.”
Then, with something close to darkness, he looked up at them through the chocolate that framed his eyelashes, and Wren thought for a moment that she might faint.
Noodle gave her signal, the ground started to rattle, and Wren’s heart beat faster and faster.
No going back now.
She took a last look at Felix, feeling strangely sorry for him despite herself. In another world, perhaps, he could have been given the space to regard his humble past without shame, could have used it to become a more compassionate person.
Then she reminded herself that, in this world, he had tried to kill two people and had possibly already killed many more, spent his life prioritizing appearance over literally anything else, lied to her countless times, and allowed his chocolate monopoly to uphold an elitist society.
And this world was the one she lived in.
And this world was the one in which the frozen fountain burst with chocolate, rocketing the three men who’d clung to it up and out until they were sailing through the sky.
“Don’t worry, gentlemen!” Willy was calling to them. “You’ll come down eventually, I think. Probably.”
He then turned to her and whispered, “they will.” Through all of this, he still refused to completely harm anyone. The bare minimum, perhaps, but more compassion than the Cartel would have faced opposite any other foe. She smiled and squeezed his hand in silent thanks.
With that, he threw a few ingredients into the chocolate fountain, causing it to sparkle as it never had before, and invited the crowd to enjoy.
As the wash crew came together in relief and celebration, Wren realized that the teasing phrase she’d spoken earlier had more meaning than she’d originally known.
She could indeed get used to this.
Not too much of a time later, that same group stood in that same town square on those same cathedral steps, but there was something different in the air.
The Cartel had indeed come safely down from the skies after a few hours on that fateful day, and had promptly been arrested by the newly appointed and much more just Chief Affable of Police. There was more color in the town, more music; everything had seemed a bit lighter, or maybe that was just how it felt to be genuinely living in love.
Because now, Wren Matterson was able to write back and forth with her family again. Now, she was in rehearsals for a role she adored. Now, she was coming into a state of self-empowerment unlike anything she’d ever known. Now, she spent time not perched restless on a fainting couch, but laughing with and learning from a better group of friends than she ever could have imagined, and had even worked together to reunite one of them with her own mom, which they were just about to do.
And right now, in this very moment, Willy Wonka, with tears of grateful closure in his eyes, carefully broke apart his mother’s last chocolate bar, handing a piece of it to each of these dear, dear friends. He then looked to Wren with an expression she was still bowled over by every time, and reached into his pocket.
With a soft but sparkling smile, he opened his hand to reveal an emerald-wrapped, heart-shaped almond milk chocolate.
So, no, Wren Matterson was no longer fine. She was so much better than fine.
She was free.
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oflights · 9 months
19, 25 and 26 for the fic asks PLS AND THANK YOUUUUU!! (oh my god computer WHY??) (I'm not changing it from all caps though)
If those don't spark joy or you've already done them, feel free to swap them out for anything you'd like!
hiii i will happily accept the caps haha, i'm always short some!!!
i'll do 19 last 🥰
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
hmmm. Close Behind probably but please know that whenever i writeangst like that i am also going 'hehehehehe' like a witch at my screen when i hit post.
26. Is there something you’ve written that you would never want your family to see?
yes! all of it! tbh i had trouble letting ray read my nonfanfiction; he is the least online person in the world and that is a huge part of why i love him. and my siblings and i are not the kind of siblings who share hobbies with each other lol.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
okay, since this conference means i'm probably not going to update the star splitter for a bit (which is good if people want to catch up!!), i'll stick a snippet from chapter 6 below the cut here. chapter 6 is, of course, my favorite chapter so far; it also has a content warning for the aftermath of parental death (narcissa) and discussion of amputation, which doesn't actually happen but it's still rather casually suggested. 😬
Draco had been suspended from time travel for six months after his mother died, a standard sentence for agents who experienced a significant loss of someone close: time sand confiscated, zero assignments, barred from even visiting Headquarters. Draco has no idea where that six-month figure had come from, as if that was enough time to truly grow around the grief, to get so used to it one could ignore the impulse to fix it when one had the means. Abrams and Chelsea seemed to understand Draco’s feelings on the matter, because an additional, non-standard sentence was imposed on him: a time cuff was placed around his wrist, unremovable except by Abrams, keeping Draco utterly anchored in the present. It looked like a watchband without a face, gold and cool and tight around his left wrist. When the Time Turner didn’t work, Father started staring at the time cuff. In between one round of gin and the next, he and Draco came to the apparently mutual decision to try to get the cuff off. They had tried melting it, cutting it, freezing it and bashing it with explosive hexes, prying it off with fireplace tongs. Nothing worked; Draco’s arm was a bloodied mess of gashes and burns and wounds, the pain somewhere far away from him, buried under drink and howling misery. It had been Draco who suggested they simply cut off his hand at the wrist, finally shocking Father into some semblance of sense. He refused; Draco said he would get Jack to do it; they argued. Father said he would do it after they had one more drink, then put enough Dreamless Sleep in Draco’s gin to down a hippogriff. Draco slept for 18 hours straight and woke up to his arm healed and Jack checking his vitals, entirely distraught. While he’d been asleep, Father had sobered up, signed over to Draco the entirety of Malfoy Manor and all of his British holdings, and departed for Switzerland.
ask me fic writer things!
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celestialmechanic · 11 months
Okay so here's my interpretation of the ending of Almost Nowhere. It may even be half-fanfic. This is the Long Straight Path Ending. Spoilers follow the cut.
She thinks of Cordelia. And she thinks: It is actually you, that I value, and wish to preserve.  And not another one like you, even if she is better, and happier. She thinks of her ruined sisters. And she thinks: I harmed you, once.  I will do you an honor, now, by refusing to repeat my mistake. She comes to the central point, from which the spokes of the tracks diverge.  She feels the familiar Annes there. My sisters, she thinks.   Not some other ones, like them.
She sits on the toilet, and opens The Long Straight Path, to a page somewhere in the middle.
She feels the worlds fall over her hand, and senses the fineness of their grain.  Not a countable multitude, but a continuum.
This reminds Anne of something.  A passage she knows by heart. “Many a novice, writes Ratleak, wondering at those feats of daring and industry most esteemed by his fellows and wishing to emulate them, imagines that each was achieved in a single grand saltation, an atomic act of heroic will not decomposable into any constituents.  Many a novice, therefore, turns his back on the mean and muddy world of daily toil, and busies himself in the refinement of his soul, so that he may one day clear the distance between himself and his goal in a single bound of titanic proportion.  Such efforts, however, are vain, for every thing of worth in our grand civilization has been made piece-by-piece, out of the meanest cloth, strung up mile after mile with care and humility by a traveller on the Long Straight Path, which any fool can follow, if he only takes care to watch where his feet are going, and to work by steady step and never by rash leap.”
In a world perhaps infinitesimally different from Twenty-Seven's own, and perhaps truly identical to that which Twenty-Seven knew, she sees, remembers, and knows The Long Straight Path, and what it taught her. Perhaps Michael's tutelage has a use after all! The Knife-Power threatens to separate her from the friends she knows, in one grand saltation, a rash leap from here to some alternate history.
But, as Azad once said to her, "To snatch and seize, to split wholes with the sword, to divide and be divided in the the endless thankless agon: this has been the way among our kind, but among the anomalings there is another, a finer, a more beautiful way."
She will travel as slowly as she likes, step by careful step, ensuring that it changes imperceptibly, that the world is always as she remembers, that the difference is so minute as to be undetectable in principle.
It would take a book just as long as ours, to relate it in full.
It would take uncountable insufferably small variations on this book to portray the entirety of what occurs, so I ask the reader to instead imagine all of these recurrences for themselves, verbose, obsessive, with no clear divisions in topic or theme, slight ripples in the repetitive — but never identical — sentences.
Twenty-Six then walks a hard path, indeed, through countless repetitions of her journey to the beginning and the end of her story, ferrying the ones she loves — who she knows deserve better, or she'd not have had the impulse to leap — across the uncountable worlds, to some unseen and unwritten future. Reality is always, in some way, what we make of it.
Perhaps it still bears the scars of the origin, gaps between left and right that cannot be mended pathwise. But anything that might expand or contract by infinitesimals might then be made that little bit better, over stack-time, step by careful step, on everyone's Long Straight Path.
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Good afternoon, it's me again! 🌹 Sorry to send a request so early when you must be overloaded already, but I love your fanfiction so much that I never get tired of it! I also hope that since a week you could rest a little... Didn't you overwork yourself at least? Anyway, if you don't feel like it (I repeat it all the time, just to be sure), there's no need to write my request!
After reading your ☆masterpiece☆ earlier, I couldn't help but imagine all our happy friends drinking tea and eating gingerbread together. Seriously I don't know why but it would be just hilarious! Sam would be so polite and nice, while Josh would be really chaotic as usual. Edgar would be the perfect gentleman and Alan would be super weird and creepy like "I've heard way too much about you, I know you by heart" to Chris and Ash who would be very uncomfortable.
Otherwise I wish you a good weekend! I love you and send you lots of hugs! ❤
six(ish) sentence weekend ;P
It took every ounce of self-restraint in her tiny, tiny body to keep from jumping when she opened the door and Chris was just there, gesturing as though he wanted her to go back into the bathroom.
“What?” Sam hissed, not at all enjoying the look on his face. “What?”
He scrunched himself down just a bit, not quite enough to be perfectly eye-to-eye with her but somehow more than enough to absolutely infuriate her. “I don’t want to eat anything here,” he stage-whispered, his hands gesturing madly, almost like he thought that’d make up for his lack of volume. “I don’t want to drink anything here. I don’t want to be here. So maybe. Just maybe. We can hide out here until - ”
Her eyes threatened to roll clear out of her head as she grabbed him by the front of his hoodie and tugged, leading him not into the (relative) safety of the bathroom, but the main hall. “Stop being a weirdo.”
“A wei...oh, so I’m the weirdo. I’m the weirdo. We’re in a house full of dead things, but it’s me who’s weird. Okay. All right. Okay. Cool. All right. Okay. Fantastic. Good.” Still, Chris let himself be led, only barely dragging his feet as Sam continued to pull him towards the kitchen. “Dead things on the walls...dead things on the shelves...dead things hanging from the ceiling...dead things under the floorboards.”
“You don’t know that there’s anything dead under the floorboards, you putz.” As soon as it was out of her mouth, though, Sam found herself glancing down towards her socked feet, grimacing slightly. “...I will admit that I don’t know there’s not, but...”
As they approached the door to the kitchen, she let go of his hoodie, giving him a second to smooth out his poor, wrinkled little ghost before gingerly - oh so gingerly - pushing the door open a sliver with her finger. “Here’s the problem with us just dipping,” she whispered, nodding towards the slat in the door.
Lo and behold, there they were, Ashley and Josh, Josh and Ashley, looking perfectly at home as they sat with Edgar and Alan, beaming and chattering on as if this was where they truly belonged; Ashley was sipping at something in a distressingly ornate teacup, Josh eating something barely folded up in a napkin, and had there not been eerie big band music being piped in from some unseen gramophone somewhere in the house, the scene might’ve actually been cute in a way.
Then again, that ‘might’ve’ was doing an awful lot of heavy lifting in that sentence.
“When you can figure out a way to convince them to leave, trust me, Chris...I will be the first one out the door with you,” Sam sighed, running her hands through her hair. “Until then, though...I think we just need to...y’know...” She repressed a shudder. “Be...polite?”
“Not eating anything,” he repeated. “Not drinking anything. I know Hansel and Gretel, Sam, and I’m not going out like that, so help me God. Hartleys don’t get made into stew.”
That time she had to roll her eyes. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” she said, nudging the door open to join the others. “You do strike me as more of a death-by-jerky kind of family.”
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I Pick the TV Show, Rogers Shuts His Cake-Hole | Bucky x Steve x Reader (Angst, Fluff)
Category: Angst, Fluff (Suggested) Age: 14+ Trigger Warnings: none, other than the standard explicit language Ship: Bucky x Steve x Reader Summary: Steve Snaps At Reader When He’s Stressed, Resulting In Her Being Very Upset Request: "can u write where steve/bucky is overwhelmed with something and when reader asks to help or is telling them to relax they snap at reader and reader is hurt which makes them feel really bad afterwards. thank you sm. i love ur writings. and this is anon right? is it alright if u dont post my response if its not anon? im sorry. thank you so much. ur blog always pictures great stucky imagines. 💗💗💗" Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 2,488
A given, the super-soldier had been on nonstop missions for the last month or so, but she thought she was helping him feel better, not making him feel worse.
“Would you like anything to eat, Stevie? You’ve barely moved all day.” (Y/N)’s voice is small. Quiet.
She’s leaning through the door of his study where he’s sat putting together his mission reports from the last three or four missions he’s been out on.
He shakes his head but doesn’t even turn to look at her.
Sighing, the woman walks further into the room where her boyfriend is slouched over the desk.
“You gotta take a break, Stevie.” She whispers, resting her hands on his shoulders.
She notices the way they tense up, but he still remains silent.
His fingers continue to write up his report on the laptop.
“I’m worried about you, Stevie; talk to me.”
“I’m busy, (Y/N).”
“I know you are, baby, but you’ve gotta look after yourself too.” She attempts, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. He pulls away.
The woman furrows her brows.
“Steve, please, you’ve got to-”
“(Y/N), just stop!”
The shout is sudden and it makes her flinch back away from the man as he turns to face her.
“I’m fine, alright?! I don’t need you babying me all the time!”
She doesn’t respond for a second, surprised at her lover’s outburst.
He says nothing more, simply turns back to the laptop and continues typing away.
“Steve, look how stressed you are. Can you please just-”
“STOP! Okay?! Just stop! Leave me the fuck alone while I finish these neverending mission reports. For once in your life can you just understand that not everything is about you?!”
(Y/N) swears that being shot in the heart wouldn’t hurt half as much as the words that just came out of the man’s mouth.
Her mouth opens and closes as if searching for the right words to say, but that hurt.
Is she really that bad? Is that the truth behind all of this? That she’s clingy? Thinks everything is about her? That was never her intention. (Y/N) is well aware of how important being an Avenger is. Hell, she is an Avenger, for Christ’s sakes.
She says nothing more and leaves the room.
She can’t even decide if she feels sad. No. She’s not sad, she’s not angry, she’s not… anything.
Naturally, her feet lead her to their room. Steve’s room. They all basically share the super soldier’s abode since they all got together, but right now she doesn’t dare open the door.
Doing a full one-eighty spin, (Y/N) takes herself back to a place she barely touches anymore. Her room.
It’s pretty empty. Most of her clothes are in Steve’s room, in her own walk-in wardrobe. Her bed is perfectly made from the last time she slept in here - maybe a year ago?
The woman walks around her bed and straight onto her bedroom balcony, overlooking the lake at the back of the compound, and stays there. For three-hours. Until Bucky comes looking for her.
He came home from his mission about thirty-minutes ago only to find their shared room of Steve’s empty. He searched just about everywhere, completely clueless.
“FRIDAY, where’s (Y/N) and Steve?” He finally gives in.
“Captain Rogers is in study five, and Agent (L/N) is in her private quarters.”
Now that makes the brunet furrow his brows.
Why would (Y/N) be in her room and not his or Steve’s?
He prioritises finding (Y/N) first, knowing Steve will be writing up mission reports, no doubt.
Despite them being together for over six-years now, he hesitates when reaching for the handle of her bedroom door. Instead, the man opts to knock.
No answer.
“(Y/N)?” Nothing. “Doll, it’s me; can I come in?” Nothing.
Bucky tries the door handle and finds it unlocked, yet still hesitates.
“Baby?” He calls out. Again, nothing.
He’s cautious now. Scared.
Her room looks as untouched as the last time he saw it, which was a few months back when she was after one of her plushies.
It’s when he feels the chill of the midnight winds ruffle his hair that he realises her balcony doors aren’t fully closed.
Striding straight over, his eyes widen at the sight of his girlfriend curled up in the corner of the outdoor area, crying.
“(Y/N), baby, hey, what’s wrong?!”
Bucky immediately drops to his knees in front of the woman, reaching for her hands and gently tugging them away from her tear-stained face.
“(Y/N), doll, look at me.” His voice is gentle. Soothing.
She does almost instantly but her sadness stays.
“What happened, baby? Are you hurt?”
The fear and sincerity in his voice is enough to prompt the woman to shake her head. Yes, she’s hurting emotionally, but he needs confirmation that she’s not dying.
The woman immediately sees the relief take over his features, but he’s still concerned.
“What’s wrong, doll?”
Her eyes stray away from his, not wanting to tell him what’s got her so upset.
“Hey, no, look at me, baby,” He whispers, hand lightly grasping at her chin to raise her face back up to his. “What’s got you so worked up, (Y/N)?”
Another shake of her head as she tries to escape her lover’s hold.
“Baby, please, you’re scaring me.”
Her face contorts into something close to heartbreak as she wants nothing more than to reassure the man in front of her.
“It’s okay, Buck.”
“It’s not okay! Doll, I haven’t seen you cry since Stevie nearly died on that mission in Ohio like two-years-ago! Talk to me.”
She takes a deep breath and wipes her face of the shedding tears.
“Do you want me to get Stevie?”
The question is innocent and makes sense, but her eyes widen and she shakes her head desperately.
“No! No, please, no.”
That truly makes the super soldier concerned.
“Doll, please can you tell me what’s happened?”
Never in the last eight-years that Bucky and (Y/N) have known each other has she been so reluctant to see Steve.
Another sob escapes her and it’s breaking his heart.
“Baby, please.”
“Steve got mad at me, alright?!” She manages an attempted shout. “I just wanted him to look after himself.”
“What happened? What did Steve do?”
He’s concerned. Massively.
“I was trying to get him to eat; he hasn’t eaten properly in so long. He’s so overworked and he’s hung up on all these mission reports. He told me that not everything was about me - shouted at me; told me to stop.” She’s whimpering and sniffling again now. “Please get him to eat something, James.”
That last sentence is the one that crushes him. She’s upset, yeah, but above all that, she’s still worried about the blond super soldier.
“Come on, baby, let’s go to our room and get into bed, yeah? I’ll go and speak to Stevie.”
Her eyes meet his and she looks scared, but the ocean blue gaze that he returns makes her bound to his every command.
The woman nods.
“That’s my girl.”
With the help of the Winter Soldier, (Y/N) manages to stand up, letting him lead her out of her private room and into their shared one of Steve’s.
“Here, let’s get you into your PJs, yeah?”
He doesn’t leave room for negotiation as he helps his girlfriend strip out of her casual dress and into one of his oversized t-shirts.
“You get snuggled up in bed, doll. I’m going to go and get Stevie, okay?”
He hates how she looks nervous at the mention of their other lover’s name.
“He loves you more than words can describe, baby girl, I promise you. He shouldn’t have lashed out at you, I’m gonna talk to him, okay?”
A hesitant nod and forced smile is enough for now.
“I’ll be back shortly, I promise.” He leans over and gives the woman a kiss on the lips, leaving her with one of her favourite shows playing on the TV.
“Bucky,” Her choked up voice calls out just before he leaves.
The man turns from his place in the doorway.
“I love you.”
The smile that takes over his expression is contagious.
“I love you too, baby girl. More than anything.”
Despite his reassurance to the woman, he’s pretty damn pissed for a number of reasons about Steve losing his cool with their girl. Reason number one being, how dare he? Reason number two being, he knows better than to overwork, yet here we are.
Bucky doesn’t even knock once he approaches the glass doors of the study where Steve is sat typing away on the laptop.
The blond doesn’t even glance up to see who entered. He barely heard the door open which enrages Bucky further.
The brunet slams the lid of the laptop shut without saying a word, prompting Steve’s head to shoot up, glaring daggers at whoever has interrupted him.
“What the fuck, James?!”
That makes Bucky really get annoyed.
“Are you serious right now, Rogers?”
“I’m in the middle of about seven different mission reports, Buck, I’ve gotta finish them.” The man sighs, going to open the lid of the PC once more, only for Bucky to hold it down. “James, seriously,”
“No. What you need to do is explain to me why our girlfriend has been crying for the last God-knows how many hours?”
That makes Steve snap back to reality.
“What? (Y/N) has been crying? Is she okay?”
Bucky literally rolls his eyes at that.
“Are you fucking serious, Steve?” He repeats, Steve looking confused, expression contorting as he realises that his boyfriend is seriously angry at him.
“Bucky, what’s wrong? What’s happened?”
The Winter Soldier’s head lolls back as he groans in frustration.
“You seriously have no idea?” He asks, rhetorically, watching Steve look almost scared. “Do you often shout at your girlfriend and forget it happened?”
Cap’s eyes widen at that, and he visibly gulps.
“She came in here to make sure you were looking after yourself, which you weren’t, by the way, and you tell her that not everything is about her?! Are you fucking stupid, Steve?!”
He remembers it all too well in that moment, turning his head down to avoid the frustrated glare of his male lover.
“No. No, you don’t get to look away from me. Look at me.” Bucky demands, watching the blond super soldier reluctantly do so. “I come home from my own exhausting mission, search for (Y/N) for thirty-minutes, and find her crying her God-damn heart out on the balcony of HER room; not our room, Steve, no. Her room.”
Steve’s heart shatters and his eyes widen once more.
(Y/N) hates staying in her room. She’d always be in his or Bucky’s without a doubt.
“I- Buck-”
Bucky shakes his head and stands back upright as Steve is lost for words.
“I’m not mad at you, Steve. I get it, you know? You’ve been overworking for the last month, I know you’re stressed, but fuck, baby, you can’t hurt her like that. Do you know how much my heart fucking shattered when I saw her curled up in the corner of her own God-damn balcony?! It tore me apart. She hasn’t cried since you nearly fuckin-” Bucky chokes on his own word as he walks away from his lover.
“I’m sorry! Buck, I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have let Fury send me on that many missions, I- I should’ve said no. I’m sorry.” Steve attempts, standing up and following the brunet, turning him around to face him once more.
“It’s not me you need to be apologising to, Stevie.”
Captain America nods and leans up to press a kiss to the man’s lips.
“I’m sorry, James.”
Bucky takes a deep breath and forces a smile.
“I forgive you. Of course I forgive you, I know you didn’t mean it, but I swear to God, if you hurt her again…”
Steve is already shaking his head.
“I wouldn’t dream of either of you getting hurt. Where is she?”
“Our room.”
He nods and begins heading toward the woman to which he owes more than he can give.
The door is half ajar when Steve gets there, he slowly opens it to reveal his girlfriend in all her glory, curled up under their Captain America themed duvet - which Sam bought the trio as a joke last Christmas. Her face is clear-as-day red from her earlier upset, and it breaks his heart.
The man knocks gently on the day as if not to startle the poor girl.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He offers a solemn smile when she turns to see who’s there.
He hates the way he can see her hesitation to speak to him as opposed to her usual squeal of his name, arms opening wide to welcome him into her cuddle-fest.
“Hi.” She manages, forcing her own smile.
There’s silence floating between them, the only sound being Jensen Ackles, in his role of Dean Winchester, talking a load of nonsense about pie on the TV that’s streaming Supernatural.
“Baby, I’m so sorry.” Steve manages, taking a step toward the bed. “Nothing can excuse the way I yelled at you, and I’m so sorry for that, but, sweetheart, trust me when I say I didn’t mean it. I was so stupidly stressed, and I should never have let it get to that point.”
She nods, truly believing his words, but it still hurt.
The blond sits down on the edge of the bed, not daring to cuddle his girlfriend until she’s comfortable.
“I love you so much, (Y/N) (L/N).”
A bigger smile taints her lips at that.
“I love you too, Steven.” Her voice is barely a whisper but he hears it clear as day.
“Can I hold you?”
(Y/N) smiles and shakes her head as if he was being silly.
“You never need to ask permission for that, Stevie. No matter what.”
With another sad smile, he pulls the woman into his arms and holds her tighter than ever before.
“I’m so sorry, my love.”
“I forgive you, but no more missions for a while.” She whispers.
“Yes, boss.”
Bucky’s leaning against the doorframe, watching the interaction. He took a detour to Tony’s office and made sure to give the billionaire a piece of his mind about making sure Fury didn’t have Steve on any missions for a long time.
“Is this the last episode?” The brunet speaks up, stripping himself of his clothes as he enters their room properly.
“Yeah.” (Y/N) nods.
“I still think we should watch Vampire Diaries instead.” Steve chuckles, mirroring Bucky’s actions.
“I pick the TV show, Rogers shuts his cake-hole.” (Y/N) teases, mocking a line from Supernatural and snuggling herself in the middle of the bed, sandwiched between the two super soldiers - where she belongs. “I love you both.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
“Love you always, doll.”
Everything Tag List: @nosoulnoproblems | @rileyloves5  | @girl-who-loves-mythology | @avngrsinitiative | @lookinsidemyhead |@xbabykookiix | @myspectacularfantasies | @fanfic-anyone | @rororo06 | @queenofbuskers | @vapingisntmything | @tony-stank3 | @hermione-grangers-wife | @lili-ann-love | @the-omni-princess | @tayahs-blog | @regulus-black | @saturnsteverogers| @fyfiexo | @amazingiam00 | @deviltownn | @buckybarneses | @fafulous | roryshitposts | trynnabemultifandom | @moodboreddd | @hopingforbarnes | @an-adventureland | justassaneasiam-ll | @profoundllamanickeleggs | @xbongox | @minetticatinwonderland | @thinkaboutmara | @xxaestheticboyxx | @sparklycollectionofoldmemes | @wandaneedstherapy | @georgiadixon | @nerdy-thespian-10 | @nsb-supertrio | @thinkaboutmara | @captainamerica-is-bae | @spookyparadisesheep | @supernaturallover2002 | @notsochillnerd | @peggycarter-steverogers | @reann-shitposting | @buckybarnesplumwhore | @mrsstevenbuchananstark | @ynscrazylife | @jessromanoff | @holsj2411 |
Stucky x Reader Only Tag List: polarbearnamedpanda | @marvelous-glims
SFW Only Tag List: @piper-koko-barnes-rogers
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tobesoalive · 3 years
Josh Kiszka NSFW Alphabet (Smut Headcanons)
ok....so I've been wanting to do one of these for a while and I may have gotten a little carried away. This is by far the smuttiest thing I've ever written, please forgive me. let me know if you guys wanna see more stuff like this, maybe with the other boys? idk anyways enjoy!!
Warnings: Everything....
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Josh likes to stay inside you for a minute after he finishes, either burying his head in the crook of your neck or pressing his forehead to yours. Once you are both ready to part, he immediately goes to get you a glass of water and a warm washcloth to clean you up, making sure you’re doing okay. Sometimes one of you will suggest to clean off in the shower or soak in the bath for a little bit, and the entire time he’ll hold you close and press kisses to your temple, cooing words of praise and telling you how much he loves you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Josh loves his mouth, how it can give you passionate kisses and whisper praises, but also bring you to an orgasm so easily. He loves your hands, the feeling of them roaming the expanse of his skin, how they look wrapped around his cock, and the tingle he gets when you tug his hair and claw his back.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
There is nothing Josh loves more than being buried deep inside you when he cums. He loves the feeling of your walls clenching around him, loves to see his seed leak out of you when he’s pulled out, using his fingers to fuck it back into you. As far as your release goes, what he loves most is feeling you fall apart on his tongue, tasting your release turns him on more than anything.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Every once and a while the thought of you dominating him crosses Josh’s mind, specifically pegging. He had kept his longing a secret for the first year of your relationship but accidentally let it slip one night, but you informed him you’d try it out if he really wanted to. It became an activity you two revisit every couple of months.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
The man has some experience under his belt - I mean he is a famous musician - but nothing too crazy. He had about five or six partners before you, but most of his experience he gained with you. Both of you had vastly improved your game over the course of the relationship, and you knew each other’s bodies like they were your own.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Every position quite honestly, but he especially loves when you ride him. It allows him to gaze up at you and get the perfect view of his length going in and out of you, the sight often causing him to throw back his head and let out a throaty moan. Truly Josh loves any position, but especially the ones that allow him to see your face and the expressions you make. He still likes to have you on all fours every so often and also spoon you while lazily pumping in and out of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It really depends on the day, but most of the time sex with Josh is light and playful. Giggling is a common occurrence from the both of you during the act, and you will catch Josh with a smile on his face quite often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Josh prefers to keep it natural down there, only trimming every once in a while if things get really out of hand. He has a dark happy trail leading down from his belly button to a lighter patch of brown curls on his pubic bone that surrounds his length. In addition I think Joshua doesn’t really care what his partner decides to do for their grooming, actually I believe he finds it extremely hot if they keep it natural down there because he thinks you were made perfectly.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Most of the time he is extremely intimate, only being taken out of the moment if there’s a lot of other stuff on his mind, or if he is particularly stressed, but he is a very romantic and attentive partner for the most part.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Let’s be honest, Josh has a very high sex drive, and that can be a bit of a problem when he’s on tour or when you’re not around. He takes care of himself by thinking of you, porn isn’t really his thing, if he’s gonna have some sort of visual aid it is going to be photos/videos of you, his favorites being intimate polaroids he’s taken of you that he keeps hidden away.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Whooo boy, there are a lot of things this man is into. I’d love to go more into detail on each one of these, so maybe one day I’ll write a piece on these. To name a few, Josh is into hair pulling, light choking, period sex, squirting, mutual masturbation, praise, edging, domination, i really could go on forever.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your shared bedroom is always the top choice, but you guys like to get creative, you’ve done it in the shower, bath, car, backyard, restaurant bathroom, empty field at night, secluded hiking trails, his childhood home, and when you guys are very impatient he’ll bend you over the kitchen counter or prop you up on the arm of the couch.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It doesn’t take much to turn this man on, he’s so insanely in love with you that everything you do gets him going. Sometimes on stage he’ll spot you in the crowd, seeing you dancing and singing every word, that’s something that really gets to him, and it takes everything within him to not run off stage and fuck you right then.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Josh wouldn’t wanna do anything that puts you in pain, he hates seeing you suffer and would never want to do anything that hurt you, no matter if it would feel good for him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
There is nothing more beautiful than the face Josh makes when you take him in your mouth. He closes his eyes and leans his head back, grinning with his perfect teeth and sticking just the tip of his tongue out. His moans and words of praise are angelic as well, and the way his soft eyes gaze at you as you swallow his release. As much as he loves your mouth, he prefers to have his on your core. God that man eats your pussy like it’s last meal. Lapping and sucking at your clit, alternating between dipping his fingers and tongue into your tight cunt. He could-and has- cum from just eating you out, it brings him just as much pleasure, and his mouth waters thinking about how good you taste.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s all of it. It depends on what mood you’re in but this man will make slow, passionate love to you in the morning, fuck you fast and rough in the evening and everything in between.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Josh doesn’t mind a good quickie every once in a while. If you have somewhere to be 10 minutes after he gets home from the studio, no problem. Man can make you cum in less than five minutes, and he does not hesitate to demonstrate.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yassss Joshy boy loves to take risks, as long as you’re comfortable. If you propose an idea and it intrigues him, you’ll be trying it within the next five minutes. That’s part of what makes your sex life with Josh so satisfying, you two aren’t afraid to switch things up.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Usually two is where Josh taps out, but sometimes you two decide to stay up all night smoking, talking, cuddling and fucking. Times like those he can go about 4 or 5 rounds. When you two are both home he fucks you at least twice throughout the day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You own a few toys that you both use, together or alone. After he left for tour once Josh bought you a vibrator so you wouldn’t miss him too much. Sometimes he’d pull it out while fucking you, just to hold it on your clit. That usually ended with you making a big mess and Josh being extremely satisfied.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Josh likes to tease you a little bit, but he actually enjoys it more when you’re the one teasing him. He likes still being a little submissive.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Much like on stage, Josh is loud in the bedroom as well. Between his throaty moans and grunts, he also is constantly talking to you. He responds to your sounds by saying “Yeah, you like that?” and “tell me how good it feels” and so much other dirty talk because he’s a cocky little shit. He’s also big into praise, whether that be praising you or getting praise himself.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If there’s one thing that makes Josh feel totally elated, it’s making you squirt. The first time he did it was totally unintentional, he was just eating you out like usual, but his fingers curved a certain way and you bursted. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen, and he became obsessed with making you do it over, and over, and over again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
This man has a beautiful dick. It’s about 7 ½ - 8 inches long with some nice girth to it. It leans a little to the left and has a nice curve to it, and it has some veins that rub your walls deliciously. He used to be self conscious of his dick but you assured him it was perfect and it never failed to please you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Have you seen how hyper this man is? You briefly mention something or even say the word “sex” in a sentence and his clothes are off.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on the day, but for the most part he likes staying up for a little while to talk with his arms around you, eventually quietly thinking about how lucky he is before drifting off.
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
Hey I saw that your asks are open for Fili and Kili. I was wondering if you could do a fic or hc about Kili were he falls for the reader and tries to flirt with her but makes her laugh instead. He gets flustered and embarrassed.
Stupid Things, Kili Durin
first fic I’ve published so far and I was nervous???? While I’m literally writing a book????? So technically it’s nothing new????? But still?????
Fic, female s/o
Tw: misread signs? Kili being insecure? Flirting?
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For Kili it was as clear as the sky on a warm morning in July; when you first caught his eye, he had grown absolutely smitten with you.
His mother had told him thousands of stories growing up. On how dwarves were once born in pairs, yet separated after years, forced to find each other in another life where they might not even remember their One. These stories had always held hope for Kili, even as he grew beyond the age of being called a dwarfling.
His beard had never truly come out and his hair had not once adorned braids, causing others to make fun of him, claiming he had not been a true dwarf. He felt silly holding onto the hope of finding his One, yet he could never bring himself to forget it. No matter how much life opposed him at times.
And the moment he met you, he had been glad he never gave up.
Every little detail of that day had been imprinted on his mind. From the way you wore your hair to the outfit that adorned your body. He knew you were his One. His mother told him exactly how she felt upon meeting his father, and even though the words always made Kili gag, he now knew she had never been exaggerating.
The whole journey he tried to gain your attention, but whenever you spared him a glance, he always shrunk back, afraid you’d reject him as his kin once had.
Fíli knew what was going on when Kili refused to joke around with the other one night. He had not been as blind as their company. He had spent days trying to talk some sense into his brother, claiming you had liked him as much as he liked you, but - unfortunately -, Kili had inherited his uncle’s stubbornness.
Yet, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Kili grew some courage. You had opened up to the company more, giving him more conversational topics and shared interests. And it had gone well for a while; the two of you got along amazing, never once disagreeing or ignoring one another. And all those talks encouraged Kili to show you he truly cared for you. More than any other has had before.
You grew more teasing and joking amongst each other, finding weak links and soft spots, never failing to make each other laugh. And it gave him courage, until - one night - his bravery overtook him. You had been talking like any other night, when he zoned off, not listening to a word you said anymore.
Instead, he had been trying to find the words he had repeated in his head the entire day. But as your eyes rested on him, he could no longer remember what it was. You were so breathtaking you made him forget his pickup line.
Just then, you were quiet, searching his face before letting out a joyful laughter.
“I’m flattered, Kili.” You began, resting your hand on his shoulder, leaning over in laughter. “Could you not have told me we were doing pickup lines tonight? I would’ve prepared myself.”
He had said it out loud. And he hadn’t even noticed it. He didn’t even know how much you had heard.
“It it hot in here or is it just you?” You retorted playfully, but when Kili made no move to laugh, you slowly stifled your laughter. “I know, that one was horrible. I should’ve been prepared.” You defended, letting go of his shoulder.
You may not have noticed it, but Kili’s brain just ran on short circuit. His entire face he heated up and he was sure it would leave a red glow. His ears felt as if they were on fire as his mind just kept repeating the same words over and over and over again.
How could he do easily let these words slip past his lips? And he didn’t even know how to respond to you. Had you been making fun of him or were you reciprocating his flirtatious attempts? Perhaps he should just walk off before more damage could be done. Should he say something? Or would it only make it worse?
“Are you still in there, Kili?” You asked, snapping him out of his daze, your hand in front of his face, trying to get his eyes to follow your fingers. When his eyes finally made contact with yours, you let out a relieved sigh.
“I thought I just broke you with a stupid sentence.” You explained, leaning back against the tree, your hand slowly lowering.
“I’m sorry for letting my mouth walk free like that.” Kili apologized, now looking back down on his lap, insecurities taking over.
You might not have picked onto his true intentions, but you knew whenever someone did not feel comfortable. And right now, Kili looked as if he could bury himself six feet under. Which may have been true if you would have asked him.
“Don’t apologize. It was sweet.” You concluded, shifting your place so you would be seated next to him. “Though I do not know whether you were joking or not.” You admitted, resting your head on his shoulder.
And at that moment, Kili felt his heart skip a beat. He had heard many people say that the feeling of a skipping heart felt foreign yet welcome all the same, but never once had he experienced it. And now that it happened, he knew why people described it like that.
His entire body froze in that exact moment. Should he lean his head against yours? How should he place his legs? Could he hold your hand?
“Yes, you can hold my hand, Kili. Though, you do know it’s just the two of us, right? You’re not talking to someone else.” You mumbled, already reaching for his hand.
His eyes followed the trail your hands made, as if they could snap up any minute. Yet, as they came into contact with his, his body finally relaxed.
“How much did I say?” He whispered quietly, almost scared of the answer.
“You asked me if you were allowed to hold my hand.” You explained, now looking back up at him. Your face had no longer held the joyeus wrinkles it had before, seconds before laughing at his statements. It was laced with worries and doubts. Not for you, but for him.
“Are you okay?” You carefully asked, afraid you’d had been overstepping some form of boundary.
“You make me do stupid things.” Kili spoke, the sentence flowing out as if it had been on his tongue the entire time.
“Thank you?” You answered hesitantly, not sure whether he was insulting you or compliment you.
It seemed as if Kili could sense your doubt, because his explanation follows not long after. “Not wrong stupid things. Just….unfamiliar stupid things.”
“You’re familiar with a lot of stupid things?” You wondered aloud, your head back on his shoulder, happy to have found some form of solid social interaction again.
“You’d be surprised.” Kili spoke.
“Perhaps the two of us can find a way to correctly discover these unfamiliar stupid things.” You hinted, gently squeezing his hand, making Kili’s heart skip yet another beat. It was a feeling he could get used to. It had not been unpleasant, only surprising, yet he could not find himself ever getting enough of it.
“Beg your pardon?” He asked, not catching the meaning of your words, now entirely focused on your hand in his.
“Fili was right. You are dense.” Now anxiety krept up on him again. What had Fili said? Question circled back around in his head, insecurities settling in again.
“You spoke with Fili?” He nearly managed out, his clothes suddenly feeling uncomfortable warm.
“More like, Fili spoke to me.” You admitted, looking up at the nervous dwarf.
“What did he say?” Kili wondered, no longer beating around the bush. “Nothing that made sense.” You reassured, not sure why Kili suddenly became so closed off again.
“But we could figure out together.” You tried to hush, doing your best to soothe the situation. And it seemed to work. The minute Kili looked back at you again, his eyes were filled with relief instead of doubt.
“Only if you want to.” He stated, finally squeezing your hand back. A verbal answered was not received by him. Only a satisfied smile and a content nod. No intention was made for you to move, and you truly didn’t feel like it. You found a comfortable spot and would not move again until Kili decided you should.
And Kili would never say so. In his eyes, you could’ve stayed there all night and he couldn’t have cared less. He was just relieved that the tension was finally gone, even if it went unnoticed by you. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad with you by his side.
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
Hello! May I request a number 8 or number 11? She/her pronouns are preferred :) thx!!
I Despise That I Adore You
Abby Anderson X Reader
Prompt: 8. Hands brushing unexpectedly 11. Secret relationship
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Link to the prompt list here
A/N: I kind of decided last minute to write like 1.5k more words for this fic because uhhhh idk but I hope you enjoy (especially if you requested it) !!
A/N: I also didn’t realize you only requested one of the two prompts so I accidentally wrote both LOL but thanks for the request(s) !!
You have always had a very dichotomous view on life; you believed that you either liked a person, or you didn’t. It was a simple notion and a digestible one at that, but never did you think that a touch—a single accidental touch from someone you most definitely didn’t like, could wreck your world this way. 
You were at a briefing for an upcoming mission. It was a long, drawn out process that you dreaded, but what made it even worse was Abby. Okay, maybe not Abby specifically, but the fact that she could sit there at six in the morning and look so effortlessly beautiful, annoyed you more than you could say. Her outfit was the same as it almost always was; a simple grey tank top with green cargo pants and boots. Nothing extraordinary or outstanding, but you still couldn’t help but find it annoyingly attractive when she crossed her fucking enormous arms over her chest like that. God, she wasn’t even trying and you were losing it.
You didn’t like Abby—you couldn’t like her. How could you possibly like her when every single sign told you not to? She was stubborn and closed off, always shielding herself from the world with some serious facade you knew was bullshit. Maybe Abby did flirt with you occasionally and perhaps you did participate in it sometimes, but that all meant nothing. And anyways, even if you did like Abby (which you obviously didn’t) it would hurt you too much when she inevitably left you for someone prettier or cooler or smarter, and you didn’t need that right now.
Abby was all types of wrong and you knew that, which is why you were so utterly puzzled by this small, electric touch. It wasn’t even longer than a second, but as soon as it happened your heart felt like it had just been squeezed like a fucking lemon.
The briefing was finally over and you were quick to leave so you could actually get some sustenance for your body, and then it happened. You hadn’t even noticed that Abby was there when you dashed out the small exit of the military tent until you felt the smallest brush of her hand against yours. You paused to look back at Abby and she was looking at you too, and you swear it would’ve taken a damn machete to cut through the tension between those few, fleeting seconds of stillness. 
Your hand burned from where it had grazed Abby’s and you clenched your fingers into a fist to try and relieve yourself from the sensation. Promptly shoving your hand behind your back to hide it from Abby’s inquisitive gaze, you slowly backed away with your eyes still fixed to hers. And though there was a great amount of distance between the two of you, you noticed something in her stare. You weren’t sure if it was just your brain being stupid or manipulative, but you could’ve sworn you saw the slightest hint of endearment in Abby’s eyes. 
You tried to back away quicker but nearly fell over because of a stray root in the ground that you definitely weren’t looking at, and you could see Abby snort as she tried to hold back her laughter. Smiling nervously, you turned around and bolted towards the cafeteria. It was way too early for this.
Hoping to find some solace in a burrito, you practically ran to the cafeteria, but before you could even smell that lovely tortilla blanket, someone caught you. Abby was breathing slightly heavier than usual when she pulled you aside, practically trapping you against the wall behind you.
“Why are you running from me?” 
Abby’s arm was leaning on the wall next to your head and it took every ounce of willpower not to stare at her massive biceps. “I’m not running from you.”
“Um, I think the fact that I literally just sprinted after you, says something slightly different.” Abby used her other hand to brush a strand of hair away from her face. “So are we going to talk about it, or are you just going to run again?” 
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Talk about what?”
Abby gestured her hands awkwardly between the two of you. “Us—this. Whatever this is.”
“Abby, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, but even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. So if you’ll excuse me, I need to grab some food now.” You ducked under Abby’s arm and began walking away but her next words stopped you in your tracks.
“I don’t understand you, I really don’t.” Abby was pacing now, her hands moving wildly as she spoke. “It’s like… sometimes you’re cold and distant and running away from me, and I just kind of accept it. I mean, even though it’s not like I’ve ever done anything to make you hate me this much, it obviously won’t help my situation if I continue to flirt with you. But then the next day I’ll catch you looking at me in that way and-”
“In what way?” You interrupted.
“Seriously?” Abby cocked her eyebrow, her mouth curled into an annoyed smirk as she rolled her eyes. “You look at me like you’re not sure whether you want to pounce me or punch me in the face.” 
She said it so plainly that you were speechless for a second, was it seriously that obvious? There was so much going through your head right now, but the one thing that stuck with you was the fact that you agreed with her. Though it’s not like you could ever admit it, so instead you opted for some good ol’ denial. “I do not.”
Abby was quick to respond, like she had anticipated your answer. “You do, and you know what? I honestly have no problem with it. In fact, I encourage it! I mean if you weren’t so confusing, I’d have asked you out by now. You’re gorgeous and smart and a major badass on the field, but I just have no idea what you want from me.”
The last sentence threw you for a loop and before you knew it, your heart was doing the squeezing thing again. Did she truly think you were all those things? 
Thinking about it, perhaps your problem wasn’t that you hated Abby. After all, it’s not like the reasons you disliked her were of any merit anyways. In fact, you kind of admired Abby when she wasn’t being a cocky bastard, but that still didn’t mean you could date her. Sure, she was kind of hot, and maybe you found her just the slightest bit charming, but you couldn’t possibly put yourself on the spot like that. Not only was she all types of wrong, Abby was also your superior, and Lord knows the scandal that dating her would transpire. 
Finally finding some semblance of composure, you spoke hesitantly. “Abby you’re my superior and if people found out I- we just can’t, okay? I’m sorry.” You internally cringed at your words. It was such a stupid excuse but you still couldn’t help but fear the backlash you would receive for this. 
Abby took a second to think before speaking. “Can I ask you a question?” 
You didn’t say anything, just nodded your head slightly.
“Do you like me?” Abby’s eyes were sort of wide and almost hopeful, and you felt a slight tinge of remorse because you weren’t sure you could give her an answer. It was a simple question, but something inside you just couldn’t manage to form a proper response. 
“Whether I like you or not doesn’t matter Abby, we can’t be together. I’ve worked so hard to get here and I’m not going to be belittled or ridiculed because I can’t keep my emotions in check.” 
“So what you’re saying is… there are emotions to keep in check?” There was a hint of mischief in her tone and a smile on her face. You don’t think you’ve ever groaned so loudly.
“I did not say that.”
“It was implied.”
Abby chuckled to herself, taking a step towards you with every punctuated word. “Okay, let’s say that hypothetically you do have feelings for me, and that hypothetically I could make sure no one knew we were dating. Would you go out with me then?
You scoffed as you took a step towards her, your bodies now just inches from each other. “Oh yeah? And hypothetically, how would you do that?” 
“It's simple, we date in secret.” Abby said it so nonchalantly that you thought she was joking. It took a few moments of awkward silence before you realized that she was serious.
“You’re kidding? That would never work.”
“Um first of all, I’m always serious, and second of all, did you forget that we are literally trained to be stealthy? I think if we can handle clickers, we can handle a secret relationship. Honestly Y/N, it seems like the only problem here is that you’re scared of going out with me because…” Abby took another step towards you, backing you against the wall with her arms crossed in front of her chest. “you’re afraid you’ll fall for me.”
You were utterly speechless. You wanted so badly to respond with a snarky comeback or a cheap insult, but as much as you hated to admit it, you were totally afraid of going out with her. Commitment is horrifying and complicated and you’ve gone your whole life trying to avoid it. But now? Abby was offering you a simple solution and before your mind could begin to consider the downsides to this, you answered.
“Fine. But if we get caught, it’s on you.”
And just like that, your secret relationship with Abby began. 
It only took the first two dates for you to warm up to Abby—though you were incredibly apprehensive about all of it at first—it wasn't long before she had successfully charmed her way to your heart. And though you’d never admit it out loud, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t having at least a little bit of fun. It was thrilling running around with Abby like this; late-night dates, stolen looks during briefings, clandestine touches while passing each other in the halls, the way she seemed to be just a little bit more protective of you during patrols. You revelled in the way she held you when no one was around, when it was just the two of you. 
It had almost been two months, and hiding a secret relationship with Abby was getting surprisingly more difficult. You figured it was likely a product of the fact that after your first kiss, Abby couldn’t seem to keep her hands off of you. It seemed as though someone was somehow lurking around every corner of this damn stadium, and the amount of times Abby had to sneak out of your room in the morning before your roommate woke up was honestly getting kind of absurd. 
However, one major upside that’s come out of this deal is that you no longer despised briefings. In fact—now that you and Abby had this strange arrangement—you almost looked forward to mission briefings. The fondness for them was partly because you got to stare at Abby with adoration rather than anger, but mostly it was because you got to tease her like there was no tomorrow during them.
It was another early briefing and Isaac was droning on about… patrols? Or maybe it was borders, you weren’t really sure. Instead of focusing on his dull rambles, your mind was wandering elsewhere. 
Abby was sitting in the seat next to you, her legs spread out while she leaned her toned forearms on the table in front of her. Keeping your eyes focused on Isaac, you brushed your knee against Abby’s just slightly before letting your hand slowly creep closer to her leg. Abby immediately knew what you were doing, quickly turning her attention towards you with a small tilt of her head. And though your eyes were fixed on the man in front of you, you knew she had a cautious look on her face. 
A small smirk crept onto your lips as you let your hands make their way higher and higher till it was resting on her thigh. Letting it linger there, you traced little circles with your fingers, noting the way Abby covered her face with her hand to hide her expression before you gave her leg the smallest squeeze. Abby jumped in her seat and the whole room immediately turned their attention to her. Trying to hide her obvious freak-out Abby cleared her throat before asking some stupid question about intercepting the target while you did your best not to laugh next to her. When she finally finished rambling and the focus was off of her, Abby snuck you the smallest look, the kind of look that said “I’m totally going to get you for that later”. 
At the end of the briefing, you noticed Abby making conversation with Manny near the exit of the military tent and an idea popped into your head. You made sure to look straight ahead as you nonchalantly walked out the exit before letting your hand brush up against Abby’s while you passed by. It still shocked you sometimes; somehow after nearly two months of hiding your relationship, her touch still managed to send you soaring. The familiar burn against your fingertips from your not-so-accidental accidental touch still lingering on your hand like an imprint—her imprint. 
You looked back at her with a mischievous smirk on her face and she rolled her eyes before whispering something to Manny. Walking away knowingly, you were unsurprised when she cornered you behind a cement pillar with her hands on your hips and her mouth hungrily on yours. Abby spoke with her mouth still against yours, refusing to break the kiss.
“You know, for someone who was so adamant about having a secret relationship, you sure seem to enjoy attracting attention to us.”
You smiled into the kiss, your fingers moving to play with the end of her braid before giving it the smallest tug. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Abby groaned and you chuckled at her expression when you pulled away from her lips, causing Abby to nearly face-plant into the pillar behind you. You giggled, smiling at Abby teasingly before feigning an annoyed tone as you turned away from her with your arms crossed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to grab some food now.” 
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catboygretzky · 3 years
I don’t want to speak over trans women - it’s not my place as a trans man - but what’s happening with the National Women’s Hockey League (NWHL) and the Women’s Sports Policy Working Group is something that needs to be addressed. I experience transphobia, and transphobia in sports, but I’ll never experience transmisogyny, which is what this is. I’ll try my best just to explain the situation objectively, because I can’t see this through the same lens a trans girl or woman would.
I apologise if I start to ramble a bit - hopefully this will be slightly comprehensible.
For those who aren’t aware, there’s an association called Women’s Sports Policy Working Group that was created to “protect girls and women’s sports and accommodate transgender athletes.” [Website here]
You might think, an association for trans athletes? That sounds pretty great! And it does sound pretty great! But that’s not what this is.
Their mission statement is:
“to affirm the legal permissibility of separate girls’ and women’s competitive sport teams while including all trans girls and trans women under the girls’ and women’s sports umbrella.”
The first sentence sounds promising, right? Inclusivity is important!
They then go on to state that they:
“reject both the effort to exclude trans girls and trans women from girls’ and women’s sport and the effort to disadvantage females by forcing them to compete against some trans athletes with male sex-linked physical advantages. There is a middle way.” [Source]
For those who might not fully understand, this is pretty much them saying “trans girls and women have an advantage because they’re pretty much males, so we can only include a couple of them in sports or it will hurt actual female athletes because they’re automatically better because they have more testosterone”.
“We won’t exclude them outright, but we’ll only let in a few.” They’re saying outright that “just one or two trans girls who are decent athletes will displace a lot of females”. They’re outright saying that girls are weaker than boys.
Women’s sport is designed for girls and women, regardless of the gender they were assigned at birth. But, according to them, though, it was designed for men and boys, too. Or it would be, if they saw trans boys and men as boys and men, because according to them,
“Women’s sport is designed to provide a space where biological females – whatever their gender identity – can compete only against each other and not also against biological males—whatever their gender identity.” [Source] 
According to them, there are boys and men that have more of a right to play women’s sports than girls and women, simply because people that are assigned female at birth are “inherently weaker than those assigned male at birth”. They claim it’s all based in biology, while ignoring studies that prove that incorrect (one such study is here, note a content warning for cissexism).
Different body types need different types of exercise to strengthen and build muscle - that’s universal to every single body. Two cis men will have completely different training regimes to reach the same goal. Regardless of chromosomes, every body is different. Even ignoring the morality of it, they’re just - incorrect.
But that’s a whole other can of worms that I won’t get into right now.
So why did I bring up the NWHL instead of just the association itself?
Again, I have to reiterate that I don’t want to speak over trans girls and women that this affects directly. I can only speak of my own experiences as a trans man, and though what they’re saying does affect me, I don’t experience the transmisogyny rampant in professional (and amateur) sports.
So, the NWHL - well, unfortunately you only have to scroll through their supporters [here] for a few seconds to understand why the NWHL is a part of this conversation.
Digit Murphy, the President and Head Coach of the NWHL’s Toronto Six, is a supporter of this association. A supporter of transphobia, plain and simple. Her backing the Women’s Sports Policy Working Group is evidence enough that she is not welcoming of players that are trans women - even without Jessica Platt’s testimony [Link to Twitter thread].
For those who don’t know (which will be understandably many because when I write this the tweets were posted less than 24 hours ago), a trans woman named Jessica Platt reached out to the Toronto Six GM about playing for them before they had a full roster. She “had what [she] thought was a great chat and was told [her] info would be passed along to the Head Coach”. [Tweet source]. 
She’s said that “[she] heard nothing” and that “seeing this now all [she] can think is this is why [she] didn't get a call.”  [Tweet source]. 
She understands that she’ll never truly know if the reason she didn’t get a call was because of her skill as a hockey player, or if it was transphobia. [Tweet source] Unfortunately, unless Digit speaks openly about her views and actions, it’ll never be confirmed.
But what has been confirmed is one of the most influential and successful women in women’s pro hockey doesn’t believe that trans women are women, and, by the Women’s Sports Policy Working Group’s definition of gender, that girls and women are weaker than boys and men.
They can claim “Hockey Is For Everyone”, that it’s for girls and women just as much as it’s for boys and men, but until it’s for every single girl and woman, including trans girls women, it never will be.
Okay to reblog, and I encourage anyone that’s experienced transmisogyny in sports to add on if they’re comfortable, or even just tell me to shut up.
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auroracalisto · 3 years
oh god, i want to feel again
summary: using the prompt “stay alive for me.” from this list here.  the reader is the only other survivor from their little friend group, save for brooke.  all alone with friends who truly couldn’t care about her, she finds herself back at camp redwood.
pairing: xavier x reader
word count: 2.4k words
warnings: death, dead body mentions, no important deaths, mentions of suicidal thoughts, implied depression, implied anxiety, shitty friends
a/n: i love 1984 so much.  like.  stop me from writing about it.  please.  i loved writing every word for this.  also like????  don’t ask about the title.  i realize the sentence prompt has nothing to to with sleeping at last’s touch but it’s fine.  it’s fine.
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You never should have let your friends talk you into going back to Camp Redwood.  And yet, you stood near them as the fawned over the scenery.  You couldn’t help but notice that it really was a beautiful place—it was just as beautiful as it had been when you had been there last.  But this place made you more nervous than you would like to admit.  Just thinking about everything that had happened made you want to cry.  But your friends told you they would be quick.  They just wanted to take a look around, maybe check out the cabins. 
However, you knew better.  Going to Camp Redwood was never something good.  Coming back to the damned place was a death wish—and your past self would have hit you for being so stupid to come back.
It had only taken an hour for your friends to leave your side.  But you weren’t surprised.  They were never really good “friends.”  In fact, the closest one to you out of the group once told you that the others were only friends with you for publicity.  Being the only other survivor out of your friends, save for Brooke, you were like a little legend in your town.  You knew it hadn’t been Brooke.  But it was your word against everything. 
You missed her.  She had been a good friend.  All of your friends had been.  Chet, Ray, Montana.  And Xavier.  Oh, God, did you miss Xavier.
There wasn’t a day that went by that you didn’t think of the blonde haired jazzercise instructor.  It hurt your heart to know that he was gone forever, taken by the very thing that made your “friends” fangirl.  On your way up to the camp, you swore you heard them talking about the Night Stalker.  It sent you into a memory that you couldn’t stand remembering.  Perhaps you should have just asked them to drop you off at the gas station and then pick you up later.  It would have been easier that way. 
It was 1987.  Three years after the massacre of your friends, and three years after you barely made it out of Camp Redwood alive. 
You found yourself sitting on the edge of the dock, staring out at the lake.  The water was dark and murky—not how you remembered.  But it had been quite a few years since you were last here.  You didn’t know what else could have happened.  You took in a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut. 
You wanted to leave.  That was the first thing that came to mind.  Just moments after the thought ran through your head, you felt something brush against your foot. 
Your heart leapt to your throat.
Scrambling to your feet, and suppressing your scream, you looked down at the water and saw a bloated body.  They had obviously been in the water for some time.  You took a couple steps back, your hands gripping at your shirt.  But that’s when you saw it.  A flash of two blonde heads in the corner of your eye, standing by one of the cabins.  None of your friends were blonde. 
You blinked and almost thought that you were just crazy—but then you saw it.  That outfit.  The blues and whites and that signature coat.  Were you crazy? 
You didn’t know.  Even so, your feet started moving before you could stop them.  In a matter of seconds, you were running.  Through the mud, through the roots that sprung up from the cold ground, through the tree limbs that continued to snag your shirt.  However, you didn’t care.  If that was who you thought it was, it didn’t matter if you hurt yourself or scratched up your outfit.  It was okay. 
You reached the area you had thought you saw him—the girls’ cabin.  That’s where you had hung out during the short time you were there.  The sight of the log building made you sick to your stomach.  This whole trip made you sick. 
If only you had listened to your gut feeling and passed up your friends invite, then you wouldn’t be standing here, questioning your sanity. 
But then you heard a voice. 
“[Your name]?”
Not just any voice—Xavier’s voice.
You quickly spun around; your eyes were wide.  You saw him standing there, all alone.  He gave you an incredulous look before Xavier wasted no time in rushing over to you.  He wrapped his arms around you, one of his hands resting on the back of your head.
“What—what,” you breathed out, quickly hugging him back.  “What the hell?  You’re dead,” you spoke, burying your face in his chest.  “You’re supposed to be dead.  Why are you here?”
Xavier chuckled softly.  “I’m a ghost, [Your name].”  He slightly pulled back to look down at you.  “God, I never thought I’d see you again.  Why are you here?”
“My… my friends—”
Before you could finish, a scream erupted through the trees, sending birds flying into the blue sky. 
You pulled back, looking over your shoulder.  “My friends brought me here…”
Xavier rose an eyebrow. 
“What’s going on?” you asked, shaking your head.  You paid no mind to the scream—a part of you didn’t care what happened, as awful as that sounded.  The other part of you ached to go and help them, but you couldn’t.  Xavier was standing in front of you.
“What do you mean?” he asked. 
“How are you—how are you here?  You’re a ghost...?”
He smiled softly, watching you with an unreadable expression.  “Yes.”
“That’s so vague,” you huffed, noticing a smear of blood on his cheek.  You reached forward, your thumb rubbing it off.  You frowned up at him.  “How the hell are you still here?” you repeated. 
“I don’t know,” he finally admitted.  “All of us.  We’re all here.  Well, save for you and Brooke,” he hesitantly smiled. 
You blinked slowly, furrowing your eyebrows.  “You’re all still here?” you asked, unable to stop your tears from forming.  “Xavier, I—I never thought I’d see you again.  And you’re telling me everyone’s still here?”
“You’re taking this pretty well,” he snorted softly.
“Yeah, well, you would to when you realize that all your friends are still here, and you didn’t watch them all die,” you said, taking in a deep breath. 
“Well, you did—”
“—you know what I mean, Xav.”
The blonde began to smile at you.  “I really never expected to see you again,” he said, giving you another tight hug.  “Why did you come with them…?”
“Closure?” you questioned your own answer, hugging him back.  “A chance to… to come to peace with what happened?”
“You sure as hell aren’t getting that,” he let out a laugh, not stopping himself from kissing the top of your head. 
You froze up, but you never once stopped him. 
“It’s only been three years, X,” you said, closing your eyes.  “I’ve lived… three hell-filled years without you guys.  I miss you so much,” you said.  You swallowed thickly, completely pulling back from the man.  “I… Brooke was sentenced.  They are convinced she did it,” you spoke. 
Xavier pursed his lips, and he took ahold of your hand.  “It’s okay.  It’s not your fault.”
“I… I just… I miss you.  I miss you guys so much, Xavier.  You have no idea.”
“Is that why you came?” Xavier softly asked, looking over you.  “To… be closer?”
Your eyes widened a bit.  You hadn’t thought of it like that.  But maybe, subconsciously, that’s what was going on.  Your mind knew that it was a way to be closer to your friends.  You never expected that you would literally get closer to them, in every way possible. 
“You make a good point,” you said, sniffling softly.
Xavier grinned, leaning forward to cup your cheeks.  “You look hot for a twenty-six-year-old,” he said. 
You slapped his hand away, unable to stop your cheeks from growing warm.  “It’s been three years, not a fucking decade.”
His smile only grew.  “You do, though.”
You sniffled again, looking up at him.  “You… I really never thought I’d see you again.  I can’t believe you’re here, Xav.  I…. It’s so hard to live without you.”
He frowned and leaned forward, kissing your forehead again.  You closed your eyes as his lips lingered. 
“I know.  But you can’t stay here.  There’s nothing here that would support someone who’s alive.  You need to go back home, get back to your life.”
“Xavier, I don’t have a life,” you frowned.  “I work, I come home, and I try to ignore the people who brought me here.”
“So, they’re not your friends?” a female voice came from behind you. 
You quickly spun around, spotting a blood-covered Montana.  You could hardly breathe.  You let go of Xavier and rushed over to the girl, tightly hugging onto her. 
“Oh my God,” you breathed, tears forming in your eyes again.  You silently cursed yourself for your constant waterworks—but your emotions were all over the place. 
“Uh, definitely not God,” she laughed, hugging you back.  “God, [Your name], why the hell are you here?  You look hot,” she grinned.
“Hey, back off, I already told her that,” Xavier scoffed. 
Montana just smiled, pulling back. You noticed that your clothes were now bloody, but you honestly didn’t care.  You reached up, wiping your tears away. 
“I can’t believe… I can’t believe you guys are actually here.  Are you sure I’m not just crazy?  And making this all up in my head?”
Xavier smiled and took your hand.  “We’re here.”
You lost track of time.  When you finally looked out the dusty cabin window, the moon was peaked high in the sky. 
You looked over at your friends, not knowing what to say.  You didn’t want to leave them, again.  You couldn’t leave them again. 
You reached forward and took Xavier’s hand, dragging him out of his conversation with Chet. 
“Can we talk?”
Xavier smiled back at you and nodded.  He hadn’t been this happy about anything, for some time.  He couldn’t believe that you were here.  He never thought that he would see you again—and you were the one person that he would have done anything for, save for himself. 
The two of you stood outside of the edge of the cabin steps.  Xavier leaned against the railing and you found yourself sitting down on the top of the staircase.
“I… I can’t leave you guys.  Not again.  I’ve got nothing out there for me—”
Xavier’s face fell as he heard you.  “No.  I know what you want.  You’re not doing that.  No way in hell.  You’re the only one of us who survived, you need to keep on living—”
“—I only survived because you guys all died before I escaped,” you said, your bottom lip quivering.  “Xavier, I can’t function without you guys.  I can’t—I can’t do anything without thinking about all of you.”
“You will, eventually,” Xavier said, sending you a soft smile.  He leaned forward and grabbed your hands.  “You’ll be able to.”
“When, X?  When I’m on my eightieth birthday?” you questioned. 
He snickered softly and kissed your cheek.  “You know that’s not true.  You’ll be okay.  You need to go home, [Your name].  You know that we’re here.  You can visit any time you want to.  Stay alive for me.”
“But I’ll continue to age.  And you’ll all stay here, exactly the same.”
Xavier grinned.  “Well, you continue to age.  Get a spouse.  Make some babies.  Come and see us when you have the time.”
He was trying to talk you out of it.  He didn’t want you dead—if you died, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself (metaphorically, of course).  He had protected you until his last breath, and he would do it again.  Even if it meant sending you away, no matter how much he would have rather had you there. 
“I’ll continue to age, X.  But I’m not ever gonna marry.  And I won’t ever have kids.”
“Why not?” Xavier asked, brows furrowed. 
“Because the one person I wanted that with is here.”
He stopped for a moment, letting go of your hands.  “What?” he tilted his head, watching you.  “Who?”
“You, you idiot,” you said, tears welling in your eyes.  “I didn’t want to come back here because I thought that I would find things of yours.  I didn’t expect your whole damn ghost.  I don’t want to age.  I don’t want to just marry someone.  I wanted to marry you,” you said, choking back a sob with an awkward cough.  “I wanted to date you, I wanted to fall in love with you even more than I already loved you.  You dying made me realize that I would never have that.  I would never love anyone as much as I love you, Xavier.”
Xavier didn’t say anything, watching you intently.
“I’ve mourned you every damn day.  I—I’ve wondered, why did this happen?  Why couldn’t I have just died with you?  And I nearly did it.  Several times, Xavier.  I would have done it again,” you said, staring him down.  “If I came here and saw that you… you still had things here.  If I saw your blood or that—that damned horror oven.  I… I would have done it.”
Xavier quickly took your hands again.  “Stop it.  Stop talking like that.  [Your name]…”
“And see?  You don’t even love me back,” you said, finally letting out a sob.  “You’ve stared at me this whole time, and said noth—”
You were cut off by cold lips pressing against yours.  But just as soon as you had been interrupted, you started kissing him back.  You were still crying—all of your pent-up exhaustion and rage releasing with your tears. 
Xavier slightly pulled back, his forehead pressing against yours.  “I… I love you, too, [Your name].”
You squeezed your eyes shut.  Xavier leaned forward and wiped your falling tears away. 
“The only way you can stay here… is if you die.”
You took in a deep breath, looking up and locking eyes with the blonde.  “I’ll do anything I have to.  I just can’t leave.  Not again.”
Xavier sadly smiled, unable to stop his own tears from forming.  “Alright, then.  I won’t stop you,” he pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles.  “How… how do you wanna go?  It’s your choice.”
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 4 years
ahh i’ve read all ur childe fics and they are absolutely amazing 🥺 i also live for angst and the way you portray ur characters emotions is emasculate *chefs kiss* is it possible if i may request an angsty childe fic where his s/o feels betrayed after finding out hes only been with her as part of the fatui’s plans but throughout the process childe actually falls in love and never meant to hurt them? and pls a fluffy ending bc my heart can’t take angst 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Pairing - Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x Reader
Warnings - Spoilers for Childe’s background.
Other Comments - Hello!! I am so glad that you are enjoying my stuff! I never would have imagined that I would receive so much positive feedback as I just started doing this but everyone has welcomed me with open arms hehe!!  (//▽//) Anyway you are in luck because I absolutely love writing angst so lets go! Also these are heavily inspired by the songs Decode and All I Wanted by Paramore so I kinda recommend listening to them while you read. (๑˘︶˘๑)
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      Everyone you have encountered along your journey have been so friendly; all of them going out of their way to assist you. You have gained many friends along your way which have caused you to become quite a trusting person, to a fault at this point. Every person you have met with try their best to help you with your journey and leave a lingering friendship which you are incredibly grateful for. When you first decided you wanted to become an adventurer, your parents were extremely apprehensive, not trusting the world around you. You were determined to prove them wrong, and so far you have. 
      You had decided you wanted to settle down in Liyue for a while, exhausted from the constant traveling. This way you were always able to stay close around the Adventurers Guild. Along your journey of living in Liyue you had continued to meet many lovely and helpful people; one being a tall copper headed man. 
      During your travel and adventuring you had started to become a fairly big name, as you were incredibly skilled and managed to help save Mondstadt on a variety of occasions; even getting to know the grand master of the Knights of Favonius. So when a tall young man approached you, already knowing your name you weren’t all too surprised. You had already settled down into your small cozy apartment when he had come up to you.
      “Excuse me, you don’t happen to be (y/n) do you?” You looked up, your eyes meeting bright blue ones as you found the owner of the soothing voice.
      “Oh uh, yes that’s me. Is there something I can help you with?” A pleasant smile graced your face as the tall man gave a polite smile back before continuing. 
      “I was wondering if you could assist me with a domain, I seem to be having a bit more trouble with it than I had expected. I’ve heard you’re one of the best out there right now.” Your face flushed, something about this man was so endearing, and helping him out couldn’t be too hard, you had been able to defeat most of the domains in the area anyway so why not?
      “Sure, I’d be more than happy to help you out! Are you an adventurer like I am?” You heard Childe let out a low chuckle.
      “Oh no I am a Fatui Harbinger.” Wait- did he just say he was a Harbinger? You didn’t know much about the Fatui, but what you did know and have heard from other people was that the Fatui were always bad news. He didn’t seem like what everyone was saying though.
      “Well then, when would you like to go?”
      That was the beginning of your relationship with the Harbinger. After that you two both seemed to get along surprisingly well, and you found yourself struggling to stop seeing him. He was always on your mind, and with him almost always being around you that wasn’t helping either.
      “So, where shall we go today darling?” Childe had decided to take up space in your already cramped apartment, not that you were complaining. It had been about six months since you had settled down in Liyue and you decided it was finally time to start traveling again. You had formed a really close connection with Childe, he always seemed to be your savior in situations that you needed it. You hoped that Childe would come along with you, but part of you had a feeling that he had to stay here for some reason.
      “Well I was thinking I would go back to traveling again, I have stayed for about half a year so I think it’s time.” The smile that always seemed to find its place on Childe face quickly dropped, and you saw something change for a split second before returning back to normal.
      “Oh well if that’s what you want then I am not going to stop you, but I can no longer accompany you, you better leave as soon as possible though.” Now what could he have said that for. 
      “So you can cover as much ground of course!” Childe must’ve picked up on your questioning gaze when he said that, as a reassuring smile found its way back to his face.
      “I suppose you’re right, I need to say goodbye to the friends that I’ve made here though. Could you help me pack my things while I go do that?” A strong nod came from Childe before you granted yourself permission to leave.
      It took you longer than you had anticipated to track down and say goodbye to all of the friends you had made here and Liyue, which you could blame Xiangling for as she made sure to make plenty of your favourite dishes for your trip.
      As you approached your building you saw the back of the boy you knew so well, duck into a dark alley. Something could’ve been wrong, so to make sure he was okay you quietly followed a little ways behind. 
      “Are you deaf or just stupid? Your job was to get close to the dumb bitch and then bring them in. What is taking so long are you kidding?” A shorter man with a large hat was currently talking to Childe, surely they couldn’t be talking about you.
      “Listen I know what my orders were, I was just waiting for a good time.” Childe’s voice was quite and his eyes were focused on the ground.
      “If they’re leaving today, you better hope that they are still in Liyue for your own well being.” With that the shorter man quickly turned away and stormed off. So it was all a setup. Everything they did and talked about... All the things he told you... You as you were backing away in disbelief your shoe scuffed against the ground, causing Childe to whip around, those once familiar blue eyes meeting yours blowing out wide.
      “(Y/n) wait-” You didn’t let him finish before you took off sprinting up to your apartment, hoping to get up there and lock yourself in. Was he going to kill you for over hearing?
      You tripped a couple times going up the stairs hoping to the gods that you would still have enough time to shut and lock your door, all the while Childe was behind you begging for you to stop, for you to come back. Relief washed over you as your eyes found your door, adrenaline still pumping wildly through you. 
      “Please please please gods let me in!” You franticly attempted to unlock your door, the adrenaline making you shaky causing you to miss the keyhole. Your feverish prayers were answered when you flung the front door open, Childe’s loud footsteps pounding against the floor behind you. Right as you were slamming the door closed Childe’s body flew against the door, causing it to swing back open, hitting you in the process and tossing you to the ground; knocking the wind out of you.
      Childe stood over you, panting as he tried to catch his breath. Was this the end? Were you going to die? Your wild eyes found his, the fear in them causing him to falter. He never wanted to see fear in your eyes, especially not because of him. The darkness of the night made it hard to see, the only light spilling in from the hallway through your open front door, spotlighting your face and the tears you had falling down your cheeks. You don’t remember when you started crying but it was obvious now. Neither of you spoke for a while, not knowing what to say. It was clear that Childe wasn’t going to kill you, but that still left a plethora of issues.
      “You...” You began to speak, your voice shaky and uncertain. Childe’s eyes silently begged for you to stop.
      “You took advantage of me. Everything was a lie. Was anything that came out of your mouth true?!” Sadness and anger flushed your face and you slowly rose to your feet.
      “(Y/n) please... I never meant for it to go on this long.” That didn’t help his situation, that sentence having the same effect of putting water on an oil fire. Anger bloomed from your chest, almost making it hard to breathe.
      “I trusted you! I guess this is all my fault for putting my trust into a Fatui Harbinger! Childe’s not even your real name! I know NOTHING about you!! And... and I let you stay with me! Keep me company! I let you put your filthy hands on me! You kissed me!!” Tears began to spill faster, but not just from you this time.
      “(Y/n) please my feelings and actions towards you were no lies!! I admit this was all set up, but then I began to truly fall in love with you!! You have to believe me!” A loud broken laugh escaped your lips, almost like a bark.
      “Believe you?! Again I don’t even know your real name-”
      “Tartaglia.” This stopped you in your tracks, you couldn’t quite make sense of what he said.
      “What?” Your words were barely above a whisper.
      “My name. It’s Tartaglia. My family calls me Ajax. I am the 11th Harbinger of the Fatui. I moved to Liyue as a debt collector. I don’t want to be in the Fatui, not ever since I met you. You knew who the Fatui were and still chose to trust me. No one except my family has ever looked at me the way you do. I am from Snezhnaya. My birthday is July 20th. I enjoy ice fishing and combat. I have many siblings, a couple younger brothers named Teucer and Anthony and I have a sister named Tonia. See? You know so much more now!” You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, you just stared at him. Childe or Tartaglia rather, was clearly getting anxious at your silence, as he shifted around more or fiddled with his gloves. He was normally so confident, so seeing him like this was shocking.
      “(Y/n) please, say something; anything.” The desperation in his voice made your chest tighten. What could you say? On one hand you wanted to just forgive him and fall into his arms, on the other hand he had completely destroyed your trust; were you really willing on forgiving him that easily?
      “Childe... I...” You could see Tartaglia flinch, not used to the tone of his code name on you tongue. He wanted so desperately for you to just say his real name. He wanted to embrace you, for you to forgive him. He would find a way out of this for the both of you. 
      “(Y/n) I will help you. I fell in love with you. I knew the second I set my eyes on you that I say going to fall for you. I will get you out of this situation, I have to. I know it’s stupid to say this now, but you have to trust me on this. After I get you out of here is when you can hit me scream at me and tell me never to see you again. I just need to make sure you’re safe.” You couldn’t hold yourself back anymore as you began to cry again. Tartaglia stepped close to you, slowly to make sure that you had a way to back up if you didn’t want him to get closer. When you didn’t move he took that as an ‘okay’ to get close, and that’s what he did.
      Slowly the distance between the two of you closed as Tartaglia sunk to his knees and clung to you. His hold on you was iron tight, as he waited and hoped for you to return the hold; which much to his surprise you did. You clung to him and cried. 
      “I will make you trust me again (y/n). I will make you trust me and I will keep you safe. You have my word. I love you.”
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let's save the world
season two, episode eight
five hargreeves x reader
summary: you have one final idea to get back to twenty-nineteen: finding yourselves
warnings: cursing
word count: 2.6k
a/n: this took for fucking ever but i'm not even gonna apologize at this point because i'm ninety percent sure it will happen again. sorry in advanced. just be glad i did it, alright? anyways, please enjoy episode eight, i loved writing it, i don't know why i put it off for so long
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“we were that close.” you whisper to yourself as you go up the stairs, “so close.”
the door to one of the rooms slams behind you as you quickly look through the cabinets, before finding a bottle of whiskey. the only thing you need right now.
you twist the cap off, tossing it to the side as you sit on the couch with a heavy sigh.
you can hear luther speaking as he presumably follows five up the steps, but you don’t focus too much on what he’s saying. something about making a new plan, which almost makes you laugh. no other plan would ever work, if this one didn’t. his family would never let that happen.
the door opens once again as five enters, slamming it shut and locking it before luther can come in behind him. “five!” the big man shouts outside of the door, knocking on it, “come to what?” a sigh follows shortly after, and you hear his steps recede, apparently giving up.
you look to five, holding the bottle out, “want some?”
when he takes it, you expect him to take a drink, not find the cap and twist it back on, “what are you doing?” he questions.
“what are you doing?” you shoot the question back, reaching for the bottle, “if you didn’t want any, you didn’t have to take it.”
he looks at you incredulously, holding it out of your reach, “we still have an apocalypse to stop! you can’t just be sitting in here drinking!”
at that, you let out a loud laugh, yet nothing about this is funny. “you’re kidding, right?” you raise an eyebrow, sinking into the cushions, “i’m done with that.”
setting the booze on the coffee table, his eyebrows furrow at you, “what do you mean? you can’t be done with it. we don’t have much time!”
“don’t you get it, five?” you lean forward as you look up at him, “we can’t stop this. no matter how hard we try, we’ll never be able to. there’s always something that gets in the way when we get seconds away from actually doing it. let’s face it, the world is against us, and this apocalypse is happening.” you sound defeated, and you hate hearing it. you never wanted to give up, to let the world get the best of you. it tried to before, and you persevered. but none of that matters anymore, because soon enough, you'll be nuked and your existence won't have mattered.
he’s shaking his head in disbelief, “no. no, it isn’t. you’re supposed to be the one helping me, y/n! we can still do it.”
“and what’s your plan this time? do you even have one?” you can feel the tears brimming your eyes, and you hate feeling this weak in front of him, but there was no stopping it now.
“i do.” he states, “but i need you to help me.”
sitting on the couch next to you, turned in your direction, he gently guides your eyes to his, his hand resting on your cheek. "i can't do this without you. i can't save the world if i don't have you to help me."
a tear escapes and you quickly wipe it away, sniffling as you gather yourself before you break down completely. "fine." you breathe.
you were currently in the kitchen, chugging down as much water as you could from a pitcher before passing it along to five. This plan was so, so stupid. he began to drink from it as well, and luther, who had been napping on the couch, entered.
“five, what…” he glances between the two of you, you putting baby powder anywhere on your body you deemed necessary, and to him, taking in a breath as he flipped the top closed on the pitcher. “are you guys okay?” he questions in confusion.
“we need to be hydrated.” he breathes out, and you hand him the baby powder once you were finished.
if it was possible, luther’s confusion grew, “what’s with the baby powder?”
“it’ll help with the itching.” you state, giving no further explanation.
“what itching? there’s itching? what the hell is going on here?” as five puts some of the powder in his pants, realization dawns on his face, “you do have a plan.”
grabbing his blazer, five sighs, “well, it’s a desperation move, but… since our brain-dead siblings are incapable of meeting a simple deadline, well- we have no choice.”
“no choice about what?” you follow him into the living room, flipping the watch you stole from the formerly sleeping man- since he no longer needed it- open.
“we have to find ourselves.”
luther is so stunned, trying to process it, that he doesn’t speak. “we just arrived in dallas fifteen minutes ago.” you state, closing the watch and sticking it back in your pocket.
“should i be worried about you guys?” luther finally asks, his eyebrows furrowing at the two of you.
“luther, if you recall,” five speaks as he begins to stretch, “we were sent to nineteen sixty-three on a job by the commission to make sure the president was assassinated.”
“oh!” luther starts to understand, “so, wait, your old self is out there.”
“what, just walking around dallas?”
“walking around dallas with a briefcase that can get us home.” you tell him with a smile. now, if this plan didn’t work, you were truly screwed. of course, the older looking versions of yourselves won’t give up the briefcase so easily, but you know for a fact you can do it. and with that briefcase, there wouldn’t be a time limit. you could gather all of the siblings together and finally be rid of the apocalypse. maybe, just maybe, it will be the last that you have to deal with.
“oh, my god.” luther’s hands come together in front of him, “you are geniuses.”
“however, there are two significant problems with this plan.” five tells him, you nodding along, “problem number one: we are two trained assassins, arguably the most dangerous assassins in the space-time continuum. If we know ourselves, we’re not going to react kindly to bumping into us.”
you knew it sounded like you were giving yourselves a pat on the back, but he wouldn’t be saying it if it wasn’t true. and it definitely was.
“problem number two,” he paces, “this is the real fly in the ointment here: you’re not supposed to exist in close proximity to yourself in the same timeline. the side effects can be disastrous.”
luther seems as if he’s trying to process all of this, “side effects? what sort of side effects?”
“well, according to commission handbook chapter twenty-seven, subsection three-b, the seven stages in paradox psychosis are…”
“stage one: denial.” you begin counting off on your fingers,
“two: itching.” five looks to his brother,
“three: extreme thirst and urination,”
“four: excessive gas,”
“five: acute paranoia,”
“six: uncontrolled perspiration,”
“and seven:” you pause for a moment, dropping your hands, “homicidal rage.”
“homicidal rage?” luther questions, to which both of you confirm, “jeez, i don’t know. this maybe isn’t such a good idea.”
five begins to pace again, throwing his arms to the side, “it’s a hail mary. but what choice do we got, luther?”
leaning against the door frame, the large man shrugs, “i don’t know, you already seem a bit squirrely if i’m being honest.”
“listen luther, we’re gonna need you to help us get through this one, alright?” you stand in front of him, “we need… a spotter.”
“a spotter?”
“yeah,” you breathe out.
his eyebrows furrow, “what is that, like a wingman?”
“in case the paradox psychosis gets too severe,” five strides over, “we need you to help us stay on task, alright? so whatever happens, whatever we say, we need to get that briefcase. okay?”
“okay,” luther breathes.
“okay.” your shoulders relax.
both you and five turn and make your way to the steps, and you barely realize that luther is still at the doorway, staring in front of him. “luther, come on!”
there’s an irish jig playing as you enter the bar, and chatter fills the air between the people inside, sitting at tables and at the stools along the bar countertop. you look around, skimming over all of the people, until you see them. or- you and five. it’s weird, seeing the older looking woman who sat next to the older looking five. you barely recognized them, since you had been looking at your thirteen year old selves for a while now.
“there we are.” five has spotted them as well. sitting at the bar, the briefcase on the raised wood that acted as a footrest between the two older versions of you.
“why don’t we just grab the briefcase and run?” luther asks.
“luther, we would never let that happen.” you tell him, looking up at him for a second, “we’re trained to guard those briefcases with our lives.”
“plus, it’s the inherent paradox where this gets tricky.” five adds in. “we’re endangering our existence just being in the same room with ourselves.”
“huh? what do you mean?”
you roll your eyes, “luther, keep up. if our old selves don’t travel back to twenty-nineteen like we’re supposed to, the whole thing unravels itself. we cease to exist. got it?”
“i… got it.” he doesn’t seem to, but you decide not to try to explain further and confuse him even more.
“so our best chance is to talk with them, to reason with them.” five rolls his shoulders back, “they’ll understand. trust me. i know us better than… better than i know us.” the sentence is confusing, but the point gets across.
as five reaches up to scratch his neck, luther is quick to point it out, “that’s stage two of paradox psychosis.” he whispers urgently.
“no, i didn’t.” five states, “i didn’t itch my neck.”
“denial is stage one.” the large man points out.
“let’s stay on task, shall we?” you wave towards the two of you sitting at the bar, and as you’re about to step forward, luther reaches his hand out to stop you.
“wait!” you look at him in a mix of confusion and annoyance, “maybe i should go first.”
“why?” five asks him, also confused.
“well, you’ll freak them out.” he motions at the two of you, “bumping into your own tiny doppelganger? they’ll lose their shit.” he looks to the older versions of you, “just, let me break the ice.”
five glances around, sighing, “okay.”
“okay.” luther breathes out slowly, and you watch as he approaches the two older yous. you’re not sure if you can trust him one hundred percent.
as he begins to speak, the two of you very quickly get confused and on guard. meanwhile, you unconsciously grab hold of five’s hand to approach. “nope! don’t freak out. no freak-outs. alright.”
as the large man slowly steps to the side, you see yourself- your old self- tense up at the sight of younger looking you. “hey there, stranger.” your five speaks up, and the two older yous are almost shaking in their shoes from the shock and confusion.
you swear you see fear in your own eyes. it’s a look you remember seeing when you first landed back in twenty-nineteen and looked in the mirror at the you that had gotten stuck in the apocalypse. the you that was stuck alone for years until the commission brought you back to five. it was jarring to you as well, at first.
you remember staring into your own eyes. the little girl who had held five’s hand as he discovered the full extent of his powers, until it disappeared from her grasp and she was left in a smoldering, crumbling world.
the five of you had gotten a table, and you sat across from your older self, gaze unwavering. out of the corner of your eye, you could see the two fives glaring at each other.
“well, isn’t this nice?” luther breaks the silent tension, “the five of us, together like this.”
“no.” all four of you speak in unison, and luther is clearly uncomfortable, almost squirming in his seat.
the old five doesn’t look away from himself as he begins to speak, “somebody explain to me how it is i’m having a pint of guinness with my younger self.”
“older, actually.” the five sitting next to you states, “i’m you, just fourteen days older.”
“i have pubic hair smarter than you.” the other you says coldly, her fingers laced together on the table in front of her, “how’s that possible?”
“i can explain,” the younger seeming boy responds, “you see, one hour from now, on the grassy knoll, before the president is killed, you break your contract with the commission.” he leans forward slightly, “i already know you’re thinking about it. all those years in the apocalypse, we never stopped worrying about our family. well today, you’re going to do something about it.” he sits up straighter.
“today, you are going to attempt to time travel back to twenty-nineteen. however, you are going to screw up the jump, and end up in this twip of a body.” he points to himself with his two thumbs. “trapped forever, small, pubescent.”
“okay.” the older one finally breaks his stare, shaking in his seat, “even if i was to believe you, what am i supposed to do, not jump?”
“no, no.” you break away from the eyes of yourself, “we need you to jump. if you don’t jump, we cease to exist.” you motion between yourself and your five, “what we need is for you to jump correctly.”
“i’m listening.”
“the first time through, i got the calculation wrong. that’s how we ended up in these bodies.” five begins to explain, “but now, i know the correct calculation.”
the other is almost on the edge of his seat in anticipation, “what is it?”
“he’ll tell you.” you tell him, causing his gaze to turn to you instead, “in exchange for the briefcase you’re holding under the table.”
“yeah, yeah.” luther speaks up from where he’s sitting, “so now, you go back to twenty-nineteen, as planned, but this time with the right math, so you remain a full grown man. in exchange for that briefcase that you no longer need.” he points to the space between the older yous where it rests, a smile on his face.
“timeline restored, paradox resolved.” five speaks, “everyone goes on, existing happily ever after.”
the older you finally breaks her silence, “that’s quite a bit to take in.”
everyone’s heads turn towards her, “what do you think?” five asks, glancing between the two of them.
“i think,” older five says, “i need to piss.” he promptly states, standing from his seat and grabbing the briefcase, heading in the direction of the bathrooms. older you quickly looks between all of you, before also standing up and heading in that direction as well. you have a feeling that they’ll be discussing the situation at hand.
once they disappear down the hall where the bathrooms are, luther breaks the short silence that fell between the three of you. “well, besides the flop sweat, i think that went pretty well, right?” you had barely noticed, but there was, in fact, beads of sweat on your face, and you grabbed one of the napkins to wipe it away while luther patted one to five’s face.
“no, there’s something…” five fidgets in his seat, “something doesn’t feel right about this.”
luther is confused, which you’ve noticed happens a lot. “what… what do you mean?”
agreeing with five’s sentiment, you shake your head, “i don’t trust them.”
“but… they’re you.” he states in confusion.
“exactly.” the two of you speak in unison.
“well… i’m going to go to the bathroom too… maybe talk to him?” it’s more of a question as he stands up before quickly scurrying away.
“they’re planning something.” you state, leaning back in your seat as you scratch the back of your neck.
nodding, five takes a drink from his glass, “we have to be ready for whatever it is. we’re dangerous.”
main: @horrorklaus @megasimpleplan4ever
tua: @rasberrymay @noodlextrash @atomicpillar @malfovs @andreasworlsboring101​ @lunylovelovegood
five taglist: @anapocalypseinmymind @five-hargreeves-official @insatiable-ivy @coffee-e-addict @xplrreylo @fandomfreakff @colie-babi @flowertoty @avovada @badwolf00593
let’s save the world: @aspiringwriter1 @thetrashypanda423 @lilacs-lavender @wow-lookit-all-the-fandoms @ohmyitsfaith @xplrreylo @fandomfreakff @onedollarduck @sleepygal124 @faith-quake @stripedchickens @youcandalekmyballs @pettyjayy @libidinexx @bts-chub @theoriginalkat @flowertoty @whenyouwantdeath @ot7purple @purblerain @megasimpleplan4ever @whenyouregrungeaff @dumdumsun @malfovs @hxney-lemcn @frnks-stuff @imwaytootires @avovada @badwolf00593 @dumdumsun @zero2461
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cloudcovenkite · 3 years
Hi. Could i request what it would be like to have a crush on maki and nobara and them having a crush on you(both separate scenarios, fem reader) but you're also gojo's younger sister so i feel like he'd be a little shit abt it whenever he catches reader staring or sum shit. And basically how the whole realizing its a crush and how to whole confession goes down, who confesses, and everyones reaction esp gojo bc he's gojo yk.
I hope this wasnt to much or too specific for you and have a good day. Cant wait to read😍
This is really cute and I had a lot of fun writing this one. Sorry it took so long but its finally ready.
What it Would Be Like to Have a Crush on Nobara and Maki as Gojo's Little Sister:
WC: 2.3k
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Nobara Kugisaki
Being the younger sister to 'The Strongest Sorcerer' was not an easy task. Yeah sure you loved him and everything but he just needs to shut his mouth sometimes. You guys were pretty close growing up despite your large age gap, he was the best big brother you could have asked for......sometimes. The current situation had arisen after you joined your brother's class in the first year at Jujutsu Tech. You got along with the other students instantly. Going on missions with each other, spending nights watching movies, and eating as much pizza as you could fit in your mouth. You loved and cared for all of them but one, in particular, held a special place in your heart. Nobara Kugisaki was the most beautiful girl you had ever laid eyes on. Her short red hair and deep brown eyes you could get lost in. Her confident attitude and tendencies to take charge in intense situations drew her to you. As much as you tried to hide your feelings for the sake of your friendship, it was very obvious to someone else. The day was moving very slowly as you sat in class, not paying attention to what was happening. Your eyes started to drift to the redhead, sitting diagonally in front of you. From this angle, she wouldn't be able to see you admiring her delicate facial features or the way she would smile whenever Yuji confidently got an answer wrong.
"Y/N, have anything to share with the class? It looks like your zoning out there."
You snap your head forward at the call of your name. Your older brother has a smug look on his face, he knew what he was doing. You apologize for your lack of focus and the lesson continues. Asshole.
After class Gojo calls you to stay back a bit. You knew what he wanted to talk about so you reluctantly stayed behind.
"So, what did you wanna talk about?" You ask, pretending to have no idea what he's talking about.
"You seemed awful distracted during class today. Wanna tell me why." He had his stupid smile plastered over his face.
"I didn't sleep well last night. I was just thinking about stuff." You tried to ignore the blush slowly creeping up your neck.
"Yeah, think about Kugisaki." He laughed. At this point, your face was feeling hot with embarrassment.
"That's not-NO I-" You couldn't think of the right words to say after your brother exposing you like that, covering your face in your hands out of embarrassment.
"Awwwwwww, look at that. My little sister has a crush." He swayed back and forth on the balls of his feet as he teased you.
"I don't." You said with a serious look on your face in hopes of throwing him off your trail.
"Yeah right. I can smell a lie from miles away." You couldn't outsmart him. Guess all that was left to do was come clean.
"Fine, I do. Can I go now?" You were already tired from your long day at school and now you had to put up with his antics.
"That's cute. You know, I think she likes you two." You looked back at him almost offended. Did he think he could trick you into believing that?
"Yeah right. I get that your power is great but your six eyes can't read people's minds."
"Not their minds but any normal person can read body language. She's always so entranced by the way you speak or how she laughs at your horrible jokes." As you listened to your brother he started to make sense. You always assumed that she was only being a good friend, that you were the one captivated by her.
"Whatever, now can I go?" You asked annoyed.
"Maybe I should tell her about your little feelings." He smirked as you started to walk away.
"Tell her anything and I swear I will pull those pretty little eyes out of your head." You threatened but all he did was laugh.
"Fine, fine. I won't say anything but you should tell her. Life is short Y/N." He patted your shoulder and he left the room. You quickly chased after your brother.
"What should I say to her? I don't know how to do this," you asked, feeling defeated by your own emotions. You expected a smart-ass response from him but he only stood quietly, thinking over what to say.
"Just tell her how you feel, oh, and what you like about her." You didn't expect him to take your question seriously. Looking at him, he pulled his blindfold down. You saw the sincerity in his eyes as he gave you his advice.
"Be honest, don't shy away from what you want or else you'll end up regretting it." You smiled. You never really had a moment like this between the two of you before since Gojo was usually all fun and games but it felt nice to open up to him.
"You know, you give good advice when you're not being an asshole." You poke his side.
"That's why I'm the best big brother." He slung an arm over your shoulder (Why does this man need to be so damn tall) and you two walked back to the dorms.
The next day quickly arrived. You had spent all night planning what you were going to say to Nobara when the two of you had a moment alone. As if he was playing cupid, Gojo separated the class so that you and Nobara had time alone to work while Megumi and Yuji trained in a different area. The two of you had all your books laid out messily over the picnic table outside. She needs a little bit of help before the next big test so you offered to help.
"I'm so glad you hear to help me. I suck at this." You brushed it off and continued working through some questions. Now or Never you thought.
"Hey Nobara, random question. I was thinking of telling my crush I like them, any idea's on what I should do?" The question was open-ended enough. She looked up a bit confused and slightly hurt.
"Oh, umm. I don't know. I've never really done anything like that." She looked back down as if you never asked the question and continued to work.
"I was only wondering cause I like this person and I wanted to finally tell them. I was thinking of just being upfront about it but maybe you know a better way?"
"I think being upfront about it is good." She stopped working and looked up at you. You found yourself staring into her eyes, not able to look away.
"I...I really, really like you Nobara." You said out loud. After looking at her you knew that you couldn't hold back anymore. The way her hair perfectly framed her rosy cheeks made you feel warm inside. Her eyes opened in shock at your confession. She sat there not saying anything as her face began to turn red.
"I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry, just pretend like i-"
"I like you too." She blurted out, cutting your sentence short. Gojo was right (which wasn't a common occurrence).
"Wait?" You were in complete shock. She slowly nodded her head as she tried to hide the flustered look on her face. You started to laugh causing her to smile at you.
"I don't know what to say." Your face felt hot after your confession.
"Don't say anything." You looked to her, confused by her words. Making eye contact, she leaned in and your lips met finally. It was a slow and tender kiss, one of happiness and bliss. Her lips were plump and soft on yours. You reached and cupped her face in your hand as you deepened the kiss. You pulled away out of shock and need for air. Her eyes were full of love as her face was tinted a light shade of pink. You didn't know how to respond to the situation.
"I knew it!" You both looked to the side where Gojo was standing with Megumi and Yuji behind him. The basted had the biggest smile on his face. Megumi had a subtle shocked look while Yuji's jaw hit the floor. You both looked away after getting caught. Gojo came up behind you and started talking about how he was right and pestering you while your two other classmates just watched their teacher harass the two of you.
"look at my little sister all grown up." He grabbed your chin and smushed your cheeks in his large hand.
"Stop it Satoru." You waved him off of you.
"Say I'm the best big brother and I'll leave you alone."
"Not happening." He slouched over your shoulder. His tall and lanky frame doubling over you.
"Okay fine, you the best big brother."
"Ever." He stood up tall and congratulated the two of you. Nobara still reeling from embarrassment.
"Usually I would give you two a long speech about you getting pregnant but I don't think I need to worry about that."
"Satoru!" You shouted as he ran away.
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Maki Zenin
Being a second year at Jujutsu tech meant you didn't have to put up with your older brother as your teacher anymore. The freedom you felt was overwhelming. You got to know your fellow second years quite well during your time. You and panda like to brawl with each other now and then. You can understand Toge quite well now. The person you were the closest with by far was Maki Zenin. As the only two girls in your year, you guys spend a lot of time together. Where spending hours talking when you should be sleeping or trying to outdo each other at Mario cart (Currently you are in the lead) you guys were inseparable, practically joined at the hip. Because you guys were so close you started to catch feelings for her very quickly while in your first year but you brushed it off as a sisterly like love. After growing and realizing just how much you truly cared for her you started to confide in your older brother, Gojo. You two became quite close while you attended Jujutsu Tech so much so that you started to have proper grown-up conversations (Or as grown-up as Gojo can be). He would make fun of you for your feeling but you could make just as much fun of him when it came to him not knowing how to be a real adult. Make fun of how skinny he is and he will fold like a lawn chair.
It was just another day after class. It was boiling outside and the school didn't have good air conditioning in their classes so you decided to go bother your brother in the staff lounge.
"You know your not supposed to be in here," Gojo said while on his phone. You plopped down on the long couch, dying of heatstroke.
"What are you gonna do? Kick me out. I'd like to see you try." You guys sat in silence for a minute while you recovered your strength to talk to him.
"It is so hot outside." You mutter.
"I think that's what happens during the summer." He responds with a smirk. You just grumble at him.
"You talk to Maki yet?" He quickly changed the subject. He's been on your ass about it ever since you told you were going to tell her your feeling...2 months ago.
"I'll do it when I want to. What do you know about feeling." You said rhetorically.
"I am an expert on love. I have had my fair share of it."
"Sleeping with anybody who takes the slightest interest in you isn't love, it's called being a man whore."
"Hey, take that back!" He pointed at you all dramatic-like. He knew it was true but hearing it come out of his little sister's mouth had a different impact.
"No. Your a man child who never considers other people's feelings so that makes you a man whore." You smile at him. He started at you with a competitive grin.
"I think I need to go have a little conversation with Maki." Gojo then teleported out of the room before you could grab a hold of him. Before thinking about it, you sprinted out of the room to find him. Running up and down the halls, you found the two of them talking in the main corridor. You run-up to the two of them out of breath from sprinting in the heat.
"So Maki-san. What do you have to say about this." You look to Gojo horrified. Did he tell her about your true feelings? Looking to Maki who had a relatively calm look on her face.
"I mean I feel the same way, I don't know why you had to make such a big deal of it Gojo-sensei." You were startled by her words. Did she like you? Gojo backed up a bit to give you some space but he stayed close enough to hear you two.
"Wait really, you do?"
"Yeah of course." She seemed so calm it was almost scary.
"Maki I, I really like you. Like a lot. I was scared to say anything cause I didn't want to ruin our friendship." You blushed after finally coming clean.
"Wait, what?" She looked shocked and confused. You looked horrified.
"What did he say to you?"
"Umm, he said that you were happy to have me as a best friend." That asshole. He tricked you into confessing.
"I'm sorry I sh-"
"No, I...kinda like you too." Maki looked down a bit. Her golden eyes portray strong emotions. After all the confusion you didn't know how to react. You brought her into a tight hug and snuggled your face into her neck to which she reciprocated. You pulled back and pecked her check causing her to get flustered.
"Haha, I'm the best." Gojo stood next to the two of you feeling accomplished in himself. You ran and tackled him to the floor.
"I am going to hurt you so bad."
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bebepac · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday 8.08.21
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Original Post: 08/08/21 at 12:30PM EST
Happy Sunday Funday Fandom. I hope that you are enjoying your weekend.    I have hit my new binge fest on Netflix, which probably I would have hit my goal of finishing 3 chapters this week, however I only made it through two as I was binge watching  The Flash.  I apparently missed both season 6 and 7, when I was watching season 6, I thought it was season 7 but i was wrong.  So I still have the majority of season 7 to catch up on now.  I Love Barry and Iris!!!
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 I guess we can’t complain two out of three ain’t bad yo.  So that’s going to continue, since it looks like the outside is getting unsafe again.   Our cases in my area are way up again, and I did take the vaccine,  at my job we are back to weekly testing again due to the Delta Variant.  Masks aren’t mandatory yet but I think I’m going to start wearing mine again just to be safe.  
Here’s what you have missed, of the series that I posted this week, in case life or Tumblr tags not cooperating got in the way:
The Life of Riley Book Two:  The Home of the Ice Princess
Mia’s 🌎 World:  Car Shopping🍋🍋🍋
Thanks for the six sentence tag @khoicesbyk​​
What are some of my other fellow writers up to?  @burnsoslow​​ @dcbbw​​ @speedyoperarascalparty​​ @axwalker​​ @sirbeepsalot​​ @ao719​ @phoenixrising308​​ @sfb123​​
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Going Away Bash: Beaumont Style
The Book:  Beyond TRH
University Student Ellie:  Chapter 3
The Pairings:  Liam x Riley / Ellie x Nic  (Ellie x M!OC)
Status:  Still in the writing process:  This Week’s Wacky Drabble
As the night progressed, the music slowed, and things naturally became more relaxed.  Nic walked over to Ellie with a smile.  
“May I have this dance?”  
Ellie nodded, taking Nic’s hand.  
Her brothers and her sister all knew how close Nic and Ellie were.  They always seemed to know that they were more than just friends, and her going away to school could potentially change that. Ellie saying goodbye, was going to be incredibly difficult for them, and for the relationship that they currently had.  
“Ellie I know why you have to go, but honestly I wish you didn’t.  But I really do get it.  This has been your life.”  Nic’s voice was somber as he spoke.
He waved his hand around the large ballroom in  a dramatic fashion. The opulent gowns, the balls, Ellie was wearing the crown jewels worth hundreds of thousands of dollars on her person, but not her tiara.  She took him by his hand and led him out to the balcony.
“I know you understand me Nic.  Next to my Father, you’re probably second, in who truly understands my heart.  I’m sorry this hurts you that I have to leave like this, but I have to.”
“I know....you need this.”
Ellie nodded.  “I do.  It’s so hard being crown princess sometimes.”
“I can see that. There’s a lot of pressure on you.”
“Maybe your dad will let you come visit me in America. Or you can hitch a ride on the jet when I ask Mother and Father to let my brothers and sister come see me.”
“Ellie, you know my Dad. I barely got to your birthday ball without your father intervening.  If he doesn’t let me come visit you, you know where I live.”
She slipped her arms around his neck.  “Yes, I know where you live.”  She laughed loudly.
“Don’t forget me okay?”  Ellie’s voice was soft as she rested her head on his forehead.
“That would never be possible.  I should be saying that to you.” Nic whispered.  
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End of Watch
Just The Way You Are: Chapter 16
The Book:  TRR x Perfect Match
The Pairings:  Riley x Liam / with past pairing of Riley x Nico (Riley x M!OC)  / Hayden!M x Kai!F
Status:  Still in the writing process
Warning: Adult Content:  TW Panic
*note:  The majority of this chapter takes place in Riley’s past.  There will be a lot of raw emotion in this chapter.
“I can’t lose Nic too. I need him.”  
They needed each other.  Maybe it was selfish of her, but Nicolai staying a part of her life after Nico died, had really helped her more than hurt.  Even though the boy looked just like his father, and had his mannerisms; he was the only one that truly understood the pain she was feeling. She could see it in his eyes when he looked at her.  His little heart had been broken in two after Nico's death, just like hers.
Now that Mama KH had let him start to stay with her, Riley had switched her schedule at work, so she could pick Nic up from school every day. She got a recipe book of crock pot meals so that she could have Nic a hearty dinner every night that they could eat together. Liam would come over for dinner most nights too. They had become their own little family.
“I won’t lose him too.” Riley said aloud in a shaky voice.
She regretted not taking Liam up on his offer to come along with her.  He really had a way of putting her at ease, and she desperately needed that in that moment.  
Riley held the sides of the sink as she took several breaths  trying to calm herself.  She was breathing heavily; it felt like sheer panic was gripping every part of her, her heart was thundering in her chest.
Panic was something she had dealt constantly with since Nico's passing.  It had crept into her life and sat there like a low hanging dark cloud that loomed ominous over her life.
Riley grabbed her heart as the tears cascaded down her cheeks. Losing Nico was the single most hurtful thing that had ever happened in her life; it had completely annihilated her happy life as she knew it. She would never forget the day she had to say her final goodbye to him, and the tidal wave of pain that hit her life in the months that followed.  
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The Royal Heir
The Days the Earth Stood Still: Part 1B
The Book:  TRR
The Pairings: Riley x Liam / Riley x Nico  (TRR MC x M!OC) 
Status:  Still in the writing process
Note:  Remember in this part of the flip Riley knows she’s pregnant going into Liam’s proposal.  
*×*×*×*×* The Proposal *×*×*×*×*
He took Riley that evening to Prospect Park. That was where he felt like he came alive. He even had a small backpack like Riley's and it was filled with her survival gear stuff.  Riley sipped on the apple juice, smiling at him.  
"I know you can't get in the swing in that dress, but Riley but you look amazing in it."
"Oh this old thing?" She said smiling.
“You always look beautiful to me in everything you wear.  Even that little eight dollar dress.
Liam jumped in the swing. She smiled as he screamed as he sailed over the pond.
"That almost gave me the courage to do what I came here to do."
"Riley, since we ran into each other that night I knew in my heart that was where I was meant to be. That my whole entire life was leading me to you. You are like the North Star the way you have guided me into uncharted territory that I was unsure of. I want to pillage and plunder the seven seas with you by my side."
She smiled remembering all the pirate references she had made that first night.
"I knew Riley. I knew you were it for me. When you said yes to stay, I knew we would be here. This night. Together. In the city that I lost my heart, because I gave it to you. The first place I ever got my first taste of pure freedom."
"Liam there's something…"
"You changed my life for the better. I will be forever changed by your love Riley.  With you free of the scandal and myself free of my farce of an engagement, I now have the opportunity to ask you the question that's been on my heart since the coronation ball."
Liam fell to one knee before Riley.
"Riley Antonia Brooks, light of my life, and Queen of My Heart, will you marry me?"
Riley burst into tears before him.
He looked up at her, his sapphire blue eyes sparkled in the night.
Annnnnd it slipped. The equivalent of verbal diarrhea. Not exactly how she wanted to say those words to the King of Cordonia.  But then again, how eloquent can one say those words? The way she did it was the equivalent of ripping the bandaid off. Short, sweet, and to the point.
"I'm pregnant."
Liam was completely frozen as he was kneeling before her, the shock registered in his eyes. Not only that, Liam looked confused for a second, his eyes rapidly blinking.
"Did you just say what I think you just said?"
Liam rose to his feet staring at her, his eyes resting on her form. Riley slowly nodded.
"A baby?" He whispered softly. His fingers gently ghosted the  stomach of her dress.
"Riley, are you serious?"
She held out the ultrasound picture for him to take, and Liam stared down at  picture, his emotions were unreadable.
"We're having a baby? You and me?"
Riley nodded.  Riley couldn’t tell how he was taking the news, until he pulled her close to him.  
“Riley Brooks you have given me everything  I ever wanted in my life.”
 Liam burst into tears hugging her.
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Still working on:  Everything else:  
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