#would be easier with magic and such a soothing voice lol
It's wild to me prior to this volume people joked about "therapy island", but when met with it don't seem to understand what Ever After has been on the whole?
Being your best self, and for Afterans fulfilling your purpose, has been there from the start. The Blacksmith outright said "The only thing that can happen to you here is what you want to happen the choice of what you become and where you end up is yours to make.... You don't know what you want, do you?" Everything they ask is not a judgement of Ruby, but a clarification of intent and goals. Some people have been real literal with the weapons, but their manifestation seems to come from Ruby "Weapons are extensions of ourselves" Rose. It is both a reflection of her, and being a Huntress.
In Herb's visions (which we know are connected to the tree and the leaves), they were all confronted with their old selves, which they'd all grown from. And it can be hard to here who you once were saying you can go back, more so if you're like Ruby and view your current self as a failure who is worse off than in the past while everyone else believes they are better.
In the Punderstorm they all had to face something they unconsciously or not want to address. Jaune tells them they can just wait it out and keep moving forward so they do, him never acknowledging his younger self and Penny, Weiss taking a moment to see Atlas fall but choosing to walk away, and Ruby trying so hard to focus on the task and her friends she doesn't see Summer. Even if they want to address their problems, they aren't ready in that moment. You can't force people to address things when they aren't ready (hence Ruby's breakdown later). The bees were never forced to confess either since, again, this was something they both WANTED to talk about even if Yang was scared and Blake was going to wait until she was ready. Sometimes there's no good moment, and sometimes you're already falling off that cliff so you might as well embrace it.
The Cat, while being unreliable in their intentions, never seems to have lied about more general aspects of Ever After and Ascension. It is a good thing for Afterans that is both a death and not. The heart still remembers even if they change into something else and change their purpose, something we get to see later with the Genial Gems. You can rebuild not only yourself, but rebuild from the ashes (or flood) of a destroyed home (Weiss).
"And how would you measure 'enough'?"
"Enough" for Ruby has always been living up the the idea of Summer. To Ruby, being Ruby was never going to be enough. Ascension for Ruby is finding out who SHE is, not necessarily making a choice to change. The choice to reaffirm who you are and that you are enough is always a choice. That Ruby Rose has been, and will always be enough. That the burden that needs to be laid down is the one you've (understandably) placed on yourself out of the idea of who your mother was.
"What is it to 'Ruby Rose'?"
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roguelov · 9 months
okay I'm sorry I'm only adding onto the onslaught of messages in your inbox but hear me out:
I have this headcanon that Dream would LOVE ASMR and asmrtists bc they are helping people be at peace and fall asleep, so really they're making his job easier and I imagine he could totally fall for someone like that bc they are basically doing what he does (putting people to sleep) just without the magic and he finds it so fascinating and wants to learn all about it and maybe he would want to watch when his SO makes videos or stuff like that, or even try it himself (imagine you having like the most popular asmr channel on youtube bc you have the literal god of dreams/sleep at your service lol)
(thank you so much for posting so much sandman stuff btw, it is the highlight of my day at the moment and makes me really happy ❤️)
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh you came to the right person!!! I love asmr and listen to it frequently to relax!
You propped up your mic and laid out all the items you were going to use for this session. You decided on a personal care video with washing and cleansing the viewer/listener’s face, brushing their hair, then ending with head massages. You smiled to yourself as everything seemed in order.
You turned in your chair, glancing at Dream on your bed. “You know you don’t have watch.”
“I want to,” he hummed.
You smiled. Dream was always fascinated with your profession, in fact he adored it. He loved how you helped those journeying to the Dreaming smoother. He even watched a few of your videos, enthralled by all of it. He quickly became your biggest fan, constantly praising and congratulating you on your work.
“Would you like to try?” You asked, tilting your head.
“Yeah, just, I don’t know, whisper soothing things into the mic,” you shrugged. He wearily glanced at your setup. “Or we could do it together?”
He raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
“Oh, uh, well,” you hummed, trying to figure a solution. “If we do the role play route, then spa day? You could be a receptionist and check in the viewer/listener then I can do the rest. I could write out the part for you to help.”
Dream thought for a moment. “Okay.”
“Wait, really?” You were a little excited. You secretly had been itching to do a video with him.
“Yes, I want to try.”
Try and enjoy more time with you, he thought.
“Great! Okay, uh, give me a minute to write something and get different items.”
Dream only smiled seeing your enthusiasm. Maybe this could become a regular occurrence for the two of you.
When you posted the video a few days later, it instantly went viral. And to be honest, you weren’t surprised. You laughed over the comments all mentioning Dream and his voice. All of them begged to hear more of him, and you couldn’t blame them. Dream truly was the best person for this job.
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star--nymph · 1 year
👀 for the wholesome oc ask meme: 1, 14, 15, 23 and 25 for your girl Eurydice (finding one that hasn't been asked already was like.. a minefield situation lol) Bonus: 3 for another character of your choice ✨
Aaaaa, thank you so much! And don't worry, I get it, trying to not ask the same questions is HARD.
What is their go-to comfort food?
Peaches! Eurydice loves peaches more than anything. She's so pick about most food but if you manage to get something peach flavored, she'll devour it in seconds. Eurydice is the reason why peach trees cover Skyhold.
14. Quickly, let them give us some life advice!
"Hmm, many problems in this world would be solved if people stopped speaking so loud and listened. Important things are said but are lost over shouting and crying. Emotion gets in the way, yes? Yes. Stop it. Be silent, watch, and listen. Think. To be loud is to be a fool. Now, enough. I am busy. Leave me alone, yes? Yes."
15. Now you give them some life advice.
Eurydice, my heart, my love, my dear. So much of you damn life would be easier if you didn't just assume people's thoughts for them and then run for it. I know it's a defensive mechanism but MY GOD. STAY PUT WHEN YOU'RE UPSET DON'T RUN. HIDING IN THE FOREST AND LAYING FACE DOWN IN A SWAMP IS NOT A SOLUTION.
23. Would they prefer reading books or listening to an audiobook? Besides, would they rather read for someone or have someone read for them?
Reading on her own and reading to someone else. I think the person would have to have a very soothing voice to Eury if she were to enjoy being read to, one way or another. It would also take all her attention to do so. I don't imagine Eurydice is someone who could listen to a podcast or an audiobook and do something else.
25. If they had to prepare a conference, what would be the topic of discussion?
Oh I answer this one here but! I imagine Eurydice could have plenty of topics to do a conference with (if by conference, we mean she infodumps, answers two questions, and then leaves without saying goodbye to anyone). Other topics of discussion:
The Preserving of Elven Artifacts The Strengths and Limits of Weather Magic Healing Magic and when it crosses the line in Necromancy Rift Manipulation Why Halla are Good and the Best Animal The Protection of Halla and Dragons The Invention of Flying Magic
Let's see, how about Kassandra?
3. What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
I think what Kassandra likes about herself is that she knows how to give a good time. I don't think she knows how much of a bright spot she is to people, but I think she's aware that she has the power to make people happy and worry less. If she can do that for anyone, especially her best friends, by telling a good joke or pulling them into a dance, or just being generally silly until they crack a smile, she will.
As for me, I just. Love Kassandra a lot. She's my first oc from when I was fourteen (maybe even earlier) and I've put a lot of love and care into her. I'm super protective about her. I love that she's so loving, so confident, and such a hero dynamic but that she's also this hurt person trying to heal and she fucks up a lot because of her anger and frustration with the world. That last part is me projecting but that's the point of an oc, right? She's gotta lot to give and I just want to show her off to everyone and make them love her too.
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hi hello sad lonely bitch,missing the homies, in need of a hug, yes i would like more of the goodgood chest rumblies please 🥺🥺🥺
hey hi hello darling! thank you for waiting for this lol, i have no good excuse
pairing: geraskier
warning: brief and non-detailed description of anxiety/being overwhelmed, but other than that none
There was too much to do. Too many things were cluttering the apartment, too many boxes, too many piles of clothes, too much too much too much.
Jaskier forced himself to take a slow deep breath, counting to ten on his exhale in the hopes his heart might slow down too. It didn’t. He had too many things that needed to be done that he’d put off for too long, and maybe he’d hoped that Geralt would take care of them, but his boyfriend- no- fiance wasn’t able to be in two places at once. So Jaskier stood in the middle of his packed-up living room and squeezed his eyes shut.
He must have lost track of time, because the next thing he knew, Geralt was pulling him close and wrapping those big heavy arms around his shoulders.
“You okay?” he hummed, his voice low and soothing.
“Overwhelmed,” Jaskeir whispered, looping his arms around Geralt’s waist and pressing an ear to the middle of his chest.
“You can do this. Just one thing at a time,” Geralt reminded him, rubbing one calming hand over his back. His voice alone was doing wonders for Jaskier’s frantic heartbeat.
“I know…” Jaskier sighed, taking a truly deep breath for the first time since he’d closed his eyes;
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” Jaskier giggled, “Will you sing for me?”
Geralt laughed, pressing a kiss on the top of his head, “That’s your area of expertise.”
“Your voice is nice… helps me think…”
With a sigh to signal his defeat, Geralt started humming, swaying slightly as he did. The deep vibrations from his chest traveled all the way down to Jaskier’s toes, warming him and centering his mind much faster than any breathing exercise ever had. As Geralt neared the chorus he started to mumble the words and gain a little volume. He’d never belt, not outside of the car at least, but his rich baritone naturally filled a room at any volume.
When he finished the song and Jaskier didn’t let go, he started another, running his fingers through Jaskier’s hair as they swayed. Slowly but surely Jaskier felt as if he had a center of gravity again. His breath came easier in Geralt’s arms, always had, but there was something magical about the way his fiance sang.
If Jaskier milked it for a little more than it was worth to get one more song, who could blame him?
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Woo! Wuill's ask about the psychologist SO made me think of an idea.
Kid has a cognitive/physical dissability (you can pick one of these or search another one) (face blindness, dyscalculia, chronic pain on their back, language processing disorder, legless -I lowkey asked Wuilll about them cuz I didn't knew any-) how does skeleman handle it? For UT, DT, MF, SF and G!tale
Sans: (dyscalculia) *difficulty with numbers if anyone doesn’t know* out of every disability in the list, this one would probably be the most difficult for sans to work with. To him, numbers came easy. Luckily he’s a very patient monster and spends a lot of time with his kid going over their homework each day. Maths (and subjects with it) is probably the only school subject he’s ok with his kid just pulling a c in.
Papyrus: (legless) honestly, I think papyrus would be fine raising a kid with almost any disorder really. If his kid was born without legs though, one fun think he’d do with them is decorate the wheelchair for every holiday. His kid has the coolest fkn Halloween costumes. Last year they were the Death Star from star wars
Pop: (face blindness) pop is a little genius sometimes and spent hours with half monster kid practicing recognizing voices. His kid now can copy voices like a ventriloquist and can recognize most people after the second meeting dispute the face blindness. Pop always thinks outside the box
Rhythm: (legless). This would be the hardest because who can dance without legs? One thing rhythm does with all his kids is make them take dance lessons with him. He gets creative and finds routines that use more arm movements and can work with the wheelchair.
Butch: (chronic pain). Butch sympathizes very little. He also has some chronic pain from past injuries. Call it phantom pain. He’s always powered through it and expects his kid to do the same. His SO helps keep him off their back on bad days
Boss: (receptive language processing disorder) *difficulty understanding spoken language* he actually has experience with this as it’s what dove suffers with. All the mafia bros learned sign language for her as she understands it easier despite not technically being mute or deaf. He starts teaching his kid sign language right after their diagnosis. Unfortunately now he has a little sailor on his hands as all the brothers taught them explicatives as well.
Mal: (impulse control disorder) he suspects to some degree that cash was born with this as well. This time mal is much more attentive with his kid and can be rather stifling sometimes. He keeps seeing similarities between them and his brother when he was little. Mal is scared of his kid taking the same path
Cash: (blindness) he accidentally taught his half breed kid echolocation. They hate being spooked or snuck up on, so cash got into the habit of making bird whistles whenever he enters the house. The kid copies them and after a few years, he realizes they aren’t moving as slowly anymore. Damn, he raised a dolphin
G: (asthma) having this damn kid means he had to quit smoking. G does and green weeps tears of joy lol. The air quality is pretty good in ebott so his kid is fine staying there. G is mostly chill about the whole thing
Green: (chronic back pain) his kid won the lottery being born in his family. Not only is dad amazing with healing magic, soothing nerves and muscles with a touch, his kid has also become his favorite project. Greens free time is spent researching chronic pain and the causes of it.
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lancermylove · 3 years
Vines (Oneshot)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: No pairing.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Could you please do a one-shot/scenario where the brothers arrive home and a kneels-for-none MC who usually stays out of trouble throws themself at Lucifer's feet begging for forgiveness because they tried to practice reading Devildomish using a gardening book they found in an "antique" shop (read: "magical artifacts") and now vines are encasing the HoL. (Investigation will reveal that they got the magic needed to cast the spell from a watch they bought at the same shop.) Thanks!
A/N: Aww poor MC. Idk why I imagined thorn vines lol. 
Word Count: 1,253
"Something seems...off," Satan whispered as the seven brothers got closer to the House of Lamentation.
Asmo glanced towards his older sibling and nodded in agreement, "I sense unfamiliar magic."
"Maybe someone is playing a prank or somethin'," Mammon mumbled, holding his hands up with palms towards the sky and shrugging.
"Not everyone is like you," Levi replied while shaking his head, his purple bangs slightly rustling in the wind.
While the younger siblings conversed, Lucifer listened quietly, but his focus was on the road ahead of him as countless theories raced through his mind. Was this magic as harmless as it seemed, or was it a trap? Did someone want to hurt his family? Where were you, and were you alright?
As soon as the House of Lamentation was in sight, all of them froze in their tracks. Asmo placed one hand on his chest while the other covered his mouth. "Who could have pulled such a prank?"
"I don't sense any danger, so it seems like a prank," Satan spoke, studying the rainbow-colored vines.
Beel's eyes sparkled as he scanned the plants encasing their house. "They remind me of a rainbow pizza. Can I eat them?"
"Beel...don't," Belphie yawned and tugged on his twin's sleeve, "we can eat after this mess is sorted."
Lucifer touched his index finger and thumb to his forehead, letting out an exasperated sigh. How he wished he could have one peaceful day. Gathering himself, the Avatar of Pride marched inside through the main entrance, ready to rebuke the one responsible.
"What am I going to do?" You mumbled under your breath as you paced by the grand staircases. "Maybe he'll forgive me if I apologize? What if I start explaining as soon as they walk in?"
As soon as you saw the eldest brother, your body reacted automatically. Kneeling at his feet, you took a tight hold of his pants and lowered your head, much to Lucifer's shock.
"I am so sorry! I don't know what happened, so please forgive me! I swear I didn't mean it." You apologized continuously without pausing to take a breath. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw two gloved hands taking hold of your shoulders.
"Stand up," Lucifer said in a commanding and almost irritated tone.
You released his pants and stood up, but your eyes remained glued to the ground. You considered apologizing again but decided to wait on one of the brothers to speak.
"I considered you to be a well-behaved individual, so explain how this situation came about." The Avatar of Pride crossed his arms and glared down at you.
"I-I...," you hesitated, taken aback by his sharp tone.
"Sweetie, it's alright. Take a deep breath and explain what happened." Asmo gently said, stepping beside you and resting his hand on your back.
You glanced at the Avatar of Lust and nodded before speaking. "Since I am going to be here for a while, I wanted to practice reading Devildomish. Then I came across a gardening book and purchased it...the salesdemon even complimented my book choice."
"Then what happened?" Asmo flashed a sweet smile, encouraging you to continue your story.
"The book was a bit difficult to read at my current level. There was one section that seemed easier, so I read the pages out loud, and this happened." You shifted your eyes to Lucifer but quickly averted them after seeing his vexed expression. "I don't know what happened, but I am sorry! Please...don't be upset."
The eldest demon sighed and rested his hand on the top of your head. "My apologies for being harsh. I thought you came under the influence of one of my brothers and pulled a prank."
"H-Hey, you're makin' me sound like a bad guy," Mammon rubbed the back of his head. "Though this would make a great prank."
"Mammon..." Lucifer's voice sent a down everyone's spine. The Avatar of Greed backed away from his older sibling, preparing to run.  
"Hold on a moment," Satan said, furrowing his eyebrows, "something doesn't seem right."
"I agree." The raven-haired demon nodded, "This situation is quite unusual. (Y/N), where is the book you purchased?"
You hurried down the foyer and grabbed the book with your damp hands. Rushing back you nearly tripped over the long runner but managed to recover.  Your cheeks were a bright red as you held the work in front of Lucifer. "H-Here."
He raised an eyebrow and took the book from your hand. "Where...did you purchase this book?"
"The antique shop."
Satan glanced at the book and chuckled, "Are you certain you went to an antique shop?"
"Y-Yes. Why?" You titled your head to one side and blinked in confusion.
"'Cause that's a spellbook," Mammon answered, leaning in close to Lucifer to get a better look at the book.
The eldest sibling glared at the Avatar of Greed and hit him on the forehead with the bounded pages, earning a groan in return. "Yes, this is a spellbook. Regardless, due to your lack of magic abilities, you still should not have been able to cast the spell."
"Interesting." Satan tapped his right index finger on his chin while his left hand rested on his hips.
"Normie, can you use magic?" Levi asked while twirling his headphone wire in his fingers.
"Are you hiding something from us, (Y/N)?" Satan teased with one eyebrow raised and a smirk.
"H-Huh? N-No, I am not."
"All of you stop teasing (Y/N). Can't you see how nervous they already are?" Asmo hushed his brothers and rubbed soothing circles on your back. "Don't listen to them, sweetie. We know you are not hiding anything from us."
"How can you be certain, Asmo?" Belphie asked in a tired voice, his head leaning against Beel's arm, "Humans are known for being deceiving."
"Someone solve this already," Beel mumbled as he rested his head on his stomach. A loud grumble echoed through the foyer, startling everyone. "I am hungry..."
You recalled your journey through the antique shop and remembered that the book was not the only item you bought. "Oh, I forgot to mention this watch. I thought it was unique and got it along with the book."
"May I?" Satan asked, pointing towards the watch and holding his palm out to you.
You removed the item and placed it in Satan's hand, watching his reactions. He carefully examined it and exchanged a glance with Lucifer. "So, how will we rid the House of Lamentation of these vines?"
"What about solvin' the mystery first?" Mammon asked with his eyes fixed on the watch. He had to resist the urge to snatch the wristwatch and sell it for top dollar.
Satan shook his head, knowing Mammon's intention, but proceeded to explain. "This watch gave (Y/N) the ability to cast the spell. Looks like they were completely innocent after all."
Belphie chuckled, "You should be careful of entering unknown shops. You never know what you'll end up with."
"At least the vines are harmless." Asmo chimed in, "Hm, you know these vines are quite beautiful. Can we keep the vines for today? The House of Lamentation will be a little less dreary for the day."
"Um...everyone..." Levi called out and pointed towards Beel.
The Avatar of Gluttony could no longer hold his hunger pains, so while the rest of you deliberated, he began chomping down on the vines. All of you stared at him with various emotions - shock, awe, disgust, and amusement.  
"At least he's eating his greens," Asmo chuckled.
"Still better than him trying to eat a castle pillar," Mammon shook his head. The rest of you couldn't agree more.
➣ Obey Me Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
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Word count: 1704
Pairing: Natasha x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: panic attack, let me know if I missed any
Summary: Studying for an exam is overwhelming. Nat helps.
A/N: Hi! So, this is very much just me projecting my own thoughts and feelings onto the reader lol. There’s no real romance here, just Nat being a good friend. I also did not edit this, so I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes. 
It was late, you realized as you closed your textbook. You’d been studying for some stupid math final the next day and time had clearly gotten away from you.
Balancing avenger work with being a full-time student was difficult but you enjoyed it, for the most part. Thankfully, it was online schooling so you were able to complete work on your own time, but it was still difficult. Deciding to go back to school in your mid twenties had been a big step for you. 
You’d always hated school. It never came easy, despite being a science genius. You were what most people called brilliant. You thought it was just being creative. You thought in a different way than most people. Tony Stark had sought you out when you were fresh out of high school right before the invasion of New York. 
But, despite having a secure job working for the avengers in the compound, you had decided it wouldn’t be a bad thing to go back to school. Just because you were good at making supersuits and other technological advancement-esque stuff didn’t mean you were that smart.
For example, calc two was kicking your ass right now. Making new impact resistant polymer suits for the gang was a hell of a lot easier for you than whatever the fuck this textbook was trying to explain. 
“Stupid math,” you groaned, rubbing a hand over your face as you looked back down at the problem you’d already tried to solve four times. There was no way in hell you were going to pass this class. 
Fighting back tears of frustration as you crumpled up the paper, you stood from your desk. It was near three in the morning and you were exhausted. But you would not let yourself fail this exam. Your grade in the class was already less than acceptable and failing your final would definitely leave you with an F.
You walked to the kitchen quietly, not wanting to wake anyone. Coffee would surely settle you down and give you enough energy to make it until the morning. You had to figure this out.
“I told you to ask Tony or Bruce for help,” Natasha’s voice startled you.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” You asked, drying your eyes before you turned to her.
“No, don’t worry.” She had an amused look on her face. “You’re still on calc, right?”
“Yeah,” your shoulders slumped. “But I have to be able to do this on my own. I shouldn’t have to annoy them with questions about basic math all the time.”
“Calculus is not basic math.” Natasha snorts at you.
“To them it is.”
“Well, make sure you go to sleep at some point, okay?” The concern in her eyes was evident and you just nodded, grabbing the cup of coffee you’d just brewed.
You took a sip before making your way back to your room. The textbook sat right where you’d left it and the sight of it bright a fresh wave of tears. 
You were a scientist for the avengers, damn it. Why were you crying over math? But your parents words flashed through your brain, reminding you that you were just a stupid kid. 
The relationship between you and your parents had always been rocky. They had held you to unachievable standards and no matter how much effort you put into school, they were never satisfied. And they always made sure you knew that.
“You think you’ll get anywhere in life with grades like these?” your father had shouted at you many times. “You’re just lazy. Do you know how much money we pay for you to go to this school? And this is how you repay us? You’re embarrassing.”
Your hand shook as you picked up your pencil once again, trying to figure out that stupid problem. There were so many rules and steps and none of them made sense to you! 
When the answer you got still didn’t match the one in the textbook, you slammed your pencil down with a scoff.
“You’re so stupid!” You said to yourself, tears leaking from your eyes. You started to erase your own writing again, when you glanced at the time, half past three. You were never going to figure this out.
It was becoming hard to read the problems through your watery eyes as you fought back the tears. You had to figure this out! But it was no use, you dropped your head onto the desk, holding in sobs. 
Your thoughts began to run with your father’s words. Embarrassing, lazy, stupid. You felt that familiar sense of self-loathing begin to rise within you and you were helpless. This wasn’t even the last unit you had to learn before your final. 
You were overwhelmed and you didn’t realize that your chest was tightening or your breath was becoming short. But when you lost feeling in your hands, and your face was tense and tingling, it was obvious.
You were having a panic attack. 
You were no stranger to these, of course. But, that didn’t make it any easier. It had been quite some time since you’d had a panic attack this severe, too, which made it that much scarier. 
You slid off your chair, pressing your back against the wall and pulling your knees up to your chest. You screwed your eyes shut, the heels of your shaking hands pressing into your eyes. If you had more control over the situation, you’d have tried to quiet your hyperventilation.
A soft touch to your hand brought you somewhat back to reality.
“Y/N,” a soft voice called. Your fingers instinctively clutched at the hand that pulled yours away from your face. 
“Y/N, you’re okay. I’m right here.” Nat’s voice was softer than you may have ever heard it before. 
“Nat, I-I,” you choked out, trying to say anything.
“No, don’t talk. It’s okay, I’ve got you.” Her free hand rested on your knee, squeezing lightly. “Can you breathe with me?”
You tried to follow her soft ‘In’ and ‘out’ over and over. Your breaths were forced, almost painful as the panic refused to let up.
“Good job, dorogoy,” You felt the redhead scoot next to you, her arm wrapping around your shaking frame. “You’re doing amazing, I’ve got you.”
She pulled you into her gently. You were starting to gain the feeling back into your hands, and your facial muscles seemed to loosen just slightly. But, you were still shaking violently as you tried to stop yourself from sobbing.
“You’re okay,” Nat soothed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m here.”
You leaned into her, balling your fist up in her shirt. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked after you had nearly stopped crying. 
“I’m gonna fail,” you whimpered. You felt pathetic.
“You know,” Nat sighed, “who cares?”
“What?” Her words confuse you.
“You are smart, Y/N. You already have a job, and after working for Stark, you could get in anywhere if you decided to leave. This is one class and regardless of how you do on the final, no one will think any less of you.”
“No,” Nat cut you off. “Your grades in some stupid college class don’t matter. I promise, even if you do fail, we’ve all seen how hard you’ve worked in each of your classes. That’s what matters. Your work ethic and your commitment to your studies is worth so much more than sacrificing your wellbeing to secure a passing grade.”
“I feel so stupid.”
“You shouldn't. It’s a tough class. You should be proud of yourself for trying, even if you don’t get the results you wanted.”
“I just wanted to prove them wrong. Even if they wouldn’t know. I wanted to prove to them I was smart.  But they were right, I’m just stupid.”
Your words hang in the air for a moment. Natasha knows you’re talking about your parents. They’d all heard about the verbal abuse you’d suffered through at the hands of the people who’d raised you.
“You are not stupid.” She tells you firmly. “You are brilliant. You’ve created a new polymer that is even better at stopping bullets than vibranium while also working as a material for clothing. Doesn’t that count for something?”
“Yeah, but…”
“This is just one subject. I sure as hell can’t do calculus! You’re good at what you’re good at. I’m good at kicking ass, Clint’s good with a bow, Wanda’s good at… well magic. You’re good at science shit.”
You were silent. You knew she had a point.
“I know that won’t make you feel better about this.” Natasha explains. “But you can’t beat yourself up for this. You need to take care of yourself. Let’s go to bed, now, and we can ask Tony or Bruce for help in the morning.”
“I need to study,” you start.
“No, you need sleep.” Natasha’s voice is firm again. “You can’t sacrifice your health or your sanity for a test. You are more important than a test.”
“Okay.” You weren’t entirely convinced but, for now, your parent’s words were fading away.
Natasha helps you up before wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug. You savor the comfort of her embrace, before realizing just how exhausted you are.
“Get in bed,” Natasha nudges you towards the bed. You lay down, eyes closing as soon as your head hits the pillow. 
Nat pulls the blanket up before turning towards the door.
“Wait,” you call, hesitantly.
“Stay?” You bite the inside of your cheek. “Please?”
“Of course, dorogoy,” Natasha smiles at you as she slides into bed next to you.
“Thank you,” you mutter, laying your head on her chest as her arms wrap around you tightly. She presses a gentle kiss to your head.
You know you’ll freak in the morning when you have to think about the final again. But Natasha was here now, and Bruce and Tony would be there in the morning. It would be okay. One failed exam, one failed class-- hell, even every class failed-- was no indication of your worth. And Nat would be there to remind you if you ever forgot. 
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seventhstrife · 3 years
SubScorp Week 2021 Day 4: Lust 2/3
I literally don’t even want to talk about this, I’m still so mad it got so long LOL
Read it on AO3
Part 1
Raiden's hand glowed a cool, piercing blue as he passed his palm over the length of Kuai Liang's body in a slow, pensive motion. His eyes were narrowed in concentration and Hanzo, pacing just far enough away so that he would not disturb them, did not like the frown that was slowly growing on Raiden's face.
Kuai Liang was stretched across a small bed, one of many that lined this room in Raiden's temple. It was one used for the sick, and the lingering scent of medicine made Hanzo's skin crawl—though he made himself stay. Clean as it was, he could not help associating the scent with death, for often people found their end not on the battlefield, but later, quieter and painfully and without dignity, trapped in their own bodies as it failed them.
He wanted Kuai Liang gone from this place as soon as possible.
His fears that a simple healing would not be enough were confirmed when Raiden finally retracted his head and gave a small shake of his head.
"I have never seen magic like this," Raiden began. He met Kuai Liang's narrowed, glassy eyes squarely. "Skarlet indeed has crafted something that is as unique as it is deplorable."
"You can not help him?" Hanzo all but demanded, scowling. Once more, the thunder god's machinations cared not for the casualties left in their wake.
Raiden looked over at him, expression grim and apologetic.
"I can not. This magic was created to serve a specific purpose and tampering with it in any way may only increase its adverse effects." Raiden dropped his gaze back to Kuai Liang. "I am well aware of the practices of your clan, but there is no other solution. You must allow this to run its course."
Kuai Liang stiffened, face pinched tight with distaste—though Hanzo alone could also detect the faintest flash of...fear...in his eyes.
"You can not mean—"
"Without a partner, the poison will not abate. And should you ignore it for much longer, the heat will boil your blood until it bursts—a very slow, very painful death, Sub-Zero."
The harsh grinding of Kuai Liang's teeth was audible. "There must be another—"
"There is not," Raiden cut in, as brutally blunt as Hanzo could remember. But he was not unkind, and understanding could also be seen in his expression. "There are many here who would gladly assist one of Earthrealm's defenders."
Hanzo...did not want to hear this, he realized. Raiden was offering to find Kuai Liang a partner, a partner who would aid him while he suffered the effects of an aphrodisiac—the implications of that could not be mistaken, and he was no fool. And while it would have been uncomfortable to hear any ally experiencing such a thing, with Kuai Liang, it burned worse. His mind shied away from even the thought of Kuai Liang with another in that way. He hated it.
Kuai Liang bore an expression that plainly said that he felt the same. He raised himself up so that he sat on the edge of the cot, every visible inch of skin flushed, arms trembling ever-so-slightly—not with fatigue, but pain. Even now, a kaleidoscope of red bloomed just beneath his skin, as if the burning roil of his blood would burst at any moment.
"I will not," Kuai Liang grit out. Even with his voice slightly shaken from smothered pain, his tone brooked no argument.
Raiden's frown deepened.
"This is your life, Sub-Zero. And in service of that life, a compromise must be made."
Kuai Liang winced as if Raiden's words were barbed.
"Bedding a stranger, using them in such a way—it is disgusting," and despite himself, a note of pleading bled into Kuai Liang's voice.
It made Hanzo wince in turn, heart going out to his friend who had not asked for this, who he knew would ultimately endure such a coupling but hate every moment of it.
Hanzo dug his fingers into his upper arms, hard, where they were crossed. He stared at the marble stone beneath his feet, to better master the urge to speak. He had no say in what Kuai Liang chose to do.
Raiden made some noise of understanding and from the corner of his eye, Hanzo saw how he gently clasped Kuai Liang's shoulder, voice pitched low in understanding.
"It must be done," Raiden told him. "But they will be discreet, you have my word."
And Hanzo thought he could do this, could keep his mouth shut and quietly support his friend, even if that meant waiting at Raiden's temple as he bedded another, but he proved to be his own undoing when he saw the look on Kuai Liang's face, pained all this time, yet only now suffering, only now, did the poison truly seem to take hold.
Quiet despair and resignation dimmed his eyes and slumped his shoulders with defeat—a look he'd never seen Kuai Liang wear before and would give much to erase.
Kuai Liang opened his mouth. "...Very w—"
"What if it was someone you knew?"
The words felt as if they were coming from another person, and Hanzo was half-tempted to look behind himself when Raiden and Kuai Liang's heads snapped to him.
The urge to blush was almost as great as the sick fear that seized his heart, but he owed Kuai Liang at least this much, at least an offer. Anything that would wipe that look from his face.
Hanzo uncrossed his arms, straightened from the wall he'd rested against when Raiden's conversation had begun in earnest. He looked at Kuai Liang and Kuai Liang only.
"If you trusted this person," Hanzo continued, barely able to hear his own voice over the riotous clamor of his heartbeats, "Would it be easier?"
"I..." For the first time in memory, Kuai Liang seemed genuinely lost for words. He stared at Hanzo as if he'd never seen him before, brow furrowed, body still wracked with jerks and shivers as the poison progressed. Kuai Liang licked dry lips. "Are you...You would...?"
Hanzo bowed his head, grateful he would not have to offer himself so plainly. "I would."
Kuai Liang blinked, shook his head and turned his head away with a deep frown. "I could not ask that of you—"
"And you are not," Hanzo said firmly, drawing Kuai Liang's gaze back. "I am offering."
Kuai Liang appeared so conflicted and his hand tightened into a fist over the fabric of his pants. Indecision warred plainly on his face, and Hanzo suspected it was not on his own behalf.
Quiet and calmly, Hanzo said, "I will take no offense either way," he assured.
He knew, from time and observation, that Kuai Liang, much like himself, was a deeply private person. While others would suffer no qualms having pleasing, ultimately meaningless sex with another, for Kuai Liang it would be a form of torture. Vulnerability, of any sort, was anathema to his very being, and Hanzo knew how much it would hurt him, to have to compromise his self-control in this way.
And if there was anyone else, Hanzo would have retrieved them and brought them to Raiden's temple already—but there was no one else. Hanzo was Kuai Liang's closest and, truly, only confidante.
But the bonds of friendship did not necessarily mean Kuai Liang would be willing. With his offer, Hanzo hoped to at least soothe—if not all, then some of Kuai Liang's worries. It was his hope that the trust they had forged in their friendship would help ease Kuai Liang's guilty conscience for having to expose himself to another.
Kuai Liang was silent for a long moment as the red marks across his arms and face shifted and writhed like living things. He stared at Hanzo, panting, but his expression was difficult to decipher. He was clearly unhappy, but Hanzo had no idea of what his true thoughts were, whether he was dissatisfied with Hanzo's offer, whether he found the idea distasteful or not, or if he was still wrestling with the concept of having to lay with anyone, period.
"Then..." Kuai Liang bowed, as best he could from a sitting position and wracked with pain, "I accept."
It was difficult not to flinch—but Hanzo did his best to school any shock from his expression. The offer was freely made, and meant, but it was more than a little surprising that Kuai Liang had...accepted.
Raiden, whose face had displayed clear surprise at Hanzo's offer before he'd quickly assumed an expression that was carefully blank, stood.
"Then it is decided," he said, tone firm and business-like. His eyes held a spark of curiosity as he looked at Hanzo, but he did not speak of it. He placed a hand on Kuai Liang's shoulder and held out his other to Hanzo in a beckoning motion. "We are running short on time. I will take you to a place you will be undisturbed."
There was a flash of light and a cacophonous clap of thunder, and Hanzo found himself in a clearing, the trees a pale birch where they skirted the boundaries of a small building, a single-story made of white stone and topped with vibrant red clay tiles that sloped into elegant, pointed tips. It bore a sharp resemblance to Raiden's temple, though on a much smaller, humbler scale.
"This once belonged to an old friend who tended the gardens of my temple," Raiden said. He dropped his hold from their shoulders, eyes going distant as they traced the clearing and whatever phantom memories he saw with his ancient eyes. "But it is within the bounds of my influence and thus, under my protection. You will be safe and undisturbed here."
Raiden appeared to visibly pull himself back from his thoughts. He looked between Kuai Liang and Hanzo and whatever he saw on their faces made him incline his head decisively.
"I will ensure my people are aware that this area is off-limits for the time being." He bowed one final time. "I shall leave you. May the Elder Gods protect you, and should the poison worsen, do not hesitate to call on me."
Raiden raised his fist and in a blinding crash of lightning that nearly deafened them, he was gone.
In the ringing silence he left behind, Hanzo stared at the scorched earth as a slow, creeping anxiety grew, just waiting to swallow him whole as he realized exactly what would happen next—what he had volunteered himself for.
And Hanzo was not a religious man. Not since his clan had been brutally murdered, their cries to the gods answered not by those above, but by cold, merciless blades.
But he found himself calling on them now.
Kuai Liang met his eyes once he forced himself to look away from the place Raiden had vanished from, and though pain tightened Kuai Liang's features and furrowed his brow, flushed his skin with a thin sheen of sweat, Hanzo could feel his heart skip a beat, felt an answering clench in the pit of his stomach that betrayed his true feelings in a way that shamed him.
And the way Kuai Liang looked at him—he was close to this man, had fought countless times at his side, knew him better than perhaps anyone else, but that dark look in his eyes, unreadable but watching in a way Hanzo had never seen before—he was not unmoved by that, either.
...Elder Gods. Have mercy on me.
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vegalocity · 3 years
Since you requested peachpig from me. How about peachpig with hugs 29, kisses 15 and 29?
Affection meme
29. hugging while slow dancing
15. soothing kisses
29. hushed conversation in-between kisses
Ngl @tigerseye46 I REALLY like your Dark Peachpig stuff so i hope you don't mind terribly that I’m using that as a basis. Its a diverging 'what if' so that should help lol
It was... kind of embarrassing that he hadn't figured it out on his own.
Though to be fair, It wasn't like he had ‘magic truth seeing eyes’ like His part-... His ex-...His hus-... Like Sun Wukong did. And this world was kind of… made to throw him off balance, and with that everything else followed.
Waking up in the middle of the night to a knocking on his door wasn’t...something he was particularly used to of course, But it wasn’t wholly unfamiliar. Of course with the rain pounding down in sheets (Did the weather machine break again? That thing was so damn buggy what was the point in having it?) he couldn’t hear any telltale noises from the other side of the door other than the insistent knocking itself.
He was expecting Xiaotian, maybe Xiaojiao. At Most Strange, Red Son. Mystic Monkey Business, Panic attacks, ‘I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go’ He’d seen a fair amount of the kids on his doorstep before with a fair amount of reasons for their presence. And you know… he figured it would probably be easier to take care of one of the kids right now than to deal with his own emotional garbage anyway.
And then he opened the door and his entire thought process derailed with Sun Wukong standing there, in his true form (the same as his casual form but at least a head shorter than him) fur soaked and heavy from the rainfall, and very visibly choking back tears.
“Wukong…” he’d curse the tremble in his voice but his brain wasn’t quite working right now, so consumed with shock he couldn’t do much else but stand there. Wukong was trembling, from emotion (As surely he’d handled far colder weather) and as the Monkey King took a deep breath as if to steady himself, Pigsy wanted nothing more than to kiss the misery right off of him.
But that wouldn’t be welcome right now, would it?
“Pigsy… Can we talk?” His voice cracked with emotion and Pigsy felt he was helpless to do anything but stand aside and let the Monkey in.
“Are you alright?” what a stupid question. Wukong laughed bitterly in response.
“Not really…” He sniffed and Pigsy wanted again to comfort him, but, again, confronted that he’d probably make it worse. “Look, all of this stuff… it’s been a lot and my head’s been all over the place this whole time but I can’t play the denial game anymore just because I want to be miserable.” Wukong scrubbed at his eyes. “And we need to talk, like WOW do we need to talk. But honestly?” He shrugged, helplessly. “I just miss you.”
And.. this honestly felt like some moment at the end of a cheesy romance movie, and yeah they really did need to talk about everything. But in that moment, now that he knew he could, All Pigsy was interested in, was giving in to the urge and kissing the misery right off of Wukong’s face.
And after that they did talk, extensively, the fact that a fair bit of it involved the two of them clinging to each other and sharing far softer kisses on the couch as the rain continued to pelt against the windows was beside the point. Wukong stayed in his smaller form, Pigsy only asked about it briefly and Wukong only responded that he’d just really prefer to be held over doing the holding right now.
It was… odd at first, Wukong seemed to be under the impression that he needed to make the majority of the apologies, that somehow the whole ‘Being Zhu Baije’ Stuff was more important than Wukong knowing the initial purpouse of their relationship (before Pigsy had realized, before he’d known better) and playing along anyway; but he also seemed to easily accept it when Pigsy began to trade his own apologies.
They both had stuff to apologize for, and he was just glad he was finally given a chance to.
Then for a time they’d simply cuddled, allowed the wounds to heal in eachother’s presence. Pigsy had nodded off again at some point, but by the time he woke up it was still dark out, the rain still pelting the windows. He was alone on the couch but he could hear a familiar rummaging coming from the kitchen. Though it was probably late enough that there was no point in trying to sleep again, he figured he should just start the day properly by now.
It seemed like Wukong was of a similar mind because just as he’d properly sat up and stretched the monkey returned from the kitchen with a few cut up peaches, the bowl sat between the two of them as a simple breakfast.
“What time is it?”
They ate in silence, sweet, blessed, comfortable silence. He hadn’t wanted to fantasize about it from how much he’d been afraid it would never happen again but now that it was back, he found himself positively basking in it. When Wukong leaned to the side just enough to rest his head on Pigsy’s shoulder it was more than he’d expected would ever happen again.
This whole thing must have started earlier than he thought because just as he was starting to get restless the sun was no closer to creeping over the horizon. And it seemed like Wukong was getting restless at about the same time too.
“Okay I’m getting bored of being tired and sad.” He finally stated, standing up and stretching. “Lets do something nice, we haven’t done something nice since any of this started.”
“What do you have in mind?” Wukong thought for a second before grinning at Pigsy, a proper, happy grin that, after so much sad had just transpired, made his gut flip in and his face feel hot. He rushed over to Pigsy’s media setup and fiddled with things there until soft music began to play.
Wukong shook his head twice and with a puff of golden smoke went back to his preferred taller size, most likely so while Pigsy was still sat on the couch he could look suave as he offered a hand and grinned down at him. “Dance with me?”
And you know, maybe if they hadn’t just gotten back together he would deny how well that actually worked, tease him for being a cheesy dork. But as it was he just accepted.
The rain had made Wukong smell a little different, not by much but… different. And he wasn’t necessarily sure if it was a good change or not, but he felt the same, the soft caramel fur had long since dried and was gentle against his skin, he felt his tail coil its way around his hips and had practically encircled Pigsy in his warmth.
It was sad that things had to go over the way they did, but he supposed if they hadn’t then this wouldn’t feel quite as good. The ache had finally given way, Zhu Baije was quieting down in his head now that things were as they were supposed to be again.
It was, for lack of a better word,
a perfect morning.
And then there was a shake, a crack like a splinter of wood a blinding light-
"Dadsy! Are you alright? I'm gonna KILL those two idiots..."
-and it was gone.
Send me stuff
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jae-daddy · 4 years
magic (5)
Draco Malfoy Fanfic
one / two / three / four / six
Tumblr media
pairing: draco malfoy x reader genre: shifting realities, romance, clownshit plot: you were trying to shift for the lols but end up in harry potter world for reals with draco malfoy as your companion a/n: hope y’all like it, not edited <3
Your eyes narrowed as he walked into the small room with a cocky smirk on his face.
“What are you doing here?” You sneered at him with distaste.
Draco didn’t seem offended, instead, he found it rather amusing. He shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly as he walked around your room taking in the piles of paper scattered across the floor.
“I see you’ve been busy,” he rose his eyebrows with mocking impress at the mess.
When you didn’t reply, he looked away from the papers and over to you settled on the bed. You glared at him, feeling yourself get hotter as every second passed by.
“Don’t you have elsewhere to be?” You gritted, you couldn’t believe Malfoy would do this to you.
It had been a whole week since you had seen him. You were all alone in this stupid magic inn in the middle of nowhere.
You had been too terrified to go outside of the room or to even open the windows or curtains. You sat under the dim golden hue from the lanterns hanging above, day after day. Your eyes would stare at the door, half-frightened that someone will walk in, and the other half bleeding with the hope that Draco would waltz in any second.
But now that he was here, all you wanted to do was to kick him.
“Oh, come on,” Draco cooed looking pleased with your distressed state. “You miss me so terribly much, muggle?”
Your eyes burned with fury as you stared at him. 
He had no idea what it was like being here for a whole entire week. Whatever magic the room had would make food and water appear, and clean the room, but leave the papers spread where you had left them. 
When Draco brought you here after the game and told you to wait for him until he returned, you thought it’d be a few minutes, a few hours at most. But here he stood now, after a whole week in a black suit tailored perfectly to his lean body, his soft hair pushed back, and lips stained pink stark against his pale skin.
“You’re an asshole,” you finally spat at him, venom coating your tongue.
Draco didn’t recognise the threat or anger in your voice. Even if he did, he didn’t think much of it. He threw his head back letting out a chesty laugh, before smiling at you softly.
His piercing eyes softened a bit, and you felt tears threaten you.
There was no threat to your life, there was no danger. There was nothing. But you felt so weak, you were sure you would crumble as soon as Draco did the smallest action to check if you were okay.
But, Draco wasn’t known to be thoughtful. He looked away from you and slightly twisted in his spot.
“Care to explain what all this is?” He gestured to the endless lots of paper filled with your writing.
After that night at the camp, you had made a decision.
You hadn't wanted to hear the numbers of casualties from the other night. But without Draco, without any distraction, you couldn’t help but reach for the newspaper that appeared every morning. There were no casualties, no one died, a few injuries but nothing major.
As much as that relieved you, you knew this wasn’t the end. If anything this was the start.
This was the beginning of a painful and horrible journey, but you could help make it better.
You clicked your fingers and instantly the papers disappeared.
Draco lifted an eyebrow, amused, “Learn magic, did you muggle?”
Draco was letting go, letting you hide whatever you were planning on doing for a bit longer. You silently thanked him because you really didn’t have a solid plan, except for a definitive goal of avoiding all the death and unhappiness looming in the future.
“I know how to read manuals, Malfoy,” you rolled your eyes getting up from the bed. The layers of the blanket over you bunching at the bottom of the bed as you got up and walked towards the boy who stared at you intently.
“Where were you?” You asked, lifting your head to meet his stare. His piercing eyes studied you unblinkingly before he smiled gingerly, as he took a step back.
“Malfoy Mansion,” was all he said.
You let out a breathe, holding his eyes while you calmed down, as you gave him a bored smile.
“So what now?” You tsked, as you pulled your hair into a bun. “Are you going back after checking to see if I’m dead or not?”
Draco stared at you for a long moment, before snorting lightly.
“Actually,” he smiled, looking almost innocent. “I came to get you.”
You frowned, doubtful.
“It’s back to school season,” Draco’s grin widened. “Time to go back to Hogwarts.”
“How much longer do I have to take in that sour face of yours?” Draco scoffed as he settled in front of you.
You decided to ignore him and look out the window instead. The platform was filled with young wizards and their parents buzzing around the train. You could easily tell the first years apart, if not by their young age, then their uneasiness was an easy tip-off.
“Merlin’s sake, muggle,” Draco sighed tiredly. “Are you going to act like this till eternity?”
You scowled at him now.
“Draco, you came back after a whole week. You literally disappeared.”
“But I came back,” he fussed. His face softened into one of a defeat for a second before darkening in a sneer. “You should be grateful that I even to came back. It would have been much easier to leave you there.”
“Why didn’t you then?” You bit back, making him roll his eyes.
“Your invisibility might actually prove to be useful for me,” Draco shrugged not looking at you, after a long minute.
You studied him for a moment, before snorting, “Stupid Malfoy.”
“Whatever, muggle.”
Draco pulled out a book reading it as you sat there watching the seats fill up. You read the title and frowned.
It was another book about consciousness and projection. You didn’t think much of it, Draco did end up being a master of alchemy after the war in the books. He obviously had an interest in certain areas of magic, and probably wanted to know all about this topic.
You didn’t realise you were staring at Draco until his icy eyes glanced up. His lips twisted into a smirk when he caught you, “Don’t get too curious, muggle.”
You snorted at him in reply.
“I think it would be better if you sat next to me,” Draco said, as his eyes drifted to the door. You followed his gaze to see Pansy and Blaise walk in, smiling as they spot him.
You stood at the end of the table just as Pansy and Blaise settled in front of Draco. They greeted him happily before Pansy shoved Blaise against the wall telling him to move over a bit.
Blaise retorted something and they fell into a jeering argument.
You stared at Draco and then at the empty seat on the other side of him. He rose his eyebrows at you, telling you to act.
You shuffled closer, studying the small distance between Draco and the edge of the table. Maybe you could risk climbing over the table?
But with a subtle pull of your jacket, Draco wordlessly ordered you to go past you him, hastily.
You gulped nervously as you placed a hand on the seat just above Draco’s shoulder, moving closer to him.
“So, Draco,” Pansy said, holding his attention. You silently thanked your stars for Pansy being a chatterbox as she began telling him about something that happened over the break.
Your hair slightly brushed Draco’s shoulder as you placed a knee on the seat to balance yourself.
Blaise and Pansy fell into another round of bickering, as you placed your other hand on the other side of Draco to stabilise yourself. Your hands landed on his shoulder instead of the seat behind him, but you didn’t move it.
Draco stared at you intently, you as you lifted knee and brought it over to the other side of him.
Your cheeks burned, as you gulped nervously.
You were straddling him right now. Your thighs burned as you held yourself up, trying not to sit on his lap. Your thighs grazing his lap ever so slightly.
Your stomach flipped, as your core tightened as lustful images flashed through your mind. It didn’t do anything to soothe the burning crimson brightening upon your face.
Draco’s piercing cold eyes stared into yours with an intensity you didn’t want to register. Your heart raced against your chest, as Draco’s scent invaded your mind.
He smelled so good; it reminded you of rain on a hot summer day and something else that you couldn’t put your finger on. Still, it was wonderfully dizzying.
You removed your hands from the seat behind him as you began shifting over to your seat.
Just as you removed your hand, the train jerked into movement. You fell forward, your hands landing on Draco’s chest. Your body straddling him, your thighs on his lap, your chest crushed into his. His warm minty breath softly falling your lips.
His hands, instinctively holding onto your waist to keep you from falling over, burned through your shirt.
Your body was on fire. Your mind burning with images of crashing your lips into his.
God, he was so absolutely gorgeous.
His blue eyes slowly drifted to your lips and you were a whisper away from exploding.
“What are you doing?” Blaise asked, pulling you out of your hazy state of mind. Draco instantly threw you to the side, a loud thud resounding as you landed painfully in your seat.
You groaned as you glanced up and glared at a wide-eyed Draco.
His hands remained in the same position as they were placed on your waist, searing your skin through the flimsy shirt.
“This big,” Draco muttered his eyes examined the distance between in his palms in fake interest. “This big... would be a... very large... pumpkin... do you reckon?”
You snorted at Draco who blinked back into reality, putting his hands away and sitting straight.
“No way!” Blaise shook his head, almost calling Draco an idiot. “There are pumpkins bigger than this entire cart!”
“Right,” Draco nodded, his eyes still dazed as he tried to reel himself back. “I was talking about the muggle world.”
“Nah man,” the other boy innocently shook his head, “In images, I saw pumpkins the side of this entire booth.”
“Oh,” was all Draco said, nodding in false wonder.
Your eyes darted to Pansy who started at Draco sceptically.
But before she could say anything, Blaise started again, “I didn’t get a single moment of peace this break.”
He sighed peering between his two friends. The other two gave up whatever chilly tension had settled between them and focused on a dejected Blaise instead.
“Merlin’s mercy, Hogwarts never gives us a break,” Blaise breathed, exhausted. “I spent the last seven days locked up in my room trying to finish charms assignment.”
You felt Draco’s eyes shift towards you. You glowered at him, in return, almost bearing your teeth at him in defence. The corners of his lips lifted into an amused smirk, as he turned to his two friends as they continued talking.
“At least Blaise knew he could go out whenever he wanted to,” you muttered under your breath, focusing on Draco. You placed your elbow on the table as you rested your head on your palm. “I was stuck there not able to go out, or knowing if there was an end.”
Draco’s jaws twitched, but he didn’t show any other sign of your existence.
“Prick,” you muttered as you turned to look out the window. Hogwarts Express was now sprinting through the plains towards the castle. You felt butterflies stir in your tummy as you nervously looked at the scene.
You didn’t realise when, but you had fallen asleep.
You woke up to an empty carriage, except for the annoyed boy glaring at you.
“Get up, you ugly oaf,” Draco hissed, making you sit up as you sleepily rubbed your eyes.
“Oh my,” you yawned stretching as you got up. “I haven’t seen able to sleep properly in so long.”
Draco looked away from you, as red splayed across his neck.
You blinked at him, confused. Before you could ask him what happened, he was already walking out of the ghastly empty train.
Your gaze bounced from one thing to another as you followed Draco through the empty halls of Hogwarts. You had luckily arrived after the welcoming ceremony had ended, and everyone had returned to their common rooms to socialise. 
Your eyes couldn’t remain in one place for more than a second, taking in every little detail of Hogwarts. It was a beautiful work of art.
“Does Hogwarts not exist in the future?” Draco asked, studying you with an interest at your amazement.
Your feet halted for a second before you blinked back to your senses.
“Of course, it does,” you stammered, your cheeks burning. You didn’t look at Draco, focusing harder to look around the design on the walls.
You didn’t lie, technically. 
Technically, Hogwarts did exist, just not in its physical form.
“Are muggles able to go inside?” He arched a perfect eyebrow. You gawked at him.
“No,” you whispered, looking down.
“Well, at least they have some common sense about leaving the dirty muggles out,” he sneered, and you felt your heart sink.
This is who Draco was, a muggle-hating person who believed in purebloods and purity.
You stared at Draco as he marched on in front of you. His hands tucked into his pockets arrogantly. He looked more confident and comfortable here then he did at home.
“So what happens in the welcoming ceremony?” You quickly asked, trying to change the topic. 
“Nothing really,” Draco sighed, looking over his shoulder. “The Sorting Hat sorts the newcomers, and then Dumbledoor does the speech he does every single time.” 
“Sounds fun,” you muttered, sarcastically. 
“We didn’t miss much,” Draco answered as you stopped at the enterance of the Slytherin common room. “Emerald.”
You smiled at that, it wasn’t ‘pure-bood’ anymore.
You followed behind quietly, watching him as he walked through the maze of hallways of the dungeon. He stopped in front a door.
“The password is potty potter,” Draco told you over his shoulder.
You bit back a laugh at that. You couldn’t believe the password to Draco’s room was made solely to shit on Harry Potter.
“Come on,” he smirked, observing your humoured face.
You walked in and looked around in awe. It was much smaller than his room back at Malfoy Manor, and while the theme of dark green and black had carried over, this room was filled with warmth and memories.
You walked towards the wall filled with photos, posters and banners. His quidditch team photos, awards and academic achievements were there. But more than those were photos of places around Hogwarts. There were a few with people in them; mostly Blaise and Pansy. A few with Crabbe and Goyle, his mother,  but barely any of his father.
“Wow,” you whispered, before turning back to Draco. “I thought this would be an exact replica of your bedroom at the mansion.”
Draco shrugged, looking meek as he sat down at the edge of the bed.
You sat on the couch and Draco smiled, “At least you know where your bed is.”
“The couch?” You gaped at him, before pouting, “Can’t you magic one?”
“Snape will know,” he shrugged, looking smug.
“Risk it.”
“Risk you?” He quirked an eyebrow.
You shrugged, and he rolled his eyes.
“I can’t risk you,” Draco said making butterflies flutter in your tummy. But then his face twisted into a sneer as he continued, “You are my secret weapon.”
You huffed folding your arms, “Are you going to tell me your big plans?”
“Will you tell me yours in return?” He asked, knowingly.
“Jokes on you, I don’t have one,” you beamed, lying.
“Then what were all those papers?”
“I was trying to remember what happens next,” you told him honestly, at least in half-truth. “It did kind of work. I do have a better understanding of the timeline.”
Draco remained still for a long moment as he watched you.
“That night,” he finally said, his voice faint. “Those things that you saw before the fire started, were they from your memory?”
You nodded slowly, thinking of the scenes again. Draco blinked, his face hardening.
“How accurate are these memories?” He asked carefully.
Your brows furrowed as you stared at him in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“The fire, the flames, the Death Eaters,” Draco’s cold eyes stared into yours, not looking away. You felt your stomach sink at how serious he was being. “All of that was exactly as what took place.”
“Yeah, they were from my memories,” you answered, not sure what he was trying to do.
“Do you think they were accurate?”
“I don’t know, it is just my memory. I can't guarantee it a hundred per cent.”
Draco sat there for a long moment. His shoulders stiff, his mind lost in deep thought.
“I saw my father in them,” Draco spoke very deliberately, his jaw tightening. “Was that true?”
“I-” You stammered as your heart raced. You weren’t sure. “It’s just my memory, it could be wrong.”
“But you have seen him in a field of Death Eaters?” He asked, his voice cold, his eyes distant now. “It happens.”
Not a question, but you nod.
Draco sighed, his head hanging.
“Okay,” he said after a minute. “Go to sleep, muggle.”
He strolled towards the door, your eyes following him, “On the couch?”
He didn’t look back at you.
“Where are you going?” You asked, making him stop. 
“Even though you are a filthy little muggle,” he spoke, his voice failing to lighten with humour. “But as a wizard, I do have some honour. A bed to sleep in does not make a difference.”
“I can sleep on the bed?” You jumped up, he turned to look at you now. “What about you?”
Draco never shared a room with you, even at the Manor. He would stay and do his own thing when you went to sleep. But when you would wake up in the middle of the night, he’d be missing.
“Don’t worry about me, muggle,” he spat, cold.
“Wait. Draco!” You called as his hand touched the handle. You didn’t want him to go. You had just gotten company again, you didn’t want to be alone again.
“Go to sleep.” Draco sighed heavily before slipping out.
“Welcome back,” you greeted the blonde haired boy as he walked in with a basket in his hand. 
When you quirked an eyebrow at the basket Draco let out a exhausted sigh putting it on the table in front of you. 
“Eat up, muggle.” he ordered before collapsing onto the seat in front of you. 
Before you opened the basket the delicious smell of breakfast wafted out making your tummy grumble. You pulled out a plate the food magically kept in place. 
“Do you want me to take your plate out?” You asked him, carefully. You didn’t know if he’d eat food touched by a muggle.
“It doesn’t matter,” Draco’s cold eyes rested on you, his jaw locking as if the silent question offended him. You ignored him and pulled out his plate and placed it infront of him. 
A moan escaped your lips as you bit into the food. You hadn’t realised how hungry you were, and how long it had been since you had your last meal. Everything feels like a haze here. 
“You know, muggle,” Draco lifiting his gaze to meet yours as he dug into his food. “You are quiet high maintenance for a pet.”
“Pet?” You spat as you gawked at the gorgeous smirking man in front of you. 
“What else could you possibly be considered?” Draco replied, in an exaggerated bored tone.
“Didn’t you call me your secret weapon yesterday?” You smirked at him. 
Draco just ignored you. 
“So where did you hide last night?” You pryed, making Draco roll his light eyes. 
“A girl’s dorm, perhaps?” You teased when he didn’t reply for a long moment. 
“I was in Blaise’s dorm,” Draco answered quickly, a hint of pink on his cheeks. 
“And you plan to remain there forever?” You quirked an eyebrow at Draco who stared at you annoyed. “You can’t keep sleeping at other places when you have your own dorm, Draco.”
“I do as I please,” Draco answered, sharply.
“Sure, until people get suspicious.” You retorted, shaking your head at his stubborness. “Just get another bed, or we’ll take turns, or-”
“Oh I see what this is,” Draco snorted, cutting you off as he laughed lightly. “This is all a part of you plan to seduce me.”
“Excuse me?” You chocked. 
Draco didn’t reply. He smirked at you in victory, making you groan in anger. 
“It’s not going to work,” he cooed. 
You decided to ignore him, and ate the rest of your breakfast sliently. 
You placed the empty plate down before you peered up at Draco with a question burning the tip of your tongue. 
“Speak,” Draco muttered, not even looking at you. “I can sense the curiosity raiding off you.”
“How did you know what I saw that night?” You asked him. Draco looked up, his sharp eyes peering into yours. “I never told you about them, so how?”
Draco sighed, before running a hand through his pushed back hair making it fall messily. “I read your mind.”
“At first I thought it was because you were so pathetically easy to read, but then I began to suspect it to be something else. And that night just made it clear,” Draco explained, as you stared at him confused. “It almost feels as if you’re standing on the other side of a tunnel just shouting or sending images into my mind.” 
“I,” you breathed lost, “have no idea what to say.”
“Well, there is nothing much to say,” Draco sighed exhausted. “I have spent the past week trying to figure it out, but much like your invisibility it makes absolutely no sense at all.”
You didn’t reply. Your mind in deep thought, processing everything as you picked up a grape and plopped into your mouth. 
Draco got up straightening his coat, “A little suggestion though, muggle.”
You looked up to meet his sparkling eyes, waiting for him to continue. 
“Nothing,” he said, happily holding back a grin with a smirk. “Don’t worry your pretty little muggle mind over this, pet.”
And then he walked out once again. 
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imagine-loki · 4 years
TITLE: Green CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: One-shot AUTHOR: fanfictrashdump ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki getting offended because he has been forced to share a loved one’s attention with… Baby Groot.
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: Honestly, this is such a stupid concept, but it flashed into my mind and made me laugh so damn hard that I had to write it. Language! Yelling and subsequently apologizing to a child. Punching. Severe timeline issues (who gives a crap that this doesn’t make sense? I did it for the lol’s). 
SUMMARY: Loki is not used to having friends. Loki is not used to sharing friends. Loki is just a soft boi. That’s it. That’s the fic. 
But, seriously, apologize to kids when you do something wrong. 
Loki deepened the lines of his frown into a more intimidating scowl. The expression seemed to do little to sway the enthusiasm of the little twig, barely out of his flowering pot, as he clambered on the couch and gurgled his words.
“I am Groot,” said the little one, scaling up Loki’s trousers to tug at the casual green tunic, hoping to get the demigod’s attention. “Groooooot. I am Groot.”
“No,” Loki snapped, making the tree cower back just the slightest. “I am not in the mood to play. Now, get lost.”
“If I fetch you your glass of water will you leave me alone?”
The tree nodded, eyes wide and bright as he stared at Loki with rapt fascination while he conjured a cup of water. The enthusiastic, wooden applause he received for such a feat was even more endearing, but Loki would not allow himself to dwell on the cuteness of this… this manipulating thief.
Loki had began his week much like everyone else at the Tower had.
The team piled into one of the conference rooms where they were met with a talking raccoon and a green-tinged woman who hastily left the seedling in their care, claiming they were off to a battle they couldn’t take him along for. Everyone had cooed and aww'ed at the little ceiba tree who waved enthusiastically and giggled his one phrase at the attention. Loki thought the little one was rather cute, and being versed in All-Speak meant that he could easily understand what the child was saying, and he didn’t seem particularly irritating. He would even admit that he sort of looked forward to spending time with someone who did not stare at him as though he were a plague.
It wasn’t until his carers had left that problems truly began.
Lily had skidded into the conference room fifteen minutes later in her familiar fashion of being tragically late to everything. Her cheeks rosy from having jogged five floors up to get to them, but her blue doe eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. Stark had likely sent her a text to inform her of their new, temporary ward, and Lily being Lily… well, the woman seldom let an opportunity to interact with plants pass her by. Her face split into a brilliant smile as she bent over just enough to be eye-level with the little tree on the table.
“Hi, sweetheart,” she cooed, offering her hand to him.
Groot had gripped her index finger with his fist and her veins sparked green at the contact. He gasped excitedly at the change. “I am Groot!”
“Aw, you’re so sweet. I’m happy you’re here, too. Do you want to go play upstairs?” The tree nodded effusively and jumped straight into her waiting arms. Lily had barely glanced in Loki’s direction as she left.
Now, Loki was a creature of habit. It wasn’t that he was irritated that Lily was spending every waking moment with the creature or that she used such a soft and soothing voice to talk to him. It wasn’t even that she so easily gave the seedling little nuggets of affection that were just a little sweeter than what she afforded anyone else… No, it was that his perfectly crafted routine was thrown for a loop. That was all.
A gasp broke Loki from his reverie.
Loki growled as more than half of the contents of the cup he had just given the child flooded his lap. Groot looked more than apologetic, that childlike worry flooding his features before quietly apologizing again. That didn’t deter the annoyance from the past few days from bubbling over inside of Loki. His rage worked to disguise whatever other emotion he was trying to suppress.
“All you had to do was sit still. How bloody hard is that to do!?”
The child’s lower lip trembled. “I-I am Groot–”
“Loki!” Cold fear doused the god of mischief’s spine at the voice. “I was barely gone for three minutes. What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything. He spilled water on me–”
Lily’s attention was already diverted away from him as she kneeled in front of the tree and tried to pacify him. “Oh, sweetheart. Don’t cry!” Groot managed to fit a few words between little hiccupping sobs. “No, Loki doesn’t hate you. Why would Loki hate a tiny little sapling?” The last of the question was hissed with a dark scowl thrown over her shoulder in Loki’s direction. “No. He just has a tummy ache and it’s making him a little testy. In fact, he and I are going to go to the hallway so I can give him his medicine. OK?”
Groot nodded reluctantly, wiping at his eyes with still-green fingers.
Lily beamed at the tree and stroked away the tear tracks on his cheeks before rising to her full height. Without even looking back, she grabbed Loki by the scruff of his jumper all but dragged him behind her to the empty hall.
“Now, before you start yelling at–oof”
Loki doubled over as he hugged his stomach. For such a small, slight creature, Lily could definitely pack one hell of a punch. When he managed to wrench his eyes open, there was green fading from her veins and she was shaking out her left fist which looked suspiciously like a tree stump for a moment.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?”
“He was being a bother and a brat–”
“He’s a sapling, Loki. A baby. Babies drop things. His hands are the size of an acorn, what the fuck do you expect?” Loki had enough sense not to reply, instead choosing to take great interest in his shoes in a sheepish manner. “Why the hell do you hate him? Did trees do you some great harm? Is keeping you alive by giving you oxygen such a great fucking burden on you?”
Loki scoffed. “Yes, yes. It’s always me. I’m always wrong. I’ll go up to my rooms and you don’t have to hear from me again, if it’s such a bother! I’m sure you’ll have much more fun with–” He snapped his jaw shut at once, his mouth having run just a little further than he would have liked.
“Are you jealous? Is all of this just because your stupid ass is jealous?”
“Well, you certainly like him more than me–”
“He’s a talking tree, Loki. I am a plant mutant. Of course I was curious how our connection would work. Also, and I cannot stress this enough, he’s a baby who needs to be watched and we’re the only ones who speak his language!”
Lily swallowed the remainder of her rant at the sight of Loki blinking rapidly to keep his green eyes from overflowing with tears. She sighed, releasing whatever tension she had locked in her shoulders with an exhale. This was about so much more than just Groot tagging along for the week, she knew. Her hands reached for and gripped at his charcoal jumper, her touch more gentler than a second before. With a light tug, she brought him close and wrapped her arms around his middle and rested her head on his chest. It took a moment for Loki to realize he was safe and return the hug.
“You’re still my favorite person, Loki,” she admitted, vaguely feeling him nod and rest his cheek on her crown. “I am capable of taking care of Groot and still have you be my best friend. I’m complex that way,” she joked.
“I was being stupid, I know,” he whispered. “I yelled at him. He’s only a child.”
“Yeah, but you can go apologize and mean it.” Loki nodded once more and Lily released him. She gestured back the direction they came from and silently ordered him to go apologize.
Loki swallowed whatever pride he had left rattling inside his chest and marched back into the lounge. With a sigh, Loki kneeled in front of the sofa, his frame relaxed and every trace of ever being cross forgotten from his features. Groot glanced up wearily at the Prince, fidgeting slightly in his seat.
“I’m sorry I lost my temper, little one. I wasn’t feeling well–not that that gives me any excuse. I should not have done it and I hope you can forgive me.”
“I am Groot?” The sapling’s voice was barely above a whisper.
Something hurt inside Loki’s chest and he knew he would be feeling the brunt of guilt for a long time to come. “No, Groot. You did not do anything wrong. It was all my fault. I apologize.”
Groot nodded, but still looked uncomfortable.
Loki worked his hands in a circular motion until there was a clear orb suspended between them. The orb undulated and splashed in place–water kept in place by magic. Gripping it lightly between his thumb and index, his held it out to the tree.
“Here. This way, if you drop your water, it won’t spill and you can carry it a little easier.”
“Groot!” Flexible little branches closed around the orb and brought it up to wooden lips for a sip. After a moment the sapling laughed and chattered away about the wonder of the orb and Loki found himself unexpectedly puffing up with pride.
From the doorway, Lily knocked lightly on the frame, prompting them both to turn their attentions toward her. A small, knowing smile barely pulled at the corners of her mouth as she watched Groot clamber over onto Loki and hold onto his neck.
“Do you want to show Loki the flowers you grew?”
“I am Groot! I am Groot!”
“OK. Let’s go then,” she settled, waiting for Loki to join her at the doorway.
As they walked together towards the garden, Lily searched for Loki’s hand and gave it a warm squeeze. His half-startled, half-hopeful gaze lingered on her until she reluctantly let him go to open the double doors to the indoor garden and his senses flooded with fresh, vibrant rainbow hues, instead. Perhaps there were better colors than envy green.
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klynn-stormz · 3 years
Written in the Stars
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Hi everyone! Today is my day to drop my January Joy fic!! It was only supposed to be a one shot, but that didn’t work out so well, lol. I have split it into two parts and the second part should be posted within the next two weeks! So without further ado, here we go, I hope you enjoy it!
AO3: 1 |
Summary:  Emma Swan is enjoying her small town life in Storybrooke, a place where she can raise her son, practice her magic, and lead a relatively normal happy life. What she doesn’t expect is Killian Jones moving to town for business and turning her quite life up on it’s head. She’s not about to let some stranger interrupt it, easier said than done when everyone, including her magic, seems to push them together 
Part 1:
The snow-covered meadow glimmered under the full moon, a layer of untouched smooth snow had crossed the expanse of the forest Emma had walked through. There was something about the way the new snow shined brightly against the dark wood of the trees that made her think she had gone through a portal to a new enchanted realm. Under the watchful eyes of the moon and stars, Emma made her way to the middle of the meadow and took a moment to breath in the cold air. This was her favorite time, the sun had set long ago, the sound of the night animals was quiet and soothing, and not another soul was in sight. This was a time when she could be herself. She set her basket on the ground, it was already brimming with the herbs she had collected from the forest, and brushed the hood of her silvery white cloak off her face, then went to work on her favorite ritual.
 The set up was easy; the symbols drawn in the snow, much easier than in the dirt in her opinion, the herbs needed laid on the outer circle, she stood with a goblet in the middle and uttered the enchantment into the still night. It was a little later this year than she normally preformed, but her duties in town kept her busy until nearly 10 days after the New Year. Henry had finally put his foot down and insisted she preform it tonight, seeing that it was affecting her so. Preforming it late wouldn’t stop the renewal ritual from working, as it always did, she had just felt off until she was able to perform it. The coven in town had performed one on at midnight of New Years, but she rarely participated in the coven activities, preferring instead to keep to herself.
 Storybrooke was the perfect place for her and her son, from a young age her abilities had made it hard to stay in one home long. Left on the side of the road as a newborn she had been sent through the foster system, placed in families until her powers scared them to much for her to continue living there. Many hardships and trials had been sent her way, and each time she picked herself back up again. Eventually ending up in a quiet town of Storybrooke, finding others who practiced as she did. She wasn’t close to many of them, but they and all of Storybrooke had snuck their way into her heart and become family. Henry had taken to Storybrooke quickly, finding friends on the first day of school and worming his way into the hearts of all of the people there. His happiness at their newest home was what sealed her decision to stay, he needed stability and he needed a real home. Now, 5 years later, they were well settled in.
 The ritual completed, the spell seemingly hanging in the frigid air, Emma breathed a deep sigh of relief. A feeling of comfort washed over her as the cleansing and renewal ritual did its job. She carefully picked up her basket and walked to the edge of the meadow, waving her hand the grooves she had created in the snow disappeared as if she had never stepped foot there. Making her way back through the woods to a cozy cottage at the end of town, one she was lucky enough to have a view of the forest and the ocean in, she could never have realized how the new year would change her life.
“You’re completely blowing this out of proportion!” Ruby complained.
 “I’m really not.” Emma rolled her eyes while popping an onion ring into her mouth. She was having lunch with a few of her friends at Granny’s. Ruby was insistent on talking about the disaster that was Emma’s dating life, a topic that seemed to be a favorite among her, Mary Margaret, Ana and Elsa. “I’m not doing it again; I will not go through another Walsh incident.”
 “That wasn’t my fault!” Mary Margaret exclaimed, flushing slightly. “How was I supposed to know that he was a creep? He seemed so nice as the bank! Besides, I’m sure that this new man, his name is James, will be much different.”
 Everyone at the table stared at her till she muttered something about Emma becoming an old maid. Normally Emma would be put off and make them promise to stop setting her up, this would be met with mumbling and no eye contact. Normally. Today was different though, it was a cold fresh February morning, and there was something in the air today that made her feel content and almost… safe. It was a rare feeling for her, even in Storybrooke she rarely felt that way. She wasn’t quite sure she could trust the feeling, not one to get her hopes up.
 “I think we should get back to talking about Ruby’s date.” Elsa suggested. She was reserved, much like Emma, while her sister Ana was the most people person Emma had ever met. She gave Mary Margaret a run for her money on talking and gossip.
 “I’d rather talk about the new ship that just sailed in!” Ruby deflected.
 “Storybrooke has a fairly large port, why would a ship be anything special?” Ana paused, then hurriedly continued. “Not that ship isn’t special, I mean everyone is special so that must make it sort of special. Although, if everyone is special no one is right? Wait no, that’s from the Incredibles isn’t it, I need to stop falling asleep watching movies. What I’m trying to say is what makes this particular ship interesting? I’m sure it’s very interesting, but we do get ships in and out of port all the time, and they are all interesting too, especially the ones that trade in magic, but you never want to talk about those ones. I think that we need to discuss—”
 “Okay, that could go on for awhile so I’ll just answer your question now. The Captain and his brother are major hotties and we definitely need to find out more about them.” Everyone at the table was aware that once Ana got started it was best to interrupt her before they spent an hour listening to her ramblings. The current record was actually an hour and twelve minutes before they couldn’t take it anymore.
 “Of course, it would be because you think they’re attractive.” Elsa rolled her eyes at Ruby’s wiggling eyebrows.
 “Oh, believe me, if I wasn’t in an exclusive relationship, I would eat them up.”
 “I knew it! I knew you and Victor were finally serious.” Mary Margaret’s gleeful cry made Emma’s ears ring.
 “As fun as this is, I better get back to work.”
 “Emma you’re the sheriff you can make your own hours, it’s a Monday, nobody wants to work on a Monday!” Ruby whined.
 “And as the sheriff, it’s my responsibility not to spend three hours talking about potentially hot newcomers at lunch and instead protect and serve.” She responded drily. Turning towards the door, she was met with a loud chuckle and vivid blue eyes staring into hers.
 “I assure you, love, I wouldn’t mind if you continued to talk about my attractiveness.” The man gave her a grin that might have stopped her heart, she wasn’t quite sure at the moment, to lost in his eyes. His dark hair brushed over his forehead, she wanted to run her fingers through the strands and brush her palms against the stubble lining his jaw. When she got ahold of herself, she prayed that she hadn’t been staring to long.
 “As I said, I have better things to do.” She sniped, her defenses up, even if they felt different. Normally her magic would be on edge with a stranger near her, but now it seemed to lean towards him.
 That was ridiculous, she was just imagining it.
 She hoped.
 “Well, then it’s best I introduce myself to the law enforcement of this lovely town. Killian Jones at your service.” He bowed slightly and her eyebrows went up.
 “Planning on needing the Sheriff’s department anytime soon Mr. Jones?”
 “Only if the Sheriff is the one to respond.” His wink sent a shiver through her that she worked hard to keep hidden.
 “Emma Swan then,” Forcing her voice to sound clipped and uncaring. He reached down and took her hand; the reaction of her magic was immediate. Bursting around her in little near fireworks that only she could see, she panicked and attempted to reign it in. Her magic never showed itself to other people unless she willed it to; not even Mary Margaret, Ruby or Elsa had ever seen it, though they knew she had it.  He didn’t help any by lifting her hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. The magic continued to burst around her until he dropped her hand.
 “I should be going.” A quick mumble and a nod of her head was the last thing he saw before she rushed out the door.
 For the rest of the day Emma stewed over her magic, it had taken her a long time to come to terms with what she was, and even longer to learn to control it. As light magic was magic that was inherited and based on emotion, it was harder than dark magic. While dark magic took practice, research and patience, it did not require emotion; Emma’s magic was some of the strongest that Storybrooke had seen in a long time and they relied on her control over it to keep their little town off the radar of those who would exploit it. The local coven worked hard to protect the town, and expected her to do the same.
 She needed to know why her magic reacted differently to him. A flash of Neal went through her mind and her stomach curled at the memory. A man who had taken advantage of a young girl all alone in the world, who had made her believe she was special. The only good thing she had gotten out of that relationship was Henry, and Henry would always be her top priority.
 “Hey mom!” Henry barreled through the door, eyes bright and full of his adventures from school. Her shift finished, she grabbed her jacket, phone and radio, and hugged him.
 “Hey kid, ready for some dinner? I was thinking pizza.”
 “Works for me! We have a new project in English, we get to write a short story.” He dumped his backpack on her desk, then sheepishly picked it up at Emma’s raised brows. “I was thinking I could interview you about some of your magic and—”
 “How about we get some dinner, go home and you can tell me your story over dinner?” Emma asked, grabbing the phone to order.
 Later at their apartment, while they ate their dinner and had the tv playing in the background, Henry told her about his idea. He had gotten nearly to the end when he paused. “I don’t want to spoil the whole story for you.”
 “I thought your teacher said you were supposed to write a short story kid.” She teased him, impressed with his imagination. He’d always had such a wonderful view of the world; Emma was pretty sure she would be buying copies of his books one day. “Why do you need to interview me?”
 “Well, if the princess, Evil Queen, and Dark One are going to have magic I need to know how to write it! I don’t want to make any mistakes.”
 “Alright, tell you what. You get all of your homework done on Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday we will go through a few basic.” He grinned and hugged her tight. When he was all tucked into bed and Emma was reading in her room, she couldn’t help but think of blue eyes and dark hair. Her magic sparked again, a light skittering across the room. She would worry about everything tomorrow. Banishing thoughts of him, she willed herself to sleep.
 Killian Jones had seen much of the world in his days, he had seen wonders and mysteries, magic and mayhem, good and bad people, and most everything in-between. As a Captain in the Navy, before he lost his hand in a tragic storm that he nearly lost his brother in, and as a sailor building a business with his brother when they left the Navy. He had been everywhere he’d ever dreamed. Yet, none compelled him as much as the blonde haired, green eyed sheriff that had magic bursting around her as he kissed her hand.
 He’d heard the lasses at the table talking about him and his brother. The long-haired brunette excitedly exclaiming their attractiveness and looking for gossip about them, while the blonde goddess rolled her eyes and looked for an excuse to leave. Seeing her had nearly stopped his heart, he was quite sure of that, only to have it pounding in his ears when their eyes met and time stopped. He could have stared into them forever, wanting to lean closer and brush his lips over hers. He wanted to gather her in his arms and find a private room to kiss her till neither could breathe, after all he wouldn’t need air so long as he had her. He was brought back to himself by the sound of her voice, a bored tone with a hard edge, as if she was putting on a show with it.
 Her eyes shined out at him and he was sure she felt the same as he had, though he was no less embarrassed at where his thoughts had gone immediately. He reigned himself in, flirting just enough with her to get her name. Emma Swan. Fitting, he mused, she had the elegance and grace of one, with high enough walls he knew he’d get pecked if he pushed.
  He didn’t think he’d mind much.
 The moment his lips touched her hand, the white sparks of magic had lit around them, fascinating him. He would have asked her what they were, but for the panic in her eyes when she realized what was happening. He pretended he saw nothing; it could wait till a later date. He had a feeling it would be long till the next meeting.
 When she was gone, he’d ordered at the counter, found a table and waited for his brother. All of his thoughts revolved around Emma.
 “She’s totally single you know.” Came a voice from behind. He turned in his chair to see the group of woman Emma had been with staring at him, a little bit of mischief in their eyes. The one who spoke gave him a wolfish grin. “In case you were wondering.”
 “The sheriff?” He clarified.
 “That’s the one, utterly single and refusing any sort of set up.” The woman with a pixie hair cut and the kindest eyes he’d every seen, replied. “She’s naturally suspicious of people, so you’d have to try pretty hard if you wanted anything to happen.”
 “That is,” Now a woman with frost in her hair and ice in her voice spoke up. “If you’re planning on sticking around.” He smiled at that.
 “My brother and I recently moved our business headquarters to this town, as it’s a good port and unique. We’ll be here for a long while.”
 “Oh that’s just lovely! Emma takes awhile to warm up to people, but you’d definitely want her on your side since she’s the sheriff. Just don’t break any laws and annoy her and you’re good to go.” The final woman had a voice that sprinted instead of walked, he wasn’t sure her mouth was even moving at the speed the words came out.
 “Thank you, ladies, for the advice. I’ll take it into account.” His brother walked through the door then and he was distracted greeting him, nodding a farewell to the women as they left. He smirked slightly when the icy woman ran into his brother and uttered a quick apology, the moment couldn’t have been more than ten seconds and his brother looked starstruck. Looks like they’d both have better reasons to make Storybrooke their new home.
 Liam and he spent the next hour going over some of the logistics of moving the company. It was almost done, the last thing to deal with was selling the old building they’d had back in England. The move to Storybrooke would be better in the long run, while the port wasn’t as big as the one they’d been at, most of their business and suppliers were closer, saving them money in the long run, and they’d just signed three new contracts with new contacts.
 Having heard of Storybrooke’s… unique circumstance, they were drawn to wanting to experience it for themselves. Their mother had been open about her magic from the time she had met their father, he had never really liked it, but dealt with it to be with her. She raised Liam and Killian to believe and practice as well, and though she had died when both were still young, her lessons had stayed with them when their father did not. Neither Liam nor Killian practiced regularly, feeling there were others much more talented that could keep the balance better. However, they preferred a place where they felt comfortable and free. Both had stepped off their ship onto the Storybrooke dock and could feel the rumors had merit. There was magic here, and it seemed to welcome them.
  “Well little brother, it’s time to find some housing I believe. I’ve scheduled a meeting with a realtor tomorrow who will walk us around some of the houses they have here.” Liam clapped his brother on the back, heading towards the back that led to the Bed and Breakfast rooms they’d booked for the week.
 “You mean younger brother,” Killian corrected. “and as long as you know I’m getting my own place then that should be fine.”
 “Of course, you’re not living with me anymore. It’s time for you to stop mooching off of me and get your own space.” The teasing tone made Killian roll his eyes as he bumped into his side a little harder than necessary.
 “Goodnight Liam, see you tomorrow.” Killian went to sleep and dreamt of green-eyed swans and magic.
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ghost-ghost-baby · 4 years
Scales pt. 4a //yan!bakusquad fantasy au//
a/n: im so fuckin sorr this took so long lol, it was actually written but life was too crazy to edit/post. i had to make this angsty so it wouldnt turn out horny
Pt. 5
warnings: swearing, mature themes? mentions of past abuse/trauma
Things felt weirdly normal when you woke up, and despite the memories that flashed through your head you kept your cool. You needed to be logical, it was the only way you’d be able to get out of here alive. Denki was in your arms when you finally opened your eyes, and a weight lifted from your chest. Oh thank gods you were together. That made things easier. The room was… undoubtedly luxurious, Shigaraki sure knew how to play nice when he wanted. Horror shot through you when you saw the iron collar clamped around Denki’s neck. Fuck, you knew what that was. you’d seen it used before, and Denki wasn’t going to be able to help with it on. You’d need a diamond to get it off, unless you could get the key. Fucking Shigaraki, he’d be here soon to gloat. The fucker loved nothing more than being validated for what he’d done.
“I didn’t appreciate your little stunt.” Shigaraki finally showed his face, and your eyes narrowed as you stared at him from the bed.
“If you were bored you should have just told me. I thought you liked the solitude while I was busy, but obviously I was wrong.” He took a seat next to you and your skin crawled, had he gotten crazier? “But that’s all in the past now, and you have your own pet to keep you entertained.” Oh yeah he absolutely lost it while you were gone. You stayed silent as you watched his fingers trail over your leg to Denki’s sleeping form next to you. The threat was clear despite him staying silent. If you tried anything, he’d take it out on Denki.
“Thank you.” You had to force the words out, any feelings you had right now didn’t matter. You just needed to keep Denki safe, and that meant keeping Shigaraki happy until you could get away. It worked, his chapped lips stretched into a grin as he made himself comfortable besides you, showing no intention of leaving any time soon.
“They did WHAT?” Katsuki flung his sword across the room, the metal sending up a puff of feathers when it hit the bed. He’d just gotten back from a war meeting, and this was the first thing he had to hear?
“How dare that dry ass motherfucker send his cronies here, I’ll get Y/n and Denki back myself.” He snarled, and Hanta had to jump on him before he could leave .
“Katsuki, calm down, if you go rushing in it’ll only make the situation worse.” Mina crouched down, making sure she was in the blondes line of sight so he had no choice but to listen.
“Yeah man, Izuku can help, right?” Hanta added, still pinning Katsuki down. 
“And Shoto too, we have allies Katsuki, we don’t have to just rush in.” Mina glanced at Kiri, who nodded in agreement despite the fact he wanted nothing more than to bolt to wherever you were. He just needed to make sure you were safe. At least Denki was with you, the two of you could take care of each other for the time being, and it would be enough that the bond wouldn’t hurt anyone.
“Fine, get them here, now! We need to do this quickly!” Katsuki gave in with a snarl, the more people he had to crush that extra, the better.
Fingers tapping your thigh made you jump, and you dropped the book in your hands as you turned to Denki. He’d just been…dozing, barely waking up to eat and drink.
“Oh, you’re awake. How do you feel?”
“Weird, kinda out of it… where are we?” Gold eyes darted around the room, horror growing in them with every passing second. “What happened to Mina?” Denki was starting to panic, and you had to grab his hand to make him look at you.
“She got away, I sent her back to Katsuki so she could get help.” You soothed, hand smoothing over his hair. “You know what they're like, I'm sure they're planning something right now.” He didn't look convinced, and you wondered how he hasn't noticed the iron around his neck.
“Why can't we just break out?”
“If there's a sure opportunity for us to escape I'll take it, but you can't fight with the collar on, and I can't get it off while we're here.” You grabbed his wrists to stop him tearing at it, there was no use.
“Don't try to use your powers, okay? I'm not sure what it'll do, but the ones I've had have never been good. Your powers will activate the selected gem, and depending on that the collar will do something. I don’t want to risk it.”
“How do you know all this?” Denki squinted at you, and you dropped his arms, hands folding in your lap as you thought about how to explain that.
“I um, always had a talent for magic, my teachers kept track and when I graduated Shigaraki noticed and I uh… didn’t exactly go along with him at first, so he chose a… harsher…? Way for me to learn and fit into his… role for me.” The words stuck in your throat on the way up, you never thought you’d have to tell anyone that.
“I know it might be… a lot, and I promise I’ll tell you everything when we get out of here, but you need to trust me, okay Denki?” You couldn't look at him, your whole plan needed him, you couldn’t leave him here alone.
“Okay Y/n, but I’ll hold you to that promise.” You couldn’t help startle when Denki surged forward, nuzzling your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist. This wasn’t the reaction you expected, he went along so easily?
“O-Okay, just follow my lead, he needs to let his guard down and I… know how to do that.”
“The meeting was awful, honestly that scum are lucky I have you to calm me down… so I don’t have to resort to more extreme methods.” You’d tuned out most of Shigaraki’s rant, Denki had fallen asleep and you didn’t see the point in waking him for this. The king had his head in your lap, your fingers carding through his hair with a familiarity you hated. Shigaraki turned so he was facing you, one hand coming up to caress your cheek and you were lucky he was delusional enough to think the shudder that ran through you was good.
“Hmm? What happened this time?” You forced the words out, pretending to care really fucking sucked. His answer was lost as Denki started to stir next to you, oh god why’d he have to wake up now? He was gonna say something bad and it’d be over for the both of you. Shigaraki was still mumbling on while your eyes were fixed on Denki, humming your acknowledgment at the appropriate intervals so he’d think you cared.
“I swear it’d be better if I just ripped their heads off, then I could just stay here with you.” These words were mumbled into your skin,, Shigaraki going from laying in your lap to straddling you and hiding his face in your neck before you could do anything to stop him. You hated when he got like this, it could last for days if he was feeling particularly insecure or clingy.
“But then you’d have nobody to do what needs to be done, and you’d be spending even less time here.” Denki spoke and your heart stopped, oh god oh god ohgod. Shigsraki pulled back to look at the blonde, eyebrows raised as he considered that option.
“You have a point.” The king shrugged before he went back to your neck as if nobody had spoken, lips brushing against your skin as he grew bolder. Unease surged through you at the contact, the force of it through the bond almost made Denki transform, but he remembered you needed him to be good so you could get them out of here, and so he settled for buying his face in your thighs. He really hoped you knew what you were doing, and that the others were planning something. A knock at the door had your heart jumping into your throat, and after a growled answer from Shigaraki, Dabi entered the room. His voice was bored as ever while he spoke, something about needing Shigaraki back in the war room because their scouts had spotted something. A grunt left the king as he started to get up, unable to stop himself nipping at your neck before he pulled away, the red already blooming had him satisfied enough to slink over to Dabi and, in turn, leave you and Denki alone again.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry this is all my fault-“ your anxiety took over the second the door closed, throat clogging up and tears clouding your vision. Kiri should have just left you to die, then none of them would be in this mess.
“C’mon, you’re okay, come back to me now.” Denki pulled your chest to his, forcing your breathing to follow his as he focused on calming you down. Your eyes slowly came back into focus, gold was the only thing you could see for a moment before Denki pulled back.
“Is that better?” His hand brushed the tears off your face, a comforting smile on his face. How could he look so angelic in this situation?
“Yeah, sorry about that.” You wiped your nose, humiliation setting in as you realised how pathetic you must look, you needed to be stronger if you were going to get out of here alive.
“There’s nothing to apologise for, this is a tough situation.” Denki shrugged, he didn’t want to pressure you into talking about your past, but something big had obviously happened. Your unease was still flooding through the bond, easily alerting Denki to the fact you weren’t fine, worse, you were lying to him about it. He just wanted to help. Maybe he should try and distract you? Opting to cheer you up any way he could, Denki cuddled into your side, making sure he was monitoring how you felt though the bond. Your gaze shifted as the blonde rubbed over your skin, making a noise you could only describe as a croon while his face nuzzled against your neck. The noise was… weirdly comforting, and it wasn’t long before you felt some of the anxiety leaving you. Denki was over the moon, you were responding so well! His crooning picked up at how happy he was, and you let your head rest on his shoulder, your own hands finding his and intertwining with them. You were almost asleep when the door opening had you jumping awake, Denki slowly blinking as he figured out what had spooked you. Confusion was all that remained when you saw Dabi there, Shigaraki nowhere to be seen as he closed the door behind him.
“I talked to Shoto, I’m gonna help you out.”
“Dabi agreed to help us, but in return he wants Shigaraki alive, for himself. It’s the best chance we have, he’s the kings right hand.” Shoto deadpanned, completely unbothered by the snarling warrior being held back by Kirishima next to him.
“I wanna rip that bastard to shreds, fuck Dabi, we can do this without him.” Katsuki finally managed to get out after he’d been calmed down, a task that took several minutes.
“It’d take longer, you really want to sacrifice Y/n and Denki so you can kill someone?” Hanta had to help hold Katsuki back at that remark from Shoto.
“Katsu, Shoto’s right, our priority needs to be getting them quickly, not killing Shigaraki.” Mina placed her hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, the thing that finally calmed him down enough to mumble out a fine and get on with the actual planning.
“Finally, now what we’re going to do is cause a distraction on the battlefield, during which Dabi will knock out Shigaraki and get Denki and Yn to a safe destination we’ll go to after the battle. Now, onto the details…”
“You’re what? No way, it’s a trap right? Shigaraki is testing my loyalty? I’m not falling for something like this again.” You shook your head as you paced the room, Denki still sitting on the bed and Dabi lounging on a chair next to the desk. It was exactly the kind of thing that bastard would do.
“Bakugo told me to tell Denki about the dandelions.” Dabi ignored your rant, instead turning to Denki and raising his eyebrows at the blonde. Lower lip between his teeth, The blonde slunk over to you, grabbing your hand tightly before he spoke.
“It’s not a trap, Y/n, he’s telling the truth.”
“You don’t know that, what if they captured someone that told him?” You hissed, eyes darting over to the nonchalant figure in the chair.
“Hey, you asked me to trust you before, I need you to trust me now. Okay?” He presses a kiss to your cheek when he was finished, and despite your best efforts that smile got to you, made you relax and squeeze his hand.
“I-Fuck. Okay, I trust you.”
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august-anon · 4 years
What if Roman tries to pull a tickle prank with some magical sentient feathers, but it ends up backfiring and he needs the others to come save him from his self-made ticklish doom
Coming right up! Thanks for the prompt!! (also I didn’t mean for this to get so long but also like,,,, it put me in a lee mood and i just kept going lol) (also also, hmm, the other sides didn’t really end up “saving” him, did they, whoops, lol)
Fluttery Feelings
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): platonic LAMP
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Roman, does this count as Ler!Roman since he’s kinda getting himself lol?, Ler!Virgil, Ler!Patton, Ler!Logan (in the sense of teasing)
Word Count: 2227 words
Summary:  Roman had planned the perfect prank for movie night. He just really hadn’t anticipated it backfiring on him.
[ao3 link]
Roman had been looking for the perfect opportunity for this prank for weeks. He’d had the idea a while ago, and now with Patton placing him in charge of setting up movie night, he had the perfect chance to finally enact it. 
Granted, he hadn’t practiced much with the conjuring he wanted to do, but how hard could it be? He was the creative side! How hard could it be?
It worked out even better that they were using Roman’s realm instead of the common room. Here, he could easier conjure the perfect comfy setup. 
The comfiest pillow fort ever created? Hm, no, save that for next time, they might tear it apart with all their squirming. A warm, plush couch? No, that would make the cuddling that came after a little more awkward, trying to squish on the couch. Plus, it’s easier to fall off of.
Roman settled for a giant mattress in the middle of the room, covered in fuzzy blankets and fluffy pillows. There were fairy lights hung around the walls to give them dim lighting; a bright light would glare on the TV screen, but sitting in pitch black without being able to see each other wasn’t as much fun, either. Half the fun of movie night was making fun of each other’s reactions. The TV itself was massive, with surround sound built into the imaginary walls and ceiling, because he was actually planning to carry on with movie night after his little prank.
Now, time for what he was really excited about: the magic feathers. He figured it would be easier to make them somewhat sentient, enough to target the worst spots of their targets, and enough to stop when the lee wanted it to stop. Of course, this wouldn’t be a fun prank if not everyone involved was laughing and having fun. 
Roman squeezed his eyes shut and imagined really hard to bring the feather’s into existence. He heard a comical, almost cartoonish pop! and opened his eyes to see an army of various types of feathers floating around the room. He grinned at his success.
There were feathers short and tall, fluffy and sharper, thinner and wider. Stems that were flat, stems that were a little rounded, stems that were pointier. All perfect for targeting anyone’s ticklish spots. Roman shivered at the thought.
And then, Roman realized his mistake as all the feather’s, formerly stationary and static and nonthreatening, twisted to face him, suddenly hovering a lot more ominously than before. He really should’ve waited until the others were in the room to do this. Because now there was only one target for them to go after, and just the thought that they could sense that sent Roman straight from his teasing little ler mood straight into a nervous lee mood.
“Now, now,” Roman stupidly tried to reason with the feathers, his voice wobbly with the nervous laughter that he was swallowing. “Let’s–let’s not do anything we’d regret, yes? I mean, I can un-conjure you, after all.”
The feathers, of course, did not have ears, so they were unable to listen to his pitiful arguments to try and save his own skin. If they could hear him, though, they would probably be rather amused.
A number of feather’s broke off from the group, diving for Roman from all angles so he couldn’t even try to dodge them. No matter what direction he turned, there was a feather rushing at him. The rest of the feathers fell to the floor, making Roman’s nervous movements his own downfall.
He accidentally stepped backwards directly into a pile of the feathers, making his shriek at the tickly feeling and stumble backwards through piles, laughing and sputtering, until he collapsed back onto the mattress he’d conjured and the other feathers ceased their teasing dives and actually followed through.
Roman regretted his choice of short pajama shorts and a tank top for movie night. But who didn’t want maximum skin contact when the option of cuddling your loved ones came up? It was just better!
When it came to sentient tickle feathers? Not so much.
Knowing how weak he was to that sort of thing, because they were sentient and somewhat mind-readers, they started off slow and teasing to build everything up to a crescendo. 
His calves and kneecaps, his ribs (even over his shirt, their softness was able to tickle), his outer upper arms were all targeted with gentle touches that made him squeal and wiggle. But, no matter how much he squirmed, the feathers were able to follow his movements everywhere, considering they could fly and their only purpose was to make him wail in ticklish glee agony.
Roman giggled and covered his mouth as he snorted, embarrassed by the sound despite being alone in the room, still. He turned onto his stomach, hoping to protect some of his weak points, but he truly was just making yet another mistake.
The feathers switched positions. They targeted the woefully sensitive skin behind his knees, the bottoms of his feet, and wiggled their way up under his loose tank top to flutter across his back.
Frankly, Roman hadn’t even known his back was ticklish. The other sides had never tried to torment him there before, though he loved getting Logan there under the guise of a soothing massage.
And then Roman remembered: the feathers would stop when he wanted them to stop. When he was sated, or when he was too tired to continue, or any other similar reasons. Roman blushed fiercely in the emptiness of the room. Unless he could bury his lee mood while he was actively being tickled, he was doomed.
Not to mention, since the feathers could vaguely sense his thoughts and feelings to make the prank fun and enjoyable for it’s intended targets, he must’ve had a secret want for his back to be targeted. Which, based on how devastatingly ticklish it was, he didn’t know how no one had targeted him there before.
The feathers on his feet upped the ante, flipping around to scribble against his soles with the stems, to trace the wrinkles when his feet scrunched up, to scratch away at weak points they found. A few more joined the fray from the floor and darted up in between his toes. Roman cried out and pounded the bed, but it didn’t stop there.
The feathers behind his knees sneaked up the backs of his thighs, also calling more of their friends from the floor to join them, fluttering on his outer and inner thighs to make him gasp and wail and cackle. Roman was kicking out and bouncing around on the bed to try and dislodge them, but they followed him wherever he went. In fact, it almost just made things worse, as it gave the feathers the chance to sneak flicks and brushes against the tops of his thighs.
More feathers from the floor joined up his shirt, as well, adding rank to the two on his back, and more coming up to flutter along his sides and ribs once more. Roman already felt like he was losing his mind, but they weren’t stopping, and the bubbly, flustered feeling built in his chest even further, knowing that he was so tickle-hungry.
And then the worst possible thing happened: the door opened and Virgil, Logan, and Patton walked in. They carried snacks and movie choices and even more soft blankets, but none of that mattered in the face of the feathers that still weren’t stopping.
Patton was the first to recover, grinning and setting the snacks in his arms aside. “Aw, Ro, if you wanted tickles all you had to do was ask!”
“No!” Roman tried to yell, but he was laughing so hard that it just came out as a wail of laughter that started with an “n.”
Virgil and Logan set aside their burdens as well, approaching with twin smirks. The bubbly, flustered feeling grew inside of him, and butterflies took shelter inside his belly, tickling him from the inside now, as well.
“We would’ve been happy to help, Roman,” Logan said, not an ounce of tease in his voice, but Roman knew his intention. The ever-widening smirk on his face also didn’t help.
“Y’know,” Virgil said conversationally, “it looks like those feathers are having a little trouble reaching some places because of the bed.”
Logan cocked his head to the side. “It seems you’re right, Virge.”
Patton clapped his hands together, eyes glinting behind his glasses. “Oh, we should help them! Everyone grab a limb!”
Roman struggled and tried to fight back, but the tickling and feathers had weakened him to the point where it wasn’t even a challenge for them. They rolled him over, cooing teases that made Roman’s entire body tingle, and Patton and Virgil grabbed his arms while Logan grabbed both his ankles. They lifted him from the bed, and now there really was no protection.
The feathers circled all around every part of his leg, his feet were coated in their fluff, his back and stomach were now both easily targeted (and a few sneaky feathers kept slipping into his bellybutton, utterly evil). His neck and ears gained a few feathers, making him wish he could turtle up for protection, but the angle his arms were being held up at prevented it. And they finally managed to slip into his worst spot: his armpits.
Roman was hardly even laughing anymore, it was more of an endless, joy-filled scream. His abs ached and his lungs burned, but the teases the other’s kept calling at him over his noises just kept him in his mood and had him craving more.
“Not fair!” Roman tried to yell, but he wasn’t sure if it came out around his laughter.
“Aww, poor Ro-Ro can’t take it?” Virgil cooed.
“Oh, he’s so cute!” Patton squealed. “Tickle-tickle-tickle, laffy taffy!
“You could stop the feathers at any time, Roman, really, come now,” Logan said with a grin.
Roman shook his head at that one. Logan raised an eyebrow, sneaking a tweak to Roman’s ankles to made him jolt.
“Oh, really? I know better than that, Roman. You’ve put a failsafe in.”
He did put a failsafe in, he just hadn’t reached it yet. And now, when he finally did, they would make him tell them what it was. And gosh, there was that flustered bubble growing ever larger and making him all the more sensitive. He really had dug his own grave, this time.
The tickling went on for several more long minutes, before the feathers eventually fluttered away to the ground and left Roman panting and wheezing and still laughing from the phantom tingles he felt all over. The other three placed his gently back on the mattress and Roman curled up in a ball as he calmed down.
A hand appeared in his hair to scratch at his scalp comfortingly, and another on his back, rubbing firmly enough that it didn’t tickle. After a moment, another hand tilted his head up and his lips connected to a water bottle. He drank greedily for a minute before laying back down to giggle himself out. After a few minutes of recovery, Roman sat up and allowed the others to gather around him in a gentle cuddle.
“Finally get all tickled out?” Virgil teased, and Roman curled in with another giggle when the feathers coating the floor shifted slightly. Virgil grinned at him.
Roman took a moment to focus and un-conjure the feathers before speaking. “They, uh, they weren’t originally meant for me,” he admitted nervously.
“Roman,” Patton said, a warning tone in his voice that Roman knew was more teasing than angry. “Were you gonna send those feathers on us when we came in so we got tickled silly?”
“Maybe?” Roman squeaked.
Logan shook his head with a fond smile. “If I didn’t think you’d already had enough, I would tickle you as punishment.”
“What went wrong?” Virgil asked.
Roman rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous smile. “Uh, they were vaguely sentient. And vaguely mind-reading. So I didn’t really have control over them.”
Patton scrunched up his face. “Mind re–oh, you adorable little silly boy!”
“What?” Virgil asked.
Logan’s fond smile turned into a teasing grin. “Roman sent himself into a lee mood by just seeing the feathers, and they picked up on it and targeted him.”
Virgil chuckled and cuddled in closer. “Aww, and they just wouldn’t stop until you were sated, would they, giggle monster?”
Roman blushed. “Actually, yeah.”
Patton squealed. “That’s so cute! I know we all love every side of tickling, but you wanted it so much, you’re adorable Ro-Ro!”
“No!” Roman whined, drawing out the word.
“Tooth-rottingly sweet,” Virgil cooed in his ear, making him squirm.
“Cutest in all the land,” Logan hummed.
“You all suck,” Roman grumbled into his hands.
Patton giggled and kissed the top of his head. “Oh, alright, we’ll let up. Let’s put on a movie.”
After choosing randomly, the movie they put on was Tangled. the four of them made a nest on the mattress, moving around blankets and pillows to perfectly huddle down in as their little cuddle unit. Roman sighed and wiggled down further into the pile with a smile.
He drifted off before Rapunzel and Eugene even got to the Ugly Duckling.
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sketchy-saram · 4 years
Winter Refrain
At long last! A promised story I somehow forgot to post, LOL.
 It’s been two long years since Felix left Vesuvia, but Advieh is about to get a surprise on the night of the Winter Ball. Will it be everything that they hoped for?
“Felix? Yes, I saw him heading towards the gardens. He looked...healthy. Normal. Good luck, darling. I hope...I hope it works out for you both.” 
Hope. Such a small, fragile word, and yet it beat so strongly in Advieh’s chest, warring against doubt and fear with a strength that belied its size. What had started that morning as a vague, listless duty to attend the Winter Ball had become an anxiety that almost overwhelmed them when they heard that Felix was going to attend. And yet, within all the clouds of uncertainty, the tiniest fluttering of hope still lived, unwilling to surrender.
Maybe...maybe he remembers. Maybe things can go back to the way they were. Maybe… It was the ‘maybe’ that pushed them forward when their legs wanted to freeze up, having nothing to do with the chilly winter air. They pulled the skirt of their dress higher, resenting the weight of it that dragged them down and yet grateful for any spare second. By the time they had passed the gardens to the maze, their breath was already coming in soft puffs of white. There was no sign of him, and no one else to ask. Where would he go? It was disorienting. Before, Felix was never more than a stone’s throw from them. How could those days feel like a million years ago, and just yesterday at the same time? 
They tried to swallow; their mouth was as dry as the Nopal desert. Their blood pounded loudly in their ears, especially audible in the silence of the wintery wonderland around them. Large quantities of fake snow had been magicked up for the occasion; twinkling strands of fairy lights twined around the manicured bushes and trees, and floating lanterns of soft violets and blues lit the path for anyone who might wander this far. The effects were fanciful, romantic...and only vaguely noticed by Ad, their attention stolen. 
Any sign of that familiar smiling face, the rainbow hair,  the broad shoulders...
And then, everything seemed to stop in time as they rounded a corner, greeted by the large marble fountain with its ornamental owl...and a figure that was unmistakable even from afar, sitting on the edge of the pool. Ad sucked in a breath, not moving, drinking in every detail like it was water for their parched tongue. All feeling had been sapped from their body, except the heart thumping painfully in their chest--that continuous thud reminded them that this was real.
This was happening.
He looked a bit different, although the essence of him was exactly as they remembered. His hair had grown out; still shaved at the sides, but the deep blue locks were pulled back now into a ponytail that was curling at the ends. The color was muted for Felix, but it still wasn’t a natural hue, which relieved them for some reason. The childhood scar on his lip was there, and his eyes, cinnamon-brown, were still gentle as they stared up at the twinkling snowfall. His clothes were finely-tailored and exquisite--Wren must have been working hard in her absence, Ad thought, their mind wandering. So many things. So much to take in after such a long time.
The nostalgia was like a punch to the stomach, and all the emotions that they had fought so hard to repress threatened to destroy the dam that held them. The hands holding their skirt bunched the fabric, gripping it desperately, as if to find some semblance of balance. Errant tears blurred their eyes, and stung in the cold night air. 
Maybe...maybe this had been a bad idea after all. If he remembered, if he truly remembered, he would have found them first. There was no doubt in Ad’s mind of that, and the flutter of hope dimmed. Why did it hurt so badly, that knowledge, after so long? Maybe hope was more of a burden than a help, and yet it stubbornly stayed rooted. A flower that didn’t know when to die.
Is having Felix around, even if he can’t remember, better than not having him at all?
They knew the answer to that, as well as they knew their own name. So, after what was only a few seconds but felt like an eternity, Advieh began to pick their way through the snow, their face calm, their heart hammering unfettered. 
At long last, Felix turned to look in their direction, catching their intent gaze with his own. 
And he smiled.
“I’m sorry. I kept you waiting.”
His voice sounded deeper, more...introspective, somehow. Maybe they just hadn’t heard it in such a long time? It was a little teasing, which was reassuring, and yet there was definitely a wall they weren’t used to. They remembered the wall when they went to see him, after the...after everything happened. Advieh was used to walls. Why did this one sting so much more? They fought a frantic urge to tear it down, to beg for that easy familiarity that had once irked them so much.
“I didn’t know you would be here,” they said, trying not to sound accusatory. They could feel their lips trembling. Firmed them. “When did you get back to Vesuvia?”
They were still so far apart, and yet Ad couldn’t bring themself to take another step, or to cross through that gulf--not until they knew for sure, one way or another. Knew he wasn’t here to say goodbye again. Even after all this, I’m a coward, they thought angrily. But still, they stayed put. Maybe a person only had one heartbreak in them to endure.
“Just a few days ago. I stayed with Asra in his magic shop. I wasn’t sure I would come here, I guess.” His words were even, measured, and light on the surface. But the smile he gave Advieh was sorrowful. The pit in their stomach opened up further. “I’m so sorry. I haven’t...I don’t remember much more than before. I don’t remember you. I’ve tried and tried, but I can’t. I can remember days, times, events, but there are just...holes.” 
Holes shaped like me, Ad thought, the tears welling up again. They swallowed. Hard.
He sounded tired, but also frustrated. At least they knew now. Some of the weight of uncertainty lifted, only to be replaced by the desire to soothe, but continued fear of rejection. It was a combination only Felix had ever brought out of them.
“I can’t remember any of those old memories...but I still couldn’t forget about you. About meeting you. I couldn’t stay away any more.” Those words, said more forcefully, shook Ad out of their emotional stupor. Finally Felix stood, the crunch of snow under his boots a soft sound compared to his voice. He took a step closer to them. “Every time I try to remember being really, truly happy...I can’t. All those memories seem to have been with you. So maybe I can’t remember those times, but...I know that they were the happiest of my life. I would do anything to get them back. For you. For us.” Another hesitant step.
“Maybe it will never happen. But I know that I can’t run away from you any more. I tried. I tried to forget. And I thought...maybe if you had forgotten me too, you wouldn’t come here. That was a bit selfish of me.” Finally he gave another small smile, just a quirk of his lips. “But you did.”
By now he wasn’t so far away; maybe only a couple of feet. The boots gave him a little more height on them. The feathers of his cloak looked downy and soft. The swell of his chest under his doublet as he breathed the icy air was visible. How could he be the same person Advieh wanted so desperately, and yet not quite? 
But they also had an answer, after all this time. 
“I did.” They reached out, chilly hands finding Felix’s gloved ones. The white leather was soft, and although he started at the touch, he did not shy away from it. 
Maybe there could still be hope, even if it was a different kind of hope.
“Felix, I have to...I need to say some things. This...is all my fault. No, it is,” they hurriedly continued, when he automatically opened his mouth to deny it. It was hard, what they wanted to say, and yet once they started, it was easier than they thought. It felt like a confession of the worst kind of sin, but letting go felt so much better. 
“I was a coward, and I was blind. Worse, I was ignorant, and I stayed that way on purpose. I thought that there was a role I had to play, and so I forced myself to play it. I told myself I was trapped in a cage. But the truth is...the truth is that I locked myself in that cage. I held the key. I fooled myself into thinking I had no other options, because options and choices were frightening. And yet. You were the only one to force yourself inside. To hold open the door. To ask me to leave with you.” They had to stop, to compose themself, because their voice had ground to a whisper under the weight of the emotions. Everything they wished they had said. All the truths they held back before.
But not this time. Not again.
“And I...I didn’t take your hand. When the time came, I was too afraid to leave. I didn’t want to think of a way out, so I told myself we could both be locked in that cage together. That we could be happy enough that way, without words. Without commitment. And it...it almost cost you everything. I’m so sorry, Felix. I’m so, so sorry.” 
A few defiant tears escaped then, and Ad let out a noise of frustration, not wanting the indulgence. This was too important. And yet, there wasn’t much more that could be said. All there could be was a response.
Felix’s hands tightened on theirs, like he was fighting an intense urge to do...something. A million small changes raced across his face. Then, at last, he raised one hand and placed it ever-so-hesitantly on their cheek to brush away the tears. It was the most feather-light touch Ad had ever felt. They let out a trembling breath; let their eyes flutter closed.
“I feel like...I already forgave you. I don’t think there was ever anything to forgive. Not to me, anyway. I felt...insane, for having these feelings for someone I couldn’t remember. But you were always there. I know that memories make us who we are. They shape us into different people...and I know I can’t be the same man you remember, when I don’t have those memories inside me. But looking at you, I...want. I want you. I want to know you. I want to be even better than the person I was before, whoever he was. And he was an idiot if he didn’t tell you how much you meant to him. I won’t--”
“I love you,” Ad said, their mouth moving and saying the words before Felix could even finish his sentence. The sound of that declaration, said aloud, was a surprise even to them. Once their brain caught up, their hands flew to their mouth, an ‘O’ of shock, and clapped over it tightly. “Ah,” they said, in a high and reedy squeak that they were sure they had never made in their whole life, “I didn’t mean...that was so sudden, I….ah...” But their own embarrassment was temporarily forgotten as they looked up to see the absolutely radiant look of elation, surprise, and pleasure on Felix’s face. He took another step, closing most of the little distance left between them, and brought his other hand up to frame their face. 
“This is wild, and crazy, and I can honestly say I’ve lost my mind. But...I think I love you, too.” He laughed, a breathless sound that was an exhale of relief and a celebration, and then Ad’s feet lost contact with the ground as he lifted them up, the feel of his arms around them just the way they remembered. 
Maybe this wasn’t the same as before. But there was no reason they couldn’t start again. And this time, Ad thought, they would do it properly. No more hiding. No more secrets. No more shutting themself off for fear of the world, even as they stared out at it wistfully from inside a palace or a carriage. They remembered the last words the two of them had spoken to one another, in the Hanged Man’s realm that day while Felix’s life hung in the balance. Maybe the assertions he made then had been true all along. Maybe they would remember each other, and love each other, even if they had to start from zero again. Ad was never a big believer of fate...and yet, just this once, it didn’t feel like such a terrible thing, being fated to be with this man.
Felix had already saved them twice; once from a literal sword, and then from a miserable life in the cage they built themself. Yet here he was again, with no memory of them, his hand held out with no hesitation. 
This time they would grab it, they thought, and they would never let go of it again. After all, Advieh didn’t make the same mistake twice, and there were so many new ones waiting to be made...for the both of them. 
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let-it-show · 4 years
All The Love I Found in You 4/?
Got part 4 for you all! You can read part 3 HERE. Oh, things appear to be deepening, but are they any closer to an answer for their situation? Elsa is processing a lot, but Anna must be too. This part here is one of the fluffiest damn things I’ve written, lol. Please go HERE for part 5! Tag for @hellodemoiselle !
The bath lasted a long time. Anna's gentle carressing of her hair and skin felt like like a dream. She rubbed her shoulders and soaped her back, even reached around to soap her boobs with a small giggle. Elsa shook her head after with a little smile and returned the favor after. She washed her hair with skilled fingers, knowing just what made it hang best. She went over her back and chest quickly and eventually they had just sat side by side.
With no words spoken between them they still communicated with looks and light touches. Elsa had taken Anna's hand and rested it against her knee as their heads rested against each other. She turned over everything Anna had said in her mind.
Forgiven. Cherished.
Did she really deserve all that from Anna? She wouldn't usually be sure. But with the way Anna had spoken to her, with conviction and love, she had no choice but to believe her. Anna would never lie about how she felt.
When Elsa eventually shivered a little, Anna sighed and said she better dry off. Elsa had nodded slowly. Being cold and wet wasn't something she knew. She didn't even know why she was cold and wet with the nice warm tub. As she watched Anna rise from the water and start going toward the steps, she noticed a very thin layer of ice break on the side of her that had been opposite Elsa.
No wonder. She never did that but Anna was hitting the point where she needed to use it again and lacked the expert control.
"It's so chilly," Elsa admitted, feeling totally weird saying so. She was too cold leaving the water to even feel weird about the nakedness again. Her own body was still odd to look at but Anna covered up with a towel soon enough.
"Mmm, that's how it is after a bath." Anna came toward her with a big warm blue towel spread out. She hugged Elsa in it tightly and the soft fabric along with Anna's embrace had an immediate effect. "I'm here to keep you warm though, no matter what body I'm in." She pulled the towel up a bit to dry Elsa's hair.
Elsa smiled against her. It felt even easier than before to melt against her. The bit of conversation had helped. Her mind still struggled to understand what it all meant and what she should think of Anna, but she focused on being with her instead.
"We need to get you dressed warm and in bed," Anna told her. I'll get myself set and then give you a robe for the walk to the bedroom." Her protectiveness continued always.  
As she stepped back Elsa shivered again immediately. Anna waved her fingers over her own head and sparkles of magic fell over her as she dropped her towel. As soon as it hit the floor a nightgown sprung up, coming over her legs and to her shoulders. It was a dark purple color with snowflake stars over the chest and down the sleeves. The bottom again kept sunflowers with the snow dancing off them. "Oh. I love it," Elsa said, staring and memorizing it. She really did love the nightgown.
Anna giggled and flicked her hand at Elsa. A long cloak suddenly draped over her. It was a light purple with a white furred edge and little white gems decorating along the bottom. If it weren't made of ice, she imagined it would be warm. For the time being it was something she could wear over the towel and get the short distance to the room with. It did make her shiver even more. The way cold intens++ified, she could imagine it deep in her bones.
"Let's hurry," Anna said, frowning. "This cold really gets to you. I want to get you into something warm."
"So protective," Elsa murmured and Anna laughed a bit, putting her arm around her to escort her to the bedroom.
Once in the bedroom, Anna picked a warm nightgown for Elsa. It was green of course. There were designs of wheat on the torso and that was about it. Mostly it was long sleeved and soft. Anna held it out to her and left her to get dressed, going to the balcony to shoot off some more ice. Elsa would have gone with her if her hair was not still damp. She wasn't sure she'd handle the cold and Anna promised she'd be quick. In the meantime Els set about feeding the room fireplace, craving the heat. It still didn't grow big enough for her, neither did it surround her. She needed more.
Anna returned just as quickly as she had promised. After carefully setting the curtains to allow a bit of morning light, she saw and laughed at Elsa. She had pulled a red blanket around herself while she stood near the fireplace. How a chill could hold on! Elsa never imagined it like that. Her thoughts could only travel to when she had struck Anna's heart with ice and how slow the process had been for her. In Ahtohallan Elsa had frozen pretty quickly, but for Anna it took painful hours.
That shame was up there along with leaving Anna for the forest.
Guilt hit Elsa often enough, day by day it still entered her mind. It wasn't always there, but on some days it took her over. Even with the sweet things Anna had said to her she couldn't feel as good as she should. For most of the day she hadn't felt that bad but as cold clung after their bath, it really hit.
She still tried to smile as she looked at Anna. "Yes, yes, I'm cold. You'll never let me forget this, will you?"
"Nope. And something is wrong." Anna opened a trunk she had near her closet so she could fetch another blanket for them. "What's wrong?" she asked over her shoulder.
"Oh just-just thinking."
"That's not an answer," Anna said as she dragged a large white blanket over to the bed, kind of throwing it on. It wasn't a very neat job but it didn't matter.
Avoiding talking wouldn't help. "I...I can't stop thinking about when you froze because of me, and hold cold you were for hours. That has to have been torture and I can't believe I did that to you." She wasn't sure how she managed to spit it out but at least she did. Elsa looked back to the fireplace, not wanting to meet Anna's gaze.
As usual, that also didn't work. Anna walked over to her, tugged the blanket, and turned her back around. "You know how I said you deserved to be forgiven? I forgave you a long time ago, Elsa. Yes, it was painful. Yes, it was difficult. It hurt and was unlike anything I have ever felt... But I'm well past caring that it hurt. I wish you could be too."
"Hurting you in the first place as kids is what turned our lives upside down," Elsa said, knowing she was just pulling down the mood further, and unable to stop. She didn't know why.
Anna sighed. "I wish I could remember it, still. I'm imagining it was a two person effort, you wouldn't have just shot me with ice."
Anna was right, but Elsa didn't say it. She just shrugged. "This is why, even though we've come so far, sometimes I wonder if it's better I'm in the glacier and away fr-"
"It ISN'T." Anna's voice - well, her usage of Elsa's voice - startled her a little. "I want you here. I want you here all the time. I don't want you to wallow in some kind of sadness over me instead of spending time with me. That's the last thing I want."
"I know..." She did.
Anna tugged on the blanket. "Yes, you do. Give me your time, then. Don't punish yourself by taking yourself away from me. Don't punish us both."
The heat from the fire was suddenly almost too much on Elsa's face. The blanket nearly overheated her but she didn't want to shed it, not yet. She turned to face Anna. "Okay."
Anna took Elsa's wrist and tugged her toward the bed. "We're going to cuddle, and then we're going to sleep. I'm going to stay here with you the whole time and get it through to you that the best thing for me is to have you."
Again she sounded so firm so Elsa didn't argue. They got to the bed and Anna managed to push the big red blanket off her. She said they would leave it across the foot of the bed so Elsa could pull it up if she wanted to. Anna told Elsa to get in the bed first, pulling back the blanket for her.
"Why?" Elsa asked but obliged. She slid into the luxurious bed, the plush pillows offering her a world of comfort. The bed felt better than usual, for some reason. She laid on her back and stretched.
The white blanket was raised and Anna slid right in. Instead of settling on the bed next to her, Anna crawled right on top of Elsa as she dragged the blanket over them both. She settled her body right against her sister's and propped herself with her elbows on either side of Elsa's torso. She smiled down at her as the long hair draped on either side of them both. "Warmer?"
"Yes." Elsa blushed up at her own face. "Very. Are you comfortable, though?" Anna was a warm and soothing weight against her.
"Very," Anna whispered. She purposely focused her eyes on Elsa's. "Relax."
The connection happened again. They looked into each other's eyes and Elsa felt like she was traversing some divine odyssey in and with Anna. Bliss overcame her, filling her entire soul. Had anything ever felt so perfect? She would drown in it if she could. Anna had done it as if she knew exactly what she was doing and Elsa was thankful for it.
Elsa was sure she was merged with her and they were one being. To pull away would be simply too much and she would never survive it. Light was so bright it blinded her, quiet so deep it deafened her. All she needed was Anna.
How long they stayed like that, she had no idea. When Elsa felt like she had returned to a normal, maybe 'mortal' feeling, Anna's face was over her shoulder with their cheeks pressed together. Elsa's arms were around her and she held Anna to her. Their hearts beat together.
For a minute, they were fixed.
Anna was suddenly Anna and underneath her. Elsa was Elsa and her cheek was against Anna's. Somehow Elsa knew it wasn't permanent but she was too relaxed at the moment to care. She picked her head up and nudged Anna's nose with her own. Anna smiled at her and gently slid one hand up her back, fingers dancing through her hair.
Elsa's lips found Anna's as if it were the most natural thing in the world. She pressed them against Anna's firmly and Anna kissed back. It was really a chaste kiss, no slip of a tongue or nibbling of the lips -but it was a meeting, a union, and devotion surged through Elsa's being. Her eyes fell closed and she was sure Anna's did too.
When Elsa opened her eyes she was in Anna's body again, looking up at herself. And Anna had opened her eyes as well, looking down. Elsa lowered her hand from her hair to palm her cheek. Anna leaned into it. "I-I don't know what just...Well that was amazing," she managed.
Elsa smiled. "Yes. It was. I don't know exactly what happened there either...but I'm happy it did." She turned her hand to stroke her cheek carefully with the back of her fingers. "Can you shift off me, a little bit?" she asked her.
"Is this...but...am I crushing..."
"No, no." Elsa laughed a little and started to turn her to the side. "I just want us both able to hold each other," she told her. Her guilt and anxiety had faded entirely for the night. All she wanted to do was appreciate Anna. She deserved to be hugged and cuddled rather than having to soothe Elsa.
When they were both wrapped in each other Elsa kissed her nose and closed her eyes again, happy. She was sure Anna fell asleep right as she did.
She saw the lightning again.
It struck hard and bright on the ice and for a moment Elsa thought she had suddenly awoken. She thought she was knocked out and that everything she just experienced was a dream. The sadness she felt at that was incredible - to suddenly not have Anna, to find her and realize it was all a sick fantasy. Could she possibly survive all of that?
But the lightning flashed brilliantly again and she saw Anna's eyes. She saw her smile, her freckles. She heard her voice but she couldn't understand what she was saying. She was there and Elsa reached for her even as she was pulled to her.
'I'll never let you go again I'll never let you go again,' repeated in her mind.
There was a gentle glow and she found herself stirring.
The night was still around them though Elsa was sure it was fading. She had rolled to face the nearly covered windows but Anna clung to her. She spooned her, face buried in the back of her neck with her arms around her. Elsa relished the comfort, sighing. Anna's grip on Elsa was tight, not loose and relaxed, as though she were awake.
Maybe she was. "Anna?" she whispered.
"Elsa?" was the response.
"I just suddenly woke up, what about you?" She raised her hand to touch Anna's arm. The blanket still covered them.
"I did as well." Anna repositioned to rest her head on Elsa's. "Are you okay?"
Elsa let out a sleepy laugh. "Yes. I promise, you didn't randomly wake up because something happened to me," she assured her.
"Oh." Anna giggled lightly. "You know me..."
"I do." She squeezed her arm and settled down into her as much as she could. "I had a dream. I dreamed of the storm I'd watched before I was knocked out and woke up here."
"You had a dream too? I dreamed I was in my bed, where I had gone to-you were knocked out?" Anna asked suddenly.
Oops...Elsa hadn't told her that part. "I was...I wasn't struck directly by lightning, I don't think, but it came down too close and the energy knocked me out. That's my best guess," she admitted because she didn't know. "I'm sorry. I don't know why it took me until now to say that," Elsa told her. She was too sleepy to feel super guilty or awful. She just hoped Anna wasn't mad.
At first there was no response. Then Anna moved the arm she had over Elsa, gently stretching it from Elsa's grasp. She took Elsa's hand in her own and stretched both their arms across the bed. Their fingers laced together and Anna traced her lips over Elsa's cheek.
Her response was thick with sleep. "I'm too sleepy and too happy to be mad at you. I worry about you and you'll hear about it later...not right now." She gave her cheek a proper kiss.
Elsa snorted. "Oh, thanks," she mumbled, but a smile stayed on her face. She continued to stare out the window, swearing it had begun to lighten as dawn inched ever closer. "Why do you think we both work up? Usually you're not even close right now..." Maybe it was because of their different bodies, but then Elsa swore she'd be asleep.
Once again Anna didn't answer right away. She stayed quiet against her. When she did speak, Elsa was actually surprised. "To watch the dawn come. To watch the sun rising, together."
It was a sign of a new beginning, a change. Hope coursed through Elsa's being in a way she'd never known while she squeezed her hand. "You're right," Elsa replied. She had nothing else to add, because the moment was perfect as it was.
Somehow their eyes stayed open, and every now and then one would squeeze the others hand to give a sign they were awake. Elsa took in every moment as the light grew and spilled in more. The sun began to paint their faces with thin rays as the new day began and Elsa could pick up the chirping of birds who liked to stay in and around the castle. Snowmen glittered in the light as light snow formed from Anna again. They held stick hands and spun in little circles as though they were dancing.
When the morning was fully lit, Anna finally moved against her again, snuggling in. The snowmen laid down to rest. Elsa drew their joined hands back to fold their arms and rest against her chest. Their eyes fell closed and again they were pulled into sleep.
They slept for a couple more hours, before Elsa felt herself stir again, to the sound of a light knock on the door. She knew that knock and had it been anyone else, she would have told them to leave. With a glance back at Anna, who had continued to hold her, Elsa called for the visitor to come in.
In hurried Olaf, politely closing the door after him. "Wake up! Kristoff is back and Menander would like to have breakfast! We let you sleep in, you know," he said as he made his way to the side of the bed.
"Huh..wha..." Anna began to stir. She stretched against Elsa. "Mmmno."
Elsa laughed. "Mmmyes, Anna," she said even though she wanted to stay put as well. However they had a day to get on with. There were queen things to do, along with solving their own mystery. "You've got to wake up," she said, turning on her back.
"Huh. Something big happened, didn't it?" Olaf asked, sounding almost impressed.
Elsa wasn't sure what he meant and was more focused on waking up Anna, who was just trying to snuggle on her shoulder as one leg crossed over her sisters. That was not helpful to the situation. "Big? No, we just slept. And we need to stop - Anna, come on, wake up. You need to get up."
"Comfy," Anna responded.
"Anna!" Elsa had to keep from laughing again and she rolled a little more and pet Anna's head to make her face her. "Come on you."
"Something big," Olaf repeated again, but added nothing else.
Anna looked at Elsa finally, her eyes half open. If it were Anna's face, Elsa felt she would have been useless from how adorable she was. As a result she was able to keep her mind on track and so she did something else that felt weird. She leaned in to kiss her own lips. The kiss was like the one night before, though a little shorter. "Wake up," she said gently, not really pulling away.
Olaf gasped. "I just sensed it again! It's like the air shifted, is there a draft in here?" he asked. "All I feel is the warm sun though! I love it."
"I feel it too." Elsa said, stroking Anna's face and slowly waking her up. It was difficult to look away from her.
"Elsa..." Anna sighed, studying her.
"Anna, you rise and shine. You are my sun, after all," she told her softly.
"Wow," Olaf said and somehow that distracted Elsa enough to look at him. Her glance was questioning and he smiled at her. "I'm sorry, it's just that every act of true love between you two makes me feel a rush of strength! Everything in this room feels so good."
Elsa raised an eyebrow. It shouldn't be so surprising that the feelings flowing between her and Anna affected him. He was created from both of them and now had experienced both of them powering his lifeforce. Regardless she hadn't expected it.
When she looked back at Anna, her eyes were wide open as well and gaze settled on Olaf. "I didn't realize..."
"I wouldn't have either," Elsa told her and then kissed her cheek. "We'll learn more I think, once you get up," she told her. She had no idea if that was true but hoped it was.
Anna did finally start moving. She sat up with Elsa and they both pulled themselves off of the bed. Olaf left the room so they could get ready and Anna went to the balcony to make some ice while Elsa selected what to wear. Oh how easy it would be if she could snap her fingers like usual! She was already very tired of undergarments and thinking about corsets and dress lengths...
Once again Anna used the sunflower dress she had created for herself, choosing to put her hair in a braid. Elsa had rarely worn her hair like that since entering Ahtohallan and it felt sort of weird to look at.The staff always seemed to like the familiarity when she had worn it like that in the past though, so she didn't really comment.
She did allow Anna to pin hers into a bun for breakfast even if it felt a bit heavy on her head. Anna decided to dress her in one of her more normal dresses with the light green along the bottom and dark green on top with an equally deep green cape. Elsa wasn't a fan of it but she wanted to appear very normal since they knew they had a guest.
Kristoff met them on the way to the main dining room. He looked very tired, still in the same clothes from yesterday and hair messed up. All of that was fairly normal but he also looked a bit unhappy. "I didn't really find anything," he said to them both as Anna greeted him with a little hug from the side.
To even it out and not make herself look odd, Elsa gave him a side hug too. There were a few members of royal staff milling around, going about their normal tasks. Elsa didn't need them to ask weird questions or start rumours about her and Kristoff.
"So nothing at all?" Anna asked quietly, and Elsa didn't really believe him.
"Not really. The trolls don't do this kind of magic and Pabbie said it was the act of something bigger. He did seem concerned," he explained and that bit was something Elsa believed. She wished she could press him for more answers but aside from her feeling, she had no way to prove he was lying.
They had a breakfast to get to.
Kristoff walked with them to the dining room and opened the large double doors to lead them in. The table was already set with hot chocolate and waffles along with other breakfast treats. Menander was standing and waiting for them in a similar outfit to the night before. He bowed as the staff seated the girls across from each other. Menander was next to who he thought was Anna, and Kristoff was next to her in reality. Olaf sat on a side of his own sort of between the girls.
"Ah how wonderful! I woke at sunrise, I'm sure you two have been up for hours!" Menander declared happily, raising a mug of hot chocolate in cheer.
"Oh yes," Anna said while Elsa chimed in with a "Yup".
"And I'm so pleased to have my truly great friend Kristoff here!" he said, looking at the blonde. Kristoff actually smiled. "It's glorious! You and Sven will help us decorate today, correct?" he asked.
Kristoff nodded. "Yes! I even brought some things from my trip last night! This will be one of your best parties yet, Menander."
"Yes! I even plan a short production for you two girls, if Kristoff would be so kind to help us read lines before lunch!" Menander added with a wink to Elsa.
"A production?" Elsa asked.
Menander raised his mug again, nearly hitting Elsa in the face in his enthusiasm. "Like the comedies we have done for you before!" he said. "As there is a party tonight, we will keep it short for everyone will want to drink and dance!"
Elsa had to stop herself from saying a 'thank you' out loud. She wasn't in the mood for a play or even a party. Of course, if most in attendance were a bit drunk, perhaps it would be easier to escape with Anna to figure things out - or to kiss her again.
Outside of the bed she hadn't gotten to think about it yet but as it occurred to her at the table, her face flushed. She didn't want to stick her tongue in her mouth or anywhere else for that matter. At the same time she wanted to kiss the whole of Anna's body and touch her skin and make her feel like the most loved person in the world. Anna deserved the appreciation.
Menander laughed happily and she snapped out of it, noticing Anna staring at her with confusion. "What's so funny?" Elsa asked slowly.
"Nothing, nothing," Menander commented, catching himself and finally picking up a fork to eat with. Kristoff already had a mouthful and Anna had managed a bite of a waffle. "It's just the joy in the air! I have never been in the presence of a twin flame and never thought I'd be."
Anna was about to eat another bite when she paused. "A what?"
Elsa echoed her. "What?" Twin flame?
"Ah.." Menander put his fork back down and leaned back. "In my country, we have a story from long long ago. When humans were first created, they had four arms, four legs, and two faces. They were strong creatures, so strong that the greatest God feared them. Fear has always overpowered people and gods alike, and so he made the decision to split them apart to what we are now. We have two arms, two legs, one face, and a pain only one other on this earth may soothe. Whether we get this one lifetime or multiple to find this other half, our twin flame, the other piece of our soul...no one is really sure. Those who know are the souls who have found their other, who have finally formed their perfect bridge of emotion and understanding they have carried for so long."
Elsa's mouth was dry. She felt dizzy as he told his story, nearly gasping at the end. She looked at Anna who was staring right back at her in surprise, waffle on her raised fork and syrup dripping slowly to her plate.
They both were realizing it. Elsa's mind buzzed and she thought of when she and Anna were separated by her door. It was all because of fear. Shame was secondary to it, or maybe part of it, but it was mainly fear.
Anna was her...
"You and Kristoff will experience happiness that many have only dreamt of!" Menander told her and Elsa's stomach turned hard.
Of course Menander would think it was between Anna and Kristoff. He was only so 'psychic' after all. "Oh, I..aha..." Elsa knew she should respond better but she couldn't. She couldn't think at all.
She especially couldn't think as a harsh breeze blew through the room and the walls began to ice up. Cracking patterns of ice went up quickly and light snow fell in the room. A storm was starting to brew and Anna's eyes were still wide.
"Elsa," Elsa hissed, starting to panic.
"Elsa!" Kristoff chimed in, giving Anna a meaningful look.
Menander's smile wavered. "Ah-did I say something wrong?" he asked. He looked to Olaf, who stared too at Anna. "Um..."
Anna blinked and then looked at them all. "Huh? Oh-sorry." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The snow started to stop though the walls were still icy. "I got really caught up in the story," she said weakly.
Kristoff just gave her a look while Menander calmed down,laughing a little. "Goodness me!" he said. "I thought perhaps I had misspoken, or that there was trouble with the upcoming wedding."
"No," Elsa shook her head. "No trouble," she lied.
Kristoff was staring at his mostly eaten waffle then, clearly not looking at anyone else. "Going smoothly," he managed.
"Is that so?" Menander asked him, and it was clear everyone at the table knew that Kristoff had grown upset, pushing the waffle around on his plate.
"He's stressed," Anna added in and took a bite of her waffle in an attempt to bring things to normal. Elsa tried to sip her hot chocolate and get to her food. No one wanted the conversation to go where it was trying to go and it was immensely awkward.
Menander's enthusiasm could not be stopped. "Ah my friend, don't worry! We shall rehearse vows, walks, anything you need tonight at the party after the party!" he said while Elsa rolled her eyes. Good thing he was watching Kristoff.
"I don't need any of that." Kristoff pushed his entire plate away. "I actually-I'm tired. I got to the valley late last night and came back so early this morning." He started standing up.
"Kristoff?" Elsa asked, watching him with concern. There was certainly a shift in the mood with him getting up to leave and it brought back the familiar and quite frankly annoying feeling of guilt. The feeling had become so repetitive she wanted to scream at it.
He offered her a smile."I'll be alright Els-Anna. I just need a good nap in the hay with Sven. He's tired too after all."
"You want me to come with you? I'll sing you to sleep!" Olaf offered, but Kristoff shook his head.
"Thanks Olaf, but that's okay! I'll catch up with you all later," he told them before turning to leave.
Elsa watched him go with pain in her chest, sure that Anna felt the same way.
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