comerestyourbones · 3 years
Why does it feel so hot outside
literally i just want to be comfortable
i don’t want my room to feel like 70 F
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comerestyourbones · 3 years
25th Nov. 2020
Thanksgiving sucks. The whole history behind it is probably one of the worst things ever and it isn’t even taught. A celebration for murdering the indigenous peoples. (Look up the history if you don’t know it!) All it is is an excuse to binge and gorge oneself on food. Most of the food isn’t even good. Who genuinely likes turkey? It is always overcooked. One of the only good things to result from this poorly helped pandemic is that I won’t have to stuff myself with food to prevent my Grandmothers from being upset.
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comerestyourbones · 3 years
I wish that yarn was easier to find. Half the time I can’t find the measurements for it online.
So disappointing.
I might just go to the store to buy it. :/
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comerestyourbones · 4 years
How do I make friends? (I really want tips and advice. I’m sorry about how long the post got... it’s mostly rambling... scroll to the green and pink text for the important stuff.)
Like the title suggests, I don’t know how to make friends. I have tried for years to make friends but I can’t really make any. I try hard during the time that I can be social and usually people talk to me! But they only talk to me there or when they need help with work. It hurts so much because nobody likes me and I will change it if I can figure it out but so far I haven’t been able to figure out how to make friends. I’ve had a couple of online ones but right now I don’t have any and I want real friends too!
This entire thing sounds like I’m seeking attention but I’m really just looking for tips on how to make friends. I’m average in pretty much every way. I’ve been crying a lot these past months because I realized that I have never had a friend aside from on in elementary school. I hate this.
I try to be social and i try to make the conversation interesting and like I have been told to make a conversation but they never want to talk to me outside of settings where it’s convenient.
I’m kind of a loser and I recognize that but I do the things that I like and I don’t really want to change what I like.
I really want to have people want to talk to me outside of convenient settings. How do I do this? It seems so easy for others to make everyone love them but I can’t figure out how to mimic them without seeming like I am fake.
It also doesn’t help that my twin is super social and nice and makes friends easily. She makes it a point to tell me why nobody wants to be friends with me and stuff so I know a bit of what to change about myself and I have already changed those but it really sucks. It really hurts but I don’t think she means to make me upset it just kind of happens.
Sorry about the long post.
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comerestyourbones · 4 years
Spanish Speaking Test
I just had a speaking test for my Spanish class I was was shaking the entire time. I’m so bad at Spanish yet I studied a bit for this which is kinda hard for me to do. :( I’m pretty sure I bombed the test. He didn’t ask me as many questions as the others and I took that as him not wanting to listen to my broken Spanish. I hate this. Life sucks. But at least I finally used colors in my text here, lol. I’ve wanted to do that ever since I found it. >:)
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comerestyourbones · 4 years
I gave my dog a bath today and she hated it (per usual) and then she got all drowsy in my arms after I started drying her off. She’s so cute, haha. I just wish she would stop complaining before bath time.
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comerestyourbones · 4 years
Motivation? Who’s that?
How do you get motivation? For the past week I have been trying to get motivation to do one (1) spanish assignment and to study for a speaking test in the same class. I can’t do it. I break down and procrastinate every time I even try to do the class work. It’s easy, too! Just write some stuff.
I don’t really have this problem for other classes, ugh. Why can’t I just have something good happen to me?
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comerestyourbones · 4 years
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Wow, this book is amazing. I don’t even know where to start. This book he created is so true to this day even though it was written in 1945. This short novel describes government so well through animals. At first you think it’s amazing until later when you see how bad everything has become.
This book was sad but not in the crying was. This book hurts in the way where you feel horrible and shocked at what has happened. You’re frustrate and upset for almost the entire 113 pages of this book.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes politics and government. I think everyone should read this book.
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comerestyourbones · 4 years
My Great Life (sarcasm)
Have you guys ever broke down crying because you printed an assignment for school only to realize that you had to put it on a specific setting for it to print double sided and the assignment is four pages long and you realize that you just wasted two whole pieces of paper? Oh and you realized like two minutes later that you could’ve saved a total of three whole sheets of paper if you had made it so two sheets would print on the same page? Yeah I keep crying over this for some reason. Can’t do my work now. I can’t focus on it. I hate this. It was required to print it out, too. This sucks.
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