cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
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love remus a lil bit edgy
also i love to sketch in class instead of paying attention
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
The first time Sirius wears one of Remusā€™ jumpers is a complete, honest accident. After he sleeps in and no one wakes him, Sirius grabs the first shirt he can find as he races to transfiguration, pulling the sweater straight just as he stumbles into McGonagallā€™s classroom. Remusā€™ eyes widen as he takes in the sight, Siriusā€™ disheveled hair and flushed cheeks, the navy jumper hanging off his shoulders. It looks better on him than he thought; not like Remus thinks about Sirius wearing his sweaters or anything. Remus makes it a point to leave his jumpers laying around the room after that, his heart dropping every time Sirius slips one over his head. Sirius loves that the sweaters smell like him, and likes to imagine what itā€™s like to lay with Remus, curled into his body, warm and tender.
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
Happy Birthday Remus
a short little thing for the birthday boy. Is it so lovely how he gets to spend it with his friends and family who are all alive and well? With his husband? I think itā€™s great. Here in the JAU (Josie Alternate Universe) there are no deaths, and good old baldy voldy was simply a nuisance. That creepo didnā€™t even have a nose, how could he have done any damage? he didnā€™t. JK is gone and this is my world now. Happy Birthday Re!
Remus had never thought that he would get to grow old.Ā 
His first brush with death had been at four years old. Greybackā€™s bite had left a mark on him that would draw him close to death again and again, a million times over. Each full moon that he spent alone, he found himself wondering if this would be the last. If he would make it through this one, or if it would be here that he would finally move past the brink. He found himself beginning to fear death less and less and he faced it again and again. He was just saddened by the fact that he would die alone. And then all of a sudden, he wasnā€™t alone anymore.Ā 
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
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I thinks this is so cute, Only thing is I think that he wouldnā€™t call them dad but still it is adorable. Go check out @loverofmarauders for more fanart.
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
Regulus Runs Away to James, Sirius, and Remus
In the summer before their seventh year, James, Sirius, and Remus are surprised to find a second Black brother on the doorstep of the Potterā€™s house, begging for help. I had a lot of requests for more Jegulus content recently!Ā ā™”
Send me more requests here, Iā€™d love to write something for you!
In the summer days leading up to their seventh year, James, Sirius, and Remus lounged at the Potterā€™s, drinking in the last moments of hot sun and freedom before boarding the train back to Hogwarts.
Remus had just finished making a fresh kettle of tea, Sirius and James in the middle of scarfing down bowls of cereal, when, off the kitchen, a quiet knock rapped three times on the front door. Remus left the stove, wiping his hands on a towel, and disappeared down the hallway.
ā€œItā€™s probably the postman with my new broom bristles,ā€ James called, turning to Sirius with a smug grin. ā€œIā€™ll be fifteen percent faster in the air now. Slytherin wonā€™t stand a chance at the House Cup this year.ā€
Sirius rolled his eyes. ā€œThatā€™s what you said last year before they beat us. I heard theyā€™re looking good this year, too.ā€
ā€œWhose side are you on, Black?ā€
ā€œUhā€¦Sirius?ā€ Remus said uncertainly, shuffling back into the kitchen empty handed. ā€œItā€™sā€¦for you.ā€
ā€œWhatā€“?ā€ The word died on Sirius tongue as he turned around in his chair, face to face with Regulus.
Regulus, standing in the middle of the Potterā€™s kitchen, backpack weighing down his shoulders, lip taken sharply between his teeth, his eyes flickering from Remus to Sirius until they finally settled on James.
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
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ā€¢ Liar ā€¢
A short comic about Sirius and Regulus Black.
I wanted to draw something about the Black Brothers and their youth and this is the result ,sorry for the angst ,I'm still sad ;-;
(PD: I finished all my exams and commissions ,so I will be able to draw more for now šŸ„ŗ)
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
ALL THE YOUNG DUDES. Remus coming out. (All parts)
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
Sirius: hello Remus!
Sirius: my mate
Sirius: bro
Sirius:...completely straight friend
Sirius: ...no homo haha
James: Remus already told me
Sirius: oh, thanks Merlin!
Sirius, turning to Remus: hi honey :)
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
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this is some watercolor fanart that i created to visualize this pinterest headcanon that i found recently.
iā€˜m not that talented at doing watercolor but i still hope you like itšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š
(also sirius kinda looks like michael jackson idk why XD)
What do yā€™all thiink?
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
thereā€™s a misconception that grief only happens when we lose people. this is not true. we can grieve circumstances, relationships, missed opportunities. in fact, sometimes when you find yourself plagued with waves of emotion from sadness to melancholy you may be grieving yourself. the version of yourself that you might have been if things had been different, or if only you had said something, or if someone had stood up for you.
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
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moony toast for breakfast
mmmm serotonin
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
Remus Reunites with Sirius, James, and Lily
When he least expects it, Remus finds himself back with his old friends, and remembers what it feels like to smile and love again. Requested by an anon!
Send me more requests here, Iā€™d love to write something for you!
Remus wasnā€™t sure what to expect.
Swallowing darkness, maybe, or perhaps blinding white light, in stark contrast from the green spark that exploded against his chest and sent him flying backwards. It didnā€™t hurt, that much he was happy for, and it was instantaneous.
One minute his heart beat loudly in his ears, nostrils flaring as the shadows grew closer and closer, and the next, it was quiet.
ā€œCome to join the party?ā€ A familiar voice asked, the svelte vibrato warming Remusā€™ body before he even turned.
Sirius stood there, hands casually hanging in the pockets of his leather jacket, hair tied up by his wand, grinning like an idiot. He was different than the last time they had met; more confidence in his chest, his ankles free of the chains from Azkaban, a thin stubble replacing his mangled beard.
ā€œHey Moony,ā€ Sirius smiled, spreading his arms wide as Remus ran to him.
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cryingoverwolfstar1 Ā· 3 years
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polaroid of remus and siriusā€˜ apartment - taken by remus with sirius looking over his shoulder
itā€˜s my first drawing on an ipad so donā€˜t judge plss
this is what i imagine that remus and siriusā€˜ apartment in london looks like - itā€˜s bright and full of books and vinyls and cigs
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