graces-mindscape · 6 days
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Just a random hand with spectral/space powers in doodling ^^
It just looked too cool NOT to share!
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graces-mindscape · 11 days
Ohhh, cool!!
Not sure if this has been asked before, but is Poenia some sort of hybrid? I noticed she has the pointed ears but they're not as long and she only has feathers on her arms?
Yes, she's an haelumian/Human hybrid ^^ good eye! (she also has the feathers on her back :p)
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graces-mindscape · 11 days
Awww, how cute! 😊
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Night owl 🦉
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graces-mindscape · 18 days
I just bought a new game and it is SO GOOD! I've been waiting to play Balder's Gate for so long and now I finally have it! The story is exciting, the graphics are amazing and it's just so cool getting to see Avira in action!! Hope to post some doodles of some fun and interesting scenes in the future, until then, stay tuned 😉
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graces-mindscape · 1 month
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Verdana doodle
I saw an outfit on Pinterest and for some reason I felt like drawing my new Undertale Oc in it. I've been a bit stressed lately so I've kind of just been drawing whatever lol
Would there ever be a reason for her to wear something like this? No, but at least it looks cool
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graces-mindscape · 1 month
Oooooo! It's beautiful 💖
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commission for the amazing @under-art-reblogs
I really loved drawing her!! such a gorgeous design!!
thank you again for your supprort <3
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graces-mindscape · 1 month
Demon Vamp AU: Chapter 4
Summary: You’ve met two monsters now, brothers as it seems. What happens next, what kind of impression will you get from these strange monster twins?
Words: 3,136
Chapter 1: Life’s End
Chapter 2: Life Anew
Chapter 3: The Meeting
Chapter 4: First Impressions
AO3 Link
“You’ve been through a lot in the past 24 hours, I am certain you must be hungry or thirsty at least.” The monster in front of you says.
”No.” You quickly respond, hearing the word thirsty made you uncomfortable. You had only been a hybrid vampire for an hour, drinking blood…. was the last thing you wanted to do, now or anytime in the future. The monster seemed to understand where your thoughts were and his smile softened.
“I meant food dear, regular food. And a drink of water maybe? Or milk, we might even have some juice too if you’d prefer that.” He taps a finger on his temple while he looks over to the fridge with a thoughtful gaze. “I have quite a few things I can make; are you in the mood for some breakfast food or would you like something more like lunch? It may be afternoon already but you are just getting up.” He chuckles.
“You mean… you aren’t going to force me to…” You trial off, not even wanting to say the words out loud.
“Drink blood?” He finishes for you. “No, you will need to at some point but not right at this moment. You have enough to try and digest already, we don’t need to push things so quickly. Let’s just take things one step at a time, okay friend?”
You hear the vampire mutter something to himself across the room, glaring unhappily at the monster in front of you. It didn’t seem like he liked the idea of taking things slow but the monster simply waved a hand at him without turning to look at him.
“And don’t mind him, his bark is worse than his bite. He’s really just a shy monster with terrible social skills.”
“Excuse me?!” The vampire snaps.
“You know, we haven’t even had a proper introduction! How rude of me, terribly sorry friend. My name is Sun, the grump over there is my brother Moon. And you are?”
You give him your name and he gives you a small bow.
“Well it is lovely to meet you, albeit under…. troublesome circumstances.” You must have had an unpleasant look on your face because he nervously adjusted his collar and cleared his throat with an awkward smile.
“So, back to business! If you could have any kind of food right now what would it be? What sounds good to you? What are you craving right this very second?” Sun says, apparently still focused on feeding you.
“I don’t understand… Why would a vampire need food?” You ask confused. Moon bursts into laughter and Sun stifles a laugh himself.
“Vampires don’t only drink blood dear, that’s a human myth. We need it to survive, yes, but we can’t survive on blood alone. We eat food just like any other monster or human.” Sun replies, hiding his laughter behind a soft smile.
“I find human knowledge of monsters so funny, like, how did you manage to get the biology of monsters so wrong over the past 500 years? Did your ancestors not write that down somewhere?” Snarks moon in between laughs.
“It’s not- ahem. It’s not funny” Sun corrects, clearing laughter from his own throat. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions, I encourage you to. I uh, apologize for the inappropriate reaction, your question just caught us off guard.”
Moon is still chuckling in the corner, amused. You frown, diverting your gaze from the brothers. If they were human you might have been embarrassed by them laughing at you but they weren’t, it only made you mad and uncomfortable.
“So, food?” Sun asks again.
You sigh. “Anything?” You ask, figuring he wouldn’t stop asking til you answer. “Mmhm!” He nods. It took you a moment to think of something but an answer did eventually come to you. “French toast kind of sounds good...” You reply softly.
“Mmm good choice!” He claps, making his way to the fridge. “I have some eggs I actually need to use up so that works out perfectly. Do you want a drink while you are waiting? It will only take me a few minutes to whip it up for you.” He pulls a carton of eggs and milk out of the fridge and sets them on the counter.
”Just some water…” You respond, watching him busy at work gathering more things from various cabinets.
“Make me some too while you’re at it, that sounds good.” Moon chimes in with a mouthful of chips, shoving the bag back into the cabinet he was digging through.
“You can make your own, I’m still mad at you.” Sun retorts, cracking eggs into a bowl.
“Wha- seriously?! You are going to be all petty over this?” Moon says annoyed.
”We will discuss this later when we don’t have a guest listening.” Sun replies.
“You’re joking right? You��re really that mad?” Moon jests.
“LATER Moon.” Sun snaps back in a sharp tone. “Now be useful and get our friend a drink please.”
Moon grumbles angrily but eventually walks to a cabinet and grabs a glass, he then fills it with water from a pitcher he pulled from the fridge and slams the door shut making glass clink loudly together from within. When Sun shoots an unpleasant glance at him he just responds “Oops” and makes his way to you to hand you the drink. So far these two act like a pair of young teenagers or children, you had seen similar behavior in the youth around the towns you patrolled. You never had siblings so you can’t relate to the feeling of sibling rivalry but you at least know what it looks like. You can’t tell their age exactly but you guess they might be just a bit older than you, in appearance at least. Or were they younger than you? How do you even tell a monster's age?
”You are welcome to have a seat at the table while things cook, don’t feel like you have to stand there the whole time.” Sun says cheerily while whisking the egg mixture together with some spices.
You comply, sitting down at the small table that is directly across from the island that sat at the center of the room. You take small sips of the water and the cool sensation feels good against your dry throat and mouth. Moon takes a seat at a chair across the table from you and fiddles with the bell on his hood, soft chimes echoing in the room occasionally. He doesn’t look at you directly, he steals glances when you are busy observing other things around the room but as soon as you start to look back his way he shifts his gaze in the opposite direction. This went on for several minutes, the only sound was the sizzling of the stove Sun was cooking on and Moon’s bell. It was weird and kind of annoying. He clearly isn’t afraid to speak his mind so why he was avoiding you now is odd.
“What?” You bark after having enough of his strange staring. “What yourself, what’s your problem now?” He retorts.
”You’re staring at me, stop it.” You grumble.
“Don’t flatter yourself, I’m not staring at you. I’m simply observing you.” His bell jingles and he gives a sly smile.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I’m able to see you in more detail with the light, I can see better how inhuman you look now.” He places an elbow on the table and leans his head into his hand. “How does it feel to be a monster now dearest?” He sneers with a wicked smile.
You were about to protest with a snide remark when a wet towel hits him right in the face with a loud SMACK. He jolts back in his chair and rips the towel off his face in surprise, turning his head to glare angrily at Sun who was approaching with a plate in hand.
“Oops.” Sun says dully. “My hand slipped.” He sets the plate in front of you where two pieces of French toast were stacked artfully on top of another with a light dust of powdered sugar on each piece. There was a little square of butter on the top that was starting to melt into the bread, it smelled delicious and looked like something you would be served at a fancy diner of some sort.
“Here you go! It’s my mother’s special recipe, perfectly sweet but a hint of spice for some extra flavor. One of my favorite breakfast go-to’s as well.” He smiles down at you. “Oops! I forgot the syrup, silly me.” He makes his way back to the counter grabbing a bottle of syrup, some utensils, and another plate. He places the bottle and utensils in front of you then sets the other plate down in front of a chair next to you. He looks over to Moon who is still wiping the water from his face with a displeased look. “There is batter and bread on the counter, feel free to cook it yourself.” Sun says with a passive aggressive tone as he sits down.
Moon growls yet again glaring daggers at his brother who gives no reaction of course, until he finally relents and gets up to begin cooking his own breakfast for lunch. Sun waited patiently for you to pour the syrup on your plate before he did the same, although he didn’t start eating right away. He watches you with an eager expression as you take your first bite, that is, after he stared at you awkwardly enough for you to understand that he wanted you to start eating first. The taste was sweet mostly from the syrup and had the classic French toast flavor you were familiar with but there was a hint of something else. A spice taste lingered in your mouth after you had swallowed but it was not a hot kind of spice, it was a nutty and woody kind of flavor that reminded you of Christmas time. It was delicious.
“Sooooo? What do you think? And be honest, I haven’t cooked for many humans before so I don’t know if it’s an acquired taste or not.” He says.
”It’s good, I don’t think I’ve had any French toast that tastes like this before. What is that aftertaste?” You ask.
“Ground cinnamon and vanilla with a hint of nutmeg. Gives a little more kick to the flavor besides just eggs, milk, and bread.” He hums a soft laugh. “If you want more just let me know, I’m happy to get it for you.”
”Thanks…” You say softly.
It felt odd to thank a monster but he had been nothing but kind to you since you met, it seemed rude to not say something for preparing you a meal. Your head starts to spin with questions, not like you didn’t have many before but now it was hard to get your mind to focus on just one. Why was this monster being so nice to you? His brother was threatening to kill you moments earlier, didn’t he feel the same way? What did he mean when he said he ‘hasn’t cooked for a lot of humans’, were other humans down here? Where exactly is here anyway? And what was going to happen after you finished eating? It didn’t seem like Sun was going to let Moon treat you poorly at least, but he also gave no indication you could go back to the small village you patrolled. What would Jeremy or Mike think if they saw you, would they even recognize you? Probably not… Your life as a human is gone, even if you could manage to escape any knight would drive a blade straight through your heart the moment they see you.
Sun notices you stop eating and stare blankly at your plate, a hollow expression on your face. He sets his fork down gently.
“Hey, I know this is a lot to process and I can’t even imagine how you feel right now…” He pauses giving you a saddened look as if he is searching for the right words to say. “Why would you care how I feel? You don’t even know me…” You whisper, not sure if you even said it out loud or not.
“You’re right, I don’t. But I would like to.” He replies. “I know humans and monsters haven’t gotten along in the past but that doesn’t mean that is how it has to be. A lot of us don’t want a war, we don’t take pleasure in killing or fighting any more than humans do. We may be different in appearance and ability but that doesn’t make us evil. We aren’t soulless killers.”
”But villages and cities… they are being attacked by monsters, I’ve fought in them first hand I know what it looks like. Supplies are stolen, houses raided, humans injured or killed, brutally most of the time. How can you say you aren’t evil when you’ve only shown hostility towards us?” You ask.
”Have you ever given us a chance to speak for ourselves?” Moon says, placing his plate on the table loudly. “Your kind locked us down here under a barrier for 5 centuries, did you really think that wouldn’t cause hard feelings if the barrier were to ever break?” He sits, snatching the bottle of syrup.
”What my brother means is, yes there are some monsters who do resent humans for what they did but it is a small minority. Most of us just want to live in peace, to coexist once again like we had before the war.” Sun states.
“But you humans made your assumptions about all monsters based on the actions of a few. You’ve put your defenses up so high, we couldn’t approach you even if we tried. You’re humans, we’re monsters, you don’t care if we want to be friends; you strike first and ask questions later.” Moon shoves a big bite of French toast in his mouth and Sun sighs.
“That’s not true!” You argue.
”Isn’t it?” Moon says with a mouthful.
“Moon, manners.” Sun jabs a glare at him but he just shrugs.
You think about what he was saying and the more you think about it, the more you realize it might be true. You were told from the beginning that monsters were bad, that they want nothing more to enslave humanity but that was based on knowledge from hundreds of years ago. If people can change so can monsters, maybe humans had thrown up their defenses too quickly. Moon might have a point, and that thought filled you with rage.
“If you want to be friends with humans so bad then why would you turn one? Why threaten to kill them moments after you claim you ‘saved’ their life. If being forced to become your play thing is what you call friendship then I’ll gladly decline your generous offer.” You hiss, your mind flitting back to earlier when he threw you against the wall. “If you truly want to make peace then reverse what you did and let me go.”
Moon only smiles and chuckles sinisterly, taking another bite of his food.
“I’m afraid that isn’t possible…” laments Sun. You look at him, trying not to let a pleading expression cross your face. “Vampire blood now runs in your veins and it’s bonded to your soul, your body has undergone a permanent physical transition. There is no way to undo it, even if we could you would go back to how you were before the blood entered your system which means you would be dead. What's done cannot be undone… I’m sorry…” He reaches out a hand and places it gently on yours, trying to comfort you.
You pull your hand away from his.
”So that’s it then. I’m stuck like this with no choice but to be some sort of hybrid pet for you to play with? Just some- some THING that isn’t supposed to even exist. Something to keep you entertained from your boring lives!” You huff, your gaze looking coldly across the table at Moon. “I’d rather be dead.”
They both say nothing. Moon stops eating and fiddles with the fork in his hand, your stare seeming to make him consider the situation for the first time. Sun looks at you, to his brother, then resigns to staring at his plate. You all sat in silence for what seemed like forever, not knowing what to say next. It was taking everything in you not to let all the weight of your thoughts come crashing down on you. You feel helpless and vulnerable, the same feelings you felt when your parents died. You’re alone again. The unknown of the future and great burden from the events unfolding, it was making you feel sick to your stomach.
“I don’t know what my brother has said to you but I do know that what he did was wrong and unfair. He had no right to do what he did to you but I can promise that you are not going to be some pet.” Sun says softly, his words feeling like they echo through the room. “We’ll help you through this, teach you what you need to know and answer any questions you have. We will go at your pace, whatever you feel comfortable with. You have my word that no harm will come to you while you are here. You will not be forced to do anything you don’t want to.”
Sun’s eyes lock with yours and you can see very faint indications of pale irises that you hadn’t noticed before. His expression is genuine, showing no sign of ill intent or hostility. He has a softer aura about him that Moon doesn’t have, a friendly and inviting one that makes you feel like you can truly trust him and his word. His actions in the short time you’ve known each other have been nothing but kind, maybe this monster really could be trusted. Perhaps even a chance that you could be friends.
“Is that enough to put your mind at ease at least a little?” Sun asks, concern in his voice.
You look over to Moon, his eyes narrow as his gaze was set on his brother then briefly flits to you. There was an expression there that only lasted a split second, so brief that you feel you could have imagined it. It wasn’t a look of frustration or anger, when his eyes shifted between the two of you, it was… softer. Guilt maybe? Concern? Confusion? No. Whatever it was it was hidden well behind his cold, sharp eyes. He was heartless, he made that very clear already.
You take a deep, shaky breath.
“It’s a start.”
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graces-mindscape · 1 month
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"I'm really not human anymore,..am I?"
As the transition finalized, reality sets in as my skin turns pale as my hair slowly changes white. I truly am no longer human.
I am SO PROUD of this comic! Everything turned out sooooo well!
As always, Demon-Vamp au is by @koko-doodle !!
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graces-mindscape · 1 month
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Introducing one of my new undertale ocs!!
I don't feel like giving her name juuust yet, but she is probably my favorite new oc so far; she's been so much fun to mess around with! I'm hoping to post some more infection stuff and draw a more detailed picture of her at some point, she's gone threw so many changes, especially her hair, still don't know if this is the one I'll keep >~<
Anyway, hope you like it; enjoy!
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graces-mindscape · 1 month
Oh dang 0-0
Everyone is so much taller XD
As someone with two brothers, I feel that lol
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Let me just toss this little crumb your way…
You’re welcome. ;3
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graces-mindscape · 2 months
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This is just too cuuuuuuute!!!! 💖
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Comfort Moment with Moon
Y/n: *approaches Moons door, hesitating to knock. Standing there frozen, one hand over your mouth to muffle your silent cries*
*no light is visible from behind the door*
Y/n: *after a minute of internal debate you take a step back to leave*
Moon: *opens the door* A little late to be sneaking around, isn’t it? Not exactly as quiet as a mouse yet~
Y/n: … *stares with fear and tears in your eyes*
Moon: Oh Kitten… *gaze softens to concern* Another nightmare?
Y/n: *nods, trembling. Slumps into Moon*
Moon: *gently picks you up and takes you over to sit on his couch by a window, pulling you into a tight embrace*
Y/n: *silently sobs and trembles*
Moon: Deep breaths love… You’re safe, nothing is going to hurt you. *strokes your hair, whispering* I swear, I won’t let anything or anyone get to you… I’ll protect you as long as I’m alive, my Starlight… *gently kisses your head*
Soft Moon is best Moon.
Moon will eventually discover you are his weakness, reawakening feelings he’d long forgotten how to feel.
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graces-mindscape · 2 months
Rest in peace 🥺
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In Memory of Akira Toriyama / 鳥山明
April 5, 1955 - March 1, 2024
Thank you for the wonderful childhood memories.
Rest in peace. 🙏
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graces-mindscape · 2 months
Awwww 💖😊
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Cuddle Moment with Sun
Y/n: *quietly sneaks into Suns room and climbs into his bed*
Sun: *groggily opens an eye and smiles* I see a little gremlin in my bed. Can I help you?
Y/n: sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Just go back to sleep, pretend I’m not here.
Sun: another nightmare?
Y/n: *nods* not a bad one this time…. I just don’t want to be alone… I’ll stay on this side of the bed, I promise. You won’t even know I’m here.
Sun: *gives a concerned look before opening up the sheets with open arms* Come here.
Y/n: *hesitates before scooting over and slowly laying on Sun’s chest* Can you still sleep like this? Won’t I bother you?
Sun: Not one bit, now close your eyes and try to get some sleep. M’kay?
Y/n: *nods* okay, thanks Sun…
Sun: Anytime Snowdrop… *fiddles with y/n’s hair*
Ask and ye shall receive.
Nightmares + Sun = Cute cuddles.
Note: Sun loves fiddling with your hair, he plays with it whenever your sitting together 💕
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graces-mindscape · 2 months
A Demon-Vamp side story; Truth/Conclusion.
My eyes flutter as my mind slowly comes back into consciousness. I groan as I try to sit up again, my body feeling like it weighed a hundred pounds. What happened? I rubbed the back of my neck as I sat up, trying to recall the last of the details. I had woken up this morning, like always..then it hit me like a bolder......we got attacked....the hellhounds! I ended up in Gabriel's house! It all came rushing back. I looked around the room; it seemed like I had fallen out of my chair. I noticed Gabriel cleaning something up in the kitchen, he soon took notice of me.
"Grace!!! Thank goodness you're awake!"
he set down a plate and came over to me, looking up and down as if examining me.
Nnnn.....urg, what happened?
"You passed out right after I gave you that drink." he replied
I begin rubbing my sore head as Gabriel sighs.
"Grace...there's something I have to tell you." he said with a sad expression.
What is it? Why do you look like you're upset?
"......something happened in those woods. After you fought the hellhounds. Someone was standing beside you. I just happened to be flying by. I couldn't get a clear glimpse and the moment I got closer, they ran away. whoever he was...he saved your life. You know there's NO cure for a hellhound wound, and you know you should've died that night. And....in a way.... you did."
I look at him starting to get a little annoyed.
What are you talking about? You're not making any sense!
He sighs.
"What I'm trying to say is- ...Whoever that was, whatever his reason to save you, it wasn't just anyone."
he falls silent, the words so hard to say.
"Grace.....you've been turned into a vampire."
I froze. the words felt like lightning.
Wh-What...? But- It- That's impossible! I-It can't be...There's no such thing as-!
before I could finish, I noticed Gabriel looked a little offended.
S-Sorry. I didn't mean it like that.
"Grace, whether you like it or not, it is possible, and it did happen to you."
my heart started to feel like it was going a hundred miles an hour, my hands started to shake, my eyes frantically darted around this way and that. Gabriel grabbed my cheek and carefully turned my head to look at him.
"calm down..." he says softly "those are just your heightened senses kicking in"
I glare at him.
Heightened senses?? I grab his shirt, annoyed, as I start to yell
I already HAVE ADHD, how much MORE heightened do my senses need to be???
my anger slowly turns to sadness as a subtle but painful thought sets in.
I-If...I really AM a vampire, then that means that-.......that means I-.....tears begin to swell as I gasp
I-I'll have to-......Gabriel frowns with a sad look in his eyes right as he pulls me into a hug.
I-I'm scared Gabriel.... I don't want to hurt anyone...
"Hey....I know. Everything's going to be ok. I have a friend who has resources that will help you. You wont ever have to hurt anyone. I promise."
he smiles as he slowly lets go.
"Now, why don't you go wash up and get into a clean change of clothes?" he smells the air as he gives me a look of disgust.
"You reek of hellhound ash."
I look up at him a little sadly before nodding my head.
"There should be a few clean clothes in box in my closet leftover from my mom, one of those is bound to fit you."
I get up and give him one last sad look as I walk to the bathroom, contemplating the news of my new reality.
I've been getting a few small ideas for some mini demon-vamp, self-insert comics, but I had a feeling I should wrap up the previous comic I made first; I decided to write it out instead of drawing it because it does feel more like banter than anything really significant happening (and it would take awhile lol)
I'm not that good at writing, but hopefully it's ok ^^
I tried my best to stick to the main story's events while still keeping it different enough to be its own thing
As always, the original demon-vamp au is by @koko-doodle , so go check it out!
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graces-mindscape · 2 months
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I've been watching one of my favorite childhood shows recently, so I decided to draw the main character as a way of breaking recent art block ^^'
I might color it at some point, but for now, have the lineart ^^
I do have a few other projects I'm working on, so I hope to share those soon
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graces-mindscape · 2 months
Aaaaa! So many amazing choices! I can't decide!!
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I need assistance with art ideas for Demon Vamp AU.
Choose wisely 💕
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graces-mindscape · 2 months
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Doodles of one of my new UT ocs!
I've always liked the "blaster beast" concept design, and with my infection au, I finally have an excuse to try and create my own! They do throw me off a bit to draw sometimes though, I'm not used to drawing muzzles ^^'
This is one of my new favorite ocs i've made, and I hope to post more of her soon, (including some of my recent refs) so stayed tuned for that!
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