hendersonbill · 8 years
My Lizard Brain
I didn’t post yesterday and I’m forcing myself to post this tonight because it really bothered me I didn’t post yesterday. So I’m cutting this post short, I’m just going to introduce part of the idea of the post I’ve been writing. So here it is: My Lizard Brain. 
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(for those of you who don’t have the privilege to know, that is Gekko from PJ Masks. He’s a kid super hero and he has super strength.)
So, I have this thing I call my Lizard Brain. I’m not sure where I originally got the term from but basically what it means is my knee jerk reaction to something. Many animals don’t always think, they react. So when my Lizard Brain tells me something, typically it’s a reaction to a situation. Like: Run, Yell, Don’t trust them, that’s a lie, it’s not that big of a deal, what do I get out of this, how can i get out of this, how can I tell this person this without hurting their feelings. 
My Lizard brain doesn’t always make sense. It’s not logical. It’s completely reactionary. I have a pretty good control on it so that I’m not just flying off the cuff all the time, now I’m mostly objective enough to take what it has to say into account but I’m able to really evaluate and think about what it’s telling me to do.
I don’t know that this is making sense... I shouldn’t have written a post this late. 
Something you could equate my Lizard Brain to is ‘my flesh’ or what the bible refers to as ‘flesh’ our human (sinful) desires. When you encounter a big scary situation or a big scary predator your lizard brain tells you to run, that thing is bigger than you and you don’t stand a chance! But if you just stopped a second longer the situation can be completely different. Bah. That was a bad example. If you wait and don’t react the predator could eat you. That’s how instincts work. That’s how animals survive. A predator and a situation aren’t the same thing. I’m moving on.... 
Here’s how the internet defines it: that part of the brain that senses danger, where instincts and gut feelings originate; primal thoughts; subconscious or involuntary processes; the amygdala.
Bottomline: the lizard brain, that all of us humans have, can be good and be bad. instinct can save your life (figuratively or not) but living entirely on instinct can screw you over pretty bad too. There has to be a balance. I hope the rest of this make more sense in the next post because this is a hot mess. 
To be continued. 
Onward & Upward.
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hendersonbill · 8 years
My friend came over tonight and he brought his drone. We ran the batteries down twice (which isn’t hard to do. they don’t last that long.) Anyway, We just flew it around my neighborhood but it was still pretty cool. Check out the video! Looking forward to playing with it another day. 
There are some ‘real’ posts coming this week, I promise. Thanks for reading!
Onward & Upward my friends!
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hendersonbill · 8 years
iOS 10 Concept
A lot of OS concepts for mobile devices tend to be heavy on the flashy design and focus less on the actual function, which is why this video breakdown of a perfect iOS 10 is so refreshing. I love some of these features, now keep in mind this is only a concept and not an official one by any means. Still it’s fun to dream.
Onward & Upward.
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hendersonbill · 8 years
Some Music.
I’m very tired tonight. I don’t have a whole post in me. So instead I’m going to share a new song I’ve found this week. I like it a lot. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
Onward & Upward. 
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hendersonbill · 8 years
Before & After
Last night was a late night and I didn’t get around to writing a post. So I wanted to share this. 
YouTube is a pillar of modern day culture and innovation. Today, much like it’s parent company Google, YouTube is a no-brainer and has become a verb, especially when you need to find or share a video. 
What blows me mind is that people make an entire career out of posting videos on YouTube! 
And yes, I do watch more than just Casey Neistat on YouTube. I also watch several Technology centered YouTubers. I came across this video recently where someone compiled the progression of now famous YouTubers. Not only how they’ve changed but also how their video styles have changed. You might not care at all. That’s okay. By far my favorite out of all of these guys is MKBHD. His first videos he was a baby! It’s crazy! Anyway, here’s the video:
Onward & Upward.
Also, this movie looks great. I remember watching The Magnificent Seven when I was little. This movie looks awesome. I’m a sucker for a good cowboy movie. Plus the song they used was perfect. 
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hendersonbill · 8 years
Let’s Talk About Cell Phones
No big post today. Just two links to articles about cell phones. 
First up: the average iPhone is unlocked 80 times a day. This stat doesn’t really surprise me. How often do you think you unlock your phone a day?
Next & last: How and why did Kanye West live without a cellphone until 2011? Kanye is an enigma that intrigues me. I don’t particularly like him as a person nor do I really like his music. I’m just in awe of the type of person he is. Is he really real? Is he just acting and pretending all along to make us all look like fools? Does he believe what he says? The title of this article alone made me read the article. It says it’s legit and I know it is. It’s on the internet. 
Onward & upward my friends.
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hendersonbill · 8 years
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Lately I feel like I’ve just been waiting. Don’t know exactly what it is I’m waiting on or if it’s even a singular thing. So far, it seems like every year, Tinki and I have a big life event that happens that we have to ‘deal’ with or encounter and adjust to. It’s very possible we got this years out of the way early with Tinki resigning. Maybe, maybe not.
It could be being pregnant and having another (or first) kid on the way (WE ARE NOT PREGNANT AGAIN I PROMISE). Last year it was a new baby and we bought our house. Other times it’s been jobs and adjustments, it’s been money, it’s been family stuff, it’s been bad news about family, it’s been health scares about family, it’s been stress at work, it’s been some things at church, it’s been getting a job. It’s been bills. It’s been friends. It’s been that I thought our cat had kitty leukemia but she was actually just allergic to catnip. (True story.)
It’s been a lot of things. 
Each time we encounter these ‘things’ which, like I said, seem to happen about once a year, we stop for a minute and look back at what our lives looked like a year or more ago. 
This time last year, we knew Maggie was well on her way but we still, technically, had just one daughter. We had just put an offer in on this house and started the excruciating process of buying a home and having the closing date moved what seemed like twenty times. Tinki was interviewing, looking for a teaching position in the fall. I didn’t know if I was going to stay at my school or go to another school or get a different job in another field altogether. We knew we had to move, just weren’t completely sure where/when that’d be. There were lots of things up in the air. 
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Now, we have our house. The whole process did take a long time but it worked out. Had it not taken so long we wouldn’t have found an issue with the home that was easily taken care of. Also, the house payments wouldn’t have worked out right and we’d have owed our first mortgage payment and last months rent in the same month. So that was fine. 
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Maggie June came and she was perfect and wonderful and we were a family of four. Amelia loved her little sister, Jules (the cat) was fine with it and we adjusted pretty quickly. PS that’s apparently my favorite shirt. 
The day we closed on the house Tinki got a job offer. Even though this year was a rough first year of teaching for her it was worth it. She’ll be the first to tell you that she learned a lot. Not that either one of us would want to go through it again but it made us better people for it.
This is one of the reasons we love Timehop and Facebook Memories. It shows us the photos and posts we made years ago. Amelia has changed so much!
We’ve had money scares but in the end we were always taken care of and it worked out. 
Here’s what I’m getting at we don’t know where we will be in a years time. We do know where we were a year ago. When you look back, Do you like where you were? Are you in the same place? Is that where you are supposed to be? Lots of questions today, huh?
Earlier today, while I was flicking through my usual social media feed, I came across this post from a friend. Well he’s not every really a friend. I’ve never met him. I keep up with his church, they are a thriving church plant and I appreciate the way they do things and I’ve love to see their journey. He’s more like a friend-of-a-sort-of-kind-of-friend. I doubt either one of these people would really count me a as real ‘friend’ (but congrats on the engagement homie) more like a yea-i-know-the-name. You know what I mean. Anyway, he is the lead pastor of this church. Point of clarity: the pastor is already married the kind-of-friend just announced his engagement.
Anyway, here is the post:
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This is his new sermon series that he started this past weekend. The sermon video isn’t online yet but I look forward to watching it. His post says “I tend to leave God in the last place I had to trust Him.” 
That struck a deep, deep chord with me. 
I’ve talked with close friends and Tinki about how when the going gets tough I’m deep in my bible and diligent in all that I do but when things seem good we slack off a lot more. We get comfortable. I think you’d be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t do this from time to time. 
These ‘things’ Tinki and I face always seem to bring us closer to God. I hate that I’m hardcore when I’m expecting something from God but get lax when things aren’t ‘rough’. 
That one sentence really convicted me. God should be with us on the whole journey. He should actually be leading the whole trip. But how often do we (I) wander off and leave Him patiently waiting for us (me) to realize we (I) messed up and we (I) should have gone another way. 
I have no idea what his message is actually about yet. That’s just what I’m taking from that one post. That one post sparked this whole blog post. It made me think about all the times I felt like I had to look for God because I thought I lost Him when really I wandered away.
So back to my first thought: Waiting. I don’t know why or what I’m waiting on. But I know it’s what I’m supposed to be doing right now. I have to admit it’s got me a little concerned. Is there something looking down the road that it going to need all of my attention? Is something bad going to happen? Is there some lesson that I didn’t learn? Was there something that I forgot? Should I have planned better? 
I don’t know any of this. I doubt it’s anything bad. Remember all the things I was worried about a year ago? That’s why Tinki and I look back together. We make it through things. We adjust. We do more than just make it, we are well taken care of. Things always work out some how, some way. 
Now that I’ve said all of this I’m sure something ridiculous will happen. We’ll see. 
This post, like post of the others, is far longer than I expected it to be. Can you believe I used to write emails this long? Me now hates me then. I hate long emails. Keep them short. If it’s something this big put it in a google doc and share the link. 
Okay, I’m rambling now. 
Actually, now that I think about it, we might have just entered our next trial. We made the classic new/naïve parent thing and let our toddler sleep in our bed. This week we’ve decided to try to change that and it’s proven to be a challenge. But if this is the worse thing that happens to us this summer I think we will be just fine. 
Onward & Upward my friends. 
UPDATE: The sermon video is now up in the event you want to watch it yourself. I’ve not gotten a chance to watch it yet, I was in meetings for the better part of today. 
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hendersonbill · 8 years
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Today has been a busy day. I’ve not had a chance to post. I promise a real post tomorrow. Here are some of the photos from the concert last night. They are pretty much a lot of the same thing. We didn’t move seats so that’s why each photo looks the same. 
It was a great time and a great night of worship. So glad we went. Highly recommend seeing Hillsong. You can go with me when I see them in July!
Talk to you tomorrow. 
Onward & Upward.
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hendersonbill · 8 years
My Jams. The music I listen to.
Music is a huge part of my life. In middle school like most misunderstood teenagers it’s what ‘got me’ and what helped me cope with the pressures of life. I love music. Songs are more than just sound to me, most of the time they are memories. 
I’m fortunate and blessed to have a wife the loves music almost as much as me. (Way-back) When we were dating and only seeing each other on the weekends we would burn CD’s (these round shiny things that look like Blurays, you could only fit 700MB or 90min on one disk...) on these CD’s would be a whole narrative of our relationship. When we hear a song from one of those CD’s now Tinki and I both light up and start singing together. Our friends have been around when these moments strike. It’s magical and I love it. 
I take pride in my taste of music. I love that some of the songs or bands I’ll discover we will find on commercials and movie trailers. Tinki and I will both recognize the song and yell out the title or artist. I like music and I like what music does to my projects that I’m working on. Not just videos either. I can look at old design projects and remember the albums and playlists I was listening to while I was working on it. 
Some of my favorite bans are Muse, Walk The Moon, Two Door Cinema Club, Twenty One Pilots, The Weeknd, Cold War Kids, Jamie XX, Imagine Dragons, Matt & Kim, alt-J, Fitz and The Tantrums, The Black Keys, The xx, Mumford & Sons, The Killers, Weezer, & Foo Fighters. To name some.
Now, you’ll notice that is all secular music. Meaning not Christian artist. 
I’ll admit and I’m not trying to hide, I do listen to non-christian music. But I also listen to christian music. Mostly worship music though. If I do listen to the radio we listen to WAY-FM and what they play on there. Non-worship christian music just doesn’t appeal as much to me. I can appreciate it but it’s up there with christian movies in my book. I’ll respect it but I don’t have to like it and love it. 
With all of that being said I listen to all the Hillsongs; United, Young & Free, Chapel, and all the other staples: Elevation, Jesus Culture, Bethel, John Mark McMillian, Kari Jobe, Kim Walker-Smith, Brian & Katie Torwalt, Brian & Jenn Johnson, & All Sons & Daughters. To name some. 
I’m going to the Outcry tour tonight in Lexington. Tinki and I hadn’t planned on going but a friend had two tickets freed up so we changed plans. It’s a big shindig with Hillsong, Jesus Culture, Passion & Elevation Worship all playing. I’m looking forward to it. Also I’m curious to see how that many bands plays and how they handle the transitions.
Then on July 28th Hillsong United is bring the EMPIRES tour to Louisville to play at Freedom Hall. I hope to buy my tickets next weekend. 
I’m on Spotify, I’d like to share my playlists. Each year Tinki and I make a new playlist and that’s our go to playlist for the whole year and we add to it as we go. 
Here is the 2016 playlist:
Here is my go to Worship playlist; Jesus Jams:
Follow me on Spotify. Send me some of your favorite tracks.
I’ll let you know how the concert is. Follow me on Instagram, I’ll be sure post pics!
Onward & upward. 
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hendersonbill · 8 years
Pressure. Meetings. Mentors. What?
It wouldn’t be a post on my blog without something from Casey Neistat. I might have shared this before but I feel like it’s a good way to start off this post and it’s super short.
It always seems to work out that when I brag on something or talk about how good something is it’ll do the opposite. The last few days I bragged about my job and how much I enjoy it and then on Wednesday I had a looooooooong day at work. 
I’m going to be careful because I know that co-workers sometimes read what I post. I’m not going to say anything ill of them or anything else. I just want to acknowledge that I know people I work with could read this. 
Now, I love meetings. Most people don’t like meetings. When my friends complain about having meetings at their jobs I just go along with them and groan too but secretly, deep down, I really enjoy meetings. Or at least I like the meetings I have. 
I like meetings because it’s a check point for me. The nature of my ‘big boy’ (read: real) job is to create a plan, maintain the plan, keep it from going off the tracks, keep it on budget, monitor the plan and report and answer to the stakeholders about the plan. That’s more or less what I do. I work with a group of people to create a technology roadmap or five year plan. This was the current 5 year plan we made last year if you care. We are in the process of updating it now. 
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So in the meetings I have we come up with our ideas, make plans to execute those ideas and then do it. 
On Wednesday we had another meeting that I thought would be non-eventful. It wasn’t. There were some hot button issues I didn’t see coming. 
Part of the reason I like my job is because I feel like I’m good at it. I ‘know’ how to do my job. If I encounter something I’m not familiar with then I’m confident in my googleing skills to become a quick-good-enough expert for a minute. And if that fails I have plenty of people to lean on for help.
Sidenote: If you ask others for help when you need it, you won’t be asking as often as you think you would. You ask for one thing and you know how to do it now, when it comes up again you got it down. When I’m dealing with a problem that I need help or input on I make a game plan of approach and then run it by the powers at be for input. They then tweak what my plan is. This way I’m not just saying ‘I don’t know how, please help’ I’m saying ‘I’m not totally sure what to do here, this is what I was thinking. Am I warm or no?’ Wanted to throw that in there because it works for me more often then not.
Like I was saying; I’m confident in my skills for the job. The technical stuff I’m fine with. And I thought I was good with people. Like I said a few posts back I strive to always be learning and growing as a person and in my craft. The last two years at St. Albert I’ve really been stretched and I’ve been growing in dealing with people and just office politics. I’m ‘in charge’ of stuff and have to ultimately (with input) make decisions that effect how people do their jobs and how students will be learning. If I mess up stuff doesn’t work. 
The rule of thumb when you are running sound for a church service is: you know you’ve done a good job when nobody knows you were there. Meaning you are only noticed when things go wrong. 
I’m okay with that. I like that. I don’t need to be recognized for the work or time or effort I put into something because most of the time I work close enough with the ones in charge that they know and that’s what matters to me. I want to do a good job. 
I just said a lot but I don’t think I’ve said what I want to say. I’m humbled and excited that I’m still learning. There was a brief moment where I thought my job/career had leveled out and plateaued. Over the last year or so I’ve realized that I’m still young (and stupid to a point) that I have plenty to learn. 
In most aspects of my life I do my best to have a mentor of sorts. A master and an apprentice. I have personal/church/spiritual mentors and I have work mentors. I’d say I have 3-4 close mentors that I go to for various things. It’s not always to tell me what to do it’s literately just a sounding board. I don’t always do what they say but it helps to just talk through things from time to time and get a different perspective. I sometimes feel bad for how much input I ask of them but I know that they know me well enough to realize I’m not taking advantage of them. I’ve been a mentor to other people too, it’s a very rewarding thing and I wouldn’t be in the situation for them to be my mentor if we didn’t both enjoy what we were doing. 
Sometimes I am my own worse enemy. Having a trusted person (not facebook or the whole internet) can help clear your head and bring you back down to earth.
Over the last year I’ve felt like I’ve really grown professionally and Wednesday this week was just another stretch mark. I made a mistake, I should have explained and communicated better but it is what it is now. You live and you learn. You don’t let mistakes or roadblocks define you. There were plenty of good things that came out of my meetings on Wednesday it’s just those singular moments are the ones that I remember. 
Nothings wrong, I’m not in trouble (I don’t think…) nobody’s angry it’s just I learned there were  some things I should have done before that I didn’t do or didn’t realize that I didn’t do. Now I know. 
I’ll leave you with the cheesy and cliche analogy of the potato and the egg.
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Take what you will from that. I don’t feel vindictive about Wednesday, I don’t want to put anyone in their place I don’t want to be angry, I want to learn. I want it to make me better. 
Onward & Upward.
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hendersonbill · 8 years
New Theme
This is the third theme (style/look) to this site that I’ve applied in the last 24 hours. I was not happy with my original theme and I got a lot of comments that it was slow to load. So I went with this one, at least for now. It’s just a free one from tumblr but so far so good, the feature that I appreciate the most is that the YouTube videos I embed are the full width of the column and not off center and small. I hated the way that looked. 
I was going to write a much longer post about some stuff that happened today but I stayed up too late working on client work and playing with this theme. I have two posts already drafted and will be ready to post in the coming days. 
In the meantime, let me know if you like the new theme or not. What items would you like to see more posts about? 
We had a worship night tonight at church. I always love worship nights. A song that really went well tonight was ‘Spirit Break Out’ by Kim Walker-Smith. It’s been in my head all night and just started playing in the other room. Give it a listen. 
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hendersonbill · 8 years
You do you. Get work done.
_Disclaimer: I use and talk about techno-media-jargon in this post. Google what you don’t know or just skip it. _
What I do, ultimately, is ‘media stuff’.
I just wrote this long draft for this post where I went into detail about how I got into media and how I learned and progressed and got to where I am today (if that’s considered anywhere).
I realize now that’s not what I wanted to write this post about.
For years I’ve compared myself to other people. I’ve always had some need to be better or as good as other people that did similar things to me.
If this one guy got a nice camera I wanted two cameras or a better one. If they did a website I wanted to do a website. If they produced a cool video I would do something in After Effects.
Now, this could be considered friendly competition. But the other person wasn’t competing with me, they didn’t even know. If another creative was experiencing any success I would find something for me to put them down in my head so that I could feel better about myself.
I think it started when I first graduated high school I got a job at a camp. For a few years after I took the job over I was always compared to my predecessor. It always seemed like he was a few steps ahead of me when it came to our work. I realize now that we just simply have different styles.
I’ve just realized recently that this is silly. It’s not very practical for me to be good at all aspects of production. I’m not a kid or a student anymore. I don’t have the time to keep up with everything. I need to play to my strengths and lean on others when I need help.
Now I can be happy for another creative’s success. Like I said in my post yesterday, I very much like what I’m doing and the opportunities that I have.
The reason I started thinking this way was because of Casey Neistat. I tried really hard to find the video that he said this in but I just looked for too long. But he said that the reason he always draws his titles and films a piece of paper or writing on his hand is because he never learned how to make titles in an editor. This blew my mind. Casey Neistat, the guy who spent Nike’s money going around the world for 10 days never really learned how to do titles. He’s made feature length films worked with tons of companies & he just won YouTuber of the year! Dare I say it, I can make titles better than Casey Neistat. But what does that add up to?
Looking back on it and after he said it it really made sense. I just never noticed, I thought it was all intentional. He can do titles to a point now but nothing crazy. I don’t think the man has ever used After Effects or Motion which is the world of editing I was really deep into until a few years ago. I can’t imagine doing any of my projects whether it be a design project or website or video without using all of those other things. Every weekend I make announcements for our church for Sunday morning. All I get is a word document and audio files and I make the video with it. I use nothing but After Effects and Photoshop and throw it all into FCPX (yes, I abandoned Premiere. It’s the better choice for me. Get over yourself.) I couldn’t do those projects without bringing all of that together. And then when Sunday’s are over I edit the sermon, make an mp3 of the video, upload all of that and then embed it in our website. Not to mention the sermon graphics I make too.
It’s crazy that I realized Casey doesn’t do this for his videos yet I’ve practically watched this man every day for the last year for 10 minutes a day and he’s obviously doing just fine. That’s when it struck me that it’s okay that I’ve not made feature length film or written a book or done a music video for a mildly recognizable rap artist.
I like what I’m doing and I enjoy it. Now, this doesn’t mean that I’m not going to continue to grow in my craft. I hope I never stop learning. But instead I’m going to shift my focus so that I can encourage others and get better at what I do.
I couldn’t find the video where he talked about the titles but I do have the video where I thought he said it and he still said some pretty solid stuff in it. I’ll leave you with that, it does touch a little more on yesterdays post than today’s post.
Onward & upward.
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hendersonbill · 8 years
What Scares Me...
As the last few years have gone by I’ve found myself really admiring people who start their own businesses and ‘work for themselves’... A perfect example of this is Oliur Rahman, you might not recognize that name but you might know theultralinx.com. Oliur started Ultralinx way back when and has now made a full time job out of it. Here’s a video about how he got started, it’s around 6 minutes but it’s a pretty solid video to see how it all happened:
I’ve technically started 3 different businesses/organizations in my life time. None of them really a smashing ‘success.’ In December 2015, my wife and I decided to formally close Mando Media, my more recent endeavor. We dissolved the company and legally closed it’s doors. 
I still do, more or less, the same amount of work on the side it’s just now I’m not a corporation I’m a contractor. 
There were a lot of things that factored into us doing this and it really boiled down to 4 or 5 years ago when I first graduated college and got a pretty solid gig. I made more money than I had ever made in my life in a short amount of time and like every young and stupid person mismanaged that money. I’m still paying (literately paying) for those bad decisions. 
As I got more business the thought of hiring others and being responsible for them scared me. The thought of getting an office or work space scared me. I think the risk is what scared me the most. I don’t necessary regret it because if none of it happened I wouldn’t know what I know now or had those experiences. 
There’s a man at my church that has started and sold in the ballpark of 15 or so businesses. I got a chance to talk with him one night and asked him how and why he did it. He said he didn’t like working for another person when he could do the job and get paid more if it was just him. 
I wish I could do that. 
I psych myself out. I freak out about what could happen to my family. I freak out about insurance. I freak out about consistent pay checks. I worry about my rates. About if a client leaves. Am I spending to much time doing this or should I do more of that. 
You can see where I’m going. 
One day, I hope that I can work for myself and just myself. I think... maybe not. I worked from home for a year and I hated it. I need to be around people, to leave my home and see other faces. 
For now though, I love my job and I love what I get to do each week. My wife recently resigned from her job. Myself from two or three or even last year would be beyond stressed and sick to my stomach over this whole situation. But, as I sit here on Sunday night before I go back to work after spring break and my wife gets to stay home tomorrow with our girls I know that it was the right decision. The vibe in our house is completely different tonight. There’s not the sense of dread. There’s not fear of what’s going to happen tomorrow. There is peace. I know she made the right decision. It was time for her to move on and spend some time with our girls. The last year was by no means a waste, tons was learned on both sides of the coin. Now we know and next time will be better. 
I don’t know what tomorrow, next week, next month or next year holds for us but I feel good about it. 
So what scares me? 
Failure? The future? Not being good enough? The risk?
I don’t think so. 
I’m sure there are moments I contemplate all of those things and more but I think what scares me the most is not enjoying what I do every day. 
I don’t dread going to work. I don’t dread seeing my boss or talking to my coworkers. I look forward to the opportunities and the projects we are working on. I’m so thankful for this.
I’ll leave you with the below image of a quote from the late Steve Jobs. 
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This quote can be spun a hundred different ways so here’s what I think you should take away from it; strive to put yourself in the position and places you want to be in and if you find yourself spinning your tires do something to get unstuck. Keep moving.
I don’t know what the future holds. Time will tell.
Onward & upward.
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hendersonbill · 8 years
Every other year, when Disney isn't dropping a Skywalker saga flick, they'll be doing one-offs of different characters at different points and places in the galaxy.
First up? Rouge One, directed by Gareth Edwards. Here's the trailer.
Gotta say, I’m pretty stoked about it. 
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hendersonbill · 8 years
This video came across my feed today. I’ve really been loving some drone videos lately. I did have higher hopes for this one though. It’s cool, don’t get me wrong. Very Dragon Ball Z -ish feel to it with how Goku & Co. would fly around. I thought it was cool enough to share. 
The creators of this video put colored smoke flares on drone and flew them over the ocean. Pretty crazy stuff. 
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hendersonbill · 8 years
I’ve Not Been Writing...
Nope. I’ve not been writing. That really bothers me. 
I’m going to change that tonight. One of the reasons I’ve not been posting is because every time I’d log in to write something I’d see that font. 
That needlessly italicized font. 
It drove me crazy that it was italicized for no reason. 
Well, tonight I fixed that. I finally figured out where tumblr stores the style sheet and I got rid of the italicized script that I wanted to. It’s gone! 
I feel like the site looks 100 times better! Ah. On to working on some posts. 
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hendersonbill · 8 years
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Was a super fun game for the season opener. Didn't win but will definitely be back! (at Louisville City Football Club)
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