Honestly, as a Greek, I want to sincerely thank you for your latest post.
I’m so sick and tired of people making their own versions of the Gods, mischaracterising them and especially calling them names like “raρist”, “bitch” and “pick me”.
It seems to me that there is this whole narrative that says that since “it’s just mythology”, it’s fine to perceive it as some sort of book series or fanfiction. They fail completely to understand the cultural and even religious importance these myths have for us, Greeks.
They think that since we don’t worship the Gods as a whole anymore, that they can disrespect them without a care, even subconsciously (since they usually are ppl who claim to love them). The funny thing is that we still do respect them and have even taken parts of our old religion and inserted them to our new one (orthodox Christianity). For example, in Greek orthodoxy, Virgin Mary is depicted as a military general, mirroring Athena and Saint Nicolas as the protector of the seas, taking the role of Poseidon. Hell, we even celebrate old pagan holidays like the carnival, which in Greece honours Dionysus, and every Greek knows it. And culturally speaking, we still talk about Hades when speaking of death, (like: I’ll go to hades = I’ll die) and we mention Zeus when there’s a huge storm, saying that he is angry. (Just some silly examples to show how deeply rooted the Mythos is in our minds)
Entire places are still dedicated to Gods and Demigods. My mother’s village is dedicated to Heracles and we have a whole marble statue of him in its entry.
Furthermore, the “Hellenic National Religion” is recognised by constitution as a religion in Greece.
It is quite clear that for the Greeks, the Gods, are not some characters to a story that we can make headcannons for. They are Gods. They are important, respected and sacred entities and should be treated as such. Of course there is no problem with voicing one’s opinion regarding the Gods, even a bad one, but at least they shouldn’t pretend to be “Greek mythology nerds” because to be passionate about something starts with understanding and respecting it.
I don’t think i have to say anything about the interpretation of the myths, since you spoke of it beautifully, and thank you again.
I’m sorry for rumbling, I just feel strongly about this topic!
Oh PS: it’s very funny to me when I hear foreigners talk about Zeus so insultingly, while forgetting that He is literally their protector. The reason Greeks are big on hospitality is because it is a sacred thing for Zeus. That’s why one of his most important titles is “Xenios: Ξένιος” which basically means “hospitable to foreigners”.
Hello! 🤗 Oh, i'm really glad that my post had received so much care especially for Greeks because that's means that i was respectful! I didn't wanted to offend or say something inaccurate! 💙
I'm also sick of the bad characterization of the gods 😞 The males are the ones who took the worst part... Zeus, Poseidon and Apollo are treated as raρists and assholes, also some females... Aphrodite as treated as a vain whore, Hera as a jealousy bitch, Demeter as a terrible and evil mother who don't think in her daugther's happiness 😕 And they say: "The ancient greeks made them like this, so is a fact" 😐 But as you said, those people don't understand that greek gods are part of the culture and religion in Greece! Is like the Greek Mythology has taken and used in some ways that people forget about the history and culture they are from! I don't see people calling Seth a "r*pist" for what he did to Horus in some stories of the Horus vs Seth myth... They seems to respect the Egyptian but not the Greeks? (I respect egyptian gods, i don't call Seth a "villain", because i know is a story for explain the power and royalty of the pharaoh. Seth was worshiped even after that myth, he was a protector god in Egypt! )
I grow up with the stories of Greek Myths and now that i studied more about the culture and the history of the myths, i know that were written in a diferent context by diferent authors with their own ideas! I saw a post here which said that the gods are not their myths, and yes, is true that myths bring us despictions of the gods, but people need to know that were symbolic... The gods's actions in myths were symbolics! Even for the the Ancient Greeks whose worshiped them (correct me if i wrong).
Those stories of gods having children with mortals or nymphs were to explain the divine legacy of some cities... (again correct me if i wrong) Zeus's many offsprings with mortals were often despicted as kings, so yes, Zeus assaulted women in myths, but there is a WHY! Is not just because "Oh he is bad, mysoginist a r*pist" 😕 And again don't took the myths as literal!
Your mother’s village is dedicated to Heracles? That's amazing! And also another motif for why people need to be respectful with the Greek Gods despictions... They usually are respectful with Hindu Deities, and the Egyptian… Why the Greeks are a exception?
You said "Hellenic National Religion is recognised by constitution as a religion in Greece". YES! And it's awful to hear that some worshipers are attacked just for worship certain god.
The adjectives "mysoginist" or "feminisit" DON'T apply for gods and goddesses with centuries of history... Yes, maybe the Ancient Greece was patriarchal (as many ancient civilizations) But is not a excuse to say that Zeus is a mysoginist! He ISN'T! He WASN'T! Neither of the male gods!!! Because is history, don't judge a ancient god with a modern criterion!
Yeah! Zeus is the protector of foreigners, and this is how we treats him (i speak as a foreigner, but i don't think Zeus is how modern media often depicts him)
"I’m sorry for rumbling, I just feel strongly about this topic!" You don't need to apologies! I understand and i feel bad when i see those comments against the gods! I'm not greek, but as i said in my post, i love them and don't like when they are insulted or hated for something that "they did" in a story written by a human person with his own ideas (some of those authors were anti-gods) many years ago :/
Of course the myths helped (and helps) the worshipers, because many of the gods epithets were obtained from the stories in myths... But again... symbolic-metaphore-bring a lesson-explain certains things and facts
That's all, i just wanted to answer and again a made a post of this, sorry 😅
Thank you, have a nice day or night 💙
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Stop saying that the gods and goddesses are mysoginists or feminists… They aren't, they weren't! I'm sick of reading or listen how some gods are insulted or acused of mysoginists or some others are acused of feminists… No! They not!
They were religious deities! They still are, because there's an Hellenistic community of worshipers! But i'll talk of the Ancient Greece… I'm not Greek, but i don't like how some gods and goddesses are treated just for their myths and the same people say that were the Greeks whose actually treated the gods like that! What's i'm saying?
"Zeus is a dick, a mysoginist, a r*pist even worse that his son Apollo, he can't kept his pants on and that's how the greeks portrayed him, so… the greeks says that Zeus is a dick"
What? Seriously??? The Greek whose worshiped him? Zeus the most important god in the Greek Pantheon? Zeus the king of the Olympians and the father of the gods?
I know many of the male gods assaulted women in the myths… But please I'll say it again… Don't took the myths as literal! Neither the ancient greeks do it that because they worshiped those male gods… They took the myths as metaphores, lessons and stories…
But i advice you if you're not sure: talk with a greek person! Ask the greeks theirself because they know much better of their own culture and history!
Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, and a can continue with all of them…. I will defend all of them because i love them and i know the context and history behind the myth! I know the myths were written by persons (HUMAN PERSONS) whose "humanized" the gods to be more close with them, so that is why in the myths the gods aren't perfect! I know there's people who worship them (i'm not hellenic polytheist yet, but i would like to worship Artemis one day of these) and i respect the deities! I know the symbolism and metaphores of the myths and stories!
Zeus is NOT a dick! Hera is NOT a bitch! Aphrodite is NOT a whore! Apollo is NOT a asshole! Ares is NOT a idiot! Dionysus is NOT dumb drunk! Artemis is NOT a cruel and bad friend! Poseidon is NOT a piece of shit! Demeter is NOT a bad helicopter mother! Hades is NOT the villain… But neither was Zeus, Demeter, Apollo or Aphrodite! No!
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I love Hades Game's despiction of the gods ♡
And this art is amazing and beautiful! I'm in love 😍💙
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Sad :(
I discover today that the blog of @evilios is gone, i'm really sad, i loved that blog 😞
I don't know why he left and eliminate the account, but i'm gonna really miss him, i hope everything is okay 🙏💙
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Busqué aquí en Tumblr con el #greek gods y qué encuentro? Varias publicaciones de esas "shitpost" acusando a los dioses de misóginos, crueles, homofóbicos y demás 😐
¿En serio? Miren me gusta Percy Jackson y sus sagas, pero Zeus no era homofóbico... Literal, tuvo un amante hombre, Ganímedes.
Atenea, Apolo, Artemisa, Hefesto, Heracles misóginos? En serio? Primero la palabra "misógino" es bastante moderna, no vamos a acusar a un dios o una diosa de miles de años de Antigüedad de misógino/a!!! ¿Ares misógino? Por favor, era el protector de las mujeres, dejen a Ares en paz 😕
No voy a volver a explicar sobre el tema de que los mitos no deben tomarse literalmente y que son historias contadas por mortales para mortales, con diferentes ideas y que por eso muchas veces se contradicen las acciones de los dioses, porque ya lo expliqué en mi primer post, pero en serio es que me cansan algunos comentarios... No puedo buscar tranquilamente buenos y respetuosos posts sobre los Dioses! ¡Que frustración me da! 😫
(I will repost this in english when i can translate it)
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Hello ✨🏹
Hi everyone! Well i want to talk a bit about me… I'm from Argentina, i don't speak english very well, i help myself with the translate. I know the basic 😅 I love to draw, to read and i like animals! I'm christian but also i love greek and egyptian gods 🤗 I'm searching about the norse too, but at the moment i focus myself in the greek and egyptian, specially Artemis and Isis, my two fav goddesses, but i like all of the deities ♡
I'll avoid and ignore some posts wich are disrespectful with the gods and blame them… You see, i'm not a hellenic polytheist yet, i recently discover it and i searching more about it, it will be lovely to worship Artemis one day 🏹🌙 But at the moment i'm just a big fan an lover of the gods and goddesses. Is hard to separate the myth from the gods, but i read one day… "The myths are not the gods".
You see, of course that the myths brings us some info and descriptions of many deities, but you have to remember that those stories were written by poets and dramaturgs, whose also had their own ideas and opinions. Many of them had some "anti-gods" ideas, like Ovid who wrote his texts after he was exilied by the roman emperor (sorry i can't remember very well his name 😫). So we can't take the poet's works as a "valid despiction" of the deity… Don't forget the myths cotradicts theirself in so many cases. Also, i prefer the hymns for made a good despiction of the gods or goddesses ✨
But the point is, please try to respect the deities, because they're not just simple characters of a story, they were gods worshiped and loved. Also now, they're still worshiped, so please don't be disrespectful with the deities. Also please don't attack the worshipers… I saw people who attacks a certain god or goddess worshiper and that is awful, respect if you want to be respected.
I come back with the fact that the myths were written by people with their own opinions… That's the reason why some god or goddess do something contradictory in a story and another. But also remember that the gods's actions in the myths were simbolic, a metaphore. The myths were for bring a lesson or sometimes to explain "why this exists?" or "Why is this object consecrated to this god or goddess?". Stop please attacking the deities!
The myths sometimes don't show the gods with good light, but that doesn't meant that the gods are bads…. They're NOT "bads" or "goods", please stop of judging a god's action for his/her myth… Ares wasn't hated by all, he is the protector of women and he had temples! He had a temple in Athens! Athena's city! We can't take a myth wich paint Ares as cruel and bloody or said that "he is the most hated god, even his parents hate him" NO! Stop! Same with Athena… So many people blame her for what she did to Medusa… She didn't! It was a story written by Ovid. Artemis and Apollo are also blamed, Hera and Zeus too, Demeter… PLEASE STOP INSULTING THE GODS! The myths are stories written by mortals for the mortals! Also if you insult a god or a goddess, you're insulting the culture too, because they are a reflection of their cultures (egyptian deities for Egypt, greek deities for Greece), so please, be respectful 🙏
We all can enjoy those stories, but without blame or insult the deities, please 💙
And another thing… The retellings. I'm not against the retellings, i think they are very interesant and is good to see the gods are still loved and people write about them. But some people need to know what a RETELLING is… I know about fans of certains retelling attacking deites's worshipers because what that god or goddess does in that retelling. There's a big diference between a retelling's character and the god/goddess himself/herself, some people seems like they can't see the diference and prefer to attack worshipers… Please stop with that! Yoy can't enjoy a retelling without blame or attack other who worship o simply love the deity that your retelling took for it story?
Sorry, but i get angry when i saw those posts or comments against the gods 😞
Also sorry if my english is not good 🙏
That's all at the moment, i hope i could find friends with the same passion and a very sane community of deities lovers 🤗
PD: I'm working in my own webcomic retelling with the Delian Family as protagonists 🤭 I'll be fair with all the gods and goddesses, because i want to share my love for them ✨ If anyone have an idea or something to say about Leto and her twins, please tell me because will be a honour to put that in my story!
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