immortal-hydrozoa · 7 months
seasons of time
…and with the death of green meadows comes the cycle of renascentia. after the amber tones fall to decay. when the autumn rain becomes the hallowing silence of winter. when not a single tree moves, as though the wind is holding its breath; the snowflakes slowly floating to the ground, defying gravity's pull; as though time itself has frozen from the cold. that is when the first snowdrops of persephone appear from the earth’s stained white blanket. it will all grow & whither again until the end of time. and with the death of green meadows comes the cycle of renascentia…
start wherever you may. there is no beginning.
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immortal-hydrozoa · 7 months
ambrosia’s illusion (a pt 2 lmfaoo)
a cruel game, even for the fates; dangling ambrosia a breath away from a mortals taste.
sadistic smiles watch hesitant eyes weep from just the sight.
forever reaching for it’s deadly nourishment.
screams tear through delicate skin when their wrinkled bones, inevitably, wrap around her young throat.
shoving her body into a void; an abyss of stench and confusion. cackles echo at her earthly delusion.
yet the gods hover closer, the song of sirens playing, allowing a single drop to reach a tongue aging.
but the heavenly flavor turns putrid, damnation for even daring to taste it.
pleads for one more drop fall on nonexistent ears, so the only thing she feels is her tears.
the illusion crumbles to reveal the rotten flesh of her past lover, a punishment to starve for eternity in longing hunger.
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immortal-hydrozoa · 10 months
i found a boy
who sounds like honey
and looks like sin
he smells like comfort
feels like rain
and tastes like mint
with dark curls
an ink covered wrist
and warm coffee for eyes
he radiates sweet butterflies
my dreams gone rogue
a delectable soul
a chipmunk if i may
an hour of pay sacrificed
just for three mice
an inchworm in a tree
just for a spiderweb free
my gaze shifts to green canopy
yet i feel his gaze on me
grins for a crinkled nose
pecks for a freckled cheek
his words spill honesty
insistent questions about hunger
introduced to repetitive denial
yet green eyes gaze upon a figure
between a counter and stove
blueberry waffles
mouthwatering chicken
the taste of cheap wine
exchanged for the flavor of mint
a deck of cards
lost for the preference of warm skin
i’m ruinous
he’s catastrophic
a lover of games
unfamiliar to sincerity
a sleeve of hearts
uninterested in the play of minds
avoidant and anxious
grounded and reassured
i’m dreaming
he’s sleeping
a moral dilemma of easy existing
it’s ambrosia in human form
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immortal-hydrozoa · 2 years
for context *someone drew me a crab in a place that is not near the ocean and i vented this out cus i was sad n listening to angsty classical music lol enjoy
why do i have to feel something
when my eyes look across my room
to the drawing of an out of place crab
you spent time to make for me
to the drawing
i spent time adding reds and greens to
do your actions
not match your actions
and your words
do not match your words
you do this
but then you do that
you say you want this
but then say you want that
back and forth
like waves of the ocean
you live up to your sign
that make me smile like the sun
that make my heart race w excitement
every. time. i see it’s blue face
that can be so refreshing
but I tire of the ocean
when it’s waves continue to crash
and forth
and over
and again
it loses its appeal
for a while
the ocean is tolerated
i am fine sitting with ‘how it is’
but how long can I sit in the sand
before walking away
to find something better
how long is the ocean expecting me
to sit on its shores
watching it go back
and forth
that i love
how much do you expect me to take?
will it be once i’ve shriveled completely
from your salt and sun
that you finally tell me
if you will come or go?
but that’s the thing about the ocean
it will never decide if it will come or go
it will only continue in its ways
and forth
i cannot stay in the ocean forever
drowning or shriveling from the salt
would be the only outcome
so my only option
is to walk away from the sand
away from your sun
to find a tree perhaps
rooted in the ground
that will never leave my side
with its beautiful blues
why do you treat me so?
do i have a drawing
of a fucking crab
that is not in the ocean
where it belongs?
are the reds of the crab
not mixing with the blues of the ocean
like it is supposed to?
it’s supposed to be with the ocean
it’s supposed to run along the sand
until the sun fails to rise
dancing with the ocean
and forth
but perhaps i am not a crab
perhaps i can no longer be a crab
with its reflective waters that i long for
with its contagious ways
why won’t you decide?
in ways, you already have
though i refuse to accept it
or hear it
as you are made of waves
and i do not speak wave
you have caused many storms
that blur my vision
and flow down my cheeks
until it flows from my wrists too
why am i sitting in this storm?
why do i not seek shelter
under a beloved tree?
i cant wait to reach my grounding tree
but until that day comes
i know i will continue
to sit in these storms
that seem to never cease
because of your tides
that i can’t seem to walk away from
no matter how much i want to
why do you not care
that you are causing these storms?
and over
i know you see them
your wind tells me you’ll change
and again
but that is not what oceans do
however i try to no end
to help your waves too
maybe if i keep dancing with the tide
it will finally decide
to stop causing these storms
it never will
i am accepting that now
the salt has shriveled me more
than your water has refreshed me
since i cannot be in the ocean
and i have come to realize
that i fucking hate sitting in the sand
i will go find myself a lovely tree
fuck you
haven’t written a poem in years oof but wanted to share ok bye
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