katsadultingtips · 8 months
friendly reminder that findtags is the best way to search tumblr’s absolutely destroyed tag system. it actually accurately looks through the tags without omitting results. it’s the only thing i use at this point because it’s the only thing that works
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katsadultingtips · 8 months
Folks have got to understand that they probably aren't messed up by some Secret Big Trauma that they just can't remember; but rather by a million tiny microtraumas that they do mostly remember but don't even register as traumatic because nobody actually understood that these things would cause trauma, much less stack on each other over the years.
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katsadultingtips · 8 months
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Senpai says you’re welcome
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katsadultingtips · 9 months
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katsadultingtips · 9 months
i have a few resources i look to consistently but i'm gonna plug anatomy for sculptors as One Of The Most Useful. great if you're a 3D artist, INVALUABLE if you're a 2D artist. gives you turnarounds of specific limbs/fiddly body parts like ears. great especially if you're referencing a photo and start looking at an individual part like 'wait, what the hell is going on in there'
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katsadultingtips · 9 months
hello google chrome refugees
don't use any of these browsers, they're also chrome
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Here are my favorite firefox plugins for security/anti-tracking/anti-ad that I recommend you get
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please get off chrome google is currently being investigated for being an Illegal Monopoly so get outta there okay love you bye
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katsadultingtips · 9 months
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This still blows my mind
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katsadultingtips · 9 months
Did you know that after they switched to blind auditions, major symphony orchestras hired women between 30% to 55% more? Before bringing in “blind auditions” with a screen to conceal the the candidate, women in the top 5 major orchestras made up less than 5% of the musicians performing.
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katsadultingtips · 10 months
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katsadultingtips · 10 months
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katsadultingtips · 11 months
important PSA about when your car is smoking
like literally smoking from the engine
white and you smell pancakes? it’s the coolant. panic and pull over, but you’ll live
a slight blue tinge? it’s the oil. panic and pull over, but you’ll live
grey, looks like fire smoke? gasoline; the most combustable and dangerous. pull over and leave the vehicle, pray.
sharing because i didn’t know this when my car started smoking white yesterday and i was so afraid for my life.
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katsadultingtips · 11 months
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The evacuation prep poster is done! This poster is designed primarily with wildfires in mind, but the tips can apply to preparing for any much any disaster.
If you share this image outside of tumblr, please link back to my website: www.Katy-L-Wood.com
[[Image ID: A poster including a layered graphic showing what items to have ready to prepare for evacuating your home based on how much warning you have that you need to evacuate. The inner, red, level is labeled “No Warning.” The next, orange, level is labeled “Less Than an Hour.” The next, yellow, level is labeled “More Than an Hour.” The final, green, level is labeled “General Preparedness.” The items associated with each level and the text are included below. /end ID.]]
Evacuation Prep:
As the world changes, it is important to be prepared to safely and efficiently evacuate your home, potentially with little or no warning. Preparing ahead of time can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and help you evacuate safely if the time comes.
Red Level (No Warning): People | Pets | Keys. Human life matters most. If you can’t rescue your pets, let them out to give them their best chance. If evacuating by car, don’t forget your keys.
Orange Level (Less Than an Hour): Crucial Meds | Important Papers | Money | Paper Map | Pet Vaccination Records. Crucial meds and medical equipment. Papers including passports, birth certificates, medical records, etc.. Multiple forms of payment. Paper map with marked evac routes in case of signal loss. Phone. Most evac centers require vaccine records for pets to be allowed in.
Yellow Level (More Than an Hour): Photos | Hard Drives | Computers | Chargers | Irreplaceable Items | OTC Meds | Pet Supplies | Pet Food | Clothes | Weather Gear. Family photos. Hard drives and computers. Make digital backups ahead of time. Charging cords. Irreplaceable items such as collectibles and mementos. Over the counter medical supplies such as Aspirin and tampons. Pet supplies such as bowls, crates, toys, and litter. Pet food and treats. Clothes. If you are running out of time grab your laundry basket. Weather gear if needed.
Green Level (General Preparedness): Food | Water | Radio | N95 Masks | Multitool | Power Pack | Gas | Stove + Fuel | Flashlight | Toiletries | Emergency Contact Info | Bedding | First Aid | Can Opener. Easy prep, shelf-stable food. Water. Battery powered/rechargeable NOAA weather radio. N95 masks for smoke. A multitool. Rechargeable power pack for phones. Keep your car at least partially fueled at all times. Portable stove and fuel for cooking food without power. Flashlight and spare batteries. Toiletries including hair products, toothbrush and paste, etc.. Emergency contact info for friends and loved ones. Spare pillows and blankets. Dedicated first aid kit. Can opener.
Save yourself time and stress by preparing an evacuation bag ahead of time and keep it in an easy to access place. At the end of every season rotate out the perishable items within such as food, water, and medications. The more you can keep in the bag, the more time you’ll have to grab everything else. Remember, it is okay if you can’t do everything. Some preparation is better than no preparation.
If you are in the U.S.A. and experiencing disaster related anxiety call the Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990 for support and resources.
If you share this image outside of tumblr, please link back to my website: www.Katy-L-Wood.comf
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katsadultingtips · 11 months
OH MIGHTY SBEEP please help me. I remember you reblogged a post telling where in xkit you can fix the ability to see previous reblogs by clicking the name of the person you rb'd it from. I'm pretty sure it was you. And because the search is broken I can't find it. Could you point at it for me again? Sorry for bothering u of all people about this
Heya! This is no bother at all. I'll make a new answer here for ease:
The desktop browser extension you need is Xkit Rewritten. I have it installed on Firefox. Its icon is a purple square with a white X inside.
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The category the option to restore previous reblog links is under Tweaks. It's the blue-ticked option shown in this screenshot, and reads "Restore links to individual posts in the post header."
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katsadultingtips · 11 months
“For some time, Hollywood has marketed family entertainment according to a two-pronged strategy, with cute stuff and kinetic motion for the kids and sly pop-cultural references and tame double entendres for mom and dad. Miyazaki has no interest in such trickery, or in the alternative method, most successfully deployed in Pixar features like Finding Nemo, Toy Story 3 and Inside/Out, of blending silliness with sentimentality.”
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“Most films made for children are flashy adventure-comedies. Structurally and tonally, they feel almost exactly like blockbusters made for adults, scrubbed of any potentially offensive material. They aren’t so much made for children as they’re made to be not not for children. It’s perhaps telling that the genre is generally called “Family,” rather than “Children’s.” The films are designed to be pleasing to a broad, age-diverse audience, but they’re not necessarily specially made for young minds.”
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“My Neighbor Totoro, on the other hand, is a genuine children’s film, attuned to child psychology. Satsuki and Mei move and speak like children: they run and romp, giggle and yell. The sibling dynamic is sensitively rendered: Satsuki is eager to impress her parents but sometimes succumbs to silliness, while Mei is Satsuki’s shadow and echo (with an independent streak). But perhaps most uniquely, My Neighbor Totoro follows children’s goals and concerns. Its protagonists aren’t given a mission or a call to adventure - in the absence of a larger drama, they create their own, as children in stable environments do. They play.”
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“Consider the sequence just before Mei first encounters Totoro. Satsuki has left for school, and Dad is working from home, so Mei dons a hat and a shoulder bag and tells her father that she’s “off to run some errands” - The film is hers for the next ten minutes, with very little dialogue. She’s seized by ideas, and then abandons them; her goals switch from moment to moment. First she wants to play “flower shop” with her dad, but then she becomes distracted by a pool full of tadpoles. Then, of course, she needs a bucket to catch tadpoles in - but the bucket has a hole in it. And on it goes, but we’re never bored, because Mei is never bored.”
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“[…] You can only ride a ride so many times before the thrill wears off. But a child can never exhaust the possibilities of a park or a neighborhood or a forest, and Totoro exists in this mode. The film is made up of travel and transit and exploration, set against lush, evocative landscapes that seem to extend far beyond the frame. We enter the film driving along a dirt road past houses and rice paddies; we follow Mei as she clambers through a thicket and into the forest; we walk home from school with the girls, ducking into a shrine to take shelter from the rain; we run past endless green fields with Satsuki as she searches for Mei. The psychic center of Totoro’s world is an impossibly giant camphor tree covered in moss. The girls climb over it, bow to it as a forest-guardian, and at one point fly high above it, with the help of Totoro. Much like Totoro himself, the tree is enormous and initially intimidating, but ultimately a source of shelter and inspiration.”
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“My Neighbor Totoro has a story, but it’s the kind of story that a child might make up, or that a parent might tell as a bedtime story, prodded along by the refrain, “And then what happened?” This kind of whimsicality is actually baked into Miyazaki’s process: he begins animating his films before they’re fully written. Totoro has chase scenes and fantastical creatures, but these are flights of fancy rooted in a familiar world. A big part of being a kid is watching and waiting, and Miyazaki understands this. When Mei catches a glimpse of a small Totoro running under her house, she crouches down and stares into the gap, waiting. Miyazaki holds on this image: we wait with her. Magical things happen, but most of life happens in between those things—and there is a kind of gentle magic, for a child, in seeing those in-betweens brought to life truthfully on screen.”
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A.O. Scott and Lauren Wilford on “My Neighbor Totoro”, 2017.  
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katsadultingtips · 1 year
this site definitely doesn't allow you to paste the link to any article blocked by a paywall (say, a NYT article) so that you can read it free of charge! that would be illegal and would benefit broke college students too much. it definitely does not do that. promise.
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katsadultingtips · 1 year
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katsadultingtips · 1 year
Hi hi! I was wondering if you know of any good dog related podcasts? I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately while I knit a blanket for Thistle, and am looking for more! I’ve listened to a lot of Shaped by Dog (Susan Garrett) but I’d reallly like to get some more thoughts and opinions so that I’m not limiting myself to one ideology. I’ve also read Don’t Shoot the Dog, The Other End of the Leash, Inside of a Dog, and The Year of the Puppy.
- the-thistle-missile 💜
Hello! I love podcasts so I've found lots of dog ones, varying in quality. There are more podcasts available, but I don't even bother listening to the ones that are for basic 101 training because that's boring to me. I much prefer the ones that discuss concepts or specific sports.
Here's my list.
Favourites: The Bitey End of the Dog Cog-Dog Radio Drinking From the Toilet Enrichment for the Real World Paws & Reward Podcast
Good: Shaped by Dog Off Leash The Functional Breeding Podcast Fostering Excellence in Agility Bad Dog Agility Podcast The Canine Ed Aus Podcast Canine High Jinks Constructional Approach to Animal Welfare and Training The Agility Challenge Podcast with Daisy Peel Hold the Line The Q Coach Startline
OK: Animal Training Academy Animal Training Academy: Making Ripples DogSpeak: Redefining Dog Training Go-Get-'Em Agility Podcast McCann Dogs Agility – After Class Podcast
I don't like it but maybe someone else does: Barks from the Bookshelf Barking from the Wooftops Elevated Canine Podcast OneMind Dogs – From the Dog's Perspective Worry Less, Wag More: The Behavior Vets Podcast The Wrong End of the Tunnel The Agility Rose The Good Dog Pod Running My Course Barking From the Wooftops The Paws in Pursuit Podcast
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