queen-rowenas · 10 months
ao3 has been down a day. i’ve been more productive than I’ve ever been. i went outside. end my suffering
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
a softer fate - 534 words, destiel, happy birthday dean winchester!
Castiel is in the kitchen making breakfast. It’s the first he’s actually used it since they moved into the new house, the kitchen usually being Dean’s domain.
He doesn’t dare put on Dean’s Kiss the Cook apron. That would be blasphemy in this house. The worst offense. He instead wears his own Hot Cakes apron that Dean got him. Even though it’s never been worn for practical use, with Cas only sitting and observing Dean’s cooking. And offering the occasional taste test or kiss.
He’s only just plating the lopsided pancakes that make up the extent of his cooking skills when Dean comes sliding into the kitchen on socked feet. It’s a pair Cas gifted him this morning with the words This is my birthday suit printed in bright letters with confetti.
“Dude, check it out!” Dean grins, shaving cream streaked across one cheek, eyes dazzling.
He turns on the light and hops up on the kitchen island. Angling his head to the side, he points at the stubble on his cheek.
“I’m going gray!”
Cas steps closer and takes Dean’s face in his hands, turning his head to examine it from every angle. It’s purely for show and the excuse to touch him. Castiel has made note of every gray hair on Dean’s head. In the beginning, after hearing Dean talk about how going gray and getting old makes you slow and that’s how you get dead, Cas, he would have taken a few private seconds to cherish the sight before turning them to their normal color. Protecting Dean in his own selfish way.
But here and now, Cas looks at the gray catching the sunlight, and he smiles. He runs a thumb across the stubbled cheek.
“It suits you.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Dean bites back a smile, eyes going down.
Cas angles his face back up to look at him. “But?”
Dean shrugs, trying to duck his head again and failing. His cheeks flush, a look that Cas always finds appealing and only makes the gray of his facial hair stand out more.
“I dunno, I just…” His voice goes quiet. “I never thought I’d get to this.”
Cas presses a kiss to his warm cheek. “You deserve it.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just…the odds weren’t really in my favor. With the life we’ve lived.” Dean meets his eyes with a smile. “You definitely helped me out some.”
“Of course. I consider your survival one of my greatest accomplishments.”
Dean scoffs, but the darkening of his cheeks give him away. “Well, it’s a pretty big win for me, too. Getting to grow old with you.”
Castiel’s smile grows as he loosens his grace’s hold on his vessel. He feels the hair at his temples turn to gray. It’s a strange concept for an angel, aging. But looking at the human before him, the lines around green eyes and gray hairs catching the sunlight. All proof of a long life.
And there are only more years to come. Castiel will ensure it. It’s not a bad fate, a softer one even, growing old with Dean Winchester.
He smiles, the creases at the corner of his eyes deepening. “I look forward to it.”
writing tag list pt. 1 (ask to be added or removed)
@10x02 @alivedean @alexdoesntknow @bixlasagna @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @blue-moon-elf @brokenyouth @butchnatural @casblackfeathers @castiel-for-lunch @castiel-is-a-cat @castielevermore @deanskitchen @castielsbeeslippers @glowstickcas @chrome--horse @starlight-cas @darthbecky726 @deanwinchestergf @destieldisaster @destielfactory @destielinimpala @donestiel @donvex @dstiel @ensignabby @expectingtofly @feraladoration @folklorecas @fireghost-x @galaxies-of-the-heart @galaxycastiel @good-things-do-happen-dean @heller-swift @himitsutsubasa @how-the-feathers-have-fallen @ialwaysordericedcoffee @immortalcas @im-sam-fucking-winchester @itsshadowdancer23 @jackles-acting-choices @lalisfandoms @lateral-org @littlewolf2703 @llamasdumpsterfire @lookforanewangle @martymar1963 @miniaturereviewmaker @mishha @mrswatermelon
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
make a wish - 1.5k words, destiel, happy birthday dean winchester
“Happy birthday to you!”
Dean grins, seated at the head of the war room table. The bunker is strewn with colorful streamers and balloons. There’s a buffet’s worth of food lined down the table, featuring Winchester Surprise, Dean’s burgers, Jody’s legendary desserts, and, of course, a birthday pie.
“Happy birthday to you!”
And his family is here, singing as loud and off-key as they can. Sam is beside him, Eileen tucked under his arm. Cas is on his other side, a party hat crooked on his head. Jack has made a stop by for the day, saying heaven could manage without him for 24 hours.
Jody, Donna, and the girls are on either side of the table. Claire has gone through almost all of her old man jokes since she arrived. Charlie and Stevie were off on a hunt with Bobby, too far away to make the drive, but they made sure to call. And Dean had a long FaceTime with Garth earlier in the day.
“Happy birthday, dear Dean!”
The cake is homemade, Jody’s handiwork, but Jack helped. The kid, the god, had beamed as he placed it in front of Dean. “I iced it myself.”
On the top in sloppy blue letters, it says, “Happy Birthday, DeaN!”
Dean will deny ever tearing up over a freaking cake.
There’s also two candles on it.
Dean never imagined he’d get this far. Seeing Sam present the two numbered candles had thrown him. He felt the weight of time that had already passed him, and he felt the rush, the privilege, of having made here. He made up for it with some comment about how Sam found them in the bunker’s storage room.
“Happy birthday to you!”
Dean doesn’t believe in wishes. At least, not the kind that comes without a catch. But he’d be lying if he said that it doesn’t make his heart beat a little faster as he leans forward toward the candles.
Make a wish.
He glances up, looks at his family, the smiling faces around him. He has everything he could ever want.
Well, almost everything.
Cas’s low timber beside him strikes right through Dean’s chest, and he’s painfully aware that he’s never really heard the angel sing before. He can feel the heat of Cas hovering at his side, his hand on the back of his chair, always there, always close.
But Dean aches for more, aches for him. He needs to close the space, but every chance he gets, the words run dry.
So he leans over his cake and breathes in slow.
I wish I could just say how I feel. Just tell him.
He cracks one eye open. And maybe a new set of tires for Baby.
And he blows the candles out.
Keep reading
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
writing tag list pt. 2 (ask to be added or removed)
@witchdean @finalgirlstiel @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @myaimistrue @ne8ula @one-more-offbeat-anthem @roundedtable @shelikestv @sinnabonka @softackles @willowcoded @starrynightdeancas @spookyshrimpemotions @subbydean @subtledean @tearsofgrace @theedorksinlove @thisisapaige @dykestandean @wormstacheangel  @writtenmemxries @you-cant-spell-subtext-without
a softer fate - 534 words, destiel, happy birthday dean winchester!
Castiel is in the kitchen making breakfast. It’s the first he’s actually used it since they moved into the new house, the kitchen usually being Dean’s domain.
He doesn’t dare put on Dean’s Kiss the Cook apron. That would be blasphemy in this house. The worst offense. He instead wears his own Hot Cakes apron that Dean got him. Even though it’s never been worn for practical use, with Cas only sitting and observing Dean’s cooking. And offering the occasional taste test or kiss.
He’s only just plating the lopsided pancakes that make up the extent of his cooking skills when Dean comes sliding into the kitchen on socked feet. It’s a pair Cas gifted him this morning with the words This is my birthday suit printed in bright letters with confetti.
“Dude, check it out!” Dean grins, shaving cream streaked across one cheek, eyes dazzling.
He turns on the light and hops up on the kitchen island. Angling his head to the side, he points at the stubble on his cheek.
“I’m going gray!”
Cas steps closer and takes Dean’s face in his hands, turning his head to examine it from every angle. It’s purely for show and the excuse to touch him. Castiel has made note of every gray hair on Dean’s head. In the beginning, after hearing Dean talk about how going gray and getting old makes you slow and that’s how you get dead, Cas, he would have taken a few private seconds to cherish the sight before turning them to their normal color. Protecting Dean in his own selfish way.
But here and now, Cas looks at the gray catching the sunlight, and he smiles. He runs a thumb across the stubbled cheek.
“It suits you.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Dean bites back a smile, eyes going down.
Cas angles his face back up to look at him. “But?”
Dean shrugs, trying to duck his head again and failing. His cheeks flush, a look that Cas always finds appealing and only makes the gray of his facial hair stand out more.
“I dunno, I just…” His voice goes quiet. “I never thought I’d get to this.”
Cas presses a kiss to his warm cheek. “You deserve it.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just…the odds weren’t really in my favor. With the life we’ve lived.” Dean meets his eyes with a smile. “You definitely helped me out some.”
“Of course. I consider your survival one of my greatest accomplishments.”
Dean scoffs, but the darkening of his cheeks give him away. “Well, it’s a pretty big win for me, too. Getting to grow old with you.”
Castiel’s smile grows as he loosens his grace’s hold on his vessel. He feels the hair at his temples turn to gray. It’s a strange concept for an angel, aging. But looking at the human before him, the lines around green eyes and gray hairs catching the sunlight. All proof of a long life.
And there are only more years to come. Castiel will ensure it. It’s not a bad fate, a softer one even, growing old with Dean Winchester.
He smiles, the creases at the corner of his eyes deepening. “I look forward to it.”
writing tag list pt. 1 (ask to be added or removed)
@10x02 @alivedean @alexdoesntknow @bixlasagna @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @blue-moon-elf @brokenyouth @butchnatural @casblackfeathers @castiel-for-lunch @castiel-is-a-cat @castielevermore @deanskitchen @castielsbeeslippers @glowstickcas @chrome--horse @starlight-cas @darthbecky726 @deanwinchestergf @destieldisaster @destielfactory @destielinimpala @donestiel @donvex @dstiel @ensignabby @expectingtofly @feraladoration @folklorecas @fireghost-x @galaxies-of-the-heart @galaxycastiel @good-things-do-happen-dean @heller-swift @himitsutsubasa @how-the-feathers-have-fallen @ialwaysordericedcoffee @immortalcas @im-sam-fucking-winchester @itsshadowdancer23 @jackles-acting-choices @lalisfandoms @lateral-org @littlewolf2703 @llamasdumpsterfire @lookforanewangle @martymar1963 @miniaturereviewmaker @mishha @mrswatermelon
191 notes · View notes
queen-rowenas · 2 years
a softer fate - 534 words, destiel, happy birthday dean winchester!
Castiel is in the kitchen making breakfast. It’s the first he’s actually used it since they moved into the new house, the kitchen usually being Dean’s domain.
He doesn’t dare put on Dean’s Kiss the Cook apron. That would be blasphemy in this house. The worst offense. He instead wears his own Hot Cakes apron that Dean got him. Even though it’s never been worn for practical use, with Cas only sitting and observing Dean’s cooking. And offering the occasional taste test or kiss.
He’s only just plating the lopsided pancakes that make up the extent of his cooking skills when Dean comes sliding into the kitchen on socked feet. It’s a pair Cas gifted him this morning with the words This is my birthday suit printed in bright letters with confetti.
“Dude, check it out!” Dean grins, shaving cream streaked across one cheek, eyes dazzling.
He turns on the light and hops up on the kitchen island. Angling his head to the side, he points at the stubble on his cheek.
“I’m going gray!”
Cas steps closer and takes Dean’s face in his hands, turning his head to examine it from every angle. It’s purely for show and the excuse to touch him. Castiel has made note of every gray hair on Dean’s head. In the beginning, after hearing Dean talk about how going gray and getting old makes you slow and that’s how you get dead, Cas, he would have taken a few private seconds to cherish the sight before turning them to their normal color. Protecting Dean in his own selfish way.
But here and now, Cas looks at the gray catching the sunlight, and he smiles. He runs a thumb across the stubbled cheek.
“It suits you.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Dean bites back a smile, eyes going down.
Cas angles his face back up to look at him. “But?”
Dean shrugs, trying to duck his head again and failing. His cheeks flush, a look that Cas always finds appealing and only makes the gray of his facial hair stand out more.
“I dunno, I just…” His voice goes quiet. “I never thought I’d get to this.”
Cas presses a kiss to his warm cheek. “You deserve it.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just…the odds weren’t really in my favor. With the life we’ve lived.” Dean meets his eyes with a smile. “You definitely helped me out some.”
“Of course. I consider your survival one of my greatest accomplishments.”
Dean scoffs, but the darkening of his cheeks give him away. “Well, it’s a pretty big win for me, too. Getting to grow old with you.”
Castiel’s smile grows as he loosens his grace’s hold on his vessel. He feels the hair at his temples turn to gray. It’s a strange concept for an angel, aging. But looking at the human before him, the lines around green eyes and gray hairs catching the sunlight. All proof of a long life.
And there are only more years to come. Castiel will ensure it. It’s not a bad fate, a softer one even, growing old with Dean Winchester.
He smiles, the creases at the corner of his eyes deepening. “I look forward to it.”
writing tag list pt. 1 (ask to be added or removed)
@10x02 @alivedean @alexdoesntknow @bixlasagna @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @blue-moon-elf @brokenyouth @butchnatural @casblackfeathers @castiel-for-lunch @castiel-is-a-cat @castielevermore @deanskitchen @castielsbeeslippers @glowstickcas @chrome--horse @starlight-cas @darthbecky726 @deanwinchestergf @destieldisaster @destielfactory @destielinimpala @donestiel @donvex @dstiel @ensignabby @expectingtofly @feraladoration @folklorecas @fireghost-x @galaxies-of-the-heart @galaxycastiel @good-things-do-happen-dean @heller-swift @himitsutsubasa @how-the-feathers-have-fallen @ialwaysordericedcoffee @immortalcas @im-sam-fucking-winchester @itsshadowdancer23 @jackles-acting-choices @lalisfandoms @lateral-org @littlewolf2703 @llamasdumpsterfire @lookforanewangle @martymar1963 @miniaturereviewmaker @mishha @mrswatermelon
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
we aren’t even two weeks into 2022 and I’ve already read at least five (5) destiel au fics that will stay with me for the rest of my life. pls give me your recs to read
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
ok but listen, i’m just as obsessed with dean and cas buying a little fixer upper house and dean making it into the perfect first home for them. truly the most wholesome endgame
but consider this: dean is the most insufferable homemaker/construction husband. everything has to be absolutely perfect so nothing ever actually gets done
he spends weeks going over blueprints and floor plans for the kitchen. he stares at floor tiling options for hours because they’re not the same color, cas. they’re completely different. he has a thousand paint swatches from the store and looks at them at different times of day to see how the colors look in the sunlight
and cas loves that dean has something like this to be passionate about, that he can have something like this. it’s soft and creative and colorful, things dean has never been allowed to be
but cas has 100% looked dean in the eye and said if you don’t finish the kitchen backslash i’m getting a divorce
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
Hi, friend! Just wanted to say how much I love your headcanons, writing, and how excited I get when I see a new post from you on my dash. Hope you have a good weekend!
Oh my gosh that’s so great to hear! I love that I can make someone’s day a little better and happier. Thank you so much! 🥺❤️
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
Can you please please pleaseee add me to your tag list? I love reading what you write :))
Of course! Thank you so much! ❤️
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
ok but listen, i’m just as obsessed with dean and cas buying a little fixer upper house and dean making it into the perfect first home for them. truly the most wholesome endgame
but consider this: dean is the most insufferable homemaker/construction husband. everything has to be absolutely perfect so nothing ever actually gets done
he spends weeks going over blueprints and floor plans for the kitchen. he stares at floor tiling options for hours because they’re not the same color, cas. they’re completely different. he has a thousand paint swatches from the store and looks at them at different times of day to see how the colors look in the sunlight
and cas loves that dean has something like this to be passionate about, that he can have something like this. it’s soft and creative and colorful, things dean has never been allowed to be
but cas has 100% looked dean in the eye and said if you don’t finish the kitchen backslash i’m getting a divorce
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
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13K notes · View notes
queen-rowenas · 2 years
i've never heard a bitchier voicemail. good for him
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
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✧゚・* cas & dean ☆ 5x02 good god y’all *・゚✧
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
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i think cas is very fond of dean’s grown out hair
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
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and i must admit you’ve been in quite a few
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
the dash is so petty today i love you all
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queen-rowenas · 2 years
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"Are you allergic to straight answers, you son of a bitch?"
"supernatural" 4.03 stills
+ bonus: he <3
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