seannessy 2 days
guess what month it is babyyyy!!!!!!!!
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seannessy 13 days
its sand cat saturday ffffffffff
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seannessy 13 days
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my mods fucking ate one of our server members' profile pictures
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seannessy 15 days
what is happening at zillow
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seannessy 17 days
what if every single CIA assassination attempt on Castro actually did work but there were just 635 of him
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seannessy 17 days
do you think that god can forgive a human for being australian? asking for a friend.
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seannessy 19 days
abolishing gender and about to replace it with my new invention, hender
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seannessy 21 days
trudging through warm, dirty water and then covering myself in antibacterial paste and then shutting myself in a cold damp room to let the survivors marinate. only the strongest microbes will survive. my children will inherit the earth.馃馃馃
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seannessy 21 days
what if vampires could also be killed by car bombs but we never knew because they were only invented in 2018
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seannessy 22 days
thank you mom for having me carry lots of big bags of groceries growing up so that now when im a big boy on my own when someone worriedly asks if i need help with that i can say stuff like "nah its okay my mom has me carry stuff WAY heavier than this" and feel like an absolute badass thank you mom i love you very much happy mothers day馃挍馃挍
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seannessy 22 days
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i yearn for the sweet release of not being californian
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at what point do we simply give up on this accursed landmass
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seannessy 22 days
i yearn for the sweet release of not being californian
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at what point do we simply give up on this accursed landmass
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seannessy 27 days
I want your secret recipe
the secret ingredient is love
(just kidding hehehe i put spiders in all of my mac and cheese add 2tbsp butter 1tbsp milk 4tbsp cheese powder and 400 black widow spiders for added crunch <3)
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seannessy 27 days
naughty girls get sent to the estrogen chamber
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I want your entire house
give it to me give me your house
deal bestie which house do you want do you want the Mr House or the Mrs House
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seannessy 27 days
I want your entire house
give it to me give me your house
deal bestie which house do you want do you want the Mr House or the Mrs House
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seannessy 27 days
i like dungeon meshi
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i like it a lot i like it a lot i like it a lot i like it a lot i like it a lot :3 :3 :3
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seannessy 1 month
look into my autism eyes. look into their depth.
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thats right!!!! the cat is still working on the new vtuber model!!! i am really bad at finishing things even while medicated it turns out!!! i also forgot to disable the UV Mesh Lines when i exported the texture of the face!!!
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look at this actual stupid idiot and how few thoughts exist in his head
majority of textures are done in their first draft phase! (the big yellow block stuff on the leg stripes, vent internals, eyes, etc are placeholders for now) i made a few mistakes in krita with some of the other textures so i'm probably gonna need to do a few more tweaks on them to rebalance some of the colors and add some more detail, then i'll screw around with texture baking to see if i can add in a few shadows baked into the textures, then im off to rigging hell yippee!!
to be honest ive actually learned a lot from doing this and im already really excited to start on the next project once this one's done, though they're still a ways away lol.
the blending continues!!
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(if you look really really really closely you can see that there IS actually texture on the hair but i was just really bad at shading it and it needs a LOT more saturation)
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