#"perfil en donde se simpea 24/7 a simu liu
My favorite artists/psj/char exist:
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In specific: Simu Liu (Shang-chi), Danny Ramírez (Joaquín Torres), Chris Evans, Florence Pugh (Yelena), Brie Larson (Carol Danvers), Monica Rambeau, Makkari, Thena, Sam, Bucky, Peggy Carter, Howard Bb Stark, And goes on and on...
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Our first time – Chapter 1
A/N: before I start, I would like to apologize for not having written anything in months, but the fact is that the university has really brought me to isolate(what an irony, since I am in a coastal area/beach/where the sun shines a lot)
Besides, these have been difficult days, so due to lack of time and serotonin it has become impossible for me to update… but hey, hey!!!. It's almost vacation, so (x2) I hope to finish writing the pending fics.
That said, with you, my first little trilogy of imagines/fics/one shot/shots¿?.
Pairing: Simu Liu x Cuba/mexican!reader
Summary: It's your first time…
At the Oscars (reblog/like/share if you thought I was talking about something else)
Warnings: This will be extensive and possible spelling errors, due to the rush and hours I'm writing this, anyway let me know if I missed something.
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February 10, 2022
Time: 05:27 a.m.
Location:Toronto Pearson International Airport
After a long journey of 12 hours, 6 out and 6 back, they were finally back home or something like that.
"Gosh, I haven't been this exhausted in a long time, what about you, Cariño?" When you turned to look to your boyfriend, you could see how he was falling asleep on one of the benches in the place.
Carefully and with your bags already in hand, you sat down next to him.
Seeing him so tired stirred up a few feelings in your being, this varied depending on the reason, but because this time you were his reason., the reason that both of you met in the middle of the night at an airport, it made you feel blame him a little and more if you added the fact that you would have to wake him up, however, your intentions were interrupting when you saw, rather, felt your cell phone vibrate, and not just once, but several times.
Concerning that something was wrong, you saw him immediately.
There were hundreds of messages and missed calls, among many there were missed calls from your representative, your manager, your assistant, your agents and of course, from your mother, which for obvious reasons were the most common.
You planned to communicate with your mom first, because it was her, your mother, however, for the second time your intentions were interrupted by the recent call from your manager.
"Hello?…" You answered as you walked away from Simu.
"Fuck (Y/N), where have you been all this time?" He answered you in a slightly annoyed tone and with exasperation in his voice.
"Mm, I don't know, maybe celebrating my Birthday with my family, friends and Simu, you know... actually, if I remember correctly, I think I told you since last year that I was planning to travel to Cuba to spend my birthday. …”. You answered with weariness and some sarcasm, something typical of you.
"But anyway, what happens? Because having almost 50 missed calls from you must be for something important, right?" You asked, to which you immediately had an answer.
"Yes, you have missed a lot, "Checa". And there it was, that joking attitude that both used to have from time to time.
"You know very well how things are there, by the way, are you going to tell me now? Or could it be that I can call mom? Because I assure you that if I don't call her back, she is capable of traveling here and…". Your chatter was cut short at her next words.
"(Y/N), you're nominated for the Oscars"
You immediately felt your nose burn, your eyes fill with tears and your pulse quicken, it took you a few seconds to recover from the news, so your voice came out broken.
"I swear if this is a joke..."
"Check the lists. I've just sent you the link"
Even with the call on the phone, you on the verge of having a heart attack and your hands shaking like jelly, you were able to access the link.
Little by little the presenters were naming the nominees, with each passing second, anxiety began to play with you, whether it was true or not, you tried to get rid of that feeling by advancing the video to your corresponding category.
Oh my god... it was true, you really were nominated.
Without caring a lot, you began to shout and celebrate with emotion, the happiness you felt was such that you did not realize that a worried Simu was awake.
"What... what happened? Love, are you okay...?" The fact of seeing you cry, laugh, tremble, and with your hands covering your face at the same time only increased his concern.
"(Y/N), talk to me." This time he muttered in a serious tone. "What's…?" His question was halfway through when he saw your cell phone at your feet, when he took it he knew the reason for your shock.
Without thinking twice, he takes your hands away from your face to start hugging you and celebrating with you. For your part, your mind was not in the here and now, so you did not impose any imposition on his caresses.
You remained crying with happiness on his shoulder for a long while longer until finally you calm down.
Already away from him, you noticed how your tears had accidentally soaked his hoodie. "Shit, honey your hoodie, I'm so sorry I am”
"That's the least of it now."
"But...". You tried to continue and no, you failed because of her sudden interruption
"Honey, you...? My God, you're nominated!!!"
"That's right..." You answered with the same or higher level of enthusiasm than he did
"I'm so happy and proud of you... How did you find out..."
"Oh my god, oh my god, (Y/N), You... You really did it!!... You..."
"I know, I can't believe it..." You commented, still in shock.
After a while, not hearing the voice of your manager, you knew he hung up.
You still couldn't believe what you were experiencing.
Finally, after years of hard work, nights full of insomnia, sacrifices, tears, bad days when you assured yourself that you got there, rejections, changes, and what seemed to be a streak of bad luck, your work finally began to pay off.
Out of nowhere, you felt how your body lightened, as if that streak of bad luck that had followed you for years disappeared into thin air. It was rare, as you had only experienced it a few times to date.
The first, is when you get your first opportunity in the industry.
The second, was when you meeting Simu for the first time
And the third and final, today.
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Photos of Simu being a the most sweet uncle it's everything I need to star my day...(fotos de Simu siendo el tio más tierno es todo lo que necesito para empezar mi día/fotos do Simu sendo o cara mais fofo é tudo que eu preciso para começar meu dia)
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And maybe a cup of Irish coffee (y chance una taza de café irlandês/E talvez uma xícara de café irlandês)
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Jezz men, you're both look so handsome...
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Y en esta sección que se está haciendo más recurrente, les traigo... Simu cantando pt 4¿? (La neta y perdí la cuenta)Al paso que voy, estoy considerando en escribir un fic de el cantándole a "reader"
And in this section that is becoming more recurrent, I bring you...
Simu singing pt 4 ¿? (Fo, I lost count)
At the rate I'm going, I'm considering writing a fic of him singing to "reader"
E nesta seção que está se tornando cada vez mais recorrente, trago para vocês...
Simu cantando pt 4 ¿? (e eu perdi a conta)
No ritmo que estou indo, estou pensando em escrever uma fic dele cantando para "leitor"
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Simu en blanco y negro es mi nuevo gusto... (Simu in black and white is my new love/Simu em preto e branco é meu novo nicho.)
Foto/historia/post obtenido de está página (Photo/story/post obtained from this page/Foto/história/post obtido desta página): https://instagram.com/stories/seemsliu/2796771833359051101?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&utm_medium=share_sheet
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F*CK... Ya lo ha dicho
(F*CK... has already said /F*CK já disse)
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Pequeños detalles que hacen la diferencia
Small details that make the difference/ Pequenos detalhes que fazem a diferença)
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Our first time - Capitulo 1
N/A: antes de empezar, me gustaría disculparme por no haber escrito nada en meses, pero es que la universidad en verdad me ha traído bien asoleada (vaya ironía, pues me encuentro en zona costera/playa/donde da mucho el sol), aparte, han sido días difíciles, por lo que, debido a la falta de tiempo y serotonina se me ha hecho imposible actualizar... pero hey, hey!!!. Ya casi salgo de vacaciones, por lo que (x2) espero poder acabar de escribir los fics pendientes.
Dicho lo anterior, con uds, mi primera pequeña trilogía de imaginas/fics/one shot/shots¿?.
Pairing: Simu Liu x Cubana/mexicana!reader
Summary: Es su Primera Vez...
En los Óscares/Oscar´s (denle rebloguear/me gusta/compartan si pensaron que hablaba de otra cosa)
Advertencias: Esto será extenso y con posibles errores ortográficos por las prisas y horas que estoy escribiendo esto, de todas maneras háganme saber si se me paso algo.
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Febrero 10, 2022
Hora: 05:27 am
Ubicación:Aeropuerto Internacional Toronto Pearson
Después de un largo viaje de 12 horas, 6 de ida y 6 de regreso, por fin se encontraban de vuelta en casa o algo así.
"Cielos, hace tiempo que no me encontraba así de agotada, ¿qué hay de ti cariño"? Al voltear a ver a tu novio pudiste ver como se estaba quedando dormido en una de las bancas del lugar.
Con cuidado y tus maletas ya en mano, te sentaste a su lado.
El verlo así de cansado te revolvía unos cuantos sentimientos en tu ser, esto variaba según fuese el motivo, pero debido a que en esta ocasión tú fuiste su motivo, el motivo de que ambos se encontraran en plena madrugada en un aeropuerto, te hacía sentir un tanto cúlpale y más si le agregabas el hecho de que tendrías que despertarlo, sin embargo, tus intenciones fueron interrumpidas al ver, mejor dicho, sentir tu celular vibrar, y no solo una vez, sino varias.
Con el temor de que algo malo se tratara, lo viste de inmediato.
Eran cientos de mensajes y llamadas perdidas, entre tantas se encontraban llamadas perdidas de tu representante, tu manager, tu asistente, tus agentes y claro, de tu mamá, las cuales por obvias razones eran las que más abundaban.
Planeabas comunicarte primero con tu mamá, pues era ella, tu madre, no obstante, por segunda ocasión tus intenciones se vieron interrumpidas por la reciente llamada de tu manager.
"Bueno..." Contestaste mientras te alejabas de Simu.
"Carajo (T/N), ¿dónde has estado todo este tiempo?". Te contesto en un tono un tanto molesto y con exasperación en su voz.
"Mm, no lo sé, tal vez celebrando mi cumpleaños con mi familia, amigos y Simu, ya sabes... de hecho, si no mal recuerdo, creo que te avisé desde el año pasado que planeaba viajar a Cuba para pasar mi cumpleaños...". Respondiste con cansancio y cierto sarcasmo, algo típico en ti.
"Pero en fin, ¿qué pasa?, porque el tener casi 50 llamadas perdidas tuyas debe ser por algo importante, ¿no?." Preguntaste, a lo que de inmediato tuviste una respuesta
"Sí que te has perdido de mucho, checa". Y ahí estaba, aquella actitud bromista que ambas solían tener de vez en cuando.
"Sabes bien como son las cosas ahí, por cierto, ¿ya vas a decirme? ¿O será que puedo marcarle a mamá?, porque te aseguro que si no le devuelvo la llamada es capaz de viajar hasta acá y...". Tu parloteo quedo a medias ante sus siguientes palabras.
"(T/N), estás nominada a los Oscars"
De inmediato sentiste tu nariz arder, tus ojos llenarse de lágrimas y tu pulso acelerarse, tardaste unos segundos en recuperarte de la noticia, por lo que tu voz salió entrecortada.
"Juro que si esta es una bro..."
"Checa las listas. Te acabo de mandar el link"
Aun con la llamada en línea, tú a punto de sufrir un ataque al corazón y tus manos más temblorosas que una gelatina, fuiste capaz de ingresar al link.
Poco a poco los presentadores fueron nombrando a los nominados, con cada segundo que pasaba, la ansiedad comenzaba a jugar contigo, fuese cierto o no, intestaste alejar aquel sentimiento adelantando el vídeo hasta tu categoría correspondiente.
Oh por dios... era cierto, tú de verdad estabas nominada.
Sin importarte mucho, comenzaste a gritar y celebrar de la emoción, la felicidad que sentías era tal que no te diste cuenta de que un preocupado Simu estaba despierto.
"¿Que... ¿que ha pasado? Amor, ¿te encuentras bien...?" El hecho de verte llorar, reír, temblar y con las manos cubriendo tu rostro al mismo tiempo solo logró engrandecer su preocupación.
"(T/N), háblame". Esta vez musito en un tono serio. "¿Qué ha...?". Su pregunta quedó a medias al ver tu celular a tus pies, al tomarlo supo la razón de tu conmoción.
Sin pensarlo dos veces, te retiro las manos de tu rostro para comenzar abrazarte y celebrar contigo. Por tu parte, tu mente no se hallaba en el ahí y ahora, por lo que no pusiste imposición alguna a sus caricias.
Permaneciste llorando de la felicidad sobre su hombro por un largo rato más, hasta que por fin ambos fuiste calmándote.
Ya alejada de él, notaste como es que por tus lágrimas habías empapado por accidente su hoddie. "Mierda, cariño tu hoddie, como lo siento"
"Eso es lo de menos ahora."
"Pero...". Intentaste continuar y no, no lo lograste por su repentina interrupción
"Cariño, ¿tú...? Por dios, estás nominada!!!"
"Así es...". Contestaste con el mismo o mayor nivel de entusiasmo que él
"Estoy tan feliz por ti... ¿Cómo fue que te
"Oh por dios, oh por dios, (T/N), Tú... Tú de verdad lo lograste!!... ¿Tú.."
"Lo sé, no puedo creerlo..." Comentaste aún en shock.
Luego de un rato al no escuchar la voz de tu manager, supiste que colgó.
Seguías sin poder creer lo que estabas viviendo. Por fin, después de años de arduo trabajo, noches llenas de insomnios, sacrificios, lágrimas, días malos en donde asegurabas que hasta ahí llegabas, rechazos, cambios, y lo que parecía ser una racha de mala suerte, por fin tu trabajo comenzó a darte resultados.
De la nada, sentiste como tu cuerpo se aligeraba, como si aquella racha de mala suerte que por años te había seguido desaparecía en el aire. Era raro, pues hasta la fecha solo lo habías experimentado en contadas ocasiones.
La primera, al conseguir tu primera oportunidad en la industria.
La segunda, fue al conocer a Simu por primera vez
Y la tercera y última, hoy.
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This is officially my favorite photo of the night.
(Oficialmente este es mi foto favorita de la Noche/Oficialmente esta é a minha foto favorita da noite)
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And I keep falling in love for him
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Solo les diré algo, cierta persona (que no diré su nombre para respetar su privacidad *cof, cof,yo*) se va a tornar de rojo si sigue viendo fotos de Simu hoy en los Oscars
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I'll just tell you something, a certain person (I won't say his name to respect his privacy *cough, cough, me*) is going to turn red if he continues to see photos of Simu at the Oscars today
Só vou te dizer uma coisa, uma certa pessoa (não vou dizer o nome dele para respeitar sua privacidade *tosse, tosse, eu*) vai ficar vermelha se continuar vendo fotos de Simu no Oscar hoje
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