insomniakingdoom · 7 months
Been messing around with Bezel from Chikn Nuggit, I've saw a concept art of him being chubby and honestly, we need more chubby representation. So been like, considering recycling some design element from it as a new character. He would have a pocket watch as a head rather than a clock. I've named the character "Clock" as for now, but I imagine him having like a normal name like "Steven" or something XD
I don't want to reuse straight up Bezel color, but I thought it would be funny to still like, use it as an inspiration and just hue shift his color palette lmao. So yea, harmless fun. I obviously want the design of my own character to be unique enough so Bezel just seems like a mere inspiration for mine.
Here my very early concept, really just a bunch of pocket watch taken from google image + potential color palette lmao. The idea isn't set yet but it's getting there
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spocks-kaathyra · 9 months
thoughts about the Cardassian writing system
I've thinking about the Cardassian script as shown on screen and in beta canon and such and like. Is it just me or would it be very difficult to write by hand?? Like.
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I traced some of this image for a recent drawing I did and like. The varying line thicknesses?? The little rectangular holes?? It's not at all intuitive to write by hand. Even if you imagine, like, a different writing implement—I suppose a chisel-tip pen would work better—it still seems like it wasn't meant to be handwritten. Which has a few possible explanations.
Like, maybe it's just a fancy font for computers, and handwritten text looks a little different. Times New Roman isn't very easily written by hand either, right? Maybe the line thickness differences are just decorative, and it's totally possible to convey the same orthographic information with the two line thicknesses of a chisel-tip pen, or with no variation in line thickness at all.
A more interesting explanation, though, and the one I thought of first, is that this writing system was never designed to be handwritten. This is a writing system developed in Cardassia's digital age. Maybe the original Cardassian script didn’t digitize well, so they invented a new one specifically for digital use? Like, when they invented coding, they realized that their writing system didn’t work very well for that purpose. I know next to nothing about coding, but I cannot imagine doing it using Chinese characters. So maybe they came up with a new writing system that worked well for that purpose, and when computer use became widespread, they stuck with it. 
Or maybe the script was invented for political reasons! Maybe Cardassia was already fairly technologically advanced when the Cardassian Union was formed, and, to reinforce a cohesive national identity, they developed a new standardized national writing system. Like, y'know, the First Emperor of Qin standardizing hanzi when he unified China, or that Korean king inventing hangul. Except that at this point in Cardassian history, all official records were digital and typing was a lot more common than handwriting, so the new script was designed to be typed and not written. Of course, this reform would be slower to reach the more rural parts of Cardassia, and even in a technologically advanced society, there are people who don't have access to that technology. But I imagine the government would be big on infrastructure and education, and would make sure all good Cardassian citizens become literate. And old regional scripts would stop being taught in schools and be phased out of digital use and all the kids would grow up learning the digital script.
Which is good for the totalitarian government! Imagine you can only write digitally. On computers. That the government can monitor. If you, like, write a physical letter and send it to someone, then it's possible for the contents to stay totally private. But if you send an email, it can be very easily intercepted. Especially if the government is controlling which computers can be manufactured and sold, and what software is in widespread use, etc. 
AND. Historical documents are now only readable for scholars. Remember that Korean king that invented hangul? Before him, Korea used to use Chinese characters too. And don't get me wrong, hangul is a genius writing system! It fits the Korean language so much better than Chinese characters did! It increased literacy at incredible rates! But by switching writing systems, they broke that historical link. The average literate Chinese person can read texts that are thousands of years old. The average literate Korean person can't. They'd have to specifically study that field, learn a whole new writing system. So with the new generation of Cardassian youths unable to read historical texts, it's much easier for the government to revise history. The primary source documents are in a script that most people can't read. You just trust the translation they teach you in school. In ASIT it's literally a crucial plot point that the Cardassian government revised history! Wouldn't it make it soooo much easier for them if only very few people can actually read the historical accounts of what happened.
I guess I am thinking of this like Chinese characters. Like, all the different Chinese "dialects" being written with hanzi, even though otherwise they could barely be considered the same language. And even non-Sinitic languages that historically adopted hanzi, like Japanese and Korean and Vietnamese. Which worked because hanzi is a logography—it encodes meaning, not sound, so the same word in different languages can be written the same. It didn’t work well! Nowadays, Japanese has made significant modifications and Korean has invented a new writing system entirely and Vietnamese has adapted a different foreign writing system, because while hanzi could write their languages, it didn’t do a very good job at it. But the Cardassian government probably cares more about assimilation and national unity than making things easier for speakers of minority languages. So, Cardassia used to have different cultures with different languages, like the Hebitians, and maybe instead of the Union forcing everyone to start speaking the same language, they just made everyone use the same writing system. Though that does seem less likely than them enforcing a standard language like the Federation does. Maybe they enforce a standard language, and invent the new writing system to increase literacy for people who are newly learning it.
And I can imagine it being a kind of purely digital language for some people? Like if you’re living on a colonized planet lightyears away from Cardassia Prime and you never have to speak Cardassian, but your computer’s interface is in Cardassian and if you go online then everyone there uses Cardassian. Like people irl who participate in the anglophone internet but don’t really use English in person because they don’t live in an anglophone country. Except if English were a logographic writing system that you could use to write your own language. And you can’t handwrite it, if for whatever reason you wanted to. Almost a similar idea to a liturgical language? Like, it’s only used in specific contexts and not really in daily life. In daily life you’d still speak your own language, and maybe even handwrite it when needed. I think old writing systems would survive even closer to the imperial core (does it make sense to call it that?), though the government would discourage it. I imagine there’d be a revival movement after the Fire, not only because of the cultural shift away from the old totalitarian Cardassia, but because people realize the importance of having a written communication system that doesn’t rely on everyone having a padd and electricity and wifi.
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anotherrosesthatfell · 4 months
Don't you ever have a dream about the most complicated ships shit ever?
Like Error and Ink are husbands then there's Nightmare out of nowhere unintentionally snatch Ink. Yeah apparently Ink got bored of Error and decided to snusnu with Nightmare.
Then you got an idea about Error and Nightmare being BEST FRIEND but Nightmare here betrayed his best friend- then suddenly you got an idea that Nightmare is actually in love with Error but Error is all over Ink. So Nightmare decided to slowly get Ink the hell out of the frame.
Then Reaper out of nowhere snatched Error 😦
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somewhat-very-insane · 4 months
what the fuck did they put in the water to make everybody relapse at the same time
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milfweirdal · 7 months
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py-dreamer · 8 months
I just had a thought...
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Just a coincidence but a weird one at that...
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mitskijamie · 1 month
Jamie was the guy who went to Roy's sister's emergency room with a flashlight stuck up his ass
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23and05 · 1 month
If I was to write a Merlin season 6/spin off, it'd look like this:
Firstly it's set now. Merlin has been moving around different places when he grows out of them (i.e. needs to move on because he's immortal) he's currently working in a library and that's where he meets 'Arthur'. Oh he'd also have an Irish accent because one of the worst things BBC Merlin did was not allow Colin to keep his accent.
I picture him having a different name so when 'Arthur' catches him staring and Merlin introduces himself using his real name 'Arthur' is confused because that's not the name on his badge. Merlin says he feels like he knows 'Arthur' and it turns out to be a reincarnation type thing. Does that make sense ??? So it is Arthur, but he doesn't know it, cue Merlin having to draw the memories out of him.
I feel like a cute detail could be Arthur had a child who's flown the nest so there's loads of pictures of them together in his flat.
Other details, Merlin freaks out waking up for the first time in Arthur's bed.
They go skinning dipping in the lake of Avalon, because Merlin says its where he comes when he's overwhelmed, it's like his little spot. Arthur maybe remembers here ? Or at least feels something. Like a pull, something like that ??
The series would end with a pull back shot of some piece of art in a museum/gallery of merlin and Arthur (idk if one exists, there is surely some of king Arthur, but you get the gist) where we see merlin ans arthur holding hands stood in front of it.
There are so many song potentials, but I feel like ii hands ii heaven by Beyoncé playing in the background when they first remeet would be so perfect. Just catching the end of the song where 'I've been waiting my whole life, for you and I' is sung in stunning harmonies.
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harapeveco · 2 months
I mentioned this to my besties when Tohikou came out (and pretty much forgot to post it here oops) but I noticed the littol hairs sticking from Kou and his siblings kinda look like trash bags knots
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lindalofbroome · 8 months
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it was mid-autumn festival recently and i wanted to take the opportunity to make dq characters share mooncake :')
ngl my plan was to elaborate on my headcanons for ancient del culture (aka before the shadowlord eroded Del over time) but i don't really have the energy so maybe i'll come back another time with my thoughts
but the short version is that the Topaz is their talisman, and its powers and traits are relative to the Del people. so in this instance, the importance of the moon to the Topaz's power is in parallel to its importance to the people. (what that means is up for interpretation. i have ideas but you may have others)
anyway maybe post-DQ3 they do a harvest festival, or maybe even dragon night itself, and people make some form of mooncake to share with loved ones <3
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pushing500 · 2 months
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The day started pretty uneventfully, with a visit from Euclid's baby brother Fabio Vasquez signalling that it was time to build a new dinosaur museum. Hey, no arguments here. Dinosaur museums are kickass.
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Vasquez–who is a bug person, for some reason–was immediately pulled aside by his big sister to organise a hit on the guy who thought it was a good idea to send a marriage proposal to the psychopathic gay genie who is part of a cannibal cult.
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We were going to turn these refugees away since we're only just getting back on our feet after our hasty relocation to Loyalty's Meander, but then some mechanoids attacked, and we decided we could use the cannon fodder help.
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The refugees conveniently entered the map close to where the biggest group of mechanoids had landed and did a very decent job of distracting them for all of two seconds...
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Before the refugees were all downed, the yttakin among them had the chance to use his animal warcall ability on a nearby megasloth. The megasloth lasted much longer against the mechanoids than the refugees did but was eventually downed.
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Then, finally, the mechanoids stumbled into the trade caravan that Euclid's brother had come with (you can see Vasquez on the far left in the screenshot), and that, at last, was enough to destroy them.
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And then, someone rescued one of the downed refugee children (without my permission, I might add), and it's Adrián's daughter!!! Adrián who made me laugh so hard I cried back in Monster's Basin!!! It's a small Rim.
For that reason alone, she will be tended to and allowed to live to choose how she proceeds in life without her other refugee companions.
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imma-dragon53 · 4 months
I think something that a lot of batfam fics don’t take into account, especially fics where they meet the justice league, is that the kids alone could reveal Batman’s identity.
Of course Batman doesn’t want to introduce his kids to the league. If he only had one or two? Sure he’d probably eventually be ok with them meeting, lots of people in Gotham have one or two kids. But there are at minimum 6 bat kids, if you’re only counting the ones he adopted legally, though we all know that Steph is always there for the shits and giggles. The number of people in Gotham who have six kids? Specifically 5 sons and one daughter? That list is probably pretty short. It wouldn’t take a genius like Tim to link the bats to the Wayne’s, and all of their associates.
Huh dicky Wayne’s best friend is from star city. Batman’s eldest son is really close with kid flash (who also happens to have red hair)
Huh didn’t spoiler make a joke about kissing both RR and Black Bat? Didn’t two of the Wayne kids date the same girl (at different times)
Huh Damien Wayne moved to Gotham at the same time the new stabby Robin showed up.
Hey doesn’t Bruce have a cousin with red hair? Weird so does bat woman
The mere existence of Bruce’s kids could reveal not only his but all of their identities. So of course he’s going to hide their existence.
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helinedmightbehere · 9 months
i have literally no idea why but i find it interesting that in all but two dimensions we've seen, sun is either absent or dead in the videos for them-
the two dimensions he is present for are the lord eclipse dimension (even though he was only there for 1/3 of the episodes and is probably dead now) and the dimension where moon flat out never existed
meanwhile, in all the other ones:
merged!moon : dead nice!eclipse : coma lord monty : non-existent lord lunar : non-existent/dead swap au : absent from the video evil lunar : absent from the dimension itself evil monty : absent/dead lord glam.freddy: dead ruin dimension : technically absent??
i dunno, just something to point out-
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tame-a-messenger · 2 months
Omg I can’t believe I forgot to talk about the first episode of sword af?? It was so good! I’m still kinda mad that there’s no visuals because I miss seeing them interact but the characters and story are still incredible! Also that ending was insane!?! I hate how I’m attracted to that true neutral character (did they say his name? I don’t remember lol) like I hate him but something about the way Damien voiced him still got me giggling and kicking my feet lmao
I’m still really saddened that there aren’t any visuals (you can literally HEAR DAMIEN CALLING OUT DICE ROLLS BEFORE PEOPLE SAY WHAT THEY ROLLED)(it sounds like they recorded it at the usual table as well.. So they did it in person? this is going into my pile of WHY TF IS IT AUDIO ONLY WHEN THEY CLEARLY RECORDED IT ON SET?).
I KNOW BRO! I was SHOOK. Getting to know more Ferny lore? YES PLEASE.
Damien’s voices are always a joy to listen to, I love when he uses his deeper register! it’s so soothing 😊
I just went to see if they mentioned the guys name- and the length of the Podcast is 15 minutes shorter? I distinctly remember it being 1hr 13mins because I noticed it was the longest episode, AND NOW ITS 58:43???? and it cuts off really weirdly?? WTF? Can they gut my baby anymore?? 
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citrusacidic · 6 months
when im in a liking m/f td ships that a large portion of the fandom hates/hated challenge and my opponent is JUST KIDDING IM WINNING RAAGHHGHH
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
That one art; the one with (left to right) Vilmr, Michael, Samantha and Debbie, do you still have it? Or was it fanart?:0 Sometimes I see it floating around on google but it's always super crunchy quality-wise
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This one? It's the only one I can think of that fits the description. I did draw it. It's them when they're all a bit younger (Usually 18, 23, 18, 17 in that order, but in this pic 14, 19, 13, 13).
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