#'prey on your fears'
Sharks by Imagine Dragons... but it's this guy
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vigilskeep · 10 months
i need to wynnepost. somebody has to
#its crazy how people will assume she is all the tropes she subverts and then ignore her#also how sympathy for circle mages’ indoctrination only lasts until they get old i guess and then fuck them#because its not as if they were ever a terrified child who’d never had anything better than a single templar’s mildest kindness and any kind#of home even if it was the tower#so an orphan kid who had no memory of anything but scurrying between farmsteads and hiding in barns#didnt want to leave. what a shock. you guys dont get the place comfort has in keeping circle mages complicit#so it’s violent and terrible and you never have privacy and your children get murdered and you’re always watched and hated#its also a warm bed and community and a chance to succeed#do you honestly think every kid from fucking THEDAS knows theres anything better out there#that doesnt make the circle good. it makes it horrific that they prey on vulnerable kids to teach them the world hates them#and only the circle is ‘safe’#i just think there should be some sympathy for those kids and what they grow up into#its easy for the player to walk in and say their character would hate the circle and never have listened to the templars#its easy for say an amell or even a surana with a family back home to not fear what they left behind#wynne genuinely thinks without the circle mages would all be murdered and she’ll fight and die protecting her fellow mages#from the right of annulment#yes its a flaw that she goes on to teach others the circle must be tolerated and that is precisely how the circle is perpetuated ove#over generations#but its amazing to me to just act like its her fault#well. this is more tags than i expected it to be
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loathsome-sickness · 2 months
sometimes i see things like 'oh i love people with ocd/intrusive thoughts i know you aren't really violent/a sexual predator/bigoted/etc you aren't your thoughts <3' but it's like.
do you still love us if we engage with the thoughts (in safe, consensual spaces) as a way to take power away from them? through things like kink and fiction and art?
or do you only love us and know we 'aren't our thoughts' so long as we continue to suffer because of them? are we only pure and precious little victims of our minds so long as we don't look into the abyss and let it look back?
i know maybe it's unfair to question people just trying to spread positivity but i've seen so many of these same types turn around and call me evil for daring to just relax around those thoughts and get some kind of enjoyment out of the genuinely horrendous things i have to deal with every waking fucking moment instead of crying in a corner fearing being the monster
because it really does seem like people are intent on enforcing the idea that if we didn't hate ourselves for our thoughts it WOULD make us bad people, i know for many it probably isn't their intent but the implication is there regardless. things like saying 'you're not a monster because look, you're scared of being a monster!!!' really just says 'if you stop suffering for even a second you will become a monster' to us.
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beeg-bark · 3 months
i am so so pent up pacing around my enclosure, i need some stimulation i need enrichment but my energy has reached destructive levels and so any enrichment i get will not survive the ordeal.
in other news, let me chase you through the woods pretty please?
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ineed-to-sleep · 10 months
My therapist told me today that I'm one of her patients who's made the most progress in the last two years and honestly I have a feeling I'm getting a good grade at therapy
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laconic-nightmares · 1 year
putting 'if you can't reblog this unfollow me right now' in your posts is a great way to lose followers with OCD and prove literally nothing about whatever point you were trying to make in the mean time 🙃
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moe-broey · 6 months
I am a normal man who is obsessed with Alfonse Fire Emblem. Come closer -- wait nevermind don't worry about it 🧍👍
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encrucijada · 7 months
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theheadlessgroom · 1 month
"Emily..." Randall began, almost tearfully, but it was June and Wilhelm who spoke up over him-not to agree, not to rush her out the door and warn her not to come back, but instead to ask her to stay.
"Please," Wilhelm began, as June reached out to take the young woman's cold hand, stopping her as he continued, "W-Would you stay, just a little longer, lass? Really, we...we'd like it if you stayed. I-I promise, y-you're not intruding; Junie and I weren't able to sleep anyways..."
"You saved our son's life, and you brought him back home to us," June continued gently, as Randall sat up a little, just as surprised as Emily was at this sudden turn of events, this change in reaction in his parents. "We...we can't thank you enough for that. Please, won't you sit down? I...I think we have a lot to talk about...and a lot to apologize for."
At this, Randall's eyes widened further, as he looked between Emily, his mother, and his father, that surprise turning to a sort of tentative relief, as his mother encouraged Emily to make herself comfortable, while June moved to the kitchen to put on a pot of tea, to perhaps soothe their frazzled nerves. She hoped the young woman (not a monster, she thought to herself, but a young woman) would accept, and hear out what the Pace parents had to say.
#((i'm sorry: an a.i. just isn't nearly as threatening as the soul of a serial killer!))#((the terror of 'child's play' is defidently that andy is so little-he's this adorable little six-year-old who makes your heart melt))#((watching him make his mom breakfast on his own birthday and getting excited about having a good guy of his own))#((and so you don't want anything to happen to him! he's being preyed upon by what he thought was his friend))#((his talking good guy doll-even worse; chucky told andy that he was sent by andy's dead father to play with him))#((which adds a cruel twist to things-andy just wanted a friend; and now he's in danger; and no one believes him))#((not until the end! so having andy be older; be attacked by an a.i. doll who should NOT be that strong like you said))#((and have more allies on his side; it really does take away that fear factor; that level of suspense!))#((and there really is so much love in the main franchise; as opposed to the 2019 reboot))#((which feels more like your standard cash grab! it's almost a family affair))#((considering the actress who played andy's mother in the first film married kevin yagher))#((who designed and built the chucky animatronic; i think alex vincent's little sister played chucky))#((for the scene where he runs behind andy's aunt maggie shortly before she goes pushed out the window))#((and of course brad dourif's daughter fiona is a part of the franchise now; having played nica pierce))#((and even playing a young charles lee ray in flashbacks for the tv show!))#((there really is so much love and care behind it; the kind of love and care you just don't see in the reboot!))#outofhatboxes#beatingheart-bride#V:Dark Shadows
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teletyped · 5 months
i know killing myself would not fix this but i have tried to go through the proper channels and build a worker coalition within the union but i reached out and everyone i talked to is very "idk...not really my problem..." and backed out. this is the third time they unretweet things and this time they went sorched earth. this was the one place i thought i could do even remotely especially after tamoor hussein condemned the gaming industry for being grave fucking silent when we make our god damn dollars off of the dehumanization of swana/arab folks AND on the aesthetics of revolution when all of us lack even a hint of a backbone to even call the genoicide a genocide. but i guess keeping your precious minimum wage jobs in the industry is more important. so i just dont know what to do
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ffxiiiapologist · 6 months
Me when there’s two of something: Two Of Them
Me when there’s two of something in Prey (2017):
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thehootmess · 9 months
In case it isn't obvious to newer users: I notice the bots are getting smarter. Just had a personal message sent to me that was 100% AI-generated, and their dashboard is ALL generic posts about Pride. Don't fall for that one. In fact, as a general rule of the internet: if you don't know a person, and they are asking you for money/help, do not interact at all, and block them.
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yarpharp · 9 months
I think (and I don't believe its a new hot take or anything) that honestly the most terrifying thing about Batman beyond the insane detective intelligence and the crazy fighting skills and the gadgets... It's his ability to emulate the "scary creature" vibes perfectly.
Yes, Bruce is a bit of a weird fucker, being a grown ass dude running around in a bat-themed costume and obsessed with justice, BUT THERE'S A SERIOUS PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE COMPONENT TO IT ALL. Certain visuals freak people out because it doesn't line up with our preconceptions of what animals/people look like.
The batsuit generally (and boy has the batsuit been through far too many iterations) has key components that lend to the scare factor. No visible human ears, the "bat points" being slightly pointed and almost devil-like. Already a red flag on a visual level if you see that kind of thing on a humanoid figure. Add in the white-out lenses that glow in the dark and the huge cape. Yeah, dramatic as hell. But wouldn't you be super terrified of seeing a silhouette like that? White eyes staring right at you?
My own personal comparison: one time I was bopping along a very very craggy shore far up in northern California. There were cliffs and caves, barely any actual sandy beach to explore. I was dumb enough to go out beach-combing with my super old dad (75? 75 old ass man on the rocks? What were we thinking?) close to dusk. There's barely any sunset left to make it easy to see. Dad is determined to go check out a cave. We get close to the cave.
A pair of glowing eyes and very pointy ears stare right at us.
Immediate fear response. Because creatures like that? BOBCATS. We backed away and scrambled back to the motel SO FAST.
So honestly?
Bruce designed the suit to invoke panic via the good ol' fashioned lizard brain panic. Mix in the fact he's humanoid-shaped and the DCverse is full of aliens, werewolves, metahumans, and all sorts of crazy characters in-between, it's the perfect kind of fear-invoking psychological warfare.
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oldmemoria · 9 months
me staring at spider fangs for 10 minutes (im researching how they work so i can draw a fictional character more realistically):
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genuinelyjustjd · 1 year
Concept- Stardew Valley but with Witches
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bleedingcanines · 2 years
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werewoalf [murder puppy]
do you guys like him? yippee meme by @slashesotron !
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