4thewynne · 2 months
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amphiptere-art · 10 months
Virulent likes to compliment his brothers, it’s definitely one of his love languages. I feel like that would fluster butler so much
Oh yes it will. He's probably going to do the standard Eclipse thing and try and shove it off. At least the first couple times. But sooner or later he's just going to be a quiet happy mess. Just mumbling out thanks not quite knowing what to do. He's not complimented much.
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sigery · 9 months
@madcatdaderpydrawer-blog @amphiptere-art
I feel like Hazard and Virulent would get along well. Plus they both are the 'cute' ones of their trio
I also kind of want Hazard to go off on Gladiator but that's a separate thought
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trashcore-whore · 5 months
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Get Drunk on Disease
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koljaaaaa · 1 year
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brotherly tension
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myth-art · 2 years
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hihihihi i’m finally no longer dead (sorry school kinda shanked me as noticeable by the start date of this sketch lma)
anyways, hopefully more monstrous bois and such to come with it being spooky month >:)))))
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thedailymobile · 2 years
“The Contagion Has Adapted to Our Defences”
“The Contagion Has Adapted to Our Defences”
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hunger au is so funny specifically because its so au-able like my friends and i keep making permutations upon permutations of it in our dms, which means i can say "hey remember bakery au" and my pal can immediately reply "thats the alt iteration of the immediate answers au where after being asked to leave hermitcraft grian ends up working at a bakery on a little tourist-trap type server but keeps all his coworkers and neighbors at arm's length until scar happens to run into him seven years later and spends a full desperate week trying to coax him into letting scar back into his life and also grian has a male living space situation right" and i go "right" and then we sit and talk for the next 24 business hours about the intricacies of kissing your depressed sort-of ex because you want to take care of them and give them nice things. explodes
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dictee · 2 months
i feel like it was widely acknowledged that separatist feminism is a reactionary and essentializing movement but i guess when it's practiced by the monolith of "oppressed south korean women" we must blindly trust that it's radical since we couldn't possibly think critically about a society as alien to us as. south korea...
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this is the article linked to prove that the 4B movement is NOT transphobic? treating violent transphobia as an "academic disagreement" is in fact. transphobia.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
yeah u can put "i hate jkr" and "fuck terfs" in ur tumblr bio but. can u listen + reflect when a trans woman criticizes hp fandom without immediately getting defensive.....
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the-woman-upstairs · 6 months
Honestly, all my schadenfreude over the public evisceration of James Somerton by Hbomberguy and Todd in the Shadows is tempered by the anger I feel at how much damage, pain, misinformation, and marginalizing one man was capable of accomplishing through the platform he built through plagiarism, blatant lies, and outright bigotry.
And frankly it sucks that it took the efforts of two other popular YouTube creators to bring him down when Somerton was clearly never good at hiding any of his horrific behavior. There were clearly women and trans/non-binary people who knew something was up with him and his “work” but were either harassed/doxxed by the fans he set on them or knew they didn’t have the same kind of clout/support to be believed over him.
It just boggles my mind how EASY it would have been for him to cite these sources and work with other queer creators on the platform to help create a wealth of accessible, comprehensive knowledge of queer media and history available to a younger generation. Because clearly, there’s a hunger in the younger generations of queer kids/people for that knowledge, the understanding of the past, how it informs the present and creates the future. But all Somerton did was steal from other creators, ones who either didn’t know their work was stolen or were given the run-around by Somerton instead of proper accreditation.
Instead of uplifting other people and their research, he selfishly stole and hoarded it, before regurgitating it and claiming it was all his own while also infecting some excellent analysis with awful, bigoted opinions, particularly geared towards women, trans people, or any type of queer he didn’t believe was the “right kind.” You know, like all the “boring gays” that “survived” the AIDS crisis.
I want to believe that this time we’ll learn to not take people at face value, just because they give the appearance of professionalism and sound authoritative on whatever subject is covered. Because that’s how dangerous misinformation is spread and taken for fact. Todd was absolutely on the money when he pointed out how it is important to document all the lies and plagiarism with Somerton because how many young people believed what he was saying? How many people watched his videos on the adult film industry or “bad gays” or Nazis influence on body image and walked away thinking they were learning something about their history? Far too many, I’m sure.
Though at least having these two videos to refer to can help people learn when to spot someone who’s being disingenuous in “teaching people something.” And that any person who claims to be the “only person” talking about an issue is mostly likely lying and trying to sell you something. Usually, their own brand. It’s far better to diversify the people you follow and the voices you listen to, and the playlist Hbomberguy made available is a great place to start.
But I also recommend seeking out some of the original sources yourself. There’s typically queer history books/memoirs in the nonfiction section of your local library. You can find the original Celluloid Closet documentary on Tubi, along with another interesting one, Do I Sound Gay? Disclosure, the documentary on depictions of trans people in Hollywood, is available on Netflix. And that’s just a couple of the top of my head. If you’re looking for queer films in general, Wolfe Video has so many available for purchase or even just to peruse and rent the titles later.
I do hope some good comes out of all this, even if the damage done by Somerton still lingers in online queer spaces (fingers crossed this means the end of Illuminaughtii and Internet Historian as well). It helps to be wary of people seeking to take advantage of the online spaces we now inhabit, but there’s still people and places across the internet that are doing good work and want to help educate people. They may not always be easy to find and may even require some effort on the part of the audience, but the end result of really learning something, discovering interesting research/work, or being part of open minded discussions is a worthwhile reward. And always something to be proud of.
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Sometimes I forget that bats aren't a creature that everyone loves and appreciates or at least see in a positive light, and that a lot of people think actually they're weird or creepy. Source: was asked what my favourite animal was at the barbers the other day and he was NOT prepared for my response.
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amphiptere-art · 9 months
I wonder how werewolf and butler would react to how naturally cold virulent is, especially in the beginning? Like temperature wise. When they first retrieve him he literally feels like ice. As he starts to recover he starts to heat up but his body temp is still like sweater weather
Trys to put my mindspace in the past.
Putting this in before virulent could actively go on villainous missions, They would be somewhat concerned. At this point he's more of a prize, But they're starting to get attached. Werewolf probably cuddling up to try and make them warm. Confused why it's not permanent. Whenever Butler makes the flower jacket it would probably be made to keep them warm.
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sigery · 7 months
memes I made but didn't post
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rudjedet · 6 months
breaking the ancestral curse (fire bombing the chemical plant that has been poisoning our water for decades)
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gardhoulthehermit · 2 months
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Here's a lord of virulence I got for Christmas but procrastinated on their base!
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