louisupdates · 3 months
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Louis Tomlinson Twitter spree 23.1.2024
Part 1: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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septentrrional · 3 months
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prosy-days · 2 months
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January 23, 2024 - Day 218
Really enjoyed Stet by Sarah Gailey.
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godsnameisjoy · 3 months
Date: 23 January 2024
Duration: 75 minutes at 10:34 PM
Last night’s meditation is the third consecutive night that I have hardly heard any chakra sound. I am not used to not hearing the presence of life energy in my head.
I have got used to it since June of 2023. All thanks go to the unknown blesser of interiorised hearing. In fact, I have accepted the sound as my attention’s personal trainer. My attention is to become one pointed.
The shifting nature of the blessed sound has undergone changes in the last 7 months. It is now more or less fixed to the centre of my head. Where I am today feels like a landmark. When I ask myself if I am on the right track, I feel self assured. All thanks go to the peace that exists in all my meditations.
When I ask myself if the phase of hearing chakra sounds is over, I feel uncertain. I feel uncertain about the specifics of the next meditation. If I won’t be hearing a single sound in the centre of my head ever again, then how is the blessed force that runs my being, train my attention to be single pointed.
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phototagebuch · 3 months
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23.1.2024: Morgenlicht
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nataliesnews · 3 months
I am sending this out not in a general letter. 
Show this to friends who maybe do not believe in the cruelty  of Hamas. 
It reminds me of what happened to women in the ghettos. 
Only read this if you have a strong stomach.......what we have been scared of.  It is awful but this testimony should have come out long before. How can we look the families in the faces....how will be receive these poor women if they are ever returned. Maybe Netanyahu should ask himself how he would feel if his daughter and two sons were there. He has no shame.   'Right now someone is being raped in a tunnel': Knesset hears of Hamas sex crimes https://www.timesofisrael.com/right-now-someone-is-being-raped-in-a-tunnel-knesset-hears-of-hamas-sex-crimes/
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silicacid · 3 months
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23.1.2024 HWW-Palestine Update: 403 healthcare workers (4 HCWs /day) were murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces in Palestine since 7th October 2023 including 136 doctors, 118 nurses, and 149 other healthcare workers.
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takovanormalnielie · 3 months
Ležím pod dekou, piju čajíček a vydávám pouze mtf komunikační zvuky (meow, meh, mrrrr, brrrp, eww, aww).
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dailysonicplush · 3 months
Daily Plush - 23.1.2024
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(Source: bluesprucecabin)
This plush is of Amy Rose, and was made by Tomy. She was part of their Modern Sonic plush line.
The final plush looks quite a bit different from her promotional design, seen below:
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(Source: Official product image by Tomy)
The general pattern is the same, however the early design is a bit more off-model. This version of Amy has flatter ears, and odd dress proportions. Her quills are also proportioned incorrectly.
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formulalakana · 3 months
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what even is that
from nace's ig 23.1.2024
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louisupdates · 3 months
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did he actually
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septentrrional · 3 months
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Heavy metal in Budapest
Beast in Black @ Barba Negra
Blast Beat Bar
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eeagainblogreverse · 3 months
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pogled · 3 months
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lapalma-bamberg · 3 months
23.1.2024, Bienenhaus
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Heike pflanzt heute, Matz hat den Kompost umgeschichtet und für die neue Saison vorbereitet.
Beachtenswert sind die Details.
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Und - oh wie nett - mein Geburtstag wird vom Innenthermometer angekündigt:
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lamilanomagazine · 1 month
Lucca: 7 minorenni rubano un ciclomotore e danneggiano alcune auto, di cui una della Polizia Municipale. Denunciati dai Carabinieri
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Lucca: 7 minorenni rubano un ciclomotore e danneggiano alcune auto, di cui una della Polizia Municipale. Denunciati dai Carabinieri. I Carabinieri della Stazione di Borgo a Mozzano, dopo settimane d’ indagini, sono riusciti a dare un’identità agli autori di una serie di reati che avevano messo in allarme i cittadini del piccolo comune della Media Valle. Si era trattato del furto di un ciclomotore, nonché di una serie di danneggiamenti avvenuti nottetempo su auto in sosta, tra le quali anche due vetture di proprietà del comune. La sorpresa principale è stata che, nell’aver identificato gli autori di questi fatti, gli autori fossero 7 giovanissimi, di età compresa tra i 14 ed i 16 anni, tutti residenti a Borgo a Mozzano. I minori sono stati denunciati alla Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale per i minorenni  di Firenze per le varie singole condotte, non strettamente collegate tra di loro; tre ragazzi per il furto di una vespa avvenuto il 5 gennaio 2024; un altro per il grave danneggiamento di un’autovettura, colpita una sera di novembre 2023 con una mazza di ferro che ha provocato danni talmente gravi da indurre il proprietario ad effettuarne la rottamazione; infine altri tre giovani per il danneggiamento, avvenuto la sera del 23.1.2024,  degli specchietti retrovisori di 4 macchine  parcheggiate in via Roma tra cui in uso alla Polizia Municipale della Media Valle del Serchio e un’altra di proprietà comunale e utilizzata dai servizi sociali di Borgo a Mozzano. Le indagini hanno fatto emergere che i sette giovani, fatte salve le singole e separata responsabilità, si conoscevano tra loro.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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