#5 different girl sports animes premiered
niishi · 6 months
This whole "shounen for girls" thing is wild.. there is shounen for girls. Its called shoujou. Not all shoujou is romance. Just like with shounen, there's sports shoujou, and action shoujou, and drama shoujou, and horror etc etc etc. y'all just choose not to watch it.
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natsumebookss · 3 years
Omega Clow Voice Lines
Omega hasn't shown up in the Premiere Nebula crossover yet, but since she's the main character of the actual series, I figured I'd introduce her next. I had a lot of fun coming up with her lines, and since Io is my favorite character to write, I'm sure I'll have even more fun writing hers in the next few days! For now, enjoy this special look at Omega's character!
Self-Introduction 1: Um, I'm Omega Clow. I might look like a veteran, but I'm actually a newbie. It's a long story, but I swear I'm telling the truth. I've still got a long way to go before I can be a noble Actress, so go easy on me, okay?
Self-Introduction 2: First of the upcoming Lightning Line, Actress Bijou! That's how the person who made me this way introduced me, but really, I'm nothing special. My brother is a foreign senator, but that's really the only notable thing about me. But I'm doing everything I can to save people with the Premiere Nebula, and that's what matters!
Personal Story
Story Chapter End 1: I may not be an Actress, but I have to do something!
Story Chapter End 2: If the Manufacturer is one of our politicians, I'll stop at nothing to find them!
Story Chapter 3: I know how much seeing me like this hurts, Valka, but I promise one day, I'll make you proud.
Story Select 1: Valka saved my life...I can't just leave her to suffer.
Story Select 2: Is becoming an Actress really such a bad thing?
Story Select 3: They'll brainwash me if they find me. I can't let that happen!
Story Select 4: My brother is married to the monster who caused all this...
(NOTE: This is based on a misunderstanding caused by Omega's lousy detective work. Her sister-in-law is actually very supportive of the Premiere Nebula and uses her political power to aid them whenever possible.)
Story Select 5: I have to get stronger, not just for me, but for everyone!
Story Select 6: I'm the Firebrands' newest target?!
Strengthening Complete: Sorry. I may not be very strong yet, but I'll catch up...I hope.
Strengthening Max: What does getting stronger feel like? For me, it's like this electric pulse all over...but I guess it feels good somehow.
Episode Level Up: Time for me to look into more ways to save the Actresses.
Magia Level Up: Once I get strong enough, I can exchange power with another Actress and gain a new form. Looks like I'm already closer to that.
Magical Release 1: In Olympia, Actresses aren't the only ones with magic. Some humans can do simple spells.
Magical Release 2: I was supposed to be one of them, but my magic was way unstable. I couldn't control it at all.
Magical Release 3: That was how I found the Actresses to begin with. My magic's stable now, but that came at a huge cost...
Awaken 1: I'm still getting to know everyone in the Premiere Nebula, but they're where I belong. I just know it.
Home Screen
Login (first login): I'm still new, so I have to be accompanied by another Actress at all times. You can still tag along, though. Just don't give Valka too much trouble, okay?
Login (morning): I live by the ocean, so seeing all these buildings blocking the sunrise is weird. I miss painting the sunrise in my homeland, but I guess this kind of has its own charm.
Login (noon): I'm from a prominent family, so I've been to my fair share of fancy restaurants. I'm actually more into my culture's street food, though. I wonder if there are any paleteros in Kamihama...
(NOTE: Olympia is a fairly new country populated mostly by first, second, and third-generation immigrants. Since Omega comes from such a diverse country without much of a local culture, she might be surprised to find Mexican popsicle stands aren't exactly the easiest thing to find here.)
Login (evening): The skyscrapers blend into the stars so well that they almost look like the real thing. The natural and the artificial...I guess that's how Actresses are compared to magical girls.
Login (night): Normally, I'd have Cielflight practice in the morning, but I guess this is like a vacation. Let's stay up as long as we like and see what we can find!
Login (other): People tend to be surprised that I'm into both sports and art, but I feel like they're not so different. Both require grace and a feel for your environment, just like fighting.
Login (AP full): Last time I fought a Witch, I swore I was done for, but I still got the Grief Seed! Let's see if I improve with you by my side.
Login (BP full): Stop! There's still so much we don't know about these copies. They might seem emotionless, but they could be like Koto-chan! We can't hurt them until we know for sure!
(NOTE: Koto is a clone who was formerly used as a front-line soldier for the Manufacturer. Omega was able to gain her trust and ended up saving her when the Manufacturer attempted to kill her for her betrayal. Since Koto was called emotionless, but is actually fully capable of emotion, Omega has reservations about killing Mirrors copies.)
Tap 1: When did I realize things here aren't that different from back home? Probably when I tried to buy this interesting gothic painting at an art fair, and someone told me not to because the artist just tried to destroy the town.
Tap 2: I like looking at art from all over the world for inspiration. Whenever I do get the chance to go abroad, I like to see what kinds they have and how I can play with it on my own work. I wonder what sort of thing I can make from the katana exhibit I just saw...
Tap 3: I hear there used to be a magical girl here who played guitar...Xing was sad to hear she'd left this world. The Firebrands held her captive so long, she was hoping she could find someone to jam out with. I hope that magical girl's soul is finally at peace.
Tap 4: Io is actually my niece by marriage. She's not much younger than me, but she's had it so rough without her family that I can't help but spoil her. She'll never admit it to your face, but she really does appreciate having a relative who listens.
Tap 5: Valka's gotten me through a lot of rough times, so someday, I want to help her, too. I don't know how much longer she can go on fighting in her mental state, so I want to follow her legacy as much as I can.
Tap 6: I always liked stories about magical girls growing up. There was one where the wizard had my last name, and I thought that was so cool. I never thought in a million years that I'd ever be one.
Tap 7: I used to be able to use telekinesis, but it never worked right. Whenever I got overwhelmed by anything, random stuff just started floating around. The Manufacturer managed to correct my powers by getting rid of it, but sometimes I still wish I'd been able to master it.
Tap 8: When I first became an Actress, I tried to befriend Alarice. I thought it would show her that former Faerie Stars [note: brainwashed Actresses] were more than just her targets, but she drained my magic instead. That's when I learned that magical girls only get hurt if they trust everyone.
Tap 9: A lot of people think Valka and I are a couple, but that's not how I feel about her. She's more like the person I aspire to be, and she's got too much baggage for that sort of thing right now. That doesn't stop Phea, though. I actually really admire her for that.
Battle Start: I won't let you get away with this!
[NOTE: Since Omega is the newbie magical girl protagonist in this story, I had to give her a suitably classic line to say here.]
Battle Victory 1: I still need to work on my finishing line. What about, "lightning bolts are the proof of karmic justice?"
Battle Victory 2: I'm staying to tend to the injured. That much I can do.
Battle Victory 3: Espoir-sama's apprentice strikes again!
(1 and 3 are actually anime/game references, so see if you can guess where they're from!)
Doppel: I won't let you hurt her anymore!
Dying: I'm sorry I broke my promise, Valka.
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lia-nikiforov · 5 years
Fall Anime 2018 Watchlist
We’re about halfway into the season so this is probably kinda pointless by now, but here’s a quick rundown of the stuff I’m watching this season.
Jingaisan no Yome: This is a 3 minute show and I won’t spend longer than that writing about it (I’m timing myself). I didn’t know it was a short going in. I’m not really into shorts, Saiki kun being the only exception and the story was less MahoYome and more... i don’t even have an apt comparison, it just was maybe more serious about the “marriage” thing than something with a giant floofball character should be.
Tokyo Ghoul: Re 2: It’s simple. I watched episode 1 and realized I had no fucking clue of how any of this related to the ending of the first season, no idea of who half the characters were and where did they allegiances lie and what is Kaneki even trying to do. Although not loyal to the manga, the first two seasons of Tokyo Ghoul had a story that could be followed and made sense, this, however, is just jumping over plot points with no rhyme or reason and there’s nothing but confusion.
Bloom Into You: There’s nothing actually wrong with this show and I was kind of looking forward to a yuri romance that wasn’t rapey or incesty bullshit, but something about this one just didn’t click with me. Like Touko fell in love with Yuu too quickly, and given Yuu’s ace/aro identity, it would feel weird for her to do a 180 and suddenly fall in love with Touko. I kind of want more fun and emotions in my romance stories and this one didn’t have much of either.
Chopping Block
Given a few things the past two weeks that didn’t go according to plan, I fell behind on my anime watching after keeping it in control for the first third of the season and i’m quite annoyed. And because of this, and my upcoming research trip to Japan at the end of the month, I might end up having to drop a couple of series.
Bakumatsu: Objectively speaking, this show is really bad. The production values are poop, the story is a wacky mess that takes itself a bit too seriously and the characters are flat and uninteresting, the villain is egregiously boring. This show also has Matsuo Basho as a secret tive traveling ninja, and that puts me at quite the predicament. I want to see more of this utterly bonkers historical reinterpretation, but boy do I wish they could make it more exciting.
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SAO Alicization:  The only reason I, a notorious SAO hater, is watching SAO is because I hate myself. With that out of the way, boy is this SAO boring. We’re four episodes in and the only thing that’s happened is they cut an old tree because nothing can stop Kirito and his new friend, Yellow Kirito. This show needs to start getting offensive and/or stupid soon or i’ll die of boredom.
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Karakuri Circus: I hear this one’s from the same mangaka as UshiTora? I love UshiTora and I can see the resemblance between giant guy whose name I can’t remember and Tora. His character and his schtick are so far the most interesting thing to me, with the kuudere puppet girl whose main purpose seems to be to get paired with him  having yet to make an impression on me. I’m also still not really certain what the overall plot is. I do love stories about found families, so hopefully I can stick with this one
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Hinomaru Sumou: If my watching schedule were normal, this wouldn’t be in this section. Whilst not the best sports show of the season, and chock full of some of the most eyeroll worthy aspects of sports shonen *cough cough* toxic *cough cough* masculinity *cough cough*, Hinomaru Sumou has the fire and passion for an underrepresented sport that’s usually enough to hook me. I just don’t have time, and if push comes to shove, I’ll prioritize other shows over this one.
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Banana Fish: Yo, okay, before you lynch me for being a hater or whatever, let me tell you I have zero issues with Banana Fish. I don’t hate it, I don’t think it’s Bad Representation(TM) whatever the fuck that means, I definitely don’t think it’s fujobait or just another BL. It just doesn’t make me happy. This probably doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I’ve never been a fan of tragedy. It’s also part of the reason I’m dropping Tokyo Ghoul. I don’t like hopeless stories and tragic romances. I’m somewhat spoiled on how the manga ends and each time I find myself less and less inclined to watch the newer episodes because the descent into misery is just not enjoyable for me. It’s not the show’s wrongdoing, it’s just not the kind of story I like. I’m probably too far along to drop it at this point, but also I kinda wish I could drop it because I get so little joy out of it. Also, my main hook is of course Ash and Eiji’s relationship, but 15 episodes in (I’m behind, as is evident) the time they’ve spent together is so minimal, I can’t even appreciate that a whole lot.
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I guess I’m watching this? 
Dakaichi: Me: Man I really want a yuri anime without rapey bullshit. Also me: watches BL anime with rapey bullshit. I have literally no excuse. I think the basic setup lends itself really well for a romcom and Takato is a very likable character, it’s a shame it’s the same old rapey bullshit. In my defense, episode two was really sweet and I’ve been hoping for more stories along that line, even though the show has failed to deliver them since. Episode 5 may have pushed the line even beyond what I’m willing to tolerate, but it’s unclear. I might end up unexpectedly dropping it after episode 6. HEY JAPAN WOULD IT KILL YOU TO MAKE A BL ANIME THAT WASN’T RAPEY BULLSHIT? JUST ONE?
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(honestly, Takato deserves better)
wao episode 6 was maji disgusting i might drop it after all
Fairy Tail Final: I just want closure man. This adaptation retains all the worst attributes of the previous season, terribly slow pacing (what for?! the manga is over!!) minimal animation, recapalooza. The color palette is slightly brighter than before, which I appreciate. Fairy Tail’s last arc wasn’t as bad as Bleach’s, but it was still pretty bad in the manga; still I hope seeing it animated will make it feel less messy and slightly more coherent. The FT anime has also in the past filled in some blanks that existed in the manga, so hopefully they can make the best out of it here.
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(Erza is still my wife)
Tsurune: No, this isn’t the best sports anime of this season either. Although that’s hard to judge given how it’s barely on its second (third, i’m behind) episode. Technically, I feel more compelled to drop this than Hinomaru, but also I want to give it a fair chance. That said, the first episode was.... profoundly underwhelming and borderline upsetting, with how everyone put Minato on the spot in spite of his having an actual psychologic condition that drove him away from kyudo. I’m all in for stories about growing and surpassing your own obstacles, but I hope they go about it in a less mean-spirited way. Also, the characters feel pretty shallow so far. I’m not even gonna pretend the main reason I want to keep watching isn’t gorgeous guy with the ponytail-san, because I’m now old enough that I immediately gravitate towards the senseis rather than the teenage protags.
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i am so weak to long hair  _(:3」∠)_
welp he cut his hair right next episode, thanks for nothing kyoani
In spite of everything, Anime is, in fact, Good
Golden Kamuy: Like with many split-cours, there’s nothing much to say beyond “if you liked the first one, you’ll like this one”. The production values are still tragic, but I think the pace has improved, and the dynamics between the different factions are so fluid and constantly changing they make the story very enthralling. It also continues to have the Best Reaction Faces.
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Gakuen Basara: Listen, listen. You all knew I was gonna watch this. And I love Basara so much I still think this show is a masterpiece even when it’s objectively atrocious. I do not reccommend it to anyone who isn’t already a fan (and I mean a blind fan willing to consume anything from this franchise, even in its cheapest, dumbest, worst looking incarnation). That said there are a couple of interesting things, namely the power rivalry between Hideyoshi and Nobunaga, this never happened in the original series because Nobunaga died before Hideyoshi was introduced. Anyway, just shoot that Masamune x Kojuuro fanservice straight into my veins please and thank you
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Zombieland Saga: One of the two biggest surprises of the season and one that was nowhere near my radar. An original production by studio MAPPA with perhaps the wildest premiere episode of the season that’s somehow making me like idols?! It’s also giving us the most Miyano Mamoru has ever Miyano’d and it’s amazing and histerical. The characters are also very charming, specially bikegang leader Saki and the always legendary Yamada Tae and the show isn’t scared of letting its cute idols get gross and silly and dirty. There’s also a feeling of mystery that I find very appealing. Definitely didn’t expect this one to be one of the highlights of my week, yet here we are.
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SSSS Gridman: Just when I’d vowed a giant fuck you to Studio Trigger, in they come with one of their most quiet productions yet, with characters that speak their lines in soft, leveled voices, tragedies that feel palpable, emotionally climactic battle scenes and a sense of tension and mystery that makes it impossible to take your eyes away. It does have the caveat of oversexualizing the female characters, specially the villain, and not giving Rikka virtually anything to do, but past that, it’s been a very pleasant and intriguing surprise. Also of note, I have no background knowledge of the Gridman tokusatsu series but that hasn’t really been an impediment to enjoy this series.
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Double Decker: Doug & Kirill: A spinoff to the 2010 superhero hit Tiger & Bunny, we have a less superpowery buddycop comedy with a cool and diverse cast, whose main character wants to BRING DOWN CAPITALISM, okay, put an end to economic inequality and classes, but that’s basically the same thing. The show is pretty far along because it premiered early for some reason, and so far it’s been mostly one-shot stories very thinly connected to the distribution of the illegal drug Anthem, with our main plot having only come up two episodes ago with the fantastic Zabel and Bamboo Man twist. The dynamics between the main duo are great and Kirill is a riot as a protagonist. 
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Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru: Or Run with the Wind. Now THIS is the best sports anime of the season. Brought to you by the studio behind Haikyu, based on a novel by the author of Fune wo Amu. Firstly I love that it’s set in university, because it gives the cast a lot more variety in their interests, ages and personalities, their goals, their baggage, and it makes the process of bringing this team of misfits together even more interesting to watch. The characters feel very human in the way they speak, their worries, their relationships, their actions. The show’s done a great job so far in building the characters and making them worth cheering for. Also Ouji is my spirit animal. If you ever wanted a show to motivate you into running, this is what you’ve been waiting for! Another great surprise of this season for sure.
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo: Finally part Five is here! And in it we get perhaps the most interesting Jojo protagonist right off the bat, with troubled Giorno and his difficult past and his wonderful Stand ability. His new set of allies is also quite eccentric and interesting and every scene and dialogue has that special Jojo flavor of crazy and ridiculous and always a load of fun. This one will have 39 episodes, so we’re barely getting started and I’m already loving all of it.
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Thunderbolt Fantasy 2: Urobutcher’s favorite puppets are back with a vengeance! Every bit as fun, insane, cool and over-the-top as the first season, with the added value of the rapport between the characters, evidenced by how brilliant the few scenes in which Shang and Lin share the screen are. With a brand new story that expands the world of our favorite puppets, and even more new gorgeous puppets added to the mix to make Shang’s life a mess, this show is definitely my favorite this season and potentially of the year. Let Urobuchi keep doing puppets for as long as he wants!
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ooof i’m finally done. It’s midseason so probably nobody cares but do hmu with your favorite shows of the season and if there’s anything worth hatewatching that I may be missing ;)
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Kevin Wozniak on Kevflix: Top 5 – Movies Coming Out in November
Usually when making this list, a list I have been doing monthly for three years, I have a relatively easy time picking which movies should make the cut.  Sometimes I’m forced to snub one or two, but usually the five are pretty easy to pick.  This month was the opposite of that.  There are over fifteen films coming out in November that I am excited for, which is kind of insane.  We got horror movies, animated movies, gangster movies, thrillers, comedies, all sorts of movies from all genres from some of the best directors working in the game today working with some of the greatest actors and actresses ever.  It’s a very exciting month and the five movies on this list are titles you should all have on your radar this month.  Here are my picks for the most exciting movies coming out in November.
        *BONUS* – THE IRISHMAN (Martin Scorsese, November 1)
Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman is a Netflix movie that will be available on the streaming service starting November 27th.  However, the film is also getting a small theatrical run in certain theaters before the Netflix drop.  This is a movie that you should see in theaters.  While I love that fact that Netflix gave Scorsese complete freedom to make a three-and-a-half-hour long gangster epic with $150 million-plus budget, a cast of cinematic legends, and top of the line de-aging technology, Martin Scorsese films are films that must be seen on the big screen and The Irishman is no different.  It’s a sprawling epic about life, time, and loyalty and a new gangster classic from Scorsese.  This is the best movie I have seen in 2019.
  And now, the official top five.
        5 – FROZEN II (Chris Buck & Jennifer Lee, November 22)
The first Frozen was an absolute juggernaut, becoming the most successful animated film at the world wide box office ($1.27 billion, respectively), winning an Oscar, two Grammy’s, and introducing a new kind of princess to a new generation of young girls.  I am excited to see what they do next.  I am excited to the improvement in the animation, where the story will go, and if they can possibly make a song to top the iconic “Let It Go”.  Frozen II has the potential to be the best animated movie of 2019.
    4 – A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD (Marielle Heller, November 22)
The pitch on why A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood should be on your radar is simple: Tom Hanks stars as Mr. Rogers.  That’s it.  That’s the pitch and that is why everyone is going to see this movie.  But other than Hanks, who is simply perfect for the part of seemingly one of the nicest, sweetest, purest human beings to ever live on planet Earth, I’m excited to see the work of director Marielle Heller.  Heller, who made her debut in 2015’s The Diary of a Teenage Girl, really made a splash with last year’s Can You Ever Forgive Me?, which earned three Oscar nominations and put Heller’s name on the map.  I’m excited to see her work with Hanks and see what kind of magic the two conjure up together.
    3 – DARK WATERS (Todd Haynes, November 22)
A lot of Oscar players have already premiered at one film festival or another.  However, there are still a few films that could come through and shake up the already foggy Oscar race.  Todd Haynes Dark Waters is one of those films.  In what looks like a mix of Spotlight and A Civil Action, Dark Waters looks at corporate defense attorney (the always great Mark Ruffalo) who takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution.  Haynes is one of the best directors working today, always making movies that are smart, emotional, visually stunning, and riveting.  I’m excited to see what Haynes does in the political thriller genre and to see how he works with Ruffalo and the rest of the cast.
    2 –  FORD V FERRARI (James Mangold, November 15)
These next two films on the list I have already seen and both are in my ten best movies of the year.  Ford v Ferrari is a true American sports movie.  A red, white, and blue underdog story that is funny, exciting, and full of moments that will make you want to stand up and cheer.  Matt Damon and Christian Bale star in this true story about the Ford Motor Company’s efforts to defeat Ferrari at 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1966.  Both Damon and Bale are in top form, as in Tracy Letts, who plays Henry Ford Jr. and could make an Oscar play at the end of the year.  This is movie I could watch a million times and one I am excited to see again.
    1 – KNIVES OUT (Rian Johnson, November 27)
I might be able to watch Ford v Ferrari a million times, but I could watch Knives Out two million times.  Rian Johnson’s follow-up to his brilliant, yet divisive entry in the Star Wars franchise, The Last Jedi, is the most fun I’ve had at the movies in 2019.  A smart, funny, thrilling whodunit featuring an outstanding writing, the best ensemble of the year, and an ending you won’t soon forget.  Knives Out is a true blast and Johnson is the ringleader behind the mastery.  From a director who’s made other brilliant films like Brick, Looper, and The Last Jedi, this might be his crowning achievement.
        Follow Kevflix on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, and on Facebook by searching Kevflix.
          The post Top 5 – Movies Coming Out in November appeared first on Kevflix.
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curious-minx · 3 years
Entering into a new dawn of Corporatist Neoliberalism, all while leaving behind a rising Fascist Empire. A solid Bob’s Burgers and a surprisingly decent Simpsons is your reward.
“Fast Time Capsules at Wagstaff School”  once again finds the show operating in the territory it does best: A Poignant twee commentary with the junior Belchers and a nearly pointless sideplot with the adult Belchers that actually sports a satisfying conclusion. The ingredients of a quality kids subplot requires a touch of Tina having the conflict of wielding too much power passed down to her by Mr. Frond whose mere appearance reliably bumps an episode up a notch. This episode not only also weaves the usual Tammy and Jocelyn jealousy games with Tina but also splashes two other of Tina’s peers into the mix: Jim Gaffigan’s Kelsey Grammar indebted Henry Haber and girl friend Sasmina voiced by National Treasure Aparna Nancherla. The episode focuses primarily on Tina’s gatekeeping of the contents of the Wagstaff time capsule. A particularly timely concept for a year where history is a constant 24/7 newsfeed of dramatic historical importance. 
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I fold up my muted pink streaked swimming trunks and put them into my personal time capsule. No way will I ever be braving a public beach or swimming hole. The act of exposing any amount of flesh during a pandemic is unthinkable, but in another 50 years I am sure there will be a lot more living to do. The episode goes even further in poignancy with layering a coinciding  Louise conflict over a pair of Boyz4Now lands a lot differently in these Quarantined Times. Never have I related to Louise and her desire to go see a cute pop group sing in an intimate live setting, singing such hits like “Your Heart Fell On The Floor, Let Me Get It For You,” a level of cuteness not even Belle and Sebastian or The Magnetic Fields could probably come up with. The main plot moves along with a clean efficiency of storytelling bringing Louise and Tina conspiring together using their combined sister brain to retrieve the tickets, but due to further conflicting interests. The episode concludes with the characters taking their personal losses and rolling with the punches, which is another central sweet spot. Earlier on the series I felt like the Belcher family were constantly losing and being put down upon by the world around them. The pendulum of justice remains in flux giving the Belchers and friends minor victories, but the last image of this episode really gets to me.  The sight of group of kids  in a parking lot bonding by singing the hit “Someday We’ll Spoon” as it plays off in the distance. Another song title that hits so much harder than it ever could have without the rampaging socially distanced disease.
“If you see a cop, whistle!” - Teddie, and me whenever I see a cop because I always make sure to harass and wolf whistle at cops like they were a piece of construction worker street meat. 
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One of my new favorite Bobspressions. 
The B plot with Bob and Linda is essentially that Bob can whistle, but Linda cannot, although Linda can roll her R’s. This teasing and taunting domestic squabble is cushioned by the looming gentle omnipresence of Teddie. Teddie, Bob and Linda are a solid trio and play off each other as characters really well and the repartee between the characters feels a lot looser than it has in past episodes of this season. The subplot culminates in Teddie making one of my favorite comedic moves being dependent on his parasocial relationship with Bob and Linda’s marriage. Teddie is the friend that believes in the love of his friends’ marriage more so than his own friends do and it’s always pretty touching to see Teddie play that card. The adults largely stay completely static inside a one-shot of the restaurant with Bob in the kitchen window, but there is a discernible rise and fall conflict between Bob and Linda that culminates with simple silly sweetness. Once again the adults are left fuddling around in their comfortable boxes and squares they have created for themselves, while the children are foisted out in the world having to deal with Future. 
One other particularly timely one-off joke that the writers would have no way of knowing how timely and off-putting it would be is when Eugene makes a reference to Sean Connery. Gene compares Linda to the late actor responding to Linda on her R syllable rolling flexing. I am sure the writer of the episode felt some kind of something with this episode airing a week after the man died. 
This episode is a Boyz4.5(4)Now. 
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Thankfully this next episode of the Simpsons did not trot out Mr. James Bont. Episode 5 of Season 32 “The Seven Beer Itch” is a rebound episode from the last three exhausting conceptual excursions. I failed to do a write up on the Season 32 premiere episode, “Undercover Burns,” which I give a Pass (A Pass btw means that you won’t be harmed passing this show through your system, whereas Skip speaks for itself). Both the season opener and this fifth episode are just Simpsons episodes based in and around Springfield. No historical role-play or contrived literary surrogate puppet shows. This episode initially begins filling the viewer with “Simpsons on Holiday” dread opening the episode with The Groundskeeper Willie serving as the episode’s narrator. What’s completely confounding is that Willie has no bearing on the plot of this episode in any way whatsoever other than the fact that both he and UK Treasure Olivia Coleman are both from across the Pond. 
The Simpsons have become one of the most musical series on television, and frankly it  saps away the energy of the when songs pile on top of one another. I know I  should be more wickedly delighted by having The Gosh Dang Favourite singing a pub song to Homer at Moe’s Tavern, but instead these songs make me go dead inside. Especially when Dan Castellaneta has to be a total diva belching out melodies with honey voiced Barney. Maybe if the songs were relegated to once a season or specifically to the ending credit sequence a la Bob’s Burgers that would be one thing, but a song  (or three! Or five!) per episode is simply too busy. Then again “busy” describes everything about the Simpsons in 2020. The show continues to astound me visually with Springfields starry purple skies, brief glimpses of London clock towers served up alongside Marge and kids trip to Martha’s Vineyard. We even take a pit stop in California with Olivia Coleman’s Lily doing a forced, weirdly gentle riff with Leonard DiCaprio (who goes uncredited, making matters even stranger). Overall, modern Simpsons is the nicest looking adult animated sitcom around until Tuca and Bertie comes back on air. That being the said the plots of each episode feel like they are being pulled out of a magic foam wizard’s hat stuffed to the brim with Simpsons conceits. This week the writer’s pull Homer Seduction from out of the hat.
The Homer seduction plot can be traced back as early as Season 3 with the episode “Colonel Homer.” This episode more or less grafts its main plot swapping out a Pretty Country Singer with a Charming British Lady. The songs in “Colonel Homer” were actively related to the plot with country star Lurleen Lumpkins becoming infatuated with Homer Simpson, because he’s, he’s a simple and um sweet man. Homer has fidelity! 32 plus years on the air and Homer still remains the kind of man that will still choose his wife over whatever hot piece of Academy Award Winning voiced action comes his way. 
I will end this review with this image of Homer giving us viewers come hither and fuck me eyes. Imagine an artist sitting down and drawing Homer Simpson giving you this coquettish glance and try not feeling sick with existential dread:
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This episode deserves a Pass.
A response to Digital Spy and hand wringing queerness out of a cartoon child 
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The article in question is available here. 
The journalist of this article insistence that Lisa be a LGTBQ+ icon is understandable, but taking umbrage with Yeardely Smith’ for saying that she views Lisa as a child is queasy and infuriating. Smith isn’t a Karen trying to rob Lisa of her Queer freedom. Lisa’s queerness is innate and subtly woven into the character and explicitly spelled out in future glimpses of the character. I really shutter to think what the Simpsons mostly white and male writers room would concoct for a “queering” of Lisa. Dissecting and analyzing a cartoon child’s sexuality is all fun and games, but the world is also dying and full of real life children, not cartoon characters, in pain far more worthy of our concern. I would much rather there be support for Queer artist making their own adult animated sitcom and let Lisa Simpson just be a little girl that loves as Yeardely Smith calls “girly things.” Interpret this literally. Lisa is a cartoon girl living in a cartoon world and she’ll probably grow up to be a nonbinary polyamorous Super Computer or Sax Master General.
If you haven't already I strongly recommend readers check out Smith’s appearance on the currently defunct podcast Harmontown. In the episode “I Was A Simpson” she comes across as charming and thoughtful and worth a listen. She’s not someone that strikes me as a hateful advocate of queer erasure. She strikes me as a cagey performer not wanting to nail down too many concrete details about her character. Ultimately the writers and Smith know Lisa is a queer character,  but unless the show is willing to hire a LGBTQ+ writer to help create a Queer Coming of Age centric coming of age episode I am content with having her identity be nudged and winked at in glimpses of the future and left at that. Good grief. 
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israelgcgq059-blog · 4 years
7 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About digimon world dawn
Gotta Catch 'Em All
No doubt that, the attraction of online flash games will not end. With over a 1000 Digimon to choose from, there can be something for everybody in the wonderful world of Digimon. With all sorts of cool Digimon, highlighted in the anime, manga, video games, and card game, it could be hard to narrow it right down to just 10, but with some effort and determination, we could actually discover 10 that represented every facet of the series. Which Digimon do you consider is the coolest? Are there any Digimon you think must have been on the list? Tell us in the comments below. A sequel to the popular anime series which accumulates after a 2 . 5 calendar year timeskip. Naruto returns to the Konoha village after teaching under Jiraiya. He still hasn't abadndoned Sasuke, who now became a member of forces with Akatsuki to achieve his own goals. However, Naruto is in more danger than ever as Akatsuki increase their attempts to hunt the Tailed Beasts.
Note: We at ROMs World Online have many PlayStation ROMs available for free to download. We likewise have some famous ROMs like Super Mario Galaxy ROM from rommode, completeroms, romsmania and also gamulator. You already have a great deal of stress and anxiety in your daily life. Most college students today have more homework assignments than ever before. In fact, a whole lot of parents complained that their children get back from school and seemed to have nothing more to accomplish than to just focus on homework! There can be an appropriate balance that should be struck between getting homework carried out and having fun. After you get back and take a brief break, then you can certainly start doing some homework.
Those two red spots are not just for cuteness, they will be the location of Pikachu's electric sacs. Pikachu is an electric pokémon, the guy can manipulate electricity for episodes on it's opponents on or off the battlefield. Pikachu is an extremely friendly pokémon and incredibly easy to love, he is normally seen with his best buddy, trainer Ash Ketchum and friend. Otonashi is an adolescent who died and went to afterlife. The afterlife is usually a high school for all those with any lingering regrets. He meets a http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=digimon girl called Yuri who invites him to join the Afterlife Battlefront - an organization she qualified prospects which fights against the college student council president Angel, a girl with supernatural powers.
Not absolutely all valuable trading cards are fresh releases. Dating from the 1940s, this series of Man of Steel trading cards is almost as older as the much-loved character himself. Mint-condition illustrations are uncommon - and, considering these were originally little more than bubble-gum wrappers, highly useful. Generally, scents for children use well-known cartoon and anime personas as trademarks and offering vehicles. Yes, it had been imported eventually to other countries, including the USA, but that is typical of highly successful anime. Why not make more money from more people? The intended viewers of the task, however, were not particularly Americans. If that had been so, why didn't they simply produce the display in English and begin brainwashing people's Christian children from the beginning? It creates no sense.
Sousuke can be an elite soldier working for a mercenary push Mithril. He is given a objective to safeguard a Japanese senior high school young lady Chidori Kaname by posing as a transfer student. Sousuke might today a lot about military technology, but he understands following to nothing about college life, which results in all sorts of hilarious situations. Anime cons are some of the best gatherings I've ever been to. Everyone is there due to a common curiosity in Japanese culture, whether it be anime or lolita outfits. It really is among the best issues ever created ^^ (at least in my opinion).
Digimon World 4 is a hack and slash video game which is way better if you have a friend or friends to play it with. I did enjoy the game, but it was fairly damn hard to create it through to the end by myself. By the time it is possible to get digivolved forms you will have likely finished the story and they only utilize the same weapons and special attacks anyway. It is a weird entry for the series and if you like these kind of games continues to be fun. The overall game of Five Stones is certainly used five small triangular fabric bags filled with seeds, rice or sand. Each player has to throw a bag in to the air, and then quickly grab another bag on the ground before catching the first one on its way down. The game continues as the participant repeats the actions by grabbing two luggage on the ground, and so on.
During the 90's these kinds of video games started acquiring popularity, and to any extent further they will include high-end visuals, extremely real sounds, and virtual communities, together with so quite definitely more. I've played all but Next Order, the DS video games, and the PS3 video game. Best Digimon game of all, I'd say Digimon Adventure PSP because it is the first time of year of the display, in game form. If fans are loud enough, Bandai Namco could helm a new game based on the popular series. Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode of course. It's original. It isn't as buggy as the playstation video games and it's fun.
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If you are a magna fan and reading up on the most recent anime and manga releases and the history of the subject, you will find there has been a lot of confusion between anime and manga. Oftentimes, followers will inquire others on discussion boards or on weblogs or in chat rooms what the difference is definitely. But that is like having the blind lead the blind generally. Not the best kind of art since it really could screen in better artwork and colors. Though I said that, there are portion of the games that is just amazing and makes me feel like it can't obtain any much better than this” during certain elements of the game despite the fact that the artwork is not really that great.
Players play as a mage and as such must rely on casting various magic spells by drawing rune styles on the DS touch screen. The energy of the spell can be effected by how accurately the rune digimon world agumon can be drawn, with more powerful spells being tougher to draw. All of the spell combinations offers players many different gameplay choices to create a substantial depth of gameplay. In order you can observe the Digimon anime movies do have a general theme which is usually boosted by the Island of the Lost Digimon. It's possible for two completely different types of people to live jointly peacefully and it is sometimes the children that coach us this.
January 31 - Digimon World: Next Order is definitely released in THE UNITED STATES for the PlayStation 4. In 1999, a short film predicated on the virtual house animals known as Digimon Adventure premiered. However, soon after the film's storyboard was finished in 1998, suppliers at Toei Computer animation were requested to turn it into a television series. The trading cards market is certainly dominated by a little number of notable businesses. These leading companies include Topps, Leaf Candy Firm, Donruss, Fleer, and Upper Deck. These businesses, while known mainly for their sports cards, non and actually produce sports-sports series.
An anime convention can be an event where people collect to celebrate anime, manga and aspects of Japanese tradition that they love. Organizers, who are large anime fans themselves, give a wide variety of entertainment geared to create the best Anime experience for fans. Despite being loosely predicated on the effective anime series Digimon Data Squad and having better graphics than its predecessor, Digimon Fight Online, having less PVP and the increased need for micro-transactions severely dampen any pleasure you could get out of the game.
March 24 - Digimon Links is released in Japan for Smartphones. It generally does not take a lot to win a combat in Digimon: ReArise, the most recent digital monster video game for iOS and Android devices. As long as your party is properly leveled up, the auto-battle function breezes through the turn-based group battles. The real challenge in Digimon: ReArise can be collecting, raising, and schooling an ever-expanding horde of multi-colored creatures, evolving them from pretty small balls into humanoid numbers with rocket launchers installed on their shoulders.
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junker-town · 4 years
What was most popular the last time the Chiefs and 49ers won a Super Bowl
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The last two times these two won the Lombardi Trophy, things were pretty different.
It’s been quite a long time since the Kansas City Chiefs won a Super Bowl. In fact, it’s been a whole 50 years — the Chiefs won Super Bowl IV in the 1969 season. Kansas City had the fourth-longest active drought without a Super Bowl appearance until it earned a bid this season.
The San Francisco 49ers, on the other hand, have won a championship more recently. Their last Super Bowl win came in the 1994 season, when the Steve Young-led 49ers defeated the San Diego Chargers in Miami.
This year’s Super Bowl is also in Miami, but that’s about all that remains the same. A lot has changed in the world since the last time these two won championships.
Let’s take a look at what was happening in sports, TV, movies, pop culture, and technology the last time the Chiefs and 49ers won the Super Bowl.
1969 vs. 1994 in sports
The New York Mets won the World Series, 4-1, over the Baltimore Orioles. Nicknamed the “Amazin Mets,” the victory was one of the biggest upsets in World Series history. The Mets it had a losing season each year before that.
The Boston Celtics were the NBA champions, as they defeated the Los Angeles Lakers in seven games. We saw the Celtics-Lakers rivalry heat up during this decade, and the two played in the finals six times — Boston won them all.
In college football, the Texas Longhorns won the national title, beating Notre Dame, 21-17, in the Cotton Bowl, and thus, Texas was truly back. What’s also interesting about this season is after the Longhorns defeated No. 2 Arkansas in December earlier that season, President Richard Nixon presented Texas with a plaque claiming the Longhorns to be the No. 1 team in the land.
Major League Baseball strike: 1994 was a chaotic year for the MLB. Owners wanting to implement salary caps led to a players’ strike in August. It didn’t end for 232 days, the longest stoppage in MLB history, and there was no World Series. The strike cost management close to $1 billion, and players lost millions. It effectively ended Michael Jordan and Bo Jackson’s MLB careers, too.
The Nebraska Cornhuskers won the college football national championship by beating then-No. 1 Miami in the Orange Bowl. It marked head coach Tom Osborne’s first national title, though he’d go on to win two more in the 90s.
The Houston Rockets won their first-ever NBA championship, taking the seven-game series against the New York Knicks.
The O.J. Simpson chase: During Game 5 of Knicks-Rockets, NBC’s telecast was interrupted for the police chase of Simpson in his white Bronco:
Tonya Harding won the U.S. Figure Skating Championship. As you probably know, that was before she was later stripped of her title for her role in the attack on her competitor, Nancy Kerrigan, which happened that same year.
1969 vs. 1994 in music
The Billboard No. 1 song in 1969 was “Sugar, Sugar,” by a cartoon band named The Archies, from the animated TV show The Archie Show. Yes, this is incredibly weird to me, too.
Other big hits during this year included “Honky Tonk Women” by the Rolling Stones, “Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In” by the 5th Dimension, and “I Can’t Get Next To You” by the Temptations.
The Woodstock music festival was held in August 1969. More than 400,000 people gathered on a farm in New York to see artists like Jimi Hendrix, The Who, The Grateful Dead, and Janis Joplin.
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Photo by John Dominis/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images
The festival is known as one of the biggest and most important music events in history, lasting four days (it was originally supposed to be only three) while heavy rains caused delays of several acts.
The Beatles recorded their final album together, Abbey Road, which included classics like “Here Comes the Sun” and “Come Together.” That year, the group gave its final live performance, which took place on the roof of Apple Records.
The No. 1 Billboard single for 1994 was “The Sign” by Ace of Base, which was the title track of the Swedish group’s debut album. This one was an absolute banger:
Other hits like “Don’t Turn Around” and “All That She Wants” were on this album.
Some other popular songs from this year included Sheryl Crow’s “All I Wanna Do,” and Boyz II Men’s “I’ll Make Love To You.” This year Mariah Carey released her Christmas album, which is the greatest holiday album in history. I’m not 100 percent sure about that fact, but I’m right, OK? Hootie and the Blowfish’s Cracked Rearview Mirror album was released, though it became more popular the following year in 1995.
This was a pretty big year for debuting artists. Some of the more notable ones, to name a few: Weezer, Outkast, Beck, Notorious B.I.G., and Oasis.
Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain sadly died in April 1994.
1969 vs. 1994 world events
One of the biggest moments in both the U.S. and the world history was the Apollo 11 mission, which successfully put the first-ever man on the moon. The mission, led by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, launched on July 11, 1969, and landed on the moon on July 20.
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Photo by CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images
On July 18, 1969, U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy drove his car off of a bridge in Chappaquiddick, which resulted in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, a former campaign worker of Robert Kennedy’s. Although the news made headlines in the beginning, it ultimately was largely overshadowed by the Apollo 11.
President Richard Nixon was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 1969, for his first term.
On Dec. 1, 1969, a draft lottery was reinstated, for the Vietnam War. It was the first since World War II.
Bill Clinton was sued for sexual harassment by Paula Jones while serving his first term as the President of the United States. The accusations Jones brought forward were allegedly from when Clinton was the governor of Arkansas in 1991. Judges allowed Clinton to avoid trial for the lawsuit until after he left office. Jones later settled her lawsuit in November 1998 after Clinton won the 1996 election.
The Republicans took control of the House of Representatives after Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America. Before Republicans took control. Gingrich signed the contract which laid out legislation that would be passed within the first 100 days of Congress.
Nelson Mandela was elected as South African’s president, in the country’s first-ever democratic election. The elections marked the end of apartheid in South Africa, and Mandela later established a commission to investigate human rights and political violations that happened during apartheid. Beyond his time in office, which lasted until 1999, Mandela is considered to be one of the greatest champions of peace and social justice, both in South Africa and around the world.
1969 vs. 1994 television and movies
The No. 1 grossing movie was Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford. It later won four Oscars, including for Best Original Screenplay.
The children’s television show Sesame Street debuted on PBS in 1969. Sesame Street is still airing new episodes on TV to this day!
Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In was the most-watched TV show, a sketch comedy show hosted by comedians Dan Rowan and Dick Martin. The show featured actresses like Lily Tomlin and Goldie Hawn as performers, too.
Seinfeld was the most-watched television show, while Friends and ER premiered this year. Nearly 22 million people watched the Friends premiere, and ER had over 23 million viewers. All three shows were the anchors of NBC’s Must-See TV lineup.
Disney’s The Lion King was the top-grossing movie that year, and other greats like Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, and Pulp Fiction were released.
Frasier won its first Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series. It went on to win 112 Emmys until it last aired in 2004.
1969 vs. 1994 celebrities
Celebrities born this year included: Brett Favre, Renee Zellweger, Jennifer Aniston, Paul Rudd (who’s a huge Chiefs fan), and Jennifer Lopez, who coincidentally is performing the halftime show at Super Bowl LIV.
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Judy Garland passed away. Eisenhower died of congestive heart failure. Garland was just 47 when she died of a barbiturates overdose.
John Lennon and Paul McCartney both got married this year, McCartney to Linda until her death in 1998, and Lennon to Yoko Ono until his assassination in 1980.
Lisa Marie Presley married Michael Jackson. The marriage lasted two years before the couple filed for divorce.
Time to feel old! Celebrities born this year include Justin Bieber, Harry Styles, Dakota Fanning, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and Joel Embiid.
Richard Nixon and Jackie Kennedy both passed away. Nixon was 81, and he died after suffering a stroke. Jackie O passed away of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at just 64 years old.
Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley divorced after 10 years of marriage. Brinkley was said to have partially inspired Joel’s hit “Uptown Girl.”
1969 vs. 1994 Technology
The first-ever ATM was installed in the U.S.: On Sept. 2, 1969, the ATM became available to the public at Chemical Bank in Rockville Center, New York.
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This one could only give customers cash, though more ATM advancements came soon after.
Televisions looked a lot different!
On July 3, 1969, the internet’s first message was sent from UCLA: Two machines on campus that were linked together through ARPANET. There was an attempt to send “login” over the network to a group of Stanford students, but the program crashed after “l” was typed in.
DirecTV’s first satellite digital television service launched. That year, there were just 320,000 subscribers.
Something called “Netscape Navigator” was the leading web browser at the time. I am 27 years old, and have no idea what this thing is:
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Screenshot via Wikipedia
The IBM Simon debuted as the first-ever “smartphone” for sale: Thank God we have iPhones now.
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Via Microsoft
There have been many changes in the 25 years since the 49ers last won a Super Bowl, and in the 25 years before that, when the Chiefs last earned the Lombardi Trophy. Fans of both teams are hoping they won’t have to wait as long to see them play in the Super Bowl again. But if they do, one thing’s for sure: the world will look a lot different.
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megareviews · 5 years
Winter 2019 1st Episode Impressions
Back again after Issues prevented me from doing these 1st impressions last year. New year new me new season, let’s try to get all four seasons reviewed in a timely manner.
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3D Kanojo: Real Girl 2: I would prefer less self-insert otaku protagonist romances in general, which includes those shows getting multiple seasons.
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Ameiro Cocoa sideG: I don’t know how a show that’s entire 1st season was 30 minutes long could bore me so I don’t expect them to retain me as a watcher for 5 seasons.
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B-PROJECT: Zecchou*Emotion: The second season of what looks like male idols, so… hard pass.
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BanG Dream! 2nd Season: When I get fully into idol anime, this will be near the top of the watchlist. I’ve seen the scenes from the first season and this one and there is a big upgrade in quality, not that it was particularly difficult given the rough 1st season.
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Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale: As far as I can tell this is a mermaid slice-of-life anime with characters based off of the card game Cardfight!! Vanguard. I’m interested as far as most shows are not about the supernatural creatures that are mermaids, but there isn’t really anything else that’s pulling me in as of the first episode.
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Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) (Boogiepop and Others (2019) / Boogiepop Never Laughs (2019)): I cheated on this one and watched two episodes before writing this, because the first two episodes premiered at the same time. Good thing I did because episode two explains pretty much everything that was barely set up in episode one. One threw a bunch of names and story bits at the viewer between romantic rooftop chats between the titular character Boogiepop and some guy. Two showed the viewer everything that Boogiepop was vaguely describing and introduced us to the main spookies of the show. Overall the animation felt stiff and generally revealed actions of characters rather than showing them, though the few supernatural events peppered in looked relatively nice. The concept is the only thing keeping my attention on it for the time being, but that’s a weak lifeline.
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Circlet Princess: When I saw VR e-sport in the description, I was excited, but if the sport doesn’t progress beyond the 1v1 duel that was showcased in the first episode, they I probably won’t care. The show starts out by accidentally introducing the main character to a new sport by fighting an ace in it, and then progresses to her transferring to the school where the sport originated from, only to find out that the school no longer has a club for the sport. From this I’m going to guess that the show will just be her struggles to revive the game at the new school with friends she’ll make and train for a rematch against the ace, since their first bout ended in a tie.
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Date a Live III: As somebody who’s watched all the previous material for this show (two seasons, two OVAs, and a movie), I was surprised at how good the second half of this episode was. The first half was a fairly normal slice of life x harem hot pot scene to reintroduce the main cast minus my favorite character. After that came the introduction of the newest addition to the growing list of enemies that will eventually join the harem, codenamed Witch. Her main abilities seem to be transformational powers, changing her enemies weapons into much less lethal objects and disguising herself. After the main guy accidentally angers her, she decides to use these powers to ruin his life, which I won’t spoil because that’s the best part of the episode. Overall, I can’t really recommend this series but if you’ve made it to season two, the art style might be different… again, but keep going.
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Dimension High School: There are many shows that I struggle to fully classify as anime, and this one is probably one of the oddest, as about half of the show is live action, with 3D CG for the other half. The premise is very simple: solve the puzzles of the sphinx or lose what’s the most precious to you. If the main cast was more interesting or if it wasn’t trying to be purely comedy, this could be a fun show to watch, but there’s just a lot going on that doesn’t really work well together
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Domestic na Kanojo (Domestic Girlfriend): Another show with a premise that theoretically could be interesting, but I am fairly certain is just going to be pseudo-incest garbage. So we got a main character who has a one night stand with a girl he meets at a mixer, and then it turns out that his father is getting re-married and the girl becomes his new step-sister. I think there is some promise in this as a concept, as that is just supremely unlucky and not really anybody’s fault for how awkward that is, but the key visual and title of the show looks like it’s going to be a romance after these high school kids become family. Oh yeah in addition the main character has a crush on his teacher at school who becomes his other step-sister due to the re-marriage.
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Dororo: A modern adaption of an old manga (by Osamu Tezuka) about a child trying to get back the pieces of his body that his father traded away to demons in exchange for successful leadership of the lands he lived in. The first episode was pretty introductory to the main character, who hasn’t been named yet, and the titular Dororo, a very young but talented thief. The action has been pretty cool so far, and the full body prosthetics of the other main character are a nice touch, though I’m not sure how that will continue as he defeats the demons to reclaim his body.
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Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue (My Roommate is a Cat / Sometime, Your Roomate is on Your Head): An eccentric writer who works as alone as possible because other people are just too loud, while visiting the grave of his parents and finds a cat that inspires his new work. At first he loves this cat for being so inspirational, but ends up getting annoyed with having to balance taking care of it while writing his book. From his perspective it’s a bit of a boring story with a goofy twist at the end, but then when we watch the same events narrated from the cat’s perspective, it’s quite a bit more interesting. Only somebody who really likes cats, or this cat in particular, could make it through this whole show, as I’m expecting ~50% of it to be a slog to get through.
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Egao no Daika (The Price of Smiles): We’ve got a princess who’s just turned old enough to start taking on more of her kingdom’s duties and the people supporting her in different divisions. While she just wants to put a smile on everybody in the entire world’s face, that’s a tough job for a space 12-year old to do. That’s the plot from the first half of the episode, while the second half is a decent mech battle between some new additions to the kingdom’s defense force, and the ace of the force, who happens to be a childhood friend of the princess. There’s a lot of places that this show could end up going, so I’ll be sticking with it for at least a little while.
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Endro!: So, the heroes defeat the demon lord, the credits roll, and wait hold on there’s still another 17 minutes left in the episode. We’re suddenly back in adventure school teaching the heroes how to be proper adventurers, and the new teacher for their class is… the demon lord? The demon lord got sent back in time and now tries to stop the heroes from becoming strong enough to beat them in the future, and fails so much that they end up advancing the heroes’ progress. I can only describe the artstyle as saccharine, which is the main thing holding me back from watching it in season, but if you can stomach it this looks like a fun show.
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Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki (The Morose Mononokean Continued): Season two of something that I didn’t find interesting.
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Girly Air Force: Two childhood friends escape Shanghai due to alien attacks that are mainly focused in China, only to have the ship they’re fleeing on be attacked by aliens. Like most media with alien invasions, standard military force is useless against them, but Japan has the secret weapon to deal with them. There’s a squadron of planes piloted by artificial humans programmed to overcome the technological advantages the aliens have, which happen to be based near the protagonist. He apparently is a stabilizing factor for the artificial humans, who are all female by the way, and gets recruited into this secret branch of the Japanese air force as a support unit. Based on the first episode, I bet this is going to be a harem with the pilots, or at least a bad romance, which I’d rather not spend time finding out if I’m right.
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Gotoubun no Hanayome (The Five Wedded Brides / The Quintessential Quintuplets): When a poor genius meets a family of rich, nearly failing, quintuplets, that sounds like a win-win situation, except the guy manages to get on the bad side of four of them before realizing that they were who he needed to tutor. It’s also framed as a flashback for this guy’s wedding with one of the five, so it can’t be a harem… right? So far it’s pretty lighthearted and I can get behind a guy who orders a yakiniku set minus the yakiniku because it’s the most cost effective item on the menu.
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Grimms Notes The Animation: In a world where everybody’s fate is written down on an individual book and there are many worlds based off of fairy tales, there also exists beings known as “Chaos Tellers”, who seek to destroy these worlds by rewriting people’s fates. Fighting to keep the stories intact are a group of people whose books of fate are blank and can take on the forms of famous story figures. The first episode shows an example of this fight through the story of Red Riding Hood and has a unique take on fate by framing it through these fairy tales.
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Hulaing Babies: If you thought this show was about babies doing hula, you’d be 50% right. It’s about high school girls trying to make a hula club, and other than that all I can really say at this point is the art is uniquely soft and springy, so I’d recommend checking it out purely for that at this point.
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen (Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To: The Geniuses’ War of Love and Brains / Kaguya-sama: Love is War): Instead of having one character that’s too embarrassed to confess to the other for a rom-com, this show is about both characters too proud to do so. The show is incredibly dramatic for the characters bouts of wit to try and force each other to confess first, while being incredibly oblivious to each other’s and even their own feelings. In addition to following the thought processes of the main characters, there’s the narrator who sounds like he should be in a shounen battle anime rather than a rom-com, but he fits in perfectly with the ridiculous tone of the show.
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Kakegurui xx (Gambling Addiction xx): Horny gambling is back for a second season, and guess what, everyone’s still horny and gambling. This season reminds you of this with an advanced game of chicken, which includes a finger guillotine and the opponent betting on the fact that the protagonist has the ability to feel fear, which the viewers show know by now, she does not.
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Kemono Friends 2: After the director was fired during the success of the first season, the second season feels lackluster compared to the previous one. If you liked season one, check out Kemurikusa right below this for where the animation studio and director for this went.
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Kemurikusa: A post-apocalyptic survival of a group of siblings living on a chain of islands and fighting against “Red Bugs” who appear from “Red Mist”. They all have some form of supernatural power, but struggle to find enough resources to live, and while gathering water from a lake, they run into a human who ends up being able to sense the Red Bugs. It’s done by the people who formerly made Kemono Friends, and it definitely looks similar, but the genre is quite a bit different, so try it if you like the genre or the staff, you might find something that broadens your horizons.
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Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai (The Kotobuki Squadron in the Wilderness): Once you get past the weird way that some characters are 2D and others are 3D, this is a great show. It’s about a squadron of pilots fighting to protect a cargo blimp, and the fighting scenes that take up a good chunk of the first episode are amazing. Even watching on a pretty small screen, it felt like you were actually flying around in a plane with how the camera was used, and while I’d assume there’s not usually music playing during a dog fight, it was never obtrusive and sounded right for how it was used.
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Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka (Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka): After a large war against creepy stuffed animal aliens, the five out of eight surviving magical girls return to dealing with humanity, as their enemies are no more. We follow one who swore to quit being a magical girl at the end of the war and is just trying to reintegrate into society. This is an issue due to the PTSD she suffers from, her former superior officer trying to recruit her to training future magical girls, and outbreaks of terrorism in Japan. My enjoyability of this show will be determined by if they go down the “help soothe the girl who fought wars in middle school’s PTSD” path which would be great or “Maybe the real evil in the world is humanity” path, which would be… less great.
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Manaria Friends: Cygames is bringing back it’s Rage of Bahamut characters for one more anime, which I’m up for. It looks like a slice of life in a girl’s academy, and that’s about all I got from the first episode. It’s got a dragon girl as a main character (yeah it’s Grea), so I’m willing to see if there is any sort of a plot, or if it’s just gals being pals.
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Mannaka no Rikkun (Rikkun in the Middle): Well… this show was supposed to have aired by now, but I can’t find any traces of it on the internet.
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Meiji Tokyo Renka: I knew from approximately 3 seconds in that this was adapted from an otome game, and just kept going. Our main character has ~2 personality traits which was more than I expected given the source, a love of roast beef, and depression stemming from the lack of interaction with other humans since her friends found out she could talk to ghosts in elementary school. After the setup of those traits, she gets transported to the Meiji era by a hot dude magician, nearly gets run over by a carriage containing two hot dudes, and then goes to a party with roast beef and more hot dudes. Oh yeah and the main character and hot dudes can see the ghosts that the main character has been talking to since she was a child.
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Mini Toji (Mini Katana Maidens): A series of shorts for people who liked the character designs from Toji no Miko, but couldn’t get into the story/fights/CG. Shows the off time of the characters and helps develop some others who didn’t get as much screen time in the main series.
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Mob Psycho 100 II: A good episode to get back into the Mob Psycho 100 flow, showing how Mob uses his powers with people and against spirits, brings back some characters the viewers might have forgotten about, and revealing at least one interesting secret.
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Pastel Memories: A slice of life-looking show that morphed into a steampunk action show in the last two minutes. After the shutdown of the manga and anime industries, Akihabara becomes a normal city, with only vestiges of the otaku hub it once was remaining. The first episode introduces us to the cast of characters working at a café with daily customers in the single digits, and a request in their guestbook to read a certain series. This prompts a search of the entire district to find all the volumes from the last bookstores open. There’s a whole swath of character archetypes showcased and a couple of motifs that seem odd, at least until the genre shifts right at the end to how some enemy is destroying the existence of the same series that the cast worked so hard to gather.
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Piano no Mori 2 (Forest of the Piano 2): I’m not suffering through ugly CG fingers and hair for whatever the story here might be, I’ll get the story from a printed form instead.
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Revisions: During a kidnapping incident in elementary school, the protagonist and his friends are told that they will be the people to save the world in the future by a mysterious hooded figure who helped them. Since then the protagonist is the only one in his group to still believe in those words, and lives in a battle ready state all the time, only for their school to be teleported into the future with a giant robotic being to terrorize, capture, and / or kill the students and teachers. Helpless to save the people he cares about, the hooded figure shows up again, without memories of the protagonist’s group, but still offers the protagonist a secret weapon because she recognizes his name. It’s all in CG, but it’s a mech show so it actually looks decent, and those last facts are probably the deciding factors in whether a person should watch this show.
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Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan: A short about a poor girl living in the city and working multiple jobs to make ends meet? The episode is 23 minutes long like a TV-length show, but most of it is an interview with the director and voice actor for Ekoda, because it changes with every episode. Kind of an odd way of doing it, but if you enjoy the ‘behind the scenes’ of other movies and shows, this show packs that in the main show, otherwise you can just watch the first couple of minutes for the animated story part of it.
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Star☆Twinkle Precure: Pretty Cure is a monster of a series that I may or may not ever watch any of.
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Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (The Rising of the Shield Hero): With a double length first episode, a lot happens, and a lot of red flags are raised for me. I’ll try to keep the length of this similar to others by streamlining what occurs which is: four heroes are summoned from different realities to save a kingdom from invaders, each with their own legendary relic, three of which are weapons, and our main character gets a shield. Due to him not playing a game in his world that function like this world, and the lack of being able to wield a weapon, nobody joins him except one lady who dumps a fake rape accusation on him while stealing his stuff, causing him to lose trust in others, and leads to him buying a 10-year old demi-human slave. There’s just so much reasoning that’s either damaging to real people or downright nonsensical to fuel this guy’s persecution that I can’t reasonably find a way to enjoy this.
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Ueno-san wa Bukiyou (How Clumsy You Are, Miss Ueno): Starring a super genius middle school inventor trying to confess to her crush through “testing her inventions” with him during science club meetings. Unfortunately he is incredibly dense and when given the opportunity of (arguably) most boy’s dreams, he gives reactions of either confusion or scientific boredom. The tests as of episode one are somewhat perverted and since they’re middle schoolers, so I generally don’t feel too comfortable watching them.
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Virtual-san wa Miteiru (Watching Virtual-san / Virtualsan – Looking): A show featuring a large cast of Virtual YouTubers (VTubers) which is executed as a large series of shorts like episodes from their respective channels. For some of the more knowledgeable about VTubers, the main cast are some of the more popular characters, while missing two of the most popular, Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna. The animation and art quality vary rapidly between the signature styles of various VTubers, and overall it feels like watching a bunch of hyperactive kids interact. They do promote lesser known characters, in sections where they give brief introductions and ask for viewers to send in their own characters to promote.
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W’z: It’s listed as a sequel to Hand Shakers, which I found an odd premise with clashing art between great 2D are and hideous 3DCG.
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Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! (An Angel Flew Down to Me!): A show that was relatable for about a minute before becoming creepy for the rest of the show. It’s about a shy, cosplay crafting college girl who… falls in love at first sight with her 5th grade sister’s friend. I thought UzaMaid last season was a creepy enough show starring a pedophile, but somehow we’re already on another level of creepy. It almost alleviated the main issue I had with UzaMaid (College student with an elementary schooler is still illegal, but closer in age than an ex-airforce pilot) but introduced quite a few problems, such as bribing the target with sweets to wear certain clothes and take pictures in them, and the target agreeing to come back as long as she gets more sweets, since they’re homemade by the college girl.
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Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland): The other of the two shows that I’ve read the source material for, and as of episode one it looks like it will be a great adaption of the original. The story takes place in an orphanage where the kids train their minds by constant testing, and their bodies by playing tag in the forests. There’s a decent amount of spoilable plot that goes on other than that so I’ll just leave a recommendation to watch. The music and shot composition just often enough hint at the viewers that something is wrong before the big reveal at the end of the episode.
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Grammy Award-triumphing manufacturer Andrew Watt, who has labored with Cardi B, Post Malone, Future and different tune artists, has shriveled Covid-19, in any other case known as the coronavirus.
Monday, 23 March 2020
tests positive coronavirus ushealthcare4u.com andrew watt
Grammy Award-triumphing manufacturer Andrew Watt, who has labored with Cardi B, Post Malone, Future and different tune artists, has shriveled Covid-19, in any other case known as the coronavirus.
On Tuesday (March 17), the hitmaker went on his Instagram web page to share his health crisis. In his alarming story, Watt specific his adventure of what he experienced prior to finding out he had the coronavirus.
“12 days ago, early morning of March 6, I started out feeling like I become hit through a bus. I couldn’t pass out of my mattress for days and commenced to run a fever,” he wrote. “I became seen by using a doctor at my house who instructed
me I am advantageous for the regular flu and there’s no way I should have Covid-19 as I haven’t left the us of a and all I do is go to the studio and pass straight home.”
Watt goes on to write that his fever didn’t forestall and he commenced having dry coughs. He changed into rushed to the medical institution and when he arrived, he begged to be examined for Covid-19 but changed into turned down due  to federal policies. Watt became eventually tested by using a non-public doctor and the effects came lower back high-quality for the coronavirus.
“Currently...My fevers are becoming an awful lot a great deal better and I actually have all started to have fairly of an appetite again however it's far very difficult for me to respire due to this pneumonia,” he wrote. “I am 29 years antique. I am a wholesome young guy and I am going to get through it no matter what. I am going to make a complete restoration.”
In the stop, Watt needs his followers to recognize that the coronavirus isn't a joke and those have to take it significantly. He encouraged his lovers to engage in social distancing to protect others from contracting the potentially deadly virus.
“I can’t stress this enough...This isn't a comic story,” he delivered. “Stay internal, stay sanitized. Please forestall the whole lot and take care of yourselves and the humans you like around you, until we're throughout this.”
"Social distancing is to defend someone's dad and mom, a person's grandmother," he brought. "It's no longer approximately you. It's approximately anyone together preventing this as a team."
Watt has a prolonged list of production credit that include Cardi B's "Thru Your Phone," Post Malone's "Die for Me" and Future and Juice Wrld's "Hard Work Pays Off" from their duet challenge Wrld on Drugs.
Read Andrew Watt's Instagram post beneath.
See 17 Rappers Who Haven't Put an Album Out in a While That We'd Like to Hear From
Jamie McCarthy, Getty Images
50 Cent
Last album: Animal Ambition (2014)
50 Cent’s name still ring bells, but it is been over a decade because he released a platinum album. Since then, he’s targeted his efforts more on acting, making an investment, govt producing and trolling amongst other things. His 2014 indie album Animal Ambition felt extra like a mixtape than the epic showings we’re familiar with from Fif. While he’s put out a few solid mixtapes in the period, he continually driven his Street King Immortal album to the backburner. He is probably nevertheless running on the album. We are patiently ready.
Karl Walter, Getty Images
Last album: Do What Thou Wilt (2016)
T.D.E.’s Ab-Soul is the maximum reclusive rapper inside the clique and after liberating and selling his 2016 album, Do What Thou Wilt, Solo has been laying low. We have been speculated to get the mixtape Longterm three between then and now however it never materialized. Now it looks like 2020 may be the 12 months the self-described "Black Lip Pastor" returns. During a performance on the 2019 Day N Vegas Festival, he concluded his set through telling lovers, “New album 2020. We takin’ the whole thing.” Yes, please.
Kevin Winter, Getty Images
Dr. Dre
Last album: Compton (2015)
We waited a whole sixteen years to get Dr. Dre's 1/3 album, Compton. That’s  lifetimes in rap phrases. Now that the good document has properly administered the treatment, fans nevertheless need some other fix. Will we get it? It’s tough to inform. Many of the equal matters that hindered the release of Detox are nevertheless in play, inclusive of Dre’s busy commercial enterprise schedule and perfectionist mentality. However, he always seems to be in track mode. There are reputedly never-ending whispers of Dre being inside the lab and he is reportedly blending Kanye West’s upcoming album, Jesus Is King 2.
Theo Wargo, Getty Images
Jay Electronica
Last album: Act 1: Eternal Sunshine (The Pledge) (2007)
Jay Electronica blessed us with a hearth album in 2007, a traditional unmarried in 2009 (“Exhibit C”) and has stored us ready with bated breath for a brand new LP for over a decade. A single right here, a guest appearance there may be all we’ve received. Not even a Roc Nation deal and the urging of Jay-Z himself has convinced Jay Elec to launch his lengthy-awaited LP. Still, we wait.
Mark Metcalfe, Getty Images
Childish Gambino
Last album: Awaken, My Love! (2016)
Childish Gambino has a lot on his plate nowadays and lovers are hoping there’s at least a side dish of album. In 2016, he stepped outside the field together with his severely acclaimed Awaken, My Love! LP. Then he messed the complete sport up in 2018, with the loose unmarried “This Is America,” which won multiple Grammy Awards. While fanatics were hoping a brand new album could arrive earlier than later, all we have when you consider that then are  extra singles. A new 12 months brings new hope that an album will materialize.
Brian Ach, Getty Images
Busta Rhymes
Last album: Year of the Dragon (2012)
Busta Rhymes has nine albums below his belt however hasn’t placed out a solo LP in view that 2012. That’s double the amount of time in view that his previous longest album drought— from 2002 to 2006. Bussa Bus has not been stagnant, however, freeing three mixtapes and assisting launch the career of O.T. Genasis, all even as teasing his legit return. Last February, he introduced he was putting the completing touches at the album with the assist of Dr. Dre. We are still ready at the aftermath.
Andrew Toth, Getty Images
Lil Dicky
Last album: Professional Rapper (2015)
Lil Dicky had a large buzz after liberating his debut album, Professional Rapper in 2015. He observed that up with the aid of being inducted into the 2016 XXL Freshman class and then launched the hit single “Freaky Friday” presenting Chris Brown in 2018. The international continues to be ready on his sophomore album, which has played the historical past while he’s been running on his new television show, which premieres in March. With the TV series finished, Dicky heads must be getting new tune soon. In January, the rapper found out he's running on the LP now. "The precise information is, I’ve made a ton of wonderful tune over these years," he wrote in an Instagram post. "Boy oh boy have I evolved and blossomed!! You will listen it and love it and be pleased with me, and much less irritated with me. But I gotta finish it after which roll it out proper. You most effective get such a lot of cracks at doing what I’m approximately to do."
Ian Gavan, Getty Images
Lauryn Hill
Last album: The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill (1998)
Lauryn Hill certainly dropped one of the best albums of the Nineties after which stated, one is sufficient. A whole -plus many years have passed, and L Boogie seems content material visiting with the antique stuff and not giving into fanatics’ whims for brand spanking new material. That doesn’t imply we aren’t still inquiring for it. Last 12 months, she placed out her first solo single in 5 years. Her track, “Guarding the Gates," regarded on Queen & Slim: The Soundtrack. So, maybe, simply perhaps there’s hope.
Theo Wargo, Getty Images
Last album: Top five Dead or Alive (2015)
AHAAA! Jadakiss is a pinnacle-shelf lyricist. So, it’s a shame he's handiest dropped 4 solo albums in his 20-plus yr career. 2017’s Friday on Elm Street collab with Fabolous become the closest factor the Lox member got to a solo LP seeing that 2015’s Top 5 Dead or Alive. The "So Raspy" rapper signed a address Roc Nation in 2018, and as of press time, we're nevertheless waiting on an statement about his debut on the residence that Hov constructed.
Paras Griffin, Getty Images
Fetty Wap
Last album: Fetty Wap (2015)
Fetty Wap hit the ground jogging with the 2014 single “Trap Queen” and struck while the iron became warm by freeing his debut album the following year. The former XXL Freshman has stayed heavy at the mixtape scene but has failed to comply with up with a sophomore studio album in the years on account that because of rumored label issues. Half a decade after his debut, Fetty subsequently plans to drop his 2nd album King Zoo this spring.
Matt Winkelmeyer, Getty Images
Last album: GIRL (2014)
Pharrell is an authorized hitmaker and the arena needs extra of his hits. With handiest two solo albums to his call, his most recent GIRL LP produced the mega spoil “Happy” and the world is higher for it. Chad of The Neptunes currently revealed he and Skateboard P had been inside the lab with a number of artists and plan to ramp up production this 12 months. Hopefully meaning a new Pharrell album is also inside the works as nicely.
Theo Wargo, Getty Images
Last album: Redemption of the Beast (2015)
For years, DMX has been dealing with troubles that are deeper than rap. He went from dropping 5 albums in 5 years to a few inside the remaining 17. It’s difficult to don't forget his final album, Redemption of the Beast, official because it became reportedly released without his consent. Last fall, he reunited with Def Jam, inking a brand new cope with the report business enterprise that was his first label domestic. It’d be dope to peer X upward thrust like a grand champion yet again following a stint in rehab.
Imeh Akpanudosen, Getty Images
Waka Flocka Flame
Last album: Triple F Life: Fan, Friends & Family (2012)
It’s tough to accept as true with it’s been 8 years when you consider that Waka Flocka Flame remaining placed out an album however nearly 1/2 a decade has surpassed when you consider that his sophomore LP, Triple F Life: Fan, Friends & Family, dropped. Big Homie Waka has stored his name popping via the mixtape circuit however the lengthy-awaited Flockavelli 2 album has been shelved over and over. Waka currently confirmed 2020 is the year he ultimately releases his third LP, which he claims will be his very last album.
Frazer Harrison, Getty Images
Last album: Mudface (2015)
Eminem’s preferred MC still gets busy. It’s been 5 years considering that Redman launched Mudface and even longer because he’s been teasing Muddy Waters 2 (later renamed Muddy Waters, Too, the sequel to his magnum opus. He currently positioned out a preview with the EP 3 Joints, which with a bit of luck manner MWT will follow rapidly afterward.
Mike Stobe, Getty Images
LL Cool J
Last album: Authentic (2013)
Todd Smith is one of the great to ever do it. Period. At 13 albums in, seven years have passed seeing that LL Cool J's last imparting, Authentic. He announced G.O.A.T. 2 in 2014 earlier than putting it on hold pronouncing, "It changed into right but I didn’t sense love it changed into equipped but." He dabbled with retirement a couple years later, however Uncle L can’t leave rap on my own, the sport needs him. Recently, there have been talks that a new album is coming together with Fat Joe serving as govt manufacturer.
Tabatha Fireman, Getty Images
Last album: Kamaal the Abstract (2009)
Q-Tip introduced his impending album, The Last Zulu, returned in 2012, rapidly after he signed with Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. Music label. Since then fans have had to loosen up themselves in terms of anticipation for the brand new task, which has been sitting on the shelf whilst the A Tribe Called Quest frontman makes a speciality of different ventures. The promised launch has no longer been forgotten. The final Last Zulu update came in the summer season of 2018 whilst we had been given the normal “coming quickly” forewarning. We hope earlier than later at this point.
Filed Under: Andrew Watt, Cardi B, Future, put up malonePosted by
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currentbdnews · 6 years
http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.pngWhat’s new on Netflix, CraveTV and Amazon in Septemberhttps://ift.tt/eA8V8J What’s new on Netflix, CraveTV and Amazon in September For update news visit All Bd Newspaper
A monthly look at what’s scheduled to be added to the catalogues of streaming services Netflix Canada, CraveTV and Amazon Prime Video:
Two unlikely co-stars are leading Netflix’s new comedy-drama “The Good Cop.” Tony Danza plays a disgraced NYPD officer who’s still trying to make amends with his son, a respected young detective played by singer Josh Groban. The show follows the pair as they struggle to make amends to a fractured relationship affected by bad workplace conduct and criminal activity. “The Good Cop,” which premieres Sept. 21, pays homage to classic TV with its cool “Columbo” vibe and a jazz soundtrack more akin to 1970s mysteries.
Jim Carrey returns to television after more than two decades with “Kidding,” the story of a children’s TV icon caught in personal tumult. He’s known as Mr. Pickles to his life-long fans, but in his personal life Jeff is faced with less adoration as his family starts to implode. “Kidding” debuts Sept. 9 on Crave TV and marks Carrey’s first regular TV role since 1990s sketch comedy “In Living Color. The series also stars Catherine Keener, Frank Langella, and Judy Greer.
Idyllic suburban living is put under the microscope in Amazon’s “Forever,” starring Maya Rudolph and Fred Armisen as a couple on the rocks. The show focuses on the pair who, after 12 years of routine, plan a spur-of-the-moment ski vacation that sends their relationship on a different path. “Forever” is produced by Alan Young and Matt Hubbard, the pair behind “Parks and Recreation.” The show debuts Sept. 14.
Also in September, both CraveTV and Amazon are shaking up the traditional broadcast TV model in their own ways. Amazon is taking a bigger step into the sports world with live streams of National Football League games starting on Sept. 27. Meanwhile, CraveTV adds its first soap opera to the service with “The Bold and the Beautiful” on Sept. 4. Episodes from the previous week will be updated regularly.
Here are the lists of movies and TV shows expected in September. Release dates are subject to change.
Sept. 1
Bad Neighbors 2
Death at a Funeral (2010)
Family Guy (Season 16)
The Flash (Seasons 1 to 4)
The Hollars
Kramer vs. Kramer
La Catedral del Mar (Season 1)
Monkey Twins
Mr. Sunshine (Season 1)
Sisters (Season 1)
Sept. 2
Quantico (Season 3)
Sept. 4
Black Panther
Sept. 5
A Million Ways to Die in the West
The Adjustment Bureau
Drag Me to Hell
Land of the Lost
National Lampoon’s Animal House
Sept. 6
Once Upon a Time (Season 7)
Sept. 7
Atypical (Season 2)
Cable Girls (Season 3)
City of Joy (2018)
First and Last (Season 1)
Iron Fist (Season 2)
The Most Assassinated Woman in the World
Next Gen
Sierra Burgess Is A Loser
Stretch Armstrong & the Flex Fighters (Season 2)
Sept. 9
Wynonna Earp (Season 2)
Sept. 11
Daniel Sloss: Live Shows
The Resistance Banker
Sept. 12
On My Skin
Sept. 14
American Vandal (Season 2)
The Angel
Archer (Season 9)
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures (Season 1)
BoJack Horseman (Season 5)
Car Masters: Rust to Riches
The Dragon Prince
Ingobernable (Season 2)
The Land of Steady Habits
Last Hope
Norm Macdonald has a Show (Season 1)
Super Monsters Monster Party: Songs
Sept. 17
The Witch
Sept. 18
D.L. Hughley: Contrarian
Sept. 20
The Good Place (Season 2)
Sept. 21
Battlefish (Season 1)
Dragon Pilot: Hisone & Masotan (Season 1)
The Good Cop (Season 1)
Gotham (Season 4)
Hilda (Season 1)
Maniac (Season 1)
Nappily Ever After
Sept. 23
The Walking Dead (Season 8)
Sept. 25
A Wrinkle in Time
Iron Man 2
Sept. 26
Lethal Weapon (Season 2)
Norsemen (Season 2)
This Is Us (Season 2)
Sept. 27
Grey’s Anatomy (Season 14)
Sept. 28
Chef’s Table (Season 5)
Forest of Piano
Hold the Dark
Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father (Season 2)
Lessons From A School Shooting: Notes from Dunblane
Lost Song (Season 1)
Made in Mexico (Season 1)
Skylanders Academy (Season 3)
The 3rd Eye
Two Catalonias
Sept. 29
The Exorcist (Season 2)
Sept. 30
Sherlock Gnomes
Sept. 1
The Big Bang Theory (Season 7)
Sept. 4
The Bold and the Beautiful (Season 32, new episodes weekly)
Sept. 7
The Goldbergs (Season 5)
Blue Bloods (Season 8)
Sept. 9
Kidding (Season 1, new episodes weekly)
Sept. 14
The Amazing Race Canada: Heroes Edition (Season 6)
Arrow (Season 6)
Blindspot (Season 3)
David Lynch: The Art Life
Snatch (Season 2)
Sept. 21
Cradle of Champions
Masterchef (Season 9)
DC’S Legends of Tomorrow (Season 3)
Sept. 28
Clinica de Migrantes
The Jim Jeffries Show (Season 2, Part 2)
Sept. 1
13 Going on 30
Cold Mountain
The Crying Game
Enchanted April
Grimm (Seasons 1-6)
Kinky Boots
Life is Beautiful
Little Children
My Left Foot
Sept. 7
Six Dreams (Season 1)
Wishenproof (Season 2, Part 2)
Sept. 10
The Chorus
Project Runway (Season 1)
Sept. 14
Forever (Season 1)
Sept. 15
The Association of Volleyball Professionals: Hawaii Invitational (Sept. 15 and 16)
Betty White’s Off Their Rockers (Seasons 1 and 2)
The Neon Demon
Sept. 21
Laver Cup (Live matches Sept. 21 to 23)
Pete the Cat (Season 1)
Sept. 27
Thursday Night Football (Weekly NFL Games)
Sept. 30
Martin Lawrence: Runteldat
Starship Troopers
from https://ift.tt/2PAmNkY https://ift.tt/2PzoU8J
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seeksstaronmewni · 4 years
Samurai Jack Season 5 in Review: EPISODE XCII
Here is my absolute favorite Samurai Jack episode, because it’s not the end. It’s only the beginning of the end.
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I was on the hype train for the return of @cartoonnetwork​’s Samurai Jack after I saw the Season 5 trailer on February 8th, 2017 A.D. (I made a recent post to celebrate it) One reason was that I became obsessed about The Powerpuff Girls during the nostalgically incorrect Season 7 (the first “reboot” season) due to a liking for the Season 5-6 designs and animation, a part of the "Cartoon Cartoons” I grew up watching... and I was right to expect former PPG creatives on it! This post highlights the events of the episode and why it’s one of the best Samurai Jack episodes ever--and how much I binged on it at first! You can check the episode out here (Season 5 reran Sunday mornings at 3:30A on Adult Swim), and soon on HBO Max. Also, if you’re on Twitter, check the links to my tweets in the underlined text! They’re old tweets and need some love!
If you saw not this episode yet, be aware of SPOILERS!
/!\ SAMURAI JACK This Program is rated TV-14-V. Intense Violence.
The day of the season’s premiere, March 11th, 2017 A.D., too late found I that [as] was doing a streaming of Season 1-4 (I came in during EPISODE XXXIII’s “Wild Ride”). Following was a Q&A livestream with Genndy Tartakovsky, during which I tried again and again to call, but the line was always busy. Luckily Season 5′s premiere was going to be for free--online--via the stream at 10:40P! I was so there for it! Of course I watched the televised premiere on @adultswim​, but the stream first!
While I began ceasing from trying to get Genndy on the PPGs again, all of a sudden...
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...it began, and I was totally there for it.
A view of a distant town (not Townsville) appeared. All quiet.
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That is until an explosion or 2 set off (and not with the stereotypical H-B/Universal “powah-wahh” explosion sounds either). There goes the giant windmill.
Partially and slowly revealed is that some aliens are on the run from the town...
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...from those “beetle bots”. GIANT beetle bots, I might add.
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There is this precious little moment where, being surrounded by the giant beetle bots, the mother and daughter visually--not by speech--exchange “I love you!” to each other with hearts in place of “love”. Oh, and there’s a baby too.
As the beetle bots come to a stop, the sound grows quiet. A motorcycle is heard approaching. When the motorcycle is revealed close-up, Tyler Bates’ bass-filled music is sparked: a warrior with a serious, menacing face is riding on these hot wheels...
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...and he aims his machine gun out... only to launch a projectile at these familiar foes...
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...resulting in the first explosion Jack caused in this glorious 5th season.
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He slowly circles around with his gun. Is he a threat to the aliens?
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Nope. Just pwning more evil scrap metal.
Once I heard the Looney Tunes-esq “pshhh...” of smoke from his guns, I became more certain that Joel Valentine was back on the show... unlike the PPG “reboot”.
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As the Season 5 sneak revealed late in February 2017 shows, the warrior’s motorcycle is packed with punk tires that can scrap these pests up! All of his guns are just as lethal... with all of those cool action shots and poses and all.
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The warrior then reveals another weapon: not a sword, exactly, but some manner of pitchfork on one tip and a taser on the other. Graphically, he destroys one beetle bot by twisting the wires inside, and proceeds to scrap the rest until one of them knocks... the mask off?
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That warrior is none other than the samurai called...
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Just another day in the life of the samurai! Shouting a charging yell, Jack continues smashing the wires out of the beetle bots with a front scruff that fits perfectly with the mane... a look that is very appropriate, new and fitting for Jack.
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The daughter gives a symbol of either “Is it dead?” or disgust. Because of the emoticons that are a major part of their visual language, I suppose that these aliens should be called... emoji-fawns?
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“50 years have passed, but I do not age.”
As the samurai continues onward into the sunset, a new intro is revealed for Jack to explain how much worse things are become. The former intro started with Aku’s prologue before the theme song, but Season 5′s intro is pretty much a prologue. This feels true to the nature of of The Powerpuff Girls’ former intro which also started with a prologue, but PPG Season 7-9 has a shorter, different intro (although the extended version has an updated version of the prologue with most of its original Tom Kenny narration, “DJ Avalanche” score, and few of Joel’s SFX).
Regarding Jack’s opening statement, creator Genndy Tartakovsky said that 50 years were passed apparently between the events of EPISODE LII, “Jack and the Baby”, and EPISODE XCII. I think, however, that Jack meant that 50 year passed since he ended up in the future in EPISODE II, “The Samurai Called Jack”. There could be more seasons of this show to explore more adventures of Jack, regardless of the time that passed; if anything, turn those comic books into episodes!
Anyway, for some reason, the rip in time Aku created to send Jack into the future caused Jack’s body to supposedly not grow old, though I believe that, slowly, he still aged to a point. Aku’s still the bad guy (with a new voice, but I talk about this in XCIII’s post), and hope seems lost unless Jack can return to the past.
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The intro ends with a slow reveal of the shows title, burning red in the dark, sporting an epic, exciting, modernly cinematic feel to the show. What follows, of course, is a scene just as cinematic...
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A quiet, eerie chant of the name “Aku” subtly fills the dark, fire-lit room. This reveals the worship of a great evil which reminds us of how dangerous and powerful Aku truly is... given that “Jack vs. Aku” is the previous episode where Aku has a speaking role (you know... “EXTRA THICK!”), though he vocalizes in a following episode “Seasons of Death”.
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The episode’s opening credits reveal that Bryan Andrews and Genndy Tartakovsky are the main board artists for this season, still directed by Tartakovsky himself with art direction by Scott Wills. Apparently, character design was very crucial to this season, so the main character designer of the season, Craig Kellman, is listed at the beginning on all of these episodes. This’s rare for cartoon shows, but this isn’t much different from old CN shows of the 1990′s like Dexter’s Laboratory crediting the model/character designers on the episode’s opening credits.
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“They will succeed where so many others have failed, and we will find favor in your glory.”
Seven daughters?! Is that kind of physical labor even possible?! That explains all of Grey Delisle-Griffin’s screams, but she’s soon back on her feet... to raise her children to serve pure evil.
BTW, it’s a good thing that the baby vocals that Joel used are not the common Sound Ideas Series 6000 cries, since that recording is far more annoying. Anyway, I find the scene very intriguing and exciting because it’s all really dark, and that’s something that “kids” shows often weren’t in the past. It all just feels so epic that it sucks you in; am I right?
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Back to Jack: the score revs up quickly in this montage of Jack riding around the country, wherever he is, as if he’s on some epic quest. Is he looking for a time portal or Aku’s place?
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It’s Fall at this point and Jack’s in a pretty forest. The lighting is beautiful, cinematic and very realistic in this shot--one of my favorites from this episode. The paintings are still by art director Scott Wills; they’re just digital.
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Such scenes as this are long periods of no dialogue, where music and sound can help to set the mood--sometimes, a very peaceful mood...
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...until, slowly but surely, Jack’s mind is hauntingly messed up. This’s where Tyler Bates’ music hits on the slow, hardcore, eerie, electronic percussion that subtly drives the intense situation that’s not like what kid’s action shows used to be. This would be frightening to younger children, but the sheer terror of this scene is awesome, and the music is hardcore hot!
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Some days later, we go to another sequence that occurs at night, where we focus first on a cute little owl hooting (and not the cliche, classic H-B/Valentino SFX Library owl hoot that many cartoons use, including past episodes of Samurai Jack). This goes to show just how realistic Joel’s sound design can be, and I admire him greatly for that attention to detail.
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Jack endured another vision that night, where his father claims that he never came back, though Jack revealed that “Aku destroyed the way home!”
The way? How many time portals or such were there?
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“He destroyed everything! Everything is burning!”
Woah. Was it something that Jack ate? It may be that that rat was under-cooked...
Anyway, every time Jack was haunted by the visions, a mysterious figure appeared afterward. Now Jack was motivated to find the village that he previously noticed was under attack. Time for a commercial break... and a breather for us fans of this nostalgic series!
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As we return from commercial, we see the progression of the 7 daughters in training. They kind of remind me of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten’s students... but taller.
Training is tough on these little munchkins, though--but Ashi is distracted by a light that comes from the outdoors... to which her mother slowly objects. Her strength endures some real testing over time with her mother’s harsh treatment!
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“Are you weak?!”
I mean... I felt like it was almost all over for Ashi at this point.
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Luckily for her, “Aku’s fire stirs inside”. The art direction on the following scene is very interesting in terms of lighting: black, white and some red. It helps for the simply-detailed designs to stand out more. Since I saw very little of Sym-Bionic Titan at this point, Ashi’s hairstyle reminded me somewhat of Ilana (who has the same hairstyle and same voice actress, Tara Strong).
Meanwhile, Jack walked through the village to find whoever caused the destruction. He comes to a shady figure in the smoke, revealed to be a hot-shot assassin robot who goes by many names...
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“Scaramouch the merciless! The Pied Piper of Ruination! The Crooner of Carnage! The Ambassador of Annihilation! The Eradicator of All, baby!”
The chipper, upbeat, overly positive attitude of “Aku’s most favorite assassin” made him instantly lovable. I loved this tin man from pretty much the very beginning. I immediately tweeted about this guy during the online premiere. I took a little while to know who voiced this guy (kind of sounded like Jimmy Gourd to me for some reason), but it was certainly familiar. Tom Kenny is the groovin’ voice of Scaramouche--another iconic voice from the man who narrated The Powerpuff Girls and voiced the Mayor of Townsville, Spongebob, Bon Bon the Birthday Clown and so many other great voices!
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“Wait. Back off, beardsly. Where... is... your sword?”
You were probably wondering about that... so was I.
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“You... lost... your sword!”
Well, the coloring on the handle of the sword is reversed in this shot, and it was just brown for the previous shot of the sword, but... yeah. Flashback to an episode that appeared not in Season 4. Destined to become an episode in the next season if CN makes any to explore the pre-Season 5 events.
Jack’s new pitchfork/taser thingy still makes the same “ching” sounds that his sword makes (and not the cliche Hollywood Edge recordings), though.
Anyway, Scaramouch was about to tell Aku the news (Aku apparently forgot about Scaramouch ‘cause he’s all like “Who is this?” First line since “Jack vs. Aku”!) when Jack and Scaramouch dance in a duel of musical magic.
“Ooh, nice choreography, baby!” Scaramouch replied. In a tweet I made of that line, I was thinking of cinematography instead and noted this to art director Scott Wills. I probably meant to note this to board artists Bryan Andrews & Genndy Tartakovsky.
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Oh I just LOVE that “fffwwwhOOMP!” sound there on the ease-in. Joel Valentine packs the perfect punch into the sound of an object’s weight with those big whoosh sounds.
More important, perhaps: how can Scaramouch play the flute when he’s just a robot? He hasn’t any lungs or lips... that I know of... though he apparently has teeth and a tongue, and I can hear breath sounds during his lines... and his voice sounds not at all robotic!
Jack can really throw some real weight around as he battles against a monster made by music and of building parts...
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“That samurai has gone beaucoup cuckoo!”
...but his haunting visions distract him from his heroic efforts...
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...once again seemingly attributed to that shadowy figure. This is a “CinemaScope” ratio for this shot, while the show is in standard widescreen (1.78:1 “matted”/”flat”). Those ratios can change a lot, kind of like IMAX (in movies in IMAX, one often sees certain shots of a 2.39:1 movie turning into 1.78:1 on a large screen, and the ratio goes back and forth). Still, ultimately the show is not in “letterbox” widescreen / “scope” format, like most Cartoon Network DVDs say; perhaps Warner Bros. Home Entertainment says this because Star Wars: The Clone Wars (the Dave Filoni series, only produced for Turner networks) was in 2.39:1; this caught on to some [as] shows like Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal and Tigtone (the logos are 1.78:1, however), but most CN shows are just in 1.78:1.
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Anyway, knocked out of his mentally overwhelmed state, Jack was back into the fight, but, even though he sliced the flute in half, Scaramouch was the real “musical magic”. He just goes all “Scatman John” on Jack and can control wherever his sword goes, striking it right at Jack!
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This is definitely one of my favorite shots from the episode... a slow-mo shot.
Jack seems to be fighting the sword itself until he comes closer to Scaramouch, who soon pulls another cold blade out...
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“Dig that beautiful sound, baby!”
...a split blade whose very tone of ring when clashed against an object can cause the clashed object to explode!
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Luckily, Jack has good aim for his sword... so good, that it just blows Scaramouch away.
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“Looks like you’re the headliner now; huh?”
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...and always will be.
Before the end of the episode, we see the last of the 7 daughters’ training. The music here just rocks. Its long, harsh percussion and bass-blowing beats really drive all of the action in this sequence.
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This shot has great animation and angles, where Ashi shows an opponent who’s boss as she grabs the 3rd arrow shot and kills her with it.
For more sensitive viewers, first note that this and the following shot are violent/bloody enough to earn the episode its “TV-14-V” rating “for some intense violence” (I’d think that “TV-PG-V” might fit it, since it’s not as strong as it could be). However, CN aired some “TV-14-V” rated movies on their “Action Flicks” block back in early 2009 (i.e. Batman: Gotham Night). That’s right: CN, not [adult swim]! Since, like, 2007 or 2008, they aired a lot of TV-PG rated cartoons like Teletoon’s edgy Total Drama franchise, Regular Show, MAD, Teen Titans Go!, and even The Tom and Jerry Show (though that one seems overrated). I can understand why they often rated certain programs TV-PG-V: even a kick or punch could be a bad influence if a kid was prone to imitating action (The G-rated Garfield’s Pet Force strangely earned this rating too). The point is that CN needs to air Samurai Jack Season 5 on, even if some of the episodes are bloody (only few deserve the TV-14-V rating IMHO). They might be able to cut EPISODE XCII down to a TV-Y7-FV, perhaps.
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It’s nice to see that Darrick Bachman from Paul Rudish’s Mickey Mouse still served on this lovely season. He’s the head writer for the 5th season... and the upcoming video game Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time.
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As a devote fan of “Cartoon Cartoons”, I personally point the sheet timers out since CN’s traditionally animated shows have lesser animation these days, namely SMIP-animated shows. I mean, that Robert Alvarez and Randy Myers did the “Sheet Timing” on this episode of Samurai Jack (animated by Digital eMation) and animation direction on Seasons 7-9 of The Powerpuff Girls (the “reboot” episodes, animated by SMIP). Compare the action sequences of both shows, and the animation/timing will stand out; unlike Samurai Jack, the 2016-2019 PPG episodes (like SMIP’s work on Infinity Train & Ben 10) usually lack weight in their rather gentle, slow-paced animation. Those PPG episodes animate not at all like The Powerpuff Girls Movie or any PPG episode where Genndy Tartakovsky directed.
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Here’re some of the new people on Genndy’s team for Season 5: Susy Campos, Andy Flexner, Jackie Sheng and Dick Grunert. Production Assistants (or, in this case, maybe production coordinators) can turn into major creatives for the story or art of the show, so watch for those names in future CN Studios projects! Team Cartoon Network Studios rules!
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This season’s prop design is in the hands of @heydusty​, who also contributed effects design and some character design / design clean-up. Dustin D’Arnault and others are new talent that live up to the work of Genndy Tartakovsky! The late and great Chris Reccardi returned, starting off with some prop designs as well. The design clean-up artists were also new to the team; these people clean the character, props and effects designs up after the respective designers did their designs, so they’re just as much designers as the designers listed. These “Clean Up” people are not to be confused for animation clean-up, however.
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Next up are the background artists: “Layout Keys”/background designer Lou Romano (The Powerpuff Girls, Cats Don’t Dance, Ratatouille) and art director/Background Painter Scott Wills (The Ren & Stimpy Show, Quest for Camelot) bring the beautiful, colorful locations to life. Leticia Lacy, a former Spümcø member like Wills and Reccardi (and many other Cartoon Network Studios creatives), returned as a color stylist, who chooses the specific colors for the character, props and effects designed.
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The voice credits are a bit lacking, since lesser characters are only listed as “ADDITIONAL VOICES”, compared to Seasons 1-4. This happened on Seasons 7-9 of The Powerpuff Girls too; i.e. Ms. Keane play supportive or minor roles in an episode, but Jennifer Hale is just credited as “ADDITIONAL VOICES”, though Keane is an important character to that series. Tara Strong is uncredited for voicing young Ashi since she only vocalizes--no lines. Greg Baldwin is in place of Mako as Mako passed away years before Season 5′s dialogue was recorded. Ultimately, though, Jack and his parents are still their respective voices, and it certainly is Phil LaMarr’s best.
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Unlike Seasons 1-4, Genndy Tartakovsky himself served as the voice director; previously Colette Sunderman handled the voice direction. Aku may no longer be voiced by Mako, but Genndy was able to direct Greg Baldwin’s “Aku” voice himself. Robert Serda still served for engineering the dialogue recording equipment at CN Studios.
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The score composers score with their super awesome hardcore score. Tyler Bates composed music for Genndy’s Sym-Bionic Titan (I can’t believe that I never watched that show when it aired). Joanne Higginbottom co-composes with Tyler on Primal. Dieter Hartman also contributed score on Samurai Jack Season 5. For this episode, no score mixer is listed. Music Editors are uncredited in this season.
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The animation company on most episodes of Season 5 is Digital eMation, which looks much smoother than the designs in the digital animation of Rough Draft Studios (lines looks slightly blobby on close-ups). The animation directors credited on the series are generally the overseas animation directors; in Season 5 they’re listed on the end credits since they relate to the animation studio.
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Regarding post-production, I was very happy to see Joel Valentine credited for “Sound Editing” (He used to prefer being credited by the name of his company “TWENTY FIRST CENTURY ENTERTAINMENT, INC.” AKA 21st CENTURY SOUND DESIGN CORP.). I was afraid that it would be like Dexter’s Laboratory Seasons 3-4 (or 5-6) and The Powerpuff Girls Seasons 7-9, where mixing studio Hacienda Post/Sabre Media would do the sound design, but luckily Joel was on it. This time, former Supervising Re-Recording Mixer Timothy J. Borquez, CAS is just a Re-Recording Mixer with Alex Borquez (former Hacienda mixer Eric Freeman moved to mixing and editing sound at Disney Television Animation in 2014); both Tim & Alex were Supervising Sound Editors and mixers on PPG’s reboot era. Also credited for the final mix is Taylor Pierce, then a Mix Assistant. Currently, Genndy’s shows credit Hacienda Post’s facility, Sabre Media Studios, Inc., as the “Audio Mixing Facility”, rather than referring to Hacienda/Sabre as Post-Production Sound Services (Joel Valentine/21st Century Entertainment is just as much a sound service, NOT just editing!). I’m not sure if any other editors are involved at Sabre/Hacienda, but someone was recording and performing foley for this show, and, due to time, they get no credit, which is a crime in my opinion since that brings the show to aural life. Paul Douglas remains as the Supervising Editor and Jim Hearn as the Dialogue Editor for CN.
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The Cartoon Network Studios logo for this season was visually simple, as it was just the face reveal scene show inside the logo (CN tends to use episode clips more often than animatics these days). Joel Valentine fit the sound effects to this well, though, with the sounds of a sword (not the ones Joel tends to use) and an anime-like accent. As for the “reboot” PPG episodes, they just did something weird... (couldn’t they show, like, the Hanna-Barbera swirling star inside the CN Studios logo instead?! at least for nostalgia?)
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The Williams Street logo ([adult swim]’s production company), complete with the Mark VII jingle, follows since it was produced for that often junky block of CN...
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...but, on the digital copy prints, the 2016 Cartoon Network ID follows! Nostalgically, though, I prefer the 1999 “Cartoon Cartoons” ripple ID, which Samurai Jack and even PPG Seasons 7-8 used to show. I mind the 2016 ID on the PPG “reboot” episodes, but I mind it not on Samurai Jack because it proves that, while considered “Adult Swim”, the amazing Season 5 still remains a part of the “new new new new” era of Cartoon Network.
Any viewer of Samurai Jack could start with this episode as Jack’s adventures are just beetle bots here and Scaramouch there, occurring over few days. The other side of the episode, the youth of Ashi, occurs over probably years; this only sets the main events of Season 5 into action with the next episode.
As for me, I did all that I could with the streaming marathon of EPISODE XCII. It went on from, like, 10:48P or something until, like, 7:30A that morning. I couldn’t help but observe the episode again and again and again... I binged on it. I update the credits on IMDb. I tweet much about this episode and its team. By the end of over 8 hours of the episode’s stream, I felt that this was an appropriate response:
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Before the end of this post, here’re reasons why EPISODE XCII is one of the best Samurai Jack episodes ever:
This “Cartoon Cartoon” returned after 12 years, 14 months and 5 days. According to Genndy’s forward on the Season 4 DVD, “The big question as we neared the end of production was, ‘Should we end the story and send Jack home?’ At the time, I felt that the proper way to end it would be to do a full-length movie - and still do. Hopefully, that movie is somewhere in the near future...” CN Asia-Pacific did this “Sayonara Samurai Jack” marathon for Season 4, but they were hasty, since the return came a dozen of years later, and Season 4 wasn’t the true end of the story. I feel the same about Disney Channel calling Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 4′s finale “Cleaved!” the “series finale”, and both Daron Nefcy and fans look forward to more episodes in the future.
The nostalgic design and animation of Genndy’s Cartoon Network Studios team was something that the then-current Powerpuff Girls episodes were certainly lacking.
The action is just as intense and detailed as ever, with the right amount and style of music too. Perhaps even more wicked than before, though I miss “DJ Avalanche” James L. Venable, who wasn’t on it because he was busy with Clarence. Paul Rudish wasn’t on this season either, probably due to his hilarious vision of Mickey Mouse of course. Still, the stakes are high and handled well.
The precious moments of our little emoji-fawn family and the haunting fears of Samurai Jack are draaamaaa
The wonderful Scaramouch is our comic relief for the episode. Thanks, Tom Kenny!
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“WATCH OUT!” There’s that classic closing to most of the episodes, just like we remembered it. The credits look just as simple as they looked before, too.
Next Episode’s Review
Tweet version here.
Tweet version as a shoutout to Tom Kenny & Greg Baldwin here.
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marilynngmesalo · 6 years
What’s new on Netflix, CraveTV and Amazon in September
What’s new on Netflix, CraveTV and Amazon in September https://ift.tt/eA8V8J What’s new on Netflix, CraveTV and Amazon in September
A monthly look at what’s scheduled to be added to the catalogues of streaming services Netflix Canada, CraveTV and Amazon Prime Video:
Two unlikely co-stars are leading Netflix’s new comedy-drama “The Good Cop.” Tony Danza plays a disgraced NYPD officer who’s still trying to make amends with his son, a respected young detective played by singer Josh Groban. The show follows the pair as they struggle to make amends to a fractured relationship affected by bad workplace conduct and criminal activity. “The Good Cop,” which premieres Sept. 21, pays homage to classic TV with its cool “Columbo” vibe and a jazz soundtrack more akin to 1970s mysteries.
Jim Carrey returns to television after more than two decades with “Kidding,” the story of a children’s TV icon caught in personal tumult. He’s known as Mr. Pickles to his life-long fans, but in his personal life Jeff is faced with less adoration as his family starts to implode. “Kidding” debuts Sept. 9 on Crave TV and marks Carrey’s first regular TV role since 1990s sketch comedy “In Living Color. The series also stars Catherine Keener, Frank Langella, and Judy Greer.
Idyllic suburban living is put under the microscope in Amazon’s “Forever,” starring Maya Rudolph and Fred Armisen as a couple on the rocks. The show focuses on the pair who, after 12 years of routine, plan a spur-of-the-moment ski vacation that sends their relationship on a different path. “Forever” is produced by Alan Young and Matt Hubbard, the pair behind “Parks and Recreation.” The show debuts Sept. 14.
Also in September, both CraveTV and Amazon are shaking up the traditional broadcast TV model in their own ways. Amazon is taking a bigger step into the sports world with live streams of National Football League games starting on Sept. 27. Meanwhile, CraveTV adds its first soap opera to the service with “The Bold and the Beautiful” on Sept. 4. Episodes from the previous week will be updated regularly.
Here are the lists of movies and TV shows expected in September. Release dates are subject to change.
Sept. 1
Bad Neighbors 2
Death at a Funeral (2010)
Family Guy (Season 16)
The Flash (Seasons 1 to 4)
The Hollars
Kramer vs. Kramer
La Catedral del Mar (Season 1)
Monkey Twins
Mr. Sunshine (Season 1)
Sisters (Season 1)
Sept. 2
Quantico (Season 3)
Sept. 4
Black Panther
Sept. 5
A Million Ways to Die in the West
The Adjustment Bureau
Drag Me to Hell
Land of the Lost
National Lampoon’s Animal House
Sept. 6
Once Upon a Time (Season 7)
Sept. 7
Atypical (Season 2)
Cable Girls (Season 3)
City of Joy (2018)
First and Last (Season 1)
Iron Fist (Season 2)
The Most Assassinated Woman in the World
Next Gen
Sierra Burgess Is A Loser
Stretch Armstrong & the Flex Fighters (Season 2)
Sept. 9
Wynonna Earp (Season 2)
Sept. 11
Daniel Sloss: Live Shows
The Resistance Banker
Sept. 12
On My Skin
Sept. 14
American Vandal (Season 2)
The Angel
Archer (Season 9)
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures (Season 1)
BoJack Horseman (Season 5)
Car Masters: Rust to Riches
The Dragon Prince
Ingobernable (Season 2)
The Land of Steady Habits
Last Hope
Norm Macdonald has a Show (Season 1)
Super Monsters Monster Party: Songs
Sept. 17
The Witch
Sept. 18
D.L. Hughley: Contrarian
Sept. 20
The Good Place (Season 2)
Sept. 21
Battlefish (Season 1)
Dragon Pilot: Hisone & Masotan (Season 1)
The Good Cop (Season 1)
Gotham (Season 4)
Hilda (Season 1)
Maniac (Season 1)
Nappily Ever After
Sept. 23
The Walking Dead (Season 8)
Sept. 25
A Wrinkle in Time
Iron Man 2
Sept. 26
Lethal Weapon (Season 2)
Norsemen (Season 2)
This Is Us (Season 2)
Sept. 27
Grey’s Anatomy (Season 14)
Sept. 28
Chef’s Table (Season 5)
Forest of Piano
Hold the Dark
Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father (Season 2)
Lessons From A School Shooting: Notes from Dunblane
Lost Song (Season 1)
Made in Mexico (Season 1)
Skylanders Academy (Season 3)
The 3rd Eye
Two Catalonias
Sept. 29
The Exorcist (Season 2)
Sept. 30
Sherlock Gnomes
//<![CDATA[ ( function() { pnLoadVideo( "videos", "C-A__zei4tk", "pn_video_720725", "", "", {"is_mobile":""} ); } )(); //]]>
Sept. 1
The Big Bang Theory (Season 7)
Sept. 4
The Bold and the Beautiful (Season 32, new episodes weekly)
Sept. 7
The Goldbergs (Season 5)
Blue Bloods (Season 8)
Sept. 9
Kidding (Season 1, new episodes weekly)
Sept. 14
The Amazing Race Canada: Heroes Edition (Season 6)
Arrow (Season 6)
Blindspot (Season 3)
David Lynch: The Art Life
Snatch (Season 2)
Sept. 21
Cradle of Champions
Masterchef (Season 9)
DC’S Legends of Tomorrow (Season 3)
Sept. 28
Clinica de Migrantes
The Jim Jeffries Show (Season 2, Part 2)
Sept. 1
13 Going on 30
Cold Mountain
The Crying Game
Enchanted April
Grimm (Seasons 1-6)
Kinky Boots
Life is Beautiful
Little Children
My Left Foot
Sept. 7
Six Dreams (Season 1)
Wishenproof (Season 2, Part 2)
Sept. 10
The Chorus
Project Runway (Season 1)
Sept. 14
Forever (Season 1)
Sept. 15
The Association of Volleyball Professionals: Hawaii Invitational (Sept. 15 and 16)
Betty White’s Off Their Rockers (Seasons 1 and 2)
The Neon Demon
Sept. 21
Laver Cup (Live matches Sept. 21 to 23)
Pete the Cat (Season 1)
Sept. 27
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weekendwarriorblog · 6 years
WHAT TO WATCH THIS WEEKEND 8/24/18 – The Happytime Murders, A-X-L and More
Over the 17 years I’ve been writing about box office, we always get to the 2ndhalf of August, and I feel the need to mention something called “The Dog Days of Summer.” This year, it’s quite literal with movies like Dog Days, Alpha, next week’s Pick of the Litter (a great doc!) and this week’s A-X-L, which is basically a robot dog movie. If nothing else, the summer will end with a Melissa McCarthy comedy, just like it started with a Melissa McCarthy comedy, and maybe this one will avoid the late August curse… or not.
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First up is McCarthy’s latest comedy which pairs her with Brian Henson of The Henson Company (of Muppets fame) in the type of raunchy R-rated comedy in which she thrives, but which is fairly new territory for the Hensons. It’s a buddy cop comedy where McCarthy is paired with the world’s first (and apparently worst) puppet policeman as they’re trying to find out who is killing the fabled TV personalities, the Happytime Gang.
While McCarthy is the featured human, the movie also stars Elizabeth Banks, Maya Rudolph and Joel McHale, all of whom have done their fair share of comedies, plus it has an obligatory appearance by MADtv’s Michael McDonald who seems to in every one of McCarthy’s movies. But really, the movie is mostly about the puppet characters who do drugs, have sex and swear a lot.
The Red Band trailer for The Happytime Murders has done fairly well online, so awareness of the movie should be in pretty good shape, but the primary audience for the movie will be the older high school and college-age guys who generally wouldn’t pay much interest to McCarthy or her films.
The two recent Muppets movies released by Disney aren’t great barometers for this film due to its R-rating. Maybe Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s Sausage Party from August 2012 might be a better comparison since that similarly twisted animation into a far-dirtier and more adult realm, although that movie’s $34.2 million opening was probably helped by the Sony marketing and how well its done with other films by Rogen/Goldberg. It doesn’t feel like Happytime Murders can open that well.
There’s also still the problem with STX deciding that the 2ndto last week of August is a good time to release a movie like this, and maybe there’s no good week to release it, because it’s so different. Because of this, I don’t expect reviews to be that great either. You can find them herewhenever they go live.
It just doesn’t seem likely that the movie will get enough traction to beat Crazy Rich Asians this weekend, so I’d expect it to end up somewhere in the $12 to 14 million range in second place.
Mini-Review: There’s something to be said about a comedy that barely gets snickers let alone full-on laughs, although you have to give Brian Henson, son of the late, great Jim Henson, credit for finding a fairly clever way into the buddy cop comedy we’ve seen so many times before. Detective Phil Phillips was the first puppet police officer on the force, but when he failed to save his partner Edwards (Melissa McCarthy) while she was being held by a puppet perp, he loses his badge. Going into practice as a private detective, he’s on a case, when he discovers that his actor brother and the cast of the kids’ show “The Happytime Gang” are being systematically murdered. Reteaming with Edwards, Phillips must find the killer who also has framed him for the murders, so that he’s being chased by the FBI (in the guise of Joel McHale, once again playing a jerk).
Where to begin with this movie that tries to put a more adult twist on the Muppets movies, except that it’s generally entertaining, if not particularly memorable or recommendable to everyone. In other words, it’s no Sausage Party.  Henson isn’t the best director in terms of getting the most out of the movie in terms of production value, but fortunately he has human stars like McCarthy, Rashida Jones and Elizabeth Banks who are able to bring more to a relatively flat script. The language and jokes are absolutely filthy, usually involving puppet sex and drugs, but it often feels like it’s constantly going for the lowest-hanging fruit for laugh.
Overall, The Happytime Murdersis an okay movie, although I doubt it will ever be considered a cult hit. I’m just glad more people who look like Kermit the Frog are finally being represented in Hollywood movies. Rating: 6.5/10
A-X-L (Global Road)
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(No, that’s not an image from the movie above. Just thought you’d be interested to see what Axl Rose from Guns ‘n’ Roses looks like.)
I’m not sure I have very much to say about this movie, which is essentially a low-budget Transformers with a robot dog that also changes itself into a motorcycle. The movie is from Oliver Daly who previously has done a short, and it stars Thomas Jane, although he appears nowhere in the trailer that I remember. It also stars Ted McGinley and Lou Taylor Pucci, but we’re still not getting to a point where this would be anything more than a VOD release. The star of the film is Alex Neustaedter, who appeared on Colony and lots of other movies I haven’t seen. I just don’t see what the draw of this film is when it’s going up against other stronger family films. Opening in 1,695 theaters, A-X-L will probably end up somewhere in the $3 to 5 million range at the bottom of the top 10. (It certainly seems like Global Road may be facing bankruptcy soon, so this might be the final feature from another distributor that tried its best to make a difference.)
Basically, Crazy Rich Asians should be #1, and we should have a slight shake-up after that as last week’s #3 movie, Mark Wahlberg’s Mile 22, is likely to have a bigger drop-off than the well-received Alpha.
This week’s top 10 should look something like this…
1. Crazy Rich Asians  (New Line) - $17.5 million -30% 2. The Happytime Murders (STXfilms) - $12.4 million N/A 3. The Meg  (Warner Bros.) - $19.5 million -52% 4. Alpha (Sony) - $6.5 million -37% 5. Mile 22  (STXfilms) - $6.2 million -55% 6. Mission: Impossible – Fallout  (Paramount) - $6.0 millon -44% 7. Christopher Robin  (Disney) - $5.4 million -40% 8. BlacKkKlansman  (Focus Features) - $4.8 million -35% 9. A-X-L (Global Road) - $3.3 million N/A 10. Slender Man  (Screen Gems) - $2.1 million -56%
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There are lots and lots of specialty releases this weekend, bu tI want to give special attention to a thriller called SEARCHING (Screen Gems), which opens in limited release this weekend and will expand nationwide next week over Labor Day. It’s the feature film directorial debut of Aneesh Chaganty, and it stars John Cho (Star Trek) as a father whose daughter has disappeared, and like Unfriended: Dark Web, the entire story is told on a laptop screen, but this one is really good and one of my favorites from Sundance. I hope that people check this one out when it opens because I think it’s an amazing star turn for Cho, who actually has been great in everything he’s done going back to Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, and it’s interesting to see how Chaganty uses technology to tell this story. (Mark my words, he will be a filmmaker to keep an eye on in the future.)
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Another film worth noting is SUPPORT THE GIRLS (Magnolia), the new film from Computer Chess director Andrew Bujalski, this one starring Regina Hall as Lisa Conroy, the manager of a sports bar called Double Whammies, who is trying to balance all of the drama between the mostly female staff and mostly male customers, as things build up to a big boxing match that will only air if they can get the cable fixed. This is another fun film from Bujalski, definitely more modern and even more accessible than some of his previous films. Hall is terrific in the film and there are a lot of fun characters who interact as the film goes on. I was particularly impressed with Haley Lu Richardson (Split) who was almost unrecognizable as the restaurant’s bubbly star server. After premiering at the SXSW Film Festival in March, Bujalski’s latest is opening in a lot of theaters across the country including a number of Alamo Drafthouse theaters, so check out where it will play on the official site.
Another movie that is finally being released almost a year after it debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is Michael Noer’s remake of PAPILLON (Bleecker Street), based on the books by Parisian safecracker Henri Charrière, as played by Charlie Hunnam, as he’s framed for murder and jailed on Devil’s Island. There, he forms an alliance with counterfeiter, Louis Dega, as played by Rami Malek of Mr. Robot, as the two plot an escape. (And MoviePass users, Bleecker Street has partnered with MoviePass so you can use it to see Papillon all weekend!)
Sam Rockwell and Ben Schwartz star in Hadi Hajaig’s BLUE IGUANA (Screen Media Films)as small-time New York crooks who are hired by a cute London lawyer (Phoebe Fox from Black Mirror) to fly to England and steal a rare jewel that another gangster wants for himself. New York, L.A. and a bunch of other theaters plus On Demand.
Emily Mortimer, Patricia Clarkson and Bill Nighy star in Isabel (Elegy, Learning to Drive) Coixet’s new movie THE BOOKSHOP (Greenwich). Set in 1959 England, Mortimer plays Florence Green, who is opening a book store in a small coastal town, getting the support from a reclusive widower (Nighy) while facing the local grand Dame (Clarkson). After sneaking into a few film festivals (like Berlin), The Bookshop will open in New York at the Landmark 57 (which takes MoviePass!) and Angelika Film Center as well as in L.A., plus it will be in more theaters on August 31.
If you’re into the weirdest anime possible then you’re probably already familiar with Massaki Yuasa from his previous films Mind Game and Lu on the Wall). His latest film THE NIGHT IS SHORT, WALK ON GIRL (GKIDS) might be his weirdest movie yet, and Fathom Events is screening it tonight, plus it will be playing at the Metrograph for a week (or more). It takes place in the course of a night as a mysterious high school girl walks through the streets of Kyoto’s Ponto-Cho party district drinking a LOT while interacting with all sorts of strange (and perverted) men. This one is as crazy and fun as Mind Game.
As far as some of this week’s docs, there’s the self-explanatory John McEnroe: In the Realm of Perfection (Oscilloscope) from director Julien Faraut, opening in L.A. at four theaters including the Royal and Laemmle’s Playhouse. Narrated by Mathieu Amalric, it assembles rare 16mm footage of McEnroe as he competes at the French Open in 1984.
Opening at the IFC Center in New York is Stephen Maing’s Crime + Punishment (IFC Films / Hulu), winner of a Special Jury Prize for “Social Impact,” as the filmmaker spent years with minority cops looking at the web of injustice which is hurting communities of color. Exec-produced by Laura Poitras (CitizenFour), it will open Friday with a preview screening tonight and QnAs with Maing and the NYP12.
The Quad Cinema will premiere Gail Freedman’s Hot to Trot, which won the Audience Award at this year’s NewFest with its look at same sex ballroom dancing. (Freedman and some of the subjects will be on hand on Friday/Saturday at 7:05pm for QnAs.)
What Keeps You Alive (IFC Midnight), the new film from Colin Minihan (It Stains the Sands Red), reunites him with Brittany Allen who plays Jules, one-half of a lesbian couple (with Hannah Emily Anderson, Syfy’s The Purge TV series) celebrating their one-year anniversary at a cabin in the woods. When the latter starts showing a new dark side, Jules must fight for her life. It will open in select theaters (including the IFC Center) as well as On Demand.
Ross Boyask’s aptly-titled revenge thriller I Am Vengeance (Saban Films/Lionsgate) stars former WWE superstar Stu “Wade” Barrett as ex-soldier John Gold who sets off on a mission to discover who murdered his best friend.
Rosemarie DeWitt and Danny McBride star in Jonathan Watson’s Arizona (RLJE Films) with DeWitt playing a single mom and real estate agent trying to keep things together after the 2009 housing crisis, which gets worse when her disgruntled client (McBride) confronts her boss. Also starring Luke Wilson, Kaitlin Olson and David Alan Grier, it will open in select theaters and be available On Demand, on iTunes and then on Amazon Prime Video on August 28.
Let’s get to some retrospective stuff. The Metrograph in New York is kicking off an extensive Larry Clark Retrospective with the director of Kidsappearing in person for QnAs as well as the New York premiere of his latest film Marfa Girl 2(the sequel to Marfa Girl, if you didn’t guess). They will also be screening Sofia Bohdanowicz’s Maison du Bonheur about 77-year-old Julianne Ellam, who has lived in the same home in Montmartre, Paris telling stories and people’s horoscopes, all filmed in 16mm.
The Quad Cinema will probably top that with their all-day Planet of the Apes Marathon on Sunday. 30 bucks to see the original five movies!
IFC Center will be showing a week-long 50thanniversary edition of Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby and all weekend long, you can all see Ant-Man director Peyton Reed’s 2000 film Bring It On, starring Kirsten Dunst, Eliza Dushku, Gabrielle Union and Jesse Bradford.
(Don’t worry, L.A. peeps. I’m slowly my way to the far coast to share some of the repertory offerings there. Stay tuned!)
Don’t feel like going out? Netflix will premiere the first season of The Innocents (Netflix), Simon Duric and Hania Elkington’s new series starring Sorcha Groundsell and Percelle Ascott as two teenagers who run away to be together… oh, and she’s a shape-shifter, plus it also stars Guy Pearce.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Beach Volleyball Girls Jumpin' High in TV Anime "Harukana Receive" 2nd PV
Following the three "pair" visuals, the official website for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Nyoijizai's beach volleyball-themed manga Harukana Receive starts streaming a two-minute second PV introducing its main character voices and theme song "FLY two BLUE" performed by Kana Yuuki (Haruka Ozora) and Saki Miyashita (Kanata Higa).
  The TV anime is directed by Toshiyuki Kubooka, best known as the character designer for The Idolm@ster franchise, alongside series composition writer Touko Machida (Lucky Star, Wake Up, Girls!) and character designer/chief animation director Takeshi Oda (Oneechan ga Kita). C2C (Aquarion Logos, WorldEnd) works on anime production. It is set to premiere on AT-X, Tokyo MX, and KBS Kyoto on July 6. Prior to the TV premiere, an advance screening event for its first episode will be held at United Cinema Toyosu (Screen 10) in Tokyo on June 30.
    2nd PV
  Pair visuals:
  Haruka Ozora (Kana Yuuki) and Kanata Higa (Saki Miyashita)
公式サイトにてアニメティザービジュアル、スタッフ情報を公開しました。監督に窪岡俊之さんを迎え、アニメーション制作会社・C2Cにて鋭意制作中です。 そのほか詳細は公式サイトをチェックしてください! https://t.co/mjNLpE535j #はるかな pic.twitter.com/mcMCfRiqXE
— TVアニメ「はるかなレシーブ」公式 (@harukana_anime) 2017年11月23日
  Claire (Atsumi Tanezaki) and Emily Thomas (Rie Suegara)
【最新ビジュアル公開!】 本日発売のまんがタイムきららフォワードにて “エクレア”ペアビジュアルを公開しました! ――真剣な女の子は、好きですか? アニメ本編でも、エクレアペアの活躍をご期待ください! 『はるかなレシーブ』はこの夏、試合開始!#はるかな pic.twitter.com/Zsdn0hVPRT
— 「はるかなレシーブ」公式 (@harukana_anime) 2018年4月24日
  Narumi Toui (Miyuri Shimabukuro) and Ayasa Tachibana (Kanae Ito)   
【最新ビジュアル公開!】 本日発売のまんがタイムきららフォワードにて“なるあや”ペアビジュアルを公開しました! 7月から放送となる本編で、ぜひ全国1位の実力をチェックしてみてください!#はるかな pic.twitter.com/ZPvs6ftGt9
— TVアニメ「はるかなレシーブ」公式 (@harukana_anime) 2018年5月24日
    Key visual
【キービジュアル公開!】 『はるかなレシーブ』2018年夏 試合開始!#はるかな pic.twitter.com/9aR3WWZXgB
— 「はるかなレシーブ」公式 (@harukana_anime) 2018年3月24日
      The sports manga has been serialized in Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Forward since its October 2015
issue, and has released five tankobon volumes in Japan so far. The story follows high school girl Haruka
Ozora who moves from Tokyo to live with her cousin in Okinawa, Kanata Higa. 172 cm-tall Haruka likes
sports but an absolute beginner of beach volleyball. On the other hand, 151 cm-tall Kanata is shy, and
gave up playing the sports in the past because of her short stature. By chance, the two, who have totally
different personalities, form a pair for beach volleyball games.
  Tankobon 1st and 5th volume covers
    Source: TV anime "Harukana Receive" official website, Twitter
  ©Nyoijizai, Houbunsha/Harukana Receive Production Committee
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
Real Madrid v Liverpool: Jurgen Klopp prepares for Champions League final
Real Madrid v Liverpool: Jurgen Klopp prepares for Champions League final
Real Madrid v Liverpool: Jurgen Klopp prepares for Champions League final
Liverpool’s fans quickly took the passionate Klopp to their hearts
Champions League final: Real Madrid v Liverpool Watch a special Radio Five Live programme at 19:00 BST on Wednesday, 23 May featuring Guillem Balague’s interview with Jurgen Klopp Live text coverage on the BBC website & Radio 5 live commentary of the Champions League final on Saturday, 26 May
On Saturday night in Kiev, Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp will have his second tilt at winning a Champions League final.
As his side face Real Madrid, arguably the biggest club in the world, Klopp will go through a maelstrom of emotions on the touchline, an animated figure who has taken Liverpool to the brink of a high not reached since that famous night in Istanbul 13 years ago.
But when I caught up with him last week at Liverpool’s training camp in Marbella, he was relaxed and insightful as he discussed the people who have shaped him and his career – as well as Saturday night’s intriguing final.
Recharging the batteries
The previous occasion I was supposed to meet with Klopp was at Melwood, Liverpool’s training complex.
That got cancelled because he had to go to hospital, for something subsequently described to me as a ‘precautionary measure’.
There do not seem to be any issues this time as we sit by the pool, with Klopp cutting a calm and relaxed figure in the Spanish sun. But last week’s trip was about much more than topping up the tan.
“It isn’t about bonding, because we are already bonded as a team,” Klopp told me.
“It isn’t even about the weather because we have that in England at the moment. But we need a moment together to concentrate our minds and our forces.”
Five years ago at Wembley against Bayern Munich, his Dortmund side fell just short of the finishing line as a late Arjen Robben goal won the Champions League for their arch rivals. Many felt an exhausting season and an exceedingly demanding coach had finally taken its toll.
“Back home when we have the day free we dedicate them to doing all sorts of things and I just wanted us to have a few days together doing the absolute minimum.
“To recharge our batteries, do things well in training, have tactical meetings and all that sort of stuff. We need to go into the final with refreshed legs and minds.”
Klopp is preparing for the biggest match in domestic football as a man at the top of his sphere. But it has been a long journey for the 50-year-old.
My dad? It was like living with a coach
To understand Klopp it helps to know where he is from and how he was raised.
He was born in the sleepy, natural beauty of Glatten – a small town in the Black Forest, in the region of Swabia.
According to Klopp it is “a great place to grow up, but a bit boring for a young adolescent”.
Klopp threw himself – or perhaps more correctly, was hurled – into the world of sport, by his ever demanding and sports-mad father, Norbert.
A non-stop regime of exercise, drills and sport were put in place by Jurgen’s father, who was desperate to see his son achieve the targets that circumstances and fate had prevented him from reaching.
Jurgen’s two sisters, who had been the sporting focus of Norbert’s attention prior to Jurgen’s arrival, were relieved. Pressure on the girls stopped immediately and they were able to devote time to their favoured hobbies such as ballet and music.
Premier League Show: Jurgen Klopp interview
“It was most difficult for my sisters because they weren’t particularly interested in sport,” added Klopp.
“I had a good relationship with him – it was like having a trainer with you all the time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“But it was not that difficult. He never punished me or anything like that. I have always said that all those things my father wanted me to do, I loved doing. That was my good fortune. Football of course, but I also enjoyed tennis, I never argued with him about that.”
Yet his dad hardly ever said “well done”.
He preferred focusing on the chances he missed instead of the goals scored, or the brilliance of one of his team-mates. Pushing his son was Norbert’s way of being affectionate.
Klopp in his own words I’m a totally normal guy, I came from the Black Forest. I’m the Normal One. With all these pictures on Twitter, it always looks like I am in restaurants and bars! I am not that type of guy. Whose idea was this to have two games in the semi-final?! Strange! The best word I can say to describe it [beating Manchester City] is: Boom! When I left school, the head said, ‘I hope you can do something in football because, if not, I have not the best feeling for your future’. You’ll never find me three days after a win, drunk in a hedge and still celebrating. People should not make me out to be like Jesus; I don’t walk on water Yes, it’s true. I underwent a hair transplant. I think the results are really cool, don’t you?
There is a Swabian proverb that says “to say nothing is praise enough”. But if that worked for Norbert, it has not been adopted by Jurgen.
“Treating them (his sons) differently was easy because common sense is a big strength of mine,” added Klopp. “I can explain problems to myself and come to a solution. That’s how life is, you learn from your own mistakes or from the mistakes that other people are making, so that’s what I did.
“Sometimes with my sons I had a reaction similar to my father and I thought ‘whoah’. I realised it and stopped it immediately.”
Klopp’s father died in 2000 after a two-year battle with cancer and shortly before his death pushed himself to the limit to play in one final tennis match with his club. He never lived to enjoy his son’s managerial success.
My future? I never doubted it
Klopp never regarded himself as anything other than an enthusiastic but mediocre footballer, playing for little money in the fairly modest environs of second division side Mainz, with whom he spent a decade between 1990 and 2001.
He had to supplement his semi-professional wages by working in a bar and also in a warehouse that distributed new films to cinemas.
Klopp made 325 appearances and scored 52 goals in 11 years with Mainz 05
“It was clear from the start I was not going to have a great career,” he admits.
“And I was playing in the second division and in those days not only did you not make much money but it was also so intense it took up so much of your time and kept you away from better-paid jobs.
“But I never doubted my future. That is very important. When they cut your Visa card in half because you do not have sufficient funds, it is not pleasant. But there is always a solution.”
His intense upbringing had taught him about his limitations – but also his strengths.
“There’s nothing in life I’ve been better prepared for than coaching. I have more capabilities as a manager than I had as a player.
“I started to coach when I was 20 with the under-10s and under-11s at Frankfurt and I loved the experience.”
I don’t want to be Liverpool manager at 70 – Klopp
With his ordinary playing career drawing to a close and with a family to feed, his passion for teaching and coaching nudged Klopp towards management.
In 2001, at the age of 33, he was given the chance to manage Mainz.
And he had one very strong trump card in his favour. At Mainz he played under Wolfgang Frank, the coach who proved to be his inspiration.
My football style? The fist that opens
Frank was at the helm of 16 different clubs and led Rot-Weiss Essen to the 1994 German FA Cup final (the DFB-Pokal), although they lost 3-1 to SV Werder Bremen at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium.
Celebrating with the crowds after taking Mainz 05 to their first season in the Bundesliga
He died aged 62 in 2013 but despite having very little success in terms of trophies or titles, Frank is credited with inspiring a renaissance in the Bundesliga that has inspired a new generation of managers including Germany coach Joachim Low as well as Klopp.
“When I started I wasn’t learning anything about football that I like. It was all about ‘how can we get the points?'” says Klopp.
“Wolfgang Frank inspired me not with his ideas of passionate football, but much more with his organisation. How to set up a team so you don’t lose, because when I first became a manager we lost a lot of games.
“It wasn’t about entertaining or a case of ‘let’s play football we can fall in love with’ but about organisation, which is always the base from where you get the freedom to be brave.”
Frank sowed the seeds for the style of play known as ‘gegenpressing’ which, in its simplest form, effectively decrees that you have to win the ball back as quickly as possible once you have lost it.
He played a back four without a sweeper – extremely unusual in Germany – and deliberately defended narrowly in certain areas of the pitch.
Frank worked on the idea that your opponent was at its most vulnerable when it has just won the ball and was looking to do something positive with it. His teams would leave one or two players unmarked, encouraging the person in possession to pass to them. It was a trap waiting to be sprung.
His tactics were an “epiphany” for Klopp, who was impressed by how “everybody had to go where the ball was. The aim was to create numerical superiority to win the ball, then sprawl out, like a fist that opens”. Sound familiar?
Borussia Dortmund fans say thank you to their departing manager
I asked Klopp if it is effectively organised chaos. He laughed, but his answer is serious.
“Organised chaos sounds good always assuming the organised bit is coming from our team and the chaos from the opposition,” he said.
“You can only do these sort of things when you have good enough players. The best coaches in the world do the things the players have given them the opportunity to do.”
Armed with Frank’s tactics and a passion and commitment that has won the unswerving love of players, directors and supporters wherever he has coached, Klopp took Mainz to the German top flight for the first time in their history in 2004.
He was at the club seven years, the same amount of time he spent at his next club Borussia Dortmund, where he won five trophies including two Bundesliga titles.
It is the same period that, if everything goes well, he says privately he plans to be in Liverpool.
My wife said ‘Liverpool is for you’
Liverpool, who appointed Klopp in October 2015, were drawn against his former employers Dortmund in the quarter finals of the 2016 Europa League.
A 1-1 first-leg draw was a precursor to what many still feel is the greatest game ever played in the competition as Liverpool fought back from 3-1 down at Anfield in the second leg to win 4-3.
Matched only in drama by what happened in Istanbul, Klopp started half-time by showing the players some videos of what had gone wrong in their first-half performance, and then he gave a rousing speech that referenced Liverpool’s dramatic turnaround against AC Milan in Turkey.
Klopp’s managerial stats Club Years managed Wins Draws Losses Mainz 05 2001-2008 109 78 83 Borussia Dortmund 2008-2012 179 69 70 Liverpool 2015-present 81 44 29
Klopp told the players to “create something that we could tell our grandchildren one day”, and according to Liverpool striker Divock Origi, the manager’s aggression from the touchline in the second half made a huge difference.
Germany defender Mats Hummels later admitted Dortmund “started bricking ourselves” at the sight of Klopp creating a positive atmosphere in the ground.
Liverpool were beaten by Sevilla in the final but by then the marriage between Klopp and the Anfield club’s fans was established.
Klopp is an unashamed lover of what is described in Germany as the ‘English’ game.
Physical and uncompromising, ‘heavy metal’ football is also described using the German word “geil” by Klopp in Raphael Honigstein’s biography of his compatriot.
It comes with the suggestion that “self-sacrificing toil could be a sensual, arousing experience”. The Kop has totally bought into this concept.
Phil Thompson, who spent 13 years at Anfield, recently interviewed Klopp for Liverpool TV.
Klopp told him that it was wife who said to him: “Jurgen, if Liverpool FC come for you, that is for you.” It explains, too, why he turned down Manchester United.
Manic celebration after a late win against Norwich in 2016 and the glasses were gone
Thompson added: “He comes in, he understands the people, the people understand him, they see his passion and I think that is a very, very important part of what it is to be part of this club.”
There is an English core to Klopp’s squad with Jordan Henderson, James Milner, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Adam Lallana, Trent Alexander-Arnold, Joe Gomez, Nathaniel Clyne, Dominic Solanke and Danny Ings joined by other bright young British talents such as Scotland’s Andrew Robertson and Wales’ Ben Woodburn.
Surprisingly – albeit partly because of injuries – there are only two Liverpool players in England manager Gareth Southgate’s World Cup squad.
They have thunderous weapons in attack while Klopp added composure in defence when he brought in Netherlands defender Virgil van Dijk in January, a signing that helped the side finish fourth in the Premier League and reach the Champions League final.
The final? It will be a huge struggle
Klopp will now try to do with Liverpool what he came so close to achieving with former club Dortmund.
Victory against Madrid would be the culmination of the meeting he had in the law offices of his new employers on 1 October 2015, when he told them Liverpool should, and could, be a regular force in Europe.
He added that his aim was not just to get them back to that elite level but to transform them into the kind of team no-one wanted to face.
Job done, or at least part of it.
“The fans have been waiting so long for this and there is talk of nothing else in Liverpool,” Klopp told me.
“We have had so many brilliant moments together this season and enjoyed every second of the Champions League so we can now get together to finish things off in a brilliant way.
“We will do the very best we can. We are in a good place at the moment and everyone knows how much I appreciate the efforts our fans are about to make to be a part of this party.”
As our chat comes to an end, I ask him how he can prepare to face an unpredictable team like Real Madrid, who offered up more than a dozen good chances against Bayern Munich in their semi-final yet still went through.
“It’s a game of football,” he replied.
“Sure we have the chance to win. We are going to have to work hard for it because it is the final of the Champions League.
“But if anyone thinks it will be easy for either of the two sides then they are mistaken. It’s going to be a huge struggle for both teams. Brilliant! Bring it on!”
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