2aceofspades · 11 days
I feel like Donnie would absolutely HATE being a clown in the circus au. He’d glare at his brothers for weeks on end like, “Why the hell did you dum-dums drag me into this?” (Pardon my language)
Oh! He actually enjoys his role in the circus for the most part. He gets a kick out of being the 'scary one' and scaring the crowd with his acts and gadgets..
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He doesn't like being held back with his acts...even if they get a bit wild. That's probably what would annoy him most about his time in the circus.
He would still glare at his brothers for other things tho, I'm sure...
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skimblestrap · 6 months
fave bomba designs pls. i trust your taste
thank you for trusting me,,
i know 98 is a given but i think i prefer the 1989 uk tour design more,, i like that her legs have a bit of white and also more stripes! (i dont love when she just has an obvious garter stripe and not much else </3)
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japanese bomba... i usually want bomba to be as red as possible but i gotta say i love the mostly black and white design! still fits her personality and such :)
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bway bomba works well too, love the bold stripes and all the contrast from her white markings
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distort-opia · 2 years
You are one of the people who have the best character interpretation, so I would like to ask a question regarding N52's final issue. Joker delays his transformation to his actual self by saying, "not yet." Why do you think he wanted to stay longer? Bruce already returned being Batman, but (amnesic?) Joker seemed to want to be on hiatus. Is it because he enjoyed the human side?
Thank you so much! I'm happy you're enjoying my interpretation of these complex characters.
There's no doubt amnesiac Joker wants to stay human longer, and away from his real self. It's directly spelled out in Batman (2011) #48, when he asks Bruce not to become Batman again, and the reason for it is mentioned there too, more or less:
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"At rest." In one word, that's the reason they both wanted to stay longer: peace. The unattainable dream that haunts Batman and Joker's characters relentlessly, because it's something they both had, but lost in such a traumatic way it made them incapable of having it again.
I'll go in more detail as to why he wants to delay his return as Joker under the cut, because I ended up citing comic panels and making this long again -- but also because there'll be heavy discussion of depression and suicidality, so. If that is something that triggers you, please take care.
Sigh. So the thing about Joker is... that he's deeply suicidal, and always has been.
Snyder's origin for him in Batman: Zero Year -- Secret City has the original Red Hood letting himself fall into the acid vat, refusing Bruce's outstretched hand, grinning as he falls:
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Then, this is how Bruce recalls it in Endgame:
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So. This is how Bruce remembers it going down, as shown in both of these comics. However, in Death of the Family, when Joker records himself talking out of the Red Hood helmet as Harley is parading as him, he says this:
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"Where you knocked me off this very catwalk and bathed me in fire and burned away my false skin."
Interesting, isn't it? Joker doesn't remember it as him choosing to fall, he remembers it as Batman tipping him over. And the pattern continues with Endgame. In DotF, Joker gets so terrified by Bruce's bluff of knowing his identity he jumps off a cliff himself:
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And yet, this is what he says in Endgame:
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"You dropped me off a cliff!" It keeps happening, and I love the parallel Snyder made here-- not only the perpetual thread of a Joker always falling and a Batman who's unable to save him (even in Flashpoint), but the way they both remember the fall in entirely different ways. (Tbh, I think neither of these versions are the truth, and that it's much more impactful if we as readers don't know the truth either. This way, it's all about what Bruce and Joker need to believe. But that's a meta post for another day.) Bruce thinks Red Hood chose to fall, but Joker thinks Bruce pushed him towards his death, every time.
It's because he needs to believe that. The identity of Joker that he's forged for himself after the fall into the acid (and after the trauma that came before it) fulfills many functions, but a crucial one is just... keeping him alive. The same way Batman and The Vow is a way Bruce has come up with to stave off his own suicidal tendencies (something explicitly stated in Tom King's Batman: I Am Suicide). Joker can't believe that he tried to kill himself both times he fell, and that Batman tried to save him; he has to believe Batman did it on purpose. If he believes Batman had a hand in his creation, made him, that means Joker has a purpose. As long as that purpose is Batman, he cannot die. This is how he fights to stay alive... by throwing himself against the wall that is Batman's no-killing rule. It's all so goddamn tragic, I swear to fucking God. Joker genuinely wants to die, but by believing only Batman deserves to kill him, and by doing everything in his power to make him go dark and break his rule, he's keeping himself alive. Batman is, paradoxically, both his preferred method of suicide and his reason for living. (I’m fine. This is fine.)
However, amnesiac Joker doesn't have this to rely on! He's wiped clean of the memories that made him Joker, the decisions he's made to get there. And as a slate wiped clean, he's shown to still be craving death -- still fighting what is unavoidably depression. Without Batman, in the initial months, his life as a normal person felt meaningless, so he nearly kills himself... But then, he finds a way to survive. He finds this island of peace with the bench and the lake, this sliver of hope. He goes to that bench and puts the gun in his mouth and doesn't fire, and that's how he manages to stay alive, and content, and happy with his normal job and normal apartment. 'I have the power to leave everything behind at any moment, but there are things here to live for.'
And here's where my main point comes in: amnesiac Joker is so desperate to preserve this, because his original Joker identity is incapable of this by design. Joker, as we know him, is incapable of being truly happy, the exact same way Batman is. Amnesiac Joker and Bruce are parallels and inversions of each other in this story, like they are in everything else; Bruce is driven to become Batman again, while Joker is the one fighting against it. Alfred is so desperate to preserve Bruce as he is, keep him away from being Batman, because as Bruce Wayne he has a chance at happiness. And Joker doesn't have an Alfred to spell it out, but it's the same thing for him. Without Joker, he has a shot at genuine peace. But Batman and Joker are too deeply intertwined for Joker not to come back if Batman did, and that's ultimately why amnesiac Joker asks Bruce not to become Batman again. Their peace, and their torment, are inextricably linked.
But... you know what moment haunts me most in Batman #48? Fuck it, if I started ranting about this, might as well get it all out of my system.
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Bruce turns back. When the explosion goes off, he starts running towards Jules and the people in danger, but then he stops and looks back at Joker... but there's no one there. Joker is gone. There's no one near the bench. And when he goes off running again, his face is in shadow, as if to symbolize a return to Batman.
Insert me going 'Snyder!! What does it mean?? What does it all mean??'. What would've happened if the explosion didn't go off? Was Joker actually intending to kill himself? Was it because he sensed Bruce would become Batman again no matter what he did, and would rather die while still having this fleeting happiness than go back to being Joker? If so, why didn't he kill himself any of the times after? Was Bruce's presence while he did it, in any capacity, something he needed? And if so, why? Did he need Bruce there to try and stop him from killing himself, or did he need him there because he didn't want to die alone? Is this a parallel to the end of Endgame, in which it was Joker desperately trying to stay alive while Bruce doomed them both to death? Is this a reversal of it, with Joker trying to stay human this time while Bruce is slipping back into Batman?
And why, why did Joker run away? The implication in those panels is that Bruce hesitated. What if Joker had still been there when he looked back? If Joker had insisted, or went with Bruce to the location of the explosion, if he had stayed... would that have made a difference?
God, this is why I would have loved more insight into amnesiac Joker's head! In the issue you're referring to, #51, we're shown both visually and textually that he's fighting becoming Joker again, and all this after the events of #48 transpired. Leaving aside him saying "Not yet," in DotF and Endgame, Snyder has used flies as a way to signal Joker's influence or presence. And in these panels we can see amnesiac Joker crushing the flies that keep coming at him, symbolically keeping his real identity at bay:
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This does indicate a certain degree of self-awareness, at least an unconscious knowledge of who he used to be, and I need to freaking know why he ran away that time, and how he reacted to Batman returning, how he managed to stay this person instead of becoming Joker again. For that matter, we are also never told how that happened! Snyder intended to have a comic explaining what transpired after the events of Batman (2011) #48 and #51, but that comic unfortunately never came to be. Between these, which have an amnesiac Joker with no bleached skin or disfiguration, and Dark Days: The Forge and Dark Days: The Casting, there's nothing yet in canon to explain how he became the classical Joker again. We know how Batman regained his memories, but not Joker, and it bugs me immensely. In The Casting Joker says that even when he was not himself, he felt the call (of Barbatos, essentially, since both Bruce and Joker have been revived by dionesium, one of the Nth metals) -- so did he just spontaneously freaking get white skin, a grin and green hair at some point? Or did he intentionally throw himself in a vat of acid again once the memories came back? How did Joker end up imprisoned in the Batcave then, how did Bruce drag him there and why did he actually need him? Also, why did the dionesium pool restore Joker to life at the end of DotF but kept his physical Joker-like traits, but post-Endgame it healed him entirely of everything, restored him to pre-Joker appearance? Snyder!! I need answers!!
[deep breath] Anyway! I'm sorry anon, this went off the rails more than a little. Any in-depth talk of Snyder's stuff tends to send me spiralling. But I hope you still enjoyed some of my rambling!
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lskamil27 · 11 months
what was your inspiration to create your game? how was the creation process?
all the best, and good luck with the game! :D
My inspiration for Weeping Rosemary was? a bit varied throughout it's creation, since I had first conceptualized it in 2018. I don't recall what led me to it, but I remember first creating Ophelia and drawing her around this time.
Weeping Rosemary was originally a webcomic series, since it was what I knew best and what was easier for me around this time, even though I always imagined it as a game in my heart. However, uni came along and made me too busy to continue it - which, to be honest, might have been a blessing in disguise LMAO
The story of Weeping Rosemary was... not well written at all. Coming out of the hands of a teen who's main consumption of media was edgy horror manga, or really outdated harem anime; the writing of it was so juvenile and cringe ( and not in a 'but free' way! )
As I got older, and my interests expanded, as well as my own growth within myself - it affected a lot of how Weeping Rosemary has changed and developed.
Now, for what inspired - a lot of it is the gothic! And not gothic as in like, the fashion & makeup, etc. ( though I still like these elements a lot ); but the books of gothic novellas! The books that mainly inspired me being:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter
And then of course, movies such as Crimson Peak, directed by Guillermo del Toro, and the series Penny Dreadful. They are other media I like as well that have inspired me, but I can't comment solidly as I only know them from an outside POV ( for now ), like Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu, and Bram Stoker's Dracula, for example.
I really like sensual ( sexy? ) horror, that does a nice balance of blending in elements of sexuality with terror - and I feel that gothic novellas do a nice balance of this; which is what I plan ( and hopefully succeed ) in with Weeping Rosemary's full game. It's also why WR's horror is not, like, a loud jumpscare horror, moreso than a subtle horror.
As for the creation process - The game production had commenced around February of this year, as it was my final semester as a art student. I had to do a thesis and all I knew was that I realllllly wanted to make a game, but I was unsure of what. I decided to revise and redo Weeping Rosemary, my webcomic, because I felt confident that I could not only give it the writing it deserved, but make into the game I always imagined!
My dear friend & classmate had the program, and she gave me hers, and so I got to work! Weeping Rosemary became my thesis, and I had completed the demo game around?? April 30th?
I'll show in the images below, but I had done a lot of writing; around almost 30 pages of script writing and 5 page outline to hand to my professor so he could see my plan. And then a lot of thumbnail planning and art to make for the CG and sprites! As well as see what art style would suit the game best.
Some progress shots, to show the general gist:
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apricops · 1 year
Manorpunk seems really interesting! I'd love to hear more about it. ^_^
📓 Person of Interest added: President Sunny Roosevelt
President Sunny Roosevelt (real name [REDACTED]) is a VTuber, second-generation Muskling, and current head of state of the American Union. She has been a public figure since the 2044 Neo-Constitution following the American Crisis of the 2030s.
While her role is largely ceremonial and technically disconnected from the day-to-day operations of governance, she has shown a keen understanding of the soft power she wields as a pillar of the Attention Economy, and her actions will define the limits afforded to this new position.
“A living, breathing countrysona, President Sunny Roosevelt represents a new age of American politics as a willing part of a world system, rather than the quixotic, bumbling ogres of the last few decades insisting on America’s global hegemony while American cities melted. She’s also very cute.” - post-election newsletter from the Incumbent Party
“Her carefully-cultivated image as the American Union’s benign cheerleader disguises a network of nepotism and favor trading, with many of her campaign staff and former streaming associates now receiving staff positions or election support. It remains to be seen whether or not she is committed to her platform or simply seeking to build a new dynasty for her own enrichment.” - editorial opinion from the Opposition Party
“At the end of the day, Americans just want to have a friendly, supportive sister-figure that they don’t feel guilty about masturbating to.” - President Sunny Roosevelt in an off-the-record remark during an interview
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mchmmbls · 2 months
Hi mochi!!!! I guess you're starting new here:)) all the best for your new start <333
I enjoyed your drabbles :) keep going :))
OMG hii ;; yeah!! if you were an og fan of the old blog of the same name welcome back <3 blowing you a thousand kisses i cannae believe there are people around that remember that era
thank you so much for the kind wishes! i've been running around trying to rearrange my room the past couple of days BUT i have a couple things in the works at the moment
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raventroll80 · 5 months
Oooh that’s a tough one.
On one hand I’m easily intimidated and would probably end up being afraid to try and interact with the tiny. But on the other hand I’m kinda useless in trying to comfort people and might even end up crying as well.
So taking all of that into consideration I think I might go with the scared tiny because I think it’d be a tad easier for me personally to calm down a frightened tiny than an angry one.
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effen-draws · 9 months
Thank you for drawing Ravenous! It's one of my favourite movies but the fandom is pretty small, so anyone getting into it is like amazing welcome! I loved the art you made ❤️❤️❤️
Aaaa thank you!! I really, really loved Ravenous so I’m so glad to hear that my tiny contribution small fandom is being appreciated:-]
Also! I’ve been thinking about taking a stab at making a mock-poster for the movie but we’ll see if I get around to it
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mnstrdogg · 7 months
Not sure if its just me but i can see your art improve from the last header you had
Oh thanks! Either I did improve, or my art style is just inconsistent sometimes lol. I think the wolf header was made a couple of months ago and the one I have currently I made last night.
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samisnotlegend · 1 year
42, 48 and 50! Hope ur having a great day :D
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
So many. So many, I promise you. There are EASILY a dozen or more people on ao3 who I not only recognize, but could tell you exactly what they have said to me in comments. Like word for word. Anyway, among those though, people who leave comments about how a fic of mine has affected them really stand out.
Like with BB, it seems like the fic offers people some comfort in their struggles with daily life. Then in JBF (the greek one) somone told me that they had been crying all day until reading it, and helped them turn their day around. It's crazy to me that the stuff I write can actually affect people in a postive way, so when it does and you all tell me... then yeah. I remember it. Though I legit do remember it all, lol. People's comments and kindness mean the world to me.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Okay I'll be honest with this and answer it as to the fic I read last when I got this ask. It was Dirt and Ashes, which is actually a Naruto fanfiction. It's gory, bizzare, and honestly one of my favorite fics of all time. I seem to reread it whenever I'm really stressed. Something about Sakura living violently helps with the stress...
Anyway, I'll link the last bnha fic I've read here too! It was Asytole, which has been on my list for awhile. I 100% recommend it. Mind the tags, though! It's about bkdk doctors and they do surgery and stuff. I liked how quickly bkdk became smitten with each other, and I liked how Katsuki was revealed to be a very good teacher. It was cute and fun!
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
Hmmmmm I'll answer this one: What’s one fact about the universe of [insert fic] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
In chapter 2 of Dead Vigilante Walking, Izuku mentions that the hotel owner's daughter "trapped" him in something, and that he was able to escape and then help the daughter control her quirk better.
She trapped him a time loop. He was there for about 3 months, he defeated like three major villains in that time and also probably exposed his secret identity at least a few times, and thought he was driving himself insane over how to save everyone and also get out of the loop. He then realized that all he actually needed to do to escape the loop was help a little girl who got spooked and accidentally awoke her quirk when she and her mom got into a minor car accident.
Now, the little girl still traps Rogue in a loop if she needs something or is in danger. He knows how to help her out of it though, and can just go save or reassure her until they can deactivate the quirk.
That's obviously not something I could fit into the text of DVW without completely changing the genre of the story, but I like to think that he has gotten into just as many crazy situations as his canon self. The main character syndrome is strong with that one.
I tend to build pretty elaborate backgrounds in my fics as I'm writing. This is by far the silliest example, but Grasshopper in WWID has gotten up to a lot of shenanigans too.
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glamgoblin · 2 years
Omg first off yes 🌱🌱
Our crack aus conversations are always fun
Also I’m dying, I almost put 🍳 in my ask to you. Top tier emoji/meaning
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bigmeandragonlady · 2 years
•Does Katiya has any regrets from before the coup? And by that, I mean; maybe not spending more time with her mother or trying to get closer again with her good siblings, not being more rebellious and standing up for herself more, etc.
•Would you say she surfers from Survivors guilt?
• Is it possible that she could ever show any signs of mental illness like her mother did?
• Did she already had some sexual experience before meeting Vexx?
In terms of regrets: yes, it's hard not to. Part of her feels like if she had made more of an effort with Arlo and Celest they could have been closer (they wouldn't have. it was out of her hands)
She also does wish to have spent more time with her mother. Tried harder to see her maybe. However, she wouldn't give up the things she did to be considered too 'ill-behaved' to have that kind of privilege and thinks Nikolle would feel the same. Or maybe if she had made the kind of connections Arlo did that allowed him more freedom even when he was also not particularly well-behaved?
She also wishes she had bitten back at Lucrezia more, rather then just be terrified of her.
Considering her low self worth and that the K'merri absolutely used the passages she showed Vexx: she has significant survivors guilt. Katiya believes, especially before tillarin, that if she would have been swapped with just about anyone else it would have been better. In fact she still would trade her life for someone like Elettra or Sorren- Not that the crew/Nerissa would let her.
So it's not said specifically or confirmed but all descriptions point to Nikolle having clinical depression and early on-set dementia. Katiya has depression, her life style exacerbated it and she does have the markers for early on-set dementia. It can rarely be passed through family and Katiya is the only one I have inherit it out of 4 kids. I really believe the Tillari have good treatment for this (this is set 1000 years in the future, their thing is healing, and we're about to fix Vexx's brain.) Treatment that was withheld from Nikolle due to the relationship between the Crown and Tillarin.
She did have a bit of sexual experience pre Vexx. She saw how Celest and Arlo fucked around and... were happier for it? So she tried but she just didn't connect with the couple people she hooked up with and there was always a good deal of alcohol involved. So it sucked! She was always dissatisfied or in pain.
You didn't ask this part but she lost her virginity in a storage room with a drunk guard while also mostly drunk. It wasn't great.
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breadforhowl · 2 years
hi hi koda !! mint tea and iced coffee ☕️. also i hope you feel better soon !
hi jo!! thanks so much for the well wishes! i'm currently drinking some throat coat tea with honey and that is helping a lot :))
mint tea: how do you relax?
so normally i play video games like animal crossing or my time at sandrock or pokemon, but i've gotten back into crocheting and reading so i've been doing that lately
iced coffee: do you like reading? if so, what's your favorite book?
yes, i love reading! after finishing college, i actually have the energy to read again which is so nice! i think my favorite book is catch 22 by joseph heller? but it's hard for me to choose a favorite. i think other top contenders are hamlet, the fablehaven series by brandon mull, the grishaverse books by leigh bardugo, and the age of homespun by laurel thatcher ulrich
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daikaiju-arts · 17 days
May we see some Gangle x Pomni plspls I just like them in your style 🙏🙏
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I don’t necessarily ship them romantically per se, BUT I do like to think of them as being close friends 💚 I friendship them lol
Also a Bonus:
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vixy-exists · 5 months
I heard you were taking random tumblr questions. Give me your ideal demon line-up. All games all levels all alignments you got free reign.
I'm guessing you mean demon line-up for a party? I'm gonna go based on that assumption but I don't mind editing this if I'm wrong!
Hmm... For a party, I would definitely have to pick Orthrus, Samael, Ame-no-Uzume and Ardha (just based on how much I love them and how much I would trust them to keep me at least somewhat alive lol). Also maybe Maria (just to fill the 5 demon limit old MegaTen games had). Ame-no-Uzume and Orthrus would definitely be just demons I would keep around longer than they're needed just because I'm fond of them (considering how they're usually pretty weak). Also, Orthrus would probably be strong enough to carry me on its back, so y'know. Ardha was my go-to pick whenever I was messing around with if...'s debug cheat-code messiness so of course they would be my pick for fighting as well - along with Samael, of course. And maybe Maria for healing.
If I would have to conform to the "1 player 3 demons" rule, I would probably have to go with Ardha, Maria and Samael with Orthrus and Uzume staying back in the COMP. Mostly because I wanna survive despite my love for those last two.
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dek0pon · 1 year
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beetle table <3 maple, white oak, walnut
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