#And he really is an amazing writer and I don't think he had any ill intent towards Martha or her journey
besidesitstoowarm · 5 months
i'm almost done with the davies era and it's really been amazing so far but real talk a lot of people on here let him get away with some stuff that would've been crucified if moffat had written it. i know davies always regretted it and thankfully rectified it this year for the 60th but if ten violating donna's autonomy as she screamed for him to stop had been eleven instead, we'd never have heard the end of it. same w martha's treatment by the narrative
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hikaaa-bi · 5 months
i'm still not over the intense hate that suf got and how unfair it was.
“suf demonizes mental illnesses because steven turned into a monster! that's not realistic and it sends a bad message!”
first off, it's a fantasy show with sentient rocks. it's not supposed to be entirely realistic. i didn't see this type of judgment when the owl house portrayed eda's disability as a magical owl curse (no hate to toh btw i relate to eda on a spiritual level).
secondly, tell me you don't understand nuance without telling me you don't understand nuance. steven didn't turn into a monster because the writers wanted to demonize ptsd or mental illnesses. he turned into a monster because he felt like a monster.
time and time again in su, it was mentioned that steven's powers depended entirely on his feelings. and during suf, he felt like a monster, he felt like he had no control over anything, he felt helpless. all his life, he was blamed for his mother's actions and even for the actions of the other gems. it's obvious that he would internalize all of this and blame himself. he had been doing that in the original series as well.
but no, i feel like the people who were complaining either did not watch su or they just wanted something to complain about. y'all are dumb asf if you think that suf was trying to portray steven in a negative light. he was a victim, he was suffering from the trauma he had endured in the original series.
not to mention, he actually starts seeing a therapist by the end of the series, unlike other children's shows where a character's trauma is either healed by the power of friendship, the power of timeskip that erases everything or it's just never addressed. even in good children's shows, the ones that i really like, i've never seen therapy mentioned. the best we get is a drawn out character arc that allows the character to take time and heal on their own.
suf did something amazing for its younger audience - it told them that it's okay to seek professional help if you're struggling with mental health. you don't have to deal with it alone, it's not wrong to see a therapist or a psychiatrist. it did the opposite of demonizing mental illnesses, it broke the taboo of therapy that still exists. but y'all still want to misread the entire show so you have something to complain about.
(this post is talking about suf and suf alone. i am well aware that su had a lot of problematic elements and i'm not defending it by any means. i'm just talking about suf's portrayal of ptsd.)
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A-Z Sherlock Fan Fiction Tropes Bingo
Many thanks to @swissmissing for creating this bingo card! Because I'm like that, I decided to go for a blackout bingo! And because, even as I was typing these, I kept thinking of more wonderful fics that would fit the brief, I hope to fill in my bingo card again. Writers are amazing and deserve to be lauded, and I have left off so many amazing fics and authors. Besides, we all need fic recs. 💙
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AU/Amnesia The Murder of Emory J Amat by chriscalledmesweetie. Sherlock and John in 1920's AgathaChristieLand. It's a WIP but is currently updating weekly. (52k, T)
BDSM/Bodyswap - Certain Skills by NoStraightLine. John expressly told Sherlock that if he stole his gun again he’d get the fucking he was asking for. Sherlock “Boundaries Are Boring” Holmes stole John’s gun. (3k, E)
Crossover/Crack - Repo Men by Anyawen. In which Mrs Turner's married ones are James Bond and Q. Q is kidnapped; everybody is a BAMF. (7k, G)
Domestic/Disability A Building of Bridges by pengke. Alternate first meeting. No one would ever send Sherlock in to defuse a stand-off; but on one unlikely day, that’s exactly what happened. “Congratulations, Lestrade,” he called out sarcastically. “You’re traumatizing a war veteran.” (11k, G)
Established Relationship/Enemies to Lovers - Interview by bluebellofbakerstreet. In which the boys are in an 80's punk band, and are being interviewed by Rolling Stone. (2k, G)
Future/Fluff 50. Be You - No one Else Can by KittenKin. John's had a bad day and Sherlock doesn't know how to help. They both feel better at the end, and you will, too. (1k, G)
Gen/Genderswap - The Art of Communication by stillwaters01. Lestrade is receiving odd texts from Sherlock; he reads between the lines and brings help. (2k, T)
Historical/Humor - Acceptable Behavior by bbcatemysoul. Sherlock isn't really sure why John wants to shag him, but he's certain that if he's careful to behave properly about it, John can be persuaded to keep doing it. (3k, M)
Illness/imprisonment -  Radioactive Trees in a Red Forest by Maribor_Petrichor. Harrowing account of John's battle with mental health issues and addiction after - you know - everything. (280k, E)
Jealousy/Jilted - Hungry by LipstickDaddy. John can't figure out why Sherlock is being so nice to that new guy working with the yard. (7k, G)
Kids/Kink - The Alchemy of Sea Glass by reveling_in_mayhem. Salt and air and sand surrounded their little party of three. Crashing waves, gull cries, and the exhilarated exclamations of an excited three-year-old served as the soundtrack to a day filled with blue skies and bright sunshine. (22k, E)
Long/Love Triangle The Edinburgh Problem by snorklepie. “A nice holiday, just a bit more...murdery. ” John said drily. “Yes! The best kind of holiday!” Sherlock beamed. “So we won’t get bored!” (152k, E)
Magical Realism/Major Character Death Left by LifeonMars. John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible. (45k, M)
NSFW/Next Gen. Warzone by abundantlyqueer. Three smutty stories that pick up where the first two episodes left off. (13k, E)
Omegaverse/Only One Bed - Scars Don't Lie by CumberCurlyGirl. The prospect of going undercover as husbands to a couples retreat is just too enticing to refuse. (33k, M)
Parenthood/Platonic The Man With the Cartier Frames by JRow. Sherlock's top priority is The Work, just as it's always been ... in between trips to Putney to help with Rosie, collecting Rosie from school, and preparing for Rosie's sleepover at Baker Street. (32k, T)
Queer/Quest Dance With Me by TotallySilverGirl. Sherlock's queer quest for johnlock requires dancing, and some help from Sally Donovan. (28k, E)
Retirement/Road Trip - The Winter Garden by Callie4180. As Sherlock nears the end of his career, he's given the gift of a cottage in Sussex. The honey from the beehives out back is amazing. Almost...magical. (31k, T)
Soulmates/Slow Burn Soul Mate by Mottlemoth. Mystrade. The words appeared on Mycroft's arm aged fourteen. He's now lived with the unfortunate words all his life, not certain that he even wishes to meet his soul mate if that's how the man talks. (4k, T)
Teen AU/Time Travel - The Curious Adventure of the Drs Watson by ShinySherlock. What if ACD Watson and BBC Watson switched places? (40k, M)
Undercover/Unrequited - Last Call at the Homesick Pub by Chryse. During the hiatus, Sherlock is both undercover and suffering from unrequited love. (3k, T)
Vampires/Villain POV - Nine Tenths of the Law by bendingsignpost. John knows what's his - of course he'll kill for it. (Modern vampire AU) (18k, M)
Whump/Werewolves When Your Belly’s in the Trench by Morgan_Stuart. The next time that door opens, John Watson will kill the person on the other side. (4k, T)
Xenomorphism/Xmas - Ghost Stories by SwissMiss. Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something. (22k, M)
Zombies/Zoomorphism - Aim for the Head by Breath4Soul. Sometimes you don't really find yourself until everything has ended.A fic about finding love, healing, and purpose after everything has gone to hell. Still a WIP, but worth it. (44k, M)
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inferencesarchives · 10 months
Slithers up to you like a snake
What about a reader who's like a parental figure to Walnut?
Like.. They help Almond babysit her whole he's working
Take Care
almond x gn reader
summary: some hcs about almond having a s/o that helps take care of walnut
warnings: idk i don't think there's any
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ok first off just a quick general hc here. this guy is absolutely smitten for you. like you can't tell me this guy isn't a huge simp for his s/o (he would never admit it tho)
^because of how much he loves, he didn't think it was possible for him to fall even harder for you than he already has. but when you offered to help take care of walnut, boy was he head over heels.
he's so grateful that you're willing to help him and that you're so kind to his daughter.
walnut cookie absolutely loves you. she is like so attached to you. she's so happy that you get to be her new parent kinda
walnut cookie always likes to talk to you about her hobbies and other stuff she's been getting into lately. she's always so happy when she gets to talk to you aaaaa :,))
^also hc that walnut likes to draw but is a beginner and really wants to improve. whenever you compliment one of her doodles she just explodes with joy!!
almond is so happy that walnut trusts you and that the two of you get to spend time together. he loves the both of you so much and he would give both of you the world if he could.
bonus: once, almond came home to find both of you asleep at the kitchen table next to walnut's unfinished homework (lol)
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a/n: sorry it's kinda short but this was super cute and i had a lot of fun writing itttttt ty 🦎 anon for ur amazing ideas <33 also im still trying to kick writers block in the shins so that's mainly why things are super short rn but hopefully once i finish my last request and take some time to actually rest and redo some stuff on my blog ill be good to go and start writing again :]
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules- oh where did they go oh dear they ran away oh no- oh, here they are!
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archiveikemen · 9 months
'All Because Of A Slight Fever' Collection Event
Liam Evans
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
Kate: Liam, are you okay!? I heard you caught a cold…
I was told that Liam had caught a cold due to the rapid changes in the temperature of the air over the past few days.
Feeling worried about him, I immediately rushed to his room to see him—.
Liam: Wow, thanks for coming to see me, Kate. But I’m feeling perfectly fine. Look!
Instead of resting in bed, Liam turned one round on the spot to show me that he wasn't feeling ill.
Kate: Is… that so? Glad you're feeling well…
Liam: I was only feeling a little under the weather, and everyone got so worried already. I’m actually thinking of going outside for a walk right now.
Liam: Shall we go together, Kate?
Liam took my hand, his behaviour no different than usual.
Kate: Liam, please stop pretending to be well.
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Liam: Stop pretending to be… but I’m really fine?
Kate: … Your hand is burning hot.
However amazing Liam’s acting skills were, it was impossible to fake his body temperature. Feeling his hot hand made me worry even more.
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Liam: That’s because… I was just doing some stretches earlier, so my body’s all warmed up now.
Kate: But…
Liam: If you don't feel like going for a walk… shall we do something even better?
Liam took my hand and led me to the bed before pushing me down onto it.
Kate: Liam… hey…
Liam: Mm… no?
Liam wasted no time in removing my clothes and dropped light kisses on my check and neck like a playful kitten.
Kate: It’s still morning, and don’t you have a cold… ahh
A high pitched noise escaped me when his teeth touched my nipple.
Liam: I’m telling you that I didn't catch a cold…
Liam: If it’s bothering you that it’s bright outside, I won’t go all the way… okay?
Evading my question, Liam dropped hot kisses all over my body.
My neck, chest, and abdomen — red marks were left on places only my lover had access to.
But I knew that he was only trying to distract me with his actions.
(... I can’t just leave him be right now.)
Pushing aside my desire for more kisses of affection from my lover, I met Liam’s eyes directly.
Kate: You always give me lots of kisses… aren't you going to kiss me on the lips today?
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Liam: … Uh…
Kate: You know that you have a cold, don't you…?
Liam: That’s…, ….
Liam avoided my gaze and was at a loss for words.
I could kind of understand why he was trying hard to pretend that he was fine, despite having caught a cold.
And I knew that probing him further for an explanation wouldn’t solve anything.
(What Liam needs to hear now is—)
Kate: … I love all versions of you, Liam.
Liam: Huh…
My words sounded out of context at first, but Liam looked up at me like he figured out my intention.
Kate: Liam the stage actor, Liam the member of Crown, Liam who’s weak… I love all of them.
Kate: Nothing that happens can ever make me dislike you.
Kate: … Can you trust me?
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Liam: …
Liam: I want to trust you… . … I trust you.
Liam: I’m sorry for lying…
Liam finally admitted that he was lying, he revealed what happened a little at a time.
Liam: I feel like I’m inferior to other people, like I’m a good-for-nothing…
Liam: I thought that if I caught a cold and it led to a gap in my work, I would be cast aside and I would lose my place…
Liam: I didn't want you to dislike me. I want to always be the person who makes you happy…
Liam: … That’s why I pretended to be fine.
Liam: And yet you saw right through my act and got worried about me… I’m so pathetic.
Kate: … You’re not pathetic.
Kate: This Liam is the one who’s been there for me ever since I started working as a fairytale writer, because that’s who he is.
Kate: I love you even when you hate yourself. Yes, I will get worried about you, but… don’t hide from me.
— Through my words and actions, I wanted to let him know over and over again just how much I loved him.
I wanted Liam to know that I was more than willing to embrace his weaknesses.
So that Liam’s dangerously imbalanced heart would always come back to me, no matter how close it was to breaking.
Liam: I… I love you too, Kate.
Liam muttered as if digesting the love he received, and he put his lips on mine like he were patching up his broken heart.
Kate: Liam… nngh…
Liam: Nn…
The repeated gentle pecking kisses filled me with much more warmth and affection than the kisses placed on my body earlier.
Liam: … Sorry… I wanted to hold back so I wouldn't pass the cold to you, but I ended up doing this anyway.
Kate: … I want this too, so we’re even.
Kate: If I catch a cold because of this, will you take care of me?
Liam: Of course! I don't want anyone else touching you… *cough*
Perhaps because he strained himself too hard, Liam started coughing.
Kate: A-Are you okay!?
Liam: I feel exhausted and sick…
Kate: Lay down on the bed, I’ll lend you my shoulder for support.
Liam: Okay…
With me supporting him, Liam finally laid down to rest in bed.
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Liam: I’m sorry to trouble you, Kate…
Kate: You don't have to apologise. I’ll stay by your side until you’re all better, so you can focus on resting well.
Liam: Really? I’m glad…
Liam nuzzled his cheek in my palm affectionately.
(As much as I feel sorry for him… I find Liam’s vulnerable side adorable.)
My love for him only grew stronger as I witnessed a side of him only I could see.
After eating, taking his medication, and resting well, Liam’s fever significantly subsided.
(I think this is a good time to give it to him…)
Kate: Liam, here.
I gave him something I received from Tom, the Director of The Scala. I had been waiting for a suitable time to do so.
Liam: This is…?
Kate: This is the script for your next play. Tom told me to pass it to you, so that you can read it through during your break if you have the time.
Kate: Everyone at the theatre said that they’re waiting for you to recover soon and return to the stage.
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Liam: I see…
Liam held the script close to his heart like a precious treasure.
(I hope he spends the time resting his body, instead of reading the script…)
(But I think he’ll feel much more at ease knowing he still has a place to go back to.)
Liam’s relieved expression proved me right.
(While I want to be there as Liam’s support pillar whenever he needs me… I also want him to know that there are other people who also need him besides myself.)
Liam: … Thank you for everything, Kate.
Liam: I felt so anxious when I first caught the cold… but I’m glad you were there for me throughout.
Liam’s smile showed that he felt truly at ease.
And I wanted to continue staying by his side and protecting him like this from now on.
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hiii for the ask meme, how did you discover it or get interested in the show? an unpopular opinion? and/or have you read or watched anything because it was referenced in the show? :)
Hey!!! Finally getting around to answering this haha.
How did you discover it or get interested in the show?
It was actually @minim236 who inspired me to watch it back when I had my old blog! Anyway, the trailer had Jacob Anderson in it and I was like Greyworm ok let's go! And although I had not read the book or watched the movie yet, Claudia the child vampire is so well known I already knew about her, so was interested in that concept. Naturally, she became my favourite character :)
An unpopular opinion?
I feel I have soooo many unpopular opinions haha, but I'll say what I think is my most unpopular one, just because I feel like I'm following the right people here who won't mind:
Lestat as a character just does not compel or interest me in any way. I don't care about Loustat, about Lesmand, or any other relationships that involve him. Sam Reid did an amazing job, and got me drawn to him initially, but by the end of episode 3 I was getting a bit, well, and by the end of Episode 5, all sympathy for him went out the window, as did my interest. And full respect to other people who are still invested in his character btw! But I feel like because they made the abuse blatant rather than just brushing over it, many book fans were pissed, so now had to argue contend with a whole bunch of people not liking their special boy whom they've cherished for years. I disagree. I feel like the writers did a brave thing by not brushing over the negative impact Lestat has throughout the entire series. They, in a way, made the relationship more human and real, as this type of abuse is unfortunately still very normal today. They're not showing him through rose-tinted glasses, they're asking you to really look at it, so it'll be much more of a writing challenge to make him likeable and redeemable again to the general audience. It's an interesting concept, but until then, I just don't care at all about him! I don't feel anything when it comes to the romantic scenes between him and Louis either now, and I'm not excitedly waiting to explore his side of the story in the future seasons. The appeals to 'them being vampires' and 'this is supposed to be a gothic romance' has no affect on me, not because I 'can't handle dark subject matter', but because.... Lestat's not really imo the complex character everyone makes him out to be. His behaviour is actually pretty predictable and there's not that much there for me to work with, even as a villain. It's just: sad boy with tragic backstory ends up repeating cycle of abuse that was inflicted on him. Is extremely lonely with an ill temper. Uses dominance to feel in control and to hide his massive insecurities. Is "bad" but secretly has a heart of gold. Mommy/daddy issues. Loves usually only one person more than anything and it's seen as his salvation, but struggles with that relationship because he's emotionally stunted and can't communicate properly. It's something you've seen a million times already. It's what makes the much more layered and harder to grasp characters like Claudia and Armand so much more interesting to me, the vampires who are the most vampire-like of them all, yet ironically get a lot of hate and are mischaracterized from the same people who shout 'they're vampires!', but that's another discussion for another day.
Have you read or watched anything because it was referenced in the show?
I have! I watched Nosferatu, and read Madame Bovary and Marriage in Free Society, although I was going to read Madame Bovary anyway because my little sister heavily recommended it (she massively likes 'unlikeable' female characters and compared her to Anna Karenina, which she didn't like as much due her being too likeable. Which is funny because apparently Tolstoy originally wrote Anna to be an ugly, evil, conniving character who hurt her completely innocent husband and lover and son, but as he was writing, the character became more and more beautiful and sympathetic, and the husband and lover became more incompetent and unkind). I currently have The Doll's House and Nausea next on my list! (I really need to read The Doll's House, it's been on my list since I watched Bojack Horseman lol).
Although this probably doesn't count, because of the after show podcasts, I was inspired to also read The Gilda Stories because they had Jewelle Gomez make an appearance. I ended up being a bit mad afterwards because I soooo wished I read this book in high school, as I was an angry teenager still in the closet then, and this book might have helped me calm down a little lol. There's just something so different and radical about the way Gomez writes her vampires: in a lot of other media, the vampire/monster finally obtains the ability to have cathartic releases of rage due to their isolation/repression and/or abuse, but here, her main character opts for kindness, compassion, and community each time (she still uses violence and murder if needed to defend herself and others, but doesn't let violence consume her entire being). That was very refreshing, having the character be able to do so much damage and take revenge without consequence, yet instead find more fulfillment in the bonds they make with others and refusing to let other people bend her right to actually, well...live.
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klutzyroses · 2 years
Hi! This is my first time requesting so I'm a bit nervous, I wanted to as of you could do mc who has mommy issues, like her mom mentally abused her, I'm sorry if this is too much too ask you can ignore it if you want(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
P. S I have been a fan of your work lately and have been stalking your account for any new updates lol but keep up the good work your an amazing writer (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
Ah, it's people like you who keep me writing, anon! Thank you!💖💖❤❤
IkeVamp HCs: Abused S/O
How do they handle an s/o who has been abused by her mother?
Suitors: Napoleon, Vincent, Isaac, Dazai
Warnings: Mentions of emotional and mental abuse, parental neglect
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The former emperor was never one to pry directly into people's affairs unless they were willing to tell him and that went for his nunuche as well.
However he couldn't help but notice a sudden shift in her behavior one day when she started acting a little different.
Any criticism, teasing or any scolding she received, she took especially hard. Harder than she normally would actually.
When Sebastian had lightly scolded her over a mistake she made while Napoleon was present, one would think he had driven a knife in her heart. He hadn't said anything out of the ordinary or anything particularly cruel, but the darling looked so crushed that both men were taken aback, especially when she hurriedly excused herself and ran out the room, near tears.
Was it even a question that Napoleon went after her almost immediately?
He really didn't take long to find his belle at the gazebo on the bench, her trembling form obvious from miles away. He wasted no time going up to her and pulling her into a warm embrace.
He will wait until she is calm enough to open up.
His grip tightens around her just a little, to keep himself from shaking with anger when he hears all about her cold and abusive mother, how she berated her daughter for every mistake she did and made her feel like nothing she did was good enough.
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head as he let's her cry on his shoulder, running his hand up and down her back.
"It's okay, don't cry, mon ange, I'll protect you, and your heart from now on. So don't cry, okay...?"
He is a man of his word and he had yet to break any of the promises he made to the woman he loves.
He had been awoken by whimpering next to him to see his sunflower crying in her sleep. Her beautiful face was wet with droplets of sorrow and distress as her soft lips mumbled apologies to someone, and promises to do better.
Worried, he gently woke her from her nightmare, unable to stand her tears for long.
If there is anyone who can understand the pain of being unloved by a parent, it's Vincent. So when she opens up that her nightmare was about her mother, her very vulgar and ill-tempered matriarch who made her life nothing short of a misery.
Vincent tenses as he listens to his beloved weep her sorrows onto his chest, his heart tightening.
With anger? Sadness? Sympathy? All three?
He couldn't be sure, but it was not a pleasant feeling. He could definitely relate to what she was feeling and it was only because of the sunflower in his arms that he could ever rise above it. And he would do the same for her.
He raises her face, holding the pretty visage in his hands as he kisses each tear away with such heart-rending tenderness, that the woman's sobs died down to quiet whimpers which are briefly cut off by a peck to the lips.
"Shh, it's going to be okay, scatje. I'm right here. I'll always be right here."
He would spend as long as he needs to shower her with the adoration she deserves. Until those woeful tears turn to the brightest of smiles.
The physicist can very vaguely relate to having an emotionally distant mother, but to be treated in such a way? That was cruel.
He can't help but feel terrible for his darling when she opens up about how unkind her own mother had been to her and how it impacted her from early childhood.
He suddenly wishes he hadn't asked about her family. It had only been a casual question, that led to the poor dear to tear up.
He couldn't understand how anyone could hurt such a sweetheart?
If her mother was so cruel, how did she bring such an angel into the world?
Questions he could debate later but right now, his love needed to be comforted.
He tenderly takes the tearful maiden in his arms, tentatively as to not alarm or frighten her, tucking her close to his heart that aches at the sight of her tears.
The awkward physicist may not be as silver-tongued as the blasted authors that tease him on a daily basis, but he would be damned of he couldn't pour every ounce of love inside his heart into the fragile beauty in his arms.
"Please don't be upset...I can't stand to see you cry. I...love you too much."
He tries, he really does. He just wants to see that beautiful smile and nothing else.
His heart aches, more so than usual when he finds his beloved Y/N in tears one evening. She was cooped up in the library, all by herself in just her nightgown, staring far off into nothingness with just a handkerchief to wipe her never ending tears and the many books to keep her company.
He found himself moving towards her before he could stop himself and seating himself beside her before taking her in his arms, earning a startled gasp from the distraught maiden.
He doesn't push her to tell him what's wrong but he doesn't plan on letting her go until she is better. It's then that he finds out about her experience dealing with her cruel and negligent mother.
How she called her names, how she blamed Y/N for everything wrong in her life, how she always insulted her in every possible way...
As she weeps through her tale, she is pressed to her lover's chest, so she couldn't possibly see the tension in his expression. But if she looked up, she'd see his lips pressed into a flat line and his golden eyes narrowed ever so slightly as they gleamed with the almost imperceptible flicker of anger.
He doesn't speak until she is finished and he only holds her tighter, cradling her as her body wracks with sobs as he whispers sweet words of comfort into her ear. He wants to let her know that none of those cruel insults were true. That she was a wonderful person and she meant the sun and moon to him.
"You're adorable, even when you cry but please, dry your tears my love, I'd much rather see you smile. If you don't smile, I'll just have to make you, won't I?"
He may not be able to make her happy, but her smile is his peace and she is his joy. He'd tell her he loves her as many times as she needs to hear it. The man is good with words.
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fablecore · 9 months
i was curious what you thought of the live-action One Piece now that season one is out! personally, i have the same compliants as Geoff of Mother's Basement (youtu.be/43K-H_dtQ9g?si=2n0MLLPmdw0vARk7) where, personally, my main compliants were (1) how clean some of these well-worn outfits and set-pieces were and the bigger one was (2) how Garp was altered but i, like Geoff, have my hopes that s2 can fix that by showing that this is the experience (mostly part from Mihawk) that changed Garp into more of the Garp we see in the manga. "a high 8 or low 9 out of 10" indeed. overall, i think its okay as an adaptation! i like Sanji's perviness being toned down, i dont mind most of the shuffling and changing because it is an adaptation with timeslots and seasons unlike a limitless manga with arcs however long it wants. i can understand if you or others dont like the live-action adaptation though! i just like that it was a good gateway to help me turn some of my friends into One Piece fans, less scared of how BIG One Piece is now the live-action has given them a limited taste, towards the manga or the OnePace.net-editted version of the anime (though i do still plan to have them watched some of the anime-only filler that is fun lmao maybe ill throw a sleepover or something, idk, i just like how OnePace fine-tunes the padded-out pacing problem the later One Piece episodes have) thats the main plus of the live-action adaptation to me
but im curious about your thoughts if you have any?? its okay if you never plan to watch it, i know a few other fans like that and i dont mean for my wuestion to be all peer-pressure-y or anything ♡
i've never heard of onepace until now! i'm in the same boat, i've been watching opla with my sister who's kind of interested in starting one piece but is also intimidated by the anime's episode count. maybe we can watch onepace instead. thanks for letting me know ☺️
i've only seen the first two episodes (but don't care at all about spoilers and have seen a lot already). i didn't like the first episode, zoro particularly, but the second was fun! well... it was camp. combined, i would give it the verdict of "aggressively okay" but this isn't a judgement on anyone who liked it. if you did, i'm happy you had a good time. i just have cinema brain.
what i liked so far: helmeppo's >:O face and his puma trainers. the vfx team in charge of luffy's rubberyness. buggy's "surprise, shithead!" nami's den den mushi earpiece/cellphone.
the rest:
zoro’s zombified no energy go girl give us nothing monotone. 😐 <- why did they tell him to make this face in every shot
they cut the scene where luffy gives zoro his swords back and replaced it with helmeppo ass
"a man needs to be strong. but he also needs to be good.” you are going to cut off a pirate rookie's arm and then obliterate his ship and crew later 👍
what is this whole thing about being "morally good" and "one of the good guys" and "a good pirate" it's ICKY
justice for silly winky vain nami. how are they going to do the personality shift into broody serious arlong park nami when she's been broody and serious the whole time
nami spent like 30 minutes unlocking one (1) locked cage. i guess it's because she and zoro needed to talk/get some exposition in, and i'm not going to suggest a better option because i don't want to rewrite half the script. i just found it amusing because normally it's "suspend your disbelief when a character does something amazing for the plot" and not "when a character is noticeably worse at something they really have no business being this bad at. for the plot"
i'm starting to think that zoro and nami lost core personality traits because the writers wanted them to be luffy foils instead of their actual characters
i did hear taz was the best/most charismatic actor out of the straw hats. i'm assuming this is because they let him be sanji instead of making him into a luffy foil since they have enough luffy foils
cameraperson's love affair with low angle closeups and fisheye lens. i don't hate it (it's camp) just pointing it out
i'm literally so serious about mackenyu's insufferable zoro voice. whenever i hear him talk in that joyless southern california kardashian vocal fry my blood pressure shoots through the roof. who made him do that
even though i have issues with the writing, i think objectively opla has done a decent job of pleasing fans. i'm not one of them but i know there's a lot. but on a technical and artistic level... deep sigh palms pressed together listen... i was hoping for spellbinding artistry from the showrunners. beautifully lit scenes, beautiful camerawork, excellent technical chops, lingering shots of luffy's bruised knuckles, the slightly frayed fabric on zoro's swords, a super close-up of a log pose with the crew talking behind the compass needle, their bodies distorted by the glass. fingerprints on kerosene lamps. barnacles on rotting wood. a searingly hot-blue summer sky (super saturated in post) over shells town or wherever. i wanted lush gorgeous rich interesting artistic ideas from the directors and cinematographers. i haven't seen any of that so far, and what i have seen doesn't compel me to watch more. i'm not saying the actual cinematography was bad! just. okay. it was okay.
(but also some of the nighttime/underlit scenes are bad. put a dang key light on your actors 🤺)
concluding thoughts: at the end of the day, if netflix wants to keep throwing millions per episode at tomorrow studios, i'm fine with overlooking mediocre filmmaking and storytelling. i want everyone in the production crew to get their bag. i hope this show runs for another 50 seasons and is powered by union labor forever and ever until the end of time amen
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acacia-may · 1 year
YTTD requests, you say?
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Hello hello, hopefully this isn't a clog or too much of a bother; and most importantly, I hope you're having a great day right now! But I thought I may as well drop in and get a YTTD headcanon request in, seeing as I may or may not have been the cause of you getting into that series in the first place 😶
So, I'll try to indulge you a little by putting down two characters I know you have a really deep love for. Sei and Kai. 💙 + 💛. Maybe for the friendship one, how they deal with the other getting closer and having more friendships with other people? (I wonder if Sei would be the jealous type that's worried someone might try to take advantage of his brother's kindness 😅)
That's all from me. Do take your time with all the asks getting thrown your way in your inbox, and make sure to get plenty of rest and stay in good health! Have a lovely day ahead of you!
Oh my goodness, Repo! Your ask could never be a bother at all! Please don't ever worry about or apologize for sending in asks about anything. I enjoy them a lot and appreciate each and every one of them that comes in (even if it sometimes takes me a while to answer). I'm actually so excited for this one especially, you really have no idea! Thank you so, so much!! 🥰 It's my first YTTD ask ever so I feel very accomplished and also very excited! 🥳
It does feel appropriate that my first YTTD ask would come from you since, yes, you are absolutely the reason I am now suffering... (I'm only kidding of course. Thank you so much again for the recommendation of such an amazing story and game! I've got some of my friends irl playing it now, and my sister absolutely loves it. I would have never even known it existed if not for you so many thanks for that even if I am now heartbroken over a lot of dysfunctional fictional siblings 💕). On that note, there is especially no need for apologies for sending in an ask that is so incredibly self-indulgent for me. Seriously, I feel so spoiled right now. I don't deserve this! 🥺 My problem sons and their dysfunctional brotherly relationship really is so dear to my heart even if (at the same time) thinking about them makes me want to curl up and cry...
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Why do I do this to myself?! 😭 KAI AND SEI DESERVED BETTER!!! I want to adopt them and give them cake 🎂 *cries*
Anyway, thank you so much again for the ask and for all of the kind words, friend! I hope you have a wonderful day as well, and I really hope you will like these headcanons! Please feel free to stop by anytime (and send in another ask if you want something more self-indulgent for yourself/an ask about your favorite characters too 😁). Cheers!! 💖
Headcanons are below the cut. Thank you for playing my Bye Bye Writer's Block Headcanon's Game! 🥰
(Warnings: Mentions grieving, food, sickness, injury, child abuse, death and angst. MAJOR SPOILERS for YTTD especially the Kai mini-episode)
Kai & Sei Friendship/Family Headcanons
💙-- Hurt/Comfort
During his childhood, Kai once contracted a terrible flu that lasted nearly two weeks. In general, he and Sei were essentially "on their own" when it came to sickness and injuries as children since Gashu believed that they should be strong enough to get over whatever it was on their own and if they weren't, then it was probably for the best that they just succumb to their wounds or illness. Just luckily neither of them were particularly sickly (usually), but they were often injured as part of their training and mostly learned how to care for and dress wounds for themselves. In this case, however, Kai was the sickest he had probably ever been, but as he wasn't expecting any sort of help, it was a complete shock to him that Sei jumped in to take care of him almost immediately.
In Sei's mind, Kai was such an airhead that he couldn't take care of himself on a good day--there was no way he could take care of himself while he was sick, so even though he really didn't know what he was doing he tried his best to play caregiver--mainly just kept his brother warm, making sure he had plenty of water, trying to keep his fever down with cold compresses, and preparing him meals of instant noodles (the only thing he really knew how to make) while worrying far more than he would ever admit. Sei told Kai not to make a big deal out of it--insisting that he was only helping to patch him up so he could beat him at sparring practice later, but Kai, who had never actually been taken care of before, was truly touched by his brother's actions and tried his best to repay the favor going forward.
(Related) Bonus HC [though this one is more angsty]: The first meals that Kai ever learned how to cook were Sei's favorite foods which Kai learned to make for his brother when he was injured (or on the rare occasions that he was sick). Gashu allowed the hobby because he thought it may prove useful one day (And it eventually did when Kai's cover became 'homemaker' and housekeeper for the Chidouins). Sei was always a bit jealous of Kai's cooking skills, especially since when he was recovering, he got these gourmet meals from his brother, but when Kai was recovering, all he got was instant noodles (since Sei really couldn't cook to save his life). Kai insisted he loved the instant noodles, however. (Of course what he really loved was the fact that his brother had taken the time to make them and take care of him).
When he lost Sei, Kai couldn't bring himself to make his favorite foods for a long time, but he spent many a night for those first couple of months without him crying into a cup of instant noodles.
💛-- Friendship
(A/N: I really loved your prompt! Thank you for that. My sister and I were actually just discussing this very topic a couple of days ago, so I'm more than happy to run with it for you! Also 100% agree with your interpretation of Sei as a protective brother!)
Sei is much more jaded and mistrustful than Kai--believing that other people are always playing some sort of angle and/or only looking out for themselves whereas Kai wants to believe in the best in others and is a truly generous person who will genuinely put other people's wants over his own without expecting anything in return. As this is a foreign concept to Sei, it takes him a long time to realize that Kai genuinely cares about him in altruistic way without any strings attached. Sei who has never had such a relationship before recognizes what a gift and a privilege it is to be loved unconditionally, and as such, his bond with Kai quickly becomes one of the most important things in the world to him.
One of Sei's greatest worries as far as his brother is concerned is that someone will twist or trample on what he considers his brother's greatest strengths and take advantage of Kai's selflessness and generosity. For this reason, Sei can be very protective of Kai. While he admires Kai's kindness and good-hearted nature, he thinks it can make his brother a bit airheaded at times and can cause him to put his guard down around other people when he shouldn't--ultimately, leaving him vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Since Kai is kind of aloof, he can seem to be unapproachable to people who don't know him well, and since he is naturally quiet and not one to take much initiative in social situations, it can be difficult for him to make friends. This is, truthfully, a bit of a relief to Sei since it protects Kai from falling in with a more manipulative group who might try to take advantage of him. That said, Sei would be genuinely sad to learn his brother was lonely and wanted friends when/if he didn't have them.
If Kai ever made some good friends, it would take Sei a very long time to warm up to them. They would likely be incredibly confused upon meeting Sei for the first time since Kai always speaks so warmly about his brother and describes what a caring person he is--failing to mention the fact that his brother is a tsundere so that caring nature is hidden under a frosty exterior of bluntness, callousness, and snark.
Sei would have absolutely no problem telling Kai's friends exactly what he thought of them and would likely tell Kai (on multiple occasions) that he can do better. Ultimately, however, Sei wants good things for Kai. As soon as Kai's friends prove that they care about him just as much as Sei does and really do have his best interests at heart, they will likely become endeared to Sei forever, and Sei will feel very grateful and indebted to them for looking out for his brother.
Kai on the other hand would immediately love any friend that Sei made. In fact, he would probably consider them Sei's friends even before Sei would acknowledge them as such--saying things like "It's so nice to meet your friends, Sei!" while Sei (the indignant little tsun) huffily insists, "They're not my friends. They're just some people I know." Kai would be absolutely thrilled to know that Sei had friends (especially since Sei is pretty vocal about his opinion that "friendship is overrated"), and he would try to include them in all of their activities and basically bring them into the family. Sei would very quickly get huffy and annoyed with Kai constantly insisting "Why don't you invite your friend(s), Sei?", muttering under his breath or bitterly thinking to himself "I wish I had never told you I had friends" at least once or twice a week.
Unlike with Kai's friends meeting Sei and being thoroughly surprised, Sei's friends meeting Kai is exactly what they expected--well once they get past that initial awkwardness and aloofness from Kai being naturally shy and quiet person, that is. It is a very short-lived period of time, however, since Kai really tries to push himself to be more outgoing when meeting the friends of his brother. He likes them very much for taking such good care of Sei and befriending him, so he tries to be more openly warm and friendly towards them. He also always treats them very formally (similar to how he addresses Sara as "Sara-san" or "Miss Sara" in the game), and he actually, genuinely thanks them all for being Sei's friend (which embarrasses his brother to the point that his ears turn pink. Poor Sei).
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satocidal · 9 months
Loved it? Oh, God, you have no idea how much I loved it!
Like, it was softer than I expected and I adored it (I guess I'm too used to my old usual angst coming from my own fingers lmao) and I adored how it felt so realistic honestly like I could totally see Suguru liking someone bold and lively and seemingly almost opposite of himself! (after all, he is Satoru's best friend, lol(
As for Haunting Adeline, it's good (got to like page 150 or so out of almost 600) but I adore so much the tension and how Zade is both a manipulator but deeply obsessive with Addie, ngl
(Can one tell I'm deeply into Alpha/Omega? No? Should I make it clear with a long, detailed description?😅)
I will have to read that Cult!Geto. A lil bit mean, yummy 😋 (especially if he's mean with his d and hand wrapped around my throat—)
As for my friend, she's amazing, but going through a lot lately. Family stress + a relative being unhealthy + first year of Uni knocking+ mental illness is never a nice combo so I do get her but it's like the fifth day and i don't worried as fuck
Did I miss something? 🤔
Oh! The 13 and 15 year difference between us is not that bad considering they're rlly good kids and I love them dearly, ngl. But it does get exhausting. Especially considering I was in a very stressful situation myself not too long ago and still live in it a little (Uni sucks the will from my soul sometimes). Their love does make it worth tho (and the free food and coffee lmao)
Also, it's kinda payment in my mind for how much my sis is helping me rn even tho she'd never hold it over my head (I need new glasses. And while I had the money to spend on said glasses, I had 0 for food and cigs and she's helping me on this one)
But yes, I agree Hacker!Suguru is just ughh. Like, a lil (maybe more) obsessed, absolutely the type to give you the chills, surely could and has killed some really nasty dudes such as traffickers…yeah
Never getting over Suguru being big and strong and intimidating even tho he's such a kind soul, genuinely. I love him dearly (he looks very hot wiping someone else's blood from his skin, sorry not sorry)
I love how long this is— and tbh, i knew what I was writing wasn’t like, what you exactly asked for but I was sort of using that idea in a Satoru fic and 😭 yes. Because angst in fact is>>>> and tbh why I see him going for someone like that is because it probably makes him learn a lot, like shows perspectives yk?
Personally I’m not into yandere or omega/alpha dynamics but the maybe I’ve just not delved into the right stuff — altho I think I won’t be into it, I feel like I should try reading on it more to get a good idea on it. As in, it helps writing but be my guest and explain as much as you’d like lmao
I won’t spoil much and it’s not any particular plot lmao I just initially wanted to write smut but then idk and it’s like cult geto and you’re a non-sorcerer but at the same time he’s sort of in love with you (classic and obviously). I don’t expect much interaction on it with people and I’m so afraid because many people (like yk the bigger and more popular fandom writers) have already done this idea so it is overdone slightly? But I just wanted a go at it.
That’s good for you for sure because I personally could never💀 I just really don’t at all like kids and I do hope things get better for you soon.
And I just saw this feel like this hacker guy and this girl (idk what movie’s edit it was but istg that’s my inspo now) though I do apologise because it may take me a day or two (a week?) to deliver because I got this test coming up. And suguru who can manhandle you>>> wait though- suguru wiping your blood (just as an idea sorry if you’re not into that!)
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wizardrps · 1 year
Wanted: RP Partner(s)
Howdy! So long story short, I am once again getting back into roleplaying, and so I thought I'd make this silly little side blog to try and find some people to roleplay with! Soooo let's get on with it!!!
About me:
My name is Jessie, I'm nonbinary, and my pronouns are they/he! I'm a current college student, so I tend to get very busy out of nowhere. My style is what you'd call advanced literate/novella. I write only in 3rd person. I also have a habit of writing a lot. I have been writing and roleplaying for 10 whole years (I have a lot of stories about my rp history. It's kind of embarrassing lol).
As a little disclaimer regarding my response timing: like I mentioned, I'm currently in my undergrad and my schedule can be hectic. Some days, I'm not busy at all and that means I'm free to respond whenever. However, some days I'm super busy and cannot respond. I try my hardest to be as open and communicative with my roleplay partners as possible. That being said, I do not expect a response immediately after I respond. Take as much time as you need! I know that you have a life outside of roleplaying just as much as I do.
Preferences for Roleplay Partners:
I am over 18, so I am... a little uncomfortable with roleplaying certain themes and topics with people who are underaged. Under no circumstances will I roleplay NSFW with a minor. Please, for the love of all things that are good, do not lie about your age just so you can roleplay NSFW with me. I was 14 at some point too and got upset when adults wouldn't roleplay with me either, but trust me when I say it has nothing to do with your maturity or you as a person. It is for both of our safety and well-being.
As for the topic of NSFW, no porn-without-plots. I don't mind nsfw, but I really don't like it to be the bulk of a roleplay. It gets boring really quick for me.
Please be literate! I'm definitely not an amazing writer and don't expect you to be one either. I'm not a stickler for grammar or stuff like that, but literacy is important to me.
Last but not least, someone who is willing to talk OOC! The most fun I've ever had with roleplays was when I've roleplayed with people who have talked to me OOC. Whether it's about the roleplay or anything about your life, talk to me!!! We don't have to be best friends, but I like to think of roleplaying as a good way to make some really cool friends that I can basically work on a story with :) There's no obligation to always be talking to me, but talking from time to time is nice.
The fun stuff!!! What I'm looking for:
Fandom or OC! I lean towards OC, but if there's a fandom we both enjoy that I can comfortably write a character from, then let's do it! My main genres of interest are: high/dark fantasy, modern fantasy, horror/psychological thriller, pretty much any historical fiction especially if it is medieval or takes place in the last 200 years, some sci-fi, or anything that gives Life is Strange vibes. I'm down for realistic fiction settings, but I usually prefer the other stuff.
Ships. As a queer person, I prefer lgbt relationship dynamics. I'm comfortable with straight ships, but they're just not what I'm used to. Most of my OCs are guys, but I have gals, nonbinary, and trans people also thrown into the mix of my endless batch of OCs. Also, platonic ships are welcomed!
If you are looking to roleplay a fandom, here's what I'm currently into/what I'm willing to roleplay! A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, the Witcher(show, books up to a certain point I left off at lol), the Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age (all 3 games), Hannibal, and Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit (movies and books I guess?)
Things that will get you immediately blocked if you try to pull include: non-con, incest, s/a, children in any sexual context, or any fetishes that have to do with bodily fluids.
Things that are iffy/icks: romanticization of mental illness (i.e. if you haven't done the research to be able to correctly pull of an interpretation of a character with ASPD, don't do it), abusive relationships, and dub-con.
Disclaimer: these are things that I am not okay writing into detail about. For example, if your character has a past of being abused, I am okay with having the subject touched upon. However, I am not comfortable writing an abusive relationship where my OC is abusive towards yours, or vice versa. Please just be respectful and speak to me OOC prior to bringing up any of these subjects.
Anyhoodles, that's about it! Sorry this post is long and drawn out. If you're interested in roleplaying, please interact with this post via comment or like, or message me! My main means of roleplaying is through discord. My discord tag is WizardLizard#2018. Please bare in mind that I get busy (and last time I made one of these posts I got absolutely swamped with responses and got overwhelmed), so it might take me a little while to get back to you! No matter what I will respond, though!
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mrraccoonman · 23 days
Please Read + Requests Are Open
Warnings for just the entirety of my account: I write and draw dark shit. If anyone is sensitive to things relating to sexual content, mental health, violence, abuse, etc please don't go further.
Also, do not harass anyone for any questions they may ask. Do not hate on others for their views, their sexuality, their gender, race, disabilities, etc.
Basic Info:
Hello! I'm Raccoon! I go by he/they/she pronouns interchangeably, there's no preference. I'm bisexual (kinda obvious by my banner) and I have an amazing girlfriend.
I'm a relatively new writer and artist. I've been drawing anatomy and characters for about a year. I've been writing on and off for about 2 years, but I've really focused on writing a lot more recently.
I don't take commissions. Any requests I can't guarantee I'll do. I'm very busy and I'll only do things that interest me.
I don't stray away from showing the messiness of mental illness, manipulation, and abuse in my writing and art. But I will never romanticize it. I'm perfectly ok with smut, nsfw, bdsm, etc. I'm willing to answer pretty much any questions about anything about things I write and draw.
General Rules For Requests/Questions:
No pedophilia or sexualization of anyone underage for obvious reasons.
No scat, watersports, or anything like that. It grosses me out on a visceral level
No fetishization of lesbians, gays, or the lgbtq community in general. This has happened to my girlfriend and I (I'm AFAB), it's super uncomfortable.
No fetishization of races. Need I explain?
No incest or step-siblings or anything like that. It's gross, like they're family, whether by blood or not.
Nothing homophobic, racist, etc (unless you're asking how someone would react to it or it's plot-based, it can't come from a place of genuine hate). I've been called slurs by random people for having a girlfriend and appearing androgenous, it's not cool.
No demonization/denial of mental health, I've had enough people deny mental health or demonize it in my life.
No conspiracy theories like flat earth or shit like that, it just annoys me when people are uneducated and dumb.
Absolutely no pregnancy. Just no. It freaks me out and honestly it disgusts me to think about being pregnant. Nothing against pregnant people or anything like that, it's your choice, I'm not bashing anyone for getting pregnant. It just makes me really uncomfortable to write, read, or draw.
No glorification of self-harm. I hate glorification of self harm to such a deep extent. It's not something to glorify.
Please try to keep the main ship as x reader. Like I'll do other ships or even focus on other ships, but x reader catches my attention more and it's more fun for me to write.
Don't ask if/when I'm updating. It's irritating and I have no control over my fixations and motivation.
Don't offer constructive criticism. Please. I genuinely don't care. I don't care if you're a professional writer or artist, I'm trying to figure things out on my own and I'm content with that. If I want help and advice, I'll ask.
I rarely do nsfw art, I'll do implied or suggestive things when it comes to art. If I do draw something like nudity, I'll post it, but no sex acts since it goes against ToS.
Fandoms I'm in:
Gravity Falls
The Owl House
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
I will write for (almost) any characters in these fandoms.
I love args, puzzles, and theories as well, so sometimes I'll post theories about whatever.
What Types Of Requests/Questions Am I most Likely To Respond To?
I'll gladly do one shots if they interest me enough.
Answer questions about creepypasta characters using my take on the characters.
Write drabbles about other's head cannons.
Helpful ideas/thoughts about characters
Interesting art ideas.
Questions about various topics that I feel I can offer some education about. For example, mental health/disorders (I'm not a psychologist, working on it, but I currently am not), bdsm, relationship/communication, etc.
This is a safe, judgement-free zone. I will not judge anyone for their requests or questions. Unless they're mean or hateful. Then I'm judging you. I will not respond to any hateful or mean messages though.
Currently Working On (Writing):
Life Goes On: A Creepypasta fanfic (I will post it on my various platforms when it's completely done and edited hopefully it'll be done by August)
Currently Working On (Art):
A cover for my fic
Drawings for a couple things on my fic
A drawing for one of my friend's fic
Various OC drawings
Where else am I?
To be updated when I actually post on there.
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mirelynsroom · 1 month
2 ♡ Stardew Valley: Male Characters
Alright, it's been a while since I wrote again. When I lost my last draft, I was so frustated and just stopped writing. But here I am again, now to talk about my love for this excellent, adorable game: Stardew Valley. There's so much to talk about this game, but I think that I'll start with something that caught me the most, the characters.
One of the things I definitely love most about this game is the characters. Maybe it's because I'm somewhat obsessed with otome games and dating sims. I've always enjoyed a little romance in games, and the fact that there are a bunch of marriageable characters with their own personalities and interests, while I can adventure and take care of my farm... it's all amazing.
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You might be wondering, with so many options available, who I chose first to be my romantic partner? And I answer you with a little embarrassment, it was Alex...
♡ Alex ♡
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But wait! I'm not saying he's bad. He's a good character just like the others, but I think I went for the most convenient option. He leaves home early and is always available to receive gifts, so it was easy to develop a romance with him.
Hmmmm, what to say about this? ....
If you're reading this, it means I've passed on. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Know that I love you both.
Don't be too upset, I'm with Yoba now.
My final request: take care of Alex. He needs a family, something stable. He's a good kid.
Love, Clara” by Alex's mom
Pretty heavy, huh? I mean, his backstory is quite intense. I know many don't see him in that light because he's a jock character. But if you delve into his story, it's pretty sad, and it's tough not to feel empathy. That explains a lot about why he is the way he is. While he's not my top pick among characters, I do recognize all of that and consider him a good person.
Alex fighting! :'(
♡ Elliot ♡
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Uuuhh what to say about Elliot? Elliot, Elliot, Elliot... what a man! He doesn't quite make it to the top of my favorite romantic partners list, but everything with him has been a great adventure. I like guys who are gentleman and romantic, not too much, but he brings all those vibes with a good balance. Not to mention he's a writer and plays the piano, is there anything better than that? I really like his story too, it's smooth yet strong like the waves of the sea. A relationship with Elliot is a relationship with a mature and understanding person; I really appreciate him and his long hair. He's charming!
“Some people are shy. Keep showing interest in them and they'll get comfortable around you. Everyone likes to have friends, even that grumpy blacksmith.” by Elliot
♡ Harvey ♡
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Now, simply Harvey! The doctor with the most elegant mustache in this game, how I love this character. He definitely ranks among my favorite characters, if not the top one. I know the game follows the calendar and seasons of the northern hemisphere, but it's fun to think that in the game context, we share the same birthday, since I celebrate on the 14th of winter in the southern hemisphere. Quite a nice fanfic, right? But what can we say about this guy who loves planes but is afraid of heights? I believe he's another underrated character; sure, many players like him, but I feel that some still don't see him as one of the most useful or interesting. However, after marrying him, it's so cute to see how he tries hard to adapt to this life and help in any way he can. And what about the 10-heart cutscene? SIMPLY SPECTACULAR, ADORABLE, WONDERFUL, it made me cry. I love you, Creuzinha Cock Cock.
"You rescued me from a life of loneliness, and filled the emptiness in my heart. Thank you." by Harvey
♡ Shane ♡
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Wow, Shane... I feel like for many, he's a love-it-or-hate-it kind of mix, or maybe just hate-it if you don't know him well enough. The truth is, even behind that rude and ill-mannered behavior, there was a guy who was suffering alone and pushing people away. Does that excuse being a jerk to others? Of course not, but once we get to know him, it's somewhat understandable. I quite like Shane; like Alex, he's a character easy to build a relationship with in the game. I prefer looking at the characters with sympathy; of course, we're not obliged to like everyone, but Stardew Valley is a game like that, somehow opening a little spot in your heart for everyone, even though it's so simple. So that's my verdict; to me, Shane is a great character. I don't say that because he's kind of a 'depressive drunk'; after all, he's a very cute guy who talks to chickens and quite pleasant. I hope those who think negatively of him can change their minds and see him in a different light, right?
"You like talking to me? I guess I believe you... maybe you're as weird as I am." by Shane
♡ Sam ♡
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Hmmm, Sam, yeah, I like him, but I'd say I like him on the same level as Alex. I'm not really drawn to that youthful vibe he gives off, both in looks and tastes, and so on. But his band is really cool, and he's also a great brother to Vincent. Maybe I liked him more one day, but tastes change over time, and that's that. Hehehe but what about that kissing scene of his? Very suspicious!
"Wow… you look great today, and the specks of mud just add some extra charm." by Sam
♡ Sebastian ♡
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And now, the bombastic side eye moment!!! Sebastian, the infamous love-hate more loved than hated, the emo who captured the hearts of many women and guys out there, why? You wonder, I don't know ^^ But I also really like him, for a change. I think Sebastian is a major outbreak for everyone who plays; once you connect with him, every time you play again, you'll want to do it all over again, like he cast a spell or something. Of course, people like him are more attractive in fiction, but we shouldn't just judge people by their appearance. Sebastian is a great character, not fully understood by his parents, a bit sidelined compared to his sister, and that's something we can easily relate to, right? I really enjoy his dialogues at the festivals, it's like he and Sam are always up to something. In the end, we all have a soft spot for the mysterious emo who smokes and rides a motorcycle, why this phenomenon? Again, I don't know! We just have to accept it, and since we're talking about Stardew Valley, there's not much else to do. For a while, Sebastian was my favorite character to marry, but consider that I've been playing since I was 12 years old huhuhu.
"When I was younger I'd run out to the railroad whenever I heard a train coming. Whatever happened to those days...?" by Sebastian
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And that's what I think about these guys; each has their own special charm, some I like more than others, but they're all definitely in my heart. There's still so much to talk about regarding the female characters. And many other things about the wonderful universe that is Stardew Valley. I'm happy to have written again; it's been a while, and I feel like I'm evolving little by little, even though it's tough. I hope one day I'll improve :)
See ya ♡
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tarnishedxknight · 3 months
Do you have any pets?
What is your favorite color(s)?
What song is stuck in your head right now?
Favorite movie?
What is your favorite candy?
{out of dalmasca} Omg you asked the song one. I feel like I'm gonna rant about that one haha. Okay, here we go... under a cut for length as usual haha.
Do you have any pets?
Not currently, no. I haven't had another since my hamster Smudgie died a while ago. My life situation and having my grandmother living with is making it very hard to get another pet. But over the years I've had all sorts of pets. A cat, four rabbits, fish, several iguanas, mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, even shrimp, snails, and a Madagascar hissing cockroach, haha. Oh, and water fleas. Listen... they are a lot cuter than you might thing. They have tiny black beady eyes, lol. They're not actually fleas, they're crustaceans, and to me they look more like shrimp from some angles, but... on a much teenier scale. You can learn about them here. Sorry the science geek in me is hanging out, lemme tuck it back in, haha.
What is your favorite color(s)?
Black. I just... love black. I'm a witchy goth girl, haha. But I also love purple, gray, blue, and deep forest green.
What song is stuck in your head right now?
The piano theme to "Cigarette Burns," an episode of the Masters of Horror show. I recently decided to start watching Masters of Horror again because there are some really great episodes. Not all are good, but some are amazing. They're one-hour horror stories done by all different influential horror directors. If you watch the free streaming service Tubi, they have the full two seasons of the show all for free. Just be warned, many of the episodes contain a lot of triggering material, such as gore, body horror, and extreme violence. The point is for the horror directors to show off what they can do, so there's a lot of very convincing makeup jobs and special effects, heh, so take care.
"Cigarette Burns" is my favorite episode. I don't know how many times I've seen it. I love the story, but I also watch it for how it makes me feel. For some reason, every time I watch it, it inspires my creativity so much as a writer. I've never done anything with it, really... as far as being inspired to write something from it or about it or inspired by it, but someday I'd like to. I'll blab a little about it below, but if you want to watch it yourself, be warned. It does have a lot of triggering material in it such as: suicide, self-harm, drug addiction, amputation, disembowelment, gore, body horror, mental illness, and obsessive behavior.
As far as the song, you can listen to it here, but that video is the entire soundtrack to the whole episode, so you only have to listen to the first 1:22 minutes to hear the song that's stuck in my head right now.
Okay so... a little more about "Cigarette Burns" and why it inspires me so much as a writer. The basic concept (don't worry I'm not going to get into too many details of the story or anything too triggering here) is that, in the world of underground snuff film making, someone set out to make the snuff film to end them all. He wanted to make the worst film anybody had ever seen and have the prestige of saying he had made the most viscerally heinous film in existence. So, I think it is implied that some occult worship was needed to accomplish this, but basically what he and other people who helped make the film did, was to capture an angel (something I love is that the episode never once using the A-word, heh, but it's so obvious that the creature is an angel), enslave it, torture it, and amputate its wings... and film the entire thing.
What happened was that the angel's I guess spirit became bound to the negative of the film (it was shot old-school style on a reel). The concept was that... the evil of torturing and mutilating this holy being produced so much evil and so much bad karma, that the film negative itself became evil. People connected with the making of the film dropped like flies. Anyone who watched it to completion was driven to murder others or harm themselves. Anyone who sought to find the original negative of it, or who started to watch it but then chickened out and couldn't finish it, became obsessed with it for the rest of their lives in various unhealthy ways. Theaters that screened the movie ended up burning down or were otherwise destroyed. If you had any demons, guilt, weaknesses, desires, vices, obsessions, etc., the film would "know" and exploit them somehow to drive you slowly insane.
The plot centers around an eccentric and rich collector who collects oddities, specifically of a shocking or terrible nature. He keeps the original angel (wingless still, he has the wings hanging on a wall like hunting trophies) as his slave, shackled to a turntable that can rotate when the guy pushes a button. It's... so depraved that you so want this guy to get it in the end, haha. But that's not enough for him, so he commissions a private investigator type but for locating movie artifacts, heh, to find the original negative of La Fin Absolue du Monde, a.k.a. the Absolute End of the World, which is the name of the film. Various creepy and violent things ensue as this guy searches for the movie and then eventually brings it to his client.
I won't ruin the rest of the plot or the ending in case you want to watch it for yourselves, but the concept to me is so interesting and inspiring as a writer. Imagine doing something so terrible to a completely pure being that the evil of it permeates the very film your making and then radiates out through everyone the film touches? I love the creative concept of semi-sentient evil without a form, like... evil that just... is. It's not a creature or a ghost or a being of any kind... it's just evil that came about as a result of the actions of people. I think the metaphor there is incredible to ponder, how our actions have far-reaching consequences, and one evil act can affect the lives of many for generations to come.
I also loved the angel aspect of the story, because... well, I do love me some fantasy or horror angels, heh. But yeah, the word "angel" was never used, but I mean obviously the creature was an angel with the wings, the white coloration, the way it referred to itself as "we", the odd shape of its head and its larger-than-human eyes. I love, though, that they didn't overexplain what it was, or how it was captured, they just left it mysterious. Less is more with both writing and movies, folks, I've learned this over the years. Also, showing not telling. I was able to know it was an angel without anyone having to tell me, and that means it was portrayed well.
Alright, I've blabbed enough about this. On to the next question, haha.
Favorite movie?
Kaze no tani no naushika (風の谷のナウシカ), a.k.a. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. It's a Miyazaki film from Ghibli Studios that was released in 1984. I adore it with every fiber of my being for the animation style, the story, the characters, and honestly the environmentalism and anti-war themes that are still so relevant today as they were in the 80s. Plus it has an adorable fox-squirrel named Teto based on the Fennec fox, and large riding birds that remind me of chocobos. =)
I have a funny story I'd like to share about this. And I may have already told it on this blog, honestly I don't remember, so if I did, just ignore me right now, haha. When I was little and watching this movie, I hadn't studied Japanese yet. My parents knew nothing about anime or the Japanese language, they just... bought me a VHS tape (yes I'm THAT old) of a movie called Warriors of the Wind. I KNOW, I KNOW... I'm sorry to everyone who knows a lot about this movie and who is now offended that I just spoke the name of The Movie That Shall Not Be Named, hahaha, but my childhood self didn't know any better. I didn't know there was a Japanese version, or that the version I fell in love with was 90 minutes long when the real movie was 210 minutes. I didn't know the American version removed all the environmentalism and much of the story.
Even the cover of the VHS tape is utterly ridiculous and honestly insulting to the movie. There are characters and monsters on the cover that aren't even in the film, and the main character, Nausicaä, is riding... a... a pegasus or something? If I remember correctly? Not only was there never a pegasus in the movie, but she flew a little glider, not even a living thing, heh.
ANYway... so I grew up watching this movie and loving it, and as a child, I looked up to and idolized the main character, Nausicaä. She was like... my hero, heh. My badass girl who could do anything. As a child, I loved playing with pill bugs, who were the inspirations for the Ohmu in the movie, one of the creatures Nausicaä had a natural rapport with. She was kindof like a post-apocalyptic, anime Snow White, in that she had this natural connection to nature, animals, and the environment, and was just the purest soul. But I grew up watching the 90-minute butchered version of the movie, so I didn't see any of the childhood flashbacks of her playing with a baby Ohmu and then having people take it away from her to kill it. Or anything to do with the environmentalism, which I'll get to now...
Fast forward 20 years, and I'm going to college for biological sciences, specifically environmental microbiology. More specifically, using bacteria to clean contaminated/poisoned water, soil, and sediments. Contaminant remediation using bacteria and plants, basically. I would study how the bacteria could facilitate either the breakdown of contaminants before the plants could take them up through the soil into their roots and harm them, or if the plants already took up the contaminants into their cells, how bacteria can "talk" to plants and stimulate the plants' own immune systems to break down the contaminants themselves. It was a fascinating field and I wish I had been able to do research in it for a longer time.
I was knee deep into my research, a degree under my belt, when I started getting into anime a lot more and studying Japanese and I found out... that my favorite movie had a whole other Japanese version that had an extra half hour I haven't even seen before. Needless to say I got a copy as fast as I could and couldn't wait to watch it, and I was blown away by what I saw.
All the scenes that were deleted where all things that I was doing, or doing similarly, to the main character. She had her own laboratory and was conducting research using spores she collected from a forest that had been contaminated long ago by the industrial activity of civilizations past. She was trying to find a way to cure the plants of their poisonous nature, and found that it wasn't the plants, but rather the soil and the water that was poisoned. When the spores from these plants were grown in clean water and soil, the results were not toxic to humans.
Guys, I cried. I honestly cried, haha. I had this moment of like... did I just end up in the same field of research as this fictional character I idolized as a child? Without even knowing it because the version I grew up watching had deleted all those scenes? I don't know why that hit me so funny, but it did, and it's only made me love the movie even more. I haven't seen it in a while and that needs to be rectified, heh.
Here is an amv that I have loved for so many years of footage of this movie set to a song from what is probably my second favorite movie, Loved By the Sun from Legend (1985). SIde note, if you want to know what started my love for and inspired me to create my own angels (like Aryx on my multi) and demons and write original books about them, check Legend out. It's... an admittedly corny fantasy movie by most people's standards today, but I adore it and if you can give it a chance, it's amazing in my opinion. But anyway, the song combined with scenes from Nausicaä... *chef's kiss*.
What is your favorite candy?
Hmm... I don't think I have a favorite candy, but I have a favorite flavor of candy. I love... everything mint. Preferably with chocolate as well. So... thin mints, Andes candies, York Peppermint Patties, peppermints, candy canes, etc. Just gimme all ur mintz. *grabby hands* XD
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moonbinscirera · 2 years
Ahhgg, car trips can be a drag sometimes 😭 I'm pretty sure I haven't taken one since I've graduated so about 3 years tbh, I'm always driving these days so I get a little more car sick as a passenger. But I used to enjoy them a lot when I was younger! 😩
I think your hobby list is so good 💪🏼 ah but I feel the same way... Ooh fanfic 👁 do you have any particular favorite kind of genres you like to read? Oh and I've been looking at switches lately because they seem like a lot of fun! I've been trying to get into more fun games since breaks will be coming up from school 🤩
Video essays sound like a lot of fun ngl - I wish I had the attention span for that long 😩 that's super cute how excited you got for a 9 hour video omg but also it's skyrim so I can understand 😂 knitting! That's so cool, my mom was lamenting how she wanted to learn 😂 😂 😂 😂
I don't do much either 😭 I always feel so busy or tired to do things but I like to run my silly little tumblr blogs with content (gifs, fics, spamming the dash 😅) but I like to read all kinds of things (fics and books) but I haven't had as much time as I'd like 😔 maybe once I graduate, it'll free up some more hours in my day!
i don't actually drive so im always a passenger dhdhdhddh so really i just play pretend at being a navigator but like we using a gps so-
oh im a fantasy lover i love magic and monsters and scifi stuff too! bonus points if the protag is a black girl and double points if shes black and gay but thats my criteria for regular books when its fanfic i like sickfics and injury ones like im an angst girl i love me a major character death and i want my fave to suffer... on the lighter side i like fake dating like so much like SO MUCH i still like magic aus too but ill read alotta stuff as long as nobody pregnant and like the fic has to BE SUPER well written for me to even THINK of touching a kid fic with a 10ft pole
like when i get into an ao3 tag i got a full blown system like first i do my favorite character depending on the size of the archive ill either filter it to just angst or the specfic type then read thru back to front once being selective then twice with lower standards and then a third time with desperation. then once ive done that i take off the angst tag and just leave all my exclude this filters on and just do the above with their entire archive. after that i do the same with the relationship i have identified as my favorite
its a proven system i miss very lil fics that way.... anyway
switches are fun! i actually have quite a few games onnit its nice to have a portable console and when u get games like botw onnit u can have good time sinks that are worth the money spent on it and btw.... u can get skyrim on it dgsnszhdn p sure
ehe~ there are video essays that are still really good that are under 40 mins or 30 mins even if several hours is really hard to do. i like ToonrificTariq he does cartoon analysis and theyre normally on that shorter side!
i wasnt necessarily good at knitting like i was really baysic at it tbh i just taught myself the very baysic knit stitch and i think how to do the reverse purl one maybe im still unsure if i actually did it.... funfact i taught myself while i was binge watching game of thrones (when it was still cool) so i missed the entirety of the first season cuz i was focused on my knitting but by the time i got to s2 i could knit reliably with out looking so i actually started watching the show.
:O ur a fic writer??? thats so cool! its amazing that u can write stories i cant wait to be able to see some of your writing 👀 and a studious homie!!! very fancy!! what are u studying if u dont mind me asking?
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hi Foxy,
If i try to pick my brain to think of a reason of not writing to you earlier - i don't really have any (apart from laziness :|).
I was very much against reading anything of BTS IRL - idol stories until i came across yours. I'm very glad i gave it a try. I came across "Little Bean" on June 9 this year. (The reason i remember the date is because i had to wake up at 5 the next day for trekking & i slept at 3 - reading as much i could of Little Bean). Ever since then, i've read a few of your works. The Secret Song Series remains my favorite - i read/re-read this far too many times to count by now.
After reading the latest Flux update & on coming across the note on tumblr you mentioned taking days off to write - I pushed myself to write you, just to express my appreciation of just how wonderful a writer you are. In the Secret Song series - even though the world you've created seems so much like in real life (I am aware it isn't real), the amount of details you've put in.... literally everything is amazing. The way you write the POV's, the interactions between JK and Sasha, fights, disagreements, the way JK slowly, with a bit (alot) of uncertainty of where he stands with Sasha to getting comfortable to pushing past her walls (I was going to phrase this as boundaries but the word boundaries is wrong because he knows which "no" is hard stop and which ones he can toe a little past.) and the way the other members/group interactions, how they interact with JK, how Sasha has slowly steadily grow a little more trusting a little more braver of revealing more of "herself" across the flux book and..... well to summarise - everything.
(maybe some TMI - There's this thing i do when i start reading a book - i first skim through everything very fast and i get to a point where i decide if want to read the book again and i swear once i got to the breakup in Flux (I cried when JK cried) i was ready to just close the tab and stop reading BUT i skipped to the lastest chapter and saw... okay they are in the same chapter again ... then i started reading it from the first chapter again. And now, this series has literally become a comfort read for me.)
So, this is all i had in my mind to write to you for now. Ill try to be less lazy and write more often.
Wishing you a Shubh Deepawali with lots of love, Re
I'm really amazed and flattered when people tell me they like the Secret Song series best of my work haha. I knew so little about the world of idols when I started and still so slowly learn things so I always expect it's full of wrong things but I'm glad those things aren't horribly distracting! It's not for lack of effort, just me maintaining my own strict boundary between what I actualyl research and what I just take creative license with 😁
Honestly I always figured people might only skim-read like you mention and just use the story for daydream fodder of their own, which I would still think is excellent! But I'm touched by how many of you really read the story itself and enjoy the characters. I vowed to everyone the series would always end happily in each book becaus both the strength and risk of a story like this where we're living just about every minute with them is it can really bring you down emotionally!!! It definitely has that impact on me writing the hard parts, so we all need to be able to settle somewhere happily before a book break!
I so appreciate your comment and I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the story!
Thank you and Shubh Deepawali ✨  to you as well!
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