#Ao Lie x Macaque x Sun Wukong
emelinstriker · 2 months
☆ A Few ESAU Headcanons ☆
Art drawn by me + the AU itself is mine.
We literally hit the 1k follower milestone only like 5 days ago, how tf did y'all bring it way beyond and made it 1022 followers this quickly- I couldn't even make a special in time- I love y'all but how dare you- So I'mma just lovingly slap you guys with these headcanons- hfgnhfgnhfg
Also, these are supposed to be dating/romantic headcanons, but half of them count more towards general relationships with your champions within the AU.
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☆ ~ Headcanons ~ ☆
☆ Wukong
>Doesn't talk much, but loves to show his affection towards you with his actions.
>Has a habit of wrapping his cape + tail around you when hugging/cuddling you.
>Much like his LMK counterpart, he is still lazy in his own way. So he rather lazily snuggles against you when cuddling. He's like a blanket with some extra weight to keep you trapped in his arms.
>His kisses are very gentle for his rather emotionless attitude. Mainly because he doesn't want to overwhelm you or accidentally hurt you with his strength.
>Very protective of you. Of course he was already protective before, but if you're in a relationship with him, then he takes his jobs of protecting you a lot more seriously. That's not just his Master in danger anymore, but also his significant other.
>Casually picks you up with his tail and holds you close when he craves kisses or cuddles. Won't do it in public though. In public he just holds your hand.
☆ Macaque
>Talks a lot and practically won't shut up about how much he loves you.
>Most openly clingy out of them all. You better get used to him literally hanging onto you at times.
>Hope you don't mind him accidentally getting blood on you when hugging you. Don't worry, it's not his.
>Might show slight yandere-ish behavior when you're in a relationship, but it's really not that noticeable when comparing it to his regular behavior. Just take his usual somewhat unhinged vibe and crank it up a bit.
>Dramatic over-the-top flirt. Unironically has done the draw-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls pose while shirtless on the bed before, and he wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
>Lots of PDA. He not only won't verbally shut up, but also physically won't let you escape his love. He tends to initiate a lot of passionate kisses even in public. But if you don't feel comfortable about making out in public, he's also fine with just little pecks on the lips.
☆ Nezha
>He was just supposed to act like your guard. How dare you make him feel this way. Not that he's actually complaining, of course.
>If you have kids/have to babysit kids, he's your best helper. He doesn't have a problem dealing with them all day and will make sure they don't accidentally get hurt while playing.
>Has a tendency of kissing the back of your hand when on-duty. Doesn't mean he isn't sneaking in cheek kisses here and there before you can even react.
>Out of all of them, he's the one with the highest probability of suggesting going to Megapolis or another city for dates. Though, you can expect him to wear sunglasses with his disguise. For obvious reasons.
>Tends to act more like your bodyguard than your boyfriend, so you have to basically teach him to loosen up a bit when on a date, and remind him he's not on some mission.
>Generally needs more time to just relax, so a recommendation would be to have a lot of dates, or even little vacations with him away from the palace. It also just adds to the time spent together. (Whether or not you'll actually be fully alone with him away from the others is another thing. Especially when they can transform/disguise themselves to act as bonus bodyguards without your knowledge.)
☆ MK
>He's an absolute sweetheart. Until he isn't.
>Let me rephrase that: He's an absolute sweetheart towards you and his fellow champions, but will not hesitate to rip off someone's arm if they try to flirt with you. Even if it's playfully/jokingly flirting, clarify that to him before he targets the person that was just joking around.
>He usually asks for kisses first by either silently wrapping his tail around you and leaning against you, or just flatout asking you directly. There is no in between.
>Surprisingly remembers when you plan a date. Also remembers your anniversary. What he usually doesn't remember is to bring whatever little gift he packed up for you, so you sometimes have to pick up your gift in his room.
>Pretty sure that's part of the plan and he just wants to have you alone so no one could disturb you two, but it's hard to tell whether or not he's doing it intentionally or is just really forgetful about specifically that.
>Sometimes offers you his bandana to wear, and you get to see his hair in a slightly different style.
☆ Red Son
>If you're ever hungry and have little to no experience in cooking or baking, he gotchu. He can also teach you how to cook/bake if you want to learn. Or if you already know how to work the kitchen, he wouldn't mind letting you prepare meals with him as bonding time.
>He is too embarrassed to wear his favorite apron in front of others. His favorite apron has "Kiss The Best Cook" written in bold on it with little burning hearts all over it. The "Best" part was added by you. But he enjoys wearing it when it's just you around him.
>If you're one of the unfortunate souls to have been born with monthly shark week, he offers himself as your heating pad when cuddling.
>Doesn't usually initiate kisses, feeling like he's bothering or distracting you in the moment. But that gives you all the more reason to shower him in them.
>Would rather spend his dates alone with you around the palace, including cooking you something for said date. However, he also doesn't mind going out to some restaurant and would most certainly pay for it all.
>But don't even dare try pay for your own meal. Or literally anything you ever wanna try pay for with your own money. He will stop you. And he will pay for it himself.
☆ Ao Lie
>Your personal air taxi in form of a dragon.
>He gives you more cheek kisses and generally short kisses, but a lot of them.
>Can be found lazing around outside in the field a lot. Be it in human or dragon form. 
>Because of this, his suggestion for a date would also be outside, like a picnic.
>Tends to offer you his over-sized clothes. Yes, most of the things in his wardrobe are really big and comfy.
>Almost as physically clingy as Macaque, but will mostly just rub himself on you before letting go. So at least you don't have to worry about trying to pry him off you like a certain monkey. Cough.
☆ Azure
>Your personal bed... No seriously, he's so tall he just straight up becomes your bed when cuddling.
>Most awkward flirting out of them all. Like, second-hand-embarrassment levels of awkward. But he's trying.
>Sometimes accidentally licks you like an actual cat instead of kissing you, which ends up in him feeling embarrassed over it and quickly apologizing. He does let out a quiet purr when licking you though.
>Likes to carry you around, if you will let him. Usually either in his arms or on his shoulders. You can just hold onto his fluffy mane when you're on his shoulders.
>He's very attentive and will try make your day just a little better with small gestures. Such as silently pulling you close if you need comfort, but don't need as much as when every other champion can feel it.
>His standpoint on outdoor vs indoor dates are 50/50. Really depends on the time, day, weather, etc. Just make sure he actually fits wherever you wanna plan a date. His tall stature makes sitting in normal-sized seats at restaurants uncomfortable for him.
☆ Mink
>Ironically the most normal-feeling relationship.
>Like, despite being physically the least amount of normal, he feels the most like a genuine relationship with no prior biases towards you, despite you being labeled as his Master. Mainly because he absolutely avoids treating you like one and refuses to put you on a pedestal in any way that isn't necessary.
>He's very skilled at flirting. Even if some of the pick-up lines reek of cheese, he saved up quite a lot with the help of the scroll- Some being more unique than others.
>Kissing him is a bit complicated due to him literally being, well, goopy ink. Or rather mostly goopy ink mixed with the other black goop.
>He likes to wrap his ink around you and keep you at least somewhat covered in it though. It's like his personal way of showing off his claim/mark on you.
>Dates are most certainly happening in the Scroll of Memory. He knows about some great locations to spend time in there.
[ Masterlist ]
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luxthestrange · 9 months
LMK Incorrect quotes#63 King of Bottoms
The Pilgrims: We can fix him!
The Brotherhood: Yeah well, We can make him worse!
F!Y/n: and I can peg him!! So you y'all can get your asses outta here!!-and you!!*Points to Wukong*Get your ass over here!
Pilgrims & Brotherhood:!?!
Wukong*Zoomies his way to you*Yes my queen
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docwritesshit · 6 months
It's the Little Things
Blurb: Basically the moments that the LMK gang loves
Authors note: I was feeling soft when I woke up so have at it
It's the more domestic moments with you
Why you guys are out grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning together
It just gives him a place of comfort, of stability
It gives him peace
When you reach over him to grab something while your cooking, give him a kiss on the cheek and he will positively melt
Cook him his favorite meal when he's off work and resting? Be prepared to be smothered with kisses as soon as they see what you are doing
Those moments when you smile
Seriously, this guy will look at your smile all day and not be bored
If you're insecure about your smile and you share that with him, he will be flabbergasted.
How could you? It's so beautiful
It's the way your eyes light up that does it for him, the way he can see the genuine happiness in you
Damn, he loves that smile
The moments when you comfort him
Trust me, this man is hard to get close to, so good on you for getting there!
He's a tease for sure, but relishes the more quiet moments where you hold him and play with his hair as you try and get him to sleep
He loves it when you just listen to him rant about things.
The small touches you give when he gets angry
Those kill him every time
Absolutely adores your silence
Let me explain-
When you both are in their workshop, and he's just ranting about things you don't understand, just the way you look at her as you quietly listen makes them combust
And if you're asking questions to actually understand? Oh this man is on the floor
Just the comfortable silence that hangs in the air, it wrap him like a warm blanket
Ao Lie
Now this one is the opposite
He loves it when you go on tangents that last hours and hours
He will happily listen to you, no matter what the topic is about
(he's leaned not to ask questions on how you know so much about certain topics)
It's honestly astounding how you can be so quiet in front of others to him, you love to talk!
But he's half you like to talk to him
(and that's all I got for today)
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watercurtaincave · 4 months
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𖤓 !! — WAITING (impatient, “speed this up, pls”)
You were standing outside the house, watching as the little kids ran around and played amongst themselves. From what you caught, they were playing freeze tag, yet with some sort of infecting twist. It was entertaining to say the least, especially when one of the younger ones ran over to the nearest group of adults (where you happened to be standing) and ran around you guys to only get caught. It was both entertaining to watch and entertaining to listen to the others having to quickly change their conversations because the little kids were now here. “Looove,” But, there is always one baby that can’t seem to entertain themselves. You would stifle a chuckle as you felt them slug over, wrapping their arms around your waist and resting their head atop of yours. It had only been two hours, the two of you having gotten here since the sun went down, but you could already tell that they will be bothering you for the next half an hour to make the ‘clock go by faster’. “It’s not time yet.” You would simply tell them, leaning back into the hug as you messed with the straw in your drink. Again, you had to suppress a chuckle because of the groan you got. For the past two hours you’ve been sending them on meaningless tasks to get them to do something, or else they’ll be up your butt until the fireworks went off, but you couldn’t think of anything for them to do right now. Maybe you should send them off to play with the kids.
WUKONG, red son, ne zha, Macaque
𖤓 !! — WAITING (impatient, “bouncing off the walls”)
“And that’s when I said, nu-uh he better not!” You were talking to your little friend group in the kitchen, as one of them was trying to make Flan and the others decided to just migrate with them into the kitchen. You tagged along. Sure, you wanted to stay outside to keep an eye on the kids, yet you were reassured that they were in good hands no matter what. But hey, at least it was more quiet inside since all the speakers blasting music were outside. That was a big relief. “He did not, did he?” Another one of your friends asked as you took a sip of your drink, glancing outside the door to notice your love rushing in with some of the kids. They were all giggling and rushing around, pushing the couch forward to hide behind it, hiding inside the pantry, bathroom, etc. Before you could ask any questions about what they were doing, you assumed playing hide and seek, your lover rushed over to you in a fury. They pecked your forehead, “Love you, Dove, don’t rat any of us out! Melody is it.” And they rushed off again, scrambling to find somewhere to hide despite being a little too grown to shove their way into cabinets, like some of the other kids were doing. Well, someone’s excited for the fireworks!... that or they were doing this to get on your family’s good side… or the kids kidnapped them into playing this.
red son, Ne Zha, MK, Ao lie
𖤓 !! — WAITING (patient)
Having come early to help with the party, it was a good few hours until midnight and the New Year. The family and friends invited to the small event had been slowly showing up, some even offering to help up with the final little details and some just placing down the food they brought before going to socialize. The kids were put into the gaming room, for now to keep them all entertained, and the adults were all socializing either outside or in the living room. Hours flew by and you found yourself standing outside with your lover, their arm around your waist to hold you close. All the adults were laughing and chattering and having been kicked outside of the house since the kids took up the living room to play their games. Your smile wobbled a little as you glanced up at your lover, and you couldn’t help but whisper to them: “Hey, sorry we had to be here so early. Thanks for being so patient.” Which caught your lovers attention instantly, as they glanced down at you with a curious look before smiling. They would lean down, placing a rather sweet kiss on your lips. “Anything for you, love.”
MACAQUE, PRINCESS IRON FAN, Red Son, Ne zha, Ao lie.
“HAPPY NEW YEARS!” The shouts of many filled the small house just as the counting that took place earlier, as big grins spread upon people’s faces and couples paired up to kiss one another. Some of the kids would recoil and yell yuck, grabbing a cup of candy or grapes before giggling and rushing away outside to get the firework show started! They knew that someone had to follow them outside or else there would be a repeat of last year; There would be no fireworks to set off because someone doused them in water! You were laughing, about to follow the kids out with a shout, “Wait up you buggers!” Yet before you could exit the door an arm snaked around your waist and pulled you back. You would let out a yelp, not having expected it, nor having expected to be twirled around and dipped. Your lover would chuckle seeing your flushed face staring right back up at them, they just couldn’t help it! You look all too cute being so flustered. “Did you forget you got someone to kiss now on New Years, love?” They would tease, the biggest snicker upon their face. You wouldn’t even get a chance to respond before their lips met yours, in an oddly steamy yet enjoyable kiss; Even if most of the kids were shouting in disgust in the background.
SWG, RED SON, Princess Iron Fan, MACAQUE
𖤓 !! — MIDNIGHT KISSES (v. 2!)
“Three!” You and the others would count down, watching the closet clock that had been brought out for this exact purpose. Your love was standing right next to you, counting down just as excitedly with you. It was going to be a new year and no way were they going to be anywhere other than your side tonight! The kids were bouncing excitedly, basically off the walls, and some adults were two as the next two numbers were called: “Two!- oNE! HAPPY NEW YEARS!!” We did it, another year around the sun was completed and a New Year had started. Cheers and applause erupted from everyone as couples kissed their lovers and some tried eating their cup of grapes for good luck that year. You couldn’t help but giggle, noticing how your lover was glancing over at you with expected eyes. They were too cute! So, before they could make a move to meet your lips, you would cup their cheeks within your hands, squishing them together, before you pull them down to meet your lips. You didn’t realize how shocked they were at first, though you couldn’t help but giggle at this fact as they soon melted into the kiss and accepted it, hugging your waist with their arms to pull you closer.
MK, NE ZHA, Ao lie, Macaque, red son
𖤓 !! — MIDNIGHT KISSES (fucked up)
You were trying to hold back your laughter, turning your head away from your lover as they held you firmly within your arms. It was 12:01 o’clock in the morning, a minute into the New Year, and you were already denying your lover the kiss they wanted badly! You could hear the others call for the children to be rounded up so they could launch fireworks while others laughed, playfully, at your lover’s misfortune. “I was a minute late, babe, please!” They would beg, looking at you with the biggest puppy eyes they could manage. You swore if there weren't any other people around that your lover would be on their knees, begging for you to spare them one kiss. “A minute!” You protested, biting back your giggle, “A minute! And I was calling you to come here because we were going down. I called you when there were ten, eight, five, two, and one minute left but you were too busy outside!” Your tone was playful, your lover knew you were slightly upset with them but still couldn’t help but be amused at their antics. “Then I’m just going to have to take it from you!” 
SWG, Macaque, red son
“Be careful!” You would shout to your lover, standing off to the side with the rest of the family; You weren’t sure exactly how this happened, your lover being voted as the one to light the fireworks, but it happened. At first you had tried to tell everyone that it wouldn’t be a good idea to let them do such a task, pointing out a few things but they were confident enough to tell you: “Don’t worry, love, I got this!” Before rushing over to help light the fireworks. Honestly, you were a little surprised at this fact, even more surprised that the family was able to step away from the big gathering to be able to have a small celebration of their own. But now, you were thinking you would rather take the crowd than this. Especially since you knew- “OW! OW, OW.” There it was, your lover shouting because they burnt themselves on the lighter while trying to light fireworks. You honestly expected some bigger freak accident, like them getting hit by a firework or something like that, but you were glad that didn’t happen. You didn’t need a trip to the ER today, no matter if this came about due to their own stupidity. Either way, you rushed inside to grab them mustard and ice to hopefully quell the burn. (You also weren’t surprised to hear the laughter of others as you left.)
SWG, Ao lie, MK, red son
The kids waved around their sparklers and ran around the yard, which was clear of any of the bigger fireworks, waiting anxiously. There were three adults helping set up the fireworks and, thankfully, your lover wasn’t one of them. Nope, thankfully, they stood next to you with one hand in their pocket and the other around your waist, holding you close. It was really moments like these that made your heart beat, moments that were peaceful and just pure loving. “Alright everyone, stand back!” The shout was given from one of the three in the front as a lighter was sparked. Not even a few seconds later did they all rush back from the igniting fireworks as kids gathered around in front of their parents to watch the spectacle. Your lover would place his pocketed hand on top of your kid’s head, holding you ever so closer, as one of the fireworks shooted towards the sky and exploded in a colorful burrage. After the first one, everything else seemed to go off in a slightly chaotic but systematic rhythm, allowing their color to paint the skies in ways you never knew you missed until this time of year rolled around again. Yet, what you didn’t notice is that your lover would barely catch the fireworks with their own eyes, as they would much rather watch them through yours; You and your lovely face, oh they could just smooch you right now!
MACAQUE, MK, Princess Iron Fan, NE ZHA, Ao Lie, SWG, RED SON
You were standing outside with your kids, holding them close in a big hug while you guys watched the fireworks together. Your lover had been stuck in the restroom, saying that they had to have eaten something bad to upset their stomach so much. You had offered to stay with them, saying how one of your siblings would watch the kids so they could experience the fireworks, yet they told you to go on without them. To enjoy the fireworks with the kids even if they couldn’t be there. So you did, leaving your lover with a glass of water and medication for their ill stomach, and went to watch the fireworks with the kids. When it was over, you would give then a kiss before playfully shooing them off to your siblings before you would rush into the house to check on your lover. They were still in the bathroom. You gave two gentle knocks. “Honey?” You would hear a groan of pain, to which you had to suppress a small giggle. “Yes, Love?” You playfully asked back. You couldn’t miss the complete devastation that rang from their voice moments later, “I missed the fireworks, didn’t I?” As you turned your face away, the smell from inside slowly hit you like a stink bomb. “Yes.. but maybe now you’ll listen to me when I say you shouldn’t have eaten all those burritos my aunt cooked.” “But they were so good!”
SWG. ao lie?
“Love?” You called out before you entered the home, looking around for your lover. They had told you they were going to go lay on the couch inside, claiming that they needed a little rest before the fireworks due to the kids running them ragged. They had told you they would be outside in time for the fireworks, so you guys could watch them together! But they weren’t outside, nor did they seem to be making their way outside. You had asked one of the kids where they were and all they did was giggle, so you had to go investigate on your own. Upon walking inside, not even ten steps in, did you see your lover asleep on the couch. And upon walking closer to them, did you notice why all the kids had been giggling when you asked; There were marks in bright, colorful markers and glitter glue all over their face! Well, if they didn’t wake up to that, you guessed that they really needed the sleep. You couldn’t help but giggle a little though, taking a picture of the scene before walking off to get some baby wipes. You were cruel enough to take a photo of the moment, not cruel enough to leave them like that.
Ao lie :(, SWG (food coma,, was so upset later), Red Son, Macaque?
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𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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maidenofthecloud · 9 months
Here's an idea that just occurred to me
Mine theory
Macaque was jealous of ao lie
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I have seen many comics and fanfics where they make macaque jealous of monk tripitaka for his closeness to sun wukong and their relationship
But what would happen if Macaque came to think that sun wukong replaced him with ao lie?
It has been hinted in the series that ao lie and sun wukong were very good friends.
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Also that one comment Peng did about Macaque "fighting side by side with his own replacements"
Macaque is fighting along with mei in that moment.
maybe Macaque develops jealousy of ao lie and sun wukong's friendship
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patfr8 · 1 year
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Pages 12 & 13
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broke-art · 11 months
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M.k practically dragged you towards flower fruit mountain causing you to stumble a bit.
"So you're saying you unlocked a cursed scroll and were attacked by DBK, Iron fan, Spider Queen, Nezha, and some other demons you've never seen before?" Tang asked.
"No," M.k released your wrist allowing you to rub away the slight sore spot he'd left from tugging you along so unexpectedly. "I'm saying we were attacked by INK VERSIONS of DBK, Iron fan, Spider Queen, and all those other ones you just said." He clarified simply as though that was obvious somehow.
You glanced around seeing nothing amiss other than the massive troves of items Monkey king had 'borrowed' in his very extensive lifetime whilst your friends spoke among themselves.
"Well it looks like what ever it was is gone now." You pointed out as kindly as you could without sounding accusing.
M.k dashed about throwing gusts of wind in your face likely without thinking.
"Hey you're right! Whew. No ink demons!" He cheered.
"Hey, I think I found the scroll!" Sandy announced lifting a band of blackened wood pieces rolled together.
"Sandy wait!" M.k yelled as the scroll unfurled.
Instantly black ink spilled from the scroll and thunder clapped.
Sandy released the scroll and the black in absorbed it into it's depths as it grew. Figures began to emerge from the pitch inky depths their eyes shimmering an otherworldly blue that sent a chill through your blood.
"Aight, Tangy!" Mei cheered grabbing Tang and tossing him forward. "You're up!"
Tang stood up and yelled to the mass with what you could only call an empty ultimatum before versions of the gang's ancestors began to appear from the black muck. And just then they attacked.
You released a small scream as the black goo charged at you. The only reaction you had time for was to shoot your arms up Infront of your face when a Jade barrier appeared between you and the goo.
With a small gasp you stumbled backwards flinching as the black liquid slammed against the barrier which never so much as cracked under the barrage.
Suddenly you felt M.k grab your shoulders and yank you backwards just as glowing blue and yellow streaks shot past you creating a barrier of their own.
Just then a large lionesque man stepped past you, M.k, and Mei. He twirled his sword making Mei's eyes go wide.
"Oooo I want that!" She fangirled to herself.
Just then two more figures emerged from the ink a birdlike figure and and elephant one. They shouted simultaneously words you couldn't decipher. But your gaze flicked back to the Lion.
He released a small sigh.
"Forgive me, brothers." He uttered quietly before brandishing his sword. Each swing shot light strands that beat the ink backwards before banishing it altogether. Then he shot out an arm his hand glowing blue.
The scroll took on an aura of the same hue, floated into the air, and a rune appeared above it which seemed to suck the remaining ink back in, then sealed the scroll.
You blinked as the scroll fell into the lion's grasp. His gaze remained on it musingly before both M.k and Mei launched at him slamming into his back.
He slammed into the ground but picked himself up taking his sword in hand.
"Hand over the scroll children."
"No You hand over the scroll!" M.k demanded before Mei corrected him with a whisper in his ear.
"We have the scroll! Now free our friends and we don't have to get physical." He declared correctively.
"You expect me to believe you are not responsible for stealing the scroll despite it being in your possession?"
You listened to your friends go back and forth and basically just watched the lion introduce himself and explain the situation.
Still didn't explain fully but you guessed it was the best you were going to get.
The Azure lion and M.k spoke back and forth eventually coming to the agreement that he and Mei would enter the scroll and retrieve your friends.
"Woah wait?! Are you insane?!" You demanded stepping between them. "We don't even know this guy! He could be using you!"
Azure lion blinked as if taken aback by your comment.
"If we are going to do this, we need to trust each other." He spoke with a gentle reassurance that some how only irked you more.
"Y/n," M.k addressed you stealing your attention. "What other choice do we have?"
You stared at him for a moment. This was insane. You couldn't just trust this lion...man...thing! But then... M.k was right. You had no other choice. And who knew what the scroll would do to your friends the longer they were in there. You breathed out a sigh.
"Fine! But I'm staying here and watching him. Just to make sure he doesn't try anything."
M.k grinned and hugged you.
"Thanks Y/n."
"Alright." The lion smiled at you kindly. "If you wish to stay then I'll need you to stand behind me." He gestured to a spot behind him.
You eyed him warily but walked over. You knelt behind him and if you weren't mistaken saw him smirk before wishing M.k and Mei good luck then releasing the ink which promptly sucked them both into the scroll.
A sick feeling mounted in your chest as he resealed the scroll.
"Now, then all there's left to do is wait." He announced with a tone that seemed resigned. Then he looked over his shoulder at you.
"Y/n, was it?"
Your gaze flicked back to the scroll.
"Is..there a way to check on them?"
The lion smiled then chuckled.
"As a matter of fact, yes. Give me a moment." His eyes flashed with golden light and then he fell very still.
In the moments you guessed he was astral projecting. As his form was similar to his so called 'brother' monkey king.
This chance you took standing and stepping around him so you could observe him more easily.
He had definitive muscle. No one could deny that. He wore a cape and something you could possibly identify as a 'half shirt'.
You frowned.
Something about him seemed.... Insincere. Perhaps not his kindness but something. Something was hidden here. And you were going to find out what.
Just then his golden eyes flicked open causing you to flinch slightly.
He smiled almost amusedly.
"Admiring from a distance are we?"
You felt your cheeks heat but pressed away the reaction, deciding to fold your arms and frown instead.
His smile remained firmly intact.
"I don't blame you for not trust me. Infact, I count you as wise for such. But still, I have a role to play in aiding you."
"Forgive me if I find it suspicious that you just happened to show up right on time." You shot back suspiciously.
Now his smile fell into a sad frown.
"But I didn't. Your friends were pulled into the scroll regardless of my efforts. Surely, if my arrival was 'right on time' as you say, wouldn't they have been saved?" The information he offered almost humbly.
You sighed. He had a point, a good one at that.
"Perhaps if you gave me a chance to prove myself trustworthy," He smiled hopefully. "Then you could lay your suspicions aside."
You studied him carefully. Nothing about him confirmed your suspicions and something about this was indeed sincere. But what was true and what was false. Nothing in his appearance gave you any clue if anything looking at his muscles was beginning to distract you so you tore your gaze away.
From the corner of your eye you could see him perk up some.
"When my friends are safe, then I'll trust you."
Just then Azure wilted some. It was slight, near inpercieveable, but there. The next instant he was grinning widely.
"Very well then. But...until then-"
You glanced back at him fully.
"Why don't we get to know each other a bit better?" He offered kindly.
Your gaze flicked to the scroll. You didn't really want to sit here in silence until they returned.
"Ok." You agreed sitting across from him.
"Well I'm sure you've heard of me." He grinned proudly.
You allowed your silence to rectify that assumption coupling it with a blank look.
"Ah...I suppose not, but in any case I have introduced myself to some degree. I do believe it's your turn."
You gave a small start.
"Oh...well alright. My name is Y/n L/n technically I'm the grand daughter of the Jade emperor."
Now it was his turn to give a small start his eyes widening quite a bit.
"Oh don't look at me like that." You sighed. "I'm nothing special my mother married a mortal so she was basically cast out of heaven."
Azure hummed.
"I was wondering what power you might possess that would allow you to block the scroll as you did." He held his chin contemplatively. "Are you and your grandfather close?" He rose a brow.
"Not intimately. But I know of him and obviously vice versa." You responded with a shrug.
"How very interesting." Azure mumbled more to himself than you.
"And you?" You urged him to start explaining which seemed to break him from his reverie.
"Ah yes! Well I have many a story to tell, I'm afraid."
You shrugged.
"Not like we've got something else to do."
He grinned then began his story.
As the hours passed you began to be more intrigued by his many stories and admittedly, you were beginning to enjoy his presence.
"Wow, so you defied orders just so that family wouldn't be hurt?" You asked perking up a bit.
"Well of course." Azure replied. "I couldn't very simply let them drown." The sincerity of the statement struck you.
He wasn't lying. Not even a little.
Some part of your heart skipped a beat.
"That's...very kind of you." You smiled.
Azure gave a small start then grew a slightly mischievous smile.
"You think so?"
The low notes of his voice caused your heart to stammer and a flood of heat to rush to your cheeks.
"I-I- you- but- ugh! Of course I think so because it is!" You protested with a huffed.
Azure laughed openly then.
You flinched slightly at the abrupt outburst but relaxed soon after. His laughter was pleasant to listen to.
"Forgive me, y/n." He excused once his laughter died out. "Teasing you is simply an amusement that never becomes tiresome."
Wait never? Seemed a bit early to assume teasing you didn't ever get boring. But you shrugged never the less.
"I can take it. Don't worry."
He grinned.
"Of that I am certain."
Nightfall came and you began to worry. Shouldn't M.k and Mei have finished by now? You weren't sure how friend swiping scrolls worked but you hadn't thought it would take this long.
"Have faith, y/n." Azure spoke suddenly breaking you from your thoughts. "Your friends can do this. They can do it together." He gave you a smile that eased your anxiety some.
"You're right." You nodded. "I can trust them."
Then you continued to wait. Hours slipped by. You and Azure spoke fairly often but as the hour grew later you started to get too drowsy to stay awake.
At some point you must have drifted off to sleep because you awoke a bit later to a soft fabric being drapped over your form.
You opened your eyes slightly only to see Azure stepping away no longer wearing his cloak. A thick warmth enveloped you just then and you slipped off into unconsciousness.
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triclitch · 5 months
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Have art dump
Click for better res
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
I have a request
Can I request yandere JTTW Macaqa and sun x long losy doughter reader
Like the reader was kidnap as a baby and was sent to the future.
But a spell sent her back to the past
And Mac see her woyh the group and is like my baby back
And he confutd sun about it.
And when they spend time they find out in the future she beIN takes care of by a family that want her .
And then some how she gets take back to the future. And Mac and sun trying to get her back. Sorry if you can't read some of this. I am at work and we are so busy
Oooh! I don’t know how long I can make it so I hope it’s all right if I make it 7 paragraphs but if I can make it longer then that’s great! Just giving you a heads up basically.
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere platonic characters, and others.
Characters: sun wukong, macaque + a little bit of the jttw group.
You were adopted by the dbk family when they had found you at their door.
Reason why dbk had taken you in is because he was reminded of the time him and sun was sworn brothers so he decided to take care of you with his family as he also remembered the panic sun and macaque over something and this was the reason why as you have the features of both simians.
It was when you were playing with one of redson’s inventions that you were brought to the past, he told you to not but considering your monkey mischief nature and being a baby and not understanding what danger is you still played with it.
You had met the group while they set up camp for rest as it’ll be a while before they reach a village or any sort of civilization, Tripitaka and bai long ma was the one that found as the two was settling everything for the camp while the rest went and gather supplies for the night, you were in the small; or large grass to you, and was whimpering which made the two hear you and check on you.
Tripitaka didn’t know what to do as this never happened before but decided that the two would wait for the others and decide what should happen with you, though he does notice that you share similarities with sun but also not completely.
Pigsy was back first considering how lazy he was and only got what he could hold that wasn’t considered heavy for him but when he saw you he freaked out and screamed which caused sun and sandy to come running back, that scream though alerted you which startled and scared you so much you started to cry.
When sun saw you he couldn’t believe his eyes and hears, he thought it was a dream to see you again and was so happy to see that you were ok but started to think that maybe he was dreaming, though that thought stopped when his master had handed you to him when Tripitaka noticed his disciple’s eyes being on you with what looked like tears plus the expression being of shock and happiness, more happiness than he ever saw sun show.
Sun had made a clone and had it quickly find macaque, his mate, so he could see his little cub again after so long of missing you and trying to find you.
When macaque was brought to the group by the clone of his mate, he was brought to tears at finding you sleeping while holding onto your papa’s finger, he had missed you and been trying to find you everywhere he could with his hearing and other abilities he share with sun.
Reason why he didn’t know you had returned was because his thoughts were too loud as he was concentrating on finding you to hear about how you were with his mate.
(I heard that macaque could hear the past, present, and future so correct me if I’m wrong or misunderstood something about that.)
You had spend two weeks with them before you suddenly disappeared again back to dbk’s home. The two spent centuries searching for you and ended up on bad terms because of your second disappearance before finding you another century with redson.
For you it had be a few days since you were gone but it still worried the three who had adopted you into their family. When sun and macaque had both showed up at their doorsteps deman-wishing to see you after so long of you being apart from your biological fathers, the two family had a long discussion in which you would come and visit the dbk family once or so a week and that they were free to come and visit as well once or so a week.
And with that sun and macaque finally found you and they weren’t going to let you go missing from their embrace again, plus with mk and Bai he as new additions, it’ll be hard for you to go missing or get kidnapped away from them.
(A/n: I hope you like what I did with it!! Also hope you like the idea of dbk adopting the reader too, anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!! 😁)
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mirafur · 1 year
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novelcain · 1 year
You may be into this character from JTTW because,
Sun wukong: you just love adding layers and complexities to an allegory
Tang San Zhang: you love vanilla and cinnamon buns
Zhu bajie: it’s a relief that you don’t f up as much as this guy.
Sha Wujing: you like your men BIG and silent
Macaque: this is the same as Sun Wukong but more bad boy.
Ao Lie: you’re a horse girl.
Since I learned you’re Native American, I imagine the reader looking like Elora from the Hulu show Reservation Dogs cause much like Elora ,this reader is very responsible and driven.
Lmaooo you're not wrong but still 🤫 /j
I also like how you put Macaque before Ao Lie even though Ao Lie is actually a part of the group while Macaque is just a villain that Wukong kills 🤣🤣🤣
(Also this took me a couple days to respond to because you mentioned Reservation Dogs and my thought process was as follows: "Holy shit Reservation Dogs! Wait didn't I only watch like a few episodes when it first came out and then got distracted and forgot it existed? What did I get distracted by again? No! That does matter! Reservation Dogs! Stay focused Skittle. How many episodes are in it again? Let's see it's on Hulu so ima just pull that up. Ah! Here it is! IT HAS 2 SEASONS NOW!!?!?!?!?" *binges the whole thing* "Oh shit the submission!"
So yeah long story short, love Reservation Dogs. I kin SO fuckin hard with Willie Jack it ain't even funny.
I can also see Reader being similar to Elora now that I think about it🤔)
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luxthestrange · 8 months
LMK Incorrect quotes#69 Moronsexuals
Tang Sanzang: My friends, I know you love Monkey King. I mean, we all do, he is a very nice person once you break through his walls and I respect him immensely...
Tang Sanzang: But I think he might be a blasted idiot
Y/n, Ao lie,Macaque,...Azure*The BIGGESTS Moronsexuals*...
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docwritesshit · 8 months
Hello dear Author how about the reader and the character swapped bodies
characters : Ao lie ,Macaque,Tang,Wukong
The same lover Ao lie
Ooooooooo this will be a fun one!
Ao Lie!
This was... New to him.
He wouldn't ever try and peek, no no no.
But he is curious, so I inspects your arms and legs to see if you had hidden anything.
He makes more of what he sees, and brings it up to you the first chance he gets.
He backs up if you don't want to talk about it,
But you do answer some of his questions, like if you have eczema that you hide or stretch marks you got
If you have a period during this, oh good luck to him.
After this whole situation, he brings you whatever meal you want on your period as well as all the cuddles you ask for!
oh he is so damn tempted
But after you explicitly stated that he can't he doesn't
Though he likes to raid your closet and and try on all the outfits you've hidden away
That dress you like but only wear around the house cause you're not sure when you can wear it? He living in it
That suit you were on formal occasions? He teases you with it, wearing it as much as he can
He takes notice of the more hidden parts of your body, a freckle on your hand you usually wear a ring over, a mole on your back
He eats it all up. He wants to see all your little quirks
But he contains himslef
And bro takes the period pain like a champ, but does take extra care after to not do anything to make you uncomfortable during said perios
This mfer is freaking out.
He may be a flirt, but this isn't how he wanted to see your body.
Every time he needs to change, he closes his eyes and lets you do it
He is so scared to see an inch you don't want him to see
This man is all about that consent
He exclusively wears your hoodies and sweat pants like they will be gone the next minute
And periods?
Oh this guy is the wimp.
After, he brings you all the chocolate you desire and any takeout you want
Oh this boy took a peek already
You know this little shit did, just a peek down the shirt before you smacked him upside the head.
He does inspect your body as well, smiling as he notices things he never noticed before
He looovveesss wearing your pj's, they are so soft
And tank tops. He gets warm easily in your body so tank tops and shorts help a lot
And he tired to teach you how to use his body with his powers but you mostly... Cabt so you just walked around normally
And periods? Oh those hurt him
He now gives you all the cuddles and love you need while one those
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watercurtaincave · 4 months
𖤓 !! — Masterlist A collecting of this blog's writing
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𖤓 !! — SUN WUKONG | monkey king, great sage, equal to heaven
○ !- I [love] you like the sun ○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — SIX-EARED MACAQUE | The Warrior
○ !- Pampering Macaque ○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — Qi Xiaotian | monkie kid, noodle boy
○ !- Maybe thinking... ○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — AO LIE | White Horse Dragon
○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — NE ZHA | third lotus prince
○ !- New Years ○ !- Invisible Red String Theory
𖤓 !! — RED SON | son of the demon bull kind
○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — PRINCESS IRON FAN | mother of red son
○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — KUI MULANG | guardian of the celestial court
○ !- tba
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𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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roundlegos · 1 year
I genuinely believe that if it were possible (we’re talking just LEGO monkie kid here) for Ao Lie and Macaque to have met properly, they would’ve been really good friends. (or more but you know.)
Since it’s popularly agreed upon that Macaque interrupted Wukong’s journey because he believed his best friend was being controlled (which might be canon or it aligns with JTTW.), and was trying to get him out of there. Which leads to Macaque’s death; if that’s the case the two wouldn’t have had a proper meeting.
But if they did?
OLD Macaque probably wouldn’t have liked the carefree personality too much from the dragon (but he knows with restlessness genuine care is a possibility, from Wukong even if stuff gets damaged along the way.), but he would already be a bit used to it from Wukong. We can say it’s safe to assume that Macaque was closer to Monkey King over anyone else in the brotherhood, so their personal lives to each other mattered more.
Wukong and Ao Lie’s (after inspection) sometimes do overlap in some aspects, the making jokes in stressful situations, acting uncaring but in a lighthearted way. Macaque would be used to this and it would remind him of Wukong, that being said if Macaque tolerated the immortal, then he probably would grow to tolerate Ao Lie.
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'Help' au Chapter 5. (part two)
"Sorry Mr. Macaque for attacking earlier," said the water demon. "You can call me Sandy." The dark haired monkey just nodded. “Uh.. sorry too… I'm Zhu Bajie, but you can call me Pigsy,” said the pig demon. Wukong beamed even more at these words and said "And yet you've gotten used to the nickname oww.." and nudged Pigsy's shoulder. They laughed a little. “Wukong, are you all right now?” asked the dragon ''It's okay.'' He lied, but only Macaque knew it. There was no need to tell them the truth, thought the king. “Where is the monk?” Wukong asked. "He's very upset about what he did to you and he needed a moment to himself," Ao Li replied. “Oh.. well… So what are we gathering to continue our journey west?” Wukong said enthusiastically, which somewhat surprised the pilgrims that he wanted to go so soon. "Wukong, wouldn't you rather we rest?" Macaque asked. The king looked at his warrior with hopeful eyes. The warrior knew what it was. He saw his king's hopes of being freed from that accursed crown. ''Agreement. Let's go, there's no point in delaying." Macaque added. "Then I'll go get the monk.. there's no need he's coming now" said the dragon. Wukong turned to face Tripitaka who was walking straight towards them. The golden monkey felt a pang in his heart. She was suffocating. He felt the crown weigh heavily on his head. All the times the monk used the spell as a punishment came to him. As the monk approached, the monkey gasped for air. ‘’Wukong? What are you…'' Macaque was about to finish his question when his sun went down. He could hear the king's heart start to beat faster, which wasn't a good sign. The warrior embraced his king, trying to calm him down. Wukong began to scratch the crown. He wanted to take it off as soon as possible before the monk approached. The rest of the pilgrims also observed the fall of the companion, they came closer looking worriedly at the monkey. "What's wrong with him?" Ao Li asked. He didn't get an answer. “How can we help him?” asked Sandy, and he got no answer. Macaque concentrated solely on the king to calm him down. He had no idea how his sun had taken an attack so suddenly, but it looked more like an attack of panic and fear. ''Wukong?! Can you hear me? Wukong? You need to calm down!” but his king continued to scratch his head until there was blood, he only looked in one direction, the monk's side, and was already standing by the group also concerned about how Wukong was acting. “Wukong?” Tripitaka said softly. "No please, I'm begging you, no." The king began to cry. Macaque understood what, or rather who, had caused such a reaction in his sun. "Get that monk out of here!!" he yelled at the pilgrims, "You have to get him out of here quickly!! There is no time!!". The pilgrims took the monk to the other end of the clearing. ''Wukong?!'' ''Wukong you have to stop!'' Macaque stopped the king's hands from scratching further. "Look at me!" The king looked at his warrior with tears in his eyes. "It… it hurts…" said the king. The warrior embraced the king and said softly, "I know, but I am with you." "It hurts so much…" Wukong choked out. ''You can do it.” Said the warrior and kissed the king on the head.
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