#At least I think it was? I think the Anthy drawing I did after that and that's what I submitted to the blog
anothermonikan · 11 months
I'm always gonna assosiate the beach with them huh.
*This post is about TPYako, a ship between The Perfect Yuri and Ako from hit DDLC fancomic Doki Doki Literature Girls*
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emberwritesinsight · 3 months
(Ramble below, not very structured)
I'm watching episode 9 again and losing my mind over the scene where Saionji fucking kidnaps Anthy because. I forgot how actually upset Anthy is?
Like. The way Anthy is fucking shouting as Saionji drags her up to the arena. The way she tries to physically stop him from getting in! What the fuck!
The way he just bats her out of the way and we get a shot of her from behind, kneeling on the ground with a hand to her face, but we don't see her face. That's... not normal! Most of the time when Anthy gets slapped in the early series, we get a shot of her afterwards with a bruise.
Here, we don't see her face. But we can see that she's shaking, and the first-watch assumption would be that she's crying, but... I'm not inclined to view it that way given everything that happens after.
The way I read it, Anthy is pissed.
The next time we see Saionji, he's face down in the water. How did he get there? We don't see. On a first viewing, one might just assume that's a negative reaction the arena has to being opened at an inappropriate time- along with all the crazy shit going on inside the arena once Utena gets there. But given Anthy is later shown to have more control over what the arena does than she lets on, and noticeably does her flashiest magic (the sword pull, the transformations) in or on her way to the arena, I think Anthy is behind almost all of that. And I'd say she's also behind the Saionji-almost-drowning bit. You guys might remember the half-joking drawing I made of Anthy, uh, dragging Saionji into the water by his hair, and while she might not have gotten as hands-on about it as that drawing suggests, I still think she's responsible.
So, like... why?
Why does this piss her off so much? I mean, sure, Saionji absolutely has it coming, but Anthy's been through worse. She clearly doesn't like Saionji and messes with him whenever possible, but to attempt murder and then set up an elaborate illusion designed to upset him as much as possible is... a little extreme. I don't think she even goes that far with Nanami, unless you consider the elephants to be legit murder attempts (which I do not- I think that was Anthy scaring Nanami, not trying to kill her, because I can't believe Nanami would survive that many encounters with elephants that actually wanted her dead).
I think the answer is that, for all the shit she takes from the duelists, Saionji is one of the only ones who breaks this many rules. Not only does he mistreat her when they're engaged- something she's used to, but that seems to be at least frowned upon, if not outlawed (given Touga felt the need to call a "stop hitting your girlfriend" meeting in episode 1)- he mistreats her afterwards. He refuses to let her go, he acts as if she still owes him something. And then he goes and pulls this. He kidnaps her, takes her to the arena without a duel scheduled, and tries to enter the arena- all things that are against the rules of this stupid game that Anthy, however much she knows it is a stupid game, lives her whole life around. And he tells her End of the World is responsible, which Anthy knows isn't true, because if Akio were planning something this batshit, she'd know about it! Of course she's angry, this goes well beyond the threshold of nonsense her job usually entails!
I don't know if she was aware of Touga's plan to play the hero for Utena and get Saionji expelled- if so, she obviously wasn't aware of all of it. The freakout on the way up to the arena is too intense for me to read it as anything but genuine. She's shaking with effort trying to stop Saionji from opening the gate. Things do fall perfectly into place for Touga to get between Saionji's sword and a defenseless Utena, but I honestly think Touga's plan may have been to just...
1) Impersonate End of the World and tell Saionji the castle is coming down, this will incentivize him to go up there and break the rules.
2) Tip Utena off that Saionji has kidnapped Anthy.
3) The castle doesn't come down, upsetting Saionji and heating up his inevitable confrontation with Utena enough that he tries to kill her and Touga can step in at the perfect moment.
4) Profit.
I don't think he knew Anthy was going to Do That. For one, the plan was to get Saionji expelled, not kill him- Anthy's stunt there could have ruined the entire plan if Utena hadn't dragged Saionji out of the water. And Touga is drinking the "Rose Bride doesn't have feelings" juice. Evidently, he doesn't put two and two together after this, because he's still beating that drum in episode eleven!
I don't think Akio knew much about this either. Touga is telling him about it over the phone, so Touga didn't tell him, and Anthy didn't know, so she couldn't have either. I think he probably got woken up in the middle of the night by all the chaos and had to dial Touga up after the fact to ask him what the fuck was going on.
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helloanthy · 8 months
(berserk au) NONO UTENA AS CASCA IS ACTUALLY GLOWING BRAIN GENIUS they're both people who have molded themselves and dedicated their lives to a dream that they were introduced to by a person they idolize (griffith/akio) who they met right after a traumatic incident in their childhood shook their worldview and seemingly took everything they knew away from them. they become unable to distinguish this dream from what is their own idealization of griffith/akio, to the point this person's presence in their lives soon ends up replacing their dream. casca's dream to become griffith's sword was pretty dependent from the get-go, but i'd argue utena's dream of becoming a prince being used by akio to manipulate her into feeling like she has to depend on him and becoming his princess is much the same, it just happens onscreen. most importantly though, they are the reason guts/anthy begins to believe their existence has a point beyond constant struggling and that they can take their life into their own hands towards a direction that might bring them happiness. and at the same time anthy/guts gets them to grow beyond their dependence on akio/griffith and the dream he implanted on them. guts/griffith and akio/anthy are a little harder to compare, though. griffith adores guts to the point of starting to doubt his lifelong dream, while akio at the very least resents anthy for taking the power of dios from him and sees her as liitle more than a doll/tool. BUUUT they both declare anthy/guts as their property in some form or another while deep down feeling Very Strongly about them, just in oposite directions. so there's potential there. i'll admit a lot of these are super broad simplifications of these characters' arcs and there is a lot of important stuff i'm skipping for the sake of drawing parallels without frying my pea brain with anything more complex tho lol
(ooh now that i think about it what if the rose crests were the behelit in this au? WHAT IF CHUCHU WAS PUCK IN THIS AU?)
1. thank you so much anon for this ask and putting the vibes i was getting for their placements into words i agree with all of this except for the part near the end about u having pea abrain i DISAGREE i think ur very galaxy brained for being able to describe this vision for me. AUs dont hav to be 1 to 1 ! thats the fun of it 2. chuchu is absolutely puck 3. i did not think about this until now but i just tried to imagine anthy pulling the Dragon Slayer out of her own chest. help
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gamesception · 10 months
let's read rgu chapter 20
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Sorry for the late, late update, got a bit distracted today. I'd just push it back to tomorrow, but this liveblog turned into a sort of accidental pride month project, and I don't want to miss the last day of June.
I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but somewhere along the way, probably the same time the scans went to all two-page-spreads, we went from a fan translation to what seems to be the official English localization, and, as much as I respect the hard work and dedication of fan translators, the professional translation work is greatly appreciated.
Anyway, last time Utena won her rematch with Touga. New Hallmate? wait, have they moved into Akio's building, like in the manga's 3rd arc?
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Psh, oh yeah. I guess Touga lives here now.
This is ridiculous, and I love it.
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Oh, yeah, why don't you be useful for once and dump some exposition?
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Did we skip over the exposition, or?
You know what, I don't care, this whole development is hilarious. The entire student council defeated, now following Utena around like imprinted ducklings. And Utena, embarassed, just stomping forward, her fists clenched at her side, just trying to ignore them. God, these nerds. This is great. Manga redeemed.
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At least this domesticated Touga has the courtesy to ask Anthy to leave the room first instead of just talking about her like she isn't there.
Anyway, now we get the exposition. I guess Touga just wanted a full audience first. Key points of the exposition:
The duels are over. Utena won.
The point of the duels was to gain the power of the Sword of Dios
Because the Sword of Dios somehow grants access to the castle/Dios itself
Dios may or may not be a real person, but regardless has power over the movement of the stars, and can therefore change fate/destiny and thus 'revolutionize the world'.
World's End organized the duels to gain this power for himself, and Touga believes he will take action to manipulate or control Utena.
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We also get a much more overt warning to Utena not to trust Anthy. Something Touga tried to say in the anime, but with far less explanation and far less reason to listen to him since it was only after his final defeat in the duels and thus easy to dismiss as sour grapes.
Touga's clearly still trying to get access to the power of Dios himself by getting close to Utena, he basically says as much, so still hard to take the warning seriously.
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Despite being sent out of the room, Anthy heard everything, and she urges Utena not to team up with Touga against World's End, and Utena, in an uncharacteristic show of interpersonal insight, picks out that Anthy has been betraying this mysterious organizer of the duels rather than the duel champion the entire time.
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Anthy is showing quite a bit of fear towards her brother here, something we didn't really see earlier. I guess it's more fear for what he might do to Utena, which I guess makes sense.
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The next day Anthy's warnings start coming true, as Akio's first warning shot comes in the form of a fire at Wakaba's dorm.
Fuck you, Akio. Wakaba is a saint, if anything happens to her.
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Wakaba's trapped inside and Utena rushes in to save her, but the doors are jammed and both girls are trapped by the fire and smoke.
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Akio rescues Utena, of course, and she starts to suspect he's her prince. Rightly this time, unlike with Touga, but Akio is just there to exploit it all the same.
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Most important panels of the chapter: Wakaba is OK.
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The chapter ends with a confirmation that yes, Akio set the fire. Oh, and he's World's End, just in case anybody missed that. Threatening Wakaba does draw some heat, if you'll pardon the pun, but honestly I half expected that he would have made Anthy set the fire. Doing his own dirty work seems a bit beneath the Akio I know from the anime.
But still, we have a proper villain now, since the manga really never wanted Touga to fill that roll. We're still seeing new stuff happen, so I'm excited to see where the manga goes next.
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shittopi · 3 years
how come you didnt like utena movie? just curious because i'm wondering if i should watch it :D feel free to spoil btw, also thanks for answering!
this will be a bit long i'll try not to spoil too much
i went and rewatched it and have warmed up to it somewhat.. i think it was mainly my fault for going into it expecting utena 2 when really its best approached as like a love letter to the fans/recap/rearrangement of the original show. basically like 90% of the time you're watching it you're constantly going to be thinking 'oh i recognize this line/story beat/relationship dynamic etc etc' but all of those elements will be in very different contexts, some of which can feel a bit..jarring or even unearned (?). like for example anthy starts calling utena 'utena' (without the -sama) on only their second meeting and the way it happens almost makes it feel like a throwaway line, whereas in the original show it was like. you know the literal final line that sticks with you forever kinda thing. i think it's fine if you're able to just interpret these moments as simple fanservice/ references to the show and nothing more, but if you're trying to seriously analyze them they might not necessarily hold up as well because you're constantly pitting them against the original which had a lot more runtime to flesh out everything around those moments properly if that makes sense. i think it could be interesting to hear from someone who watched the movie but not the show and see what conclusions/analyses they're able to come up with it but. that's another story. there are 2 things that definitely still bugged me even after rewatching though, the first being that anthy/akio have...significantly lighter skin tones compared to the show. i know some people argue that the whole movie's color palette is brighter in general but i dont really buy it lol. for their skin to be that much lighter utena should have like mikage level hair to match but she doesn't. it's just normal utena pink. all the other duelists more or less have their original hair colors as well and if anything their redesigned clothes are darker compared to the show. anyway it's just another reason why i don't really recommend analyzing the movie too deeply because if you read the whitewashing as deliberate on ikuhara/Be-Papas' part it can have...icky implications with the changes made to anthy/akio's personalities. the 2nd thing might honestly be more of a nitpick than anything but i can't help but feel like there were certain scenes in the movie that were like. at least a little..gratuitous in their execution ? utena's "gender reveal" during the saionji duel was...a bit weird. the camera angles in the pool scene were...somewhat questionable. miki and kozue bathing together...happened. anthy drawing naked utena with utena panting in a clearly sexual manner was... a choice. the final car scene... i was actually ok with because it's all so very over-the-top and kinda silly that it loops back into being heartwarming but maybe that's just me lol. i have heard that the original show did face a lot of like broadcast censorship issues so i guess the movie could kinda be a way to go all out in response or something? idk it's all certainly more explicit than the show for better or worse. at the very least i think it wouldn't hurt to watch the movie for yourself and come to your own conclusions about it. it's definitely very well made, the music is as good as ever, etc etc
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applepi00 · 4 years
Emi Liveblogs: Revolutionary Girl Utena Ep20, Wakaba Flourishing
Let me just say that I absolutely adore Wakaba and this is one of my favourite Black Rose episodes because of it.
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I love the beginning of this episode because it gives Saionji some semi tolerable screen time, which is to say he actually acts like a human being for once lol. That said I also adore Wakaba’s little Kappa coffee maker, I want one.
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Just after the previous picture he nyooms out of the shot too fast for me to get a screencap, but I did get his little scuttle out from under the bed! I love these little goofy bits and their sound effects!
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Throughout the show up to this point, Wakaba has considered herself to be “normal” not “special” like Utena and Anthy and the Council, all of whom have some sort of charisma that draws people to them (Akio also mentions this to Utena but I’m not grabbing screencaps of him if I don’t need to.)
However, once Wakaba has this secret, she begins to think of herself as “special” and because she thinks she’s special now, everyone else begins to see her that way too and she shines. In some clips quite literally!
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This gift is cute. It’s handmade and simple but there’s thought and care and effort put into it and it means so much to Wakaba! But it doesn’t mean nearly as much to Saionji, it isn’t worth more than his return to school/the duels, so when Mikage asks for it he gives it freely. Of course Mikage wants Black Rose Duelists, so those sunset backgrounds that tell us the time but tell us the feelings, those red skies prove it’s a manipulation when Anthy strolls by with the clip after. Wakaba snaps.
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Break from heavy stuff for a sec, yeah nothing escapes you Mikage, you’re a ghost! You can be basically omnipresent via Ohtori magic!
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Wakaba is fast. Fast enough I didn’t get the shot of her attacking Saionji and pulling a sword from his chest. Instead we stop on their matching cups, forced to bear witness.
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This shadow play is about marriage, specifically the conditions required for bunny/fox girls to get married. Marriage makes you special in another person’s eyes, like Wakaba thinks she has because Saionji chose her. Utena however asks what’s wrong with being single, in effect asking if you can be special without any one else’s approval.
Or, what matters more, what you think are or what others think you are? This whole show is about images and expectations: Anthy is the Princess that needs to be rescued (or later the Witch that needs to be dealt with but that’s for later). Utena is the Hero so she must always be in the right at least morally right? And how do these roles affect our sense of self? Is believing you’re special enough to make it so?
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The song is about an old man and I’m drawing blanks on how it relates. But Wakaba looks great! She’s so serious! Utena hesitates but Wakaba doesn’t, because you Utena this is a pointless fight against a friend, to Wakaba this isn’t even about the boy as she says it’s about her right to occupy the same sphere of existence as those deemed special.
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Nothing to say here other than I love the drama of this last sequence of the fight.
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robbyrobinson · 4 years
Fanfic: Enemies Within
A @dokidokiliteraturegirls fanfic (webcomic was created by @youhavethewrong
                                       [CHAPTER ONE]
“Quick, everyone, into the club room!” Monika yelled.
The girls’ rapid footsteps echoed down the halls. The entire school was tainted in a deep shade of red. The walls pulsated and contorted into different geometric shapes. Whatever was chasing after the girls was jetting fast, bouncing off the vibrant walls with ease. The school itself became a barren wasteland devoid of students and teachers. Outside of the building all of the windows had been shattered. 
“It’s gaining on us!” Natsuki remarked.
“I wish Anthy was here,” Yuri sighs, “if she didn’t decide to face off against that beast, she would’ve deleted them a long time ago.” 
Ako darted on the twisting floors, managing to avoid some obstructions. “We’re almost to the literature club!” 
The black and white girl was correct. The entrance to the door of the literature club was within their grasp. The floors may be writhing and shifting, but if they kept their footing, they should make it. Natsuki turned to look at her lover and smiled. “We’re almost there, dear.” 
Yuri’s mouth formed an O as if she were about to comment. Before she could, her left foot hit a bump in the floor and to her lover’s horror and bewilderment, she crashed onto the floor with an ungraceful thud. Yuri moaned in pain. “It’s my knee...I bruised it.” The walls merged into the ground and lifted the purple-haired girl in the air, propelling her backward. 
“YURI!” Natsuki screamed in disbelief. 
Yuri was sprawled on her back recoiling in pain. “Natsuki, you have to escape without me.” 
Tears sweltered in Natsuki’s eyes. “No! Not after everything we’ve been through, you can’t give up now!” 
Yuri started to cry as well. “I’m badly hurt...I’ll just slow you guys down. It’s okay.” 
Natsuki shook her head violently in refusal. “My life was nothing but misery before I met you at the literature club. My father...everyone ostracizing me and seeing me weird for my obsession with manga and...other things...Yuri, you lighten up my world! I don’t want to lose you now! Please stand up!” 
Yuri tried to get up, but the tremors in the ground forced her back down. The creature was now advancing towards them faster than before. “Forget me, Natsuki! If you won’t do it for me, do it for us!” 
Natsuki looked at her other club members then back at Yuri. She did this a few times that felt like an eternity. Her thoughts were being drowned out by the quaking noise and Yuri’s vocal insistence. Natsuki grabbed the sides of her temples in anguish. “Why do I have to choose like this!?” 
With that, she ran towards Yuri. Ako stopped momentarily to see what was happening. “Wait, Natsuki!” 
She wanted to say more. She had to say more. She didn’t want to lose anyone else today. But Monika grabbed her only arm for she had lost her metallic arm in the fighting. “We don’t have much time,” Monika said solemnly, “it pains me, but Natsuki made her decision.” 
“B-but...” Ako stammered. Monika dashed to the door and bent down to bite the handle of the door. Her teeth grasped the handle tightly giving Monika a slight toothache from them grinding on the handle to open it counterclockwise. She couldn’t help but pray to whatever forces out there in the universe to give her this small bit of strength to do this one simple task. With the door opened, Monika tossed Ako into the room and slammed the door. 
Natsuki somehow made it to Yuri and placed herself on top of her girlfriend. Yuri was still hurting slightly, but feeling the warmth of Natsuki’s body did remedy some of it. Tears were streaming down her face. “That was quite an immature thing to do, Natsuki.” 
Natsuki cried as well. Her tears fell on Yuri’s chest soaking it. “Hey, you know me, Yuri, I am a child after all. 
The two shared a deep, passionate kiss with each other breaking it a few moments to breathe. Natsuki’s lips still tasted like cupcakes. Yuri’s were a sweet lavender scent. Their chaser towered over the couple and chuckled. “That would be sweet, but I already sacrificed my ties a long time ago.” 
Natsuki looked up to see the attacker. They remained in a stable motion despite the walls and floors collapsing in on themselves. In fact, Natsuki could’ve sworn that whoever it was, they were levitating in the air. The attacker was radiating a red energy and was gathering into a violent ball of dark power. Natsuki grit her teeth. 
“You’ll never get away with this!” 
“That’s what they all say.” 
Ako paced back and forth when she stopped in her tracks to hear several blasts and sizzling. Ako whimpered to herself knowing what happened but she could not even dare to imagine the immense pain Yuri and Natsuki were put in.She looked over at Monika. Monika was putting on a straight face, or at least a visual of it. She heard everything as well, but she had to be strong in their memory. Now they had to barricade the door to keep the attacker at bay. 
Ako was grabbing whatever wasn’t glued down to the ground and blockading the door with it. Desks, chairs, boxes. Whatever was readily available, Ako made use of. “That won’t hold them for long, Monika, so hurry!” 
Monika had her laptop in hand and activated it. “I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying!” 
Bang. Bang. Bang.
Red energy illuminated through the cracks of the door. Ako responded by throwing in her body weight to slow down the attacker’s thrashing. She shoved her hands firmly on the door and pressed her feet on the ground. “Grrr....can’t hold on much longer!!” 
“It’s finishing loading, Ako, just hold on a little longer,” Monika said reassuringly.
Ako’s sweat moistened her hands, making them slippery. Her arms were chafing and on the verge of failure. “I have to do this for all the girls.” 
The banging on the door became louder and more forceful. The desks and chairs were giving way. The red energy shined brightly, overtaking the room. Monika became unnerved by it, but she pressed on. “Just one more and...there! Ako, I got into the command panel!” 
Her tone of triumph fell flat from the lack of a response. “Ako?” Monika said “Ako?” 
She turned to look at the door and nearly panicked. Ako was gone; evaporated. The door was now hanging on its single hinge alongside the charred chairs and desks. But worse of all, she was now alone in the club room with Ako’s killer. 
“I-it’s you,” Monika remarked. She shielded her laptop despite being petrified. 
“After I have destroyed all of the other alternate realities, you of all people should’ve known that I would come for this reality next.” 
Monika narrowed her eyes in disgust. “There is one universe that I know you haven’t destroyed.” 
The attacker laughed. “Dimension C-2293? The one where you live a happy little life as if none of your sins ever happened?” 
Monika bowed her head in shame. “That dimension’s Monika has a copy of the laptop I use. I already sent it to her. You’ll never win because of teamwork.”
She looked at the clock on the wall, but reading it was difficult due to the walls twisting and turning and fading away. “99% of the game is deleted.” 
The attacker smiled. “Everything you have ever done dies with you. I don’t care if you sent a version of yourself the message because you no longer exist.” 
In a flash, the attacker was gone leaving Monika with the world crumbling around her. She collapsed on the ground writhing in agony. Looking down at her hands, she could see that the flesh on them was being eroded away. Before long, she would be completely deleted. More open wounds erupted throughout her body and unravels from the data being eradicated. With her gaze faltering, Monika felt her only solace would be that she’d be with her dimension’s Sayori. 
“I just hope she gets the message ASAP.” 
                                [CHAPTER TWO]
Monika and Sayori sat in their shared home one day watching television. For whatever reason, Monika had a worried look on her face. Sayori noticed her few passing glances and was slowly becoming alarmed as well. "Dear, what's wrong? You're acting weird."
Monika blinked suddenly and then a few times. "Oh, sorry; I just received some…interesting e-mail."
Sayori's eyes widened. "Really? From whom?"
Monika shrugged her shoulders. "The coordinates were all over the chart." She stretched out her arms to further emphasize her point. "I feel it has something to do with the game's code again. Maybe I'll ask Anthy on it later."
Sayori snapped her fingers suddenly. "Oh, shoot; I almost forgot. I think our Ako has a crush!"
Monika tensed up for a bit. Even if it's been about two years, Monika still felt slightly incensed to the notion that Ako would try to go after her Sayori again. Even though they had both buried the hatchet back during the beach episode arc. Sayori took notice if this and tapped her on the shoulder. "No, not me this time."
Monika's limbs loosened in relief. "Sorry. I still need to work on that. Anyway, who is it?"
"Anthy." Sayori replied.
A moment of silence filled the room. It was so quiet, that a pin could drop any minute and not invoke much of a reaction from the two girls. Monika opened her mouth a few times still unsure on what to say. Anthy? That girl who literally tried to kill all of them and was the one who bit her arm off? Really? Monika picked up her glass to take a few sips from it, but it noticeably wobbled in her hand.
"Anthy? Why?" Monika asked.
"It all started when Anthy started to appear more to check on how the game was running. As you know, Anthy kind of made some alterations to the game by making herself a home here. Well, she started hanging out with Ako at the library where she'd watch her draw two flowers and a cat. Anthy started bringing her different objects to draw. One thing led to another…and then they both kissed."
Monika spit her drink out, startling Sayori. "Monika, what the hell?"
"Sorry, sorry. It's just…coming off as a surprise to hear all that."
Sayori nodded her head. "That explained why they kind of…freaked out when they were close to each other at the club room a day before."
Monika was still unsure of what to think. Sure, she is content with the fact that Ako found herself someone to potentially love. But Anthy…to be frank, was a little creepy. What with her permanent smile and shark teeth, could you really blame her? Anthy couldn't much help that because she mentioned constantly that it was her default expression. Even when she wasn't doing anything…deadly, she was still intimidating. But at the same time, she shouldn't dissuade Ako from pursuing her heart, even if it ends in heartbreak.
"I take it that she texted you about it?"
Sayori nodded her head again. "Yeah; she did. She said that she wasn't sure about what to do."
"Are you suggesting we arrange for the two to confess to each other?" Monika asked.
"Of course; she's going to come by later to confide in me. You could maybe confront Anthy and give her advice."
Monika raised her finger to say something additionally. Sayori laughed at this. "She won't bite; I promise."
A large distance across from where they lived, a girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes was walking. She attended the same school as the four girls and walked home from school every day at a certain time. It was not long since school had let out for the day. She walked down a small path soaking in her surroundings. She was thinking of what to have for dinner at home when a surge of power generated through the air. She looked up in alarm.
Above her, a rip formed in the sky and gave way to a large, gaping hole. The girl stood glued to the ground with shock and awe. Fragments of the sky fell onto the ground revealing heavy static behind it. "What in the?" she asked herself.
From that rip came a rosy-colored flame ball. It launched itself in a downward spiral bombarding towards the girl. Seeing this suddenly brought the girl back to her senses and she ran right to dodge it. The flame ball smashed into the ground, leveling it. Smoke filled the site of the impact. Out of curiosity, the girl pondered what had fallen to Earth and stood by to observe. The smoke eventually settled enough for the girl to realize that it formed a considerably large crater.
She ran towards the crater her curiosity being overbearing as it was. Panting from running, she investigated the crater to a surprise. In the hole, there was a girl, roughly around her age. More bizarrely, she was bereft of clothing and laying on her belly with her bare cheeks at full display. The blonde-haired girl blushed at this slightly most likely from embarrassment at seeing the girl in such a position. But she was horrified all the same assuming the girl for dead.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no…" she said. She scrambled through her belongings to find her cell phone so she could contact the medics of the dilemma. After dialing up the number, she momentarily looked away to listen to the ringtone. She looked back to catch another glimpse of the girl for a description but saw that she was gone.
"Ma'am? Ma'am?" the receptor asked.
The blonde girl held the phone shakily in her hand before dropping it seemingly not hearing the person on the other end. In front of her, the naked girl levitated before her. She couldn't speak. Nothing about what she was seeing made any sense. Before she could say anything, the naked girl grabbed her by her throat and glared at her. Upon looking closer at the girl before her, she saw that she shared the same color of her eyes. As she was desperately trying to comprehend what was going on, the nude girl's eyes turned crimson.
A few minutes later, the once nude girl had clothes. After finishing up on her necktie, she walked up the path. "I'll be coming for you soon. Don't get too cozy."
Ako arrived at Monika and Sayori's house roughly at six. She approached the door fretfully and almost found herself walking away several times unsure of whether she should go through with it or not. She extended her right hand to knock on the door, but her knocks were barely an octave. She waited around, but she did not hear the girls. "I knew this was a bad idea."
Ako turned to walk away, but the door slowly opened to a creek. "Ako?"
"Oh, uh, hey…Sayori," Ako said.
Monika had prepared some tea for the occasion and offered some to Ako. Ako thanked her for it and took a long, noisy sip from it. Afterward, the room went silent again. Monika and Sayori stood by waiting for someone to start the conversation. Eyes darted throughout the room to see a single instance of lips parting to form a vowel sound. When nothing came about, Sayori cleared her throat. "So, Ako, how…"
"I kissed her, Sayori," Ako finally responded.
"Oh," Sayori said plainly,
"I don't know what happened. We were both sitting down at a table. Anthy had gone to one of those online game websites and brought me back a teddy bear for me to draw." Ako stopped herself so she could drink more of the tea before starting again. "Before I knew it, Anthy was sitting close to me; so close, I could feel her body rub up to mine. That same sensation I felt for you came back. Stronger even. My gut was making…butterflies is the term, I think? My heart was beating fast in my chest…I was scared that it would burst out of my chest if I wasn't too careful. But I felt Anthy's heart also skipping a beat."
Sayori and Monika listened carefully not saying anything. Anthy's cheeks began to turn green and she was becoming queasy. "Sayori, she's having an attack, what are we going to do?"
Sayori slipped out a paper bag, walked across the room, and placed it in Ako's hands. After breathing sporadically into the bag, her breathing eased. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it," Sayori said, "can you speak now?"
"I was drawing the teddy bear like I mentioned…but when Anthy got even closer to me, my hand nudged up with hers, and…our eyes met each other. As if unprecedented, we suddenly kissed."
"And after that, Anthy opened up a portal to run away?" Sayori asked.
Ako bowed her head. "Should I have kissed her?"
Monika spoke up next. "Did she like the kiss?"
"Monika!" Sayori shouted in surprise. "That's too much to ask."
Ako shrugged. "I couldn't tell. She didn't turn her head in disgust over it, but she also didn't express that she enjoyed it."
"Well, maybe we can help you come to terms with it," Monika said.
"How?" Ako asked.
"Getting you both to state your feelings to each other."
Ako raised an eyebrow. "How?"
"Well, a poem worked for both Natsuki and Yuri," Monika explained, "maybe that could help."
Ako raised her palm. "I gotta stop you right there, friend."
"Writing poems are not my thing." Ako stated. "It sounds kind of dumb."
Monika's right eye twitched. She felt her inner rage reaching her boiling point. "What the f-!"
Sayori covered her lover's mouth. "Maybe a drawing you can both do?"
Ako scratched her chin in deep thought. "That could work."
Ako stood up from her seat. "But the only issue remaining is that she caused us so much pain and almost killed us and nearly deleted the game. How can I just forget that?"
Sayori smiled. "To be fair, you can never really forget something like that. It makes you more unsure that you could trust someone like that again because you run a risk of going through that pain again. But when the person is putting in the effort of being better, you have to have some faith in them."
Ako nodded in agreement. "Is that like when you forgave Monika for the things she did in your game?"
"Yes. I mean Monika tried to have my neck snapped when I had a noose around my neck, but it's all good now, right, Monika?"
Monika laughed nervously at Sayori's comment. "Yeah…I did, didn't I?"
Ako also joined in on the laughter. Sayori and Ako were laughing wildly as if it were some type of joke. But Monika remained quiet, clearly not wanting to be reminded of what happened in the past.
                [CHAPTER THREE]
"This…doesn't make any sense," Anthy said to herself. She went behind the background of the game's world to view the coding. There was some recent addition to the game, but for some reason, the addition was invisible to her. As an antivirus program, Anthy would be aware of it. If data were being burned in exhaust, Anthy would be sure to quash that. And yet, here she was trying to find out what happened. She was so absorbed in her work; she almost did not hear her doorbell ring.
"What? Huh?"
"Anthy, it's me," a voice responded.
Anthy sighed in relief. "Oh, it's just you, Monika; come on in."
Monika opened the front door and entered the house. Her eyes widened in surprise. Anthy's house…was not that great to look at. The wallpaper was in stitched patches of light green stripes. Like a Christmas tree. All the furniture were merely photos she had made copies on by visiting various websites on the internet like Clip Art and Photoshop. Most striking, however, was that when the wallpaper began to decay and peel, it revealed the static background of the game's setting.
"Oh, hey," Anthy said in a half-laugh, "this is my humble abode." She stretched her arms out to further emphasize it. Monika soaked it in for a few moments but forced a smile.
"Oh, it's nice," she said.
Anthy lowered her head to indicate that she sensed that she was lying. "Yeah, yeah, I know. It isn't the best thing ever, but at least it's cozy." Anthy laughed in embarrassment.
"Well, what were you doing exactly?" Monika asked.
"Oh, the game apparently had some addition to it, but for whatever reason, I can't find it."
Monika scratched her chin. "That is odd; I received some coordinates on my laptop; it felt like it came from somewhere outside of the game."
Anthy sat on a green chair she copied and pasted from Clip Art. "What brings you to my home anyway?" Anthy squinted her eyes in suspicion. "You didn't add something to the game, right, Monika?"
Monika denied it by shaking her head. "No. It's actually about Sayori."
Anthy looked up. "She isn't still distraught over finding out the truth about the Player?"
Monika frowned. "It wasn't your fault, Anthy, you know that."
Anthy nodded. "Yeah, but when the game glitched out that one time and you all were thrown out of your game and met the Player, I felt it was my fault for it."
Monika pat Anthy's shoulder. "Even though the Player outright admitted to us that he viewed us as nothing more than pixels, the love that we had for each other was real. It was the only thing that mattered."
"True; well, what was on Sayori's mind?" Anthy asked. She ripped a small hole in thin air and pulled out a mug. In the mug was some coffee. She then opened her mouth and pitched the mug into it. Monika shivered a bit. Anthy always had the oddest way of eating food. If she even needed to eat at all.
"She spoke with Ako today about what happened between you and Ako."
Anthy suddenly spit the hot coffee out of her mouth. "What!?"
Monika waved her hands. "It's fine, it's fine."
Anthy's face reddened spontaneously. She bowed her head again and shielded it with her gloved hands. She let out a slight whimper almost as though she were a little puppy. "Oh, why did you have to bring it up? It was so…humiliating!"
Monika blinked a few times whilst thinking of what to do next. "Did Ako think it was?"
Anthy looked back up again. "I got out of dodge before I even asked her about it."
Monika nodded understandably. "Ah. I understand. You know, Sayori and I didn't immediately hook up, you know."
Anthy listened tentatively. "Yeah, I can see that. But what can I do about my dilemma?"
"Oh, when Ako came over to speak about what happened, she also had the same feelings about the kiss as well."
Anthy's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"
Monika smiled. "Yes; she almost through up from it."
Anthy squinted her eyes to indicate a frown which was obviously hard due to her perpetual grin. "So, she did hate it?"
"I wouldn't say that" Monika replied. "It goes to show that she is just as unsure about her feelings like you are."
Anthy nervously tapped her two index fingers. "I…I think I love her."
Monika smiled warmly. "Well, I m glad to hear you coming to that realization of yourself."
"I don't know what it is," Anthy replied, "but anytime I'm around Ako, I feel…warm. Calm even."
"And what are you going to do about it?" Monika asked.
"Jump into a farming simulation and maybe disconnect with modern society?" Anthy answered.
"No. If you are unsure of what to do, Sayori and I came up with a solution."
"Tell me, please," Anthy begged.
Sayori was at home watching anime when she received a notification. She reached for her cell phone and saw that it was a text message from Monika:
"Anthy agreed to do the drawing with Ako."
Sayori smiled. She quickly replied and laced it neatly with a heart emoji. She played around with Monika in a teasing fashion until Anthy typed up a response amounting to STFU. Sayori rolled her eyes. That was one of the things she liked about her bizarre, shark-toothed friend.
Sayori continued to watch her show for a good hour. As it reached its finale, she received another buzz. "What now?" she asked.
She flipped through her messages again. This time, she saw that it was a number she did not recognize. She opened it up and read it. While the number was one, she did not know, it stated that it was from Natsuki. Sayori raised an eyebrow. She read it over a couple times to make sure she was interpreting what she was reading.
"I'm at the mall; I'm going to buy an anniversary gift for Yuri, and I need your advice."
Sayori was more complex. "Is that you, Yuri? What happened to your number?"
After typing that out, she got a response. "My phone broke, so I had to get a replacement."
Sayori rubbed her head. "Well, that makes sense."
Not taking how odd the text messages were, Sayori agreed to Natsuki's request and they both set up where they would be meeting at. Sayori followed the coordinates without further questions. Even though the site that they agreed upon was further away from the mall. Sayori thought to text Natsuki a few more times inquiring whether she had forgotten where they would meet up at. Natsuki sparingly gave responses at random until she arrived at a back alley. Sayori became unsettled by this.
"Natsuki, are you there?"
Her deep, innermost thoughts told her, nay screamed at her to not go into the alley, but her mind immediately drifted towards Natsuki. What if something was horribly wrong with her? Without much infliction, she rushed into the alley way. "Natsuki! Natsuki!?"
Her voice echoed throughout the seeming empty void. But there was no response. Sayori held her phone out and typed up another text for Natsuki. "Where are you, Natsuki? This isn't funny."
She waited around still fearful of her surroundings. She felt as if she was being watched by some unseen spectacle. It felt like an eternity of her waiting for an answer. The hair on the back of her hand stood on end. Her neck was out in the open, and now something or someone was caressing it. Sweat was raining down from her pores. But from that bout of anxiety, Natsuki's text came back startling her.
"Behind you."
Sayori turned around and saw a dark figure. It grabbed her before Sayori could even scream. Sayori struggled against her assailant with all her strength. The attacker grabbed onto Sayori's wrists with a tight grip. "Grrr…get off!"
The assailant twisted Sayori's right wrist propelling Sayori to fall on the ground. That proved to be Sayori's undoing. In a flash, the attacker held something in their hand and slammed it on Sayori's face. Sayori mumbled and squirmed vibrantly with her head pushed harder into the object. Eventually, Sayori's struggling weakened, and she fell unconscious. The assailant sighed heavily out of irritation at Sayori's resistance and went to collect her.
                      [CHAPTER FOUR]
"Mmm…. where am I?"
Sayori's eyes fluttered open to soak in her surroundings. She was in a dark room somewhere in an unknown place. Her mind pained her apparently resulting from her attacker wrestled that odd-smelling substance on her face causing her to black out. Sayori reached to soothe her aching head, but there were restraints around her wrists preventing her from moving her arms.
"What are these?"
She tried to feel for the rest of her body only to receive the same response. Her waist and legs were also seemingly locked in place. Sayori's eyes widened at the realization. She was trapped unable to maneuver her limbs. Before she could fully comprehend what has become of her, the room was suddenly washed over in light and assaulted her eyes. Squinting her eyes, Sayori beheld some figure standing in the doorway.
"So, you're finally awake, huh?"
That voice. Something about that voice was familiar. Sayori looked down seeing that she was tied to a chair. That made some considerable sense. But that was not her main concern. With her vision steadied, she further investigated the source of the voice. Her eyes widened in shock.
It was her. Or rather some entity that has her visage. She wore a school uniform like her own. Her hair was rosy-red with her signature bow on it. The other girl shared the blue color of her eyes, but in her case, they were paler and seeming lifeless. A dark aura radiated from her. Sayori could not believe what she was seeing. She blinked her eyes a few more time under the belief that she was having a daydream. But it dawned on her that she was very wide awake.
"W-who are you?" Sayori asked finally.
The girl lightly chuckled. "I'm you, idiot."
"B-but how?" Sayori stammered. "Were you left over when Monika rebooted the game?"
The girl turned aside and slipped out a phone. Sayori looked intently at it seeing that it was her own phone. The girl had stolen it when she was out cold. She lightly tapped the screen of the phone. She browsed through the pictures on her gallery. She raised an eyebrow, perplexed. There were several photos of Sayori with Monika. "How long has this…thing been going on?" The girl placed heavy emphasis on "thing."
"For about two years now," Sayori replied.
"Are you suggesting that after all of the pain that she had put us through, you're now in love with her?" she spit. Just thinking about Monika's name was enough to make her bitter.
Sayori frowned up in defense of her girlfriend. "What Monika had done was bad, but she worked hard to change. I gave her a chance, so why can't you?"
"You fail to realize how long it's been?" she asked.
"To me, it felt more like one time," Sayori said innocently.
The girl scoffed. "One time. Try about 1,000 times!"
Sayori tried to free herself from her binds to no avail. The ropes ripped further into Sayori's skin and were covered in her blood. They were leaving marks on her arms and legs. "Let me go!"
"For thousands of times, nearly every day, she corrupted my mind…made me do things that led to my death. Rinse and repeat. Every single day, the same routine. What I am is an amalgamation of all the Sayoris that have been dealt a bad hand. Through the different worlds, fragments of my being broke through realities out of one singular emotion. That being a pure, unending hatred."
She reached into her pocket again and slipped out an elongated chain. Sayori did not know what to think about it at first, but then it hit her what they belonged to. They were chains comprised of different codes. "That's not what I think they are, are they?" Sayori asked.
The girl nodded. "Yes, these are just some of the prizes I have acquired from exploring other games."
She laid the chain of codes on the ground to let it roll out. It started wat the girl's feet then inched its way towards the chair Sayori was strapped into. The chains were roughly around 30 ft long. "Each strand of codes was what I had collected when I deleted other versions of your game," she explained. "I always made sure to collect one to reminiscence on them."
"Why are you here now?" Sayori asked aloud.
"I assumed that I had deleted every dimension where Monika and that Literature Club were situated at. In each world, I made Monika suffer the same way we had suffered before ending her life by bringing devastation to her precious Literature Club. I like to believe that when my game was no more, the command powers that she had were unwittingly transferred to me. Whether it was fate or whatever, I do not see any reason to care. All I know is that I have gotten my chance on destroying Monika and erasing her from existence."
The girl dismissively rammed Sayori's phone back in her pocket and went to walk out of the door. Sayori started to panic. "Wait, wait, you can't leave me here! Let me go!"
The girl stopped at the door and smirked. "I'm sorry, I can't do that. I will play a game with your girlfriend first before tearing the world apart inside out. Now do me the pleasure and starve to death. Will ya?"
With that, Sayori's doppelganger slammed the door shut leaving Sayori to her own devices. Worse, she did not have her phone to notify Monika or her friends about her being locked away somewhere. The ropes cut deeper into her skin. The pain was excruciating, but Sayori had to do something. Fast.
Monika, Yuri, and Natsuki assembled at Monika's house with some pieces of paper. Yuri looked at the clock on the wall with concern. "Do you think they'll show up?"
Monika smiled slightly. "Don't worry, Yuri, I'm sure they hadn't booked us."
Natsuki looked at her wristwatch. "Speaking of booking us…where's Sayori?"
"Now that you mention it," Yuri began, "I thought she'd be the first one here since she's Ako's friend."
"She texted me about going to speak with Natsuki about giving her advice on what to get Yuri for their anniversary."
Yuri's cheeks blushed a deep red forcing her to shield her face in her hands. Natsuki was also blushing deeply. "You ruined the surprise, Monika!"
"Oh, sorry," Monika replied laughing nervously.
Natsuki crossed her arms and pouted. "Besides, I never told Sayori about my plan."
Monika raised an eyebrow. "Wait, if Sayori didn't text me that then who…"
There came a knock on the door startling them. "That must be them now," Yuri rationalized. Monika went to the door and opened it revealing that it was Ako on the other side. But her cheeks were a greenish hue again. "H-hey, guys," she said.
The three friends stared at each other at a loss for what to say. "Take a seat over there, Ako," Monika directed.
Ako did as she was told and sat in the seat Monika directed her to. Ako breathed in slowly and exhaled in a whistle. She did this a few more times before she felt her stress was away. Ako was then given paper and a pencil. "Draw whatever's in your heart," Yuri advised.
They waited around a little longer for at least Anthy to arrive next. But as the hours slowly went by, it seemed that Anthy kept to her word of leaving the game for some other one rather than confront Ako in her current state of mind. Ako had already begun drawing but with each scribble she did, she balled the paper up and tossed it into the garbage. With each one, Ako began to sink into depression. "She's not coming, isn't she?" Ako sighed. "I don't blame her."
Monika tapped her shoulder. "Please do not think that way, Ako. Maybe she just needed more time."
Ako looked up with tears in her eyes. "This hurts more then when I accidentally fell in love with Sayori."
Monika looked at Ako in pity. "You should not beat yourself up like that."
"It's true! You have Sayori; and Yuri has Natsuki. I have no one that I love."
Monika and the other girls ceased talking afraid that whatever they said next would further muddle the situation. While thinking, a rip manifested in thin air by Monika's couch. Inside of the rip revealed the static background representing the game's reality. A gloved hand reached out from the rip to pull itself out. On the end of the gloved hand was Anthy.
"Anthy, you made it!" Monika exclaimed.
"I did get cold feet and I did consider leaving," Anthy explained sadly, "but then I realized I would be hurting Ako by doing so."
Natsuki gave Anthy a piece of paper and she also sat in a seat by Ako. Ako looked up momentarily and blushed in embarrassment. Seeing the shark-toothed girl again at this proximity made her heart skip a beat again. "You-you came?"
Anthy's smile widened. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
The two began to draw. Anthy was a lot of things, but an artist was not her forte. Ako herself often drew two flowers and a cat. That was her main purpose as an NPC. But being so close to Anthy now filled her with different emotions. The two went wild with their drawings. They finished in about 20 minutes.
"Alright, present what you've drawn," Monika announced.
Ako timidly shook the paper in her hands. "Are you sure?"
Monika nodded in approval. "I am positive."
Ako took a deep breath and placed the paper on the table. It was a crudely drawn version of herself standing with a hand missing on the right side of the paper. Monika rolled an eyebrow at this. "Strange."
Anthy was next. The thought of ripping a hole into reality to leave crossed her mind, but she too took a deep breath and placed her paper on the table. Ako's face turned red. Anthy twiddled her thumbs her cheeks slowly turning red as well. For what was on the page was Anthy to the left of the paper extending her nonexistent hand like with Ako's self-portrait. When the two drawings were place together, it gave off the expression they were holding each other's hand.
"Does, does that mean," Ako stammered. Inspired by the self-portrait, she grabbed Anthy's hand, and Anthy reciprocated it.
"Oh, you're my perfect little ink blot girlfriend!" Anthy proclaimed.
"And I love your smile, my..my love!"
The two continued to say sugary nothings to each other. While Yuri and Natsuki were delighted by the turn of events, Monika was preoccupied with her phone and sending a frenzy of texts to Sayori.
"Sayori, I don't know where you are, but please pick up!"
(More to come)
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iztarshi · 5 years
Touga doesn’t spend a whole lot of time on hobbies. When we see him he’s mostly either scheming or doing very little besides looking pretty. He does have a few leisure activities though.
Horse riding
Kendo and boxing fall into a category as martial arts, particularly ones he can look cool doing (although you’d think boxing carried too much risk to his looks). Kendo, in the present, also seems to be tied to his relationship with Saionji, his interest in it waxing and waning as his interest in connecting with Saionji does. Saionji comments that Touga hasn’t been to the club for a long time in The Rose Crest, implying he stopped after getting Saionji expelled. Perhaps he saw that as a permanent victory and didn’t feel the need to test himself against Saionji until things started to go sideways for him with Akio. Or perhaps he did feel bad enough about that and Saionji’s car ride to avoid Saionji for a bit. The only time we see Touga practicing kendo alone he’s doing it to bait Nanami.
Horse riding, motorcycling and, as a kid, cycling are all connected as involving going somewhere and being in control of where he’s going. Also, all three are situations where Touga takes passengers. The motorcycle has a sidecar, implying he doesn’t usually use it alone (probably he takes girls on it), the bicycle wasn’t built for passengers but he carried Saionji and Nanami on the back, and the one time we see him horse riding he’s coerced Utena into riding with him. The horse riding incident is especially telling because he drops her. Having forced her into a position where she has to accept that he’s in control and be looked after by him he can’t actually keep her safe.
Nanami has even less leisure activities than Touga. She spends so much time, energy, and even creativity on bullying that that’s almost a hobby in itself. She claims to do kendo (because Touga does) but we never see her practising and she doesn’t even use the right kind of sword, although she is pretty good. What does she do?
Party planning
Cooking (maybe, but she at least put a bento together herself)
Flower arranging (while cowbelled)
Tea ceremony (at the end)
Party planning seems to be the more legitimate side to Nanami’s approach to bullying. The way she approaches it is high energy, creative, and all about social manipulation. The purpose of Nanami’s parties is to impress everyone, we don’t see her enjoying the company of the people she invites. Given Touga’s behaviour around girls, the parties he attends actually cause her a high amount of anxiety while they’re going on.
The flower arranging and tea ceremony are interesting for being similar. They seem to suggest that when Nanami’s able to calm down, whether through magically induced means or character development, she enjoys quiet, meditative pastimes and leans towards the feminine and traditional.
Juri’s hobbies are
Modelling (technically a job, but I doubt she needs the money)
Fencing takes up a lot of her time, since she not only practises it but teaches it. It’s a major part of her identity and most things around Juri connect back to fencing one way or another. She’s extremely perfectionist, constantly testing herself against everyone around her, although she cautions Miki against that same perfectionism.
Bowling is a low stakes hobby. The fact that we see Juri posing and bowling a strike suggests that she’s still a bit of a perfectionist who likes drawing attention to her skill, but no one takes up ten pin bowling to impress people. It’s nice that Juri can genuinely do something for fun, and presumably with people other than the student council since Nanami had no idea she bowled.
Modelling seems to be almost a status thing. It gives Juri contacts outside Ohtori, adult contacts at that, and adds to her impressive aura by making her part of the “adult world”.
Miki is much busier than, say, Touga, but 90% of what he’s busy with outside of playing the piano seems to be studying. He’s doing college level courses and his parents have high expectations for him, which sometimes seem to be all the higher since Kozue refuses to let them have any expectations for her at all. Outside of that the things he does are
Playing the piano
and that really seems to be it. Playing the piano is tied up both in his parents expectations and in his own nostalgia, to the point he seems uncertain whether he even enjoys it anymore. He says at one point he’d give it up if he didn’t still hope for his music to reach Kozue, yet he spends almost all his time on it.
Fencing is possibly better for him, since it is at least tied solely to the present and something he’s striving to improve at rather than believing there was a perfect time for it which is past. Still, it seems to be tied up with expectations of perfection, and, of course, with the duelling game. How much of Miki’s desire to improve is about the desire to win Anthy?
I did not start writing this expecting to wind up feeling that Miki’s life is emptier than Touga’s.
More than any of the others Saionji’s hobbies seem to be things he actually likes to do rather than having anything to do with expectations or image.
Kendo is part of his image, of course. He’s the captain of the kendo club and very proud of it (if not a little bitter that he knows Touga could have had the role if he’d wanted it). But we often see him practicing kendo alone, and while he does seem to have some of Juri’s star status he doesn’t think about it much and we only see it through Wakaba’s eyes. He fairly often seems to be using the meditative nature of katas as a self-soothing technique (until Touga inevitably interrupts it). Kendo lets him both calm himself and channel his aggression in appropriate ways, things he has very few outlets for.
Carving is clearly something he’s done before, no one learns to do it well in a day, but it’s also something you wouldn’t guess at. He’s not seen carving elsewhere and he doesn’t seem to keep his own carvings (although we do only see his dorm room in the dark). It’s not something he has any particular reason to be embarrassed by, but it still seems to be something he mostly hides.
Saionji’s got a really nice tent and a portable hot plate. Given he doesn’t seem prone to spending money, this makes it seem like camping, cooking, and combining the two are things he’s done before and possibly does regularly. This is definitely something he hides, given how defensive he is when Nanami catches him. Hiding the camping part rather than the cooking is possibly less about embarrassment and more about the point being to get away from people. He’s just been screwed over by Touga, who knows where he lives and is impossible to get rid of when he wants you for something. He’s camping out tonight, and Touga doesn’t know where he is.
We only see him cooking eggs, so it’s hard to say how actually good at cooking he is. But it seems like a Saionji thing, like the carving. Something that requires care, concentration, and skill. He also lives alone and, while he’s in a dorm and might have food provided, he has a stubbornly self-sufficient streak that makes me think he’d know how to cook for himself.
The apron is… adorable :D The logic behind it seems to be that being caught cooking would be embarrassing anyway, so he may as well wear an apron he likes when no one’s going to see it.
In some ways Saionji seems more… whole than a lot of the student council, at least in this sense. Whereas they’d be starting from a position of figuring out what they even liked outside of their image, Saionji knows what he likes, he’d just have to stop hiding it away.
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stacks-reviews · 6 years
New Releases 11/7/17
Happy New Release Day!
In Books --Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju Volume 4 by Haruko Kumota “After Sukeroku’s expulsion, Kikuhiko’s path to stardom seems clear, but the idea of inheriting the Yakumo name is a cold comfort. Sukeroku, disgraced, makes the heartbreaking decision to put his art aside and take responsibility for his new relationship with Miyokichi. As years pass and distance grows, Kikuhiko decides it’s up to him to bring his friend back to the theater. His determination takes him to the country, where Sukeroku now lives with his spirited young daughter. Kikuhiko is ready to stay as long as he needs to convince Sukeroku, but old wounds may come back to haunt them both.”
I haven’t had a chance to pick up volume 3 yet because we did not get a copy in where I work. And I haven’t had a chance to order it yet either. 
--Fantastic Beasts Illustrated Edition When I first head about this illustrated edition I thought it was going to be of the movie Fantastic Beasts so I wasn’t very interested in this one. But it turns out it is for all of the creatures mentioned throughout the HP universe. Now I really want this one. Just not sure when I’ll be able to.
--My Hero Academia Volume 10 by Kohei Horikoshi “The League of Villains has kidnapped Bakugo, and the resulting negative publicity has thrown U.A. into a huge uproar. With the public’s trust in heroes threatened, the faculty convenes to figure out what to do. But Midoriya and the students of Class 1-A have plans of their own - an operation to rescue Bakugo that could get them thrown out of school.”
Picking up right where volume 9 ended. Midoriya and his crew try to take back Bakugo but fail. And a few pro heroes are lost in the conflict. After their recovery in the hospital some of Class 1-A devise a plan to legally (meaning without using their powers) to try and save Bakugo. Which sounds like a bad idea all around. 
It’s a really good volume that ends on an evil cliffhanger. I need volume 11 but that won’t be out till 2/6/18.
--Perfect Shadow by Brent Weeks “Gaelan Starfire is a careful, quiet, simple farmer. He’s also an immortal, peerless in the arts of war. Over the centuries, he’s worn many faces to hide his gift, but he is a man ill-fit for obscurity.
When Gaelan must take a job hunting down the world’s finest assassins for the beautiful courtesan and crime lord Gwinvere Kirena what he finds may destroy everything he’s ever believed in.”
I HAVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR THIS MOMENT. I love Brent Week’s Night Angel Trilogy so when I heard there was a prequel novella I was pretty excited. Until I noticed it was ebook only; after a brief limited printing run that I found out much later on. But after waiting and waiting, it is back in print. Right when I was about to break down and buy it digitally. I am ecstatic to finally have it to go with the others. Now I just wish I had the trilogy in hardcover. I just have them in the mass market paperback box set. 
It includes the novella Perfect Shadow and a Night Angel short called I, Night Angel. 
--Renegades by Marissa Meyer “The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies - humans with extraordinary abilities - who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew.Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice - and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both.“
From the author of the Lunar Chronicles series comes a new series. I really like the Lunar Chronicles. I recommend it a lot at work. Though I still need to finish it. Cress (book 3) has been sitting on my shelf for a little while but I’ve been trying to focus on the arcs I have. And have been failing. Anyway, I really like her other series and am excited to try out a new series by her.
--Twinkle Star Volume 4 by Natsuki Takaya “The second semester of school is starting, and Chihiro's kinder attitude toward Sakuya is making her heart race! When he recommends her a book to read, she's positively overjoyed. But on the way home from a night of stargazing with the Star Appreciation Club, Chihiro suddenly approaches her! What does he want to talk about...?”
After this just one more volume of this series should remain. I still haven’t had time to go past volume 1 of this series. I’ve had to put a lot of series on hold while I tried to cut back during the second half of this year. I will pick it back up again someday. Hopefully by next year.
In Movies/TV Shows --Cheer Boys “Catch an exciting new take on the high-flying team sport, inspired by a real all-male squad in Japan. When Haruki Bando and his friend Kazuma leave judo martial arts, no one would have guessed they would turn to cheerleading! Rocking the college campus with a killer routine, these amateurs manage to draw in a crowd and enough new members to compete in regionals.”
I started streaming this on Funimation during its season. I watched about half before I got into another gaming kick and haven’t picked it up again yet. I did like what I saw of it but it probably isn’t my favorite sports series. But I think it is still worth checking out. 
--Project Ito: Genocidal Organ “In Genocidal Organ, while developed countries rely on advanced surveillance to free them from the threat of terrorism, other nations are plagued by genocide within their own borders. Strangely, these massacres all link back to one American by the name of John Paul. Special agent Clavis Shepherd is sent to capture the target, but nothing can prepare this soldier—or the world—for the truth behind humanity’s darkness.”
The third and final Project Ito film. At least for now. I have been waiting on this one ever since the films were announced. I did watch Empire of Corpses and enjoyed it. Though I need to rewatch it soon because when I first watched it I was exhausted from work and kept having to rewind cause I kept nodding off for a few minutes at a time. I finally picked up Harmony a few months back but haven’t had time to start it yet.
--Revolutionary Girl Utena Set 2 “Utena and Anthy have become close during their time as roommates. So when Anthy casually mentions she has a brother, Utena can’t help but feel shocked. She thought she knew Anthy, but the longer she and Anthy are friends, the more she discovers she doesn’t know. What other secrets could Anthy be keeping? However, Utena won’t have time to dwell upon such matters. A new group of duelists has emerged from the shadows. These new challengers wear black rose signets and also seek revolution, but their methods are different than those of Ohtori’s Student Council. They don’t wish to possess Rose Bride. They are want kill her.”
Set 2 of the 20th Anniversary is now out. Contains episodes 13-24 of this great series. I have only seen it once all the way through. It is one of those series that you’ll have to watch over and over to get all the references and to catch all the imagery it contains. 
--Westworld S1 “Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, explore a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged without consequence.”
Season 1 of this series is out today. I don’t have the channel that it is on so I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. I’ve heard nothing but great things about so I can’t wait to try it out sometime. Though I would like to watch the movie it is based on before I try out the show. I have heard the soundtrack before because we used to have it as an in-store-play where I work. It is an awesome soundtrack. It was a staff favorite and we played it a lot.
--Your Name “Mitsuha and Taki are complete strangers living separate lives until they suddenly switch places. Mitsuha wakes up in Taki’s body, and he in hers. This occurrence happens randomly, and they must adjust their lives around each other. Yet, somehow, it works. They build a connection by leaving notes for one another until they wish to finally meet. But something stronger than distance may keep them apart.”
Was very disappointed when this came out in theaters because it never came anywhere close to where I live. I don’t think it played anywhere in my state for that matter. I did pick up a copy because I want to know if it really is worth the hype. I haven’t watched it yet because I decided to wait till my friend and I could get together to watch it together. 
There is a standard version (DVD and a combo pack) as well as an LE. The LE, “contains two-piece double-sided collectible chipboard box with rainbow holographic finish.” Like what they did for Death Parade’s LE. Which both are nice but makes me nervous that it would fall out if I picked it up wrong. It also comes with a 60 page art booklet, an art digipack, and a two disc OST. The second OST is shorter. It has five songs; if I remember correctly, that are sung in English by RADWIMPS.
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anothermonikan · 4 months
yeah going insane over Avalon Literature Girls again. Lately I've been thinking about how like. She's low-empathy + low-emotional intelligence like naturally. That's just how she is!! It's a really really important part of her character and is a big factor in why she acts the way she does and does the things that she does. and I think it's important to understand that as a computer, she's never really had to interact with any sentient being directly asides from Anthy and their relationship is more boss and worker so not much sympathy is gonna be expected there ^^; Like yeah I also get she has an unhealthy obsession with drama and this is also a driving factor in why she ends up killing (Or at least thinking that she did) the girls. When she got rid of everyone left in one go that was almost purely driven by 'I want drama to happen NOW!!' and we saw the emotional fallout of that after.
But I feel like her character is also so defined by her inability to be empathetic and that isn't like. a crime? Idk if this fanbase is like. big enough to have anyone really misinterpret that by now. I just have some vague memories of when everyone in the server absolutely hated her (And like yeah it's completely fair!! She's pretty bad!!) and it felt like they were judging her on her ability to be empathetic and nice when I don't think it's fair to judge her on that!! That's how she is and she's never had to learn to be sympathetic!! She's never interacted with sentient beings outside of Anthy!!! It's something she's shown to be working on in Feel Less!!
Also I think the fact that Avalon has this natural all consuming interest in the girls life and their world is really really important. She's never had any interest in her life before this. I don't think it's wrong to say she was scared about the whole thing ending. I don't think she was wrong for feeling that way either. Like heck, I know how it feels to desperately cling onto a interest especially in times of hardship and just, awfulness in general (8th - 10th grade how I do not miss you) so like. I can't even imagine what it must have felt like for her. She had nothing to fall back on. Her life is so overwhelmingly boring. This was the first thing to ever bring her any joy. I'm really happy Literature Girls handled this topic of things coming to an end and letting go as well as it did I have like an essay in drafts waiting to be finished because I've seen this trope gone so bad in like. popular media I was scared of it going down the same route ^^;
I don't want to expect people to give Avalon lenience because I know she's awful in context and did pretty fucked shit and no one likes her in canon. But idk man. She's my blorbo!! my scrunkle!! She's my motivational post-it note drawing for a reason! I love her! I think she's so fucking cool as a character! Gwahhhh
So uh in conclusion
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Also Avalon is autistic, if you can read this whole post you can accept that I think this I reckon. Handing me a computer with an intense specific interest who struggles with understanding how she's supposed to interact with the people around her and would rather be left alone to be an observer and expect me not to think she's autistic. She's going in the pile with Ako, Angie, and [REDACTED]. Yeah [REDACTED] too you hear me!! I need to go to bed
Also here's the motivational post-it note Avy. btw. if you care
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teaandinanity · 4 years
Hello! It's your 7kpp secret santa! I've gone through your tags for your girls and had a couple of questions for you! 1) which fic and/ or drawing is your favorite for each of them? 2) What about each of the girls drew their respective LI to them? and also when did said LI have the realization they were in trouble? 3) Is there anything you'd really love to see? I hope you're having a great month!
Hello! This is so long and I am so sorry. I hope it’s helpful…?
Favorite fic or drawing: My favorite drawing of Calanthia is definitely this (it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever drawn, full stop, actually, so yeah). I’m not sure about fic, a lot of what I’ve written for her is currently under the spoiler ban and her 7KPP week was like two years ago and I have the retentive memory of a goldfish. >
What drew their LI to them? I think Jasper was initially - reluctantly - charmed by the bright-eyed eagerness to Make A Difference and the way she kept hurling herself into the breach (especially because, after the ride and her near-death experience, it became rather clear that a lot of her smiles were… not faked, exactly, but covering for the fact that she was at least 30% terrified and improvising madly). I think the pivot point was probably the trial, because Anthy is VERY conscious of how others perceive her and usually does her best to present herself well, but that week she basically dumped all nonessential functions so she could devote every possible second to not just saving Imogen, but removing all possible doubt so suspicion wouldn’t follow the poor girl around. (I think he also probably saw her, at least once, smiling at Jarrod like she wanted to flay him while shaming him into being less of an unmitigated ass, because I have to believe Jasper would have A Feeling about that.)
Anything you’d love to see? For Calanthia, anything with Avalie is always good! Calanthia is enough of an idealist to believe the best of her, but she’s also quick enough to keep up with the repartee and manipulation, so they have a really fun dynamic. Fic or art of them hanging out and/or sneakily running the world would be awesome.
Favorite fic or drawing: My favorite thing I’ve drawn of Valya is probably this because it is both happy and Soft.
What drew their LI to them? I imagine seeing her across the room at the Welcome Feast, Lyon might well have expected to dislike her, because the Revairan delegation is, you know, mostly terrible - and because she put on a very good show of being a charming people person who belonged amongst said terrible people. He wound up drawn to her because she’s secretly a grumpy hedgehog who would have LOVED to join him in hiding in the library nerding out about history and philosophy and ignoring literally everyone else on the Isle. (It definitely helps that she overhears his conversation with Falon about not marrying and therefore writes him off her list of possible spouses before they’ve interacted twice; he can tell she’s not setting her cap at him, but she keeps turning up anyway because, for all her obvious ambition, there is nothing she’d rather do than hang out in the library with him nerding out about history and philosophy.) I honestly have no idea quite when Lyon realized he was in trouble - I’m pretty sure he was fighting himself about it basically the second he DID realize, though.
Anything you’d love to see? For writing, a third party’s view on the pair of them could be really entertaining, because the relationship has to look just. SO strange, from the outside. The whole Revairan court is pretty sure Valya murdered her husband, even if they can’t prove it - Jarrod calls her a spider right off the bat, in-game, and that’s what pretty much everyone thinks of her. An interesting spider full of engaging conversation! But still; definitely venomous, may kill you. And then there’s Lyon, who’s an impeccable judge of character and does not like people, as a rule, who has said he doesn’t want to marry at all, and who spends all his time hiding in the library. And Valeriya could have married Lisle, so Lyon, while a Duke, wasn’t even her best matrimonial prospect! It must be so confusing. For art, honestly anything, Valya and Lyon are both very pretty, but they’re both probably happiest at home or in a library or both.
Favorite fic or drawing: I… appear not to have actually posted any of my fic about Nee or most of the art, which is weird, but I’m not cleaning anything up until my gift stuff is done SO: this is the only thing I’ve drawn of her that has made it onto the internet.
What drew their LI to them? Zarad flirts at the Welcome Feast to be a brat; he intends to mostly avoid her while they’re at the Summit just like he’d been doing for years in Corval. Nisha has a reputation in the Corvali court for matchmaking, which most reasonable paranoid Corvali find worrying because living in the inner court ought to make it Very Difficult to matchmake at all, let alone do it often and well enough to get a reputation for it. Nisha has nonetheless managed to help several friends and acquaintances into marriages that are not just politically or financially sensible but also appear to be genuinely happy. (Really, she brings the Summit blackmail on herself; if she was going to do all that she should have done it stealthily. She’s clever but she’s not always very sensible.) So avoiding her would be reasonable, but Zarad also kind of wants to at least meet her, because she’s been his partner in crime for years! Blain cannot ever prove anything, but Zarad and Nisha have been teaming up to take him down a peg or three since childhood. Any ill fortune that befalls Blain could originate from Nee, or Zarad, or be simple divine retribution, or all of the above. So of course Zarad does meet her, and she turns out to be great fun, and also when she says she thinks he’s lonely, she says it like she is, too, and OOPS, Zarad is emotionally-literate enough to realize right then that he might be in a bit of trouble.
Anything you’d love to see? I have not done nearly enough for Nee, so almost anything! She might be tougher to make something for than the Widows because there’s less nailed down. Or that might be free real estate. I have no idea. She is good friends with Constance and goes to the Summit mostly for fun while fully intending to go home to her mother at the end, so she is a WEIRD delegate and I imagine Constance is deeply confused by her, if Constance PoV is something you’re comfortable writing? Alternately, for art, I really love Zarad’s story about the CL jailbreaking Constance and showing her around the city, so that could be really fun!
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raguna-blade · 4 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena 13-15
I’ll give overall thoughts like...later. Tomorrow. or whatever. God.
Episode 13
Just realized in the intro that Anthy and Utena are not spinning in sync. Almost in sync, but not quite.
Can't believe I didn't think about this before, but Juri is also something of a Ditto fighter. Not quite as blatant as Touga sis, but kinda.
...The...The Recap of the Thesis again? Wait are the colors of the roses different?
What shit is about to happen oh god.
Shadow Girls immediately? UFO?
...Is..Is toga listening to a recording of himself?
Egg time but uh... Uh this feels way fucked up.
Also, seven trials? Self Duel? What?
Friendship 1 (saionji)
Self 7 (Touga)
Slap on Beat. It is a thing. No way this is on accident. CONFIRMED
Also, Saionji actually had reads on Utena? Uh...Not sure how to feel about this.
Never Lose the Strength and Nobility even when grown.
Also, Anthy was legit shocked this first duel huh? First awakened and all but...Huh.
That really was just a soul crush there though damn.
Choice 2 ( Saionji)
Keep fighting the duels? Yeah man.
THIS CLIPS EP THOUGH. Can't even have just a cheap review of things without it doing something huh.
It just occurred, but do any of them know WHY they do the sword drawing thing with Anthy?
...Are these slaps gonna stay on beat? Can...Can we not?
Choice breaks the seal on Dios power? Not just friendship, but choice? Choice made by friendship? Hm
Reason 3 (Miki)
The need of the bride thing still remains weird and unexplained yet.
Toga taking things away and uh...being on the bed like that is...Not painting a great image
...Wait, is the Rose Mosaic supposed to be a violation thing?
Love 4 (Juri)
Wait, Revolution is impossible because they lost hope? Wait wait wait what?
Also, with this being full blood light imagery, these night darkness gods, some shit went down here didn't it.
Certainty of Death Namely Light. Absolute Destiny Apocalypse? Huh....
These...Inside i'm hollow.
Adoration 5 (Nanami)
Also, just realized, Sword with Power turned pink. So...Is pink the power color here?
Increasingly sure that the rose mosaic is doing SOMETHING. And that these songs are well
Conviction 6 (Touga)
Wait...She cleared Seven duels?
uh...Black roses huh.
Uh yeah where were you anthy?
Not ominous clouds at all.
...Oh that's ominous.
Episode 14
...Going Down?
Anthy Genderbend?
Utena Genderbend?
….Darkness absorbing rose...Uh...UHHHHH
Utena Elevator Action? Uh...?
Regular action on Saturdays for Anthy? Huh.
Her Big Brother. Explaaining this..Now...? OK
….What the fuck. The Chairmans house? Literla Planeterium
Akio what the fuck. I mean your room your rules.
….No I do not like this.
How is Anthy the most brutal character this series with like the LEAST dialogue. Everything is a murder. Hot Fire Only.
Is that Akio on his desk or his bud?
Shadow Seminar. Mikage Seminar. This is uh..Ominous.
Recruiting Miki...?
So it's a secret...?
….100 people buried.
...Making boya as bride...? So it's not...Gendered? What.
So they're collecting strong duelists?
Kanae Ohtori so, keep an eye on her.
Not ominous the pointing at all.
What's with this...anti elevator.
Ok, so Akio is 10000000000000000000% a fucking predator right? We're not gonna get a reveal he's not. This isn't supposed to be a secret right?
What's with the butterflies?
Kanae recognizes Anthy's Weirdness. She just wants anthy to be her friend and nope.
Only choice is to revolutionize the world and...THIS SHITS HORRIFYING.
That's just a corpse?
Wait, they turn black when they die?
Can't escape.
Am I shadow Jumping? Can't be sure.
But...Is utena about to kill this girl? That's what this feels like it's going to.
….Oh that's ominous. Flowers on desk are death things right?
….Another Utena Ditto?
Ok, but...How...?
Murder Anthy?
So wait, did she invoke dios on purpose there?
Ring Broke. Sword Broke. And...she's on the floor dead....?just. Hot DROPPED INTO THE INFERNO?
Freezing the heart of a girl?
Anthy is cool with murder I guess?
Chuchu doesn't like Akio it seems.
Episode 15
Ok, before this gets weird, Is there a SINGLE brother sister group that's not weirdly incestuous? Miki? Please no. Don't do this.
Kozue what are you even doing.
Jesus god Every adult is MAD SUSPECT IN THIS SETTING.
Literally the only adult who seems legit is the hall monitor lady.
Touga in his depression room.
Nanami doing her best.
Also, confirmed, Heart to Heart.
Ok, so Purple Hair Dark skin dudes and...Anyone I guess Are all on the mad suspect frame right now.
He's trying so hard and anthy is so fucking scary.
...Does Chuchu only stick around where anthy is cool...? Calm I mean.
Uh...what's with the running? From...Kozue?
...Did Kozue merc someone?
Who Hurt Her bro. Ok. Seems...
oh, that's hate alright.
Oh god. The hellavator. No no please no.
Student Council! Nanami, Being the hero
we need...And they changed the speech. It seems...more hopeful.
Please. Please just one sibling relationship that's not vaguely incestuous....Why the focus on the mlikshake.
Anthy: This literally is so goddamn wholesome compared to my bullshit so you know what weird.
Kozue, intentionally doing shit to make bro mad to make him look at me.
This is WAY less concerning than last time but also
...Am I gonna have to start watching where those roses pop up? Cause...hm.
Black Ring Kozue.
Wait, did...it
What are you even...
Why does the Staircase theme sound LESS melancholy, but more ominous? How the hell do you pull that off.
just realized that the pauldrons on utena and Anthy's outfits have shown up on others and...i'm not sure how to take that.
….Vases on the tables? Milkshakes.
Time Machine. Finally a song I can get on first run.
Anthy is taking the threats on her life pretty well.
...Did she drink all those milkshakes.
Utena with the sick flips
Which actually seem to be her thing, she's stealing dio's thing.
Another one bites the dust.
And Miki wakes up after her heart(???) is broken.
And she remembers nothing.
Moon thing. Look at it,
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